2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
Dear Candidate,
Thank you for considering a position on Student Council. As a Student Council member,
you will represent Cuthbertson High School as a leader within the school and the
community. You will be the “voice” of your class and will aid in making decisions
regarding school events and policies. Your position will enable you to play an active role
in organizing and executing student life activities, events, and service projects. In
addition, you will have numerous opportunities that will strengthen your leadership
Please read this application thoroughly and reflect on your present and future time
commitments. Being a member of Student Council is similar to being a member of a
sports team for an entire school year. You must attend biweekly all-council meetings
(held Thursday mornings at 7:30), weekly class meetings, leadership conferences,
student life events, and you must participate in various service projects. Your
submission of the Student Council application is a demonstration of your dedication to
the council and an agreement to the member policies.
If for any reason, a member does not meet the attendance requirements, he or she will
be dismissed from Student Council for the remainder of the school year. We look
forward working with you and instilling pride in our school and the Cuthbertson
Kate McAteer
Karen Ponikvar
Student Council Advisers
2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
1. Download the Student Council Application from the Student Council page on the
Cuthbertson website. The application will be due to Ms. Ponikvar (G112) or Ms. McAteer
(G213) by the following dates:
Student Body: Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Class Officers and Representatives: Friday, April 8, 2016
Applications can be dropped off in G112 or G213 until 3 p.m. Late Applications will NOT be accepted.
2. Complete the application, fill out all necessary forms, and return the application in the
order listed.
Please submit your Student Council application in this order:
1. _______ Cover Sheet (this page)
2. _______ Applicant Information
3. _______ Essays (3) and Proposal
4. _______ Forms with signatures:
a. Attendance Policy Agreement Form
b. UCPS Extracurricular Policies Form with Parent/ Student Agreement Form
If any component of this application is missing, incomplete, or done incorrectly, the applicant
will not be considered for Student Council.
2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
Name: _______________________________ Grade: __________________
Preferred Student Email: __________________________________________
Vice President
Rising Sophomore
Rising Junior
Rising Senior
Student Body
CURRENT GPA: ______ Must have at least a 3.0 to run for an office and at least a 2.5 to run for representative.
Describe your involvement
Complete the chart below with your top four extra-curricular activities (clubs, sports, band, theatre, work,
etc.) in order of largest time commitment to smallest time commitment. Do not include Student Council.
activity name
semester, or
Your position
Name of advisor,
coach, or supervisor
Meeting dates, times,
and frequency
2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
Please type a response to ALL of the following questions to the best of your ability.
1. Why are you applying to be a member of Student Council?
2. How can you make a difference at Cuthbertson, and how will Student Council help you
achieve this goal?
3. We are continuously trying to increase our school spirit, but due to our changing
population, there is room for improvements. How could Student Council work to
improve and increase student involvement?
Create a proposal for a new event or tradition. Your proposal must include an advertisement.
2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
In order to promote student accountability and credibility to the CHS student council the
following attendance policy has been established:
(STUDENT must initial on the line of each statement.)
_____ I understand that I must contact the Student Body Secretary regarding my absences to
Student Council meetings and all Student Council events.
_____I understand that I must contact my class secretary and class adviser of my absences in
the form of a handwritten letter to class meetings and class events.
_____I will provide at least 48 hour notice of an absence of which I am aware (medical
appointments, trips, etc.).
_____I will provide a written explanation within 48 hours to the Student Body Secretary
explaining why I was absent.
_____I understand that I will be dismissed from Student Council if I accumulate 3 unexcused
_____I understand that 2 tardies equals 1 unexcused absence.
_____I understand that emergencies, summons to court, tutoring, academic issues, doctor
appointments, and illnesses are all EXCUSED and do not count towards an absence.
_____I understand that if I am in school for first period, then I will receive an unexcused
absence for missing a meeting.
_____I understand that if my absence from school is UNEXCUSED, then my absence from
Student Council is unexcused.
2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Guidelines for Middle and High School Students are as
1. Any student who is charged with a felony or a Class I misdemeanor or is petitioned for an offense
that would be a felony or a Class I misdemeanor if committed by an adult, will be removed from
all current teams and/or activities for a minimum of twenty (20) school days, and will remain
ineligible until such time as the courts render the findings in the case. Pleas of “No Contest” or as
part of a deferred prosecution or “Prayer for Judgment Continued” (PJC) will be considered
convictions for purposes of these guidelines. In the case of co-curricular activities, the student will
attend class and complete work related to the class, but cannot represent the school in any
manner during an extra-curricular component of the class. If there are mitigating circumstances,
the student may request a review of the evidence surrounding the charge by the Superintendent
or his designee. The student is ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities until a final
decision is rendered by the Superintendent or his designee.
2. Any student athlete who is convicted of a felony or is adjudicated delinquent for an offense that
would be a felony if committed by an adult is barred from participation in interscholastic athletics
for the remainder of his/her high school career per NCHSAA guidelines. Students involved in
other extracurricular or co-curricular activities who are found guilty of a felony or are adjudicated
delinquent for an offense that would be a felony if committed by an adult are not eligible to
represent the school in such activities for the remainder of their high school careers. Students
found guilty of a Class I misdemeanor or are adjudicated delinquent for an offense that would be
a felony if committed by an adult are not eligible to participate in teams and/or activities for the
remainder of the school year. These guidelines also apply to middle school students; however,
eligibility is restored once the student first enters ninth grade per NCHSAA guidelines.
3. Any student charged with a Class II or III misdemeanor or is petitioned for an offense that would
be a Class II or III misdemeanor if committed by an adult that takes place on school grounds,
during a school sponsored event, or in the course of representing the school will be removed from
all current teams and/or activities for a minimum of twenty (20) school days, and will remain
ineligible until such time as the courts render findings in the case. Pleas of “No Contest” or as part
of a deferred prosecution or “Prayer for Judgment Continued” (PJC) will be considered
convictions for purposes of these guidelines. In the case of co-curricular activities, the student will
attend class and complete work related to the class, but cannot represent the school in any
manner during an extra-curricular component of the class. If there are mitigating circumstances,
the student may request a review of the evidence surrounding the charge by the principal.
Students found guilty of a Class II or III misdemeanors or are adjudicated delinquent for an
offense that would be a Class II or III misdemeanor if committed by an adult are not Extra-
Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Guidelines for Middle and High School Students (Page 2
of 3) eligible to participate in teams and/or activities for the remainder of the semester.
4. Mitigating circumstances may include:
a. having no history of disciplinary problems;
b. having a significant amount of time pass since the student’s last disciplinary problem;
c. being a passive participant or playing a minor role in the offense;
d. reasonably believing the conduct was legal;
e. acting under strong provocation;
f. aiding in the discovery of another offender;
g. making a full and truthful statement admitting guilt at an early stage in the
investigation of the offense;
h. displaying an appropriate attitude and giving respectful cooperation during the
investigation and discipline process;
i. Mitigating circumstances do NOT exist solely because of demonstrated prowess in a sport
or activity or the potential of scholarships or grants in aid.
5. A second unrelated felony or misdemeanor charge or a juvenile petition for an offense that would
be a felony or misdemeanor if committed by an adult, will automatically result in removal from all
teams and/or activities for the duration of the school year.
2016-2017 Student Council Application
Cuthbertson High School
6. Any student suspended out of school six (6) days (for a single offense) for high schools on block
schedule or ten (10) days (for a single offense) for high schools on traditional schedule will
receive a ten (10) school-day suspension from any extracurricular activity. Any middle school
student suspended out of school for ten (10) days for a single offense will receive a ten (10)
school-day suspension from any extracurricular activity. Per middle school sports guidelines, a
second out-of-school suspension during the sports season will result in the student being
removed from the team/squad for the remainder of the season.
7. National and state organizations, school clubs, and athletic teams with rules or by-laws that
prescribe stricter consequences for student misconduct will supersede the above guidelines.
8. It is expected that all athletic teams will have team rules that address the off campus behavior of
students/athletes regarding drugs and alcohol. These rules should outline consistent
consequences that limit and/or prohibit participation by students/athletes involved in such
9. Students who are found not guilty will be eligible for reinstatement to the team or activity
immediately. Pleas of “No Contest” or as part of a deferred prosecution or “Prayer for Judgment
Continued” (PJC) will be considered convictions for purposes of these guidelines, and students
must serve the 20 day suspension from activities.
10. Students involved in co-curricular activities with a required extra-curricular component, such as
band, chorus, vocational clubs, etc., will be given alternative assignments to avoid a negative
impact on their academic standing in such classes.
11. Principals are asked to communicate and collaborate in dealing with such situations. This is
especially important in charges and arrests involving more than one school. All schools are
expected to follow these guidelines.
12. Students charged with crimes during the summer months shall be subject to these guidelines
beginning the first day of the school year if the charges are still pending at that point.
13. Affected students and their parents will be informed in writing regarding all decisions and actions
taken relative to these guidelines.
I, __________________________, permit child, __________________, to
(Name of parent)
(Name of student)
participate in Student Council for the 2016-2017 school year. I understand that the club will
have meetings outside of instructional hours of the school day and may need to arrange for my
child to be transported to or from school on days the club meets.
My signature below confirms that I have read and understand Union County Public Schools
Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities Guidelines for Middle and High School Students.
Printed Name of Student: ___________________________ Grade: ______________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: ____________________