Rolesville High School
Student Council Application
Candidate Checklist
3 teacher recommendations
Student Council application completely filled out
contract signed by student and parent
attached current grades and cumulative GPA to packet
Attached answers to questions
turned in packet on time (Due no later than Monday, May 8
2:18 pm)
“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are
interested in doing something, you do it only when it is convenient. When
you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
Ken Blanchard
Student Council Application for 2017-2018 Academic Year
Full Name: _______________________________________
Class of __________ For official use: _______________
Current GPA: ___________ (OSS automatically disqualifies a candidate)
*Please print a current PowerSchool report/transcript that shows your
cumulative grades for this academic year. Attach to completed application.
Student Council Expectations:
I agree to conduct myself in a way that evokes respect from my teachers, other school
personnel, peers, and the community both during and outside of school.
I understand that members must have and maintain a record of good citizenship throughout
the entire term of office which includes attending and being on time to all classes on a regular
I understand this position is for the term of one academic school year.
I understand that I must currently have and maintain a cumulative un-weighted 3.0 GPA.
-I, _______________________________________________, hereby accept the
responsibility of becoming an official representative of Rolesville High School and will
act accordingly.
X_______________________________________(student signature)
-I, _______________________________________________, have read and understand the
(parent/guardian name)
above agreements. I also understand that the Studen Council REQUIRES after school,
evening and weekend attendance and give approval for my son/daughter to apply for
this position.
X_______________________________________(parent signature)Date_____________________
(Parents if you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me, before
the application deadline, at [email protected]
Office you are running for:
President/Vice President Pres: _____________________ VP: ____________________
Senior Class Only:
Public Relations
Student Council Expectations (cont.):
I understand that while social media has a large impact on advertising and the success of
events, I am solely responsible for what is posted to my social media site. I realize that it may
be monitored and there may be consequences for postings that do not reflect myself, my
organization, or my school in the best possible light.
SENIOR CLASS: you will have the responsibility of planning all senior events including Senior
Breakfast, Senior Rehearsal/PIcnic, t-shirt orders, banner, etc.
JUNIOR CLASS: you will have the responsibility of planning Prom and fundraising for Prom.
SOPHOMORE CLASS: you will have the responsibility of planning Homecoming and fundraising
for homecoming. You will also be responsible for all events that fall under the Homecoming
umbrella (ex: parade, spirit week, pep rally, dance)
I understand that these are the expectations of Student Council and if I am unable to abide by
the above agreements, I may be put on probationary status.
I understand that student leadership REQUIRES after school, evening and weekend
RHS Student Council Application (page 3)
Teacher Recommendation: ________________________ (signature)
________________________ (print)
Teacher Recommendation: ________________________ (signature)
________________________ (print)
Teacher Recommendation: ________________________ (signature)
________________________ (print)
1. In your opinion, what is the purpose of a Student Council in a school?
2. Why do you want to be a part of Student Council at Rolesville High School?
3. What are specific examples of how you have shown leadership in the past year?
4. In your own words define “role model.” What does being a role model mean to you?
5. Student leaders show qualities that distinguish them from others. What makes you
unique? Why do you stand out in a crowd?
6. In terms of leadership, what distinguishes you from other candidates and peers who
also have strong leadership potential?
7. Rolesville is a very large high school that serves a unique and diverse student
community. Although this is what makes our school amazing, we also face unique
challenges. What are 3 challenges facing our RHS student community and how can
Student Council resolve these challenges?
Please answer the following questions completely and thoughtfully. Please
write your responses on a separate sheet in paragraph format. Please
consider typing your responses. Attach to application.