The following pages include four examples of goals that participants might
pursue in Princeton Engineering’s Diversity Champions Program. The program
allows each participant to craft their own goals and plans.
Sample Goal: Exploration and Continued Learning
What are my professional/personal/career DEI goals and aspirations? What do I
wish I knew more about or understood better? What do I wish I could do better?
I know that there is a lot of focus on diversity and inclusion these days in my workplace but
I don’t know how this really relates to the work that I do or what I am expected to take on.
I would like to get a better sense of how this relates to me and my role.
Skill/Knowledge to Develop
What skills or knowledge do I need to
acquire/ enhance?
Possible Development Actions
What are some steps I can take over the next
6 -12 months to develop the skills?
I want to learn if there are issues of diversity
and inclusion that relate to my work or
personal life.
I will read the article Diversity and Inclusion
to get a better grounding on what these
terms mean
I will watch Youtube video on Systemic
I will watch the Race Forward Video on
Systemic Racism in Employment.
I will think about how diverse my work
group may be, how welcoming we might, be
and how we provide opportunities to
succeed in my unit to see if we have any
areas where we might need to grow.
Reflect on how meeting these goal(s) will enhance your professional life, add value to your
community/dept/unit, or enrich your personal life.
Meeting my goal(s) would enhance my ability to….
This growth will help me perform or show up as a better colleague in the following ways…
I don’t know exactly how this program will tie into what I do at work. However, I am going
to commit to raising my awareness of these issues and see if there are ways that these
concepts could be applied to my work and personal life.
Sample Goal/Action Plan: Becoming an Advocate/Ally
What are my professional/personal/career DEI goals and aspirations? What do I
wish I knew more about or understood better? What do I wish I could do better?
I know that we have had challenges in recruiting and retaining women and persons from
other minoritized groups in our department. I hope to develop a better understanding of
the experiences and challenges faced by women and other minoritized groups in academic
settings to be a better advocate and colleague.
Skill/Knowledge to Develop
What skills or knowledge do I need to
acquire/ enhance?
Possible Development Actions
What are some steps I can take over the next
6 -12 months to develop the skills?
I need to look for information and resources
to help me better understand the
experiences of women and minoritized
persons in the academy to help me better
understand the challenges persons in these
groups face.
I will join HR training called “Exploring
our Identities”
I will read articles and books on this
topic such as: How Women Experience
the Workplace Today
I will read the article: Pay and
Representation of Ethnic Minorities in
Higher Education Administrative
I will look for an Employee Resource
Group opportunity to learn more about
the work experiences of colleagues of
different identities than my own
Reflect on how meeting these goals will enhance your professional life, add value to your
community/dept/unit, or enrich your personal life.
Meeting my goal(s) would enhance my ability to….
This growth will help me perform or show up as a better colleague in the following ways…
If I have a better understanding of the challenges faced by women and minoritized
individuals in the workplace, I can use this information to better advocate for changes in
our hiring and retention practices. I think reflecting on these issues can also help me be
more inclusive in the ways I interact with my colleagues in general.
Sample Goal: Becoming an Ally / Advocate
What are my professional/personal/career DEI goals and aspirations? What do I
wish I knew more about or understood better? What do I wish I could do better?
Sometimes I hear colleagues say things that are offensive and I don’t say anything mainly
because I don’t know what to say. I wish I could develop the ability to provide feedback
effectively in these types of situations.
Skill/Knowledge to Develop
What skills or knowledge do I need to
acquire/ enhance?
Possible Development Actions
What are some steps I can take over the next
6 -12 months to develop the skills?
I would like to better educate myself on
what’s appropriate and not appropriate in
the workplace and how to intervene when
inappropriate things are being said and
done in my work environment.
I will look for HR trainings on Inclusive
Work Environments and Bystander
I will also familiarize myself with
confidential campus resources available
to me to consult with such as the
Ombuds Office
I will read 20 Things You Can Do As An
Ally Right Now
Reflect on how meeting these goal(s) will enhance your professional life, add value to your
community/dept/unit, or enrich your personal life.
Meeting my goal(s) would enhance my ability to….
This growth will help me perform or show up as a better colleague in the following ways…
I know that there are things I could do to help make my workspace a more inclusive and
welcoming space but I don’t know what I can do to make it so. Educating myself on some
bystander options, learning about campus resources that I can safely consult with when
things happen, and having a few tactics on hand to use when appropriate will help me feel
more empowered to intervene when necessary. Maybe if I step up, it will empower others to
step up and it will make our unit a better place to work for everyone.
Sample Goal/Action Plan: Becoming a Change Agent or Challenging
Structural Barriers to Equity
What are my professional/personal/career DEI goals and aspirations? What do I
wish I knew more about or understood better? What do I wish I could do better?
I am aware that there are systemic and structural barriers to equitable opportunities and
resources that are creating gaps in participation for many of our colleagues and students at
the university. I would like to develop the tools to better explore sources of inequities in our
system and help drive change to optimize the talent we have at the university and help
create an environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, heard, and thrive.
Skill/Knowledge to Develop
What skills or knowledge do I need to
acquire/ enhance?
Possible Development Actions
What are some steps I can take over the next
6 -12 months to develop the skills?
In order to be a change agent, I will delve
deeper into how systemic inequities arise
and the ways in which they manifest at the
structural level.
I will apply to join the Keller Center
Program on Institutional Racism
I will examine data related to diversity
and participation in my unit/center to
identify possible barriers to access and
I will work with the Keller program and
colleagues at the university to create
ideas for making our system more
equitable and inclusive
Reflect on how meeting these goals will enhance your professional life, add value to your
community/dept/unit, or enrich your personal life.
Meeting my goal(s) would enhance my ability to….
This growth will help me perform or show up as a better colleague in the following ways…
Meeting my goals of identifying sources of inequities in our system and suggesting ways to
make things more equitable in our unit will benefit my immediate work environment by
closing participation and advancement gaps. If we can create more opportunities for our
colleagues to be fully engaged and successful, we can benefit from the talent they bring and
enhance our work productivity, strengthen professional relationships, and promote the
retention of valued colleagues.