Exhibit Category
2022 Oregon History Day Contest
Exhibit Submission Instructions
Only the project title and category are required at the time of registration. Projects can be
submitted any time prior to Monday, April 18, at 9pm. Oregon Historical Society staff will
test all links and PDFs and will contact you if there are any problems with the files.
Overview: Students will upload a merged document of the required Written Materials
and Exhibit into one PDF.
1. Once the template or virtual exhibit is complete, save it as a PDF before uploading.
No other file type is accepted.
See 2022 Exhibit Guidelines to ensure your exhibit is in alignment.
2. To save a Google Slides or Draw presentation as a PDF, go to File, and Download As
and select the .pdf option.
3. Create one PDF file that contains the title page, process paper, and annotated
To convert to a PDF from a Word Document, select File at the top
lefthand corner, select Export, and select Create PDF/XPS.
To convert to a PDF from Google Docs, select File at the top lefthand
corner, select Download, and choose the PDF Document (.pdf)
4. Students may only upload one PDF, so it must include the exhibit and all the
required written materials. Free apps for combining multiple documents into
one PDF include Adobe Online, Small PDF, and I Love PDF. The final PDF
must order the documents as follows: title page, process paper,
annotated bibliography.
Please see this example for the correct order.
Exhibit Category
2022 Oregon History Day Contest
Please see this video to learn how to combine PDF documents into one PDF
5. Name the file with your last name and contest level (i.e., LastName_state.pdf).
For group projects, please include the last names of all group members (i.e.,
6. Go to or.nhd.org and create your student profile. Refer to the 2022 STUDENT
REGISTRATION GUIDE for help registering.
7. Submit your project to the contest:
Next to Written Materials, select the button that reads Add File to upload the
single PDF file that includes all required written materials. Please disregard the
Link field.
Click Save and Continue.
Exhibit Category
2022 Oregon History Day Contest
Important Note for Group Projects:
If you select a group category project, check the Will this be a Team Project box
(pictured below). Click Save and Continue.
To submit your project after your initial registration, log in to your student account on
the Oregon History Day Contest website. In the top righthand corner, click on your name
and select My Profile. Click the Entry tab at the top of the page, then follow the
instructions listed above.
Exhibit Guidelines
Students must use the following specific guidelines to create an exhibit that will be
submitted virtually. The following is a quick overview of those guidelines.
IMPORTANT NOTE: School email accounts may restrict access to these Google Slide
and Google Drawings templates. If you experience these issues, please try accessing the
template from a different email account. You will need to be signed into a Google
account to copy the template.
Physical Exhibit
A physical exhibit is a 3-dimensional creation that follows NHD contest rules but will be
submitted electronically.
Students who create a physical exhibit will then use the NHD Physical Exhibit
Submission for a Virtual Contest template to answer questions and document
their exhibit for judges.
Students may use either of the following templates:
Google Slides: Download the NHD Physical Exhibit Submission for a Virtual
Contest Template
Microsoft PowerPoint: Download the NHD Physical Exhibit Submission for a
Virtual Contest Template
Exhibit Category
2022 Oregon History Day Contest
Example: Click here to view a sample project submitted through one of these
Slides must include:
o A full photo of the exhibit.
o Photographed sections of the exhibit with the accompanying text typed
Students may not add additional slides to the templates. Refer to 2022 Exhibit
Rules for Students for size requirements.
Digital Exhibit
Students may elect to create a digital exhibit to submit electronically instead of building a
3-dimensional exhibit.
Students can design their digital exhibit using any design software, but the
following are recommended:
Google Drawings: A free program that allows students to create a virtual exhibit
within the maximum size of a NHD exhibit. Using this program does require
creating a free Google account if students do not already have one.
Download the NHD Digital Exhibit Google Drawings Template
Microsoft Publisher: This is a program that students may have access to through
school. This program allows students to create a virtual exhibit that fits within the
maximum size of a NHD exhibit.
Download the NHD Digital Exhibit Submission Microsoft Publisher Template
Example: Click here to view a sample project submitted through one of these
Refer to 2022 Exhibit Rules for Students for size requirements. The minimum
font size is 20.
Exhibit Category
2022 Oregon History Day Contest
Exhibit Rules for Students
Please make sure to read the full category rules in the official National History Day
Contest Rule Book prior to referencing the highlighted helpful guidelines below.
Required Written Materials
All student exhibits, in addition to the exhibit file, must include the following written
materials in this order:
Title Page: The title page must include only the title of the entry, name of
student(s), contest division, category, and applicable word count.
Process Paper: The process paper must be 500 words or fewer and must not
include quotes, images, or captions.
Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography must list all sources that
were consulted in the creation of the entry, must be sorted by primary and
secondary sources, and must combine photos or other materials from the
same collection into a single citation.
Size Requirements
For a physical exhibit:
The overall size of the exhibit when displayed for judging must be no larger
than 40 inches wide, 30 inches deep, and 72 inches high.
Circular or rotating exhibits or those meant to be viewed from all sides must be
no more than 30 inches in diameter or diagonal.
Measurement of the exhibit does not include the table on which it rests.
Measurement of the exhibit does include any base that the student creates,
any table drapes, and any supplemental materials placed on the table.
For a digital exhibit:
All exhibits must fall within a page that replicates the maximum dimensions of
a physical tri-fold exhibit. Size adjustments can be made, but students may not
create anything larger than 74 inches wide by 72 inches high.
The downloadable templates are set to the maximum allowed size for exhibit
Exhibit Category
2022 Oregon History Day Contest
Word Limit
A 500-word limit applies to all words that students write. Each word or number counts as
one word.
The following words count toward the overall word count:
o Text that the student writes, including titles, subtitles, captions, graphs,
timelines, media devices, or supplemental materials (i.e., photo albums
or scrapbooks).
The following words do not count toward the overall word count:
o Primary or secondary materials or quotes included in the exhibit or in
media or supplemental materials.
o Source credits
Crediting Sources
All quotes and visual sources (i.e., photographs, paintings, charts, graphs) must
be credited on the exhibit and cited in the annotated bibliography.
Source credits do not count toward the word limit.