Do you want to be a part of the RRMS
Student Council?
About the RRMS Student Council
Do you want to make a difference? Do you want school to be an even more fun and exciting place to be?
The RRMS Student Council plans and organizes events for middle school students.
Who Can Participate?
The RRMS Student Council will consist of six 7
or 8
Grade Officers. These offices will be elected
during the month of May 2019, for the following school year.
o PRESIDENTThe President oversees the student council, along with the Student Council Sponsor.
This is a student who has the ability to lead, can work with others, and possesses great organizational
skills. The President is responsible for planning for goals, activities and projects. He/She will work with
the Sponsor to create meeting agendas and lead each meeting. He/She will represent RRMS and Student
Council at events as necessary. **8
Grade position only
o VICE PRESIDENTThe Vice President is a student who is responsible, organized and has good time
management skills. The Vice President will assume responsibilities when the President is absent. He/She
will collaborate with the President and the Sponsors in the planning of goals, activities and projects.
o SECRETARYThe Secretary is a student that has exceptional note-taking and organization skills.
This position is responsible for taking accurate notes (minutes) at each meeting and reporting those
minutes to the student council before, during or after the meetings, as necessary. This includes taking
attendance of all council members at each meeting and event.
o HISTORIANThe historian is a student who has knowledge of camera equipment, video equipment,
and journaling/creative writing. The Historian is responsible for documenting the important events for
the Student Council; this will involve taking photographs or taking notes and keeping a journal and using
social media.
o ACTIVITIES DIRECTORThe Activities Director is a student who has good planning and
organization skills. The Activities Director will coordinate projects and events throughout the school
year. This person should be creative, positive and be able to think outside of the box. This could involve
leading the council in creative advertising for events as well, such as posters and commercials.
o SPIRIT DIRECTORThe Spirit Director is a student that is enthusiastic, has a positive attitude, and
shows a regular presence at school events. They will lead spirit days, pep rallies, JR. Posse, and other
spirit activities as necessary. This position will also work with the Historian to capture school spirit
through various media (photographs, video, etc.)
Each grade level team will also have student representatives. These positions will be selected in August
of the 2019-2020 school year.
Qualities necessary for any member on Student Council are:
o Leadership skills – Are you willing to lead committees and be a representative for your class?
o Creative – Are you able to think of new and exciting activities and fundraisers for the student
o Communicative – Are you able to share ideas with other Student Council members, your class
and all of middle school?
o Team player – Are you willing to work as a team to generate ideas and organize events for the
Student Council?
o Responsibility – Are you responsible and reliable for running activities throughout the school
o Commitment – Are you committed to attending meetings, events and making RRMS the best
middle school in Pasco County?
§ This is a yearlong club. If you commit to being an officer, you will be expected to
participate in all meetings for the remainder of the year. This can include meetings before
and after school, lunch meetings, community service events and school activities.
When & Where Does Student Council Meet?
During the school year we will have meetings scheduled as needed. Some meetings will take place after school
from 2:00 – 3:00 and some meetings will take place during lunches or Knight Time during school.
2019-2020 Student Council Officer Application Timeline
THURSDAY, May 16th @ 2:00 pm – Deadline for submission of completed packet to the Front Office.
NO packets will be accepted after the deadline.
Eligible students will be notified on Friday, May 17
if they can campaign.
Completed packets due to the Front Office
by THURSDAY, May 16th at 2:00pm.
Monday, May 20
– Wednesday, May 22
– Campaigning. Eligible students who were notified by
Mrs. Baumaister may create up to 3 posters to hang in their grade level hallways. Posters may not
exceed the regular poster board size, 24 x 36 inches
Thursday, May 23
– ELECTION VOTING. Voting will take place during the 6
and 7
grade lunches.
Friday, May 24
– ELECTION RESULTS will be announced on the Morning News.
*Election results are a combined score of number of votes received, points for both teacher
recommendation forms and points awarded to each question on the application.
Student Council Parent Permission Slip
Student Name:
Knight Time Teacher
Dear Parents or Guardians,
Your student is interested in running for a Student Council Officer position. During our meeting times, students
will plan and prepare for school events throughout the school year. At times, your child may be asked to attend
additional school meetings or activities as well. We will inform you of these events as they arise.
Students interested in Student Council should consider the following guidelines and rules:
Student Council Representative Responsibilities
1. Attend ALL scheduled meetings. Three unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the
2. Act responsibly at all meetings and activities/events and as a leader at RRMS.
3. Be On-Track for attendance, academics, and behavior.
4. Solicit input from your grade level team. You are THEIR representative.
5. Attend all committee meetings and perform all assigned responsibilities at activities/events.
I give permission for _______________________________________ to campaign for Student Council. I have
read and understand the rules and guidelines for Student Council Officers.
Parent Signature Date
You must be a current 6
or 7
grade student.
You must be On Track
You must obtain 2 CURRENT teacher recommendations
Student Signature Date
Student Council Application
Directions: Please answer the following questions utilizing your best writing and thinking skills. Give the
questions serious thought before answering. You may use the back of this sheet to finish answers or you may
use a separate sheet of paper.
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________
Officer Position Running For: _______________________________________________
1. Tell about yourself. What schools have you attended? What type of leadership experiences have you had
both in school and in the community?
2. If you could make ONE improvement at RRMS, what would it be and why?
3. How do you respond when people don’t agree with your ideas?
4. What makes you the best candidate for the position that you are applying for?
5. If you could create one school event, what would it be and why?
Optional: List anything else that you would like us to consider for your application.
Teacher Recommendation Form #1
To the Applicant: Please give this form to a current teacher.
To the Teacher: Please complete the following recommendation by evaluating the candidate on the criteria
located on this form. Please return the form to Mrs. Baumaister, not to the student.
Student Name: _________________________________________________________
Teacher Name: _________________________________________________________
Academic performance
Behavior in class
Participation in class
Preparation for class
Leadership potential
Positive relationship with
Ability to work with others
Communicates effectively
with adults
Creative thinking
Critical thinking and
problem-solving skills
Organizational and time-
management skills
Honesty and integrity
Please provide any additional comments below regarding the student’s character and leadership
ability, if needed:
Teacher Recommendation Form #2
To the Applicant: Please give this form to a current teacher.
To the Teacher: Please complete the following recommendation by evaluating the candidate on the criteria
located on this form. Please return the form to Mrs. Baumaister, not to the student.
Student Name: _________________________________________________________
Teacher Name: _________________________________________________________
Academic performance
Behavior in class
Participation in class
Preparation for class
Leadership potential
Positive relationship with
Ability to work with others
Communicates effectively
with adults
Creative thinking
Critical thinking and
problem-solving skills
Organizational and time-
management skills
Honesty and integrity
Please provide any additional comments below regarding the student’s character and leadership
ability, if needed: