1 800 481-0022
How to install a clothesline
Before installation:
Check with your municipality for restrictions or regulations regarding the installation of poles
or clotheslines.
The ideal location is an open area with a maximum of sun exposure and wind. Avoid installing the clothesline under
tree branches or electric wires. Avoid tops of trees, bushes or other obstacles as the clothes could get dirty or
The equipment:
The Ben-Mor clothesline sets include two pulleys, a mini-winch, 2 hooks for hanging pulleys and a clothesline with a
length of 45.7 m (150 ').
The clothesline post:
The clothesline post must be solid and firmly planted, as the rope will continuously exert pressure on it,
especially when wet clothes are hanged.
1. Determine the location of the two clothesline pulleys. One is installed at a certain distance from the house, for
example on a pole or a shed, while the other pulley is fixed on the house.
2. Measure the distance between the two pulley locations and make sure that the length of the clothesline is more
than twice the measured distance.
3. Install the pulley on the house.
If there is a vinyl or aluminum coating: A 2X8 piece of wood must be placed between the frame and the siding at the
elevator or hook location to secure.
3.1 Screw the hook of the pulley into the frame.
3.2 Fix the pulley to the hook.
* For increased manoeuvrability, install an elevator that raises and lowers the clothesline.
4. Install the pulley on the post.
4.1 A wooden post: screw the second hook to the post and fix the pulley to the hook.
4.1B Metal post: install a U-bolt of the required size, attach an S-hook and fix the pulley to the hook.
5. Install the clothesline.
5.1 Pass the clothesline through both pulleys.
5.2 Join the ends of the clothesline in the mini-winch.
5.3 Turn the mini-winch to tighten the clothesline.
5.4 Make sure that the clothesline has passed through the pulleys and tighten the mini-winch.
5.5 Cut the extra clothesline.
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