HHS Student Council Officer
Application Packet
Students interested in becoming a Student Council Officer at HHS for the 2021-2022 school year
will need to complete the following application.
Complete Applications (including all required documents) should be printed/submitted or
emailed to Miss Byrd, Room #112, h[email protected]v.us
Complete Application deadline is May 10
, 2021, by 3:00PM
Applications will not be accepted after the stated date and time.
Complete Applications must include:
o Application for Student Council-
Student Information & Contract (pages 3-6 of packet)
o Three Teacher Recommendations
(One must be from a core subject- ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
o GPA Print-off from your Counselor
o One-hundred words or less Essay
o Election Speech (neatly hand-written or typed)
Only COMPLETE applications will be considered.
We are so glad that you want to be a part of one of the most active and influential organizations
at Hurricane High School! Student Council takes a great deal of time, energy, and dedication. If
you have made the decision to join Student Council that means that you are willing to make
these commitments. Please read the following information and make sure you understand the
election requirements.
Members are considered for student elections based on the following criteria:
1. Complete Application
2. Teacher Recommendations
3. GPA (minimum 2.5)
4. No Disciplinary Violations
Important Details
o All applicants who are selected for the election ballot will be required to record a 30
second speech. Speeches will be aired via the school announcements.
o Your WRITTEN SPEECH must be submitted as part of the application. Students
will be notified if selected for the election ballot. If selected, Miss Byrd will approve your
written speech/provide feedback. You will then video your speech to be broadcasted on
the announcements.
o RECORDED SPEECHES are due on Thursday May 13
. Please email these to
[email protected]om. The submitted, approved speech must be spoken as
written. If any changes are made in the delivery from the written version, you will be
removed from the election ballot. If you do not have a device to video your speech, you
can come to the Media Studio in the library and have it recorded.
Student Council Election Speech Guidelines
Permitted Talking Points
Tell the student body why they should vote for you
Quick summary of your previous experiences that make you be a good candidate
for Student Council (school or community related)
Remind them who you are and what position you are running for.
Use acronyms, slogans, and rhymes that make you unforgettable.
Keep your speech short and sweet (max. 30 seconds)
Practice your speech so you know ahead of time what it says.
Remember the entire student body and staff will hear this speech.
Recorded speech must match approved written speech
Prohibited Talking Points
Make unrealistic promises/provide favors- Chipotle, eliminating homework,
extended lunches, stickers, etc.
Make references about other candidates.
Use inappropriate music, language, or ideas.
Important Dates
o Monday, May 10th- Complete Application Due
o Tuesday, May 11th- Election Candidates Announced
o Thursday, May 13th- Video Recorded Speeches Due
o Monday, May 17th- Speeches Aired & Voting Opens
o Wednesday, May 19th - Voting Closes at 12:00PM (noon)
o Friday, May 21st- Election Results Announced!
Application for Student Council
Student Information
Name __________________________________________Current Grade Level _________
I. Contact Information
Address________________________________ City______________ Zip__________
Student Phone__________________ Student Email _____________________________
II. Position for which you want to run (if you will be a Senior, state whether you are
running for Senior Class or Student Body)
Class _____________________
III. List all extracurricular activities you plan to participate in for the upcoming school
1. _____________________________ 4. _________________________________
2. _____________________________ 5. _________________________________
3. _____________________________ 6. _________________________________
IV. Read each statement and circle your response.
Do you understand that being a Student Council member requires dedication,
responsibility, hard work, and weekend/after school time? Yes No
Do you understand that you will have to provide transportation to and from all
morning/afternoon meetings and activities? Yes No
Are you willing to make these commitments? Yes No
In one-hundred words or less, explain why you feel you are a good candidate for Student
HHS Student Council Contract
Membership of the Student Council shall consist of Student Body Officers and class officers
representing each grade level. The required duties for each office are as follows:
a) President- Student Body President will preside at the meetings of the Student
Council and be prepared with an agenda created in collaboration with all class
presidents, call special meetings if necessary (approved by adviser). Presidents
will represent the Student Council on public occasions, maintain approval for
b) Vice President- assist the President in preparing meeting agendas, perform the
duties of the president in his/her absence and perform duties at any other time as
requested by the adviser, perform the duties of the treasurer or secretary if he/she
is unable to attend
c) Secretary- keep the records (minutes) of all Student Council meetings, keep an
accurate count of member attendance of all meetings, handle necessary
correspondence with persons or organizations who work with Student Council,
responsible for appreciation cards
d) Treasurer- keep an accurate record of all profits and disbursements, make a
monthly report of the council’s financial condition to present at meetings,
coordinate fund raising projects for the student body, be present during ticket, t-
shirt, etc. sales
e) Historian- responsible for documenting events for the student council
(photographs or taking notes/keeping a journal), bulletin board upkeep,
communicate ideas from the student body to Student Council, help with
appreciation cards/social media accounts
f) Publicity Chair- Keep student body informed of events/fundraisers/service
projects, responsible for coordinating event advertisements, maintain Student
Council social media accounts
** All requests or questions should be brought to the adviser’s attention first. After
consulting with the adviser, he/she will work with officer(s) to address administration.
1) Members of Student Council are expected to attend ALL meetings of the Student Council.
Members who have more than two unexcused absences per semester shall be subject to
dismissal from office for failure to fulfill their duties. Members should notify the faculty
advisor of an absence in advance.
2) Members of Student Council will be required to promote school spirit/pride and participate in
all Student Council activities, including evenings, weekends, and over the summer. Members
who do not fulfill this requirement for illegitimate reasons shall be subject to dismissal from
office for failure to fulfill their duties.
3) All members of the Student Council shall maintain a 2.5 weighted grade point average at
minimum. Any member whose grade point average falls below a 2.5 in any quarter shall be
placed on probation until the next nine-week’s report. Students on academic probation are
prohibited from voting in any Student Council decisions. If the member’s grade point
average remains below a 2.5 the following interim report, the student will be dismissed from
Student Council.
4) Each member of Student Council must maintain a high standard of ethical and moral
conduct. While social media has a large impact on advertising and the success of events,
members are responsible for what is posted to their sites. Members may be subject to
consequences for postings that do not reflect his/her self, the Student Council organization, or
school in the best possible light. Any violation of Hurricane High School’s Code of Conduct
and/or policies will result in automatic dismissal from office; the Student Council Adviser
and HHS Administration reserve this right. Violations include, but are not limited to,
bullying, cheating on assignments, out-of-school suspension, and/or any other disciplinary
I, ________________________________, understand that as a potential elected member of
Student Council and a leader of Hurricane High School, I must set a good example for my peers.
I will abide by all school rules and policies, including those regarding the use of drugs, alcohol,
and tobacco. I must maintain an acceptable attendance average to Student Council meetings and
must attend ALL mandatory events (Homecoming, Formal, etc.). I understand that failure to
follow the rules and policies set by Hurricane High School, as well as those stated in the Student
Council Constitution and contract, may result in my dismissal from Student Council.
Student Signature ____________________________Date ________________
I _______________________________, have read the cover letter, application, and
expectations. I understand the commitment my child is potentially making to Hurricane High
School Student Council.
Parent Signature ______________________________ Date __________________
Parent Phone___________________ Parent Email _____________________________
HHS Student Council Teacher Evaluation Form
Students: Send this form to at least three teachers (one must be a core subject)
Teachers: Please complete the form and return to Haley Byrd in Room #112
Student Name: _______________________ Current Grade Level: ______
Carefully consider each category before assigning scores. This information will be kept confidential. The
outlined characteristics are essential to the success of Student Council. Thanks for your time and effort!
1-Weak 2-Below Average 3-Average 4-Above Average 5-Outstanding
___1. Dependability: This student is on time with all assignments and participates in classroom
activities. He/she also follows instructions and classroom procedures without fail.
___2. Attendance: The student maintains good attendance (include tardies).
___3. Leadership: The student is assertive, but not aggressively, takes initiative, thinks through
problems, and motivates others.
___4. Courtesy: The student is courteous and considerate of others, gets along with others, willingly
volunteers to help others, and demonstrates respect for peers, teachers, and other authority figures.
___ 5. Cooperation: The student is willing to work, comply with rules and regulations, and accept
criticism with a positive attitude; he/she can fit into a team atmosphere.
___ 6. Attitude: The student has a positive outlook about education and demonstrates a strong sense of
school pride.
___ 7. Maturity: The student sees more than one point of view in an issue. Responsibility is also a
primary quality of the student. The student can look at himself/herself realistically.
___ 8. Organization: The student organizes time well. The student fulfills requirements for work missed
due to school related activities/absences.
___ 9. Trustworthiness: The student can be trusted to carry out important tasks, to not betray a
confidence, and trusted with money.
___ 10. Communication: The student communicates opinions and feelings honestly without displaying
______Total Number of Points
Is this student respected by his/her peers? YES NO
Would you recommend this student to be a member of Student Council? YES NO
Additional Comments: Does this candidate have any other specific skills or characteristics that you
think would benefit Student Council? Comments or explanations for above scores?
*If you feel the need to share more on this student or explain your choice(s) above, email Ms. Byrd at [email protected]
Teacher Name/Class (Please Print)
Teacher Signature
HHS Student Council Teacher Evaluation Form
Students: Send this form to at least three teachers (one must be a core subject)
Teachers: Please complete the form and return to Haley Byrd in Room #112
Student Name: _______________________ Current Grade Level: ______
Carefully consider each category before assigning scores. This information will be kept confidential. The
outlined characteristics are essential to the success of Student Council. Thanks for your time and effort!
1-Weak 2-Below Average 3-Average 4-Above Average 5-Outstanding
___1. Dependability: This student is on time with all assignments and participates in classroom
activities. He/she also follows instructions and classroom procedures without fail.
___2. Attendance: The student maintains good attendance (include tardies).
___3. Leadership: The student is assertive, but not aggressively, takes initiative, thinks through
problems, and motivates others.
___4. Courtesy: The student is courteous and considerate of others, gets along with others, willingly
volunteers to help others, and demonstrates respect for peers, teachers, and other authority figures.
___ 5. Cooperation: The student is willing to work, comply with rules and regulations, and accept
criticism with a positive attitude; he/she can fit into a team atmosphere.
___ 6. Attitude: The student has a positive outlook about education and demonstrates a strong sense of
school pride.
___ 7. Maturity: The student sees more than one point of view in an issue. Responsibility is also a
primary quality of the student. The student can look at himself/herself realistically.
___ 8. Organization: The student organizes time well. The student fulfills requirements for work missed
due to school related activities/absences.
___ 9. Trustworthiness: The student can be trusted to carry out important tasks, to not betray a
confidence, and trusted with money.
___ 10. Communication: The student communicates opinions and feelings honestly without displaying
______Total Number of Points
Is this student respected by his/her peers? YES NO
Would you recommend this student to be a member of Student Council? YES NO
Additional Comments: Does this candidate have any other specific skills or characteristics that you
think would benefit Student Council? Comments or explanations for above scores?
*If you feel the need to share more on this student or explain your choice(s) above, email Ms. Byrd at [email protected]
Teacher Name/Class (Please Print)
Teacher Signature
HHS Student Council Teacher Evaluation Form
Students: Send this form to at least three teachers (one must be a core subject)
Teachers: Please complete the form and return to Haley Byrd in Room #112
Student Name: _______________________ Current Grade Level: ______
Carefully consider each category before assigning scores. This information will be kept confidential. The
outlined characteristics are essential to the success of Student Council. Thanks for your time and effort!
1-Weak 2-Below Average 3-Average 4-Above Average 5-Outstanding
___1. Dependability: This student is on time with all assignments and participates in classroom
activities. He/she also follows instructions and classroom procedures without fail.
___2. Attendance: The student maintains good attendance (include tardies).
___3. Leadership: The student is assertive, but not aggressively, takes initiative, thinks through
problems, and motivates others.
___4. Courtesy: The student is courteous and considerate of others, gets along with others, willingly
volunteers to help others, and demonstrates respect for peers, teachers, and other authority figures.
___ 5. Cooperation: The student is willing to work, comply with rules and regulations, and accept
criticism with a positive attitude; he/she can fit into a team atmosphere.
___ 6. Attitude: The student has a positive outlook about education and demonstrates a strong sense of
school pride.
___ 7. Maturity: The student sees more than one point of view in an issue. Responsibility is also a
primary quality of the student. The student can look at himself/herself realistically.
___ 8. Organization: The student organizes time well. The student fulfills requirements for work missed
due to school related activities/absences.
___ 9. Trustworthiness: The student can be trusted to carry out important tasks, to not betray a
confidence, and trusted with money.
___ 10. Communication: The student communicates opinions and feelings honestly without displaying
______Total Number of Points
Is this student respected by his/her peers? YES NO
Would you recommend this student to be a member of Student Council? YES NO
Additional Comments: Does this candidate have any other specific skills or characteristics that you
think would benefit Student Council? Comments or explanations for above scores?
*If you feel the need to share more on this student or explain your choice(s) above, email Ms. Byrd at [email protected]
Teacher Name/Class (Please Print)
Teacher Signature