Student Council Representative Application Packet
This packet contains information for students wishing to become involved as Mellon Student Council
Representatives for the 2016-2017 school year. Students MUST read all portions of this document carefully,
complete all necessary pages, and meet all deadlines contained in this packet. Do NOT submit individual pages
submit everything at one time! Packets are due to Mrs. McDonald (Room 201) or Mrs. Buch (Room 208) by
Friday, September 23
Eligibility for Student Council Homeroom Representative
A representative must maintain a passing grade in all courses throughout the school year.
A representative must be in good standing with ALL teachers and administrators.
A representative must participate in at least one student council sponsored event outside of the school day. (Open House, Curriculum Night, etc.)
Application Packets Must Include the Following . . .
Parent/Guardian Permission Slip: Each candidate must submit a signed permission slip.
Student Council Questionnaire: The Student Council Questionnaire will provide advisors with valuable information concerning your skills as a
student leader.
ALL paperwork must be fully completed and submitted on time in order for review by Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Buch. Partially completed packets
will NOT be reviewed and those students will not be eligible for Student Council.
Student Council Representative Responsibilities
1. Attend ALL scheduled meetings. Three unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the Council.
2. Solicit input from your classmates. You ARE their representative. It is also your job to keep your assigned homeroom informed of all upcoming events
and activities.
3. Act responsibly at all meetings and at all activities or events sponsored by the Council. You are expected to represent Mellon appropriately.
4. Contribute time and effort to help make each Student Council sponsored activity the best it can be.
5. Keep grades as high as possible. A review of grades will occur following each grading period.
6. Good citizenship is a must. Student Council is a team.
Mellon Middle School Student Council Application
(Submit this page and the following page to Mrs. McDonald (Room 201) or Mrs. Buch (Room 208) by Friday, September 23
Mellon Middle School Student Council Parent/Guardian Permission Form
Name of Student __________________________________________ Grade _______
Homeroom # ___________ Homeroom Teacher_________________________________
Student’s Mt. Lebanon Email Address __________________________________________
Due date: Friday, September 23
, 2016
We are aware that our daughter/son is a candidate for Student Council membership at Mellon Middle School. We have gone over
member responsibilities and understand that these positions require effort, diligence, and leadership qualities. We also understand that
failure to perform the specific duties that have been outlined may result in our son’s/daughter’s dismissal.
We further acknowledge the fact that parents are an integral part of Student Council’s success and whenever the need arises, we will be
willing to provide transportation for our daughter’s/son’s meetings and special events.
Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ___________________________________ Date ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian email address _______________________________________
Student Council Questionnaire
Directions: Please answer the following questions utilizing your best thinking and writing skills. Give the questions serious thought before answering. Please
use complete sentences.
1. Please explain why you would like to be a Student Council representative this year. How would you personally contribute to the Council?
2. Tell about yourself. What type of leadership experiences have you had both in school and in the community?
3. If you could make ONE improvement at Mellon, what would it be and why?
4. How do you respond when people don’t agree with your ideas?
5. Student Council raises money every year to benefit our school or other charities. Please explain how you think this money should be used and why.
6. Name two activities that you would like to see Mellon’s Student Council start this year or continue from previous years.
7. Eighth Graders Only: We will be appointing an Executive Board in the coming weeks. Are you interested in serving on the Executive Board?
(circle one) YES NO