Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
Student Council/ Class Officer Application Information
This application is to be completed and turned in no later than Wednesday April 13, 2022.
The purpose of the Michael E. DeBakey HS for Health Professions (DeBakey HSHP) Student Council /
Class Office is to give students an opportunity to develop their leadership skills by organizing and
carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to
school spirit and community welfare, the Student Council and Class Office is the voice of the student
body. (resource: TASSP) All officers will serve on the Principal’s Advisors Council. Students wishing to
run for a Student Council or Class Office should submit their completed application with all required
documents and signatures no later than 3:45 pm Wednesday April 13, 2022.
Thank you for thinking about running for a Student Council position or Class Officer for the 2022-2023
school year. Please review the information below about the process as well as the requirements for
running a campaign and the structure of the Student Council and Student Government.
Please contact Ms. Adcox in room 307 or via email at Brittany.adcox@houstonisd.org if you have any
questions or concerns.
Election Process:
1. Students are to complete the application form and video explaining why they want to run
and what they hope to accomplish as a Student Council member or Class Officer, and
submit 2 teacher evaluations. Entering 9
grade students are exempt from the teacher
evaluation portion of the application.
a. If you have questions, concerns or comments, please speak with Ms. Adcox in
room 307.
b. Students are to attend a mandatory candidate meeting in the Multimedia Room
148 on Wednesday April 6, 2022 during A or B lunch.
2. Approved candidates will be notified Friday, April 15th, and may begin campaigning from
Monday April 18
to Thursday April 28
3. Students will submit a one-minute campaign speech video. This speech must be turned
in on the HUB and also emailed to Mrs. Adcox before the application due date. Please
email your campaign speech video to Mrs. Adcox at Brittany.adcox@houstonisd.org.
4. It is highly recommended that you rehearse your speech and perform it before filming.
5. Speeches will be posted on the HUB.
6. All campaign materials (posters, fliers, buttons, etc.) must be approved by Mrs. Adcox.
7. Students may not use candy, gum, or any other food as part of the campaign.
8. All campaign material must be properly disposed of by 3:00pm on the day
balloting closes.
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
9. Balloting will take place online on Thursday April 28
and will close at 3:00 on Friday
April 29
. Winners will be announced that following Monday.
10. Student Council:
a. Six students will be elected from each grade level. The winners will be posted on
DeBakeyHSHP HUB and the Student Council page, on Monday May 2
b. Winners must attend our first Student Council meeting on Friday May 6
in room
307 during B lunch.
c. Student Council will elect their own leaders. Once Student Council members
have been elected by the school, they will then hold their own internal election for
the following Student Council officer positions: President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Historian. Student Council members need to lobby for elected
officer positions in front of the council.
This application is to be completed and turned in online no later than 3:45 pm on Wednesday April 13,
2022 via this link of Google Forms: https://forms.gle/2WvQ8ptz4n1yA8QW7 . You will need to print and
complete this application packet, scan the completed documents to your computer, and upload them
Class Officer Responsibilities:
Class Officer President
1. To represent their class at all official class and school meetings.
2. To maintain communication with Class sponsors and receive approval from Class
sponsors regarding all Class activities and issues
3. To support all class activities including social, fundraisers, volunteer and meetings.
4. To help foster positive relations and activities within their class and among members.
Class Officer Vice President
1. To support and assist the Class President at all times.
2. To take the place of the President when he/she is absent from duty.
3. To support and attend all class activities, including social events leadership workshops,
fund raisers, and meetings.
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
Student Council Officer Responsibilities:
Student Council President
1. To represent the school at all official DeBakeyHSHP student council meetings.
2. To maintain communication with Student Council sponsors and receive approval from Class
sponsors regarding all Student Council activities and issues
3. To support all DeBakeyHSHP and Student Council activities, including social events,
fundraisers and meetings.
4. To help foster positive relations and activities with HISD high schools.
5. To represent his/her school at various academic, social, civic and student-related programs.
Student Council Vice President -
1. To support and assist the Student Council President at all times.
2. To take the place of the Student Council President when they are absent from duties.
3. To support and attend all DeBakeyHSHP and Student Council activities, including social
events leadership workshops, fund raisers, and meetings.
Student Council Secretary -
1. To support and assist the Student Council President at all times.
2. To support and attend all DeBakeyHSHP and Student Council activities, including social
events leadership workshops, fund raisers, and meetings.
3. To record and post in a timely manner minutes of any and all Student Council meetings.
4. To do all the duties normally associated with the job of secretary at a Student Council meeting.
Class Historian
1. To support and assist the Class President at all times.
2. To support and attend all DeBakeyHSHP and Student Council activities, including social events
leadership workshops, fund raisers, and meetings.
3. To keep accurate records and pictures of all Student Council activities, including social events
leadership workshops, fund raisers, and meetings.
4. To manage Student Council public relations and outreach by building and maintaining positive
strategic communication programs
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
GPA Form
Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________
Student Council / Class Position Seeking: _______________________________________
Class of ___________
ID Number:__________________ Cell Number:__________________________________
School Email Address:__________________________________
GPA _________
Registrar’s/Counselor’s Signature ______________________________________________
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
Acknowledgment of Requirements and Responsibilities
Initial or sign in the designated areas
I fully understand that being a Student Council / Class officer is a serious responsibility. I
am also aware of the following requirements:
____ 1. I must have and maintain at least a 3.0 G.P.A. to qualify for election and during the term
of service.
____ 2. I promise to actively support and attend all DeBakeyHSHP Student Council / Class
activities, including social events, fundraisers and meetings, including both general meetings
and officer meetings.
____ 3. I understand that as a Student Council / Class officer, I have a leadership role in
DeBakeyHSHP Student Council / School Government and am expected to attend meetings and
leadership development workshops, including meetings with my sponsor and that I may be
called upon to lead my class in group activities.
____ 4. I understand that I am not eligible to run or may forfeit my position of service and
leadership, if elected, should I be suspended from school, be placed on disciplinary probation or
become academically ineligible, or continue to faithfully meet my obligations as an officer.
____ 5. I understand that I must be eligible to attend DeBakeyHSHP for the coming school year.
____ 6. I hereby give my permission for my campaign speech to be aired online via the
____ 7. Student Council Officers: I understand that because the duties of Student
Council officers are very time consuming, I may not hold major officer positions in other
major organizations, especially presidential positions unless I receive written permission
from a School Administrator.
____ I understand that Student Council / Class officers are expected to enroll in the student
leadership training class.
I have read and understood the requirements for office and hereby promise that, if elected, I will
fulfill the job description of my position of leadership to the best of my ability. I also give
permission to use the information provided on the other side of this form in preparing candidate
information for voters.
__________________________________ _______________
Student Signature Date
_________________________________________ _______________
Parent Signature Date
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
Student Council / Class Officer Guardian Consent Form
____ I support my student’s application to be elected to the above position of leadership and
service to DeBakey HSHP as a Student Council / Class officer for 2021-2022.
____ I understand that the position of Student Council / Class officer is one of great honor and
the duties associated with it are very time-consuming. I am prepared to support my child as
____ I understand that my child has a leadership role in Student Council / Class and will be
expected to attend meetings and leadership development workshops, some of which will be in
the summer months.
____ Student Council Officers: I understand that because the duties of Student Council
officers are very time consuming. I am willing to support my child in fulfilling their
responsibilities, as needed and I understand that the position of DeBakey HSHP Student
Council officer may render him/her ineligible for other time-consuming offices.
____ I am aware that my student is responsible for the clean up of all campaign materials as
well as any damage my student’s campaigning may cause.
____ I understand that Student Council / Class officers are expected to enroll in the student
leadership class.
Guardian Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________
_________________________________________ _______________
Signature of Guardian Date
_________________________________________ _______________
Signature of Student Date
_______________________________ _____________
Candidate Signature Date
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
Student Council / Class Officer
Teacher Evaluation
Student Name: ______________________________________________
ID#:________________ Class of __________
Teacher: ________________Subject/School:______________________
Teachers please complete this form and submit
Attends Class Regularly? Yes No Excessive Absences
Is Attentive when in class? Yes No Sometimes
Attends tutoring? Yes No Doesn’t need to
Satisfactory behavior? Always Typically Rarely
Completes Assignments? Always Typically Rarely
Is missing any work? Yes No
Have you had to contact parents? Recently Previously Never
Additional Comments:
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Student Council / Class Officer Application
Student Council / Class Officer
Teacher Evaluation
Student Name: ______________________________________________
ID#:________________ Class of __________
Teachers please complete this form and submit
Attends Class Regularly? Yes No Excessive Absences
Is Attentive when in class? Yes No Sometimes
Attends tutoring? Yes No Doesn’t need to
Satisfactory behavior? Always Typically Rarely
Completes Assignments? Always Typically Rarely
Is missing any work? Yes No
Have you had to contact parents? Recently Previously Never
Additional Comments: