Volume 2 (of 2)
Compiled by
Steven A. Jacobson
Alaska Native Language Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Second Edition
Volume 2
Cover and section title drawings by Cindy Davis, based on drawings by Edward Adams
in his journal of 1850–1851, St. Michael’s (MS. 115, Scott Polar Institute, Cambridge,
England); used with permission of the Scott Polar Research Institute and Mr. G. E.
Dixon, owner of the manuscript. Adams’s drawings were copied from ivory carvings.
Copyright 2012 by the Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
All rights reserved.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant No. 0732787, International Polar Year: Documenting Alaskan and Neighboring Lan-
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Jacobson, Steven A.
Yup’ik Eskimo dictionary / compiled by Steven A. Jacobson. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-55500-115-5
1. Central Yupik language--Dictionaries. I. Alaska Native Language Center. II. Title.
PM63.J33 2012
A photocopied preliminary edition of the dictionary in 200 copies was distributed in
1982. The rst edition of this dictionary was published in 1984 and reprinted eight times
through 2009 in a total of 4,900 copies.
Second edition, two volumes
First printing 2012 1,000 copies
Readers are encouraged to submit corrections and additions. They may be sent to
Alaska Native Language Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P.O. Box 757680
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680
Phone (907) 474-7874
The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an afrmative action / equal opportunity em-
ployer and educational institution.
PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... 9
Added to the Preface for the Second Edition, 11
GENERAL INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 15
Yup’ik Sounds and Spelling ......................................................................................... 15
Dictionary Format and General Content of Entries ................................................. 15
Alphabetization, 15; Basic Format of Entries, 15; Bases That Can Be Both Nouns
and Verbs, 16; Concerning Derived Forms and the Difference in Their Handling
Between the 1984 and Present Editions, 16; Concerning Entries for Words That
Are Neither Nouns or Verbs (or Are Special Categories of These), 17; Exemplica-
tion, 17; Multiword Lexemes and Neologisms, 18; Indication of Dialect Restriction,
19; Etymologies (Word Origin), 19; Further Indications of Relation to Other En-
tries, 20; Citation Forms for Yup’ik Words, 21; A Convention Concerning Gender
in Third Person Singular, 23; Concerning Scientic Names for Biota, 23; Explana-
tion of Symbols (Other Than Those Mentioned Above) Used in Yup’ik Entries,
23; “Special” te Versus Regular te Terminating Verb Bases, 24; Roots, 24; Entries
Directing the Reader to a Preferred Spelling, 25; Indication of the Polarity of Verb
Bases, 26; References to Unveried Word Lists and to E. W. Nelson’s Work, 28
Special Problems and Topics ....................................................................................... 28
The Problem of Verb Tense in Translating from Yup’ik to English, 28; The Problem
of Initial e in Yup’ik Words, 29
Yup’ik Dialects ............................................................................................................... 35
General Central Yup’ik, 35; Norton Sound, Hooper Bay–Chevak and Nunivak Is-
land: NS, HBC, NUN, 36; Norton Sound: NS, 36; Hooper Bay and Chevak: HBC,
38; Nunivak Island: NUN, 42; Egegik: EG, 45
Phonology and Orthography ...................................................................................... 46
General Description of the Yup’ik Writing System, 46; Yup’ik Alphabet Chart, 47;
Stop Consonants, 47; Fricatives, 48; Nasals, 49; Vowels, 50; Automatic Devoicing,
50; Marked Gemination, 50; Syllabication, 51; Stress and Related Features of
Pronunciation, 51; Primary Stress (Inherent and Rhythmic Stress), 51; Stress Re-
traction, 51; Loss of Stress in Final Syllables, 51; Rhythmic Length, 51; Automatic
Gemination, 52; Secondary Stress, 52; Stress-Repelling Bases, 52; The Apostrophe,
53; The Hyphen, 53; Comparison of Modern and Older Orthographies, 53
Published Sources of Quoted Examples .................................................................... 54
BASES ................................................................................................................................59
POSTBASES ...................................................................................................... 727
ENDINGS ........................................................................................................................917
ENCLITICS ......................................................................................................................931
UNVERIFIED WORDS FROM OLDER SOURCES .......................................... 939
Frontispiece: James King’s Norton Sound wordlist of 1778 ............................................ 8
Map: Central Alaskan Yup’ik .................................................................................................. 14
Demonstratives, Figure 1 ....................................................................................................... 965
Demonstratives, Figure 2 ....................................................................................................... 965
Demonstratives, Figure 3 ....................................................................................................... 966
Demonstratives, Figure 4 ....................................................................................................... 966
Qayaq: Kayak (showing parts) ............................................................................................... 982
Ikamraq: Dogsled (showing parts) ....................................................................................... 983
Akaartaq Ena: Old-style House (showing parts) ............................................................. 984
Atkuk: Traditional Parka (showing parts) ......................................................................... 985
Map: Yup’ik Place Names ....................................................................................................... 986
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................959
Appendix 1. Inection of Personal Pronouns ...................................................... 961
Appendix 2. Inection of the Quantier/Qualier Construction .................... 962
Appendix 3. Demonstratives .................................................................................. 963
Appendix 4. Positional Bases ................................................................................. 973
Appendix 5. Lists of Roots by Type ....................................................................... 974
Appendix 6. Numerals ............................................................................................. 977
Appendix 7. Calendar .............................................................................................. 979
Appendix 8. Kinship Terms .................................................................................... 980
Appendix 9. Diagrams and Map ............................................................................ 982
Appendix 10. Loan Words ........................................................................................ 987
Appendix 11. (Hitherto) Unpublished Texts Used as Sources of Examples ...... 1002
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LEXICAL SOURCES ......................................................1005
ENGLISH-TO-YUP’IK INDEX ...............................................................................1013
Job Name: -- /307168t
General Remarks
A Yup’ik postbase is a derivational sufx similar to English sufxes such as ‘-ment’ in ‘argument’,
but different from a Yup’ik ending, which is an inectional sufx, such as the English plural ending ‘s’ in
‘arguments’. However, postbases play a much larger role in Yup’ik than do the derivational sufxes in
English. A Yup’ik word may have zero, one, or more postbases, sometimes as many as half a dozen, but
infrequently more than that.
A postbase modies the part of the word that comes before it. Consequently, the order of
postbases in a Yup’ik word generally parallels (though in reverse order) the corresponding parts
of the English phrase or sentence that translates the Yup’ik word. For example, the Yup’ik word
angyarpaliciqngatuq consists of the morphemes angyar-, -pa-, -li-, -cig, -ngat-, and -uq, which
translate respectively as ‘boat’, ‘big’, ‘make’, ‘will probably’, ‘he’, so the entire word translates as
‘he probably will make a big boat’. In cases where postbase ordering does not correspond with English
translation, this fact has been noted for the entries for the postbases involved.
In the following pages (and in the English-Yup’ik index), a hyphen at the beginning of a postbase serves
to distinguish postbases from bases. In the postbase section itself, various sufxation symbols, rather than
the hyphen, indicate how the postbase goes onto various base congurations
Order and Format of Postbase Citations; Cross-References
Postbases are listed alphabetically. Some postbases are cited with their rst letters in parentheses. This
indicates that the rst letter is not used with all types of bases, and this letter in parentheses is not considered
in alphabetizing the primary entry of the postbase in question. There are entries based alphabetically
on letters in parentheses, but these are cross-references referring the reader to the main entry, and these
cross references are enclosed in braces, { }. Thus, the postbase -(s)ta ‘one who Vs’ (where ‘V’ stands for
‘verb’) has its initial s in parentheses because this s does not appear with all types of bases; this postbase
is alphabetized as if it were merely -ta, but there is also a cross-reference at -sta directing the reader to -ta.
Some postbases are cited with several forms (allomorphs), the choice of which one to use being determined
by the type of base to which the postbase is afxed. Such allomorphs are listed together and separated by
a slash, /. The second allomorph is also listed separately as a cross-reference in braces, directing the reader
to the primary entry, if that second allomorph differs alphabetically from the rst to a notable degree. Thus,
the postbase -pakar- / -vakar- ‘to V for so long’, has its primary entry under the letter p, but there is also
a cross-reference under -vakar- directing the reader to -pakar-. Some postbases begin with a consonant
cluster, the rst member of which is a velar. Because a reader encountering such a postbase on a base
might consider the velar not to be part of the postbase but to be from the base instead, such a postbase also
has a cross-reference in braces, without the initial velar. For example, the postbase -ksaite- ‘to have not
V-ed’, has a cross-reference under -saite-. Some postbases begin with a front velar that is realized as a back
velar when used with certain bases (and conversely, some postbases begin with a back velar that may be
realized as a front velar). Such a postbase has a cross-reference in braces under the corresponding back (or
front) velar, directing the reader to the form with the front (or back) velar. For example, the postbase -rraq
‘small N’ (where ‘N’ stands for ‘noun’) may be realized as -ggaq, and therefore it has a cross-reference for
this secondary form. Most postbases that begin with a y may be realized as beginning with c or s rather
than with y when used with certain bases. These postbases have cross-references in braces for their forms
beginning with c and s. For example, the postbase -yug- ‘to want to V’ has cross-references under -cug- and
-sug-, directing the reader to the primary entry -yug. The reason for the multiplicity of cross-references is to
make this postbase list as useful as possible for one seeking a particular postbase that he has encountered
in a Yup’ik word, a task that may be difcult because of the complex nature of Yup’ik juncture phonology.
Citation forms for postbases follow the same pattern as those of nouns and verb bases. Thus, postbases
that yield nouns are cited in their unpossessed absolutive singular forms, and postbases that yield verbs
are cited in their base or combining forms followed by a hyphen and translated with an English innitive.
For example, the postbase -(s)ta ‘one who V-s’, yields nouns whose unpossessed absolutive singular forms
end in a, although the combining form of this postbase is -(s)te-. On the other hand, the postbase -nge- ‘to
acquire N’, yields verbs whose combining forms end, as the citation form does, in e.
If two or more postbases have the same form, discounting sufxation symbols (discussed below) and
initial letters in parentheses, then these postbases are numbered with superscripts, and these superscripted
numbers are used in the English-to-Yup’ik index. Examples are the postbase -kar(aq*)
‘small N’, and the
postbase -(s)kar(aq*)
‘one who Vs’, and these two postbases are referred to in the English-to-Yup’ik index
(where initial letters are not used) as -kar(aq*)
and -kar(aq*)
Sufxation Symbols at Postbase Entries and Their Meanings
Each postbase is preceded by a symbol or several symbols such as +, ~, –, :, @, etc., that indicate how the
postbase afxes to bases. Note that the following also applies to endings (inectional sufxes), which are
introduced by the same symbols. A description of the meaning of these symbols is given in the following list.
A detailed exposition is given in Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (Jacobson 1995), where the symbols are used
in the same way as in this dictionary. Furthermore, in this dictionary the hyphen is used only as a general
sign at the beginning of a sufx (as it has been used in this introductory section) and to introduce postbases
only in cross-references and in the English-to-Yup’ik index, whereas hyphen serves as a minus sign ().
The sufxation symbols are as follows:
+ indicates that the sufx keeps nal consonants of bases (and if the base does not end in a consonant, the
postbase merely afxes to the base without changing it).
indicates that the sufx drops nal consonants from bases.
~ indicates that the sufx drops nal e from bases.
% indicates that the sufx keeps “strong” nal consonants (every g, and any r that is preceded by e or that
ends a base of the form CVVr- or that is marked with an asterisk), drops “weak” nal consonants.
: indicates that the sufx drops voiced velar continuants (fricatives and nasals, g, r, or ng) if they occur
between single vowels of which at least the rst is full.
indicates that the sufx causes gemination of the nal consonant of a base of the form (C)VCe-.
. indicates that the sufx is afxed with no change to either base or sufx at the juncture.
@ indicates that with te ending bases, after the nal e has been dropped (all @ type postbases are also ~
type), the sufx affects the t of the base in some way, depending on whether the te is preceded by a
consonant or vowel, and if preceded by a vowel, whether the te is “special”,
and also on how the
postbase itself begins.
If a @ type sufx begins with n, then base nal t drops only when preceded by a fricative, which is then
devoiced (as is the n, automatically), or by a nasal or stop and then the n is devoiced. Thus, afxing the
postbase @~+ni- ‘to say that one is V-ing’ to kipute- ‘to purchase’, ce÷irte- ‘to visit’, nangte- ‘to torment’,
and apte- ‘to ask’ yields kiputnia ‘he says that she is purchasing’, ce
÷irrnia ‘he says that she is visiting’,
nangn´gnia ‘he says that she is being tormented’, and apnia ‘he says that she asked’.
If a @ type postbase begins with ng, m, or v, then base nal t preceded vowel and is the t of a nonspecial
te changes to s (y in HBC and EG), but if it is of a “special” te, it changes to l. If preceded by a fricative,
the t is dropped and the fricative is devoiced (as is the ng, m, or v), if by a nasal or stop the t is dropped
and the ng, m, or v devoiced. Thus afxing the postbase @~+ngaite- to not be going to V’ to kipute- ‘to
purchase’, maan(e)te- ‘to be here’ (special te), ce
÷irte- ‘to visit’, and nangte- ‘to torment’, gives kipusngaituq
(kipuyngaituq for HBC and EG) ‘he won’t purchase’, maanelngaituq ‘he won’t be here’, ce
÷irrngaituq ‘he
won’t visit’, nangn´gaitaa ‘he won’t torment him’, and apngaituq ‘he won’t ask’.
If a @ type postbase begins with y, then a resulting ty (hence ts) becomes c. Afxing the postbase @~+yug- ‘to
want to V’ to kipute- ‘to buy’ gives *kiputyugaa (hence *kiputsugaa) hence kipucugaa ‘he wants to buy it’.
If a @ type postbase begins with (u) and if base nal t is preceded by a vowel of a nonspecial te, then that t changes
to y (to s if geminated on “short” base except in HBC and EG), but if is of a “special” te, to l. If preceded by a fricative,
the t is dropped and the fricative remains voiced. If the t is preceded by a nasal or stop, it is treated as though it had e
preceding it. Thus, afxing the postbase @~:(u)ciq ‘whether/how one is V’ to kipute- ‘to purchase’, kit’e- ‘to sink’,
maan(e)te- ‘to be here’, ce
÷irte- ‘to visit’, nangte- ‘to abuse’, and apte- ‘to ask’ gives kipuyucianek ‘whether he
is purchasing’, kis’ucianek (kiy’ucianeng for HBC), maanelucianek, or more commonly, maanlucianek ‘whether
he is here’, ce
÷irucianek ‘whether he is visiting’, nangyucianek ‘whether he is being tormented’, and apyucianek
‘whether he is asking’.
If a @ type postbase begins with y, then any base nal t combines with the y to yield c. Thus, afxing
the postbase @~+yug- ‘to want to V’, to kipute-, kit’e-, maan(e)te-, ce
÷irte-, nangte-, and apte-, yields
kipucugtuq ‘he want to purchase’, kic’ugtuq, maancugtuq, ce
÷ircugtuq, nangcugtuq, and apcugtuq.
Some patterns with @ apply only to endings (derivational sufxes).
See General Introduction concerning “special” te.
lternatively the last bases can be treated as being nangete- and apete-, yieldng nangetnia and apetnia, and similarly for
others like them.
Alternatively the last bases can be treated as being nangete- and apete-, yielding nangesngaitaa and apesngaitaa, and
similarly for other like them.
If a @ type ending begins with l, then any base-nal t combines with l to yield ll. Thus, afxing
the ending @~+luk ‘let’s
V’ to the above set of sample bases yields kipulluk ‘let’s
purchase’; kill’uk;
maanlluk; *ce
÷irlluk, which, in accordance with the orthographical rules, is respelled ce÷irrluk; nanglluk;
and *aplluk, which is respelled apluk.
If a @ type ending begins with g, k, or ng, then any base-nal t except one that is “special” changes
to s (to y in HBC and EG), inserting e before the s to prevent a three-consonant cluster if necessary. Thus,
afxing the ending @~+ki ‘(you
) V them’ to kipute-, ce÷irte-, nangte-, and apte- yields kipuski ‘buy
them’, ce
÷ireski ‘visit them’, nangeski ‘torment them’, and apeski ‘ask them’. When afxing such endings
where there is a base-nal “special” t, that t changes to l. Thus, with nerenrite- ‘to not eat’, where te is
special being from a negative postbase, the result is nerenrilki ‘don’t eat them’.
Postbases and endings marked with @ that affect t in ways other than those listed above are described
at the entry for each such postbase.
A long dash, ––, indicates that the base drops both the nal consonant and the vowel preceding it. This
applies only to shortened forms of consonant-dropping postbases beginning with li. For example, –i- ‘to
make’ and angyaq ‘boat’ yields angyi- ‘to make a boat’.
An initial question mark, ?, indicates that the postbase afxes in an irregular way. This applies only to
certain nonproductive postbases.
Some sufxes have initial q, k, r, g, rr, or gg. With these and with a base ending in the opposite type
of velar (i.e., back as opposed to front, and conversely) the opposite type of velar to that underlined is
used. Thus, given the postbase -qatar- ‘to be about to V’, when added to bases ending in a vowel or r, this
postbase takes the form -qatar-, but when added to bases ending in g, it takes the form -katar-. Thus, from
cali- ‘to work’, qavar- ‘to sleep’, and ayag- ‘to go’ arise caliqatartuq ‘he is about to work’, qavaqatartuq ‘he
is about to sleep’, but ayakatartuq ‘he is about to go’. In the rare case in which a sufx has such an initial
letter but does not change in this way, this fact is noted in words.
Another process that applies in almost all cases where certain conditions hold and therefore is not
specically noted as such (but is noted in words when it does not happen) is the dropping of a “semi-
nal” e (e followed by base-nal g or r) by a sufx that begins with a vowel in the form which it is used on
the base with the semi-nal e. For example, when the ending %:(ng)it ‘their Ns’ is used with consonant-
ending bases, it takes the form it. When used with bases of words such as yaqulek ‘bird’ and egaleq
‘window’, which have semi-nal e, that e is dropped, yielding yaqulgit ‘their birds’ and egalrit ‘their
The letters in parentheses at the beginnings of postbases are generally used as follows:
(g) is used with bases ending in two vowels.
(i) is used with bases ending in te.
(ng) is used with bases ending in a vowel.
(r) is used with bases ending in te, and by some speakers in e not preceded by t.
(s) is used with bases ending in a vowel.
(t) is used with bases ending in a consonant.
(u) is used with bases ending in a consonant or e.
The use of letters in parentheses in ways not conforming to these patterns is described under the
relevant postbase entries.
Such symbols as * following a postbase, and (ar) at the end of a postbase or followed by te at the
end of a postbase, are explained in the General Introduction, as is the convention for treating an entry
that is both nominal and verbal. In addition, the General Introduction addresses the use of the dialect
abbreviations NSU, NSK, NS, Y, HBC, NUN, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, UK, EG, and LI.
Concerning the Types of Words with Which Particular Postbases Are Used and the Types
They Yield
A postbase generally falls into one of four categories. There are postbases that afx to nouns and yield
nouns, postbases that afx to verbs and yield verbs, postbases that convert nouns to verbs, and postbases
that convert verbs to nouns. Beyond these categories are a handful of postbases that yield uninectable
words, that is, particles. In the postbase listings, ‘N’ stands for ‘noun’ (including demonstrative pronouns,
demonstrative adverbs, and nominal roots
), and ‘V’ stands for ‘verb’ (including verbal roots
). Thus one
can tell whether a given postbase afxes to nouns, verbs, or both by noting whether ‘N’ or ‘V’ is used in
the translation, and one can tell whether the postbase yields verbs or nouns by the way the postbase is
cited (i.e., whether it ends in a hyphen), and by whether the translation is given as an English innitive. If
a postbase is further restricted to use only with bases of a certain semantic type, such as body part nouns,
game animal nouns, and adjectival verbs, this is indicated in the discussion at the entry for the postbase.
After a postbase is given, a brief translation is given. These translations have been formulated to
summarize the meaning of the postbase as succinctly as possible (unlike verb bases, verb-yielding postbases
are translated in a way that reects their transitive and intransitive uses whenever feasible); but in the case
of postbases, even more than in the case of noun and verb bases, the meaning will often become far clearer
from the examples. Consequently, a number of examples are provided for each postbase, both to illustrate
its meaning and use and to show how it afxes to various bases. But, before the examples are given, there
are often explanatory notes.
Polarity of Postbases and the Question of Productivity; Criteria for Inclusion Here
In the entries’ explanatory notes, there is information about the polarity (see the General Introduction
for the meaning of this term) of a verb-yielding postbase. Unless otherwise noted, a verb-to-verb postbase
preserves the polarity of the verb base to which it is afxed. Thus the postbase -yug- ‘to want to V’ changes
ner’uq ‘he is eating’ and neraa ‘he is eating it’ to neryugtuq ‘he wants to eat’ and neryugaa ‘he wants to eat
it’, with the polarity unchanged. In the case of some verb-to-verb postbases and all noun-to-verb postbases,
it is necessary to indicate the polarity of the resulting verbs by statement or discussion often involving the
use of the symbol / on examples formed with the postbase in question (see the General Introduction for the
use of the symbol /). In the case of noun-yielding postbases (noun-to-noun and verb-to-noun), the resulting
nouns generally take both unpossessed and possessed endings with the usual meaning of ‘possession’, but
in the few cases where only one type of ending (possessed or unpossessed) may be used with the resulting
noun, or where the possessed form of the resulting noun has an unusual meaning, this is described fully. In
discussions of polarity and possession, the term embedded denotes the noun or verb to which the postbase in
question is afxed, while the term derived denotes the noun or verb formed upon afxation of the postbase
in question.
Nominal roots are primarily the dimensional roots such as ‘thickness’, ‘height’, discussed in the General Introduction.
Verbal roots are primarily the emotional roots such as ‘respecting’, ‘being repulsed’, and the postural roots such as ‘lying
down’, ‘turning over’.
Unless otherwise noted, postbases are “productive” in that they can be used freely with any base
subject to semantic and/or distributional limitations as indicated. However, some postbases are noted
as being “nonproductive”, which means that they cannot be used freely in modern Yup’ik speech. Such
postbases are recognizable in a number of words and may or may not have a discernible meaning. For
example, -quq appears in more than 35 words, mostly body-part terms, but it cannot be used to form new
words in the way that a productive postbase can be used. In some cases one can recognize the base to
which -quq has been added, while in other cases one cannot, but the meaning of this postbase cannot be
determined. Nonproductive postbases with as few as two occurrences have also been identied and listed
in this section if their meanings are determinable. For example, -ngar- has been found on only three verb
bases, but from these three the meaning of the postbase, ‘to have the bad habit of V-ing’, is quite apparent.
However, this postbase is not productive, since it cannot be used to speak of bad habits other than those
expressed in these three certain verb bases. The attempt has been made to give a full listing of a occurrences
of each nonproductive postbase. Undoubtedly some nonproductive postbases have more occurrences
than are listed, and some postbases that are claimed to be nonproductive are probably at least marginally
productive in some Yup’ik-speaking areas, and there may be (nonproductive) postbases occurring on two
or more words that have not been identied.
Nonproductive postbases that occur on only one word, or on several words but without a common
determinable meaning, are not listed in the postbase section, but they will be found incorporated in the
words in which they occur where these words are listed in the main section of the dictionary. Thus, while
kitngu- ‘to capsize’ is certainly derived from kit’e- ‘to sink’, the postbase -ngu- is not known to occur
elsewhere in the language. For this reason, -ngu- is not found in the postbase section (even though a
meaning might well be ascribed to it on the basis of its one occurrence).
Format of Examples; Lexicalization
Examples are generally given rst in a two-column format. The left column has a noun or verb base,
and the right column has the combination of that noun or verb with the postbase in question, and in the
case of verb-yielding postbases, a simple ending.
Thus, for the postbase +(s)ciigate- ‘to be unable to V’,
an example might have on the left qavar- ‘to sleep’ and on the right qavarciigatuq ‘he is unable to sleep’.
The comment “(lexicalized)” after a base plus postbase example and translation means that this
combination has a meaning not entirely predictable from the meaning of its component parts. The predictable
meaning may be a possibility to some speakers in some contexts, or it may be completely overshadowed
by the lexicalized meaning. Thus, tengssuun is literally ‘a device for ying’ but is lexicalized as ‘airplane’.
A device for ying that is not an airplane would not normally be referred to as tengssuun, but the word
tengssuun might be used in reference to it in a sentence such as tengssuutnguuq ‘it is a device for ying’.
On the other hand, angyayagaq literally means ‘baby boat’ or ‘little boat’ but has the lexicalized meaning
‘shrew’, and no one aware of this meaning would ever use the word angyayagaq with its literal meaning.
At the bottom of the list of single-word examples, there may be one or more examples introduced by the
phrase “Also, irregularly:”. These are cases in which the postbase in question has been afxed in an irregular
(and therefore nonproductive) way, quite often with a meaning other than what one would predict. Thus,
in addition to the regular productive combination of neqa ‘sh, food’ and -liur- ‘to work on N’, yielding
neq’liurtuq ‘he is working on sh or food’, there is also the irregular combination neqliurtuq ‘he is serving
The nal items of an entry may consist of examples in sentence contexts. In some cases, these examples
This two column format for postbase examples will be very familiar to anyone who has used the 1984 edition of this
dictionary, of Practical Grammar of … Yup’ik (Jacobson 1995), or Yup’ik Eskimo Grammar (Reed et al. 1977).
serve merely to enliven the presentation, but in other cases these examples illustrate the use of the postbase
in ways that a single-word example cannot, and/or they show how associated nouns and verbs are used
together with the postbase in question. Thus, a sentence example with the postbase that forms comparatives
illustrates what case ending is used on the noun denoting the object with which the comparison is
being made. While some sentences examples were composed specically for this dictionary, others are
from published texts as in the bases section of the dictionary. However, the postbase in question in these
multiword sentence examples are in boldface here in the postbases section.
The part of the translation
that corresponds to the postbase in question is in italics. Sometimes a segment of the translation has been
retranslated literally (if somewhat clumsily) as well and set off by a dash or dashes. Thus:
Angun qimugtengqertuq tungulriamek. ‘The man has black dog — has a dog, a black one.’
Etymology of Postbases
The proto-Eskimo or proto-Yup’ik form (indicated by “< PE pb. –”, or “< PY pb. –”), if there is one, or the
derivation of the postbase (indicated by “< –”), if the postbase is composed of two or more other postbases.
(A composite postbase is listed because it departs from the predictable combination of those postbases in
form, meaning, or use, or if it is otherwise noteworthy as with the composite bases). In the case of a
postbase that occurs in compounds with other postbases, there is a list of such occurrences (indicated by
“> –”).
Postbases of Endearment or Denigration
These postbases -lkuk/-lkug- ‘darned one, irritating’, -(ur)luq/-(ur)lur- ‘dear old’, and -ya(g)aq/
-ya(g)ar- ‘dear little’, (and others) pertain to the nominal entities if they are used on nouns, and to the
verbal concepts if used on verbs when there are separate nouns for the subject and object. However, if
no such separate noun is present, then the postbase can apply to the subject of the intransitive verb or
sometimes the object (or possibly the subject) of the transitive verb. For example: with angun ‘man’ and
÷irte- ‘to visit’, one gets angutelkuk ce÷irtuq ‘the darned man is visiting’ and ce÷irtelkugtuq ‘he is
visiting in an irritating way’. The later also means ‘he, the darned one, is visiting’. Similarly, we have
angutelkuk ce
÷irtaa ‘he is visiting the darned man’ and ce÷irtelkugaa ‘he is visiting him in an irritating
way’, or sometimes ‘he is visiting him, the darned one’ (or possibly ‘he, darned him, is visiting him’).
Irregular Possession with Certain Postbases
Certain nominalizing postbases used with possessive endings result in forms where the possessor is
not exactly the possessor (in the regular sense of possession) of the derived noun, but rather corresponds
to the subject of the embedded verb. Thus, postbase -lleq ‘one that V-ed or was V-ed’ and base ce
÷irte- ‘to
visit’ yield unpossessed ce
÷irtelleq ‘the one who visited’, but possessed arnam ce÷irtellra, not meaning
‘the woman’s one who visited’, yields instead ‘the one who the woman visited’.
Norminalizing postbases used on patientive or transitive-only bases and with possessed endings result
Be aware that the boundaries of a postbase within a word are only often not exactly determinable. For example, the
postbase -qapigte- ‘to be very V’, occurs in kaikapigcugnarquq ‘he is probably very hungry’, between the base kaig- ‘to be
hungry’ and the postbase -yugnarqe- ‘to probably V’, but it is largely a matter of convention or formulation that this books
says that the presence of the postbase in the word in question begins at k and ends with g, thus in an example quoted from
a text, it is written kaikapigcugnarquq. To be precise one would have to say that it begins partway through k (since the nal
g of the base changes the q the postbase to k), and ends partway through c (since the nal te of the postbase combines with
the y of the next postbase to yield c). Also, in some case the presence of a given postbase is revealed only in the adjoining
morphemes, so in tuntuvagcugtuq ‘he wants to catch a moose’, from tuntuvak ‘moose’, -te- ‘to catch N’, and -yug- ‘to want
to V’, only the fact that y is changed to c reveals that the presence of the postbase, so the word is written with no boldface but
with the parenthesized note: (tuntuvagte-yugtuq).
in forms where the possessor corresponds to the object of the embedded verb. Thus, postbases -sta ‘V-er
and -lleq ‘act of V-ing or being V-ed’ and base kitugte- ‘to x’ yield possessed uum kitugtestii and uum
kitugtellra, meaning ‘the one who xed this one’ and ‘the xing of this one’.
Certain noun-elaborating postbases used with possessed endings result in forms where the possessor
is not exactly the possessor (in the regular sense of possession) of the derived noun. Thus postbase -liaq
‘made N’ and noun atkuk ‘parka’ yield arnam atkuliara, not meaning ‘the woman’s made parka’ but
rather ‘the parka the woman made’ (whether it is hers or not).
Gemination and/or Syncope within the Base with Postbases Expressing Suddenness
With postbases expressing ‘suddenly’, ‘abruptly’, ‘merely (and without further ado)’, and so forth,
there can be gemination and/or syncope back within the base for emphasis. For example, with qilug- ‘to
bark (at)’ and -ngar(ar)te- ‘to suddenly begin to V’, one can say qilungartaa for ‘it suddenly began to bark
at him’ or, for emphasis, qil’ungartaa. Again, with mayur- ‘to go up’ and -qerte- ‘to suddenly V’, one can
get mayuqertuq ‘he suddenly went up’, or for emphasis, may’uqertuq, and for yet more emphasis,
a- / ar- / aa- / +a- / +aar- to V repeatedly
The rst three forms (a-, ar-, a-) of this postbase are non-productive, and the occurrences listed here for these
three forms are relatively complete for our data. The fourth form (+a-) is used on verb bases not taking one of the
rst three forms and not ending in te, and the fth form (+aar-) is used on verb bases ending in te.
Form a- (note that this form does not occur with bases ending in ar- or ag-):
qalrir- ‘to cry out’ qalriaguq ‘it is making noises’ (animal and bird calls;
nonspeech high-pitched sounds)
akngir- (root) ‘in pain’ akngiaguq ‘he is repeatedly having pains, is aching’
anglani- ‘to have fun’ anglaniaguq ‘he is enjoying himself
irir- (root) ‘slanting’ iriaguq ‘he is leaning one way and the other, moving to and
fro, rocking back and forth’
aqvaqur- ‘to run’ aqvaquaguq ‘he is running around’
alerqur- ‘to tell someone to do
alerquaguq ‘he is giving advice’
apertur- ‘to point out’ apertuagaa ‘he is demonstrating of informing concerning how
to do it, or where it is’
ayalur- (root) ‘leaning’ ayaluaguq ‘he is staggering’
piyug-, peyug- ‘to walk’ piyuaguq, peyuaguq ‘he is walking’ (indicates walking for a
longer time for many speakers)
qavarni- ‘to be sleepy’ qavarniagua ‘I keep nodding off
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuquagut ‘they keep dying off
muru- ‘to sink into snow, mud’ muruaguq ‘he repeatedly sinks in as he walks’
pangaleg- ‘to run on all fours’ pangalgauq ‘it is running on all fours’
Form -ar- (note that this form does not occur with bases ending in ar- or ag-):
yuvrir- ‘to examine’ yuvriaraa ‘he inspected it thoroughly’, ‘he is giving him a
medical examination
piqertur- ‘to whack’ piqertuaraa ‘he is whacking it repeatedly’
kaugtur- ‘to strike’ kaugtuaraa ‘he is striking it repeatedly, beating it’
pissur- ‘to hunt’ pissuartuq ‘he is out hunting’ (implies a longer duration than
the form without the postbase)
iver- ‘to take a few steps in the
ivrartuq ‘he is wading in water
ater- ‘to get down off
something’ (NUN, NSU
atrartuq (used throughout Yup’ik) ‘he is going down,
iter- ‘to enter itrartuq ‘he is going farther in, going inland’
kuime- ‘to swim’ kuimartuq ‘he is swimming around’
carve- ‘to ow’ carvartuq ‘it is owing’ (implies greater time, distance, or
amount than the form without the postbase)
Form -aa- (note that this form is used only with certain bases ending in er-):
aper- ‘to utter apaagaa ‘he mentioned it repeatedly’
cakner- ‘to struggle to
caknaaguq ‘he is straining’
qaner- ‘to speak, to say’ qanaaguq ‘he is talking’
uver- (root) ‘tilting’ uvaaguq ‘it (boat) is rocking’
nasper- (root) ‘considering
naspaaguq ‘he tasted it, tried it’
Form +a-:
igar- ‘to write’
igarauq ‘he is writing letters to various people; is
qavar- ‘to sleep’
qavarauq ‘he is repeatedly dozing off’; ‘he is sleepy’
(addition meaning in Y)
anar- ‘to defecate’
anarauq ‘he is defecating repeatedly or having diarrhea’
ciikar- ‘to have loose stool’
ciikarauq ‘he has diarrhea’
ayag- ‘to leave, to go’
ayagauq ‘he is traveling, moving from one place to
enir- ‘to point at’
eniraluki ‘he is pointing at them one after another
nacig- ‘to cry after someone
who is leaving’
nacigauq ‘he is crying after someone who is leaving’ (in
NSU this form has supplanted the form without the postbase)
atur- ‘to sing’
aturauq ‘he is singing various songs’
qutug- ‘to snore’
qutugauq ‘he is snoring’ (in HBC this form has supplanted the
form without the postbase)
qager- ‘to explode’
qagrauq ‘it exploded repeatedly’ (also describes waves
breaking on a beach)
nuteg- ‘to shoot’
nut’gauq ‘he is repeatedly shooting’
muru- ‘to sink in’
muruaguq ‘he is sinking into mud or snow with every
qavarni- ‘to be sleepy’
qavarniaguq ‘he keeps dozing off
Form +aar- (used only with bases ending in te-):
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtaartuq ‘he is going from house to house visiting’
‘to slide’
(c)ellu’urtaartuq ‘he is sliding down repeatedly’
qet’e- ‘to squeeze’ qetaaraa ‘he is repeatedly squeezing it’
ulpiarte- ‘to somersault’ ulpiartaartuq ‘he is repeatedly somersaulting’
nuagte- ‘to wet with saliva’ nuagtaaraa ‘he is repeatedly wetting it with his saliva’
Qavarallruan qanrutellruaqa inartesqelluku. ‘Because he kept dozing off — repeatedly sleeping
— I told him to go to bed.’
Niicugniaqa aanaka alerquagillrani ayakatalrianun tan’gaurlurnun. ‘I listened to my mother
giving advice to — repeatedly advising — the young boys who were about to leave.’
Net itertaarai yum’inek yuarluni. ‘He went from house to house, entering each one
repeatedly entering them, one after another — looking for his children.’
Unatmi yuarait nengtaarai. ‘She repeatedly stretched the ngers of her hands.’
{-aaq see -q}
{-aar- see -r-}
?alliqe- to suffer the lack of the quality of being V # non-productive; takes intransitive endings only. <-ate-
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinialliquq ‘he is having a hard time because he is weak’
puqig- ‘to be intelligent’ puqialliquq ‘he is suffering from the lack of intelligence’
arenqig- ‘to be comfortable’ arenqialliquq ‘he is suffering from the lack of comfort, is
poor’, ‘he is suffering hardship’
that which has been V-ed
Used productively only with verb bases that can take a transitive ending. With a possessed ending, means ‘that
which possessor V-ed’. Also found non-productively with verb bases that take only intransitive endings, with
the meaning ‘that which has V-ed’ (see nal example). > -arkaq, -kegtaar(aq*), -kengaq, -liaq, -taq
, -yaraq;
< PE pb. 9a3
iqair- ‘to wash’ iqairaq ‘washed article of clothing’, ‘laundered article’;
iqairanka ‘the things I washed’
kenir- ‘to cook’ keniraq ‘cooked food’
ega- ‘to cook by boiling’ egaaq ‘boiled sh steak’
atur- ‘to wear, use, sing’ aturaq ‘something that has been worn, used, or sung’,
pite- ‘to capture (game animal)’ pitaq ‘caught game animal, quarry’
— -aq
mumigte- ‘to turn over mumigtaq ‘translation’, ‘pancake’, etc.
elag- ‘to dig’ elagaq ‘dug out hole in the ground’
qipe- ‘to twist’ qip’aq ‘string resulting from plying threads’
uu- ‘to cook’ uugaq ‘the thing that is cooked’
mit’e- ‘to land’ mit’aq ‘a landed bird, plane, etc.’
Inikiki iqairat unuamek. ‘Please hang today’s laundry — things that been washed today — out
to dry.
Ukut pitaqanka. ‘I gathered these, caught these — have them as the things that I caught.’
(usually does not alter meaning of noun base)
Marginally productive; used by some speakers in certain areas on certain bases and postbases ending in g
neqerrluk ‘smoked dried sh’ neqerrluaq ‘smoked dried sh’
maklak ‘bearded seal’ maklaaq ‘bearded seal’ (younger than maklak)
uqvik ‘willow’ uqviaq ‘willow’
-pik ‘genuine N’, e.g., Yup’ik -piaq ‘genuine N’, e.g., Yupiaq
+mik ‘thing held with one’s N’
e.g., uyamik ‘thing worn
hanging from the neck’
+miaq ‘thing held with one’s N’, e.g., uyamiaq ‘thing worn
hang from the necklace’
thing that resembles N in some respect # non-productive; forms with this postbase are highly lexicalized.
> -rrlugaq, -rugaq*; < PE pb. a3
qengaq ‘nose’ qengaraq ‘shinbone’
tulimaq ‘rib’ tulimaraq ‘rib’ (variant)
cingilek ‘arrow- or spearhead’ cingilegaq ‘arrow- or spearhead’ (variant)
qatek ‘thorax’ qat’gaq ‘chest’ (anatomical)
cakiq ‘parent-in-law’ cakiraq ‘brother- or sister-in-law’ (only in the sense of one’s
spouse’s sibling)
uskuq ‘rope, cord’ uskuraq ‘harness’
ilupeq ‘underwear iluperaq ‘great-grandchild’ (derivation semantically unclear
to compiler)
qelluq ‘colon’ (anatomical) qelluraq ‘namesake’ (derivation semantically unclear to
tutgaq ‘one slept next to,
tutgaraq ‘grandchild’
culuk ‘spine of feather culugaq ‘dorsal n of sh’
nateq ‘oor nat’raq ‘sole of skin boot’
murak ‘wood’ muragaq ‘wood’ in HBC, where murak means ‘hardwood’
tarneq ‘soul, spirit’ tarenraq ‘reection’, ‘image’, ‘photograph’
cauyaq ‘drum’ cauyaraq ‘kayak rib’
kangiq ‘source’, ‘peak’, ‘tip’ kangiraq ‘corner
akuliq ‘middle’ akuliraq ‘bridge of nose’
itek ‘toe cap of skin boot’ it’gaq ‘foot’
talliq ‘arm’ talliraq ‘bracelet’
qilak ‘sky’, ‘roof qilagaq ‘roof of mouth’
avngulek ‘cottonwood’ avngulgaq ‘cottonwoood sapling’
arnaq ‘woman’ arnaraq ‘girl’ (NSU form)
angyaq, angsaq ‘boat’ angsaraq ‘skiff(NSU form)
{-aq see -q}
+’(g)aqe- to usually V; to repeatedly V; to habitually V # used primarily in continuing narrative with other
conditions stated or implied; > -qaqe-; < PE pb. 9a3 and 9aq0-
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’aquq ‘he would eat . . .’
qia- ‘to cry’ qiagaquq ‘he would cry . . .’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaraquq (or qava’arquq) ‘he would sleep’
Waten akutaq avuluni atsayagarnek assiraquq. ‘The Eskimo ice cream is usually good with
raisins mixed in like this.’
Tua-llu-gguq taukut uitaaqellriit tuani nem’i. ‘And so, it is said that they would stay in that
Kaigaqami ner’aquq nervigmi. ‘Whenever he got hungry — would get hungry — he would eat
in a restaurant.’
Erenret-gguq tamaita aipaqaqlutek, cali-llu nerellguteklutek neraqlutek. ‘Every day they —
regularly — kept each other company and with each other as eating partners they would eat.’
{-ar- see -r-}
ar(aq*) little piece of N # used only with bases ending in CVC (where V is prime) [postbase -kuineq, (q.v),
is used with other bases]; cf -(ar)ar)-; < -cuar(aq*), -kcuar(aq*), -kegtaar(aq*), -llruar(aq*), -ngyaar(aq*),
-ciar(ar)-, -maar(ar)-, -ngsaar(ar)-, -caar(ar)-, -qataar(ar)-, -qapiar(ar)-, -qcaar(ar)-, -rrluar(ar)-,
-vguar(ar)-, -yukaar(ar)-; < PE pb. 3a3-
neqkaq ‘food’ neqkaar ‘little piece or quantity of food’; neqkaaraat ‘little
pieces or quantity of food’
yualuq ‘sinew’ yualuar ‘little piece of sinew’
Yugngalnguq ‘Asian’, ‘Latin’ Yugngalnguar ‘Asian’, ‘Latin’ (no apparent change in
equk ‘wood’ equaraq ‘little stick’ (NSU form)
ciamruq ‘driftwood’ ciamruaraq ‘little piece of driftwood’ (NSU form)
ciimaq ‘stone’ ciimaaraq ‘little piece of stone’ (NSU form)
ungungssiq ‘animal’ ungungssiar ‘smaller animal’
Note the use of this postbase with time words:
unuaku(mi) ‘(in) the morning’ unuakuar(mi) ‘(in) the early morning’
ataku(mi) ‘(in) the evening’ atakuar(mi) ‘(in) the early evening’
+’(g)ar(ar)- meaning dependent on type of noun or verb base on which this postbase is used # cf. -ar(aq*); >
-nritar(ar)-, -qtar(ar)-
With active verbs other than those involving the use of particular garments, the meaning is to just barely V; to
hardly V; to gradually V; leisurely V
eritar- ‘to pluck’ eritarararaa ‘she is hardly plucking it, removing only a few
feathers’; ‘she is leisurely plucking it’
atrar- ‘to go down’ atraartuq ‘he is going down a little at a time, leisurely’
utaqalgir- ‘to wait’ utaqalgiartuq ‘he is waiting patiently’
With verbs involving the use of particular garments, or with nouns for garments, the meaning is to go only by
V-ing or only with N (which is barely adequate for conditions):
tanglur- ‘to snowshoe’ tanglura’artuq ‘he’s going using only snowshoes’;
tanglurarallruuq ‘he had gone using only snowshoes’
kamilar- (root) ‘being barefoot’ kamilara’artuq ‘he’ just going barefoot’
kameksak ‘skin boots’ kameksaga’arluni ‘going using only skin boots’
inartessuun ‘pajamas’ inartessuutera’arluni ‘going wearing only pajamas’
With certain words this postbase takes the form +arar(ar)-:
sap’akiq ‘shoe’ sap’akirara’arluni ‘going wearing only shoes’ (not winter
suukiiq ‘sock’ suukiirara’arluni ‘going wearing only socks’
kemek ‘esh’ kemgararallruuq ‘he went in the esh, partially or totally
naked’; kengara’arluni ‘(he) going in the esh’
With adjectival verbs ending in te-, this postbase means to be a little V [but with adjectival verbs not ending this
way, the postbase -ur(ar)- (q.v.) is used for meaning].
nanite- ‘to be short’ nanita’rtuq or nanitarartuq ‘it is a little short’
kemgite- ‘to be skinny’ kemgita’artuq ‘he is little skinny’
usviite- ‘to be crazy’ usviita’rtuq ‘he’s a little crazy’
to suddenly or immediately V; to V with short duration of action
The (ar) of this postbase will almost always be deleted, but its effects are seen in vowel length and stress; and see
the second part of the rst example below; this postbase (and the postbase -ur(ar)-) are the only postbases where
(ar)- deletion occurs in NSU; when used with bases of the form (C)VCt’e-, this postbase changes t’e to s (y in
HBC), but when used with longer bases ending in te, the te is dropped; this postbase keeps base-nal g, but drops
base-nal r; this postbase is often used along with the postbase -nge- ‘to begin to V’; see “Gemination and/or
Syncope within the Base with Postbases Expressing Suddenness” in the Introduction to the Postbase, and see last
sentence example below; < PY pb. a3a3t0-
alikenge- ‘to become afraid of alikenga’artaqa ‘I suddenly became afraid of it’
alikengararutaqa ‘I suddenly became afraid of what
might happen to him’
kepe- ‘to sever kep’a’rtuq ‘it severed completely through, the last strand
broke’, ‘it snapped’
tangvautenge- ‘to begin to look
at each other
tangvautenga’artuk ‘they
suddenly began to look at each
mit’e- ‘to alight’ mis’a’rtuq ‘it suddenly alit, landed’
qet’e- ‘to put arms around’ qes’artaa ‘he hugged her quickly and released her
makete- ‘to rise’ mak’artukut ‘we suddenly sat up in bed’
puge- ‘to come to the surface’ pug’a’rtuq ‘it suddenly surfaced’
uu- ‘to cook’ uuga’rtuq ‘it cooked fast’
ciite- ‘to smash’ ciigartaa ‘he quickly smashed it’
nuliqsagute- ‘to get as a wife’ nuliqsaguartaa ‘he swiftly got her as his wife’
uterte- ‘to return’ ut’ra’rtuq ‘he went and came back shortly’
qakegte- ‘to lift one’s garment’ qakga’rtuq ‘she quickly lifted up her skirt and let it down
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayaga’rtuq ‘it ed’
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupaga’rtuq ‘he suddenly woke up’
igvar- ‘to appear igvaartuq ‘he appeared suddenly, popped into view’
¥g’ar- ‘to get out of the way, to
come off
a¥gaartuq ‘he immediately got out of the way, it suddenly
came off
takuyar- ‘to turn one’s head’ takuyaartuq ‘he suddenly turned his head’
Ellimellrani mertaasqelluku nasaurluum niigartaa. ‘When he told her to fetch water the girl
responded immediately.’
Paqnayuum ugaani mikelnguq taiga’rtuq. ‘Driven by curiosity, the child quickly came over.’
Itran qil’ungartaa taum qimugkauyaraam ‘When he came in that puppy started — just then
barking at him.’ (YUU 1995:108) (see section on “Gemination and/or Syncope with the Base with
Postbase Expressing Suddeness” in the Introduction ot the Postbases)
to hit or get hit in or on one’s N # used only with body part nouns; = -car(ar)te-; > -qliarte-; <
PE pb. &a3-
ii ‘eye’ iinga’rtuq ‘it was hit right in the eye’; iingartaa ‘he hit it
right in the eye’
iruq ‘leg’ iruartaa ‘he hit it on the leg’
nasquq ‘head’ nasqurra’artaa or nasquartaa ‘he hit it on the head’
yaquq ‘wing’
¥rrartaa ‘he hit it on the wing’
Yaquleyagaam puukaraa qamiqurra’arrluku piyuanginanrani. ‘A little bird ew into him,
hitting him right in the head as he was walking.’
+’(g)arkaq that which is to be V-ed; that which will V # < -aq
-kaq; > -arkau-, -tnguarkaq
pite- ‘to catch game’ pitarkaq ‘game animal, quarry’
cali- ‘to work’ caliarkaq ‘task to be done’
ekua- ‘to burn’ ekuagarkaq ‘thing to be burned’; ‘burnt offering (in the
atur- ‘to wear, to sing’ aturarkaq (or atu’urkaq) ‘clothing to be worn, one who is
to sing’
tupig- ‘to weave’ tupigarkaq (or tupi’igkaq) ‘something to be woven (e.g.,
grass, or burlap bers)’
Pitarkartaitniluni maani ayallruuq qamavet pissuryarturluni.Saying that there was no game
future things to catch — here, he went upriver to hunt.’
+’(g)arkaqe- will V (it); should V (it); to V (it) in the future # this is not used with intransitive endings,
-arkau- being used instead; also in NUN the ar of this postbase may be reduced or deleted; < -arkaq-ke
akute- ‘to mix (it) in’ akutarkaqaqa ‘I will mix it in’ (NUN)
mamrir- ‘to patch’ (NUN) mamrirerkaqaa or mamrirkaqaa ‘he will patch it’ (NUN)
Maa-i tuaten nallunritarkaqerci tan’gaurlurni makuni.Also now, it is something you must
know about, you boys — you have it as a future thing to know about.’ (KIP 1998:289)
Angutem-gguq arcaqerluni nuliani kenkarkaqaa. ‘It is said that, above all, a man must love
and cherish his wife — have her as a future person to love.’ (YUP 2005:196)
that which possessor must, should or would not V # < -arkaqe-nrite-ke
Amlleq neq’akarkaqenrilkeka neq’aqercetaqluku pian, tuarpiaq waten elpet qanrutkurluki.
‘When you talk like this it makes me remember much that I would not remember otherwise
something that I do not have as my future remembered thing.’ (TAP 2004:111)
Makut-llu maa-i yaqulget nerarkaqenrilkeci: Yaqulegpiit, iggiayulit, eskaviat, . . . ‘These birds
you must not eat: Eagles, owls, hawks, . . . — things that for you are not future things to eat’
(LEVI. 11:13)
+’(g)arkau- will eventually V or be V-ed; should V or be V-ed; is supposed to V or be V-ed; to V in the
future # in NUN and HBC this is not used with transitive endings, -arkaqe- being used instead; also in NUN
the ar of this postbase may be reduced or deleted; < -arkaq-u-; < PY pb. ya3ka(C)u-
nere- ‘to eat’ (agentive) ner’arkauguq ‘he will eat or it will be eaten’; ner’arkaugaa
‘he is supposed to eat it’
kuve- ‘to spill’ (patientive) kuv’arkauguq ‘it will be spilled’; kuv’arkaugaa ‘he will
spill it’
ayag- ‘to leave’ (intrans. only) ayagarkauguq ‘he will leave’
tuqute- ‘to kill’ (trans. only) tuqutarkauguq ‘it will be killed’; tuqutarkaugaa ‘he will
kill it’
an’gir- ‘to be outside’ an’girerkaugua or an’girkaugua ‘I will be outside’(NUN)
Carrlulek ungungssiq egmianun nalatarkauguq. ‘A diseased animal must be destroyed — is a
future thing to kill — immediately.’
+’(g)arkaunrir- to now be unable to V; to not be able or t to V in the V future # = -kaunrir-
Tulukaruga¥rluuq nerarkaunrirarpenga, anagiarpenga. ‘Dear old Raven, you can no longer
eat me — to you I have ceased being a future thing to eat —; I’m escaping you.’ (CUN 2005:104)
Nuuqitarkaunrirtelluku-llu mukaarkanek wine-amek-llu. ‘And I have seen to it that he will
not be able to suffer a shortage — caused him to cease being a future one that suffer a shortage
— of grain or wine.’ (AYAG. 27:37)
Caarkaunrirniluku qetunraa tekitniluku. ‘He told him that her son had arrived and that
nothing would happen to him now — that he would cease being a future one to undergo
something.’ (PAI 2008:434)
+arte- to V quickly, fast # nonproductive
‘to glide down’ (c)ellu’urtuq ‘it slid down fast’
kitur- ‘to pass’ kitu’urtaa ‘he went right on past it fast’
yurar- ‘to come into view’
(obsolete in most areas)
yura’artuq ‘it popped into view’
?a:rute- to come to lack the quality of being V or of N-ness # < -?-te
pinir- ‘to be strong’ piniarutuq ‘he has become weak’; piniarutaa ‘it has made
him weak, has sapped his strength’
ipeg- ‘to be sharp’ ipgiarutuq ‘it has become dull’ (irregular in formation)
‘food’ neqniarutuq ‘it has become unpalatable’
?ate to lack the quality of being V # non-productive; takes intransitive endings only; > -alliqe-, -ngiate-
puqig- ‘to be intelligent’ puqiatuq ‘he is stupid’
pinir- ‘to be strong’ piniatuq ‘he is weak’
ipeg- ‘to be sharp’ ipgiatuq ‘it is dull’ (irregular in formation)
nuki- ‘to be strong’ (NUN) nukgiatuq ‘he is weak’ (NUN)
arenqig- ‘to be comfortable’ arenqiatuq ‘it is uncomfortable’
+aur(ar)- to continue V-ing over a period of time # this postbase is used only with bases formed from the
postbase -mete-/-nete- (q.v.); < -a-ur(ar)-
maante- ‘to be here’ maantaurtuq ‘he is staying put here’; maantauraa ‘stay put
tuante- ‘to be there’ tuantauraa ‘stay put there!’
nem’ete- ‘to be in the house’ nem’etaurtuq ‘he is staying put in the house’
Maantaurqaqina unuamek; tang, ella ayaganailnguq. ‘Stay put — continue to be — here today;
look, the weather is not good for traveling.’
{-caaqe- see -yaaqe-}
@~+caar(ar)- to endeavor to V, to undertake the act of V-ing, to try to V (with a high probability of success) #
changes base-nal (special) te to l; for polarity information see -car-; < -car-ar(ar)-; < PE pb. ca3-
qavange- ‘to begin to sleep’ qavangcaartuq ‘he is trying to sleep’; qavangcaararaa ‘he is
trying to induce her to sleep’
assir- ‘to be good’ assircaartuq ‘he is behaving (well)’; assircaararaa (or
assircaarautaa) ‘he is treating her well’ (note shift from
predictable meaning: he is trying to get her to behave)
nepaite- ‘to be quiet’ nepailcaartuq ‘he is trying to be quiet’
cukaite- ‘to be slow’ cukailcaarpiiqnak ‘try not to be so slow!, stop being slow!’
qessaite- ‘to be willing to work’ qessailcaartuq ‘he is endeavoring to be a willing worker
niugite- ‘to not rustle’ niugilcaarallruuq ‘he tried not to make any rustling
Qavangcaarainanrani erenrani ella teminguq qavarciigalivkarluku. ‘While he was trying to
sleep during the day, the air began rumbling, preventing him from sleeping.’
{-cagute- see -yagute-}
{-cailkutaq see -yailkutaq}
{-cak see -kcak}
@caluq* animal of the same sex as N # non-productive; drops base-nal te.
angun ‘man’ angucaluq ‘male animal’
arnaq ‘woman’ arnacaluq ‘female animal’
{-caqlir- see -yaqlir-}
{-caquna- see -yaquna-}
{-car- see -yar-}
@+car- to cause to V, to try to induce to V # with bases that end in gte or rte, the te is dropped and the g or r
is replaced by k or q respectively, while with bases that end in te following a vowel, the te is dropped; used only
with bases that can take intransitive endings; when used with an intransitive ending, a verb expanded by this
postbase has the meaning subject causes himself to V, while with a transitive ending the meaning is subject
causes object to V; cf. -ngcar-; > -caar(ar)-, -ngcar-; < PE pb. ca3-
elite- ‘to learn’ elicartuq ‘he is studying’ (trying to learn); elicaraa ‘he is
teaching her’ (trying to get her to learn) /
-caar(ar) — -car-
ellange- ‘to acquire sense’ ellangcaraa ‘he is trying to put some sense into her’ (e.g., by
reprimanding her)
yunge- ‘to acquire a person, to
get a life’
yungcaraa ‘he is medicating her,’ literally: ‘he is trying to get
her to acquire a (new) life’
tumarte- ‘to be in order tumaqcaraa ‘he is trying to put it in working order; he is
patching it’
kitugte- ‘to be xed’ kitukcaraa ‘he is trying to x or adjust it’
elluarte- ‘to be correct’ elluaqcaraa ‘he is correcting it, adjusting it’
assir- ‘to be good’ assircaraa ‘he is making it good, xing it’; assircartuq ‘he is
improving himself
manig- ‘to be smooth’ manigcaraa ‘he is ironing it, smoothing it’
ipeg- ‘to be sharp’ ipegcaraa ‘he is sharpening it’
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinircartuq ‘he is strengthening himself, building up his
Aturallret tumaqcarraarluki caunriumalriit ikniutekai kinguqliminun. ‘After patching —
tried to put together the pieces of — his old worn-out clothes, he handed them down to his
younger brother.’
{-caraq see -yaraq}
{-carar- see -yarar-}
{-carar(ar)- see -yarar(ar)-}
car(ar)te- to hit in or on the N, to hit right in or on the N # used only with body part nouns; = -ar(ar)te-
ii ‘eye’ iica’rtuq ‘it got hit right in the eye’; iicartaa ‘he hit it in the
eye’ /
it’gaq ‘foot’ it’gaca’artaa ‘he hit it in the foot’
yaquq ‘wing’ yaqucartaa ‘he hit it in the wing’
Qecian ciulian, camek umyuarteqevkenani maligcuarinanrani anuqmi, iicarrluku tutaa. ‘While
she was following him in the blowing wind without thinking of anything, his spittle hit her
right in the eye.’
{-carpiar- see -yarpiar-}
{-cartur- see -yartur-}
{-caurciiqe- see -yaurciiqe-}
{-caurte- see -yaurte-}
cengaq* one with a small N #
ii ‘eye’ iicengaq ‘one with little eyes’
qukaq ‘waist’ qukacengaq ‘wasp’ (lexicalized)
nunapik ‘tundra’ Nunapic’ngaq ‘site of the Moravian Children’s Home near
@~+cetaaq something used to cause one to V # and @~+cetaar- to try to cause one to V # the verb-
elaborating form is a “compound verbal postbase”; for polarity information see -ni- and Practical Grammar of
. . . Yup’ik (p. 322); either the embedded verb or the derived verb or both must be transitive; drops base-nal te;
= -citaaq & -citaar-; < -cete
-a-; < PE pb. t0ta(C)a3-
Noun examples:
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuqucetaaq ‘poison’
nepe- ‘to stick’ nepcetaaq ‘glue, tape’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarcetaaq ‘sleeping pill, anesthetic’
anar- ‘to defecate’ anarcetaaq ‘laxative’
alarte- ‘to err alarcetaaq ‘person or thing that tries to lead people astray;
religious cultist’
The following two nouns are formed from this postbase, but are lexicalized with meanings not entirely predictable
from the (present-day) meaning of the postbase.
nere- ‘to eat’ nercetaaq ‘poison’
aru- ‘to become soft, rotten’ arucetaaq ‘dried sh skin softened by chewing so it may be
eaten; any skin chewed like gum’
Verb examples:
qinu- ‘to fuss’ qinucetaaraa ‘he is trying to provoke her
alinge- ‘to fear alingcetaaraa ‘he is trying to scare her
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarcetaaraa ‘he is trying to get him to go to bed’
pi- ‘to do’ picetaaraa ‘he is provoking, tempting her
Qinucetaanrilgu kinguqliin! ‘Don’t try to provoke your little brother!’
to let, allow, permit, cause, or compel one to V # used only with bases that end in te or in a
consonant; for bases that end in a vowel, the postbase -vkar- (q.v.) is used instead; a “compound verbal
postbase”; for polarity information see -ni- and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322); either the embedded
verb or the derived verb or both must be transitive; = cite-; > -cetaar-; < PE pb. t0t-
igte- ‘to fall’ igcetaa ‘he caused it to fall, dropped it’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagcetaa ‘he let her leave, sent her away’
Arnam paniminun manigcarcetai iqairat. ‘The woman had her daughter iron the clothes.’
This postbase can function in a purely formal sense without actually contributing to the meaning of a verb, in
order to form a sentence satisfying the grammatical constraint that the subject of the subordinative verb be the
same as the subject of the main verb:
Aataka nererraarcelluku anellruunga. ‘After my father ate, I went out.’ literally: ‘After I let
my father eat, I went out.’ (compare, Aataka nererraarluni anellruuq. ‘After my father ate, he
went out.’)
— -cete-
to have the quality of V or N # non-productive; note that the use of this postbase is optional with certain
adjectival verbs = -cite-
tan’geq ‘darkness’ tan’gercetuq ‘it is dark’
taamlek ‘darkness’ taamlegcetuq ‘it is dark’
kiiq ‘heat in the air kiircetuq ‘it (air) is hot
maqaq ‘warmth’ maqarcetuq ‘it (garment, bedding, etc.) is warm’
tanqig- ‘to be bright’ tanqigcetuq (also tanqigtuq) ‘it is bright’
manig- ‘to be smooth’ manigcetuq (also manigtuq) ‘it is smooth’
ipeg- ‘to be sharp’ ipegcetuq (also ipegtuq) ‘it is sharp’
kavir- (root) ‘redness’ kavircetuq ‘it is red’
keggag- (root) ‘roughness’ keggagcetuq ‘it is rough’
Kiircelan ena kenirtuq ellami. ‘Because the house is hot — has the quality of being hot —, she is
cooking outside.’
+ci- to buy (some) N # > -karci; < PE pb. ci-
mukaaq ‘our mukaarciuq ‘she is buying some our’; mukaarcia ‘she is
buying some our for him’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarciuq ‘he is buying a boat’
tengssuun ‘airplane’ tengssuuteciuq ‘he is buying an airplane’
melugkaq ‘cigarette’ melugkarciuq ‘he is buying cigarettes’
@~+ciar(ar)- to wait patiently for object to V # not used with motion verbs; used mostly with transitive endings,
but may be used with an intransitive ending in a reexive sense; < -cir
kumlate- ‘to be cold’ kumlaciararaa ‘he is patiently waiting for it to cool’
nipe- ‘to go out’ (ame) nipciararaa ‘he is patiently waiting for it to go out’
+(s)ciigali-, +(s)ciigalli- (additional NI form) to not be able to V any longer # = -sciigali-; < -ciigate-i
cali- ‘to work’ calisciigaliuq ‘he can’t work any longer
atur- ‘to use’ aturciigaliaqa ‘I can’t use it any longer
Yaquleyagaq teqsuqairucami tengesciigaliuq. ‘The little bird cannot y any more because it has
lost its tail feathers.’
+(s)ciigate- to not be able to V # = -sciigate-; > -ciigali-
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangerciigataqa ‘I cannot see it’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarciigatua ‘I can’t sleep’
Qavarciigalama naaqiqatartua. ‘Because I can’t sleep, I’ll read.’
Pinialami teggalqurpak mumigtesciigataa. ‘Since he is not strong, he cannot turn the big rock
Iingqerrsaaqut, ta¥gaam tangerciigatut; ciutengqerrsaaqut, ta¥gaam niitesciiganateng. ‘They
have eyes, but cannot see; they have ears, but cannot hear.’ (ISAI. 44:8)
— -(s)ciigate-
{-ciiqe- see -ciqe-}
@:(u)ciirute- to become unknowing concerning whether or how one is V-ing # a “compound verbal
postbase”; for polarity information see -ni- and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322); < -ciq-i:rute-
nante- ‘to be where’ nanluciirutua ‘I no longer know where I am’;
nanluciirutaqa ‘I don’t know where he is anymore’
uungu- ‘to be this’ (from una) uunguciirutaqa ‘I become confused about it’
@:(u)ciite- to not know whether one is V-ing, to not know how one is with respect to V-ing # a “compound
verbal postbase”; for polarity information see -ni- and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322); < -ciq-ite
nante- ‘to be where’ nanluciitua ‘I don’t know where I am’; nanluciitaqa ‘I
don’t know where he is’
kituu- ‘to be who’ kituuciitaqa ‘I don’t know who he is’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavauciitaqa ‘I don’t know if he slept’
ayuqe- ‘to be like’ ayuquciitaput ‘we don’t know what they are like’
uungu- ‘to be this’ (from una) uunguciitaqa ‘I am confused about it’
Angutmun teguciitaqa nuussiq. ‘I don’t know whether the man took the knife.’
Cauciitan-qaa? ‘Are you unsure — do you not know — what it is?’
Qimugteka qiluuciitaqa. ‘I don’t know whether my dog is barking — don’t know concerning the
barking of my dog.’
Wiinga-ll’ tamakut cauciitellruanka, qaillun ayuquciitaqluki. ‘I didn’t know what they were, and
I didn’t know what they were like.’ (KIP 1998:305)
Tua-i ukut wani qanlanglliniluteng ilai, “Arenqiapaa! Arenqiapaa! Putukuilnguq imna
caciitenrituq.” ‘One of them said, “Oh my! Oh my! That Putukuilnguq knows — doesn’t not
know — what he’s doing.”’ (CIU 2005:36)
cilleq worthless N; dilapidated N # often derogatory # < -?-lleq
‘house’ nec’illeq ‘worthless, tumbledown house’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyacilleq ‘old abandoned boat’
yuk ‘person’ yuc’illeq ‘worthless person, one not worthy of being a
avayaq ‘branch’ avayacilleq ‘knot in wood’ (lexicalized)
–ciller(ar)te- to unintentionally hit (it) in the N # HBC
cilli- to appear to have been V-ing; to appear to have been V-ed # with transitive endings forms “impersonal
subject verbs”; < -?-lli-
qia- ‘to cry’ qiacilliuq (or qiacillia) ‘he looks as if he has been
atur- ‘to use, to wear atucilliuq ‘it seems to have been used, worn’
Itlemni anqertuq tan’gaurlucuar curartucilliluni iqemvagluni-llu camek. ‘When I came in, the
little boy rushed out, looking as if he had been eating blueberries and with his mouth full of
-ciirute- — -cilli-
@:(u)ciq condition of possessor with respect to V; incidence of V; occurrence of V # takes possessed endings
almost exclusively (but see use with iliitni below); although this is a nominalizing postbase, if the embedded verb
is considered intransitive, then a subject for that embedded verb in the absolutive case may be used (rather than
a possessor for the derived noun in the relative case) (see rst sentence example below); if the embedded verb is
considered transitive, then the possessed ending of the derived noun agrees in person and number with the object
of that embedded verb, and that object can be expressed by a noun in the absolutive case, while the subject of the
embedded verb can be expressed by a noun in the terminalis case (see second sentence example below); see also
Practical Grammar . . . of Yup’ik (p. 367ff); not used with -ciqe-/-ciiqe-; instead, -cirkaq is used for the
future; > -ciirute-, -ciite-, -kuciq, -taciq, -cirkaq; < PE pb. uci3
assir- ‘to be good’ assiucia ‘whether it is good’
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukacia ‘whether it is fast’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ ciin kaiguciqa ‘why I am hungry’
nere- ‘to eat’ nani nerucin ‘where you ate’
ayuqe- ‘to be like’ ayuqucia ‘what it is like, its condition’
pi- ‘to do’ piciuguq ‘it is the truth, the way it is’
cau- ‘to what’ cauciat ‘what they are’
takta- ‘to be that long’ taktacia ‘its length’
Note how the various types of te ending bases (and cete ending bases) behave with this postbase.
With bases ending in vowel plus te as in the next example:
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekiyucianek ‘about whether he arrive’
With bases ending in the postbase -cete-
as in the next example:
piluaqercete- ‘to grant good
piluaqercessucianek ‘about whether he’s been granted
good fortune’
With bases ending in the postbase -cete-
as in the next example:
kiircete- ‘to be hot’ kiircecianek ‘about whether it is hot’
With ending bases ending in consonant plus te as in the next example:
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irucianek ‘about whether he is visiting, or whether
someone is visiting him’
With bases ending in special te as in the next examples:
nereksaite- ‘to not have eaten’ nereksailucianek ‘about whether he’s eaten’
ete- ‘to be’ elucia ‘the way it is; its form’ (lexicalized)
Also, with lexicalized and irregular meanings:
iver- ‘to wade’ ivruciq ‘wading boot’
nere- ‘to eat’ neruciq ‘meal’
Niitua allaneq (or allanrem) ayaucianek. ‘I heard that the stranger has left — about the
stranger’s act of leaving.’
Angutem arnaq aptaa tan’gurrarnun angyaq atuucianek. ‘The man asked the woman whether
the boys are using the boat — about the boy’s act of using it.’
Qanruteksaitaanga qaillun taktacianek. ‘He hasn’t told me how long it is — about the degree
to which, how much, it has the state of being long.’
Nalluaqa ciin qavarciigalucin. ‘I don’t know why you can’t sleep — concerning the the cause
of your condition of being unable to sleep.’
Akaurtuq pek’ngucia. ‘It has been a long time since he started walking or that he’s been up
and awake — his act of beginning to walk occurred long ago.’
Qanrutaanga qaillun angutmun ikayullrucivnek. ‘He told me how that the man had helped
you — concerning the fact that the man helped you.’
Nutaan nallunri’rqa nepcurlit neqnguciat. ‘I just learned that snails are food (are edible) —
learned the fact of their being food.’
With iliitni ‘in one of them’, this postbase means ‘incident or occurance of V’; for example:
erte- ‘to dawn’ erucit iliitni ‘one dawn‘
atakuu- ‘to be evening’ atakuucit iliitni ‘one evening’
ayag- ‘to depart‘ ayaucit iliitni ‘one time when departing’
Ta¥ga-i piurelun’-am ta¥gaten piyalria, picit ill’itni ta¥ga-i ellimerrsaqiini ayagyalrim tayima
tekitenritliniur. ‘And so it went on, but one time — on one of the occasions — when she had
sent him out he did not come (back).’ (WHE 2000:200)
+ciqe- / @ciiqe- to V in the future; will V # the second cited form is used with bases that end in te, after the te is
dropped; in HBC, however, -ciqe- may be used with such bases, and te retained; not used with the optative mood;
-ki- is used instead; not used with -lleq or -ciq; -kaq is used with these instead; generally not used with -nrite-;
-ngaite- is used instead; > -ciaqiar-/-ciiqiar-, -ciqli-/-ciiqli-, -yaurciiqe-; < PE pb. ciq0-
cali- ‘to work’ caliciquq ‘he will work’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerciquq (K, BB form); ner’ciquq (Y, HBC form); nereciquq
(NSU form) ‘he will eat’
elite- ‘to learn’ eliciiqaa; eliteciqaa (HBC form) ‘he will learn it’
pairte- ‘to encounter pairciiqaa; pairteciqaa (HBC form) ‘he will encounter her
pair- ‘to lick’ pairciqaa ‘he will lick it’
Nererraarluni qavarningkuni inarciiquq. ‘After eating, when he becomes sleepy he will go to
Unuaqu ellallirciqsugnarquq. ‘Tomorrow it will probably rain.’
+ciqiar- / @ciiqiar- to be about to V; to be going to V #the second cited form is used with bases that end in te,
after the te is dropped; NUN; < -ciqe-/-ciiqe-?-
nere- ‘to eat’ nerciqiartua ‘I am about to eat’
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekiciiqiartuq ‘it is about to arrive’
+ciqli- / @ciiqli- to probably be going to V # the second cited form is used with bases that end in te, after the te
is dropped; used with the enclitic =wa and a participial ending and the enclitic =wa; < -ciqe-/-ciiqe-lli-
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarciiqlilria-wa ‘he will probably go to bed’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerciqlikii-wa ‘he will probably eat it’
Unuaqu-wa ikayurciqlikiinga. ‘He will probably help me tomorrow.’
-ciqe- — -ciqli-
to let (it) V; to wait for (it) to V; to make (it) V # drops base-nal te; not used with motion verbs; used
mostly with transitive endings, but may be used with an intransitive ending in a reexive sense; > ciar(ar)-; <
PE pb. c(c)i3-
mernur- ‘to be tired’ mernurcirtuq ‘he is making himself tired’; mernurciraa ‘he
is making her tired’ /
nau- ‘to grow’ nauciraa ‘he is waiting for it to grow’
ule- ‘to rise’ (liquids) ulciraa or ul’ciraa ‘he is letting it (dough) rise or he is
waiting for the tide to come in’
tepenge- ‘to acquire an odor tepengciraa ‘he is letting it ferment’
mecunge- ‘to get soaked’ mecungciraa ‘he is letting it soak’
kumlate- ‘to be cold’ kumlaciraa ‘he is letting it cool off or freeze’
kinerte- ‘to be dry’ kinerciraa ‘he is letting it dry’
qame- ‘to die down’ qamciraa ‘he is waiting for it to die down’
palu- ‘to starve’ paluciraa ‘he is starving it’
Elaturrami keniraq kumlaciraa. ‘She is letting the cooked food cool in the porch.’
to get V-ed (usually to one’s detriment) # Y; = -ciur-; < -ta-lir-; > -ciryar-
tegleg- ‘to steal’ teglegcirtuq ‘it got stolen’
@:(u)cirkaq future condition of possessor with respect to V # see -ciq for details of use; this postbase is used
rather than –ciq plus –ciqe-; < -ciq-kaq
assir- ‘to be good’ assiucirkaa ‘whether it will be good’
Niitua allaneq (or allanrem) ayaucirkaanek. ‘I heard that the stranger will leave — about his
future act of leaving.’
+(s)ciryar- to be easily V-ed # only marginally productive; takes intransitive endings only; < -cir
iqair- ‘to be washed’ iqairciryartut ‘they are easily washed’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanerciryartuq ‘he is easy to speak to, listens attentively’
nere- ‘to eat’ neresciryartuq ‘it is easy to eat’
@~+citaaq something used to cause one to V # and @~+citaar- to try to cause one to V # HBC; = -cetaaq &
to let, allow, permit, cause, compel one to V # HBC, EG; = -cete-
to have the quality of V or N # HBC, EG; = -cete-
to V in place of, instead of, or for (him) (but not in the sense of ‘for the sake of’) # takes transitive
endings only
cali- ‘to work’ calicitaa ‘he is working in her place’ (i.e., rather than she)
qalarte- ‘to speak’ qalarucitaa ‘he spoke in her place’
— -cite-
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanrucitaa ‘he spoke in her place’
maante- ‘to be here’ maanlucitaa ‘he is here instead of her
mertar- ‘to pack water mertaucitaa ‘he is packing water in place of her
Elitnauristeci naulluungan elitnauriciciiqaqa. ‘Because your teacher is ill I shall teach in his place.’
. . . qanruyutengqertuq: “Kia picisngaitaaten, elpenek tau¥gaam auluklerpeggun yuullren
egelruciiqan.” ‘. . . there is the maxim: “No one will do it for you; you are responsible for your
own life.”’ (QAN 2009:410
+(s)ciur- to get V-ed (usually to one’s detriment) # used only with verb bases that can take transitive endings;
yields a verb base that takes only intransitive endings; the agent of the action, that is, the subject of the embedded
transitive verb, may be expressed by a noun in the terminalis or ablative-modalis case; K, BB, HBC; = -cir-; <
nere- ‘to eat’ neresciurtuq ‘it got eaten’
tegleg- ‘to steal’ teglegciurtuq ‘it got stolen’
Neresciurtuq carayagmun (or carayagmek). ‘lt got eaten by a bear.’
?ckar- to V in a small way # non-productive
pupsug- ‘to pinch’ pupeckaraa ‘he took it between his thumb and forenger,
he pinched it lightly’
qigcig- ‘to look out of the
corner of one’s eye’
qigeckaraa ‘he glanced at it out of the corner of his eye’
qeceg- ‘to jump (over)’ qeckaraa ‘he jumped over it’ (perhaps a shorter distance than
@ckegg- to be very V, to have good N # only marginally productive; drops base-nal te
tungu- ‘to be black’ tunguckegtuq ‘it is very black’
tanqig- ‘to be bright’ tanqickegtuq ‘it is very bright’
nepete- ‘to stick’ nepeckegtuq ‘he is able to climb or balance well’
cingik ‘point, tip’ cingickegtuq ‘it is very sharply pointed’
napa ‘tree, post’ napackegtuq ‘it (post, tree) is very straight’
ii ‘eye’ iickegtuq ‘he has well formed eyes’
{-cu- see -yu-}
{-cuar- see -yuar-}
cuar(aq*) small N; tiny N; little N # = -kcuar(aq*); < -cuk-ar(aq); < PE pb. kyu(C)a3
sh’ neqcuar or neqcuaraq ‘a little sh’; neqcuaraat ‘little
shes’; ‘sh fry’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyacuar or angyacuaraq ‘little boat’
qavcik ‘wolverine’ qavcicuar or qavcicuaq ‘marten’ (lexicalized)
-ciur- — -cuar(aq*)
Irregularly and lexicalized:
irni- ‘to give birth’ irnicuar- ‘to miscarry’
Necuarangqertuq. ‘He has a small house.’
Necuarartangqertuq. or Necuartangqertuq. ‘There is a small house.’
Ayainanermini necuarmek imumek tekicartulliniluni, tua-i tanqigce÷ani. ‘As he was going
along, he came upon this brightly lit little house.’ (AGA 1996:204)
Caqerluni-am taukut yaqulecuaraat piyuayaurcata ellaitnek nerengnaqesqelluki
umyuarteqluni yaassiillregnek anlluki talicivigmi. ‘When the little birds were able to walk,
she took the out of the box and put them out in the smokehouse thinking that they could
look for food for themselves there.’ (ELN 1990:25)
{-cugar- see -yugar-}
{-cugcali- see -yugcali-}
{-cugnaite- see -yugnaite-}
{-cugnarqe- see -yugnarqe-}
{-cugnga- see -yugnga-}
+cugninarqe- (Y form), +cugnilarqe- (NUN, NSU form), cugninarqe- (K form) to smell or taste like N #
takes intransitive endings only; < -cuk-ninarqe-; < PE pb. nit0-
anaq ‘feces’ anarcugninarquq, anarcugnilarquq, anacugninarquq ‘it
smells like feces’
neqerrluk ‘dried sh’ neqerrlugcugninarquq, neqerrlugcugnilarquq,
neqerrlucugninarquq ‘it smells like dried sh’
+cugnite- to smell or taste like N # takes intransitive endings only; HBC; < -cuk-nite-; < PE pb. nit0-
neqerrluk ‘dried sh’ neqerrlugcugnituq ‘it smells like dried sh’
{-cugyaaqe- see -yugyaaqe-}
{-cuirute- see -yuirute-}
{-cuite- see -yuite-}
cuk unpleasing N; ugly old N; bad result of V-ing # only marginally productive; > cuar(aq*), -cugninarqe-,
-cungaq, -cugnite-, -pacug-, -qucuk, -culngu-; < PE pb. cu!-
putukuq ‘big toe’ putukucuk ‘sore toe, ingrown toenail’
qauq ‘sore on head’ qaucuk ‘sore on head with loss of hair
tan’gurraq ‘boy’ tan’gurracuk ‘no-good boy’
arnaq ‘woman’ arnacuk ‘no-good woman’
tunu ‘back of body’ tunucuk ‘back of head immediately above the neck,
occiput’ (lexicalized)
nau- ‘to grow’ naucuk ‘growth on body, tumor
kelipaq ‘bread’ kelipacuggluk ‘sourdough bread’ (lexicalized)
Angulviim tutaanga putukucumkun pitsaqevkenani. ‘The big man unintentionally stepped on
my sore toe.’
{-cukaar(ar)- see -yukaar(ar)-}
{-cuke- see -yuke-}
{-culi see -yuli}
culngu- to be indisposed with respect to one’s N; to have trouble V-ing # takes intransitive endings only;
< -cuk-lngu-; < PE pb. cul&u-
aqsak ‘stomach’ aqsaculnguunga ‘I have a stomachache’
mertar- ‘to fetch water mertaculnguuq ‘he is having trouble fetching water’ (e.g.,
spilling it)
ella ‘awareness’ ellaculnguuq ‘he is feeling poorly’
{-cunaite- see -yunaite-}
{-cunari- see -yunari-}
{-cunarqe- see -yunarqe-}
cungaq cute little N; little N (NSU meaning) # < -cuk-?-; < PE pb. cu&aq
al’qaq ‘older sister al’qacungaq ‘older but not oldest sister
ema (root) ‘grandmother emacungaq ‘grandmother (HBC form)
house’ nec’ungaq ‘little house’ (NSU form)
curaq ‘blueberry’ curacungaq ‘raisin’ (lexicalized)
ui ‘husband’ uicungaq ‘male cross-cousin of female’ (lexicalized)
nuliaq ‘wife nuliacungaq ‘female cross-cousin of male’ (lexicalized)
uyuraq ‘younger sibling’ uyuracungaq ‘youngest sibling’
quli(’caq) ‘rstborn’ qulicungaq ‘older brother(CAN, NI form)
{-cunqegg- see -yunqegg-}
{-cunqeggli see -yunqeggli}
{-cunrite- see -yunrite-}
-culngu- — -cungaq
+cur- / +ssur- to hunt N; to seek N; to check N (game-catching implement) # the form beginning with c is
used on consonant-ending bases and the form beginning with ss is used on vowel-ending bases; generally takes
intransitive endings only (but see rst example below); K, Y, BB; = -ssur-
pi ‘thing’ pissurtuq ‘he is hunting’; pissuraa ‘he is hunting it’
tuntu ‘caribou’ tuntussurtuq ‘he is hunting caribou’
kayangu(q) ‘egg’ kayangussurtuq ‘he is gathering eggs’
sh’ neqsurtuq ‘he is shing; he’s shing (by gillnet)’
nayiq ‘seal’ nayircurtuq ‘he is hunting seals’
yaqulek ‘bird’ yaqulegcurtuq ‘he is hunting birds’
kuvya(q) ‘shnet’ kuvyassurtuq ‘he is checking the shnet’
kapkaanaq ‘trap’ kapkaanarcurtuq ‘he is checking traps’
aki ‘money’ akissurtuq ‘he’s prospecting for valuable minerals’
akissuq ‘prostitute’ (lexicalized)
kumakaq ‘birch tree fungus’ kumakarcurtuq ‘he’s harvesting birch tree fungus (to use
with chewing tobacco)’
–curlak misfortune in V-ing # and curlag- to be interfered with while V-ing; to V with unsatisfactory
results #
pi- ‘to do’ picurlagtuq ‘he had an accident, met with misfortune’
picurlak (or picurlaun) ‘misfortune’
uita- ‘to stay’ uitacurlagtuq ‘something interfered with his stay, he is not
at peace; he is uncomfortable with his stay’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavacurlagtuq ‘he didn’t sleep well’
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’curlagtuq or nercurlagtuq ‘he didn’t eat well’;
‘something disturbed his eating’; ‘he didn’t enjoy his
kipute- ‘to buy’ kiputecurlagtuq ‘he bought the wrong thing, or bought
something which proved defective’
Eniitni yugyassiyaagan unuk qavacurlagtua. ‘At their house, since it was so full of people, I
did not sleep well last night.’
Tua-i naugga avani irnicurlagluki, yuungcaristetaitellrani qanlallrulriit, . . . . ‘They spoke of
complications from childbearing, back in the days were there were no doctors, . . . .’ (ELL
Una tua-ll’ assirtuq, tua-i inerquun man’a maligtaquurluku piuralria. Picurlagngaituq tauna.
‘It is good to act in accordance with the proscription. He won’t experience misfortune — bad
consequences or bad associated occurrences.’ (QAN 1995:318)
Picurlautekanka nalluluki. ‘I was unaware of the things that threatened me — of my future
(potential) sources of bad fortune.’ (YUP 2005:138)
{-cuuma- see -yuuma-}
-cur- — -curlak
{-cuumiir- see -yuumiir-}
{-cuumiir(ar)te- see -yuumiir(ar)te-}
{-cuumiite- see -yuumiite-}
{-cuumir- see -yuumir-}
+cuun / +ssuun device for V-ing, device associated with N # the form starting with c is used on consonant-
ending bases, and the form starting with ss is used on vowel-ending bases; Y, K, BB; = -ssuun; < -?-n; < PE pb.
iqvar- ‘to pick berries’ iqvarcuun ‘berrypicking device, bucket, etc.’
cali- ‘to work’ calissuun ‘tool’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerssuun or nerrsuun ‘eating utensil, fork’
tenge- ‘to take ight’ tengssuun ‘airplane’ (lexicalized)
tengaur- ‘to y’ tengaurcuun ‘airplane’ (lexicalized)
igar-, alngar- ‘to write’ igarcuun, alngarcuun ‘pencil, pen’ (lexicalized)
iqairi- ‘to remove dirt’ iqairissuun ‘washing machine’ (lexicalized)
mingqe- ‘to sew’ mingqessuun or mingeqsuun ‘sewing machine’ (lexicalized)
arnassagaq ‘old woman’ arnassagarcuun ‘old-age pension for a woman’ (lexicalized)
angukara’urluq ‘old man’ angukara’urlurcuun ‘old-age pension for a man’
‘wind’ anuqessuun ‘windsock, storm lantern, wind generator
vegtar- ‘to harvest grass’ vegtarcuun ‘sickle’
mertar- ‘to get water mertarcuun ‘bucket for hauling water
ukici- ‘to make a hole’ ukicisuun ‘awl; drill’
¥g’ari- ‘to remove’ a¥g’arissuun ‘eraser(lexicalized)
niicugni- ‘to listen’ niicugnissuun ‘radio; hearing aid’ (lexicalized)
pissur- ‘to hunt’ pissurcuun ‘hunting implement; hunting license’
qanganaq ‘squirrel’ qanganarcuun ‘squirrel trap’
egturyaq ‘mosquito’ egturyarcuun ‘mosquito net; mosquito repellent’
unuk ‘night’ unugcuun ‘moon’ (lexicalized, for NI, CAN); nightlamp
augtur- ‘to take communion’ augturcuun ‘communion dress’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanercuun ‘telephone’
ermig- ‘to wash the face’ ermigcuun ‘washbasin’
ayaga- ‘to travel’ ayagassuun ‘device (vehicle, garment) for traveling’
ipegcari- ‘to sharpen’ ipegcarissuun ‘whetstone’
iqairi- or evigi- ‘to wash
iqairissuun or ervigissuun ‘washing machine’
Caliuq akingengnaqluni elitnaurcuutekaminek. ‘He is working to try to get money to go to
school — working for his own future means of attending school.’
Maa-i tua-i makut avani ciuqvani pissurcuutellrit yaqulegnek, cali-llu tua-i
kanaqlagcurcuutekluki. ‘Long ago these were their hunting devices for birds, and also their
muskrat hunting devices.’ (CIU 2005:30)
Ellalliurcuutekarnirluteng call’ tamakut. Cetuat ta¥gken qiluit egcuunaki. ‘And they make
good material for raincoats — devices for dealing with rain. They also never discarded beluga
intestines.’ (PAI 2008:58)
Ta¥gaam pillinia angyisqelluku ayagcuutekameggnek. ‘However, she told him to make a boat
for them to travel in — to be their future means of travel.’ (YUU 1995:100)
{-cuuq see -yuuq}
{-esqe- see -sqe-}
{-esquma- see -squma-}
{-gaqe- see -aqe-}
{-gar(ar)- see -ar(ar)-}
{-gar(ar)te- see -ar(ar)te-
{-garkaq see -arkaq}
{-garkau- see -arkau-}
{-g’aya’aq see -r’aya’aq}
{-ggaar- see -rraar-}
{-ggaq* see -rraq*}
{-gglainaq* see -rrlainaq*}
{-gglak see -rrlak}
{-ggluar(ar)- see -rrluar(ar)-}
{-gglugaq* see -rrlugaq*}
{-gglugte- see -rrlugte-}
{-ggluk see -rrluk}
+gguir- to go by way of N; to go through N # used with demonstrative adverb bases; takes intransitive endings
only; < -ggun (demo. pronoun terminalis); < PE pb. k(k)u(C)a3-
maa(ni) ‘here’ maagguirtuq ‘he is coming along this route’
pava(ni) ‘back up there’ pavagguirtuq ‘he is going through the area back up there’
nani ‘where?’, naw’un ‘which
nawuirta? ‘which way is he going?’
{-gi- see -i-
{-gpaga- see -rpaga-}
{-gpagninarqe- see -rpagninarqe-}
{-gpagnite- see -rpagnite-}
{-gpak see -rpak}
{-gpakar- see -rpakar-}
{-gpallar- see -rpallar-}
{-gpallr(aq*) see -rpallr(aq*)}
{-gpalluk see -rpalluk}
{-gpau- see -rpau-}
{-gpi- see -rpi-}
{-gqe- see -rqe-}
{-gqu- see -rqu-}
{-gugaq* see -rugaq*}
{-guk see -ruk}
{-gurainar- see -urainar-}
{-guralar- see -uralar-}
{-gur(ar)- see -ur(ar)-}
{-gurluq* see -r(ur)luq*}
{-gvag- see -rvag-}
@+ (r/l)i-
to become or cause to become V # used with adjectival verbs; the (r) is used with bases ending in a
prime vowel, and the (l) with bases ending in e (but (special) te changes to l); with expanded bases ending in the
postbase -ite-, -i:rute- is used instead of this postbase; > -ciigali-, -liri-, -keggi-, -kelli-, -killi-, -lguri-, -mari-,
-qsigi-, -nari-, -ngari-; < PE pb. li-
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukariuq ‘it is speeding up’; cukaria ‘he is causing it to
speed up’
amller- ‘to be numerous’ amlleriuq ‘it increased in number
utuma- ‘to be better utumariuq ‘it is improving’
tungu- ‘to be black’ tunguriuq ‘it is turning black, getting dark’
qertuta- ‘to be that high’ qertutaria ‘he is raising it that high’
ange- ‘to be big’ angliuq ‘it is getting big, he is growing’
take- ‘to be long’ takliut ‘they are getting long’
nanite- ‘to be short’ naniliut ‘they are getting short’
uqiggete- ‘to be light in weight’ uqiggeliuq (or uqigliuq) ‘it is getting light’
ikgete- ‘to be few’ ikgeliut (or ikegliut or ikeggliut) ‘they are becoming few’
assir- ‘to be good, well’ assiriuq ‘it is becoming good, he is getting well’
kavir- (root) ‘red’ kaviriuq ‘it is becoming red’
taamleg- ‘to be dark’ taamlegiuq ‘it is getting dark’
tanqig- ‘to be bright’ tanqigiuq ‘it is getting bright’
qater- ‘to be white’ qat’riuq ‘it is becoming white’
naker- ‘to be straight’ nak’riuq ‘it is straightening out’
neqnir(qe)- ‘to be tasty’ neqniria ‘he is making it tasty, natural forces are making it
tasty’ (i.e., it is becoming tasty)
canimete- ‘to be near canimelliuq ‘it got near’; canimellia ‘it got near it’
kiiq ‘heat in air kiiriuq ‘it is getting warmer
Ayainanermini nakacuut elcetaqluki, . . . . Tamaani aninqevkenani elcet’lallrani erneq
takliniuq, aninqingan-llu erneq nanililuni. ‘As he went along he’d let air out of the bladders,
. . . . When he liberally let air out, the day apparently was long, and when he conserved (the
air) the day got short.’ (YUU 1995: 87)
. . . tua-i taum nuuga tugkaraam ip’giluku. ‘. . . making that tip of ivory more sharp.’ (QUL
. . . issurit amllerituut unami nunamte÷i. ‘. . . spotted seals become numerous down there in our
area.’ (PAI 2008:48)
Qimugkauyarani nerquralarai anglisqumamiki. ‘He feeds his pups frequently because he
wants them to grow — become large.’
Ella qanillrani ernerpak nuna qat’riuq. ‘When it was snowing all day, the land became white.’
to V something; to do some V-ing; to suffer the V-ing of something # “detransitivizing” (or “half-
transitive”) and “sufferer” postbase; used with verb bases; in the case of an intransitive ending used with this
postbase on a patientive or transitive-only verb, the sense of acting to one’s disadvantage is not present, and the
postbase becomes a detransitivizer, providing an intransitive for patientive and transitive verbs similar to the
intransitive of an agentive verb; see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 123ff); < -ag-li
-; > -irin; < PE
pb. 9i-
tamar- ‘to lose’ (patientive) tamariuq ‘he lost something’ (vs. tamartuq ‘it got lost’;
tamaraa ‘he lost it’)
ini- ‘to hang to dry’ (trans. only) iniiguq ‘he is hanging something to dry’
iqair- or ervig- ‘to wash’
iqairiuq or ervigiuq ‘he is washing a load of wash’
mumigte- ‘to turn over
mumigciuq ‘he turned something over
Iqairiuq paltuugmek. ‘He is washing a coat — is washing something: a coat.’
Tamariuq akinek. ‘He lost some money — lost something: money.’
Kuv’iyaqunak mermek. ‘Don’t spill any water — spill anything: some water.’
With a transitive ending, this postbase means ‘subject Vs to object’s disadvantage’, except in the case of
intransitive-only bases (examples below); with an intransitive ending, this postbase means subject Vs something
(see above), except in the case of agentive or intransitive-only bases (examples follow).
nere- ‘to eat’ (agentive) neriuq ‘he (subj.) ate to someone’s disadvantage’;
neria ‘he (subj.) ate to her (obj.) disadvantage’
kuve- ‘to spill’ (patientive) kuviuq ‘he (subj.) spilled something’; kuvia ‘he (subj.)
spilled something to her (obj.) disadvantage’
tuqute- ‘to kill’ (trans. only) tuquciuq ‘he (subj.) killed something’; tuqucia ‘he (subj.)
killed something to her (obj.) disadvantage’
ayag- ‘to leave’ (intrans. only) ayagiuq ‘he (subj.) was disadvantaged by something’s
leaving’; ayagia ‘he (subj.) was disadvantaged by it
(obj.) leaving (escaping)’
Qimugtem neria angun. ‘The dog ate the man’s food — ate to the disadvantage of the man.’
Melqulegcurta anagiuq kaviarmek. ‘The trapper lost the fox by its escaping — had something,
a fox, escape to his disadvantage.’
Qanrutaanga elpenun teglegillruniluni. ‘He told me that you stole from him — told me that
you had stolen something to his disadvantage.’
Tua-i-llu piqerlutek piyuanginanermegni teng’ilutek malrugnek uqsuqagnek. ‘Then, suddenly,
as they were walking, two pintail ducks ew off on them.’ (ELN 1990:36)
to be full in one’s N; to spend the N # takes intransitive endings only; non-productive; occurs only with
some body part nouns and words for periods of time; from -li- to make, but in the words cited below, the
meanings are xed and the presumed longer form (where l and the preceding vowel are not dropped) is not used;
see also the discussion under -li-; > -ngssi-, -rpi-
aqsaq ‘stomach’ aqsiuq ‘he is full, satiated from eating’; ‘she is visibly
pregnant’ (NUN, NSU meaning)
nakacuk ‘bladder nakaciunga ‘I have a full bladder, have to urinate’
uksuq ‘winter uksiuq ‘he is spending the winter
up’nerkaq ‘spring’ up’nerkivik ‘spring camp’
erneq ‘day’ erniuq ‘he is spending the day’
allrakuq ‘year allrakiuq ‘he is spending the year
Irregularly in form:
kiak ‘summer kiagiuq ‘he is spending the summer(perhaps from *kiagaq,
see -aq
unuk ‘night’ unugiuq ‘he is spending the whole night doing something
or being somewhere’
Uksiuq nunarpagmi caliluni akingengnaqluni neqsurcuutekaminun aturarkaminek. ‘He spent
the winter working in the city in order to try to make money for his shing gear.’
:(ng)icag- to be in need of N; to lack N # takes intransitive endings only; < -ite-?-; < PE pb. &ica!-
pi ‘thing’ piicagtuq ‘he is lacking something’; ‘he is praying’; piicii
‘pray’ (lexicalized)
murak ‘wood’ muraicagtuq ‘he is lacking rewood’
‘sh; food’ neqaicagtuq ‘he is lacking food’
Uksurpak yuut makumiut kaminiarcuutmek uqurkaicagturallruut.All through the winter the
people of this place kept being in need of stove oil.’
@~+(ng)iinar- to V more and more # = -ngiinar-; < -?-nginar-
nere- ‘to eat’ nerngiinartuq ‘he is eating more and more’
uste-‘to erode’ ussngiinartuq ‘it is eroding more and more’
imairute- ‘to become empty’ imairusngiinartuq ‘it is losing more and more of its
murir- ‘to have much wood’ muririinartuq ‘it (river) is accumulating more and more
yuar- ‘to look for yuariinaraa ‘he looked more and more for it’
— -(ng)iinar-
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaigiinartuq ‘he is getting hungrier and hungrier
atur- ‘to use, to sing’ aturiinaraa ‘he is using or singing it more and more’
Makut-llu naparugaat irr’iluki paqnakluki natmun cali ayalriani amlleriinarngat’laata. ‘She
looked with wonder and awe at the trees, for it seemed that wherever one went there’d be
more and more of them — their numerousness would be more and more.’ (ELN 1990:9)
{-ikika see -kika}
?ilitaq device for protecting N; device for for dealing with N or with V-ing; device for counteracting V #
non-productive; < -?-taq
; < PY pb. &ilitaq
esvaiq ‘breast’ esvailitaq ‘brassiere’
teq ‘anus’ terr’ilitaq ‘diaper
ciun ‘ear ciutailitaq ‘earmuff, ear band’
qurre- ‘to urinate’ qurrailitaq ‘diaper
mucus’ ngevailitaq ‘handkerchief
akngirnarqe- ‘to hurt’ akngirnailitaq ‘thimble’
tusek (cf. PE tuy0) ‘shoulder
tusailitaq ‘shoulder band on parka’
kumkar- ‘to have something
caught in one’s teeth’
kumkailitaq ‘toothpick’
:(ng)illiqe- to suffer from the lack of N or V # takes intransitive endings only; < -ite-liqe
-; < PE pb. &i@iq0-
angyaq ‘boat’ angyailliquq ‘he is suffering from the lack of a boat’
murak ‘wood’ murailliquq ‘he is suffering from lack of wood’
assir- ‘to be good, well’ assiilliquq ‘he is suffering from something (often body part)
not functioning well’
Ava-i ilailliqelrianek qanemcilriakut. ‘We have just been talking about those who have
experienced the loss of family members.’ (YUP 2005:266)
Ciin assiilliqevkarcia? ‘Why have you treat me so badly — caused me to suffer the lack of good
conditions?’ (NAAQ. 11:11)
{-ima- see -ma-}
{-imaar(ar)- see -maar(ar)-}
{-imari- see -mari-}
in (plural) pair; group; series # used only with numerical bases; the n of this postbase is actually the standard
plural ending for numbers, a variant of t; the combining form is -i-
atauciq ‘one’ atauciik ‘one pair’; atauciin ‘one group’
malruk ‘two’ malruin ‘two pairs, two groups’
-ilitaq — -in
pingayun ‘three’ pingayuin or pingasuin ‘three pairs, groups’
cetaman ‘four cetamain ‘four pairs, groups’
Kiputellruunga cetamainek sap’akinek. ‘I bought four pairs of shoes.’
Taillruut pingayuinguluteng. ‘They came in three groups.’
Atauciin kalivneret tamartut. ‘One chain — a single set of attached links — got lost.’
. . . tua-i-wa wii Ataneq Agayun Agayutnguunga ilunglua, ataita assiilngillrit tuc’etaqluki
irniaritnun, kinguvrita-llu pingasuingitnun cetamaingitnun-llu eq’ukestemnun. ‘. . . I the
Lord God am an exacting God, visiting the fathers’ transgressions on their children and
descendants to the third or fourth generation — third or fourth cohort of descendants — of
those who hate me.’ (ALER. 5:9)
:(ng)inaq* merely N (nothing more) # cf. -nginar-; > -qainaq, -rrlainaq; < PE pb. &inna3(-)
pai ‘mouth of river painginarmun ‘just to the mouth’
yuk ‘person’ yuinaq ‘twenty’ (lexicalized; from a person having exactly
twenty digits)
kegge- ‘to bite’ kegginaq ‘face’ (lexicalized)
inar- to nally V # used only with bases ending in CV or CVC, where V is prime; with other bases, yaqlir- is
used; HBC; cf. -nginar-; > -urainar-, -pigainar-
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavainartuq ‘he is nally sleeping’
qeya- ‘to cry’ qeyainartuq ‘he is nally crying’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yurainartuq ‘he is nally dancing’
iq, ir(aq*) animal that dwells in N # non-productive; forms with this postbase are highly lexicalized
÷’a ‘shore’ ce÷’air ‘sandpiper’; ‘yellowlegs’
sh’ neqaiq ‘crow’; ‘camp robber
qunguq ‘grave’ qunguiq ‘arctic fox’; ‘small bug found on drying sh, or
cuyaq ‘leaf cuyaiq ‘inchworm’; ‘geometer larva’
negaq ‘snare’ negaiq, negair ‘spider
unuk ‘night’ unuiq, unuir ‘bat’
uquq ‘oil’ uquir ‘sandpiper’; ‘jaeger
Also perhaps from this postbase:
? qiguiq ‘tree squirrel’
?, cf. canek ‘grass’ can’giiq ‘blacksh’
N (natural phenomenon) is occurring; to set N (game capturing device); to provide or be provided
with N (but not in the sense of giving N to someone) # from -lir-
Natural phenomena (takes intransitive endings only): > irin
akerta ‘sun’ akercirtuq ‘it is sunny’
-inaq* — -ir-
(c)ellalluk ‘rain’ (c)ellallirtuq ‘it is raining’
kavtak ‘hailstone’ kavcirtuq ‘it is hailing’
taituk ‘fog’ taicirtuq ‘it is foggy’
qanuk ‘snowake’ qanirtuq ‘it is snowing’
pirta, pirtuk ‘blizzard’ pircirtuq ‘there is a blizzard’
agluryaq ‘rainbow’ agluryirtuq ‘there is a rainbow’
qiuryaq ‘aurora’ qiuryirtuq ‘there is an aurora’
puyuq ‘smoke, steam, vapor puyirtuq ‘it is smoky, steamy’
ivsuk ‘rain’ ivsirtuq ‘it is raining’
Game-capturing devices (takes intransitive endings only):
negaq ‘snare’ negirtuq ‘he is setting a snare’
taluyaq ‘sh trap’ taluyirtuq ‘he is setting a sh trap’
kuvyaq ‘shnet’ kuvyirtuq ‘he is setting a shnet’
Other nouns (takes either transitive or intransitive endings; with this group of nouns this postbase is clearly
the predictable shortened form of -lir-, though sometimes along with the shortening the meaning has become
narrowed, as in the second example below):
atsaq ‘berry’ atsirtuq ‘it is well provided with berries’; atsiraa ‘he added
berries to it’
keneq ‘re’ keniraa ‘he built a re under it’ (Y meaning); ‘he is cooking
it’ (K, BB meaning)
ateq ‘name’ aciraa ‘he named it’
imaq ‘contents’ imiraa ‘he put something in it’
equk, murak ‘wood’ eqiraa, muriraa ‘he is stoking it’
to deprive or be deprived of N; to remove N from; to un-V; to pass through the N area of (it) #
only marginally productive with verb bases; > -ir(ar)-, -ir(ar)te-, -nrir-, -i:run, -i:rute-, -lguir-; < PE pb. &i3-
imaq ‘contents’ imairaa ‘he emptied it’
uci ‘load, cargo’ uciiraa ‘he unloaded it’
caqu ‘wrapping’ caquirtuq ‘it has been unwrapped’; caquiraa ‘he
unwrapped it’
amiq ‘skin’ amiiraa ‘he skinned it’
minguk ‘paint’ minguiraa ‘he removed the paint from it’
pivik, [e]na
, nuna ‘place’ piviiraa, enairaa, nunairaa ‘he took her place (where she
had been sitting, standing, etc.)’
ilag- ‘to get tangled’ ilairtuq ‘it got untangled’; ilairaa ‘he untangled it’
puve- ‘to swell’ puvairtuq ‘the swelling went down’
arula- ‘to be in motion’ arulairtuq ‘it stopped’
Cikuiraa elakaq mertallermini. ‘He removed the ice from the water hole when he was getting
With positional bases, this postbase means to pass through the area indicated by the positional base with respect to
the grammatical object.
‘area above’ qulairaa ‘it passed above it’
canir- ‘area beside’ caniiraa ‘it passed beside it’
ukate- ‘side toward here’ ukatairaa ‘it passed by on the side of it toward here’
aci ‘area under aciiraa ‘it passed under it’
avate- ‘area away from’ avatairaa ‘it passed by in the area away from it’
Cali-llu una, man’a cangerlak allrakunek qavcinek cuqengqertuq, tauna nallairaqan tut’aqluni.
‘Also this one, this epidemic is cyclical coming back every several years, striking when
that time came — occuring at the corresponding time.’ (KIP 1998:329) (from nalla
corresponding to possessor’)
Ciunriraa ‘he got in front of it’ (from ciuneq ‘space in front’)
:(ng)ir(ar)- to have cold N # used with body part nouns only; forms ‘elemental’ verbs; < -ir-
ciun ‘ear ciutairtuq or ciutairaraa ‘his ears are cold’ /
it’gaq ‘foot’ it’gairtua or it’gairaraanga ‘my feet are cold’
unan ‘hand’ unatairtuten-qaa? or unatairaraaten-qaa? ‘are your hands
:(ng)ir(ar)te- to injure or be injured in one’s N; to abrubtly cease V-ing # used with body part nouns and
certain verbs only; < -ir-?-; -ngair(ar)te-, -yuumiir(ar)te-
iruq ‘leg’ iruirtuq ‘his leg got broken’; iruirtaa ‘he broke her leg’
iglaq ‘esophagus’ iglairtuq ‘he scorched his throat’
assir- ‘to be good’ assiirtuq ‘it took a sudden turn for the worse’;
assiirarucianek ‘whether it took a sudden turn for the
worst’ (the otherwise deleted (ar) show up in this form)
ii ‘eye’ iingi’rcugnarquq ‘he probably got hurt in the eye’ (note
that the extra stress on the syllable ngi’r reveals the
inuence of the deleted (ar); compare the stress pattern in
iingiryugnarquq ‘he probably lost an eye; perhaps he
lost his sight’)
–irin forms names of weekdays from certain noun bases # used with certain numerals and aipaq to form the names
of the weekdays listed below; < -ir
aipaq ‘companion’ Aipirin ‘Tuesday’
pingayun ‘three’ Pingayirin ‘Wednesday’
cetaman ‘four Cetamirin ‘Thursday’
-ir(ar)- — -irin
talliman ‘ve’ Tallimirin ‘Friday’
qavcin ‘how many?’ qavciritngua? ‘what day is it?’
Pingayiritnguciquq unuaqu. ‘It will be Wednesday — the third weekday — tomorrow.’
Tangerciqamken Tallimiritmi. ‘I’ll see you on Friday — the fth weekday.’
:(ng)i:run late (deceased) N; something that causes one to lose his N # the rst velar drops if and only if the
second does not. This postbase is the nominal counterpart of the following postbase; used mainly with kinship
terms; usually takes a possessed ending; < -ir
aana ‘mother aanairutka ‘my late mother
alqaq ‘older sister alqairutii ‘his late older sister
aata ‘father aatairutiit ‘their late father
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtairutii ‘the dog he lost; the thing that caused him to
lose his dog’
angayuqaq ‘parent’ angayuqairutii or angayuqriutii ‘his late parents’
:(ng)i:rute- to not have N any more; to no longer be V (adjectival verbs only) # the rst velar drops only if the
second does not; < -ir
-; > -lguirute-, -tairute-, -yuirute-, -ngairute-
ciku ‘ice’ cikuirutuq ‘it doesn’t have ice any more’; cikuirutaa ‘he
has removed the ice from it’
uluaq ‘knife’ uluariutuq ‘she doesn’t have a knife any more’
kemek ‘esh’ kemgiutuq ‘he has lost esh, become thin’
assir- ‘to be good’ assiirutuq ‘it is no longer good, it has become bad’
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukairutuq ‘it has become slow’
melquq ‘fur, feather melquirutuq, melqurriutuq ‘it no longer has fur or
angayuqaq ‘parent’ angayuqairutuq, angayuqriutuq, angayuqerriutuq ‘he has
lost his parents’ (through their death)
Cikum qaltaq iluirutaa. ‘The liquid in the pail has frozen (over).’ Literally: ‘the ice has taken
away the interior of the pail.’
to lack N or V; to have no N or V # used with nouns and some adjectival verbs; takes intransitive
endings only; > -ciite-, -icag-, -ksaite-, -naite, -ngaite-, -niite-, -taite-, -yailkutaq, -yugnaite-, -yuite-,
-yunaite-, -yuumiite-, -illiqe-; < PE pb. &it-
nuna ‘land’ nunaituq ‘it doesn’t have land, he doesn’t have a place’
nunaun ‘owned property’ nunautaituq ‘he doesn’t own any land’
ui ‘husband’ uingituq ‘she has no husband’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaitua ‘I don’t have a boat’
qiiq ‘gray hair qiirituten ‘you don’t have any gray hairs’
kemek ‘esh’ kemgituq ‘he is skinny’
-i:run — -ite-
pi ‘thing’ piituq ‘he doesn’t have any’; ‘he’s not here’ (lexicalized for Y,
‘sound, noise’ nepaituq ‘it is quiet’
yuk ‘person, owner yuituq ‘it has no owner, no resident’
irniaq ‘offspring, child’ irniarituq ‘he has no children’
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukaituq ‘it is slow’
assir- ‘to be good’ assiituq ‘it is bad’
takar- (emotional root)
respectful, restrained’
takaituq ‘he lacks restraint, is forward’
to provide with the wherewithal to V # non-productive; takes transitive endings only; < PE pb. lit-
pike- ‘to have’ pikitaa ‘he gave her something’
mer- ‘to drink’ merr’itaa (also miitaa) ‘he gave her something to drink’
nare- ‘to smell’ naritaa ‘he let her smell something odorous’ (as a gesture of
scorn); by extension, ‘he pushed her nose up’
to encounter (in some sense) N; to experience V-ing # non-productive; there seems to be no rule to
predict which form the postbase will take; generally takes intransitive endings; < PE pb. lit-
kinguneq ‘rear area, starting
kingunituq ‘he reached home’
ciuneq ‘front area, end point’ ciunituq ‘he reached his destination’
nuna ‘land’ nunallituq, nunituq ‘it ran aground’
aki ‘other side’ akillituq ‘he reached the other side’; akillitaa ‘he reached
the other side of it’
iquk ‘end’ iquklituq ‘it came to an end’
ciku ‘ice’ cikullituq, cikulqituq, cikuliqituq ‘he encountered some
ice (as while traveling)’
ngel’a ‘boundary’ ngell’ituq ‘he reached his goal’
mecak ‘puddle’ mecqituq ‘he stepped in a puddle’
kumla ‘cold’ kumelqituq, kumlaqituq, kumlituq ‘he encountered cold’
(as while traveling); ‘was stunned by touching something
very cold’
wind’ anuqituq ‘he ran into some wind’
eneq, neneq ‘bone’ enrituq, nenrituq ‘he choked on a bone’ (lexicalized)
teggalquq ‘rock’ teggalqituq ‘he hit a rock’
ane- ‘to be born’ anllituq ‘it is his birthday’
et’u- ‘to be deep’ et’uqituq ‘he reached a deep spot (in the water)’
etgate- ‘to be shallow’ etgalqituq ‘he reached a shallow spot’
— -ite-
quunaq ‘sourness’ quunituq ‘his lips puckered from the sourness’
Keggutenka kumlitut. ‘My teeth hurt because of cold (water) — because the coldness contacted
Ayainanemte÷i kaassalinaq teggalqituq. ‘While we were traveling, the motor hit a rock.’
kaca(g)ar-, kacagar-, kacgar- to be very V # unlike other -k postbases, the initial k here does not change to q
with r-nal bases; in the rst cited variant of this postbase, (g) is dropped if the a before the g is not stressed (see
also -ya(g)aq); there may be gemination of the k for added emphasis; cf. -keckacagar-; > -qlikacaar(aq*)
Examples illustrating dropping vs. keeping of (g):
tanqig- ‘to be bright’ tánqikácagártuq, tanqikacaartuq ‘it is very bright’
puqig- ‘to be smart’ puqíkacágartuq ‘he is very smart’
Other examples illustrating all three versions of this postbase:
qavarni- ‘to be sleepy’ qavarnikacaartuq, qavarnikacagartuq, qavarnikacgartuq
‘he is very sleepy’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaikacagartuq, kaikacgartuq ‘he is very hungry’
assir- ‘to be good’ assikacagartuq, assikacgartuq, assik’acagartuq ‘it is very
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukak’acagartuq ‘it is very fast’
mernur- ‘to be tired’ mernuk’acagartuq ‘he is very tired’
tamar- (quantier/qualier root)
tamak’acagaita ‘all of them’
Matak’acagarmelan, meciknaurturallinia ircaqrua tua-I wani nutngallra nallunaunani. ‘Since he
was completely naked, he sought to locate his heart and its beating revealed its location.’ (ELL
{-kaci- see qaci-}
{-kainaq see qainaq}
{-kainaurte- see qainaurte-}
kaineq a little bit of N; small amount of N # BB; = kuiner(aq*)
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvviakaineq ‘a little bit of coffee’
+kaniir(ar)- to become more V # < -kanir-?-
assiirute- ‘to get worse’ assiirutkaniirallruuq ‘it has become worse’
assiri- ‘to get better assirikaniirtuq ‘it became better
— -kaniir(ar)-
+kanir- to V more with greater intensity # with bases ending in Cte-, this postbase may drop the te and the
preceding consonant; > -kaniir-, -kanir(ar)-; < PE pb. kkani3-
assiirute- ‘to get worse’ assiirutkanillruuq ‘it has gotten even worse’
assiri- ‘to get better assirikanirtuq ‘it is getting better, he is getting well’
ullag- ‘to approach’ ullakaniraa ‘he is moving closer to it’
quyurte- ‘to gather quyurtekanirtut, quyuqanirtut ‘they are coming closer
together, they extended their meeting’
ca- ‘to do something’ cakanirtuq ‘it has changed, been affected’ (lexicalized)
Maliggluku qaskellissiyaaguciat aturcetaat ullakanirturarai.He kept moving closer and closer
to — approaching more and more — the radio as its volume went down.’
Tagkania. ‘Move up (from the edge of something) — come farther to the back.’
+kanir(ar)- to V more and more, with greater intensity # < -kanir-?-
assiirute- ‘to get worse’ assiirutkanirallruuq ‘it got still worse’
assiri- ‘to get better assirikani’rtuq ‘it is really getting better and better
ullag- ‘to approach’ ullakaniraraa ‘he is moving closer and closer to it’
{-kapiar(ar)- see qapiar(ar)-}
{-kapigte- see qapigte-}
+kaq raw material for N; future N; unrealized N # > -arkaq, -llerkaq, -karci-, -kite
-, -kiur-, -natkaq,
-cirkaq; < PE pb. k9a3
kuvyaq ‘shnet’ kuvyarkaq ‘netting twine’; kuvyarkaqa ‘my netting twine,
my future shnet’ (i.e., the one I’m going to make)
‘food’ neqkaq ‘meal, food ready for consumption’
uitavik ‘place to stay’ uitavigkaq ‘future place to stay’
pitaq ‘caught animal’ pitarkaq ‘animal to be caught’
Ikamrarkaitua. ‘I have nothing to make or buy a sled with I don’t have the wherewithal or
material for a sled.’
Tekituq uitavigkaminun. ‘He arrived at the place where he would stay — at his future staying
Vegtartuq piinerkaminek. ‘He is gathering grass — as raw material — for his insoles.’
Suupaliuq uimi pikaanek. ‘She is making soup for her husband — for her husband’s future
thing (food).’
{-kaqe- see qaqe-}
{-kaqur(ar)- see qaqur(ar)-}
{-kar- see qar-}
-kanir- — -kaq
small N; little N # used only with bases ending in te; drops the te; for other bases, -cuar(aq*) is used;
marginally productive; > -kar(aq*)
; < PE pb. ka3
anguarun ‘paddle’ anguarukar, anguarukaraq ‘small paddle’
tunuirun ‘slough’ tunuiruka’ar, tunuirukaraq ‘small slough’; tunuirukaraat
‘small sloughs’
angun ‘man’ angukara’urluq ‘dear little old man’
one who Vs; the only one who Vs # < -ta
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayurkaraqa, ikayurka’rqa ‘my helper, my only helper
cali- ‘to work’ caliskaraq ‘the only worker’; caliskaraat ‘their worker, or
the one of them who is a worker
yuraute- ‘to dance for yurauteskaraat ‘the only one who will dance for them’
pi- ‘to do’ piskaraat ‘helpers’
+karaq exact area denoted by N with respect to possessor # used only with positional bases; takes possessed
endings only; < PY pb. ka3aq
canir- ‘area beside’ canikaraani ‘right beside it’ (vs. caniani ‘beside it’)
ciu- ‘area in front’ ciukaraani ‘right in front of it’ (vs. ciungani ‘in front of it’)
uate- ‘area downriver uakaraani ‘right on the downriver side of it’
kete- ‘area toward water; into
the middle of the room’
kek’araani ‘right toward the river side of it’; ‘right on its
side away from the wall’
+karci- to buy something to serve as one’s N # < -kaq-ci-
food’ neqkarciuq ‘he is buying food’; neqkarcia ‘he is buying
food for her
qalqapak ‘axe’ qalqapagkarciuq ‘he is buying an axe’, ‘he is buying that
which will be his axe’
{-karraar- see qarraar-}
{-karyaquna- see qaryaquna-}
{-kataar(ar)- see qataar(ar)-}
{-katar- see qatar-}
–@kaunrir- to be unable to V on account of some inhibiting factor # = -arkaunrir-
anar- ‘to defecate’ anaqaunrirtuq ‘he is constipated’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanqaunrirtuq ‘he cannot speak’
nare- ‘to smell’ narkaunrirtuq ‘he cannot smell’
— -kaunrir-
kayag- to V (of “darned” one, one toward whom the speaker has negative feelings) #
ayag- ‘to go’ ayakayagtuq ‘he went, darn him’
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’kayagtuq ‘he’s eating, darn him’
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimakayagtuq ‘he’s swimming, darn him’
Also related to this (all non-productive and lexicalized uses):
calla- ‘to spread open’ callakayak ‘canker sore’
cella ‘awareness’ cellakayagtuq ‘he went berserk’
cirunelek ‘one with antlers’ cirunelkayak ‘caribou’ (word used in stories)
akacag- ‘to overturn’ akacakayak ‘surf or white-winged scoter
ca ‘thing’ carayak ‘monster, ghost, bear
ella ‘weather ellarayagtuq ‘the weather is very poor
tuunraq ‘shaman’s familiar
tuunrangayak ‘the Devil’
{-kcaar(ar)- see qcaar(ar)-}
kcak something that looks like N # see “Irregular Possession with Certain Postbases” in Introduction to the
Postbases; HBC; < PE pb. tya!
angyaq ‘boat’ angyakcak ‘something that looks like a boat’;
angyakcaka ‘a boat that looks like my boat’
penguq ‘hill’ pengukcak ‘something that looks like a hill’
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’akcak ‘one who looks like a white person’
–kcugi- to strike (it) with a projectile or implement in the N # HBC
kcuar(aq*) small N; little N # the k in the postbase remains k; HBC; = -cuar(aq*); < -?-ar(aq*); cf.
‘boat’ angyakcuaraq, angyakcuarreq ‘small boat’;
angyakcuaremeng ‘from the small boat’
enekcuaraat ‘little houses’
keckacagar- to be very V # the syllable kec in this postbase can be repeated for emphasis; the k in the postbase
remains k; cf. -kaca(g)ar-; NI, K
assir- ‘to be good’ assikeckacagartuq, assikeckeckacagartuq,
assikeckeckeckacagartuq, etc. ‘it is excellent’
) the one or ones that the possessor is V-ing # takes possessed endings only; this is also the
marker of the “transitive participial mood,” and can be used to form verbs in certain types of sentences; see
Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 383ff); < PE pb. k0(-)
nere- ‘to eat’ nerkii ‘the thing he is eating’; nerkemni ‘in the thing I am
atur- ‘to use’ atuqen ‘the one you are using’
kipute- ‘to buy’ kipuskii ‘the one he is buying’
tangeqsaite- ‘to not have seen’ tangeqsailkii ‘the one hasn’t seen’
kitugte- ‘to x’ kitugeskii ‘the one he is xing’
Arnaq kassuuteqataqii nulialqaqa. ‘The woman he is about to marry — his soon-to-be partner
in marriiage — is my former wife.’
Ilaita ta¥gaam nunat yaaqsinrilkemeng yuit kel’tullruit. ‘Some, however, invited the people of
villages which were not far from them (from their villages).’
Amllernek ayuqenrilngurnek ungungssirtangqertuq maani Alaskamek pilaqiitni. ‘There are
many different kinds of animals here in the place that they call Alaska.’
Elliu irniama enuqiinun. ‘Put it out of reach of my child — into the area which is beyond his
to have as one’s N # used primarily with transitive endings, though it may be used with a dual or plural
intransitive ending in a reciprocal sense, or with a singular intransitive ending in a reexive sense; see Practical
Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 163ff); > -kellriik, -ksagute-, -kliute-, -lqe-, -kutaq, -tateke-, -teke-, -vike-; <
PE pb. k0-
aana ‘mother aanakaa ‘he has her as mother, she (object) is his (subject’s)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaqaqa ‘I have it as my boat, it (obj.) is my (subj.) boat’
ila ‘relative’ ilakut ‘they are related to each other
pivak ‘big thing’ pivakuq ‘he is vain’ (literally: ‘he has himself as a big
ali- (root) ‘feared thing’ alikaa ‘he fears it’
Qaillun ilaksiu uika? ‘How are you related to my husband — how do you have him as a
Una pikaqa. ‘This is mine — I have it as my thing.’
Kia kameksiigken piliaqakek? ‘Who made your boots — who has them as his made things?’
to nd (it) to be V # used primarily with adjectival te- ending bases, though it is also used with some
others; takes transitive endings only; > -nake-, -nike-, -turnike-, -niilke-
assiite- ‘to be bad’ assiilkaa ‘he nds it bad, dislikes it’
mikete- ‘to be small’ mikelkaa ‘he nds it small (for him)’, ‘it (object) is too small
for him (subject)’
cangate- ‘to be amiss’ cangalkaa ‘he nds something wrong with it’
assir- ‘to be good’ assikaa ‘he likes it’
ange- ‘to be big’ angkaqa ‘I nd it big for me, it is too big for me’
elluar- ‘to be correct, perfect,
elluakaa ‘he approves of it’
— -ke-
to feel V toward (him/it); to V (object) # used mainly with “emotional roots”; takes transitive endings
takar- (root) ‘shyness, respect’ takaqaa ‘he feels shy and respectful toward her
temci- (root) ‘humor temcikaa ‘he nds it humorous, funny’
cumaci- (root) ‘repulsion’ cumacikaa ‘he is repulsed by its dirtiness
keneg- (root) ‘love’ kenkaa ‘he loves her
peller- (root) ‘revulsion from
pelqaa ‘he is repelled or disgusted by it touching him’
kumeg- (root) ‘affection toward
children and animals’
kumkaa ‘he feels affectionate toward it’
tangerr- ‘to see’ (or, root tang-) tangkaa ‘he sees it’ (Y, NS usage)
pengeg- (root) ‘worry (especially,
about one one who hasn’t
pengkaa ‘he is worried about him’
Also used non-productively to form transitives of certain normally intransitive-only verbs (particularly those
bases ending in a prime vowel); the resulting intransitive / transitive pairs are agentive (compare the patientive
intransitive / transitive pairs formed with -te-
qunu- ‘to be possessive’ qunukaa ‘he is possessive of it’
cikna- ‘to be jealous’ ciknakaa ‘he is jealous of him’
tengru- ‘to be enthusiastic’ tengrukaa ‘he is enthusiastic about it’
ngel’ar- ‘to laugh’ ngel’aqaa ‘he is laughing about it’
–kegci- to have good N # for some speakers, k of this postbase remains k even with r-nal bases; takes intransitive
endings only; < -kegte-i
ella ‘weather, world, awareness’ ellakegciuq ‘he is in a pleasant frame of mind; the weather
is nice’
umyuaq ‘mind’
umyuaqegciuq ‘he has pleasant thoughts, in positive mood’
‘odor tepkegciuq ‘it has a nice smell’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaqegciuq or angyakegciuq ‘he has a good boat’
–keggi- to become good N # < -kegte-i
ella ‘weather, world,
ellakeggiuq ‘he has gotten into a pleasant frame of mind;
the weather has become nice’
–keggliq one that is good for N or has a good N # non-productive; occurs in several animal names; < -kegte-li
qayuq ‘soup’ qayuqeggliq ‘tundra hare’, ‘jackrabbit’
cingik ‘point’ cingikeggliq ‘type of whitesh with a pointed head’
qatek ‘throat’ qatkeggliq ‘widgeon’ (duck)
— -keggliq
–kegtaar(aq*) good N; nice N; new N # for some speakers, k of this postbase remains k even with r-nal bases;
< -kegte-aq
nuna ‘land’ nunakegtaar ‘good land’
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayaqegtaar or qayakegtaar ‘good kayak, new kayak’
qayaqegtaaraqa ‘my good new kayak’
qaneryaraq ‘word’ qaneryaraqegtaar ‘the Bible, the good word’
Alussistuaqegtaarmek piamken. ‘I wish you a merry Christmas.’
–kegte- to be good N; to have good N # for some speakers, k of this postbase remains k even with r-nal bases;
takes intransitive endings only; > kegci-, keggi-, -kegtaar(aq*), -keggliq; < PE pb. ki!-
ella ‘weather ellakegtuq ‘the weather is good’
‘odor, smell’ tepkegtuq ‘it has a nice aroma’
cingik ‘point’ cingikegtuq ‘it is sharp, pointed’ (equivalent to
+kelli- (also +killi-) to have N to a decreasing degree # Used only with “dimensional roots”; takes intransitive
endings only; = -killi-; < -kite
qas- (root) ‘loudness’ qaskelliuq ‘it is getting quieter’, ‘it is getting less loud’
tuner- (root) ‘power tunerkelliuq ‘it is getting to have less impact’
mis- (root) ‘visibility,
miskelliuq ‘it is getting more obscure, harder to see or hear
–kellriik and –kellriit the pair or group whereof one member has the other as his N # at most marginally
productive; used with non-singular unpossessed endings; < -ke
-lria-plural or dual
aipaq ‘spouse’ aipaqellriik ‘married couple’
maurluq ‘grandmother maurluqellriik ‘grandmother and grandchild’
nulirr- ‘wife’ nulirqellriik ‘married couple’
ila ‘relative, kin’ ilakellriit ‘family’
@~–kengaq one that is being V-ed # drops base nal te; used only with verb bases that can take transitive
endings; with a possessed ending, means one that possessor is V-ing; < -kenge-aq
ega- ‘to cook egakengaq ‘something that is being cooked’; egakengaa
‘the thing he (possessor) is cooking’
assike- ‘to like’ assikek’nganka ‘the things that I like’
piyug- ‘to want’ piyukengaqa ‘the thing that I want’
yugnike- ‘to consider a good
yugnikekengaa ‘his friend, the one he considers a good
nere- ‘to eat’ nerkengaa ‘the thing he is eating’
-kegtaar(aq*) — -kengaq
atur- ‘to use’ atuqengait ‘the things they are using’
kipute- ‘to buy’ kipukengaa ‘the thing he bought’
@~–kenge- to V something # drops base nal te; used only with verb bases that can take transitive endings;
takes only intransitive endings; this is an additional detransitiving ending sometimes giving a slightly different
meaning from -i
-; > -kengaq
akngirte- ‘to hurt, be hurt’ akngirkenguq ‘he is hurting someone’ (vs. akngirtuq ‘he
got hurt’)
manar- ‘to hook sh’ manaqenguq ‘he hooked something’ (a sh) (vs. manariuq
‘he hooked something (not a sh)’)
kipute- ‘to buy’ kipukenguq ‘he is buying something’ (equivalent to
pairte- ‘to encounter pairkenguq ‘he encountered someone’
Negaqenguq malrugnek maqaruagnek. ‘He snared two rabbits — he snared something: two
{-ketaar- see -qetaar-}
@~–ki- to V in the future # used only with the optative mood; immediately precedes ending; with other moods
-ciqe/-ciiqe- is used instead; used with -nrite- ‘to not V’ only for rst or third person optative; for second
person -yaquna- is used instead; see Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 202ff)
tai- ‘to come’ taikina ‘come!’ (in the future); ‘do come’
qanrute- ‘to tell’ qanruskiu ‘tell him!’ (later); ‘do tell him’
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷ireskilaput ‘let’s visit them’ (later)
ayanrite- ‘to not go’ ayanrilkilta ‘let’s not go’ (later)
atur- ‘to use’ atuqiu ‘use it!’ (later); ‘do use it’
aqume- ‘to sit down’ aqumekiluk, aqumkiluk ‘let’s both sit’ (later)
Itqan qanruskiu neresqelluku egmian. ‘When he comes in, do tell him to eat right away.’
–kiirar-, –kiir(ar)-, -kaar- to be in (water, mud, tall grass, body part, etc.) up to one’s N #
ciisquq ‘knee’ ciisqukiirartuq ‘he’s in up to his knees’
qukaq ‘waist’ qukakiirartuq ‘he’s in up to his waist’
qallaciq ‘belly button’ qallacikiirtuq ‘it comes up to his belly button’
maate- (root) ‘here’ maatekiirtuq (or maatekaartuq) ‘it comes up to here’
(indicating where)
Piqertuq maaten ellii mermi nangengqalria uyaqukiirluni caumaluni ce÷’am tungiinun. ‘When
she observed, she saw that she was standing in the water up to her neck, facing the shore.’
(ELN 1990:22)
-kenge- — -kiirar-
?(i)kika (emphatic) # non-productive; ends the following exclamation:
ak’akika ‘so far away!’
ik’ikika ‘so many!, so much!’
naamikika ‘I don’t know!’
ineqsikika ‘how cute!’
kuaksikika ‘what a close call!’
qayumikika ‘I don’t know!’
acakikika ‘told you so!’
+killi- to have N to a decreasing degree # HBC; = -kelli-; < -kite
to give N to object to use or possess; to supply object with N # takes transitive endings only; < -kaq-
food’ neqkitaa ‘he gave her food’
ikamraq ‘sled’ ikamrarkitaa ‘he gave her a sled’
pi ‘thing’ pikitaa ‘he gave her something to have’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarkitaa ‘he gave her a boat’
nutek ‘gun’ nutegkitaa ‘he gave her a gun’
nacaq ‘hat’ nacarkitaa ‘he gave her a hat’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtekitaa ‘he gave her a dog’
Neqailcallratni neqkitai neqauciami. ‘When they were short of food, he gave them food,
because he had a lot of food on hand.’
to have N to a small degree; to have only a small amount of N # used primarily but not exclusively
with “dimensional roots”; takes intransitive endings only; > -kelli-, -killi-, -nerkite-
mam- (root) ‘thickness’ mamkituq ‘it is thin’
nequ- (root) ‘width’ nequkituq ‘it is narrow’
qer- (root) ‘non-human height’ qerkituq ‘it is low’
sug-, cug- (root) ‘human height’ sugkituq, cugkituq ‘he is short’
iq- (root) ‘width’ iqkituq ‘it is narrow’
qas- (root) ‘loudness’ qaskituq ‘it is not loud’
aki ‘value’ akikituq ‘it is of little value, it is cheap’
umyuaq ‘mental activity or
umyuarkituq ‘he is rather dull’
pivik ‘space, room’ pivigkituq ‘it has small capacity’
qecik ‘skin’ qecigkituq ‘it (skin) is thin’
Niicugnissuutet qaskilata niitesciigatanka. ‘Because the radio is low in volume, I cannot hear
-kika — -kite-
+kiur- to prepare something to be N # < -kiq-liur-
‘food’ neqkiurtuq ‘he is preparing food’; neqkiuraa ‘he is
preparing food for him’
qavarvik ‘place to sleep’ qavarvigkiurtuq ‘he is preparing a place to sleep’
{-kliarte- see -qliarte-}
{-klikacaar(aq*) see -qlikacaar(aq*)}
{-kliq* see -qliq*}
–kliute- to have obtained or claimed as one’s N # takes transitive endings only; < -ke
-; < PY pb.
li(C )ut0-
pi ‘thing’ pikliutaqa ‘it is mine now’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaqliutaa ‘he has taken possession of it, claiming it as
his boat (even if it doesn’t really belong to him)’
–knaggair- to take away all N from (it) # HBC; < -?-ir-
–knaggairute- to have come to totally lack N # HBC; < -?-I:rute-
–knaggaite- to totally lack N # HBC; < -?-ite
Kemeknaggaunan’ qainga-gguq-gga, kumelriatun ta¥ga ciyanerrlain’, kiliqtallerrlainaq,
kemgunani, matarayagarmi. ‘He was very skinny — completely lacked esh —; his body was that
of one covered with scratches and cuts, skinny and naked.’ (CEV 1984:82)
–knig- to suddenly V (motion) # NUN
angaqerte- ‘to jerk forward’ angaqerteknigtuq ‘it suddenly jerked forward’
Nunakuarrsuun ayakaknillruuq ciutmun. ‘The vehicle suddenly moved forward.’
–ksaar(ar)- to V in a small and unnoticeable way # = -ksuar(ar)-
@–ksagaq very ugly N # drops base-nal te; HBC
Ugaani-gguq qayarrliqem, iquuk qalurrlutek. Qayaksagaq! Anelreluni-llu-ggur uka-i . . .
anguksagar-ukna. ‘A kayak so miserable that both ends were pointed upward. A very ugly old
kayak! And in it, coming downstream . . . was a very ugly man.’ (CEV 1984:74)
–ksagute- to acquire or claim (it) as one’s N # takes transitive endings only; < -ke
-yagute-; < PY pb. kya!ut0-
ui ‘husband’ uiksagutaa ‘she got him as her husband’
pi ‘thing’ piksagutaput ‘it’s ours now’
nulirr- (root) ‘wife’ nuliqsagutaa ‘he got her as his wife, she (object) is now his
(subject’s) wife’
house’ neksagutaqa ‘I got it as my house’
yuk ‘person, child’ yuksagutaa ‘he adopted him’
-kiur- — -ksagute-
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaqsagutaat ‘they got it as their boat, ‘it (object) is now
their (subjects’) boat’
Imna akiliqurallni ena neksagutaa. ‘The house that he was paying for in installments is his
house now.’
–ksaite- to not have V-ed (yet) # < -?-ite-; > -ksaitelar-; < PY pb. kyaIit0-
kiu- ‘to answer kiuksaituq ‘he hasn’t answered yet’
kainge- ‘to get hungry’ kaingeksaitua ‘I haven’t gotten hungry yet’
atur- ‘to use’ atuqsaitaqa ‘I haven’t used it yet’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayaksaitut ‘they haven’t left yet’; ayaksailnguq ‘the one
who hasn’t left’
Qakingelliniuq aneksailami. ‘He is getting pale because he hasn’t been out.’
Allanret tangeqsaitanka qavallruama. ‘I haven’t seen the visitors because I was sleeping.’
In NUN this postbase is used, in the 3rd person plural indicative mood, to make negative commands:
‘to shout’ aarakaitut (= “aaraksaatut”) ‘don’t shout’ (literally: ‘they
haven’t shouted’, implying ‘and neither should you’)
–ksaitelar- (K, BB form), –ksaitlar- (Y form) to have never V-ed # < -ksaite-lar-
ullag- ‘to approach’ ullaksaitelaraa ‘he has never approached him’
narulkar- ‘to spear narulkaqsaitelaranka ‘I have never speared them’
{-ksig- see -qsig-}
{-ksigi- see -qsigi-}
@ksuar(aq*) small N # used only with bases ending in te; drops te; for other bases, -cuar(aq*) is used instead;
this postbase is the nominal counterpart of the following postbase; cf. –kcuar(aq*)
egan ‘pot’ egaksuar ‘small pot’
tengssuun ‘airplane’ tengssuuksuaraat ‘small airplanes’
Tua-i kiugkuk kiigkenka umyuaqertak, kiugkuk ipuuksuaraak. ‘Then he remembered those
two in there, those little ladles back there.’ (AGA 1996:206)
–ksuar(ar)-, –ksuar(ar)- to V in a small and not very noticeable way # this postbase is the verbal counterpart
of the preceding postbase; = -ksaar(ar)-
nere- ‘to eat’ nereksuartuq ‘he is nibbling’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qaneqsuartuq, qaneksuartuq ‘he is whispering’
aqvaqur- ‘to run’ aqvaquqsuartuq, aqvaquksuartuq ‘he is trotting along’
-ksaite- — -ksuar(ar)-
@–ksugte- to V in a small way # the k of this postbase remain k even with r-nal bases; drop base-nal te and a
fricative preceding a base nal te; non-productive.
cungite- ‘to whine, whimper cungiksugtuq ‘he is whimpering while fussing’
teggigte- ‘to giggle’ teggiksugtuq ‘he is giggling softly’
qia- ‘to cry’ qiaksugtuq ‘he’s crying softly’
qallate- ‘to boil’ qallaksugtuq ‘it is simmering’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qaneksugtuq ‘he’s mumbling, grumbling, wondering,
speaking in a small way’
{-ktaq see -qtaq}
{-ktarar(ar)- see -qtarar(ar)-}
?ku (future) # places certain time-related words in the future; the resulting words function as adverbs, but can enter
into combinations with a limited number of sufxes; non-productive; cf. vialis case ending -kun; < PE pb. ku
unuk ‘night, last night’ unuku ‘tonight’; unuaku ‘tomorrow morning’
kiak ‘summer, last summer kiaku ‘next summer
uksuq ‘winter uksuqu ‘next winter
atata ‘later atataku ‘even later
wani ‘now’ waniku ‘soon’
uumi ‘last time’ uumiku ‘next time’
icivaq ‘some time ago’ icivaqu ‘some time from now’
unuaq ‘this morning’ unuaqu ‘tomorrow’
from yaa(ni) ‘over there’ yaaliaku ‘two days/years hence’ (Y, K, BB meaning); ‘three
days/years hence’ (NI meaning)
amatii ‘away from it’ amatiiku ‘three days/years hence’ (Y, K, BB meaning); ‘two
days/years hence’ (NI meaning)
? ataku ‘this evening’
? allamiku ‘next year
qa- (interrogative morpheme) qaku ‘when?’ (in the future)
Unuaqu unuakumi ayagciqua. ‘Tomorrow in the morning I shall leave.’
Anngami ayallran unuaquani tekitellruuq. ‘He arrived the day after his brother left.’
Unuaquaqan manalartuq. ‘He shes every day.’
{-ku- see -qu-}
+kuaq leftover N # with possessed ending means the N left over by possessor; < PE pb. k(k)u3
arucetaaq ‘dried sh skin’ arucetaarkuaq ‘uneaten, leftover dried sh skin’;
arucetaarkuara ‘the dried sh skin that he did not eat’
ila ‘part’ ilakuaq ‘a leftover
-ksugte- — -kuaq
iquk ‘end’ iqugkuaq ‘cigarette butt’
neqerrluk ‘dried sh’ neqerrlugkuaq ‘leftover dried sh’
eneq ‘bone’ enerkuaq ‘bone’ (or other leftover to be discarded) from food
?kuar- to go by way of N, over N # takes intransitive endings only; cf. vialis case ending %kun; cf. ?kuir-; < PE
pb. k(k)u(C)a3
nuna ‘land’ nunakuartuq ‘he is going by land’; nunakuarcuun
‘automobile’ (lexicalized)
imarpik ‘sea’ imarpigkuartuq ‘he is going by sea’
nanvaq ‘lake’ nanvakuartuq ‘he went by the lake’
–kuciq one of the same kind as N # used primarily but not exclusively with demonstrative pronoun bases; if
used with a possessed ending, the possessor possesses the embedded noun; k of this postbase remains k even if the
base ends in r; < ? (perhaps ultimately the non-singular indicator for demonstrative pronouns) –ciq
im(na) ‘the aforementioned
imkuciq ‘a thing of the same kind as the one known to
speaker and listener
ma(n’a) ‘the one here’ makuciq ‘this kind of thing’
tau(na) ‘that one’ taukuciq ‘that kind of thing’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyakucin ‘a boat of the same kind as yours’
ca ‘what’ cakuciq ‘what kind’; cakuciuga? ‘what kind is it?’
Cakucimek qimugtengqercit? ‘What kind of dog do you have?’
Nek’ucivnek kipuciiqua. ‘I shall buy the same kind of house as yours.’
–kugte- to be about to V; to be going to V; to plan to V # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends in r
atur- ‘to use’ atukugtaqa ‘I am planning to use it’
ca- ‘to do what?’ cakugcit? ‘what are you going to do?’; ‘what do you plan to
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakugtua ‘I am planning to leave’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavakugtuq ‘he is about to sleep’
Tua-llu tua-i utertekuggluteng piinanermeggni tamana imna taukut unuucaten, qavarngariata
ikegkut, arvirluteng. ‘And then, while they were thinking about going home, as soon as night
came upon them, when everyone seemed to be asleep over acrosss there, they crossed over.’
(ELL 1997:398)
–kuiner(aq*), –kuinr(aq*), –kuineq small amount of N # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends
in r; = kaineq
tuntuvak ‘moose’ tuntuvakuiner, tuntuvakuineq ‘a little bit of moose meat’;
tuntuvakuinraat, tuntuvakuineraat, tuntuvakuinret
‘little pieces of moose meat’
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvviakuiner, kuuvviakuineq ‘a little coffee’
-kuar- — -kuiner(aq*)
Enquinermek nalkutaqamek a¥g’araqluku. Enrinqegcaartuluku. ‘When they found the tiniest
bone, they would remove it. They carefully debone it.’ (QUL 2003:202)
%kuir- to go along N; to go following N # takes intransitive endings only; cf. vialis case ending %kun; cf.
?kuar-; < PE pb. k(k)u(C)a3-
kuik ‘river kuigkuirtuq ‘he is going by the river
nuna ‘land’ nunakuirtuq ‘he is going on land’
–kuna- to plan to V # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends in r; used in the subordinative mood or
another non-indicative mood; < -?-na
. . . qanrucimallruniluki umyuarteqesqevkenaki wall’u qanresqevkenaki angalkikunaluki.
‘. . . told them that they were not to even think or talk about his plans to shamanize.’ (YUU
. . . ayakunaluteng tamaa-i uptengllinilriit waten nunanun, tamakut nunat allat tuqurqelluki
waten pinaluki, anguyagluki. ‘. . . they got ready, planning to go to the village, to make war
and kill the whole other village.’ (ELL 1997:370)
Umyuarpeciuggun-llu qankunavkenaci: “Abraham-aam kinguveqaakut.” ‘Do not plan to say
in your minds, “We are the descendents of Abraham.” (that is, do not use that as an excuse)’
(MATT. 3:9)
Tua-i tamakut nulirtukunalriit tegungnatugyaaqngaceteng qimagnaurtut imkut atkuut. ‘Those
who planned to marry tried to catch the parka but it would ee them.’ (WOR 2007:92)
Waten pikunaaqata, tua-y-ll’ egmian nang’errluni ikayualuki. ‘Whenever they planned
something he’d jump up to help them out.’ (WOR 2007:92)
–kunayaaqe- to consider V-ing; to think about V-ing # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends in r;
< -kuna-yaaqe-
cali- ‘to work’ calikunayaaquq ‘he is considering working’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yurakunayaaquq ‘he is thinking about dancing’
kipute- ‘to buy’ kiputekunayaaqaa ‘he is considering buying it’
Ayakunayaaqerraarlua-am taqiunga. ‘I considered leaving but changed my mind.’
–kutag- to maybe be going to V; to probably V # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends in r; NUN,
HBC; < PE pb. kuta3-
pi- ‘to do’ pikutagaa ‘maybe he will act on it’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerkutagaa ‘maybe he will eat it’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakutagtuq ‘maybe he will leave’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavakutagtuq ‘perhaps he will sleep’
pinir- ‘to be good’ (NUN) pinikugtuq ‘it probably is good’ (NUN usage)
-kuir- — -kutag-
–kutaq, –kun thing to be used as N would be used; small N # only marginally productive; < -ke
; < PE
pb. q(q)un
ila ‘part of, one of, relative,
ilakutaq ‘relative, kin’ (specically)
qanak ‘roof board’ qanakutaq ‘tarpaulin’
napa(q) ‘tree, pole’ napaqutaq ‘support post’
kicaq ‘anchor kicaqutaq ‘net sinker
ulik ‘blanket’ ulikutaq ‘shawl’
patu ‘cover patukutaq ‘tarpaulin’, ‘curtain’, ‘veil’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaqutaq ‘something used as a boat, such as a block of ice
used as a raft to cross water
nalik ‘cover nalikutaq ‘shawl’
ciru ‘cover cirukutaq ‘something used as temporary cover to, for example,
keep rain off one’s body’
qilak ‘sky, ceiling’ qilakutaq ‘canopy, awning’
talliq ‘arm’ talliqutaq ‘mountain spur(lexicalized)
Also, irregularly (and lexicalized):
kenurte- ‘to throw light on’ kenurqutaq ‘ashlight’
kallagte- ‘to rattle’ kallakutaq ‘ptarmigan craw’
cf. PE
p0@u ‘leaf
pellukutaq, pelluqutaq ‘leaf of coltsfoot plant’; ‘any leaf
(NUN meaning)
pugta- ‘to oat’ pugtaqutaq ‘net oat’
eke-, ekua- ‘to burn’ ekqutaq (or ekqun), ekuanqutaq (or ekuanqun) ‘kindling’
atsaq ‘berry’ atsakutak ‘salmonberry leaf and stem’ (NUN)
aunr(aq) ‘crowberry’ paunerqutaq ‘crowberry leaf (NUN)
–kutar(ar)- to plan to V # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends in r; NUN; < PE pb. kuta3-
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakuta’artuq ‘he is planning to leave’; ayakutarallruuq ‘he
was planning to leave’
atur- ‘to use’ atukutararaa ‘he is planning to use it’
–kuyuk, –kuyugaq small bit of N; poor N # k of this postbase remains k even if the base ends in r; < PE pb.
‘food, sh’ neqkuyuk ‘a small, bad piece of sh’
elicarista ‘teacher elicaristekuyuka ‘my not-so-good teacher
meq ‘water mek’uyugaq ‘a little bit of water
ataneq ‘master, lord, boss’ atanekuyuk ‘chief
aipaq ‘partner, other of pair aipaquyuk ‘placenta, afterbirth’ (lexicalized) NUN
qamiquq ‘head’ qamiqukuyuk ‘skull’
-kutaq — -kuyuk
{-kva see -qva}
{-kvaaq* see -qvaaq*}
–laag- to V quickly; to V in a hurry # < PE pb. @@a!-
nere- ‘to eat’ nerlaagtuq ‘he is eating in a hurry’
melug- ‘to smoke’ melulaagaa ‘he is smoking it quickly’
makete- ‘to get up’ maktelaagtuq ‘he got up quickly’
kegge- ‘to bite’ kegg’laagaa ‘he bit it quickly’
. . . umyuaqercamiu imna naunraq aqvalaagluku, aanii apcani caucianek una. ‘. . . when she
remembered that plant, she quickly fetched it and asked her mother what it was.’ (ELN 1990:46)
–laar(ar)- to get a new N # takes intransitive endings only; NUN; the apostrophe in the syllable laa’r of the words
below indicates that vowel compression (see General Introduction discussion of the NUN dialect) does not occur
angyaq ‘boat’ angyalaa’rtuq ‘he got a new boat’; angyalaarallruuq ‘he has
gotten a new boat’
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayalaa’rtuq ‘he got a new kayak’
ateq ‘name’ at’laa’rtuq ‘he got a new name’
{-lainaq see -rrlainaq}
{-lak see -rrlak}
~+lallru- (Y, UK, NI form), @~+lallru- (NS form), –lallru- (NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG form) to formerly,
regularly have V-ed # < -lar-llru-
Angyalilallruuq. ‘He used to make boats.’
Nerlallruyaaqanka. ‘I used to eat them (but now I don’t).’
~+lar- (Y, UK, NI form), @~+lar- (NS form), –lar- (NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG form) to V customarily; to V
regularly # in the NS form’s pattern, tl becomes ll; > -ksaitelar-, -laryaaqe-, -lallru-, -uralar-; < PE pb. la(3)-
qayali- ‘to build a kayak’ qayalilartuq ‘he builds kayaks’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerlarai ‘he eats them’ (customarily)
aurre- ‘to crawl’ aurrlartuq (NS, Y form), aurrelartuq (K, BB form) ‘he crawls’ (vs.
aurruq ‘he is crawling’)
kipute- ‘to buy’ kiputlarai (Y form), kipullarai (NS form), kiputelarai (K, BB
form) ‘he generally buys them’
-laag- — -lar-
ce÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtellarai (Y form), ce÷irrlarai (NS form), ce÷irtelarai (K, BB
form) ‘he regularly visits them’
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimarlartuq (Y, NS form), kuimalartuq (K, BB form) ‘he swims’
(vs. kuimartuq ‘he is swimming’)
pi- ‘to do, say’ camek una pilartatgu? ‘what do they call this?’
Nani uitalarcit? ‘Where do you live — regularly stay?’
Natmun meq pilarciu? ‘Where do you usually put the water?’ (YUP 1996:49)
Cali tamakut ilagaullallret, pipigglarngatliata-wa tua-i ilaita tangerrlarait. ‘Also, some people
(regularly) see those (the spirits) (regularly) joining in, since they evidently really (regularly)
did so (in days gone by).’ (CIU 2005:384)
~+laryaaqe- (Y, UK, NI form), @~+laryaaqe- (NS form), –laryaaqe- (NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG form) to
usually V (though not at this time); < -lar-yaaqe-
Kumlanertularyaaqua ta¥gaam kainritua waniwa. ‘I usually eat frozen sh, but I am not
hungry now.’
Tupagyaralaryaaquq. ‘He usually wakes up early (but not this time).’
–lek one with N or Ns, one having N # not generally used with possessed endings except in combinations that
have xed meanings; > -lgir-, -lgun, -talek; < PE pb. l0!
melquq ‘feathers, fur melqulek ‘furbearing animal’; melqulget ‘furbearers’; nunam
melqulgi ‘the furbearers of the land’; melqulegcurta
qengarpak ‘big nose’ qengarpalek ‘one with a big nose’
tuunraq ‘shaman’s familiar
tuunralek ‘shaman, one with a helping spirit’
yaquq, caquq ‘wing’ yaqulek ‘one with wings, bird,’ ‘angel’ (NSU meaning); caqulek
‘angel’ (NUN meaning)
qulugneq ‘hump on back’ ungungssiq qulugnelek ‘camel’ (in Bible translation; literally,
animal with a hump’)
umyuaq ‘mind’ malrugnek umyualgek ‘hypocrite’ (in New Testament translation;
literally, ‘one with two minds’)
ciruneq ‘antler cirunelek ‘one with antlers’; ‘caribou’ (lexicalized)
tuntu ‘caribou; reindeer tuntulek ‘reindeer herder(lexicalized)
Kituuga arnacuar nuyarpalek? ‘Who is the little woman with the long hair — the one having
long hair?’
At’lek Mecaq’amek anngaqaqa. ‘The one with the name Mecaq’aq is my older brother.’
–ler- (K, BB form), ~+ler- (Y form) to V suddenly and willfully # = -ter-; > -leryag-; < PE pb. -t03-
tegu- ‘to take in hand’ teguleraa ‘he grabbed it’; ‘he manhandled him’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanlertuq, qanerlertuq ‘he spoke sharply or angrily’
nuteg- ‘to shoot’ nut’lertuq, nuteglertuq ‘he suddenly shot’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerleraa ‘he gobbled it down’
-laryaaqe- — -ler-
Also, irregularly:
kegge- ‘to bite’ kegleraa (rather than *keggleraa)it suddenly bit him’
aurre- ‘to crawl’ aurlertuq ‘he suddenly crawled’
iqmig- ‘to put in one’s mouth’ iqemleraa (also regularly iqmilraa) ‘he popped it in his mouth’
negte- ‘to press down’ negleraa ‘he clamped down on it’
uirre- ‘to ght’ (of animals) uirleraa ‘it suddenly mauled him’; ‘it growled or snarled at him’
–leryag- (K, BB form), ~+leryag- (Y form) to V abruptly; to V in a huff # < -ler-?-
ane- ‘to go out’ anleryagtuq ‘he went out in a huff
taq’i- ‘to change one’s mind’ taq’ileryagtuq ‘he abruptly and angrily changed his mind’
iter- ‘to come in’ it’leryagtuq, iterleryagtuq ‘he rushed in’
ca- ‘to do something’ caleryagtuq ‘he acted abruptly’
Caleryagaluni aturanek qemagciuq qenertelliami. ‘He put the clothes away (acting) in a huff,
apparently in anger.’
?lerte- (meaning uncertain) # non-productive; the following adjectival verb bases include this postbase
quu- ‘to pucker quulertuq ‘it is sour’; quulerrluni ‘being sour
puya- ‘to be rancid’ puyalertuq ‘it is rancid’ (equivalent to puyauq)
? qevlertuq ‘it is shining’
qalla- ‘to boil’ qallalertuq ‘it is gurgling’
–lgir- to take along N # < -lek-?-lir-
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtelgirtuq ‘he is taking along a dog or dogs’; qimugtelgiraa
‘he is taking along a dog for her
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayalgirtuq ‘he is taking a kayak along with him’
Also, non-productively with certain verb bases:
utaqa- ‘to wait’ utaqalgir- ‘to wait for something to occur
aqva- ‘to go get’ aqvalgir- ‘to retrieve (something)’
Irnialgirluni tekituq. ‘He arrived alongwith his children.’
Kitaki, angayuqaagpet neqkalgiraakuk, akutaturnaurtukuk. ‘Okay, your parents have carried
food along for us, so let’s eat Eskimo ice cream.’ (QUL 2003:42)
. . . itertaalarniluki nen’un qantalgirluteng. ‘. . . (she) said that they would go from house to
house, bringing bowls along with them.’ (CAU 1985:23)
–lgu- to always V; to be able to V (NS meanging) # NS; > -lguir-, -lguirute-, -lguite-, -lguri-; < PE pb. @(0)!u-
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimalguuq ‘he always swims’; ‘he can swim’ (NS meaning)
atur- ‘to use’ atulguaqa ‘I always use it’; ‘I can use it’ (NS meaning)
–lguir- to cease being able to V # NS; <-lgu-ir
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimalguirtuq ‘he ceased being able to swim’
-leryag- — -lguir-
–lguirute- to be no longer able to V # NS; < -lgu-i:rute-
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimalguirutuq ‘he can no longer swim’
–lguite- to be unable to V # NS; < -lgu-ite
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimalguituq ‘he cannot swim’
–lgun one who has the same N as possessor; sharer of N # takes possessed endings or non-singular
unpossessed endings; < -lek-u-n; cf. –llgun
nunalgutii ‘one from the same village or land that he is from, his
fellow villager, his countryman’; nunalgutet ‘people from the
same village’
‘house’ nelgutenka ‘those who live in the same house as I do’
Also, irregularly (because from verbs):
ane- ‘to emerge’ (as at birth) anelgutai ‘its littermates, his age-mates’
yuu- ‘to live’ yuulgun ‘age-mate; peer
Ingna arnaq nunalgutkaqa. ‘That woman is from my village — I have her as my co-villager.’
–lguri- to become able to V # NS; < -lgu-i
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimalguriuq ‘he has become able to swim’
, +liq one who is V; one who Vs; one having V; one similar to N # used regularly rather than -lria on
bases expanded by -tu-, -yu-, -yunqegg-, and -ngar-, and non-productively on other verbs and nouns (as shown
below); > -ngarli, -yunqeggli, -tuli, -yuli, -keggliq
keggsu- ‘to tend to bite’ keggsuli ‘one that tends to bite’; in some areas specically ‘pike’
usvitu- ‘to be wise’ usvituli ‘wise one’
navtu-, nav’tu- ‘to be
navtuli, nav’tuli ‘fragile, breakable thing’
imartu- ‘to have a lot of
imartuli ‘one with a lot of contents’
yurayu- ‘to dance well’ yurayuli ‘a good dancer
neryunqegg- ‘to love to eat’ neryunqeggli ‘one who loves to eat’
pic’u- ‘to be good at catching
pic’uli ‘a good hunter
miluquyu- ‘to be good at
miluquyuli ‘legendary creature that throws heavy things, often
identied as an ape or monkey’
yugtutu- ‘to customarily eat
yugtutuli ‘man-eater, cannibal, lion’ (lexicalized)
tevyu- ‘to be good at
tevyuli ‘muskrat’ (lexicalized)
— -li
tertu- ‘to be well endowed
with a rear end’
tertulilynx’ (lexicalized)
iqlungar- ‘to tend to lie’ iqlungarli ‘liar
teglengar- ‘to tend to steal’ teglengarli ‘thief
Also, from bases not formed with one of the postbases mentioned above:
puqig- ‘to be intelligent,
puqigli ‘intelligent person, knowledgeable person’
kayu- ‘to be strong’ kayuli ‘strong person’
uqila- ‘to run fast’ uqilali ‘fast runner
alingtar- ‘to be cowardly’ alingtarli ‘coward’
qennga- ‘to be quick to anger qenngali ‘one who angers easily’
qiur- ‘to be bluish’ qiurliq (also qiugliq) ‘blue thing’
cungak ‘bile’ cungagliq ‘green thing’
esiq ‘egg yolk’ esirliq ‘yellow thing’
kavir- (root) ‘red’ kavirliq ‘red thing’
qater- ‘to be white’ qaterliq ‘white thing’
uquq ‘oil’ uqurliq ‘silver salmon’ (lexicalized)
tan’geq ‘darkness’ tan’gerliq ‘black bear(lexicalized)
elngur- ‘to be tough’ elngurliq ‘strong sewing thread’ (lexicalized)
tumag- ‘to taste dry and bitter tumagliq ‘cranberry’ (lexicalized)
tegge- ‘to be hard’ teggliq ‘metal, bead’ (lexicalized)
tukur- ‘to be wealthy’ tukurliq ‘wealthy person’
The following postbases, -li-, -liaq, –linqigte-, -linraq*, -liqe-
, -liqe-
, -lir-, -liur-, -liyar-, start with li and
drop the nal consonant of the base to which they are attached. With such postbases it is generally permissible to
delete the l of the postbase and the preceding vowel after the postbase has been attached. For example, angyaliuqhe
is making a boat’ can be shortened to angyiuq. In some cases, however, the shortened form is not acceptable to all
speakers. In other cases the shortened form is preferred to the longer form, and in some cases the shortened form has
acquired a meaning slightly different from that of the longer form. This is particularly true of -li- and -lir-; for this
reason, the shortened forms -i- and -ir- are listed as postbases in their own right.
to make N; to make N for (him); to make N out of (it) # see also –i
-; > -kite-
, -liaq; < PE pb. li-
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaliuq or angyiuq ‘he is making a boat’; angyalia or angyia
‘he is making a boat for her, he is making a boat out of it’
, ena
house’ neliuq, enliuq ‘he is making a house’
tengssuun ‘airplane’ tengssuuteliuq or tengssuuciuq ‘he is making an airplane’
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvvialiuq or kuuvviiguq ‘he is making coffee’
quliraq ‘legend’ quliriuq (prefered to quliraliuq) ‘he is telling a legend’
maqaq ‘warmth’ maqiuq ‘he is taking a steambath’ (lexicalized)
kayanguq ‘egg’ kayangiuq ‘it is laying an egg’
igaruaq ‘representative of
something, drawing’
yaarui- ‘to draw with a story knife’ (lexicalized, via unattested
igaruali- and igarui-)
Also, with irregular form and meaning:
sh’ neqliuq ‘he is preparing sh for winter(the regular form with this
postbase is neq’liuq ‘he is making sh’)
Una mikelnguq qaspeliciqaqa. ‘I will make a cloth cover parka for this child.’
Una lumarraq qaspeliciqaqa. ‘I will make a cloth cover parka out of this cloth.’
Naucetaarviliqatarniluni aqvai elagcuutet. ‘Saying that she was going to make a garden, she
went to get the digging tools.’
Cali-llu taum qanemcikestellran pillermini neq’lillruniluku iqalluarpagnek, . . . ‘Furthermore,
the one who told this story also said that [the Raven] made sh, herring sh, . . .’ (ELL
{-li- see -i-
–liaq a made N; N made by possessor # see “Irregular Possession with Certain Postbases” in Introduction to
the Postbases; < -li
-aq; < PY pb. li(C)a3
pi ‘thing’ piliaqa ‘the thing I made’; piliaqaqa ‘it is the thing I made, I
made it’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyalian or angyian ‘the boat you made’ (whether it is owned by
you or not)
ca ‘thing, act’ caliaq ‘something done, completed task, job’
ciu ‘front, predecessor ciuliaq ‘ancestor(lexicalized)
agayun ‘god’ agayut’liaq ‘idol’
kuik ‘river kuiliaq ‘man-made river channel’
equk ‘wood’ eqiaq (preferred to equliaq) ‘chopped rewood’
Atkulialqa assiituq. ‘The parka I made — my made parka — is not good.’
Kia piliaqau una atkuk? ‘Who made this parka — has this parka as his made thing?’
{-liar- see -liyar-}
{-liarte- see -qliarte-}
{-likacaar(aq*) see -qlikacaar(aq*)}
–linqigte- to change one’s N; to get another N # < -lir-ngqigte-
angyaq ‘boat’ angyalinqigtuq ‘he got another boat’; angyalinqigtaa ‘he
provided her with another boat’
nuna ‘land’ nunalinqigtuq ‘he moved to another village or city’
ateq ‘name’ at’linqigtuq or acinqigtuq ‘he got a new name’
at’aq ‘clothing that has been
put on’
ac’inqigtuq (preferred to at’alinqigtuq) ‘he changed his clothes’
–linraq*, –linr(aq*) (NUN form) product of N; evidence or trace of N # < -lir-nraq*; < PY pb. lin3aq
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtelinraq or qimugcinraq, qimugtelin’er (NUN form) ‘dog
feces, dog tracks’
atsaq ‘berry’ atsalinraq ‘berry juice, trace of berries’
yuk ‘person’ yul’inraq or yinraq ‘human feces, tracks, or other evidence of
quugaa(rpak) ‘mammoth’ quugiinraq ‘fossilized mammoth ivory’
issaluuq ‘porcupine’ issaliinraq ‘porcupine quill, porcupine bladder
qugyuk ‘swan’ qugyinraat ‘swan feathers, swan bones’
. . . yuk itertuq kaviinrarmek kegginaqurluni qalriagurluni kaviacetun. ‘. . . a person came in
wearing a fox mask — thing of foxes — and crying out like a fox.’ (CIU 2005:274)
Carayalinrarnek nalaqucameng iqvalriit alingengut. ‘Because they found signs of bears the berry
pickers began to get scared.’
?liq* area in the N direction # non-productive; used with certain roots and positional bases; cf. qliq*; > ?lirneq
at- (root) ‘down’ atliq, acliq ‘area below, cellar, saucer
‘area toward water’;
‘area away from wall in
kelliq ‘area nearer to the water
‘above’ qulliq ‘area above, attic’
‘between’ akuliq ‘area between’
{-liq see -li-
to catch a lot of N # used mainly with words for game animals, sh, and fowl, and two verb bases as shown
below; takes intransitive endings only; possibly < -lir-te
-; < PE pb. liq0-
‘sh’ neq’liquq ‘he caught a lot of sh’
tuntuvak ‘moose’ tuntuvaliquq or tuntuviquq ‘he got a lot of moose’
iqvaq ‘picked berry’ iqviquq ‘he picked a lot of berries’
-linqigte- — -liqe-
Also, irregularly (because from verb bases):
pite- ‘to catch game’ pit’liquq ‘he caught a lot of game’
cange- ‘to catch sh or the
cangliquq ‘he caught a lot of sh or the like’
Pit’liqkuni yaqulegnek cikirciqsugnarqaaten. ‘If he catches a lot of birds, he will probably give
you some.’
to be aficted in one’s N or with respect to N # used only with body part terms, and a few other nouns
as shown below; takes intransitive endings only; > -lliqe-, -illiqe-, -alliqe-; < PE pb. liq0-
qamiquq ‘head’ qamiquliquq or qamiqiquq ‘he has a headache’
ilu ‘inside, digestive tract’ iluliquq ‘he has a stomach ache’
keggun ‘tooth’ kegguteliqua or kegguciqua ‘I have a toothache’
aqsaq ‘stomach’ aqsaliquq or aqsiquq ‘he has a stomachache’
umyuaq ‘mind’ umyualiquq or umyuiquq ‘he is mentally ill’
ciun ‘ear ciuteliquq or ciuciquq ‘he has an earache’
Also with the following non-body-part nouns:
taangaq ‘liquor taangiquq (preferred to taangaliquq) ‘he is drunk’
nuak ‘saliva’ nuiquq (preferred to nualiquq) ‘he is drooling’
neviarcaq ‘girl’ neviarciquq (preferred to neviarcaliquq) ‘he is desperately in love
with a girl’
tangrraq ‘seen thing’ tangrriquq (preferred to tangrraliquq) ‘he is infatuated’
Qamiqiqsuutmek iinrullrung’e’rma qamiqiqua cali. ‘Even though I took an aspirin — device
for when one is aficted in the head — I still have a headache.’
–lir- to have lots of N; to provide with or be well provided with N; to add N to (it) # see also -ir-
lexicalized combinations involving this postbase, and for other uses, probably extensions of the basic meaning;
< -lgir-, -linqigte-, -linraq*, -liqe-
; < PE pb. li3-
atsaq ‘berry’ atsalirtuq or atsirtuq ‘it has lots of berries’; atsaliraa or atsiraa ‘he
provided it with berries, added berries to it’
qiiq ‘gray hair qiilirtua ‘I have many gray hairs’
egturyaq ‘mosquito’ egturyalirtuq or egturyirtuq ‘there are lots of mosquitoes’
ateq ‘name’ at’liraa or aciraa ‘he named her
Also, irregularly:
‘sound’ neplirtuq ‘it is noisy’ (the regular form would be nep’lirtuq meaning
there are lots of noises’)
Akusnginanemni camek umyuarteqevkenii aanama tailuni uqiqeraa akutaqa uitaqarraarluni-
llu atsirluku. ‘While I was whipping up a mixture, and somewhat distracted, my mother came
over and added a little bit of oil, and after waiting a while she added berries to it.’
— -lir-
@liri- to become or cause to become more and more V # used only with bases ending in e (including te, which
is dropped); < -i
ange- ‘to be big’ angliriuq ‘it is getting bigger and bigger, growing more and
nanite- ‘to be short’ naniliriut ‘they are getting shorter and shorter
Nernginanermini aqsiigni tangrrak anglirillinilriik. ‘While he was eating, he looked at his
abdomen, and lo and behold, it had become big.’
?lirneq area in the N direction; one of the N direction # used primarily with positional bases and demonstrative
adverb bases to make the location more specic and concrete; < ?liq-neq
aki ‘area across’ akilirneq ‘the area on the other side’; akilirnera ‘the area on the
other side of it’
kingu ‘behind’ kingulirnera ‘the area behind it’
kelu ‘back with respect to
river’; ‘back toward wall
in room’
kelulirnermi ‘in the area back from the river’; ‘in the area toward
the wall’
‘front with respect to
river’; ‘area away from
wall in room’
kellirnermi ‘in the area toward the river’; ‘in the area away from
the wall’
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaalirnermi ‘farther in the distance’
‘outside’ elalirnermi ‘in the area outside’ (irregular)
‘above’ qulirnermi ‘in the area above’; ‘in the top area’ (irregular)
uka(ni) ‘near ukalirnermi ‘in the area nearby, toward this side’
ua(ni) ‘by the exit’ ualirnermi ‘in the area by the exit’
tallirpik ‘right side’ tallirpilirnerani ‘on the right side of it’
negeq ‘north’ neglirnera ‘the area north of it, the northern part of it’
Pingayiritmi ‘on Wednesday’ Pingayiritmilirnermek ‘since Wednesday’
ciu ‘time before; area in front’ ciulirnermi ‘toward the front area’; ciulirneq ‘elder, old-timer
–liur- to be occupied with N; to work or play with N; to cook N (additional NUN meaning); < -li-?-; > -kiur-,
keggun ‘tooth’ kegguteliurtuq or kegguciurtuq ‘he is brushing or otherwise
working with his (own) teeth’; kegguteliuraa or kegguciuraa
‘he is cleaning her teeth’
nuyaq ‘hair nuyaliurtuq or nuyiurtuq ‘he is xing his hair’; nuyiurun or
nuyuurun (irreg.) ‘comb’
qanikcaq ‘snow’ qanikciurun (from qanikcaliurun) ‘shovel’ (lexicalized)
qusngiq ‘reindeer(NUN, Y);
sheep’ (K, CAN, BB)
qusngiliurtuq ‘he is cooking reindeer meat’ (NUN usage);
qusngiliurta ‘shepherd’ (K, CAN, BB usage)
-liri — -liur-
equk ‘wood’ eqiurtuq ‘he is chopping wood’ (the longer form, equliurtuq, is
not generally used)
ciku ‘ice’ cikuliurun ‘ice pick, ice spud’
Also, irregularly:
‘sh, food’ neqliurtuq ‘he is serving food’; neqliuraa ‘he is serving food to
her(the regular form, neq’liurtuq, means ‘he is working with
sh or food’)
Mikelnguut levaaliurtut aataseng maqillrani. ‘The children are playing with the outboard motor
while their father takes a steambath.’
Neq’liurutekraarluku up’nerkami, ilua augnek tua-i pitat augitnek uqlangtuuq qayam ilua,
uciliqtaarluni. ‘After they used it to obtain food — used it as a device for working with food
— in the spring, the inside of the kayak is messy with the [caked] blood of the animals
caught from loading and unloading it.’ (PAI 2008:286)
{-liute- see -kliute-}
–liyar-, –liar- to go to participate in N or V # used with bases signifying a group activity; takes intransitive
ending only; < -?-yar-
agayu- ‘to pray’ agayuliyartuq, agayuliartuq ‘he is going to church’
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yuraliyartuq, yuraliartuq ‘he is going to an Eskimo dance’
tangercetaaq ‘movie’ tangercetaaliyartuq, tangercetaaliartuq ‘he is going to a movie’
Alussistuaq ‘Christmas’ Alussistualiyartuq, Alussistualiartuq ‘he is going for Christmas’
Paaskaaq ‘Easter Paaskaaliyartuq, Paaskaaliartuq ‘he is going for Easter
–lkiite- to not be apparent that or whether one has V-ed #
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayalkiituq ‘it is not apparent whether he left’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerelkiituq ‘it is not apparent whether he ate’
–lkia- to give evidence or indication of N or V #
Tua-i-llu piinanrani qakemna yuk yulkialuni. ‘And then a little later a person made sounds out
there — gave evidence that there was a person out there.’ (ELL 1997:116)
Mer’em tungii camna mertangqelkiaguq. ‘Toward the water, down there, there was evidence of
there being some water there.’ (MAR1 2001:36)
Maa-i tua-i ak’a picami aulkialuni man’a uciillra. ‘The area where he had unloaded his kayak
had bloodstains — evidence of blood — because he had caught one.’ (QUL 2003:162)
Tayim’ ilaci tan’gurrarni imarpignaalangkuneng tanglarciquq yaqulecuarnek a¥gkunek
qateryaaqelriameng yaq¥rrit ta¥gaam tungulkialuteng. ‘When one of you boys starts going
out to the ocean, you will see little birds that, although they are white, have a little bit of black
on their wings.’ (QUL 2003:50)
-liyar- — -lkia-
–lkite- to make a noise or give other evidence of N #marginally productive; takes intransitive endings only
qaneq ‘mouth’ qanelkituq ‘he made a noise with his mouth’; ‘there was
someone speaking somewhere in the distance’
sound’ nepelkituq ‘he made a noise’; ‘there was a noise somewhere in
the distance’
yuk ‘person’ yulkituq ‘he made a noise indicating the presence of people’
erina ‘voice’ erinalkituq ‘he spoke in a small, distant voice’
Tua-i tuaten angualria unani imarpigmi tanglalliniuq yuk aqumgaluni, ta¥gaam-gguq
kegginalkitayuituq. ‘One paddling out in the ocean might see a person sitting (on the ice),
but I have heard that they showed their faces.’ (CIU 2005:28)
–lkuk no-good, darned N # and –lkug- darned one Vs or is V-ed # this postbase is sufxed to the absolutive
singular (rather than the base) of demonstrative pronouns; see section on “Postbases of Endearment or
Denigration” in Introduction to the Postbases
yuk ‘person’ yulkuk ‘no-good person’; yulkuut ‘no-good people’
ui ‘husband’ uilkua ‘her no-good husband’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtelkuk ‘darned dog’
ingna ‘that one’ ingnalkuk ‘that no-good (person)’
ukna ‘the one approaching’ uknalkuk ‘that darned person approaching’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayalkugtuq ‘the darned one left’
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupalkua ‘wake up, darn you!’; tupalkugtuq ‘the darned one
woke up’
tupagte- ‘to wake (him) up’ tupagtelkugaa ‘he woke up that darned person’
ik’atak (expression of distain,
disgust, or disparagement)
ik’atalkuk ‘that really no-good one’; ‘so disgusting!;
Cassulkugcit-mi tanem, eluciilnguuq? ‘And whatever are you after, you no-good, shapeless
–llag- to V suddenly and surprisingly # < PE pb. @@a!-
kuve- ‘to spill’ kuv’llagaa, kuvvlagaa ‘he suddenly spilled it’
quuyurni- ‘to smile’ quuyurnillagtuq ‘he suddenly smiled’
ngel’ar- ‘to laugh’ ngel’allagtuq ‘he suddenly laughed’
ellngar- ‘to spring a leak’ ellngallagtuq ‘it suddenly sprang a leak’
qalrir- ‘to cry out’ qalriilagtuq ‘he suddenly cried out’
With the following bases, this postbase takes only the irregular form given here:
alinge- ‘to be scared’ alingallagtuq ‘he suddenly got scared’; ‘he got a fright’
kuve- ‘to spill’ kuvallagaa ‘he suddenly spilled it’
aqume- ‘to sit down’ aqumkallagtuq ‘he fell on his rear
aar- ‘to yelp, yell, scream’ aarcillagtuq ‘he yelped, suddenly screamed’
— -llag-
peke- ‘to make a move, to stir peksallagtuq ‘it (bird) ew off from its eggs’ (HBC usage)
eke- ‘to burn’ or keneq ‘re’ kenngallagtuq ‘it burst into ames’
cit’gallagtuq ‘it (squirrel) is making its characteristic (sudden) alarm calls’
Uum-am kainiqellriim taillagcetaanga. ‘This hungry one caused me to (suddenly) come over
(though I wasn’t planning to).’
Meryuamku-am kuvvlagaa. ‘Just because I wanted to drink it, he purposely (suddenly) spilled
Puckaq kevvlemku ellngallagtuq. ‘When I picked up the barrel, it suddenly sprang a leak.’
–llaq* thing of N (often with reference to the past) #
ak’a ‘ago, time past’ ak’allaq ‘old thing’; aged one’
uksuq ‘last winter uksullaq ‘thing of last winter
yuk ‘person’ yull’aq ‘artifact left by people of the past’
akwaugaq ‘yesterday’ akwaugallaq ‘thing of yesterday’
kiak ‘summer kiallaq ‘thing of last summer
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’allaq ‘thing of the white man, something borrowed from
white culture’ (compare kass’artaq ‘manufactured or mass-
produced thing’)
maraq ‘mudats’ marallaq “Eskimo potato” (Hedysarum alpinum) (lexicalized)
nutem ‘from the beginning’
nutemllaq ‘old-time practice; ancient custom’
uka(ni) ‘(on) the near side’ ukaqvallauguq ‘it is a very recent thing’
former N; one that V-ed or was V-ed; act or state of V-ing # see “Irregular Possession with Certain
Postbases” in Introduction to the Postbases; see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 254ff); not used with
-ciqe-/-ciiqe-; instead, -llerkaq is used for future forms; for Y and NS this postbase functions in the same way
as, and in place of -ciq (q.v.; see also rst sentence example below); cf. -neq
; > -cilleq, -llerkaq, -llru-, -lqe-,
-llruar(aq*), -utelleq; < PE pb. @03
With noun bases, means ‘former N’:
angyaq ‘boat’ angyalleq ‘that which was a boat’; angyallra ‘his former boat;
that which was his boat but is either no longer a boat, or no
longer his’
qame- ‘to die down’ (re) qamlleq ‘ash’ (lexicalized)
With verb bases, means ‘the one that V-ed or the act of V-ing’ (if used with an unpossessed ending), or ‘the
one that possessor V-ed or possessor’s act of V-ing’ (if used with a possessed ending), or ‘the event of the
possessor’s being V-ed’ (if used with a possessed ending and on a verb base that can take transitive endings);
note that when used with a possessed ending, if the embedded verb cannot take transitive endings, then the
meaning of the derived noun is restricted to the possessor’s act of V-ing.
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’lleq, nerrleq ‘the one who ate or the act of eating’; nerellra
‘the one he (possessor) ate, the food he was eating’; ‘his act of
eating,’ or ‘it’s state of being eaten’
-llaq* — -lleq
ayag- ‘to leave’ (cannot take
transitive endings)
ayalleq ‘the one who left or the act of leaving’; ayallra ‘his act of
Nalluunga qetunrarpenun tuqutellranek carayak. ‘I don’t know if your son killed the bear —
about your son’s act of killing the bear.’ (Y, NS usage)
Arnaq tangellren nulirqaqa. ‘The woman that you saw is my wife.’
Uillra sugtunrullruuq wangni. ‘Her former husband was taller than I am.’
Niitelleq temem elpeksuutekaa. ‘Hearing — the act or activity of hearing — is a sense of the
Aatami yuunrillra ilutequtekaa. ‘He is grieving over his father’s death — condition of having
Arnam ce÷irtellra agayulirte÷guuq. ‘The person the woman visited — the one that she had
visited — is a priest.’
Arnam ce÷irtestellra agayulirte÷guuq. ‘The person who visited the woman — the woman’s
former visitor — is a priest.’
Allanrem tangellran quyavkaraanga. ‘The sight of the visitor — the act or fact of seeing the
visitor — made me thankful.’
one more V than possessor(s), the most V of the possessors # used only with adjectival bases ending in
te (which is dropped); other adjectival bases use –neq
; takes possessed endings only; forms “selectional bases”
(see Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 258)); > -llru
-, -lqurraq*
kemgite- ‘to be skinny’ kemgillrat ‘the skinniest one of them, the one smaller than they
are’; kemgillrit ‘the skinniest ones of them, the ones skinniest
than they are’; kemgillra ‘the one skinniest than it’; skinniest
‘the ones smaller than it’
assiite- ‘to be bad’ assiillrat ‘the worst one of them, the one worse than they are’
picuite- ‘to not catch game’ picuillra ‘the one who is not as skilled as he is in hunting’
mikte- ‘to be small’ (variant of
mikellrat ‘the smallest one of them’ (used even by those who use
mike- as the base rather than mikte-, though mikenrat is used too;
cf. –neq
Qimugtema mikellrat qilutuuq qastunruluni ilamini. ‘My smallest dog — the smallest one of my
dogs — barks louder than the others.’
–ller(aq*) shabby, old N # when (aq*) is deleted, ll is geminated unless it follows a rhythmically lengthened or
heavy syllable; > -qpallr(aq*)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyall’er, angyallraq ‘shabby boat’; angyallraat ‘shabby boats’;
angyall’e’rmi ‘in the shabby boat’
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayall’er, qayalleraq ‘shabby kayak’; qayalleraat ‘shabby
‘house’ nell’e’rqa ‘my shabby house’
–llerkaq future act of V-ing; unrealized act of V-ing # this is used rather than -ciqe-/-ciiqe- with -lleq; <
Qanrutaanga qaillun ayallerkarpenek. ‘He told me how you would go — about your future act
of going.’
— -llerkaq
Aqvallerkaa nalluyagutellruaqa. ‘I forgot to get it — forgot the future act of getting it.’
Kaillerkamte÷ek alingua. ‘I’m afraid of us becoming hungry (lacking food, starving) — of our
(possible) future state of being hungry.’
Nulirtullerkani alikaa. ‘He is afraid to get married — of his own (possible) future act of getting
Ilumun qanrutamci, alerquutet iliit carraungermi qaqimarivailgan piunrirngaituq qiliim
nunam-llu iquklitlerkaagnun. ‘Verily I say unto you, before it is fullled the least of these
commandments will not be done away with until heaven and earth come to an end — until
their future fact of coming to an end.’ (MATT. 5:1)
–llgu- to be good at V-ing # NUN; < PE pb. @(0)!u-
cali- ‘to work’ calillguuq ‘he’s good at working’
pi- ‘to do’ pillguuten ‘you have real stamina’
–llgun fellow V-er; V-ing partner # takes possessed endings or non-singular unpossessed endings; cf. -lgun;
< -?-u-n
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayallgutii ‘his traveling companion’; ayallgutet ‘fellow travelers’
agnguar- ‘to dance’ agnguallgutii ‘his dancing partner
cali- ‘to work’ calillguteten ‘your fellow workers’
yuu- ‘to be a person’ yuullgutput ‘our fellow humans’
nasaurluu- ‘to be a girl’ nasaurluullgutai ‘her fellow girls’
Also, irregularly (because from a noun):
ateq ‘name’ atellgutii ‘one who has the same name as he’
Antai maqillgut’ni. ‘He drove out his steambath partners.’
Nerqatartukut. Nerellgucirkut. ‘We are going to eat. Eat with us — be our eating partner.’
Calillguteklallruaqa. ‘I used to work with him — used to have him as a partner in working.’
Cali wiinga allam pillgucirlua. ‘And someone else would work with me — provide me with a
partner (in the person of himself) in acting or being a certain way.’ (CIU 2005:366)
–lli- to maybe V; to perhaps V # implies wondering or questioning; provides a polite way to ask a question; >
-cilli-, -llini-, -ciqli-/-ciiqli-
melug- ‘to smoke’ melugyulliuten ‘perhaps you’d care to smoke’
nerellru- ‘to have eaten’ nerellrulliuq ‘perhaps he ate’
anuqlir- ‘to be windy’ anuqlillikan ‘if it happens to be windy’
Qaqitellikumteggu caliarkarput unuaqu pissuryaqilta. ‘If we happen to nish our work let’s go
hunting tomorrow.’
–llini- to V without being directly observed by the speaker # may be translated as ‘evidently’, ‘apparently’,
or ‘I discover that’, but in many cases any English translation for this postbase would imply a stronger
qualication than that of the Yup’ik; < -lli-neq
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayalliniuq ‘I discover that he left; evidently he left; (i.e., ‘I did not
see him go but I now see that he is gone’)
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’llinia, nerrlinia ‘evidently he ate it’
Ak’a mit’elliniuq tengssuun. ‘I see that the airplane has already landed.’
Qalarrnginanemte÷i tang tengssuun tengllinilria. ‘While we were talking, lo and behold, the
airplane had (evidently) taken off.’
Tua-i-llu qerrutenglliniami keggutai-llu kavcagtengluteng, ilain-llu ulivsiangraatni
cakanirpek’nani. Tua-i-llu ut’rulluku, uterrnginanermeggni qavaqalliniluni. ‘And so, since
she (evidently) was becoming cold and her teeth were beginning to chatter, although her her
sisters tucked the blanket around her better, she did not feel any better. And so they took her
back, and while they were taking her back (evidently) she fell asleep.’ (ELL 1990:4)
+lliqe- to have N of poor quality # < -lluk (or -rrluk) –liqe
‘sh’ neqliquq ‘its (river’s) sh are poor
keggun ‘tooth’ keggutelliquq ‘he has bad teeth’
‘trail’ tumlliquq ‘he is following a trail that is in poor condition’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarrliquq ‘his boat is in poor condition’
ii ‘eye’ iilliquq ‘he has sore eyes, is having eye trouble’
{-llite- see -ite-
to have V-ed # used with intransitive and transitive endings in Y, NSK, NI, CAN, LK, BB, NR, LI, and
EG; in HBC, NUN, and UK not used with transitive endings; rather -lqe- is used instead; < -lleq-u-; > -lallru-,
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavallruuq ‘he slept’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerellruaqa ‘I ate it’
ane- ‘to go out’ anellruuq ‘he went out’
tuqute- ‘to kill’ tuqutellrua ‘he killed it’
to be more V # used only with adjectival bases that end in te (which is dropped); for other adjectival bases,
-nru- is used; the thing to which the subject is compared may be expressed by a noun in the localis case;
< -lleq
‘to be small’
mikellruuq ‘it is smaller
nanite- ‘to be short’ nanillruuq ‘it is shorter
Sugkillruunga elpeni. ‘I am shorter than you.’
–llruar(aq*) few N in poor condition # < -lleq-u-ar(aq*)
ca ‘thing’ callruarai ‘his few poor possessions’
akluq ‘clothing’ aklullruarai ‘his few poor clothes’
qantaq ‘bowl’ qantallruaraat ‘a few worn-out bowls’
— -llruar(aq*)
–llrunrite- to not have V-ed # < -llru-nrite- (note that these two postbases rarely occur together in the opposite
nere- ‘to eat’ nerellrunrituq ‘he didn’t eat’; nerellrunritaa ‘he didn’t eat it’
–llrurte- to have already V-ed # < -lleq-urte-
Angliaqameng ta¥gaam qingatuut, aglellrurtaqameng uingumariaqameng-llu. ‘Only when
they grow up do they become pregnant, when they have already menstruated and have gotten
husband.’ (ELN 1990:62)
Qaillun man’a yuuyararput cimillrurta? ‘How had our present way of life been transformed?’
(KIP 1998:277)
Tuaten piinanratni imkut Midean-aarmiut ak’a Joseph-aaq tunellrurtaat . . . ‘While they were
doing thus, the Mideonites had already sold Joseph . . .’ (AYAG. 37:36)
–llugtur- to V quickly, in a hurry # NSU
nere- ‘to eat’ nerellugturtuq ‘he ate in a hurry’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayallugturtuq ‘he left in a hurry’
?llugnite- to have the bad smell of N # HBC; < -lluk-nite-
@–lluk bad N; one with bad N # and –llug- or –llugte- to have bad N #drops te and the noun version usually
does not affect meaning of te ending noun bases; only marginally productive; see also -rrluk; > -lliqe-, -rpalluk,
-ngllug-, -pallug-/-vallug-; < PE pb. @u!-
ii ‘eye’ iilluk ‘bad eye; one with bad eyes’; iillugtuq ‘he has bad eyes,
eye trouble’
ella ‘weather ellalluk ‘rain, bad weather
kinertaq ‘dried thing’ kinertalluk ‘dried meat’ (lexicalized)
nuna ‘land’ nunalluk ‘bad land, not good for camping’
aprun ‘trail, animal trail’ aprulluk (variant)
caarin ‘alder caarilluk ‘alder(variant)
kuusqun ‘basket’ kuusqulluk ‘big type of basket’
arin ‘waterproof mitten’ arilluk ‘waterproof mitten’ (variant)
Irregularly and highly lexicalized:
aci ‘area under acipluk ‘root’ (NS only)
kingu ‘back part, after part’ kingullugtuq or kingullugtaa ‘it had a bad result’ (and, specialized
meaning: kingullugtaa ‘he sang a ridicule song at him’)
kangiq ‘source’ kangipluk (or kamipluk) ‘charcoal’
{-lmun see –tmun}
–lngu- to be indisposed with respect to N or to V-ing; to be tired of V-ing # when used productively with verb
bases, preserves polarity; otherwise takes intransitive endings only; > -culngu-; < PE pb. l&u-
Examples of this postbase used productively:
-llrunrite- — -lngu-
mertar- ‘to fetch water mertalnguunga ‘I am tired of fetching water
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayulnguaqa ‘I am tired of helping him’
neqerrlugtur- ‘to eat dried
neqerrlugtulnguuq ‘he is tired of eating dried sh’
Examples of non-productive occurrences:
nasquq ‘head’ nasqulnguuq ‘he has a headache’
uqir- ‘to have much oil’ uqiinguuq ‘he feels sick from eating too much oily food’
miryar- ‘to vomit’ miryalnguuq ‘he is nauseated’
epsar- ‘to suffocate’ (actually
‘to “go” suffocate’)
epsalnguuq ‘he feels bad due to the lack of fresh air
root for cuminge- ‘to seethe’ cumilnguuq ‘he is peeved because someone has bested him or
? tumilnguuq ‘his stomach is growling’
? aayalnguuq ‘he is dizzy’
Kuuvvialnguniluni saayumek yuurqallruuq. ‘Saying he was tired of drinking coffee, he had tea.’
Epsalngunaqngan man’a egaleq ikirteqataraqa. ‘Because it is stuffy — causes one to feel
indisposed in regard to lack of air — in here, I’ll open the window.’
–lqe- to have as the thing one has V-ed; to have V-ed # used only with verb bases that can take transitive
endings; the resulting verb base takes only transitive endings; used in HBC, NUN, and UK to express past time
with transitive endings (rather than -llru-, which is used with intransitive endings in HBC, NUN, and UK, and
with both transitive and intransitive endings elsewhere; < -lleq
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangelqaqa ‘I saw it’ (HBC, NUN, UK); ‘it is the thing I saw’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerelqaa ‘he ate it’ (HBC, NUN, UK); ‘it is the thing he ate’
–lquq old broken piece of N # semi-productive
murak ‘wood’ muralquq ‘broken piece of driftwood’
ca ‘thing’ calquq ‘any old thing, a piece of junk’; calqunka ‘my junk’
cuyaq ‘tobacco, leaf cuyalquq ‘piece of leaf tobacco’
–lqurraq* the one(s) most V # functions as an appositive rather than a selectional base (cf. –lleq
); < -lleq
Irniaqa kemgilqurraq qavartuq. ‘My skinniest child is sleeping,’ (compare alternate Yup’ik
formulation for this: Irniama kemgillrat qavartuq.)
Irnianka kemgilqurraat qavartut. ‘My skinniest children are sleeping.’ (compare alternate Yup’ik
formulation for this: Irniama kemgillrit qavartuq.)
–lria the one who is V-ing # when followed by another sufx, the form of this postbase is -lriar-; the relative
singular is -lriim, and the dual and plural absolutive and relative are -lriik and lriit respectively; other dual
forms are based on -lriig-; forms other than these are based on -lria; when added to a base so that a voiceless
consonant (especially t) and e precede the lr of this postbase, this lr may be optionally devoiced to llr (except in
-lqe- — -lria
HBC); generally does not take possessed endings (except in the case of lexicalized combinations); with “special”
te the postbase –nguq is usually used instead of this; this morpheme is also the marker of the “intransitive
participial mood”; see Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 382ff); > -kellriik; < PY pb. l3iaq
cali- ‘to work’ calilria ‘the one who is working’(compare calilleq ‘the one who
worked, calista ‘the one who works’); calilriartangqertuq
‘there are people working’; calilriit ‘the ones working’;
calilriignun ‘to the two who are working’
take- ‘to be long’ takelria, takellria ‘one that is long’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavalria ‘the one sleeping’
iter- ‘to come in’ itelria, itellria ‘the one coming in’
akag- ‘to roll’ akalria ‘the one rolling’; ‘ball’; ‘wheel’; ‘car(lexicalized); akalriara
‘his car
Tungulriamek qimugtengqertua. ‘I have a black dog — I have a dog, a black one.’
Ayainanermini tekituq angulvall’ermun eqiulriamun nem elatiini.As he went on he came to a
big man chopping wood outside a house — to big man, one who was chopping. . . .’
Yungcaristem alerquallruanga naulluulriit qavarcecesqelluki.The doctor told me to let the sick
ones sleep.’
–luaqar- to V well; to V enjoyably; to V benecially # cf. –luatar-; < PE pb. l(l)u(C)a3-
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaluaqertuq ‘he is sleeping well’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerluaqallruunga ‘I ate well’; nerluaqallruaqa ‘I enjoyed eating
pi- ‘to do’ piluaqaqina ‘good luck!’
yuu- ‘to live’ yuuluaqertuq ‘he lives well’
nau- ‘to grow’ (of plant) nauluaqertuq ‘it is growing well’
Piluaqaumanrituq. ‘It isn’t done right.’
Nerluaqaqsaituq. ‘He hasn’t eaten well, hasn’t eaten the way he usually does.’
Neqkangqeluaqanrirtuq. ‘He no longer has a sufcient supply of food.’
Cikiluaqaqiikut. ‘He gave us something benecial.’
Tailuaqalliniuten. ‘Good thing you came!’
{-luar(ar)- see -rrluar(ar)-}
–luataq good N # and –luatar- to V well; to V with satisfaction # NSU
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugteluataq ‘good dog’
yuk ‘person’ yuluataq ‘good person’
‘house’ neluataq ‘good house’
nere- ‘to eat’ nereluatartuq ‘he ate well’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaluatartuq ‘he slept well’
{-lugaq* see -rrlugaq*}
-luaqar — -luataq
–lugpiaq original N; authentic N # marginally productive; forms with this postbase are generally lexicalized:
< -?-pik
; < PY pb. lu!pi!aq
kass’aq ‘white man’ Kass’alugpiaq ‘Russian’; ‘member of the Russian Orthodox
Church (white or native)’
atsaq ‘berry’ atsalugpiaq ‘cloudberry, salmonberry’
lagiq ‘goose’ lagilugpiaq ‘white-fronted goose’
ikamraq ‘sled’ ikamralugpiaq ‘large freight sled’
yuk ‘person, Eskimo’ yul’ugpiaq ‘old-time person, person of long ago’
nuna ‘land’ nunalugpiaq ‘continent’
Aqsarpak-llu kic’etungraan imarpigmi ayagatungraan, taum callugtiin camavet mel’ugpiamun
imarpiim et’uqranun taryulugpiamun igulluku. ‘And, even though Big Belly was used to
sinking down and traveling in the ocean, that opponent of his dragged him down all the way
to the depths of the sea — to the genuine water in the depths of the sea, to the genuine brine.’
(YUU 1995:89)
{-lugte- see -rrlugte-}
{-luk see -rrluk}
?luq (anatomical word ending) # non-productive; occurs in a number of anatomical words; meaning of postbase
undetermined, and bases of the following unidentied; < PE pb. lu(3)
qavluq ‘eyebrow’ tamluq ‘chin’
kumluq ‘thumb’ curluq ‘nostril’
qerrluq ‘lip’ uluq ‘tongue’
aluq ‘sole of foot’ nulluq ‘buttock’
qelluq ‘colon’ yualuq, ivaluq ‘tendon, sinew’
:(u/i)ma- to be in a state of having V-ed or having been V-ed; to have been V-ing for a long time # (u) used
with bases ending in a consonant or e (but not te); (i) used with bases ending in te; with bases that describe
getting into a state, this postbase means to be in that state. With other bases it yields a verb meaning that the
action has been occurring for some time; preserves polarity, but if used with an intransitive ending and with a
verb base that can take transitive endings, then it can have a passive meaning (see example with nere- below); cf.
-ngqa-, -nga-; > -maar-, -mari-, -tuumar-, -squma-, -yuuma-, -yuumir-; < PE pb. (u)ma-
ciku- ‘to freeze’ cikumauq ‘it is frozen’
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuquumauq ‘it/he is dead’ (vs. tuqu(llru)uq ‘he died’)
-lugpiaq — -ma-
qercua- ‘to get frostbitten’ qercuamauq ‘it is frostbitten’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerumauq ‘he has eaten or it has been eaten’; nerumaa ‘has eaten
nipe- ‘to go out’ nipumauq ‘it is out, extinguished’
makete- ‘to rise’ makcimauq ‘he is upright’
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupaumauq ‘he is awake’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaigumauq ‘he has been hungry for a long time’
nare- ‘to smell’ narumaaqa ‘I keep smelling it (whether or not it is here’
Kaminiaq nipumayuksaaqluku ellillrui igat qainganun. ‘Thinking that the stove was out, he put
the letters on it.’
Aturciigataput una levaaq navgumiin. ‘We cannot use this motor because it is broken.’
Uksuumainanrani elitnaullruunga. ‘During the course of the winter I went to school.’
Kiagumainanrani calillruunga. ‘During the course of the summer I worked.’
–maa my N, . . . ; my Ns, . . . # vocative with further address; this is actually a special form with a special function
of the 1st person singular relative case; cf. -mta
irniaq ‘child’ irniamaa ‘my child, . . .’, ‘my children, . . .’
Qetunramaa, atavet, aanavet-llu alerquutai atuqiki, . . . ‘My son, follow your father’s and
mother’s precepts, . . .’ (KIP 1998:133)
Yumaa, niicugniqercia qanrutnaamci; . . . ‘My children, listen to me, I shall speak to you; . . .’
(PSALM 50:7)
Kitak nutaan panimaa, . . . aipangesqumangluten cingumangamken. ‘Look, my daughter, I am
beginning to wish that you would get a spouse; I prod you.’ (QUL 2003:600)
Agayutmaa, Agayutmaa, ciin unicia? ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ (PSALM
22:1 & MATT. 27:46)
Nuliamaa, una kulun tun’aqa elpenun nallunailkutaqesqelluku kassuutellmegnun. ‘My wife, I
give this ring to you as a token of our marriage.’ (CAT 1950:99)
:(u/i)maar- to just V (for a short duration, or without making a big deal of it); to take a V # NUN
apte- ‘to ask’ apcimaarru ‘just ask him’
tangssug- ‘to look’ tangssuumaaraqa ‘I took a look at it’
qanengssi- ‘to tell a story’ qanengssimaara ‘why don’t you tell story’
Ta¥gaten pimaarnginanrani neviarcara’ar una anqerrluni tangerqallinia ta¥ga¥get. ‘At that very
moment a young woman suddenly came out and met him face to face.’ (WOR 2007:112)
:(u/i)maar(ar)- to V slowly (K, NI meaning); to V to the surprise of others (HBC meaning) # < -ma-ar(ar)-
makete- ‘to rise’ makcimaartuq ‘he got up slowly’ (K, NI), ‘he got up to the
surprise of others’ (HBC)
iter- ‘to enter itrumaartuq ‘he entered slowly’ (K, NI), ‘he entered to the
surprise of others’ (HBC)
Tamaq’aqanrakun, tua-llu-gguq qamaken qasgim iluanek yuk kiugna anumaartuq qerrutmek
-maa — -maar(ar)-
tegumiarluni. ‘At the moment it disappeared a person slowly came out from the kashim
carrying a chamber pot.’ (QUL 2003:126)
?maarrluk food prepared by V-ing; (potential) food that is V; food that has N # non-productive; forms with
this postbase are lexicalized; < -?-rrluk
ega- ‘to boil’ egamaarrluk ‘half-dried and boiled sh’
aru- ‘to be soft, rotten’ arumaarrluk ‘sh slightly smoked and stored in seal oil’
tegge- ‘to be tough’ teggmaarrluk ‘dog salmon’ (Y)
uquq ‘seal oil’ uqumaarrluk ‘sh slightly smoked and stored in seal oil’
?mar- to V for a while; to V more than once # non-productive; sometimes seems to change the meaning very
little; < -ma3-
ige- ‘to swallow’ igmaraa ‘he is swallowing it over and over
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggmartuq ‘it is repeatedly biting; keggmaraa ‘it is repeatedly
biting him’
tut’e- ‘to step’ tutmaraa ‘he is stepping on it (more than once)’
qurre- ‘to urinate’ qurrmaraa ‘he is urinating on it’
aurre- ‘to crawl’ aurrmartuq ‘he is crawling’
:(u/i)mari- to have nished V-ing; to have already V-ed; to have been V-ed # < -ma-i
nere- ‘to eat’ nerumaria ‘he has already eaten it’
ayag- ‘to go’ ayaumariuq ‘he has already gone’
akilite- ‘to pay for (it)’ akilicimariuq ‘it’s already been paid’
Imlaugit anumariaqameng atertelartut ula carvaq-llu maliggluku yuinaak malruk wall yuinaat
pingayun erenret aturluki. ‘When their eggs are done being laid, they drift with the tide or
current for forty to sixty days.’
Aturai cimiumariata mertarcuutekegtaarmek cali qaluuritkegtaarmek cikirraarluku pia, “Kitak
tua-i nutaan mertaa.” ‘When he had nished changing his clothes, she gave him a ne bucket
and dipper and said to him, “Go ahead, please fetch water.”’
Ayagyaqunak ayaumarikuma ta¥gaam. ‘Don’t go until after I have left.’
Nerumarikumta ayagciqukut. ‘When we nish eating we’ll leave.’
–mcaugar- to V in a small way # NS
nere- ‘to eat’ neremcaugartuq ‘he is nibbling, snacking’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavamcaugartuq ‘he is napping, dozing’
–mciur(ar)- to V a little at a time #
nere- ‘to eat’ neremciurtuq ‘he is eating a little at a time’; neremciurallruuq
‘he ate a little at a time’
unatar- ‘to pick berries’ unatamciurtuq ‘he is picking berries a few at a time’
-maarrluk — -mciur(ar)-
–mcuar(ar)- to V a little # cf. -cuar(ar)-
tangerrnarqe- ‘to be visible’ tangerrnarqemcuartuq ‘it is partially visible’
qurre- ‘to urinate’ qurremcuarallruuq ‘he accidentally urinated a little’
–mcugte-, –mssugte-, –myugte- to V to a small degree; to V in a small way #
nere- ‘to eat’ neremyugtuq, neremssugtuq, neremcugtuq ‘he is nibbling’
qaner- ‘to talk’ qanemcugtuq etc. ‘he is grumbling, mumbling’
quser- ‘to cough’ qusemcugtuq etc. ‘he is coughing little coughs’
qenerte- ‘to be angry’ qenertemcugtuq ‘he is just slightly angry’
Qanemyugteng’e’rmeng ayagyugpek’nateng akwaugaq ayallruut. ‘Even though they grumbled
— spoke in a small way — not wanting to go, they left yesterday.’
%~mete- / %~nete- to be at N # a contraction of the localis ending %~mi, etc., and the obsolescent verb base ete-
meaning ‘to be’; takes intransitive endings only; may take subordinatives in -lu- (-luni, -luteng, -lua, etc.) or
in -na- (-nani, -nateng, -nii, etc.); see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 84ff)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyamtuq ‘it is in the boat’ (from angyami ‘in the boat’ and etuq
‘it is’); angyaanetuq, angyaantuq ‘it is in his boat’; angyantut
‘they are in the boats’
ilu ‘inside’ iluanetuq, iluantuq ‘it is inside it’ (from iluani etuq)
pika(ni) ‘up there’ pikanetuq, pika’antuq ‘it is up there’
na(ni) ‘where’ nanta? ‘where is it?’
Avelngayagaq natrem aciantuq. ‘The little mouse is under the oor.’
Im’um nanlucia (from nante-ciq-possessed ending) nalluaqa. ‘I don’t know where that thing is.’
Tua-i tamaani unugpak mermenani tua-i. ‘And so all night he was in the water.’ (NAT 2001:228)
Tua-i-gguq-am cellamelluni allanrem imum uitallran taktaciatun, asiin kesiani iterluni. ‘And so
he was (in the) outdoors as long as that stranger stayed there, coming in only when he went
away.’ (MAR1 2001:3)
@~+mi- to V also # < PE pb. mi-
age- ‘to go over agmiuq ‘he also went over
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarrmiuq ‘he went to bed also’
elite- ‘to learn’ elismia ‘he learned it too’
nallunrite- ‘to know’ nallunrilmiuq ‘he also knows’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yurarmiuq ‘he is dancing too’
tatamte- ‘to startle’
tatamesmia, tatam
µia ‘she startled him too’
Qangkun qessaminaurtuq. ‘As usual, he gets lazy.’
Tuanllutek tua-i. Yuulutek-wa tua-i. Ilakek-llu tua-i tamaa-i tekismilliniluteng.They
there. They
lived there. Their
family also came.’ (AGA 1996:140)
Yaaqvani-llu akmani Ingqilit inerquutengqerrmilalliniut . . . ‘The Indians of the lower 48 states
also had prohibitions . . .’ (CAU 1985:96)
-mcuar(ar)- — -mi-
. . . pinrilmiami-llu unran aciakun anqertaqluni. ‘. . . and, also when he did not do that, he
would slip out from its (fore)limbs.’ (YUU 1995:13)
+mik, +miaq thing held in one’s N # and +mig- to put in one’s N # < PE pb. mi!
qaneq ‘mouth’ qanermiaq ‘thing held in the mouth, such as a respirator used in
a steambath’; qanermigtuq ‘he put something in his mouth’;
qanermigaa ‘he put it in his mouth’
tunu ‘back’ tunumikaa ‘he is carrying it on his back’ (has it as the thing held
on his back); tunumigaa ‘he put it on his back to carry it’
itek ‘front part of boot’ itegmigaa ‘he kicked it with the front of his foot’
uneq ‘armpit’ unermiaq ‘thing held under the arm’
uya(quq) ‘neck’ uyamik ‘necklace or other thing worn on neck’
keni(q) ‘front part of parka
kenimikaa ‘she is holding it in the front skirt of her parka cover
(with the cloth gathered around it)
Also, irregularly:
iqeq ‘corner of mouth’ iqmik ‘thing held in the mouth’ (not to be eaten), specically,
‘chewing tobacco’; iqmigaa ‘he put it in his mouth’ (not
necessarily to eat it)
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggmiaq ‘thing held in the teeth by biting on it’
qayaq ‘kayak’ qasmigaa ‘he put it in his kayak’ (NUN usage); qasmikaa ‘he is
carrying it in his kayak’ (NUN usage)
–mirte- to act like N # non-productive
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’amirtuq ‘he’s acting like a white person’
tuunraq ‘shamanistic spirit’ tuunramirrluni ‘(he) practicing shamanism’
arnaq ‘woman’ arnamirtuq ‘he is (is acting) effeminate’
tamar- (root) ‘all, entire’ tamarmirtuq ‘he is putting all his effort into what he’s doing’
Tamakut tamaani tamatum nalliini waten angalkumirrluteng-wa pilaameng, nasvalarait cali
tamaaggun. ‘Back in those days some of those who practiced shamanism revealed their
powers by using things like that.’ (TAP 2004:72)
Tengmiirvigmi-llu tua-i tamarmirrluteng yuirulluteng makut nunat. ‘In April this village
becomes totally depopulated.’ (KIP 1998:267)
+milli- to probably also V; to most probably V or be V #
ega- ‘to cook’ egamilliuq ‘it must be cooked’
nunanir- ‘to be enjoyable’
nunanirmilliuq ‘it must be wonderful’
-mik — -milli-
~+miu inhabitant of N; resident of N; tribe-member of or from N # generally refers to humans: may be used,
in the plural, as part of the village name, cf. localis case ending -mi; > -miutaq; < PE pb. mi3u
Mamterilleq ‘Bethel’ Mamterillermiu ‘resident of Bethel’; Mamterillermiut ‘residents
of Bethel’, ‘Bethel’
? Urr’agmiut ‘Ohogamiut’ (old village on the Yukon)
? Umkumiut (a prominent sh camp on Nelson Is.)
Qissunaq ‘Kashunak’ (old
village near Chevak)
Qissunarmiullret ‘the former village of Kashunak’
pai ‘mouth of river Paimiut ‘Paimiut’ (old village on the Yukon and another near Hooper
Bay); people of the mouth of a river
cellin ‘whetstone’ Cellitemiut ‘Sleetmute’
negte- ‘to press down on’
µiut ‘Nightmute’ (perhaps because the wind presses down on
the site)
÷aq ‘shore’ ce÷armiu ‘shore dweller, inhabitant of the coast’
napa ‘tree’ Napamiut ‘Napamiut’ (old village on the Kuskokwim)
Kuigpak ‘Yukon River Kuigpagmiu ‘one who lives on the Yukon’
Qaluyaaq ‘Nelson Island’ Qaluyaarmiut ‘Nelson Islanders’
Canineq ‘the coast between
Nelson Is. and the mouth
of the Kuskokwim’
Caninermiut ‘people of Kwigillingok, Kongignak, Kipnuk, and
‘land in between’ Akulmiut ‘the people of Nunapitchuk, Kasigluk, Atmauthluak,
and nearby former villages’ (lexicalized; so called from their
being between encircling low hills)
ca ‘what’ camiungusit ‘where are you from?; where do you reside?’
Kusquqvak Kusquqvagmiunguunga ‘I reside on the Kuskokwim River
Fairbanks Fairbanks-armiunguunga ‘I’m a resident of Fairbanks’
qasgi(q) ‘men’s communal
qasgimiut ‘those who live in the men’s communal house’
qagaa(ni), qii(ni) ‘out there,
Qiimiut ‘(northern) Norton Sound Yup’ik people; Unaliq people’
With demonstrative pronouns, usually used with the non-singular base:
man’a, makut ‘one(s) here’ makumiut ‘those who live in this place; local people’
qagna, qagkut ‘one(s) out
there, one(s) north’
qagkumiu ‘northerners’; ‘Yukoners’; ‘Inupiat’
unegna, unegkut ‘one(s)
unegkumiu ‘one who lives downriver’
¥gna, qa¥gkut ‘one(s)
qa¥gkumiu ‘one who lives upriver
pa¥gna, pa¥gkut ‘one(s) back
pa¥gkumiu ‘mainlander(NUN, NI usage)
pagna, pagkut ‘one(s) upland’ pagkumiu ‘uplander
kinkut ‘who (plural)’ kinkumiunguyit? ‘where are you from?’ (NUN usage)
Umyuaqa nallartenricaaqellruuq yaaqvarmiupiamek Kass’amek aipangellrani, ta¥gaam . . .
tailuni nuna÷teni kassuutellruuk. ‘It troubled my mind when she married a white man from
a distant place — someone who lived far away — but he came and they got married in our
village.’ (QAN 2009:166)
Sometimes comes after a possessed ending of a positional base:
Akertem aciarmiu ‘black person’ (lexicalized; literally, ‘dweller of the area beneath the sun’);
. . . kuigem iluarmiungulua tangyuitellruunga makunek ‘. . . I, being a dweller of the area within
the river (i.e., along the river system), have never seen those.’ (CIU 2005:66)
+miu- to be at N; to stay at N # NUN
ella ‘outside’ ellamiuciqukut ‘we shall stay outside’
angyaq ‘boat’
angyarmiuguq ‘he is in the boat’
enmiussuun ‘house slipper(lexicalized)
~+miutaq* one whose place is N # generally of animals; < -miu-?
Yuilquq ‘wilderness’ yuilqurmiutaq ‘wild animal’
qilak ‘sky’ qilagmiutaq ‘one of the heavenly host’; ‘lemming’ (lexicalized; so
called because they supposedly fall from the sky)
imaq ‘contents, often watery
imarmiutaq ‘mink’ (lexicalized)
maraq ‘swamp’ mararmiutaq ‘longspur, waterthrush’ (lexicalized)
meq ‘water mermiutaq ‘aquatic animal’
nuna ‘land’ nunamiutaq ‘land animal’
imarpik ‘sea’ Imarpigmiutaq ‘sea mammal’
un’a, unkut ‘one(s) out at sea’ unkumiutaq ‘sea mammal’
qai ‘surface’ qaimiutauguq ‘it (child) clings to its parent’ (lexicalized)
Cukaringellrani-gguq imna tauna naqugutmiutarraa keglunrem pamyua wani agalria,
tuarpiaq-gguq avani teker nengingauralria. ‘When he began to run faster, that wolf tail
hanging from his belt was sticking out like an erect forenger.’ (QUL 2003:426)
Nemiutaullruuq tamatum nalliini. ‘During that time he was always in the house — a resident of
the house — (and not in the kashim).’ (TAP 2004:25)
+miuyaar- to speak the language or dialect of the residents of N # cf. –saar-; < -miu-?-
Yupiit ilait Kuigpagmiuyaarluteng qalartelartut, ilait-llu apqait Caninermiut apqiitnek
Unegkumiuyaarluteng qalartaqluteng, wall’u apqait Cupiit Qissunamiuyaarluteng
qaalartaqluteng. ‘Some Yup’ik speak the dialect of the people of theYukon, and some, called
“Caninermiut”, speak the dialect of the people of downriver, and those called Cup’ik speak the
dialect of the people of Kashunak.’ (BES n.d.:iii)
-miu- — -miuyaar-
–mli- to V casually or aimlessly # < PE pb. mli-
nanrar- ‘to praise’ nanramlia ‘he is casually or teasingly praising her
piyua- ‘to walk’ piyuamliuq ‘he is wandering around’
nere- ‘to eat’ neremliuq ‘he is casually, slowly eating’
–mssag- to V in a small way #
nere- ‘to eat’ neremssagtuq ‘he is nibbling’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanerssugtuq ‘he is chatting’; ‘he is mumbling’
–mssugte- to V in a small way # see –mcugte-
–mta our N, . . . ; our Ns, . . . # vocative with further address; this is the ending of 1st person plural relative case
with a special function; cf. -maa
Ataneq Agayutemta, anirturkut, . . . ‘Oh Lord our God, save us, . . .’ (PSALM 106:47)
–myag- to not V enough #
nere- ‘to eat’ neremyagtuten ‘you are not eating enough’ (to be satised)
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavamyallruunga ‘I didn’t sleep enough’
–myugte- to V in a small way; to tend to be V # see –mcugte-
@(u)n (also @
(u)taq) instrument or device for V-ing; time of V-ing # only marginally productive as an
instrumental, except in some dialects (e.g., HBC) where it is more fully productive; the items on the list below
are all lexicalized: = taq
; > -cuun/-ssuun, -irin, -i:run, -lgun, -llgun, -natkaq, -tassiigun, -tateke-, -teke-,
-tnguarkaq; < PE pb. un
unguva- ‘to live’ unguvan ‘heart’ (NSU, UK, BB, NR, LI, EG, NUN usage)
ega- ‘to cook’ (NS, Y, HBC) egan ‘cooking pot’ (general term); egatii ‘his pot’; egatnguuq ‘it is
a pot’
(c)elli- ‘to whet’ (c)ellin ‘whetstone’
kagi- ‘to sweep’ kagin ‘broom’
agayu- ‘to worship’ Ayagun ‘God’
apte- ‘to ask’ apyun ‘question’
kiu- ‘to answer kiun ‘answer
una- ‘to work on manually’ unan ‘hand’ (K, NI, BB, CAN form)
-mli- — -n
mingqe- ‘to sew’ mingqun ‘needle’
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggun ‘tooth’
qurre- ‘to urinate’ qurrun ‘chamber pot’
kepe- ‘to sever kepun ‘adze’
cuqte- ‘to measure’ cuqyun ‘ruler‘; ’pattern’; ‘gunsight’
qia- ‘to cry’ qian ‘dirge’; ‘mourning song’
kumarte- ‘to light; to ignite’ kumarun ‘lamp wick’
naqugte- ‘to put on a belt, to
nuqugun ‘belt’
cave- ‘to row’ cavun ‘oar
anguar- ‘to paddle’ anguarun ‘paddle’
paanger- ‘to paddle with a
double-bladed paddle’
paangrun ‘double-bladed paddle’
qinerte- ‘to sight’ qinrun ‘scope’; qinrutek ‘pair of binoculars’
capu- ‘to block’ capun ‘weir
cupe- ‘to blow’ cupun, cup’un ‘ember’; ‘gun’
egte- ‘to throw’ egun (some K usage) ‘atlatl’
eke- ‘to get in’ ekun ‘ticket’
alaite- ‘to be visible’ alailun ‘trail marker
qanrute- ‘to tell’ qanruyun ‘maxim‘; ‘wise saying’; ‘teaching’
alerqur- ‘to command; to
alerquun ‘precept’; ‘commandment’
inerqur- ‘to forbid; to
inerquun ‘admonition’; ‘prohibition; law’
aper- ‘to show, pronounce’ aprun ‘(game) trail’
eglerte- ‘to move’ eglerun ‘canoe’
ag’ur- ‘to continue to go over aguun ‘canoe’
yungcar- ‘to medicate’ yungcaun ‘medication’
cuqete- ‘to measure’ cuqyun ‘pattern‘; ’ruler
ipug- ‘to ladle’ ipuun ‘wooden ladle’
kauma- ‘to have one’s hands in
kauman ‘mitten’
pekete- ‘to move, work’ Pekyun ‘Monday’
kaug- ‘to strike’ Kaugun ‘June’ (striking time for sh)
tenge- ‘to y off Tengun ‘August’ (when birds y off)
perrir- ‘to wipe’ perriun ‘towel’
ingte- ‘to molt’ Ingun ‘July’ (when birds molt)
qenuir- ‘to remove ice’ qenuirun ‘ice scoop’
yuar-, ivar- ‘to search’ yuarun, ivarun ‘song’ (semantic derivation unclear)
kavirte- ‘to redden’ kavirun ‘ochre, red dye’
qanikciur- ‘to work on snow’ qanikciurun ‘snow shovel’ or ‘any shovel’
mayur- ‘to climb’ mayuun ‘ladder, ramp’
nuyiur- ‘to x hair nuyiurun, nuyiurutet ‘comb’ (also, nuyuurun, nuyuurutet,
inqe- ‘to coo’ inqun ‘cooing name’
mer-, emer- ‘to drink’ mer’un, emrun (NUN form) ‘cup’
kuma- ‘to be lit’ kuman ‘light, lamp’ (NUN usage)
kenir- ‘to point’ (NUN form) keniun ‘index nger(NUN usage)
tanqig- ‘to be bright’ tanqiun ‘window, skylight’ (NUN usage)
nungute-, nunute- ‘to fasten’ nunguyun, nunuyun ‘button or other fastener
legte- ‘to singe, to burn’ legcin ‘burner for making ash’
aki- ‘to prop’ akin ‘headrest, pillow’
ayag- (root) ‘leaning on some
ayaun ‘thumb’ (K, BB usage)
alunge- ‘to lap’ alungun ‘tongue’ (K, BB usage); ‘dog-feeding trough’
cinge- ‘to push’ cingun ‘elbow’ (K, BB usage)
kaki- ‘to push needle in fabric;
to take a stitch’
kakin ‘straight pin’
kape- ‘to stab; to poke’ kapun ‘spear point; hypodermic needle’
kakeggluir- ‘to blow the nose’ kakeggluirun ‘handkerchief; tissue’
kiircar- ‘to heat a space’ kiircaun ‘heater
ikite- ‘to open’ ikirun ‘introduction; preface’
maqarqe- ‘to make (it) warmer maqarqun ‘insulation’
qaluur- ‘to repeatedly dip’ qaluurun ‘dipper
ipug- ‘to scoop’ ipuun ‘ladle’
yaarui- ‘to make a non-
permanent drawing’
yaaruin ‘story knife’
tukuu- ‘to be wealthy’ tukuun ‘wealth’
caqu- ‘to wrap’ caqun ‘mother(lexicalized)
Also possibly some the following, though probably not from this postbase:
? aklanqurrun ‘weasel’ (NS usage)
? ciun ‘ear
? aquun ‘skin stretching form’
? qagan ‘lake at the head of a river
? ingun ‘boat seat’
? imarnin ‘gutskin rain parka for use with kayak’
? uliun ‘ligament of back used for sinew’
? (cf. aliq ‘sleeve’) aliiman, aliuman ‘mitten’
? (cf. angu- ‘to overtake) angun ‘man; male’
oh, how it causes one to be V! # forms exclamations; non-productive; from -narqe- by truncation
quya- ‘to be thankful’ quyana ‘thank you!’
tallur- ‘respectful, shy’ tallurna ‘thank you!’
kapegcug- ‘dreading’ kapegcugna ‘how dreadful!’
in order to V; for the purpose of V-ing # used with the subordinative mood only; > -kunayaaqe-,
-nayuke-, -natkaq, -nanrir-; < PE pb. na-
nere- ‘to eat’ nernaluku ‘in order to eat it’
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarrnaluni ‘in order to lie down, planning to go to bed’
elite- ‘to learn’ elitnaluni ‘in order to learn’
atur- ‘to use’ aturnaluku ‘in order to use it’
Taillrulliniuq maavet ce÷irrnaluta. ‘He came here (in order ) to visit us.’
Pamavirtellruut iqvaryarnaluteng. ‘They went back there in order to go berry-picking.’
@~+naciar- to V late; to take a long time in V-ing # < PE pb. naciIa3-
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupagnaciallruunga ‘I woke up late’
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarrnaciartuq ‘he is going to bed late’
nere- ‘to eat’ nernaciaraa ‘he took a long time to eat it, he ate it late’
Mitnaciartuq tengssuun. ‘The airplane is landing late. Or The airplane is taking a long time to
@~+naite- to tend not to cause one to V # takes intransitive endings only; this is the negative of -narqe-; < -nar-
alinge- ‘to fear alingnaituq ‘it is not frightening’
takar- ‘to feel shy’ takarnaituq ‘he doesn’t make one shy, he is not intimidating’
@~+nake- to consider (it) to tend to cause one to V # takes transitive ending only: < -nar-ke
alinge- ‘to fear alingnakaa ‘he considers it frightening’; ‘it (object) is frightening
to him (subject)’
— -nake-
@~+nanrir- to cease V-ing; to stop V-ing forever; to not V any more # < -na
cali- ‘to work’ calinanrirtuq ‘he stopped working, he doesn’t work any more’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yurarnanrirtuq ‘he doesn’t dance any more’
atur- ‘to use’ aturnanriraa ‘he doesn’t use it any more’
one that causes V-ing # and @~+nar- to cause V-ing # non-productive; > -narqe-, -naite-, -nari-,
-nake-, -nartaar-, -niur-; < -na3
qatli- ‘to sting’ qatlinaq ‘nettle’ (lexicalized)
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuqunaq ‘poison’
neler- ‘to expel atus’ nelernaq ‘bean’ (NUN usage; lexicalized)
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaignaq ‘famine’
naku- ‘to be cross-eyed’ nakunaq ‘mollusk, said to make one cross-eyed if eaten’ (NUN
usage; lexicalized)
keneg- (root) ‘love’ kenegnartuq ‘she is lovely’
enur- ‘to lack’ enurnartuq ‘it is scarce’
cilur- ‘to glide, skip on water cilurnaq ‘a at stone’
pacete- ‘to be chilled’ pacetnaq ‘chilly weather
piite- ‘to lack’ piitnaq ‘great need, famine’
Often used in the relative case possessing nalliini ‘in the time of ––’
pissurnam nalliini ‘during hunting time — in the period corresponding to when it conducive to
. . . enuqisngaunateng-llu kainiqnam nalliini. ‘. . . neither will they suffer shortage during a time
of famine — cause of people suffering hunger.’ (PSALM 37:19)
Tua-i tamaani neqaiturpiim ellarrlugpiim piitnam nalliini, qiugaarcullrek taukuk. ‘(They were)
those two who had looked for an indication in the sky of open water (an ice blink) during of
time of continual lack of food, or very bad weather, or famine — cause of deprivation.’ (CIU
. . . utercularyaaqeng’erpeci school-arnam nalliini . . . ‘. . . even if you would like to go home
during school time — in the time when one is supposed to go to school . . .’ (QUL 2003:300)
one like N # non-productive; occurs in a number of names of sh, animals, birds, and plants, perhaps not
always with the meaning given above.
Manik ‘egg’ (NS only) manignaq ‘loche, burbot’ (all Yup’ik)
nateq ‘oor naternaq ‘ounder
iru ‘leg’ irunaq ‘steelhead trout’
neqleq, leqleq ‘white-fronted
neqlernaq, leqlernaq ‘black brant’
cikik ‘only ground squirrel’
(NS only)
cikignaq ‘lake trout’ (K)
-nanrir- — -naq
mimeq ‘thigh of bird or
mimernaq ‘stump of old tree’
qamiquq ‘head’ qamiqurnaq ‘stump of old tree’
nanvaq ‘lake’ nanvarnaq ‘lagoon’
tuntu ‘caribou’ tuntunaq ‘one side of two-piece end or next-to-end deck beam of
From unidentied bases (but likely with this postbase):
qanganaq ‘ground squirrel’ arlunaq ‘polar bear
arrnaq ‘sea otter
cavirrutnaq ‘whitesh’ qugautnaq ‘wolf sh’
ceqpilunaq ‘sparrow’ ceturrnaq ‘arctic cod’
paugnaq ‘bear(NUN) paparnaq ‘poison water hemlock’
kanayurnaq ‘loche, burbot’ tarnaq ‘wild celery’
taperrnaq ‘seashore plantain’;
‘beach grass for making
quarnaq ‘tamarack’
tusairnaq ‘grebe’
Also occurs in a number of place names
{-naqe- see -narqe-}
@~+naqsaaqe- to be feasible to V now # for polarity information see –nari- below; < -narqe-yaaqe-
nayircur- ‘to hunt seals’ nayircurnaqsaaquq ‘it is feasible for one to hunt seals now’ or
it is feasible for him to hunt seals now’ (that is, ‘there are seals
available for hunting’)
@~+narcar- to try to cause one to V #
alinge- ‘to be afraid’ alingnarcartuq ‘to act so as to cause others to fear him’
takar- ‘intimidated’ takarnarcartuq ‘to act so as to cause others to be intimidated by
@~+nari- to be time to V # > -yunari-; < -nar-i
There are four polarity situations to consider (note that in the following translations, (subj.)and (obj.)
pertain to the derived verb).
1) Embedded verb considered intransitive; derived verb used with an intransitive ending. In this case the subject
of the derived verb is the impersonal ‘it’ and the subject of the embedded verb is the indenite ‘someone’, or else
the subject of the derived verb is the subject of the embedded verb:
-naqsaaqe- — -nari-
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagnariuq it (impersonal subj.) ‘is time for someone to leave’,
‘it is time for us to leave’ or ‘it is time for him (subj.) to leave’;
ayagnariunga ‘it is time for me (subj.) to leave’
nere- ‘to eat’ nernariuq it (impersonal subj.) ‘is time for someone to eat’, ‘it is
time for us to eat’, or ‘it is time for him (subj.) to eat’
2) Embedded verb considered intransitive; derived verb used with transitive ending. In this case the subject of the
derived verb is the impersonal ‘it’ and the object of the derived verb is the subject of the embedded verb:
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagnarianga ’it (impersonal subj.) is time for me (obj.) to leave’
nere- ‘to eat’ nernarianga ‘it (impersonal subj.) is time for me (obj.) to eat’
3) Embedded verb considered transitive; derived verb used with an intransitive ending. In this case the subject of
the derived verb is the object of the embedded verb, the subject of which is the indenite ‘someone’:
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayurnariunga ‘it is time for someone to help me (subj.)(i.e., it
is time for me to be helped)
nere- ‘to eat’ nernariuq ‘it is time for someone to eat it’ (subj.) (i.e., it is time for
it to be eaten)
4) Embedded verb considered transitive; derived verb used with a transitive ending. In this case the subject of the
derived verb is the impersonal ‘it’ and the subject of the embedded verb is the indenite ‘someone’; or else the
subject of the derived verb is the subject of the embedded verb. In either case, the object of the derived verb is the
object of the embedded verb:
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayurnarianga ‘it (impersonal subj.) is time for someone to help
me (obj.), or ‘it is time for him (subj.) to help me (obj.)
nere- ‘to eat’ nernaria ‘it is time for him (subj.) to eat,’ or ‘it is time for him
(subj.) to eat it (obj.)
Taqnariniluku qayagauraa. ‘He called her, telling her that it was time to quit working.’
Cauyarnariuq. ‘It’s time for drumming.’ (title of book CAU 1985)
Qavarnarian kenurraq niptaa. ‘Since it is time to sleep, he turned the light off.’
@~+narqe- to tend to cause one to V; to be able to be V-ed # takes intransitive endings only; when followed by
a sufx that drops e and begins with a consonant followed by a vowel, then this postbase takes the form –naqe-;
also used with “emotional roots”; note that negatives (and other such forms) of the present postbase –narqe-
(and those derived from it, e.g. –yugnarqe-) are derived from are based on the simpler, and in itself essentially
non-productive form –nar- (see –naq
), thus giving –naite- ‘to tend not to cause one to V’ (rather than
*-narqaite-); cf. –nirqe-’ > -naqsaaqe-, -ninarqe-, -yanarqe-, -yugnarqe-, -yunarqe-, -na
-; < -naq
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuqunarquq ‘it is deadly, poisonous’; tuqunaqluni ‘being deadly’
alinge- ‘to fear alingnarquq ‘it is frightening’; alingnaqvaa ‘how frightening!’
nere- ‘to eat’ nernarquq ‘it tends to cause one to eat,’ or ‘it can be eaten’
takar- (root)’ shy’ takarnarquq ‘he causes one to feel shy, is intimidating’
temci- (root) ‘amused’ temcinarquq ‘it is humorous, funny, amusing’
akngirte- ‘to hurt’ akngirrnarquq ‘it causes one to get hurt’
akngir- (root) ‘in pain’ akngirnarquq ‘it is painful, in pain, hurting’
The subject of the embedded verb can be denoted by a noun in the terminalis or localis case.
Yugnun (or yugni) tuqunarquq. ‘It is deadly — can cause death — for people.’
Cetuilngurnun (or cetuilngurni) qaillun tegunarqa? ‘How can those who don’t have ngernails
grab onto it?’
@~+nartaar- to act so as to try to cause others to think that one is such as to cause them to V # takes
intransitive endings only; < -nar-taar
alinge- ‘to fear alingnartaartuq ‘he is trying to make people think he is
frightening, trying to make himself frightening to others’
takar- (root) ‘shy’ takarnartaartuq ‘he tries to make people think he is intimidating’
@~+natkaq future time of V-ing # used only with possessed terminalis case endings, to mean ‘until the time
of V-ing’. There may be a subject of the embedded intransitive verb (in the absolutive case) or a possessor of the
derived noun in the relative case; or a subject of the embedded transitive verb (in the relative case); cf. –rraaneq;
< -na
-n-kaq; see also Practical Grammar . . . of Yup’ik (p. 320)
nere- ‘to eat’ nernatkamtenun ‘until we eat’
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekitnatkaanun ‘until he arrives’
Maantaurciqua agayulirta (agayulirtem) tekitnatkaanun. ‘I shall stay here until the priest
Nutaan tua-i taukuk tuani uqingcalliniak, aulukluku, pinirinatkaanun. ‘Then they nourished
him and watched over her until he had recovered his strength.’ (YUU 1995:100)
Uterrluten atavnun uilgaugurniartuten Shelah qetunraqa anglirinatkaanun. ‘Return to your
father’s house and remain a widow until Shelah my son grows up.’ (AYAG. 38:11)
Uquq iluatni patrutnatkaanun amimun, . . . ‘Until the oil inside (the kayak) penetrates the
(kayak) skin, . . .’ (PAI 2008:284)
~+naur- to customarily or habitually V (if other conditions hold) # < PE pb. na(C )u3-
elite- ‘to learn’ elitnaurtuq ‘his going to school’; elitnauraa ‘he is teaching him’
(example of non-productive I)
Often translatable with the English word ‘would’; may be used on the main verb of a sentence having a
subordinate verb in the contingent mood:
Unugaqan matarqaarluni inarrnaurtuq. ‘Whenever night fell, after he took off his clothes he
would go to bed.’
Tuparqaqatnga maknaurtua ak’a aanaka neqkiungellrullinilria. ‘Whenever they woke me up I
would arise and nd that my mother had already started preparing food.’
May also be used with a rst person subject indicative ending to function in place of the optative, especially if
there is an implication that the action may occur if conditions are right, or made right; the transitive forms may be
Ayagnaurtukut. ‘Let’s leave.’
Ikayurnauramken (may be shortened to ikayurnaumken or ikayurnaamken) ‘Let me help you.’
Anutnauraqa (or anutnaurqa or anutnauqa) ‘Allow me to take it out.’
Neqkarcurnaumken atsanek. ‘Let me go gather some berries for you to eat.’
-nartaar- — -naur-
~+nayuke- to think that oneself or another might V # a “compound verbal postbase”; for details concerning
polarity, see –ni- and Practical Grammar . . . of Yup’ik (pp. 322ff); < -na
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irrnayukaa ‘he thinks that she might visit’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagnayukaa ‘he thinks that she might leave’
tuqute- ‘to kill’ tuqutnayukamken ‘I am thinking that someone might kill
Arnam angun tan’gurrarmun ce÷irrnayukaa. ‘The woman thinks that the boy might visit the
?nem ending on a number of particles: atunem, pegnem, tanem; cf. particle nutem
thing that results from V-ing # only marginally productive (but more productive with bases ending
in consonant plus te than with other bases); forms with this postbase tend to be lexicalized; drop te without
devoicing a preceding fricative (if any); < PE pb. n03
qupe- ‘to split’ qupneq ‘a crack, crevice, ssure’ (cf. qup’neq below)
erte- ‘to dawn’ erneq ‘day’ (cf. errneq below)
kumlate- ‘to be cold’ kumlaneq ‘frozen sh’ (lexicalized) (cf. kumlatneq below)
alarte- ‘to err alarneq ‘mistake’ (cf. alarrneq below), Alakanuk (village on the
iter- ‘to enter iterneq ‘cold draft’ (lexicalized) (cf. it’neq below)
ayag- ‘to leave, start’ ayagneq ‘beginning’ (cf. ayaneq below)
qulugte- ‘to be stooped’ qulugneq ‘hump on back’
qelengte- ‘to bunch up’ qelengneq ‘a pleat’; ‘scar pulling on surrounding skin’
ukite- ‘to make a hole in’ ukineq ‘hole’
palirte- ‘to get suntanned’ palirneq ‘suntan’
nangugte- ‘to abrade’ nangugneq ‘worn spot’
qiilerte- ‘to tie’ qillerneq ‘knot’
merigte- ‘to hem’ merigneq ‘hem’
yagte- ‘to stretch out arms’ yagneq ‘fathom’ (lexicalized)
kalivte- ‘to be stranded’ kalivneret ‘chain’ (lexicalized)
minguirte- ‘to lose (a chip of)
minguirneq ‘spot where paint has chipped off an enamel surface’
ciqite- ‘to pour out’ ciqineq ‘ray of the sun’ (lexicalized)
kelig- ‘to scrape’ keligneq ‘scraped off material’, ‘tar scraped from a smoking
aipaite- ‘to lack a spouse’ aipaineq ‘widow, widower
qacarte- ‘to hit against, to
qacarneq ‘wall, side’
-nayuke- — -neq
the activity, art, or process of V-ing # cf.-lleq; > -llini-, -nrite- , -nrir-, -nercir-, -nerkite-, -nerraq*,
-nerrlugte-, -nertu-, -niur-; < PE pb. n03
qupe- ‘to split’ qup’neq ‘the process of splitting or being split’ (cf. qupneq above)
erte- ‘to dawn’ errneq ‘dawning’ (cf. errneq above)
kumlate- ‘to be cold’ kumlatneq ‘being cold’ (cf. kumlaneq above)
alarte- ‘to err alarrneq ‘making errors’ (cf. alarneq above)
iter- ‘to enter it’neq ‘the process of entering’ (cf. iterneq above)
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayaneq ‘leaving, departure’ (cf. ayaneq above)
Kuimaneq nalluaqa. ‘I don’t know how to swim — the art or skill of swimming.’
Elitnauraa panini mingqenermek. ‘She is teaching her daughter how to sew — the art of skill of
Qup’ineq muragnek qipumalrianek caperrnarquq. ‘ (The art or skill) of splitting twisted wood is
Nernermek taqluni maktuq anluni-llu. ‘Upon nishing (the act of eating) eating, he got up and
went out.’
See entry at taqe- ‘to nish’ in Bases section, for an important use of this postbase (as in the nal example above).
one more V than possessor(s); the most V of possessors # used only with adjectival verbs; not used
with verbs ending in te, for which –lleq
is used; takes possessed endings only; forms “selectional bases” (see
Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 258)); > -nqe-, -nru- ; < PE pb. n03
ange- ‘to be big’ angenrat ‘the biggest one of them, the one bigger than them’;
angenrit ‘the biggest ones of them, the ones bigger than them’;
angenra ‘the one bigger than it’; angenri ‘the ones bigger than
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pininrat ‘the strongest of them, the one stronger than them’
Atkumi assinrat tunellrua. ‘He sold the best — most good — of his parkas.’
Angnengqertuq. ‘There is something bigger than it.’ Literally: ‘It has a bigger thing.’
area of N # used with positional and similar bases to form non-positional nouns; > lirneq
ciu ‘area in front of something’ ciuneq ‘area in front, future’
kingu ‘area in back of
kinguneq ‘area in the back, past’
qukaq ‘middle, waist’ qukarneq ‘the middle, area in the middle’
@–nercir- to wait for (it) to V # takes transitive endings, or intransitive endings in a reexive sense; < -neq
‘to arrive’
tekitnerciraa ‘he is waiting for her arrival’
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupanerciraa ‘he is waiting for her to awaken’
unug- ‘to become night’ ununerciraa ‘he is waiting for night to fall
ente- ‘for tide to ebb’ enetnercirtuq ‘he’s waiting for the tide to ebb’
taqsuqair- ‘to cease being
taqsuqainercirtuq ‘he is waiting for his tiredness to go away,
resting to regain his strength’
— -nercir-
@–nerkite- to habitually V only a little # takes intransitive endings only; < neq
‘to learn
elitnerkituq ‘he only learns a little’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavanerkituq ‘he is a light sleeper
–nerraq*, –nerrar(aq*), –nerar(aq*) (NUN form) new N; one that has recently V-ed # and –nerrar-,
nerrar(ar)-, –nerar(ar)- (NUN form) to have recently V-ed; < neq
cikunerraq, cikunerra’ar, cikunera’ar ‘new ice’
yuk ‘person’ yun’erraq, yun’erra’ar ‘young man’
cuk ‘person’ (NUN) cun’era’ar ‘young man’ (NUN)
kuik ‘river Kuinerraq ‘Quinhagak (village on the Kuskokwim)’
kassuute- ‘to marry’ kassuutnerraak, kassuutnerraraak ‘newlyweds’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayanerrartuq, ayanerra’artuq ‘he just left’; ayanerraallruuq,
ayanerrarallruuq ‘he has just left’
agler- ‘to menstruate’ aglenraq, aglenrraq, aglenrar, aglenrrar ‘girl has just
menstruated for the rst time’
@–nerrlugte- to have trouble with one’s V-ing # < -neq
‘to eat’
nernerrlugtuq ‘he has a bad feeling from his eating, his eating
was disturbed’
@–nertu- to habitually V a lot # take intransitive endings only; < -neq
‘to stretch
nengnertuuq ‘it stretches far
qutug- ‘to snore’ qutunertuuq ‘he snores loudly’
@nga- to be in a state of having V-ed; or having been V-ed # used only with verb bases that describe getting
into or putting into a certain state and which end in te; however, this postbase is not generally used with those
bases (mainly from “postural roots”) which end in te and which use the postbase ngqa- to form statives; with
bases that do not end in te, a stative form is formed with the postbase ma- (which may indeed also be used with
bases that do end in te); takes intransitive endings only; if the embedded verb takes only transitive endings, then
the subject of the derived verb is the object of the embedded verb (as in, ukitaahe punctured it’, ukisngauq
it is punctured’); if the embedded verb takes intransitive endings only, then the subject of the derived verb is
the subject of the embedded verb (as in kit’uq ‘it sank’, kisngauq ‘it has sunk’); if the embedded verb takes
either type of ending, then the subject of the derived verb could be the subject or the object of the embedded verb;
> -yugnga-; < PE pb. &a-
If a full vowel precedes the te, then t changes to s (y in HBC, EG):
elite- ‘to learn’ elisngauq ‘he is learnéd, it knowledgeable’
ukite- ‘to make a hole’ ukisngauq ‘it is punctured’
kit’e- ‘to sink’ kisngauq ‘it is sunken’
put’e- ‘to bend down’ pusngauq ‘it is bent down’
tut’e- ‘to step, to land’ tusngauq ‘it is resting on something, depends on something, is
attached to something’
-nerkite- — -nga-
If two syllables, the second ending in a fricative, precede te, then te is dropped (note that the preceding fricative
becomes voiced):
kitugte- ‘to x’ kitugngauq ‘it is xed’
akagte- ‘to roll’ akagngauq ‘it is rolled into a ball’; ‘it has been rolled away’
kenagte- ‘to tidy’ kenagngauq ‘it has been tidied, is tidy’; ‘it has been prettied up’
uterte- ‘to return’ uterngauq ‘he has returned to his hometown (usually only
temporarily as for a visit)’
paivte- ‘to make available’ paivngauq ‘it is available’
If one syllable ending in a fricative precedes te, or if e precedes te, then t changes to s or y and the resulting es or
ey is replaced by I for most speakers:
sagte- ‘to spread out, to strew’ sagesngauq, sageyngauq, sagingauq ‘it is spread out’, ‘it is
ugte- ‘to get up on something’ ugesngauq, ugingauq ‘it is up on something’
nengete- ‘to stretch’ nengesngauq, nengingauq ‘it is stretched out’
anete- ‘to put out’ anesngauq, aningauq ‘it has been put out’
tevete- ‘to drape over tevesngauq, tevingauq ‘it is draped over something’
upete- ‘to prepare’ upesngauq, upingauq ‘he is prepared, ready’
egte- ‘to throw out’ egingauq ‘it’s been thrown out’
cipete- ‘to have an excess’ cipingaut ‘they have an additional one, or ones’
qerte- ‘to stuff in’ qerringauq ‘it is lodged in something’
With those few “short” verb bases (that is, with one vowel before e) ending in v, l, or s followed by te, the
fricative remains voiceless after e insertion:
ulte- ‘to turn inside out’ ullesngauq, ulleyngauq, ullingauq ‘it is inside out’
uste- ‘to cave in’ ussingauq ‘it is caved in’
qiste- ‘to have a seizure , to
have an epileptic t’
qissingauq ‘he is in the state of having a seizure’; ‘he is berserk,
raging insanely’
avte- ‘to divide’ avvingauq ‘it is divided’
Agalria tauna tusngauq ussukcamun. ‘The hanging thing is attached to a nail.’
Aanama suukiigka tevtellrek cali tevesngauk. ‘My socks that my mother had draped over to
hang up are still draped over.’
@~+ngair(ar)te- to be no longer going to V # < ?-i:rute-
cali- ‘to work’ calingairtuq ‘he will no longer worker
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaigngairtua ‘I will no longer go hungry’
atur- ‘to use’ aturngairtaa ‘he will no longer use it’
@~+ngairute- to not V in the future ever (often after changing one’s mind) # < -?-I:rute-
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagngairutuq ‘he has changed his mind and will not leave’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerngairutanka ‘I will never eat them’
Kic’arpiallruami qanellruuq kuimanqiggngairutniluni. ‘Because he almost drowned, he said
that he would never swim again.’
@~+ngaite- to not V in the future # this is the negative of -ciqe-/-ciiqe-; not used with the optative mood;
instead -nrite- and -ki, giving -nrilki, and -yaquna- are used instead; < -?-ite
cali- ‘to work’ calingaituq ‘he will not work’
kuve- ‘to spill’ kuvngaitaa ‘he won’t spill it’
ikirte- ‘to open’ ikirrngaitaa ‘he won’t open it’
kipute- ‘to buy’ kipusngaitaa, kipuyngaitaa ‘he won’t buy it’
nanite- ‘to be short’ nanilngaituq ‘it won’t be short’
apete- ‘to ask’ apesngaitaa, apeyngaitaa, apngaitaa ‘he won’t ask her
tatamete- ‘to startle’ tatamesngaitaa, tatameyngaitaa, tatamn’gaitaa ‘he won’t startle
tengete- ‘to blow away’
tengesngaitaa, tengeyngaitaa, teng
÷gaitaa ‘it won’t blow it
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagngaituq ‘he won’t leave’
Ellallirngaicugnarquq unuaqu. ‘It probably won’t rain tomorrow.’
@~+ngalnguq* one that seems to be V-ing # and +ngalnguq* one similar to N; < -ngate-nguq*
yuk ‘person, Eskimo’ yugngalnguq ‘one similar to an Eskimo; a Filipino or other
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugterngalnguq ‘one similar to a dog’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarngalnguq ‘one who appears to be sleeping’
kuskaq ‘cat’ kuskarngalnguq ‘one like a cat, lynx’
qusngiq ‘sheep’ qusngirngalnguq ‘goat’ (lexicalized in Bible translations)
uqumyak ‘quartz’ uqumyagngalnguq ‘pearl’ (lexicalized in Bible translations)
Tua-i iliit tauna saskumek tegucami unaggun mamkilnguayaarngalngurkun ceterturalliniluku,
imutun-gguq tua-i qanertun angtariluku. ‘He took a knive and made incision the size of a
mouth on the part that seemed to be a thin membrane.’ (CUN 2007:46)
. . . maaten piuq ella man’a qaterpak qevleqtaarturluni-llu, yaani-wa kenrungalnguq kumalria.
‘. . . when she observed, the sky was white and sparkling, and over there what seemed to be a
re was ablaze.’ (ELN 1990:4)
–ngar- to chronically V # non-productive; takes intransitive endings only; > -ngarli
iqlu- ‘to lie’ iqlungartuq ‘he tends to lie, is a liar
tegleg- ‘to steal’ teglengartuq ‘he tends to steal, is a thief
qunutu- ‘to usually be
qunutungartuq ‘he is stingy’
-ngairute- —-ngar-
{-ngar(ar)te- see -ar(ar)te-
@~+ngari- to seem to be becoming V; to begin to be like N # cf. -ngate-; < ?-i
muir- ‘to be full’ muirngariuq ‘it seems to be getting full’
imairute- ‘to become empty’ imairusngariuq ‘it seems to be getting empty’
nallunrite- ‘to know’ nallunrilngariuq ‘it seems that he is starting to know’
qavarni- ‘to be sleepy’ qavarningariuq ‘he seems to be getting sleepy’
assike- ‘to like’ assikngaria ‘he seems to be starting to like her
kegluneq ‘wolf keglunerngariuq ‘it is getting to be like a wolf
–ngarli one who chronically Vs; non-productive; < -ngar-li
iqlu- ‘to lie’ iqlungarli ‘liar
tegleg- ‘to steal’ teglengarli ‘thief
@~+ngate- to seem to be V-ing; to perhaps V; to maybe V # and +ngate- to seem like N # noun to verb form
takes intransitive endings only; note that the te on this postase is “special”; cf. -ngari-; > -ngalnguq*
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarngatuq ‘he seems to be sleeping’; qavarngnanani ‘(he)
seeming to sleep’
qavarciqe- ‘to sleep’ (future) qavarciqngatuq ‘perhaps he will sleep’
nem’ete- ‘to be in the house’ nem’elngatuq ‘perhaps he is in the house’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugterngatuq ‘it seems like a dog’
–ngcar- to try to cause to V; to try to induce to V # semi-productive; see -car- for details of polarity; < -nge-car-
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavangcaraa ‘he is trying to induce her to sleep’
yuu- ‘to live’ yuungcaraa ‘he is treating her medically’ (lexicalized)
elicug- ‘to want or tend to
elicungcartuq ‘he is studying’; elicungcaraa ‘he is teaching her
mame- ‘to atten, to heal’ (of a
mamengcaraa ‘he treating it so as it heal it’, ‘he is dressing it
miryar- ‘to vomit’ miryangcaraa ‘he is trying to induce her to vomit’
taqe- ‘to stop’ taqengcaraa ‘he is trying to make her stop, quit’
–nge- to acquire N; to begin to V # noun to verb form takes intransitive endings only; > -ngqerr-, -tange-,
-ngcar-; < PE pb. n0!-
angyaq ‘boat’ angyanguq ‘he acquired a boat’
ui ‘husband’ uinguq ‘she got married’
irniaq ‘child’ irnianguk ‘they
got a child’ (by birth or adoption)
nere- ‘to eat’ nernguq ‘he is beginning to eat’; nerngaa ‘he is beginning to eat
ca ‘thing’ canguq ‘he acquired something’; cang’uq ‘he caught sh, birds or
animals’ (lexicalized in K, BB, NI, CAN)
Kaingeksaitua. ‘I haven’t become hungry yet.’
-ngari- — -nge-
@~+ngiate- to be inept at V-ing; to not be able to V easily # takes intransitive endings only; < -ngig-ate-
elite- ‘to learn’ elisngiatuq ‘he is poor at learning’
qavaqar- ‘to fall asleep’ qavaqerngiatuq ‘he does not fall asleep easily’
@~+ngig- to be adept at V-ing; to be able to V easily; to readily V # takes intransitive endings only;
> -ngiate-; < PE pb. ni!-
elite- ‘to learn’ elisngigtuq ‘he is adept at learning’
caunrir- ‘to get worn out’ caunrirngigtuq ‘it can wear out easily’
igte- ‘to fall’ iggngigtuq ‘it can easily fall’
akag- ‘to roll’ akagngigtuq ‘it can easily roll’
qavaqar- ‘to fall asleep’ qavaqerngigtuq ‘he falls asleep easily’
assiirte- ‘to go bad’ assiirrngigtut ‘they go bad easily’
@~+nginar- to be merely V-ing (with no attendant complications) # = -inaq; cf. -inar-; > -iinar-, -tuinar-;
< PE pb. &inna3(-)
qia- ‘to cry’ qianginartuq ‘he’s just crying’ (there is nothing seriously the
imairute- ‘to become empty’ imairusnginartuq ‘it just got empty’ (that’s all I can say about it)
nere- ‘to eat’ nernginartuq ‘he’s just eating’ (not doing anything else)
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarnginartuq ‘he’s merely sleeping’ (not in a coma, not
unconscious, or dead)
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaignginartuq ‘he’s just hungry’ (there is nothing else wrong
with him)
yurar- ‘to dance’ yurarnginartuq ‘he is just dancing’ (not singing)
tangvag- ‘to look at’ tangvagnginaraa ‘he is just looking at it’
kegge- ‘to bite’ kegginaq ‘face’
{-ngir- see –ir-}
{-ngir(ar)- see –ir(ar)-}
{-ngir(ar)te- see –ir(ar)te-}
–ngirta’rrlugaq* good old (but perhaps decrepit) N # NSU; marginally productive: < -?-rrlugaq*
angsaq ‘boat’ angsangirta’rrlugaqa ‘my good old boat’
arnaq ‘woman’ arnangirta’rrlugaq ‘good old woman’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtengirta’rrlugaq ‘good old dog’
{-ngite- see –ite-}
{-ngiun see –irun}
-ngiate- — -ngirta’rrlugaq*
{-ngiute- see –irute-}
–nglluk not very good N # and -ngllug- or -ngllugte- to have not so good # non-productive; words formed
with this postbase are lexicalized; < -?-lluk
ella ‘weather ellanglluk ‘poor weather
nemeq ‘binding’ nemenglluk ‘foot wrapping’
uci ‘load’ ucinglluk ‘three-year-old beaver
Also, from this postbase with intervening postbases:
atsaq ‘berry’ atsaanglluk ‘black currant’
ca ‘thing’ caranglluk ‘debris’
–ngnagaq poor quality N; darned N # –ngnagar- to V in an irritating way; darned one Vs # see section on
“Postbases of Endearment or Denigration” in Introduction to the Postbases; Y, NS
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayangnagaq ‘poor quality, darn kayak’
cuyaq ‘tobacco leaf cuyangnagaq ‘poor tobacco’
yuk ‘person’ yungnagaq ‘darned person’
÷irte- ‘to visit’
ce÷irtengnagartuq ‘darned one visits’ or ‘he visits in an irritating
Aa-a tutgarrlugaq cellaitengnagarluni, . . . ‘Ah, the darned grandson almost has no sense, . . .’
(MAR1 2001:80)
Apertuutengnagarlanrilavnga-wa elpet nallulaqenka. ‘Because you (darned you) don’t show me,
I don’t know them.’ (MAR 1 2001:83)
Uuminaqvaa anipangnagaam irniarraanka picirtarutkellii! ‘Darn it! The darned owl has tried
with my little children!’ (MAR1 2001:75)
–ngnaqe- to try to V # cf. -ngnatug-; > -ngnaqsaaqe-; < PE pb. naq0-
elite- ‘to learn’ elitengnaqaqa ‘I am trying to learn it’
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimangnaquq ‘he is trying to swim’
Ikamralingnaqciqua. ‘I shall try to make a sled.’
–ngnaqsaaqe- to try unsuccessfully to V # < -ngnaqe-yaaqe-
angyali- ‘to make a boat’ angyalingnaqsaaquq ‘he made an effort to build a boat’, ‘he tried
to make a boat but it didn’t work out’
–ngnatug- to try hard to V # cf. -ngnaqe-
elite- ‘to learn’ elitengnatugtuq ‘he is trying hard to learn’
pi- ‘to do’ pingnatugtuq ‘he’s making a subsistence living’ (lexicalized)
Tangrraqama yugnek canek calilrianek, ayarilua wiinga-llu ellaicetun calingnatugalallruunga.
Kitumek-llu alerquastaunii. Pivakarlua elitaqlua. ‘When I saw people making something. I
wanted to be able to do like they did. I tried very hard and long to make things like they did.
I didn’t have any one to teach me. Eventually I’d learn’ (YUU 1995:56)
-nglluk — -ngnatug-
@–ngqa- to be in a state of V or of having V-ed or having been V-ed # used with “postural roots” and with a
few other bases ending in rte or gte; drops te; takes transitive endings only; cf. -nga-, -ma-
inar- (root) ‘lying down’ inangqauq ‘he is lying down’
ikir- (root)’ open’ ikingqauq ‘it has been opened, is open’
mumig- (root) ‘turned over mumingqauq ‘it is turned over
kamilar- (root) ‘with footwear
kamilangqauq ‘he is barefoot’
÷irte- ‘to go visiting’ ce÷ingqauq ‘he is visiting’
uterte- ‘to go home’ utengqauq ‘he has returned home for a visit’
iterte- ‘to put in’ itengqauq ‘he is incarcerated’
–ngqerr- to have N # takes intransitive endings only; < -nge-qar-; < PE pb. &qa3-
angyaq ‘boat’ angyangqertuq ‘he has a boat’
caviggaq ‘knife’ caviggangqertuq ‘he has a knife’
Ikamrangqellruyaaqua ta¥gaam cikiutekellruaqa. ‘I had a sled but I gave it away.’
Malrugnek tungulriignek qimugtengqertua. ‘I have two black dogs.’
Pingqessuituq. ‘He/it never has any.’ (note ss rather than y)
–ngssaar(aq*) secret N # and –ngssaar(ar)- to V secretively, unnoticeably # < -ngssak-ar(aq*)
cali- ‘to work’ calingssaartuq ‘he is working without letting himself be seen’
qaner- ‘to talk’ qanengssaartuq ‘he is talking secretively’
ca ‘thing’ cangssaar ‘some little thing, a secret’
Cangssaarmek kipuyutellruamken. ‘I bought a secret something for you.’
–ngssak small non-vital V-ing # and –ngssag- to V to no particular end # noun-yielding form is only
marginally productive; > -ngssaar(aq*), -ngssi-; < PE pb. mca!-
cali- ‘to work’ calingssagtuq ‘he is puttering around’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanengssagtuq ‘he’s just chattering’; qanengssak ‘chatter, small
picir- ‘to have a reason’ picingssagtuq ‘he’s clowning around’; picingssak ‘clown or
comical person’
Qanengssautuk. ‘They
are gabbing or chatting — talking small talk — with each other.’
–ngssi- to V to no particular end # takes intransitive ending mostly; < -ngssak-i
-; < PE pb. &si-
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayangssiuq ‘he just went out’ (e.g., to hunt without high
expectations, or just to travel)
nere- ‘to eat’ nerengssiuq ‘he is snacking, nibbling’
pissur- ‘to hunt’ pissungssiuq ‘he is hunting any kind of game he may run across’
qaner- ‘to talk’ qanengssiuq’ he is telling a story’; qanengssia ‘he is telling a
story to her(lexicalized)
-ngqa- — -ngssi-
–ngtak one that is very V or has much N # and –ngtag- to be very V, to have much N; non-productive;
applies only to humans
iqa- ‘to be dirty’ iqangtak ‘one that is very dirty’; iqangtagtuq ‘he is very dirty’
uqlar- ‘to be messy, lthy’ uqlangtak ‘very messy person’; uqlangtagtuq ‘he is very messy’
uquq ‘fat’ uqungtak ‘very fat person’
{-ngu- see –u-}
–nguaq imitation N; inauthentic N; thing similar to or reminiscent of N; device for inauthentic V-ing # and
@~–nguar- to pretend to V; to V without serious purpose; = -uaq /-uar-; < PE pb. &(&)u9a3(-)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyanguaq ‘toy boat, model boat’
angyar- ‘to ride in a boat’ angyanguartuq ‘he is pretending to ride in a boat or he is just
boating around’
paraluq, qup’lu ‘maggot’ paralunguat, qup’lunguat ‘rice’ (lexicalized)
{-ngun see –un}
@nguq* one that is V; one that is V-ing # used only with bases ending in ‘special’ te, which is changed to l; other
bases use -lria; rarely takes possessed endings; this morpheme is also a marker of the “intransitive participial
mood”; see Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 382ff); > -ngalnguq; < PE pb. &uq
kuigite- ‘to lack a river kuigilnguq ‘the one lacking a river,’ also Kwigillingok
assiite- ‘to be bad’ assiilnguq ‘bad one, sin, evil’
qilagmete- ‘to be in heaven’ qilagmelnguut ‘those in heaven’
cikuite- ‘to lack ice’ cikuilnguq ‘an ice-free place’
mikete- ‘to be small’ mikelnguq ‘little one, child’ (lexicalized and used in all areas, even
where the base mike- rather than mikete- is used for small)
ecuite- ‘to be clear ecuilnguq ‘the clear one, also the Atchueelinguk River(tributary
to the Yukon)
etgate- ‘to be shallow’ etgalnguq ‘shallow spot’
caperrnaite- ‘to be easy’ caperrnailnguq ‘easy thing’
usviite- ‘to be foolish, crazy’ usviilnguq ‘fool, crazy person’
Uqamailnguut kevgesqevkenaki alerqullruanga. ‘He told me not to lift the heavy ones.’
Ilavkugmek nanilngurmek qillrutaa. ‘He tied it with a short piece of rope — a short one, a rope.’
Nereksailnguut nerevkarki. ‘Serve food to the ones that haven’t eaten yet.’
{-ngurte- see –urte-}
–ngyaar(aq*), –ngiar(aq*) old N (person) # < -?-ar(aq*)
arnaq ‘woman’ arnangyaar, arnangiar ‘old woman’
angun ‘man’ angutengyaar, angutengiar ‘old man’
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’angyaar, kass’angiar ‘old white person’
-ngtak — -ngyaar(aq*)
@~+ni- to say or claim that oneself or another is V-ing # this is a “compound verbal postbase,” as are -cete-
-cetaar-, -sqe-, -vkar-, -ciite-, -staili-, -nayuke-, -yuke-, and -rqe-
; the remarks on polarity concerning this
base consequently apply to the other compound verbal postbases as well; see also Practical Grammar of . . .
Yup’ik (p. 322ff); < -ni-
There are four possible polarity combinations:
1) Embedded verb considered intransitive; derived verb used with an intransitive ending; in this case the subject of
the derived verb ‘claims’ (‘causes’, ‘wants’, or ‘believes’, etc., with the other compound verbal postbases) that he
himself is the subject of the embedded verb:
tangvag- ‘to watch’ tangvagniuq ‘he says that he (himself) is watching’
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinirniuq ‘he says that he (himself) is strong’
2) Embedded verb considered intransitive; derived verb used with a transitive ending; in this case, the subject of
the derived verb ‘claims’ that the object of the derived verb is the subject of the embedded verb:
tangvag- ‘to watch’ tangvagnia ‘he says that he (another) is watching’
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinirnia ‘he says that he (another) is strong’
3) Embedded verb considered transitive; derived verb used with an intransitive ending; in this case the subject of
the derived verb ‘claims’ that he himself is the object of the embedded verb; the subject of the embedded verb is
indenite (‘someone’, ‘something’), understood from the context, or expressed by a noun in the terminalis case:
tangvag- ‘to watch’ tangvagniuq ‘he says that someone is watching him’ (the
speaker); tangvagniuq arnamun ‘he says that the woman is
watching him’ (the speaker)
alike- ‘to fear alikniuq ‘he says that someone fears him’ (the speaker); alikniuq
arnamun ‘he says that the woman fears him’ (the speaker)
4) Embedded verb considered transitive; derived verb used with a transitive ending. In this case the subject of
the derived verb ‘claims’ that the object of the derived verb is the object of the embedded verb. The subject of the
embedded verb is indenite, understood from context, or expressed by a noun in the terminalis case (and it may
or may not be the same as the subject of the derived verb):
tangvag- ‘to watch’ tangvagnia ‘he says that someone is watching him’ (another);
tangvagnia arnamun ‘he says that the woman is watching
him’ (another); tangvagnia ellminun ‘he says that he himself
is watching him’ (another)
alike- ‘to fear aliknia ‘he says that someone fears him’ (another); aliknia
arnamun ‘he says that the woman fears him’ (another)
In all cases the absolutive case term (subject or object) of the embedded verb is identical with the absolutive case
term of the derived verb.
Angun neryugniuq. ‘The man says that he wants to eat.’ (polarity combination 1)
Angutem arnaq neryugnia. ‘The man says that the woman wants to eat.’ (polarity combination 2)
Angun neryugniuq carayagmun. ‘The man says that the bear wants to eat him.’ (polarity
combination 3)
Angutem arnaq neryugnia carayagmun. ‘The man says that the bear wants to eat the woman.’
(polarity combination 4)
Angutem qanrutaa arnaq tan’gaurlurmun tangvagniluku nasaurluq. ‘The man told the woman
(saying) that the boy was watching the girl.’
@~+nialke- to consider object to be unpleasant to V or to be an unpleasant N # < -niate-ke
pi- ‘to do, to be’ pinialkaa ‘he doesn’t nd it good’
Neqnialkengraatki-llu nerevkalaasqelliki. ‘Even though they found it unappetizing —
unpleasant to eat — they told them to let them eat them.’ (YUU 1995:50)
@~+niar- to V in the future; so that subject may V # used if it is not certain how or whether the future act will
occur, e.g. if its occurrence depends on the listener acting, in which case a verb formed with this postbase is used
with an indicative ending in a sentence having another verb in the optative mood (cf. –yuar-); > -niarar-; < PE
pb. ni(C)a3-
Ikayurnga egmian taqiutniartua. ‘Help me so that I can nish right away.’
Kumlangvailgan suupaq ampi ipuggu nerniaraput. ‘Before the soup gets cold, hurry up and
dish it out so that we may eat it.’
Upyusgu ayagniartuq. ‘Get him ready so that he may go.’
Atataarqu nerciqukut maantauraa nerniartuten. ‘We shall eat in a while; stay here so that you
can eat too.’
Qaku-kiq aatavut tekitniarta? ‘I wonder when our father will arrive?’
Camek-kiq nerniarceta? ‘What, I wonder, will we eat?’
Ellalliqan uterrniartua. ‘lf it rains, I will plan to come home.’
Nengllingkan atam ta¥gaam mingqengniartua. ‘Only at the onset of cold weather will I begin
Atam ta¥gaam nenglikan nerniaraput. ‘Only when it cools down will we eat it.’
@~+niarar- to be going to V soon # < -niar-?-
nere- ‘to eat’ nerniarartuq ‘he will eat soon’ (vs. nerqatartuq ‘he is about to eat
and nerciquq he will eat’)
Neqairutniarartukut. ‘We will soon be completely out of food.’
Tauna tan’gaurluq neqsuryaurrniarartuq; allamiku ayagnirciqngatuq. ‘That boy is ready to start
(commercial or subsistence) shing; perhaps he will begin next year.’
@~+niate- to be unpleasant to V; to be an unpleasant N # takes intransitive endings only; < -nir(qe)-ate-
‘food’ neqniatuq ‘it is distasteful, unappetizing’
Assiilkengraitki elitnaurluki nerlallerkaitnek neqnialengraata neqet. ‘They are taught to eat
certain things, even if they don’t like them, and even if they are unappetizing — taste bad to
them.’ (YUU 1995:50)
@~+niilke- to consider object to be unpleasant to V or to be an unpleasant N # this postbase is the negative
of -nike-; takes transitive endings only; < -niite-ke
yuk ‘person’ yugniilkaa ‘he considers her an unpleasant person’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerniilkaa ‘he considers it bad to eat’
@~+niite- to be unpleasant to V; to be an unpleasant N # takes intransitive endings only; this postbase is the
negative of -nirqe-; < -nir(qe)-ite-; > -niilke-
nare- ‘to smell’ narniituq ‘it doesn’t smell good, is unpleasant to smell’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerniituq ‘it doesn’t taste good, is unpleasant to eat’
-nialke- — -niite-
niite- ‘to hear niitniituq ‘it is unpleasant to listen to’
atur- ‘to use’ aturniituq ‘it is not good to use’
yuk ‘person’ yugniituq ‘he is an unpleasant person’
ila ‘companion’ ilaniituq ‘he is a poor companion’
Also, with deletion of nal consonant:
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangniituq ‘it is unpleasant to see’
Kegginaa tua qiuk’acagarluni tua-i tangniinani kegginaa qiuluni! ‘His face was very blue,
unsightly — undesirable to see — since it was blue!’ (ELL 1997:580)
@~+nike- to consider object to be pleasant to V or to be a pleasant N # takes transitive endings only;
< -nir(qe)-ke
yuk ‘person’ yugnikaa ‘he considers her a pleasant person’
aipaq ‘companion’ aiparnikaa ‘he considers him a good companion’
nere- ‘to eat’ nernikaa ‘he considers it pleasant to eat’
Also, with deletion of nal consonant:
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangnikaa ‘he nds it very pleasant to look at’
~+ninarqe-, ~+nilarqe- (NUN, NSU form) to smell or taste like N # takes intransitive endings only; < -niq
narqe-; > cigninarqe-, -pagninarqe-
arinaq ‘rotten thing’ arinarninarquq ‘it smells rotten’
taryuq, tarsuq (NSU form)
taryurninarquq, taryurnilarquq (NUN form), tarsurnilarquq
(NSU form) ‘it is salty’
saarralaq ‘sugar saarralarninarquq ‘it is sweet’
anaq ‘feces’ anarninarquq ‘it smells like feces’
teq’uq, etquq (NUN form)
teq’urninarquq, teq’urnilarquq (NSU form), etqurnilarquq
(NUN form) ‘it smells of urine’
Ta¥gaam taryuq taryurninairuskan ca taryurciqau? ‘But if the salt loses its saltiness — taste of
salt — what will it salt?’ (MATT. 5:13)
since N; since some time in the N # used with time nouns and certain ablative-modalis demonstrative
pronouns, somewhat irregularly; takes plural ablative-modalis endings
kiak ‘summer kiagnirnek ‘since some time in the summer
uksuq ‘winter uksurnirnek ‘since some time in the winter
akwaugaq ‘yesterday’ akwaugarnirnek ‘since yesterday’
allami ‘last year allamirnirnek ‘since last year
yaaliag(ni) ‘two days ago’ yaaliagnirnek ‘since two days ago’
Pekyun ‘Monday’ Pekyutnirnek ‘since Monday’
unuk ‘night’ unugnirnek ‘since some time in the night’
-nike- — -niq
waken ‘from here, from now’ wak’nirnek ‘from now on, henceforth’
tuaken ‘from there, from that
tuakenirnek ‘from then on’
the smell of N # > -ninarqe-, -nite-
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvviarniq ‘the smell of coffee’
Tupagtuq assaliarnimun. ‘He woke up to the smell of pancakes.’
Teq’urniq tukniuq. ‘The smell of the urine is powerful.’
@~+nirqe- to be pleasant to V; to be a pleasant N # takes intransitive endings only; the negative of this postbase
is -niite- (cf. –narqe-); > -niite-, -nike-; < PE pb. n(n)i3-
nere- ‘to eat’ nernirquq ‘it tastes good, is pleasant to eat’
nare- ‘to smell’ narnirquq ‘it smells good, is pleasant to smell’
yuk ‘person’ yugnirquq ‘he is a good person’
ila ‘companion’ ilanirquq ‘he is a good companion’
aipaq ‘companion’ aiparnirquq ‘he is a good companion’
nuna ‘land, place’ nunanirquq ‘it is pleasant, joyous’ (lexicalized)
Also, with deletion of nal consonant:
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangnirquq ‘it is pleasant to look at’
+nite- to smell or taste like N # HBC; takes intransitive endings only; < -niq
-?-; > -cugnite-, -pagnite-
neqerrluk ‘dried sh’ neqerrlugnituq ‘it tastes like dried sh’
?niur- to endure the difculty involved with V-ing or with N # non-productive; takes intransitive endings
only; < -neq
akngir- (root) ‘pain’ akngirniurtuq ‘he is physically pained’
umyuaq ‘mind’ umyuarniurtuq ‘he regrets it, is worried’
alinge- ‘to fear alingniurtuq ‘he is apprehensive’
neka- (root) ‘emotionally hurt’ nekaniurtuq ‘he feels hurt inside’
alia- (root) ‘loneliness’ alianiurtuq ‘he is lonesome’
qessa- ‘to be disinclined to act’ qessaniurtuq ‘he’s acting unwillingly’
:(e)nkut (plural), :(e)nkuk (dual) N and family; N and companion # used primarily with personal names (or
animal characters in stories); if the ‘companion’ is named by a separate word, then that word is always in the
absolutive case and follows the word with –nkuk, and is itself used with the enclitic =llu; < PE pb. nku!
Apanuugpak (legendary hero) Apanuugpiinkuk Pangalgalria-llu ‘Apanuugpak and
Nuk’ankut ayagtut. ‘Nuk’aq and his family have left.’
Nuk’ankuk arnaq-llu aturaak angyaq. ‘Nuk’aq and the woman — Nuk’aq and his companion,
the woman — are using the boat.’
— -nkut
Tua-ll’-am taqukaruunkuk qanganarrluar-llu ingulayutaciigutqatalriik. ‘And so the old bear
and the old squirrel were about to have a dance contest.’ (MAR2 2001:112)
Elliraaraurluunkunek piaqluku, tauna nasaurlurraq elliraungan. Maurluminek ta¥gaam
aulukesterluni. ‘They called them orphan and grandmother since that girl was an orphan.
Her grandmother was all she had to care for her.’ (QAN 1995:32)
Irr’ankut malikluki unicuumiilamiu Irr’aq. ‘She took Irr’aq and the others along because she
didn’t want to leave Irr’aq behind.’ (ELN 1990:90)
–nqar- to unintentionally hit (it) in the N with a projectile # HBC
–nqe- to have (it) as its V-er; for it (object) to be more V than it (subject) # < -neq
Akwaugam cirliqenqaa. ‘He is weaker than he was yesterday.’
Anngani pininqaa. ‘His older brother is stronger than he is.’ literally: ‘He has his older brother as
one stronger than him.’
. . . neqa tauna qayam-gguq angenqelluku alaitaquq. ‘. . . that sh, which, they say, was bigger
than a kayak, would be seen.’ (CIU 2005:116)
Tukuuqapiggluni-gguq tunturiluni, uilget-llu-gguq tukuunqelluku. ‘She was very rich and
gave substantial gifts; it is said that she was richer than those with husbands.’ (MAR1
Ta¥gaam-gguq alairutlermini imum cukanqelluku. Cukanruluni . . . ‘But when she appeared
she was faster than before. She had picked up speed . . .’ (ELL 1997:484)
–nqegcaar(aq*) one who Vs thoroughly # and –nqegcaar(ar)- to V completely, thoroughly # < -nqegg-
caar(ar)-; < PE pb. nqi!
kiner- ‘to dry’ kinenqegcaartuq ‘it is completely dried’
mecungte- ‘to soak’ mecungtenqegcaararaa ‘it is thoroughly wet’
qaner- ‘to talk’ qanenqegcaarauguq ‘he enunciates clearly’
pair- ‘to lick’ painqegcaararaa ‘he licked it clean’
?nqegg- to be good with respect to V-ing; to be exactly N # non-productive; > yunqegg-, -nqegcaar(aq*)
uive- ‘to revolve, to go
uivenqegtuq ‘it is round’; uivenqellria ‘a circle’
akag- ‘to roll’ akagenqegtuq ‘it is round or spherical’
yaassiik ‘box’ yaassiigenqegtuq ‘it is square’
yaaltaq ‘yard’ (length) yaaltanqegtuq ‘it is exactly a yard’
uver- (root) ‘leaning’ uvenqegtuq ‘it is steeply sloped’; ‘it is at a sharp angle’
ilaliur- ‘to interact’ ilaliunqegtuq ‘he is sociable with people’
–nqigte- to V again # > -linqigte-; < PE pb. nqi!
tuntute- ‘to catch caribou’ tuntutenqigtuq ‘he caught caribou again’
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimanqiggluni ‘swimming again’
Kumartenqigtengnaqciqaqa. ‘I shall try to light it again.’
Ce÷irtenqigeskumken taiciiqaqa. ‘If I visit you again, I’ll bring it over.’
-nqar- — -nqigte-
–nqurraq* the one(s) most V # often functions as an appositive rather than a selectional base (cf. –neq
); < -neq
Irniaqa angenqurraq qavartuq. ‘My biggest child is sleeping,’ (compare alternate Yup’ik formulation
for this: Irniama angenrat qavartuq.)
Irnianka angenqurraat qavartut. ‘My biggest children are sleeping.’ (compare alternate Yup’ik
formulation for this: Irniama angenrit qavartuq.)
Yup’igtun qaneryaraq pininqurrauguq allani Alaska-m nakmiin yuin qaneryaraitni, amllenruluni-
llu. ‘The Yup’ik language is stronger than other Alaska Native languages and has more
speakers.’ (KIP 1998:x)
Cuukiingssagaunateng can’get imkut neruvercetenqurrait iluqliqluki tapluki waten
piinirnaurtut. ‘They didn’t have socks, but they would used the softest grass for their insoles.’
(QUL 2003:3)
?nraq* # non-productive; forms with this postbase are highly lexicalized; > -linraq*
nau- ‘to grow’ naunraq ‘plant’; ‘cloudberry’ (NI, CAN meaning)
imarpik ‘ocean’ imarpinraq ‘ocean whitesh’
iir- ‘to hide’ iinraq ‘evil spirit’
? canraq ‘wild celery’
? tuunraq ‘shaman’s familiar spirit’
? paunraq ‘crowberry’
?, cf. qetute- ‘to be soft’ qetunraq ‘son’; ‘child’ (NUN meaning)
÷ar- to not V (having changed one’s mind or decided not to) # K, BB; < -nrite-?-
nere- ‘to eat’
÷artuq ‘he isn’t eating, having decided not to’
–nrilkurte- to keep oneself from V-ing; to try not to V # < -nrite-?-
quser- ‘to cough’ qusenrilkurtuq ‘he is keeping himself from coughing’
qavaqar- ‘to fall asleep’ qavaqanrilkurtuq ‘he is keeping himself from falling asleep’
ngel’ar- ‘to laugh’ ngel’anrilkurtua ‘I’m trying not to laugh’
Tamaaggun cikuq aturtuarluku, qanikcarmun tut’enrilkurrluni ayalliniuq kingunermi
tungiinun. ‘Following the ice and keeping herself from stepping on the snow she went toward
her home.’ (YUU 1995:17)
Aqlagtenrilkurrluku-gguq tauna angun menglairluku. ‘She went around that man to keep from
affecting him with her emanations.’ (YUP 2005:164)
Yuk tua-I tallimi nanillranek pitegcaucinrilkurrluni; yuum tallini cuqyutekluku. ‘A person never
made his arrows shorter than his arm; a person used his arm as a measuring device.’ (CIU
–nrir- to no longer V; to stop V-ing # < -neq
-; > -nanrir-; < PE pb. n3i3-
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kainrirtuq ‘he is no longer hungry’, ‘he has satised his appetite’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerenriraa ‘he isn’t eating it any more’
Akutartullrunrituq kainrirniluni. ‘He didn’t eat “Eskimo ice cream,” saying that he was no
longer hungry.’
-nqurraq* — -nrir-
–nritar(ar)- to almost V; to not quite V; to barely keep from V-ing # < -nrite-ar(ar)-
pi- ‘to do’ pinrita’artuq ‘he almost did’; pinritararaa ‘he almost did it’
agtur- ‘to touch’ agtunritararaa ‘he almost, but not quite, touched it’
A verb to noun form of this postbase is used to form the numerals nine, fourteen, and nineteen:
qulngu- ‘to be ten’ qulngunritaraan, qulngunrita’ar ‘nine’
akimiaru- ‘to be fteen’ akimiarunritaraan, akimiarunrita’ar ‘fourteen’
yuinau- ‘to be twenty’ yuinaunritaraan, yuinaunrita’ar ‘nineteen’
Ta¥gaam wanigga nallunritarallemkun qanrutekngamku camek ilasciigataqa, . . . ‘Now,
however, because I am have related just about as much as I know — exactly to the extent of my
not being ignorant (of it) –, I can’t add any more to it, . . .’ (ELL 1997:236)
Tua-i-llu qeckarvikluku, aatii-llu aviarcan elliinun tauna tut’enritararluni migpak canianun
tull’uni. ‘When it sprang at her father, he got out of its way and it barely missed her — almost
but not quite landed right on her — landing by her with a loud thud.’ (ELN 1990:63)
–nrite- to not V # < -neq
-; > -llrunrite-, -nrice÷ar-, -nrilkurte-, -ritar(ar)-, -yunrite-; < PE pb. n3it-
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavanrituq ‘he is not sleeping’, ‘he did not sleep’
kitugte- ‘to x’ kitugtenritaa ‘he isn’t xing it’, ‘he didn’t x it’
nallu- ‘to not know’ nallunrituq ‘he knows’; literally: ‘he doesn’t not know’
Though this postbase is used to form negatives, it is generally not used in combination with the postbases listed
on the left below for which the negative is formed using the postbases listed on the right below (though sometimes
the combination is indeed used):
–ngqerr- to have N :(ng)ite- to lack N
+tangqerr- (for there) to be N +taite- (for there) to be no N
+ciqe- / @
ciiqe- to V (future) @~+ ngaite- to not V (future)
@~+narqe- to tend to cause
@~+ naite- to not tend to cause V-ing
@~+nirqe- to be pleasant to V @~+niite- to be unpleasant to V
~+yugnga- to be able to V (K,
+(s)ciigate- to be unable to V
~+yuuma- to be able to V (Y) +(s)ciigate- to be unable to V
+tu- to have N to a large
+kite- to lack N to a large degree
–/~+lar- to regularly V ~–yuite- to never V
–tu- to regularly V ~–yuite- to never V
+tar- to be V by disposition +taite- to be not V by disposition
Though this is a negative postbase ending in te, it is not used with the subordinative mood marker @
na- as in @
nani; instead, –nrite- is replaced by the postbase +peke- / +vke-; thus, for ‘(he) not leaving’, instead of saying
* ayanrinani, one says ayagpek’nani or ayagpegnani, and for ‘(he) not eating’ instead of * nerenrinani one
says nerevkenani; see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 231ff)
-nritar(ar)- — -nrite-
–nru- to be more V # takes intransitive endings, or transitive endings if the verb it is used with can take transitive
endings; the thing to which the subject is compared may be denoted by a noun in the localis case. Used with
adjectival bases not ending in te, for which @llru- is used; < neq
iqtu- ‘to be wide’ iqtunruuq ‘it is wider
assir- ‘to be good’ assinruuq ‘it is better
Qimugtet uqilanruut maqaruani. ‘The dogs run faster than the rabbits.’
Assikenruaqa una taumi. ‘I like this one more than that.’
Cucukenruaqa ak’allaq nutarami. ‘I prefer (more) the old one to the new.’
Takaqenruanga agayulirtemi. ‘He’s more awed by me than he is the priest.’
Alikenruaten elitnauristemini. ‘He’s more afraid of you than of his teacher.’
Those of the following postbases that have both p and v forms use the p form with bases ending in te or a consonant,
and the v form with bases ending in a vowel (unless indicated otherwise). Note that in Practical Grammar of . . .
Yup’ik (Jacobson 1995), such postbase are treated not as @+p. . ./~v. . . , but as @~+(t)v. . . , where the (t) is used
with consonant-nal bases, and tv, whether from this (t) or base nal te, becomes p.
@+paa / ~vaa, @+pag / ~vag (HBC form) oh, how V!; my, how V! # used with verb bases to form (uninectable)
exclamations that refer to the speaker, the listener, or a third person or thing, depending on the context; cf. -pag-
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukavaa, cukavag ‘oh, how fast!’
take- ‘to be long’ takvaa ‘oh, how long!’
ange- ‘to be big’ angvaa ‘oh, how big!’
assiite- ‘to be bad’ assiipaa ‘oh, how bad!’
kiircete- ‘to be hot’ kiircepaa (also kiircessvaa) ‘oh, how hot it is!’
kiiryug- ‘to be hot’ (person) kiiryugpaa ‘oh, how hot I am!’
angyaite- ‘to lack a boat’ angyaipaa ‘oh, the lack of a boat!’; ‘oh, how I lack a boat!’
assir- ‘to be good’ assirpaa ‘oh, how nice!’
nengllir- ‘to be cold’ (weather) nengllirpaa ‘oh, how cold it is!’
qerrute- ‘to be cold’ (person) qerrupaa ‘oh, how cold I am!’
cukaite- ‘to be slow’ cukaipaa ‘oh, how slow!’
eqnarqe- ‘to be frustrating,
eqnaqvaa ‘oh, how frustrating!, how exasperating!’
taiyuite- ‘to not come’ taiyuipaa ‘oh, how he never comes!’
ellakegci- ‘to be good’
(weather or person)
ellakegcivaa ‘oh, how ne the weather is!’; ‘oh, how
pleasant he is’
-nru- — -paa
alingnarqe- ‘to be scary’ alingnaqvaa ‘oh, how scary!’; ‘oh my goodness’
qavarni- ‘to be sleepy’ qavarnivaa ‘oh, how sleepy (I am)!’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaigpaa ‘oh, how hungry I am!’
taqsuqe- ‘to be tired’ taqsuqvaa ‘oh! How tired I am!’
quyanarqe- ‘to cause one to be
quyanaqvaa ‘thank you very much’
tangerrsaqlir- ‘to nally see’ tangerrsaqlirpaa ‘oh, seeing (you) at last!’
arenqiate- ‘to be an
unfortunate but
irremediable situation’
arenqiapaa ‘oh, dear!’
uuminarqe- ‘to be infuriating’ uuminaqvaa ‘gosh darn it all anyway!’
If the thing to which the exclamation refers is specied by a separate noun, then that noun is in the localis
case and the enclitic =lli (often shortened to =ll’) is attached to whichever of the two words (the verb with the
postbase, or the noun) comes rst.
Kuigmi-lli (or kuigmi-ll’) et’uvaa. ‘Oh, how deep the river is!’
Kaigpaa-lli (or kaigpaa-ll’) mikelngurmi. ‘Oh, how hungry the child is!’
Angli-lli cukavaa snuukuugpeni! ‘Oh, how very fast your snow machine is!’ (PRA 1995:192)
@+paalug- / ~vaalug-, @+pailug- / ~vailug- to V for the rst time, or for the rst time in a long time #
< -pag-/-vag-?-
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekipaalugtuq, tekipailugtuq ‘he arrived’ or ‘he came for the rst
time in a long time’
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangerpaalugaa, tangerpailugaa ‘he saw her for the rst time’ or
‘for the rst time in a long time’
cali- ‘to work’ calivaalugtuq, calivailugtuq ‘he is working for the rst time’ (in
a long time)
–paarrluk big N # due to the HBC process of “vowel compression” the aa of this postbase sounds like a single
stressed a, with gemination of the preceding p when circumstances permit (as in the third example); HBC;
= -vaarrluk; < -rpak-aq
nunapaarrluk ‘big land’
house’ enpaarrluk ‘big house’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyapaarrluk ‘big boat’ (sounds like angyap’a’rrluk)
Wanigga-qa ta¥ga wii wanigga cillapaarrluum mat’um maa-i keyima wanigg’ cuk’aqaanga?
‘Does this big world have me as its only human?’ (WEB 1)
–pacug- poor dear one Vs # NSU; < -?-cuk
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavapacugtuq ‘the poor dear one is sleeping’
ca- ‘to do what’ capacugcit? ‘what have you done, you poor dear?’
-paalug- — -pacug-
@+pag- / ~vag-
to V so well # used with interrogative mood endings, but forms exclamations; cf. -rrluk; >
-paa/-vaa, -paalug-/ -vaalug-, -pakar-/ -vakar-, -pallag-/ -vallag-, -pallur- / -vallur-; < PE pb. va!(-)
keniyu- ‘to cook well’ keniyuvagcit ‘how well you cook!’
assir- ‘to be good’ assirpagta ‘how good it is!’
to V in a big way, intensely; to have N to a great degree # only marginally productive, this postbase
attaches to various verb bases without following a consistent pattern, though the syllable preceding –pag- is
usually stressed and closed. In some cases this postbase appears as ?vag-; = rpag-
elciar- ‘to burp’ ellecpagtuq, elcirpagtuq, elcirvagtuq ‘he burped loudly’
pangaleg- ‘to run on four legs’ pangalpagtuq, pangalvagtuq ‘it (animal) is running fast’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanpagtuq ‘he shouted out’
alleg- ‘to tear alpagtuq ‘it got a big tear in it’
quser-, quyer- ‘to cough’ quspagtuq, quypagtuq ‘he coughed loudly’
qalrir- ‘to make noise’ qalervagtuq, qalerpagtuq ‘he is bawling’
nunur- ‘to scold’ nunup’agciqamken ‘I’ll really scold you’
qacarte- ‘to slap’ qacap’agaa, qacpagaa ‘he slapped it hard’
itegmig- ‘to kick’ itemvagaa, itempagaa ‘he kicked it hard’
tenglug- ‘to punch’ tengelpagaa, tengelvagaa ‘he punched her hard’
kaug- ‘to strike’
kav’agaa, ka
¥g’agaa ‘he struck it hard’ (with something other
than the hand)
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavap’agtuq ‘he is sleeping deeply or late’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerep’agtuq ‘he ate a lot’
agtar- ‘to squirt in an arc’ aggetpagtuq ‘it squirted in a big way’
miryar- ‘to vomit’ mirespagtuq, mirecpagtuq ‘he vomited a lot’
ler-, neler- ‘to fart’ lep’agtuq, nelepagtuq ‘he farted loudly’
qager- ‘to explode’ qagpagtuq, qag’pagtuq ‘it exploded violently’
narulkar- ‘to thrust a weapon’ narulpagaa, narup’agaa ‘he thrust a weapon hard at it’
nuteq- ‘to shoot’ nutpagaa ‘he shot it, making quite a wound’
tuker- ‘to kick’ tukpagtuq ‘it kicked hard’
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggerpagaa ‘it bit him hard’
pupsug- ‘to pinch’ pupcepagaa, pupespagaa, pupesvagaa ‘he pinched her hard’
pucikar- ‘to fall forward’ pucikpagtuq ‘he fell hard, face forward’
aitaur- ‘to yawn’ aitaupagtuq ‘he yawned widely’
ciqer- ‘to splash’ ciqpagtuq ‘he intentionally splashed a lot’
aqessngaar- ‘to sneeze’ aqessngaapagtuq ‘he sneezed loudly’
cikme-, cikmir- ‘to close eyes’ cikempagtuq ‘he closed his eyes tightly’
-pag- — -pag-
atmag- ‘to carry a load on
one’s back’
atempagtuq ‘he’s carrying a heavy load on his back’
milqar- ‘to throw at’ milpagaa, mileqpagaa ‘she threw something at him hard’
ikuseg-, ikuyeg- ‘to elbow’ ikusvagaa, ikuyvagaa ‘he elbowed him hard’
cinge- ‘to push’ cingeqpagaa ‘he gave it a big shove’
puukar- ‘to bump its head or
puukpagaa ‘he bumped it hard with his head’
iqu- ‘to fall over iqup’agtuq, iqurvagtuq ‘it fell hard on its side’
naveg- ‘to break’ nav’pagtuq, navpagtuq ‘it broke in a big way’
ciqume- ‘to crumble’ ciqumpagtuq ‘it crumbled altogether
anar- ‘to defecate’ anap’agtuq ‘he defecated a lot’
qecir- ‘to spit’ qecip’agtuq ‘he spit hard’
ivyir-, ivsir- ‘to rain’ ivegpagtuq, ivecpagtuq ‘it is raining hard’
kitngig- ‘to kick with the heel’ kitengpagaa ‘he kicked it hard with his heel’
canrite- ‘to be okay’ canrilvagtuq ‘it’s very much okay’
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikaspagaa ‘he’s helping him in a major way’
amlek ‘crotch’ amelvagtuq, amelpagtuq ‘he took a big step’
atmag- ‘to carry on back’ atempagtuq ‘he carrying a big load’
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangvagaa ‘he’s looking at it’
tegleg- ‘to steal’ tegel’pagtuq ‘he stole in a big way’
qanuk ‘snowace’ qanugpagtuq ‘it is snowing hard’
‘cold’ nengelvagtuq, nengelpagtuq ‘it is very cold’
kiiq ‘heat’ kiirpagtuq, kiirrelvagtuq ‘it is very hot’
‘wind’ anurvagtuq, anuqvagtuq, anuq’vagtuq ‘it is very windy’
akerta ‘sun’ akervagtuq ‘it is very sunny’
taituk ‘fog’ tairvagtuq ‘it is very foggy’
ella ‘weather ellarvagtuq ‘the weather is very bad’; ‘it is raining hard’
pirta, pirtuk ‘blizzard’ pirrec’vagtuq, pirretpagtuq, pirrelvagtuq, pirtepagtuq ‘there is
a severe blizzard’
ivsuk ‘rain’ ivegpagtuq ‘it’s raining hard’
‘to fall face forward’
paarvagtuq ‘he fell forward very hard’
pangaleg- ‘to run on four legs’ pangarvagtuq ‘its running hard on four legs’
Aren, paarvaggaarluni mak’arrluni ciugarrluni tangerqallinia, imna tauna ciuqlillra, aren,
keglunruluni a¥g’ pangarvagluni ayalria. ‘My, after he fell forward hard, he quickly got up,
and as he lifted his head he glanced at him. My oh my, his older brother was running hard on
four legs in a wolf form.’ (QUL 2005:426)
{-paga- see –rpaga-}
{-pagnite- see –rpagnite-}
{-pagninarqe- see –rpagninarqe-}
@+pakar- / ~vakar- (also –qpakar-) to V so long; to V so much # used either with in the interrogative forming
a question, and meaning ‘to V so long’, or used in the subordinative, and meaning ‘while in the process of
V-ing’; < -pag-/-vag-?-; < PE pb. vaka3-
nere- ‘to eat’ ciin nervakarcit? ‘why do you keep eating?’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ ciin qavarpakarta? ‘why is he sleeping so long?’
Ngel’arpakarluni qiaguq. ‘While laughing so much, he cried.’
Ayagpakarluta nunanek tekitukut. ‘While traveling so much we came upon a village.’
@+pallag- / ~vallag- to V intensely; to V excessively # < -pag-/-vag-?-; < PE pb. va@@a!-
tanqig- ‘to be bright’ tanqigpallagtuq ‘it ashed brightly’
nere- ‘to eat’ nervallagtuq ‘he overate’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarpallagtuq ‘he overslept’
Akwaugaq nerelqa assillruan nervallallruunga. ‘Yesterday, because what I ate was good, I ate
too much.’
{-pallar- see –rpallar-}
{-pallr(aq*) see –rpallr(aq*)}
@+pallug- / ~vallug-, @+pallur- / ~vallur- to V most; to V mostly # cf. –rpalluk; < -pag-/-
atur- ‘to use’ aturpallugaa ‘he uses it most’
cali- ‘to work’ calivallugtuq ‘mostly, he works’
{-palluk see –rpalluk}
{-pau- see –rpau-}
?payagaq* little one with a big N #
aitaur- ‘to yawn’ aitaupayagaq ‘nestling’ (lexicalized)
qamiquq ‘head’ qamiqurpayagaq or qamiqvayagaq ‘goldeneye (bird)’
uqsuq ‘head’ uqsurpayagaq ‘nickel coin’ (lexicalized in LI)
melquq ‘fur mequp’ayagaq ‘long-haired dog’ (lexicalized)
–pcuaq thing like N # non-productive; NUN
qengaq ‘nose’ qengapcuaq ‘limpet’
nacaq ‘parka hood’ nacapcuaq ‘monkshood’
elqiaq ‘visor elqipcuaq ‘eyeshade’; ‘salute’
-pakar- — -pcuaq
+peke- /+vke-, +pege- / +vke- (NI, HBC, NUN form) to not V # this is a special postbase used in place of
–nrite- when a subordinative mood ending such as -nani is used; the p form is used with bases ending in a
consonant, while the v form is used with bases ending in a vowel, including those ending in te; see also Practical
Grammar of . . . Yup’ik p. 231ff; < PY-S v0(k0)
cali- ‘to work’ calivkenani ‘without working’, ‘not working’
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekitevkenani ‘not arriving’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yurarpek’nani, yurarpegnani ‘not dancing’
Nerevkenata caliukut. ‘We worked without eating.’
?peq one at N # non-productive
akuliq ‘one between’ akulipeq ‘middle nger
90 protoform for qai
qaspeq ‘cloth cover parka’
ilu ‘interior ilupeq ‘undershirt’
{-pi- see –rpi-}
{-piaq see –pik}
+pigainar-, –pigainar- to actually V (after hesitation; or surprising as it may seem) # < -pik
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtepigainartuq ‘he actually visited’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagpigainartuq, ayapigainartuq ‘he actually left’
Waten-llu qanrutpigainarciqluku, “Qanruyutet narureskuvki tuaten pilarciquten.” ‘He will
actually tell him, “If you go against the maxims it will be that way for you.”’ (YUP 2005:11)
Iillanaqluteng pissutullratni, tuarpiaq tegulassaapigainarluku pitarkaq. Nutengssagaunateng.
‘They did amazing things when they were hunting, like actually grabbing a game animal
with the hands. They didn’t have guns.’ (QUL 2003:636)
@+piineq / ~viineq incident of V-ing # this postbase apparently occurs only in the unpossessed relative plural as
possessor of iliitni ‘in/during one of them’, thus meaning ‘once while one(s) was/were V-ing’
Tua-i-ll’ pivakarluni ayagpiinret iliitni yuilqumun, nernginanermini piqalliniuq ciissiq man’a
ciuqerrakun kituryartuaral’. ‘Then on one occasion when he was going to the wilderness he
noticed an insect crawling in front of him as he was eating’ (QUL 2003:140)
Nangengan tua ellamun anviinret iliitni, tamaa-i merpangluni taman’ kuigan ce÷ii, nangengan
tua-i cacirkaite¥rluami atakuarmi-am nem’i keggavet uqranun anluni, uitauqcaarainanrani
tua-llu qavaken kiatiin tungiinek ce÷akun miiqanerkun tamaaggun kuimelriartanglliniuq
qa¥gna kiatii. ‘When it [his food] was gone, when the sides of the river had plenty of ood
water, during one of the times he went out in the evening, while he sat a while on the lee side
of his house, he saw something appear swimming along the ooded side of the overow.’
(QUL 2003:186)
Ayagpiinret iliitni camna camani qayagaulliniuq. ‘One of the times he was traveling, someone
down there started calling him.’ (QUL 2003:368)
Ayagpiinret iliitni unuakuarmi-am ikirucesqengan ikirucani pillinia, . . . ‘During one of the
times [her brother] was gone, when she opened the door for him when he asked her to, he
-peke- — -piineq
said to her, . . .’ (QUL 2003:368)
Qelluqiarrngapiinret iliitni kingyaq’alliniuq imna tauna kaviaq agalriara keglunrem
pangalegturluni tua tekitaqami kegqeryaaqaqamiu qelluqiartelallinilria. ‘When it became
taut one time, he looked back and saw a wolf running after him, and whenever he took a nip
at the fox tail hanging from his waist, he had felt its tautness.’ (QUL 2003:202)
Nepturillrani piviinret iliitni waniw’ anllugneren qevleqtaalriartanga’artellria. ‘When it got
very loud on one occasion your aura started to reect something that was very shiny.’ (QUL
@+piiqna- / ~viiqna- do not V so much!; stop V-ing! # used only with optative endings, which immediately
follow this postbase; these optative endings differ from the usual optative endings in that the 2s form is k rather
than Ø (nothing added), the 2s-3s form is ku rather than u, and the 2s-ls form is :nga rather than nga. See also
the postbase ~+yaquna-, which takes the same endings; see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 204)
qia- ‘to cry’ qiaviiqnak! ‘don’t cry so much!’, ‘stop crying!’
alike- ‘to fear alikviiqnii! ‘stop being scared of me!’
atur- ‘to use’ aturpiiqnaku! ‘don’t use it so much!’, ‘stop using it!’
, –piaq, –pigaq (NSU form) genuine N; real N; authentic N; and –pig-, –piar-, –pigar- (NSU form) to
be really V; to be very V; cf. -pik
; > -pigainar-, -qapiar(ar)-, -qapigte-; < PE pb. pi!-
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayapik, qayapiaq, qayapigaq ‘authentic, old-style kayak
covered with skins (in contrast to one made of canvas,
berglass, etc.)’
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvviapik, kuuvviapiaq ‘real coffee (in contrast to instant,
decaffeinated, or ersatz coffee)’
yuk ‘person’ Yup’ik, Yupiaq ‘an Eskimo of southwestern Alaska (in contrast
to an Indian, Inupiaq Eskimo, white, or black person, etc.)’;
‘regular person (in contrast to a shaman)’
kass’aq ‘white person’ Kass’apik ‘Russian’ (NS meaning); ‘proper Englishman’
nuna ‘land’ nunapik ‘real land, high ground’; ‘tundra’ (lexicalized)
angyaq ‘open boat’ angyapiaq ‘skin-covered open boat’
cali- ‘to work’ calipigtuq, calipiartuq ‘he is really working’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaipigtuq, kaipiartuq ‘he is very hungry’
cuka- ‘to be fast’ cukapigtuq, cukapiartuq (also, irregularly, cukpiartuq) ‘ is very
assir- ‘to be good’ assipigtuq, assipiartuq (also, irregularly, aspiartuq) ‘it is very
“Yuut nerlarait.” “Kass’at-llu-qaa?” “Qaang, Yupiit, Kass’at pivkenateng.” ‘“People eat them.“
“White people too?” “No, southwestern Alaskan Eskimos — our own kind of people — not
White people.”’
Ilak-wa cali ikegkuk tua-i ika-i maaten tauna tua-i allakarrarmi uitalria yupiunritlinilria
angalkuuluni ta¥gaam pillinilria tauna. ‘Unlike his two partners over there, that one who
was by himself was not an ordinary person but was a shaman instead.’ (ELL 1997:578)
-piiqna- — -pik
, +piaq, +pigaq (NUN form) most important form of N # non-productive; forms with this postbase are
lexicalized; cf. –pik
; > -lugpiaq, -yarpiaq
imaq ‘content’ imarpik ‘ocean’
talliq ‘arm’ tallirpik ‘right side, right arm’
iqalluk ‘dog salmon’
(originally perhaps any sh)
iqallugpik ‘Dolly Varden’
uqvik ‘tree, willow’ uqvigpik ‘alder
atsaq ‘berry’ atsarpiaq ‘salmonberry, cloudberry’ (Y usage)
equk ‘wood’
kalngaq ‘grass bag’
equgpigaq ‘construction lumber(NUN usage)
kalngagpigaq ‘tight mesh grass bag’ (NUN usage)
nacaq ‘hat’ nacapigaq ‘man’s dance hat’ (NUN usage)
nuvuk ‘point’ nuvupigaq ‘Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Chain’ (NUN
+(a)q, +(aa)q #and +(a)r-, +(aa)r- # used with English words when they are used in Yup’ik speech or writing; the
(a) or (aa) is used if the English word ends in a consonant, and is often accompanied by gemination of the nal
consonant of the English word
college-arluni or college-aarluni ‘going to college’
candy-q ‘candy’
wine-aq ‘wine’
vote-alrianek ‘of those who vote’
win-arngaituten ‘you won’t win’
{-qaaqe- see -qaqe-
{-qaar- see –rraar-}
–qaci- to V in a minor way #
tai- ‘to come over taiqaciuq ‘he is coming over for no real purpose, slowly,
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaqaciuq ‘he is napping, dozing’
ayag- ‘to go ayakaciuq ‘he is taking a walk’
–qainaq only N; merely N # and –qainar- to merely V; to just V # < -qar-inaq; > -qainaurte-; < PE pb.
meq ‘water meqainaq ‘merely water
— -qainaq
nuna ‘land’ nunaqainaq ‘merely land’
yuk ‘person’ yukainaq ‘only a person’
at’e- ‘to put on’ at’eqainaraa ‘he just put it on’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerqainartuq ‘he is just eating’
–qainaurte- to be ready to V # < -qainaq-urte-
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimaqainaurtuq ‘he is ready to swim’
nuteg- ‘to shoot’ nutkainaurtaa ‘he is ready to shoot it’
{-qanir- see –kanir-}
–qapiar(ar)- to be very V # the initial q or k of this postbase may be geminated and/or there may be syncope for
extra emphasis; = qapigte-; < -qar-pig-ar(ar)-
urug- ‘to melt’ urukapiartuq (or, for more emphasis, uruk’apiartuq) ‘it is
completely melted’
qavarni- ‘to be sleepy’ qavarniqapiartuq ‘he is very sleepy’; qavarniqapiarallruuq ‘he
was very sleepy’
tangerrsug- ‘to want to see’ tangerrsukapiararaa ‘he wants to see her very much’
assir- ‘to be good’ assiqapiartuq (also, irregularly, asqapiartuq) ‘it is very good’
Tegullrunrilkuvgu igteqapiaryartuq. ‘If you hadn’t taken it, it would have really fallen.’
. . . nag’arrluni acilqullermun mecagmun paallagluni, tamqapiarmi mecungurrluni, . . .
‘. . . tripping on a root she fell headlong into a puddle getting completely soaked . . .’ (ELN
1990:36) (tamqapiarmi, from tamaqapiarmi, from tamar- ‘all’)
–qapigte- to be very V #the initial q or k of this postbase may be geminated and/or there may be syncope for extra
emphasis; = qapiar(ar)-; < -qar-pig-?-
assir- ‘to be good’ assiqapigtuq (or, for more emphasis, assiq’apigtuq) ‘it is very
good, excellent, superb’; assiqapigtellria yuk ‘a virtuous,
righteous person’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaikapigtuq ‘he is very hungry’; kaikapigtellruuq ‘he was very
+qaq N area of possessor; exact area denoted by N with respect to possessor # used only with positional
bases; takes possessed endings mainly; < PE pb. qa3
cani(q) ‘area beside’ caniqerrani, caniqaani ‘on the side of it, right beside it’ (vs.
caniani ‘next to it, to the side of it’)
ciu ‘area in front’ ciuqerrani ‘in its front part, right in front of it’ (vs. ciungani ‘in
front of it’)
Caniqamikun-gguq akngialartuq. ‘He says that he has pain right in his side.’
Caniqairaa or Caniqerriraa. ‘He went through the area right beside it.’
-qainaurte- — -qaq
to V now and then; to V intermittently # used with the subordinative mood; when this postbase -qaqe-
follows an unstressed syllable, it takes the form -qa’aqe-; note that this postbase is underlyingly -qaraqe- (from
-qar- and +’(g)aqe-) with -qaqe- and -qa’aqe- arising by deletion of a between r and q, and deletion of r
before qe with a subsequent e-dropping sufx; thus nerqaqluni comes from nerqaraqluni (still possible but
uncommon) via underlying *nerqarqluni, and quuyurniqa’aqluni comes from quuyurniqaraqluni (still
possible but uncommon) via underlying *quuyurniqa’arqluni; see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p.
nere- ‘to eat’ nerqaqluni or ner’qaqluni ‘eating now and then’
ayag- ‘to go’ ayakaqluni ‘moving now and then from place to place’
quuyurni- ‘to smile’ quuyurniqa’aqluni ‘smiling now and then’
Aanam yuvriraa panimi atkuliara quuyurniqa’aqluni. ‘The mother is examining the parka her
daughter made, smiling now and then.’
to V one after another # used only with bases ending in a fricative followed by te; -qu- or -rqe-
used with other bases.
igte- ‘to fall’ igqaqut ‘they fell one after another
egte- ‘to throw away’ egqaqai ‘he threw them away one after another
mumigte- ‘to turn over mumigqaqai ‘he turned them over one after another’;
mumigqaqut ‘they are turning over one after another’;
mumigqaqiuq ‘he is turning things over one after another
–qaqur(ar)-, –qaqu- to V now and then #
‘to eat’ nerqaqu’urtuq, nerqaquuq ‘he is eating now and then’
pissur- ‘to hunt’ pissuqaqurallrui, pissuqaqullrui ‘he hunted them now and
–qar- to V briey; to merely V; please V; to V immediately before an associated event # often used with the
optative or subordinative to form a polite request; note that an a between q and r usually is changed to e (in other
sufxes as well as this one), as the examples show; > -ngqerr-, -qainaq, -qapiar(ar)-, -qapigte-, -qarraar-,
-qaqe-, -qaryaquna-, -qerte-, -yukaar(ar)-; < PE pb. (k)ka3-
tegu- ‘to take’ teguqerluku ‘grabbing it’
aper- ‘to say’ apqerru ‘please say it’
aqume- ‘to sit down’ aqumqerluten ‘kindly sit down’
tai- ‘to come over taiqaa ‘come here, please’
callmag- ‘to patch’ callmakarru ‘please patch it’
nipete- ‘to extinguish’ nipteqarru (HBC form), nipteqerru ‘please turn it off
ca- ‘to occur caqerluni ‘once, just then, suddenly, at that time’
kegge- ‘to bite’ kegqerluku ‘biting it’ (easily and speedily, right before the event
— -qar-
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaqertuq ‘he fell asleep’ (lexicalized)
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakartuq ‘he ed’
kaug- ‘to hit, to strike’
¥k’araa ‘he struck it with a sudden sharp blow’
With certain bases (ending in g especially), there is syncopation (and, if needed, e insertion; see the section on
“Gemination and/or Syncope within the Base with Postbases Expressing Suddenness” in the Introduction to the
callmag- ‘to patch’ callemkaraa ‘he patched in a little time’
iqmig- ‘to put and hold in
iqemkartuq ‘he put a little bit of something in his mouth’
itegmig- ‘to kick’ itemkaraa ‘he kicked it lightly’
pupsug- ‘to pinch’ pupeskaraa ‘he pinched it lightly’
atmag- ‘to carry a load on the
atemkartuq ‘he put a little load on his back’
paralur- ‘to have maggots’ paralqertuq ‘it got a sudden infestation of maggots’
Teguqerluku anqerrutaa. ‘Grabbing it, he ran out — suddenly went out — with it.’
Qimugtem neqa kegqerluku taitaa. ‘The dog took the sh in its mouth — suddenly bit it — and
brought it to me.’
{-qaraqe- see –qaqe-
–qarraar- to rst V # < qar-rraar- #
tai- ‘to come’ taiqerraarluni ‘right after coming’
cali- ‘to work’ caliqerraallermini ‘when he rst worked’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakarraallemni ‘when I rst left’
Ayagniqarraami Agayutem ellarpak nuna-llu piliaqellruak. ‘In the (very) beginning God created
heaven and earth.’ (AYAG. 1:1)
–qaryaquna- don’t ever V! # used with second person optative endings only (see -yaquna-); < -qar-yaquna-
pissur- ‘to hunt’ pissuqeryaqunaki ‘don’t ever hunt them!’
ayanqigte- ‘to leave again’ ayanqigteqeryaqunak ‘don’t ever leave again!’
callug- ‘to ght’ callukaryaqunii ‘don’t ever ght me!’
–qataar(ar)- to slowly start to V; to V gradually # < -qatar-ar(ar)-
cali- ‘to work’ caliqataartuq ‘he is slowly starting to work’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerqataararaa ‘he is slowly starting to eat it’
unug- ‘for night to fall’ unukataarallrani ‘when it slowly started to become night’
— -qataar(ar)-
–qatak # meaning undetermined; non-productive
arnaq ‘woman, female’ arnaqatak ‘cow moose’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaqatak ‘large open boat of skin stretched over a wood
naker- ‘to be straight’ nakerqatak ‘side wall of sod house’
amaq ‘back load’ amaqatak ‘back of sh’
ciruneq ‘antler cirunqatak ‘old antler, parietal bone’; ‘occipital bone’
–qatar- to be about to V # > qataar(ar)-; < PE pb. k(k)atta3-
ca- ‘to do something’ caqatarcit? ‘what are you going to do?’
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’qataraa or nerqataraa ‘he’s about to eat it’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakatartua ‘I am about to leave’
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yuraqatartut ‘they are about to dance’
Ervuqaqataryaaqellemni pillruanga ikayuusqelluni. ‘When I was about to take a bath, he asked
me to help him.’
–qcaar(ar)- to keep on trying to V despite difculties; to try one’s best to V # < -?-ar(ar)-
unatar- ‘to pick berries’ unataqcaartuq ‘he’s slowly picking berries’
cali- ‘to work’ caliqcaartuq ‘he’s working slowly and continously’
auluke- ‘to take care of aulukeqcaararai ‘he is continuing to take care of them’ (in the
absence of their mother)
assir- ‘to be well’ assiqcaaraa ‘be well!’
nere- ‘to eat’ nereqcaarlii ‘let me eat taking my time!’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakcaarlii ‘let me get going!’
elag- ‘to dig’ elakcaartuq ‘he’s gradually digging away’
pi- ‘to do’ and unidentied
intervening postbase
picuqcaarluni ‘(he) acting carefully’
Temciyungermi ellii ngel’anritengnaqluni piluni, tua-i ta¥gaam taguteqcaarluku saaniigkaq
neriniteksukluku aanaminun.Though she thought it was pretty funny she tried hard not
to laugh, and instead continued as best she could carrying the kettle for heating water for tea
or coffee thinking that their mother must be getting tired of waiting for the water.’ (ELN
{-qe- see –ke-
, -ke-
, -ke-
, -rqe-}
{-qegci- see –kegci-}
{-qegtaar(aq*) see –kegtaar(aq*)}
-qatak — -qcaar(ar)-
{-qegte- see –kegte-}
{-qellriik see –kellriik}
{-qengaq see –kengaq}
{-qenge- see –kenge-}
–qerte- to V suddenly, hurriedly, fast; to V simultaneously with or right after an associated event # takes
intransitive endings only; in some cases (undetermined) the syllable qer of this postbase gets extra stress: qe’r;
see also “Gemination and/or Syncope within the Base with Postbases Expressing Suddenness” in Introduction to
Postbase; apparently not used with bases ending in g, nor most bases ending in te; < -qar-
iter- ‘to go in’ itqertuq, itqe’rtuq ‘he rushed in’
ane- ‘to go out’ anqertuq ‘he rushed out’
mayur- ‘to go up’ mayuqertuq, may’uqertuq, masqertuq ‘he went up very fast’
atrar- ‘to go down’ atraqertuq ‘he went down quickly’
assiri- ‘to get well’ assiriqertuq ‘he got well all of a sudden’; ‘it suddenly became
nenge- ‘to stretch’ nengqe’rtuq ‘it suddenly stretched’
qerar- ‘to cross’ qer’aqertuq ‘he rushed across’
Also, irregularly:
uterte- ‘to go home’ utqertuq ‘he rushed home’
Anqertellruuq niicamiu qetunrani qiallrani. ‘She hurriedly went out when she heard her son
Nakleng-gguq maurlua natermi aqumgaqertuq. ‘That poor grandmother of his suddenly found
herself sitting on the oor.’
Kuskaq mayuqertellruuq napam kangranun qimugtem malirqallrani. ‘The cat scampered —
suddenly went — up the tree when the dog chased it.’
–qetaaq device that alternately Vs and does the reverse # and -qetaar- to repeatedly V at intervals; to
alternate between V-ing and the reverse or opposite action; to V in a way that is abnormal # cf. -qtar-;
< PE pb. k(k)0ta3-
ane- ‘to go out’ anqetaartuq ‘he is going in and out’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayaketaartuq ‘he is leaving, then returning, then leaving again
cillur- ‘to slide’ (HBC form) cilluqetaartuq ‘he is sliding down repeatedly’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerqetaartuq ‘he keeps eating at intervals’; nerqetaarai ‘he keeps
eating them at intervals’
cayug- ‘to pull out’ cayuketaaq ‘drawer in a dresser
mayur- ‘to go up’ mayuqetaaruuq it (e.g., elevator) ‘is a device for going up and
-qerte — -qetaaq
melu- ‘to cover eyes in a hide
and seek game’
meluqetaaq ‘game of hide and seek’
?, cf. age- ‘to go over agqetaaq ‘sling for hunting’ (lexicalized)
ca ‘to do something’ caqtaartuq ‘he is messing around’; ‘it is not functioning properly’
qaillun ‘how; some way or
the other
qailluqtaartuq ‘he’s in a hard to fathom way’; ‘he is getting
better and then worse again’; ‘he is making various facial
Ataam ayagtuq Mecaq’aq mecaqetaarluni. ‘Again Mecaq’aq left, repeatedly slapping (his feet in
the wet mud).’ (UUT 1974:8)
{-qi- see -ki-}
{-qite- see -ite-
–qliarte- to reach the N of; to extend to the N of # used with positional bases and similar nouns; takes
intransitive endings only; < -qliq-ar(ar)te-
aki ‘other side’ akiqliartaa ‘it reaches to the other side of it’
teq ‘bottom’ teqliarrluku ‘extending to the bottom of it’
qukaq ‘middle’ qukaqliarrluku ‘extending to the middle of it’
–qlikacaar(aq*) one that is the farthest in the area denoted by N # used with positional bases, demonstrative
adverb bases, and similar nouns; < -qliq-kaca(g)ar-
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaaqlikacaar ‘the farthest one’
uka(ni) ‘on the way here’ ukaqlikacaar ‘the nearest one’
‘area above’ quleqlikacaar ‘the highest one’
kingu ‘area behind’ kinguqlikacaar ‘the one farthest to the rear’, ‘the lastborn child’;
kinguqlikacaarqa ‘my youngest sibling’
ciu ‘area in front’ ciuqlikacaar ‘the one farthest in front’, ‘the rst one’
–qliq* the one located far in the area or space or time denoted by N # used with positional bases,
demonstrative adverb bases, and similar nouns; when used with a possessed ending, it means the one more in the
N direction than possessor; cf. -liq; > -qliarte-, -qlikacaar(aq*), -yaqlir-; < PE pb. qlia3-
kingu ‘area behind’ kinguqliq ‘rear one’, ‘younger sibling’; kinguqlia ‘the one behind
ciu ‘area in front’ ciuqliq ‘front one’, ‘rst one’, ‘leader
iquk ‘end’ iqukliq ‘one at the end’
tunu ‘area at the back’ tunuqliq ‘one in the back’
e ‘
area in the middle’ qukaqliq ‘one in the middle’
qula ‘area above’ quleqliq ‘one above’, ‘at the top’
aci ‘area below’ aciqliq ‘one below’, ‘at the bottom’
-qliarte- — -qliq*
ilu ‘area inside’ iluqliq ‘inner one’
ua(ni) ‘by the exit’ uaqliq ‘one by the exit’
negeq ‘north’ Negeqliq ‘St. Mary’s’
ungalaq ‘south’ Ungalaqliq, Unalakleet, ‘southern one’ (perhaps from an
Inupiaq or Unaliq Yup’ik point of view, since this village is the
southernmost for both of those groups)
kelu ‘area behind’, ‘back from
the river
keluqliq ‘one farther away from the river’, ‘one closer to the wall
in a shared bed’
‘area forward’, ‘toward
the river
keteqliq ‘one closer to the river’, ‘one farther from the wall in a
shared bed’
ama(ni) ‘over there’ amaqliq ‘older brother(K usage, lexicalized)
qeteq ‘middle’ (in some areas) qeteqliq ‘middle nger(NS, UY, UK usage, lexicalized)
{-qliute- see -kliute-}
{-qsagute- see -ksagute-}
{-qsaite- see -ksaite-}
{-qsaitelar- see -ksaitelar-}
{-qsartur- see -yartur-}
–qsig- to be far in the direction denoted by N # used with positional bases, demonstrative adverb bases, and
similar nouns; takes intransitive endings only; > -qsigi-; < PE pb. 9i!-
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaaqsigtuq ‘it is distant’
uka(ni) ‘on the way here’ ukaqsigtuq ‘it is nearby’
e ‘
area above’ quleqsigtuq ‘it is high up’
ilu ‘area inside’ iluqsigtuq ‘it is far inside’
ciu ‘area in front’ ciuqsigtuq ‘it is far in front’
aci ‘area below’ aciqsigtuq ‘it is far below’
iquk ‘end’ iquksigtuq ‘it is at the very end’
–qsigi- to get farther into the area denoted by N #used with positional bases, demonstrative adverb bases, and
similar nouns; takes intransitive endings only; < -qsig-i
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaaqsigiuq ‘it is going farther away’
uka(ni) ‘on the way here’ ukaqsigiuq ‘it is getting nearer
‘upper area’, ‘area
quleqsigiuq ‘it is getting higher
{-qsuar(ar)- see -ksuar(ar)-}
— -qsigi-
{-qsug- see -yug-}
@–qtaar- to repeatedly V at intervals; to V back and forth # drops base-nal te as well as a preceding fricative;
cf. -qetaaq
angaqerte- ‘to jerk forward’ angaqeqtaartuq ‘it’s jerking back and forth
arvir- ‘to cross’ arviqtaartuq ‘it’s moving side to side’
qevli- ‘to glitter qevliqtaartuq ‘it’s sparkling’
–qtaq* weak, helpless, worthless N; dear N # and –qtar- to V (of weak, helpless one; dear one) # may have
either an endearing or an angry connotation, depending on context; see the section on “Postbases of Endearment
or Denigration” in Introduction to the Postbase; > -qtarar(ar)-
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugteqtaq ‘cute little pet dog’
qayangqerr- ‘to have a kayak’ qayangqeqtartuq ‘even he has a kayak (weak and helpless as he
is)’; ‘the dear one has a kayak’
una ‘this one’ (absolutive
unaqtaq ‘this darn one’ (absolutive singular
uu- (base for non-absolutive
uuqtaam ‘of this darn one’ (relative singular)
uku- (base for non-singular) ukuqtaat ‘these darn ones’ (absolutive/relative plural)
kiugna ‘the one back there’ kiugnaqtall’er ‘that contemptible one back there’
–qtarar(ar)- to V slowly and with difculty because of disability # < -qtar-ar(ar)-
qaner- ‘to speak’ qaneqtara’artuq ‘he is speaking slowly and haltingly’ (e.g.,
because of a stroke)
nere- ‘to eat’ nereqtarararaa ‘he is eating it slowly with great difculty’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayaktara’artuq ‘he is traveling slowly’
makete- ‘to rise’ makteqtararallruuq ‘he got up slowly’
umyuarteqe- ‘to think’ umyuarteqeqtara’artuq ‘he is thinking slowly and dully’
Massiinaq eglerteqtara’artuq. ‘The machine is running slowly and with difculty.’
to V one after another # not used with bases ending in a consonant followed by te; for those bases, -rqe-
is used instead; < PY pb. qu- or 3qu-
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayakuut ‘they are leaving one after another
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekitequut ‘they keep arriving one after another
iqlu- ‘to tell a lie’, ‘to deceive’ iqluquuq ‘he is telling lies’
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’qui or nerqui ‘he is eating them one after another
Allakarraugut. . . . Uum Kass’am tua-i-w’ amlleq teguqungluku maa-i. ‘They are different
[now]. . . . This white man (that is, white culture) is starting to take in, one after another, many
[a Yup’ik youth] these days.’ (QAN 2009:100)
-qtaar- — -qu-
to hunt with N or at N # < PY + pb. qu- ‘hunt with’ (cf. Central Siberian Yupik -qu-)
Waten bomb-aquluki pinrilamegteki, tapqutarluki pinrilamegteki, tua-i ta¥gaam pitgaquluki
pitullruamegteki kapurluki-llu. ‘It was because they were not hitting them with bombs, because
they didn’t include them [while bombing]; but they used to shoot them with arrows and also
stab them.’ (QUL 2003:620)
Watua maa-i uum nalliini akinek kalmaanarmiangqelartut, Ski-Doo-quluteng-llu qagaani
pissuraqluteng. ‘Nowadays people have money in their pockets and go with snowmobiles out
there hunting.’ (TAP 2004:31)
Tua-i man’a maa-i piicunaitqapigtellriarata iliit imarpiquluteng up’nerkami. ‘This was an
essential implement hunters could not do without when they hunted out in the ocean during the
spring.’ (CIU 2005:4)
{-qu see -rqu}
?qucuk little bit of N; little thing that is V # only marginally productive; < -quq-cuk
penguq ‘hill’ penguqucuk ‘little tiny hill’
imaq ‘contents’, ‘pus’ imaqucuk ‘pus’ (specically)
‘space in between’ akulqucuk ‘crack between boards’; ‘missing card between two
cards in a hand’
ukineq ‘hole’ ukinqucuk ‘tote hole at bow of kayak’(lexicalized)
ilutu- ‘to be deep’ ilutuqucuk, ilutunqucuk ‘indentation’
aavangtak ‘burl’ aavangtalkucuk ‘onion bulb–shaped dome on Russian Orthodox
?qupak # non-productive; meaning undetermined; forms with this postbase are highly lexicalized; < quq-vak
ii ‘eye’ iiqupak ‘seed’
anaq ‘feces’ anaqupak ‘prune’ (NUN usage)
? alliqupak ‘bedding skin’, ‘mat’
cetuaq ‘beluga’, ‘white whale’ cetuqupak ‘gray whale’
nacaq ‘hood’, ‘hat’ nacaqupak ‘male lapland longspur
?quq one that is V: one that is like N # non-productive; this is a common ending on anatomical terms, and is also
found on a number of other words (listed below); cf. -luq; > -lqurraq*, -qucuk, -qupak, -nqurraq*; < PE pb.
yuite- ‘to lack people’ yuilquq ‘wilderness’
cikuite- ‘to lack ice’ cikuilquq ‘open hole in ice’; ‘fontanelle’
carr’ite- ‘to be clean’ carr’ilquq ‘meadow’; ‘clean place’
epu ‘handle’ epulquq ‘stem of plant’, ‘vein in leaf
aci ‘bottom’ acilquq ‘root of plant’
qessa- ‘to be disinclined to act’ qessanquq ‘lazy person’
— -quq
qerra- ‘to rise’ qerranquq ‘blister
tegge- ‘to be hard’ teggalquq ‘rock’
aqsaq ‘abdomen’ aqsaquq ‘stomach organ’, ‘gizzard’
alarte- ‘to err alarcaquq ‘appendix’ (anatomical)
uive- ‘to go around’ uivquq ‘knot in wood’
cetuk ‘ngernail’, ‘toenail’ cetumquq ‘claw’, ‘hoof
agluq ‘roof beam’ agluquq ‘jaw’
ciun ‘ear ciutemquq ‘snail shell’
kitngik ‘heel’ kitngilquq ‘heel of sled runner
qater- ‘to be white’ qatenquq ‘white spot’
tungu- ‘to be black’ tungunquq ‘black spot’; ‘bearded seal’ (NI, HBC usage)
penguq ‘hill’ penguquq ‘raised area in tundra’
urug- ‘to melt’ urunquq ‘spot on top of a mound of earth from which snow has
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuqunquq ‘dead tree’, ‘branch’, etc.
iqeq ‘corner of mouth’ iqelquq ‘little nger
uya ‘neck’ (non-anatomical) uyaquq ‘neck’ (anatomical)
? akquq ‘knot in wood’
? ciisquq ‘knee’
?, cf. meqe- ‘to shed’ melquq ‘feather
? ircaquq ‘heart’
? nasquq ‘head’
? qamiquq ‘head’
? ilquq, il’quq ‘brain’
? tatangquq ‘cartilage in sh head’
? pequq ‘scruff of neck’
?, cf. yagte- ‘to stretch out
yaquq ‘wing’
? aklanquq ‘part of seal’s front ipper bone’
?, cf. teq, eteq ‘anus’ teq’uq, etquq ‘urine’
? uquq ‘seal oil’
When words ending in the postbase ?quq are expanded by sufxes that begin with vowels, the nal q, rather
than being dropped, may be changed to rr; for example, ‘on his knee’ is either ciisquani or ciisqurrani; in the
second variant, the u is voiceless; where such a u is subject to rhythmic lengthening, the urr becomes the voiceless
labialized back velar fricative ¥rr; for example, on its wing is either yaquani or yaq¥rrani; if u is not subject to
rhythmic lengthening, and is preceded by a consonant and a vowel (rather than two consonants as in ciisqurrani
above), then the urr may optionally become
¥rr; thus, ‘on its neck’ is uyaquani, uyaqurrani, or uyaq¥rrani.
@–qur- to V using repeated actions to accomplish the act; to be V-ed by repeated actions # only marginally
productive; takes intransitive endings only
ane- ‘to go out’ anqurtut ‘they moved out’ (e.g., of the house)
iter- ‘to go in’ itqurtuq ‘he moved in’
iterte- ‘to bring in’ iterqurtut ‘they have been moved in’; iterquriuq ‘he brought in
things (usually rewood) by repeated actions’
tai- ‘to come’ taiqurtuq ‘he moved in to here’
taite- ‘to bring’ (in) taiqurtut ‘they have been brought in’
{-qutaq see -kutaq}
–qva area far in the direction of N # used with demonstrative adverb bases and positional bases; must be used
with an unpossessed plural localis, terminalis, vialis, or ablative-modalis case ending; > -qvaaq, -(q)vaqanir-
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaaqvani ‘in the far distance’
uka(ni) ‘near ukaqvani ‘very near
ciu ‘front part’, ‘time before’ avani ciuqvani ‘in the distant past’ (idiom)
iquk ‘end’ iqukvani ‘far toward the end’
–qvaaq* area far in the direction of N # functions like -qva, but denotes greater distance, nearness, etc., than
that postbase; < -qva-?-
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaaqvaarni ‘in the farther distance’
uka(ni) ‘near ukaqvaarni ‘very, very near
ela- (root) elaqvaarni ‘in the area farther out’
{-qvaqanir- see -vaqanir-}
+(a)r- to say or “go”. . . (word or sound) # the (a) is used after a consonant
aa aartuq ‘he is saying “aa”’
uu uurtuq ‘it is going “uu”’
waqaa waqaaraanga ‘he said “waqaa” (hello) to me’
-qur- — -r-
ess ess’artuq ‘he is saying “ess”’
cama-i cama-irnga ‘say “cama-i” to me’; ‘shake hands with me’; cama-
iiraa ‘he shook hands with him’; cama-iirutuk ‘they
hands, said hello’
–r’aya’aq multitude of Ns; lots of Ns # gemination of the r of this postbase occurs unless it is preceded by a vowel
cluster; NSU; from Inupiaq
angsaq ‘boat’ angsar’aya’at ‘a great many boats’; angsar’ayani ‘in a great
many boats’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugter’aya’at ‘lots of dogs’
qiiq ‘gray hair qiiraya’at ‘lots of gray hair
yuk ‘person’ yug’aya’at ‘a multitude of people’
cavik ‘knife’ cavig’ayanek pingqertuq ‘he has lots of knives’
{-ri- see -i-
{-riri- see -iri-}
{-rluq see -r(ur)luq}
{-rngalnguq see -ngalnguq}
{-rngate- see -ngate-}
–rpaa(aq*) great N; oldest N (with kinship terms) # < -rpak-ar(aq*); NUN
ataneq ‘boss’ atanerpaar ‘highest boss’
alqaq ‘older sister alqerpaaran ‘your oldest sister
anngaq ‘older brother anngarpaaraat ‘their oldest brother
–rpaga- to V hard at intervals # < -rpag-a-
quser- ‘to cough’ quserpagauq ‘he is coughing hard repeatedly’
nere- ‘to eat’ nererpagauq ‘he is repeatedly eating a lot’
–rpagninarqe- to smell strongly of N # takes intransitive endings only; < -rpaga-ninarqe-
uquq ‘seal oil’ uqurpagninarquq ‘it smells strongly of seal oil’
Ena issurirpagninarquq nulirqa kenian issurimek. ‘The house really smells of seal since my wife
is cooking seal.’
–rpagnite- to smell or taste strongly of N # takes intransitive endings only; HBC; < -rpaga-nite-
neqerrluk ‘dried sh’ neqerrlugpagnituq ‘it smells strongly of dried sh’
-r’aya’aq — -rpagnite-
–rpak large N; big N # and –rpag- to V hard; to be very V # = -vak, -pag-
, -rvag-; cf. –pag-/-vag-; >
-paarrluk, -qupak, -rpagar-, -rpagnite-, -rpagninarqe-, -rpallar-, -rpallr(aq*), -rpalluk, -rpau-, -rpi-; < PE
pb. va!(-)
nuna ‘land’, ‘village’ nunarpak ‘large land’, ‘big city’
kuik ‘river kuigpak ‘big river’, also ‘the Yukon River
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarpak ‘big boat’
nanvaq ‘lake’ nanvarpak ‘big lake’, also ‘Lake Iliamna’
nutek ‘gun’ nutegpiit ‘big guns’
house’ nerpak ‘big house’
eneq, neneq ‘bone’ enerpak, nenerpak ‘big bone’
tenglug- ‘to punch’ tenglugpagaa ‘he punched him hard’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaigpagtuq ‘he is very hungry’, ‘he is starving’
cikik ‘squirrel’ (NS only) cikigpak ‘marmot’ (lexicalized beyond NS as well)
? quugaarpak ‘legendary animal’; ‘mammoth’
? avatarpak ‘sealskin oat’
Also, irregularly:
nanvaq ‘lake’ nanevpak (as well as nanvarpak) ‘big lake’
marayaq ‘mud’ maraspak (as well as marayarpak) ‘large expanse of mud’
ikamraq ‘sled’ ikampall’er ‘great big sled’
cauyaq ‘drum’ causpakayall’er ‘great big old drum’
With nouns for periods of time, this postbase yields adverbs meaning ‘all N or the present N’:
kiak ‘summer kiagpak ‘all summer’, ‘this present summer
uksuq ‘winter uksurpak ‘all winter’, ‘this present winter
erneq ‘day’ ernerpak ‘all day’, ‘today’
unuk ‘night’ unugpak ‘all night’
ukani ‘toward here’ ukanirpak ‘up until now at least’; ‘throughout this past
maa-i ‘here, now’ maa-irpak ‘at the present time’
wani ‘right here, right now’ wanirpak ‘at the present moment’
qangvaq ‘when in the past’ qangvarpak ‘(since) long ago’
akwa- (root) akwarpak ‘henceforth forever’; ‘for eternity’
In some areas, this postbase also means ‘one with big N’, particularly in regard to body parts:
qengaq ‘nose’ qengarpak ‘big nose’ or ‘person with a big nose’
With color and (other certain other adjectival) bases, this postbase means ‘very V or N thing’ or ‘large expanse
of V or N’ or ‘all V or N’ often functioning as a predicate:
cungag(liq) ‘green thing’ cungagpak ‘very green thing’, ‘large expanse of green’, ‘all
kavir(liq) ‘red thing’ kavirpak ‘all red’
qater- ‘to be white’ qaterpak ‘all white’
manig- ‘to be smooth, at’ manigpak ‘all smooth, all at’
nepsarqe- ‘to be noisy’ nepsarpak ‘all noise’
tungu- ‘to be black’ tungurpak ‘all black’
qercur- ‘to be white’ qercurpak ‘all white, brightly white’
tan’ger- ‘to be dark’ tan’gerpak ‘crowberry’ (lexicalized)
Tua-i-llu elliin tangevsiarluku tauna anqiiyaaq, murilkaa kavirpak kegginaa, . . . ‘She looked a
little more closely at that infant and saw that its face was all red, . . .’ (ELN 1990:38)
Ik’iki nepsarpak mikelnguungalnguut ngel’allagaluteng aarpagaluteng, nepengluteng. ‘So very
noisy; they seemed to be children laughing out, shouting, being noisy.’ (MAR 2 2001:16)
Angyarpagmek piliyugtuq. ‘He wants to build a big boat.’
Kiagpak calillruunga neqlivigmi. ‘I worked all summer at the cannery.’
Carayagpiit pissurait. ‘They are hunting the big bears.’
Iirpauluni, qercurpak-gguq tuarpiaq. ‘She had big eyes, appearing brightly white’ (MAR1
Imuuguten-qaa qangvarpak niiskengaqa qakmani qelatuli? ‘Are you that one I’ve been hearing
out there all this time, who conjures with the spirits?’ (MAR2 2001:33)
–rpakar- to V so much; to V for so long # = -pakar-/-vakar-; NUN
nere- ‘to eat’ caluten nererpakarcit? ‘why are you eating so much?’
puqig- ‘to be smart’ caluni puqigpakarta? ‘why is he so smart?’
–rpallar- to make the sound of N # non-productive; < -rpak-?-
canek ‘grass’ canegpallartuq ‘there is a sound of grass rustling’
meq ‘water merpallartuq ‘there is a sound of water splashing’
vek ‘grass’ vegpallartuq ‘there is a sound of grass rustling’
–rpallr(aq*) very large N # < -rpak-ller(aq*)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarpall’er ‘very big boat’
ingriq ‘mountain’ ingrirpallraat ‘very high mountains’
tauna ‘that one’ taunarpall’er ‘that great big one’
–rpalluk one that is primarily or mostly N # cf. –pallug- /-vallug-; < -pak-lluk; < PE pb. va@u!(-)
¥gyaq ‘sand’ qa¥gyarpalluuguq ‘it is mostly sand’
meq ‘water merpalluk ‘mostly water
-rpakar- — -rpalluk
–rpau- to be a large N; to have a large N # the second translation is used only in certain areas (Nelson Island,
the lower Kuskokwim) and usually only with body part nouns; < -rpak-u
qaneq ‘mouth’ qanerpauguq ‘it is a large mouth’; ‘he has a large mouth’;
‘he is a tattletale’
it’gaq ‘foot’ it’garpauguq ‘it is a large foot’; ‘he has large feet’
–rpi- to have a large N # < -rpak-i
aqsaq ‘stomach, belly’ aqsarpiunga ‘I have a large belly’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarpiuq ‘he has a large boat’
to V one after another; to V time after time; to V all of them #used only with bases that end in te
(which is dropped): with other bases -qu- is used instead; see also -qaqe-
at’e- ‘to put on clothes’ arqai ‘he put them on one after another(either put on one layer
of clothing over another or tried on one garment, then another)
tuqute- ‘to kill’ tuqurqai ‘he killed them one after another
anete- ‘to put out’ anerqai ‘he put them outside (or took them out of a box)
one after another’; aneqluki ‘putting them out one after
iterte- ‘to put in’ iterqai ‘he put them in one after another
tupagte- ‘to wake’ tupagqai ‘he woke them up one after another
mumigte- ‘to turn over mumigqai ‘he turned them over one after another
igte- ‘to fall’ igqut ‘they are falling one after another
avte- ‘to separate’ avverqai ‘he split them up one after another
niite- ‘to hear niirqai ‘he heard about all of them’; niiqluki ‘hearing about all
of them’
ciqite- ‘to dump’ ciqirqista ‘one who dumps things’
tut’e- ‘to step on’ turqai ‘he stepped on them one after another’; tuqluki
‘stepping on them one after another
to intentionally or deliberately cause one to V (often repeatedly) # a “compound verbal postbase”; for
polarity information see –ni-; see also Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322ff); < PE pb. 3q0-
qia- ‘to cry’ qiarqaa ‘he intentionally made her cry’
tupag- ‘to wake’ tupagqaa, tuparqaa ‘he woke her intentionally’
(vs. tupagtaa ‘he woke her up, intentionally or
segg’ar- ‘to become awake’ segg’arqaa ‘he woke her up intentionally’
Also, irregularly:
nere- ‘to eat’ nerqaa ‘he fed it’
-rpau- — -rqe-
–rqu, –rqu N times # used with numerical bases and usually with an ablative-modalis ending (occasionally with
atauciq (ataucir-) ‘one’ ataucirqumek ‘once’ (note singular ending)
malruk (malrur-) ‘two’ malrurqugnek ‘twice’ (note dual ending)
pingayun (pingayur-) ‘three’ pingayurqunek ‘three times’ (note plural ending)
arvinlegen (arvinleg-) ‘six’ arvinlegqunek, arvinlerqunek ‘six times’
qavcin (qavcir-) ‘how many’,
qavcirqunek ‘how many times’, ‘several times’
amlleret (amller-) ‘many’ amllerqunek ‘many times’
Qanrutellrung’erpenga malrurqugnek nalluyagutaqa. ‘Even though you told me twice — two
times —, I forgot it.’
Tangellruaqa ataucirqurrarmek. ‘I saw him only once — one time.’
Ataucirqurraungraan ce÷ireskiu. ‘Even though it is only one time, visit him.’
Ataucirqumi a¥g’umek tuunrilriamek tangertua. Alingelqa tauna avausuitaqa. ‘Once I saw
spirit power being invoked. I’ve never forgotten the fright I felt.’ (AGA 1996:54)
–rraaneq past time of V-ing # used only with possessed ablative-modalis case endings, to mean ‘since the time
of V-ing’. There may be a subject of the embedded intransitive verb (in the absolutive case) or a possessor of the
derived noun in the relative case, or a subject of the embedded transitive verb (in the relative case); cf. –natkaq;
< -rraar-neq
; cf. see also Practical Grammar . . . of Yup’ik (p. 320)
Waniwa Taprarmi waniwa cumiksaureskemci uum wani Marayam tupagterraanranek. ‘I have
paid attention to you people of Stebbins ever since Marayaq (Henry Bighead) woke you up.’
(TAP 2004:100)
Imumirpak pingnatungerraanerpenek iquklunuk nerevkarpakaqevkuk . . . ‘Ever since you
began subsistence activites you have included us and given us food to eat . . .’ (ELL 1997:16)
Tuakenirnek-llu Elngum kinguqlingrraanerminek ilani maligcuarturangluki, aaniin tauna
irniaq murilkuralaagu qiagaqan teguaqluku. ‘From then on since Elnguq had gotten a
younger sibling, she began to follow her siblings around since her mother would be busy
watching the baby, picking it up and holding it whenever it cried.’ (ELN 1990:10)
–rraar- to V rst; to V before doing something else; after V-ing # with bases ending in te, the terr that results
from adding this postbase may be optionally replaced with q; > -qarraar-; < PE pb. @3aIa3-
nere- ‘to eat’ nererraara ‘eat rst!’
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarterraarluni or inarqaarluni ‘lying down rst’
mer- ‘to drink’ merraarlii ‘let me drink rst!’ (i.e., before doing something
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayaggaarluni ‘after leaving’
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggraarluku ‘after biting him’
at’e- ‘to put it on’ at’erraarluku or aqaarluku ‘after putting it on’
mit’e- ‘to land, alight’ mit’erraarluni or miqaarluni ‘after landing’
erte- ‘for dawn to come’ erterraarcelluku or eqaarcellu ‘after dawn broke’
Tuntuq tuquqaarluku amiillruarput. ‘After killing the caribou, we skinned it.’
Allanret ayaggaarcelluki nerellruukut. ‘After the strangers left, we ate.’
-rqu — -rraar-
–rraq* just a little N; a little bit of N; a few N; and –rrar-to V a little; to just barely V # > -lqurraq*, -nerraq*,
-nqurraq*; < PE pb. 3@a3-
nacaq ‘parka hood’ nacarraq ‘cap’, ‘hat’ (in contrast to ‘hood’)
cuyaq ‘tobacco leaf cuyarraq ‘a little bit of tobacco’
murak ‘wood’ muraggaat ‘little pieces of wood’; ‘a few pieces of wood’
qavcin (qavcir-) ‘how many’,
qavcirraat ‘just a few’; qavcirrarnek pingqertua ‘I have just
a few’
ca ‘thing’ carrarmek (of) ‘just a little bit’
nuna ‘land’ nunarraq ‘a small area of land’
kuik ‘river kuiggaq ‘a small river
kemek ‘meat’ kemggaq ‘a little bit of meat’
meq ‘water merr’aq ‘a little bit of water’; ‘holy water
ingriq ‘mountain’ ingrirraq ‘a little mountain’
imangaq ‘blacksh’ imangarraat ‘a few blacksh’
cavik ‘metal’, ‘steel’, ‘knife’ caviggaq ‘knife’, ‘pocketknife’
kenir- ‘to cook’ kenirrartuq ‘he cooked a little food’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarrartua ‘I barely slept’
yuk ‘person’ yugg’aq ‘on ordinary person’
Pingayurrarnek neqtellruunga. ‘I caught only three sh.’
Kiirrarma maantaurtua. ‘I am here all alone.’
This postbase can be used with postural roots, with certain other verb bases, and with roots with the quantier/
qualier construction:
inar- ‘lying down’ (postural
inarrarmi (also inarmi) ‘(he) while lying down’
cikmir- ‘to close the eyes’ cikmirrarpet ‘(you) with your eyes closed’
quuyur- ‘smiling’ (root) quuyurarrmeng ‘(they) while smiling’
–rrlainaq* nothing but N; all N; solely N; mostly N # and –rrlainar- to constantly V; to only V; to act solely
by V-ing; to do nothing but V # < -rrlak-inaq
eneq ‘bone’ enerrlainaq ‘skeleton’; ‘very skinny person’
¥gyaq ‘sand’ qa¥gyarrlainaq ‘desert’, ‘sand spit’, ‘all sand’
nere- ‘to eat’ nererrlainarait ‘they eat only them’
ellallir- ‘to rain’ ellallirrlainartuq ‘it rains constantly’
cave- ‘to row’ caverrlainarluni ‘solely by rowing’
This postbase is used sometimes following (!) the equalis case ending:
Yugtun ‘in the Yup’ik language’ Yugturrlainaq ‘only in Yup’ik’
Kass’atun ‘in the English
Kass’aturrlainaq ‘only in English’
-rraq* — -rrlainaq*
Uyangqataarnaurtuq. Ala-i! Kan’a melqurrlainaq ungagglainaq. ‘He would slowly peek down
with apprehension. Eek! The one down there; all (covered with) fur and (covered with) all
whiskers.’ (MAR1 2001:92)
Aturangqerrluteng yup’igtarrlainarnek pilugungqerrluta, ivrucingqerrluta-llu. ‘We had solely
Yup’ik clothing, skin-boots, and wading boots.’ (KIP 1998:105)
Urluverrlainarteggun pissulallruut. ‘They hunted using only bows.’
. . . kiagivimta avatiitni piyuarrlainarluta naunrarcuraqluta-ll’. ‘. . . around our summer camp we
just walked, and looked for salmonberries.’ (KIP 1998:149)
Maaten pia imna elliin ilii Kass’aturrlainaq kiingan qantuli, ta¥gaam Yugcetun taringtuluni.
‘Then she saw her relative, the one who spoke only in English but understood Yup’ik.’ (PRA
–rrlak major N # non-productive; forms with this postbase are lexicalized; occurs mostly in place names;
> -rrlainaq*; < PE pb. 3@a!
agyaq ‘star Agyarrlak ‘Polaris’, ‘the North Star
qemiq ‘hill’ Qemirrlak place near Mekoryuk on Nunivak Island
alarneq ‘mistake’ Alarnerrlak place on the Yukon
ingriq ‘mountain’ Ing’errlak ‘Roberts Mountain’ on Nunivak Island
Nanvarnaq large lake near
Nanvarnarrlak place near Nunapitchuk
cingik ‘point’ Cingigglak ‘Cape Mendenhall on Nunivak Island’
–rrluar(ar)- to be a little bit V # < -rrluk-ar(ar)-
assiite- ‘to be bad’ assiiterrluartuq ‘it is a little bad’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaiggluartuq ‘he is a little bit hungry’; kaiggluarallruuq
‘he was a little bit hungry’
ange- ‘to be big’ angerrluartuq ‘it is a little bit big’
alike- ‘to fear alikerrluararaa ‘he is a little scared of him’
–rrlugaq* good old N; dear old N; shabby old N # NUN, HBC, NS, NI; < -rrluk-aq
; > -ngirta’rrlugaq*
apa ‘grandfather aparrlugaq ‘grandfather (endearing form)
ema (root) ‘grandmother marrlugaq ‘grandmother(NUN, HBC, NI; not NS)
acak ‘paternal aunt’ acagglugaq ‘good old aunt’
angyaq, angsaq ‘boat’ angyarrlugaqa, angsarrlugaqa ‘my good old boat’
nuna ‘village’ nunarrlugarmiut ‘people of the dear old village’ and old
village site in southwest part of Nunivak Is.
kayu ‘sculpin, bullhead’ kuyurrlugaq ‘large variety of sculpin’
tutgar(aq) ‘grandchild’ (in
certain areas)
tutgarrlugaq ‘grandchild’ (in other areas)
? yaakucugglugaq ‘giant bird’ (NUN usage)
-rrlak — -rrlugaq*
Unyuuq, unyuuq imarmiutaarlugaaq, pamyuliik arulamirutkamek, neqemnun ikavet
qer’aqrutnayallikevnga nauwa. ‘You down there, old mink, you with a tail that can serve as a
stirrer, perhaps you could take me to my food across there.’ (CIU 2005:262)
Cillamelviirlun’ unuakunam waten, angutngunerrlugan’ imkut, pekengyunrilata. Piqanrituq-
gguq, ta¥gaken kiugn’ an’uq, qayarrlugaq! ‘One morning she was having an outing, since
her darned brothers would not make a move. Without warning, a shabby old kayak came out
from upriver there.’ (CEV 1984:75)
–rrluk N that has departed from its natural state (often, though not always, with an undesirable connotation)
# and –rrlug-, –rrlugte- to be dirtied with N; to be somewhat V; to be aficted in one’s N or in respect
to N; to have bad N # verb-yielding form takes intransitive endings only; see also -lluk; > -lliqe-, -maarrluk,
-paarrluk, -vaarrluk, -rrluar(ar)-, -rrlugaq*; < PE pb. @u!-
nuna ‘soil, dirt’ nunarrluk ‘dirt stain on oor’, ‘dust’
anaq ‘feces’ anarrluk ‘feces stain on diaper or clothing’
iqmik ‘chewing tobacco’ iqmiggluk ‘tobacco stain’ (on lips or chin)
‘sh’ neqerrluk ‘dried sh’ (lexicalized)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarrluk ‘large skin boat’; ‘raft’ (lexicalized)
kuik ‘river Kuiggluk ‘Kwethluk’ (village on the Kuskokwim)
anerneq ‘spirit’, ‘breath’ anernerrluk ‘evil spirit’; ‘bad breath’
kakek ‘mucus’ (obsolete) kakeggluk ‘nasal mucus’
marayaq ‘mud’ marayarrlugtuq ‘it (oor, garment, etc.) has some mud on
qipe- ‘to twist’ qiperrlugtuq ‘he (child, dog) is squirming’; ‘he is tossing
and turning in his sleep’
imeg- ‘to fold up’ imegglugtuq ‘it is wrinkled’
tepsarqe- ‘to stink’ tepsarqerrlugtuq ‘it is kind of stinky’
it’gaq ‘foot’ it’garrlugtuq ‘he has sore feet’; it’garrlugtellruuq ‘he had
sore feet’
qamiquq ‘head’ qamiqurrlugtuq ‘he has a messy head of hair’; ‘he has a
anerneq ‘breath’ anernerrlugtuq ‘he is having trouble breathing’
qemiq ‘backbone’ qemirrlugtuq ‘he has a backache’
tangviaq ‘seal cracklings
— strip of seal blubber
from which oil has been
rendered’ (Y form)
tangviarrluk ‘seal cracklings’ (K, BB, HBC form)
When used with a base ending in ve, this postbase appears as in the following examples:
‘mucus’ ngevvlugtuq ‘he has a runny nose’
kanve- ‘to sprinkle out’ kanevvluk ‘light snow or rain’
. . . imna qiive¥rlurluni Qalemaq, aanii-llu ircaqurrlugartellinilria, ellii-llu unaqserrnganani,
taqsuqluni-llu. ‘. . . that poor Qalemaq was trembling and their mother’s heart was
palpitating — her mother was having difculty with her heart —, and she herself felt very
washed out and tired.’ (ELN 1990:27)
{-rtuumar- see -tuumar-}
–rugaq* many Ns; multitude of Ns # < -ruk-aq
kuik ‘river kuigugaat ‘many rivers’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyarugaat ‘many boats’
meq ‘water mer’ugaq ‘lots of water
yuk ‘person’ yugugaat ‘many people’ (note the unexpected lack of
gemination here, unlike in other forms derived from yuk)
Avelngarugaat uitalartut nemte÷i. ‘A multitude of mice live in our house.’
Asverugarnek tangellruukut qikertami. ‘We saw lots of walruses on the island.’
Qimugterugangqertua. ‘I have lots of dogs.’
Uquriami-ll’ paluyugnaunan’ tua-i qaini tamana uqurugaq amllessiyaagan. ‘And since she was
fat, she wasn’t about to starve since there was so much fat on her body.’ (ELL 1997:154)
–ruk large N (non-productive meaning); poor old N; lousy old N (somewhat productive meaning) # only
marginally productive; see section on “Postbases of Endearment or Denigration” in Introduction to the Postbases
> -rugaq, -ruyak; < PE pb. 3u!
nanvaq ‘lake’ Nanvaruk ‘Baird Inlet’; ‘New Hamilton’ (place name;
literally ‘large lake’)
kuik ‘river Kuiguk ‘Kwiguk’ (place name; literally ‘large river’)
nuna ‘land’ nunaruk ‘large land mass’; ‘hill in atlands’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaruk ‘large boat’
cf. PE tulu
!aq ‘raven’ (as now in
Inupiaq/Inuit Eskimo)
tulukaruk ‘raven’
Nulirran taum nallunriamiu arenqiatellinikii tauna, uiruni tauna, tua-i kenkepiarluku
uikellinikii! ‘That wife of his knew his habits and she so loved that big old husband of hers.’
(CUN 2007:90)
Imna tua-i taqukaruk cegg’artuq. ‘That poor old bear became more alert.’ (MAR2 2001:113)
Aren, pitgaqiini imnaruk tua nalaqarulliniuq. ‘When he shot him with the arrow, that awful
man died.’ (QUL 2003:430)
–r(ur)luq* poor dear N # and –q(ur)lur- to V (of poor, dear one) # see section on “postbases of endearment
or denigration” in Introduction to the Postbases; this postbase is not used in NUN or NSU; in the rest of
Central Yup’ik, excluding HBC, this postbase is realized as –’
¥rluq (where the apostrophe indicates extra
stress); however, when this postbase is added to a base whose nal vowel is prime and in position for rhythmic
lengthening, the resulting conguration, VCV’
¥rluq, becomes VCV’urluq (where the apostrophe indicates that
the consonant is not geminated). Furthermore, when added to a base ending in g, the postbase is realized as
¥rluq; in HBC (and nearby areas), this postbase is realized as –ruluq when added to a base whose last vowel
-rugaq* — -r(ur)luq*
is in position for rhythmic lengthening or is preceded by another vowel. Otherwise, it is realized as ~–u’rluq
(identical with –’
¥rluq after a prime vowel for HBC, due to “vowel compression”). When added to a base ending
in g, the postbase is realized as +urluq in HBC as elsewhere. Note that the dialect variation in “(ur)-deletion”
for this postbase parallels dialect variation in “(ar)-deletion” in postbases where that occurs; < PY pb. 3u3luq
Examples with bases that do not end in g: Where the last vowel of the base is prime and in position for
rhythmic lengthening:
nuna ‘land’ (base nuna-) nuna’urluq, nunaruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear land’
qayaq ‘kayak’ (base qayar-) qaya’urluq, qayaruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear kayak’
Where the last vowel of the base is e and is in position for rhythmic lengthening:
tuma ‘trail’ (base: tume-)
¥rluq, tumruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear trail’
kegluneq ‘wolf(base:
¥rluq, keglunruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear wolf
mingqun ‘needle’ (base:
¥rluq, mingqut’ruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear
Where the last vowel of the base is e and is not in position for rhythmic lengthening:
nakleng ‘poor thing’
¥rluq, naklu’rluq ‘poor dear thing’ HBC
caite- ‘to lack things’
¥rlurtuq, caitu’rlurtuq (HBC form) ‘dear one lacks
qaspeq ‘parka cover(base:
¥rluq, qaspu’rluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear parka
Where the last vowel of the base is preceded by another vowel:
ui ‘husband’ (base: ui-)
¥rluq, uiruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear husband’
kaviaq ‘fox’ (base: kaviar-)
¥rluq, kaviaruluq (HBC form) ‘poor dear fox’
ii- ‘to cry one’s breath out’
¥rlurtuq, iirulurtuq (HBC form) ‘poor dear one is crying
hard until he gets blue in the face’
Where the base ends in a single prime vowel not in position for rhythmic lengthening (forms with postbase are the
same in HBC as elsewhere):
angyaq ‘boat’ (base: angyar-)
¥rluq ‘poor dear boat’
aana ‘mother(base: aana-)
¥rluq ‘poor dear mother
Examples where the base ends in g (forms with postbase are the same in HBC as elsewhere):
acak ‘aunt’ (base: acag-)
¥rluq ‘poor dear aunt’
kuik ‘river(base: kuig-)
¥rluq ‘poor dear river
canek ‘grass’ (base: caneg-)
¥rluq ‘poor dear grass’
yuk ‘person’ (base: yug-;
note gemination in yug’et
‘persons’ — occasional
alternative form to yuut)
¥rluq ‘poor dear person’, ‘pathetic person’
(exceptional form)
Also, the following somewhat irregular or exceptional forms:
elpet ‘you’
elpe’¥rluq ‘poor you
elpetek ‘you’
elpe’¥rlurpetek ‘poor you
elpeci ‘you’
elpeci¥rluut ‘poor you
wii ‘I’, ‘me’
¥rluq ‘poor me’
wangkuk ‘we’
, ‘us’
wangkurluuk ‘poor us
wangkuta ‘we’
, ‘us’
wangkurluut ‘poor us
ciin ‘why?’
¥rluq ‘why, poor dear one?’
ap’a ‘grandfather(less common) apa’urluq ‘grandfather
ema (root) ‘grandmother maurluq ‘grandmother
nas’ak ‘girl’ (very uncommon) nasaurluq ‘young girl’
?, cf. taneg- (root) tan’gaurluq ‘young boy’
tutgaraq ‘grandchild’ tutgaraurluq ‘grandchild’ (in many areas}
? anuurluq ‘grandmother(word used in stories)
¥gna ‘that one going away’ a¥gna¥rluq ‘that poor dear one, going away’
–ruyak # non-productive; occurs in the animal and plant names below; < -ruk-yak
uiluq ‘clam, clamshell’ uiluruyak ‘meadow jumping mouse’
agluq ‘ridge beam of house’ agluruyak ‘weasel’
? ulevleruyak ‘bumblebee ower’, ‘lousewort’
aga- ‘to hang’ agangruyak ‘berry species’
–rvaar- to be very V # NUN; < -rvag-aq
quya- ‘to be thankful’
quyarvaartua (sounds like quyarvartua”)I am very
thankful’ quyarvaatuunga ‘I am generally very
ange- ‘to be big’ angervaartuq (sounds likeangerva’rtur”) ‘it is very big’
pinir- ‘to be nice’ pinirvaartuq (sounds likepinirva’rtur”) ‘it is very nice’
puqig- ‘to be smart’ puqigvaalliniut ‘they are evidently very smart’
alike- ‘to fear alikervaaraqa ‘I am very scared of him’
–rvag- to be very V # > -rvaar-; cf. –pag-/-vag-, -vak
‘to be thankful’
quyarvagtua ‘I am very thankful’; quyarvatuungaI am
generally very thankful’
ange- ‘to be big’ angervagtuq ‘it is very big’
pinir- ‘to be nice’ pinirvagtuq ‘he is very strong’
puqig- ‘to be smart’ puqigvalliniut ‘they are evidently very smart’
alike- ‘to fear alikervagaqa ‘I am very scared of him’
-ruyak — -rvag-
–(u)saar- to speak the language of N # the (u) is used with all bases except where it would lead to a three-vowel
cluster; cf. -miuyaar-; NSU
Kass’aq ‘white person’ Kassausaartuq ‘he is speaking English’
Unaliq ‘Unaliq (upper Norton
Sound) Yup’ik’
Unaliusaartuq ‘he is speaking the NSU dialect of Yup’ik’
Malimiu ‘Malimiut Inupiaq’ Malimiusaartuq ‘he is speaking Malimiut Inupiaq’
Inupiaq ‘Inupiaq’ Inupiasaartuq ‘he is speaking Inupiaq’
{-saaqe- see -yaaqe-}
{-saar(ar)- see -ksaar(ar)-}
{-sagute- see -yagute-, -ksagute-}
{-sailkutaq see -yailkutaq}
{-saite- see -ksaite-}
{-saitelar- see -ksaitelar-}
{-saqlir- see -yaqlir-}
{-saquna- see -yaquna-}
{-sar- see -yar-}
{-saraq see -yaraq}
{-sarar- see -yarar-}
{-sarar(ar)- see -yarar(ar)-}
{-sarpiar- see -yarpiar-}
{-sartur- see -yartur-}
{-saurciiqe- see -yaurciiqe-}
{-saurte- see -yaurte-}
–sciigali- to no longer be able to V # = -ciigali-
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yurasciigaliuq ‘he can’t Eskimo dance any more’
-saar- — -sciigali-
–sciigate- to be unable to V # = -ciigate-
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yurasciigatuq ‘he can’t Eskimo dance’
{-scir- see -cir-
{-sciryar- see -ciryar-}
{-sciur- see -ciur-}
{-sig- see -qsig-}
{-sigi- see -qsigi-}
%(e)sqe-, –sqe- to want one to V; to ask one to V # the “half-retaining” variant, %(e)sqe-, is more conservative
than the consonant-dropping variant, -sqe-; when the half-retaining variant is added to a base ending in ag,
the resulting form undergoes only velar dropping and not vowel raising (see example with ayag- below); this
postbase, either variant, is never split by e-insertion; for example, one gets pisqellukuwanting him to act’
rather than *pisseqluku; this is a “compound verbal postbase”; for polarity information see -ni- and Practical
Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322ff); either the embedded verb or the derived verb or both must be transitive;
when used with –nrite-, the present postbase always comes rst; see example with aqume-); > -squma-; < PE
pb. 9q0-
pai- ‘to stay’ (with) paisquq ‘he is asking someone to stay with him’; paisqaa
‘he is asking her to stay behind’ or ‘he is asking
someone to stay with her
aqume(nrite)- ‘to (not) sit
aqumesqenritaa (not *aqumenritaa) ‘he tells her not to sit’;
aqumesqevkenaku (not *aqumenritesqelluku) ‘telling
her not to set’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yuraasqaa, yurasqaa ‘he is asking her to dance’
ayag- ‘to go’ ayaasqaa, ayasqaa ‘he is asking her to go’
eqiur- ‘to chop wood’ eqiuresqaa, eqiusqaa ‘he is asking her to chop wood’
iter- ‘to come in’ itresqaa, itesqaa ‘he is asking her to come in’
Mikelnguq alqaminun paisquq. ‘The child asked that his older sister babysit him.’
Inerqullruakut atsat neresqevkenaki. ‘He forbade us to eat the berries — forbade us, not
wanting us to eat them.’
Casqessaaqellruanga-kiq? ‘I wonder what she wanted me to do?’
Caqerluni maurlurluan ellimeraa mertaasqelluku elakamek. ‘Once her dear grandmother told
her to fetch water from the water hole — ordered her, telling her to fetch water.’
%(e)squma-, –squma- to want one to V; to encourage one to V; to wish or desire that one should V # a
“compound verbal postbase”; see remarks under -sqe-; either the embedded verb or the derived verb or both must
be transitive; < -sqe-ma-
cali- ‘to work’ calisqumaa ‘she wants him to work’ (vs. calisqaa ‘she
asked him to work’ and calisqelluku pia ‘she told him
(wanting him) to work’)
-sciigate- — -squma-
ce÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtesqumauq ‘he would like to be visited’
Calisqumayaaqaa uini, ta¥gaam piyuumiitelartuq. ‘She encouraged her husband to work, but he
generally doesn’t care to.’
Allaneq qanemcisqumaa. ‘He wants the visitor to tell a story.’
to try to V # < PE pb. ca3-
qayali- ‘to make a kayak’ qayalissaagtuq ‘he is trying to make a kayak’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerssaagtuq or nerrsaagtuq ‘he is trying to eat’
kitugte- ‘to x’ kitugtessaagaa ‘he is trying to x it’
to fetch some N from an easily accessible place # < PE pb. ca3-
mukaaq ‘our mukaassaagtuq ‘he is getting some our’; mukaassaagutaa
‘he is getting some our for her
‘sh’ neqsaagtuq ‘he is getting some sh’
murak ‘wood’ murassaagtuq ‘he is getting some wood’
meq ‘water messaagtuq ‘he is getting some water’ (from a water barrel,
faucet, etc., vs. mertartuq ‘he is fetching water from a
well, river, etc.’)
to be too V # used only with adjectival bases; takes intransitive endings only; Y; = -ssiyaag-; < PE pb.
ange- ‘to be big’ angssaagtuq ‘it is too big’
kayu- ‘to be strong’ kayussaagtuq ‘it is too strong’
–ssaar- to hunt N # takes intransitive endings only; NSU
aqesgiq ‘ptarmigan’ aqesgissaartuq ‘he is hunting ptarmigan’
nayiq ‘seal’ nayissaartuq ‘he is hunting seal’
pi ‘thing’ pissaartuq ‘he is hunting’
aki ‘money’ akissaartuq ‘he is prospecting’
–ssaaraq old N # HBC
. . . anuuruluum atkussaarai pilugullraak-ll’, mikelkelluki. ‘. . . grandmother’s old parka and
worn skin-boots were too small for him.’ (CEV 1984:80)
–ssiyaag- to be too V # used only with adjectival bases; takes intransitive endings only; = -ssaag
-; < PE pb. ya!-
mike-, mikete- ‘to be small’ miksiyaagtuq, miktessiyaagtuq ‘it is too small’
mernur- ‘to be tired’ mernussiyaagtua ‘I am too tired’
kemgite- ‘to be skinny’ kemgitsiyaagtuq ‘he is too skinny’
Tanqissiyaagan aqvaqataragka ackiigka. ‘Because it is too bright, I’m going to get my
— -ssiyaag-
+ssur- to hunt N; to seek N; to check N (game-capturing implement) # generally takes intransitive endings only,
but example with pi; NI, HBC, NUN; = -cur-/-sur-; < PE pb. ci(C)u3-
pi ‘thing’ pissurtuq ‘he is hunting’; pissuraa ‘he is hunting it’
nayiq ‘seal’ nayirrsurtuq ‘he is hunting seals’
taluyaq ‘sh trap’ taluyarrsurtuq ‘he is checking a sh trap’
kanaqlak ‘muskrat’ kanaqlaggsurtuq ‘he is hunting muskrats’
+ssuun device for V-ing; device associated with N # NI, HBC, NUN, UK, EG; = -cuun / -ssuun
‘to take flight’
tengssuun ‘airplane’
mertar- ‘to fetch water mertarrsuun ‘water pail’
unug- ‘to be night’ unuggsuun ‘moon’ (lexicalized for NI, HBC)
{-sta see -ta}
+(te)staili- to prevent oneself or another from V-ing # the (te) is used with consonant-ending bases; with
transitive endings, this postbase may take the form as cited, or the form +(te)stailite-; a “compound verbal
postbase”; for polarity information, see –ni- and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322ff); NSU; < PE pb.
qia- ‘to cry’ qiastailiuq ‘he kept himself from crying’
quyer- ‘to cough’ quyertestailiuq ‘he kept himself from coughing’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerestailia, nerestailitaa ‘he kept her from eating’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavartestailianga, qavartestailitaanga ‘he kept me from
{-su- see -yu-}
{-suar- see -yuar-}
{-suar(aq*) see -ksuar(aq*)}
{-sugar- see -yugar-}
{-sugcali- see -yugcali-}
{-sugnaite- see -yugnaite-}
{-sugnarqe- see -yugnarqe-}
{-sugnga- see -yugnga-}
{-sugyaaqe- see -yugyaaqe-}
{-suirute- see -yuirute-}
{-suite- see -yuite-}
-ssur- — -staili-
{-sukaar(ar)- see -yukaar(ar)-}
{-suke- see -yuke-}
{-suli see -yuli}
{-sunaite- see -yunaite-}
{-sunari- see -yunari-}
{-sunarqe- see -yunarqe-}
{-sunqegg- see -yunqegg-}
{-sunqeggli see -yunqeggli}
{-sunrite- see -yunrite-}
{-suuma- see -yuuma-}
{-suumiir- see -yuumiir-}
{-suumiir(ar)te- see -yuumiir(ar)te-}
{-suumiite- see -yuumiite-}
{-suumir- see -yuumir-}
{-suuq see -yuuq
+(s)ta V-er; one who Vs as an occupation (with unpossessed ending); # if used with a verb base that can take
transitive endings, this postbase yields a noun that when used with a possessed ending means ‘the one that Vs
(or V-ed) possessor’; if the verb base can take only transitive endings, then the resulting noun must be used
with a possessed ending, except in the case of lexicalizations; if used with a verb base that can take intransitive
endings, then the resulting noun can take either unpossessed or possessed endings with the usual semantic
pattern of possession; < PE pb. 90
pi- ‘to do’ pista ‘doer’, ‘servant’; pistii ‘his servant, or the one who
did something to him’
cali- ‘to work’ calista ‘worker
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayurtaituq ‘he doesn’t have helpers’
kuvya- ‘to sh with a net’ kuvyasta ‘net sherman’
melqulegcur- ‘to hunt
melqulegcurta ‘trapper
neqsur- ‘to sh’ neqsurta ‘sherman’
nere- ‘to eat’ neresta ‘louse’ (lexicalized)
qimug- ‘to pull’, ‘eager to go’ qimugta ‘dog’ (lexicalized)
tegu- ‘to take’ tegusta ‘policeman’ (lexicalized)
qillerqi- ‘to tie (people) up’ qiilerqista ‘policeman’ (lexicalized)
iterci- ‘to incarcerate people’ itercista ‘policeman’ (lexicalized)
yungcar-, yungcari-,
yuungcari-, cungcar- ‘to
yungcarta, yungcarista, yuungcarista, cungcarta ‘doctor
iinriur- ‘to deal with medicine’ iinriurta ‘nurse’, ‘health aide’ (lexicalized)
kegguciur-, kegguciuri- ‘to
work on teeth’
kegguciurta, kegguciurista ‘dentist’ (lexicalized)
keggutairi- ‘to pull teeth’ keggutairista ‘dentist’ (lexicalized)
elitnauri-, elicari-, elissari- ‘to
elitnaurista, elicarista, elissarista ‘teacher(lexicalized)
cf. agayu- ‘to pray’ agayulirta ‘clergyman’, ‘priest’ (lexicalized)
irniaqe- ‘to have (him) as one’s
Agayutem Irniaqestii ‘Mother of God’ (Russian Orthodox
and Roman Catholic term)
Note also:
suulutaaq ‘gold’ suuluciiyurta ‘goldsmith’ (in Bible translation)
naucetaaq ‘plant’ nauceciiyurta ‘sower(in Bible translation)
Also possibly some the following though probably not from this postbase:
? igta ‘den’, ‘lair
? akerta ‘sun’
? pirta ‘blizzard’
? qelta ‘sh scale’, ‘tree bark’
?, cf. kitugte- ‘to x’ kitugta ‘daughter(UK usage)
Note how this postbase is used in the following:
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtestii ‘the one visiting him’, ‘his visitor
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggestellra ‘the one that bit him’
qanrute- ‘to tell’ qanrutesteka ‘the one who told me’
For past this postbase is followed by -lleq rather than being preceded by -llru-, and for future it is followed by
-kaq rather than being preceded by -ciqe- / -ciqe.
ce÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtestellra ‘the who one visited him’ (rather than
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irtestekaa ‘the one that will visit him’ (rather than
Tuqutellrua qimugta keggestellni. ‘He killed the dog that bit him — his own former biter.‘
Kipusviliurtegurcugtuq. ‘He wants to become a storekeeper.’
Ikayurtengqellrukuma ak’a qaqitellruyartua. ‘If I had had helpers, I would have been nished
Taum-llu tua-i arnam, ayaucestellran nulirran, kakivililuku cali. ‘And that woman, the wife of
the one who took her away — the wife of her former abductor —, also made her a needle
case.’ (ELL 1997:140)
Atanrem-llu Cain-aq nallunailkuciraa aarcirtuutngusqelluku tuqucugtainun. ‘And the Lord
placed a mark on Cain as a warning to the ones who would want to kill him — his would-be
killers.’’ (AYAG. 4:15)
Ekuavililuten-llu wangnun Agayutmun alairvikestellerpenun tuani qimallerpeni amaqlirpenek
Esau-mek. ‘And, build an altar to me, to God who appeared to you — to your former site-
possessor for appearing — when you ed your brother Esau.’ (AYAG. 35:1)
Pitaqestelteng-gguq cali nalluyuunaki. ‘The [the spirits of caught game animals] always know
the ones who had caught them — their former catchers.’ (CAU 1985:39)
Tua-i ciumuarpakalriaten tegustekagpet wanigg’ teguqataraagten! ‘In as much as you are being
so obstinate, the two who will take you (as their captive) — your future takers — are about to
take you!’ (ELL 1997:494)
to V or be V to a certain degree; to be that V # used with adjectival verbs; changes base-nal (special) te
to l; takes intransitive endings only; > -taar
-, -taciq, -tata
; < PE pb. t0k0- and ta-
sugtu- ‘to be tall’ sugtutauq ‘he is that tall’
ange- ‘to be big’ angtauq ‘it is that big’
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinirtauq ‘he is that strong’
iqkite- ‘to be narrow’ iqkiltauq ‘it is that narrow’
uqamaite- ‘to be heavy’ uqamailtauq (also, irregularly, uqamaltauq) ‘it is that
Sugtutaunga atamtun. ‘I am as tall as my father.’
This postbase can be doubled for emphasis:
Sugtutatauq. ‘He is exactly that tall.’
+taagute- to V back and forth; to V reciprocally; to V each other #
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayurtaagutut ‘they help each other
cikir- ‘to give to (him)’ cikirtaagutuk ‘they
exchange presents’
Iraluirauskumegnuk, kiituani tua-i kiutaagut’ngukuk. ‘As we
would contend over what month
it is, we
would start arguing back and forth.’ (CIU 2005:366)
Waten cikirtaagutaqata imkut-gguq uicungaqellriit wall’u nuliaqellriit pitaagutaqluteng. ‘When
they gave thing to each other it would be between opposite sex cross-cousins.’ (CAU 1985:26)
— -taagute-
Niicamegteggu ircaqurrallagtut, uuleggluteng-llu tangertaagutut qanerluteng, “Ciin wangkuta
Agayutem waten piakut?” ‘When they heard it, their hearts pounded, and they trembled,
and looked at each other and said, “Why is God doing this to us?”’ (AYAG. 42:28)
to act so as to try to make others feel that one is V # used with adjectival verbs; changes base-nal
(special) te to l; takes intransitive endings only; < -ta-?-; > -nartaar-
elisnga- ‘to be learned’ elisngataartuq ‘he is trying to make others think that he is
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinirtaartuq ‘he is trying to make others think that he is
alingite- ‘to be fearless’ alingiltaartuq ‘he is acting fearless’, ‘showing off
nuyurrite- ‘to be tame’ nuyurriltaartuq ‘it is acting tame’
aarite- ‘to act recklessly’ aariltaartuq ‘he is acting recklessly’, ‘showing off
to act or be acted upon N at a time, in groups of N # used with numerical bases; usually used with a
subordinative ending; < PE pb. ta(C)a3-
atauciq ‘one’ ataucitaarluteng ‘acting one at a time’; ataucitaarluki
‘being acted upon one at a time’
malruk ‘two’ malruutaarluteng ‘two at a time’
pingayun ‘three’ pingayuutaarluteng ‘three at a time’
cetaman ‘four cetamataarluteng ‘four at a time’
talliman ‘ve’ tallimataarluteng ‘ve at a time’
arvinlegen ‘six’ arvinlektaarluteng ‘six at a time’
qulngunrita’ar ‘nine’ qulngunrita’artaarluteng ‘nine at a time’
qulen ‘ten’ qultaarluteng ‘ten at a time’
akimiaq ‘fteen’ akimiartaarluteng ‘fteen at a time’
yuinaq ‘twenty’ yuinartaarluteng ‘twenty at a time’
yuinaq qulmek cipluku
yuinaq qulmek ciptaarluteng ‘thirty at a time’
amlleret ‘many’ amlleqtaarluteng ‘many at each time’
qavcin ‘how many’ qavcitaarluteng ‘how many at a time’
Itrutai pingayuutaarluki. ‘He brought them in three at a time.’
Ayallruut cetamataarluteng. ‘They left in groups of four.’
@+taciar- to test or determine how V (it) is # see @+tassiir-
@+taciigun something for determining V-ness # see @+tassiigun
— -taciigun
@+taciq extent of possessor’s V-ing # used mainly with possessed endings; < -ta
-ciq; > -tassiir-, -tassiigun
take- ‘to be long’ taktacia ‘its length’
qastu- ‘to be loud’ qastutacia ‘its loudness’
ange- ‘to be big’ angtacia ‘its size’
Qaillun assirtacia nallua. ‘He doesn’t know how good it is — the extent of its goodnes.’
Aptellruanga kuigem et’utacianek. ‘He asked me about the river’s depth — the extent of the
river’s depth.’
+tairute- (for there) to be no more N # takes intransitive endings only; < -tar
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvviartairutuq ‘there is no more coffee’
(for there) to be no N # takes intransitive endings only; this postbase is the negative of -tangqerr-;
< -tar
-; < PE ta3it-
tuntu ‘caribou’ tuntutaituq ‘there are no caribou’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyartaituq ‘there are no boats’
‘sh’ neqtaituq ‘there are no sh’
Also, irregularly (in meaning):
ca ‘what’ cataituq ‘he isn’t here’, ‘he is absent’
to tend by one’s disposition or nature not to V # used with “emotional roots,” this postbase is the
negative of -tar-
; takes intransitive endings only; < -tar
takar- (root) ‘shy’, ‘respectful’ takartaituq ‘he tends not to be shy’
qungvag- (root) ‘ticklish’ qungvagtaituq ‘he is not ticklish’
+taknaggaite- for there to be absolutely no N # HBC; < tar
+talek place having N # < -tar
yuk ‘person yugtalek ‘inhabited place’
avayaq ‘branch’ avayartalek ‘thicket’
tuntu ‘caribou’ tuntutalek ‘area with caribou’
nanvaq ‘lake’ nanvartalek ‘area with lakes’
cuukvak ‘pike’ (sh) cuukvagtalek ‘place having pike’; also, ‘Chowhoktulik’, a
village site almost due south of St. Mary’s
petmik ‘pit trap’ petmigtalek ‘place with pit traps’; also, ‘Pikmiktalik’, a
village site on the coast between Kotlik and Stebbins
uqvik ‘willow’ uqvigtalek ‘place with willows’; also, name of the place west
of Golovin that is the traditional boundary between Inupiaqs
and Unaliq Yup’iks
cf. qikmiq ‘dog’ (as in Sugpiaq,
Siberian Yupik, and Inupiaq
qipmiq, qi&miq, qimmiq)
qikmirtalek place on Nunivak Is.
-taciq — -talek
+tange- (for there) to be N now # takes intransitive endings only; > -tar
sun’aq ‘ship’ sun’artanguq ‘there is now a ship there’
nerelria(q) ‘eater nerelriartanguq ‘there is now someone eating’
kuuvviaq ‘coffee’ kuuvviartanguq ‘there is some coffee now’
yuk ‘person’ yugtanguq-qaa? ‘is anyone here now?’
ingriq ‘mountain’ ingrirtanguq ‘there are mountains (visible) now’
+tangqerr- (for there) to be N # takes intransitive endings only; the negative of this postbase is -taite-; in the
subordinative mood this postbase is replaced by -tar
-; > -tar
‘sh’ neqtangqertuq ‘there are sh’
tuntuvak ‘moose’ tuntuvagtangqertuq ‘there are moose’
kipusvik ‘store’ kipusvigtangqertuq ‘there is a store’ or ‘there are stores’
The place where there are N may be denoted by a noun in the absolutive case as the subject of the verb, or by a
noun in the localis case:
Curartangqertuq nunapik (or nunapigmi). ‘There are blueberries on the tundra.’
device for V-ing # = -n; > -ilitaq, -kutaq, -tuutaq, -viutaq, -yailkutaq
inqe- ‘to coo’ inqutaq ‘cooing name or phrase’
perrir- ‘to wipe’ perriutaq ‘towel’
ini- ‘to hang’ initaq ‘part of a sh rack where the sh are hung’
peke- ‘to make a move’ pekutaq ‘shovel’ (lexicalized)
qamur- ‘to pull’ qamuutaq ‘pulling device, towline’
puyurtur- ‘to smoke tobacco’ puyurtuutaq ‘pipe’
cama- ‘to be worked (of metal)’ camataq ‘metal (copper or brass) and bead forehead
thing of N; thing pertaining to N # < PE pb. ta3-
yuk, Yup’ik ‘Yup’ik Eskimo’ yugtaq, yup’igtaq ‘Yup’ik Eskimo thing’; ‘Yup’ik food’
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’artaq ‘white man’s thing’, ‘store-bought thing’ or
‘manufactured item’
uksuq ‘winter uksurtaq ‘thing of winter’, such as an animal’s winter coat
kiak ‘summer kiagtaq ‘thing of summer
tamakuciq ‘that kind of thing’ tamakucirtaq ‘something pertaining to that kind of thing’
Kass’alugpiaq ‘Russian’,
‘Russian Orthodox’
Kass’alugpiartaq ‘thing pertaining to the Russian
Orthodox religion’
Maaten angyaq tekicamegteggu ellii piuq uciarluni canek kass’artarnek, missuuk-wa maurluata
tuyuutii. ‘When the reached the boat she saw that it was loaded with all sorts of store bought
things — things of the white man —, and there was a sack with what their grandmother had
sent.’ (ELN 1990:56)
-tange- — -taq
. . . taqumalrianek angyanek, nutegnek, egatnek, aturanek, qantanek allanek-llu kipusvigtarnek.
‘. . . factory-made boat, guns, pot, clothing, and other store-stocked plates or bowls.’ (CAU
Taumek-gguq Elrirraarcelluki ilait ayagyuat angutet arnartarnek aklungqelalriit wall’u arnat
angucetarnek. ‘They say that after the “Elriq” festival some young men had women’s
garments , or women had men’s garments.’ (CAU 1985:132)
caught N (game animal); N caught by possessor; used mainly with game animal nouns, and usually with
a possessed ending; < -te
yaqulek ‘bird’ yaqulegtanka ‘the birds I caught’
pi ‘thing’ pitaq ‘a caught animal or bird’
Also, irregularly:
cange- ‘to catch sh’ cangtai ‘the sh he caught’
Kia amiillruaki kanaqliit pitaten? ‘Who skinned the muskrats you caught — the muskrats, your
caught ones?
Tua-i tauna maurlurluni nerreqluku tamakunek pitaminek. ‘And so fed his dear old
grandmother with that catch of his.’ (CIU 2005:280)
Anngiit-llu cali piluni angiita-gguq qanrutaa avurraarluni cangtaminek maqaruanek
nerevkaritekainek cali taitarkauniluni. ‘The old brother also said that he told their uncle that
after he gathered the rabbits he’d caught — his caught ones — he’d bring some as food for the
feast.’ (PRA 1995:413)
N part of something # marginally productive at most
equk ‘wood’ equgtaq ‘rie butt’
qengaq ‘nose’ qengartaq ‘central ridge of paddle’
pamyuq ‘tail’ pamyurtaq ‘decorative tail on parka or belt’
N specically (exact meaning uncertain); small N # marginally productive at most
nukalpiaq ‘procient hunter nukalpiartaq ‘young procient hunter
tapraq ‘skin rope’ taprartaq ‘skin rope (of a specic type)’
kalikaq ‘paper kalikartaq ‘license, certicate’
{-taq see –qtaq}
to tend by one’s disposition or nature to V a lot # used with “emotional roots,” and also to a limited
(marginally productive) extent with a few other verb bases; takes intransitive endings only; the negative of this
postbase is +taite
-; > taite
-; < PE pb. t(t)a3-
qungvag- (root) ‘ticklish’ qungvagtartuq ‘he is ticklish by nature’
takar- (root) ‘shy’, ‘respectful’ takartartuq ‘he is shy or respectful by nature’
nakleg- (root) ‘compassionate’ naklegtartuq ‘he is compassionate by nature’
paqna- (root) ‘curious’ paqnatartuq ‘he tends to be curious’
avaur- ‘to forget’ avaurtartuq ‘he is forgetful’
alinge- ‘to be afraid’ alingtartuq ‘he is cowardly’
to fetch N; to go to get N; to gather N (not food) from nature # non-productive; for some speakers, takes
intransitive endings only; < PE pb. ta3-
meq ‘water mertartuq ‘he is fetching water’; mertaraa (or, more
commonly, mertautaa) ‘he is fetching water for her
equk ‘wood’ (Y, NS word) (e)qugtartuq ‘he is collecting rewood’ (used beyond Y and
vek ‘grass’ (Y, NS, HBC, NUN
vegtartuq ‘he is gathering grass’ (to use in boots etc.) (used
beyond the areas where vek is used)
ciku ‘ice’ cikutartuq ‘he is getting ice’
Caqerluni-gguq-am tauna tutgara’urluq unuakumi mertaqili pilaucirmitun. ‘One morning, it is
said, that dear grandson hauled water as he usually did.’
(for there) to be N # used with subordinative mood endings in place of the postbase -tangqerr- though that
postbase may also be used with subordinative endings; > -taite
-, -tairute-, -tange-, tangqerr-
neqtarluni ‘there being sh’; ‘there are sh’
ingriq ‘mountain’ ingrirtarluni ‘there being mountains’; ‘there are mountains’
Kiani qasgim egkuani kenurrartarluni uqumek. ‘In there, in the back part of kashim, there were
oil lamps.’ (CAU l985:76)
Tamaani neqlillratni talicivigtarluni, . . . ‘There, in their sh-camp, there was a sh-smoking shed
(shading structure), . . .’ (ELN 1990:17)
{-tarar(ar)- see –qtarar(ar)-}
@+tassiigun, @+taciigun something for determining V # marginally productive; < taciq-?-n
ayuqe- ‘to be alike’ ayuqeltassiigun, ayuqestassiigun ‘parable, comparison,
model for behavior, maxim’ (irregular formation)
anag- ‘to surpass’ anagtassiigun ‘competition’, ‘contest’
pinir- ‘to be strong’ pinirtassiigun ‘test of strength’
ingulayu- ‘to be good at
Eskimo dancing’
ingulayutaciigun ‘dance contest’
Maa-i makut ayuqestassiigutngulallret, yugni wangkuta niicugnilalput qalarucimaaqamta. ‘We
Yup’ik would heed these models for behavior, object lessons, or maxims — ones that were
devices for ascertaining a comparison — when we are told them.’ (YUP 2005:124)
@+tassiir-, @+tassiar-, @+taciar- to test or determine how V (it) is # intransitive use is reexive (see example
with uqamaite-); < -taciq-?; > -tassiigun; < PY pb. tacia3-
pi- ‘to do’, ‘act’ pitassiiraa, pitassiaraa, pitaciaraa ‘he is trying it’, ‘testing
it’, ‘tasting it’
ayuqe- ‘to be alike’ ayuqetassiiraa ‘he is comparing it with something’ (in
terminalis case)
take- ‘to be long’ taktassiiraa ‘he is measuring its length’
— -tassiir-
amller- ‘to be much’ amllertassiiraa ‘he is determining how much there is of it’
iqkite- ‘to be narrow’ iqkiltassiiraa ‘he is determining how narrow it is’
uqamaite- ‘to be heavy’ uqamailtassiiraa (also, irregularly, uqamaltassiiraa) ‘he is
weighing it’; uqamailtassiirtuq, uqamaltassiirtuq ‘he is
weighing himself
Ayuqetassiiraa angyani angyamnun. ‘He is comparing — testing how much it is alike — his boat
with my boat.’
Anagtassiigutelluki pivkalallruit, caqelngaralriit taktassiirluki. ‘They let them hold
competitions seeing how long a distance they could hop.’ (KIP 1998:281)
one that is V to the same extent as possessor # takes possessed endings; < -ta-n; > tateke-
sugtu- ‘to be tall’ sugtutatii ‘one who is as tall as he is’
pi- ‘to be’ pitatai ‘the ones that correspond to him or it in some
respect (age, size, etc.)’; pitataituq ‘it has no equivalent’
@+tateke- to be V to the same extent # takes non-singular intransitive endings only; < -tata
-; < PY pb.
ange- ‘to be big’ angtatkuk ‘they
are the same size’
cugtu- ‘to be tall’ cugtutatekut ‘they are the same height’
pi- ‘to do’ pitatekuk ‘they
correspond’ (in age, ability, etc.)
Naqeqaarluki tua-llu pakigluki, sagqurluki waten akultutateku’urluki piurluki. ‘After they
lashed them together (at the ends) and spread them, the separated them by equal widths.’
(PAI 2008:262)
to catch N (game animal); to go to N (place); to obtain N; to spend the N (time); for N (time) to pass
# takes mainly intransitive endings (but see example with nuna below); > -taq
and possibly –liqe-; < PE pb. t-
With words for game animals:
nayiq ‘seal’ nayirtuq ‘he caught a seal’; nayirtellruuq ‘he has caught a
pi ‘thing’ pituq (K, HBC form), pit’uq ‘he caught something’ (Y form)
‘sh’ neqtuq ‘he caught sh’
Also, the following:
mallu ‘beached carcass’ mallutuq ‘he found a beached carcass’
kumakaq ‘birch fungus’ kumakartuq ‘he is gathering birch fungus’
peksu(q) ‘egg’ peksutuq ‘he found bird eggs’
murak ‘wood’ muragtuq ‘he is getting rewood’
canek ‘grass’ canegtuq ‘he is getting grass’
kuvya(q) ‘gillnet’ kuvyatuq ‘he caught sh with a gillnet’ (lexicalized)
yuk ‘person’ yugtuq ‘he committed murder or manslaughter
— -te-
With words for places:
Mamterilleq ‘Bethel’ Mamterillertuq ‘he went to Bethel’; Mamterillercugtuq ‘he
wants to go to Bethel’
elitnaurvik ‘school’ elitnaurvigtuq ‘he went over to the school’
nuna ‘land’, ‘village’ nunatuq ‘he went visiting to another village or city’;
nunatai ‘he went visiting them in another village or
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’artuq ‘he went to the city on a shopping trip’
With words for periods of time:
allrakuq ‘year’ allrakurtuq ‘he spent a year, a year passed’
sass’aq ‘hour sass’artuq ‘he spent an hour, an hour passed’
Ataucimek allrakurrluni [from allrakurte-luni] ayaumallruuq. ‘He was gone for a year.’
Utaqallruaqa malrugnek sass’arrlua [from sass’arte-lua]. ‘I waited for him for two hours.’
Kipusvigutaa [from kipusvigte-utaa]. ‘He went to the store with or for him.’
Upaucianek apcatni ataatiit piluni nunaarrniluteng [from nunaarte-niluteng] taqsuqucamegtegu
Uksiyaraq. . . . ‘When they asked him if they are moving here, their uncle said that they had
gone to the countryside because they were tired of Uksiyaraq. . . .’ (ELN 1990:39)
Aren, tutgara’urluq-qaa tua-ll’ ciungani pissuqsainani qaill’ maklagciiqa [from maklagte-
ciqa]? ‘Oh dear, how is the grandson going to catch a bearded seal without having hunted
previously?’ (QUL 2003:250)
to act on one so as to cause it to V # non-productive; many verb bases cannot be used with a transitive
ending unless this postbase is inserted immediately after the verb base; with other verb bases, however, the
transitive ending without this postbase incorporates the meaning of this postbase (and consequently this postbase
is not used with those bases). Thus, it is an apparently unpredictable characteristic of each verb whether or not
this postbase is needed to form a transitive; for example, qip’uq means it twisted and nip’uq means it went
out; but to say he twisted it one says qipaa (without using this postbase), whereas to say he put it out one says
niptaa (with this postbase); takes transitive endings (except for reexive or passive intransitives); follows the
base immediately; < PE pb. t-
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuqutaa ‘he killed it’
nala- ‘to die’, ‘to wither nalataa ‘he killed it’
nipe- ‘to go out’ (re, light, etc.) niptaa ‘he put it out’
qame- ‘to die down’ (re) qamtaa ‘he turned it down’
ane- ‘to go outside’ antaa ‘he put it outside’
iter- ‘to go in’ itertaa ‘he put it in’
tatame- ‘to be startled’ tatametaa, tatamtaa ‘he startled her
uive- ‘to go around’ uivtaa ‘he turned it around’
mayur- ‘to go up’ mayurtaa ‘he put it up’
atrar- ‘to go down’ atrartaa ‘he took it down’
akag- ‘to roll’ akagtaa ‘he rolled it’
tupag- ‘to awaken’ tupagtaa ‘he woke him up’
kiner- ‘to dry’ kinertaa ‘it (impersonal) dried it’ (i.e., ‘it is dry’)
asme- ‘to break in two’ asemtaa ‘he broke it in two’; asemtuq ‘it got broken’
This list is not exhaustive; with each verb that requires this postbase to form a transitive, this indicated in the
entry for that verb base in the bases section of the dictionary.
This postbase is also used with “postural roots; for example:
inar- (root) ‘lying down’ inartuq ‘he lay down, went to bed’; inartaa ‘he laid it
ikir- (root) ‘open’ ikirtaa ‘he opened it’
mumig- (root) ‘turned over mumigtaa ‘he turned it over
N with respect to possessor # used with the demonstrative adverb bases listed below to change them
into positional stems basically shifting the frame of reference to the possessor (though this basic meaning gets
somewhat altered as illustrated here); < PE pb. t0
uka(ni) ‘nearby’ ukatiini ‘in the area toward the speaker from it’
ava(ni) ‘over there’ avatiini ‘in the area around it’
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaatiini ‘in the area beside it’
kia(ni) ‘farther in’ kiatiini ‘in the area farther into the room from it, upriver
from it’
ua(ni) ‘by the exit’ uatiini ‘in the direction of the door from it’
ama(ni) ‘way over there’ amatiini ‘in the area beyond it’
Constructions with this postbase are generally not used where a positional stem exists for the area in question;
thus akiani is used for ‘across from it’ rather than *ikatiini from ika(ni) ‘area across’
to plan to act at a given time # used with time words
yaaliaku ‘day after tomorrow’ yaaliakutuq ‘he plans to act the day after tomorrow’;
yaaliakutaa ‘he plans to act on it the day after
tomorrow’ /
unuaqu ‘tomorrow’ unuaqutaanga ‘he plans on doing it to or for me tomorrow’
Nunalguten ikayurcetaalria unuaquteksaunaku ikayuutekaanek avalingqerquvet. ‘Do not put off
till tomorrow your neighbor who comes seeking help if you have something that can be of
help now.’ (AYUQ. 3:28)
to make the N noise #
tem’iq ‘rumbling noise’ tem’irtellruuq ‘it made, or there is, a rumbling noise’
luquluk ‘sloshing sound’ luquluggluni ‘(it) making a sloshing sound’
— -te-
to V with another; to V for the sake of; to V reciprocally; to V (it) along with oneself or others #
the meaning of words formed with this postbase depends on the semantic type of the base, on whether a transitive
or intransitive ending is used, and on context; > -i:rute-, -kite
-, -kliute-, -yagute-; < PE pb. ut0-
With verbs of motion this postbase with a transitive ending ‘means subject Vs object along with himself’, and
with an intransitive ending, ‘subject Vs something along with himself
ane- ‘to go out’ anutaa ‘he is bringing it outside’ (with him) (compare
antaa ‘he is putting it outside’); anutuq ‘he is bringing
something outside (with him)’
iter- ‘to go in’ itrutaa ‘he is taking it inside’ (compare itertaa ‘he is putting
it inside’)
atrar- ‘to go down’ atrautaa ‘he is bringing or taking it down’
mayur- ‘to go up’ mayuutaa ‘he is bringing or taking it up’
ayag- ‘to go, leave’ ayautaa ‘he is taking it away (with him)’
tai- ‘to come over taitaa ‘he is bringing it over
uterte- ‘to return, go back’ ut’rutaa ‘he is bringing it back’, ‘returning it’
tekite- ‘to arrive tekiutaa ‘he arrived with it’ (irregular, used instead of
tage- ‘to go up from shore’ tagutaa ‘he is bringing’, ‘taking it up’
age- ‘to go over agutaa ‘he is bringing’, ‘taking it over
inarte- ‘to go to bed’ inarutaa ‘he is taking him to bed’
igte- ‘to fall’ igutaa ‘he dragged it down with him’
With verbs of communicating, this postbase with a transitive endings means ‘subject Vs to the object’ (for
meaning with an intransitive ending, see below):
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanrutaa ‘he is telling him’ (vs. qanraa ‘he is saying it’)
qalarte- ‘to talk’ qalarutaa ‘he is talking to her
quliri- ‘to tell a story or legend’ quliritaa ‘he is telling her a story or legend’ (quliria is also
used for this)
quuyurni- ‘to smile’ quuyurnitaa ‘he is smiling at her
quutaari- ‘to wink’ quutaaritaa ‘he is winking at her
qitevte- ‘to speak English’ qit’vutaa ‘he is speaking English to her
qalamci- ‘to tell what has
qalamcitaa ‘he told her what happened’
qanaa- ‘to talk’ qanaataa ‘he is talking to her
airrar- ‘to tell a string story’ airrautaa ‘he is telling her a string story’
When used with an intransitive non-singular ending, this postbase often indicates reciprocity:
kenke- ‘to love’ kenkutuk ‘they
love each other
qalarte-, qanaa- ‘to talk’ qalarutuk, qanaatuk ‘they
are conversing’
nallunrite- ‘to know’ nallunrilutuk ‘they
know each other
callug- ‘to ght’ calluutuk ‘they
are ghting each other
With an intransitive ending this postbase is used in “detransitive” constructions (see also -i
-) with the following
bases (and probably a few others):
ikayur- ‘to help’ ikayuutuq ‘he is helping out’
tegu- ‘to take’ tegutuq ‘he is taking something’
nalaqe- ‘to nd’ nalaqutuq ‘he found something’
aqva- ‘to fetch’ aqvatuq ‘he is fetching something’
nucug- ‘to pull out’ nucuutuq ‘he pulled something out’
maligte- ‘to go with’, ‘to
accompany’, ‘to follow’
maligutuq ‘he is going with someone’
amu- ‘to pull out’ amutuq ‘he is pulling something out’
ullag- ‘to approach’ ullautuq ‘he approached something’
With a transitive ending this postbase may mean subject Vs for the benet of object or subject Vs object along
with others:
iqvar-, unatar- ‘to pick berries’ iqvautai, unatautai ‘he is picking berries for them’, or ‘he
is picking berries with them, or taking them berry-
picking’, or ‘he is picking them along with the (other)
berries’ (compare iqvarai, unatarai ‘he is picking them
kipute- ‘to buy’ kipuyutaa ‘he is buying something for her’, or ‘he is
buying it along with other things’
kenir-, ega- ‘to cook’ keniutaa, egataa ‘he is cooking for her
enir-, niir- ‘to point’ eniutaa, niirutaa ‘he is pointing something out to her(vs.
eniraa, niiraa ‘he is pointing to it’, ‘pointing it out’)
qayali- ‘to make a kayak’ qayalitaa ‘he is making a kayak for her’ (qayalia has the
same meaning)
neqete- ‘to catch sh’ neqyutaa ‘he is catching sh for her
arulair- ‘to stop’ arulairutaa ‘he stopped to let her off’, or ‘to pick her up’
With verbs describing natural phenomena, this postbase with a transitive ending means it (subject, natural
phenomenon) comes upon or affects object:
erte- ‘to dawn’ erutaa ‘dawn came upon him (while he was outdoors,
ule- ‘to ood’ ulutaa ‘it (river) is ooding it’
aniullugte- ‘for snow to be soft’ aniullugutai ‘soft melting snow came upon them
(i.e., ‘they encountered soft snow conditions while
There are some verb bases for which this postbase provides another transitive form with a different object than the
form using the base with a transitive ending and without this postbase:
igar- ‘to write’ igautaa ‘he is writing it down’ (vs. igaraa ‘he is writing to
elag- ‘to dig’ elautaa (also irregularly elagutaa) ‘he is burying it’ (vs.
elagaa ‘he is digging it’)
qecir- ‘to spit’ qeciutaa ‘he spat it out’ (vs. qeciraa ‘he spat at her, it’)
milqar- ‘to throw’ milqautaa ‘he is throwing it’ (vs. milqeraa ‘he is throwing
something at her’)
nere- ‘to eat’ nerutaa ‘he is eating with her(vs. neraa ‘he is eating it’)
Kiagpak ikayuangnaqurluku elliin aanani, cali-llu Irr’aq aipaqaqluku, murilkelluku . . . alqami
taqsuqutaqatgu. ‘All summer she tried to help her mother from time to time, keeping Irr’aq
company, and tending her . . . whenever her older sisters were tired of her.’ (ELN 1990:41)
Iqvanka-llu wii tamalkuita cikiutekluki Nev’amun. Quyaluni-llu tua-i elpet-gguq
iqvauteqataryuksaaqaaten. Cali iqvaucullruanga, iqvauskanga qayuw elpenun pinaluki
piunga. ‘I gave all the berries I picked to Nev’aq. She was grateful and said that she had
thought I was going to pick for you. She wanted to take me berry-picking with her again; next
time when she take me berry-picking, I intend to send them to you.’ (PRA 1995: 301)
to apply N (liquid or the like) to (it) #
uquq ‘(seal) oil’ uqurtaa ‘he applied oil to it’
meq ‘water mertaa ‘he put water on it’
cungagaq ‘alder dye’ cungagartaa ‘he applied alder dye to it’
puyuq ‘smoke’ puyurtaa ‘he applied smoke to it, smoked it’
nuak ‘saliva’ nuagtaa ‘he applied saliva to it’
merr’aq ‘holy water merr’artaa ‘he applied holy water to it’
kavir- (root) ‘redness’ kavirtaa ‘he applied red coloring to it’
pautaq ‘powder pautartuq ‘he applied powder to himself
taaq ‘tar, pitch’ taartaa ‘he applied pitch or tar to it, coated it with pitch or
uiteraq ‘ocher uitertaa ‘he dyed it with ocher
@(u)teke- to V on account of (it); to V concerning (it) # the present postbase is fully productive, unlike -n, from
which is is derived; < -n-ke
-; < PE pb. ut0k0-
quya- ‘to be thankful’ quyatekaa ‘he is thankful for it’
qia- ‘to cry’ qiatekaa ‘he is crying on account of it’
iluteqe- ‘to be grieved’ ilutequtekaa ‘he is grieving over it, feels sorrowful over it’
qalarte- ‘to talk’ qalarutkaa ‘he is talking about it’
nagte- ‘to get snagged’ nagutekaa ‘he is being held back by it’
— -teke-
apete- ‘to ask’ apyutkaa ‘he asked about it’
angnir- ‘to rejoice’ angniutekaa ‘he is rejoicing over it’
umyuarniur- ‘to worry’,
umyuarniurutkaa ‘he is worrying over it’, ‘regretting it’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanrutkaa ‘he is speaking about it’
pi- ‘to do’ pitekluku ‘having it as his reason’, ‘on account of it’
angniite- ‘to be sad’ angniilutkaa ‘he is feeling sad on account of it’
ilukegci- ‘to be pleased, happy’ ilukegcitkaa ‘he is pleased on account of it’
tuqu- ‘to die’ tuqutekluta ‘dying for us’
Irniari pitekluki ayagyuumiituq. ‘On account of her children she doesn’t want to go.’
Angniutekaa qetunrami kassuutellra. ‘She is rejoicing over her son’s wedding.’
?teqe- to be affected in some sense with regard to one’s N or one’s V-ing # non-productive; forms with this
postbase are lexicalized
aner- (root) ‘breath’, ‘spirit’ anertequq ‘he is breathing’, ‘is alive’
ilu ‘inside’ ilutequq ‘he is emotionally pained, grieving’
umyuaq ‘mind’ umyuartequq ‘he is thinking’
avek ‘half avegtequq ‘he is emotionally pained’
nange- ‘to be consumed’ nangtequq ‘he is in pain, is ill’
picurli- ‘to produce a cause of
picurlitquq ‘he is accident-prone, awkward’
piyug- ‘to want to act’ piyugtequq ‘he is eager, enthusiastic, willing’
elliraq ‘orphan’ elliritquq ‘he is like an orphan’
nacarrluk ‘bad hat’ nacarrlugtequq ‘he is in a bad mood, has gloomy thoughts’
(highly lexicalized)
mayar- ‘to deprive’ mayitequq ‘he yearns for things he has been deprived of
+ter- to V suddenly and willfully # used only with consonant-ending bases; other bases use -ler-; see section
of Introduction to the Postbases on ‘Gemination and/or Syncope within the Base with Postbases Expressing
Suddenness’; = -ler-; < PE pb. t03-
nunur- ‘to scold’ nunurteraa ‘he suddenly scolded her
mer- ‘to drink’ mertertuq ‘he suddenly drank’
Arnat pinialata kal’egteryaaqellinikii pinikayiimi. ‘Since women are weak, he (suddenly)
brushed her aside, since he is a lot stronger than her.’ (KIP 1998:347)
{-testaili- see -staili-}
-teqe- — -ter-
+tevkar- to suffer from N # non-productive
aner- (root, as in anerteqe-
‘to breathe, to live’, and
anerneq ‘breath’)
anertevkartuq ‘he is gasping, breathing shallow but hard’
kiiq ‘heat’ kiirtevkartuq ‘he is all sweaty’, ‘he is feverish’
@:(u)tiiq celebration of V-ing # only marginally productive; derived forms lexicalized
ane- ‘to come/go out’, ‘be born’ anutiira ‘his birthday’
quki- ‘to make a middle’ qukitiiq ‘middle of the year’; ‘Fourth of July’
taqe- ‘to nish’, ‘complete’ taqutiiq ‘graduation’
ikirte- ‘to open’ ikirutiiq ‘an “open house”’
Angniq anutiiq elpenun. ‘Happy birthday — celebration of coming/going out (at birth) — to
@–tmun N-ward; in the direction described by V # used with demonstrative adverb bases (except for “less
accessible obscured” demonstrative, akma(ni), pakma(ni), qakma(ni), and cakma(ni)), positional bases,
and a number of verb bases; forms adverbs; this is essentially a special terminalis ending, which may be called
the “second terminalis” (see Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 102)); usually drops base-nal base nal te;
sometimes -tmun appears as -lmun; > -tmurte
kia(ni) ‘area upriver, inland,
kiatmun ‘toward upriver’, ‘inland, inside’
uka(ni) ‘near here’ ukatmun ‘toward here’
na(ni) ‘where?’ natmun ‘toward where?’
nate- ‘area where?’ natetmun ‘toward where?’ (more specically)
ciu- ‘area in front’ ciutmun ‘forward’
kingu- ‘area behind’ kingutmun ‘toward the back’
caniq ‘area beside’ canitmun ‘toward the side’
‘area above’ quletmun ‘upward’
aci ‘area below’ acitmun ‘downward’
‘area outside’ elatmun ‘toward outside’
negeq ‘north’ negetmun ‘northward’
kenglu, kenlu ‘contrary’ kenglutmun, kenlutmun ‘in a contrary direction’
aki ‘area across’ akitmun ‘transversely’, ‘crosswise’
uterte- ‘to return’ utetmun or utelmun ‘homeward’, ‘back toward the point of
area toward water; area
in front’
ketmun ‘toward the water’, ‘toward front’
kelu ‘back; area away from
kelutmun ‘toward the area in back’, ‘toward the area away
from the water
-tevkar- — -tmun
ilu- ‘area inside’ ilutmun ‘inward’
tamar- ‘all, whole’ (quantier/
qualier base)
tamatmun ‘in a direction that will result in getting lost’, ‘in
various directions’
kassug- ‘to encircle’ kassutmun ‘around’
ane- ‘to go out’ anetmun ‘toward the outside’, ‘downriver
uive- ‘to go around’ uivetmun ‘around’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayatmun ‘away’
qerar- ‘to go across’ qeratmun ‘crosswise’
iqlu ‘wrong’ iqlutmun ‘the wrong way’
ik’iq ‘ugliness’ ik’itmun ‘toward improper ways’
kepe- ‘to cut across the grain’ kepelmun ‘across the grain, widthwise’
take- ‘ to be long’ takelmun ‘with the grain, lengthwise’
pai- ‘mouth of river paitmun ‘toward the mouth’
asgur- ‘to go against the
asgutmun ‘against the current, upriver
pagaa(ni) ‘up above’ (extended) pagaatmun ‘across the sky’
‘noise’ nepetmun ‘(tending) toward disorder, commotion, strife’
to go N-ward; to go in the area described by V # takes intransitve endings only; < tmun-?-; < PE
pb. tmi(C)a3-
uka(ni) ‘near here’ ukatmurtuq ‘he is coming toward here’
na(ni) ‘where?’ natmurcit? ‘where are you going?’
nate- ‘area where?’ natetmurcit? ‘where (more specically) are you going?’
ciu ‘area in front’ ciutmurtuq ‘he is going forward’
iqlu ‘the wrong way, lie’ iqlutmurtuq ‘he is going the wrong way’
kingu ‘area in back’ kingutmurtuq ‘he is going backward’ or ‘he is going to the
+tna- to do like N # used only with several (two ?) demonstrative adverb bases
tua(ni), tava(ni) ‘there’; tuaten,
tavaten ‘like that’
tuatnauq, tavatnauq ‘he is acting like that’
wa(ni) ‘here’; waten ‘like this’ watnauq ‘he is acting like this’
~:(u)tnguarkaq potential/necessary aid to V-ing # < -n-u-arkaq
yuu- ‘to live’ yuutnguarkaq ‘a potential aid to life’, ‘something benecial
to life’
elitnaur- ‘to study’ elitnaurutnguarkauguaq ‘it is a potential aid to studying’;
‘it is essential to be taught’
— -tnguarkaq
–tngurte-, –tmurte-
(HBC form) to V unexpectedly; to V after changing one’s mind #
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayatngurtuq, ayatmurtuq ‘he left unexpectedly’ (he had
planned to stay but changed his mind)
÷irte-, cinirte- (HBC form) ‘to
ce÷irtetngurtuq, cinirtetmurtuq (HBC form) ‘he visited
after all’
aqsi- ‘to have a full stomach’ aqsitngurpaa ‘oh, what an unexpectedly full stomach I
maancima- ‘to be here’ maancimatngurtua ‘I am here (though I had not planned to
be here that long)’
–trute- to miss by passing through the N area, or the N area of it # used with positional bases and
demonstrative adverb bases only; < PE pb. t3ut0-
cani ‘area beside’ canitrutuq ‘it struck off to the side’, ‘missed by passing
to the side’; canitrutaa ‘it (projectile) or he (thrower)
missed by striking to the side of it’
uka(ni) ‘nearby’ ukatrutaa ‘it fell short of it’
aci ‘area under acitrutaa ‘it missed by going under it’
+tu- to be well endowed with N, to have N to a large extent # and –tu- to V customarily # the form used
with nouns is used with “dimensional roots” as well as with a few other nouns; the form used with verbs may be
used with any verb base; > -tula
, -tuli, -tuqaq; < PE pb. tu-
and tu-
sug-, cug- (root) ‘human height’ sugtuuq, cugtuuq ‘he is tall’
mam- (root) ‘thickness’ mamtuuq ‘it is thick’
iqtu- (root) ‘width’ iqtuuq ‘it is wide’
qer- (root) ‘height’ qertuuq ‘it is high’
aki ‘value’; ‘(negative)
akituuq ‘it is valuable, expensive’ or ‘he responds
negatively or indifferently to being cooed’
imaq ‘contents’ imartuuq ‘it is full’
akuq ‘hem’ akurtuuq ‘it (garment) is too long’
umyuaq ‘mental activity’ umyuartuuq ‘he is a deep thinker
usvi ‘wits’, ‘sense’ usvituuq ‘he is wise’
kuingir- ‘to smoke’ kuingituunga ‘I smoke’ (as a habit)
nere- ‘to eat’ nertui ‘he eats them’ (customarily)
teptur- ‘to eat aged sh’ teptutuuq ‘he eats aged sh’
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yuratuuq ‘he Eskimo dances’
pekete- ‘to move’, ‘walk’ pektetuuq ‘it moves’, ‘he walks’
taringe- ‘to understand’ taringetuaqa, taringtuaqa ‘I (can) understand him’
Tumtuuq suukiiq. ‘The sock is (too) long for the foot.’
Yugtun-qaa qantuuten? ‘Do you speak Yup’ik — do you customarily speak, or are you readily able
to speak Yup’ik?’
-tngurte- — -tu-
+tuinar- to always V # NSU; < -tur
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavartuinartuq ‘he is always sleeping’
quyer- ‘to cough’ quyertuinartuq ‘he is always coughing’
possessor’s normal, regular, or customary one to V # < -tu-ke
nertukiit ‘their native food; what they customarily eat’
atsat nautukiitni ‘where berries grow’
. . . tuquvailegma nertukemnek qakiiyarmek ing’um amirluaraam canianek nerqerlii.
‘. . . before I die let me eat the silver salmon, which I customarily eat, that is near that small
cloud there.’ (KIP 1998:351)
. . . qanemcitliniluku iliit tauna taumek nukalpiameggnek tuqulriamek
anguyiurtektukmeggnek. ‘. . . told one of them about the death of that procient hunter, who
regularly was their warrior.’ (QUL 2003:686)
+tuli one that is well endowed with N # and –tuli one that customarily Vs; one that is fully capable of
V-ing # < -tu-li
aki ‘value’ akituli ‘valuable thing’
umyuaq ‘mental activity’ umyuartuli ‘deep thinker
teq ‘anus’, ‘bottom’, ‘tail end’ tertuli ‘lynx’ (lexicalized)
naveg- ‘to break’ nav’tuli, navtuli ‘breakable thing’
imange- ‘to leak in’ imangetuli, imangtuli ‘leaky one’
yugtur- ‘to eat people’ yugtutuli ‘people-eater’; ‘cannibal’; ‘lion’ (lexicalized)
elte- ‘to let out air eltetuli ‘one that leaks out air’, ‘fricative sound’
+tuqaq one that has N to a large degree # non-productive; <-tu-?; < PE pb. tuq(q)a3
mam- (root) ‘thickness’ mamtuqaq ‘thick one’
ilu ‘interior ilutuqaq ‘hollow’, ‘valley’
kemek ‘meat’ kemegtuqaq ‘thigh’, ‘upper leg’ (lexicalized)
cf. equk ‘wood’ (e)qugtuqaq ‘thighbone’, ‘femur(lexicalized)
nanvaq ‘lake’ Nanvartuqaq ‘Becharof Lake on the Alaska Peninsula’
to V for some duration; to V repeatedly # non-productive; > -tuinar-, -tuutaq, -yartur-; < PE pb. tu3-
piqer- ‘to whack’, ‘hit’ piqerturaa ‘he whacked (at) it’
cikir- ‘to give’ cikirturaa ‘he repeatedly gave him stuff
kaug- ‘to strike with hand’ kaugturaa ‘he struck it (generally more than once)’
uivaar- ‘to revolve’ uivaarturaa ‘he circled it’
-tuinar- — -tur-
to eat N (food); to wear N (clothing); to use N (limited usage with this meaning) # takes intransitive
endings except in certain lexicalized combinations (as with puyuq below); < PE pb. tu3-
kelipaq ‘bread’ keliparturtuq ‘he is eating bread’
akutaq ‘Eskimo ice cream’ akutarturtuq ‘he is eating “Eskimo ice cream”’
atkuk ‘parka’ atkugturtuq ‘he is wearing a parka’
piluguk ‘skin boot’ pilugugturtuq ‘he is wearing skin boots’
auk ‘blood’ augturtuq ‘he is taking communion’ (lexicalized)
puyuq ‘smoke’ puyurturtuq ‘he is smoking’ (lexicalized); puyurturaa ‘he is
smoking it’
qavanguq ‘dream’ qavangurturtuq ‘he is dreaming’ (lexicalized)
umyuaq, umyugaq ‘thought’,
umyuarturtuq, umyugarturtuq ‘he is thinking’ (lexicalized)
qayaq ‘kayak’ qayarturtut ‘they are seal hunting’ (NUN lexicalized)
penaq ‘cliff penarturtut ‘they are cliff-hunting for birds’ (NUN
{-turainar- see -urainar-}
{-turalar- see -uralar-}
{-tur(ar)- see -ur(ar)-}
–turnike- to feel that object can V prociently # takes transitive endings only; < -turnir-ke
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yuraturnikaqa ‘I think that he can dance well’
–turnir- to be able to V prociently # takes intransitive endings only; > -turnike-
piyua- ‘to walk’ piyuaturnirtuq ‘he can walk fast’, ‘without tiring’
mayur- ‘to climb’ mayuturnirtuq ‘he can climb well’
igar- ‘to write’ igaturnirtuq ‘he writes quickly’
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yuraturnirtuq ‘he dances well’
+(r)tuuma(r)- to act together with one’s N or Ns # used only in the quantier/qualier construction (see
Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 346ff), or in the subordinative mood; the initial (r) of the postbase is
optionally used with vowel-nal bases; the nal (r) of the postbase is used only when the postbase is used in the
quantier/qualier construction; < -?-ma-; < PE pb. tu(C)uma-
akluq ‘clothes’ aklurtuumaluni or aklurtuumarmi ‘with his clothes on’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtertuumaluteng or qimugtertuumarmeng ‘together
with their dogs’
Tekitellruuq nuliartuumarmi (or nuliartuumaluni). ‘He arrived with his wife.’
Ayallruunga irniartuumarma (or irniartuumalua). ‘I traveled with my children.’
Tangrraqa angun qetunrartuumaan. ‘I saw the man with his son.’
— -tuuma(r)-
Nacarrartuumarmi (or nacarrartuumaluni) itellruuq agayuvigmun.He went into the church
with his cap on.’
Tua-i-llu aatiita anutuumaan Pili a¥g’arluku qangqiiret tungiitnun enirluni. ‘And so their father
released Pili (from the team) with his harness on, and he pointed in the direction of the
ptarmigans.’ (ELN 1990:12)
+tuutaq tool for V-ing # non-productive; < -tur
piqer- ‘to whack’, ‘chop’ piqertuutaq ‘axe’, ‘whip’
kaug- ‘to strike’ kaugtuutaq ‘club’
ayag- (root) ‘support’ ayagtuutaq ‘spreader for drying sh’
Also, irregularly:
mulut’uuk ‘hammer mulut’uutaq ‘hammer(variant)
:~(ng)u- to be N # takes intransitive endings only; an NSU optional variant of this postbase is :(ng)u-; > -lgun,
-arkau-, -llgun, -llru-, -llruar(aq*), -nru-, -rpau-, -tnguarkaq, -urte-; < PE pb. &u-
nuna ‘land’, ‘village’ nunauguq ‘it is (a) land’, ‘it is a settlement’
ui ‘husband’ uinguuq ‘he is a husband’
Kuigpagmiu ‘Yukoner Kuigpagmiunguuq ‘he is a Yukoner
camiu ‘resident of where’ camiungusit? ‘where do you live’, ‘where are you from?’
‘sh’ neqnguuq (also neqauguq NSU) ‘it is a sh’
mingqun ‘needle’ mingqutnguuq (also mingqutauguq NSU) ‘it is a needle’
qimugta ‘dog’
÷guuq (also qimugtauguq NSU) ‘it is a dog’
kuik ‘river kuiguuq ‘it is a river
kuicuar(aq) ‘creek’ kuicuarauguq ‘it is a creek’
nutek ‘gun’ nutguuq ‘it is a gun’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyauguq ‘it is a boat’
asveq ‘walrus’ asveruuq, asevruuq ‘it is a walrus’
tukuq ‘host’ (NS, Y word) tukuuguq ‘he is wealthy’ (lexicalized; widespread usage)
kitu- (root) ‘who?’ kituuga? ‘who is he?’
-tuutaq — -u-
yuk ‘person’ yuuguq (or, irregularly yuguuq) ‘he is a person’, ‘is alive’;
yuuluni (or, irregularly yug’uluni) ‘being a person’,
‘living’; to some people the regular forms are lexicalized
to mean is alive while the irregular forms are used for is a
person, the predictable meaning from this base and postbase
una ‘this one’ (base: uu-) uunguuq ‘it is this one’
tauna ‘that one’ (base: tau-) taunguuq ‘it is that one’
Also, somewhat irregularly:
wii ‘I’, ‘me’ (root wa-) wanguuq ‘it is I’; wang’ullruuq ‘it was I’
elpet ‘you’ elpenguuq ‘it is you’; elpengullruuq ‘it was you’
ellii ‘he’ elliinguuq ‘it is he’
Tangelqa akwauguq elpe
÷guyuksaaqellruaqa. ‘I thought that the person I saw yesterday was
Aatii elitnauriste
÷guyugnarquq. ‘His father is probably a teacher.’
Also occurs sometimes following the terminalis or equalis case endings:
ilumun ‘in truth’ (terminalis) ilumuuguq ‘it is true’
elluatun ‘correctly’ (equalis) elluatuuluni ‘being correct, justied, righteous’
im’utun ‘like before’ (equalis) im’utuunrituq ‘it is not as before’
Una cali waten maavet waten pillerput ellmikuunrituq. Wiinga tangvallemni ellmikuunrituq
[from ellmikun-u-nrituq]. ‘This trip that we have made here to do this work is not frivolous.
In my view it’s not insignicant — not being for no particular reason (ellmikun).’ (CIU
+(ng)uaq imitation N; inauthentic N; thing similar to or reminiscent of N; device for inauthentic V-ing #
and @~+(ng)uar- to pretend to V; to V without serious purpose or without the normal purpose of such
V-ing; = -nguaq / -nguar-; < PE pb. &(&)u9a3-
keggun ‘tooth keggutnguaq ‘false tooth’
nuyaq ‘a hair nuyaruat ‘wig’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaruaq ‘toy or model boat’
ui ‘husband’ uinguaq ‘lover’, ‘imagined husband’
asveq ‘walrus’ asveruaq ‘carved gure of a walrus’
irniaq ‘child’ irniaruaq ‘doll’
ciku ‘ice’ cikunguaq ‘glass’ (lexicalized)
nuna ‘land’ nunanguaq ‘map’ (lexicalized)
nunarpak ‘world’ nunarpaguaq ‘globe’ (lexicalized)
(c)ellin ‘whetstone’ (c)ellitnguaq ‘chewing tobacco in a block’
mingqun ‘needle’ mingqutnguaq ‘ice shard’ (lexicalized)
anguarun ‘paddle’ anguarutnguaq ‘three-cornered needle, glover’s
needle’ (lexicalized)
maqaq ‘warmth’ maqaruaq ‘snowshoe hare’ (lexicalized)
atsaq ‘berry’ atsaruaq ‘chamomile’ (lexicalized)
qugyuk ‘swan’ qugyuguaq ‘groundsel plant’ (lexicalized)
qanganaq ‘squirrel’ qanganaruaq ‘wormwood plant’ (lexicalized)
allngik ‘patch on sole’ allngiguaq ‘marsh marigold’ (lexicalized)
iqmik ‘chewing tobacco’ iqmiguaq ‘dried prune’ (lexicalized)
ciun ‘ear ciutnguaq ‘dried fruit’, particularly ‘dried apricot or
apple’ (lexicalized)
tuutaq ‘labret’ tuutaruaq ‘rose hip’ (lexicalized)
kaviaq ‘fox’ kaviaruaq ‘aft keel support of the kayak’ (lexcalized)
nakacuk ‘bladder nakacuguaq ‘light bulb’ (lexicalized)
paraluq, qup’lu ‘maggot’ paraluruat, qup’lunguat ‘rice’ (lexicalized)
melug- ‘to suck’ meluguaq ‘cigarette’ (lexicalized)
asgur- ‘to go against current’ asguruaq ‘parka ruff(lexicalized)
at’e- ‘to put on clothes’ asnguaraa ‘he is trying it on’
apete- ‘to ask’ apnguaraa ‘he is asking her just to see what she will
cali- ‘to work’ calinguartuq ‘he is just pretending to work’; ‘he
is doing arts and crafts’ (i.e., making things or
models of things for decoration rather than their
original use)
manar- ‘to sh with a hook’ manaruartuq ‘he is shing just for fun’ (i.e., where
he knows he isn’t likely to catch anything)
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangrruartuq ‘he is having a vision, hallucination’;
‘he is seeing something in his mind’s eye’; ‘he is
watching a movie’; tangrruaq ‘movie’, ‘vision’,
niite- ‘to hear niisnguaraqa ‘it is as if I can hear him’; ‘I hear him
in my mind’; ‘I hear him though he’s not here’
cavuci- ‘to make an oar cavucinguartuq ‘he made a temporary makeshift
? naanguartuq ‘he is playing with toys’
? qecaruaq ‘tripe’ (unless not from this postbase)
inuk Inupiaq word corresponding
to yuk ‘person’
inuguaq ‘doll’ (NS, Y, K usage)
suk Sugpiaq word corresponding
to suk ‘person’
suguaq ‘doll’ (BB usage)
cf. PE qikmiq ‘dog’ (as in
Sugpiaq, Siberian Yupik, and
Inupiaq qipmiq, qi
qikmiruaq ‘pussy-willow catkin’
cf. PE uka
9i3 hare’ (as Sugpiaq
uka’iq, Siberian Yupik
ukaziq, Inupiaq ukalliq)
ukasiruaq, ukayiruaq ‘cottongrass’
cf. PE u
!9u! ‘bearded seal’ (as
in Inupiaq u
uguguaq ‘furry caterpillar(cf. Siberian Yupik
maklak ‘bearded seal’ and makla
Cikillrui irniani luussitaaruamek. ‘He gave his children a toy (wooden) horse.’
Elitnauryaruaryaaqellria-am utertuq. ‘He went away to school all right — but not seriously (as
judged by your subsequent action) —, but he came home (before school was over).’
Ayagyuguarpakallruuten, tamaantauraa. ‘You kept wanting to go — seemed (and perhaps only
seemed) — to want to go so badly, now stay there!’ (written to one who is homesick).
{-uciite- see -ciite-}
{-uci- see -ciq}
{-ucite- see -cite-}
{-uma- see -ma-}
{-umaar(ar)- see -maar(ar)-}
{-umari- see -mari-}
:(ng)ucir- to have lots of N # < -un-lir-
irniaq ‘child, offspring’ irniarucirtuq ‘he has lots of children’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaucirtut ‘they have lots of boats’
canek ‘grass’ can’gucirtuq ‘She has a large supply of grass (for
use as insoles in boots)’
:(ng)un, :~(ng)un supply of N; owned N # generally used with a posssessed ending, this postbase serves to
distinguish what one owns as his property from what one inherently possesses, or to distinguish what one owns
for sale or rent from what one owns for personal use; note that underlying engu becomes au with the rst form
of this postbase (see the examples with neqa, ena, and ca); > -ucir-, -utelleq; < PE pb. &ut0-
kemek ‘meat’ kemgutii ‘his supply of meat’ (in his freezer or cache)
(compare kemga ‘his esh’, ‘the meat on his body’)
-ucir- — -un
nuna ‘land’ nunautii ‘his property’, ‘the land he owns’ (compare nunii
‘his village’, ‘the land he inhabits’)
atsaq ‘berry’ atsautii ‘his supply of berries’; atsautai ‘his supplies of
berries’ (kept in several places or containers) (compare
atsai ‘its (tundra’s) berries’)
nuussiq ‘knife’ nuussiutai ‘its (store’s) supply of knives for sale’ (compare
nuussii ‘his knives’)
murak ‘wood’ murautenka ‘my wood supply’, ‘my woodpile’
‘sh’ neqautii, neqngutii ‘his supply of sh’
‘house’ enautenka, neng’utenka ‘my rental houses’
ca ‘thing’ cautai ‘his possessions’, ‘his belongings’
Mertaasqaanga merutput nangyarpiaran. ‘She asked me to haul some water because our supply
of water is almost depleted.’
{-un see -n}
?ur- to V purposely by several actions # non-productive; < PE pb. (C)u3-
naveg- ‘to break’ navguraa ‘he is wrecking it’; navgurtuq ‘it is wrecked’, ‘it
has been wrecked’
alleg- ‘to tear allguraa ‘he is tearing it up’
kaleg- ‘to brush against’ kalguraa ‘he is strumming it’ (guitar, etc.)
kepe- ‘to cut’ kepuraa ‘he is cutting it up into sections’
qupe- ‘to divide’ qupuraa ‘he is dividing it up’
eke- ‘to put in a container ekurai ‘he is putting them in’
kuve- ‘to spill’ kuvuuraa ‘he is spilling it out over an area’ (note the
irregularly doubled u)
@+’(g/t)ur(ar)- to keep on V-ing; to continue to V; to V though no one else does; to be a little V (with
adjectival verbs); to V leisurely (addition NSU meaning) # affects bases ending in te by changing the te to q;
note that in NSU this postbase and -ar(ar)te- are the only ones in which (limited) (ar)-deletion” occurs;
> -aur(ar)-, -urainar-, -uralar-; < PE pb. 9u3(a3)-
cali- ‘to work’ caliurtuq (Y, K, NI, CAN, BB form), caliurretuq (HBC
form), caliu’rtuq (NUN form), caliurrertuq ‘he keeps
on working’ (NSU form); caliurluni (general form),
caliureluni (HBC, NSU form), caliu’rluni (NUN form)
‘keeping on working’; caliurallruuq ‘he kept on
working’, ‘he worked at his job’
kiu- ‘to answer kiugurarai ‘he kept answering them’
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’u’rtuq ‘he keeps on eating’; ner’urarait ‘they keep on
eating them’
-ur- — -ur(ar)-
ce÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷irqu’rtuq ‘he continues to visit’
iluteqe- ‘to feel grieved’ ilutequ’urtuq (general form), ilutequrretuq ‘he continues to
feel grieved’ (HBC form); ilutequ’urluni (general form);
ilutequreluni ‘continuing to feel grieved’ (HBC form);
ilutequrallruuq ‘he continued to feel grieved’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavartu’rtuq ‘he keeps on sleeping’
Caliuq quuyurniurluni. ‘He is working, smiling all the while.’
Inarqu’rciqua. ‘I’ll (still) go to bed even though everyone else stays up.’
Qalamcillrani ngel’artu’rluni niicugniurtuq. ‘When he was telling a story she listened, laughing
the whole time.’
With adjectival verbs, this postbase means to be rather V; however, with adjectival verbs ending in ite the
postbase -ar(ar)- (q.v.) is used instead.
take- ‘to be long’ tak’u’rtuq ‘it is a little long’
iqtu- ‘to be wide’ iqtuurtuq ‘it is a little bit wide’
kumlate- ‘to be cold’ kumlaqu’urtuq ‘it is a little bit cold’
akurtu- ‘to be long’ (garment) akurtuurallruuq ‘it was a little bit long’
@+’(g/t)urainar- to nally V after desiring to do so but being prevented by circumstances # changes base-
nal te to q; < -ur(ar)-inar-
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagturainartuq ‘he is nally leaving after not being able
nere- ‘to eat’ ner’urainartuq ‘he nally got a chance to eat’
inarte- to go to bed inarqurainartuq ‘he nally was able to go to bed’
@+’(g/t)uralar- (K, BB form), @+’(g/t)ur(ar)lar- (Y form), @+’(g/t)uratu- (HBC, NI form) to always V #
changes base-nal te to q; < -ur(ar)-lar- or –tu-
anuqlir- ‘to be windy’ anuqlirturalartuq, anuqlirtu’rlartuq, anuqlirturatuuq ‘it is
always windy’
÷irtaar- ‘to visit around’ ce÷irtaarturalartuq, ce÷irtaartu’rlartuq, ce÷irtaarturatuuq
‘he is always visiting around’
:~(ng)urte- to become N; to expose the N of (it) # mostly takes intransitive endings (but see example a below
with transitive endings); cf. -u-; > -qainaurte-, -yaurte-; < PE pb. &(&)u3-
yungcarista ‘doctor
÷gurtuq ‘he has become a doctor
arrsaq ‘poor person’ arrsaurtellruuq ‘he became poor
tukuq ‘host’ (Y, NS only) tukuurtuq ‘he has become rich’ (lexicalized; used even in
areas where tukuq is not used)
nukalpiaq ‘young man’ nukalpiarurtuq ‘he is becoming a young man who is a
good provider, a procient hunter
-urainar- — -urte-
yuk ‘person’ yuurtuq (also yug’urtuq) ‘he became a person’, ‘was born’
angukara’urluq ‘old man’ angukara’urluurtuq ‘he has become an old man’
eneqbone enrurrluku ‘exposing its bones’
kemegglainaq ‘solely esh’ kemegglainaurtaa ‘he exposed its esh (made it solely
pista ‘servant’, ‘slave’
÷gurtai ‘he made them slaves’
alerquun ‘law’ alerquutngurtaa ‘he made it a law’
Qetunraa agayulirte
÷gurtengnaqciqniuq. ‘Her son said that he would try to become a priest.’
Kiituani-gguq kemge¥rlua tallegnerurtuq. ‘And then soon, his poor esh became (covered with)
Makumiungurciiqua. ‘I shall become a resident here.’
Angutngurcami meciirutuq. ‘Because he had became an (old) man his vision had become weak.’
Tua-i qasgim ilua neqngurrluni. ‘And the inside of the kashim became (full of) food.’ (CAU
{-usaar- see -saar-}
{-uta- see -taq
{-ute- see -te-
{-uteke- see -teke-}
:(ng)utelleq, :~(ng)utelleq empty container that held N # < -un-lleq
ciku ‘ice’ cikuutelleq ‘empty container that held ice’
kayanguq ‘egg’ kayanguutelleq ‘empty egg carton’
kaassaq ‘gasoline’ kaassautelleq ‘empty gas can’
mukaaq ‘our mukaarutleq ‘empty our sack’
{-utiiq see -tiiq}
{-va see -qva}
{-vaa see -paa}
{-vaalug-, -vailug- see -paalug-}
{-vaa- see -qvaaq}
–vaarrluk big N; huge N # NSU; = -paarrluk; < -vak-aq
angsaq ‘boat’ angsavaarrluk ‘huge boat’
{-vag- see -pag-, -rvag-}
@vak / ?vak big N; large N # the rst form of this postbase is productive, but only with noun bases ending in te
(which is dropped) following a vowel; the second form is not productive; = rpak; > -vaarrluk; < PE pb. va!(-)
Productive use:
angun ‘man’ angulvak ‘big man’
tengssuun ‘airplane’ tengssuulvak ‘big airplane’
issran ‘grass bag’ issralvak ‘big grass bag’
Non-productive occurrences:
iraluq ‘moon’ iralvak ‘full moon’; iralvagtuq ‘there is a full moon’; ‘the
moon is shining brightly’
qamiquq ‘head’ qamirvak ‘big head’
arnaq ‘woman’ arenvak ‘big woman’
pelatekaq ‘tent’ pelarvak ‘big tent’
initaq ‘clothes line’ init’vak or inilvak ‘long clothesline’
sap’akiq ‘shoe’ saparvak ‘big shoe’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimulvak ‘big dog’
tengssuun ‘airplane’ tengssu’rvak ‘big airplane’
it’gaq ‘foot’ itegvak ‘big foot’
angalkuq ‘shaman’ angarvak ‘big, powerful shaman’
teggalquq ‘rock’ teggarvak ‘big rock’
tuntu ‘caribou’ tuntuvak ‘moose’ (lexicalized)
suraq ‘blueberry’ suravak ‘large variety of blueberry found near Bristol Bay’
kakeggluk ‘nasal mucus’,
kakelvak ‘lots of snot’
-vaarrluk — -vak
katgak, katngaq ‘herd’ katengvak ‘big herd’
ataneq ‘boss’ atanvak ‘big boss’
pi ‘thing’ pivakuq ‘he boasts’ (lexicalized; literally: ‘he has himself as a
big thing’)
palayaq ‘boat’ palesvak ‘big boat’
? ulutvak ‘unborn seal’
? taryaqvak ‘king salmon’
? cuukvak ‘pike sh’
? Kusquqvak ‘Kuskokwim River
? ulluvak ‘cheek’
. . . nunat taukut tungiitnun ayallinilriit tunturugaat katengviit, katngiit. ‘. . . a lot of caribou, a
herd, a great big herd, was going in the direction of that village.’ (QUL 2003:290)
{-vakar- see -pakar-}
{-vallag- see -pallag-}
{-vallur- see -pallur-}
+(q)vaqanir- to go or take farther N-ward # used with positional bases and demonstrative adverb bases; the (q)
must be used with demonstrative adverb bases, but is optional with positional bases; < -var-(or -qva-)-kanir-
aci ‘area below’ acivaqanirtuq, aciqvaqanirtuq ‘he lowers himself’; ‘he is
cursing’ (lexicalized); acivaqaniraa, aciqvaqaniraa ‘he is
lowering it’
kingu ‘area behind’ kinguvaqanirtuq, kinguqvaqanirtuq ‘he is going farther
qule ‘area above’ qulvaqanirtuq, quleqvaqanirtuq ‘it is going farther
yaa(ni) ‘yonder yaaqvaqanirtuq ‘he moved farther away’
uka(ni) ‘nearby’ ukaqvaqanirtuq ‘he moved closer in’
ela- (root) elaqvaqanirtuq ‘he went outward farther
Angyaq kanarcetsiyaagan kinguqvaqanirtua. ‘I went farther back because the boat was
overloaded in the front.’
+var- to go or put N-ward # used with positional bases and demonstrative adverb bases; > -vaqanir-; < PE pb.
‘area above’ qulvartuq ‘it is going up’, ‘has been put up’ (as in a
cupboard); qulvaraa ‘he put it up’
aci ‘area below’ acivartuq ‘he is going down’
-vaqanir- — -var-
‘area where?’ natvartuq ‘he is going somewhere’; natvarcit? ‘where are
you going?’
qai ‘area at surface’ qaivartuq ‘it is coming to the surface’
kia(ni) ‘upriver, back from the
kiavartuq ‘he is going farther inside, upriver
pama(ni) ‘area back up there’ pamavartuq ‘he is going back up there’
–vguar(ar)- to V a little bit # < -?-ar(ar)-
nere- ‘to eat’ nerevguartuq ‘he is having a bite to eat’
alike- ‘to fear alikevguararaa ‘he fears him just a little’
kaig- ‘to be hungry’ kaivguartuq ‘he is a little hungry’
nengllir- ‘to be cold’ nengllivguartuq ‘it is slightly cold’
anuqlir- ‘to be windy’ anuqlivguartuq ‘it is a little windy’
qanir- ‘to snow’ qanivguartuq ‘it is snowing a little’
Tua-ll’ tua-i iliit pillinia, arenqikallrani aptevguarallinia tauna qavcitellranek. ‘And when the
right opportunity arose he quietly asked how many the other had caught.’ (QUL 2003:162)
Utercami tua-i ilaminun avavet Kass’atun taringevguaratuli tangrramiu pillinia, “Kass’at ‘God
damn you’-raqameng calartat?” ‘When he went home he saw a relative of who understood
English a little, and asked, “What do White people mean when they say ‘God damn you’?”’
(QUL 2003:586)
–vialuk shabby N; funny old N; worthless N # and –vialug- to V clumsily or sloppily # < PE pb.
atkuk ‘parka’ atkuvialuk ‘shabby old parka’
piluguk ‘skin boot’ piluguvialuuk ‘a pair of shabby old skin boots’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyavialuka ‘my dilapidated old boat’
nutek ‘gun’ nut’vialuk ‘a beat-up old gun’
yuk ‘person’ yuvialuk ‘unpleasant-looking person’
nere- ‘to eat’ nervialugtuq ‘he is eating sloppily’
+viar- to act toward (it) in the area indicated by N # used with demonstrative adverb bases; takes transitive
endings mostly
ika(ni) ‘across there’ ikaviarluku ‘acting toward him or it across there’, ‘saying
something to, or motioning to someone across there’
qama(ni) ‘in there’ qamaviarluku ‘talking or motion toward him in there’
pika(ni) ‘up there’ pikaviarluku ‘acting toward him or it up there’
kana(ni) ‘below there’ kanaviarluku ‘acting toward him or it down there’
-vguar(ar)- — -viar-
–viite- to leave no room, space, place, realm for V-ing #
akiur- ‘to ght back’ akiurviituq ‘he is invincible’
nante- ‘to be somewhere’ nanelviituq ‘there’s no place like it’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagviituq ‘he has no place to go’
@~+vik place to V; place or time of V-ing #; and +(r)vik place for N # an NSU optional variant of this
postbase for verb bases ending in a vowel is +svik; many words with this postbase are lexicalized (as in the list
below); may have non-lexicalized uses as well (see example with mit’e-); > -vike-, -viutaq; < PE pb. 9vi!-
cali- ‘to work’ calivik (also calisvik NSU) ‘workshop, workplace, ofce’
nere- ‘to eat’ nervik (also neresvik NSU) ‘dining hall’, ‘restaurant’;
‘table’ (NUN usage)
kipute- ‘to buy’ kipusvik, kipuyvik (HBC form) ‘store’
mit’e- ‘to land’ misvik, miyvik (HBC form) ‘airport’, ‘landing strip’;
yaqulgem misvigkaqaa (or misvikciqaa) nanvacuar
‘the bird will land on the pond’
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarrvik ‘sleeping bag’, ‘bedroom’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarvik ‘sleeping bag’, ‘bedroom’
agayu- ‘to worship’ agayuvik ‘church’
elitnaur-, elicar- ‘to study’ elitnaurvik, elicarvik ‘school’
maqi- ‘to steambathe’ maqivik ‘steambath house’
iterci- ‘to incarcerate’ itercivik ‘jail’
anar- ‘to defecate’ anarvik ‘outhouse, restroom’
yuqerte- ‘to relieve oneself yuqerrvik ‘restroom’
talici- ‘to shade (sh)’ talicivik ‘sh smoking and drying shed’
puyurqi-, puyurci- ‘to smoke
puyurqivik, puyurcivik ‘smokehouse’
qulvar- ‘to put up above’ qulvarvik ‘cache’
elli- ‘to put, place’ ellivik ‘cache’
neqli- ‘to prepare sh for
neqlivik ‘sh camp’
ciqici- ‘to pour out trash or the
ciqicivik ‘slop pail’, ‘landll’
qecir- ‘to spit’ qecirvik ‘spittoon’
‘area above’ qulqervik ‘cupboard’
qemagte- ‘to put away’ qemaggvik ‘storage sack or similar container
ane- ‘to go out’ anvik ‘exit’
iter- ‘to go in’ itervik ‘entrance’
-viite- — -vik
atanru- ‘to be in charge’ atanruvik ‘nation’ (as in the Bible)
angayuqau- ‘to be the ruler angayuqauvik ‘kingdom’ (as in the Bible)
amu- ‘to pour out’ amuvik ‘lower bow piece of kayak’
kaliki- ‘to “make” paper kalikivik ‘post ofce’
culuni- ‘to make salted sh’ culunivak ‘saltery’
naulluu- ‘to be ill’ (K, NI, CAN) naulluuvik ‘hospital’ (K, NI, CAN)
qena- ‘to be ill’ (BB, NR, LI) qenavik ‘hospital’ (BB, NR, LI)
cauyar- ‘to drum’ Cauyarvik ‘time for drum dancing’; ‘November
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugtervik ‘kennel’, ‘doghouse’
kalluk ‘thunder, electricity’ kallugvik ‘powerhouse, generating station’
Manarvigkaminun tekituq. ‘He arrived at the place where he is going to sh.’
Allanret uitaviatnek taiguq. ‘He came from where the strangers stay — from the strangers’
staying place.’
Kaigyaaqvigpenek kainrirciquten. ‘On account of your being hungry for so long you — from
your time, or event, of hungering in vain — will no longer be hungry.’
When used to mean ‘time of V-ing’, rather than taking a relative case noun as a possessor, forms with this
postbase may instead take an absolutive case noun as the subject of the embedded intransitive verb (see also
remarks on –ciq; see also –natkaq)
Maantauraa aanan uterrvianun. ‘Stay here until your mother returns — to her time of
@~+vike- to have (it) as the place or site of V-ing; to have (him) as the person toward whom one is V-ing #
takes transitive endings only; < -vik-ke
-; < PE pb. 9vik0-
kaiga- ‘to beseech’ kaigavikaa ‘he is beseeching him’, ‘requesting something
of him’
aqume- ‘to sit down’ aqumvikaa ‘he sat down on it’
quya- ‘to be thankful’ quyavikaa ‘he is thankful to him’, ‘he thanked him’
(compare quyatekaa ‘he is thankful for it’)
kuve- ‘to spill’ kuvevikaa ‘he spilled something on her
Arulairvik’laraqa. ‘I normally stop at her place — have her (place) as my stopping place.’
Aqumvikluku naanguara irniama navvlinia a¥g’um ce÷ingqallrem. ‘The visitor who just left
broke my child’s toy by sitting on it — by having it as a place to sit.’
+virte- to go to N # used with demonstrative adverb bases; note that, because of its derivation, the v of this
postbase has the sound of English “v” for all Central Yup’ik speakers except those of NUN; takes intransitive
endings only; < -vet (terminalis for demo. adverbs)-?-; < PY pb. vi3t0-
maa(ni) ‘here’ maavirtuq ‘he is coming here’
pava(ni) ‘back up there’ pavavirtuq ‘he is going up back there’
kia(ni) ‘upriver, inside, inland’ kiavirtuq ‘he is going upriver, inside, inland’
-vike- — -virte-
ua(ni) ‘downriver, in area of
uavirtuq ‘he is going downriver, toward the exit’
Akwaugaq ilu’urqa maavirtellruuq cakmavirpailegmi. ‘Yesterday my cousin came over here
before he went downriver.’
@~+viutaq container for N # unproductive; < -vik-taq
aki ‘money’ akiviutaq ‘wallet’
cuyaq ‘tobacco’ cuyarviutaq ‘tobacco box’
mingqun ‘needle’ mingqusviutaq ‘needle case’
+vkar- to let, allow, cause, or compel one to V # used only with bases that end in a vowel; for bases that end in
a consonant, -cete
- is used instead; note that with bases that end in te, either postbase may be used; a recent and
not universally accepted variant is -vkar- used on both vowel- and consonant-ending bases; this is a “compound
verbal postbase”; for polarity information see -ni- and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322ff); either the
embedded verb or the derived verb or both must be transitive; < PE pb. vka3-
cali- ‘to work’ calivkaraa ‘he is allowing or compelling her to work’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerevkaraa ‘he is letting her eat’ or ‘he is letting someone
eat it’
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inartevkarai ‘he had them lie down’, ‘he had them go to
Aataminun qayalivkartuq.He had his own father make him a kayak.’
Qetunrani aataminun qayalivkaraa. ‘She had her father make her son a kayak.’
. . . ayagciqua nutaan nataqevkarngaitua. ‘. . . I’ll go and I won’t let myself be found.’ (MAR2
{-vke- see -peke-}
–vlaag- to V insufciently; to not V enough # < PE pb. vla!-
nere- ‘to eat’ nerevlaagtuq ‘he didn’t eat enough’
nerqe- ‘to feed’ nerqevlaagaa ‘he didn’t feed it enough’
uu- ‘to get cooked’ uuvlaagtuq ‘it is undercooked’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavavlaagtua ‘I didn’t get enough sleep’
ulug- ‘to tan’, ‘soften’ uluvlaagaa ‘he didn’t tan it enough’
Qanrutellruitkut neqkitevlaagumallruniluteng. ‘They told us that they had been given insufcient
–vlugte- to V sloppily # cf. -rrluk
nere- ‘to eat’ nerevlugtuq ‘he is eating sloppily’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanevlugtuq ‘he is speaking sloppily, babbling, griping’
-viutaq — -vlugte-
–vsiar-, –vyiar- (HBC form) to V more toward completion; to V even more; to V more thoroughly # < PY-S
cali- ‘to work’ calivsiaraa, calivyiaraa ‘he is working more on it’, ‘putting
on the nishing touches’
nere- ‘to eat’ nerevsiartuq, nerevyiartuq ‘he is eating more’, ‘nishing
his food’, ‘he is having seconds’
erur- ‘to wash’ eruvsiaraa, eruvyiaraa ‘he is washing it again after it is
already clean enough’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavavsiartuq, qavavyiartuq ‘he is sleeping more (e.g.,
having gone back to sleep after waking up in the
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekivsiartuq ‘to go the rest of the way toward one’s
Nernginanrani tengssuun tekican unilluku neq’ni tengssuun paqtaa ut’reskuni nerevsiarnaluni.
‘While he was eating, a plane came, and he went to check the plane, leaving his food and
intending to eat more (of it) when he returned.’
Tua-i-llu elliin tangevsiarluku tauna anqiiyaaq, murilkaa kavirpak kegginaa, iik-wa
cikmiumalutek, . . . . ‘Looking a little more closely at that infant she observed that its face was
all red and its eyes were closed, . . . .’ (ELN 1990:103)
–vyirte- to V around here and there # NUN
cangu- ‘to turn back’ canguvyirtuq ‘he is wandering around’; canguvyirtenrituq
‘he is not wandering around’
peke- ‘to make a move’ pekevyirtuq ‘he is moving around’
{-vvluk see -rrluk}
@~+yaaqe- to V in vain, to no avail, without the intended or expected outcome, fruitlessly # >
-kunayaaqe-, -laryaaqe-, -naqsaaqe-, -yugyaaqe-, -ngnaqsaaqe-; < PY-S ya(a)q0-
alinge- ‘to be afraid’ alingyaaquq ‘he is afraid’ (though there is no cause for
iter- ‘to come in’ iteryaaquq ‘he came in’ (but did not accomplish the thing
he came in to do)
pingnaqe- ‘to try’ pingnaqsaaquq ‘he tried’ (but failed)
Umyuarteqsaaqua tekitnayukluku. ‘I thought he was going to come (but he didn’t).’
Assiryaaquq ta¥gaam assikenritaqa. ‘It is good (but to no avail) but I don’t like it.’
Qimugtem qilullranga kaugturyugyaaqellruaqa. ‘When the dog barked at me, I wanted to hit it
(but didn’t).’
-vsiar- — -yaaqe-
May precede or follow -llru- with little or no difference in meaning
Tangerrsugyaaqellruaqa or Tangerrsullruyaaqaqa. ‘I had wanted to see him (but I didn’t).’
+yag- (for there) to be much N, many N # takes intransitive endings only; productive in NUN, HBC; one non-
productive occurance, in yugyag-, elsewhere; < PE pb. ya!-
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugteyagtuq ‘there are many dogs’
‘sh’ neqyagtuqthere are many sh’
equk ‘wood’ equgyagtuq ‘there is a lot of wood’
angyaq ‘boat’ angyaryagtuq ‘there are many boats’
cuk (HBC, NUN form) ‘person’ cugyagtuq ‘there are a lot of people’ (HBC, NUN)
yuk (general form) ‘person’ yugyagtuq ‘there are a lot of people’ (widespread usage)
–ya(g)aq*, –yagaq* baby N; little N; and –ya(g)ar-, –yagar- for dear little one to be V-ing; to V in a cute
little way # used mostly with names of animals. However, it may be used with other nouns to mean little,
(particularly in BB); in the rst cited variant of this postbase, the (g) is dropped if the a before the g is not
stressed; if the (g) is dropped, then for some speakers the nal q becomes r in the absolutive singular form; see
also -kaca(g)ar-; the verb-to-verb forms preserve polarity; see also section of Introduction to the Postbases on
“Postbases of Endearment or Denigration”; > -yaya(g)aq*
tuntu ‘caribou’ tuntuyagaq ‘caribou calf’, ‘baby caribou’
tuntuvak ‘moose’ tuntuvayaaq, tuntuvayaar, tuntuvayagaq ‘moose calf’;
tuntuvayagaat ‘moose calves’
pi ‘thing’ piyagaq ‘duckling’ (lexicalized)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyayagaq ‘shrew’ (lexicalized)
terruaq ‘thing like an anus’ terruayaaq ‘doughnut’ (lexicalized)
yaqulek ‘bird’ yaquleyagaq ‘baby bird’; ‘Fish and Game ofcer
(lexicalized in a limited area of BB)
kass’aq ‘white person’ kass’ayagaq ‘white child’; ‘child who is half white and half
Native’ (lexicalized)
‘house’ ney’agaq ‘little house’
angninrir- ‘to be no longer
angninriyagartuq ‘the dear little one is no longer happy’
kemgite- ‘to be skinny’ kemgityagaami ‘because the little thing was skinny’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavayaartuq ‘the dear little one is sleeping’
aitaupag- ‘to be wide open
aitaupayagaq ‘nestling’ (lexicalized)
Kuvyamek-ll’-am kanavet, civciluteng qaurtuyagalillinian tauna kuicualler. ‘They set a net
down there because that slough was apparently full of little whitesh.’ (AGA 1996:178)
Tekicamiu qinqalliniuq necuaqegtaar man’a, nerr’ayagaq man’a kenurrarluni. ‘When he
reached it, he peeked into it and saw a neat little house, a tiny house all lit up.’ (AGA
-yag- — -ya(g)aq*
@~+yagute- to reach the state of V # < -?-te
-; > -ksagute-; < PE pb. yya!-
nallu- ‘to not know’ nalluyagutuq ‘he forgot’ (lexicalized), ‘he passed out’;
nalluyagutaa ‘he forgot it’
murilke- ‘to observe’ murilkessagulluni ‘becoming aware of the happenings
around him’
Some speakers can use this postbase directly with emotional roots (while others use -ksagute-)
takar- ‘shy’, ‘respectful’ takaryagutaa (or takaqsagutaa) ‘he has become respectful
toward him’
keneg- ‘loving’ kenegyagutaa ‘he came to love her
Paqnayagutlemku uitangairucama tua-i paqtaqa. ‘When I became curious about it, because I
could not restrain myself, I went to see it.’
@~+yailkutaq, @~+yailkun device to prevent V-ing # < -yar-ite
-taq (or -n)
ca- ‘to do something’ cayailkutaq, cayailkun ‘protection’, ‘armor
puukar- ‘to bump’ puukaryailkutaq, puukaryailkun ‘bumper
alleg- ‘to tear allegyailkutaq, allegyailkun ‘hem’, ‘reinforcement’
ciku- ‘to freeze’ cikuyailkutaq ‘antifreeze’
nallarte- ‘to hit’ nallarcailkutaq ‘shield’
mecungte- ‘to get wet’ (takes
transitive endings)
mecungcailkutaa ‘the thing he has to keep him from
getting wet’
mecunge- ‘to get wet’ (takes
intransitive endings)
mecungyailkutaa ‘the thing that keeps him from getting
tangerr- ‘to see (it)’ tangerrsailkutaq ‘camouage’
Kangciramek mecungcailkutarluni elluilliniuq ella ellarvangraan. ‘With a tarpaulin as a
waterproof shield she was comfortable even though it was raining hard.’
Wiinga cayailkuciumaciqaqa; wangnun tusngavkarniaran. ‘I will be surety for him; you can
hold me accountable for him.’ (AYAG. 43:8)
+yak thing similar to N; thing that acts as if it were V; small N # only marginally productive; forms with this
postbase are lexicalized; cf. -ya(g)aq; > -ruyak; < PE pb. tya!
qengaq ‘nose’ qengaryak ‘a kind of jellysh’
qalleq ‘rust’ qalleryak ‘orange thing’, ‘orange color
qerrir- ‘to sparkle’ qerriryak ‘silver thing’, ‘silver color
tungu- ‘to be dark in color tunguryak ‘gray or brown thing, color
@~+yalleq during the period of time when possessor is V-ing # used in the absolutive case; the result being a
particle of the same sort (though possessed) as such time words as kiak ‘(during) the summer’, and unuk ‘(in
the) night’; < -yar-lleq
Tangrriu, pauggaicallerpuk ikayuqiikuk elluarrlunuk. Aulukestaunanuk uitayallerpuk
aulukekiikuk anaanama. ‘See, she is helping us, treating us well in the time when we would
-yagute- — -yalleq
have no support. Our stepmother is watching over us during the time that we would remain
without anyone to watch over us.’ (QUL 2003:524)
Atam erenrem iliini waten-llu nunanialliqluci uitayaaqerraarluci, yuralrianun agluci
pikuvci, imna nunaniryunricallerci, ellait maliggluki taukut yuralriit piaqavci
nunaniryukaninrularniartuci. ‘See here, one day you’re sad and then after being like that
if it happens that you go to a dance, during the time that you would be sad, when you act
following the lead of those dancers, you will be relieved of your sadness.’ (QUL 2003:354)
@~+yalqar- to V without recompense; to V soon # > -yalqaate-
Pegtesqelluni pian, terr’em taum kiullinia, “Pegcalqaarrngaitamken.” Tulukaruk tua-i tauna
iqlungartuq-llu. ‘When he asked him to release him, the sea anemone replied to him, “I
won’t release you without recompense.” For, that Raven was a trickster.’ (PAI 2008:406)
“Pegcalqa-a-arngaitamken.” Tuamte-ll’: “Tii-iiq, tii-iiq, pegesnga, pegesnga-rraa!” ‘“I won’t
release you without recompense.” And then: “Sea anemone, sea anemone, release me, release
me!”’ (QAN 19995:79) (another telling of the same story)
@~+yalqaate- (or -yalqaite- ?) for there to be lots of time before V-ing; to not V be going to V for a while #
NUN; < -yalqar-ite
patu- ‘to close’ patuyalqaatuq ‘it will not close for a while yet’
kente- ‘for tide to go out’ kencalqaatuq ‘there is a lot of time before the tide goes out’
@~+yanarqe- to be such as to cause one to V # non-productive; < -yar-narqe-
nep(e)te- ‘to stick’ nepcanarquq ‘it is sticky’
qerru- ‘to freeze to death’ qerruyanarquq ‘it (weather) makes one cold’
?yaq (meaning difcult to determine) # non-productive; in many cases it is not possible to determine the base to
which this postbase has been attached; some of the following may not actually be from this postbase; < PE pb. ya3
talu ‘partition’ taluyaq ‘sh trap’
kuve- ‘to pour’, ‘spill’ kuvyaq ‘shnet’
qiur- ‘to be bluish’ qiuryaq ‘aurora’
agluq ‘ridge beam of house’ agluryaq ‘rainbow’
kit’e- ‘to sink’ kic’aq ‘anchor
qelme- ‘to close one’s eyes’ qelemyaq ‘eyelash’
mara(q) ‘marshy lowlands’ marayaq ‘mud’
tep’aq ‘something that has
drifted ashore’
tep’aryaq ‘driftwood’
nemer- ‘to wrap, bind’ nemeryaq ‘lamprey’
muru- ‘to sink in (to snow,
muruyaq ‘sinkhole’
?, cf. kegge- ‘to bite’ kegturyaq (NSU, NUN form), egturyaq ‘mosquito’
?, cf. at- (root) ‘down’ atsaq ‘berry’
-yalqar- — -yaq
?, cf. kan’a ‘one down there’ kanuyaq ‘copper
?, cf. qa
¥gna ‘one in there’ qa¥gyaq ‘sand’
?, cf. qai ‘surface’ qayaq ‘kayak’
?, cf. age- ‘to go over agyaqstar
? aqsaq ‘stomach’
? angyaq ‘boat’
? miryaq ‘vomit’
? makuryaq, makursaq ‘mosquito’
? angayaq ‘swamp’
? qemeryaq ‘eyelash’
@~+yaqlir- to nally V # < -yar-qliq
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷ircaqliraanga ‘he nally visited me’
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupagyaqlirtuq ‘he nally woke up’
Tangerrsaqlirpaa. ‘Oh, seeing (you) at last!’
Elicaqliraqa kuimaryaraq. ‘I nally learned how to swim.’
@~+yaquna- do not V (imperative) # this is the future negative optative for the second person; it takes optative
second person endings only, and these endings follow immediately after the postbase; some of the optative
endings with this postbase are different from the usual optative endings; the 2s ending is k (ng in HBC) rather
than Ø; the 2s-3s ending is ku rather than u; and the 2s-1s ending is :nga rather than nga; see also -piiqna-
/ -viiqna-, which takes the same endings, and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 203ff); < -yar-?-; >
-qaryaquna-; < PE pb. yaqu(na!)
agtur- ‘to touch’ agturyaqunaku ‘don’t touch it!’ (future)
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarcaqunak ‘don’t lie down!’ (future)
alike- ‘to be afraid of aliksaqunii ‘don’t be afraid of me!’ (future)
Inarcaqunak tekisvimnun; tekiciiqua unuk qukarpailgan. ‘Don’t go to bed before I arrive; I will
arrive before midnight.’
If used in an indirect quotation, it is possible to use the sufx -yaquna- with other than 2nd person subject
Qanrutaakut anyaqunata-gguq. ‘He told us that we shouldn’t go out.’
Nutaan ta¥gken inerqurluki waten, qanikcam-gguq qaingani tekiskata uugnaraat antellritnek
anllernek, watqapik-ggur’ atauciungraan tamakunek neryaqunani. ‘However, they warned
them saying not to eat even one of the tall cottongrass tubers which the mice had put out on
top of the snow.’ (KIP 1998:333)
Tamakut tamaani pulayararpiit, anguq’apiar iteryaqunaki, inerquraa. ‘She forbade him, telling
him never to go down that long path.’ (AGA 1996:168)
@~+yar- would V; to go V-ing; to almost V (NSU meaning) #; > -yalleq, -yanarqe-, -yaqlir-, -yaquna-,
-yaraq, -yarar-, -yarpiar-, -yartur-,-(s)ciryar-, -yailkutaq, -yaurte-; < PE pb. ya3-
When not used in contrafactual conditionals, this postbase is only marginally productive and is used mainly on
bases for activities for obtaining food and other supplies, meaning ‘to go V-ing’.
-yaqlir- — -yar-
iqvar- ‘to pick berries’ iqvaryartuq ‘he is going berry picking’
ungu- ‘to drive (herd) game’ unguyartut ‘they are going game driving’
nere- ‘to eat’ neryartuq ‘he is eating berries while picking them’
pissur- ‘to hunt’ pissuryartuq ‘he is going hunting’ (compare pissurtuq ‘he
is hunting’, pissuryarturtuq ‘he is going somewhere to
nuteg- ‘to shoot’ nutegyartuq ‘he is going hunting with a gun’
manar- ‘to sh with a hook’ manaryartuq ‘he is going shing’
atsi- ‘to “produce” berries (by
atsiyartut ‘they are going on a berry-picking trip of several
days’ duration’
Used in contrafactual conditionals, this postbase appears on the main verb of a sentence (where it is the nal
postbase except for -nrite- and -yugnarqe- if they occur) with a dependent verb in the conditional mood; see also
Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 296)
Yaqulgukuma tengyartua. ‘If I were a bird I would y off.’
Yaqulgullrukuma tengellruyartua. ‘If I had been a bird I would have own off.’
Elpengukuma tuaten piyanritua. ‘If I were you I would not act like that.’
Kuuvviaq kuvellrunrilkuvgu yuurqallruyaraqa. ‘If you hadn’t spilled the coffee I would have
drunk it.’
Qaillun una mumigcarciu? ‘How would you translate this?’ (conditional implied)
Naulluukuma nemecartua. ‘If I were ill I would stay in the house.’
@~+yaraq way of V-ing; how to V; method of V-ing; device for V-ing; way of or device for dealing with N
# < -yar-aq
igar- ‘to write’ igaryaraq ‘how to write’, ‘writing system’
mingqe- ‘to sew’ mingeqsaraq ‘how to sew’, ‘the art of sewing’
piyua- ‘to walk’ piyuayaraq ‘how to walk’; ‘footpath’
qaner- ‘to speak’ qaneryaraq ‘how to speak’, ‘word’, ‘language’;
Qaneryaraqegtaar ‘New Testament’
ige- ‘to swallow’ igyaraq ‘throat’ (lexicalized)
teve- ‘to portage’ tevyaraq ‘portage route’
mayur- ‘to go up’ mayuryaraq ‘ladder
kalvag- ‘to go down through a
kalvagyaraq ‘tunnel entrance to old-time house’
agayuli- ‘to “make” prayer Agayuliyararput ‘Our Way of Making Prayer(book title of
AGA 1996)
pitengnaqe- ‘to try to catch
pitengnaqsaraq ‘the way of subsistence hunting’; ‘a
particular Monopoly-like board game dealing with
subsistence themes’
piciq ‘fact; something that
really occurred’
piciryaraq ‘manner’; ‘custom’; ‘habit’; ‘tradition’; ‘way of
ca- ‘to do something’ cayaraq ‘way of doing something’; ‘custom’
‘footprint’, ‘trail’ tumyaraq ‘trail’ (specically; lexicalized)
Nalluaqa kuimaryaraq. ‘I don’t know how to swim — the way to swim.’
Elicungcartuq Yugcetun qaneryaramek. ‘He is studying the Yup’ik Eskimo language — the way
of speaking like Yup’iks.’
Nalluyagutenrilkilaput ciuliamta piuryarait. ‘Let us not forget our ancestors’ ways of doing
Nauwa niitelalriakut yuut cayarallritnek ayuqenrilngurnek. ‘As you know we’ve heard of the
various customs of people.’ (CAU 1985:217)
@~+yarar- to V early # < -yar-?-; < PE pb. ya3a3-
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupagyarartuq ‘he woke up early’; tupagyaratuuq ‘he
(habitually) wakes up early’
@~+yarar(ar)- to V very early; to V too early; < -yarar-?-
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupagyara’artuq ‘he woke up very early’; tupagyararatuuq
‘he (habitually) wakes up very early’
@~+yarpiar- , ~+yarpigar- (HBC form) to almost V # < -yar-pik
igte- ‘to fall’ igcarpiartuq ‘it almost fell’
igcete- ‘to let fall’ igcecarpiaraa ‘he almost let it fall’
taringnarqe- ‘to be understand-
taringnaqsarpiartuq ‘it is almost understandable’
ayuqe ‘to be like (it)’ ayuqsarpiaraa ‘it is almost like it’
palu- ‘to die of starvation’ paluyarpiallruunga ‘I almost starved to death’
Iglaircarpiallruunga uuqnarqellriamek nerengnaqlemni. ‘I almost scorched my throat when I
tried to eat the hot food.’
@~+yartur- to go to V; to go in order to V; to be in the process of V-ing # < -yar-tur
-; < PE pb. ya3(tu3)-
maqi- ‘to take a steambath’ maqiyarturtuq ‘he went in order to take a steambath’
÷irte- ‘to visit’ ce÷ircarturaa ‘he went in order to visit her
mit’e- ‘to land’ mic’arturtuqit is coming in for a landing’
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupagyarturtuq ‘he is or was in the process of waking up’
(vs. tupagtuq ‘he woke up’)
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekicarturtuq ‘he is or was in the process of arriving’, or ‘he
is or was about to arrive’ (vs. tekituq ‘he arrived’)
-yarar- — -yartur-
Also, irregularly:
mer- ‘to drink’ meqsarturtuq ‘he went to get a drink of water
anar- ‘to defecate’ anaqsarturtuq ‘he went to defecate’
Aanaka neryarturtuq kelgatni nerevkarilriit. ‘My mother went to eat because the people holding
a feast invited her.’
@~+yaurciiqe- to start and continue to V # < -yaurte-ciqe-/-ciiqe-
qanrute- ‘to tell’ qanrucaurciiqamken ‘I’ll start telling you’
makete- ‘to get up’ makcaurciiquten ‘you will start getting up (early)’
Mikelnguyagaq neryaurciiquq neqpianek keggutengkuni. ‘The baby will start eating solids
when she gets teeth.’
@~+yaurte- to be able to V now; to have learned how to V # < -yar-urte-; > -yaurciiqe-
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimaryaurtua ‘I can swim now’
yurar- ‘to dance’ yuraryaurtellruuq ‘he has become able to dance’, ‘has
begun to dance as a regular activity’
piyua- ‘to walk’ piyuayaurtuq ‘he can walk now’
Tang aatavcetun pukunqercaaryaurteqatallinilriaten. ‘Look, it appears that you are going to
learn to eat picking all the meat off the bone like your father does.’ (ELN 1990:4)
Ta¥gaam-gguq tauna mikelnguaraq ayagmek yuurtellruuq pekcaurcami aurrsaurcami
pavigluni cakneq, ca tamalkuan ullagsugluku. ‘However, when that little child was born,
from the start he learned to move and learned to crawl very adroitly, so he tended to get into to
everything.’ (MAR1 2001:13)
–yaya(g)aq* little baby N # < yak-ya(g)aq*
tuntu ‘reindeer tuntuyayaaq ‘a little tiny reindeer calf
tuntuvak ‘moose’ tuntuvayayagaq ‘little baby moose calf
@~– yu- to be able to V well; to customarily V well # takes intransitive endings only; > -yuli, -yuite-,
-yuirute-, -yunarqe-, -yunari-; < PE pb. yu- or 9u-
qaner- ‘to speak’ qanyuuq ‘he speaks well’
qilag- ‘to knit’ qilayuuq ‘she knits well’
pite- ‘to catch game’ picuuq ‘he is a successful hunter
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggsuuq ‘it tends to bite’
nuteg- ‘to shoot’ nutyuuq ‘he shoots accurately’
niite- ‘to hear niicuuq ‘he hears well’; ‘he is mindful’; ‘he hears and
kenir- ‘to cook’ keniyuvagcit ‘my, you cook well!’
-yaurciiqe- — -yu-
@~+yuar- lest (one) V; in case (one) Vs # used with an indicative ending and with another verb in the same
sentence in the optative mood (see also -niar-); < PE pb. yu(C)a3-
nere- ‘to eat’ neryuaraa ‘lest he eat it’
ayakar- ‘to ee’ ayakaryuartuq ‘lest he ee’
nanluciirte- ‘to lose one’s way’ nanluciircuartuten ‘in case you lose your way’
Tauna mikelnguq nayuqiu, igcuartuq inglernek. ‘Stay with that child lest he fall from the bed.’
Uquutvaguartangqerrsuartuq tamaani, ukut yuut apertuaskiki cauciatnek tamakut. ‘In case
there are poison water hemlock there, educate those people on what they are.’
Unuurucuaraaten, ampi uterten. ‘Hurry and go home lest night overtake you.’
Paluqtaam pillinia, “Pektatugaryaqunak qerainanmegni picurlakaryuartukuk.” ‘The beaver
said to him, “Don’t move around too much as we go across, lest we have a mishap.”’ (CIU
Aaniita tua-i pinaurai, “Neqkanek elagyamun quyurcilarci, uksuqan kaigyuartuci.” ‘And so
their mother would tell them, “Gather food in the cache lest you be hungry when winter
come.”’ (QES 1973:1)
Aqvaquryaqunak, uqua ciqrucuaran, elpet-llu uucuartuten. ‘Don’t run; you might splash its oil
and may get burned.’ (MAR2 2001:80)
. . . ta¥gaam Agayun qanellruuq, “Napam naucetaarviim qukaanelnguum atsainek
ner’arkaunritutek, agturngaunaku-llu, tuaten pikuvtek tuquyuartutek.” ‘. . . but God said,
are not to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, nor touch it, for if you
do, you will surely die.”’ (AYAG. 3:2)
@~+yug- to want to V; to tend to V; to feel V (with “emotional roots”) # and + (r)yug- to want N; to want
to do the appropriate thing with N # when used with “emotional roots” takes intransitive endings only; cf.
-yuk; > -yugar-, -yugcali-, -yugnga-, -yugyaaqe-, -yunqegg-, -yunrite-, -yuuma-, -yuumir-, -yukaar(ar)-;
< PE pb. yu!-
cali- ‘to work’ caliyugtuq ‘he wants to work’
taqe- ‘to quit’ taqsugtuq ‘he wants to quit’
nere- ‘to eat’ neryugaa ‘he wants to eat it’
inarte- ‘to lie down’ inarcugtuq ‘he wants to lie down’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagyugtuq ‘he wants to leave’
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangerrsugaa ‘he wants to see her
akag- ‘to roll’ akagyugtuq ‘it tends to roll’
iqu- ‘to fall over iquyugtuq ‘it tends to fall over
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaryugtuq ‘he wants to sleep’, or if he is already asleep,
‘he is sound asleep’
takar- (root) ‘shy’, ‘respectful’ takaryugtuq ‘he feels shy’, ‘respectful’
temci- (root) ‘amused’ temciyugtuq ‘he feels amused’, ‘nds something funny’
‘aged sh head’ tepyugtuq, teperyugtuq ‘he wants (to eat) aged sh heads’
qimugta ‘dog’ qimugteryugtuq ‘he wants dogs’
-yuar- — -yug-
atkuk ‘parka’ atkugyugtuq ‘he wants (to put on) a parka’
kiiq ‘heat in the air kiiryugtuq ‘he feels hot’ (lexicalized)
Also, irregularly:
mer- ‘to drink’ meqsugtuq ‘he is thirsty’
anar- ‘to defecate’ anaqsugtuq ‘he needs to defecate’
@~+yugar- to enjoy one’s V-ing # NS; < -yug-?-
yuu- ‘to live’ yuuyugartuq ‘he is enjoying life’
nere- ‘to eat’ nersugartuq ‘he’s enjoying eating’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavarsugartuq ‘he enjoyed his sleep’
@~+yugcali- to V heartily; to enjoy one’s V-ing # < yug-(particle cali)
nere- ‘to eat’ neryugcaliuq ‘he is eating heartily’
÷ingqa- ‘to be visiting’ ce÷ingqayugcaliunga ‘I am enjoying my visit’
Keniramnek amaqliqa neryugcaliluni nerellruuq. ‘My brother ate my cooking, enjoying it.’
@~+yugnaitar- just before V-ing # used with the subordinative
tupag- ‘to wake up’ tupagyugnaitarluten ‘just before you woke up’
ayag- ‘to leave’ ayagyugnaitarluni ‘just before he left’
Tekicugnaitarlua arulairraarlua nerellruunga. ‘Just before I arrived I stopped and ate.’
@~+yugnairute- to denitely not be going to V anymore # < -yugnar(qe)-i:rute-
anerteqe- ‘to live’ anerteqsugngairutuq ‘he denitely won’t live anymore’
to denitely not be going to V # < -yugnar(qe)
ayag- ‘to go’ ayagyugnaituq ‘he denitely isn’t going’; ayagyugnaunani
‘denitely not going’
nere- ‘to eat’ neryugnaitaa ‘he certainly won’t eat it’
Muragtun ayuqsugnaituq. ‘It is denitely not like wood.’
Tauna-gguq kiimi irugni qap’illukek pilria mecituuq unui tamarmeng, nekevyugnaunani
nengelmi, qumqautarkauluku nekevkenani. ‘But that one that digs a place for his legs; all
of his clothing is soaking wet and he can’t stand in the cold; if he stands up he freezes right
away.’ (WEB 2)
to no be such as to make one want to V, or to V it # < -yug-naite-
nere- ‘to eat’ neryugnaituq ‘it is not appetizing’
-yugar- — -yugnaite-
to probably V # this postbase usually comes immediately before the ending; < -yuke-narqe-;
> -yugnaite-
atur- ‘to use’ aturyugnarqaa ‘he is probably using it’, ‘I think that he is
using it’
ayagciqe- ‘to be going to go’ ayagciqsugnarquq ‘he will probably go’, ‘I think that he
will go’
to be such as to make one want to V, or to V it # < -yug-narqe-
naaqe- ‘to read’ Naaqsugnarqellriit ‘things which make one want to read
them’ (title of a literary/cultural journal in Yup’ik that was
published 1969–1971)
@~+yugnga- to be able to V # K, BB; < -yug-nga-
naaqi- ‘to read’ naaqiyugngaunga ‘I can read’
atur- ‘to use’ aturyugngaa ‘he can use it’
Nalluaqa mingeqsugngacia. ‘I don’t know whether he can sew.’
@~+yugyaaqe- to want to V, provided it is all right # < -yug-yaaqe-
kuuvviar- ‘to drink coffee’ kuuvviaryugyaaqukut ‘we would like some coffee’
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimaryugyaaqua ‘I would like to swim’
Taikan tangerrsugyaaqaqa. ‘When he comes I would like to see him.’
@~–yuirute- to no longer V # < -yu-i:rute-
kuingir- ‘to smoke’ kuingiyuirutua ‘I no longer smoke’
assike- ‘to like’ assiksuirutaa ‘he no longer likes her
Uum tan’gurraam aliksuirutaa ilurani angliami. ‘This boy no longer fears his cousin because he
has grown up.’
@~–yuite- to never V; to habitually not V# for some Y this is @~+yuite-; < -yu-ite
kuingir- ‘to smoke’ kuingiyuituq, kuingiryuituq (form for some Y) ‘he doesn’t
smoke’, ‘he never smokes’
maqi- ‘to take a steambath’ maqiyuituq ‘he never takes steambaths’; maqiyuunani
‘(he) never taking steambaths’
alinge- ‘to be afraid’ alingyuituq ‘he is never afraid, is courageous, is bold’;
alingyuunani ‘(he) never being afraid’; alingyuunii ‘(I)
never being afraid’
niite- ‘to hear niicuituq ‘he doesn’t hear’, ‘is deaf’ or ‘disobediently
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimayuunani, kuimaryuunani (form for some Y) ‘(he)
never swimming’
— -yuite-
tangerr- ‘to see’ tangyuituq, tangerrsuituq (form for some Y) ‘he doesn’t see’
Kuingiyuitua ta¥gaam iqmituunga. ‘I don’t — I never — smoke, but I do chew tobacco.’
Alikenritaqa qimugtii keggsuilan. ‘I’m not afraid of his dog because it never bites.’
Pingqessuituq. ‘He/it never has any.’ (note ss rather than y)
?yuk thing like N # non-productive; all occurrences highly lexicalized; < PE pb. yu! or 9u!
tekeq ‘index nger tekeryuk ‘wingtip feather
nunaniq ‘joy’ nunaniryuk ‘gray jay’
angeq ‘chewing gum’ angeryuk ‘tree pitch’ (probably originally with meanings
reversed from present usage)
angyaq ‘boat’ angyayuk ‘back of bird’
tuntuq ‘caribou’ tunturyuk ‘Great Bear constellation’
tengak ‘pubic hair tengayuk ‘throat hair of caribou’
@~+yukaar(ar)- to be ready to V; to be going to V at any moment; to be in a state of readiness to V #
< -yug-?-ar(ar)-
qallange- ‘to come to a boil’ qallangyukaartuq ‘it is going to boil at any moment’
tai- ‘to come’ taiyukaartuq ‘he is ready to come here’
teguqar- ‘to grab’ teguqeryukaararaa ‘he is ready to grab it’
naveg- ‘to break’ navegyukaartut ‘they break easily’
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimaryukaartua ‘I am ready to swim’
@~+yuke- to think or believe that oneself or another is V-ing # a “compound verbal postbase”; for polarity
information see -ni- and Practical Grammar of . . . Yup’ik (p. 322ff); > -nayuke-, -yugnarqe-
ayallru- ‘to have left’ ayallruyukaa ‘he thought she had left’
Nutellruaqa kanaqlauyuksaaqluku. ‘I shot it thinking, mistakenly, that it was a muskrat.’
@~–yuli one who is good at V-ing: a procient V-er # < -yu-li
kenir- ‘to cook’ keniyuli ‘a good cook’
pite- ‘to catch game’ piculi ‘a good hunter
yurar- ‘to Eskimo dance’ yurayuli ‘an excellent Eskimo dancer
murua- ‘to sink in snow, mud,
muruayuli ‘legendary beast that leaves deep tracks in snow
and soil’
miluqu- ‘to heave things’ miluquyuli ‘legendary beast that heaves rocks’; ‘identied
with monkey or ape’ (lexicalized)
teve- ‘to portage’ tevyuli ‘muskrat’ (lexicalized)
kegge- ‘to bite’ keggsuli ‘pike sh’ (lexicalized), also ‘a dog that bites’
elciar- ‘to burp, to belch’ elciayuli ‘rock ptarmigan’ or ‘ruffed grouse’ (lexcalized)
?, cf. qalemqar- ‘to gobble up
qalemtaayuli ‘elephant’ (lexicalized)
-yuk — -yuli
@~–yunaite- to be impossible to be V-ed; to not tend to induce one to V # this postbase is the negative of
-yunarqe-; for polarity information see -narqe- and -naite-; < -yunar(qe)-ite
naaqe- ‘to read’ naaqsunaituq ‘it doesn’t make one want to read it’
atur- ‘to use’ atuyunaituq ‘it is not good to use, it can’t be used’
Tauna teguyunaituq; yungqertuq. ‘That thing should not be taken; it has an owner.’
Kemegtuyunailngurni ernerni nunamiutat ungungssit kemgitnek ner’arkaunritukut. ‘On days
when meat is not to be eaten we may not eat the esh of land animals.’ (GRA 1951:267)
@~–yunari- to be the proper time to V # for polarity information see -nari-; < -yu-nari-
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavayunariuq ‘it is the proper time to sleep’;
qavayunarianga ‘it is the proper time for me to sleep’
atur- ‘to use’ atuyunariuq ‘it is good to use now’
@~–yunarqe- to be possible to V; to tend to induce one to V # < for polarity information see -narqe-; < -yu-
narqe-; > -yunaite-
nere- ‘to eat’ neryunarquq ‘it can be eaten’, ‘is good to eat’
inqe- ‘to coo’ ineqsunarquq ‘he is cute, makes one want to coo to him’
naaqe- ‘to read’ naaqsunarquq ‘it is good to read’
atur- ‘to use’ atuyunarquq ‘it is good to use’
ellimer- ‘to tell one to do some-
ellimeyunarquq ‘it is easy to get him to do things’, ‘he does
things when you tell him to’
Igai atam naaqsunarqut taum. ‘That person’s writings are good to read.’
Caalartuyunarqukut amllenrilgurmek qaq’umek avuluku masslatun cali asgiutekluku
caalartuyunarqukut, ta¥gaam tunurnek neryunaitukut. ‘We are permitted to use a small
amount of shortening like butter which is spread on bread, and we can use shortening to fry
with, but we must not eat back fat (of reindeer or moose).’ (GRA 1951:268)
@~+yunqegg- to love to V; to like very much to V # < -yug-nqegg-
nere- ‘to eat’
neryunqegtuq ‘he loves to eat’; neryunqeggai ‘he loves to
eat them’
qavar- ‘to sleep’ qavaryunqegtuq ‘he loves to sleep’
Qavaryunqeggami-wa tua-i unuamek qavallilria. ‘Because he loves to sleep, he is probably
sleeping today.’
@~+yunqeggli one who loves to V; an avid V-er # < -yunqegg-li
nere- ‘to eat’ neryunqeggli ‘one who loves to eat’, ‘gourmand’
Neryunqeggli ima akwaugaq kelellruaqa atakutaasqelluku ilakluta. ‘Yesterday I invited the
gourmand — one who loves to eat — to have dinner with us.’
@~+yunrite- to continue not to V; to not want to V # < -yug-nrite-
tekite- ‘to arrive’ tekicunrituq ‘he just won’t arrive’; ‘he doesn’t want to
-yunaite- — -yunrite-
@~+yuuma- to be able to V (Y, NS, HBC meaning); to be ready to V (K, BB meaning) # < -yug-ma-
kuimar- ‘to swim’ kuimaryuumauq ‘he is able to swim’ (Y, NS, HBC meaning);
he is ready to swim’ (K, BB meaning)
@~+yuumiir(ar)te- to no longer want to V; to suddenly cease wanting to V # < -yuumir-ir(ar)te-
nere- ‘to eat’ neryuumiirtua, neryuumiirretua (HBC form) ‘I don’t want
to eat any longer
Nalluaqa ciin neryuumiirarucia. ‘I don’t know why he suddenly lost his appetite — suddenly
ceased wanting to eat.’
@~+yuumiite- to not care to V # < -yuumir-ite
kuuvviar- ‘to drink coffee’ kuuvviaryuuumiituq ‘he doesn’t care to drink coffee’
Kumlanerturyuumiitniluni yun’erra’ar yuurqallruuq. ‘Saying that he didn’t care to eat frozen
sh, the young man had tea instead.’
@~+yuumir- to yearn to V; to desire to V # < -yug-ma-?-; > yuumiite-, -yuumiir(ar)te-
melugtur- ‘to eat aged sh
melugturyuumirtua ‘I yearn to eat aged sh eggs’
Neryuumirtua imkunek nerlallemnek imumi man’a waten ayuqlirivailgan. ‘I yearn to eat the
things I used to eat long ago before things changed like this.’
@+yuuq, @+suuq # Used with demonstrative pronoun bases to make singular vocative (calling) forms; in general,
the rst form is used in Y and HBC, and the second form elsewhere
u(na) ‘this one’ uyuuq, usuuq ‘you here!’
ing(na) ‘the one over there’ ingyuuq, ingsuuq ‘you over there!’
pik(na) ‘the one up above’ piksuuq ‘you up there!’
kan(‘a) ‘the one down there’
(base kat-)
kacuuq ‘you down there!’
un(‘a) ‘the one moving down
unyuuq, unsuuq ‘you moving down there!’
-yuuma- — -yuuq
Job Name: -- /307168t
The charts on the following pages show the endings for the various noun cases and verb moods.
These charts also appear in Practical Grammar of … Yup’ik, which should be consulted for further
The following is a summary of the uses of the moods and cases.
Verb Moods
Indicative: 1) statements; 2) “yes-no” questions, usually with enclitic = qaa
Interrogative: 1) content questions; 2) exclamations with the postbase @5+pag- | ~vag-
Optative: 1) commands, requests, suggestions; 2) statements in narrative with the postbase @4 – i-
and a third person ending
Subordinative: 1) actions or states subordinate to that of the main verb and involving the same subject;
2) requests, commands, suggestions with a second person ending
Participial: 1) exclamations, usually with tang; 2) certain special constructions (see maaten and = wa)
Connective moods (best described with English translations):
First contemporative: “when (in the past)”
Second contemporative: “while”
Precessive: “before”
Concessive: “although, even though, even if”
Contingent: “whenever”
Consequential: “because”
Conditional: “if, when (in the future)”
Noun Cases
Absolutive: 1) subject of an intransitive verb; 2) object of a transitive verb
Relative: 1) subject of a transitive verb; 2) possessor; 3) “independent relative construction,” see sec-
tion on roots in Generation Introduction, and Appendix 1, for further information
Localis: 1) place at which, time at which; 2) object of a comparison; 3) with postbase @5 + paa | ~vaa
and enclitic = lli in exclamations; 4) formal vocative
Ablative-modalis: 1) place from which, time from which; 2) indenite object of an intransitive verb; 3)
specifying information about a noun within a verb; 4) secondary object especially with verbs of
speaking and giving; 5) instrument (only in some dialects)
Terminalis: 1) route; 2) instrument; 3) part of a whole
Vialis: 1) route; 2) instrument; 3) part of a whole
Equalis: 1) comparison; 2) language specication; 3) price specication
3rd person 1st person 2nd person
s p d s p d s p d
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
1. The a of the third person subject transitive indicative marker is deleted with those bases and those endings where the a
would lead to a three-vowel cluster. Technically it would be more accurate to say that this marker is +’(g)ar-, and to change
the subject-object markers accordingly, so that, for example, the 3s-3s marker would be :a, the 1s-3s marker would be -ka,
the 1s-2s marker would be -mken, and the 2s-1s marker would be +penga.
2. Also rput, rpuk, rci, and rtek.
3. Also agnenga and rpetegnenga.
4. Also vnga, vkut, vkuk, vcia, etc.
3rd person 1st person 2nd person
s p d s p d s p d
3rd person s
+’(g/t)a- Ø
1st person s
See note 7 below. See note 7 below.
2nd person s
1. A resulting ts or ty becomes c; ~+(t)yi in HBC.
2. Base nal te is dropped by these endings.
3. ÷ung in HBC.
4. The 2p ending may be +(s)tessi in HBC.
5. Also n’gu.
6. ne may be inserted after the g of these endings, giving for example gneki rather than gki.
7. There are no rst person transitive interrogative endings, except that some people do have ~+(t)siken for 1s to 2s “I to
Intransitive Transitive
3rd person 1st person 2nd person
s p d s p d s p
3rd person
1st person
2nd per-
1. When these endings are used on a base ending in te, the resulting tl becomes ll.
2. Also %(e)lta.
3. Drops te from bases.
4. With bases ending in a single prime vowel, this ending is Ø; with bases ending in two vowels or e, this ending is (g)i;
with bases ending in te, this ending is n; but with bases ending in special te, it is lu (except in HBC, where it is n); and with
bases ending in a consonant, this ending is :a.
5. The 3d-3s ending may also be n’gu, and the others in this row may insert ne after g.
6. Changes te to s but special te to l.
7. With bases ending in a single prime vowel, this ending is u; with bases ending in two vowels or e, this ending is (g)iu;
with bases ending in te, this is @gu, chaning te to s but special te to l; and with bases ending in a consonant, this ending is
8. May be ken instead of mken.
9. When these endings are used with a base ending in two vowels or e, (g)i may be used before the ending, in which case
velar dropping occurs with the 2s-1s ending, causing it to be, in effect, a rather than nga.
1. When these endings are used on a base ending in te, the resulting tl becomes ll; however, when these endings are used on a base ending in special
te- or aer the postbase vke-/+peke-, which replaces -nrite-no not V,’ the marker of this mood is @na-, dropping the t and sometimes changing
preceding i to u, rather than @~+lu-, and the 2s subject intransitive and 2s object transitive ending is k rather than ten. Furthermore, the 1s object
transitive ending and the 1s subject intransitive ending, which are shown on the chart as a (actually :nga), will combine with @na- to give @nii
(from @nanga).
2. nung in HBC.
Intransitive Transitive
3rd person 1st person 2nd person
s p d s p d s p d
4th person
ku ki kek a ta nuk
ten ci tek
1st person
2nd person
Intransitive Transitive
3rd person 1st person 2nd person
s p d s p d s p d
3rd person s
1st person s
2nd person s
1. With bases ending in a stop consonant or voiceless fricative followed by e, er, or eg, the marker will be -llria- for many
speakers. With bases ending in special te-, themarker is @+ngur*- for 3rd person subject, @+ngu- for other subjects (rather
than -lria-), changing te to l. With this marker, the 1s ending is a (from :nga).
2. With these endings, the intransitive participal marker is -lrii- rather than -lria-.
3. Base nal te changes to s, but special te changes to l; e from this marker is deleted when the person/number marker
begins with a vowel.
Intransitive Transitive
3rd person 1st person 2nd person 4th person
s p d s p d s p d s p d
3rd person s
1st person s
2nd person s
4th person s
The markers of the Connective moods are @~+(t)vaileg- for the Precessive, @~:(ng)a- for the Consequential, +’(g)aqa- for
the Contingent, @+ngr(ar)- for the Concessive, @~-ku- for the Conditional, -ller- for the First Contemporative, and @:(ng)
inaner- for the Second Contemporative.
1. The nal consonant of consonant-ending connective mood markers is subject to velar-dropping while the nal vowel of
vowel-ending markers is deleted with these third person subject endings.
2. The intransitive endings for the First and Second Contemporative moods are like the localis case endings; that is, they
are :ani, :atni, -mni, mte÷i, megni, +peni, +pece÷i, +petegni, +mini, +meggni, +megni.
3. The 1s intransitive ending is +ma, but all the other rst person subject endings are the consonant-dropping type.
4. The forms .vet, .vgu, .vciu, etc. are used with vowel-ending connective mood markers, while consant-ending markers
take the corresponding forms +pet, +pegu, +peciu, etc.
5. All fourth person subject endings begin with n rather than m for the Conditional mood; that is, they are ni, niu, neng,
etc. rather than mi, miu, meng, etc.
6. With the First and Second Contemporative moods, ni is inserted between the subject and object components of 4s subject
transitive endings, giving miniu, miniki, etc. rather than miu, miki, etc. Some dialects use this ni in other transitive end-
ings as well.
Number of Noun
Number and Person of Possessor
singular plural dual
unpossessed Ø %:(e)t %:(e)k
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
4th person
1. Or .vut with vowel-ending bases and +put with consonant-ending bases.
2. Or .vuk with vowel-ending bases and +puk with consonant-ending bases.
3. Or .si with vowel-ending bases and +ci with consonant-ending bases.
4. Or .sek with vowel-ending bases and +tek with consonant-ending bases.
5. Or .seng with vowel-ending bases and +teng with consonant-ending bases.
6. Or .sek with vowel-ending bases and +tek with consonant-ending bases.
Number of Noun
singular plural dual
Number and Person of Possessor
unpossessed %:(e)m %:(e)t %:(e)k
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
4th person
1. Also -mnuk.
2. The v form is used with vowel- or consonant-ending bases, and the p form is used only with consonant-
ending bases.
3. Also -megta or -megteng.
Number of Noun
singular plural dual
Number and Person of Possessor
unpossessed %~mi %~ni %:(e)gni
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
4th person
The endings of the ablative-modalis and terminals cases are the same as the endings of the localis case
except that in place of the nal i of the localis, the ablative-modalis has ek (eng in HBC), and the terminalis
has un.
1. The v form is used with vowel- or consonant-ending bases, and the p form is used only with consonant-
ending bases.
2. -vcini/+pecini, %gpecini in HBC.
Number of Noun
singular plural dual
Number and Person of Possessor
unpossessed %kun %tgun %:(e)gnegun
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
2, 3
4th person
1. Also %:(e)gkun.
2. The v form is used with vowel- or consonant-ending bases, and the p form is used only with consonant-ending
3. Also -vciuggun/+peciuggun, %:(e)gpeciuggun.
Number of Noun
singular plural dual
Number and Person of Possessor
unpossessed %tun %cetun %:(e)gtun
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
4th person
1. The v form is used with vowel- or consonant-ending bases, and the p form is used only with consonant-ending
Job Name: -- /307168t
Enclitics are additional sufxes that follow the
inectional ending of a word. There may be zero,
one, two, or (rarely) three or more enclitics on a
word. Enclitics are normally written separated
from the rest of the word and from each other by
hyphens (except as noted below)
, but they are
cited in this dictionary’s listings and in derivations
with the equals sign, “=”. With the exception of
the enclitic =llu ‘and’ and =i, which functions as
a “verbal pointer”, an enclitic affects the meaning
of the entire sentence (or clause) in which it occurs,
and not just that of the single word to which it is
attached. If a sentence has an enclitic (other than
the two mentioned above), then that enclitic
usually occurs on the rst word of the sentence
(or clause). Most enclitics do not translate well
with a single English word or phrase; rather, their
meaning derives from the contexts and grammatical
constructions in which they are used. Consequently
English translations are omitted from the following
discussion of enclitic morphophonemics.
The morphophonemics of enclitic attachment
differs in certain ways from that of postbase or
ending attachment.
A stop consonant preceding one of the enclitics
=am, =kiq, =mi, and =tuq may optionally be
replaced by a fricative, t being replaced by s, q by
r, and k by g. If this occurs, the hyphen is omitted
in writing. For example, an’uq-am may become
an’uram, ukuk-mi may become ukugmi, and tailit-
tuq may become tailistuq. Such a process does not
occur with other enclitics.
The enclitics =qaa, =kin, and =wa (or =gga)
begin with geminated consonants if they are used
with words that end in vowels. Thus nuna-qaa
and piksailama-wa are pronounced as if they
were written nunaq’aa and piksailamaw’a. Other
enclitics do not entail such gemination. The enclitic
=qaa, when used with a word ending in q, results
in a cluster of a released q from the base of the word
followed by a second q from the enclitic, angyaq’qaa
(though for some people the q in question ends one
syllable and begins the next without being released
in between, angyaqaa). Analogous situations with
=tuq and words ending in t, or with =kin and word
ending in k, are avoided by the process discussed
If an open syllable precedes the sole or nal
enclitic of a word, and if that open syllable is due
to receive stress, “stress retraction” (see general
introduction) does not occur, and the vowel of that
open syllable is lengthened (note that, in a sense,
=qaa, =kin, and =wa never follow an open syllable
because they close the preceding syllable, as
discussed above). Thus, for example, kuigpagmi-
llu is pronounced with mi long; that is, stress is not
retracted from the syllable mi; however, it differs
from *kuigpagmiillu in that in kuigpagmi-llu the
syllable -pag- does not get secondary stress.
The boundary between a word that ends with
a vowel and an enclitic that begins with a vowel
(=i or =am) acts like a consonant. Thus pika-i is
pronounced as if it were written pika’i (where k is
not geminated, and a is rhythmically lengthened).
The rather complex and varied morphophone-
mics of enclitic attachment, including other partic-
ulars concerning syllable boundaries within a word
vs. word/enclitic boundaries vs. word boundar-
ies, is the motivation for writing enclitics with hy-
Several enclitics, =ata, =atam, =tanem, and
=tang, in pronunciation, may be regarded as particle
bases rather than enclitics, and this is reected in
For a full discussion of the dierent sound contours at these
boundaries, see O. Miyaokas paper in Krauss 1985.
the fact that they are sometimes spelled with the
hyphen and sometimes as independent words.
Note that certain enclitics do occur as a part
of certain bases, often without their distinctive
boundary sound contours (and therefore written a
hyphen), and this is noted with “>” as, for example,
at the entry for =wa, is given “> cunawa, iciwa,
qayuwa, waniwa”. These particle bases are to be
found in the bases section of this dictionary.
Protoforms, if any, are given preceded “< PE
pb.” or “< PY pb.”, since the Comparative Eskimo
Dictionary (Fortescue et al. 1994) lists enclitics to-
gether with postbases.
Finally, enclitics of the form CV are often
truncated in speech and writing. In the standard
writing system, the deleted vowel is replaced with
an apostrophe; thus, elpeni-ll’ (from elpeni-lli) and
nereksailama-w’ (from nereksailama-wa).
In the following discussion, a back-and-forth
conversation has the components numbered:
(1) “Ciin aitaurpakarcit?” (2) “Qavarniama-wa.”
‘(1) ”Why are you yawning so much?” (2) “It’s
because I am sleepy.”’
=am used for emphasis or contrast in narrative
or conversation # > ampi, ta¥gaam, =llam;
< PY pb. (&)am
Kitek-am apiaciura! ‘Go ahead and
make lunch (it’s past time for it)!
Qimugtem-am nerrlinia. ‘The dog
has indeed eaten it (something it
shouldn’t have eaten, or something we
didn’t think it had eaten).
Mernungua-am ak’a ‘I’m getting tired
already. (though I shouldn’t be).’
Tua-i-am igaa. Aqsing’ermi-
am tuaten ataam ayagtuq.
Ayagnginanermini-am tangertuq
ataam maklagmek. Maklak-
am tuaten uivaarturarraarluku
aturturarraarluku igkiliu. And,
he swallowed it (though it was
big). ‘Even though he was full, he
went on like that again (despite his
fullness). As he went on he saw a
bearded seal (in addition to the other
things he had encountered). After
circling and singing to the bearded
seal, he swallowed it (lo and behold).’
(1) “Cukangnaqvakarcit?” (2)
“Ataku-wa caliarkanka amllerata,
amllerilliniut-am ayaumallemni.”
‘(1) “Why are you in such a hurry?”
(2) “It’s because I’ve got so many
things to do this evening, and
(what’s more) they’ve increased
while I’ve been away.”’ (YUP
(1) “Nauwa qetunraan?” (2)
“Ciin?” (3) “Qamigaquma
unuaqu maligcugnayuklua
maligtesqessaaqua.” (4)
“Anellruuq-am tayima.” (5) “Qaku
uterciiqa?” (6) “Unuumavkenaku-
am uterrngaitellilria.” ‘(1) “Where
is your son?” (2) “Why?” (3) “I
thought he might want to go
with me tomorrow when I go seal
hunting, so I was going to ask him
to come with me.” (4) “He went out
already (so you can’t ask him now.)
(5) “When will he return?” (6) “He
probably won’t come home until
late at night (when it’s too late for you
to ask).”’
=amta again # > tuamta-llu
Tekicami-am tua-i itrami pia, “Wa-q’-
amta, tua-i-mta-qaa naulluunguten
utermun?” ‘When he arrived, he
asked her, “What’s up again? Are
you starting to feel sick again?”
(QUL 2003:422)
=ata look in bases section; may be treated as
either a particle base or an enclitic
=atam look in bases section; may be treated as
either a particle base or an enclitic
=gga see =wa
=ggem indeed # implies contrast or
reservation, either in relation to what the
listener has said, or to the situation as it
is at the time of speaking; used only in
conversation, not in narratives
Quunillruuq-ggem tanem unuaq.
‘Well, it was calm this morning
(even though it isn’t now).
Waten-ggem imna qanerlallruuq. ‘He
used to talk this way, remember
(in contrast to the way he talks or acts
Ak’a-ggem apiaciullruunga. ‘I already
made lunch (but you did not notice).
Ak’a-ggem ayagnillruat. ‘They said
he left already (at least, so I thought,
though there is evidence that he has not
(1) “Nauwa neqka?” (2) “Estuulum-
ggem qaingantellruuq.” ‘(1) “Where
is my food?” (2) “Well, it was on the
table (it denitely was there, even if it
isn’t now).’
Kenkellruitkut-ggem. ‘They did love
us once (no matter how they feel
toward us now).
(1) “Keluqvaareni-ggem
enlillruyukluci.” (2) “Keluqvaarkun
enlillruyaaqukut usserqelriim
ta¥gaam un’um kuigem ci÷iin
cinaqsigivkaraakut.” (3) “Kuik-
ggem un’a carvaniyuitellruuq.”
(4) “Malruk al’rrakuk kiturtuk
carvanerpagyaurtellruuq.” ‘(1)
“I thought you built your houses
farther back from the shore (but I
see that they are close to the shore).”
(2) “Indeed we did build our
houses back from the shore, but
the eroding shoreline has caused
us to end up nearer the shore.” (3)
“The river down there didn’t have
any current (at least I thought so, but
this conicts with what you tell me).”
(4) “Two years have passed; the
current became strong.”’
Kiartaa-gguq melqut makut. Eglertuq
tua-i, “Yuugua-ggem wanirpak.
Kasnguyugpakaama yuilqumi
uitanalua piunga.” ‘When he
looked (at himself he was covered
with fur. Continuing on he
thought to himself, “I was indeed
human a while ago. Since I am so
embarrassed, decided to live in the
wilderness.”’ (AGA 1996:42)
=gguq one said; it is said # used to report
what a particular person said, functioning
like an indirect quotation in English; used
to report what has been said by others if the
speaker cannot claim complete authority for
his statements; > wagg’uq; < PE pb. &u(C)
u(3) or !u(C)u(3)
Ampi-gguq. ‘He said to hurry.’
Ca-gguq? ‘What did he say?’
Ciin-gguq? ‘Why (would you say)?’
Alqerpet-gguq ikayurliten. ‘Ask your
older sister to help you — say to
your sister that she should help
Tua-llu-gguq nunat ukut uitalriit.
‘There was, so it is said, this village.’
Neryartuqina-gguq. ‘He said you come
to eat.’
(1) “Tauna-gguq qanikciurun tailluku
qalqapak pivkenaku.” (2) “Ciin-
gguq qalqapak piyunritau?
Aturyullrua-ggem.” (3)
“Aturngairutaa-gguq qalqapak.”
‘(1) ”He said to bring that shovel,
not the axe.” (2) “Why doesn’t he
want the axe (what does he say about
it)?” (3) “He wanted to use it (or
so I thought).” (4) “He said that he
doesn’t need the axe any more.”
(1) “Kaigtua-gguq qanruskiu aanaka.”
(2) “Kaigtuq-gguq qetunraan.”
(3) “Aptevkenani-gguq nerli.” ‘(1)
”Tell my mother (saying that) I’m
hungry.” (2) “Your son is hungry
(he says).” (3) “He may eat without
asking — I say; tell him that.”’
=i used with demonstrative adverb bases to
form exclamations that operate as “verbal
pointers” or “predicative demonstrative
forms” # < PY pb. i
Pagaa-i, tang, tengssuun! ‘Up there,
look, the airplane!’ (from pagaa(ni))
yaa-i(turn your attention or
consideration) over there.’ (from
maa-i(see, or consider) around here, or
coming this way, or now at present,
or soon approaching in space or
time’ (from maa(ni)); also in maa-i-
rpak ‘nowadays’
ava-i(x your attention on) the space or
time span we’ve come through, the
past (from ava(ni))
Maaten piuq aciani Pili yaa-i
inangqalria. ‘When she observed
she saw that Pili was lying down
underneath it over there.’ (ELN
Also occurs in other words, some of which
do not come from demonstrative adverbs,
and some of which do but that have special
Ala-i! ‘Oh my!’ (expression of surprise,
Cama-i. ‘Hello.’ (expression used
when shaking hands upon meeting
for the rst time, or seeing someone
for the rst time in a long while) (cf.
Tua-i. ‘Enough, that’s all.’ (often used
with =llu, thus tua-i-llu, ‘and then’,
or with =qaa, thus tua-i-qaa, ‘is this
all/enough?’, or with =wa, thus tua-
i-wa ‘just because’) (from tua(ni))
=ima look in bases section; may be treated as
either a particle base or an enclitic
=kin I wish # used with optatives; see also
Up’nerkaliyaqerlii-kin. ‘I wish I could
go spring camping. ‘
Tamaantelta-kin wanirpak. ‘I wish we
were there right now.’
=kiq I wonder # used to form rhetorical
questions; < PE pb. k(k)i(C)a(3)
Kinkut-kiq allanret tekitellruat? ‘I
wonder who the strangers are who
Qavcinun-kiq kaugta? ‘What time is it,
I wonder?’
Kaigtuq-kiq. ‘I wonder, if he is hungry.’
for future time this enclitic calls for the
postbase-niar- (instead of ciqe-/-ciiqe-):
Maani-kiq qavcini ernerni uitaniarta?
‘How many days, I wonder, will he
be here?’
Camek-kiq nerniarceta? ‘What, I
wonder, will we eat?’
Umyuarteqliniuq, “Qaillun-kiq
ayuqniarta tauna.” ‘He thought, “I
wonder what that one will be like.”’
(YUU 1995:77)
Ayagnginanemegni cayaqlirlutek
nulirran aptaa, “Nateqvaqapiarmi-
kiq tayima kingunengqercit?”
‘Finally while they were traveling
his wife asked him, “Where exactly,
I wonder, is your home?’ (UNP2)
with the postbase -pag-/-pag- this enclitic
means I sure think so:
Maqarpagtus-kiq makut. ‘I’ll bet these
are warm!’ (CIU 2005:338)
Ak’ak’ uqamaipagtuq-kiq. ‘My gosh,
it must have been heavy!’ (AGA
Aanaka taun’ umyuaqela’arqa, waten-
kiq tayima kaigluta-llu piaqamta
iluteq’lallruyaaqvagtuq. ‘I do think
of my mother; whenever we went
hungry, my goodness, would she
ever feel sad at those times’ (KIP
=llam alas; I wish it were not so # <
Maantenrituq = llam. ‘He isn’t here; I
wish he were.’
Ayagtut-llam. ‘Too bad; they left.’
Tua-i-wa caruyagmek-llam niitnilaavet
imkulriaten, murilkurallemni
takuyarpakarlua iigka ciquallermek
imiqegka. ‘Because, alas, you said
that you kept saying that you hear
something threatening, when I was
watching out so much, I got a chip
in my eyes.’ (CUN 2007:108)
Tamaani yuilqumi tamarmeng
qanemyuugartut Moses-aamun
Aaron-aamun-llu, qanerluteng,
“Tuqutellrunrilkiikut-llam Atanrem
Egypt-aami, neqkalirluta assirluta
nerlallemte÷i. … ‘There in the
wilderness they all complained to
Moses and Aaron, saying, “Alas,
the Lord did not kill us in Egypt
when at least we had ate sufcient
food (before we came here to suffer
from hunger). …’ (ANUC. 16:3)
=lli oh!; gee whiz! # used (on the rst word
of the sentence with the exlamation-yielding
-postbase -paa/-vaa when the thing to
which the exclamation refers is expressed by
a noun in the localis case; > angli-lli, =llam;
< PE pb. @i
Assirpaa-lli qasperpeni! or
Qasperpeni-lli assirpaa! ‘Oh my,
how nice your cloth cover parka
Elpeni-lli cugtuvaa! Oh my, how tall
you are!
also used in Y with -nar(qe)- and the plural
form of -rpak to form certain exclamations:
Kapegcugnarpiit-lli! ‘How dreadful!’
Quyanarpiit-lli! ‘Thank you very
=llu and; also # used on the nal word (only)
of two or more conjoined words; > tuamta-
llu, wall’u; < PE pb. @u
Arnat angutet-llu yurartut. ‘The men
and the women are dancing.’
Nasa’urluut-llu aquigut. ‘The girls too
are playing.’
Nulirqa-llu aturciqapuk. ‘We, (I) and
my wife, will use them.’
Manallruut iqvarluteng-llu. ‘They
shed and picked berries.’
Kiputellruit nutget, imat cali-llu aklut.
‘They bought guns, bullets, and
=mi on the other hand; how about?; but #
used in questions; < PE pb. mi
Kaigtua. Elpet-mi? I’m hungry. How
about you?’
Casit-mi? or Casismi? ‘And, what are
you doing?’
Caqatarcit-mi? ‘On the other hand, what
are you going to do?’
Ciin-mi? ‘But why?’
=naa intensier
Itrutiini-gguq arnassagaam
tangerqaamiu pia, “Arenqiapaa-ll’-
naa, cassurluten waniw’ ugyuuq
itercit?” ‘As soon as she entered, the
old woman saw her and said to her,
“Oh dear, oh my, for what purpose
did you come in here?”’ (YUU
=qaa used with the indicative mood to form
‘yes-no’ questions; also occurs independently
as an exclamatory particle (see in bases
section); > waqaa ; < PE pb. q(q)a(a)
Kaigtuten-qaa? ‘Are you hungry?’
Aatan-qaa tekituq? ‘Did your father
Kina-qaa taillruuq? ‘Did someone
=tanem look in bases section; may be treated as
either a particle base or an enclitic
=tang look in bases section; may be treated as
either a particle base or an enclitic
=tuq I wish; I hope # used with optatives; see
also = kin; < PE pb. tu(3)
Nerlaput-tuq. or Nerlapustuq. ‘I wish we could eat
Ayaglii-tuq. ‘I wish I could go.‘
Assiqili-tuq cilliit tayima. ‘I hope their
weather is good.’
Ce÷ireskilamci-tuq ayagpailegma. ‘I
hope I visit you before I go.’
=wa, =gga (HBC, NI form) used when
answering questions with a verb in
the consequential mood, when making
statements where the verb is understood
from context (usually with the same verbal
idea as a preceding sentence), and for making
statements involving probability where
the verb is in the participial mood with the
postbase -lli- ‘maybe’ (that construction
calls for this enclitic); thus, this enclitic
implies that there is more involved than that
which is explicitly stated; > cunawa, iciwa,
nauwa, qayuwa, waniwa
(1) “Ciin kaigpakarcit?” (2)
“Nereksailama-wa.” (1) ‘“Why are
you so hungry?” (2) “(It is) Because
I haven’t eaten.”’
Kuigem-llu taum akiani akemkut
uitaluteng taliciviit. Kiakaraitni-
wa tamakut taliciviit, qulvarviit.
Taukut-wa taliciviit amatiitni
nanvacuar. … Akiani-wa tamatum
kuicuaraam ak’allaat qungut.
Elitnaurvik-wa taum misviim
kiatiini. Taum-llu elitnaurviim
ukatiini elitnauristet enait. Ketiitni-
wa taukut kipusvik ta¥gaam net
kiatiitni. Taukut-wa nunamta
uatiitni kalikivik. Keluani-wa taum
kalikiviim kallugvik. Akuliigni-wa
taukuk ervigivik. ‘And, on the other
side of the river are the sh-drying
shelters. A little upriver of the sh-
drying shelters, are the elevated
caches. Beyond the sh drying
shelters is a little lake. … Across
from that stream are old graves.
The school is upriver of the airport.
This side of the school are the
teachers’ houses. On the river side
of them is the school, but it is on the
upriver side of the houses. On their
downriver side is the post-ofce.
Behind the post-ofce is the electric
plant. Between those two is the
laundromat.’ (PRA 1995:107-108)
Taluyat imumi neqketullruaput
uksurpak. Kiagmi-llu taluyarpiit.
Neqsuutet. Kuvya-wa. Qaluq-wa.
‘We had shtraps for (providing us
with) food all winter. And in the
summer, large shtraps. Fishing
devices. Also we had the shnet.
And we had the dipnet.’ (QAN
(1) “Naucitaaliyugyaaqua
assilrianeng.” (2) “Ciin-mi
piksaicit?” (3) “Ayagnerkaitneng-
gga kiputeksailama.” (4) “Ciin-mi
kiputeksaicit ayagnerkaitneng?” (5)
“Nauvigkaat-gga kitugterraarluku
kipuciiqellilrianga” ‘(1) ”I would
like to plant some pretty owers.”
(2) “Why haven’t you done so?”
(3) “(It is) because I haven’t bought
the materials for it.” (4) “But why
haven’t you bought the materials?”
(5) “(The expanation is) I’ll probably
buy them after I x a place for them
to grow.”’
Umyuaqeciqsaaqellikii-wa maavet
neryartullerkani. ‘He will probably
remember (if conditions are right) to
come here to eat.’
Tekitellrullillriit-wa. ‘They’ve probably
Ayagciqlilria-wa. ‘He will probably
Job Name: -- /307168t
In compiling this dictionary, all available older
vocabularies, wordlists, and dictionaries were con-
sulted. Most of these are unpublished manuscripts.
Most of the words in these sources are still in use
and had already been included in the dictionary
les before the publication of the rst edition in
1984. Other words were recognized from the old
sources by native speakers and, after being rewrit-
ten the modern orthography, were included in the
dictionary’s bases section. Some of the remaining
“mystery” words have been found in the Yup’ik
texts published since work on the rst edition of
this dictionary was concluded, and so the modern
spellings of those words have been put in the pres-
ent edition’s bases section and they have been re-
moved from the lists of “mystery” words.
Some words in these sources, however, remain
mysterious. Either they still have not been recog-
nized by the Yup’ik speakers who have been con-
sulted, or, though recognized, they are not in areas
ascribed to them in the old sources. The lists in the
following section contain this residue (approxi-
mately 400 words), which cannot be included in
the bases section. Some might represent erroneous
some that are recognizable from Inu-
piaq or Sugpiaq may have been elicited from bilin-
guals in one of those language and Central Yup’ik,
some might represent actual Central Yup’ik words
with the meaning ascribed to them that simply
have not (yet) been veried,
some represent words
See page xxiii of Grammatical Fundamentals of the Innuit
Language (Barnum 1901) concerning how the lack of a
mutual language or poor interpretation (or none) can lead
to this kind of error.
In the past, when most trade was entirely in native hands
and when English or even Russian did not serve at a lingua
franca, there were more cases of such bilingualism and more
cases of individuals or groups from on area living in another.
Several times recognizably the same items appears two
or more different lists with the same meaning ascribed to
it, and these certainly are good elicitations. They usually
cannot be accepted just on the basis of their presence in
these lists because their spellings there does not determine
that were indeed used at one time but have passed
out of use and perhaps out of the memory of all
living speakers, and others are simply so roughly
spelled that they cannot (or have not) been seen for
words that are already in the dictionary.
Further research might yield more information
about some of the remaining words on these lists;
someone might recognize them, provided they
have not passed out the memory of living speakers.
In some cases, however, they may never be recog-
nized or explained.
In the lists here, words are given as they were
written, but with Cyrillic transliterated to Roman
characters. One should be aware that early writ-
ers employed orthographies very different from
today’s standard orthography, generally both un-
derdifferentiating and overdifferentiating Yup’ik
sounds as well as being internally inconsistent.
Also, some of the lists were copied one or more
times, with errors undoubtedly creeping in at ev-
ery stage. To get more of a sense of how each list’s
writer has represented the language, one should
consult (photocopies of) the full lists, which are
held by the Alaska Native Language Archives at
the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
The older sources (about 1820–1870) are often
of special interest because they give evidence of di-
alect change or movement of dialect traits over the
past 150 or more years. More information on pres-
ent-day Yup’ik dialects can be found in the General
Introduction to this volume and in the book Yup’ik
Dialect Atlas and Study (Jacobson 1998).
Judging from the rst known recorded vocabu-
lary of Yup’ik by James King (see the frontispiece),
compiled on Captain Cook’s expedition of 1778, it
appears that the basic lexicon has changed little in
the area of Norton Sound and the mouth of the Yu-
their pronunciation and hence their modern spelling.
The movement of some Nelson Islanders to Stebbins
(and the movement of people from all over the St. Michael)
Unverified Words
In contrast, the Yukon and Norton Sound case,
the old lists (Wrangell 1839, Orlov and Pinart 1871
from Bristol Bay (labeled “Aglurmiut,” a dialect
now restricted to Egegik
) and the Kuskokwim re-
veal certain words and traits strikingly like those
of present-day Nunivak in these places. Historical
accounts say — though somewhat confusedly —
that the “Aglurmiut” were formerly widespread
in the Kuskokwim and Bristol Bay, for a while co-
existing alongside other Kuskokwim (and Bristol
Bay) Yup’ik people, and in general being replaced
(dialectically) by those other people everywhere
except in the general area of the north Alaska Pen-
insula, which is where Egegik is located. The word
lists back up the historical accounts. Concerning the
place of the Aglurmiut dialect, the writer of these
lines has written about it in detail in Yup’ik Dialect
Atlas and Study (Jacobson 1995:xv–xviii), and inter-
ested readers should consult those pages. The old-
est source for Aglurmiut and the only early source
for Nunivak, Krhromchenko 1824, presents Nuni-
vak as being closer to GCY than NUN is today, sug-
gesting that perhaps Aglurmiut inuence came to
Nunivak after that time. For example, akerta is given
for ’sun’ in Nunivak (as in modern GCY), whereas
puqlaneq is given for ’sun’ in Aglurmiut (as in mod-
ern NUN (and EG)). Iraluq is given for ’moon’ in
Nunivak (as in modern GCY (and EG)) rather than
tanqik, as in modern NUN and other early lists for
Aglurmiut and Kuskokwim. Evidently there has in-
deed been much movement of people, or at any rate
of dialects.
It remains to add here that the only early textu-
al evidence of Aglurmiut, Sbornik Tserkovnykh Pes-
nopeniy i Molitvocloviy na Aglegmyutsko-Kuskokvims-
kom Narechiy (Russian Orthodox Church, 1896) and
Three Liturgical Gospel Readings (Orlov, 1897), which
clearly displays the diagnostic traits for EG,
state these texts to be “Kuskokwim-Aglurmiut dia-
lect.” Thus they show that indeed the Aglurmiut
dialect (now substantially EG) was formerly used
or known in the Kuskokwim as well, conrming
causes an interruption in the Norton Sound dialect (see
Yup’ik Dialect Atlas and Study (Jacobson 1998:xv), but in as
much as this movement brought words and traits into the
area rather than out of the area, there is no positive evidence
of a dialect pattern for Norton Sound different from that of
the present in the old lists.
See General Introduction on the EG dialect.
See General Introduction footnotes on the EG dialect.
the evidence of the old lists.
An interesting example of language change
presented by these lists is a word for “eye” found
on two of the lists, Wrangell 1839 (as uitatek, ’eyes
and Orlov-Pinart 1871 (as uitassuutegka, ’my eyes
both literally meaning ’devices
for being open-
eyed’, from uite- ’to open the eyes’. Despite the fact
that this word has not been veried, its occurrence
on two lists gives credence to it. It is similar to oth-
er descriptive instrumentals used for anatomical
terms in core GCY. In fact, a similarly formed term,
uitsat, is used in East Greenlandic Eskimo.
East Greenlandic, like core GCY, is prime ground for
evidence of name-of-deceased taboo word substitution.
Unverified Words
The “Aglegmute” and Nunivak lists are explicity attributed to Adol’f Karlovich Ètolin in a manuscript by K. T.
Khlebnikov (1830), but because they have been published in various editions (see bibliography) as the work of
Khromchenko, they are cited here under the latter’s name.
The original list by Khromchenko contains 135 Russian items with Yup’ik equivalents from three areas. Eleven
remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(A) = “Aglegmute” (i.e., Egegik)
(S) = Stuart Island (i.e., Norton Sound)
(N) = Nunivak
(1) old man inuslyugak (A) [probably inugglugaq; cf. Yup’ik inuguaq ‘doll’, Inupiaq inuk
(2) scoundrel avak (A) [cf. Inupiaq agak ‘scoundrel’]
(3) bidarka [a boat] pukhtan (A) [cf. pugtaun ‘oat’]
(4) wolf chuvutkha (A)
(5) death niksinakh-kilyok-piyatut (N)
(6) white ikuk (S)
(7) red taigligoli (N)
(8) black chumykhchitok (N)
(9) dark blue amzhak (S), chumykhtok (N)
(10) poorly ixchu (S)
(11) to dance lilygvok (S)
Also of interest, because different from modern, though identied and listed in the main section; these words
are respelled in the modern orthography:
(12) heat qallatuq (A) [now limited to ‘boiling water’; also in Wrangell and Orlov-Pinart]
(13) person suk (A) [now only Sugpiaq and some Yukon]
(14) sun akerta (N)
puqlaneq (A)
(15) bear paugnaq (A) [now only NUN; also older Sugpiaq; also in Orlov-Pinart]
(16) twenty cuinag (A) [now only NUN and HBC]
Nunivak entries end in stops rather than in fricatives as they do now.
[reverse of modern distribution; as in Orlov-Pinart]
Unverified Words
Original list contains 350 Russian items with Yup’ik equivalents from the Kuskokwim. Sixteen remain unidentied
or otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(1) stars mittit or mittat [cf. Sugpiaq mit’aq ‘star’]
(2) bank, shore agavnyk
(3) rain kitok [cf. Sugpiaq qiteq ‘rain’; also in Orlov-Pinart]
(4) coals khumavit
(5) old man uchinuk [cf. Sugpiaq ucinguq ‘old woman’]
(6) head nibagan
(7) ears nayutyk
(8) hands yagagutyk [cf. yag’arte- ‘to suddenly reach out’]
(9) tongue alyanuk [perhaps for alungun ‘tongue’]
(10) kill chikalizgyu
(11) smelt kpukachat
(12) cup valyuk
(13) marmot kal’ganakhtuli [cf. qalrir- ‘to make noise (of animal)’]
(14) tallow anygnak
(15) hawk naptak
(16) egg tukukak [cf. tuker- ‘to hatch’]
Also of interest, because different from modern, though identied and listed in the main section; these words are
respelled in the modern orthography:
(17) moon tanqik [now only NUN; also in Orlov-Pinart]
(18) sun puqlaneq [now only NUN; also in Khromchenko and Orlov-Pinart]
(19) eyes uitatek [lit. ‘devices to be open-eyed’; not used now; also in Orlov-Pinart]
Unverified Words
Original list contains 600 Russian items with Yup’ik equivalents from two areas. Eighteen remain unidentied or
otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(C) = Cenarmiut (i.e., Norton Sound)
(K) = Kusquqvagmiut and Kuigpagmiut (i.e., Kuskokwim and Yukon)
Many words appearing on Zagoskin’s list were evidently taken from Wrangell and are omitted here.
(1) water ttanag (C) [cf. taangaq ‘liquor’; Sugpiaq ‘water’; also in Dall]
(2) air uyuchuyugyak (K) [also in Turner]
(3) craggy mountains chiglyat (K) [perhaps for cirmik ‘high mountains’]
(4) tree kabugak (K) [also in Dall]
(5) red clay kivagok (K)
(6) blue clay ignukhat (K)
(7) white ktsuglyak (C)
(8) blue ttsykhtuk (C)
(9) otter pikhchukhchet (K) [cf. NSU pirtuqciraq ‘otter’]
(10) hawk issigit (C,K)
(11) eagle owl umunyk (C,K)
(12) Asian smelt kachiglyuk (C)
(13) kettle kulyuptsun (K,C)
(14) bead pyukuten (C), pyukushen (K)
(15) friend shnyaga (C)
(16) a fool nkin (K,C)
(17) pain kyshik (C)
(18) noise naguinak (K,C)
Also of interest, because different from modern, though identied and listed in the main section; respelled here
in the modern orthography:
(19) cloudberry aqevsik (K) [now only NS and HBC]
Unverified Words
ADAMS 1851
Original lists contain about 900 English words with Yup’ik translations, from North Sound. Seventy-eight remain
unidentied or otherwise unenterable.
(1) stone arrowhead
klaiµ.e.uk, klim̀.e.uk [cf. ‘flint’]
(2) iron arrowhead
chí.o.lak, cheé.o.luk
(3) crested auklet
tub.i.uk, tub.e.uk
(4) cranberry
chí.chïng.ite, cheè.chng.ete
(5) beaver’s tooth
(6) bead, white kut.ni.so.wike, kut.ne.ko.week
(7) black o.chuk, o.chuck
(8) blue kob
(9) box
(10) brass
pet.ó.puk, pat.ó.puk [cf. Pt. Hope Inupiaq patukpak ‘brass’; also in Nelson]
(11) bury (a man)
nïk.to.òr.tok, nik.to.ór.tok
(12) by and by, presently
en.e.lá.tok, an.ar.lár.tok
(13) Lapland bunting
tig.gït.tig.wuk, tïg.gït.tïg.wuk, pig.git.tig.wuk
(14) rough-legged buzzard
put.tóo.uk, puttoóuk
(15) snow bunting
e.má.o.slik, e.már.o.slik
(16) cask
kùs.o.tà.o, kus.o.tár.o-chík.úk
(17) chart, map
kun.às.luk, kun.árs.luk
(18) compass
we.wo.oòt.ook, wé.w.oot
(19) coffee
kek.ò.gïk, kak.ko.gik
(20) daylight (before)
tas.kài.ten, tars.kái.ten̆.e
(21) dawn
ke.ùt.stok, ka.út.stok (cf. NUN quaq)
(22) die (v.) ka.ẁïk.ta, kar.wik
(23) dry (he dries)
tok.a.zè.ut, tòk.ar.zá.ut
(24) long-tailed duck
éd.lĕ.gk.lú.lk, ád.le.guk.lú.luk
(25) pintail ush.lïng.ü.i.nuk, ush.ling.e.e.nuk, nah.ling.e.e.nuk
(26) blue-eyed or Fischer’s
eider [spectacled eider]
ng.oó, oong., ong.óo [also in Nelson]
(27) teal ting.e.zò.me.ok, ting.a.zò.má.ok
(28) American widgeon ting.e.zón., ting.a.zó.me.ár
(29) ermine in summer dress muk.a.la.gòon, muk.ar.lar.goón
(30) white-throated duck mi.chò.chik paì.i.nuk, mi.chók.chok pái.i.nuk, me.chók.chok pí.e.nuk
(31) int ker̃.lïn.i.uk, kookli.e.uk [cf. ‘arrowhead’]
(32) fox, black, silver u.a.nok òk.took, ùg.a.nok ók.tok
Unverified Words
(33) fungus from birch kat.ït
.chok, kut.it
(34) go (he goes) pa.ti.lite, pars.te.te-ké.tar
(35) goose nuka.chá.uk, nukar.chár.uk
(36) silver gull [herring gull] pek.ká.uk [also in Nelson, as ‘Kotzebue’s gull’]
(37) halo (lunar) o.wùs.oar.ajìk, u.wús.o.ar.ar.jik.took
(38) hem in sewing muk.tá.uk, nuk.tár.uk
(39) a plain seam ì.tïk, e.ti [perhaps for itek ‘toe covering on skin boot’]
(40) live, dwell a.mi.lok.lïng.me, a.me.lok.lig.mar
(41) line or thong net
.sik., nat.sik
(42) mosquito mùk.i.tok, mu.e.tok
(43) noise ka.nò.tït tung.a.kó.nuk, kár.no.tit tug.ar.ko.nuk
(44) old man ing.e.e.nok, ing.a.ká.nok
(45) plank ng.k, nig.út
(46) plaster pá.ton, par.ton [from Russian betón]
(47) poison teń.i.kok, ta.e.kok
(48) ptarmigan in summer
ko.pàk.tok, ko.par.tok
(49) northern phalarope cher.pèk.loo.uk, cher.pìk.lur.ak
(50) rabbit pl.shó.i, ple.shó.e [perhaps from Russian bolshoi ‘big’]
(51) repair pí.go.lat, pè.go.lart
(52) rushes puk.e.oo.lïk.it
(53) blue-throated warbler or
redstart [bluethroat]
(54) small ai.me.zò.luk, i.ma.zó.luk
(55) spoil (v.) pai.è.ka, pi.e.ar
(56) stands, he ok.e.poò.ke.tuk, ok.a.poó.ka.tuk
(57) spring (s.) et.tór.uk.ta, a.tor.uk.ter
(58) sandpiper, diminutive cloó.mia, clo.me.ár
(59) watch (v.) ne.no.o.pite, na.no.pete
(60) window glass tek.uk.ït, tak.u.it
(61) wish, he does tok.e.zìk.ut, tok.a.zi.ut
(62) stage over house o.quá.un̆, o.qua.un
(63) yellow i.gù.i.rok, e.gui.i.rik
(64) seal aorta (abdominal) tuk.mìa. tuk.mé.ar [also in Nelson]
(65) sixteen o.gai.tai.òk.tok
(66) forty
(67) January et
.tai.sok, at.ti.sok
(68) February kïl.i.ùn.uk, kil.e.un.nuk
(69) March o.a.sik, ok.ar.zik [cf. Siberian Yupik ukaziq ‘hare’, Yup’ik ukasiruaq
Unverified Words
(70) April no.wk
(71) May chá.wik, char.wik
(72) June to.pùk.ta, to.pùk.tar
(73) July cher, che [cf. cii ‘sheesh’]
(74) August a.múk.uk
(75) September muk.si.oùt.wa, muk.se.ó.tuar
(76) October yí.rn, yé.run
(77) November kit
.aki, kit.ar.ké [perhaps for kitaki ‘go ahead’]
(78) December pet.eg̀.o.muk kïn.a.pía, pat.a.o.muk kin.r.pe.a [perhaps for patagmek
DALL 1866
Original list contains 275 English items with Yup’ik equivalents from two areas. Ten remain unidentied or
otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(NS) = Norton Sound
(Y) = Yukon
(1) hot
÷g’uk (NS)
(2) arms etuk (NS)
(3) bag, tobacco bag stamazu
ik, stamásduka (Y) [also in Nelson]
(4) cache kágit (Y)
(5) heavy ku
´ (NS) [cf. Siberian Yupik uuhuuk, said when about to lift something
(6) his emu
luh (Y)
(7) I do not know snikha’hìtuk (NS)
(8) water tanuk (NS) [cf. taangaq ‘liquor’; Sugpiaq ‘water’; also in Zazoskin]
(9) wood ku
chuk (Y) [also in Zagoskin]
(10) window (lodge) [sic] táhruk (Y) [also in Adams]
Unverified Words
Probably compiled prior to 1871.
Original list contains 470 Russian terms with Yup’ik equivalents from two areas. Eighteen remain unidentied or
otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(A) = “Aglegmute” (i.e., Egegik)
(K) = Kusquqvagmiut (i.e., Kuskokwim)
(1) it is raining kitýkhtuk (K) [cf. Sugpiaq qitertuq ‘it is raining’; also in Wrangell]
(2) humpback salmon lyukának (A) [cf. Sugpiaq luuqaanak ‘humpback salmon’]
(3) cod amútak (A) [cf. Sugpiaq amutaq ‘cod’]
(4) loche, burbot takínshit (A)
(5) frog kavchatúli (K)
(6) sheep kúgak (K) [cf. quugaarpak ‘legendary creature’]
(7) fawn kulyávak (A) [cf. Inupiaq kulavak ‘cow caribou’]
(8) otter ákuyak (K) [cf. Sugpiaq aaquyaq ‘otter’]
(9) mink palyugnalgyágak (A) [cf. paluqtaq ‘beaver’]
(10) re náylya (K)
(11) charcoal k’yánik (A) [cf. Sugpiaq kianiq ‘charcoal’]
(12) tarboosh, fez [hat] túyutk (A)
(13) hat ályugak (A) [cf. Sugpiaq all’ugaq ‘hat’]
(14) rain parka kanákhlyuk (A) [cf. Sugpiaq kanaggluk ‘gut rain parka’]
(15) thanks anýnguvik (K)
(16) dance! chgá (A)
(17) rope umnak (A) [cf. umnaq ‘rope’]
(18) thong aivgak (K)
Also of interest, because different from modern, though identied and listed in the main section; these words
are respelled here in the modern orthography:
(19) summer is hot kiak qallatuq (A) [verb now limited to ‘boiling water’; also in
Khromchenko and Wrangell]
(20) it is night taalegiuq (A) [now only NUN]
(21) bear paugnaq (A) [now only NUN, also older Sugpiaq; also in Khromchenko]
(22) sun puqlaneq (A) [now only NUN; also in Khromchenko and Wrangell]
(23) moon tanqik (K) [now only NUN, also Sugpiaq; also in Wrangell]
(24) why caluten (A) [now only NUN]
(25) my eyes uitessuutegka (K) [lit. ‘devices to be open-eyed’, not used now; also in
(26) ngers cugaraat (K,A) [now only NUN and HBC]
(27) dance! assigten (K,A) [now only NUN]
(28) needle cikuq (K) [now only NUN]
(29) twenty suinaq (K,A) [with initial s now only Sugpiaq and some Yukon]
Unverified Words
TURNER 1874–1877
Original list contains about 4,000 Yup’ik words from the Norton Sound area with English translations. Fifty-one
remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(1) agu
 hluk feast, festival
(2) a kwó hln hk basal connection of ngers and toes
(3) a kók tok he runs down (as a boot-heel) [sic]
(4) a líq ta ka I take off
(5) a lúq ta ka I live
(6) a lm chq ta ka for nothing, gratis, in vain
(7) igá lk sht web of toes
(8) íkog yú tûk
toggle for a bag, “housewife” [container for women’s implements] [also in
(9) i lq́ tok pretty, handsome
(10) i l gk dog, Eskimo dog
(11) i
tûk dry stalk of grass (Bromus)
(12)  kk dry stalk of sourdock (Rumex)
(13) q chit dandruff [cf. Inupiaq iqsu ‘dandruff] and irciq “blackhead” (EG)
(14) ká chk Indian birch bark canoe
(15) ka lú lk jadeite whetsone
(16) ka mík hlk worm (marine)
(17) káukqt our (probably of Kanaka [Hawaiian] origin) [cf. Inupiaq trade jargon
kaukau ‘food’]
(18) ki hlg á nun it spilled (any substance)
(19) kív zhit gunwads
(20) kíp hnk hand of tobacco [cf. kepneq ‘something cut off’]
(21) kkq  kwa I do not understand
(22) kkq kqwok badly done
(23) ko línk chasm, abyss over which the souls of the dead pass
(24) kó nay tok bad
(25) kúq at seal spear (without oat)
(26) kuc̸ lwái k small marine sh
(27) kûm ghit species of grass (Bromus)
(28) lq́ a kó tak amulet, charm
(29) mk táu yk decoy for birds
(30) mng ú lk stone adze [also in Nelson]
(31) m ká pai uk horned owl (Bubo)
(32) m tau yáq ta ka I disregard, not notice
(33) naq hlaq fk tok moon (at meridian)
(34) na lá ka chk root (of plant) [cf. nala- ‘to die (of plants)’]
Unverified Words
(35) nú gu tá gk patella, knee cap
(36) nú ghat forked point (for arrow) [cf. nuuk ‘point’]
(37) nú pi chk marine sh (Liparis)
(38) nú gí vîk belt toggle
(39) pit hg yk ea (also in Nelson; cf. petgeq ‘dandruff’]
(40) pn nk
buck (deer) [cf. Inupiaq pa&niq ‘male caribou’]
(41) p’ twa I blow (with breath) [also in Nelson]
(42) ta tá tuk grebe
(43) tu bú tk awl, bodkin [also in Nelson]
(44) ûq tú kut
they go to be of a party
(45) úm zhu kíl g ik friendship
(46) u úq ka ku I lance
(47) u yúng zhk heat rays [also in Zagoskin]
(48) u lút vit a marine polyp
(49) u lú chi kwáq tok it skips (like a sh)
(50) wá luk a polishing stone
(51) yq p un shline
NELSON 1877–1881
Original list contains about 6,000 Yup’ik words from various areas with English translations. One hundred
thirty-one remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable in the main section. Unless otherwise indicated, words
are from St. Michael and thus are a mixture of NS and Y. Dialect abbreviations for words from other areas are as
in the main section of the dictionary.
(1) a-g’-n--g’k small wooden food tray used by women
(2) añ-ú-chn--g’k small wooden food tray, or dish
(3) a-úm-t stranger
(4) a-wá-hlu-á-go-tlhk hat
(5) -kí-log--lk stone pipe bowl
(6) -kl-ú-shäl--gt buckskin hunting shirt
(7) -lú-sh-gh-tok he slips down
(8) --lhn plug for closing opening in seal oat
(9) -ǐñ-í-lûk food (berries and snow and deer fat mixed)
(10) ñ’--chuk match
(11) -tu-at Bonaparte’s gull (Larus philadelphia)
(12) äj-tä--g’t game of tossing on the walrus hide [also in Barnum]
Unverified Words
(13) ä-jûh-ch-tak ring-and-stake game; this term is also the name of the ring
(14) ä-ku-lh-kk
scurvy grass
(15) a-myu-kuk bark of tree
(16) ä-kn-tók
prize in the net-and-dart game
(17) ä-t-k-k
a busybody
(18) ä-t-hlk sculpin
(19) aí-tlk tide crack in ice
(20) aí--whk (K) bow
(21) aí-tg--nk idler [cf. aitar- ‘open-mouthed, yawning’
(22) ai-yá-g’k rst autumnal festival and also the name of a wand used in the attendant
(23) au-gwá-go-tk stringer log for supporting roof of houses
(24) ch-kó-tk horn cup
(25) chä-gú-tk goods (meaning articles of trade)
(26) chí-chñ-k titlark (Anthus ludovicianus)
(27) chis-kú-m- knee walking game [cf. ciisquq ‘knee’]
(28) chí-tak tubular marmot trap
(29) ch-bvkh-tok it is humming or buzzing
(30) cha’--l’a slow
(31) chñ-í-nk arrow used for large game [cf. cingik ‘point’]
(32) chñ-i-ú-tñ-lk mica schist rock
(33) chuk’--tú-lk generic name for snipe
(34) chu-lukh́-tt generic name for owls
(35) chu-lukh
-ta-ghá-lk blackberry
(36) chuñ’--l-g’-mh (NUN) red
(37) chuñ-ukh
-tuˆ-g’au game of head pushing [cf. cung’uq ‘forehead’]
(38) chuˆ’-ta-ghak rawhide thread
(39) gná-k-djí-nk small rock sculpin
(40) gnakh
-tok he groans [also in Barnum]
(41) hlaí-t-gk willow
(42) hl-k (NUN) he is well
(43) i-gí-l-gokh
-tok he is shot
(44) i-lkh
-ch-tk large, round grass bag [also in Barnum]
(45) it-khá-g’aun game of foot pulling [cf. it’gaq ‘foot’]
(46) -djokh
-chaun herb tea
(47) ñ-shkh
-tok (K) he works
(48) kas-ó-g’aun game of arm pulling [cf. kayu- ‘to be strong’]
(49) k-bó-ka-ghn head for salmon spear [cf. Inupiaq kapqaun ‘spearhead‘]
(50) k-gokh
-pk rare
(51) kj́--mk corner post of house
Unverified Words
(52) kä-hl repeating rie
(53) käl-ú-tk spoon-shaped nozzle to water bag [cf. qaluutaq ‘dipper’]
(54) kä-t-ok a bluff
(55) kaú-g-myú-t llet [headband] worn by men [cf. qauraq forehead’]
(56) kh-l’á-ch- ivory plug for repairing skin oats
(57) kh-l arrowhead chipper [cf. (c)ellin ‘whetstone’, Inupiaq kiglin ‘arrowhead
(58) khó-nk (K) bead [also in Barnum]
(59) ki-hl--nk tracheal branches in the lungs [cf. qillerneq ‘knot’]
(60) ki-hl-ku-tá-g’k game of twin tag [cf. qillerqe- ‘to tie’]
(61) k-chk loop used in the tug-of-war game [cf. qecik ‘leather’]
(62) kĭ-lá-chit (K) bark
(63) k-n’-lhk steamboat [cf. keneq ‘re’]
(64) k-ú-klht nger mask
(65) ko---lk-tk (K) mouse (Evotomys rutilus)
(66) ko-ku-chut’ three-pointed bird arrow
(67) ko-kh
-tok it is drifting
(68) ko-pá-tk pickled scurvy grass
(69) k-kh
-pk clay pot [cf. kuupik]
(70) kkh-ko-tun marrow extractor or spoon
(71) kkh-taú-k vent of oil bag, also the nozzle of water bag
(73) kp-hth
l-kok strait
(74) k’a-pokh
-lu-g’t vest
(75) lá-hlk doorway into house from underground
(76) lu--lukh
-tk net in the net-and-dart game
(77) l-gá-ku-tt pendant ornaments to needle case
(78) m-lhó-g-jaith
l-ku-tk secondary keel in boat
(79) m-gkh́-ca-t’ war chief
(80) mḿ-û-g’u game with grass ball
(81) mñ-ú-lk adze with stone or iron head [also in Turner]
(82) mñ-ú-lk stone ax head [also in Turner]
(83) nai--g’u-wk spear-guard on side of kayak
(84) n-gkh
-nk rod or slender stick
(85) no-kj’-un game of pole-pulling [cf. NSU nuqeyun ‘device for pulling’]
(86) no-k’-taun game of loop-pulling [cf. nuqete- ‘to pull’]
(87) nu-gí-wk (NSK) belt fastener
(88) nu-hlú-nk sugar-loaf hill [cf. nulluq ‘buttock’]
(89) nú-l-ú-yk a temporary wife obtained by interchange [cf. nuliayaaq ‘little wife’]
(90) n-g’ó-hl-g’a-nk net-and-dart game
(91) o-lokh
-w ridge of mountains
Unverified Words
(92) pañ’-âi-gau kayak race [cf. paanger- ‘to use a double-bladed paddle’]
(93) pät-k’ú-tk hockey stick and ball
(94) pä-tukh
-pt brass [cf. Pt. Hope Inupiaq patukpak ‘brass’; also in Adams]
(95) p-g-n-g’t seams in the cover of a skin boat
(96) p-kak Kotzebue’s gull (Larus Kotzebue) [also in Adams]
(97) pt-hgh
--k ea [cf. petgeq ‘dandruff’; also in Turner]
(98) pó-g-jú-k ptarmigan net [cf. Inupiaq puuruaq ‘ptarmigan net’]
(99) p-g’ú weights on edges of cover to smokehole
(100) stä’-m-shú-n tobacco bag [also in Dall]
(101) tä--mí-hlk landing place for boats
(102) tî-gú-kai-ugh
--l impudent fellow
(103) t-gu-k wrinkle on brow [cf. teguaq ‘crimp in boot sole’]
(104) t’-gu- tent pole
(105) tu-bu (NSK) large bodkin [also in Turner]
(106) tu-bú-thlk woman’s coat
(107) tú-chi-hlûk labret hole in lip [cf. tuutaq ‘labret’]
(108) tuhl-k’ sinew backing on bow
(109) tu-j́--v- rail around inside of kayak
(110) tukh́-chthl-khú-tai lashings around manhole in kayak
(111) tu-ní-g’u- ridge on top of kayak
(112) tú-nu-chú-gaun (game) neck-pulling [cf. tunucuk ‘back of neck’]
(113) tu-nú-shk bow strengthener (bone or ivory) [cf. tunucuk ‘back of neck’]
(114) tú-tu-älh́--g’t rst autumn festival
(115) tú-tu-k house visiting by naked men in ai-ya-g’uk festival
(116) tk-mk sh bladder [also in Adams]
(117) tkh-hú-tk headdress
(118) tkh-lú-tk tubular marmot trap
(119) t--g’t itch
(120) ú-chu-gañ’-
gonorrhea [cf. ucuk ‘genitals’]
(121) ú-ch-â syphilis [cf. ucuk ‘genitals’]
(122) uhl-t’ game of ring-around
(123) uñ-’ Fischer’s eider (Somateria scheri) [also in Adams]
(124) ut
-knu- bone or ivory toggle [cf. utnguk ‘wart’]
(125) u-sht
(K) valley
(126) ûñ-á-wk
rock ptarmigan (Lagopus rupestris)
(127) wí-v-lk wooden dish [cf. uive- ‘to resolve’]
(128) yá-l-kú-juk game of hurdle jumping
(129) yä-g’ú-tak game of grasping stick [cf. yagte- ‘to extend arms’]
(130) yú-gkh-tk a sprain
(131) yk-sh’-gk grayling hook
Unverified Words
Original list consists of 175 Yup’ik words said to be from a Kuskokwim informant at Iqugmiut, Russian Mission
on the Yukon, with English translations. Eighteen remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable in the main
section. Many of the words appearing on Petroff’s list are clearly taken from Zagoskin (repeating his errors) and
are omitted here.
(1) malxúgin seven [cf. Sugpiaq mallruungin ‘seven’]
(2) imúlxin eight [cf. BB, Sugpiaq inglulgen ‘eight’]
(3) kuígtchag replace
(4) shkálak hand-sleigh, push-sleigh
(5) ík’hut spear for seal, reindeer
(6) lán’hluk ivory wedge for splitting wood
(7) únxuk mallet used with wedge
(8) agláxtuak sock made of skin of unborn reindeer
(9) tskníxtuk cross fox [also in Barnum, as ‘bear’]
(10) tánkayek day (probably day’s journey) [cf. tanqik ‘brightness’]
(11) nalínak noise
(12) anúlnak to tan (urine used)
(13) muíkut calf of leg
(14) muígnut hair on body
(15) kablyúni white man “heavy eyebrows’ [cf. Canadian Inuit qavluna’aq ‘white man’]
(16) gitáxta moss on tree
(17) iguik, iguika midnight
(18) tángik underground passage to house; mouth
MUSET 1891
Original lists contain 1,700 words with Yup’ik translations, from the Yukon. Seven remain unidentied or
unenterable in the main section.
(1) auger keivvarun [also in Lonneux]
(2) cale [sic], to x well a thing kukshuk
(3) fry ippugikaka
(4) hinges shalnok [from Russian sharnir; also in Lonneux]
(5) pearl tumsok [cf. tuvapak ‘gravel’; also in Barnum]
(6) share unwrto
(7) I walk around makras
Unverified Words
Original list consists of about 5,200 Yup’ik words from Nelson Island and the Yukon (place of origin not indicated)
with English translations. Forty-seven remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable in the main section.
(1)  n’k nk nakedness
(2)  pūt’snk
(3) ãr kng’k tk, r kng’k
it means
(4) s sū’t tūt
native game (tossing one up in a sealskin) [also in Nelson]
(5) v v’ch k my friend
(6) ch nr’kk portion of a native house around the entrance hole [also in Nelson]
(7) chng ͡gna̅uq’kă
I combine
(8)  t̅̅auq’gw k an unintelligble word used at the end of stories
(9) l lq’stk basket woven of grass [also in Nelson]
(10) l lū’lr rk
skin bag for holding tools
(11) ng n r ̅̅au’g͡n, n̆ ͡gn
ra̅u’ ͡ gn
I moan, groan [also in Nelson]
(12) kl chg’ ’nk hill (Yukon delta)
(13) kn t kō’k
my corpse [cf. qantaq ‘bowl’]
(14) kp pū͡ gnă
I lick
(15) kf ch u͡ gn
term used during sorcery
(16) kē’yk
(17)  g͡nq’t rk,  nk t rk
one of the constellations
(18) kng’ n tk native cup
(19) kt fa̅u ra̅u’͡gn
I gamble
(20) kt’g͡nō rk
native knife with a small straight blade
(21) k yq’ stk a fastener, button, buckle
(22) kl’tk stream, creek
(23)  shãr’k tã space around entrance in native house
(24)  t̅̅au gwk he is liberal [generous]
(25)  tm’ r yk hillock, any little mound
(26) kn’ rt beads (native ornaments) [also in Nelson]
(27) ks’kū tt
(28) mē thlŭ vk
a basket; methluqcheugna ‘I lay it away’
(29) mt zng g͡n tng k tk
shallow place where sh sun themselves
(30) n k’ghn deer teeth [cf. naqugun ‘belt’]
Unverified Words
(31) n mu̇’ tk
(32) nq’ chl kk sled toggle, to which the towline is fastened
(33) n thlē ms’ k k
I order it to be covered
(34) nng chū nī’ tō
I cannot obtain
(35) nf’ ka
n native tool, a tip of deer horn set in a handle
(36) nū km’ chk
ligature [cf. NUN nuki- ‘to be strong’]
(37) nq’ t  I grin
(38) pq ti
l ngūt native sh trap
(39) p nn k
h ’g͡n
I am clumsy
(40) png g͡nq t’tu
they play, hop, skip, and jump
(41) prq  kl’ r t
the large double sh trap
(42) pūk’ kōr’ wt
back of the hand
(43) pū v lãū g͡nă
I cook [from Russian póvar; also in Lonneux]
(44) snk’ tk another term for bear [also in Petroff, as ‘cross fox’]
(45) tū m’ sk
native bead ornament [cf. tuvapak ‘gravel’; also in Muset]
(46) tng n’ k tō
I crouch down
(47) yūm’ thlūm chk
one of the gures in a game of cat’s cradle
Original main list contains 2,500 English words with Yup’ik translations from the Yukon. Six remain unidentied
or otherwise unenterable.
(1) bit kaivvun [also in Muset]
(2) blister pattoka
(3) cook púvalak [from Russian póvar; also in Barnum]
(4) hinges channilat [from Russian sharnír; also in Muset]
(5) kitchen ku&
(6) lumbago patáreartok
Unverified Words
DREBERT ca. 1944
Original list contains 5,000 Yup’ik words from the Kuskokwim and Bristol Bay with English translations. Eleven
remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable.
(1) augiyagengálra stoop down
(2) ikek remorse, regret; ikeriok feels remorse; ikerin cause of
(3) ilágigale light canvas
(4) ine
riok is fully developed, ripe, full grown
(5) katlgo
rtok makes a gutteral noise as in clearing the throat
(6) kuktok when a chick is hatched, breaks its shell
(7) písat gun wads [from Russian pyzh]
(8) pitka
yugtok is excited
(9) sumpkak hunting bag [from Russian súmka]
(10) tarrák semen
(11) taya
tai they get sunstroke
MARSH 1956
Original list contains 1,500 Yup’ik words from the Upper Kuskokwim with English translations. Thirteen
remain unidentied or otherwise unenterable. There are also 1,900 words from Bethel, all identied.
(1) ìkumlá!!iuq he is getting better
(2) pe&qu@uq birch bark basket
(3) paXquluq birch bark basket
(4) sát’le!aq squirrel
(5) lat‘skiaGaq, láatackiit,
swallow [from Russian lástochka]
(6) kutúkàs
aq bone ring at back of head
(7) cikxa part of stomach
(8) púuvak oil
(9) ciskayut worms
(10) kenéqet&uaq tonsil
(11) paGaqciluq mallard duck
(12) àlí‧faq
paint [from Russian olíva ‘olive [oil]’]
(13) sukna@eq, cukna@eq
gunny sack [from Russian suknó ‘cloth’]
Job Name: -- /307168t
singular plural dual
ellii he, she
elliin him, her his
elliini in him, in her
ellait they, them,
ellaita their
ellaitni in them
elkek they
, them
elkenka their
elkegni in them
similarly for the other cases
1st per-
& rel.
wii/wiinga I, me, my wangkuta we, us, our wangkuk we
, us
, our
loc. wangni in me wangkutni in us wangkugni in us
similarly for the other cases
& rel
elpet you, your elpeci you
, your
elpetek you
, your
loc. elpeni in you
÷i in you
elpetegni in you
similarly for the other cases
3R abs.
& rel.
ellmi himself, herself ellmeng themselves ellmek themselves
loc. ellmini in himself ellmeggni in them-
ellmegni in themselves
similarly for the other cases
(with example bases tamalkur-/tamar-, and kii-)
singular plural dual
3rd tamiin or
tamalkuan all of it (him or
her), it (him or her) entirely
tamaita or
tamalkuita all of them
tamarkenka or
tamalkurkenka both of them
1st tamarma or
tamalkurma all of me, me
tamamta or
tamalkumta all of us
tamamegnuk or
tamalkumegnuk both of us
2nd tamarpet or
tamalkurpet all of you, you
tamarpeci or
tamalkurpeci all of you
tamamegnuk or
tamalkumegnuk both of you
4th tamarmi or
tamalkurmi all of it (he or
she), it (he or she) entirely
tamarmeng or
tamalkurmeng all of them
tamarmek or
tamalkurmek both of them
3rd kiingan him alone kiingita them alone kiigkenka them
1st kiima I, me alone kiimta we, us alone kiimegnuk we
, us
2nd kiivet you alone kiivci you
alone kiivtek you
4th kiimi he alone kiimeng they alone kiimek they
3rd person endings refer to anything or anyone but the grammatical subject; 4th person endings refer to the
grammatical subject. See also General Introduction on postural roots, and Yup’ik Eskimo Grammar, p. 349.
A demonstrative indicates an entity by its spatial or temporal relationship to the speaker. Yup’ik has both
demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs. The demonstrative pronouns are marked for case
and number, as other nouns are, but not for possessor; they may be substituted for nouns, except that they
cannot be used with most of the postbases that attach to noun bases. Demonstrative adverbs, on the other
hand, are marked only for those cases involving spatial or movement orientation; they indicate the area
from, at, through, or to which the action of the verb occurs.
Demonstrative adverbs are formed from the corresponding demonstrative pronouns, although not always
in a predictable or regular way. Demonstratives have their own system of inection, shown in the tables in
the following pages. For most demonstratives there are vocative forms, used for gaining a user’s attention,
and interjectional forms, used to call attention to an area. These forms are also given in the tables.
Demonstrative pronouns in their absolutive singular forms, and demonstrative adverbs in their localis
forms, are listed alphabetically in the Bases section of the dictionary. In their relationships to one another,
the demonstratives form a system about which one can learn much by seeing them arrayed together, as
on the chart on the following page. In this chart we list rst the demonstrative pronoun in its absolutive
singular form, then, separated by a slash (/), the corresponding demonstrative adverb in its localis form.
In the chart the rst vertical column, labeled extended, consists of the demonstratives that are used to refer
to an entity or area that is in sight and that is extended to some length, moving from one place to another,
or of broad expanse. The extended demonstratives may be characterized as those that refer to an entity or
area that requires more than a single glance to be seen. The second column, labeled restricted, includes the
demonstratives that refer to an entity or area that is in sight and that is restricted in size and is not in mo-
tion (or whose motion is conned to a restricted area). In other words, restricted demonstratives refer to
an entity or area that may be seen fully in a single glance. The third column, labled obscured, includes the
demonstratives that refer to an entity or area that is either not in sight or not clearly perceptible.
Each horizontal row gives the extended, restricted, and obscured demonstratives for each distinct area with
respect to the speaker (e.g., ’above’, ’below’, etc.). The reader will note that the form of the demonstratives
is largely related to their position on the chart. In addition, the rows pair off according to the rst letter of
the demonstratives in these rows (especially in the obscured column).
Each pair of rows in the chart below consists of one row (labeled ’a’) that is relatively more accessible to
the speaker and another row (labeled ’b’), which is relatively less accessible to the speaker. The rst pair of
rows (I) are demonstratives oriented according to the dimension of ’closer to the speaker (more accessible)
vs. closer to the listener (less accessible)’. The second pair (II) are oriented to the dimension of ’over (more
accessible) vs. across (less accessible)’. The third pair (III) are oriented to the dimension of ’inside or upriver
(more accessible) vs. outside (less accessible)’. The fourth pair (IV) are oriented to the dimension of ’down
below or down the slope (more accessible) vs. downriver or toward the exit (less accessible)’. The fth pair
(V) are oriented to the dimension of ’up the slope (more accessible) vs. up above (less accessible)’.
Extended Restricted Obscured
I a) man’a/maani una/wani near speaker
b) tamana/tamaani tauna/tuani near listener
II a)
ingna/yaani amna/amani over
b) agna/agaani ikna, ikani akemna/akmani across
III a)
kiugna/kiani qamna/qamani inside, upriver
b) qagna/qagaani keggna/keggani qakemna/qakmani outside
IV a) un’a/unani kan’a/kanani camna/camani down below, downslope
b) unegna/un’gani ugna/uani cakemna/cakmani downriver, toward exit
V a)
pingna/piani pamna/pamani upslope
b) pagna/pagaani pikna/pikani pakemna/pakmani up above
In addition to these demonstratives, there are several that do not t well in the chart. They are ukna/ukani
’the one coming/toward here’, imna ’the aforementioned one’, kina ’who, someone’, and nani ’where,
The following diagrams illustrate the use of the demonstratives. They also illustrate associations of demon-
stratives and verbs of motion, and relationships that cut across the pairings shown in the chart above.
In these diagrams, demonstratives are given only in the terminalis case of the adverbial forms, though other
cases and/or pronomial forms could have been used with certain adjustments. The restricted forms of the
demonstratives are given rst, followed in parentheses by the extended and obscured forms.
Figure 1 shows a cross-sectional view up a slope. Pikavet, etc., is ’toward the area up above’, while piavet,
etc., is ’up the slope’. Note that the verbs of motion associated with these directions are different. May-
urluni, associated with pikavet, is ’going up above’, while tagluni, associated with piavet, is ’going up
the slope’. On the other hand, a single demonstrative group, kanavet, etc., is used for either ’toward the
area down below’ or ’down the slope’, and likewise one verb of motion, atrarluni, is used for ’going down
(either way)’.
Figure 2 is a bird’s-eye view showing a river and its mouth, while Figure 3 is a bird’s-eye view of a house
and its door. The demonstrative uavet, etc., is used for ’toward the mouth of a river’ (Figure 2) and ’toward
the door’ (Figure 3); its associated verbs are anelrarluni ’going toward the mouth of the river’ and the rela-
tive form anluni ’going out the door’ (and thus anluni also goes with the demonstrative group keggavet,
Job Name: -- /307168t
Job Name: -- /307168t
Job Name: -- /307168t
Job Name: -- /307168t
etc., ’toward outside’). The demonstrative group kiavet, etc., means ’inland or upriver’ (Figure 2) and ’in-
side or in the door’ (Figure 3); its associated verbs of motion are itrarluni and iterluni respectively, related
to each other in form. Note that in Figure 2 the downslope, toward-the-river aspect of kanavet is repeated
from Figure 1, as is piavet, upslope.
Figure 4 illustrates the difference between the demonstrative group yaavet, etc., ’toward over there, but not
across something’, with the verb agluni ’going over’, and the demonstrative group ikavet, etc., ’toward the
other side of a river, road, fence, etc.’, with the verb qerarluni ’crossing over’ or the verb ayagluni ’depart-
Dialect Variations in Reference to the Following Inectional Charts
NI uses keggna, pikeggna, and ukeggna rather than ikna, pikna, and ukna.
NS and HBC use tavani, tavavet, etc., where v between a’s is [w], rather than tuani, tuavet, etc.
HS and NUN use iini, iivet, etc., piini, piivet, etc., and qiini, qiivet, etc., rather than agaani, agaavet,
etc., pagaani, pagaavet, etc., and qagaani, qagaavet, etc.
HBC and some Y form vocatives with -yuug rather than -suuq (except after a stop consonant), for ex-
ample forming uyuuq and ingyuuq rather than usuuq and ingsuuq.
NSU uses augna, paugna, and qaugna rather than a
¥gna, pa¥gna, and qa¥gna.
NSU uses the prex ta- (tas- before a consonant) for emphasis or repeated reference with all demon-
stratives, and not just with man’a, una, maani, and wani (giving tamana, tauna, tamaani, and tavani
or tuani) as in the rest of Yup’ik. For example, from ingna, akmani, pikna, and qavani NSU can form
taingna, taakmani, taspikna, and tasqavani. Somewhat unpredictable are taingani or tasiani from
yaani (underlyingly *ingani), taun’a from un’a, taagani from iini (underlyingly *agani), taugani from
uani (underlyingly *ugani), and taugna from augna (and the identical form from ugna).
HBC has lenis v, that is, [w] (see dialect section of General Introduction), only in demonstrative adverbs
such as avani, qavani, pavani, and tavani, and for this reason HBC speakers often prefer to write these
words with
¥g: a¥gani, qa¥gani, pa¥gani, and ta¥gani.
HBC uses ki
¥gna, ki¥g’um, etc., rather than kiugna, kiugum, etc.
NUN and EG has [k
], often written kw,
and HBC, some NI (Tununak) and NS have [w], where other
dialects have [±].
Extended (moving, long,
or of large extent)
Restricted (sta-
tionary, localized,
Obscured (station-
ary, indistinct, or
out of sight)
abs. man’a una this, the one near the speaker
rel. mat’um uum
loc. mat’umi uumi
term. mat’umun uumun
abl./mod. mat’umek uumek
via. mat’ukun uukun
eq. mat’utun uutun
voc. macuuq usuuq
pd/d* maku- uku-
abs. tamana tauna that, the one near the listener
rel. tamatum taum
loc. tamatumi taumi
term. tamatumun taumun
abl./mod. tamatumek taumek
via. tamatukun taukun
eq. tamatutun tautun
pd/d* tamaku- tauku-
ingna amna the one over there (also for
extended column, the one go-
ing away)
ing’um am’um
ing’umi am’umi
ing’umun am’umun
ing’umek am’umek
ing’ukun am’ukun
ing’utun am’utun
ingsuuq amsuuq
ingku- amku-
abs. agna ikna akemna the one across a signicant
feature of topography
rel. ag’um ik’um ak’mum
loc. ag’umi ik’umi akmumi
term. ag’umun ik’umun akmumun
abl./mod. ag’umek ik’umek akmumek
via. ag’ukun ik’ukun akmukun
eq. ag’utun ik’utun akmutun
voc. agsuuq iksuuq akemsuuq
pd/d* agku- ikegku- akemku-
kiugna qamna the one inside, inland, or
kiugum qam’um
kiugumi qam’umi
kiugumun qam’umun
kiugumek qam’umek
kiugukun qam’ukun
kiugutun qam’utun
kiugsuuq qamsuuq
kiugku- qamku-
abs. qagna keggna qakemna the one outside
rel. qag’um kegg’um qak’mum
loc. qag’umi kegg’umi qakmumi
term. qag’umun kegg’umun qakmumun
abl./mod. qaq’umek kegg’umek qakmumek
via. qag’ukun kegg’ukun qakmukun
eq. qag’utun kegg’utun qakmutun
voc. qagsuuq keggsuuq qakemsuuq
pl/d* qagku- kegku- qakemku-
abs. un’a kan’a camna the one down toward river, or
down below
rel. un’um kat’um cam’um
loc. un’umi kat’umi cam’umi
term. un’umun kat’umun cam’umun
abl./mod. un’umek kat’umek cam’umek
via. un’ukun kat’ukun cam’ukun
eq. un’utun kat’utun cam’utun
voc. unsuuq kacuuq camsuuq
pl/d* unku- kanku- camku-
abs. unegna ugna cakemna the one downriver, toward
the sea, or toward the exit
(from inside)
rel. un’gum ug’um cak’mum
loc. un’gumi ug’umi cakmumi
term. un’gumun ug’umun cakmumun
abl./mod. un’gumek ug’umek cakmumek
via. un’gukun ug’ukun cakmukun
eq. un’gutun ug’utun cakmutun
voc. unegsuuq ugsuuq cakemsuuq
pl/d* unegku- ugku- cakemku-
pingna pamna the one up, back away from
the river, or behind
ping’um pam’um
ping’umi pam’umi
ping’umun pam’umun
ping’umek pam’umek
ping’ukun pam’ukun
ping’utun pam’utun
pingsuuq pamsuuq
pl/d* paUGku- pingku- pamku-
abs. pagna pikna pakemna the one up above
rel. pag’um pik’um pak’mum
loc. pag’umi pik’umi pakmumi
term. pag’umun pik’umun pakmumun
abl./mod. pag’umek pik’umek pakmumek
via. pag’ukun pik’ukun pakmukun
eq. pag’utun pik’utun pakmutun
voc. pagsuuq piksuuq pakemsuuq
pl/d* pagku- pikegku- pakemku-
abs. kina who?, someone
rel. kia, kitum
loc. kitumi
term. kitumun
abl./mod. kitumek
via. kitukun
eq. kitutun
pl/d* kinku-
abs. imna the aforementioned one, the
identity of which is known to
the listener
rel. im’um
loc. im’umi
term. im’umun
abl./mod. im’umek
via. im’ukun
eq. im’utun
pl/d* imku-
abs. ukna the one approaching
rel. uk’um
loc. uk’umi
term. uk’umun
abl./mod. uk’umek
via. uk’ukun
eq. uk’utun
voc. uksuuq
pl/d* ukegku-
* Plural and dual demonstrative pronouns are formed by using the usual plural and dual unpossessed
nominal case endings with the stems marked pl/d. Thus: makut, makuni, makunun, makunek, makut-
gun, makucetun, makuut (vocative), and the duals makuk, makugni, makugnun, makugnek, makugne-
gun, makugtun, makuuk.
Extended Restricted Obscured
loc. maani wani here, near speaker; now, at
this time
term. 1 maavet wavet
term. 2 maatmun
abl. maaken waken
via. maaggun uuggun
eq. waten
inter.* maa-i wani-wa
loc. tamaani tuani here, near listener; then, at
that time
term. 1 tamaavet tuavet
term. 2 tamaatmun
abl. tamaaken tuaken
via. tamaaggun tuaggun
eq. tuaten
inter.* tamaa-i tua-i
loc. avani yaani amani over there, yonder; in the
term. 1 avavet yaavet amavet
term. 2 avatmun yaatmun
abl. avaken yaaken amaken
via. avaggun yaaggun amaggun
inter.* ava-i yaa-i ama-i
loc. agaani ikani akmani
across a prominent feature of
term. 1 agaavet ikavet akmavet
term. 2 agaatmun ikatmun
abl. agaaken ikaken akmaken
via. agaaggun ikaggun akmaggun
inter.* agaa-i ika-i akma
loc. qavani kiani qamani inside, inland, upriver
term. 1 qavavet kiavet qamavet
term. 2 qavatmun kiatmun
abl. qavaken kiaken qamaken
via. qavaggun kiaggun qamaggun
inter.* qava-i kia-i qama-i
loc. qagaani keggani qakmani outside
term. 1 qagaavet keggavet qakmavet
term. 2 qagaatmun keggatmun
abl. qagaaken keggaken qakmaken
via. qagaaggun keggaggun qakmaggun
inter.* qagaa-i kegga-i qakma
loc. unani kanani camani toward the river, down
term. 1 unavet kanavet camavet
term. 2 unatmun kanatmun
abl. unaken kanaken camaken
via. unaggun kanaggun camaggun
inter.* una-i kana-i cama-i
loc. un’gani, un’gaani uani cakmani
term. 1 un’gavet uavet cakmavet
term. 2 un’gatmun uatmun
abl. un’gaken uaken cakmaken
via. un’gaggun uaggun cakmaggun
inter.* un’ga-i, un’gaa-i ua-i cakma
loc. pavani piani pamani back, away from the river
term. 1 pavavet piavet pamavet
term. 2 pavatmun piatmun
abl. pavaken piaken pamaken
via. pavaggun piaggun pamaggun
inter.* pava-i pia-i pama-i
loc. pagaani pikani pakmani up above
term. 1 pagaavet pikavet pakmavet
term. 2 pagaatmun pikatmun
abl. pagaaken pikaken pakmaken
via. pagaaggun pikaggun pakmaggun
inter.* pagaa-i pika-i pakma
loc. nani where?, somewhere
term. 1
term. 2 natmun
abl. naken
via. naw’un
inter.* nau-wa
loc. ukani
term. 1
term. 2 ukatmun
abl. ukaken
via. ukaggun
inter.* uka-i
* The interjectional form is used to point out an object or event.
Positional bases are a group of noun bases that do not normally appear without a possessed ending (or
special postbase for this kind of base). They denote areas with respect to the possessors. Thus qulii means
‘the area above it’. Despite the fact that the sytstem of positional bases parallels that of the demonstra-
tives to a large extent, positionals are not related in form to demonstratives.
Following is a complete list of positional bases:
aci- area below
aki- area opposite
akule- area between
cani- area beside
ciu- area at the front (with reference to boats, time, etc.)
elate- area outside
ilu- area inside
kelu- area back from water
kete- area toward water
kingu- area at the back (with reference to boats, time, etc.)
manu- area in front of or at the front (with reference to person)
pai- area at the mouth (with reference to rivers, etc.)
qai- area on the surface
qule- area above
tunge- area toward
tunu- area behind or at the back (with reference to person)
In addition, positional bases can be formed from many of the demonstratives by attaching the postbase
+te- to the demonstrative adverb base. Thus from the demonstrative avani ‘over there’ comes avate-/
‘area over there (with respect to possessor), area around possessor’.
As discussed in the General Introduction, a root is like a base but cannot be used with an ending to form a
word unless one of a certain set of postbases is used between the root and the ending, or between the root
and other postbases. Roots are listed here by type as described in the General Introduction.
Deep Roots
Dimensional Roots
The items listed below and marked with * are not strictly roots, as they can function as ordinary nouns,
but they are grouped here with the dimensional roots because they take the postbases normally used with
dimensional roots. Some “dimensional” concepts such as size or weight are not listed here because in
Yup’ik these are not expressed by roots or bases taking dimensional root postbases.
mis- perceptibility
marrlu- depth of a net
nequ- width
qas- loudness
qecig- thickness of a skin, cloth, etc.*
qer-, qur- height
sug- (also cug-) human height
taces- (also cacet-) fortitude
tume- foot length*
tuner- impact
umyuar- mental ability*
usvi-, uyvi- wisdom, cleverness*
uya- width, especially of a river*
at- below, down
ku- ow of liquids
na- lack of knowledge
pu- swelling
qa- vocalizing
tu- impact
aki- value*
akur- length of a garment*
amel- width, especially of a creek
cace(t)-, cas- (also taces-) fortitude
cug- (also sug-) human height
elur- (also lur-) width, especially of a garment
ilu- interior capacity or size*
imar- capacity*
iq- width
kanag- leg length
lur- (also elur-) width, especially of a garment
mam- thickness
mar- length, distance overland
mig- loudness of a thudding noise
Emotional Roots
The items listed below and marked with * are not strictly roots, as they can function as ordinary verbs
with the given form being used instead of the normal combination of emotional root and postbase
+~ yug-; otherwise, they behave as emotional roots. Note that some “emotional” concepts, such as being
angry, are not listed here, because in Yup’ik these are not expressed by roots or bases that take emotional-
root postbases.
aar- frightened, endangered
alag- nding something feasible
alia-, alai- lonely
ancurtu(r)- hesitant*
asgura- doubting
augtar- inhibited
canga- disliking
caperr- nding something difcult
cikna- jealous*
cumaci- repulsed
ekli- sexually attracted, lustful
elingra- grateful
eq’u- hating
iilla- amazed
ira-, irra- amazed
kama- suspicious
kasngu- ashamed, embarrassed
kapegcug- dreading
kemyu- relying on someone
kencig- respectful*
keneg- loving
kumeg- attracted to a baby
kusgur-, kuygur- protective*
nakleg- compassionate
nalluyur- unwelcome
nangru- critical
nangyar- afraid of heights
neka- emotionally pained
papsi- nding something a nuisance
paqna- curious
peller- repulsed
pengeg- worried
qessa- disinclined to act*
qigcig- respectful
qingar- rejecting*
qitngir- dazzled
qivru- grieving*
quinag- repulsed
qumli- frustrated
qungvag- tickled
qunu- possessive*
qusva-, quyva- happy
quya- thankful*
takar- shy, inhibited, respectful
takumcu- pitying, compassionate
tallur- shy, inhibited, respectful
temci- nding something funny
tengru- enthusiastic*
tunrir- beholden*
tuvqa- generous
ucur- praising
ukver- believing*
ulurya- afraid of being hit
uumi- frustrated
Postural Roots
The items listed below and marked with * are somewhat irregular as postural roots (see listings in the
Bases section). Some “postural” roots, such as rising, are not listed here because in Yup’ik they are not
expressed by postural roots.
aatar- (also aitar-) open-mouthed
agar- hanging
aitar- (also aatar-) open-mouthed
alar- erring
amag- curving
angpar-, angvar- open
aqum- sitting*
avler- spread-legged
ayalur- losing balance
callar- spread open
cangur- lacking symmetry
canir- on the side
caqir- turning
caqvir- splay-footed, with shoes on the wrong feet
cetur- with legs outstretched
ciisqumig- kneeling
cilig- tilting
ciug-, civug- with head lifted
cuqir- having bends
cuqlur- out of shape
elgar- settled down
enlur-, [e]nglur- dented
ever- (also uver-) slanting
iggag-, igag- leaning against something
ikig- bending forward with buttocks projecting
ikir- open
illug- tilting
inar- lying down
irir- tilting sideways
isser- undressed
itum- breaking*
kalug- empty
kamilar- barefoot
kanar- bending forward
katur- gathering
kiipir- standing on toes
luqir- slanting
matar- undressing
melug- dented
merig- hemmed
mumig- turned over
nanger- standing
napar- upright
never- lying on back
ngel’ur- dented
nungir- putting on a belt
palur- lying face down
qemag- stored away
qeter- lying on back
qungcur- exing knees
quyur- gathering
tuig- turned around
uver- (also ever-) slanting
Cardinal Numbers
1 atauciq
2 malruk
3 pingayun
4 cetaman
5 talliman
6 arvinlegen / arvinelgen
7 malrunlegen / malrunelgen
8 pingayunlegen / pingayunelgen
9 qulngunritaraan
10 qula, qulen
11 qula atauciq
12 qula malruk
13 qula pingayun
14 akimiarunritaraan / akimiarunrita’ar
15 akimiaq
16 akimiaq atauciq
17 akimiaq malruk
18 akimiaq pingayun
19 yuinaunritaraan / yuinaunrita’ar
20 yuinaq
21 yuinaq atauciq
22 yuinaq malruk
23 yuinaq pingayun
24 yuinaq cetaman
25 yuinaq talliman
26 yuinaq arvinlegen
27 yuinaq malrunlegen
28 yuinaq pingayunlegen
29 yuinaq qulngunrita’ar
30 yuinaq qula
31 yuinaq qula atauciq
32 yuinaq qula malruk
33 yuinaq qula pingayun
34 yuinaq qula cetaman
35 yuinaq akimiaq
36 yuinaq akimiaq atauciq
37 yuinaq akimiaq malruk
38 yuinaq akimiaq pingayun
39 yuinaq akimiaq cetaman
40 yuinaak malruk / malruk ipiaq
41 yuinaak malruk atauciq /
malruk ipiaq atauciq
50 yuinaak malruk qulen /
malruk ipiaq qulen
60 yuinaak pingayun / pingayun ipiaq
100 yuinaat talliman / talliman ipiaq /
kavluut (possible loan word) /
negavaq (possible loan word)
400 yuinaam yuun ipia
1,000 tiissitsaaq (Russian loan word)
See also cipete- in the Bases section for another way of forming numerals of more than one word; for
example, qula ataucimek cipluku rather than qula atauciq.
Ordinal Numbers
their 1st, 2nd, etc. the 1st, 2nd, etc.
rst atauciat / ciugliat ciuqliq
second malruat / aipaat tungliq / kinguqliq
third pingayuat pingayuqliq
fourth cetamiit cetamaqliq
fth tallimiit tallimaqliq
sixth arvinelgat / arvinlegat arvinlekliq
seventh malrunelgat / malrunlegat malrunlekliq
eighth pingayunelgat / pingayunlegat pingayunlekliq
ninth qulngunritarat qulnguritaraqliq
tenth quliit quleqliq
The numerals in the rst column are 3p possessor, 3s possessed absolutive. Angutet pingayuat taillruuq.
‘The third man came over.’
The numerals in the second column are absolutive singular. Pingayuqliq taillruuq. ‘The third one came
Numerals of Repetion
once ataucirqumek
twice malrurqugnek
three times pingayurqunek
four times cetamarqunek
ve times tallimarqunek
six times arvinlegqunek, arvinlerqunek
seven times malrunlegqunek, malrunlerqunek
eight times pingayunlegqunek, pingayunlerqunek
nine times qulngunrita’arqunek
ten times qulerqunek
These numerals are in the ablative-modalis case, the cardinal stems having been expanded by the post-
base –rqu-. Malrurqugnek taillruuq. ‘He came twice.’
Job Name: -- /307168t
Job Name: -- /307168t
Job Name: -- /307168t
caaganeq or
caaginrem nemrat
skin covering: amiq
brace: tapraq
ivory handle on outside: igcailkun
harpoon/spear tray: acaluruaq
Notes: 1) All names are given in singular form. 2) See Cup’iq Eskimo Dictionary
(Amos and Amos, 2003:276) for variant Nunivak terminology.
Drawing by Tim Sczawinski, after a photograph by Edward S. Curtis,
Nunivak Island, 1928.
pirlaq or assingaq
kasmurraun or alularcuun
brake: elgaq, esgaq, saagaq, or kenercissuun
towline: angaqun
handlebar: teguyaraq
Notes: 1) All names are given in singular form. 2) See Cup’iq Eskimo Dictionary
(Amos and Amos, 2003:276) for variant Nunivak terminology.
Drawing by Tim Sczawinski, based on a photograph from Eek.
kalvagyaraq, pugyaraq
Drawing by Tim Sczawinski, aer drawings in Edward S. Curtis, e North American Indian, Vol. 20, p. 8, of a
house at Nunivak.
The Central Yup’ik region, with Yup’ik names of villages and major rivers.
Map by Karen Pearson.
Yup’ik has about three hundred and fty loan
words, mainly from Russian. A Yup’ik word is con-
sidered a loan word from another language if it
is used by Yup’ik speakers who do not know that
other language, as is the case with loans from Rus-
sian, or if, as in the case of loans from English, it
has entered Yup’ik to the extent that it has a gener-
ally agreed-upon Yup’ik pronunciation that differs
from its English pronunciation, even for those who
speak both languages.
Russian Loan Words
Yup’ik has about two hundred and ten loan
words from Russian. Many are in common use in
all Yup’ik areas; for example, caarralaq or saar-
ralaq ‘sugar’. Others, words for uncommon things
or words for which there are native Yup’ik equiva-
lents, are quite uncommon; examples are the loan
words al’tuutaq ‘mercury’ and tupuuluq ‘axe’. The
word for ‘mercury’ is probably restricted to the up-
per Kuskokwim, where there was a cinnabar (mer-
cury ore) mine; the word tupuuluq is less common-
ly used than the native words for ‘axe’, piqertuutaq
and qalqapak. On the other hand, some Russian
loan words are more common in many areas than
the native Yup’ik words for the same things; for ex-
ample, the Russian word luuskaaq ‘spoon’ is more
common in most areas than the native Yup’ik word
for ‘spoon’, uiluq.
There are Russian loan words for imported food
items, such as our, bread, butter, pepper, shorten-
ing, coffee, and tea; for domesticated animals such
as cat, horse, cow, pig, and chicken; for house-
hold and personal items such as table, lock, dish-
pan, soap, candle, cup, spoon, watch, eyeglasses,
and matches; for articles of clothing, such as coat,
shoes, scarf, suspenders, and socks; and for types
of boats, such as steamboat, scow, and ship. There
are religious terms, such as ikon, nun, cross, censer,
Christmas, and Easter. The term for ‘white person’,
kass’aq, is from the Russian word that becomes
‘Cossack’ in English. On the other hand, there are
objects that the Russians introduced for which
words were created from native Yup’ik sources; for
example, the Yup’ik word for ‘saw’, kegglaq, and
for ‘priest’, agayulirta, are not borrowed from Rus-
Most of the loan words are basically nouns.
Predictably, Russian loan words are most com-
mon in areas of greatest Russian activity, such as
Bristol Bay, the Nushagak River, Lake Iliamna,
the upper Kuskokwim, and the Yukon. But even
areas such as Hooper Bay and Chevak, the lower
Kuskokwim, Nelson Island, and Nunivak Island,
which had less contact with Russians, still use a
great many of these loan words.
All these loan words have entered the Yup’ik
language to the extent that they do not incorporate
any sounds not previously present in Yup’ik. Rus-
sian apical r, for example, becomes l in Yup’ik; Rus-
sian o became u, as can be seen in Alussistuaq, the
loan word for ‘Christmas’ from Russian Rozhdestvo.
Nevertheless, Russian loans tend to be phonologi-
cally distinctive in Yup’ik in a number of ways.
Russian loans have few back velars, except q or aq,
which have been added to the ends of many Rus-
sian words to make them acceptable Yup’ik nouns.
Loan words have a high frequency of long vowels,
as in luuskaaq ‘spoon’ and yaassiik ‘box’. They
often begin with sounds or sound combinations
that are not very common in native Yup’ik words,
for example l as in lumarraq ‘cloth, shirt’, c or s as
in caayuq/saayuq ‘tea’, pel or kel as in pelatekaq
‘tent’ and kelucaq ‘lock’, or esk or est as in es-
kuulutaq ‘frying pan’ and estuuluq ‘table’. The e
in estuuluq (and in the three examples preceding
it) is a Yup’ik addition to prevent an initial two-con-
sonant cluster, but some Yup’ik speakers will allow
loan words to begin with an sk or st cluster, saying
for example stuuluq, although this goes against the
normal Yup’ik pattern. Some loan words have the
second consonant geminated, which is relatively
uncommon in native Yup’ik nouns, for example the
loan words kass’aq ‘white person’ and cap’akiq/
sap’akiq ‘shoe’. There may be a long vowel in a
closed syllable, for example pula’avkaq ‘safety
pin’, an uncommon occurrence in non-loans. Fur-
thermore, some loan words have gemination be-
fore a long vowel but after a vowel, which would
otherwise be rhythmically lengthened. This pat-
tern occurs very rarely in native Yup’ik words but
(fortunately) can be dealt with in the orthography.
Examples are mulut’uuk ‘hammer’, kuluk’uunaq
‘bell’, malagg’aayaq ‘fur hat’, and pelit’aaq ‘stove’.
Each of these unusual sound patterns in Yup’ik is
an attempt to replicate the sound pattern of the
Russian original.
Russian loan words often have several forms
or variants in different regions. In particular, many
may begin with either c or s and may have either
short or long vowels; for example, ‘cup’ may be cas-
kaq, caaskaq, caskaaq, saskaq, or saaskaq. In case
of initial c/s, NI, HBC, and NUN always use the c
variant, while K and BB use the s variant; Y and NS
use both, generally following the original Russian.
Some words have both p-initial and m-initial vari-
ants, for example pilu’uvkaaq, and milu’uvkaq
‘rope’, or both p-initial and k-initial forms, as
puukic’aaq and kuukic’aaq ‘button’, and cases in
which sounds have been reversed, as in cukunaq
and kucunaq ‘cast-iron kettle’. There is at least one
case in which a Russian word has come into Yup’ik
in several forms, as in muluk’uuq and malak’uuq
‘milk’ (which come from different dialects of Rus-
Some of the words are from archaic or Siberian
Russian and are not now, or never were, in wide-
spread Russian use. Words for things that are nor-
mally non-singular came from Russian plurals. In
the list of Russian loan words, the words are pre-
sented according to the Russian alphabetical or-
der of the source words. Transcription follows the
Board of Geographic Names system.
Non-Russian Loan Words
Though the majority of loans in Yup’ik are from
Russian, there are a number of loans from other
languages from English, Aleut, Sugpiaq, Inupiaq,
Chukchi and/or Koryak and/or Kamchadal, Atha-
bascan, Saami (Lapp), and Philippine languages.
About seventy words from English have been
fully incorporated into Yup’ik, with their phonol-
ogy adjusted to make them suitable for Yup’ik. Ex-
amples are piipiq ‘baby’ and patituussaaq ‘potato’.
Other English loans are partially incorporated,
with their phonology adjusted, partially adjusted,
or not adjusted at all, depending on the speaker us-
ing them. Thus, the English word ‘radio’ may be
used in Yup’ik as liitiuq, 3iitiuq (with only the ini-
tial 3 as in English), or as radio-q (with the word
pronounced as in English up to the q). Only fully
incorporated words such as piipiq have been in-
cluded as entries in this dictionary. The list of loans
from English should be understood to be somewhat
arbitrarily compiled, as for different Yup’ik speak-
ers the list would undoubtedly be different, and
since Yup’ik is in contact with English, the list of
English words being incorporated into Yup’ik is in
fact open ended.
Thirty Yup’ik words are borrowings from Aleut.
Some loans, for example those for ‘liquor’, ‘tea’,
‘sleeve’, and ‘gunsight’, were probably introduced
to the Yup’iks via Aleuts near the time of arrival in
Alaska of the Russians; the rest probably entered
Yup’ik prior to the Russians’ arrival. Half the Aleut
loans are narrowly restricted in use to the Egegik
dialect of Yup’ik, near the Aleut area. One may no-
tice the large number of sh and game names from
There are about ten words from Sugpiaq, all in
Egegik, largely sh and game names.
Thirty words are known to have been borrowed
from Inupiaq, and several of these are ultimately
from Athabascan. Most of them are conned to
the Norton Sound Unaqliq dialect contiguous with
Inupiaq territory, and only a few are found south
of that area. The Inupiaq loans used in the Unaliq
region of Norton Sound include several words in
which an Inupiaq apical 3 has been borrowed, for
example, aa3iga’ar- ‘to be good, nice’. This has set
a (minor) precedent for the use of apical 3 in loans
from English in that area.
Four loans are from the native languages of
eastern Siberia, Chukchi, Koryak, and Kamchadal.
These are kuingiq ‘pipe, cigarette’, qusngiq/quyn-
giq ‘reindeer’ (and by extension ‘sheep’, through
the use of the word for a sheep-like domestic ani-
mal in the Yup’ik translation of the New Testa-
ment), and kalikaq ‘paper’. The rst two of these,
kuingiq and qusngiq, were probably introduced
across the Bering Strait by native traders, as these
words are also present in Siberian Yupik. Kalikaq
may also have been introduced in this way, though
it is not present in Siberian Yupik, or it may have
been introduced through the Aleutian chain by na-
tive Siberians working for the Russians (this word
is present in Aleut and Sugpiaq).
Five loans are from Athabascan, and these are
sh and game words used in inland Yup’ik. Several
words from Philippine languages have been identi-
ed. These words are used only in the Bristol Bay
area, where they are presumed to have been intro-
duced by Filipino cannery workers around 1900.
One Saami (or Lapp) loan has been found; it
deals with reindeer herding. A number of Saami
came to the Yup’ik areas around 1900 to set up a
reindeer-herding industry. A specic “Lapp game”
and a specic style of “Lapp boots” are well known
but are referred to in English.
In addition to the identied loans, a number
of words appear to be loans, because of either or
both their phonology and their semantic content,
but their source has not been found (see list). In the
following lists, the Yup’ik is translated only if the
translation differs from that given for the source
fkƒlmb (aládi) alaciq, alatiq fried bread
ƒyutk (ángel) aan’gilaq, aankilaq, an’gilaq angel
fh[bth®q (arkhieréy) allgiliyaq high priest; bishop; pope
,fqlfhf (baidára) or or,fqlfhrf
(baidárka) ‘canoe’, if indeed a
paitaalek two- or three-hole kayak
,fkßr (balý́k) palak’aaq strip of dried sh
,fyrf (bánka) ‘jar, pot’ paankaq, paankaq, painkaq can, and paankar-, paankaar-,
painkar- to can
,fhƒy (barán) ‘wild sheep’ palanaq sheep
,fhrƒc (barkás) ‘launch’ kalpaassaq, palkaassaq, pal’kaassaq sailboat
,ƒivfrb (báshmaki) ‘shoes’ masmakiq, pasmakiq store-bought shoe
,kfujckjd∫nm (blagoslovít’) ‘to
pelagasselaviir- to bless
,kµlwt (blyúdtse) pelutsiaq, pelutsaaq saucer, and pelutsiar- to drink tea using a
,˙,s (bóby) papiq bean
,j;t (bózhe) ‘God’ vocative puusar- to cross oneself
,˙xrf (bóchka) puckaq barrel; keg
,jx˙yjr (bochónok) pucuunaq barrel; keg
,ekƒdrf (bulávka) ‘pin’ kula’avkaaq, pula’avkaaq, pulaskaq safety pin
,enßkrf (butý́lka) putiilkaaq, putiil’kaaq, putiilekaaq bottle
dƒnf (váta) ‘wadding’ uataq cotton
dth=drf (veryóvka) ilavkuk, milu’uvkaaq, milu’uvkaq, pilu’uvkaaq cord; rope
d∫krf (vílka) uil’kaq, uil’kaaq, uilekaq fork
dbyn (vint) miintaq, uintaq screw; bolt
ufp (gaz) and/or from English kaassaq gas; gasoline
ufpjk∫y (gazolín) and/or from Eng-
kaassalinaq outboard motor; motorboat; camp stove; gasoline
ubnƒhf (gitára) and/or from English
kitalaq guitar #
ujhzxsq (goryáchiy) ‘hot’ kalaciq bisquit; mufn
ujcg˙lm (gospod’) ‘God’, ‘Lord’
¥gaspataq God
ujcelƒhm (gosudár’) ‘sovereign’ uss’utali queen; king
lƒvf (dáma) ‘lady, queen’ taamaq king in checkers
ljcrƒ (doská) tuskaq board; plank
lh˙,b (dróbi) luupiq lead birdshot; BB
lhj,jd∫r (drobovík) kelupavik, kelupuvik shotgun
le,˙dsq (dubóvyy) ‘oaken’ perhaps tupugaq hardwood; hickory
;ƒhbnm (zhárit’) assali- to fry; to make pancakes or griddlecakes
;fhrjt (zharkóe) ‘roast’ cal’kuuyaq, salkuuyaq, sal’kuuyaq casserole of meat or sh
with potatoes, onions, etc.
;tk® (zhelé) siligaq, siliyaq jelly; jam
Russian source Yup’ik
;bk®n (zhilét) silin vest
pfl∫yrf (zadínka) ‘back cut of
cetiinkaq, cetuinkaq, citiinkaq, setiinkaaq, sitiinkaq pig
pfrƒpxbr (zakázchik) ‘client’ sakaassiik church caretaker; secondary chief
pvtΩ (zmeyá) smiiyaq snake
p˙kjnj (zóloto) suulutaaq gold
pe,∫kj (zubílo) cupilaq chisel
br˙yf (ikóna) ikuunaq icon
bpµv (izyúm) issumaq raisin, isuumaq, issuumaq prune
Bbcec (Iisus) Yiissus, Yiissussaaq Jesus
rfl∫kj (kadílo) katilaq censer; incense burner
rfpƒr (kazák) kass’aq white person; Caucasian; priest especially Russian Or-
thodox priest
rfpƒr (kazák) with Yup’ik sufx kassaakaq white man; Caucasian
rfv∫y (kamín) kaminiaq, kaminaaq stove for heating and cooking
rfvk®qrf (kamléyka) kamliikaq waterproof jacket used with kayak; parka
rfylfkß (kandalý́) ‘shackles’ kantalaq jail, and kantalar- to jail (him)
rfgrƒy (kapkán) kapkaanaq, kapkainaq steel animal trap, and kapkaanar-, kap-
kainar- to catch or get caught in a trap
rƒgjh (kápor) ‘hood’ kaapaq, kaapaaq, kaupaq, kaupaaq beaded hairnet
rƒgc/km (kápsul’) kaapcelaaq, kapciliaq, kapcilaq empty cartridge
rfhf,by (karabín) kalap’iinaq, kalav’iinaq rie #
rfhfylfi (karandásh) kalantaassaq pencil
rfhvfy (karmán) kalemaanaq, kalmaanaq, kalmainaq, kalmiinaq pocket
rƒhnf (kárta) kaaltaaq, kaal’taaq playing card, and kaaltaar-, kaal’taar- to
play cards
rfhntxm (kartéch’) kal’ciissaa, kal’ciissaaq, kal’tiissaaq, kalkiicaaq lead pellet;
rfhn˙atkm (kartófel’) kaltuugaq, kal’tuugguaq, kaltuuvvilaq, kantuuvvilaq potato
rdƒitysq (kváshenyy) ‘fermented’ quussniaq sourdough
rbcnm (kist’) ‘cluster, bunch’ kiistaq, kistaq yarn; wool; tassel
ryen (knut) possibly qenutaq dog whip
r˙pshm (kózyr’) kuuselaq card game similar to trumps
r˙kjrjk (kólokol) ‘bell’ or
r˙kjrjkmyz (kolokól’nya) ‘bell
kuluk’uunaq bell and kuluk’uunar- to ring
r˙kji (kólosh) ‘Tlingit’ kulussuq Indian not from near the Yup’ik area
r˙ks (kóly) ‘stakes’ kuuliaq tent stake (and rope)
r˙vgfc (kómpas) and/or from Eng-
kampaassaq, kangpaassaq compass
rjvgƒybz (kompániya) and/or
kap’aniskaq store; storekeeper
rjylßhm (kondý́r’) kantiluq cap with visor
rjyjgfnbnm (konopátit’) ‘to caulk’ kalap’aataq oakum; caulking material
rjya®nf (konféta) kanvviitaq candy
rjym (kon’) kuuniq horse
Russian source Yup’ik
rjymr∫ (kon’kí) kankiiq, kankiitaq ice skate, and kankiir- to ice skate
rjh˙df (koróva) kuluvak, kuluvaaq cow (domestic)
rjh˙km (koról’) kululiaq king in cards
r˙irf (kóshka) kuskaq, kuuskaq domestic cat
r˙at (kófe) kuupiaq, kuuvviaq coffee, and kuuvviar- to drink coffee
rja®qybr (koféynik) kuvvinaq coffeepot
rhƒcrf (kráska) kela’askaq paint and kela’askar- to paint
rk/x (klyuch) kelucaq, kelussaq lock; padlock; key, and kelucar-, kelussar- to
rhehƒ (krupá) ‘groats’ kelup’aaq rice one grain
rh´;rf (krúzhka) keluskaq cup
rhtcn (krest) kelistaq cross; crucix; club in cards
rh=cnysq (kryóstnyy) kelussnaq godfather
rhto®ybt (kreshchénie) ‘baptism’
with Yup’ik sufx
kelessiniayaaq one of a certain kind of legendary little people,
said to be spirits of the dead and to appear to those who
don’t accept Christianity
r´,br (kúbik) ‘square metal con-
kuupik pot
rek∫x (kurích) kulic’aaq (Russian Orthodox) Easter bread
reg®w (kupéts) kupcaaq storekeeper; merchant; trader
r´hbwf (kúritsa) ‘chicken’ kuulicaaq chicken; turkey
kƒvgf (lámpa) laampaq, laampaaq lamp
kƒlfy (ládan) laatanaq incense
kƒdrf (lávka) laavkaaq, laavkaq, lavkaaq frame building; store
kfanƒr (lafták) ‘dressed hide of
sea mammal’
lavtak material for skin-boot soles, the yellowish skin of the
bearded seal prepared by removing the black outer layer of
k®ynf (lénta) lintaq ribbon; bow
k˙;rf (lózhka) luskaaq, luuskaaq spoon
k˙iflm (lóshad’) luussatiq, luussitaq horse
ker (luk) luuk onion
vfkf[ƒq (malakháy) malagg’aayaq, palagg’aayaq fur hat with earaps
vfcrfhƒl (maskarád) ‘masquerade’ maskalataq masked ceremony taking place in mid-January;
vfck˙ (masló) masslaq, mass’laq, maslaq, maasslaq butter
vƒcnth (máster) ‘foreman, master maastilaq, mastilaq carpenter
vƒneirf (mátushka) maatuskaq wife of Russian Orthodox priest
vfi∫yf (mashína) and /or English
massiinaq machine; sewing machine; motor, outboard motor
vti˙r (meshók) missuuk sack
v∫crf (míska) ‘basin’ miiskaaq dishpan; large serving dish
vjk∫nmcz (molít’sya) ‘to pray’ maliss’aaq prayer
vjkjr˙ (molokó) malak’uuq, muluk’uuq milk
vjkjn˙r (molotók) multuuk, mul’tuuk, mulut’uuk, mulut’uutaq hammer
vjyƒityrf (monáshenka) manassenkaaq nun
Russian source Yup’ik
verƒ (muká) ‘our mukaaq our; bread loaf
vßkj (mylo) miilaq soap
yfd®c (navés) ‘shed’ lavisqaq, navisqaq attic; loft
yfd®crf (navéska) ‘loft’ navi’iskaaq, naviskaaq loft; attic
yfg∫krf (napílka) napiilekaaq, napiil’kaaq, napiilkaaq le; rasp
ytl®kz (nedélya) nitiliq week
yj; (nozh) luussiq, nuussiq cutting knife
y˙;bxtr (nózhichek) ‘small knife’ nuussicuak scissors
y´;ybr (núzhnik) ‘latrine’ nuussnik outhouse; toilet
jxrb (ochkí) ackiik eyeglasses
j,®l (obéd) apiataq lunch and apiatar- to eat lunch
jngfh∫hjdfnm (otparírovat’) atmaliq, atvaliq a particular card game played by four people
gfkƒnrf (palátka) pelatekaq, palatkaaq tent
gfkmn˙ (pal’tó) paltuuk, pal’tuuk coat; zippered parka; jacket, and paltuug-,
pal’tuug- to put on a coat
gfhf[˙l (parokhód) palagg’uutaq steamboat; scow
Gƒc[f (Páskha) Paaskaaq Easter; Passover
gƒnjrf (pátoka) paatakaaq syrup; honey
gfnh˙y (patrón) mat’luunaq, pat’luunaq cartridge; shell
gfΩnm (payát’) payari- to weld; to solder
gth∫yf (perína) ‘feather bed’ pelinaq mattress
g®htw (pérets) piilitsaaq pepper
g®irf (péshka) ‘pawn’ piaskaq piece in checkers, and piaskar- to play checkers
g∫dj (pívo) piivaq beer
gbkƒ (pilá) pilaq saw, and pilar- to saw
g∫hjr (pírok) piluk pirogi; meat (usually sh) pie
gkfn˙r (platók) pelatuuk scarf; woman’s headscarf and pelatuug- to put on a
gkbnƒ (plitá) pelit’aaq stove
gjlnΩ;rf (podtyázhka) ‘garter macaaskaq, maciaskaq, mackaq, maciaskak, mataaskaq, pata-
askaq suspenders
gjl´irf (podúshka) putuskaq pillow; cushion
gjkjn®ywt (poloténtse) ‘towel’ or
gjkjnyΩysq (polotnyányy) ‘of
pelacinak string; twine
gjnh®n (portrét) pat’litaq picture
gjcn®km (postél’) ‘bed’ pustiiliq, pustiilaq mattress
gh˙djkjrf (próvoloka) ‘wire’ pelulukaaq soft wire, such as aluminum wire or solder
gh˙irf (próshka) meluskaq, peluskaq snuff, and meluskar-, peluskar- to take
g´kb (púli) ‘bullets’ puuliq bullet
g´ujdbwf (púgovitsa) kuukicaaq, puukicaaq button
Hj;ltcnd˙ (Rozhdestvó) Alussistuaq Christmas
hnenm (rtut’) al’tuutaq mercury; cinnabar
hekm (rul’) alulaq, alunaq tiller; sled handlebar; steering wheel; tail feather
of bird, and alular-, alunar- to steer; to guide
Russian source Yup’ik
he,ƒ[f (rubákha) llumarraq, lumarraq, numarraq shirt; cloth; dress
cƒkj (sálo) caalaq, saalaq shortening; lard
cƒ[fh (sákhar) caarralaq, saarralaq sugar
cfgju∫ (sapogí) ‘shoes’ cap’akiq, sap’akiq shoe; manufactured boot
cfhƒq (saráy) ‘shed’ salayaq dock; wharf; cannery; saltery
cd®xrf (svéchka) ciucekaaq, cuicekaaq, cuucekaaq, suicekaaq candle
c®nrf (sétka) ‘net’ perhaps tackaq woman’s beaded hairnet
c∫ntw (sítets) ciitsaaq, ciitessaaq lightweight cotton cloth
crjdjhjlƒ (skovorodá) eskuulutaq, skuulutaq skillet; frying pan
ckƒdb (slávi) ‘praises’ Selavi, S’laavi Russian Christmas
cj,ƒrf (sobáka) ‘dog’ sapakaq fox
cjk=ysq (solyónyy) ‘salted’ culunaq, sulunaq salted sh or meat after it is cut up and
leached to remove excess salt
cg∫xrf (spíchka) espickaq, espickaaq, espiickaaq, spickaq, spiickaaq match
cnƒhjcnf (stárosta) estaalista, staalista church warden; church caretaker
cnfrƒy (stakán) ‘drinking glass’ estakaanaq, stakaanaq glass pitcher; chimney for kerosene
cntrk˙ (stikló) estikluuq, estik’luuq, stikluuq, stik’luuq glass
cnjk (stol) estuuluq, stuuluq table
cnhe; (struzh) estulussaq, estelussaq, stelussaq, stulussaq carpenter’s plane,
and estulussar-, estelussar-, stelussar-, stulussar- to plane
c´lyj (súdno) sun’aq ship; barge
ceg (sup) and/or from English cuupaq, suupaq soup; stew-like soup served as a main course
ce[ƒhm (sukhár’) cugg’aliq, sugg’aliq cracker; pilot bread
nf,ƒr (tabák) with Yup’ik sufx taavaaqiq leaf tobacco
nfp (taz) taassiq dishpan
nbr (tik) tiik, tiiggluk mattress ticking; striped cloth; calico
nßczxf (tysyacha) ciissitsaaq, tiissitsaaq, tiicitsaaq one thousand
ntxm (tech’) ‘to ow’ possibly titiq otitus; runny ear
nj=y (toyón) possibly tuyuq reader; lay preacher; pastor; village chief
n˙ktdsq (tólevyy) ‘roong felt’ tulvaaq, tulvaarraq heavy cloth; denim
njh®krf (torélka) ‘plate’ tuli’ilkaaq, tulilekaaq metal dish
njg˙h (topór) tupuuluq axe
nep (tuz) tuss’aq, tuussaq ace in playing cards
´rcec (úksus) uksussaq vinegar
´nrf (útka)
uutkaaq, uuteka’aq duck; especially mallard (Anas platyrhynchos);
northern pintail (Anas acuta)
eirƒy (ushkán) ‘hare’ uskaanaq snowshoe hare; varying hare (Lepus americanus); lo-
cally rabbit
akfu (ag) and/or from English pelak, vvelak ag
ajyƒhm (fonár) panaluq lantern
[kt, (khleb) kelipaq bread; communion bread; Host; home-baked bread
{hbcn˙c (Khristós) Kelistussaaq, K
ristussaaq Christ
wtgm (tsep’) siipaq chain
Russian source Yup’ik
xfq (chay) caayuq, saayuq tea (either the leaves or the liquid), and saayur-
to drink tea
xƒqybr (cháynik) caanik, caaniik, cainik, cainiik, saanik, sainik, saaniik kettle
xfcß (chasy) cass’aq, sass’aq, sassaaq clock; watch; hour
xƒirf (cháshka) caaskaq, caaskaaq, caskaq, caskaaq, saaskaq, saaskaaq, sas-
kaq, saskaaq cup
x®hds (chérvy) ciilvik heart in cards
xtndthnƒr (chetverták) ‘kopeks’ cetvilitaq quarter; twenty-ve-cent piece
xbck˙ (chisló) ‘date’ cill’aq circular calendar with a pointer that is moved to point to
the days of the week
xeu´yjr (chugúnok) cukunaq, cukunak, kucunaq, kucunak, sukunaq cast-iron pot
xekr∫ (chulkí) ‘socks’ cuukiiq, suukiiq sock
irfg (shkap) eskaapaq, eskaapaaq, skaapaq, skaapaaq shelf
ir˙kf (shkóla) and/or from English eskuulaq, eskuuluq, skuulaq, skuuluq school, and eskuular-,
eskuulur-, skuular-, skuulur- to go to school
irjn (shkot) eskuutaq, skuutaq sheet (rope) of sailboat
ifkm (shal’) ‘shawl’ saaliq vest
iƒqrf (sháyka) saayikaaq washtub; washing machine
i=krjt (shyólkoye) ‘silken’ suukuyaq, suukuuq silk
ikΩgf (shlyápa) cillapak, esslaapaq, ess’laapaq, selapaq broad-brimmed hat
i˙vgjk (shómpol) sumpuluq gun-cleaning rod; ramrod
i´,f (shúba) sumpaq jacket
µ,rf (yúpka) ‘skirt’ yuupkaaq slip; petticoat
zfg˙ytw (yapónets) Ipuuncaq Japanese
zhl (yard) and/or from English yaaltaq, yaal’taq, yaltaq, yal’taq yard (length)
Ωobr (yáshchik) yaassiik box
Russian source Yup’ik
America Ami’ulikaq America
baby piipiq baby
bacon piikinaq pig; bacon
barge paacaq barge
bat piataq baseball bat # and piatar- to play with a bat and ball
bean piinssaaq, piinessaaq bean
bicycle paissikelaaq, paissekelaaq bicycle
bloomers pelumessaak panties
borrow pulaar- to borrow
broke pulug-, puRug- to be broke; to be without money
candy kantiq candy
captain kap’itainaq captain
cigar cikalaq cigar
Columbia kalampiaq ship
color kal’aq color
comissioner kamiss’enaaq magistrate
company (or accompany) kangpaniskaq a young child just starting to play in the “Lapp game”
company and/or from Russian kap’aniskaq store; storekeeper
compass and/or Russian kampaassaq, kangpaassaq compass
cookies kuukissaaq cookie
coyote kayu coyote
cross perhaps kelaassiq cross fox
dough perhaps tuurkaq bread
Filipino and/or from Filipino Pilip’iinaq Filipino
ag pelak, vvelak ag
gas and/or from Russian kaassaq gas; gasoline
gasoline and/or from Russian kaassalinaq outboard motor; motor-boat; camp stove; gasoline
glass kelassaq glass
government kavam’aq, kavmaq government
guitar and/or from Russian kitalaq guitar
handspike maybe aanaspuuk, anespuuk lever, peavy
horse uassaaq horse
hot cakes atkiksaaq pancake
ink ingek ink
Japane(se), Japanee Caapaniq Japanese (person)
Jesus Ciissussaq, Ciissussaaq, Yiissus Jesus
kicker with Yupik sufx kiikanguaq outboard motor
Lapp Laapaaq, Laavlaaq Saami; Lapp
macaroni mak’alunaq macaroni
machine and/or from Russian massiinaq machine; sewing machine; motor, outboard motor
marble maapelaaq marble for playing games
mark maak brand or ear-cut on reindeer as sign of ownership
English source Yup’ik
meal or mill probably miili- to grind
milk milek milk
miner mainaq prospector; miner
misty perhaps miscir- to be misty
monkey mangkiq monkey
mush massaaq, mass’aq mush; oatmeal
musk ox maskaq musk ox; nickel (coin)
onions anainessaaq, anianessaq onion
partner paatnaq partner
pinch if indeed a loan pincaq substitute item
pipe paipaq pipe
potatoes patitussaaq potato
powder pautaq powder
pursue probably pu
rugar- to pursue in order to punish
pussy puss’iq, puussiq, puussiiq domestic cat
rie alavvilaq high-powered rie
rubber alapaq, alap’aq, ulap’aq rubber boot; black person
school and/or from Russian eskuulaq, eskuuluq, skuulaq, skuuluq, school # and eskuular-,
eskuulur-, skuular-, skuulur- to go to school; to teach
scow skauk barge
shoe-pac supa’aksaq shoe-pac
show suuq movie; show
sign sainar- to sign one’s name
slippers selip’ussaaq slipper
snow-go snuukuuq snowmachine
soup cuupaq, suupaq soup; stew-like soup served as a main course
spark espaak, spaak spark plug
sweater essmataq, essvataq, esswataq, esswetaq sweater
tank taingkaq oil drum; tank
tar if indeed a loan taaq tar; pitch
time with a Yup’ik sufx taimiurta choir director
TV tiiviiq television # and tiiviir- to watch television # from English ‘TV’
two bits tuupicaaq quarter; twenty-ve cents
way with a Yup’ik sufx uiyamte- to be in the way
what time wataimarta? what time is it?
yard and/or from Russian yaaltaq, yaal’taq, yaltaq, yal’taq yard (length)
yeast iistaq, yiistaq yeast
zipper esip’aq, esip’aaq, esepaaq zipper
English source Yup’ik
aaka (aaka) aakaq ‘mother
aarigaa (aa$i!aa) aariga’ar- ‘to be good, nice’
alakkaa (alakkaa) alak’aa ‘is that so!’
alappaa (alappaa) alap’aa ‘how cold it is!’
iirgii (ii$!ii) iirgii ‘oh dear!; how scary!’
illaatquziq (illaatquziq) ilaanquciq ‘porcupine’
ipiutaq (ipiutaq) ipituaq ‘shing line’
kanayuq (kanayuq with a Yup’ik suffix) kanayurnaq ‘loche, burbot’
kapitak, kapitaq (kapitak, kapitaq) kapit’aq ‘gut rain parka’
kinnanga- (kinna&a-) kin’anga- ‘to do foolish, stupid things’
Malimiu (Malimiu) Malimiu ‘Inupiaq Eskimo’
malukali- (malukali-) maluki’ali- ‘to be rabid’; ‘to be insane’
niutuuyiq (niutuuyiq) niutuayaq ‘lynx’
Nuuraq (Nuu3aq) Nurraq ‘East Cape, Siberia’
nuyai@aaq (nuyai@aaq) nyua’illaaq ‘bald person’
qaqquq (qaqquq ‘bread’, qaq’aq ‘bread’
from qaqquq- ‘to crunch’)
Qawiaraq (Qawia$aq) Qaviayarmiu, Qaviayak ‘Inupiaq Eskimo’
quqquyaq (quqquyaq (if indeed a loan)) quq’uyaq ‘legendary old and hard-to-kill polar bear
sii, siu (sii, siu) cii, ciiq ‘sheesh’
sii©naq- (sii3naq-) ciirnarqe- ‘to be sour
taaqsipak (taaqsipak) (trade jargon) taaqsipak, taaqcipak, taqcipak, taqsipak ‘black person’
taliq- (taliq-) talir- ‘to engage in Inupiaq-style Eskimo-dancing in
which men and women alternate in a straight line
facing the drummers’
tavluq (tavluq ‘chin’) tap’luqutyaq ‘chin tattoo’; ‘cockle’
tipuk (tipuk) tupuk ‘whitesh’
tuniqtaq (tuniqtaq ‘soapstone lamp’) tuniqtaq ‘jade’
tupiq (tupiq ‘tent’ or tupi!u$aq ‘little tent’) tupiq’uyaq ‘mosquito-net tent around a bed’
tuqsruk (tuq5uk) tuqluk ‘tunnel entrance to traditional semi-subterranean
umialik (umialik ‘boat owner, boat captain’) umialek ‘wealthy person’
umi&mak (umi&mak) umingmaq ‘musk ox’
Also, there are the Inupiaq words that might have had cognates in Yup’ik from which the present Yup’ik
might have arisen, if the present Yup’ik words are not directly from the Inupiaq plus Yup’ik suffix
—uaq ‘thing like —’.
inuk (inuk ‘person’) inuguaq ‘gurine, doll’
ugluusiq, uguguaq (u!$uk ‘bearded seal’) ugluussiq, uguguaq ‘caterpillar
Inupiaq source
aagayuu⁄ (aa!ayuuX) agasuuq, agayuuq ‘cormorant’
aanachxukda⁄ (aanacxuu9aX) anacruq ‘front component of gunsight’
aataax (aataax) aataak, aat’aak, aatagaq ‘fur seal’
aĝliga⁄ (aGligaX, a3li!aX) arliaq, qarliar(aq), tarliaq ‘black-legged kittiwake’
(Rissa tridactyla); ‘mew gull’ (Larus canus)
ahlaya⁄ (a@ayaX) alassaq, ayallaq ‘cutting board’
asu-⁄ (asu-X) asuq ‘pot’
atxida⁄ (atxi9aX) atgiaq, atgiiyaq ‘arctic cod’ (Gadus macrocephalus)
cha⁄sa⁄ (caXsaX) ‘fish broth’ carca-, sarrsa- ‘to drink tea’
chagi⁄ (ca!iX) cagiq, sagiq ‘starry ounder’ (Platichthys stellatus)
or ‘arrowtooth ounder(Atheresthes stomias); ‘sand
dab’ (Cithatichthys sp.); ‘halibut’ (Hippoglossus
chaguda⁄ (ca!u9aX) ‘visor’ caguyaq ‘semi-conical bentwood hat’
chuya-⁄ (cuya-X) ‘cane stick, willow twig, cuya, cuyaq ‘leaf’; ‘tobacco’; ‘white willow’
halagra-⁄ (hala!na-X) ‘salmonberry’ alagnaq ‘type of red berry’
hamĝa-⁄ (ham3a-X) amraq ‘sleeve’
is⁄ati⁄ (isXatiX) issran ‘loosely woven grass carrying bag’
isuĝi⁄ (isu3iX) issuriq, issuri, suuri ‘spotted seal/harbor seal’
kagalu⁄ (ka!aluX) kagaluq, kagaaluq ‘lower stern-piece of kayak’
kagi- (ka!i-) kagi- ‘to sweep’
kalaga-⁄ (kala!a-X) kalagaq ‘walleye or Pacic pollock’
kaluka⁄ (kalukaX) kalukaq ‘large wooded storage bowl’
kilma-⁄ (kilma-X) kilmaq ‘stomach’
lax, lagi⁄ (lax, la!iX) lagiq ‘goose’; ‘Canada goose’
mangida⁄ (ma&i9aX) ‘fin whale’ mangayaaq ‘porpoise’ (if indeed a loan)
qakiida⁄ (qakii9aX) qakiiyaq ‘silver salmon, coho salmon’
qalqaĝaya-⁄ qalqa3aya-X qalqerayak ‘black-billed magpie’
qamaqu-⁄ (qamaqu-X) qamaquq ‘cockle’; ‘clam’
qudĝaa⁄ (qu93aaX) qut’raaq, qut’rauk ‘swan’
taaĝan’gi-s (taa3an!i-s) ‘lateral stalks tarnaq, taryaq ‘wild celery, cow parsnip’
of cow parsnip’
taangax (taa&ax) taangaq ‘liquor’; and taangar- ‘to drink liquor
tayaĝu-⁄ (taya3u-X) ‘person’ Tayaruq ‘Aleutian Aleut’
u⁄ta⁄ (uXtaX) ‘fishhook’ uqtaq ‘hookless lure used to attract sh when dipnetting
or spearing’
ugina-⁄ (u!ina-X) ‘broad-shouldered uginaq ‘sea lion’
sea lion bull’
Aleut source
luqruuyak ‘northern pike’, cf. k’oolkkoy (Koyukon Ath.), giliqoy (Deg Hit’an Ath.)
nalayaq, talayaq ‘post-spawning salmon’, cf. nalay (Deg Hit’an Ath.), nulay (Inland Dena’ina Ath.), nolaya
(Upper Kuskokwim Ath.), meaning ‘chum salmon’
naraaniq ‘fall chum salmon’, cf. leghaane (Koyukon Ath.), leghaane (Deg Hit’an and Holikachuk Ath.), ‘silver
salmon’ and/or noolaaghe, noolaaye (Koyukon Ath.), nalay (Deg Hit’an Ath.), noolaagh (Holikachuk
Ath.), nulay (Dena’ina Ath.) ‘chum salmon’
nuuniq ‘porcupine’, cf. noona (Koyukon Ath.)
talaariq ‘rainbow trout’, cf. telaghi (Upper Inlet Dena’ina Ath.)
kalikaq ‘paper’, from Chuckchi. kelikel ‘book, drawing, line, carving’, or Koryak kalikal ‘letter, book,
kuingiq, kuiniq ‘pipe; cigarette’, and kuingir-, kuinir- ‘to smoke’, from Chukchi. koy&0n ‘pipe, cup’
qalqapak ‘axe’, and qalqapag- ‘to chop’, from 3æl0(3æl) ‘axe’ (the protoform of Chukchi ?al0!atte ‘axe’)
qusniq, quyngiq ‘reindeer’, from Chukchi qora&0 ‘reindeer’, or Koryak qoya&a ‘reindeer
cinguruuq – cinguruuq ‘the sun’
cuuteq – cu(u)n ‘ear
kaganaq – kaganaq ‘wolf
kangilngaq – kangilngaq ‘fox’
kilmaq – kilmaq ‘stomach’ if not from Aleut directly
luuqaanak – luqaanak ‘pink salmon’ perhaps ultimately from Athabaskan
mallruungin – mallruungin ‘seven’
taangaq ‘water’ – taangaq ‘liquorif not from Aleut directly
ucinguq – ucinguq ‘old woman’
mantiikaq ‘shortening, lard’ (cf. Tagalog mantika; Spanish manteca)
palayaq ‘boat’ (cf. Tagalog palahu; though perhaps not from Philippine language)
Pilip’iinaq ‘Filipino’ (cf. Tagalog Pilipino)
lauciq ‘reindeer harness’ (from Saami lawe)
kavluun Y one hundred
laamiq BB sweater
papanuk BB palm frond
patiktaq Y, UK plug chewing tobacco
sapeq BB cigarette
eskaayuq K, BB dog with ring around eye
issaluq porcupine
kulun ring for nger
negavaq BB one hundred
pamaliruq Y Limbo
pelicqiq K purple
pucuur- BB to kiss
Despite the policy in this dictionary to take examples only from published works, these three texts are
used here because they are pan-Eskimo stories. Either Yup’ik versions of them have not been published
(UNP1 and UNP3), or they represent a dialect from which nothing else has been published (UNP2).
Anuurluqellriik, “Grandmother and Grandson”, by Martha Teeluk (in the NSK dialect)
Ak’a tamaani-gguq anuurluqellriik uitalliuk
imarpiim ce÷iini. Tua-llu pistaillaamek anuurluan
tutgara’urluni alerqurnauraa unavet ce÷amun
atrarluku mallussuugaasqelluku. Tua-llu cat
iliitni tutgaraurluq atralliuq ce÷amun. Tamaani
pekesnginanermini neqmek tanglliuq. Ullagluku-am
uivaaraa. Uivaarluku aturluni tavaten:
Uivaarturlaku-u caniqiirturlaku’u
igluqutacirramtu-un igqernaayaaqegka
Igqaqiliu. Ayagluni-am tamaaggun atam
ce÷akun ce÷irqurluni. Tua-llu tekituq nayirmek. Tua-
i-am uivaarluni ataam aturturarraarluni, igqiliu-am.
Tua-i-ll’ eglerrluni tamaaggun ce÷akun maklagmek-
am tekituq uivaarluni-am aturluni:
Uivaarturlaku-u caniqiirturlaku’u
igluqutacirramtu-un igqernaayaaqegka
Tua-i-am igaa. Tua-llu aqsingluni ataam
ayagluni tamaaggun ce÷akun ce÷irqurluni. Tekiskili-
am cetuamek. Tua-i-am uivaaraa aturtuq:
Uivaarturlaku-u caniqiirturlaku’u
igluqutacirramtu-un igqernaayaaqegka
Tua-i-am igaa. Tua-i aqsiqapiggluni tua-i utertuq
aqsiami arenqialami. Tua-i-llu anuurlumi eniinun
tekicami elatiinun nangqertuq.
Qamaviaraa anuurluni. “Anuurlung, naw’un
Tua-ll’ anuurluan pia, “Uuggun amigkun ikeg
Tua-llu tutgarrlum pia, “Iterciigatua.”
Atam-am anuurluni pikiliu, “Anuurlung,
na¥gg’un itsuukanga?”
Atam anuurluan pia, “Pikgun egalerkun itra.”
Tutgarrlugaq niicuitengnagarlaami taum
anuurluan tutgaraurluni tutgaraurluan anuurluum
pikiliu, “Anuurlung, naw’un itsuukanga?”
Tua-i-llu anuurluan pikiliu, “Uuggun
mingqutem iingakun itra.”
Itqereskili tutgara’urluq.
Tua-i-llu iterngami kenrem canianun aqumluni.
It’gani urugcirararai. Anuurluan inerqursaaqaa
uuciiqniluku pikiliu, “Tutgarrlung, keneq
mallegpiinaku, uuciiquten!.”
Keneq ullakaniirnauraa.
Anuurluan inerqursaaqluku. Niicugpek’nani
tutgara’urluq, keneq ta¥gaam ullakaniiraqluku.
Tua-i-llu cat iliitni tuaten pillrani keneq ta¥gken
kenermek aqsiigkenun qeckili tull’uni. Qagerrlutek
aqsiik. Cat tuaten anluteng neqet, nayiit, makliit,
cetuat tuaten, mermek tuaten avuluteng.
Anuurluqellriik taukuk kill’utek tayima.
Mequp’ayagarmek qimugtengqellruunga
imumi, yugcetun-llu qallatenritararaqluni. Cakneq
tua-i usvituqapiggluni elliin-llu taum qimugtema
maligcuaralaraanga ugaani-wa qallautellerkani
pitekluku. Quliriaqamni-llu niicugniuralartuq
Tua-lli-wa-gguq ukuk nulirqellriik uitaaqellriik
kuigem ce÷iini. Taluyiraratuluni-ll’ tauna uinga.
Tuaten uitanginanermegni cat iliini yuum-gguq
tekitak, yuk una tungungaluni. Tungulriarrlainarnek
aturarluni, kegluninraagnek-llu kameksagluni.
Taum-gguq yuum aptak nani nunatangqerrucianek.
Tua-i nallunrilamegnegu qanlliniuk camani
imarpiim ce÷iini nunatangqerrniluku
uilingiatarlirtangqerrniluku-llu qanemcitaag imna
tauna. Tua-i arenqaunani quya¥rlurluni imna tauna
tekitelleq. Qanrutak unuaqu tua-i paqcugluku, tauna
Tua-i nutaan ayiimi ayalliuq ta¥gken ayagluni
. . . ayagnginanermini nutaan nunarpagnun
ivgalliuq. Ivgiimi arenqaituq qaini-llu ellaigarnauraa
wall’u tua-i aturallraminek aturangqertuq.
Tua-i tekite¥rluami egmian tua-i qasgiami uavet
amiigem quliinun aqumelliniluni. Imkut makut
yuut qanqaquurtut, “Tangerrluku yun’erra’armek
uumek tangnerrayagmek allanitaakut. Wall’ ima-qaa
uilingiatarliq-llu amna nulirrniallikii.” Niitnaurtuq
imna tauna tekitelleq.
Tua-i nutaan atakumi yuut inarcata waniwa
cacirkairucata nutaan ullallia imna uilingiatarliq.
Ulliimiu-w’ nutaan pia aqvayaaqniluku waniwa
nuliqsugluku. Angllinia imum, “Aang, waniwa-
wa uingeksailngua utaqaluten qakemkut yuut
Tua-i nutaan unuaquani ikamragnek piluni
atiin navricani imna tauna nukalpiaraq nukalpialler
nutaan ayalliuk. Uinga imna qamuutarluni. Nulirra-
llu kasmurrarluni. Ayiimek ayagtuk ayaglutek
tuaten ayiimek ta¥gken nunanek.
Ayagnginanemegni cayaqlirlutek nulirran aptaa,
“Nateqvaqapiarmi-kiq tayima kingunengqercit?”
“Waniwa tayima unuaqu tekitenrilkumegnuk
yaaliaku-llu tayima tekiciiqukuk nunamnun.”
Ayagnginanermegni qavartarlutek. Tuamta-llu
unuaquani aptaa, “Nateqvaqapiarmi-kiq tayima
waniwa nunangqercit?” “Waniwa-wa tua-i watua
nutaan tekiciiqukuk kingunemnun.”
Ayagnginanermegni’ ikigarnernun a¥gkunun
tekituk mimernat ikigartellrat tamakut iliitnun
arulairtuq. “Waniwa tangerrluku nek’a.” Akleng
maaten itertuq ikigarnermun cella-llu qagna alaunani
cella man’a cella ikigarnerem iluani uitauralallinilria
una canek avayarrlugnek caneggluarnek-llu
maqaucirluni. Cakartaunani neqkarrartaunani-
llu. Cakneq-lli imumi uilingiatarlimi umyugaa
assiipaa-ll’. Qiam angelriim tutaa. Tuc’ani arenqaituq
qia¥rlurtuq kingunrinaartuq imumek uumek
Nutaan unuaquani aptaa, “Camek-wa
tayima neryugciqlilriaten-llu?” Angraa watua
unangkengamek tuntum kemganek neryugluni.
Ayagtuq imna tauna yun’erra’urluq ayagluni
ayagnginanermini ungungssimun tekituq
tuqumalriamun. Tekicami ungungssimun imumun
nuussini anlluku pilagluku makiratiinek a¥gaulluni
utertuq. Tekiutaa maaten nuliaminun nulirran imum
tangraa qimugtem makiratiinek tekiutellinilria.
Cakneq-lli elliini umyugaa qiaculnguvaa-am tuamta-
llu. Qia¥rlurtuq. Pia imum uingan qiasqevkenaku
elliin neqkelarniiluki tamakut waten neqaituraqami,
camek angusciigataqami tamakuungraata tua-i
Tua-i nutaan uitalutek-am tua-i uitarraarlutek
ayalriim-am tuamta-llu tuamta-ll’-am cali iruan
ingluanek tekiutuq. Akleng cakneq-lli elliini
qiaculngularpaa. Aanani atani-llu umyuaqak
imkuk nukalpiarata-am-wa kitugtekngani.
Uilingiatarliungami-wa tua-i.
Tua-i tuaten uitalutek uitanginanermegni cat
iliitni-am tuamta-llu ayagtuq. Tekiutaa tuamta-ll’-
am uqsuanek. Kiituani tua-i arenqaituq elliin-llu
nereksaitelaryaaqekai uingan imum nernaurai.
Arenqaituq tamakutuqsaitelaami-llu ciungani.
Qimugtem-llu kemganeg neqirluni anglillrunrilami.
Nutaan ayiin cat iliitni ava-i ayiin nutaan
ayakalliuq nutaaq utetmun. Tumteg nallunrilamiki
Mequp’ayagaq, “Shaggy Dog”, by Charles Fogy Andreanof (UK dialect)
nutaan ayagngami ayalliuq tuaten. Unugngani
qavartartuq. Unuaquani ayagluni apiatarniararluku
erneq qukarniararluku kingunituq. Arenqaituq
kingunicami tua-i yugnun nutaan qakvartuq.
Kingunitue¥rluami nutaan quyauq tekite¥rluami.
Tua-i tuaten pitalriamek watua quliriamci,
tan’gaurluut nasaurluut-llu. Arenqaituq
igyaraq assiiterrluariin. Imumi tang wiinga
mequp’ayagarmek qimugtengqellruunga.
Mequpayagaqa tauna usvituluni quliranek-llu
niicugniuratuluni waten qanengsaararqama
iriagurnaurtuq-llu. Waten qanengsaararqama
tangvaurlua mequpayagaam. Wagg’uq uum Stormy.
Wani-w’ atra Stormy, qimugteka tauna mequpak
Stormy, Stormy, waniwa tua-i atra.
Akerta Iraluq-llu, “The Sun and the Moon”, by Martha Teeluk (NSK dialect)
Tua-llu-gguq taukut ilakellriit uitalliut.
Anngaqellriit pingasun, una-wa arnaunrat
nasaurluq, kiingan arnauneqluku.
Taum arnaunrata taukut anngani pingasun
neqkiurluki calilluki auluknaurai. Kiingan-llu
arnauneqngamegteggu elluarrluku aulukliat taukut
anngain pingasun.
Tauna-gguq arnaunrat neviarcarpaurrluni
uingnariluni calituluni munarluni cakneq.
Caarkaitusuunani anngai taukut pingasun picuata.
Qaiminek-lu naklegcaarpeknani,
aklukegciuratuluni. Tua-wa tavaten ayuqluteng
uitaut. Taum arnaunrata maqinermek taq’aqata
payuggnaurai canek neqnek egaanek kemegnek
piciatun canek pitaitnek.
Nem’eggni-gguq tauna neviarcaq qavatuluni.
Anngai taugken qasgimi qavaraqluteng. Tua-llu
cam iliini qavainanrani tauna arnaunraat elpengkili
camek uumek yugmek caniqliminek. Taum-gguq
caniqlian evsaik caavtaarturlukek, qainga-llu
man’a agturaluku. Qayugga picirkailami, uitalliuq
tauna neviarcaq. Qanqaqsaunani-llu taumek
aulukesteminek paqnakngermiu.
Tua-cat unuut iliitni taum ullagastiin auluklia.
Tuawaten-gguq taum angutem ullagturnauraa
unugmi tauna neviarcaq. Tua-llu neviarcaq
umsugarteq’nguq, “Kia-kiq waten pilartanga?
Cam im’um auluklartanga?” Umsuganguq tauna
neviarcaq qayugga nallunrillerkaa tauna ullagasteni.
Aiggani cuputmek mingugluki pii. Ullagngani
taum angutem neviarcam-llu caluku agturaluku
kegginaakun pia. Taum-gguq angutem evsaik
neviarcam agturalukek pinaurak. Pilnguamiu
angutem unitaa.
Unuakuarmi tupagluni anngani payugpailegmiki
anluni qasgim egalranun mayurtuq. Ecia ikirrluku
kangirakun uyangtai qavalriit angutet camkut.
Maaten kiartai anngarmi imkut kinguqlirpiata
kegginaan inglua tungurpak cuputmek mingugluni.
Cellii man’a cauq taum neviarcaraam. Carpiim
tuarpiaq tuskii. Qalrillagluni nem tungiinun aq’vuq.
Anngain imkut niicamegteggu mak’arrluteng
anqertut panayugluteng camun arnauneteng
aq’velria nanimek tegumiarluni. Kinguqlirpiarata
tengerrngamiu ataasuagni as’arcaaqekek iruan
inglua kauqerluku malirqaqiliu tegumiaqlkek
qerrulliigni iruan inglua kalurrarluku.
Awaviarluku malirqeraa. Tauna-gguq arnaunra
qialuni aq’vekili quletmun. Angutngunran-llu
maliggmiluku. Tamarmek taukuk anelgutkellriik
anngarkenka takuatni mayuqilik cellamun
pagaavet. Arnaunra-gguq taugken akertengurrluni.
Anngii iraluurrluni. Iralum-gguq tua akerta
kesia maligqurluku. Caqapigtaqami anguaqamiu
kassuutaqlutek. Cella-gguq taamlegiaqluni ugaani
kasngusuum. Tangkesciiganakek.
Akertem iralum-llu kassuutellragnek
kinguankun catuluni. Yuut kainiqaqluteng wall’u
cat pitarkat nurnariaqluteng. Atauwaunritaqluni
kinguakun. Tuatnamek akertem iralum-llu
kassuutellerkaak yuut aliklaraat anelgutekngagnek-
gguq. Tamana atullrak picirsararkaunrilan.
Publications with Yup’ik texts from which
examples have been taken
Afcan, Paschal. 1971a. Kuul’tilakessaaq Pingayun-
llu Taqukaat. Fairbanks: Eskimo Language
Workshop, University of Alaska.
Afcan, Paschal. 1971b. Tukutukuarall’er. Fairbanks:
Eskimo Language Workshop, University of
Afcan, Paschal. 1971c. Uqumyak. Fairbanks: Eskimo
Language Workshop, University of Alaska.
Afcan, Paschal. 1972. Cikemyaq. Fairbanks: Eskimo
Language Workshop, University of Alaska.
Afcan, Paschal. 1973. Egacuyayiit Kenurraita Tanqiit.
Fairbanks: Eskimo Language Workshop,
University of Alaska.
Afcan, Paschal. 1977a. Angalgaam Qanemcicuaraak.
Bethel: Yup’ik Language Workshop, Kuskokwim
Community College.
Afcan, Paschal. 1977b. Kuul’tila’aksaq Pingayun-llu
Taqukat. Bethel: Yup’ik Language Workshop,
Kuskokwim Community College.
Afcan, Paschal. 1977c. Peksut Piyagaat-llu. Bethel:
Yup’ik Language Workshop, Kuskokwim
Community College.
Alaska Native Foundation. 1977. Management of
Change. Prepared under the auspices of the
Alaska Native Foundation and Kellogg Project.
Alaska Native Language Center. 2006. Mikelnguut
Yuarutait Yugcetun: Yup’ik Children’s Songs.
Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center
[compact disc and booklet].
Alaska Native Language Center. 2008. Joe Paul’s
Yup’ik Stories and Songs. Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center [compact disc with pamphlet]
Alexie, Oscar, and Morris Helen, eds. 1984. The
Elders’ Conference. Bethel: Orutsararmuit Native
American Bible Society. 1956. Kanerearakgtar:
Agaiutim Akkute Nutarak, Atanimtgun Jesus
Christusakun, Mumigtsimalret Yugstun,
Kuskorfagamiut Awatetnilingutdlo, Kanlautsetsun.
New York: American Bible Society.
American Bible Society. 2005. Pentateuch-at Psalm-at
Proverbs-aat. New York: American Bible Society.
American Bible Society. 2007. Isaiah. American Bible
American Bible Society. 2008. Jonah. American Bible
Andrew, Frank. 2008. Paitarkiutenka: My Legacy to You.
Seattle and London: University of Washington
Barnum, Francis. 1901. Grammatical Fundamentals
of the Innuit Language as Spoken by the Eskimo
of the Western Coast of Alaska. Boston: Ginn
and Co. [Reprinted 1970 by Georg Olms
Verlag, Hildesheim, New York, as Grammatical
Fundamental of the Eskimo Language; reprinted
2007 with original title by Kessinger Publishing.]
Berlin, James Sr., and Oscar Alexie. n.d. Quarruuk, The
Needlesh: A Yupik Eskimo Folktale. Bethel: Lower
Kuskokwim School District.
Blanchett, Marie Nick. 1971. Cetugpak. Fairbanks:
Eskimo Language Workshop, University of
Blanchett, Marie Nick. 1974. Uuteka’aq Mecaq’amek
At’lek. Bethel: Yup’ik Language Workshop,
Kuskokwim Community College.
Blue, Annie. 2007. Cungyauyaraam Qulirai: Annie
Blue’s Stories. Fairbanks: Traditional Council
of Togiak, Math in a Cultural Context, Alaska
Native Language Center.
Bogeyaktuk, A., and Steve, C. 2004. Taprarmiuni
Kassiyulriit, Stebbins Dance Festival. Fairbanks,
Alaska Native Language Center.
Breiby, John. 1977. Taqukaq Qanganaq-llu. Bethel:
Yup’ik Language Workshop, Kuskokwim
Community College.
Chevak website. www.alaskool.org/language/
Eskimo Language Workshop. 1970. Naaqsugenarqelriit
vol. 1, no. 3. Fairbanks: Eskimo Language
Workshop, University of Alaska.
Eskimo Language Workshop. 1971. Naaqsugenarqelriit
vol. 1, no. 4. Fairbanks: Eskimo Language
Workshop, University of Alaska.
Eskimo Language Workshop. 1972. Liturgy and
Hymns in the Yup’ik Eskimo Language as Used by
the Alaska Moravian Church. Fairbanks: Eskimo
Language Workshop.
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, and Lawrence Kaplan, eds.
2007. Words of the Real People: Alaska Native
Literature in Translation. Fairbanks: University of
Alaska Press.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, ed. 1996. Agayuliyararput:
Kegginaqut, Kangiit-llu; Our Way of Making Prayer:
Yup’ik Masks and the Stories They Tell. Anchorage
Museum of History and Art, Anchorage, Alaska,
in association with the University of Washington
Press, Seattle and London.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, ed. 2000. Where the Echo Began
and Other Oral Traditions from Southwestern Alaska.
Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, ed. 2003. Qulirat Qanemcit-llu
Kinguvarcimalriit: Stories for Future Generations.
Calista Elders Council, Bethel, Alaska, with
University of Washington Press, Seattle and
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, ed. 2005a. Yupiit Qanruyutait:
Yup’ik Words of Wisdom. Lincoln: University of
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, ed. 2005b. Ciuliamta Akluit,
Things of Our Ancestors: Yup’ik Elders Explore the
Jacobsen Collection at the Ethnologisches Museum
Berlin. Bethel: Calista Elders Council.
Fogy, Charle. n.d. Mequpayagaq. [unpublished
typescript (and audio recording) in ANLC
Fredson, Alice, et al., eds. 1998. Kipnermiut Tiganrita
Igmirtitlrit, Qipnermit Tegganrita Egmirtellrit:
The Legacy of the Kipnuk Elders, Narratives by
the Kipnuk Elders. Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center.
Gautheir, Dora. 1977. Macaaskaarrluk Negair-llu.
Bethel, Alaska: Yup’ik Language Workshop,
Kuskokwim Community College.
Ivon, Zach. 1977. Nukalpiaq Ayatuli. Bethel, Alaska:
Yup’ik Language Workshop.
Jacobson, Anna, ed. 1966. Yup’ik Phrase and
Conversation Lessons. Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center. [CD and booklet]
Jacobson, Anna, ed. 2001a. Martha Teeluk-aam Qulirat
Avullri Erinairissuutekun Agnes Hootch-aamek.
Bethel, Alaska: Lower Kuskokwim School
District, and Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language
Jacobson, Anna, ed. 2001b. Martha Teeluk-aam Qulirat
Avullri Erinairissuutekun Ukunek Yugnek Evon
Benedict, Charlie Hootch, Anna Lee, Matilda Oscar,
Isaac Tuntusuk-llu. Bethel: Lower Kuskokwim
School District, and Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center.
Jacobson, Anna. 1990. Elnguq. Fairbanks: Alaska
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Jacobson, Steven. 1995. A Practical Grammar of
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Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center
[second printing, 1997, has corrections and
revisions to certain pages]
Joe, Anna Rose. 1974. Tukutukuarall’er. Bethel, Alaska:
Yup’ik Language Workshop, Kuskokwim
Community College.
John, Evon. 1984. Qaillun Issaluum Saskungellra: How
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Lantis, Margaret. 1946. Social Culture of the Nunivak
Eskimo, Vol. XXXV, Part III, of Transactions of the
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Lonneux, Martin. 1950. Catholic Manual of Prayers in
Innuit. Publisher unknown.
Lonneux, Martin. 1951. The Graded Catechism in
Innuit. Chaneliak, Hamilton P.O., Alaska.
Lupie, Henry. n.d. Maqaruaq, Tan’gerliq Usvituli-
llu Iggiayuli. Fairbanks: Eskimo Language
Workshop, University of Alaska.
Manutoli, Sophie. 1977a. Kupcaar Yugpak-llu. Bethel,
Alaska: Yup’ik Language Workshop.
Manutoli, Sophie. 1977b. Pupitukaar Kupcaar. Bethel,
Alaska: Yup’ik Language Workshop.
Mather, Elsie, and Phyllis Morrow. 2001. “There Are
No More Words to the Story.” In Native American
Oral Tradition: Collaboration and Interpretation.
Larry Evers and Barre Toelken, eds., pp. 200–243.
Logan: Utah State University Press.
Mather, Elsie. 1973. Qessanquq Avelngaq. Fairbanks:
Eskimo Language Workshop, University of
Mather, Elsie. 1985. Cauyarnariuq. Bethel, Alaska:
Lower Kuskokwim School District
Mekoryak website: www.nunivak.org
Moravian Church. 1954. Yuarutit: Liturgy and Hymns
in the Eskimo Language of the Kuskokwim District,
Alaska as Used by the Alaska Moravian Church.
Bethlehem, PA: The Society for Propagating the
Gospel, The Moravian Church.
Nelson, Edward W. 1899. The Eskimo about Bering
Strait. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
[reprinted several times]
Nicolai, Martin. 2006. Orthodox Choirs Handbook.
Original dated 2002; unknown publisher;
digitally retypeset, on the Internet at www.asna.
Nicori, Helen Andrew. 1977. Ciutiim Qavangua.
Bethel, Alaska: KCC Print Shop.
Orr, Eliza, and Ben Orr, eds. 1995. Qanemcikarluni
Tekitnarqelartuq. Fairbanks: Alaska Native
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
Language Center.
Orr, Eliza, and Ben Orr, eds. 1997. Ellangellemni.
Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
Paukan, Andrew. 1981a. Caliarkat Qaneryaramek
Elicalriani. Printed as a joint project of the
National Bilingual Materials Development
Center and the Lake and Peninsula School
Paukan, Andrew. 1981b. Nek’a. Printed as a joint
project of the National Bilingual Materials
Development Center and the Lake and Peninsula
School District.
Russian Orthodox Church. 1896. Sbornik Tserkovnykh
Pesnopeniy i Molitvocloviy na Aglegmyutsko-
Kuskokvimskom Narechiy. [Cyrillic orthography;
San Francisco 1896; digitally retypeset 2006, on
the Internet at www.asna.ca]
Rearden, Alice, and Anna Jacobson, eds. 2009.
Qanruyutepet Iinruugut: Our Teachings Are
Medicine. Bethel, Alaska: Association of Village
Council Presidents, and Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center.
Samson, Tim. 1977. Kainiqellriit. Bethel, Alaska: KCC
Print Shop.
State of Alaska, Department of Community and
Regional Affairs. n.d. Get the Most Out of Your
Weatherized Home (Central Yup’ik Version).
Anchorage: State of Alaska, Department of
Community & Regional Affairs.
State of Alaska, Department of Education and Early
Development. n.d., vol. 1., Best Beginnings,
Alaska’s Early Childhood Investment, translation
in three pamphlet-volumes as “Mikelnguut
Ayagmenk Elluarrluki Anglivkallrat,” by Marie
Meade. Anchorage: State of Alaska, Department
of Education and Early Development.
State of Alaska, Division of Insurance, Department of
Commerce, and Economic Development. 1978.
Nelget Cali-llu Ekem Arenqiallugcugyailkutiitnek
Kiputestet Ayuqucirtuutait (Homeowners and Fire
Insurance Consumer Guide). Anchorage: State of
Alaska, Division of Insurance, Department of
Commerce and Economic Development.
Teeluk, Martha. 1972. Kaviarem Kavirilra. Fairbanks:
Eskimo Language Workshop, University of
Teeluk, Martha. n.d. Anuurluqellriik. [unpublished
typescript (and audio recording) in Alaska
Native Language Archives (hereafter ANLA;
ANLA is the successor to the ANLC archives)].
Teeluk, Martha. n.d. Akerta Iraluq-llu. [unpublished
typescript in ANLA].
Tennant, Edward, and Joseph Bitar, eds. 1981. Yuut
Qanemciit: Yupiit Cayaraita Qanrutkumallrit, Yupik
Lore: Oral Traditions of an Eskimo People. Bethel:
Lower Kuskokwim School District. [republished
1995 in different format]
Tunuchuk, Mary. 1997. Qasrulek, Qasrulek. Bethel,
Alaska: Curriculum/Bilingual Education
Department, Lower Kuskokwim School District.
Vick, Ann, ed. 1983. The Cama-i Book: Kayaks, Dogsleds,
Bear Hunting, Bush Pilots, Smoked Fish, Mukluks,
and Other Traditions of Southwestern Alaska.
Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.
White, Rosemary. 1998. Kapuckaryaraq. Bethel, Alaska:
Lower Kuskokwim School District.
Woodbury, Anthony, ed. 1984. Cev’armiut Qulirait
Qnemciit-llu. Eskimo Narratives and Tales from
Chevak, Alaska. Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center.
Published works of particular interest in regard to
Yup’ik lexicon (L), grammar and phonology (G),
and dialectology (D)
Alexie, Oscar, Sophie Barnes, and Gerald Domnick.
1990. Mumigcestet Kalikait. Bethel, Alaska: Yup’ik
Language Center [reprinted 2001 by Fairbanks:
Alaska Native Language Center] (L)
Amos, Muriel, and Howard Amos. 2003. Eskimo
Dictionary. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language
Center. (D, L)
Barnum, Francis, 1901. Grammatical Fundamentals
of the Innuit Language as Spoken by the Eskimo
of the Western Coast of Alaska. Boston: Ginn
and Co. [Reprinted 1970 by Georg Olms
Verlag, Hildesheim, New York, as Grammatical
Fundamental of the Eskimo Language; reprinted
2007 with original title by Kessinger Publishing]
(G, L)
Fienup-Riordan, Ann. 1996. 2005a. Wise Words of the
Yup’ik People: We Talk to You Because We Love You.
Seattle: University of Washington Press. (L)
Fienup-Riordan, Ann. 1996. 2005b. Yup’ik Elders at the
Ethnologisches Museum Berlin: Fieldwork Turned on
Its Head. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann. 1996. The Living Tradition
of Alaskan Masks: Agayuliyararput, Our Way of
Making Prayer. Seattle: University of Washington
Press. (L)
Fortescue, Michael, Steven Jacobson, and Lawrence
Kaplan. 1994. Comparative Eskimo Dictionary
with Aleut Cognates. Fairbanks: Alaska Native
Language Center. (L, D). The second edition of
the CED (published 2010) was being prepared
contemporaneously with this edition of the
Yup’ik Eskimo Dictionary.
Grabun, Nelson, et al. 1996. Catalgue Raisonne of
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
the Alaska Commericial Company Collection,
Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology.
Berkeley: University of California Press. (L) [also
of interest are the source manuscripts]
Henshaw, Henry., ed. 1887. Report upon Natural
History Collections Made in Alaska between the Years
1877 and 1881 by Edward W. Nelson, No. III. Arctic
series of publications issues in connection with
the Signal Service, U.S. Army. Washington, D.C.:
Governmnent Printing Ofce. (L)
Hinz, John. 1944. Grammar and Vocabulary of the
Eskimo Language as Spoken by the Kuskokwim and
Southwest Coast Eskimos of Alaska. Bethlehem, Pa:
Society for the Propogation of the Gospel among
the Heathen. (G, L)
Jacobson, Steven, and Anna Jacobson. 1996. Yup’ik
Eskimo Word Chooser. Fairbanks. Alaska Native
Language Center. (L)
Jacobson, Steven. 1984. “The Stress Conspiracy and
Stress-Repelling Bases in the Central Yup’ik
and Siberian Yupik Eskimo Languages.” In
International Journal of American Linguistics, vol.
50, no. 3, July 1984. (G, D)
Jacobson, Steven. 1990b. “Comparison of Central
Alaskan Yup’ik Eskimo and Central Siberian
Yupik Eskimo.” In International Journal of
American Linguistics, vol. 56, no. 2, April 1990. (L)
Jacobson, Steven. 1995. A Practical Grammar of
the Central Alaskan Yup’ik Eskimo Language.
Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center
[second printing, 1997, and thereafter has
corrections; third printing, 2000, and thereafter
has expanded bibliography] (G)
Jacobson, Steven. 2006. “The Participial Oblique,
a Verb Mood Found Only in Nunivak Central
Alaskan Yup’ik and in Siberian Yupik.” In Etudes/
Inuit/Studies, vol. 30, no. 1. Quebec City, Quebec.
Krauss, Michael, ed. 1985. Yupik Eskimo Prosodic
Systems: Descriptive and Comparative Studies;
Alaska Native Language Center Research Papers
No. 7. (D, G)
Lonneux, Martin. 1951. The Graded Catechism in
Innuit. Chaneliak, Hamilton P.O., Alaska. (L)
[and, Complete Graded Baltimore Catechism in
Yupik, unpublished preliminary typescript with
some differences in wording and orthography]
Mather, Elsie, Marie Meade and Osahito Miyaoka.
2002. Survey of Yup’ik Grammar Revised. Number
A2-023 in the series, Endangered Languages of
the Pacic Rim. Osaka. (G)
Miyaoka, Osahito. 1996. “Sketch of Central
Alaska Yupik, an Eskimoan Language.”
In Handbook of North American Indians, Vol.
17:325–363, Languages. Edited by Ives Goddard.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. (G)
Miyaoka, Osahito. 2001. “Preliminaries to a Grammar
of Central Alaskan Yupik.” In Languages of the
North Pacic Rim, vol. 6, March 2001. Kyoto. (G)
Nagai, Tadataka, 2008. Agentive and Patientive Verb
Bases in North Alaskan Inupiaq Eskimo. VDM
Verlag Dr. Muller, Germany. (G)
Reed, Irene, Osahito Miyaoka, Steven Jacobson,
Paschal Afcan, and Michael Krauss. 1977.
Yup’ik Eskimo Grammar. Fairbanks: Alaska
Native Language Center and Yup’ik Language
Workshop. (G)
Rukeyser, Alison. 2005. A Semantic Analysis of
Yup’ik Spatial Deixis. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis,
University of California Davis. (G)
Woodbury, Anthony. “Eskimo and Aleut Languages”
in Damas, D., ed., Handbook of North American
Indians, Vol. 5, Arctic, Washington, 1984.
Smithsonian Institution. (D)
Woodbury, Anthony. 1981. Study of the Chevak Dialect
of Central Alaskan Yupik. Unpublished Ph.D.
thesis, University of California Berkeley. (D, L, G)
Zimmerly, David. 2000. Hooper Bay Kayak
Construction. Canadian Ethnology Service Paper
53, Canadian Museum of Civiliation, Quebec. (L)
Adams, Edward. 1851a. [Unaliq wordlists.]
In Notebook, Mikhailovski Redoubt, Oct.
1850–June 1851. Wellcome Historical Medical
Library, London, No. 5350 (ms. Am. 108). 62
pp. Ca. 750 Yup’ik terms in wordlist plus 366
on additional categorical lists.
Adams, Edward. 1851b. “Vocabulary of Norton
Sound Esquimaux, 1851.” Original in possession
of Miss Phoebe Kilner, Suffolk. 28 pp.
Reorganized and rened ms. mostly derived
from Adams 1851a, ca. 750 items.
Afcan, Paschal. 1967–1974. [Lexical notes.] Mss.,
Alaska Native Language Center. Ca. 500
pp. Yukon dialect. Barnum, Francis. Ca.
1895. “Innuit-Eskimo geographical names.”
Georgetown University Archives, Barnum Papers
4-64.4 pp. Ca. 40 Yup’ik place names and their
Amkam, Nikofor. 1911. “Liturgy of the Catechumens
with Holy Gospel Reading of St. Mark 6:11.”
[from unpublished manuscript, digitally typeset
in 2009 and on the Internet at www.asna.ca]
Amkan, Nikifor. 1911. Liturgy of the Catechumens with
Holy Gospel Reading of St. Mark 6:14–30. Digitally
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
typeset and placed on website www.asna.ca in
Barnum, Francis. 1896. “Notes on Innuit
ethnography.” Woodstock Letters 25:47–51.
Measurement, calendar, and compass terms.
Barnum, Francis. 1901. “Vocabulary.” In Grammatical
Fundamentals of the Innuit Language as Spoken
the Eskimo of the Western Coast of Alaska. Boston:
Ginn and Co. Reprinted, Hildesheim and New
York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970. Pp. 319–376. Ca.
5,200 items in Yukon and Kuskokwim dialects,
collected 1891–1897.
Belkov, Zakharii. Ca. 1885. [Yup’ik-Russian
dictionary, unnished.] Library of Congress,
Alaska Church Collection. 62 pp. Ca. 180 items
from St. Michael and Ikogmiut, mostly beginning
with letter a, collected ca. 1850–
Charles, Walkie. 2006. Uncatalogued lexical notes from
Kotlik and Emmonak.
Charles, Walkie. 1992. Catholic Manual of Prayers by
Martin Lonneaux et al. revised into standard Yup’ik
orthography; uncatalogued typescript.
Chevak website. n.d. Chevak Glossary, at www.
Coolidge, Joseph. 1971–1976. [Lexical notes.] Mss.,
Yup’ik Language Center, Bethel. Ca. 250 pp.
plus slip les. Lexical data, English-to-Yup’ik,
Kuskokwim and Bristol Bay.
Curtis, Edward S. 1930. “Vocabularies.” In The North
American Indian, Vol. 20. Norwood: privately
printed. Pp. 264–277. Ca. 400 items and numerals
from Nunivak, collected in 1915.
Dan, W. H. 1870. “Western Esquimaux dialects.” In
Alaska and Its Resources. Boston. Pp. 555–565.
Comparative vocabulary includes 275 items from
the Yukon and 160 items from Norton Sound,
collected in 1865.
Delk, Elena, et al. 2000. Mingumalrit Yuum Temiin
Tarenrai. Anchorage: Southcentral Foundation.
Delon, Philip. 1915–1923. [Yup’ik-English
vocabulary.] Oregon Province Archives, Crosby
Library, Gonzaga University, F.30, D.3, microlm
Deschout, Paul C. 1930. [Yup’ik vocabulary notes.]
Oregon Province Archives, Crosby Library,
Gonzaga University, F.34, D.4,
microlm 2:565–
617. 52 pp. Ca. 1,000 words and phrases from
Akulurak and Nelson Island.
Drebert, Ferdinand, 1940s, Genesis 1:1–12 [typescript
Yup’ik translation] ANLA Cat. # CY(MOR) 929 D
Drebert, Ferdinand. 1912–1960. “Eskimo-English
Dictionary.” Alaska Native Language Center,
CY929.D1960. 203 pp. Ca. 5,000 Yup’ik words
and additional derived forms, Kuskokwim and
Bristol Bay.
Everette, W. E. 1897. “Study of Indian Languages:
Third Annual Report to the Bureau of American
Ethnology.” National Anthropological Archives,
Smithsonian Institution, BAE ms. 544. 13 pp.
Comparative vocabulary includes ca. 200 items,
Yukon dialect, collected 1884 and 1897.
Furuhjelm, Hjalmar. 1859a. “Vocabulary of the
Eskimo of Kuskokwim River, Norton Bay,
Alaska.” National Anthropological Archives,
Smithsonian Institution, BAE ms. 331. 83 items
collected in the 1850s.
Furuhjelm, Hjalmar. 1959b. “Vocabulary of the
Eskimo of Norton Bay, called Asiagmiut.”
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian
Institution, BAE ms. 335. 60 items collected in the
Gabrielson, Ira, and Frederick Lincoln. 1959. The Birds
of Alaska. Harrisburg: The Stackpole Co., and
Washington D.C.: Wildlife Management Institute.
Gordon, George B. 1917. “The language of the
Kuskokwagmiut.” In In the Alaskan Wilderness.
Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co. Pp. 236–245.
Numerals and ca. 150 words from Sleetmute,
ca. 85 words and phrases from Bethel, collected
Hammerich, Louis L. 1950. [Nunivak lexical le.]
Institute of Eskimology, Copenhagen. 1,530 pp.
Ca. 1,500 stems.
Hammerich, Louis L. 1953. [Fieldnotes from Hooper
Bay and Sleetmute.] Institute of Eskimology,
Copenhagen. 22 pp. Ca. 450 items transcribed
from Hooper Bay tape recording by Helen
Oswalt (same items as Oswalt 1950 but more
accurate transcription); 61 Russian loans from
Sleetmute, collected 1953.
Hensel, Chase, Marie Blanchett, Ida Alexie, and Phyl-
lis Morrow. 1980. Qaneryaurci Yup’igtun. An in-
troductory course in Yup’ik Eskimo for non-speakers.
Bethel, Alaska: Yup’ik Language Center. 146 pp.
[Practical lessons in conversational Yup’ik.]
Hinz, John. 1944. “Eskimo-English vocabulary.” In
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Eskimo Language,
as Spoken by the Kuskokwim and Southwest
Coast Eskimos of Alaska. Bethlehem, Pa.: Board
of Foreign Missions. Reprinted, with added
vocabulary, 1955. Pp. 141–199. Ca. 3,800 items
collected 1902–1930.
Ignatin, Christine, and Nick Ignatin. n.d. Kuigilnguq
and Alutiiq Bird Name List. 2 pp.
Jacobson, Steven. 1979. Nunivak Lexical and Grammatic
Notes. 96 pp. ANLA Cat. # CY 967 J 1979a.
Jacobson, Steven. 1979. Report on Hooper Bay–Chevak
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
Dialect and Orthography. 4 pp. ANLA Cat. # CY
967 J 1981a.
Jacobson, Steven. 1979. Report on Nunivak Dialect and
Orthography Problems. 7 pp. ANLA Cat. # CY 967
J 1979b.
Jacobson, Steven. 1980. Golovin Lexical Notes. Approx.
35 pp. ANLA Cat. # CY 967 J 1980a.
Jacobson, Steven. 1980. Report on Norton Sound Yup’ik.
9 pp. ANLA Cat. # CY 967 J 1980b.
Jacobson, Steven. 1987. Report on Trip to Egegik. 16 pp.
Uncatalogued grammatical and lexical notes.
Jacobson, Steven. Various Dates. Uncatalogued lexical
Johnson, J. Wallace. 1884. “Inuit (Eskimo), Bristol
Bay.” National Anthropological Archives,
Smithsonian Institution, BAE ms. 307. 42 pp. Ca.
300 items from Bristol Bay.
Kwarecious, Joe. Various dates. Uncatalogued lexical
Keim, Frank. 2004. Yup’ik Bird Names. 9 pp.
Keyes, Anthony. Ca. 1925. [English-Yup’ik words
and phrases.] Oregon Province Archives, Crosby
Library, Gonzaga University, F.10, D.6, microlm
2: 618–646.
Khromchenko [Khramchenko], Vasiliy Stepanovich.
1824. “Otryki iz zhurnala plavaniya G.
Khromchenki, v 1822 godu.” Severnyy Arkhiv
11–18. [English translation] V. S. Khromchenko’s
Coastal Explorations in Southwestern Alaska, 1822,
edited with introduction by James W. VanStone,
translated by David H.. Kraus. Fieldiana
Anthropology 64 (1973). Original ms., Perm
State Archive, Perm, USSR, has 135 “Aglemiut”
(Bristol Bay) items, 150 Stuart Island, 148
Nunivak; 26 each of the latter two are missing
from the published versions; missing items
copied and transmitted by N. B. Vakhtin.
King, James. 1784. [Norton Sound wordlist.] In James
Cook, A Voyage to the Pacic Ocean. London:
W. and A. Strahan for G. Nicol and T. Cadell.
Pp. 554–555. Also, Public Records Ofce, Great
Britain, Adm. ms. 55/122, f. 88. 23 Norton Sound
items collected in 1778. King’s ms. journal has
somewhat different spellings from the published
Lantis, Margaret. 1959. “Folk medicine and hygiene,
Lower Kuskokwim and Nunivak-Nelson Island
areas.” Anthropological Papers of the University of
Alaska 8(1):1–76. Appendix B, pp. 59–62, ora
terms; Appendix D, ca. 150 items including
Nunivak terms collected by Hammerich in 1954
and corresponding Mekoryuk and Kasigluk
terms collected by Lantis in 1940.
Lonneux, Martin. 1924–1952a. [Vocabularies.]
Oregon Province Archives, Crosby Library,
Gonzaga University. (1) [English-Yup’ik.] F.20,
D.5, microlm 3:603–838; ca. 6,000 Yup’ik forms
under ca. 2,500 English headings. (2) [English-
Yup’ik.] F.46, D.4,
microlm 2: 647–817; ca. 5,000
Yup’ik items. (3) [Yup’ik-English.] F.43–44, D.4,
microlm 3:128–480; ca. 5,000 Yup’ik items.
Yukon and Norton Sound dialects, collected
between 1924 and 1952, all undated; the major
and more nal compilations.
Lonneux, Martin. 1924–1952b. [Vocabularies.] (1)
[English-Yup’ik. ] F.10, D.6, microlm 2:647–817.
(2) [English-Yup’ik.] F.41, D.4,
microlm 3:14a–
77. (3) [English-Yup’ik.] F.51, D.4,
3:78–127. (4) [Yup’ik-English.] F.45, D.4,
microlm 3:477–602. (5) [English-Yup’ik.] F.47,
D.5, microlm 4: 15–235. (6) [EnglishYup’ik.] F.48,
D.4, microlm 4:236–487. (7) [English-Yup’ik.]
F.49, D.4, microlm 4:488–670. All undated, with
much duplication; minor and more preliminary
Mann, Mary. n.d. Kipnuk lexical notes. Uncatalogued.
Marsh, Gordon. 1956. [Yup’ik eldnotes.] Alaska
Native Language Center, CY956.MI956. 167 pp.
Ca. 1,500 items from Sleetmute and 1,900 from
Bethel, collected 1956.
Mather, Elsie. 1972. [Lexical notes.] Ms., Yup’ik
Language Center, Bethel. Ca. 200 pp. Lexicon,
especially emotional terms.
Meade, Marie. 1990. “Sewing to Maintain the Past,
Present and Future,” in Etudes/Inuit/Studies, 1990,
Menager, Frank. 1927. “Innuit Words.” Oregon
Province Archives, Crosby Library, Gonzaga
University, F.63, D.3, microlm 4:671–716.
Menager, Frank. 1927. “Innuit Important Forms.”
Oregon Province Archives, Crosby Library,
Gonzaga University, F.11, D.4,
microlm 4:717–
Miyaoka, Osahito. 1969–1982. [Notes on lexicon and
dialectology.] Mss., Alaska Native Language
Center and in possession of author. Ca. 400 pp.
Information especially for Nelson Island, Norton
Sound, Kuskokwim, and Yukon.
Miyaoka, Osahito, and Elsie Mather. 1979. Yup’ik
Eskimo Orthography. Revised Edition. Bethel
Alaska: Yup’ik Language Center. 155 pp.
[Systematic practical lessons in spelling Yup’ik,
especially for speakers of the language.]
Muset, Paul. 1891–1892. “Dictionary of the Malamut
(Eskimo) Language.” Oregon Province Archives,
Crosby Library, Gonzaga University, F.12, D.4,
microlm 4:786–928. Ca. 2,000 items.
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
Muset, Paul. 1891–1894a. [English-Yup’ik vocabulary.]
Oregon Province Archives, Crosby Library,
Gonzaga University, F.54, D.6, microlm 5:15–88.
Muset, Paul. 1891–1894b. “Innuit-English and
English-Innuit vocabularies with notes on Innuit
grammar.” Oregon Province Archives, Crosby
Library, Gonzaga University, F.16, D.5, microlm
Nelson, Edward W. 1877–1881. “Alaskan Innuit
vocabularies.” National Anthropological
Archives, Smithsonian Institution, BAE ms.
346. Collected 1877–1881 at St. Michael, Kotlik,
Ikogmiut, Kolmakovsky, Tununak, Nunivak,
and six Inupiaq locations. Eskimo-English, ca.
4,100 forms altogether, 190 pp.; English-Eskimo,
ca. 2,800 English entries, 219 pp.; ca. 6,000 forms
O’Connor, Paul C. 1937–1940. “Private lexicon of
Father Paul C. O’Connor, S.J., 1937 to 1940.”
Oregon Province Archives, Crosby Library,
Gonzaga University, F.26, D.3, microlm 5:245–
409. Ca. 120 pp., ca. 1,700 items, Yukon.
Olson, Carl Christian. 1969. [Bristol Bay lexical
notes.] 200 pp. Ca. 5,000 forms collected in 1969
in a number of Bristol Bay villages.
Orlov, John. 1897. Three Liturgical Gospel Readings.
[Cyrillic orthogaphy; manuscript 1897; digitally
retypeset 2008, on the Internet at www.asna.ca]
Orlov, Ioann Emov. 1871. [Russian-Aglurmiut-
Kuskokwim vocabulary.] Bancroft Collection,
University of California Libraries, PK-49, Box 2,
folder 33. 38 pp. 470 words and phrases in each
dialect. Given by Orlov to Alphonse Pinart, June
1871, at Nushagak. Also, folder 34, 32 pp., ca.
250 items Yup’ik-Russian-French vocabulary by
Pinart based on Orlov.
Oswalt, Helen. 1950. “Eskimo vocabulary study.” 56
pp. Ca. 450 items each from Mountain Village
and Hooper Bay (the latter retranscribed in
Hammerich 1953), collected in 1950.
Oswalt, Wendell H. 1957. “A Western Eskimo
ethnobotany.” Anthropological Papers of the
University of Alaska 6(1):17–36. Ca. 65 plant
Petroff, Ivan. 1881. [Kuskokwim vocabulary.]
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian
Institution, BAE ms. 1,449. 9 pp. Ms. copy by
Albert Gatschet of a lost original; ca. 175 items.
Rasmussen, Knud. 1941. “List of words for
Ungalardlermiut (and Ukiuvangmiut, the people
of King Island), Nunivarmiut and the Mainland.”
In Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921–4, Vol.
3, pp. 28–36. Ca. 300 items from Nunivak and ca.
200 from St. Michael, collected 1924.
Reed, Irene. Various Dates. Uncatalogued lexical notes.
Reed, E. Irene. n.d. Annotated copies of Yup’ik Eskimo
Dictionary (Jacobson, 1984). unpublished.
Robaut, Aloysius. 1890. “Innuit Repertory.” Oregon
Province Archives, Crosby Library, Gonzaga
University, F.4, D.6, microlm 5:410–500. Ca.
1,800 items, Kuskokwim, collected 1887–1890.
Schultze, Augustus. 1889. “The Vocabulary.” In
A Brief Grammar and Vocabulary of the Eskimo
Language of Northwestern Alaska. Bethlehem, Pa.:
Moravian Publishing Ofce. Pp. 11–21. Ca. 300
items, Kuskokwim, collected from visiting Yup’ik
speakers in 1889 in Pennsylvania.
Schultze, Augustus. 1894. “Vocabulary.” In
Grammar and vocabulary of the Eskimo language
of Northwestern Alaska, Kuskoquim District.”
Bethlehem, Pa.: Moravian Publishing Ofce. 70
pp. Ca. 1,000 items, Kuskokwim, including those
in Schultze 1889.
Sheldon, Monica. 2003. Yup’ik Vocabulary.
Uncatalogued lexical notes 3 pp.
Shield, Sophie. n.d. Qaneryaraqegtaar Agayute Akqutii
Nutaraq Atanemteggun Jesus Krist-ussaakun.
Uncatalogued computer le and typescript of
Kanerearakgtar (American Bible Society, 1956) is
transcribed into the modern standard orthography.
Swadesh, Morris. 1936. [Unaliq (St. Michael)
eldnotes.] American Philosophical Society
Archives E1. b201, Freeman Catalog 1356. 63 +
16 pp. 600 items collected in New Haven from St.
Michael Unaliq speaker James Andrews in 1936.
Swadesh, Morris. 1952. “Unaaliq and Proto-Eskimo
V: Comparative Vocabulary.” International Journal
of American Linguistics 18:241–256. Includes forms
from Swadesh 1936.
Teeluk, Martha. 1961–1970. [Lexical le.] Ms., Alaska
Native Language Center. Ca. 1,000 cards. Lower
Yukon and Norton Sound.
Turner, Lucien M. 1874–1877a. “Unalit vocabulary.”
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian
Institution, BAE ms. 2505-b. 729 pp. Ca. 4,000
words, phrases, and place names from Norton
Turner, Lucien M. 1874–1877b. “Names and locations
of Alaskan Eskimo villages and people, with a
list of 52 villages.” National Anthropological
Archives, Smithsonian Institution, BAE ms. 3471.
7 pp.
Voevodski, Stefan Vasiliy. 1872. “Vocabulary of the
Aglemiut (Bristol Bay).” Copy by Alphonse
Pinart. Bancroft Collection, University of
California Libraries, PK-49, Box 2, folder 25. 7 pp.
Collected in the 1850s.
BiBliography of lexical SourceS
Walton, W. B. 1901. Eskimo or Innuit Dictionary.
Seattle: Metropolitan Printing and Binding Co. 32
pp. Ca. 600 items from Togiak, Bristol Bay.
Woodbury, Anthony C. 1978. [Chevak eldnotes.] 451
pp. Lexicon throughout.
Woodbury, Anthony C. 1979. “Chevak dialect of
Central Alaskan Yup’ik: Supplementary lexicon.”
16 + 4 pp. Ca. 350 items.
Woodbury, Anthony C. 1980. [Chevak eldnotes.] Ca.
320 pp. Lexicon throughout.
Wrangell, Ferdinand Von.
1839. Statistische und
ethnographische Nachrichten über die russischen
Besitsungen an der Nordwest-kiiste von Amerika.
by K. E. yon Baer. St. Petersburg. Reprinted,
Osnabruck: Biblio Verlag, 1978. Pp. 259, ca. 350
items Yup’ik in comparative vocabulary.
Zagoskin, Lavrentiy Alekseevich. 1847.
opis’ chasti russkikh vladeniy v Amerike.
2 vols. St.
Petersburg, 1847–1848, [German translation] in
Denkschriften der russischen geographischen Gesellschaft
zu St. Petersburg
1:307–399, 354–358, 651–652
(Weimar, 1859). [Russian edition]
Puteshestviya i
issledovaniya leytenenta Lavrentiya Zagoskina.
1956. [English translation]
Lieutenant Zagoskin’s
Travels in Russian America,
1842–1844. Edited by
Henry N. Michael. Toronto, 1967. Ca. 600 items
each from St. Michael and the Kuskokwim,
collected 1842–1844.
Readers are encouraged to examine the following
books for other Yup’ik words.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann (Ed.) 2011. Qaluyaarmiumi
Nunamtenek Qanemciput: Our Nelson Island Stories.
Seattle and London: University of Washington
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, and Alice Rearden. 2012.
Ellavut: Our Yup’ik World & Weather. Seattle and
London: University of Washington Press.
Phillip, Joshua ‘Maquista.’ 2008. Maquista:
Ellangutemta Qanruyutait: Memoirs of Traditional
Yup’ik Values. Yup’ik translation by Elena
Chingliak, English translation by Frank
Chingliak. Akiachak: U.S. Department of
Education and Yupiit School District.
Job Name: -- /307168t
This index is an alphabetical list of English
words and phrases used as translations of the
Yup’ik dictionary entries and of lexicalized phrases
of two (or more) words given in small capital letters
within an entry.
The index gives the Yup’ik entry
or entries in which the English word in question is
used in the gloss. However, this is not itself meant to
be a full English-to-Yup’ik dictionary section. This
index does not tell which dialect or dialects use that
word, how a word is used grammatically, or the
precise range of its meaning. Therefore, the person
seeking a suitable Yup’ik translation for a given
English word should, after looking up the English
word in this section, then look up in the Yup’ik-
to-English sections each Yup’ik word or postbase
listed here for the English word in question.
For example, quite a few Yup’ik bases and
postbases are listed here for ‘give’.
Some of
these mean ‘to give as a permanent possession’
(as in English ‘he will give him hunting knife
for Christmas’), while other mean ‘to give for
temporary or immediate use’ (as in English ‘give me
the butter knife’), and still others mean ‘to give’ in a
For example,   ‘earthquake, is found with the entry
for nuna ‘land, village, also the entry for pekte- ‘to move.
e only case in which this index could properly be used without
consulting the Yup’ik-to-English sections is when one is merely
trying to jog ones memory about a Yup’ik word one already know.
e word ‘to’ of innitives is systematically omitted from the
English verb entries in this index, even though it appears in glosses
of verbs in the Yup’ik-to-English sections.
more specialized sense. One can see that in a given
context it would be a mistake to use the wrong verb
for ‘to give’. Also some of these verbs have the thing
given as the grammatical object and the recipient
expressed by a noun in a certain oblique case, while
others have the recipient as the grammatical object
and the thing given by an oblique case noun. To get
this sort of information, one must go the Yup’ik-to-
English section.
Because no attempt has been made in this
English-to-Yup’ik index to list all English words
and give (or create) Yup’ik equivalents or possible
equivalents, one may have to look under other
English words similar in meaning or otherwise
related to the one wanted. For example, to nd a
Yup’ik word for ‘courageous’, one may have to look
under ‘brave’ or ‘fearless’, or perhaps under ‘afraid’
and ‘not’. Yup’ik equivalents of English words
such as ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘in’, ‘from’, ‘will’, and so forth are
expressed through grammatical constructions, for
which one should see Practical Grammar of … Yup’ik
(Jacobson 1995) or another Yup’ik Eskimo grammar.
Often the index will lead one to a Yup’ik word
that is not the same part of speech as the English
word sought. For example, under ‘headache’ one
nds Yup’ik verb bases for ‘to have a headache’;
a Yup’ik noun meaning ‘headache’ would have to
form the verb together with a postbase meaning
‘state of V-ing’ or ‘result of V-ing’. In many cases
one must use the Yup’ik-to-English section and
knowledge of, and facility with, the grammar of
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
the language to form proper and suitable Yup’ik
words, phrases, and sentences; this English-to-
Yup’ik index alone is insufcient.
After an English index entry, rst the various
Yup’ik bases for that English word are listed, then
the Yup’ik postbases (and enclitics) after the bases.
Postbases are given without any parenthesized
initial letters (the same way that they are
alphabetized in the postbase section). Postbase
entries are indicated with “(pb)” and an initial
hyphen (whatever the actual sufxation pattern
of the postbase), and enclitic entries are indicated
with “enc.” and an initial equals sign. “(n)” in
an English entry indicates “noun”, and “(v)”
indicates “verb”.
After the bases and postbases may be references
such as see Zagoskin or see Drebert; these refer one to
the “Lists of Unidentied Words from Old Sources,”
indicating that there is a form in that list translated
by the English word in question.
If there are two or more variants of a Yup’ik
word listed in a single entry in the Yup’ik-to-English
section, then only the rst is given in this index.
Likewise, if the Yup’ik entry has a noun and verb
together, then only the noun form is given in this
index. Also, only Yup’ik words that appear at the
head of the entries are indexed, not derived words
occurring in examples.
A tilde, “~”, in the index entry refers back
to the word(s) of the entry before the colon. For
example, ‘be ~ again’ in an index entry ‘hungry: be
~ again’, should be read as ‘be hungry again’.
There are also topical entries for types of
terminology, such as for “legendary animals,
monsters, and half-humans”, “legendary heroes
and villains”, “constellations”, and “indigenous
An exception being lexicalized multiword phrases (in small
capitals in the examples part of (usually) all relevant entries. us
looking up ‘hangnail’ in the index, one will nd  ,
which to found in the entries for both cetukngernail’, and ciun
e a r ’.
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
aa: (substitute ~ for ai in Yup’ik words) paarte-
abandoned: feel ~ nanikua-
abate: mitriate-
abdomen: aqsak; upper ~ maksaq; lower ~ akuraq;
fold between legs and ~ imelqutak
abdominal: viscera imanaq
ability: doubt (his) ~ qacungake-; lack mental ~
umyugaite-; ~ to speak qalarrneq
able: ~ to V (pb) -yuuma-; be ~ piyugnga-; be ~
to handle (it) alegyagute-; be ~ to do things
quickly piqunqegg-; be ~ to control the
situation kalivqinaite-; be ~ to V (pb) -lgu-,
piugnga-, (pb) -yugnga-; be ~ to V now (pb)
-yaurte-; be ~ to V well -yu-; become ~ to V
(pb) -lguri-; cease being ~ to V (pb) -lguir-, (pb)
-lguirute-, (pb) -sciigali-; be ~ to be V-ed (pb)
-narqe-; able to V easily (pb) -ngig-
abnormal: change one’s behavior in an ~ way
castuqsagte-; ~ growth in throat of codsh
aborted: ~ fetus irnicuaq
abortion: performing an ~ pilagturluku qingaa
about: (1) ablative-modalis case (see Endings section);
(2) be ~ to nish taqcagte-; about to V (pb)
-ciqiar-, -kugte-, -qatar-
above: the one up there ~ pagna, pakemna; up
there ~ pagaa(ni), pakma(ni), pika(ni); witch
or ghost that walks in the air ~ yuilriq; waist ~
the hip nenrilquq; thigh-high skin boots with
fur ~ the knee mamlek; back of head just ~
neck tunucuk; line of snares ~ water negaraq*,
partak; for there to be a gust from ~ kalvaguar-
above-ground: temporary ~ structure at sh camp
qasgiarneq; ~ entrance to semi-subterranean
house kepneq
abrade: keggeve-, nangugte-
abruptly: act or react ~ caleryag-; change one’s
mood or behavior ~ qailqerte-; V ~ (pb)
-leryag-; ~ cease V-ing (pb) -ir(ar)te-; ~ change
from being happy to being sad tuss’aqerte-; ~
distribute gifts after complaints aruq’ler-; ~ get
on top of something ug’arte-; ~ get upright or
sit up mak’arte-; ~ push cingqar-; ~ stand up
nang’erte-; ~ leave behind uniarte-; ~ stay or be
left behind un’garte-
absence: feeling ~ of dead person kingunrurte-
absent: be ~ cataite-, piite-
absolutely: ~ all tamak’acagar-; for there to be ~ no
N (pb) -taknaggaite-; ~ not angurrluk; ~ nothing
absolve: assiilnguir-
absorb: pateq; ~ water metu-; shock ~er
matngagcailkun, qatngicailkutaq
abstain: yag-; any one of the ve days when
bereaved ~ from certain activities kanaraq;
~ing from certain foods and activities agelru-,
eyag-, yaag-
abstinence: practice rite-of-passage ~ caagnite-; life
event that causes others to follow traditional ~
practices eyagnaq; one who follows traditional
~ practices eyanqellria; one who doesn’t follow
traditional ~ practices eyailnguq*
abundance: celebration to request ~ Agayuyaraq;
have an ~ of things ciri-; indulge oneself
because of having ~ umyugiur-
abundant: be ~ enurnaite-, nurnaite-; not be ~
mikuite-; be ~ (of sh and insects) mikur-
abuse: ~ physically or psychologically nangte-
accelerate: cukari-, cukacar-
accelerator: cukacarissuun, cukarissuun
accept: tupke-; immediately ~ maligarte-; ~ one’s
fate pitqua-; consider what is going to happen
and ~ it tuallituar-; ~ things the way they are
tuatequa-; act against ~ed standards narurte-
access: ~ to something ukangiiq; fetch N from an
easily ~ible place (pb) -ssaag-
accident: have an ~ akacag-, picurlak; be ~-prone
picurlitqe-; become oily by ~ uquurte-;
something to prevent ~s picurlagyailkutaq
accidental: ~ tear in cloth, skin, etc. allganeq
accidentally: overturn ~ in a vehicle, plane, or boat
akacag-; urinate ~ anguur-; drop ~ pegtuqar-;
~ put weight on (it) niikar-; run aground ~
ugi’irte-, ugiyaqar-
Accipiter gentilis: eskaviaq, qaku’urtaq
Accipiter striatus: tengmiacuar(aq*)
accompaniment: ~ to tea or coffee tevuq
accompany: maligte-; ask someone to accompany
one unayaqe-; walk on shore as a boat ~s one
accomplish: act crazy instead of trying to ~ things
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
ellalkarte-, ellangpar-; V using repeated
actions to ~ the act (pb) -qur-; ~ something
extraordinary iniqsakar-; doubt (his) ~
accordance: mask a man makes in ~ with his own
wishes uigturcuun
according: ~ to Your will tamaaten
accordion: nengtaaryarat, nengugtaat
account: univkaq; true ~ qanemci; on ~ of ugaani,
uguani; act on ~ of it pitke-; ~ of something
that happened qalamciq, qalangssak
accouterment: aklu
accuracy: piciutaciq
accurate: be ~ naker-; be ~ when shooting naker-
accusation: picetaarun
accuse: paci-, pacike-, picetaarute-; ~ falsely picilir-
accustomed: become ~ eliga’rte-; become ~ to
staying with (someone) megute-
ace in playing cards tuss’aq, tuussaq
ache: suffer ~s enllugtur-, [e]ngllugtur-,
ngell’ugtur-, qelluqite-; complain of ~ and
pains yuuniar-
Achillea sp.: anuqetuliar(aq*), qanganaruaq
Achilles tendon: kingulirneq, kitngilqitaaq
acne: ~ pimple qaaryak
acorn: ~-squash–shaped projection ut’rutaq
acquiesce: immediately ~ maligarte-
acquire: ~ a husband uinge-; ~ content imange-; ~
N (pb) -ksagute-, -nge-; ~ sensation elpenge-; be
haughty because of what one has unexpectedly
~d ucngate-
acquired immune deciency syndrome (AIDS):
tememi naulluutnek kitugcitulit navguutiit
acrophobia: suffer from ~ or another phobia
nangyartar-, nangyaryugyaraq
across: akitmun; go ~ qerar-; ~ there agaa(ni),
agken, agna, ii(ni), ika(ni); one ~ akemna;
the one ~ there ikna; pass by ~ a bay or
river ak’irte-
; go ~ using a bridge nirar-; ~
on the other side akma(ni); snowshoe ~ the
snow tanglurar(ar)-; marking, cutting, etc. ~
something kepelmun; struts ~ top of kayak
act: be unwilling to ~ qessa-; ~ against
accepted standards of behavior ellaliur-,
kengliqe-, kenluqsak, narurte-; deliberately
~ unacceptably pissaqe-; ~ intentionally
picsaqe-, pitsaqe-; engage in some ~ imkur-;
~ (laugh) until the stomach hurts aqsairute-;
sulk, refusing to ~ nengar-; ~ approachable
nuyurriltaar-; ~ as if one is better than others
qutegte-; ~ carelessly mulngaite-, picuvlag-;
~ compassionately toward (him) kusguke-;
~ concealing one’s actions from nalluliur-; ~
coy picari-; ~ crazy, playing instead of trying
to accomplish things ellalkarte-, ellangpar-;
~ fondly toward (him, it) kumke-; ~ for the
sake of (him) pitke-; ~ forcefully or vigorously
qepirte-; ~ generously tuvqake-, tuvqayug-;
~ gently and carefully mulngake-; ~ having
(it) as a reason pitke-; ~ like a white person
kass’amirte-; ~ like an orphan elliritke-; ~
like N (pb) -mirte-; ~ like this watna-; ~ mean
culengciqe-; ~ mischievously as’ercir-, asrircir-;
~ of speaking qanruciq; ~ on account of
(it) pitke-; ~ on one at a time atauciqtaarar-,
ataucitaar-, atauciuqaqe-; ~ on one so as to
cause it to V (pb) -te-
; ~ on the middle of (it)
qukartur-; ~ on in pairs malruuqaqe-; ~ for
a purpose picir-, piter-; ~ without serious
purpose caanguaq; ~ or be acted upon N at
a time (pb) -taar-
; ~ violently or abruptly
caleryag-, culengciqe-; ~ of V-ing -lleq
; ~
recklessly aarite-; ~ to make others V (pb)
-nartaar-; ~ so as to try to make others feel
that one is V (pb) -taar-
; ~ solely by V-ing
(pb) -rrlainar-; ~ superior toward (him)
yuunguite-; ~ that way tuatna-; ~ thoughtlessly
umyugailkar-; ~ together (with) pillgucir-, (pb)
-tuuma(r)-; ~ toward (it or them) allakauke-,
allakauki-, (pb) -viar-; ~ under the open sky
angvarqur-; ~ unintentionally pitsaqenrite-; ~
unwary nuyurriltaar-; ~ unwillingly qessaniur-;
~ wantonly (and perhaps cruelly) ulapeqe-; ~
youthfully nevikci-; ~ with things in various
ways qailluqtaar-; person who ~s very slowly
Actaea rubra: tulukaruut neqait
acting: keep ~ or being as one is piur(ar)-; refrain
from ~ ilacir-; become incapable of acting on
(it) kalivyagute-
action(s): regret one’s ~ umyuarrlugcarar-, uurcara-;
consider one’s ~ before acting umyuarcirtur-;
act concealing one’s ~ from nalluliur-; offend
others with one’s ~ nangrunarqe-; rock
formation patterned by ~ of water ingigun,
accordance — action(s)
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
active: be ~ ceqcerte-, pissanqegg-; become more
~ cegg’ar-, [e]cgar-, essgar-, segg’ar-; be ~ and
healthy tarranqegg-
activities: follow traditional practices, abstaining
from certain foods and ~ eyag-, yaag-
activity: be suitable weather for outdoor ~
ellamanarqe-; mental ~ umyuaq; weather that
hinders outdoor ~ ellanglluk; fear ~ at a height
nangyaqe-; be late for an ~ patakaute-; ~ of
V-ing (pb) -neq
Actonitun delphinifolium: cetegneq
actual: watngu-, watngurte-
actually: V (as surprising as it ~ may seem) (pb)
acupuncture: perform ~ uguci-
Adam’s apple: qengaruaq, qerrsak, tuvcuguaq
add: ~ to ilaute-, qivir-, tevir-
, usgu-; ~ an
ingredient (especially seal oil) kuucir-; ~ salt
to (it) taryir-; ~ sugar saarralir-; ~ ashes arir-; ~
N to (it) (pb) -lir-; ~ insulation maqarqe-; ~ onto
the end of (it) iqulir-
addicted: be ~ to alcohol taanganrirciigate-
addiction: ~ to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
piitesciigalillra (taangamek, kuingimek, wallu
addition: have in ~ cipinga-; having an ~ cipluku;
~ in mathematics atliliyaraq; the process of ~
ilayaraq; ~al ones cipnelget
address: ~ by name aterpagte-
adept: be ~ cakukegte-; be ~ in arts and crafts
kenarte-; ~ at V-ing (pb) -ngig-
adequate: provide ~ food neqilegte-
adhere: nepte- stick
adherent: maligtaqusta
adhering: excrement ~ to anal area peliquq
adipose n: amaqatak, nuluraun
, teqsuqaq,
pet’ngall’aq, petengtaq
admit: goggles that ~ only a little light niguak,
admonish: inerqur-
admonition: inerquun
adolescent: ayagyuaq, ayanerraq*
adopt: ilaksagute-, yuksagute-
adopted: ~ child anglicaraq, aqumkengaq, kitugtaq,
teguaq, yuliaq; ~ son avaqutarkartaq
adorned: be ~ kenugnga-
adroit: be ~ pamrig-
adult: taqneq, temirta; show affection by clinging,
as a child to an ~ unga-; respond to ~’s cooing
ungaqtar-; ~ acting like a child mikeltak
adultery: akusrarutekineq, see Barnum (2); commit ~
akusraruteke-, arniur-
advantage: take ~ of ellamaaqutke-, ulapeqe-
adversely: be ~ affected by a woman’s emanations
adversity: be unable to take ~ ayaniite-
advice: give serious ~ alerqua-
advise: alarqur-, alerqur-
advisor: alerquista
adze: egturun, kepun; see Turner (30), Nelson (81)
Aegolius funereus: qaku’urtaruaq, takvialnguar(aq*)
Aethia cristatella: cip’lagaq
affect: drink liquor repeatedly at short intervals to
feel its ~ mer’a-; be ~ed by what has happened
cakanir-; affected in some sense with regard to
one’s N or one’s V-ing (pb) -teqe-
affection: be such as to induce clinging ~
unganarqe-; develop ~ easily ungatar-; show
~ate attachment unga-; respond ~ately
kalikartaq piciuniluku takarnarcaumalria
aficted: ~ in one’s N or in respect to N (pb) -liqe-
aoat: set ~ pugterte-
aforementioned: the ~ one imna
afraid: be ~ aaryug-, alinge-; be ~ of alike-; be ~ of
(him) tutviqe-; be ~ of a height or a force of
nature nangyaryug-; be ~ of activity at a height
akertem aciarmiu, Puqlamiu,
taaqsipak, taqcipak, taqsipak, tungulleralria,
aft: fore and ~ kayak parts kaviaruaq, qularaq,
qulaq*, tapricilleq
after: distribute shares ~ a hunt pitar-; time right ~
a sweatbath maqinerraq; ~ a while atataku; V
~ changing one’s mind (pb) -tngurte-; cook sh
~ it is thawed uussag-; eat bits ~ most of the
meat has been removed pukug-; ~ much effort
pegnem; ~ V-ing (pb) -rraar-
afterbirth: aapaquyuk, al’erpak
aftermath: qamaneq
afternoon: for it to be late ~ atakuyartur-; late ~
afterward: qaku; occur long ~ qakuni-
active — afterward
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
afterworld: time in which a soul descends to the ~
again: cali, ak’am, ataam; do ~ pulengte-; start up ~
quk’arte-; then ~ tuamta-llu; (enc) =amta
against: plot ~ (him) picurlagcetaar-; press one’s
knuckles ~ forehead nengsuug-; lean ~
tulungqa-, tulurte-
agate: qamneq
age: ~ cohort yuulgutkelriit, yuullgutkelriit; ~
difference ciuqelvak; ~ sh heads by burying
them tep’li-; ~ quickly qimunqe-; correspond
in ~ pitateke-; sh eggs prepared by allowing
them to ~ meluk; sh frozen after being
allowed to ~ slightly tepcuar(aq*), tep’ngaayak;
reach a certain ~ yuullrurte-; to be a certain ~
age-mate: yuulgun
aged: “Eskimo ice cream” made with ~ sh
roe mak’aq, qamaamaq; ~ blacksh quluk,
qulungnaq; ~ sh eggs cilluvak, cin’aq,
cinegyaq, cuak, piginaq; ~ sh eggs with
crushed berries, seal oil, and sugar passiaq; ~
sh frozen for winter use quli-, quluk, qussuk;
~ sh head teplicir(aq*), uqsunaq*, uqsuq; ~
sh head with white spot pupungluur(aq*);
~ mixture of greens and berries acaarrluk,
atsaarrluk; ~ seal ipper qellukaq; ~ seal oil
puya; ~ urine cupcir-; be ~ (of sealskins)
utuqa-; sh ~ in a pit teq’aq; raw whitesh ~
before freezing qassaya(g)aq*; slightly ~ meat
arinaciraq; somewhat ~ herring niinamayak,
aggressive: be ~ pirraussaag-
agile: be ~ piqunqegg-
“Aglegmute”: ~ of 19th-century writers Aglurmiut
ago: a long time ~ ak’a imumi, ak’a tamaani; since
very long ~ ak’arpak
agony: be in ~ asqialliqe-
agree: anger-, naki-
, umyuallgutke-; be ~able
Agropyron sp.: qayikvayak
aground: run ~ etgalqite-, nunallite-, nunite-,
“ah”: say ~ aar-*
ahead: get ~ of ciulleg-; take supplies on ~ payigte-,
qanii-; person ~ of a dog team maryarta
ai: substitute aa for ~ paarte-
aid: y with the ~ of shamanistic power elumar-;
seek medical ~ emute-; give ~ to (him)
kusguke-; hearing ~ niitessuun; sight with
the ~ of binoculars qinerte-; ~ to V-ing (pb)
AIDS (acquired immune deciency syndrome):
tememi naulluutnek kitugcitulit navguutiit
ailment : apquciq
aim: iimiute-, urelvaute-; brace a rie to steady
one’s ~ qaurtar-; ~ an arrow pakiute-
aimlessly: V ~ (pb) -mli-
air: cella, ella, see Zagoskin (2); ~ bubble
leryiyagaq*, neguyaq, qerruyaq; ~ conditioner
kiiryugyailkun; ~ hole or leak ellvik; ~ pouch
of walrus puvyaq; be smoky or dusty in
the ~ apsir-; coldness in the ~ ancarneq,
anllugneq, igurneq, nengla
; cut sh so ~
can reach all parts of the esh ulligte-; ~
compressor qerrurissuun; dive in the ~
cellu’urte-, puugtua-; dust particle suspended
in ~ makuaq; feel bad because of lack of
fresh ~ epsalngu-; feel sleepy from so much
fresh ~ imasri-; y through the ~ with the
aid of a shaman elumar-; get fresh ~ an’gir-,
cellamqaci-, curar-, curtur-; glide in ~ cilur-;
hang in the ~ (of a mirage) ini-; hover in the ~
; land from the ~ mit’e-; leak ~ nelte-;
make a swishing sound in the ~ sugg’agte-;
move with bow high in ~ ipug-; rush of warm
~ out anllugte-; suck ~ through the saliva
in one’s mouth nualiur-; village set in the ~
airplane: tengaurcuun, tengessuun, tengssuun; big
~ tengssuuterpak; jet ~ cupurtuq; tail n of an
~ teqsuqaq; ~ ticket ekun
airport: mic’araq, misvik, miyvik
airtight: be ~ umcig-; stored in airtight container
Akiachak: Akiacuar
Akiak: Akiaq
Akulurak: Akuluraq
Alakanuk: Alarneq
alarm: make characteristic calls cit’gallag-; be ~ed
alas: (enc) =llam
Alaska: one from a place separated from here like
being outside of ~ akemkumiu
Alaska cottongrass: tengtarkaq
afterworld — Alaska cottongrass
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
kayanguyagiurtet, neq’liurtet
Alaska hare: negilirkaq, qayuqeggliq, ¥gasek
Alaska Peninsula: Ugaassat; ~ and Aleutian
Islands Nuvupigaq, Talliquq; ~ Eskimo from
Egegik tarupiaq; historic group of Bristol Bay
and/or ~ people Aglurmiut
albatross: Laysan ~ yaarcaq
Alces alces: tuntuvak
alcohol: addiction to ~ temem piitesciigalillra
taangamek; be addicted to ~ taanganrirciigate-;
~ic taanganrirciigalnguq*; ~ism
taanganrirciigacaraq; fetal ~ syndrome
anglicurlagcetellra qumiullrani
alder: auguqsuliq, cuukvaguaq; white ~ caarilluk,
caarin; treat with a dye with ~ inner bark
cungagaq, cungagarte-; red dye from the inner
bark of ~s kavirun
Aleknagik: Alaqnaqiq
alert: be ~ kelte-, segg’anqegg-; be aware and ~
sanqegg-; stand ~ terikarte-; become ~ after
being sleepy qavarniir-; react by becoming
very ~ alert teriir-; be ~ed to something
Aleut: Aleutian ~ Tayaruq
; ~ from Egegik tarupiaq
Aleutian Islands: Ugaassat; Alaska Peninsula and
~ Nuvupigaq, Talliquq
Aleutian tern: civtulgaq, nacallngaar(aq*),
tegalqingayar(aq*), teqiyaar(aq*)
alevin: iirrlainayagaq
alibi: avalin; ~ witness nallunritesta, tangvagtelleq
alight: mit’e-
align: nalqigte-
aligned: be properly ~ nalqig-; be ~ with nallair-;
~ stars of Orion’s belt Cagquralriit Sagquralriit
alignment: be in ~ nallair-
alike: think like or ~ umyuallgutke-
alimony: avvutellrem aipallminun akiliutii
alive: be ~ anerteqe-, anirte-, unguva, yuu-
; being
~ unguvarrar-; still ~ unguvarrar-; something
that keeps one ~ napan
all: tamalkur-, tamar-
, tamqapiar-; absolutely ~
tamak’acagar-; is that ~? tua-i-qaa?; that’s ~
ak’ami’i, tava-i, tua-i; vein from which ~ plants
emerge nunam taqra; ~ black tungurpak; ~
white qaterpak, qercurpak; ~ blue qiurpak; ~
green cungagpak, cungarpak
; ~ day ernerpak;
~ day yesterday akwaugarpak; ~ autumn
uksuarpak; ~ winter uksurpak; ~ spring
up’nerkarpak; ~ last summer kiakvaq; ~ kinds
tamat; ~ N (pb) -rrlainaq*; ~ night unugpak;
stay up ~ night pegg’ar-; happen ~ of a sudden
taviir(ar)te-; V ~ of them (pb) -rqe-
; put ~ one’s
strength into doing something uqenqar-
rough ~ over keggagpak; shake oneself ~ over
ungulerqur-; ~ pale, dry, bleached qakirpak; cut
sh so air can reach ~ parts of the esh ulligte-;
be ~ right canrite-; ~ smiling quuyurpak;
have ~ that one wants or needs qara-; tired of
eating the same food ~ all the time qapilngu-;
be ~ there qaqirmirte-; ~ this present summer
kiagpak; ~ together ataucikun
all-terrain vehicle: akagyaralek
allocation: allakariyagaq
allow: (pb) -cite-
, -cete-
, -vkar-
almost: ~ collapse unaqserte-; ~ go out (of embers)
angange-; be ~ inaudible because of distance
umiqsig-; come ~ to a boil cuminge-; be full ~
to bursting tetengte-; ~ V (pb) -nritar(ar)-, -yar-,
-yarpiar-; sprinkling of things as at the bottom
of an ~-empty container kanevneq
Alnus sinuata: auguqsuliq
Alnus sp.: caarilluk, caarin, cuukvaguaq
alone: kesir-, keyir*-, kii-
, kiir-; be ~ ellmikuyar(ar)-,
kiimete-; come to be ~ kiimellir-; rock standing
~ in the water nagaayuq
along: vialis case (see Endings section); go ~ maligte-;
go ~ with someone maligute-; go ~ with
malike-; take ~ N (pb) -lgir-; take ~ ang’aqe-; not
take anything ~ nangrinar-; go ~ N (pb) -kuir-;
for ice to break up ~ along shore iqertar-; use
a story knife and tell a story to go ~ with it
alongside: put ~ itute-; dog running loose ~ a team
Alopex lagopus: qunguiq
already: ak’a; have ~ V-ed (pb) -mari-, -llrurte-; be
late for activity that has ~ started patakaute-
also: cali
alternate: men and women ~ in dance talir-;
leaves ~ atsarrluk; ~ name of legendary hero
Kukugyarpak Tep’arrluaq; device that ~ly Vs
and does the reverse (pb) -qetaaq
alternatives: decide with hesitation considering ~
although: concessive mood (see Endings section)
Alaska Department — although
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
altitude: low ~ ceva
aluminum: ~ coin leraaniq; ~ wire pelulukaaq
Alutiiq: Kenaayuq, Kenayuk, Kanayuq*
alveolus: cupluryayagaq
always: kesianek, keyianeng; ~ be lazy qessalgu-; ~
smile (at) quuyupitaara-; ~ V (pb) -lgu-, -tuinar-,
amazed: be ~ iillayug-, iirrayug-, irayug-, irr’i-; be
~ at irake-, irr’ike-; be amazed at (it) iillake-,
amazing: be ~ iillanarqe-, iirranarqe-, iranarqe-
ambassador: quurituasta
amenable: be ~ niisnga-
America: Ami’ulikaq
American dipper: puyuqumaar(aq*)
American golden plover: tevatevaaq
American Indian: Nuyarpak
American tree sparrow: tuir(aq*)
amiss: for something to be ~ castuqsagte-; have
something ~ cangate-
ammunition: ~ pouch ¥galguun; spent ~ shell used
as a weapon qapiamcetaaq
amniotic: release ~ uid anguur-
amoral: ~ person caacuk
amount: amllertaciq; be a certain ~ amllerta-; be
small in ~ ikgete-; double ~ tapenqun; increase
in ~ amlleri-; reach a certain ~ pitari-; to be a
certain ~ pita-
ample: leave ~ time cayugnaite-
amulet: iinru, inru, napan; see Turner (28)
amuse: aavurte-, kegginiqe-, tangssiite-; be ~d
amusing: be ~ anglanarqe-
anal: excrement adhering to ~ area peliquq; wipe
one’s ~ area etruir-, uqer-; ~ n ucumqatak; ~
itch quarta
Anarhichas orientalis: arnassagaq*
Anarhichas sp.: qaculluk, qugautnaq
Anas acuta: iyukaq, napaqaq, tit’assiq, uqsuqaq,
uqulegaq, uqulkatak, uutkaaq, uyaqucuayaalek,
Anas americana: qatkeggliq
Anas clypeata: curcurpak, sugg’erpak, surrsurpak
Anas crecca: cikiutnaar(aq*), kemeksungiaraq,
Anas platyrhynchos: curcurpak, iyukarpak,
nelqitaaq, perayak, surrsurpak, uqsuqerpak,
uqulkatagpak, uutkaaq, yuukarpak
ancestor: ciuliaq, ciuqliq*
ancestor: distant ~ identied with the raven
ciuliaqatuk; ~ of the people of Kwethluk
anchor: kicaq, kit’aq
Anchorage: Kicarvik
ancient: ~ custom nutemllaq*
and: ~ next kingumek; ~ so cuna-gguq; ~ so it goes
ciunermikun ayagtuq nak’riluni; ~ then tua-i,
tua-i-llu, tava-i; ~ yet amta-llu; (enc) =llu
Andreafsky River: Negeqliq
anemone: edible sea ~ qacautaq; sea ~ anarsaraq,
[e]teq, teq; large ~ aruyek; small ~ lagturyaqleq,
anesthetic: general ~ qavarcetaaq
angel: aan’gilaq, aankilaq, an’gilaq, caqulek,
Angelica ludica: ikiituk, uraluq
anger: qenerrneq; be slow to ~ qenngaite-;
do things in way that manifests one’s ~
cavvlugte-; one who is easily ~ed qenngali; be
easily ~ed qennga-
angle: at an ~ cilig-; be at an ~ cilingqa-; put at an
~ ciligte-; stick poked into the ground at an ~
angrily: speak ~ to (him) qanvallagate-; ~ gripe
lurirte-; sulk ~ nengar-
angry: exclamation used when one is ~ at child
mikeltak; be ~ eqeve-, eq’ve-, ilulngu-, qenerte-,
, piqulli-; be ~ with tut’esteke-; become
~ qennge-; suddenly become ~ eqe-
, eq’urte-,
anguish: umyuarniurun; suffer ~ cungarteqe-; be
~ed umyuarniur-, umyugarniur-
Aniak: Anyaraq
animal: kuk’uq; area at foot of ~ teru; baby ~
piyagaq*; bladder of ~ qamenquq; carcass of
~ killed by wolves maligneq; catch N (game
~) (pb) -te-
; domesticated ~ qunguturaq,
ungungssiar(aq*); herd or ock of domesticated
~s katnguan; female ~ arnacaluq; give birth
to ~ irni-; keep an ~ as a pet qunguturi-; land
~ nunamiutaq; ~ leg iru; legendary creature,
half ~ and half man irci, irciq; make a growling
noise but not an ~ growling qiuryi-; make
mufed ~ noises the Bladder Feast emyugte-;
offspring of ~ irniaq; oil slick from a dead ~
altitude — animal
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
uquaq; give water to ~ emite-, merqe-, miite-
skin a seal or other ~ nayug-, qapiar-; wake
of an ~ qavlunaq; tail of ~ pamyuq; undercoat
hair of ~ erinraq*; ~ belly fur aqsaneq; ~ caught
by hand tegukengaq; ~ trapped for its pelt
melqulek; ~ fur melquq; thong made from
~ hide tapraq*; ~ of the same sex as N (pb)
-caluq*; legendary ~ said to live underground
equgaarpak, quugaaq, quugaarpak; ~ that
dwells in N (pb) -iq; steel ~ trap kapkaanaq; ~’s
call qalriaciq; be inhabited by ~s yungqerr-;
bed padding for ~ curuluk; kill ~s nalate-;
swim from one shore to another (mainly of
~s) nalug-
; collapse (of ~) as from being shot
narullgute-; (see individual species; see legendary
ankle: cingilleq; ~-high skin boot atallgaq,
kameksak, qaliruaq
anklebone: qamangaq
annihilate: piunrir-
announcement: yell out an ~ anerquciar(ar)-
annoy: qinucetaar-; be ~ed qumliyug-; ~ed by loud
noise qukir-; be ~ed at (him) qumlike-; be ~ing
qingarnarqe-, qumlinarqe-
anorak: qaspeq
another: pour from one container to ~ naave-,
naive-; V one after ~ (pb) -rqe-
; V with ~ -te-
visit ~ village nunate-; ~ place allami; move on
to ~ topic nugtarte-
Anser albifrons: leqleq, neqlepik, neqleq
Anser sp.: lagiq
answer: kiu-, kiun; ~ a letter aki-; answer back aki-,
akiur-, naigte-; ~ a question kangirqe-; ~ when
someone calls anger-
antacid: quulrircaun
ante: elliin; ~ in a card game ekun
Anthus spinoletta: pec’aqaq, pespessaayaaq
anticipate: ~ someone’s return nerilegte-; ~
something with relish umyuaqegci-; ~ with
hope neq’aniur-
antiseptic: ciissiryailkun, kilinercuun
antisocial: ~ trait ilallugun
antler: ciruneq; old ~ cirunqatak; ~ story knife
cirunqaaraq*; very big ~s cirunvak
anus [e]teq, teq; toilet paper to wipe ~ uqrun
Anvik: Anvik
anxiety: umyuarniurun; have justiable ~
tusnganqaar-; be ~ provoking kapegcugnarqe-;
be ~ ridden taya-
anxious: be ~ cumigte-, kapegcugtar-,
nerinite-, uivagci-, umyugarniur-; be very
~ kapegcugyug-, kapegcuke-; be ~ about
any: ~ blowing device cupu’uryarat; ~ device used
in the wind anuqessuun; ~ edible oil uquq; ~
sh iqalluk; ~ kind of trap naneryaq; ~ little bit
of food available neqaraq; not have N ~ more
(pb) -i:rute-; ~ of the rst human inhabitants
of the world yung’elraarun; ~ old which
way piciatun; ~ of the ve days after a death
kanaraq; ~ item used in traveling ayagcuun;
~ Russian item kass’alugpiartaq; ~ sewing
thread yualukaq; ~ sibling anelgun; ~ small
bird cilumcuksugaq; ~ tail-like thing pamyuq;
~ type of knife uluaq
anymore: denitely not V ~ (pb) -yugnairute-
anyone: without ~ intending it to be so taunginaq
anything: not take ~ along nangrinar-; not have ~
to do caarkaitur-
anywhere: cailkaq, kilgaq, piciatun
aorta: taqerpak
apart: be far ~ akultu-; break ~ suddenly kevkarte-;
have the legs spread ~ avlengqa-; spread the
legs ~ avlerte-; come ~ at the seams mekegte-;
be ~ from the others ill’arte-
apathetic: be ~ agarcete-
ape: miluquyuli
Aphrewn River: Aprun
apparatus: re-making ~ kenngessuun; ~ that
makes the spark in a motor kenngallagassuun
apparent: dive with intention of ramming
something puugtua-; not be ~ whether one has
V-ed (pb) -lkiite-; ~ly cuna-gguq
apparition: alangru, aliurtuq
yuvrinqigtesqumaluku picurlautni
qanercetaarviim quyinranun
appear: alair-, igvar-, ivgar-; ~ somewhat
unexpectedly alangruu-; suddenly ~ alairte-;
~ as if line of hills is doubled ing’ar-; appear
large (of waves on the horizon) cugayunar-;
~ oily and milky uquarqe-; ~ to alairvike-; ~
to have been V-ed (pb) -cilli-; ~ to someone
appearance: be less dark or intense mitriate-;
experience an ~ alangruke-
ankle — appearance
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
appendage: decorative ~ qirussiq*; legendary being
with a dragging ~ qamurralek
appendix: (anatomical) alarcaquq, alarcauk,
alarcuaq, caniqaq, nangnenguaq
appetite: have an insatiable ~ camiite-
apple: atsarpak, kavlagpak; Adam’s ~ qerrsak,
tuvcuguaq; core of ~ iluryuk; dried ~
apple berry: ulariq
appliance: electric ~ kenerkuaryaraq; forehead
decoration or other ~ ngelkeggun
apply: ~ heat or steam to (it) uutar-; ~ N to (it) (pb)
; ~ oil to uqurte-
; ~ ointment to a wound
appraise: ~ highly pirpake-
appreciate: ~ something amatngurte-
appreciative: be ~ quya-
apprehensive: be ~ alingniur-, kapia-, kuksag-,
approach: qanli-, ullag-; ~ by surprise alarute-; ~
from the distance agiirte-; ~ to get food uyerqe-;
~ something ullaute-
approachable: act ~ nuyurriltaar-; be ~ nuyurrite-
approaching: the one ~ ukeggna, ukna
appropriate: regret loss that might have been
prevented by ~ action uurcara-; be ~ in size
pitalqegte-; determine the ~ name for the
month iraluiraute-; defecate or urinate in an
~ place cuqerte-, yuqerte-; cease hearing or
responding ~ly niicuirute-
approve: elluake-
apricot: dried ~ ciutequmlak
tengaurtet tanqiat, Tengemqapiar,
Tengmiirvik; see Adams (70)
apron: manuilitaq*
Aquila chrysaetos: keptalek, tengmiarrluk,
arc: spurt in an ~ aggetpag-, agtar-; urinate in an ~
tekep’ag-; ~ up aglurte-; ~-shaped wedge uluaq
arch: bearded seal that can ~ over ipuuyuli; ~
supporting bed of sled napu
archery: wristguard used in ~ malingurun
arctic char: paassataq, yugyak
arctic cod: atgiaq
arctic fox: qaterli, qaterliar(aq*), qunguiq, uliiq
arctic grayling: culugpauk, nakrutvalek; dorsal n
of ~ nakrullugpak
arctic ground squirrel: cikik, qanganaq*
arctic hare: negilirkaq, qayuqeggliq, ¥gasek
arctic loon: tunutellek, yaqulegpak
Arctic cod: barbel from an ~ kaacicaq
arctic tern: nacallngaar(aq*), tegalqingayar(aq*),
arctic warbler: cungakcuarnaq
Arctostaphylos sp.: kavlagpak, kavlaguyak, kavlak
area: exact ~ denoted by N (pb) -karaq, -qaq; front
~ of hill caa; go through the ~ on the sheltered
side uqrir-; miss by passing through the N
~ (pb) -trute-; open ~ in front of brushy or
forested ~ agtuineq; ~ above qula
; ~ across aki;
~ around avan; ~ around positional base avata
~ at back of sh skull tatek; ~ at foot of person,
animal, bed teru; ~ away from the wall keta
~ behind amata
, kelu, kingu, kinguneq
, peruq;
go through the ~ behind amatair-; ~ below
aci; ~ beside caniq; go through the ~ beside
caniir-; ~ between akula
, akunleq; ~ between
eyes akuliraq; ~ between legs amlek; ~ between
the shoulder blades tarenriryaraq; ~ beyond
, yaate-; get farther in to ~ denoted by N
(pb) -qsigi-; ~ down from and in front keta
~ downriver uaqliq*; ~ down toward the river
or sea keta
; ~ downriver or toward the exit
; ~ right in front (riverward) kek’araq;
~ right downriver uakarar-; ~ far downriver
uaqvaaq*; ~ dug up by mice anqulleq; ~ far
in the direction of N (pb) -qva, -qvaaq*; the ~
farther away elaqvaaq*, yaaqvaq; ~ high up
qulvaq; ~ in back of tunu; ~ in front civu; ~ in
front (of it) ciu; ~ in the N direction (pb) -lirneq,
-liq*; ~ indicated by N (pb) -viar-; ~ inside ilu; ~
of oating ice nanviuqerrneq; ~ of N (pb) -neq
~ of seal behind head uyalquq; come to the ~
of the speaker tai-; ~ on the far side amata
; ~
out of sight tayimatmun; ~ outside of elata
ellate-; ~ right alongside taquq
; ~ toward
; in the ~ toward here uka(ni); ~ toward
the exit ualirneq; ~ toward the river kellirneq;
~ under aci; ~ under cache where sh is dried
aciqaq; go through the ~ under something
aciir-; ~ upriver of — kiata
; ~ upriver of
Brown’s Slough in Bethel Aaguq; partition
between ~s of families in a shared house talu
Arenaria interpres: qiqiullek, uyarr’uyaq
Arenaria melanocephala: ciilmak, qiuracetaaq
argue: aalruigte-, ariva-
, kiutaarute-, nuvkute-,
appendange — argue
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
argument: ~ over month name iraluiraute-
arise: aqlarnir-
arithmetic: naaqut’liuryaraq
Ark of the Covenant: Akqutem Yaassiiga
arm: talliq, see Dall (2); large bone of the fore-~
amelraq; upper ~ bone aklanquq, issaquq,
kangilquq, kayugaq, nakiryuk, nuqaruaq; ~
folds (elbow area) kay’uq; carry under one’s
~ equg-, unermik; ~ motions in an Eskimo
dance yagiraciq; make the ~ motions in an
Eskimo dance yagira-; thrust out one’s ~
yagira-; measurement from the extremity of
one’s st to his armpit with the ~ outstretched
tallinin; measurement from one’s ngertips
to his armpit with the ~ outstretched tallineq;
measurement from the center of the chest
(or the armpit?) to the end of the ngertips
of the outstretched ~ and hand angvaneq
measurement between the ends of one’s ~s
extended outward in opposite directions
yagneq; hold or carry in one’s ~s tegumiaqe-;
sled with high handlebars on which the driver
rests his ~s qamuutarrsuun; something held in
the hand or ~ tegumiaq; stretch one’s ~s cagte-
armature: ~ plate in a motor kenrem curua
armband: talliraq; ~ used by dance song director
armor: bone ~ for chest qat’gailitaq
armpit: uneq; tassel hanging from the ~ of the
parka megcugtaq, pitgarcuun; measurement
from one’s ngertips to his ~ with the arm
(and hand) outstretched tallineq; measurement
from ngertip to ~ qerruuneq, quruneq;
measurement from the extremity of one’s st
to his ~ with the arm outstretched tallinin;
measurement from the ~ to the end of the
ngertips of the outstretched arm and hand
aroma: tepa
; have a good ~ tepkegte-
around: turned ~ tuig-; be turned ~ 180 degrees
tuignga-; turn ~ 180 degrees tuigte-; twist ~
nemaa-; walk ~ kangar-; wander ~ pekayag-;
look ~ kiyarte-; look ~ or survey one’s
surroundings nacete-; dog with a ring of
dark fur ~ its eye eskaayaq; go ~ the edge of
(it) menglair-; go ~ something thoroughly
uivur-; going ~ something circumferentially
kassutmun; mosquito-net tent ~ a bed
tupiq’uyaq; V ~ here and there (pb) -vyirte-;
have food particles or stains ~ one’s mouth
tepli-; stitches ~ the opening of a kayak
arouse: preview or anything to ~ enthusisasm
ciunguluku yuvrirluku
arrange: kitugte-, nunakegte-; ~ a place for (him)
nunakir-; ~ one’s hair nuyiur-; ~ or set out
bedding for inarrliur-
arrayed: string of small sh ~ for drying tupigaq
arrest: tegukenge-; warrant for ~ kalikartaq yugmek
tegukengssuun; ~ed person tegukengaq
arrival: be anxious about ~ nerinike-; meal on ~
tekiutaq; dance the ~ dance tekiqatar(ar)-
arrive: tekite-; ~, especially from the sea tulag-; ~
as a guest ciunir-; ~ at apur-; ~ at destination
directly tekiarte-; ~ at the right time nall’arte-;
~ home kingunite-; ~ (not of people) tut’e-; ~
or return from a stay in the wilderness kacete-,
katete-; ~ with (it) tekiute-; dance when a
village group ~s for the Messenger Feast ciuqi-
arrogant: be ~ ag’anga-, qutegnga-; ~ person qutkaq
arrow: erruq, pitegcaun, pitek, see Nelson (31); bird
~ akitnaq
, aklegaq, akulmiqurataak; point on
the ~ shaft behind the main point caniryak;
the raven’s ~ constellation Tulukaruum
Pitegcautii; cormorant-feather stabilizer on ~
shaft agayiinraq*; etching of an ~ nakercaun,
nakrun; graze (of an ~) lekuk’ar-; practice
with a bow and ~ pitegte-; pull back one’s
bowstring and aim an ~ pakiute-; shoot (at)
with an ~ pitgar-; ~ thrown with the aid
of a thrower malirqun; ~ point design on
parka pakineq; notch at end of ~ shaft teru; ~
straightener nakercaun; ~ support irunguaq
~ with a line attached kinguliralek, kinguliraq;
~ with barbed ivory point cingigturaq,
urugnaq; ~ with metal tip teggliaraq; ~ with
point that detaches in the esh atauciqerrnaq,
meq’ercetaaq; ~ with stone arrowhead umilek;
~ with three-pronged point pingayupegcetaaq;
quiver for ~s ¥galguun; shoot with ~s pitgaqu-
arrowhead: cingilek, kakangcaq, nangquq, see
Adams (1, 2), Turner (36); arrow with stone ~
umilek; ~ for hunting birds kutvak
arrowtooth ounder: cagiq, naternaq, sagiq
argument — arrowtooth ounder
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
art: ~ of preparing food neqkiuryaraq; art of V-ing
(pb) -neq
artemisia: kanaquagaq
Artemisia sp.: caiggluk, caggluk, naunerrluk,
neqnialnguq, qanganaruaq
Artemisia tilesii elatior: kanaquagaq
artery: press on the carotid ~ avate-, evate-;
pulmonary vein or ~ cuplunqutak
arthritis: suffer from ~ enliqe-, enllugtur-,
[e]ngllugtur-, ngell’ugtur-, ipigglugte-,
qa¥gyaqar-, usguniqe-
arthropod: nastarnaq
artichoke: plant that is ~-like in appearance
article: ~ of clothing aturaq
articulate: be ~ puqig-, qanrenqegg-, qanyu-
articulated: ~ gurine for play sugaruaq
artifact: pilinguaq, yugtaq; museum of man-made ~
arts and crafts: ~ item caanguaq, canguaq,
pilinguaq; carved ~ item caacunguaq; be
adept in ~ kenarte-; work on things such as ~
as: ~ a consequence of ugaani, uguani; ~ before
(it) ciunganitun, civuanitun; ~ far as the eyes
can see iik ngeliignun; ~ for something from
(him) kaigavike-; ~ in the past ciunganitun,
civuanitun; ~ one usually does qangkun; do ~
one wishes seleg-; ~ people call it apqiitnek; ~
people say apqiitnek; ~ previously ciunganitun,
civuanitun; ~ soon as possible tamaa; actually
V ~ surprising as it may seem (pb) -pigainar-; ~
you know too iciwa
ascend: mayur-, qulmurte-; ~ gradually mayuar(ar)-
ash: araq, qamlleq; be full of ~ arir; ~ made from
small plant arakaq
; ~ of birch fungus (punk)
araq, peluq; make ~ from birch fungus to mix
with chewing tobacco legci-
ashamed: be ~ kasnguyug-, kaynguyug-,
kiaresngiate-; be ashamed of (it) kasnguke-,
ashore: drift ~ tepe-; driftwood or other thing that
has drifted ~ tep’aq; tide that brings things ~
tag’aq; thing ~ from the sea tagcilleq
ashtray: arivik
Asian: Yugngalnguq*
Asiatic: Tayarumiu
Asio ammeus: keneqpataq, kenriiq, ungpaar(aq*)
ask: ~ a question apete-, apte-; ~ questions
apqaur-; ~ about (him, it) apyutke-; ~ about
something apqara-; ~ about the reason behind
something kangingyug-; ~ for (it) kaigatke-;
~ for something kaiga-; ~ for a sex partner
caavarrnguar-; ~ one to V (pb) -sqe-; ~ one to do
something qanrute-; ~ to marry nulirrniar-; ~
oneself why ciinllugguar-; ~ for the bestowing
of special favors cingartur-; ~ if one has
something to trade for food qayuqcarniar-;
~ someone to accompany one unayaqe-; ~ to
come or bring something back tungcirtur-; ~ to
have something iliira-
Asking Festival: quke-
Askinuk Mountains: Askinaq
asleep: fall ~ qavaqar-; be fast ~ qavaryug-; be
sound ~ acivagte-
aspirin: iinru
assault: uluryaciriyaraq; ~ someone nangci-
assemble: tumarte-; ~ items into a whole pulqigte-;
~d tumar-; be ~d tumangqa-
assembly: (assembled thing) tumarneq
assign: ~ a task to ciqima-
assist: ~ someone in peril kanaute-
associate: ~ with men anguciur-; ~d with in some
way natke-
association: pingnaqellriit quyurtellriit
asthma: have ~ anerniqe-, kapegliqe-; have an ~
attack qilleryug-; die from an ~ attack qilqar-
Astragalus umbellatus: kallagcetaaq
astray: go ~ iqlu
at: localis case (see Endings section); ~ last kingumek;
~ N (pb) -miu-; be ~ N (pb) -mete-; ~ once
tamaa; be ~ peace sanqegg-; be ~ a rolling
boil qallarvag-; ~ random piciatun; ~ that time
that both speaker and listener know about
imumi; now, ~ this time watmi; ~ various times
qakuaqan; ~ what times? qakuaqan
Atchuelinguk River: Ecuilnguq*
ate: legendary baby who ~ his mother Aanakalliiq
Athabascan/Athabaskan: Ingqiliq, Kanayuq*;
Kenai-area or Iliamna-area ~ Kenaayuq,
Kenayuk, Kanayuq*; Upper Kuskokwim ~
Indian Yurialnguq*
Atheresthes stomias: cagiq, naternaq, sagiq
atlatl: egun, nuqaq; small peg at end of ~ aklicaraq;
harpoon used without an ~ tegun; seal spear or
harpoon used with an ~ nanerpak
art — atlatl
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Atmauthluak: Atmaulluaq; person who lives
on the tundra (in particular a person in
Nunapitchuk, Kasigluk, or ~) akulmiu
atmosphere: portal of the ~ for the “little people”
atmospheric: ~ temperature kiirem cuqii, kiirem
attached: be~ ata-, tusnga-, tuynga-; be loosely
~ qacagte-; beluga skin with fat ~ mangtak;
edge of hood where ruff is ~ negiliq; herring
roe ~ to seaweed elquaq*; main part to which
something is ~ tema
; spear with line ~ unraq;
be ~ or connected usgute-, uygute-; line ~ to a
spear usaaq*; harpoon point ~ to the harpoon
shaft by a line kukgaq
attachment: harpoon tip with hole for ~ nengciun;
~ to a harpoon shaft itercaraq; wooden ~ for
snare meluurun
; show affectionate ~ unga-
attack: ~ verbally lurive-; have an asthmatic ~
qilleryug-; die from an asthma ~ qilqar-; have
an ~ of diarrhea qeciqar-; go over to ~ or
confront curuk
attacker: curuk
attempt: pitassiar-
attend: ~ school elitnaur-
attention: pay ~ caumake-; pay special ~ to (it)
arcaqake-; pay great ~ and respect cakaar-;
distract ~ from its young uligui-; move back
from the center of ~ tage-
attentive: be ~ cumike-, murilke-
attic: lavisqaq, navi’iskaaq, navisqaq, qulliq*
attracted: be ~ by bait or chum naryar-; be visually
~ tangrriiqe-; be ~ to (a young woman) agyake-,
eklike-, ekliyug-; be ~ to a member of the
opposite sex alake-
, alange-
; act ustered near
a person to whom one is ~ picari-
attractive: be ~ tangnirqe-; be physically ~
attract: make a movement that ~s notice peke-
audible: be ~ alaite-, navcuite-; talk in a voice ~ to
one’s listener but not to a third party tarirte-
audience: far away and/or long ago but identity
known to speaker and ~ ima(ni)
kalikanek yuvririyaraq
auger: ukicissuun, see Muset (1), Lonneux (1)
August: Amirairun, Nurarcurvik, Qilangaarusvik,
Tengun, see Adams (74)
auklet: crested ~ cip’lagaq, see Adams (3); parakeet
~ ciruraq
aunt: maternal ~ anaana; paternal ~ acak
; paternal
~’s husband nengauk; ~ by marriage acuraq
aura: ~ emanating from a person anllugneq
Auriga: (constellation) Tuntuq
aurora: kiuryaq, qiuryaq
authentic N: (pb) -lugpiaq, -pik
authorities: sh counting tower as used by
sheries management ~ nassvik
authorization: piyunarquciq
automobile: akagutaq, akalria, ikamraq,
autumn: uksuaq*; all ~ uksuarpak; this ~ uksuaqu;
holiday celebrated in ~ Qaariitaaq
available: be ~ paivnga-; become or make ~
piqainaurte-; become present and ~ paivte-;
thing that is ~ piqainaq
avalanche: elluugte-; get caught in an ~ navcite-
avid: an ~ V-er (pb) -yunqeggli
avoid: ~ an obligation qessanake-
await: atanqe-; ~ anxiously nerilegte-
awake: become wide ~ cegg’ar-, [e]cgar-, segg’ar-;
stay ~ ceggauma-
awaken: ~ feeling that one cannot move
tupagyaaqe-, uqamair-
aware: make ~ elpengcar-; be ~ and alert sanqegg-;
be ~ of obstacles maumake-; become ~ of a
human presence yulkitange-; reach the stage
when a person begins to hear and comprehend
awareness: usvi; have ~ (of) ellake-; instill ~
ellangcar-; obtain ~ cellange-, ellange-; lose ~
cellairute-, ellairute-
away: anticipate eagerly, concerning one who
is ~ nerilegte-; area farther ~ yaaqvaq; be ~
carried by current cupute-; blow ~ tengte-;
far ~ and/or long ago but identity known to
speaker and audience ima(ni); y ~ with (him/
it) tengute-; from far ~ temeqvanek; turn one’s
head and eyes ~ from ulur-; give (it) ~ tuntur-;
go ~ ayag-
, elaqvaqanir-, unite-; lead ~ from
danger aviute-; one back there ~ from the —
pingna; put ~ carelessly nulate-; run ~ ayakar-;
send a visitor ~ without having him or her
eat menkuke-; stay ~ a long time mulu-; fade
~ umi-; put away for later use tungvagte-; be
far out ~ from shore kessig-, ketsig-; ~ from
the river pamyurtaq, kelu, kelutmun, pa¥gna,
Atmauthluak — away
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pia(ni); bouy at the end of a shnet ~ from the
shore kelliqutaq; up there ~ from the shore
pava(ni); ~ from the wind uqetmun, uqutmun;
measurement from the tip of the thumb to tip
of index nger when each is stretched out ~
from the other teklin
awe: be in ~ ucuqe-, ucuryug-
awed: be ~ irr’i-, kamayug-; be ~ by kamake-,
awesome: be ~ kamanarqe-, ucurnarqe-
awkward: be ~ picurlitqe-
awl: everquun, kaputaq, ukicissuun, ukirqissuun,
verquun, see Turner (43), Nelson (105); ~ for
working with sinew egluliurcuun
awning: qilakutaq
axe: piqertuutaq, piqrutaq, qalqapak, tupuuluq; ~
handle aggiyaq; cut with an ~ cakite-; pick~
ciklaq; stone ~ see Nelson (82)
axle: akagcuun, canirun
Aythya marila: allgirneq, kep’alek
babble: uleve-, uluckegcir-; ~ (of children)
qaningir-, qitevte-
babiche: taprualuk; long narrow strip of ~
babies: babble of ~ qaningir-; be fond of ~
baby: aangayucuar(aq*), anenerraq*, anqiitayagaq,
irniaq, piipiq; newborn ~ anqenkiyagaq; ~
bottle aamarcuun, emugcuun, mugcuun; nipple
of ~ bottle melugcuun; ~ or pet kuukuq; ~ tooth
kegguteqarraaq; ~’s bib nuiqailitaq; soft spot
on a ~ can’ggelquq, cikuyuilquq, tanqiuksuar;
~’s rattle tegumiaq; kick as a ~ does tukar-; be
fond of a particular ~ kumegyug-; exclamation
used to tell a ~ to drink em’a; legendary ~
Aanakalliiq; ~ N (pb) -ya(g)aq*, -yaya(g)aq*; ~
animal piyagaq*; ~ bird piyagaq*, yaquleyagaq;
~ muskrat curacetuya(g)aq*; ~ sh tuk’naayaaq
babysit: aangur-, icaqe-, munaqe-, pai-
, paigi-,
tupke-, uamqe-
babysitter: munaqista, paigista, paista
back (physical): pequq
qemirrluk, quliik; lower
~ qukaq; lie on the ~ neverte-; be lying on ~
nevengqa-, never-, taklaur(ar)-; turn over on the
~ nevqerte-; carry on one’s ~ atmag-, equg-,
tunumig-; carry (a child) on one’s ~ tevaar-;
~ load pequmik; carry a heavy load on one’s
~ pequmpag-; carry a small load on one’s ~
atemkar-, atempag-; load carried on the ~
amaq; remove something slung over one’s ~
amaqaute-; hump on ~ qulucuk, qulugneq;
human ~ qeteq; have a ~ache qemirrlugte-;
~bone qemiq*; ~ fat tunuq; ~ of body tunuq;
dip in ~ of neck qunutungarcuun, talirneq; ~
support qetqailitaq; ~ of thigh kingulirneq; ~
of the head cirunqatak, talirneq, tunucuk; ~
of the knee qungcuq; ~ of bird angyayuk; ~
of sh amaqatak, tatek; ~ part of sh stomach
tekpacuk; long hair on ~ of the neck of dog
or wolf qakun; galloping, with both front
legs striking, then both ~ legs pangaleg-;
Mongolian spot on lower ~ qiuneq; swim on
one’s ~ qetermiar-; tell on someone behind
his ~ elillgia-; turn one’s ~ (on) tunute-; have
at or on one’s ~ tunumike-; the moon is “lying
down on its ~” iraluq nevengqauq; ~ load
tassiitaq; leftover sh split from the ~ and
dried yay’ussaq; bearded seal that swims
on its ~ papangluaq; mother bearded seal
swimming with a cub on her ~ qamuqataq; a
legendary being that carries provisions on its ~
qupurruyuli; ~ of parka ellutmuaq, keggacilleq,
kinguqalek, milqeruaq, miryaruaq, pequaq
back (directional): ask to come or bring ~
tungcirtur-; be held ~ naguteke-; get ~
kingunite-; go ~ kingutmurte-, tungair-, uterte-;
go in toward the ~ itrar-; going ~ kingutmun;
be ~ home utengqa-; move ~ keluvar-
; ex ~
when stretched tightly qelluqniaqar-; look ~
while moving kingyar-; take ~ one’s possession
ellmig-; turn around and come ~ uteskiaqer-;
keep going ~ for more uyiqe-; ~ and upper part
of a kashim pava(ni); ~ away from the river
pia(ni); move ~ from the center of attention
tage-; area behind, ~ from the house and away
from the river kelu; ~ from the river pama(ni);
go ~ home after an evening activity ilgar-; ~
in the old days avani ciuqvani; ~ of tunu; log
parallel to the ~ of a kashim tugeryaraq; ~ part
awe — back
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
kingu; ~ then tamaa(ni); ~ there pingna; put on
clothing ~ to front tunupirte-; come ~ to life
unguir-; ~ up kingu-, kingutmurte-; the one ~
up away from the river pa¥gna; ~ wall egkuq
back and forth: go ~ kiparte-; move ~
pekangruyag-; stitch ~ akitmuuqar-; turn ~
cuqia-; V ~ (pb) -qtaar-, -taagute-; wobble ~
aassektaq; people who go ~ because of the
Messenger Feast paiqaq, ut’rarute-; strap
pulled ~ to turn the shaft of a re-drill
back-to-back: ~ sitting partner alrapaq
backache: have a ~ qemirrlugte-, see Lonneux (6)
backbone: culuk, culuksuk, kuyapegaq, qemirrluk,
qeteq; ~ of sh enkataq, enrualuk; neural arch
in a sh ~ qetgaq; sh cut from ~ and hung to
dry kiarneq
background: blend in with the ~ akitniute-
backing: inguqaq; bow with ivory ~ cugalek;
esophagus used as ~ nerun
backpack: amaq, amarcuun, amrayak, atmag-,
atmagcuun, atmautaq, pequmiggsuun;
breastplate used when carrying a ~ tassiitaq
back scratcher: kumgun
backstrap: ~ of dog harness amaquayaaq
backtrack: utelmuar-
backward: go ~ kingupiar-
bacon: caniqayagaq, piikinaq
bad: be ~ assiite-, ikiu-, ikiurte-, iss’ir-, piniate-,
see Turner (24); big ~ dog qimulurayak; ~
cough with sputum (bronchitis) qusenglluk,
qusngulluk; consider it to be ~ issiqe-; feel
~ because of lack of fresh air epsalngu-; for
weather to suddenly turn ~ ellaqerrute-;
be ~ weather ellarvag-, quk’arte-; sense a
pregnancy gone ~ qingarniur-; something that
is ~ assiilnguq*; have a ~ ending kingullugte-
have ~ eyesight meciite-
; ~ thoughts caruyak;
be in a ~ mood eqmallug-, nacarrlugteqe-;
be ~-tempered qennga-; ~-tempered person
qenngali; ~ N (pb) -lluk; have the ~ smell of
N (pb) -llugnite-; ~ person caacuk; ~ result of
V-ing (pb) -cuk; ~ season canerlak, cangerlak; ~
thing ik’iq; have a ~ trail tumlliqe-
badly: sting ~ qacervag-; see Turner (22)
bag: qemaggvik; caribou-bladder ~ ircaqinraq*;
clothing ~ akluinqun; ivory fastener for sewing
~ qerrvik; loop in grass ~ with drawstring
pass’aq; loosely woven grass carrying-~
issran; open-weave grass ~ ukilqaar(aq*);
sealskin ~ used to keep things dry while
hunting aklivik, ar’inaq, arr’inaq; sleeping ~
inarrvik, maakuluk, maukuluk, muukuluk,
qavarcuun, qavarvik; child’s sleeping ~ made
with sleeves qungcuutaq; tool ~ ellilervik,
equgcuutnguarraq; traditional “housewife ~”
kakivik; ~ or other storage container qungasvik;
~ fastener iqugmiutaq, kakinqun, kakiyun;
skin ~ for salmon elliaq; ~ made of reeds and
used for carrying sh kalngak; ~ limit pitarkam
ernermi ataucimi amllertacirkaa; see Dall (3),
Turner (8), Nelson (100), Barnum (10), Drebert (9)
baggy: be ~ qulungllugte-
bail: ~ a boat ciqi-; can used for ~ing ciqin
Baird Inlet: Nanvaruk
bait: neqcaq; approach to get food, such as ~
naryar-, uyerqe-
bake: ~ any food kelipi-
baked: ~ casserole cal’kuuyaq, salkuuyaq
baker: kelipista
baking: cook by ~ rather than boiling uute-; ~ pan
baking powder: mayurcetaaq, mayurngik, ulcetaaq
baking soda: quulrircaun
Balaena glacialis: cikaarturta
Balaena mysticetus: arveq
balance: have good ~ nepeckegg-; lose one’s ~
bald eagle: metervik, tengmiarrluk, yaqulegpak,
bald: ~ head qapacak; ~ person nuya’illaaq,
qerriraayaq; ~ spot meqneq, patkalleq
baleen: cuqaq*
ball: angqaq, yuguaq; ~ game patkar-; ~ ball with a
bat piataq; ~-like grip on paddle qaquaq; ~-like
portions of “Eskimo ice cream” tumagcur-
ballast: uqamailkutaq
balloon: qerruqacunguaq; inatable thing, such as
a ~ qerruqutaq
ballot: election ~ cucukelciirun kalikaq
balsam poplar: avngulek, equgniilnguq*; ~ sapling
band: rubber ~ nengulraq; ~ around something
nuvun; shoulder ~ on a parka tusailitaq; cap
of squirrel skin with decorative ~ uivqurraq*,
back and forth — band
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
bandage: cupkecir-, nemeq, nepcetaaq
baneberries: tulukaruut neqait
bang: qatngerpak; ~ one’s head on a surface
bangs: ~ of hair ciuksuk
banjo: tengtengaaq; ~ or other stringed musical
instrument qelutviaq
bank: akiliurvik, igce
÷eq; ~ of river ekvik, see
Wrangell (2); steep ~ kitnaq; undercut a river ~
bank swallow: aguumar(aq*), ekvigtaar(aq*),
bank teller: akiliurta
bankrupt: be ~ nanguaqau-; go ~ nangqerte-
baptism: angllurcecissuun, anglluuciq
baptize: angllurcete-; be ~ angllur-
bar: aqumgaurvik, taangarvik
barb: akeq; rst ~ on harpoon point cirliqsuun; seal
harpoon head with ve ~s keggikuq
barbecue: ~ stick asgircuun
barbed: harpoon with detachable ~ head kukgaq;
arrow with ~ ivory point cingigturaq, urugnaq
barbel: sculpin with ~ kelevyagciaq; ~ of cod
bare: strip ~ ¥gayar-, wayar-
barefoot: kamilar-; be ~ kamilangqa-, kamilqiir(ar)-
barely: ~ have the strength artuqlite-; barely keep
from V-ing (pb) -nritar(ar)-; be ~ visible due to
weather macugite-
barge: kangiraulek, paacaq, skauk, sun’aq
bark: qilug-; tree ~ qayruq, qelta, see Nelson (15, 62);
birch ~ imegyuk, kasruq; slab of ~ allegyaq,
imlauk, kelaaciq; treat with a dye with alder
inner ~ cungagarte-; alder inner-~ dye
cungagaq; ~ burned and used as an inhalant
eskaaniq; willow or cottonwood ~ peluq; strip
of willow ~ alek, allek; willow with red ~
kavingkuksaq, kavirliyagaq; willow-~ shnet
allegpak; willow-~ lashing akmagartaq; ~
splitter qunavun; split sinew or ~ qunavte-; ~
repeatedly qilua-; become alert and emit low
~s teriir-
barn swallow: ngel’ulluir(aq*)
barnacle: culgussuk, cuulguyuk, tagcirayuk
barometer: cellam cuqyutii, (c)ellam cuqyutii
barrel: napartaq, pucenglluk, puckaq, pucuunaq,
qaltaucikaq; bottom of a ~ allungak; gun ~
cupluq; trash ~ ciqicivik; water ~ miyvik
; ~ of
salmon elliaq; ~ hoop qes’un
barren: ~ old reindeer nurraninr(aq*)
barrier: capa
; look over a ~ uyangte-; curtain hung
as a draft ~ ikirtuqaq; provide with a ~ akicir-
barter: naverrniar-, qayuqcarniar-
base: ~ of a slope ceturtelleq; opening at ~ of skull
katngalqitaaq; ~ of the neck keggasgek akuliik,
tarenriryaraq; rest on a ~ tusnga-, tuynga-
baseball: ~ bat piataq; ~ cap ciqilitalek; ~-like game
bashful: be ~ kuksaga-
basin: wash ~ ermigcuun
basket: woman’s ~ kularvik; birchbark ~ piicikaq,
see Marsh (2, 3); ~ made from willow roots
aguumaq; rigid upright grass ~ kuusqun;
tightly coiled rigid grass ~ mingqaaq; make
a coiled grass ~ ciqtagte-, mingqii-, pakugte-,
teryeri-; start the upturn of the sides of a
~ pakeg-; closely woven grass ~ pattern
mallegtaq; coarse seashore grass used when
dried for making ~ taperrnaq; basket for
holding sh ciikvak, naparcilluk; dried, packed
sh in a ~ tut’at; open-weave grass ~ ukiqlaaq*;
willow or other tree root used in making ~s
amaaq*; basket for bringing things up from the
shore taguyun; see Barnum (9, 28)
baste: ~ in sewing kelullir-, tupirtaarute-, petugtur-,
bat: unuir(aq*); baseball ~ piataq; ~ with a stick
anau-, anaur-
bath: take a tub ~ ervuqar-; take a sauna ~ maqi-;
root used as scrubber in ~ negavgun
bathroom: ervuqervik
bathtub: ervuqercuun
baton: dance ~ apallircuun, eniraraun, niiraraun
batter: murtaq, urtaq; make into a ~ murte-, urte-
battle: anguyak
bawl: qalervag-; ~ (him) out nunup’ag-
bay: ilutak, ilutuqaq, kangiqaq, kangiqutaq,
kangirrluk; pass by across a ~ ak’irte-
; sandspit
and ~ formed by it taciq; ~ at the mouth of a
river tuqsuk; ~ on a lake aqsaqiurneq; look into
~s qinangnir-
BB: luupiq
be: ete-; ~ earthy quinagnarqe-; ~N (pb) -u-
beach: en’aq, ken’aq; ~ a boat cin’gar-, culurte-,
ugirte-, ugi’irte-, uicqar-, uiyaqar-; noise of
breakers on the ~ ceryuq; sandy ~ ce÷’aq;
bandage — beach
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
uprooted stump on ~ nasqunaq; ~ bug that
is similar to a tiny lobster nastarnaq; ~ grass
root ciulavik; woven ~ grass rope qikiq
; edible
vegetable that grows on ~es ciutnguaq; gnat
found on ~ tengleryaq; inedible red worm
found on ~ uinguyuk
beach greens: it’garralek, itegaraq, qelquayak,
teptuyak, tukulleggaq*
beachcomb: casually ~ mallungssaar-; ~ for
carcasses mallussur-; go ~ing cinirpiir-; thing
found while one is ~ing mallu; walk on shore
as when ~ as a boat accompanies one qutirtur-
beached: be ~ qaavesga-; nd a ~ carcass mallute-;
be ~ by the tide kenaqaute-, kenqaute-; ~
carcass or other thing found mallu; piece of ice
~ in shallow water et’galqilaq
beacon: twinkling star or ~ ulugtalria
bead: cungavseq, teggliq, see Zagoskin (14), Nelson
(58), Barnum (26, 45), Adams (6); nose ~ cigvik;
Russian trade ~ pipigaq; small white ~ qaterli,
qaterliar(aq*); turquoise ~ legtaq; ~ decorations
on boot itgutek; metal and ~ forehead
ornament camataq
beaded: cap with ~ decorative bands uivqurraq*,
uivquq; ~ headband ken’gun
; ~ hairnet
kaapaq, kaupaq, tackaq
beads: sew on ~ emkiirtur-; black ~ on a parka
ciivaguat; dangling ornament of ~ on a parka
aqevyak; dark skin behind row of ~ on a parka
kelurqutaq; decoration at the crown of the
hood that consists of ~ kakauyaq; two braids
with ~ qillerpautaq; man’s labret with ~ on a
frame elciqaruaq; a string of ~ agluir-, agluirun;
leather put between ~ to separate them iqataq
beadwork: esophagus as backing for ~ decoration
beak: upper or lower part of a ~ cugg’eq, sugg’eq
beam: deck ~ of kayak ayagaq; deck ~ of kayak
third from bow or from stern ayagacuaq; deck
~ of kayak fourth from bow nengengali; deck
~ just fore of the cockpit deck beam of a kayak
tukervik ayagaq; deck ~ of kayak next to and
forward of coaming ayaneq; deck ~ next to
and aft of coaming of kayak asaun
; center ~
of a structure agluq; rst horizontal ~ in semi-
subterranean house or kashim elliqerraq*;
upper tie ~ of men’s community house or small
semi-subterranean house mamcartaq
bean: lernaq, nelernaq, papiq, piinssaaq
beanbag: ~-like toy qaitaq
bear: carayak, keggiarnaq, naparngali, paugnaq*,
pitarkallr(aq*), pitarkaq, ungungssiq; black ~
tan’gerliq, unguvalria, see Barnum (44); brown
(or grizzly) ~ kavingali, kavirlill’er, keggalvalek;
polar ~ arlunaq, nanuaq; ferocious ~ uglaniiq;
old ~ qamungelria; ~ gut taqukinraq*; product
of a ~ taqukinraq*; ~ scat taqukinraq*; ~ sitting
on a mountain of snow (garment decoration)
yurturuaq; make mufed animal noises (as
of a ~) during the Bladder Feast emyugte-; be
unable to ~ artur-; ~ fruit or grain naugi-; ~
witness apervikua-
bearberry: kavlagpak, kavlaguyak, kavlak
beard: ~ hair ungak
Bearded One: Ungalek
bearded seal: angayukliq, maklacuk, maklak,
temiquyugglugaq, tungungqu, ullacuk,
ungagciiq; large ~ makelvak; pregnant ~
imlaulek; young ~ almigaq*, amirkaq; ~ in
its rst year maklaaq; ~ in its second year
maklassuk; ~ that can arch over so as to touch
head with ippers ipuuyuli; ~ that swims on
its back papangluaq; dark-colored ~ yaalirtaq;
~ that is dark on the belly but gray on the
top tulignaq; ~ with very dark shoulders
apsiaraq; be sleeping in the water (of ~)
putukuar-; ~ seen on ice oe as though it were
sitting crouched over like a human kun’uniq;
mother ~ swimming with a cub on her back
qamuqataq; mother ~ swimming near an ice
oe on which her pup is lying uginagumaq;
rounded line made from the skin of a young
~ taprualuk; ~ skin for boots lavtak, naterkaq,
nat’rarkaq; ~ with fur that changes its direction
when wet nemercauk
bearer: the ~ of daylight, Raven Ernerculria
beat: nutngaq; dance following the ~ of music
qac’ag-; ~ a drum mumeq; heart begins to ~ fast
nutlag-; ~ object to desired object kipulkar-;
~ on a drum cauyaq; snow ~er katautaq,
kavcircuun; tell about what one foresees while
~ing a drum qalur(ar)-
beautiful: be ~ (of personal ornaments and the
like) kenugnga-; ~ country nunakegtaar(aq*)
beaver: ce÷iq’aq, kep’iyuli, paluqtaq*; large ~
ucingvak; medium-sized ~ ucinglluar(aq*); ~
in its rst year aqsatuyak; ~ in its second year
nukaq; ~ in its third year ucinglluk, ulilek;
beach greens — beaver
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ scent-gland aluqan; lining on the oor of
a ~ den isriq; engraving tool with ~ incisor
tip iqukeggun; skin boot with ~ trimming
qulip’ak; see Adams (5)
beaver house: enlu, enluaq, [e]nglu, nel’u, ngel’u
because: kinami, consequential mood (see Endings
section); ~ of ugaani, uguani; just ~ tua-i-wa;
be almost inaudible ~ of distance umiqsig-; be
perceived as occurring ~ of or in conjunction
with something else nalleknguar-
Becharof: Lake ~ Nanvartuqaq
beckon: ~ by a hand gesture nulur-
become: ~ a human yug’urte-; ~ N (pb) -urte-; ~
night unuk; ~ spring up’nerkaq; ~ summer
kiag-; ~ autumn uksuaq*; ~ winter uksuq; ~
able to V (pb) -lguri-; ~ more V (pb) -kaniir(ar)-;
~ or cause to become V (pb) -i-
; ~ or cause to
become more and more V (pb) -liri-; ~ more
severe arcari-; ~ choked tuvte-; ~ re kenrurte-;
~ maggoty qup’lu; ~ or make a certain way
ellir-; ~ or make ready, ripe, easily done,
available, etc. piqainaurte-
bed: aci, ingleq, qavarvik; in ~ elgar-; be in ~
elgangqa-; go to ~ elgarte-, inarte-; ~ partner
teru; area at foot of ~ teru; bunk ~ ingelrek
qulliqellriik; climb up on ~ taggiyar-; grass,
etc., used for ~ padding for humans or
animals curuluk; mosquito-net tent around
a ~ tupiq’uyaq; outermost slat on a sled ~
turun; crosspiece on ~ of sled caniquyaq; arch
supporting ~ of sled napu; slat on ~ of sled
bedding: aklu, maqautet; arrange or set out ~
bedding skin: alliqupak, alliraq, curuq
bedmate: tutek
bedridden: become ~ taklarte-
bedroom: inarrvik, qavarvik
bedtime: ~ snack inaqutaq
beer: piivaq
beetle: water ~ cungaralukvak, melnguq; dung ~
elqiiq*; ground ~miryangcaq
before: precessive mood (see Endings section);
dance ~ the host villagers during a holiday
tekiqatar(ar)-; develop water in the egg ~
embryo becomes large emrii-; use the same
stitch holes as ~ for sewing enatguar(ar)-; just
~ V-ing (pb) -yugnaitar-
beg: ~ repeatedly for qalriateke-
beget: ~ a child yunriur-
begin: ayagnir-; ~ moving (of an unborn baby)
pek’nge-; ~ to be like N (pb) -ngari-; ~ to V (pb)
-nge-; ~ to beat fast (of heart) nutlag-; ~ to boil
qallange-; ~ to crawl aurraar(ar)-; ~ to hurry
qemitaange-; ~ to move eglenge-; ~ to turn blue
qiungaar(ar)-; ~ a coiled grass basket teryeri-; ~
walking (of a child) pek’nge-; when a person ~
to hear and comprehend ciutengar(ar)-
beginning: ayagneq, kangiq; from the ~ ayagmek,
nutem; ~ of the month iralunguq; ~ of the
Bladder Festival Elciq
behalf: feel and act defensive on anothers ~ eyur-
behave: ~ foolishly, unsensibly cellaite-, ellaite-; ~
improperly ketgulliira-; ~ oneself assircaar(ar)-;
one who ~s correctly elluatuq
behavior: act against standards of ~ narurte-;
change one’s ~ in abnormally castuqsagte-;
change one’s ~ abruptly qailqerte-; scarecrow-
like device designed to scare children away
from undesirable ~ aarallr(aq*)
behind: area ~ amata
, kelu, peruq; go through the
area ~ amatair-; be out of view ~ something
ipinga-, ipte-; be dragging ~ nuqlite-
; have
the wind blow from ~ uqenqar-
; leave (it) ~
unite-; one right ~ tunuqliq*; one that is close ~
keluqliq*; stay ~ paa-
; to stay ~ with pai-
travel ~ another tangaliuqur-; area of seal ~
head uyalquq; tell on someone ~ his back
elillgia-, kelgur-
beholden: feel ~ tunrike-, tunrir-
being: keep ~ as one is piur(ar)-; legendary ~ with
half a woman’s face inglupgayuk
belch: elciar-
belief: ukveq, ukverun; a voice that could be
summoned by a shaman, according to
traditional ~ yuun
believable: be ~ ukvernarqe-
believe: ukveke-, ukveq; “I can’t ~ it!” iq; be
hard to ~ asguranarqe-; come to ~ (it/him)
ukveryagute-; immediately ~ maligarte-; not ~
(him/it) asgurake-, asgurayug-; tend to ~ things
ukvertar-; ~ that oneself or another is V-ing (pb)
belittle: caunrir-, ikiarqe-
bell: avirluqutaq, kallagcetaaq, kallangkutaq,
kauggsuun, kuluk’uunaq, qasiarcetaaq,
beaver house — bell
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
belly: aqsak, aqsaquq; have no more ~ aqsairute-;
outside part of a ~ aqsamuq; parka decorated
with a fringe of squirrel ~ uulungiiq; that is
dark on the ~ but gray on the top tulignaq; ~
button qallaciq; ~ fur aqsaneq; ~ skin pukiq
belly-down: lie ~ palungqa-, palurte-
belonging: thing ~ to women arnartaq*
belongings: be careless with one’s ~ cumiite-; feel
uncomfortable about using someone else’s
~ avaryug-; give one’s ~ to (a girl having her
rst menses) ¥gayite-; search through one’s
personal ~ aglug-
below: at-; area ~ aci; the one down ~ un’a; come
out at water ~ kanauma-; in the area down
~ cama(ni), camna, kan’a; down there (~)
kana(ni); ~ the knee ciisquilitaq, ciisqurrilitaq,
mamlek; strip of fur ~ the light-colored
decoration at the hem or cuff of a parka
tungunqucuk; one of last three last ribs ~ the
side rail at bow of kayak qamenqucagaq; one
of ve large ribs ~ the side rail right under the
hatch of kayak ingneq
belt: naqugun, nungirta, qepsuun , qepyun, qes’un,
qukailitaq, tavci; dangling end of woman’s ~
cipnermiutaq; put on a ~ naqugte-, nungirte-
~ buckle nagtuqaq; ~ hook or buckle nuqyun;
seal out wind and cold by tightening a ~
; ~ of oating ice formed by currents,
sandbars, etc. kigumaaq, qilungayak; Orion’s ~
Tulukaruum Ayarua
beluga: assigarnaq, cetuaq, cituaq, qecip’atuli;
yearling, gray ~ qiukcaq; container made of
~ stomach imanarvik; ~ blubber for eating
aaqassaaq, mangtak
bench: ~ in men’s community house ingleq; post of
~ palan
bend: apenge-, ap’nge-, pere-; ~ forward kanarte-
put’e-; ~ over cikete-, cikte-, ikigarte-, ikigte-,
putegte-; go around the ~ qipte-; ~ (it) perete-,
perte-; ~ (of river, road, trail) yuurte-
; ~ out of
shape cuqlurte-; clamp to make ~ permanent
pascirissuun; ~ in a river qipneq; ~ in tree limb
bending: crack when ~ qayugarte-; form for ~
sled runners, boat parts, etc. per’ucin; ~ tool
bends: have ~ in it cuqingqa-; having ~ cuqir-; ~ in
bilge of kayak neneq
beneath: edible layer right ~ skin of sh kelipacuk;
decomposed meat ~ the skin of a dried sh
kiimacak; well up from ~ the earth or ice
uleve-, ulve-; stitching on kayak beneath tote-
hole mayu’urneq
benecial: be ~ atawa; V ~ly (pb) -luaqar-
beneciary: ciuniurtekaq
benet: atawa
benign: ~ growth nauneq
bent: be ~ aglurte-, qellugte-; become set in a
~ position paste-; ~ forward ikig-, kanar-
be ~ forward kanangqa-; be ~ out of shape
cuqlungqa-, cuqlur-, cuqlurte-; be ~ over
forward ikignga-, ikingqa-
; be in a ~-forward
position pusnga-; be ~ over in sadness
kanangllugte-; ~ part of wooden container,
hunting hat, etc. pertaq; stand with knees ~
uyungssuar-; clamp used to hold ~ wood in
position pascirissuun; bowl with of separate
piece of ~ wood qaglaya(g)aq; large piece of ~
wood over which a skin is placed for scraping
and stretching tuluruaq; design on a ~ wooden
hunting hat pugugyuk
bentwood: bottom part or piece of container such a
~ bucket allungak; ~ rim around top of wooden
container perneq; ~ box qungasvik; ~ hat
caguyaq, ciayaq, ugtarcurcuun
bequeath: ~ something to (him) paicir-
berate: ~ with a ridicule song kingullugte-
bereaved: be ~ avegteqe-; any of the ve days
during which the ~ abstains from certain
activities kanaraq
Bering cisco: imarpinraq*, naptaq
Bering wolf sh: arnassagaq*
berries: pick ~ makiraq, nunatar-, unatar-; eat ~
as one picks them amqar-, nerliyar-, neryar-;
pick ~ although there aren’t many pukug-,
purriur-; pick a lot of ~ iqviqe-; leaves in
picked ~ caranglluk; picking ~ as part of
livelihood yuungnaqe-; pestle used to crush
~ passin; aged mixture of greens and ~
acaarrluk, atsaarrluk; mixture of ~ and other
ingredients cooked to the consistency of thin
pudding atsiuraq; mixture of ~, seal oil, and
sugar akutauqmak; mixture of ~, sugar, seal
oil, shortening, sh, etc. amekaq; mixture of
crushed berries, crushed aged sh eggs, seal
oil, and sugar passiaq; mixture of ~, sugar, and
seal oil uqiinaq, uquinaq, uqumleq; ~ cooked
with blood uqnaq; celebrate child’s rst ~
belly — berries
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pinrarcete-; person who celebrates his or her
child’s rst picking ~ kalukaq
berry: ac’aq, acsaq, agangruyak, atsaq; apple ~
ulariq; bear~ kavlaguyak, kavlak
; blue~
, curavak; bunch~ cingqullektaaq,
mengqullegtaq; cloud~ aqavsik, aqevyik,
atsalugpiaq, atsarpiaq, epulek, naunraq*; crow,
curlew, or black ~ kavlakuaraq*, tan’gerpak;
nagoon~ puyuraar(aq*), puyuruaq; iqvaq;
salmon~ aqavsik, aqevyik, atsakutak, atsarpiaq,
naunraq*; watermelon ~ atsarrluk; wine~
puyuraar(aq*), puyuruaq; picked ~hard ~
qelengquq, teggenquq; type of red ~ alagnaq;
tuber of horsetail plant “water ~” qetek; secret
~ patch igigtaun; be a ~ picker unangig-; go
on a ~-picking trip atsiyar-; ~-picking tool
berserk: go ~ qiste-, usviilkayag-
beseech: ~ one for something kaiga-
beside: ~ something canir-
; be ~ something
caningqa-; put ~ something canirte-
best: ~ friend ken’gun
; ~ one(s) assineq
bestowing: ask for the ~ of favors cingartur-
bet: elliin; place one’s ~ ellii-
Bethel: Mamterilleq, Uuyarmiut; Brown’s Slough
in ~ Kepenkuq; area upriver of Brown’s Slough
in ~ Aaguq
better: be ~ assinru-, utuma-; be a little ~
ikumlarte-; become ~ assiri-, utumari-, see
Marsh (1); become ~ able to see mecigi-; train to
become a ~ person cilkia-; act as if one is ~ than
others qutegte-; try to get a ~ view meciknaur-
Betula sp.: nelnguq
between: piece of leather put ~ beads iqataq; crack
~ boards akulqucuk, akultuqucuk; dale ~ hills
akulneq; grasp ~ one’s legs amellmikar-; fold ~
the legs and abdomen imelqutak; fur ~ the ruff
and hood of a parka menglairun
bevel: ~ the edge of a skin for sewing mangag-;
~ed edge on hatch rim of kayak kuvirneq
beverage: carbonated ~ qapuk; hot ~ yuurqaq;
drink a hot ~ emrukar-, yuurte-
beyond: area ~ yaate-; for there to be open water
with icebergs ~ qupngur-; resign oneself to
circumstances ~ one’s control tuatequa-
bib: manuilitaq*; baby’s ~ nuiqailitaq
Bible: qaneryaraq, Qaneryaraqegtaar(aq*); hyssop
(in the ~) culugtaq*; scribe (as in the ~)
igatuli; weed (in ~ translation) naunerrluk;
domesticated animal (in ~ translation)
Biblical: ~ book of Genesis Ayagniqarraaq; ~ book
of Exodus Anucimallrat; ~ book of Numbers
Naaqumallrat; ~ book of Deuteronomy
Alerquutet; the ~ Wise Men umyuartulriit; ~
priestly vestment as’arce÷a(aq*)
biceps: ~ muscle cekpik, cikpik, kayanguruaq
bicycle: paissikelaaq
big: be ~ ange-; be that ~ angta-; be too ~ to
t caltur-, tastur-; become ~ angli-; so ~!
ik’ikika; ~ airplane tengssuuterpak; ~ bad
dog qimulurayak; ~ boat palesvak; ~ bowl
qankurpak; ~ clam turtuniaq; V without
making a ~ deal of it (pb) -maar-; Big Dipper
Qaluurin; ~ dog qimulvak; ~ ear ciulvak;
have ~ eyes iitu-; ~ game tag ungungssim
amian cavigtaa; ~ kashim qasegpallr(aq*); ~
knife nuussirpak; ~ lake nanevpak; ~ mouth
qanerpak; legendary baby with a ~ who ate
his mother Aanakalliiq; ~ N (pb) -paarrluk,
-rpak, -vaarrluk, -vak; little one with a ~
(pb) -payagaq*; ~ pants qerrulviik; ~ seal
tuvartaq; smiling a ~ smile quuyurpag-; ~
spotted seal issurvak; take a ~ step amelvag-;
~ thing angtuaq; ~ toe angenquq, angenquyuk,
angunquq, angunquyuk, putukuq; ~ wave
qairvaaq, qairvak; kick in a ~ itempag-; steal in
a ~ way tegel’pag-; V in a ~ way (pb) -pag-
; ~
woman arenvak; yawn a ~ yawn aitaupag-
“Bigfoot”: monster with three toes on each foot
and six ngers on each hand, known as ~
biggest: ~ one of a group angenquq, angenquyuk
bile: cungak
bilge: ribs in turn of the ~ in kayak neneq
bin: ~ to store sh before drying qikutaq
bind: nemeq, naqir-; be in a ~ kalivqinar-; ~
together a sh trap tungite-
binding: naqiun, nemeq; sinew ~ on a toggling
harpoon atanrautaq; skin line used for ~ and
making king salmon nets tapruar(aq*)
; ~ for
tying load on sled nuilraun; ~ line nulukaq; ~
material tapengyak; exible wood strip used
for making sh-trap binding nemerciq
binoculars: tangerrsuutek; sight with the aid of ~
birch: elnguq, nelnguq; ~ bark imegyuk, kasruq,
qasruq; burl from ~ tree aavangtak; hardened
berry — birch
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
black growth on a ~ trunk kukgun; ~ bracket
fungus ararkaq, kenerqaq, kumakaq, pupiguaq;
make ashes from ~ fungus legci-; ash made
from ~ fungus araq, peluq
birchbark: ~ basket piicikaq, qasrulek
bird: caqulek, tengmiaq, tengmilquq, yaqulek;
young ~ issengquq, piyagaq*, yaquleyagaq;
type of ~ tengmiqsaq; back of ~ angyayuk;
claw of ~ cetumquq, pekugkalleq; distract
attention from young (of a ~) uligui-; ~’s egg
kayanguq, manik, peksu; ~ egg in formative
stage ciqamciq; fat of fatty ~ uqsuqaq; thigh
of ~ mimeq; food-stealing ~ neqaiq; giant ~
tengempak, yaakucugglugaq; pluck ~ feathers
erici-, meqtar-, rriitar-; longest feather in a
~’s wing niss’uq; thrush-like ~ siyuq; small
sea ~ cukilek; certain ~ seen on the ocean
teng’guar(aq); small ~ cetaaq, cilumcuksugaq,
ciyuq, cuicuicuaq, pinipaar(aq*),
tengmiaqsar(aq*), tuli’ik, yaqulkussagaq*;
small-~ arrow with blunt tip akitnaq
; two-
pointed arrow to hunt ~s akulmiqurataak; ~
arrow with a blunt point and four crosspieces
aklegaq; three-pronged ~ spear asaaqin; ~
decoy qungyarcetaaq; ~ snare made of spruce
root qelcaq; ~-skin parka tamace÷aq, tamace÷i-
birds: ~ give birth month Tengmiaret Irnitiit;
month when the young ~ take ight Piyagaat
Tengutiit; ~’ month Tengmiaret Tanqiat;
arrowhead for hunting ~ kutvak; twitter of ~
qalriur-; line of snares for ~ negaraq*; spring-
type snare for ~ makecaraq, makikcaq; net
thrown over ~ egqaqun, yag’arussuk; dart
for hunting ~ nuiq*; spear with three points
for spearing ~ nuusaaq, nuuyaaq; spent
ammunition shell tied to a piece of string and
used as weapon for ~ qapiamcetaaq
birdshot: lead ~ luupiq
birth: give ~ irni-, qetunriur-; birds give ~ month
Tengmiaret Irnitiit; follow traditional practices
associated with ~ agelru-, eyag-, eyagyaraq,
birthday: yuurtellrem eruyutii, yuurrvilleq, yuurun;
have a ~ anllite-, anutiiq, anutiir-
birthplace: yuurrvilleq
biscuit: akakcukuaq, angqacukuaq, angqessnguaq,
bishop: allgiliyaq, kass’assinaq
bit: a little ~ carraq*, carrarmek, ellma, ellmaar(aq*),
ellmacuar(aq*), see Lonneux (1); eat a little ~
neramci-; eat ~s of meat clinging to a bone
pukug-; put a little ~ in one’s mouth iqemkar-;
any little ~ of food available neqaraq; V a little
~ (pb) -vguar(ar)-; little ~ of N (pb) -qucuk
bite: kegge-; ~ hard keggerpag-, kegpag-; tend to
~ keggsu-; ~ a hook engug-; ~ more than once
keggmar-; ~ quickly kegler-; ~ something
biting: dog muzzle to prevent ~ cunguilitaq; ~ a
hook engug-; ~ gnat ilairtaayuli, ungilayagaq*
bitter: be ~ neqniate-, tumag-
blab: uluckegcir-
black: tungu-, see Kromchenko (8), Nelson (35), Adams
(7); all ~ tungurpak; ~en tunguri-; ~ beads
between decorative stitches ciivaguat; ~ bear
tan’gerliq, unguvalria, yurturuaq; ~ bug that
infests drying sh qunguiq; ~ growth on a
birch tree kukgun; ~ out nallute-
; ~, blue, and
white bird seen on the ocean teng’guar(aq); ~
thing tungulria, tunguryak; material for foots
made by removing ~ outer layer of sealskin
lavtak; park hood decoration with ~ beads or
strips kakauyaq; pitch ~ qelali-, qelarvag-; small
clam that is ~ on the ends amsak, amyak; strip
of dried swan-foot skin, ~ in color it’galqinraq;
trim made of ~ and white calfskin akurun
black brant: leqlernaq, neqlernaq
black currant: atsaanglluk, cularlussaq, currluk
black whale: arveq
black person:
akertem aciarmiu, alapaq, Puqlamiu,
taaqsipak, taqcipak, taqsipak, tungulleralria,
Black River: Qip’ngayak
black scoter: kukumyar(aq*), tunguleq,
black sea anemone: tiiyaq
“black sheep”: ~ of a family ilallugun
black turnstone: ciilmak, qiuracetaaq
black-bellied plover: ciilmak, tevatevaaq, tuusiik,
black-billed magpie: qalqerayak
black-legged kittiwake: arliaq, naruyacuaq,
qarliar(aq), tengaurta
blackberry: paunraq*, tan’gerpak
blackbird: rusty ~ cuqcurliq
blacksh: can’giiq*, cayguq
, imangaq, taqikaq;
birchbark — blacksh
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
spawning ~ aniniq; ~ fry alungyar(aq*),
; young ~ alungyar(aq*); ~ in a school
aniniq; ~ coming to the surface puga
; aged ~
quluk, qulungnaq; cooked ~ allemaaq, uqnarliq,
uuqnarliq; parboil ~ kanakiir-; ~ that has been
boiled and allowed to set qageq
blackhead: irciq
blackpoll warbler: kuikaman’ayaaq
bladder nakacuk; have a full ~ nakaci-; caribou-~
bag ircaqinraq*; walrus ~ inated as a net
oat or used as a water container keciqutaq,
qalirkaar(aq*), qeciqutaq; device for lling a ~
with uids miinguartarkarcivik; ~ oat avataq,
avatarpak; swim ~ qatneq
; walrus ~ kecqurtaq;
nozzle of something inated, such as a ~ oat
qerrurcuun; ~ of a small mammal cikutaq; ~ of
animal qamenquq; dried ~ nakacugtalleq
Bladder Feast: Nakaciuryaraq, Tengmiariuq; be
destroyed by going into the hole in the ice
during the ~ ikuygur-; bring clothes or food
for distribution during the ~ ciamci-; make
mufed animal noises during the ~ emyugte-;
old-time holiday celebrated shortly before the
~ Pugnguaryaraq; person who goes into houses
and calls out a man’s name during the ~
aciurta; pole stuck into the ground in the men’s
communal house during the ~ kagaciqaq,
kangaciqaq; prepare a grass mat for the seal
bladders during the ~ canglanguarrar-; sing
unaccompanied during the ~ cauyautequ-
Bladder Festival: Ilgariq; song used in the “Qecek”
celebration of the ~ qetgun
blade: central ridge on a paddle ~ qengartaq; tip of
paddle ~ emulek, mula; kayak paddle with ~
that gets thinner toward tip quagciruaq; kayak
paddle with a ~ at each end paangrun; hand
grip at upper end of single-~d paddle qaquaq,
qaquaqnginaq; scraper with curved stone ~
caniissaq; knife with curved ~ mellgar(aq*); ~
of folding knife ikusgaq; sharpen a ~ ellikaraq;
tanning tool ~ cakivquun, cakivun; ~ covering
kegginailitaq; shoulder ~ keggasek, kegglarkaq
blame: paci- pacike-, tut’esteke-; ~ someone
avutatur-, tuc’ete-; take the ~ pukiqerte-
blanket: ulik; ghost with a big ~ uligiayuli
blanket-toss: inigar-, see Nelson (12), Barnum (4)
bleach: ~ a sealskin qercirar-; ~/disinfectant cecuar
bleached: be ~ qaki-, qakirpak; ~ esophagus nerun;
~ sealskin ellangraq, naluaq
bleed: aunrar-
blemish: men’u; be without ~ menuite-
blend: ~ in with background akitniute-, merinite-
bless: asrurtur-, ikayuq-, pelagasselaviir-
blessed: be ~ atawaqar-
blessing: asrurtuun, atawaqaun, ikayuun; say or
give a ~ agayucir-
blind: become ~ cikme-, cikmir-, kiarcuirute-; duck-
hunting ~ nayurvik
blink: qelemte-
blister: erraneq, qerraneq, see Lonneux (2); get a ~
blizzard: pirtuk; for there to be a severe ~ pircir-,
pirrec’vag-; for there to be a ~ under otherwise
clear skies aciikuar-
block: capir-; snow that has been carved into a
~ utvak; tool used to cut snow ~s agiyautaq;
~ chewing tobacco ellitnguaq; chopping ~
tukeryaraq; be perched on a ~ of ice uginga-;
peeled-off ~ of sod kiitaq; ~ put under seam
when sewing qamiqumtagaq; ghost that ~s
doorways amiingirayuli; ~ view of ipte-
blood: auk, qayuq; berries cooked with ~ uqnaq;
contain a lot of ~ aulir-; ~ pressure augem
nutngallran cuqii; high ~ pressure auga
quyigluni; spit ~ anerqi-; vomit ~ augqe-;
get ~ poisoning mecur-; ~ clot angruyarneq;
legendary creature that will suck ~ blood from
one’s big toe meriiq
bloodstained: be ~ augglir-
bloody: get ~ augurte-; ~ liquid from a wound or
sore essnguq
bloom: uite-
blossom: naucetaaq
blouse: keggan
blow: begin to ~ aqlarnir-, aqlatlag-; ~ against
qacarte-, qassarte-; ~ along the shore cenirnir-;
~ away tengte-; have the wind ~ from behind
, uqumigte-
; ~ from shore out to sea
aternir-; ~ in a favorable direction anuqekegte-;
~ in an unfavorable direction anuqellugte-;
unable to breathe because of a ~ to the solar
plexus tenguga’rte-; ~ on cupe-
, see Turner (41);
~ one’s nose kakeggluir-, ngev’a
; gasp as when
wind ~s in one’s face ep’ura-, meq’urtua-,
pircir-, purtua-, puurtua-; hit with a sharp ~
blubber: uquq; dice seal ~ and heat it in a pan to
blackhead — blubber
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
get seal oil civatugte-, egciri-; brous piece left
over when seal has been rendered civanr(aq*);
chewing gum made from boiled ~ angiinaq;
seal a leak with ~ uqurcir-; strip of seal ~
uquviarrluk; seal esh with ~ qigaq; remove
seal ~ from skin qapagqur-; share ~ and meat
from a freshly caught seal uqicetaar-; distribute
seal ~ uqite-
; ~ carrier uqissaqsuun; parboiled
~ uullaq
blue: pelicqiq; qesurliq, qeyurliq, qiugliq, qiurliq,
see Khromchenko (9), Zagoskin (6, 8), Adams (8);
be ~ qiugcete-; all ~ qiurpak; begin to turn ~
qiungaar(ar)-; ~, black, and white bird seen
on the ocean teng’guar(aq); diamond-shaped
light ~ rock kegglemyaq; hard colorful ~ stone
miqsaq; ~ vivianite qesuuraq; ~ coming from
the north cikulugpiaq, cikurpak; reection of
open water in an ice eld seen as a dark ~ area
in the sky qiu, qiugaaq; be ~ in the face ii-,
nuu-; ~ sky qerruutaq; ~ thing qerrsuryak,
qesurliq, qeyurliq, qiugliq, qiurliq; ~-black dye
avisgaq; ~-gray thing qesuuq
blueberry: curaq
, qiu, suraq; large ~ curavak,
bluff: ekvik, epnaq, kaimaq, peńaq, see Nelson (54);
break in the ~ agtuirtelleq; green vegetable that
grows on ~s ciutnguaq; part of a river that runs
under a ~ aciirun; seek water from a ~ kullugte-
bluish: make ~ qiurqe-, qiute-; ~ area qiugaaq; ~
spot on the skin qiuneq
blunder: ~ off egmilguqerte-
blunt: bird arrow with ~ point akitnaq
, aklegaq
blurt: qanerter-
blush: kavinge-
board: tuskaq; ceiling ~ qanak; chopping ~ assipaq;
cutting ~ alassaq, assipaq, ayallaq; ironing ~
manigcarvik; kayak bottom ~ ceturailitaq; tool
blade used with tanning ~ cakivun; ~ on which
one prepares meat or sh inguqin; ~ with
socket(s) for tip of re-drill kumartessuun;
crack between ~s akulqucuk, akultuqucuk
boast: pivake-, qutegte-, ucuryagte-
boat: angsaq, angyaq, assigtaq, palayaq, see
Khromchenko (3); ~ bumper avataq, avatarpak;
~ owner angyalek; ~ sled aciqaq; ~ with
an inboard engine tuqtuq; be riding in a ~
ekuma- bail a ~ ciqi-; beach a ~ cin’gar-, uicqar-,
ugirte-, uiyaqar-; big ~ palesvak; bottom of ~
acirneq, assirneq; bowpiece on keel of ~ tangiq;
crosspiece of a ~ arvirun, ingun
; drain hole of
~ ellngaryaraq; frame for ~ enerkaq; form for
bending ~ parts per’ucin; hole at end of keel
of ~ agayuqulnguaraq; keel strip on ~ pirlak;
line that ties ~ to shore petuk; makeshift skin-
covered ~ angyaqatak; move by ~ angyiur-;
move with bow of ~ high above the water
ipug-, qalugte-; oil slick from a ~ uquaq;
overturn in a ~ akacag-; paddle a ~ anguar-;
pole a ~ asaur-, ayaktar-; pole or oar used
for poling a ~ asaurun; ribs of a ~ agyaraq
kaviqicungaq, nalmak, napallaak; rock ~ from
side to side uvaa-; skin ~ angyapiaq; stern of
a ~ aqu; tarpaulin covering the load on a ~
cingyaaq; tow a ~ while walking along the
shore ukamar-; wake of ~ minek; walk on shore
as a ~ accompanies one qutirtur-
boatbuilder: palayista
bobbin: atlirneq
body: tema
; upper part of the ~ cayaq; lower
part of a ~ iivkaneq; ~ from the waist down
uan; turn one’s entire ~ cau-
; wrinkle on ~
imutaq; crotch of ~ amlek; sense of the human
~ elpeke-; ~ temperature puqlam cuqii; feel
the ~ warmth of a person nuyarnir-; scar on ~
iiraq; be sick in ~ natlugte-; become stiff (of a
joint of the ~) engiuringe-; have scratches on
one’s ~ ciyaktar-; large open sore on ~ cuqeq
hurt in part of one’s ~ natelngu-, nat’liqe-;
skull not in a living ~ nasqukuyuk; ~ odor
qutak; in (something) up to one’s N (~ part)
(pb) -kiirar-; direct dance motions by moving
one’s ~ agniur-, qac’ag-; ~ lying in the opposite
or the perpendicular direction at the end of
the bed teru; something gripped between arm
and ~ unermik; stiffen (of one’s ~) aksaqar-;
temporary ~ covering cirukutaq; go up from a
~ of water tage-; point where a sh’s tail joins
the ~ nuuksuk; skin an animal by pulling
the skin back over the ~ qapiar-; string dried
sh by running the ~ of one through the gill
opening of the next tavigte-
bog: angayaq, qalviryaq
bog cranberry: quunarliaraq, uingiar(aq*),
boil: aninguaq; begin to ~ qallange-; come almost
to a ~ cuminge-; be at a rolling ~ qallarvag-; ~
over muira-; ~ (it) qallaute-
boiled: ~ fresh sh egaaq, ungllekaq; a vegetable
blue — boiled
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
that is ~ with sh ciutnguaq; half-dried, ~ sh
egamaarrluk, qamangatak, uamcaaq; ~ half-
dried salmon teggmaarrluk; have ~ qallama-;
blacksh that has been ~ qageq; ~ blubber
boiling: be ~ qalla-, qallange-, qallate-
, ulpeg-; cook
by ~ ega-, egavyag-, uuga’rte-; cook by baking
or roasting rather than ~ uute-; sh meatball
cooked by ~ aagciuk
bolas: qipiamcetaaq
bold: be ~ caprite-, taqaite-
bolt: miintaq, uintaq; door ~ caniqtaq; ~-action rie
bomb: qagercetaaq
Bonasa umbellus: egelruciayuli, elciayuli,
bone: eneq, enrir-, naneq, neneq; ankle ~
qamangaq; collar~ qutuk; funny ~ qengaraq;
end of ulna at wrist where the ~ projects
cugamkuyuk; wrist ~ qamangaq, tumarneq;
large ~ of the forearm nukaruaq; upper arm
~ aklanquq, issaquq, kangilquq, kayugaq,
nakiryuk, nuqaruaq; parietal ~ cirunqatak;
pelvic ~ kuuce
÷ak; instep ~s pinevneq; choke
on a ~ enrite-; suffer from arthritis or have
other ~ pain enliqe-, pateryirci-, tugiryarte-; ~
spurs qa¥gyaqar-; hollow (bird) ~ ituraq; ~ left
after meat is eaten from it enerkuaq, kivkar-,
nerkuaq; dried heart sac used for storing
caribou ~ marrow ircaqinraq*; intermuscular
“Y” ~ of pike nuusaaq, nuuyaaq; parietal
~ in head of sh aqumkallak
; ~ inside the
cranium of sh teki; styloid processes (~
in sh) teggenquq; triangular ~ near gills
kaugtuapak, kaugtuutaq
, kaugun
; meatball
made of the soft meat and ~ of spawned-
out sh aagciuk; whale~ cuqaq*; ~ breaker
kauggsikarak; ~ device on kayak to prevent
weapon from falling overboard akagyailkun;
~ point put on kayak paddle kukimssaq; ~
snow knife cikutaarin; device for engraving ~
cet’raarcuun; ~ tool for pushing cords through
holes ikuukar(aq*); remove the ~ from it enrir-;
~ armor for chest qat’gailitaq
bony: ~ part left after llets are cut from a sh
book: ikirtaat, kalikat, maktaat, naaqerkaq, naaqin;
Biblical ~ of Exodus Anucimallrat; Biblical ~
of Numbers Naaqumallrat; foreword (of a ~)
ikirun; page of ~ ikirnaq
boot: hunting ~ kamegciqaq; wading ~ acik’aq
naluggsuun; skin ~ piluguk; manufactured ~
sap’akiq; rubber ~ alap’aq, alapen’erte-; ankle-
high skin ~ atallgaq, kameksak, qaliruaq; bead
decorations on ~ itgutek; drawstring at top of
skin ~ parrvik, parteq, parteraq; drawstring
casing on skin ~ parterin; hanging decoration
on a ~ alngaq; high skin ~ ac’iqaq; hip ~
ivrarcuun; men’s high wading ~ qamquinaq;
thigh-high waterproof skin ~ at’arrlugaq*;
skin ~, thigh-high with fur out ayagcuun;
waterproof ~ amirak, ivruciq, ulap’aq; wading
~ made of caribou skin melqurrilnguq*; knee-
high or higher skin ~ kamguk; man’s traveling
~ an’giun; patch the sole of a skin ~ allngig-,
piinir-; round patch on the sole of a skin ~
allngik; short skin ~ aciqsaq, nanilnguaraq;
skin ~ made of dyed sealskin catquk; skin ~
with beaver trimming qulip’ak; welt seam on
~ egliq; woman’s high skin ~ ac’upegglugaq;
woven liner for skin ~ alliqsak; ~ for cold
wet weather irvaun; ~ liner piineq; reindeer-
skin lining for ~s mamru; put on ~s without
using liners in them muru-; ~ with fur inside
ilutmurtaq, iqertaq; fancy skin ~ ciuqalek;
piece of ~ over the toes and the top of the foot
itek; sole of ~ alu, aluq, nat’raq; get a hole in
one’s ~ sole puturtua-; stitch used to sew on
~ soles ellipiaq, inuguarcetuaq; sole material
for skin ~s naterkaq, nat’rarkaq; crimp in the
sole of a skin ~ teguaq; device for crimping ~
soles teguarcuun; for there to be the crunching
sound as made by ~s on cold snow qerqiugte-;
beater for cleaning snow off ~ katautaq
Bootes: (constellation) Ilulirat, Taluyat
bootlace: loop for ~ putu-
, putulri
bootstring: cingiq*
border: [e]ngla
, kengla
, mengla
, nel’a
, ngel’a
; ~
on “qaliq” parka ellutmuaq; mink-fur fringe ~
of a garment pinevyacagaq*
boreal owl: qaku’urtaruaq, takvialnguar(aq*)
born: be ~ ane-, taruurte-, yuurte-
; one ~ in
the same year yuulgun; be ~ prematurely
borough: ataucimek atanruvilget nunat
borrow: navraq, pulaar-
; place to ~ things
navrarvik; ~ed thing navraq, navrun
boiling — borrow
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
boss: angayuqaq*, ataneq; ~ over (him or it)
bother: qelerte-, tarike-; ~ by teasing ilangciar(ar)-;
mope when ~ed qirruarte-
bottle: nakacunguaq, putiilkaaq; baby ~
aamarcuun, emugcuun, mugcuun; nipple of
baby ~ melugcuun; suck on baby ~ aamaq,
emuk; ~-feed aamarte-; glass ~ uquucunguaq;
hot-water ~ puqlassuun; mouth of ~ paa-
mouthpiece of water ~ pass’aq
bottom: [e]teq, teq; kayak ~ board ceturailitaq; ~
cupboard kiacirutaq; ~ groove line in an oval
bowl allungilleq; ~ part or piece of a container
allungak; berry-picking scoop with rake-like
~ lip iqvarcuun; webbing on ~ of ice strainer
kuvyakuinr(aq*), nuluq; sprinking of things at
~ of a container kanevneq; ~ of boat acirneq,
assirneq; ~ of hill engyurneq; fence at ~ of
river to guide sh kalgun; something that has
settled to the ~ of liquid kisneq; ice piece that
comes loose from the ~ and rises to the surface
pugteqrun, tumarneq
boulder: qiuq*, simpak
bounce: ~ away qevcaa-, qevcerte-; ~ back
uteskiaqer-, utqite-; ~ off qec’nge-; ~ up and
down katngalqite-
bound: mallegtaq, qilqucngiar(aq*)
boundary: land ~ nunam cetra; local ~ commission
nunacuarni avatmeggnek arenqiirturtet; ~
point between Yup’ik and Inupiaq territory
bouy: pugtaqutaq; farthest shnet ~ kelliqutaq
bow: (decorative) lintaq
bow: (fold) cikete-; ~ repeatedly ciktaar-
bow: (hunting or tools) ~ for shooting urluveq, see
Nelson (20); sinew-backed ~ cukangegautaq;
cross-lashing holding sinew backing onto
~ cagnirqun; ~ with ivory backing cugalek;
notched end of ~ where bowstring is fastened
qeluyaraq; practice shooting with a ~ and
arrow pitegte-; ~ of bow-drill arulan, kasvun;
~ saw agluryarraq*, qelutnguuyaq; hardwood
used for making a ~ etgeraq, teggsak, tegqaq
bow: (kayak or sled) ~ of a boat ciu, civu,
civuqucuk; kayak ~ protector cen’gaq;
move with ~ high above the water ipug-,
qalugte-; have the ~ too far down in the water
kanarcete-; tote-hole in ~ of kayak iipaq; kayak
~ with a tote hole qengaryuguaq; curved piece
across keel at ~ eqluk; deck beam of kayak
fourth from ~ nengengali; one of last three ribs
at ~ kaviqicungaq, qamenqucagaq; fourth top
strut piece in ~ of kayak pakigvik; indentation
on top of ~ kayak nutangquq; lower ~ piece
of kayak amuvik; beach the ~ of boat cin’gar-;
front piece (~) of a sled maryarun; brush-~ at
the front of a sled puukaryailkutaq*
bow-drill: kayivquq, nucugcuun, nucuutaq,
ussukataq, see Turner (43); bow of ~ arulan,
kasvun; mouthpiece of ~ keggsaraq, nerutaq;
shaft of ~ cuukiicunguaq, ussungirkaq,
ussungiq; re-starting device such as ~
kumarcissuun; start re by friction with ~
bowel: have a runny ~ movement ciikaq; have
repeated runny ~ movements ciikara-
bowhead whale: arveq
bowl: qantaq, unglunguaq, tunqaq; wooden ~ alvik,
qaluviaq; oval wooden ~ ag’ayaq, al’uruyak,
aluuyaq; large ~ ilutuliar(aq*), qankurpak; large
oblong wooden ~ as serving dish tumnaq;
bottom groove in an oval ~ allungilleq;
exterior groove of an oval ~ ull’eruaq; ~ with
grooved upper part qaglaya(g)aq; bottom part
of a ~ allungak; man’s large wooden ~ nerun;
triangular ~ made for boys tamlurnaq; round ~
made for girls uivvluaq; mixing ~ akutessuun;
soft rock used for red decoration on wooden ~
kavirun; bowl of “Eskimo ice cream” nalug-
bowpiece: ~ on keel of boat tangiq; bowpiece:
upper ~ of kayak ukinqucuk; kayak bow with
a tote hole above the ~ qengaryuguaq
bowstring: pull back one’s ~ pakiute-; notched end
of bow where ~ is fastened qeluyaraq; notch
for ~ in end of arrow shaft or at end of bow
box: qungasvik, yaassiik, see Adams (9); bentwood
~ qungasvik; primer ~ kenervik, kenivik;
sewing ~ kakivik, qemaggvik, qungasvik;
~ for chewing tobacco iqmiutaq*; ~ opener
boy: tanaaluk, tan’gaurluq*, tan’gurraq*; young ~
ayaakutaq, tanekcitagaq*, taneknaarallr(aq*),
taneksagglugaq*, tanektallr(aq*); hunting
implement used by ~s kutvak; toys for ~s
qipiamcetaaq; triangular bowl made for ~s
boss — boy
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
bra: emugilitaq, esvailitaq, muugilitaq
brace: tegg’utaq; ~ a log against a door avir-; ~ a
rie on top of something qaurtar-; ~ with one’s
feet tuker-
bracelet: talliraq, tayarnerilitaq
Brachyramphus brevirostris: cigur(aq*), taatuir(aq),
bracket: ~ fungus growing on birch trees pupiguaq
braid: (n) taquq
, tavigtaq, (v) naqte-, tavigte-; hair
braided in two ~s qillerpautaq; small sh ~ed
in strings piirralluk; ~ed thing tavigtaq
brain: ilquq, pateq; eat ~ by sucking pateq
brake: arulaircissuun, kenerte-; sled ~ elgaq, esgaq,
kenatagun, kenercissuun, leg’aq, qamurcuun,
branch: avayaq, cuyuqsuk, qivayaq; dead ~
brand: ~ on reindeer maak
brant: black ~ leqlernaq, neqlernaq
Branta bernicla: leqlernaq, neqlernaq
Branta canadensis: lagiq, lagilugpiaq, leqleq,
neqleq, neqlernaq, tuutangayak
Branta canadensis hutchinsii: tuutaalquciq
Branta canadensis minima: laqlaqlaaraq
Branta sp.: lagiq
brass: punerneq; ~ private coin leraaniq; ~ forehead
ornament camataq; see Nelson (94), Adams (10)
brassiere: emugilitaq, esvailitaq, muugilitaq
brave: be ~ cacetu-, castu-, tacestu-
breach: (of whale or sh) qakte-
bread: kelipaq, kuv’aq, qaqiaq, qaq’uq*, tevurkaq,
tuurkaq, uutaq; communion ~ akurtuq,
kelipayagaq; Easter ~ kulic’aaq; ~ eaten when
one is drinking coffee or tea au-, aukaq,
avukaq, tevuq; fried ~ alaciq, alatiq, maniaq,
uqulek, uqurpak; fry ~ asgiq, uqup’alek; make
~ kelipi-; store-bought ~ kass’artaq; pilot
~ qaq’ulektaaq, sugg’aliq; slice of ~ inqiaq;
sourdough ~ kelipacuggluk; unleavened ~
quuleciraunrilnguq*; ~ loaf mukaaq; ~ pan
kelipissuun, uucissuun
breadwinner: pingnatugta
break: ciame-, ciqume-, ciqumte-, laveg-, naveg-,
pillugte-; ~ (it) into pieces itumte-; ~ a rule
asmuur-; ~ apart suddenly kevkarte-; ~ free
of something pegleqrute-; ~ in a major way
nav’pag-; ~ in two asemte-, asme-; ~ into
pieces itume-; for ocean ice to ~ off qecug-
~ on purpose navgur-; ~ one’s leg iruirte-; ~
out in hives pengiga’rte-; ~ through a surface
pinvute-; ~ in the bluffs agtuirtelleq; ice that
~s away from shore ice angengqaq*, manigaq,
tualleq; ice that one can climb on without ~ing
it uscaryuyagaq; stone that ~s when exposed to
heat tumaranqellria
break up: for ice to ~, unplugging the river mouth
tuvair(ar)-; for ice to ~ along shore iqertar-;
breakup cupa
break wind: [e]leq, leq, naleq, neleq; ~ loudly
lep’ag-; ~ repeatedly ler’a-
break-action: ~ rie ikirtaq
breaker: bone ~ kauggsikarak; ~ point kegketaaq;
noise of ~s on the beach ceryuq
breakfast: tupautaq, unuakutaq; go without ~
breast: emuk, muuk; female ~ aamaq, amngaq,
esvaik, evsaik
breastbone: angvaneq
, cakiaq, petukaq,
pekutaruaq, qalutarnaruaq
breastfeed: aamarte-
breastplate: qat’gailitaq, tassiitaq
breath: anerneq; take a ~ aneryaar-; be short of
~ anernerite-, kapegcug-; gasp for ~ ep’ura-,
puurtua-; ~ freshener anrenqegcaun
anernerakun taangam cuqyutii
breathe: anerteqe-, aneryaar-; be unable to ~
meq’urtua-, tenguga’rte-; ~ rapidly and
shallowly anertevkar-; ~ heavily ilaciqtar-; ~
one’s last anernerir-
breathing: be blue in the face from not ~ ii-, nuu-;
~ difculty anerniqe-
breathing hole: anlu, ukiyaaq
breeze: cool ~ nenglla
breezy: be ~ anuqsaar-
bride: provide a ~ with new clothing nulirrucir-
bride-to-be: nulirkaun
bridegroom: uikaun
bridge: niraqutaq, qeraryaraq, tutemqaq; cross a
creek, gully, etc., by a ~ nirar-; ice ~ tuuta
; ~ of
nose akuliraq, qenngiq
bridle: sugg’elin
briey: V ~ (pb) -qar-
bright: be ~ tanqigcete-, tanqik; become ~er
cungagi-; be dazzlingly ~ qitngirnarqe-; be
dazzled by ~ light qitngiqe-, qitngiryug-;
~ one tanqigcaq; ~ spots on squirrel
bra — bright
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
usraqpakiiqertellria; ~ sunlight akervak; ~ness
brimstone: quluuraq
brine: taryuq
bring: ~ something along with tapir-; ~ (it)
here taite-
; ~ (it) together with something
else itute-; ~ along water melgir-; ~ closer
taikanir-; ~ for speaker taite-
; ~ home ut’rute-;
~ or take in itrute-; ~ in things by going in
and out repeatedly iterquri-; ~ in toward
oneself and/or upward tagte-; ~ or put inside
ilvar-; ~ something along malig-; ask to ~
something back tungcirtur-; ~ to bring things
up kalvun; ~ to the surface pugte-; ~ with
one tekiute-; device for ~ing things up from
the shore taguyun; tide that ~s things ashore
tag’aq; object that ~s happiness nunaniq; ~
(them) back to one’s own village during the
Messenger Feast ut’rarute-; ~ a gift into the
kashim nangrucir-; ~ a small gift during the
Messenger Feast umguci-; ~ clothes or food for
distribution during the Bladder Feast ciamci-
Bristol Bay: Iilgayaq; historic group of ~ people
broad whitesh: akakiik, qaurtuq
broad-brimmed: ~ hat cillapak, esslaapaq, selapaq
broad-chested: be ~ qacegtu-
broadcloth: striped ~ ellutmuayaaq, tiiguayaaq
broke: be ~ pulug-, pu
broken: be ~ asmuma-; ice ~ by ocean swells
culugcineq; rough shore-fast ice formed
when ~ ice refreezes nepucuqiq; ~ piece of ice
ciamneq, (pb) -lquq, qenu; oating ice, ~ up and
pushed together in spring kaimlineq, kaulineq;
stone not ~ when exposed to heat teggalqupiaq
bronchiole: cupluryayagaq
bronchitis: qusenglluk, qusngulluk
bronze: punerneq
brooch: manumik
broom: canircuun, ellaitaaq, kagin
broth: egneq, imarkuaq, qayuq; boiled blacksh
allowed to set in jelled ~ qageq; oil taken from
sh ~ uquaq
brother: angutnguneq; older ~ amaqliq*, ang’aq,
anngaq, anngaqliq*, qulicungaq; younger ~
kuukuq; one’s spouse’s ~ anngaruaq; woman’s
husband’s ~ uilgun; Catholic ~ aninaq
brother-in-law: anngaruaq, arcik, arenqiartekaq,
uilgun; ~ who is sibling of one’s spouse
cakiraq; ~ who is sisters husband nengauk
brought: something ~ along with something else
brow: qauq
, qauraq; ~ of cliff qauqaq; ~-like edge
brown: nunapigngalnguq; light ~ dog quvauk;
~ bear kavingali, kavirlill’er, keggalvalek,
naparngali, taqailnguq*, taqukaq; ~ rock
qapaun; ~ thing tunguryak; mush made with
our stir-fried until ~ qacapleq; ~ Slough in
Bethel Aaguq, Kepenkuq
bruise: cenek, cineg-, qiurqe-, qiute-
brush: cuyaqsak, nuyiurun; etching ~ qamuraun;
tooth~ kegguciurcuun; ~ the teeth kegguciur-;
~ one’s hair ilair-
; ~ against lekuk’ar-, kaleg-,
kateg-; ~ aside kaleg-; ~ stuff off (it) ellve-;
~ evils off ellug-, evcug-; ~ off snow or dirt
ellug-, evcug-; device for ~ing off evcuutaq;
scrub ~ suugissuun, tan’gun; ~ bow on a sled
puukaryailkutaq*; walk through the ~ pulaar-
~y area agtuineq; brush-like growth (e.g.,
antlers) naumasta
bubble: ~ in water leryiyagaq*; ~ under ice
qerruyaq; ~ in ice neguyaq; ~s coming up in
the water qapleryak; ~ing, churning water
leriiq; make a ~ing sound ler’arte-
Bubo virginianus: iggiayuli
Bucephala sp.: anarniilnguq*, qamiqurpak
bucket: capacuk, qaltaq, qaltauq, tuqmik; birchbark
~ qasrulek
; bottom part of a ~ allungak; honey
~ qurrun; slop ~ caallivik, ciqilluk; urine ~
qurrulluk; water ~ mertarcuun; ~ made from
old kayak skin qaltayak; ~ used for picking
berries iqvarcuun
buckle: belt ~ nagtuqaq; ivory ~ on harpoon line
bucksaw: qelutnguuyaq
budget: akikiur-
buff-breasted sandpiper: uqumcuaq
buffet: uyiqvik
bug: ciissiq, siissiq; beach ~ similar to a tiny
lobster nastarnaq; black ~ that infests drying
sh qunguiq; small ~ paruq; wood-chewing ~
keggiayuli; ~ on food neve-
build: ~ a re kenerrliur-, maqili-
brimstone — build
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
building: frame ~ laavkaaq, lavkaaq; for there to be
a downdraft off a ~ kucurni-; occupy a vacant ~
eyir-; collapse on people in the ~ ull’ute-
built: pit for sh with wall ~ up from rocks
bulb: light ~ nakacuguaq; marsh marigold ~
anguteryuk; ~-shaped dome on church
bulge: tetengte-
bull: nulirta; ~ caribou angutvak, see Turner (40)
bullet: imaq*, qerruq, puuliq; graze (of a ~)
lekuk’ar-; small-caliber ~ cingigalek; ~
mold imin, puulissuun, qerrin; ~ with lines
resembling grass roots cangegngalnguq*
bullhead (sculpin): kayu
; small ~ kapatak; see
Zagoskin (12), Nelson (18)
bullroarer: levlugtaq
bum: be a ~ cingpaci-
bumblebee: evegtaq*, megtaq, panayuli, uuqnituq,
vegtaq*; ~ ower ulevleruyak
bump: puukar-; ~ hard puukpag-; ~ into apur-,
kateg-; ~ into an obstacle sideways akitmite-;
dive through the air once with the apparent
intention of ~ing something puugtur-
bump: goose ~ qerruyaq
bumper: boat ~ avataq, avatarpak
bunch: ~ up (of stitches) qungag-; be ~ed together
bunchberry: cengqulleqcitaaq, cingqullektaaq,
mengqullegtaq, qangqullektaaq
bundle: tied ~ qillerqaaq; ~ of pelts naaneq,
; ~d sh inartaq; four ~s cetamain
bunk: ~ bed ingelrek qulliqellriik
bunting (baby): qungcuutaq
bunting: snow ~ am’arulkarar(aq*), cilumcuksugaq,
see Adams (15), Barnum (16)
buoy: lugluqussaaq, nallunailkutaq, pugtaun
burbot: aninirpak, kanayurnaq, manignaq,
tengugpalek, see Orlov (4)
burden: uci; carry a ~ akitmig-
burglar: it’rayuli; commit ~y it’ra-
burial: ~ of the dead
tuqulrianek tungmagcissuun;
object placed on ~ as a memorial alailun
buried: old-style cofn in which a person was ~
citaaq, sitaaq; fermented herring or capelin that
have been ~ ciss’uq
burl: avnguq; ~ from birch tree aavangtak
burlap: ~ bers alliqsak; ~ sack missuulleq; two-ply
cordage of ~ ber piirraq
burn: eka
, ekua-, [e]leg-, leg-, niitniite-
; ~ things
legci-; ~ (esh) uute-; ~ on the esh uuneq;
pain is to ~ qacelli-; start to ~ kennge-; ~ hard
kurpag-; ~ intensely ekurpag-; ~ incense
aruviar(ar)-, puyir-
burned: be ~ leg’uma-; bark ~ and used as an
inhalant to stop nosebleeds eskaaniq; be ~ by
the sun palircima-; dried sh that has been ~
by the sun ekiarneq; get ~ on the stove paliryi-;
plant ~ to make ash arakaq
burning: be ~ kuma-, matngir-, neve-
; be ~ hot
uqnarqe-, uuqnarqe-; have ~ pain puqelvag-;
have a ~ sensation uuqitar-
burp: elciar-, qertuniur-; ~ loudly elcervag-,
elcirpag-, ellecpag-
burst: qager-, qag’erte-; ~ into ames kenngallag-; ~
out laughing ngel’allag-; ~ through net or trap
qagrute-; full almost to ~ing tetengte-
bury: elaute-, pulate-, qungi-, qungite-; ~ (the dead)
tungmagte-, see Adams (11); ~ in a pit teq’aq; age
sh heads by ~ing tep’li-
bush: small ~ cupuraq* ; path, as through the ~es
business: one who minds his own ~
busy: be ~ arliarte-, qacigtenrite-, urenkenrite-; be
very ~ tuave-; be idle after being ~ caciirte-;
be ~ working cagarcite-, yagarcete-; make
no attempt to help those who are ~ working
busybody: see Nelson (17)
but: amta-llu, ta¥gaam, ta¥gken
butcher: pilag-
butt: cigarette ~ iqugkuaq; rie ~ equgtaq; ~ end of
foreshaft of seal harpoon kegcuq
butter: maasslaq, masslaq, minguk, minguun; ~
knife masslirissuun, mingugissuun; peanut ~
buttercup: kapuukar(aq*), qaqacuqunak
buttery: caqelngataq*
buttock: nulluk; ~s mecangqaq; bend over forward
sticking the ~s up ikigte-, ikingqa-
; fall down
on one’s ~s aqumkallag-
button: kuukicaaq, nunuyun, puukicaaq; fasten a
~ nungute-, nunute-; loop on garment for use
with a button negurluq
buy: akicar-, akilir-, iruver-, kipussaag-, kipute-; ~
building — buy
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
(some) N (pb) -ci-; ~ something to serve as one’s
N (pb) -karci-; ~ various things kipuqe-; engage
in ~ing and selling naverrniar-
buzz: evaar-; see Nelson (29)
by: work on ~ hand without using tools una-
; ~
the exit ugken, ugna; go ~ way of N (pb) -kuar-
bygones: “let ~ be ~” pellugcete-
cabinet: material used to cover a ~ capkuq
cache: ellivik, mamteraq, see Dall (4); area under ~
where sh is dried aciqaq; elevated ~ enekvak,
mayurpik, mayurrvik, neqivik, qulrarvik,
qulvarvik, elagyaq; post of ~ kanagaq; ~ built
on the ground aqumtaq; large underground
~ ciqelpak; partially underground food ~
ciqlugaq, elagyaq, lagyaq; device to push things
down or bring them up, such as a hook used
with an underground ~ kalvun; search for food
stored in mouse ~s pakissaag-; plant collected
for food from ~s in the tundra aatuuyaarpak,
cackling Canada goose: laqlaqlaaraq
cafeteria: nervik
cairn: cugalluutaq
cake: ~ up tuve-; ~ matter tuvlak; ~ snow on the
water qanisqineq
Calcarius lapponicus: mararmiutaq*, mecaqtaq,
calendar: ernercuun, iralurcuun, tanqilissuun;
circular ~ with a pointer cill’aq
calf: (animal) nuraq, see Orlov (7)
calf: (leg) kingulirneq, nakacugnaq, see Petroff (13)
calfskin: ~ decoration at the crown of a young
woman’s parka hood kakauyaq; ~ pieces on the
“qulitaq” parka cauyak, mumeq; ~ pieces on
the shoulders of a parka nerun; beads between
the decorative stitches on the ~ panels of a
parka ciivaguat; one of the pieces of ~ on a
“qaliq” parka agun
, aquun
, ellutmuaq; short
narrow V-shaped ~ piece on the shoulder of
a parka qupun, tusrun, uminguaq; strip of
~ coming down from the throat on a parka
manurun; tassels hanging from ~ on parka
avan, avata
, qemirrlugun; trim at hem of
parka, often made of pieces of ~ in a geometric
design akurun; type of parka that has large
plates of white ~ qaliq
calico: tiik
Calidris alpina: ce÷airpak, ceremraq
Calidris canutus: augtaar(aq*), augtuar(aq*)
Calidris mauri: ce÷air(aq*), ce÷aiyaaq, iisuraar(aq*),
Calidris melanotos: quguquguaq, teguteguaq,
temtemtaaq, tukutukuar(aq*), uquir(aq*)
Calidris ptilocnemis: ce÷aqiiq
call: ariva-
; animal’s ~ qalriaciq; ~ loudly
qayagpag-; ~ loudly repeatedly qayagpaga-; ~
out apaa-, tuqluq; person who ~s out a name
during the Bladder Feast aciurta; person who
~s out the words of a dance song eriniurta; ~
out as song leader apallir-; ~ over a distance
qayagaur-; ~ repeatedly qayaga-; ~ to mind
neq’ar-; ~ by offensive names arive-, arivte-; as
people ~ it apqiitnek; it is ~ed wagg’uq
calling name: tuqluun
Callorhinus ursinus: aataak
calluses: have ~ assirange-
calm: be ~ essuite-, qinuite-, quunir-; be silvery
~ caviguuyar-; for weather to be ~ kayukite-,
qama-; become ~ (of weather) quunenge-;
for the weather to suddenly become ~ after
it “captures” a person cirimci-; ~ weather
quuneq, quunuk; get ripples as water ~s from
a disturbance qualqamyi-; calm down emair-,
qinuir-; ~ time after an activity qamaneq
Caltha palustris: allngiguaq, anguteryuk,
, tulukarnaraam alungellra, uivluk
calyx: naugaar(aq*), qikmiruaq
cam: ~ follower nepcurlim tegumiaqestii
cama-i: say “~” to cama-i-ir-
camel: ungungssiq qulugnelek
camera: pat’litairrsuun, tarenrairissuun, yuugissuun
camouage: tangerrsailkutaq; be ~d akitniute-;
white ~d parka qatrin
camp: sh ~ kiilleq, neqlilleq, neqlivik; temporary
structure at summer sh ~ qasgiarneq; fall
~ uksuilleq; go to fall ~ uksiiyar-; spring ~
up’nerkarrvik, up’nerkilleq; go to spring ~
buzz — camp
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
up’nerkiyar-; go to the winter village from
fall ~ katete-; prominent sh ~ on Nelson Is.
Umkumiut; ~ out qavartar-
camp robber: qupanuar(aq*)
camp stove: kaassalinaq, kenircuun
Campanula lasiocarpa: caqelngataat neqait
campre: one of several ~ rock guards iiralitaq
can: paankaq; ve-gallon gas ~ kallaggluk,
kangiralek; trash ~ caallivik; ~ opener
callarcissuun, ikircissuun; ~ used for bailing
Canada goose: lagilugpiaq, lagiq, leqleq,
neqleq, neqlernaq, tuutangayak; cackling ~
laqlaqlaaraq; Hutchin’s ~ tuutaalquciq
canal: kuiliaq
cancer: mamyuilnquq*; grow (of ~) nauvike-
candle: ciucekaaq, cuicekaaq, cuucekaaq, kenukcuk,
kenurrayagaq, napauryaraq, pat’ruaq,
suicekaaq; ~ snuffer nipcissuun
candlesh: cavirrutnaq, cikaaq; harvest ~ cikii-
candy: kantiq, kanvviitaq, neqavruq, neqnirqellria,
saarralarninarqellria, uutaq
cane: asaupiaq
canine: ~ tooth equgcuun, qugcuun, tuluryaq
Canis latrans: kayu
Canis lupis: civatriq, kegg’luneq, kegluneq
canker: ~ sore callakayak, callaneq
canned: ~ sh paankaraq; fruit ~ in syrup neqavruq
cannery: neqlivik, paankivik, segyaraq, salayaq;
private coin issued by ~ leraaniq
cannot: dunes or steep coast that ~ be climbed
uss’ariyak; feeling that one ~ move
tupagyaaqe-, uqamair-
canoe: agun
, aguun, egelrun, eglerun, see Turner
(14); paddle a ~ anguar-
canopy: qilakutaq
canthus: inner ~ qipalluraq
canvas: ~ tent fabric pelatekarkaun; see Drebert (3)
cap: nacaq, see Orlov (13); broad-brimmed ~
esslaapaq; circular ~ of skin with beaded bands
uivqurraq*, uivquq; cap with a visor ciqilitalek,
elqialek, kantiluq; primer ~ kaapcelaaq,
capable: be ~ pilgu-; ~ person ukisqaq; be ~ of
doing things the proper way elluatuu-
Cape Darby: Atneq
Cape Manning: Englulrarmiut
capelin: cikaaq; harvest ~ cikii-; ~ that have been
buried ciss’uq
capsize: akatrur-, kitngu-, palute-, qalugya-,
captain: alularta, angyalek, kap’itainaq
captive: teguaq, tegukengaq
capture: tegukenge-; endeavor to ~ ingcur-;
net used to ~ birds on sea cliffs egqaqun,
car: akagcuun, akagutaq, ikamraq, nunakuarcuun
Carabidae: miryangcaq
carbonated: ~ beverage qapuk
carbuncle: aninguaq
carburetor: uqurkellicarrsuun
carcass: ~ of animal killed by wolves maligneq;
beachcomb for ~es mallussur-; nd a
beached ~ mallute-; beached ~ found while
beachcombing mallu; cut or mark widthwise or
around a ~ kepelmur-
card: ~ game played by four people atmaliq,
atvaliq; ~ game similar to trumps kuuselaq;
ante in a ~ game ekun; loser in a race or ~ game
cards: playing ~ kaaltaaq; clubs in ~ kelistaq;
diamonds in ~ ipek; hearts in ~ ciilvik, engek,
qerrullik; spades in ~ umi, um’i; ace in ~
, tuss’aq; two in ~ ipuussutar(aq*),
malruyagaq*; two of a kind in ~ quta
; three
in ~ cagqralria, ussarquralria; four in ~
cetamarraq, kangiraraq; ve in ~ tallimarraq;
six in ~ kuiggaar(aq*); seven in ~ iquggalek,
iqulek; eight in ~ qulcungaq; nine in ~ qukalek,
qukarrak; ten in ~ qula
; jack in ~ sap’akilek;
queen in ~ arnaq, arnayagaq*, nasaurluq*; king
in ~ kallak, kululiaq
Carduelis sp.: puyiir(aq*), puyitaaraq, uqviicar(aq*)
care: ~ for auluke-, qaunqe-; take ~ of alutuke-,
alutur-, qelketar-; not ~ to V (pb) -yuumiite-
careful: be ~ mianike-, picukegte-, picuqcaar(ar)-;
be ~ of it/him! aullutarr’u; be ~ with aninqe-,
pessuqe-; be ~ with one’s clothing kencig-; ~!
carelessly: act gently and ~ mulngake-
careless: be ~ picuqcar-; one who is ~ in a silly way
tekallngaq; be ~ with belongings cumiite-
carelessly: act ~ picuvlag-; put away ~ nulate-;
habitually act ~ mulngaite-
caretaker: pista, qaunqesta, qaunqista; church ~
camp robber — caretaker
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
estaalista, sakaassiik, staalista
Carex sp.: qinkiq
cargo: uci; be full of ~ uciar-; ~ handler uciirta
caribou: cirunel’kayak, kanagartuli, kulavak,
nulirta, tuntu; bull ~ angutvak; cow ~
arnaqatak; yearling ~ nuraq; stomach lining of
~ qecaruaq; ~ tallow kenyaun, tunuquyugaq;
heart sac for storing ~ bone marrow
ircaqinraq*; ~ hair mixed with clay urasqaq;
throat hair of ~ tengayuk
; light-colored fur
from ~ fawn pukirraq, qulitaq; ~-bladder bag
ircaqinraq*; ~ skin used as a mattress alliqupak;
sewing thread made of ~ sinew yualukaq;
man’s hoodless ~ skin parka qaliluk; wading
boot made of ~ skin melqurrilnguq*; skin of
young ~ pukirneq; parka made with two ~
skins qutnguk; soft skin of ~ used in fancy
parka designs pukiq; pelt of ~ taken just after
the long winter hair has been shed caginraq*;
skin of ~ taken in fall itruq; ~ in stories with a
porcupine tunturyuaryuk
caring: be a ~ person naklegtar-
carotid: press on the ~ artery evate-
carpenter: maastilaq, mastilaq; ~’s level
maktanqegcissuun; ~’s plane estulussaq,
manigcissuun, stelussaq, stulussaq; ~’s square
carried: thing ~ on the shoulder equk, quuk; be ~
away by current cupute-; something ~ under
the arm unermik
carrier: blubber ~ uqissaqsuun
carrot: ucugnaq; wild ~ elagaq
carry: akuruar-, kevegtur-; ~ (a child) on one’s
back tevaar-; ~ (a person) on one’s shoulders
kakgar-; ~ a burden akitmig-; ~ on one’s back
amaq, atmag-, pequmik, tunumig-; ~ a heavy
load on one’s back atempag-,pequmpag-; ~ a
small load on one’s back atemkar-; ~ evenly
between several people akigar-; ~ in one’s
arms or hand(s) tegumiaqe-; ~ in one’s kayak
qasmike-; ~ on one’s shoulder equg-; ~ in
the ounce of a cover parka kenirmiaqe-; ~
something in a knapsack kalngak; ~ under
one’s arm equg-; ~ with straps around
shoulders tuskuar-
carrying: ~ device atmagcuun, atmautaq;
breastplate used when ~ a back load tassiitaq;
bag made of reeds and used for ~ sh kalngak;
ounce of a cover parka, used for ~ things
keniq; grass ~-bag issran
cartilage: cetengqurrit, eneryuk, qiaryimtaaq,
tetengquq; ~, especially in sh head qennguq,
tatangquq; hyaline ~ uivukaq
cartridge: mat’luunaq, pat’luunaq; empty ~
carve: cacungui-; ~ ivory or wood caacungui-; ~
wood cana-
carved: place where the river has ~ a new channel
cev’aq; ~ arts and crafts item caacunguaq; snow
that has been ~ into a block utvak; ~ parts on
top stiffener of kayak forepart nutengqupagta
carving: knife with curved blade, used for ~ wood
cascade: ~ down qurrlur-
case: needle ~ cikivik; sewing ~ kakivik; just in ~
it’s possible elliita¥gaten
casing: drawstring ~ on clothing parrvik, parterin
casserole: ~ of meat or sh with potatoes, onions,
etc. cal’kuuyaq, salkuuyaq
Cassiope sp.: melngut neqait, palurutarngalnguq*
Cassiopeia: (constellation) Qengartarak
cast: tegg’utaq; ~ a shadow tarenrir-
cast-iron: ~ kettle ilqupak; ~ pot cukunaq, kucunaq,
castor: aluqan
Castor canadensis: aqsatuyak, ce÷iq’aq, kep’iyuli,
casually: V ~ (pb) -mli-; go out ~ to walk,
hunt, picnic, pick berries, etc. ayangssi-; ~
beachcomb mallungssaar-
cat: domestic ~ kuskaq, kuuskaq, puss’iq, puussiq;
member of the ~ family kuskarpagngalnguq*
cat’s cradle: aarraq, airraq, ayarr’aq
catalog: maktaat; mail-order ~ tuyurcuun
cataract: ~ in the eye quarta
, quverta
catch: pitaqe-; try to ~ game angussaag-; ~ a lot
cangliqe-; ~ a lot of N (pb) -liqe-
; ~ a seal
uqunge-, uqurte-
; ~ after chasing angu-; ~
sh neqte-; ~ sh or game cange-; ~ sh with
a net kuvyate-; ~ N (game animal) (pb) -te-
; ~
in a trap naner-, kapkaanaq; someone who is
going to ~ something pitarkaq; ~ something for
food angu-; spear used to ~ spawning salmon
nalayarrsuun; snare used to ~ waterfowl
partak; ~ with the hands akuqar-; ~ of snare
or noose negaq; portion of a ~ nengiq; dance
and give away one’s ~ ak’irte-
; distribute a
Carex sp. — catch
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
portion of a ~ nengilite-, nengirtur-; share a ~
kuyagtar-; feel bad because someone did not
share their ~ ivua-; process whereby parts of
a seal are distributed after the ~ pitaryaraq;
give a hunting partner the pelvic area of the ~
kuyagcite-; rst ~ of the season anguyararaun;
refrain from having seal oil until one’s son rst
~es a seal umciginga-; handle of large dipnet
used to ~ tomcod ipukaun; ~ on eliga’rte-; ~ a
cold nuvak; ~ sight of (it) igvar-, ivgar-; ~ (a
person) talking about one terrigte-; drip ~er
catching: return without ~ anything utrinar-; chum
for ~ sh naryarcetaaq; be good at ~ game
; be unlucky at ~ game nakriate-; snare
for ~ ground squirrels puukaqercetaaq;
lamprey-~ device nemeryarcuun
caterpillar: ugluussiq; furry ~ uguguaq; green ~
cuyaiq; hairless ~ melqurripsaq; legendary
~-like creature that leaves a scorched trail
Catharus guttatus: ciitaarayuli
Catharus minimus: viuq, yuulerviuk
Catholic: manassenkaaq; communion (Roman ~
usage) ilakuuciq; ~ brother aninaq
catkin: pussy-willow ~ kangquq, qimukcuar(aq*),
tamukaaq; dwarf willow with big ~s angriinaq
Catostomus catostomus: cungartak
cattle: nulirta
Caucasian: agelleq, kassaakaq, kass’aq
caudal: ~ n of sh papsalquq; ~ exure nuuksuk
caught: be ~ agaqar-; share blubber and meat from
a freshly ~ seal tulimite-, uqicetaar-, uqiqur-;
be in water, as in a net napte-; something ~
cangtaq; thing to be ~ pitarkaq; one holding up
a gaff to indicate he ~ a sea mammal uurcaq;
grass basket used to hold ~ sh naparcilluk;
be ~ in a snare or noose negaq; get ~ in a trap
kapkaanaq; dried sh ~ in river neqatuq; ~ N
(game animal) (pb) -taq
; ~ thing pitaq; animal
~ without weapons tegukengaq; get ~ in an
avalanche navcite-; have food ~ in the throat
nerilkar-, tumilngu-; be ~ off-guard keltailngar-;
something that one gets ~ on nagun; get ~ on
something nagte-
caulk: slushy mud used as ~ kataneq
caulking: ~ material kalap’aataq, kevirkaq, keviq,
umcigun; ~ of moss soaked in seal oil piicetaaq;
~ material such as oakum mellarkaq
cause: avalissaq, (pb) -cite-
; be the ~ pinarqe-; be
the ~ of (it) pinarqut’ke-; ~ emotional pain
nekanarqe-; ~ of action cassuun; be a ~ of
worry pengegnarqe-; cease being a ~ of worry
pengegnair-; ~ one to be shy, respectful,
deferential, or intimidated tallurnarqe-; ~
one to be thankful quyanarqe-; ~ one to
cringe uluryanarqe-; ~ one to fear getting
hit uluryanarqe-; ~ one to feel compassion
naklegnarqe-; ~ one to feel embarrassed
tun’ernarqe-; ~ one to feel respect qigcignarqe-;
~ one to waste time qelanernarqe-; ~ others to
feel unwelcome nalluyurnarqe-; try to ~ others
to think that one is such as to ~ them to V (pb)
-nartaar-; ~ shame kayngunarqe-; ~ suspicion
kamanarqe-; ~ to be fast cukacar-, cukate-; ~ to
move back and forth arulate-; ~ one to V (pb)
, -vkar-; try to ~ one to V (pb) -narcar-; be
such as to ~ one to V (pb) -yanarqe-; consider
it to tend to ~ one to V (pb) -nake-; something
used to ~ one to V (pb) -cetaaq; tend to ~ one to
V (pb) -narqe-; tend not to ~ one to V -naite-; ~
to become V (pb) -i-
; ~ to V (pb) -car-; oh, how
it ~s one to be V! (pb) -na
; one that ~s V-ing
(pb) -naq
caution: person who acts with extreme ~
cautious: be ~ aaryug-, ancurtur-; be ~ about
ancurtuke-; tend to be ~ ancurturtar-
cave: kangiqiugneq, qerranquq
, qerrayurneq; deep
~s ilutu-
cave in: merigte-, uste-; cause to ~ in uyte-;
suddenly ~ irniqu-
caved in: merig-; be ~ meringqa-; ~ part of
riverbank qanak, usneq, uss’arneq, ussneq;
caving in usserqe-
cavity: orbital ~ iicilleq
cease: tayimngurte-; ~ to exist piunrir-; ~ being
a cause of worry pengegnair-; ~ being able
to V (pb) -lguir-; ~ hearing or responding
appropriately niicuirute-; ~ V-ing (pb) -nanrir-;
abruptly ~ V-ing (pb) -ir(ar)te-; suddenly ~
wanting to V (pb) -yuumiir(ar)te-
ceiling: qilak; lantern hanging from the ~ during a
dance qilaamruyaaq; ~ board qanak
celebrate: ~ the Great Feast for the Dead Elriq;
~ Lesser Memorial Feast or the Lesser Feast
for the Dead Merr’aq*
; ~ a certain autumn
dance festival agayaq; song composed to ~
catching — celebrate
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
accomplishment anqaraun; ~ the Messsenger
Feast Kevgiq; ~ the rst accomplishment of a
child pinrarcete-; old-time holiday ~d shortly
before the Bladder Feast Pugnguaryaraq;
holiday ~d in the coastal area only Qengarpak;
holiday ~d in summer or fall Ingula(q); ~ing
the “Aaniq” holiday in fall aanir-
celebration: caqciq; song used in the Bladder
Festival qetgun; ~ held in late February or
early March to request abundance Agayuyaraq;
~ of the end of something taqutiiq; ~ of V-ing
(pb) -tiiq
celery : wild ~ canraq*, ce÷artaq, ikiituk,
mecuqerrli, nuluraq, tarnaq
, tarvaq, uraluq,
uugiyun; wild ~ on pole for Bladder Feast
kagaciqaq, kangaciqaq
cellar: acliq*, atliq*
cellophane: ciileqtaaq
cemetery: qungisvik, tuqumalriit
censer: katilaq
cent: kavirliyagaq
center: qukaq; hit in the ~ of something quki-; ~
beam of a structure agluq; vein in the ~ of a
tobacco leaf iruluq; move back from the ~ of
attention tage-; rib in the ~ part of kayak neneq
central: any one of the ~ ribs of a kayak engineq; ~
ridge on a paddle blade qengartaq
Cepphus columba: cigur(aq*)
Cepphus sp.: qayagpagayuli
ceremonial: bring or put inside for ~ display ilvar-;
present ~ food to (him) payukucunguar-; ~
glove aaggaqtaaq, aiggaqtaaq; dried bladder
used for ~ purposes nakacugtalleq; ~ly take
bowls of “Eskimo ice cream” into the men’s
communial house during the “Aaniq” holiday
; ~ly share blubber and meat from
a fresh seal uqicetaar-; ~ly smudge before
launching a kayak for sea hunting keniruar-
ceremony: comply with a request for a specic
gift during an exchange ~ naigtenrite-; food
offering used in an old-time ~ naluun;
participate in a religious ~ agayu; give
offerings to the namesake of the dead in a
~ during Lesser Memorial Feast or Greater
Memorial Feast neqlite-; departed person for
whom his loved ones perform the clothing ~
during the Greater Memorial Feast akngirqun;
~ of clothing one or more persons in memory
of the deceased Ac’eciyaraq; masked ~ in mid-
January maskalataq
certain: ~ part nate-; reach a ~ point ellir-; be a
~ quantity or amount amllerta-; be a ~ size,
amount, age, strength, etc. pita-
; reach a ~
amount, time, condition, etc. pitari-; reach a
~ age yuullrurte-; for it to occur on a ~ day
ernermiu-; spend a ~ number of days ernerte-;
for a ~ time to come nallair-; act or be a ~ way
picir-; ~ly not angurrluk; V or V to a ~ degree
(pb) -ta-
; ~ fall-time dance festival agayaq;
~ type of legendary creature amikuk; a ~
legendary creature paalraayak; ~ legendary
hero of a traditional story Akaguagaankaaq
certicate: kalikartaq
cerumen: tekiq
chafe: nangugte-
chaff: caranglluk
chain: kalivneq, siipaq
chair: aqumgautaq, aqumlleq, aqumllitaq, aqumvik
challenge: unasmiur-; guest in a ~ festival curukaq,
chamber: ~ for fermenting sh kaciitaq
chamber pot: qurrun
chamomile: false ~ itegmik
champion: be a ~ iggayu-, pillgu-
Chaneliak: Caniliaq
change: (n) cimiq, (v) allaurte-, cakanir-; ~ things
in various ways qailluqtaar-; monetary ~
ciqumtaq, ciqumte-, itumtaq; ~ one’s thinking
taq’i-; abruptly ~ from being happy to being
sad tuss’aqerte-; ~ one’s mood or behavior
abruptly qailqerte-; ~ one’s behavior in an
abnormal way castuqsagte-; ~ one’s behavior
when close relative is dying ilacir-; ~ one’s
clothes ac’inqigte-; ~ one’s mind and not do
something as planned taq’i-; ~ one’s N (pb)
-linqigte-; ~ one’s residence agqur-, upag-; ~
the subject nugtarte-; not V, having ~ one’s
mind (pb) -nrice
÷ar-; V after ~ing one’s mind
(pb) -tngurte-; not V after ~ one’s mind (pb)
-ngairute-; bearded seal with fur that ~s its
direction when wet nemercauk
channel: deep ~ kuineq; main ~ egmiumaneq;
manmade ~ cev’aq, kuiliaq; shortcut ~
tunuirun; ~ connecting bodies of water
akuluraq; river ~ kuiguyuk
chaos: heading toward ~ nepetmun
chapped: get ~ cii-
celebration — chapped
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
char: (burn) [e]leg-, leg-; char things legci-; be ~red
char: (sh) arctic ~ paassataq, yugyak; Dolly
Varden ~ iqallugpik, iqalluyagaq
character: reference of one’s ~ nallunritesta
characteristic: make ~ alarm calls cit’gallag-; make
a ~ sound qalriur-
Charadrius semipalmatus: tapruar(aq*)
, uyarr’uyaq
charcoal: cupun, kamipluk, kangipluk, see Orlov
(11); ritually cleanse oneself by rubbing one’s
body with ~ after a death caqunguar-
charge: pinarqut’lir-; be in ~ of (him or it) ataniur-
charm: iinru, inru, see Turner (28)
chase: ayalegte-; ~ game maligke-, malirqar-,
malirqe-; ~ a seal or other sea mammal cive-; ~
men anguciur-
chastise: anucimirqecetaar-
chastity: carrluitneq
chatter: qannguaq
cheap: be ~ akikite-
check: paqte-, ussar-; go to ~ paqte-; ~ a sh trap
or shnet kuvyassur-, taku-
; ~ N (game-
catching implement) (pb) -cur-, -ssur-; ~ on (it)
paqnake-; ~ outside curar-, curtur-, yurar-
; ~
snares negarcur-; upend so as to ~ underneath
checkers: king in ~ taamaq; piece in ~ piaskaq
Cheeching: Cicing
cheek: ulluvak; ~ of a sh, cut from the sh
ulluvalquq; have ~s cugnir-
cheese: ~-like sh aged in a pit cin’aq
Chefornak: Canineq, Caputnguaq, Cevv’arneq
Chen caerulescens: kanguq
Chen canagica: nacaullek
cherish: picaqe-, pirpake-
chest: anatomical qatek, qat’gaq; chest: ~ bone
qat’gailitaq; fall forward on ~ qategmiaqar-;
gurgle of the ~ qallalerte-; have ~ congestion
qat’gagglugte-, qat’galngu-; measurement
from ngertip to ~ qerruuneq, quruneq;
measurement from the center of the ~ to the
end of the ngertips angvaneq
; one of two
tassels on the ~ and back of certain parkas
miryaruaq; pattern of calfskin sewn on parka
across the ~ uminguaq; otter fur sewn across ~
and back of a parka keggacilleq
chest waders: qalluviik
Chevak: Cev’aq
chew: tamua-; ~ food to soften it for someone,
usually a little child, to eat takuli-, tamuali-;
~ gum: angertur-; ~ on a dried sh skin
amiracetaar(ar)-, arucetaaq; dried sh skin for
~ing ungicetaaq; skin, especially of a dried
sh, that one ~s arucetaaq; chew on a skin
to soften it aaqassaaq, angula-, taaqassaaq,
tamukassaaq; skin for ~ing taaqassaaq; ~ on
frozen food, or on the ice where food was
frozen on the surface of the snow mangirrar-;
~ on something, making a crunching noise
qangqur-; ~ once tamu-; ~ tobacco cuyatur-,
iqmik-; wood-~ bug or larva keggiayuli
chewing gum: angeq, kuc’uq; homemade ~
chewing tobacco: iqmik, tamuayagaq; block ~
ellitnguaq; box for ~ iqmiutaq*; make ashes to
mix with ~ legci-
chick: piyagaq*; common eider ~ kutyagaq
chickadee: cekpiipiir(aq*), cikepiipiiq
chicken: kuulicaaq; have ~ pox anqerri-; ~ wire
chickweed: sea ~ itegaraq, it’garralek, tukulleggaq*
chief: angayuqaq*, ataneq; secondary ~ sakaassiik;
war ~ see Nelson (79)
child: ayaniilnguq, irniaq, mikelngullr(aq*),
mikelnguq*, qetunraq*, tan’gurraq*, yuunraq;
“darned” ~ mikeltak; adopted ~ teguaq, yuliaq;
be insistent like a ~ umyui-; be quiet (of a ~)
qinuite-; beget a ~ yunriur-; begin walking
(of a ~) pek’nge-; blue in the face from hard
crying (of a ~) ii-; carry a ~ on one’s back
tevaar-; chew food to soften it for a little ~ to
eat takuli-; coo to a ~ ineqe-, inqe-; made-up
words used to coo to a ~ inqutaq; rstborn ~
yung’eqarraarun; give birth to a ~ irni-; hold
~ in lap icaqe-; ~ held in lap or arms carliaq;
hold a ~ out so that he can urinate kene-; in-
law acquired by marriage of ~ tukuq host; kiss
a ~ melugar-; mischievous ~ asriq; nephew,
man’s sisters ~ usruq, uyruq; nephew, female’s
sisters ~ nurr’aq; newborn ~ yuurrnerrar(aq*);
one who raises a ~ mangnaqesta; person who
distributes clothing or food in honor of his or
her ~’s rst catching game or picking berries
; quiet down (of a ~) qinuir-; raise (a
~) anglicar-, tukangcar-; send a son-in-law or
daughter-in-law back because he or she is not
a being a good spouse for one’s ~ qinu-
; step~
char — child
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
aqumkengaq; young ~ ayankuq; youngest ~
carliaq, mik’nuraq; child just starting to play
in the “Lapp game,” a baseball-like game
(young ~) kangpaniskaq; ~ of a woman by a
man to whom she is not married acuniaqengaq;
~ of the one sponsoring the Messenger Feast
; ~ of unwed mother atailnguq*,
cailkakuaq, cailkakun yuurtelleq; ~ that one
has raised anglicaraq; ~ walking behind parent
kutyagaq; ~ who clings to an adult unga-; ~’s
sled ikamracuar(aq*), ikamraruaq, qamigaun;
~’s sleeping bag qungcuutaq
childbirth: be restricted due to ~ caagnite-
childhood: for ~ to be over qasqite-
children: ~ of the household aanakellriit; parent’s
cross-sex siblings and their ~ urelriit; rear
many ~ qetunriur-; dget, squirm, and babble
(of ~) qitevte-; exclamation used in reference
to feces or other smelly, messy things when
speaking to small ~ paq; scarecrow-like device
designed to scare ~ aarallr(aq*); ghost said to
take ~ uligiayuli
chill: get goose pimples as when feeling a ~ down
one’s spine qerraleryug-; react to a sudden
~ imuqite-, imurtua-; suffer chill from going
outside when sweaty pacsaqar-, patsaqar-; be
~ed pacete-; for condensation to become frost
as it ~s malngugte-; ~y weather pacnaq
chimney: apsirvik, puyirvik; ~ for kerosene lamp
estakaanaq, stakaanaq
chin: tamlu; cofn in which a person’s knees
were drawn up near his ~ citaaq; trapezoid
that resembles a ~ tamlurnaq; ~ strap agluir-,
agluirun; ~ tattoo tamlurun, tap’luqutyaq
Chinese: Lerleraaq, tarungssak, Tayarumiu
chinook salmon: taryaqvak
chip: caqte-, uss’arte-, uste-; ~ ivory egturte-; ~ of
wood ciqualleq; ~ part of something petgerneq;
~ped place usneq, uss’arneq, ussneq; keep on
~ping usserqe-
chisel: cupilaq; cold ~ caviliurcuun, cavignarcuun;
ice ~ cikuliurun, passikcaq, tugeq, tugrun,
tuuq; strike or jab repeatedly as with an ice ~
tugaur-, tugeq; ~ for horn or ivory egturun; ~
used in working wood keggiaq
chiton: uurritaq
chlorine: ~ bleach ciissiyagarcuun
choir: ~ director taimiurta
choke: tuvte-; ~ and gasp as when wind blows
in one’s face ep’ura-, purtua-, puurtua-; ~ on
a bone enrite-, tuqute-; ~ on liquid qecuqite-;
~ on something caught in one’s windpipe
choose: cucuke-; ~ something cucuklir-
chop: cakite-; ~ more than once piqertuar-; ~
up pacikcar-; ~ walrus tusks from skull
avamiqiur-; ~ wood eqiur-; ~ped rewood
eqiaq; ~ped, shredded tobacco cuyavleq; chip
of wood from ~ping ciqualleq; use a tool for
~ping wood caskuyaqur-; ~ping block for
wood tukeryaraq; ~ping board assipaq
chore: hesitate to do a chore cima-; ~ done caliaq; ~
to be done caarkaq, caliarkaq; do ~s cavvlugte-,
kevgiur-; one who does ~ kevgiurta
chorus: utertaaq; ~ of song pamyuq; ~ of repeated
nonwords agneq
Christ: Kelistussaaq, K3istussaaq
Christian: agayumalria; be a ~ agayuma-; ~ concept
of Purgatory Utaqalgirvik
Christianity: agayumaciq; one of a certain kind of
legendary little people said to appear to those
who don’t accept ~ kelessiniayaaq
Christmas: Agayunerpak, Alussistuaq; Russian ~
Selavi, S’laavi
chronic: ~ obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
anerniqe-; be in ~ pain nangamcuk; ~ly V (pb)
-ngar-; one who ~ly Vs (pb) -ngarli
crunching: make a ~ noise while chewing qangqur-
Chuathbaluk: Curarpalek
Chukchi Peninsula: Qull’iq*
Chukfaktoolik: Cuukvagtalek
Chukwoktulik: Cuukvagtalek
chum: be attracted by ~ naryar-; ~ for catching sh
chum salmon: aluyak, iqalluk, kangitneq, mac’utaq,
nalayaq, naraaniq, neqepik, teggmaarrluk
chunks: cut sh into ~ tevigte-
church: agayuvik, angayuvik; confession of sins in
~ apqaurun; donate money in ~ ellii-; go to ~
agayuliyar-, agayuvik; member of the Russian
Orthodox ~ Kass’alugpiaq; reader in ~ naaqista;
the ~ agayuvik
church caretaker: estaalista, sakaassiik, staalista
churchwarden: estaalista, staalista
churn: qalla-, qallate-
; ~ing water leriiq; make a
~ing sound ler’arte-
childbirth — churn
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Cicuta mackenzieana: anguturluq, iligviit neqait,
cigar: cikalaq, puyuruaq, puyurtuq, puyurtuutaq;
smoke a ~ puyurtur-
cigarette: kuingiq, melugkaq, meluguaq,
puyurruaq, puyuruaq, puyurtuq, puyurtuutaq,
sapeq; hand-rolled ~ imgayagaq*; smoke
a ~ puyurtur-; ~ butt iqugkuaq; ~ lighter
kumarcissuun; ~ paper kalikayagaq*
Cikuminuk Lake: Cikumnek
Cinclus mexicanus: puyuqumaar(aq*)
cinnabar: al’tuutaq
cinquefoil: shrubby ~ teggerpak
circle: akagenqellria, uive-, uivenqellria; ~
repeatedly uivaar-, uivaartur-; ~ with one’s
ngers and run down cipegte-; compass for
making ~s kayivaun; go in ~s uivagci-
circle-and-dot design: ellanguaq, iinguaq,
kassugaliiq*; tool for making ~
circular: be ~ akagenqegg-; ~ calendar cill’aq; ~ cap
uivquq, uivqurraq*; ~ motion ulug-
circumcise: ~ or be ~d nuugir-
circumstances: nally V after being prevented by ~
(pb) -urainar-; resign oneself to ~ beyond one’s
control tuatequa-
cisco: Bering ~ imarpinraq*, naptaq; least ~ iituli,
citation: kalikaq nallunairun arenqiallugutmek
city: nunarpak; visit within a ~ cinirte-
Cladonia rangiferina: ciruneruat, tuntut neqait
claim: ~ (it) as one’s N (pb) -ksagute-; ~ed as one’s
N (pb) -kliute-
clam: aatevtaaq, angvassurliq, apakussutaq,
qamaquq, taavtaaq, taliruaq, taqilek, tavtaaq,
teq’ulungssaq, uiluq; big ~ turtuniaq; razor ~
aliruaq; slender ~ pilagtuarun; ~ that is black
on the ends amsak, amyak; type of small ~
igyaralek; thin-necked ~ uviluq
clamp: qec’issuun; ~ used to hold bent piece of
wood pascirissuun; have one’s mouth open and
stretched wide with teeth ~ iryagte-
clamshell: uiluq
clan: atanekuyuk
clang: avirlullag-, kallagte-; be ~ing avirlurte-,
Clangula hyemalis: aarraaliq, allgiar(aq*)
clap: qacangqi-; ~ down on negler-; ~ the hands
clarication: taikaniun
clarify: naigte-
Clark’s Point: Saguyaq
clasp: quumkaute-; ~ fastener nagtuqaq; ~ or snap
clatter: avirlullag-, kakave-, kavcagte-; make a ~ing
noise lerli-; with a big ~ing noise kavcagpak
clavicle: qutuk
claw: cetugmig-, cetuk, cituk; ~ of bird cetumquq; ~
of a bird of prey pekugkalleq; scratch by ~ing
qecugmig-; scratch hard with ~s cetugmig-;
clutch in the ~s teguqar-
clay: qikuq; very whitish ~ qaurtuli; see Zagoskin
(5, 6)
Claytonia tuberosa: ulqiq, utqiq
clean: carrir-, menuite-; ~ a gun puyuqair-; be ~
carr’ite-, eprite-, essuite-, perr’ite-; ~ clothes,
bedding, etc. iqair-; completely ~ perr’irpak;
lick completely ~ painqegcaar(ar)-; ~ area
carr’ilqaq; ~ house eqte-
, kenagte-, kenugte-; ~
underneath ulpegte-; offal from ~ing sh ciqeq;
scoop out entrails when ~ing small sh citeg-
cleanse: kencigcar-; ~ of spiritual impurity
essuircar-; ~ ritually tarvaq; ~ oneself ritually
caqunguar-; be ~d essuir-
clear: be ~ essuite-, nallunaite-, navcuite-; become
~ essuir-; for the sky to be ~ avair-; be ~ (of
liquids, glass, ice) ecuilnguq*, ecuite-; ~, blue
ice cikurpak, cikulugpiaq; ~ away dirt from
carrir-; ~ one’s throat erinkegcar-, see Drebert (5);
for there to be a blizzard under otherwise ~
skies aciikuar-
clear up: for weather to ~ avirpag-; for fog or mist
to close in and ~ repeatedly quurruyag-; ~ (of
water) perrir-; ~ after the weather has been wet
for a period of time pakmallir-
clearly: be unable to think ~ umyugailkacag-;
speak ~ erinia-; see ~ mecike-; be ~ visible
mecig-, mecignarqe-; become ~ visible mecigi-
cleft palate: cevcilleq; one with a ~ cevcilleq
clergyman: agayulirta
clerk: hotel ~ allaniurta; store ~ kipusviliurta
clicking: ~ the tongue qalmar-
cliff: ekvik, epnaq, igce÷eq, pe÷aq; brow of ~
qauqaq; go up or pull up a ~ using a rope
; seep of water from a ~ kullugte-; snow
Cicuta mackenzieana — cliff
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hanging over a ~ navcaq; ~ lettuce inguqiq; net
used to capture birds on sea ~s egqaqun; wild
potato that grows near ~s atkallaq
climb: mayur-; ~ around mayura-; ~ gradually
mayuar(ar)-; ~ on top of something ugte-
; ~
out from below nuge-; ~ up on bed taggiyar-;
ice that one can climb up on uscaryuyagaq;
dunes or coast that cannot be ~ed uss’ariyak;
be a good ~er nepeckegg-; rope for ~ing
cling: nepte-; ~ to him paiyaar-; be able to ~
to things nepeckegg-; show affectionate
attachment by ~ing unga-
clinging: be such as to induce ~ affection
unganarqe-; ~ debris nevluk; eat bits of
meat ~ to a bone pukug-; show affectionate
attachment by ~ unga-; have things ~ to it
leve-, neve-
; have things ~ to one nepitag-
clip: ~ off growth qiur-
clippers: nail ~ cetuircuutek
cloak: ulikutaq
clock: cass’aq, sass’aq
close: melek, umek, (v) palute-, patu-; stay ~ to
mallguur-; be ~ canimete-, mallegte-, qante-,
ukaqsig-; come ~ or bring ~ taikanir-; part
of whale’s ippers ~ to tail et’raq; ~ around
quumkaute-; one that is ~ behind keluqliq*;
wow, what a ~ call! kuaksikika; ~ friend
qanerviggaq*; very ~ friend or cousin naruyaq
~ friend whose requests one mustn’t refuse
qat’nguq; plug to ~ hole on a sealskin oat
unguquutaq; ~ one’s eyes cikme-, cikmir-,
qelme-; ~ one’s eyes partially qaamyuar(ar)-; ~
one’s eyes tightly cikempag-; ~ passage capa
~ relative mekiyiq; be distraught because of
misdeeds of a ~ relative mak’urte-; be ~ to
malleg-; be ~ together qelqerrute-; sit ~ to the
edge qutqir-; sew it ~d nungute-; ~d container
keviraun; be ~d tightly eqessnga-; cut ~ly qiur-;
~ly bound thing mallegtaq; move ~r malkanir-
close in: mame-, quu-
; for fog or mist to ~ and
clear up repeatedly quurruyag-; ~ (of weather,
hole, etc.) cikete-, cikte-; ~ on (of fog, grass, etc.)
cikvagute-, cikvangqaur-; ~ on or around (it)
closet: akluvik
closures: emergency ~ of shing or hunting season
piqatarraarpeknateng umegluku
clot: blood ~ angruyarneq
cloth: lumarraq, llumarraq, negacungaq;
accidental tear in ~ allganeq; feel soft (of
~) nerepsunarqe-; gather ~ murugte-; heavy
~ tulvaaq; lightweight cotton ~ ciitsaaq;
manufactured item such as ~ kass’artaq; roll
of ~ imguaraq; rufe at hem of ~ parka cover
ciqauyaq; striped ~ tiik; striped thin ~ ik’aruaq;
wash~ perriuksuar(aq*); trim on ~ cover parka
naqyun; ~ used to cover a shelf or a cabinet
capkuq; ~ parka cover negacungaq, qaliipautaq
clothes: change one’s ~ ac’inqigte-; put on warm
~ maqarqe-; rinse ~ murqe-; take off one’s ~
¥gayar-; wash ~ ervig-; ~ dryer kinercissuun;
~ hanger agautaq*; sleep with ~ on cikcenar-;
go with only the ~ on one’s back nangrinar-;
~ wringer ciurrsuun; bring ~ for distribution
during the Bladder Feast ciamci-; departed
person for whom his loved ones perform the
ceremony of clothing in new ~ during the
Greater Memorial Feast akngirqun; namesake
of the dead who is given ~neqliskengaq
clothesline: inivik
clothespin: iniissuun
clothing: aklu, cangssagaq, piluguk, un’u; article
of ~ aturaq; be careful with one’s ~ kencig-; be
uncomfortably wet and cold (of ~) imurnarqe-;
be wrinkled (of ~) uyungllugte-; corduroy for
making ~ aqsallin; drawstring casing on ~
parrvik, parteraq, parterin. tarperaq; fastener
for ~ nunguyun; sh-skin ~ amiragglugaq;
have debris clinging to one’s ~ apat’ag-; have
things clinging to it, such as snow on ~ neve-
hold inside ~ qumig-; patch on ~ callirneq,
callmak; person with tattered ~ ilgulgaq;
provide a bride with new ~ nulirrucir-;
pullover ~ as’arcaraq; put on ~ at’e-; seal out
wind and cold by tightening ~ parte-
; shake ~
evcug-, kanevlarte-; wear N (~) (pb) -tur-
; put
on ~ back to front tunupirte-; ~ bag akluinqun;
gift of ~ for a youth dancing for the rst time
nangrun; ceremony of ~ one or more persons
in memory of the deceased Ac’eciyaraq; give
the namesake(s) of the deceased new ~ during
Greater Memorial Feast or Lesser Memorial
Feast ac’eci-, uivutar-; person for whom his
loved ones perform the ceremony of ~ in new
clothes during the Greater Memorial Feast
akngirqun; person who distributes ~ in honor
of his or her child’s rst catching game or
picking berries kalukaq
climb — clothing
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cloud: amirlu, qilaggluk; small ~ amirluar(aq*);
white cloud that rises from the horizon
; cumulus ~s makerliit; go forward
through ~s pula-; ~s on the horizon but blue
sky above qerruutaq; for rain ~s to develop
cloudberry: aqavsik, aqevyik, atsalugpiaq, atsaq,
atsarpiaq, epulek, naunraq*, see Zagoskin (19)
cloudy: be ~ amirli-, amirlu-, amirtu-
clown: picingssag-
club: anautaq; club ~ cards agyaq, kelistaq; club
(weapon) kaugtuarcuun, kaugtuutaq
; ~ for
hitting sh qenngitaq
clump: ~ of grass on the tundra maneq, nasquruaq
clumsily: V ~ (pb) -vialug-
clumsy: be ~ kutakiqe-, picurlitqe-, see Barnum (39);
be ~ while working teyqiqe-
Clupea harengus: neqalluarpak
Clupea harengus pallasi: iqalluarpak
clusters: be in ~ pulqima-
clutch: in the hands or claws teguqar-
coal: cupun
coals: aumaq, cupun, qetek, see Wrangell (4)
coaming: kayak deck beam next to and aft of ~
coarse: tall ~ grass englullinr(aq*), patugpak; ~
grass used for weaving mats, making baskets
kelugkaq; type of ~ reed kilirnaq
coast: ce÷a, cina; a person who lives on the tundra
in contrast to those who live along major rivers
or on the ~ akulmiu; (reindeer) descend toward
the ~ anuilite-; ~ area between Nelson Is. and
the mouth of the Kuskokwim Canineq; ~
dweller ce÷armiu
coastal: holiday celebrated only in the ~ area
Qaarpak, Qengarpak
coat: paltuuk, uligaaq, ullirtaaq, see Nelson (106);
remove one’s ~ matarte-; without a ~ matar-;
be outside without a ~ taigtur-
, uvruar(ar)-; be
without a ~ in the cold kiingraar(ar)-; ~ with tar
or pitch taarte-
coatless: be ~ matangqa-
coccyx: pamesquq, pamyuqaq, pamyurrauluk,
teq’uciq, teryurauluk
Cochlearia ofcinalis: itegaraq, it’garralek
cock: ~ a trap or other spring-loaded device
petengtaq; cock a gun ipug-
cockle: qamaquq, tap’luqutyaq
cockpit: rib under kayak ~ engineq; line of
stitching on top of kayak extending from
stern to ~ ikavsianeq; ~ deck beam of a kayak
tukervik ayagaq; hook used to pull things from
the end of the kayak to the ~ tallirraq
cod: arctic ~ atgiaq; ~ barbel kaacicaq; diaphragm
of ~ qatmak; Pacic ~ manignaalleryak; ~
(saffron) iqalluaq; see Orlov (3)
codsh: amutaq; abnormal growth in throat of ~
coffee: kuupiaq, kuuvviaq, see Adams (19); be strong
(of ~) cur-, ecur-; be weak (of ~) ecuite-; bread
or other accompaniment to ~ aukaq, tevuq;
have only tea or ~ merr’arar(ar)-; make ~
kuuvvii-; cup for ~ yuurqaun; hot beverage (~)
one drinks by sipping yuurqaq
coffeepot: kuvvinaq
cofn: qunguq; old-style ~ citaaq, sitaaq; place
(body) in ~ qemagte-
coho: ~ (silver) salmon caayuryaq, ciayuryaq,
qakiiyaq*, qavlunaq, uqurliq*
cohort: age ~ yuullgutkelriit; ~ members egilrallgun
coil: puckarpak; turn grass basket ~ inward
coiled: begin a ~ grass basket teryeri-; tray for ~
harpoon rope acaluq; tightly ~ rigid basket
mingqaaq; make a tightly ~ rigid basket
mingqii-; ~ sealskin line imgun
coin: aluminum or brass private ~ leraaniq
Colaptes auratus: puugtuyuli
cold: (human) be ~ alap’aar-, errute-, kumlate-,
nengller-, nengllir-, nengte-
, qerrute-; be very
~ qerruyanarqe-; feel the ~ nenglliur-; have ~
ears ciutair(ar)-; have ~ feet it’gair(ar)-; have
~ hands unatair(ar)-; have ~ N (pb) -ir(ar)-; be
weak from ~ kuuguuyar-; have stiff hands
from the ~ perleqciir(ar)-, perrleqciir(ar)-; have
one’s legs cramped by ~ pay’uqar-; one who
gets ~ easily qerruskaq; have a frostbitten spot
where one has touched a ~ object pupingqua-;
be uncomfortable because of wet ~ imurnarqe-,
imuryug-; be sensitive (of teeth sensitive to ~)
keggsagar-; react vocally to a sudden contact
with ~ water imuqite-, imurtua-; be without a
coat or parka in the ~ kiingraar(ar)-; seal out ~
by tightening clothing parte-
; knitted cuff to
keep out the ~ tayarnerun
cold: (weather) ~ weather nengla
; extremely ~
weather nengelvak; boot for ~ wet weather
cloud — cold
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
irvaun; how ~ it is! alap’aa; dwarfed or stunted
from exposure to ~ kuc’uqerte-; form a hard
snow crust during a ~ spring night preceded
by a warm day qerretrar-, qetrar-; ice crystal
from extreme ~ weather quilekupiaq; vapor
rising from a object in the ~ aurneq; draft of ~
igurneq, iterneq, yurneq; mist of ~ air rushing
in ancarneq, anllugneq; ghost or spirit whose
presence is indicated by ~ mist nepengyaq;
~ chisel cavignarcuun, caviliurcuun; ~ month
tanqiluryaq; rst ~ month Tanqiluryaq Ciuqliq;
second ~ month Tanqiluryaq Kinguqliq;
crunching sound as made by boots on ~
snow qerqiugte-; scraping or hissing sound
made by something sliding on very ~ snow
kakingerte-; for weather to warm up after a
~ spell canikliute-; ~ spring water kumlaneq,
nengllinaq; ~ thing, especially water kumla; ~
storage kumlivik
cold: (illness) quseq, quyeq; have a ~ quyer-; ~ sore
callaneq, callakayak
cold-blooded: ~ crawling thing ciissiq, siissiq
coldness: kumla; ~ in the air nengla
collapse: ilve-, ime-, navte-, uyunge-; almost ~
unaqserte-; ~ as from a heart attack or being
shot narullgute-; ~ on the people in the
building ull’ute-; up off the ground not ~d
collarbone: qutuk
collateral: teguarkaq akitulria
collect: quyurte-; ~ bit by bit aur-, avur-; ~ rewood
muragte-; men who ~ food during the “Aaniq”
holiday aanak; tubers ~ed by the mice qertat;
plants ~ed from mouse caches aatuuyaarpak
collector: tax ~
akiliqurautnek quyurcista
colon: anaun; ~ (anatomical) qelluq
color: kal’aq, minguk, minguun, qaskiq; black ~
tungu-; blue ~ qeyurliq, qiugliq, qiurliq; blue-
gray ~ qesuuq; green ~ cungagliq; pink ~
kavircessngalnguq*, kavirrluk; red ~ kavisqaq,
kenevkar-; orange ~ qalleryak; purple ~
pelicqiq; silver-~ed qerrircetellria, qerrirliq;
white ~ qatellria; yellow ~ civigniq, esirliq; ~ by
rubbing with ochre cip’ngiar-; sea slug, orange
or purple in ~ uraruq; ~ed design keptaq; jade
or other ~ful stone aumaq; run (of ~s) ure-
lose ~ qesuir-, ui-; streak of ~ keptaq; be less
dark or intense in ~ mitriate-
colt: nuraq
coltsfoot: kalngaguaq; leaf of ~ pellukutaq
column: sun ~ akertem ayarua
coma: be in a ~ ellangeksaite-, elpengeksaite-
comb: ilairin, kumaggsin, nuyiurun; ne-toothed ~
ingqircuun; ~ for lice kumakircuun, nerescin;
~ with widely spaced teeth tegurciurun; grass
~ taluutaq; ~ kept in hair katagciurun; ~ one’s
hair ilair-
, ilarqutair-, nuyiur-
combat: engage in hand-to-hand ~ cagte-
, yagte-
combination: ~ knife and scraper caniissaq
combine: see Barnum (7)
come: taa-; ~! taayam; ~ almost to a boil cuminge-;
~ apart at the seams mekegte-; ~ back to life
unguir-; ~ back uteskiaqer-; ~ closer taikanir-;
~ down puvair-; ~ down to or toward water
; ~ downward acitmurte-; ~ farther
in kiavar-; ~ for speaker taite-
; ~ from the
distance agiirte-; ~ here! taitai; ~ in and out
of view in the distance irlurnite-; ~ in iter-;
~ into contact with agtur-; ~ into existence
piurte-; ~ into the view of alairvike-, igvar-; ~
invited to a village curukaq; ~ loose qacagli-;
~ nearer kangiqsigi-; ~ of age angutngurte-;
~ off agugar-, a¥g’ar-; ~ off as a layer kii-
~ on ataki; ~ out at water below kanauma-;
~ out into the open cevv’ar-, puge-; ~ over
one (of an emotion) tut’e-; ~ through alpag-
~ to believe (it/him) ukveryagute-; ~ to feel
compassion toward naklegyagute-; ~ to lack
the quality of being V or of N-ness (pb)
-a:rute-; ~ to love kenegyagute-; ~ to mind
neq’ar-; ~ to one’s senses elpenge-; ~ to pass
piciurte-; ~ to something ullaute-; ~ to the
area of the speaker tai-; ~ to the end iquklite-;
~ to the rescue of anirtua-; ~ to the surface
qaivar-; ~ to the surface, emerging halfway
puge-; ~ together katurte-; ~ undone at a seam
egume-; ~ uninvited to eat payaqcaar(ar)-; ~
up on alarute-; ~ upon alarute-, alake-
, tekite-;
~ upon as a stranger yit’e-; ~, attracted by
noise nepengyaq; ask to ~ something back
tungcirtur-; for day to ~ upon one erute-; for
tide to ~ in itercanir-; have a stranger ~ upon
one yit’e-; having ~ from another village
nengaugite-; ice piece that ~s loose from the
bottom pugteqrun; suddenly ~ to the surface
comet: ag’urayuli, agyaq aruvilria, pamyurpalek;
have light streaming out of it like a ~ qamurrir-
cold — comet
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
comfort: caceturqaur-, qarute-; ~ (someone)
comfortable: be ~ arenqig-, ellui-; feel ~ with
(him) yugnike-; one whom one feels ~ with
comical: be ~ englarnarqe-
coming: this ~ autumn uksuaqu; this ~ winter
uksuqu; stormy weather, a harbinger of sh ~
in taqikcar-; ~ this way maa-i
command: alarqur-, alerqur-, pisqun; ofcer in
charge of others but also under the ~ of
someone else atanerruaq; follow ~s niisnga-
commandment: alerquun
comment: ~ unfavorably on (him) upute-
commission: arenqiirturtet; local boundary ~
nunacuarni avatmeggnek arenqiirturtet
commit: ~ adultery akusraruteke-, arniur-; ~
burglary it’ra-; ~ gang rape agkenge-; ~ murder
or manslaughter yugte-; ~ a sin kengliqe-
committee: arenqiirturtet
commode: qurrun
common eider: angiikvak, metraq*, nanvista;
female ~ nayangaryaq; male ~ tunupista; ~
chick kutyagaq
common loon: tunupirtaq, tuullek, urr’urruayuli,
common merganser: payirpak
common sense: lack ~ umyuarite-, usviite-
common snipe: cugtuvik, kukukuaq
commonly: furbearing animal ~ trapped for its
pelt melqulek
commotion: make a ~ akusrarte-; heading toward ~
communal house: tunnel entrance to men’s ~
agviaq; ~ (with “Aaniq”) nalug-
, tumagcur-; ~
(with Bladder Feast) kagaciqaq, kangaciqaq; ~
(with Inviting-In Feast) neviararuaq, pekcetaaq;
~ (with Messenger Feast) kapqerraarta,
kasmilria, umguci- a timber at the entrance to
the men’s ~ ayapervik
Communion: take ~ augtur-; ~ bread akurtuq,
kelipaq, kelipayagaq; Holy ~
erevkaritii, Kristussaam kemgan auggaan-
llu akurtullra,
tanqilria ilakuuciq; something
eaten after receiving ~ qeciryailkun
community: activity caqciq; ~ hall katurrvik,
community house: men’s ~ kiiya, qasgi, qaygiq;
bench in men’s ~ ingleq; journey into the
ocean from a men’s ~ to hunt for walrus
kaugpangcar-; corner timber in a men’s ~
talliqiun; horizontal log in men’s ~ tuussaq
log above door of men’s ~ qaliqerrun; log hung
horizontally with rope in a men’s ~ aavussaq;
planks put over replace in a men’s ~ nacin;
ritually “take over” a men’s ~ qasgiiqenge-;
supporting post of bench in men’s ~ palan;
upper tie beam of men’s ~ mamcartaq
companion: aapaq, aipaq, malik; be a poor ~
ilaniite-, ilanirqe-; become a ~ of aipir-; N and ~
(pb) -(e)nkut
compare: ayuqekute-; equalis case (see Endings
compass: kampaassaq, kangpaassaq, pellaayailkun
see Adams (18); ~ for making circles kayivaun
compassion: naklekun, takumcukiyaraq,
takumcukun; feel ~ kusguyug-, naklegyug-,
takumcuyug-; cause one to feel ~ kusgunarqe-,
naklegnarqe-; feel ~ toward nakleke-; feel
~ toward (him) takumcuke-; come to feel ~
toward naklegyagute-; merit ~ takumcunarqe-
compassionate: be ~ kusgutar-, takumcutar-; be a ~
person naklegtar-
compel: ~ one to V (pb) -cete-
, -cite-
, -vkar-
compensate: akilir-
compete: aksagtaar-, anagtassiigute-; ~ with a
slanted pole qip’artaar-; ~ in a race pilraute-
competent: ~ person elluatuq
competition: anagtassiigun; log hung in a men’s
community house for games ~ aavussaq
complain: aripluar(ar)-, egvurci-, qanemyuugar-,
qanevlugte-; ~ of one’s aches and pains, or
troubles yuuniar-; ~ about (him) upute-
~ over food neqlugcira-; ~, wanting more
elara-; distribute gifts to those who ~ of being
slighted aruq’ler-
complementary: atunem
complete: be ~ qaqima-; bundle of pelts containing
enough to make a parka naaneq; become ~
in number naa-; ~ set of new clothing given
during the Greater Memorial Feast or Lesser
Memorial Feast ac’eci-, uivutar-; ~d set naaneq
completely: empty ~ kalugte-; V ~, thoroughly
(pb) -nqegcaar(ar)-; ~ alone kiirrar-; ~ clean:
perr’irpak; lick ~ painqegcaar(ar)-; ~ empty:
kalug-, kalugte-; be ~ kalungqa-; be ~ full of
cargo uciar-
comfort — completely
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
completion: V more toward ~ (pb) -vsiar-; settle
down after ~ of activity ngelkarte-
complexion: have a dark ~ tungunga-
complications: V-ing with no ~ (pb) -nginar-
comply: grant requirest for specic gift naigtenrite-
component: ~ at the end of something iquulqutaq;
funnel-like ~ in a sh trap iluliraq
comprehend: taringe-; reach the stage of
youth when a person begins to hear and ~
conceal: act to ~ one’s actions from nalluliur-
concentrate: on one’s work munarcete-; be unable
to ~ umyugailkacag-
conception: immaculate ~ Tanqilriim Mary-m
carrluunani piurtellra
concerned: be ~ civuura-; be ~ about one’s supplies
and to work on it cumerte-; be ~ or worried
about cangalke-, cangalliur-
concerning: become unknowing ~ whether or how
one is V-ing (pb) -ciirute-
concubine: nukaraq
condensation: ceq, seq; have ~ form on it seq-; for ~
to become frost malngugte-
condenser: puckacuar(aq*)
condition: eluciq, luuciq; be of uncertain ~
maluknarqe-; few N in poor ~ (pb) -llruar(aq*);
get back into one’s original ~ angimurte-; reach
a certain condition pitari-; ~ of possessor with
respect to V (pb) -ciq; ~ of weather causing
famine ellarrluk; customarily or habitually V
(if other ~s hold) (pb) -naur-
conduct: give serious advice concerning proper ~
cone: spruce ~ ungilak
confer: arenqiirtur-
confess: assiilnguir-
confession: make a ~ assiilnguir-; make a ~ in
church apqaur-; ~ of sins in church apqaurun
condence: inspire ~ kemyunarqe-; not inspire ~
kemyunaite-; have ~ in kemyuke-
condent: be alagyug-, alegyug-; be self-~ by
nature alegtar-; come to feel ~ toward (it)
conned: be itengqa-
conning: run into a ~ area cuukcaute-; swell up,
exerting pressure inside a ~ puvute-
conrmation: kayucaryaraq
conagration: eka
conuence: of rivers kassigluq
conforming to: atunem
confront: persistently caumake-; ~er curuk
confused: be ~ tala-, uunguciite-; be frustrated, ~,
and anxiety ridden taya-; feel ~ aakulagte-; get
~ uunguciir-; have become ~ uunguciirute-
confusion: uunguciicaraq
congeal eyur-
, igur-
congestion: have nasal ~ umci-, umgi-
conical: ~ wood-slat sh trap nemerciq; ~ hats
resembling traditional sh traps cingssiik; ~
wooden trap for otter or mink teggvak
conjunction: occurring because of or in ~ with
something else nalleknguar-
conjure: avnir-
connected: be ~ ata-; be attached or ~ usgute-,
uygute-; pass or be ~ under the jaw agluir-
connecting: channel ~ bodies of water akuluraq;
joint or connecting point of a hoop-like object
connects: J-shaped section that ~ the stomach
to the intestine aataruaq; carved part on top
stiffener of kayak forepart that ~ the struts
consciously: immediately accept, acquiesce,
believe without ~ deciding to do so maligarte-
consciousness: lose ~ nalluqar-, pella-; lose
awareness, ~, one’s good sense ellairute-,
consequence: as a ~ of ugaani, uguani; have
~ iqungqerr-; habitually act carelessly or
recklessly, without thinking of the possible ~
conservation: aninqiyaraq
conserve: aninqe-, naacuqe-
conserving: be ~ of pessuqe-
consider: ~ it to be too small mikelke-; ~ (him) a
good person yugnike-; ~ (it) to be bad issiqe-;
~ (it) to tend to cause one to V (pb) -nake-;
~ important pirpake-; ~ (it) very important
arcaqake-; ~ indispensible nanelviite-; ~ object
to be pleasant to V or be a pleasant N (pb)
-nike-; ~ object to be unpleasant to V or be
an unpleasant N (pb) -niilke-, -nialke-; ~ one’s
actions before acting umyuarcirtur-; ~ V-ing
(pb) -kunayaaqe-; ~ what is going to happen
and accept it tuallituar-
completion — consider
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
considerate: be ~ naklegyug-, tuvqatar-; be ~ of
considered decision: make a ~ naspertur-
consonant: erinituliunrilnguq*; stop ~ arulaituli
conspicuous: be ~ mistu-
constant moisture: esh become raw from ~
uusurte-, uuyurte-
constantly V: (pb) -rrlainar-
constellation: igigkaraat, Negcik, Tulukaruum
Pitegcautii; raven’s arrow Tulukaruum
Pitegcautii; Big Dipper Qaluurin; Little
Dipper Nayipar(aq*); Cassiopeia Qengartarak;
Bootes Taluyat; part of Bootes ~ Ilulirat; Orion
or Orion’s belt Cagquralriit, Sagquralriit,
Tulukaruum Ayarua; Corona Borealis
Kinguqerrat; combined ~ of Perseus and
Auriga Tuntuq; Ursa Major Tunturyuk; Ursa
Minor, Little Bear Kaviaret; ~ that resembles an
eyebrow qavlunguaq; see Barnum (17)
constipated: be ~ anaqauner-, anarciigate-, tegg’ite-,
tuvute-; become ~ tuv’i-
constipation: tuvuuricaraq
constrained: ~ by circumstances or authority
construction wood: equgpigaq
consultant: alerquista
consume: be ~d nange-; ~ especially water without
restraint akunriur-
consumption: food ready for ~ neqkaq
contact: be in ~ with naikar-; come into or be in
~ with agtur-; react vocally to a sudden chill,
usually from ~ with cold water imuqite-,
imurtua-; make actual ~ with (it) or between
(them) cingar-
container: akirtaq, caqun, ekviucilluk, paankaq;
be inside a ~ ekuma-; bent part of wooden ~
pertaq; bentwood rim around top of wooden
~ perneq; bottom part or piece of ~ allungak;
empty ~ that held N (pb) -utelleq; gunpowder
~ puyurkarvik; large wooden ~ kalupak; leak
liquids from a ~ ellngar-; put away in a storage
~ kellar-; remove items one after another
from ~ anqur-; sealed or otherwise closed
~ keviraun; search or rummage through a ~
kaaleg-; sprinkling of things as at the bottom
of an almost-empty ~ kanevneq; spurt or gush
out of ~ agtar-; stiff lip piece (and/or stopper?)
for water ~ pasvaagun; take out from a ~ yuu-
tobacco ~ curmak; pour from one ~ to another
naave-, naive-; water ~ made from walrus
bladder keciqutaq; ~ for N (pb) -viutaq; ~ for
oil uqivik; roll-up ~ for small items imguyutaq;
~ for storing seal oil uquucilleq; ~ made of
beluga stomach imanarvik; ~ made of skin
acalurnaq; reach into a ~ kau-; residue inside ~
that held liquid kivyaneq; small ~ woven from
grass naqtaar(aq*); repeatedly put into ~s ekur-
contempt: hold in ~ arrsake-
content: future ~ imarkaq
contents: imaq*; undesirable ~ imaller(aq*),
imaqucuk, imaryuk; be overfull with ~
pak’me-; put ~ in imir-; remove the ~ of a seal
intestine agqe-
contest: engage in a nger-pulling ~ akuliprun
continent: nunalugpiaq
continue: egmir-; ~ to V -ur(ar)-; ~ not to V
-yunrite-; start and ~ to V -yaurciiqe-; ~ V-ing
over a period of time -aur(ar)-
contraband item: avaliugarkaunrilnguq*
contract: picirkiuraq, taqucilleq picirkamek
contrary: ~ to the way it should be or the way one
should act kenlutmun
contrast: ordinary or ordinary person (in ~ to
shamans and the like) Yup’ik; fancy, ~ing
colored skin patchwork trim at hem of
garment ingqit; used for emphasis or ~ (enc)
control: be in a difcult situation that one cannot
~ kalivqinar-; resign oneself to circumstances
beyond one’s ~ tuatequa-; be able to ~ the
situation one nds oneself in kalivqinaite-
conveniently: do something, or be someone
the exact word for which is forgotten or not
known to the speaker, or is more ~ not stated
in full, but an act or person that the listener
will understand as being referred to imuu-
converse with: qanrrugute-
convicted: be ~ of a crime nataqii-
convince: eguaqur-
convulsion or seizure: have a ~ qiste-
coo: make one wish to ~ to it ineqsunarqe-; the
particular made-up words used to ~ to a
child inqutaq; ~ to a child using the words
made up for that child inqe-, ineqe-; respond
affectionately to an adult’s ~ing ungaqtar-
cook: kenir-
, see Barnum (43), Lonneux (3); partially
considerate — cook
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ sourdock for storage ikugte-; ~ by baking
or roasting rather than boiling uute-; cook by
boiling ega-; ~ by briey immersing in boiling
water egavyag-; ~ frozen sh after it is thawed
uussag-; ~ N -liur-; ~ quickly as by placing
in boiling water uuga’rte-; ~ rare umlluaqar-,
uungllekar-, uussiiqar-, uuvlaag-, uvluaqar-
cook stove: kenircuun
cooked: be ~ uu-; wild greens that can be ~
cuassaaq; ~ blacksh uqnarliq, uuqnarliq; ~
blacksh fry allemaaq; meatball made of the
soft meat and bones of spawned-out sh, ~
by dropping in boiling water aagciuk; any ~
sh or other food egaaq; ~ food keniraq, ugka
~ horsetail or mare’s-tail tuber taken from
mouse caches uqnaq; ~ meat aulquq; ~ mixture
of fungus or lichens from rocks, seal oil, and
water elqunaq; ~ piece of sh ukliaq; ~ seal
lung cuakayak; dish of ~ sourdock and salmon
roe uqniraq; berries ~ with blood uqnaq
cookie: kuukissaaq, cugg’alinguaq
cooking: cornmeal, starch, etc., used as a thickener
in ~ kenercetaaq; cut up food in preparation for
~ ukli-; uid or juice as from ~ egneq; stove for
heating and ~ kaminaaq, kaminiaq
cooking place: kenirvik
cooking pot: egan, utgucik; foam in ~
pugyanerrluk; ~ that has rounded sides
cook well to tenderize: qacngercetaar-
cool: kumlacir-; ~ breeze nenglla; ~ down
nengllacir-; be ~ pacete-; have ~ down after
being warm nenglli-
coolness: nenglla
cooperative: be ~ pama-
coordination: lose ~ unair-
cope: be unable to ~ with a situation nanikua-
copper: cavikaq, kanuyaq, punerneq; ~ or brass and
bead forehead ornament camataq
copulate: atarte-, nulirte-
copyright: asvailun
cord: ilavkuk, tukarta, uskuq; umbilical ~ uskuq;
starter ~ on an engine nuqtaarcuun; ~ that
holds the gutskin raincoat tightly in place
around the coaming of the kayak ket’gaq; ~
to make a seam in a kayak tegquciraq; rope,
string, or ~ to which something is tethered
nuqsugun; bone tool for pushing cords ~
through holes ikuukar(aq*)
cord: ~ of wood cuqa
corduroy: ~ material for making clothing aqsallin
core: ~ of apple, tree, etc. iluryuk
Coregonus: ~ lauretta naptaq; ~ laurettae
imarpinraq*; ~ nasus akakiik; ~ sardinella iituli,
cork: keviq
cormorant: agasuuq, agayuuq; double-crested ~
uyalegpak; pelagic ~ uyalek; ~-feather ight
stabilizer on arrow shaft, or other ~ product
cornea: alkuaq, eciq, enciq
corner: kangiraq; ~ of house ac’urun; ~ of mouth
iqeq; ~ or back wall of house or room egkuq; ~
post of traditional house tagurun, talliqiun, see
Nelson (51)
cornered: three-~ skin-sewing needle ipgut’lek
cornmeal: meluyaarngalnguut; ~, starch, etc., used
as a thickener in cooking kenercetaaq
Cornus canadensis: cengqulleqcitaaq,
cingqullektaaq, mengqullegtaq
Corona Borealis: the constellation ~ Kinguqerrat
kangingnaurista tuqumalrianek; ~’s
qaillun tuqumalriim tuqullran
kangingengnaqellria, qaillun tuqumalriim
tuqullran kangingengnaqutii
corpse: tuqumalria, see Barnum (13)
corral: reindeer ~ kangiqaq
correct: be ~ elluatuu-, nalqig-, piciu-; nd ~
elluake-; ~ it nalqigte-
correctness: elluaq, piciutaciq
correspond: nall’arte-; ~ in position ngelke-; ~ in
some respect, often age pitateke-; that which ~s
in time and space nalle-
corresponding part: oblique area at end of kayak
gunwale that ts atly against ~ of other
gunwale capngiaq
correspondence: alngarat
Corvus corax: akmaliarallr(aq*), pagkullr(aq*),
tengmialler(aq*), tulukaruk
cost: akingqerr-; be without ~ akiite-; to be or ~ ten
dollars qullsur-
costume: atmag-
cotton: melquruaq, uataq; lightweight ~ cloth
cook stove — cotton
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cottongrass: melquruaq, paliaraq, ukayiruaq;
Alaska ~ tengtarkaq; tall ~ iitaq*, pekneq;
edible tuber of the tall ~ anlleq
cottonwood: avngulek, avngulgaq, ciquq, ciruq,
equgniilnguq*, qugniilnguq*; slab of ~ bark
imlauk; ~ or willow bark peluq
cough: quseq, quyeq, quyer-; ~ hard quspag-,
quypag-; ~ medicine qusrircaun; whooping
~ ag’uryaraq; ~ persistently ag’ur(ar)-; ~
hollowly qelutviar-
councilman: angayuqaruaq
council member: qaillukuarta
counsel: (n) anangnaqucista, (v) icungte-
counseling: mental health ~ umyualiurtet
counselor: umyualiurta
count: kecete-, naaqe-
counteracting V: device for ~ (pb) -ilitaq
counterparts: aipai(t)
counting: sh ~ tower nassvik, nacessvik
country: beautiful ~ nunakegtaar(aq*)
couple: married ~ aipaqellriik, nulirqellriik
courage: cacet-; lack fortitude, strength, or ~
course: reverse one’s ~ utqiar-
court of justice: qanercetaarvik
court witness: nallunairista
courteous: be ~ piyurrluar(ar)-
cousin: tungayak, tungelquq, turruluq; cross-~
piarkaq; male cross-~ of a male ilur(aq*);
female cross-~ ilungaq*; one’s spouse’s
maternal ~’s spouse nuliangqan; very close
friend or ~ naruyaq
; female cross-~ of a
female ilungapak; spouse of ~ ai
; parallel ~ see
Appendix 8 on kinship
cover: (n) capu, umek, (v) patu-; cloth parka ~
negacungaq; cooked mixture of fungus or
lichens from rocks, seal oil, and water rubbed
on kayak ~ elqunaq; for snow to ~ it age-;
gill ~ paciggluk, ulluvalqin; plant that is like
reindeer moss and is sewn inside seams of
kayak ~ cigvinguaq; rufe at hem of cloth
parka ~ ciqauyaq; something used as a ~ ciru;
spray ~ for kayak imarnin; tarpaulin used to
~ the load on a sled or boat cingyaaq; cloth or
other material used to ~ a shelf or a cabinet
capkuq; ~ hanging over something nalik; ~
one’s eyes while the other players hide in a
game of hide-and-seek melu-; ~ or curtain for
entrance elciqaq; ~ a sick person’s head with a
seal-gut rain parka as part of a curing process
cirukutaksuar(ar)-; log parallel to the back of
a kashim that supports the planks that ~s the
re pit tugeryaraq; tool used to cut sod to ~ the
kashim or used to cut snow blocks agiyautaq-;
~ with snow, dirt, grass, etc. ciru-
cover parka: carry or hold in the front ounce of
one’s ~ kenirmiaqe-; put in the front ounce
of one’s ~ kenirmiar-; trim on parka or cloth ~
cover seam: strip of sealskin to pull kayak ~ tight
covered: be ~ with spikes or thorns kapuyanarqe-;
be ~ with sweat kiirtevkar-
covering: capkutaq; be ~ (it) nalik-; temporary body
~ used, for example, to keep rain off one’s
body cirukutaq; ~ for, or insulation in, inside
wall of dwelling alku
covers: nd and gather eggs by removing the grass
that ~ them ciruirci-; heavy material used to
make parka ~ for men civignilnguq*
covertly: watch ~ nasperyug-
covet agluma-, ayarake-, ayarike-; ~ something
ayara-, ayari-; be ~ous cikna-; ~ousness
cow: domestic ~ kuluvak; ~ caribou arnaqatak; ~
moose arnaqatak; ~ reindeer arnaqatak
cowboy: qunguturiurta
cow parsnip tarnaq
, tarvaq
coward: alingtarli; be ~ly alingtar-
cowboy: kuluvaliurta; ~ hat cillapak
cowslip: irunguaq
, tulukarnaraam alungellra
coyote: kayu
crab: ivalriiyak, pupsulek, yuale’rsaq; “hairy” type
of ~ melqulgaq
crack: (n) callalleq, qulineq, see Nelson (19), (v) cii-
ciite-, nuleg-; ~ as from dryness qulig-; be
spread open as a wound or ~ does calla-; ~
between boards etc. akulqucuk, akultuqucuk;
large ~ or crevice in shore-fast sea ice aayuqaq;
become weathered (faded, dried, and ~ed)
cilla-; get powdery snow coming in through
~s itrug-; ~ when bending qayugarte-; ~s as
in the porch of the men’s communal house
tumagcur-; ~ in (ocean) ice exposing open
water qecuneq; ~ in shore ice qiugguiq
cottongrass — crack
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cracker: cugg’aliq, sugg’aliq; ~s or bread eaten
when one is drinking tea or coffee aukaq
crackle: cengqe-, cingqe-
crackling: civanr(aq*); make a ~ sound, as of
lightning tiivartar-, mengqi-; swiftly walk over
thin ice as it makes a waving motion and ~
sound cialiur-
crackly: crisp, dried to a ~ condition ciilerte-
crafts: arts and ~ item pilinguaq; carved arts and ~
item caacunguaq
cramped: have one’s legs get so ~ by cold that one
cannot move pay’uqar-; have ~ muscles qela-
cranberry: bog ~ uingiar(aq*), uskurtuliaraq*; high-
bush ~ kitngigpak, mercuullugpak, teptuli; low-
bush ~ kitngik
, passiarkaq, tumagliq, kavirliq;
see Adams (4)
crane: (sandhill ~) aiviqaq, erinatuli, tacellgaq,
tatellgaq; needle made from the front part of a
~’s foot kakuun
cranium: white bone inside the ~ of a sh teki
cranky: be ~ nungirte-
crashing: for there to be a ~ sound cingqutui-
crassly: be ~ well-off tukurtaar-
craw: ~ or crop of ptarmigan puvsaq, kallakutaq
crawl auqumiar(ar)-, aurrar-, aurre-, aurrmar-,
pangaleg-; begin to ~ aurraar(ar)-; cold-blooded
~ing thing siissiq
crazy: be ~ usviite-; act ~ ellalkarte-, ellangpar-
creak: kekingerte-, kiingerte-
crease: tapneq
create: piurte-; ~ or produce (life) nauci-
creator: legendary ~, said to be the daughter of
Raven An’gaqtar; a certain legendary distant
ancestor, ~ of Nelson Is., identied with the
raven ciuliaqatuk
creature: a certain legendary ~ amikuk, paalraayak;
legendary ~, one side of which is an animal
and the other a man irci, irciq; legendary
rock-throwing ~ the size of a small human
miluquyuli; legendary ~ that is only half a
person ingluilnguq*; legendary caterpillar-like
creature that leaves a scorched trail tiissiq;
legendary ~ that sinks into the ground as it
walks muruayuli; legendary ~ that will suck
the blood from one’s big toe if one has no
water in his house or tent meriiq; sea ~ with
human features seen on pack ice kun’uniq
credible: be ~ ukvernarqe-
creditor: akeqniarvik, akiilngirvik
creek: kuilurar(aq*), see Barnum (22); go across a ~
by a bridge nirar-
crescent: iralurngalnguq*
crested auklet: cip’lagaq
crevice: deep ~ in sand dunes il’unaq; large ~ in
shore-fast sea ice aayuqaq
crime: be convicted of a ~ nataqii-
criminal insanity:
usvillugcaraq alerquutnek
navgillerkani tekilluku
crimp: ~ in the sole of a skin boot teguaq; device
for ~ing boot soles teguarcuun
cringe: uluryayug-; ~ before it uluryake-
crippled: be ~ tussite-
crisp and crumbly: be ~ uravyunqegg-; be crisp,
dried to a crackly condition ciilerte-
critical: be ~ by nature cangatar-, nangrutar; be ~
of cangalke-; be ~ of (him) nangruke-; feel ~ of
someone nangruyug-
criticism: such that one provokes ~ nangrunarqe-
criticize: canake-, cangake-, upute-
crochet: ikuckar-; ~ hook ikuckarcuun
crooked: be ~ caqingqa-, cuqingqa-, nakriate-; get
~ cuqirte-; ~ knife mellgar(aq*); ~ part of a tree
crop: ~ of ptarmigan kallakutaq, puvsaq, puvyaq
cross: kelistaq; kiss a ~ melugar-; ~ worn as a
pendant uyamik
cross by airplane: nirar-
cross-cousin: piarkaq; male ~ of a female
uicungaq*; female ~ of a male nuliacungaq*;
male’s grandparent’s ~’s male’s granddaughter
cross-cut saw: kep’issuun
apqaurtet yuvrinqigtellrat
cross-eyed: be ~ naku-
cross fox: eqyeraq, ernertur(aq*), ilaaciq, kelaassiq,
cross-lashing: ~ that holds the sinew backing onto
the body of a traditional bow cagnirqun
cross-legged: sit ~ amaqigci-
cross one’s legs: amaqigute-
cross oneself: agayu, puusar-
cross over: arvir-, ek’r(ar)-, ker’ar-; ~ to qerar-
cross-sections: rib in center part of kayak that has
thin ~ at areas of bends neneq
cracker — cross-sections
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cross-sex: parent’s ~ siblings and their children
cross-stitching: ikavsiaq
crossing something extended: go from one place to
another without ~ (river, road, etc.) age-
crosspiece: canirun; ~ in oor of sled canipengayaq;
~ of a boat arvirun; ~ on bed of sled caniquyaq;
~ on which one sits in a boat ingun
; ~ pole for
hanging sh arviqrun; bird arrow with a blunt
point and four ~s aklegaq; wooden ~ for the
foot on a snowshoe tutneq; ~ or ball-like hand
grip at upper end of single-bladed paddle
crosswise: qeratmun
crotch: nalkiik; ~ of pants or body amlek; ~ rot
crouch: elave-, lave-, qungelra-, see Barnum (46);
place where one lies ~ed elavngavik; sneak
up on something while in a ~ing position
crowbar: ikugcuun, ikuutaq, kiicissuun
crowberry: kavlakuaraq*, paunraq*, tan’gerpak
crowd: katungqalriit
crown: nasqurrun; ~ of the head kakangcaq,
kakgaq, kangeq, nangneq; ~ of the hood of a
parka kakauyaq
crucix: kelistaq
crucixion: ussukcautelleq
crucify: ~ (him)* ussukcaute-
cruel: be ~ ilalketar-, uluryaite-; be ~ to ilasqite-; be
~ to (him) ilalke-
cruelly: act wantonly (and perhaps ~) ulapeqe-
crumb: kaimlleq; make or crop ~s kaame-, kaime-
crumble: ciame-, ciqumte-, lerave-; ~ to pieces
crumbly: be crisp and ~ uravyunqegg-
crumple: ulug-
crunching: make a ~ noise while chewing
qangqur-; make a ~ noise when walking on
snow or ice kakiungqite-
crush: ciame-; pestle used to ~ berries, sh eggs,
etc. passin; ~ or squash suddenly pasqerte-
crushed: be ~ massi-, passi-; be ~ quickly
pass’iqerte-; mixture of ~ aged sh eggs with ~
berries, seal oil, and sugar passiaq
crushing: tool for ~ ochre kenevkaun
crust: salt rime or ~ taryurrluk
crustacean: small ~ inarayuli
cry: aluviliur-, qeya-, qia-; start to ~ imurpag-; ~ or
feel sad because of someone’s leaving nacig-;
~ out aloud erinia-; ~ out in a loud repeated
whimper as from pain cungiallag-; ~ with
emotion iluteqe-
crying: feel like ~ qiaculngu-; be blue in the face
from not breathing because of hard ~ ii-, nuu-;
sob loudly when through ~ mangelpag-; sob
involuntarily at intervals after ~ a long time
crystal: ice ~ suspended in water makuaq; have
tiny ice ~s in it kanevcir-
cub: piyagaq*
cube: yaassiickellria
cucumber: sea ~ urvagnaq
cuff: merigneq; ~ of a traditional Yup’ik parka
tungunqucuk; ~ of parka sleeve kaunguaq;
knitted ~ on a sleeve to keep out the cold
cumulus clouds: makerliit
cup: caaskaq, caskaq, emrun, keluskaq, saaskaq,
saskaq, see Wrangell (12); drink a hot beverage
with a ~ emrukar-; ll a ~ for imirite-; ~ for
coffee or tea yuurqaun; ~ something in hand
tumig-; ~ the hands tumig-
cupboard: ingelvissaaq
cure: rename in order to ~ kangilir-
atakumi utertellerkiuraq
curiosity: be ~ provoking paquminarqe-
curious: be ~ paqumiyug-, tevviriyukar-; be ~ about
(it) paqnake-, paqumike-, paqnayagute-; be ~
about something paqnayug-; be ~ about the
principle behind something kangiiyug-
curled: become set in a position such as hair that
has been ~ paste-; hook one’s ~ index nger
under someone’s nose and push upward
katengvag-; be ~ up (of a dog, wolf, etc.)
curlewberry: tan’gerpak
currant: black ~ atsaanglluk, currluk
; northern
black ~ cularlussaq; dried ~ atsayagaq*; red ~
agalrussaq, agautaq*, ingqilirtaq; northern red ~
current: carvaq; be carried away by ~ cupute-;
drift with the ~ aterte-; for there to be strong
~ carvanir-; go with the river ~ cetu-; have
cross-sex — current
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
a strong ~ carvanir-; have a very strong
carevpag-; main ~ carvaneq; main channel with
~ through widened spot in river egmiumaneq;
belt of oating ice formed by ~s, sandbars, etc.
curse: acivaqanir-, aniqlaa-
curtain: capa
, keciraq, ket’araq, patukutaq; cover
or ~ for entrance elciqaq; ~ hung in front of
doorway as a door or draft barrier ikirtuqaq
curve: nemirte-; ~ as it burns pama-; ~ of trails,
rivers, etc. nevirte-; ~ or bend of river, road,
trail yuurte-
curved: amag-; be ~ amangqa-; get ~ amagte-;
knife with ~ blade, used for carving wood
mellgar(aq*); ~ part of major lateral root on
spruce stump tallirnaq; ~ piece across keel at
bow and stern of kayak eqluk; ~ wood-carving
knife cavik; be ~ up qalemyaar-
cushion: putuskaq, ungiqar-
custodian: kagista
custom: cayaraq, piciryaraq, piuryaraq; ancient ~
nutemllaq*; possession of deceased person
placed on his grave according to a former
traditional ~ eliveq, elliveq, egtaq
customarily: V ~ (pb) -lar-, -tu-; ~ or habitually V
-naur-; ~ V well (pb) -yu-; ~ Vs (one that ~s) (pb)
customary: possessors normal, regular, or ~ one to
V (pb) -tuka
cut: kilineq, ekiq; a ~ ullirneq; scrap or remnant left
over when something has been ~ out eliqneq;
~ a hide into a long thong pinve-; ~ and dried
sh head nasqurrluk; ~ at a rib-like juncture
tulimarte-; bony part left after llets are ~
from a sh enerrluyagaq; cut and dried sh
head qamiqurrluk; unsalted strip or llet of
sh esh without skin, ~ along the backbone
and hung to dry kiarneq; cheek of a sh, ~
from the sh ulluvalquq; sh ~ in preparation
for drying seg’aq; sh ~ for drying ulligtaq; ~
grass evegtar-; ~ the umbilical cord qallaciir-
~ hair short uqumigte-
; ~ into pilag-; ~ into
strips kelve-; ~ off or be ~ off kepe-; ~ off thing
kep’neq; ~ one’s esh kilir-; ~ out a pattern for
something elirqe-; ~ out a piece of something
caki-; ~ out pieces of something elirqe-; tool
used to cut sod or snow blocks to cover the
kashim agiyautaq; open or ~ so as to expose the
inside ullirte-; get ~ through ceve-; sh steak
~ transversely ungelkaaq; ~ with an axe or
adze cakite-; ~ with scissors: mangag-, nunur-
nuussicuar-, pupsuk
cut bank: hit the ~ (of water in a river) tugeq; part of
a river that runs under a bluff or ~ aciirun
cut sh: [e]ceg-; ~ for drying esseg-; ~ for drying,
in the traditional manner, making cuts so that
air can reach all parts of the esh ulligte-; ~ in
preparation for drying ceg-, seg-; ~ into chunks
cut, mark: lengthwise on (it) takelmur-; widthwise
or around a carcass kepelmur-
cut-through place: ~ where the river has carved a
new channel cev’aq
cut up: ingqi-; salted sh or meat eaten after it is
~ and leached to remove excess salt sulunaq;
~ food in preparation for cooking ukli-; ~
something ingqii-
cute: be ~ ineqsunarqe-, kumegnarqe-, pinimyug-;
my, how ~! ineqsikika; be fond of babies or
other ~ creatures kumegtar-; ~ little N (pb)
-cungaq; V in a ~ little way (pb) -ya(g)ar-
cuts in sh esh: make horizontal ~ while
preparing it for drying ingqii-; make spaced ~
cutting: use a tool or weapon for hunting,
chopping wood, ~ something caskuyaqur-;
~ edge of knife: kegginaq; ~ lengthwise
takelmun; make rope from sealskin, ~ the
skin in a spiral pattern pinevkar-; marking, ~
widthwise, across something kepelmun
cutting board: assipaq, ayallaq, alassaq
cutting knife: caviggaq, cavik, luussiq, nuussiq
Cyclorrhynchus psittacula: ciruraq
cyst: avaq
curse — cyst
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
daily: unuaquaqan
dale: akulneq
Dall Lake: Arungalnguq
Dall sheep: epnaiq, pe
Dall’s porpoise: mangayaaq*
Dallia pectoralis: alungyar(aq*), aniniq, can’giiq*,
damp: be ~ yukutarte-
damp object: vapor rising from a relatively warm,
~ aurneq
damper: stovepipe ~ umkaryaraq
dampness: cukutaq, yukutaq
dance: arula; ~! see Orlov (27); call out as song
leader for an Eskimo ~ apallir-; Eskimo ~
yuraq, see Khromchenko (11), Orlov (16); to
Eskimo-~ assigte-, cayurte-; make the arm
motions in an Eskimo ~ yagira-; the arm
motions in an Eskimo ~ yagiraciq; make the
motions in a ~ arulaci-; man’s Eskimo ~ arulaq;
sing out of tune at a Native ~ emiate-; sing
songs and ~ dances of supplication during
the Inviting-In Feast agayuli-; small gift,
usually food, brought to get into a ~ or feast
Itruka’ar; stand up and ~ pualla-; ~ a particular
~ in which one man ~s, or pantomimes, and
others sing slowly cauyuikar-; ~ a particular ~
in which the dancers are in a row one behind
another aagiiyaar-; ~ and give away one’s catch
; ~ before the host villagers during a
holiday tekiqatar(ar)-; ~ director in Eskimo ~
agniurta; explain the masks during a ~ during
the Inviting-In Feast holiday tukar(ar)-; a
gift-requesting ~ during the Messenger Feast
yurapigcaraq; a ~ during the Messenger Feast
designed to cause specic people to bring in
requested gifts yuranerrlugcaraq; ~ Eskimo-
style vigorously and enthusiastically aggigte-;
~ festival in fall-time agayaq; ~ festivity
during the Messenger Feast Kassiyuq; ~ in
the traditional Eskimo style yuraq; added
~ motions accompanied by drumming
cauyaquciaq; direct ~ motions in an Eskimo
~ by moving one’s body to the words and
rhythm agniur-; ~ non-Native style agnguar-;
~ one’s rst ~ during the Inviting-In Feast
uigtur-; ~ performed while seated aqumun;
person who calls out the words of an Eskimo
~ song eriniurta; ~ the arrival ~ tekiqatar(ar)-;
~ the rst ~ when a visiting village group
arrives for the Messenger Feast ciuqi-; ~ the
women’s welcome dance putu-
; bring (them)
back to one’s own village and have them ~
there and request specic gifts, during the
Messenger Feast ut’rarute-; ~ this way (of
women) Ingula(q); ~, moving one’s feet or legs
in various ways mumaa-
dance (tools): ~ baton apallircuun, eniraraun,
keniraraun, niiraraun; ~ fan tegumiaq,
taruyamaarun; ~ garment pinevyacagaq*; ~ hat
nacarrluk; ~ headdress nasqurrun; the feast
using ~ sticks enirarar(aq*); gure of human
hanging inside the ellanguaq, a hoop used for
special ~s atqataq; ~ sash qepyun
dancer: last ~ who comes into the men’s communal
house and brings in lots of gifts when invited
in during the Messenger Feast kasmilria; rst
~ who comes into the men’s communal house
bringing in gifts when invited in during
the Messenger Feast kapqerraarta; dance a
particular dance in which the ~s are in a row
one behind another aagiiyaar-
dancing: celebration held in late February or early
March with masked ~ to request abundance
in the coming season Agayuyaraq; gift of
food or clothing bought into the kashim and
hung up there in connection with a youth
~ for the rst time nangrun; sing with soft
drumming before the start of Eskimo ~
menge-; sing unaccompanied by drums or ~
during the Bladder Feast cauyautequ-; way
of ~ yuraryaraq; bring a gift into the kashim
by one ~ for the rst time nangrucir-; engage
in Inupiaq-style Eskimo ~ in which men and
women alternate in a straight line facing the
drummers talir-; make exaggerated ~ motions
kass’ig-; men’s ~ stick or wand iqiilitaq
dandruff: ake of ~ petgeq, uuturrluk, see Turner
danger: lead away from ~ aviute-; warn of ~
dangerous: be ~ aarnarqe-; nd (it) ~ aaqe-; nd
something ~ aaryug-; tend to nd things ~
daily — dangerous
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
dangerous situations: scarecrow-like device
designed to scare children away from
undesirable behavior or ~ aarallr(aq*)
dangle: aqevla-, aqevlerte-
dangling end of woman’s belt: cipnermiutaq
dangling ornament: aqevlequtaq, aqevlunguayak; ~
of wolverine fur or beads on a parka aqevyak
dark: be ~ tan’gercete-; become ~ taamlegi-,
taamlek, tan’geri-; dog with a ring of ~ fur
around its eye eskaayaq; very ~ thing cuupiaq;
~ bead with white inside aumarngalnguq;
~ cloud iqalungaq; have a ~ complexion
tungunga-; fancy skin boot made with a piece
of ~ fur ciuqalek; with ~ fur ullacuk; be ~ in
color miter-; ~ layer of esh under skin of sh
alkuaq; ~ mole augyaq; bearded seal that is
~ on the belly but gray on the top tulignaq;
be less ~ mitriate-; ~ fur at top of hood ruff
yurturuaq; for ~ rain clouds to develop
kukvaguar-; ~ red thing aumarngalnguq; ~ rock
kuigarnaq; ~ skin put behind row of beads in
decorating a parka kelurqutaq; ~ stone used
for whetstones teggalqupiaq; ~ yellow thing or
color civignilnguq*
dark-colored: piled ice tungussiqatak; ~ bearded
seal yaalirtaq; ~ sharpening stone or whetstone
arviiq; ~ spotted seal eyalirtaq; ~ whetstone
darken suddenly: talkar-
darkness: taamlek, tan’geq; go forward through ~
darned: no-good, ~ N (pb) -lkuk; ~ grandson
tutga’rrluk; ~ N (pb) -ngnagaq; ~ one Vs (pb)
-ngnagar-; ~ child mikeltak; ~ one (pb) -kayag-
dart: aavcaaq, apsiaq, iingaaquq, napataq; ~ used
to practice spear-throwing angruyak; ~ for
hunting birds or rabbits nuiq*; harpoon or ~
for seal tuqsiiq
dash out: anqerte-
daughter: kitugta, panik; female’s parent’s cross-
cousin’s ~, female friend of a female ilungaq*;
~ of Raven An’gaqtar
daughter-in-law: ukurraq
dawn: erte-, qauq
, see Adams (21); be ~ erte-; be
very faintly visible (of ~) errsuatyivlag-; for ~
to come cungagiarar-; ~ing eruciq
day ernerpak, Pingayirin, Tallimirin, erneq, see
Petroff (10); all ~ yesterday akwaugarpak;
every ~ erucia tamiin, eruciq tamiin; for it to
be later in the ~ ernermiurte-; for it to occur
on a certain ~ ernermiu-; go and return on
the same ~ ut’rarte-; go with the intention of
returning the same ~ utertengkiu(ar)-; make
plans for the next ~ unuaqute-; one ~ erneret
(erenret) iliit, erucit iliitni; stay for a ~ erni-;
week~ agayunrem akulii; yester~ akwaugaq; ~
after the day after tomorrow amatiiku; ~ after
tomorrow amatiiku, yaaliaku; ~ before the day
before yesterday amatiigni; ~ before yesterday
amatiigni, yaaliagni; for ~ to come upon one
erute-; relax after a hard ~’s work canqaurte-
day: Sunday Agayuneq; Monday Pekyun; Tuesday
Aapirin, Aipirin; Wednesday Pingayirin;
Thursday Cetamirin, Citamirin; Friday
Tallimirin; Saturday Maqineq
daybreak: be ~ erte-
daylight: for the time of ~ to lengthen
ernengaar(ar)-; the bearer of ~, Raven
Ernerculria; before ~ see Adams (20)
days: erenret; back in the old ~ avani ciuqvani;
spend a certain number of ~ ernerte-; three ~
ago yaaliagni; three or more ~ hence yaaliaku;
a few ~ ago icivaq; a few ~ from now icivaqu;
circular calendar with a pointer that is
moved to point to the ~ of the week cill’aq;
terminology for ~ of the week ernercuun; for
the ~ to get longer ernengaar(ar)-; in the past
period of time (~, hours, minutes) uumirpak
dazzled: be ~ by bright light qitngiqe-, qitngiryug-
dazzlingly bright: be ~ qitngirnarqe-
dead: be ~ tuquma-; burial of the ~ tuqulrianek
tungmagcissuun; bury the ~ tungmagte-;
conjure with the spirit of the ~ avnir-; give
offerings to the ~ neqlite-; give namesake of
the ~ new clothing ac’eci-; Great Feast for
the ~ Elriq; namesake of the ~ neqliskengaq;
possession of the ~ placed on grave eliveq;
shaman’s spirit helper (identied with a voice
of the ~) avneq; spirit of the ~ aangaayuk;
the ~ niuk, tuqumalriit, tuquneq; dwelling
place of the ~ Pamaliruq; oil slick from a
boat or ~ animal uquaq; ~ branch tuqunquq;
~ mare’s-tail pugtassaq; ~ parent unista;
voice that identied a ~ person and could be
summoned up by a shaman yuun; possession
of ~ person placed on his grave egtaq, elliveq;
dead person for whom his loved ones perform
the ceremony of clothing during the Greater
dangerous situations — dead
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Memorial Feast akngirqun; ~ plant tuqunquq;
dry rotted ~ spruce wood eskaniaq
deadfall trap: naneryaq, palqercetaaq
deaf: be ~ niicuite-; become ~ ciutairute-,
cucangiali-, niicuirute-
deal: just V (for a short duration, or without
making a big ~ of it) (pb) -maar-; ~ with money
akiliur-, akikiur-; ~ with people through
shamanistic power yuliur-; ~ with the weather
ellaliur-; deal with rough water qailiur-
dealers: tuniarta
dealing with: not know what one is ~ nalluyugci-;
way of or device for ~ N (pb) -yaraq; device for
~ N or with V-ing (pb) -ilitaq
dear: for ~ little one to be V-ing (pb) -ya(g)ar-; poor
~ N (pb) -r(ur)luq*; ~ N (pb) -qtaq*; ~ old N (pb)
-rrlugaq*; V (of poor, ~ one) (pb) -q(ur)lur-; poor
~ one Vs (pb) -pacug-; ~ one (pb) -qtar-
death: tuqu, see Khromchenko (5); any one of the
ve days after a ~ during which time a soul
descends to the afterworld and the bereaved
abstain from certain activities kanaraq; be
in mourning after a ~ kingunrurte-; be in the
throes of ~ tuquyia-; experience a ~ (as of a
family member) tuqui-; follow traditional
practices associated with ~ agelru-, eyag-,
eyagyaraq, yaag-; ritually cleanse oneself by
rubbing one’s body with charcoal or soft rock
after a ~ caqunguar-
debris: caranglluk; clinging ~ (lint, snow, dirt, etc.)
nevluk; have dirt ~ clinging to one’s esh or
clothing apat’ag-
debt: akeqniaq, akiilnguq*, akilitarkaq
deceased: ceremony of clothing one or more
persons as in memory of the ~ Ac’eciyaraq;
give the namesake(s) of the ~ a complete set of
new clothing during Greater Memorial Feast
or Lesser Memorial Feast ac’eci-, uivutar-; late
(~) N (pb) -i:run; possession of ~ person placed
on his grave eliveq; ~ parent unista
deceive: usviilqi-; ~ playfully or maliciously iqlu
tanqiluryaq ciuqliq, Uivik, see Adams
decide with hesitation: naspertur-
decision: wrong ~ alarneq, alarun
deck beam: just fore of the cockpit deck beam of
a kayak tukervik ayagaq; ~ next to and aft of
coaming of kayak asaun
; one side of two-piece
end or next-to-end ~ tuntunaq; ~ other than the
two-piece ~s at the stern and bow ayagaq; ~ of
kayak fourth from bow nengengali; ~ of kayak
next to and forward of coaming ayaneq; ~ of
kayak third from bow or from stern ayagacuaq
decks: holes on the edge of a kayak skin on the aft
and fore ~ tapricilleq
decomposed meat: layer of ~ beneath the skin of a
dried sh, caused by heat or maggots kiimacak
decorate: tangnircar-; dyed leather piece used to ~
sewn items cungagartaq
decorated: ~ ceremonial glove aaggaqtaaq, aaggsak,
aiggaqtaaq; parka ~ with a fringe of squirrel
belly uulungiiq
decorating a parka: dark skin put behind row of
beads in ~ kelurqutaq
decoration: tangnircaun; bleached esophagus
used as backing for beadwork ~ nerun;
dyed leather ~ kepcetaaq; hanging ~ on a
parka or boot alngaq; ~ at the crown of the
parka hood that consists of strands of red,
black, and, white beads or strips of calfskin
kakauyaq; decoration at the parka hem
or cuff tungunqucuk; ~ for nasal septum
kakeggluguayaat; hanging ~ on a parka
culuksuk; wolverine-fur ~ on the upper part
of parka sleeve kasurun, kayurun; soft red
rock used for ~ on wooden bowls etc. kavirun;
forehead ~ or other appliance ngelkeggun ; ~
picturing or representing something canguaq;
bead ~(s) over top of foot of boot itgutek; parka
made of ground squirrel, muskrat, or mink
pelts with traditional fancy ~(s) atkupiaq
decorative: ~ appendage qirussiq*; distinctive
pattern on sewn item tevtararaq*; circular
cap of squirrel or other skin with beaded ~
bands uivquq, uivqurraq*; ~ “tail” on a parka
pamyurtaq; ~ small wolverine “tail” on a
traditional parka pequmiutaq; one of two
white ~ squares on back of parka milqeruaq;
black beads between ~ stitches on the calfskin
panels of a parka ciivaguat; ~ stitching
kelurquq; strip of dried swan-foot skin used as
backing for ~ stitching it’galqinraq
decoy: waterfowl ~ mit’aruaq, see Turner (29)
decrease: ~ in size quve-; decreasing degree: have
N to a ~ (pb) -kelli-
decrepit: good old (but perhaps ~) N (pb)
deadfall trap — decrepit
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
dedication: neq’akun
deep: be ~ ategtu-, et’u-, imartu-; edge of ~ water
iginiq; be ~ (of a net) narrlutu-; be deep (of
caves, pits, bodies of water) ilutu-; soft, ~ snow
muruaneq; be ~ and wide igutu-; ~ channel
kuineq; ~ crevice in sand dunes il’unaq; ~ hole
in a riverbed qanglluk; have pain ~ in one’s
bones pateryirci-; ~ place ilutuqaq; die in one’s
~ sleep kanari-; ~-water side of sandbar isquq;
inquire ~ly about (him) or of (him) kangiitur-;
have a ~ voice qaci-
defeat: cirlake-; ~ defeat all opponents in
competition iggayu-
defecate: anaq; go to ~ anaqsartur-; need to ~
anaqsug-; ~ a lot of feces anap’ag-; have a
strong urge to ~ after a meal cingqeri-; defecate
or urinate in an appropriate place cuqerte-,
yuqerte-; ~ repeatedly at short intervals anaraq
defecating: wipe the anal area after ~ uqer-
defend: anagyaaqute-; ~ another person verbally
, igur-
; ~ verbally yur-
defensive: feel ~ on anothers behalf eyur-
, igur-
deferential: be ~ to (him) takaqe-; shy, respectful,
~, or intimidated talluryug-
cause one to be shy, respectful, ~, or intimidated
decit: enuriyaraq, nuuriyaraq
denitely: ~ act pinritenrite-; ~ be a certain
way pinritenrite-; ~ not be going to V (pb)
; ~ not be going to V anymore (pb)
denition: taikaniun
deate: elte-, nelte-
defraud: usviilqi-
defrock: matarte-
degree: have N to a decreasing ~ (pb) -kelli-; have N
to a small ~ (pb) -kite-
; one that has N to a large
~ (pb) -tuqaq; V or V to a certain ~ (pb) -ta-
degrees: be turned around 180 ~ tuignga-
delay: qari-
deliberately: act intentionally or ~ pitsaqe-; ~ act in
an unacceptable manner pissaqe-; intentionally
or (often repeatedly) ~ cause one to V (pb)
delicious: be ~ neqnirqe-, niamar-; ~ food
delight: nunaniq
deliverance: anirturiyaraq
Delphinapterus leucas: assigarnaq, cetuaq, ceturpak,
demanding and aggressive: be ~ pirraussaag-
dematerialize: tevir-
demonstrate: apertur-, nallunair-
den: elagaq, igigta, igta; lining on the oor of a
beaver ~ isriq; mouth of ~ paa-
; squirrel ~
anvik; otter ~ above water igtequk
Dendragopus canadensis: egtuk
Dendroica petechia: ciivcivciuk, cungakcuarnaq
Dendroica striata: kuikaman’ayaaq
Dendroica townsendi: ussukaascengiir(aq*)
denim: tulvaaq
denoted: exact area ~ by N with respect to
possessor (pb) -qaq, -karaq
denounce: yitaar-
dent: melugte-
dentalium: nengyuaryuk
dented: [e]nglur-, enlur-, melug-
, ngel’ur-; be
~ enlungqa-, melungqa-, ngel’ungqa-; get ~
enlurte-, ngel’urte-
dentist: kegguciurta, keggutairista
deny doing what one has done: mecir(ar)-
depart: ayag-
departed: N that has ~ from its natural state (pb)
-rrluk; ~ person for whom loved ones perform
the ceremony of clothing during the Greater
Memorial Feast akngirqun
Department of Fish and Game: Alaska ~
kayanguyagiurtet, neq’liurtet
depend: one on whom one can ~ tuvraq; ~ on
pauke-, qagateke-; ~ on something tusnga-,
dependent: be ~ ata-
depressed: be ~ angniiterpag-; be severely ~
umyuiqe-; be ~ about one’s lack of food or
other necessities cumerteqe-
depression: ilutuqaq, umyuiqsaraq
aliayugpagyaraq; be incapacitated by ~ kive-
deprive or be deprived of N: (pb) -ir-
deprived: be ~ arenqiallugte-, arrsiqe-; desire
things of which one has been ~ mayiteqe-
deranged: be ~, thinking one has a wife when he
does not nulirruar-
deride: ciriteke-
derisively: laugh at ~ temciarauteke-
dedication — derisively
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
descend: atrar-; ~ from the sky cilur-; (reindeer) ~
toward the coast during spring anuilite-
descendant: kinguliaq, kinguveq, urneq, yinqigun;
be a ~ of (him) nauvike-
descends: any one of the ve days during which a
soul ~ to the afterworld kanaraq
desert: qa¥gyarrlainaq
design: circle and central dot ~ iinguaq; circle-
and-dot ~ ellanguaq, kassugaliiq*; colored ~
keptaq; ~ from caribou fawn skin sewn onto
a parka qulitaq; engraved ~ ingciq; etched ~
cet’raar(aq*), cet’rautaq; incised ~ kumgaq;
inlaid ~ agciq, agciraraun; inlay a ~ on it
agcilir-, agcirte-; one of two openings on a
parka into which an arrow point ~ was sewn
pakineq; vertical ~ made from sh skin on a
parka langraq; ~ on bent wooden hunting hat
pugugyuk; ~ or front-piece of parka cacarqaq;
light-colored skin of caribou or reindeer used
in fancy parka ~s pukiq; tool for making circle-
and-dot ~ kassugaliilissuun
desirable: be ~ ayaranarqe-, ayarinarqe-
desirable unmarried woman: older but still ~
desire: agluma-, agyaur-, ayarake-, ayarike-; ~
something ayara-, ayari-; ~ that one should V
(pb) -squma-; ~ things of which one has been
deprived mayiteqe-; ~ to V (pb) -yuumir-; song
used to obtain what is ~d yuarulluk
desiring: nally V after ~ to do so but being
prevented (pb) -urainar-
despair: qacuir-
desperate: feel ~ nanikua-; be in ~ straits kapia-
desperation: be persistent or insistent due to ~
despondent: become ~ suy’uqerte-
destination: arrive at ~ directly tekiarte-; go farther
toward one’s ~ tekivsiar-; keep going toward
one’s ~ egmir-; try hard to reach one’s ~
destitute person: arrsak
destroy: navgur-; be ~ed by going into the hole in
the ice along with unguarded animal bladders
during the Bladder Feast ikuygur-
detach: barbed harpoon head or point designed to
~ in the animal kukgaq; fasten the ~able head
on a harpoon kukegte-; arrow with point that
~es in the esh meq’ercetaaq
detailed information: give ~ to another
detainee: itertaq*
determine: test or ~ how V (it) is (pb) -taciar-,
-tassiir-; ~ ownership pikmayi-; ~ the
appropriate name for the beginning or
ongoing month iraluiraute-; be ~d kayumigte-
determining V-ness: something for ~ (pb) -taciigun
deterrent: ellangcaun
detest: eq’uke-
detriment: get V-ed (usually to one’s ~) (pb) -cir-
deuce in cards: ipuussutar(aq*), malruyagaq*
Deuteronomy: Biblical book of ~ Alerquutet
develop: ~ a rash anqerri-; ~ affection easily
ungatar-; ~ family or other close ties with
ilaksagute-; ~ water in the egg before the
embryo becomes large emrii-; be ~ing properly
device: hole-making ~ ukicissuun; instrument
or ~ for V-ing (pb) -n; spear for hunting
seal, used with a throwing ~ nagiiquyaq;
subsistence hunting ~ angussaagun; threading
~ nuv’issuun; wooden ~ used in wringing
wet sealskins kepirtaq; wooden ~ used to
keep stitches evenly tight as when sewing a
waterproof seam on a kayak skin unguqupak;
~ associated with N (pb) -cuun, -ssuun; ~ for
bringing things up from the shore taguyun;
~ for brushing off snow or dirt evcuutaq; ~
for counteracting V (pb) -ilitaq; ~ for crimping
boot soles teguarcuun; ~ for doing something
cassuun; ~ for engraving ivory, bone, or wood
cet’raarcuun; ~ for lling a bladder with uids
miinguartarkarcivik; ~ for dealing with N or
with V-ing (pb) -ilitaq; ~ for inauthentic V-ing
(pb) -uaq, -nguaq; ~ for protecting N (pb) -ilitaq;
~ for removing scales qeltairissuun; ~ for
stirring uivun; tube or other ~ for taking snuff
melugcuun, meluurun
; ~ for V-ing (pb) -cuun,
-ssuun, -yaraq, -taq
; ivory or bone ~ on kayak
to prevent weapon from falling overboard
akagyailkun; ~ that alternately Vs and the
reverse (pb) -qetaaq; ~ to prevent V-ing (pb)
-yailkutaq; ~ to let things down or bring them
up kalvun; ~ used for throwing spears nuqaq;
through one’s own ~s ellmikun; device to keep
one from slipping qurrasqicailkun
devil: tuunraq; the ~ tuunrangayak
descend — devil
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
devil sh: kayuluk, kayuqupak, kayurpak,
kayurrlugaq, kayutaq, nertuli
devote: time to ~ to what one is doing urenkun
devour whales: legendary sea monster said to ~
devout: be ~ agayuma-
dew: merr’aq
dexterous: be ~ munar-
diabetic: saarralartussiyaagngailnguq*
dialect: speak the language or ~ of the residents of
N (pb) -miuyaar-; speak the Nunivak ~ kuarte-
diameter: be thick in ~ celleg-, cilleg-, elleg-
diamond: ipgukar(aq*); ~ in cards ipek, teq; light
blue ~-shaped rock kegglemyaq
diaper: makaq, qurrailitaq, terr’ilitaq, uqriutaq
diaphragm (anatomical): capuraun; ~ of cod
diarrhea: anaraq, ciikaq; have ~ anaraq, urr’i-; have
an attack of ~ ciikaq; have repeated episodes of
~ ciikara-
dice: ingqi-, nalkecetaaq, ukli-; ~ seal blubber and
heat it to get oil civatugte-
die: anernerir-, piunrir-, yuunrir-, see Adams (22); ~
(animals or humans) tuqu; ~ (plants, animals,
people) nala-; ~ down cungu-; for the wind to
~ down amuvkar-; ~ in one’s sleep kanari-; ~
of an overdose of oil uquariqe-; ~ suddenly
piaqur-; ~ suddenly before one’s time egmir-;
~ suddenly, as by a heart attack alqunaqar-; ~
down (of a re) qame-
died and turned gray: type of small plant, burned
to make ash after the plant has ~ arakaq
difference: age ~ ciuqelvak
different: be ~ allau-; be no ~ from another or
others cangallrunrite-; become ~ allaurte-; think
that something is ~ allaki-; ~ kind of thing
allakuciq; all ~ kinds tamat; ~ location allami;
~ one alla; distribute to ~ places peksagte-; ~
thing allakaq; ~ thing or person allayuk
difcult: be ~ caknernarqe-, caperrnarqe-,
qacignaite-; nd ~ caperqe-; not be ~
caperrnaite-; be in a ~ situation kalivqinar-
difculties: cause ~ caknernarqe-; keep on trying to
V despite ~ (pb) -qcaar(ar)-
difculty: endure the ~ involved with V-ing or
with N (pb) -niur-; nally swallow with ~
tuqniar-; get stuck in or have ~ with something
that is too small caltuqite-; V slowly and with ~
because of disability (pb) -qtarar(ar)-
dig: aiggar-, aigge-, elag-, laag-; ~ as best as one
can with the hands aikcaar(ar)-; ~ in the
earth nuniur-; ~ or probe with a pole or stick
ikuktar-; ~ up ikguar-
digest: enci-
digger: root ~ elautaq
digging: shovel or other ~ tool elagcuun; ~ stick
acilquirissuun, eqiin; ~ tool ussugcin
diggings: elagaq
digit: cuaraq, cugaraq, yuaraq, yugaraq
dilapidated N: (pb) -cilleq
dilemma: nalirrugtaaryaraq
Dillingham: Curyuk
dim: be ~ tanqiate-; get ~ cungu-; ~ or be ~ mitriate-
dime: ipgukar(aq*), mamkilnguaq
diminished: be ~ amu-
diners: meal with various types of food laid out for
~ to select uyiqvik
dining hall: nervik
dinner: atakutaq
dinosaur: ciissirpak
Diomede Island(s): Imaqliq
Diomedia immutabilis: yaarcaq
dip: ilutak; ~ food in oil (or other liquid) for
eating meciaq; ~ in akurte-; ~ in back of neck
qunutungarcuun, talirneq; ~ into something so
as to ll with liquid or with sh (or the like)
from the water qalute-; ~ one’s head into water
nakaar-; seal oil in which food is ~ped before
being eaten meciaq
dipnet: qalu; fence in river leading sh to a place
where one can catch them with a ~ or trap
kalgun; handle of large ~ staked out in the
water and used to catch tomcod ipukaun;
stick splashed in water to drive sh into a ~
ungumraun; sharpened stake used in pairs
to hold large ~s open under the water when
shing for tomcod kanuuquq; hookless lure
used to attract sh when ~ting or spearing
dipper: American ~ puyuqumaar(aq*)
dipper: ~ for water qalun, qaluurun; bottom mesh
of an ice ~ kuvyakuinr(aq*); ~ for drinking
water mer’un; ~ for removing ice fragments
from water imairin; ~ for water ipuutaq; for
removing fragments of ice from a water hole or
shing hole in the ice qenuirun
devil sh — dipper
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
direct: swim in a ~ line kuime-; ~ dance motions in
an Eskimo dance by moving one’s body to the
words and rhythm agniur-; speak to a group of
people, ~ing one’s words at a particular person
direction: area in the N ~ (pb) -liq*; in the upriver
~ asgutmun; spirally striped bearded seal with
fur that changes its ~ when wet nemercauk; the
particular side of some specied geographical
place or ~ tunglirneq; the wrong ~ iqlutmun;
far in the ~ denoted by N (pb) -qsig-; set one’s
~ inland lurnir-; ~ of tunga
; for wave tips to
spray out in a ~ opposite to that of the wave
emqerte-; in various ~s tamatmun; miss each
other, passing in opposite ~s kipullgute-
directly: arrive at destination ~ tekiarte-; area ~ in
front of (it) ciuqaq
directly observed: V without being ~ by the
speaker (pb) -llini-
director: ciuliqagta; choir ~ taimiurta; dance ~ in
Eskimo dance agniurta
dirge: qian
dirt: caarrluk, carrluk, curyiq, iqa, nevuq; clinging
debris (lint, snow, ~, etc.) nevluk; cover with
snow, ~, grass, etc. ciru; device for brushing
off or otherwise removing snow or ~ from a
garment evcuutaq; shake or brush off snow or
~ ellug-; have ~ debris clinging to one’s esh
or clothing apat’ag-; shake or brush off ~ from
oneself or clothing evcug-; ~ied with N (pb)
dirty: be ~ iqa, puya; be ~ of clothes, face curyiq;
have a ~ face ure-
; very ~ person iqangtak
disability: have a hard time because of emotional
or physical weakness or ~ cirliqe-; V slowly
and with difculty because of ~ (pb) -qtarar(ar)-
disabled: become very old and ~ inglite-; distract
attention from its young by pretending
to be disabled (of a bird) uligui-; ~ person
disagree with: canake-, cangake-
disappear: ngelaite-, pella-, tayimngurte-, tevir-
uni-; ~ from sight nallime-; go over and ~ in the
distance engyurnite-; ~ over a hill or mountain
disappointed: be ~ caamiirte-, caciitevkar-,
icamiirte-, qacuvallag-, qessanayug-; feel ~
; feel sorrowful or ~ ilulliqe-
disappointment or dissatisfaction: exclamation
expressing ~ wagg’uq-qaa
disapproval: shake (it, especially the head) in ~
disapprove: nengake-
disarray: be in ~ cagte-
, cekavte-, cikavte-, eskavte-
discard: calligte-
discarded: have been ~ eginga-; make use of ~
things algacak, alcagar-
discern: elpeke-; be such that one can sense it, feel
it, or ~ it elpegnarqe-
discernible: be ~ nallunaite-
discharge: repeatedly ~ a rearm nut’ga-
disciple: maligtaqusta
discomfort: suffer hardship or ~ makugte-
discover: nalaqe-, nalke-, nataqe-; ~ (it) missing
paqrite-; ~ the principle behind something
discovery: nalaq, nalaqutaq, nalkutaq
discriminate: allakauki-
discrimination: allakaukiyaraq
discuss: arenqiirtur-
disease: nangtequn, nangyun, naulluun; venereal
ucuum naulluutii; “leprous” disease of
garments and structures uquggluk
disembark: yuu-
; land and ~ cin’gar-
disgraced: feel ~ qigcimiate-
disgusted: be ~ picalngu-, quinagyug-; disgusted:
be ~ by something cumaciyug-
disgusting: how ~! iilektii
dish: qantaq, see Nelson (2); metal ~ tuli’ilkaaq;
serving ~ akirkarar(aq*); eat small portions of
a memorial ~ neq’ari-; large oblong wooden
bowl that can be used as a serving ~ tumnaq; ~
of cooked sourdock and salmon roe uqniraq
dishes: dried grass roots from sand dunes used
as scrubbers for ~ negavyaq
; wash (~) rruur-;
wipe ~ allegtur-
dishevel: ~ hair nekavte-; disheveled: be ~
nekavvlugte-; have ~ or tangled hair nekavli-
dishpan: miiskaaq, taassiq
dishtowel: perriss’uuk, saskiurun
disinfectant: ciissiyagarcuun; bleach or ~ such as
Clorox cecuar
disintegrate: ungi-
disk: spinal ~
uivam arivnera; spinner toy, a ~
with two holes and a string through the holes
direct — disk
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
dislike: assiilke-, canake-, cangake-, issiqe-;
intensely ~ eq’uke-; ~ something cangayug-
dislocate: aviqite-
dismay: arenqiallugun
disobedient: be ~ inerciigate-, niicuite-
disobey: asmuur-, naigte-, narurte-
disoriented: be ~ tuuskayag-
disparage: caunrilke-
display: mani-, nasvag-; bring or put inside for
storage or ceremonial ~ ilvar-
displeased: feel ~ qingaryug-
disposition or nature: tend by one’s ~ not to V (pb)
disregard: cakaar-, see Turner (32)
disrespectful: be ~ toward guests, relatives,
friends, etc. aryuraite-, iryiraite-
dissatisfaction: exclamation expressing
disappointment or ~ wagg’uq-qaa
dissatised: be ~ elara-; be ~ with cupumake-;
become ~ with cupumayagute-
dissipate: erme-, erve-
dissolve: erme-, erve-, ungi-, uni-, ure-
distance: yaaqsigtaciq; be almost inaudible because
of ~ umiqsig-; come in and out of view in the ~
irlurnite-; come or approach from the ~ agiirte-;
from a ~ umiqvanek; go over and disappear
in the ~ engyurnite-; into the area out of sight,
as in the ~; tayimatmun; knoll seen in the ~
irlurneq; ~ from the center of the chest to the
end of the ngertips of the outstretched arm
and hand angvaneq
; mile’s ~ agneq; move a
short ~ calligte-; quite a ~ elaqvaaq*; ~ between
the ends of one’s arms extended outward in
opposite directions yagneq; ~ from the folded
elbow of one outstretched arm to the ngertips
of the other outstretched arm taluyaneq
distant: be ~ uyatu-, yaaqsig-; to be smoky from a ~
re iryagte-
; travel on land coming in and out
of view to ~ observers ilalkuinr(ar)-; ~ outsider
akemkumiu; get things from sh camp or from
another relatively ~ place aqvai-
distinctive: decorative or otherwise ~ pattern on
sewn item tevtararaq*
distinguished: be ~ mistu-
distort or become distorted: cuqlurte-; be ~ed
distract: aavseg-, uamqe-; ~ attention from its
young by pretending to be disabled and thus
drawing an intruders attention to itself (of a
bird) uligui-; utter near the ground to distract
intruders from its young ceva
distraction: uamulqutaq; something that serves or
acts as a ~ uamqun
distraught: be ~ on account of the misdeeds of a
close relative mak’urte-
distress: arenqiallugun; cause ~ arenqianarqe-;
be ~ed umyuassuugar-; be ~ing arenqiate-;
consider (it) to be uncomfortable or ~ing
distribute: abruptly ~ valuable and/or rare gifts
to those who complain of being slighted
aruq’ler-; ~ a portion of a catch to nengilite-; ~
gifts or shares of a catch aruqe-; ~ portions of a
catch nengirtur-; ~ seal blubber and meat and
gifts when someone has caught a seal uqiqur-;
~ seal products (blubber and the like) and
gifts uqite-
; ~ shares after a hunt pitar-; ~ to
different places peksagte-; process whereby
parts of a seal are ~d to a group of hunters
pitaryaraq; person who ~s clothing or food in
honor of his or her child’s rst catching game
or picking berries kalukaq
distribution: bring clothes or food for ~ into the
kashim during the Bladder Feast ciamci-
disturbances: get ripples or other ~ makurarte-
ditch: terlak, tevagneq, lagyaneq
dither: be in a ~ ume-
dive: sink or ~ down murugte-; ~ in the air
cellu’urte-; dive into water without making
a splash (of a person) cepqer-; dive through
the air once with the apparent intention of
bumping or ramming something puugtur-,
puugtua-; ~ under water angllur-
divide: avte-, kassig-; ~ (them) up one after another
avverqe-; ~ a catch for distribution nengiq; ~ in
two aveg-; ~ into multiple portions avqur-; ~ or
be ~d into two groups malruingurte-; be ~d in
two avvinga-
divider: log used as a ~ akin, akitaq
diviner: qelalek
division (mathematical): avenqegciyaraq
divorce: avvute-, cavur-
dizziness: aayalngunaq, aayalnguyaraq
dizzy: be ~ aayalngu-; feel ~ angayite-,
nakuyulngu-; be ~ and blunder off somewhere
unintended egmilguqerte-
dislike — dizzy
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
do: pi; not have anything to ~ caarkaitur-; ~ again
pulengte-; ~ as one wishes seleg-; ~ like N (pb)
-tna-; ~ not V (imperative) -yaquna-; ~ not V
so much! (pb) -piiqna-; ~ nothing but V (pb)
-rrlainar-; ~ socially undesirable things to
excess anagute-; ~ something ca-; ~ something
in its entirety tamarmirte-; ~ something
other than what one is supposed to ~ kenlu;
~ something though told not to ciumuar-;
~ something wholeheartedly tamarmirte-;
~ something without achieving any results
caanginar-; ~ something, engage in some act,
the exact word for which is forgotten or not
known to the speaker, or does not exist, but
an act that the listener will recognize imkur-,
imuu-; ~ the opposite of what one is supposed
to or is expected to ~ mumiksag-; ~ the right
thing asqili-; ~ the same as (he) pillgucir-;
intentionally ~ things that one should not ~
pissaqe-; ~ two things in one action taplegte-; ~
what? ca-; not be able to ~ without nanelviite-;
~ wrong picurlak; what one is doing though
not because one wishes to do so qessaniur-
dock: culurrvik, culurte-, itusvik, salayaq, segvik,
doctor: sumcarista; medical ~ cungcarista,
suungcarista, yungcarista; one who has been
medically treated by a ~ or treated by a
shaman yuungcaraq
doctrine: elicaun, elitnaurun
documents: papers (~ or the like) kalikat
doesn’t follow traditional abstinence practices: one
who ~ eyailnguq*
dog: angaqurta, qimugta, see Turner (10); backstrap
of ~ harness amaquayaaq; be curled up (of a ~)
ungelruma-; brush evils off (and, sometimes,
transfer them to a ~) ellug-; ~ food qimugcin;
homemade ~ food alunga
; feed a ~ homemade
dog food alungqe-; ~ feces qimugcinraq*; gray
~ curangali; growl of ~ kiryani-; line that ties
~ to stake petuk; long-haired, shaggy, or uffy
~ mequp’ayagaq*; muzzle for ~ keggsailkutaq;
shaggy ~ melqussuk, mequss’uk; snout harness
for unruly ~ tagun; stake for tying a ~ kangirta;
~ collar uyaq¥rrun, uyaqurrilitaq; ~ with a ring
of dark fur around its eye eskaayaq; ~ harness
anu; ~ muzzle to prevent biting cunguilitaq; ~
running loose alongside a team kilgaakuirta;
~-feeding trough alungun; ~ whip qenutaq;
the star Sirius, literally, “the moon’s ~” iralum
doggie: qimugglugaq*
dog or chum salmon: aluyak, iqalluk, kangitneq,
mac’utaq, neqepik, neqpik; teggmaarrluk;
ne-mesh net for ~ caqutaugaq; old ~ after
spawning kangitneq
dog team: person going ahead of a ~, leading it
maryarta; large hook dug into snow or around
a tree, post, etc. to hold a ~ before it is time for
it to go ayakatarcuun; ~ gangline and harnesses
dogs: go out pushing a sled without using ~
peyukacir-; let out a yelp (of ~ mostly) uar-;
push a sled without using ~ to pull it
kasmurrar-, kaymurrar(ar)-; snarl (of ~) ikirni-
dogsled: ikamraq
dogwood: ground ~ cengqulleqcitaaq,
doing anything: not feel like ~ cuyuumiite-
doing things the proper way: be capable of ~
doll: aaqucunguaq, cuucunguaq, irniaruaq, yugaq,
yuguaq, yunguaq; small ~ cugaq, inuguaq,
sugaq, sugaruaq, suguaq
dollar: tallimaq, tamalkuq; half ~ pingayuak
Dolly Varden char: iqalluyagaq; springtime ~
anerrluaq; fall-time ~ iqallugpik; half-dried,
smoked, packed-together ~ pingciq
dome: onion ~ on Russian Orthodox church
aavalkucuk, aavangtalkucuk
domestic cat: kuskaq, kuuskaq, puss’iq, puussiq
domesticated animal: qunguturaq; ~ in Bible
ungungssiar(aq*); herd or ock of ~s katnguan
dominate: cirlake-
don: at’e-
don’t! agu, angu; ~ ever V! (pb) -qaryaquna-; ~ do
what you’re doing so excessively! arca; ~ even
think of it! aullu
donate money: ~ as in the offertory plate in church
donation: elliin
done about it: it happened and there’s nothing that
can be ~ tavallut’ava
donkey: ciulvak
door: amiik, amik, avik, ikirtuqaq, melek, umek;
brace a log against a ~ to keep it shut avir-;
do — door
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
curtain hung in front of doorway as a ~ or draft
barrier ikirtuqaq; go toward an exit, i.e. toward
the ~ or downriver alr(ar)-, anelr(ar)-, anelrar-;
look through the ~ or window uyangte-; part
of house near the ~ uaqliq*; temporary snow
shelter, dug into the snow and provided with
a ~ aniguyaq; door bolt caniqtaq; indigenous
Yup’ik holiday involving men called
“mothers” going ~ to ~ and collecting food
Aaniq; two men dressed as women who collect
food ~ to ~ during the “Aaniq” holiday aanak
doorstop: tukrun
doorway: curtain hung in front of ~ as a door or
draft barrier ikirtuqaq; ghost that blocks ~s
dorsal n: ~ of sh culugaq; ~ of a sh or whale
culuk; ~ of arctic grayling nakrullugpak;
adipose n or ~ of sh or whale petengtaq
dot: kukupak; a ~ eniqalleq
do topstitching on (it): qall’i-
double: taplegte-, tapte-; ~ (it) over repeatedly
taptaar-; ~ amount tapenqun; have ~ vision
malrupegte-; he/she having ~ vision malrugnek
tangrruarluni; ~-barrel shotgun itukellria;
paddle with a ~ blade paanger-, paunger-;
~-crested cormorant uyalegpak; appear as if the
line of hills is ~d ing’ar-
doubt: I ~ it tavaq; doubt (it) asgurake-; doubt
something asgurayug-; ~ (his) ability or
accomplishments qacungake-
doubtful: be ~ asguranarqe-
dough: akagtaq, eqtaq, keliparkaq, murtaq,
negtaaraq; rise (of liquid or semiliquid, e.g., ~)
doughnut: terruaya(g)aq*
dowitcher: cevyirar(aq*), kukukuaq, pipipiaq,
qayaruartalek, sugg’erpak, tulikaq
down: (n) qinavyuq, (v) at-; be lying ~ inangqa-;
body from the waist ~ uan; circle with one’s
ngers and run one’s hands ~ while squeezing
slightly to remove liquid, slime, clinging
particles, etc. cipegte-; clamp ~ on negler-; cool
~ nengllacir-; die ~ cungu-; face ~ palur-; get ~
from something ater-; glide or slide ~ cillur-,
ellur-; glide or swoop ~ ellu’urte-; go ~ kalve-,
unavag-; go ~ (of water) ente-, kente-; gulp ~
liquid aalemtaalar-; hand ~ one’s possessions
or give them to someone more in need
iknite-; hang ~ one’s head (as from sadness)
manussuug-; hold ~ with something with a
weight nanercir-; let ~ one’s pants kive-; lie ~
inarte-, taklarte-; lower (it) ~ kalevte-; lying ~
inar-; path or route ~ to water kanaryaraq; press
~ on negte-, kenegte-; press ~ on repeatedly
negtaar-; press ~, hold ~, pin ~ niig-; pulled ~
murug-; put head ~ when seated kucungniigar-;
run ~ (soil from a slope) ure-
; settle ~ after
wandering nunalgar-; smash ~ on (it) pasgerte-;
squat ~ uyunge-; fall ~ head-rst or face-rst
pucikar-; trip and fall ~ angqute-; turn ~ stove
or light cuyute-, suyute-; weigh ~ naner-; the
one ~ below un’a; the one ~ below or toward
the river camna; have the bow too far ~ in
the water kanarcete-; ing oneself ~ or out
ciryaarute-; ~ there (below or toward the water)
kana(ni); ~ there toward water or toward the
exit una(ni); come ~ or toward water kanar-
area ~ toward the river or sea keta
down feather: erinraq*
downcast: be ~ manussuug-
downdraft: for there to be a ~ off a hill, building,
etc. kucurni-
downhill: slide ~, go up, and slide repeatedly in
play ellu’urtaar-
downriver: cakma(ni), ua(ni), un’ga(ni); area ~
uaqliq*; area far ~ uaqvaaq*; from ~ unegken;
go ~ cetu-; go toward an exit, i.e., toward the
door or ~ alr(ar)-, anelr(ar)-, anelrar-; hunt seal
~ anssiir-; the one ~ cakemna; resident of the ~
area unegkumiu; area right ~ from possessor
uakarar-; from ~ or by the exit ugken, ugna;
area ~ or toward the exit from possessor uata
~ person unegkumiu
downstream: go ~ citu-
downward: come or go ~ acitmurte; pull inward or
~ murugte-
doze: ~ off repeatedly qavara-
Draba hyperboreum: ingukiq
draft: cold ~ yurneq; ~ of cold air igurneq; curtain
hung in front of doorway as a door or ~ barrier
ikirtuqaq; cold ~ entering from outside iterneq;
~ hole in a wood-burning stove cup’urilleq; be
~y cupugte-
drag: kalurrar-; ~ scraping on the ground
dragging: be ~ behind nuqlite-
; hook for ~
recently killed seals yuussuun
dragony: ciilraq*, cilraayak, ciilernaq
doorstop — dragony
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
drain: ~ from infection muiqerri-; ~ hole of boat
drainage: ~ infected ear maquluk
drape: ~ over something tevte-; be ~d over
something tevinga-
draw: qamurar-; ~ breath again after almost
drowning ilacir-; use a story knife to ~ pictures
on mud or snow and tell a story to go along
with it yaarui-; holes in a kayak skin used
to ~ together the deck seams with a thong
drawer: dresser ~ amuqeryaraq, cayukaryaraq,
cayuketaaq, kayemqeryaraq, nuqtaryaraq
drawing: nall’arcetaarun, pilinguaq; ~s made on a
mask qamuraq
drawstring: cayukaryaraq, cayuketaaq, nungirta,
nuqilraq; loop or hole at the opening of a grass
bag through which a ~ is threaded pass’aq;
seal out wind and cold by tightening a ~ on
clothing parte-
; ~ at the waist of a garment
yuuman; ~ at top of skin boot parteq; ~
casing on skin boot or other clothing parrvik,
parteraq, parterin, tarperaq
dread: ancurtuke-, ancurtur-; be short of something
(food, breath), and feel ~ kapegcug-;
exclamation of ~ kapegcugna; ~ (it) kapegcuke-,
takaqe-; ~ something kapegcugyug-; ~
something that one feels is inevitable
dreadful: be ~ kapegcugnarqe-
dream: (n) qavanguq, (v) qavangurtur-, qaviur-
dress: llumarraq, lumarraq, piluguk, taqmak
dressed as women: two men ~ who collect food
door to door during the Aaniq holiday aanak
dresser: drawer of ~ amuqeryaraq, cayukaryaraq,
cayuketaaq, kayemqeryaraq, nuqtaryaraq
dressing for wound: kilinercuun, mamcaun
dried: be crisp, ~ to a crackly condition ciilerte-;
become weathered (faded, ~, and cracked)
cilla-; ~ apple, pear, peach, apricot, etc.
ciutequmlak, ciutnguaq; open marshy area, as
when a lake has ~ up and grasses have started
to grow in its place qass’uqitak; ~ bladder
used for ceremonial purposes nakacugtalleq;
~ currant atsayagaq*; freeze-~ esophagus for
eating iglaq; ~ eye mucus qavacilleq, qunik,
quniggluk; have ~ qunigqe-; area under
cache where sh is ~ aciqaq; black bug that
infests sh that are being ~ qunguiq; cut and
~ sh head nasqurrluk, qamiqurrluk; half-~,
boiled sh qamangatak, uamcaaq; leftover
sh from winter split from the back and ~
yay’ussaq; partially ~ and somewhat aged
herring niinamayak, nin’amayak; skin bag or
barrel full of partially ~ smoked silver salmon
elliaq; vertebrae of ~ sh with esh left on
nerrluk; ~ heart sac used for storing caribou
bone marrow ircaqinraq*; ~ herring egg
imlauk, elquaq*; ~ meat kinengyak, kinertaq,
nevkuq; split and ~ pike segg’aruaq; ~ plum
anaqupak; ~ salmon egg(s) kineryaq; salted
and ~ salmon strip culunallraq; ~ get a ~ skin
soaking wet qakime-; ~ small sh nevkuq; ~
soil perru; strip of ~ swan-foot skin it’galqinraq
string ~ tomcod or other sh by running the
body of one through the gill opening of the
next tavigte-; ~ tomcod or whitesh that has
been frozen all winter yay’ussaq; ~ walrus
stomach used for making drumskins ecirkaq;
short piece of ~ wood found on the ground
dried sh: neqaluk; fungus that sometimes forms
on ~ aqak, aqataq; get things (~, supplies, etc.)
from sh camp or from another relatively
distant place aqvai-; partially ~ boiled for
eating egamaarrluk; small ~ nevkuq; smoked
~, particularly salmon neqerrluk; string dried
tomcod or other ~ by running the body of one
through the gill opening of the next tavigte-;
strip of ~ palak’aaq; ~ caught in river neqatuq;
aged ~ eggs piginaq; ~ or old salmon from
lake mac’utaq; put ~ or other food in seal oil
in a sealskin poke teviri-; slice of ~ protruding
upright from the skin makesqiq, makneq;
chew on a ~ skin amiracetaar(ar)-; skin to chew
on such as ~ skin arucetaaq, tamukassaaq,
ungicetaaq; ~ stripped of its skin allneq; ~ tail
pamesqatak; ~ tail for eating papsalqitaq; ~
that has been burned by the sun ekiarneq; ~
vertebra nenerrluk; ~, packed down tut’at; split
and small ~ ulligtaruaq
dried grass: perriutekaq; binding material such
as ~ tapengyak; insole of ~ piinir-, piinerkaq;
woven liner of ~ for skin boot alliqsak; ~ roots
used as scrubbers for dishes negavyaq
drift: along the ground natquigte-, natquvigte-;
~ ashore tepe-; ~ away cupute-; ~ log ciquq,
uqvinraq; ~ with the current aterte-; driftwood
drain — drift
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
or other thing that has ~ed ashore tep’aq;
strange ~er atertaar(aq*); ~ing snow or sand
natquik; see Nelson (67)
driftnet: set a ~ nengte-
, nengte-
; sh with a ~
atercete-; one who rows or drives the motor
while the ~ net is being set out iqugta; sh by
~ting or purse-seining kuvyaq
driftwood: ciamruq, equgkaq; small ~ avussak; ~
on the shore callirneq; ~ or other thing that has
drifted ashore tep’aq
drill: iguun, kaputaq, kap’issuun, qiivuusaaq,
qipuurayaq, ukicissuun, ukirqissuun; bow
of bow-~ arulan; re-~ ken’gutaq, kenitek,
nucugcuun, nucuutaq, ussukataq; bow-~
nucugcuun, nucuutaq; ~ for making holes
pataq; mouthpiece of ~ neg’utaq; ~ bit
nangquq; ~ shaft iguq; ~ tip anarcuun
drink: mer-, [e]meq, meq; ~ alcohol regularly to
excess taangatu-; gulp down ~ aalemtaalar-; let
one ~ mercete-
; something to ~ meqkaq; ~ a
hot beverage with a cup emrukar-; ~ by sipping
yuurqaq; ~ coffee kuuvviaq; ~ liquor taangaq; ~
liquor to get drunk emra-; ~ repeatedly at short
intervals mer’a-; ~ tea caayuq, carca-, sarrsa-,
saayuq; ~ tea using a saucer pelutsiaq; ~ too
much merpallag-
; exclamation used to tell a
baby to ~ em’a
drinking: crackers or bread eaten when one is ~ tea
or coffee aukaq; excessive ~ taangaryaraq; get
ice to melt for ~ water cikutagci-; dipper for ~
water mer’un
drip: ellngar-, kucir-; ~-catcher kucin; water mark
from a ~ unineq
drive: ~ rabbits, geese, or other game into an
area where they can easily be killed ungu-;
stick splashed in water to ~ sh into a dipnet
ungumraun; ~ sh into net by slapping the
water with a paddle or stick ungumrar-; net
into which sh are ~n qelcaq; one who rows or
~s the motor while the driftnet is being set out
driver: sled with high handlebars on which the ~
rests his arms qamuutarrsuun
drizzle: ivsuk, kallag-, kuvunguar-, minir-,
minirrluk, minuk, qakerciur-
drool: nuiqe-
droopy eyes: have ~ qelurni-
drop: pegte-, katag-; accidentally ~ pegtuqar-; ~
dead narullgute-; ~ intentionally or otherwise
igcete-; make or ~ crumbs kaame-, kaime-; ~ of
liquid kuta; ~ something igci-
dropping: anaq
dropsy: have ~ qeluarci-
drown: qecuqite-, epe-, kit’e-
drug: huge ~ causpakayallr(aq*); ~ overdose
iinruvallalria; addiction to ~s
piitesciigalillra wallu iinrunek
drugged: be ~ kemni-
drum: cauyaq; beat a ~ mumeq; oil ~ taingkaq;
shaman’s ~ apqara’arcuun; ~ tell about what
one foresees while beating a ~ qalur(ar)-; ~
handle pakluk, paplu; ~ song cauyara’arcuun
drummers: facing the ~ talir-
drumming: added dance motion accompanied by
~ cauyaquciaq; tell a story through songs and
~ anqarar-; the one who shouts “here it is” to
start the singing and ~ kit’arta; sing a song
with soft ~ before the dancing menge-
drums: sing unaccompanied by ~ or dancing
drumskin: taut membrane such as a ~ eciq; dried
walrus stomach used for making ~ ecirkaq
drumstick: cauyaun, mengruq, mumeq
drunk: be ~ taangiqe-; drink liquor to get ~ emra-
dry: kiner-, see Adams (23); be ~ qaki-; all pale,
~, bleached qakirpak; be bitter-tasting and
~ tumag-; sh hung up to ~ iniaq, kanartaq;
sh cut in half to hang and ~ qup’ayagaq;
hang out to ~ ini-; freeze and ~ cupkar-;
freeze-~ qerrecqercete-; muskrat or squirrel
that has been hung by the neck to ~ qemitaq*;
spawning sh hung to ~ tamuanaq; unsalted
strip or llet of sh esh without skin, cut
from along the backbone and hung to ~
kiarneq; white or gray clay, powdery when ~
urr’aq; ~ hair that stands on end after being
wet kakilragte-; ~ creek bed terlak; ~ dead
standing wood qakineq; ~ grass, especially
gathered for use caranglluk; take a sweatbath
with ~ heat mastar-; ~ rotted dead spruce wood
eskaniaq; sealskin bag used to keep things ~
while hunting aklivik
dryas: Dryas sp. paliaraq
dryer: clothes ~ kinercissuun
drying: sh cut for ~ ulligtaq, seg’aq; cut sh for ~
ceg-, esseg-, seg-, ulligte-; make the horizontal
cuts in sh esh while preparing it for ~
driftnet — drying
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
ingqii-; bin used for storage of sh before they
are prepared for ~ qikutaq; small sh braided
in strings for ~ piirralluk; string of small sh
arrayed for ~ tupigaq; grass cover to protect
~ sh from rain; umran; stringer for ~ smelt
Dryopteris austriaca: kun’aq*, nengqaaq, qecuguaq
Dryopteris dilitata: cetuguar(aq*), ceturkaaq,
ceturqaar(aq*), ceturuaq, ciilavik
duck: uutkaaq, yaqulek; goldeneye ~ anarniilnguq*;
greater scaup ~ allgirneq; harlequin ~
cetuskar(aq*), ungunqukar(aq*); mallard ~
nelqitaaq; long-tailed or oldsquaw ~ aarraaliq,
allgiar(aq*), see Adams (24); teal ~ qiugtalek,
see Adams (27); pintail ~ ikuyaq see Adams (23);
white-throated ~, see Adams (30); American
widgeon ~ qatkeggliq, see Adams (28) ~-hunting
blind elavngavik, nayurvik; hunt long-tailed ~
in the spring aassektacungir-
duckling: qimaguyuq
duct: tear ~ aluviliyaraq
dug: suddenly cave in (of a pit that is being ~)
irniqu-; ~-out place elagaq, elaneq
dull: be ~ ipgiate-; have become ~ ipgiarute-;
~-witted person nallumquq
dump: ciqitat, ciqicivik, ciqite-; repeatedly ~ things
ciqirqe-; ~ing place qanitaq
dune: sand ~ eroded on the side ingluirneq; deep
crevice in sand ~ il’unaq; eroded high sand ~s
or eroded high coast that cannot be climbed
dung: ~ beetle elqiiq*; ~ y anaiq, anaririyaq
dunlin: ceremraq, ce
duration: taktaciq; be short in extent or ~ nanite-;
just V for a short ~, or without making a big
deal of it (pb) -maar-; V for some ~ (pb) -tur-
during: contemporative II mood (see Endings section),
localis case (see Endings section); building
collapses as ~ an earthquake ull’ute-; ~ the
time when possessor is V-ing (pb) -yalleq
dusk: atakuar(aq*); be ~ atakuar(aq*)
dust: caarrluk, carrluk; speck of ~ paquneq; ~ in air
apsuq, makuaq
duster: kagiksuar
dwarf: cingssiik, egacuayak, singssiiyaq; type of ~
willow with big catkins angriinaq; become ~ed
or stunted from exposure to cold kuc’uqerte-
dwelling: ceiling board of old traditional-style ~
qanak; handrail at entranceway to old-time ~
pall’itaq; traditionally conceived ~ place of the
dead Pamaliruq; ~ place of the spirits taamlek;
very old ~ sites around Russian Mission and
Goodnews Bay quliraq*
dwells: animal that ~ in N (pb) -iq
dye: alngarkaq, kepcissuun, kepte-; blue-black
~ from a certain soft stone avisgaq; red
~ obtained from the inner bark of alders
kavirun; treat with a ~ with alder inner bark
cungagarte-; alder inner-bark ~ applied to
reduce shrinkage cungagaq; ~ with ocher
dyed: ~ leather decoration cungagartaq, kepcetaaq;
boot made of ~ sealskin catquk; ~ thing keptaq
dynamite: qagercetaaq
each other: not know ~ nallute-
; V ~ (pb) -taagute-
eager: be ~ piyugteqe-; be ~ to go angaqe-, tengru-
eagerly: anticipate ~ especially, concerning one
who is away or from whom one is separated
nerilegte-; ~ expect something good nersuniur-,
eagle: kuumagiaq, tengmiarrluk, yaqulpak; bald
~ metervik, yaqulegpak; golden ~ keptalek,
yaqulpak; feast involving a dramatization of an
~ carrying off a person cellanguaq
ear: cun, ciun, see Wrangell (7); acorn-squash shaped
projection near newborn’s ~ ut’rutaq; big ~
ciulvak; have an ~ache ciuciqe-; drainage from
infected ~ maquluk; runny ~ titiq; for ~ to drain
from infection maquluk; hair growth in fore
~ atrarun; man’s hairdo with long locks over
each ~ ketekneq; ~ protector ciutailitaq; brand
or ~ cut on reindeer as sign of ownership maak
ears have cold ~s ciutair(ar)-; have one’s ~s hurt
by loud noise qukilngu-; hurt or be hurt in the
~ by loud noise qukir-
eardrum: ciutem cauyaa
earaps: fur hat with ~ malagg’aayaq,
palagg’aayaq, qacap’aguaq
Dryopteris austriaca — earaps
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
early: ~ evening atakuar(aq*); ~ morning unuakuar;
~ V (pb) -yarar-
earmuff: ciutailitaq
earn money: akinge-
earring: aqevlaun, aqlautaq, aqlin, ciucin,
kulunguaq, taqupseq, taquupiitaq; hook of
~ as’un; ~ with hook-shaped piece to insert
in pierced ear agaq; large rectangular ~ with
glass and copper head on it qevleqsaq; ~ type
nakacuguarraq*; string of beads hanging
below the wearers jaw connecting a pair of ~
earth: nuna; dig in the ~ nuniur-; lump of ~
qarmaq; main vein of the ~ from which all
plants emerge nunam taqra; natural mound of
~ several feet high anglutugaq; well up from
beneath the ~ or ice uleve-, ulve-; legendary
underground dweller that knocks on the ~
tukriayuli; ~ly possession calqutagaq
earthquake: there is an ~ nuna pektuq; collapse
on the people in the building as during an ~
earwax: tekiq
easier: become ~ qacigikanir-; nd something
becoming ~ qacigli-; become ~ to see
mecignari-; ~ to see than before avayig-
easily: develop affection ~ ungatar-; one who
gets cold ~ qerruskaq; fetch some N from an
~ accessible place (pb) -ssaag-
; be ~ angered
qennga-; be ~ broken camlaate-; done ~ qacig-;
become ~ done piqainaurte-, piqainaq-; drive
game into an area where they can be ~ killed
ungu-; be ~ tickled qungvagtar-; be ~ V-ed (pb)
east: arnineq, calaraq, kelukneq, keluvaq,
kiugkenak, ungalaq; for there to be an ~ wind
East Cape, Siberia: Nuuraq
Easter: Paaskaaq, Ussukcautelleq
; Russian
Orthodox ~ bread kulic’aaq; palm frond used
at ~ in the Russian Orthodox Church papanuk
easy: be ~ cayaraite-, qacignarqe-; be easy to see
mecignarqe-; be easy to see or hear mistu-; nd
(it) to be as ~ to act on as desired qacike-; have
it ~ piqaini-; have things ~ yuungui-; prepare
handmade thread for ~ threading nuvv’ilir-
eat: nere-, pap’a-; ~ breakfast unuakutaq-; ~
lunch apiataq-; ~ supper atakutar-; be bitter
or otherwise unpleasant to ~ neqniate-; chew
food to soften it for someone to ~ takuli-;
come uninvited to ~ payaqcaar(ar)-; food
ready for ~ing neqkaq; gobble up food alqar-;
keep trying to get (him) to ~ niriakuraqtar-;
send a visitor away without having him or
her ~ menkuke-; sweet or otherwise pleasant
to ~ neqnirqe-; try to nd something to ~
nerangnaqe-; ~ a little bit neramci-; ~ a little
to stave off hunger pangs qamcetaar-; ~ a lot
nerep’ag-; ~ berries as one picks them amqar-,
nerliyar-, neryar-; ~ bits of meat clinging to a
bone after most of the meat has been removed
pukug-; pick and ~ the scraps of meat clinging
to a bone kivkar-; ~ fast arcar-; pick and ~ little
things pukite-; ~ marrow or brains by sucking
or otherwise pateq-; ~ N (pb) -tur-
; ~ raw food
aripa-; ~ roe meluk-; ~ something to remove
the taste of what one has just previously eaten
qecirniir-; ~ small portions of a memorial
dish neq’ari-; ~ with nerellgucir-; be a fast ~er
; one that ~s nertuli; monster that lives
in the mountains and ~s people yuilriq
eaten: bone left after meat is ~ from it enerkuaq,
nerkuaq; food ready to be ~ nerqainaq; meat
or sh to be ~ and frozen quaq; frozen sh to
be ~ in that state kumlaneq; frozen meat to be
~ in that state kumlaciq; ridicule by singing
while food is being ~ during the Messenger
Feast nernerrlugcetaar-; seal oil or other
liquid in which food is dipped before being
~ meciaq; something ~ after eating frozen sh
or receiving communion qeciryailkun; striped
jellysh that is ~ in the fall qengaryak; salted
sh or meat ~ after it is cut up and leached to
remove excess salt sulunaq; sprout of a plant
used in “akutaq,” also ~ by geese neqnirliaq;
sh that has been frozen after being allowed
to age slightly, ~ uncooked and frozen
tepcuar(aq*), tep’ngaayak
eating: (age sh heads for ~ by burying them)
tep’li-; chew food to prepare it for ~ (as for a
child) tamuali-; dried sh tail for ~ papsalqitaq;
feel sick after ~ just a little after starving
cakenqar-; freeze-dried esophagus for ~ iglaq;
partially dried sh boiled for ~ egamaarrluk;
pour oil or water over in preparation for ~
kuunqerte-; tired of ~ the same food all the
time qapilngu-; have a prickly feeling in one’s
early — eating
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
tongue when ~ fermented foods kakialanar-;
something eaten after ~ frozen sh for
receiving communion qeciryailkun; be tired
of ~ the same food cirlite-; feel sick from ~ too
much fatty food uqilngu-; ~ utensil nerrsuun
ebb: ente-, kente-
echo: akiugte-, akiuk
eclipse: there is an ~ of the sun
akerta nalauq;
there is an ~ of the moon
iraluq nalauq; be ~d
economize: aninqe-
eddy: angilurneq, qacuneq, qamaneq
edematous: be ~ qeluarci-
edge: mengla
, [e]ngla
, kengla
, nel’a
, ce÷a, ngel’a
cutting ~ of knife kegginaq; go around the ~ of
(it) menglair-; go toward the water or ~ ketvar-;
have as its shore or ~ cenke-; joint at the ~
of tracking stabilizer stern piece of a kayak
nall’aruaq; sharp ~ quaguk; sit close to the ~
qutqir-; thin, melting, overhanging ice ~ in
spring icineq; holes on the ~ of a kayak skin on
the aft and fore decks that were used to draw
the deck seams together with a thong lacing
prior to the nal sewing tapricilleq; bevel the
~ of a skin for sewing mangag-; beveled ~ on
inside of hatch rim of kayak kuvirneq; ~ of
deep water iginiq; folded strip enclosing raw
~ of fabric menglailitaq; indentation on ~ of
re-drill next to socket for drill tip anarcuun;
~ of hood where ruff is attached negiliq;
place where ice forms on the ~ of sandbar
qas’urneq; rough ~ of shore-fast ice formed
when ice broken by wind and waves refreezes
nepucuqiq; log placed at ~ of sleeping area as a
headrest or elsewhere as a divider akin, akitaq
edging: menglailitaq; parka ruff ~ near the face
edible: small ~ sea creature, pink, orange, white,
and red in color arnauq; ~ sea creature, tubular
and transparent, with visible guts, perhaps
a sea slug ussungluq; ~ sea slug, orange
or purple in color uraruq; ~ ddlehead of
spreading wood fern cetuguar(aq*), ceturkaaq,
ceturqaar(aq*), ceturuaq, ciilavik, nengqaaq,
qecuguaq; a certain ~ green vegetable with
yellow that grows on beaches or bluffs
and is boiled with sh ciutnguaq; scraper
for removing ~ inner layer from sh skin
kelipacuutaq, keliutaq; thick ~ layer of walrus
skin kauk, kaugpak; ~ layer right beneath skin
of sh kelipacuk; ~ lining of seal intestine
qiaq; ~ lower part of stem of tall cottongrass
iitaq*; any ~ oil uquq; type of ~ plant negaasek;
~ pussy willow catkin tamukaaq; ~ root of
rosewort caqlak; ~ root of spreading wood
fern kun’aq*; ~ tuber of the tall cottongrass
anlleq; ~ tubers of pink plumes cuqlamcaq; ~
vegetation naumrruyuk; new ~ willow growth
tayarulunguaq; ~ yellow seaweed tukurnaq; ~
sweet sea anemone found on rocks qacautaq
Eek: Ekvicuaq, Iik
effective: be ~ catngu-
effeminate: be or act ~ arnamirte-
effort: after much ~ pegnem; after very much ~
pegenqapiar; require little ~ qacignarqe-; to
work harder or put ~ into what one is doing to
make up for lost time cagnite-
Egegik: Igyagiiq; Alaska Peninsula Eskimo (Aleut)
from ~ tarupiaq
egg: “sea ~” uurritaq; bird’s ~ kayanguq, manik,
peksu; smallest ~ in a nest uuqessngitak;
develop water in the ~ before the embryo
becomes large emrii-; ~ in formative stage,
inside bird ciqamciq; sh ~ qaryaq, imlauk;
single sh ~ iiqupak; herring ~ melucuaq,
qaarsaq; herring ~ on kelp qaryaq; salmon ~
cilluvak; dried salmon ~s kineryaq; y ~ meqiq;
hatch of an ~ tuker-, see Wrangell (16)
egg yolk: es’aq, esiq, kavinqupagtaq
eggbeater: akucissuun, akutessuun
eggs: aged sh ~ cinegyaq, cin’aq, cuak; aged dried
sh ~ piginaq; nd ~ peksute-, kayangute-;
nd and gather ~ by removing the grass that
covers them ciruirci-; hunt for ~, of waterfowl
usually kayangussur-; look for ~ cangu-;
sh ~ meluk; y ~ ciiviit anait; y from its ~
peksallag-; gather greens, tubers, berries, ~, etc.
to eat makiraq; herring ~ elquaq*, qiaryaq; lay
~ kayangi-; mixture of crushed aged sh ~ with
crushed berries, seal oil, and sugar passiaq;
pestle used to crush berries, sh ~, etc. passin;
to set ~ eva-
eggshell: qelta
eider: common ~ angiikvak, metraq*, nanvista;
male common ~ tunupista; female common
~ nayangaryaq; common ~ chick kutyagaq;
king ~ qengallek; spectacled (Fischers)
~ aangiikvak, ackiilek, qa¥geq, see Adams
ebb — eider
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
(26), Nelson (123); Stellers ~ anarnissakaq,
eight: inglulgen, pingayunlegen, see Petroff (2); ~ in
playing cards qulcungaq
either: ~ . . . or qang’a-llu; ~ of two lanterns
hanging from the kashim ceiling during a
dance qilaamruyaaq
ejaculate: ~ semen maq’erri-, maq’i-
Ekuk: Iquk
Ekwok: Iquaq
elapse: let a long time ~ ak’anun; when some time
had ~d qakuan
elastic: nengulraq
elbow: cingun, ikusek; arm folds (~ area) kay’uq;
rest one’s face on one’s hand with the ~ resting
on a surface such as a table ayakut’e-; ~ hard
ikusvag-; ~ protector ikusgiilitaq; measurement
from the distance from the folded ~ of one
outstretched arm to the ngertips of the other
outstretched arm taluyaneq; measurement from
one’s ~ to end of his outstretched ngertips
ikuyegneq; measurement from one’s elbow to
the end of his st ikuyegarneq
elder: ciulirneq, tegganeq, teggneq, teggneraq*,
ciuqliq*; lesson or reminder for the younger
generation to learn from the experience of the
~s naucaqun
elderly: be ~ temyig-
election: cucukiyaraq; ~ ballot cucukelciirun
electric: appliance kenerkuaryaraq; ~ generator
kallugvik, kenurrivik; ~al or thermal insulator
electricity: kalluk; have started (of re, ~, etc.)
elephant: melugyaq, qalemtaayuli
elevated: ~ cache enekvak, mayurrvik, neqivik,
qulrarvik, mayurpik; ~ food cache elagyaq;
for tracks on snow to become hard and ~ (as
surrounding snow sinks) nalugarui-; old-style
cofn in which a person was laid to rest with
his knees folded and drawn up near his chin,
formerly ~ on four short posts sitaaq; pull (it)
up onto an ~ area kaggirte-; be perched on an
~ at object, such as a oating block of ice,
the shore, or a table uginga-; main horizontal
~ log of sh rack agagliiyaq; spot on top of
an ~ place from which the snow has melted
urunqiq; sight with the aid of binoculars,
or from an ~ point qinerte-; ~ storage place
qaivarrvik; ~ storage platform or rack for
storing meat ek’raq
elevating block: tus’un
elevation: be high in ~ kertu-; be low in ~ kerkite-
eleven: see Appendix 6 on numerals
elf: cingssiik, egacuayak, singssiiyaq,
Eliginus gracilis: iqalluaq
Elim: Neviarcaurluq; Yup’ik Eskimo from the
Norton Sound area, especially from the
villages of ~ and Golovin, Unalakleet, and St.
Michael Unaliq
eliminate: ~ as a cause of worry pengegnair-
Eliophorum sp.: paliaraq
elongated: be ~ taksurenqegg-; be or make ~
takaayi-; become or have become ~ taksuryi-
else: what ~? tua-i-qaa?
elsewhere: taima, tayima; be ~ tayimngu-
Elymus arenarius: taperrnaq
Elymus mollis: taperrnaq
emanate: ~ odor aqlate-
emanation: tepa
; woman’s ~ aqla, qalugneq; expose
to one’s female ~ ell’allagvike-; adversely
affected by a woman’s ~ arniqe-
embarrassed: be ~ kasnguyug-; cause one to feel ~
tun’ernarqe-; feel ~ because one is imposing on
someone tunrir-
embarrassing: be ~ kasngunarqe-, kayngunarqe-
ember: aumaq, cupun; almost go out (of ~s)
embezzling: piciqngaunani teglelleq
embrace: eqte-
, qet’e-, akuqar-; suddenly ~
embryo: develop water in the egg before the ~
becomes large emrii-
emerge: alpag-
, nuge-, yurar-
; ~ from qakvar-; ~
from the brush to the water kanar-
; ~ into an
open area cevv’ar-; main vein of the earth from
which all plants ~ nunam taqra
emergency closures: ~ of shing or hunting season
piqatarraarpeknateng umegluku
emit: loud howls maruarpaga-; open one’s mouth
and ~ sound aar-*
Emmonak: Imangaq
emotion: cry with ~ iluteqe-
eight — emotion
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
emotional: have a hard time because of ~ or
physical weakness or disability cirliqe-; have
a hard time because of physical or ~ illness
irliqe-; ~ pain neka; cause ~ pain nekanarqe-
emotionally: be ~ distressed qakte-
; feel ~
hurt angenruyug-; be ~ pained avegteqe-,
iluteqe-, nekayug-; ~ painful nekake-; strain ~,
physically, in illness caknaa-
emperor goose: nacaullek
Empetrum nigrum: kavlakuaraq*, paunraq*,
empty: imair-; be ~ imaite-; be completely ~
kalungqa-; completely ~ kalug-, kalugte-; ~
cartridge kapciliaq; sprinkling of things as at
the bottom of an almost-~ container kanevneq;
~ container that held N (pb) -utelleq; ~ our
sack mukaarutleq; ~ skull ilquigneq; return
~-handed without catching anything utrinar-
emulate: kingunrirtur-; want to ~ cucu-
enamelware: to chip (of ~ or the like) petgerrii-
encircle: kalukarte-, kassug-
enclose: capu; ~d entry porch elaturraq; wooden
ring put around a mask to represent the world
of the object ~d by it ellanguaq
enclosing: folded strip ~ raw edge of fabric
enclosure: capu
encompass: kalukarte-, kassug-
encounter: alake-
, narug-, pairte-, parte-
, ~
someone pairkenge-; in some sense ~ N (pb)
; run onto, run into, meet, or ~ nall’arte-
encourage: caceturqaur-, cinge-, icungte-, qarute-;
~ one to V (pb) -squma-; source of ~ment
encrusted: be ~ (of liquid) ciiqauma-
end: nangquq, nangneq; add onto the ~ of (it)
iqulir-; at the upper or lower ~ of a village
ill’arte-; come to the ~ iquklite-; this is not the
~ tua-i-ngunrituq; toward the ~ of something
iqutmun; ~ at (it) ngel’eke-; crosspiece or ball-
like hand grip at upper ~ of single-bladed
paddle qaquaq; dangling ~ of woman’s belt
cipnermiutaq; one with an ~ iqulek; it is the ~
of the month
iraluq nanguq; hole at inside ~
of tunnel entrance to old-time house or kashim
pugyaraq; ~ of ulna at wrist, where the bone
projects cugamkuyuk; end part of something
iqugkuaq; native-made maul consisting of a
log with one ~ thinned to serve as a handle
uluryarutaq; snowshoe with upturned front
~ acaluruaq; stand on ~ (of hair) tekallragte-;
stand on ~ (of hair when dry after being wet)
kakilragte-; prepare handmade thread for
easy threading by twisting it to a tapered ~
egliraq, nuvv’ilir-, nuvv’iliraq; slough with
lake at ~ taqikartuliq; bow ~ of a kayak
civuqucuk; kayak paddle with a blade at each
~ paangrun; single-bladed paddle hand grip
at upper ~ that is one piece with the handle
qaquaqnginaq; tapered part at ~ of kayak
qamenquq; oblique area at ~ of kayak gunwale
capngiaq; hole in the leading upright section
at ~ of boat keel agayuqulnguaraq; hook
used to pull things from the ~ of the kayak
to the cockpit tallirraq; one side of two-piece
~ or next-to-~ deck beam of kayak tuntunaq;
kayak ~ part nenguralria, pupsugyugualek;
measurement from tip of toes to ~ of heel
it’ganeq; measurement from one’s elbow to the
~ of his st ikuyegarneq; measurement from
one’s elbow to ~ of his outstretched ngertips
ikuyegneq; measurement from tip of toes to ~
of heel itegneq
; measurement between the ~s
of one’s ngers extended outward in opposite
directions yagneq; measurement of the width
at the ~s of the index nger and the middle
nger held next to each other malruneq;
measurement of the width at the ~s of the
index nger, the middle nger, and the ring
nger held next to each other pingayuneq;
bouy at the ~ of a shnet kelliqutaq,
iquulqutaq; slit at each ~ of a net-sinker
nayugnaq; small peg at ~ of atlatl aklicaraq;
notched ~ of bow, where bowstring is fastened
qeluyaraq, teru; butt ~ of foreshaft of seal
harpoon kegcuq; holder for ~ of gut when it is
washed qalluarun; loop at ~ of line urciq; hand-
hold at lower ~ of seal harpoon attached to
seal-poke oat cigvigquq; end of net that gets
tied to a rock or the like parteq; celebrating
the ~ of something (e.g., war) taqutiiq; joint
at ~ of spear used to attach point aklicaraq;
pseudo-branch of a sh (the part of a sh next
to the gills, at the ~ of which is a triangular
bone) kaugtuapak, kaugtuutaq
, kaugun
; small
clam that is black on the ~s amsak, amyak; log
hung horizontally with rope from both ~s for
Native games competition aavussaq; strap with
emotional — end
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
handles at ~s that is wound around the shaft
of a re-drill and pulled back and forth to turn
the shaft nucugcuutak
endeavor: ~ to capture ingcur-; ~ to learn elitnaur-;
~ to V (pb) -caar(ar)-
ending: have a bad ~ kingullugte-
endowed: one that is well ~ with N (pb) -tu-, -tuli
endurance: have ~ ayani-
endure: ~ hardship arrsiqe-; ~ troubles cakviur-; ~
the difculty involved with V-ing or with N
(pb) -niur-
enemy: inglu, inglussuk; keep oneself from being
seen by game or an ~ tanite-
energy: piniun
engage: ~ in a nger-pulling contest qaqurtuute-;
~ in an unusual activity during sleep pegla-;
~ in hand-to-hand combat cagte
, yagte-; ~ in
hobby caanguaq; ~ in illicit sex qacuniar-; ~ in
Inupiaq-style Eskimo dancing in which men
and women alternate in a straight line facing
the drummers talir-; do something, ~, the exact
word for which is forgotten or not known to
the speaker, or does not exist, but an act that
the listener will recognize imkur-; ~ in trading,
barter, and/or buying and selling naverrniar-
engine: inboard ~ tuqtuq; start (an ~) ayagcete-;
starter of an ~ ayagcecissuun; starter cord on an
~ nuqtaarcuun
engineer: massiinista
English: speak ~ usually or well qitevnga-; in the ~
language kass’atun; in ~ only kass’aturrlainaq
Englishman: proper ~ Kass’apik
engrave: ceteq, citeq; ~ designs ingciq-; ~d mark
engraving: device for ~ bone, ivory, or wood
cet’raarcuun; ivory-~ tool or other such
tool ingciun; ~ tool with beaver incisor tip
Enhydra lutris: aatagaq, arrnaq
enjoy: anglani-, picalke-; ~ (it) anglake-; ~ food
neqnili-; ~ one’s V-ing (pb) -yugar-, -yugcali-;
~ oneself nunanili-; ~ things assili-
enjoyable: be ~ anglanarqe-; not be ~ anglanaite-;
~ item picalquq
enjoyably: V ~ (pb) -luaqar-
enjoyment: close one’s eyes partially as a sign
of intense ~ qaamyuar(ar)-; watch with ~
enlarge: tailor so as to ~ qerrua-
enough: exactly ~ to ll (it/them) imarkaneq; have
~ of something to be able to spare or share
some with others avegvingqerr-; not V ~ (pb)
-myag-, -vlaag-; that’s ~ tava-i, tua-i
enter: iter-; cold draft ~ing from outside iterneq; ~ a
smaller part of the main area kaute-
entertain: aavurte-, kegginiqe-, tangssiite-
enthusiasm: preview (as of movie) or anything to
arouse ~ tengrucetaarun
enthusiastic: be ~ piyugteqe-; be ~ about (it)
tengru-, tengruke-; dance Eskimo-style
vigorously and ~ly aggigte-
entire: tamalkur-, tamar-
; turn one’s ~ body cau-
do something in its ~ty tamarmirte-
entrails: cakunglluut, qilu; fresh tomcod with ~
removed, ready for hanging citegtaq*; scoop ~
out with one’s nger when cleaning small sh
entrance: iteryaraq, amiguyuk; cover or curtain
for ~ elciqaq; house with ground-level ~
itqerce÷aq; little room at side of ~ qerrayaq;
tunnel ~ to house lavleryaraq; tunnel ~ to
old-style house iluyaraq, qissiryaraq, tuqluk;
tunnel ~ to men’s communal house agviaq,
kalvagyaraq; warm weather causes above-
ground ~ to semi-subterranean house to be
opened because of ooding of winter tunnel ~
entranceway: amiik, amik; handrail at ~ to old-time
dwelling pall’itaq
entrapping: fall over on top of something, ~ it
entry porch: enclosed ~ elaturraq
envious: be ~ ayara-, ayari-, cikna-; be ~ by nature
ciknatar-; not be an ~ person ciknataite-
environment: item situated in a small space or a
particular ~ kukutnaaq
envoy: quurituasta
envy: ayara-, ayari-, ciknake-, ciknaneq, cuyu-
ephod: as’arceNa(aq*)
epidemic: canerlak, cangerlak; u ~ of 1918
epiglottis: nerilkarvik
epileptic: be ~ qistetu-
Epilobium angustifolium: ciilqaaq, curalrussaq
Epsom salts: taryurngalnguq*
equal: be ~ pitateke-
endeavor — equal
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
equipped: be completely ~ qaqima-
Equisetum arvense: keneq
, qetek
equivalent: aki; vialis case (see Endings section)
eraser: a¥g’arissuun, ellaissuun, erevte-
erect: being ~ napar-; become set in a position such
as hair that has been curled, a tree bent by the
wind, a sled runner bent by steaming, an ~
paste-; ~, pointed piece of ice, broken by ocean
swells culugcineq
erected: have been ~ napangqa-
erection: have an ~ tek’ar, tek’i-
Erethizon dorsatum: cukilek, ilaanquciq, issaluq,
Erignathus barbatus: almigaq*, angayukliq,
apsiaraq, ipuuyuli, makelvak, maklacuk,
maklak, nemercauk, papangluaq,
temiquyugglugaq, tulignaq, tungungqu,
ullacuk, ungagciiq, yaalirtaq
Eriophorum angustifolium: iitaq*, pekneq
Eriophorum sp.: melquruaq, tengtarkaq, ukayiruaq
ermine: aklanqurrun, amitatuk, narulkiaq, teriaq,
see Adams (29); ~ (or weasel) agluruyak; small
weasel or ~ enairayuliyagaq*
erode: usserqe-, uste-; ~d high sand dunes or high
coast that cannot be climbed uss’ariyak; sand
dune ~d on the side ingluirneq
err: alarte-
errand: go or send on an ~ makira-
error: alarneq; be in ~ alangqa-, alarqiqe-; being in
~ alar-
escape: anag-; go somewhere else to ~ famine and
survive anangniar-; song composed to celebrate
accomplishment such as escape from danger
Eschrichtius robustus: cetuqupak
Eskimo: Yup’ik ~ Yup’ik; be a Yup’ik ~ yuu-
; in
the Yup’ik ~ language Yugtun, Yup’igcetun;
Inupiaq ~ Malimiu, qagkumiu, Qaviayarmiu;
Alaska Peninsula ~ (or “Aleut”) from
Egegik tarupiaq; ~ artifact yugtaq; ~ men’s
boot with fur inside ilutmurtaq; tell about
what one foresees while beating an ~ drum
qalur(ar)-; Mongolian spot on lower back of ~
people qiuneq; dance ~-style vigorously and
enthusiastically aggigte-
Eskimo dance: (n) yuraq, (v) assigte-, cayurte-;
man’s ~ arulaq; women’s ~ nayangaq; call
out as song leader for an ~ apallir-; direct
dance motions in an ~ by moving one’s body
to the words and rhythm agniur-; make the
arm motions in an ~ yagira-, yagiraciq; sing a
song with soft drumming before the start of ~
“Eskimo ice cream”: akutaq, amekaq, see Nelson (9);
make ~ akute-; a kind of ~ passiaq; frozen
~ qangquaq; ~ made with the fresh roe of
whitesh and mashed cranberries qerpertaq;
~ made with aged sh roe qamaamaq; ~ made
with aged salmon eggs mak’aq; ~ made with
sh liver tenguggluk; ~ made with sourdock
tugrinaq; type of ~ made with roe, (salmon)
berries, and seal oil whipped together
amnginaq; plant used in making ~ napataq;
whipped ~ made from moss soaked in aged
seal oil puya; snow that is soft but granular,
found under the top layer, good for making
~ pukak; a bowl of ~ used in an old-time
ceremony naluun; ceremonially bring bowls
of ~ into the men’s communial house during
the “Aaniq” holiday nalug-
; grab ball-like
portions of ~ carried by women and hide
them in cracks as in the porch of the men’s
communal house, to be looked for during the
“Aaniq” holiday tumagcur-
“Eskimo potato”: marallaq*, qerqaq
esophagus: have food stuck in the ~ tumite-; ~ of
sh igyamcuk; freeze-dried ~ for eating iglaq;
bleached ~ used as backing for beadwork
decoration nerun
Esox lucius: ciulek, cukvak, cuukvak, eluqruuyak,
keggsuli, luqruuyak, qalru
essence: seek the ~ of someone yungcarte-
essential: be ~ catngu-; establish: naparte-; ~ goals
esteem: qigcike-; be ~ed qigcignarqe-
etched design: cet’rautaq
etching brush: qamuraun
Etolin Strait: Akuluraq
Eucharist: Holy ~
tanqilria quyayaraq
eulachon: cemerliq, cimigliq, qimaruaq
Eumetopias jubatus: apakcuk, uginaq, uinaq
Euphagus carolinus: cuqcurliq
even tempered: be ~ qenngaite-
even though: concessive mood (see Endings section),
evening: be ~ ataku-, atakuar(aq*); early ~
equipped — evening
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
atakuar(aq*); this ~ ataku; go back home after
an ~ activity ilgar-; ~ meal atakutaq
evenly: carry ~ between several people akigar-;
wooden device used to keep stitches ~ tight as
when sewing a waterproof seam on a kayak
skin unguqupak
event: caqciq; hold an ~ caqciq
eventually: will ~ V or be V-ed (pb) -arkau-
ever: tanem; not ~ agurrluk
everlasting life: unguva nangyuilnguq
every: tamalkur-, tamar-
, tamqapiar-; ~ day erucia
tamiin, eruciq tamiin, unuaquaqan; sink into
snow or mud at ~ step murua-
everything: have ~ needed qaqima-
everywhere: kilgaq, tamiini
evidence: give ~ or indication of N or V (pb) -lkia-;
make a sound or give other ~ of N (pb) -lkite-;
~ or remains of a human yiinraq*, yinraq*; ~ or
trace of N (pb) -linraq*; ~ of human presence,
such as human footprints or human excrement
evident: be ~ mistu-
evil: assiilnguq*, caarrluk, carrluk; have ~
intentions umyuarrliqe-; ~ spirit iinraq,
exact: ~ area denoted by N with respect to
possessor (pb) -karaq, -qaq; do something,
engage in some act, the ~ word for which is
forgotten or not known to the speaker, or does
not exist, but an act which the listener will
recognize imkur-
exactly: ~ enough to ll (it/them) imarkaneq; ~ like
that tuatkacagaq; ~ like this watkacagaq; be ~
N (pb) -nqegg-
exaggerated: be making ~ dancing motions kass’ig-
examine: curvir-, cuvrir-, ivrir-, survir-, suvrir-,
yivrir-, yurvir-, yuvrir-
example: naspequn, taringcetaarun
exasperated: be ~ mak’urte-
exasperating: be ~ eqnarqe-
exasperation: express (unwarranted) ~ toward
(him) tanemkur-
excavated: ~ water-lled hole, used as a cool
storage place for pokes of seal oil qengneq
excellent: be ~ aspiar-, asqapiar-; ~! aspiar!,
asqapiar!, iicill’er
except for: ta¥gaam
excess: aminaq; have an ~ of something aminari-,
cipte-; suffer from an ~ aminariqe-; drink
(alcohol) regularly to ~ taangatu-; salted sh
or meat eaten after it is cut up and leached to
remove ~ salt sulunaq
excessive: feel ~ heat matniur-; treat in an ~ way
arcake-; ~ drinking taangaryaraq
excessively: be warm or hot, but not ~ so puqlanir-;
don’t do what you’re doing so ~! arca
exchange: naverte-, tune-; ~ (things)
unintentionally kipullgute-; comply with
a request for a specic gift during a gift ~
ceremony naigtenrite-; ~ knowing glances with
one another tangertaagute-; ~ of requested
gifts between men and women of a village
; ~ one state or item for another cimiq;
gift ~ partner from the opposite village during
the Messenger Feast agyuk; ~ places kipute-; ~
places with kipullegte-; ~ places with the host
villagers and go inside the communal men’s
house while the host villagers come out and to
call out requests for specic gifts mumigarute-;
~ roles mumigarute-
excited: be ~ to see (him) tupeke-; be ~ to see
someone tupeg-; hurry ~ly taave-, tave-; be
~ly active, making a lot of noise ceqcerte-; see
Drebert (8)
exclamation: drink! ~ used to tell a baby to
drink em’a; ~ expressing disappointment
or dissatisfaction wagg’uq-qaa; ~ of dread
kapegcugna; ~ used when one is angry
excrement: anaq; human ~ mequq; ~ adhering to
anal area peliquq; evidence of human presence,
such as footprints or ~ yul’inraq*
excrescence: urneq
excuse: avalin, avalissaq
exert: ~ oneself fully cagnite-
; swell up, ~ing
pressure inside a conning area puvute-
exertion: feel weak from fear, ~, or sickness
exhausted: be ~ mernur-, taya-
exhaustion: be limp from ~ tayatevkar-
exhort: eguaqur-
exist: ete-, piu-; cease to ~ piunrir-; do something,
engage in some act, the exact word for which is
forgotten or not known to the speaker, or does
not ~, but an act that the listener will recognize
evenly — exist
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
existence: come into ~ piurte-
exit: anvik; by the ~ ua(ni); area toward the ~
ualirneq; the one toward the ~ cakemna,
cakma(ni), un’ga(ni); area downriver or toward
the ~ from possessor uata
; the one downriver
or by the ~ ugna; from downriver or by the ~
ugken; go toward an ~, i.e., toward the door or
downriver alr(ar)-, anelrar-, anelr(ar)-; down
there toward water or toward the ~ una(ni)
Exodus: Biblical book of ~ Anucimallrat
expand: nula-
expect: eagerly ~ something good nersuniur-,
expected: place where something is found when
it is least ~ to be found there kelngunrilnguq*;
just as could be ~ qayumi
; what will (or is
supposed, planned, or ~) happen pillerkaq; do
the opposite of what one is supposed to do or
is ~ to do mumiksag-
expel: ~ (him) from the village qinu-
; ~ atus [e]
leq, neleq; ~ much gas, often long and loudly
nelepag-; gas ~led rectally [e]leq
expend: foolishly ~ cagmar-
expensive: be ~ akitu-
experience: “sleep paralysis” tupagyaaqe-;
be pleasant to do or ~ picirnirqe-; become
wiser through ~ anucinge-; have one’s rst
experience that leaves a lasting memory
cellange-, ellange-; ~ (his) appearance
alangruke-; reference of one’s character or
work ~ nallunritesta; ~ a death (as of a family
member) tuqui-; ~ a shortage of something
; ~ an unexpected sight alangru-; ~
misfortune picurlak; lesson or reminder for the
younger generation to learn from the ~ of the
elders naucaqun; ~ strong, joyful feelings and
show them qiilerte-; ~ V-ing (pb) -ite-
explain: naigte-, nallunair-, nalqigte-, taikanir-; ~
the masks during a dance during the “Kelek”
holiday tukar(ar)-; ~ the meaning or reason
behind something kangilir-, kangirqe-
explained: be ~ qanrutkuma-
explanation: nalqigun, taikaniun, taringcetaarun,
taringnaurun; get an ~ kingunge-; speak by
way of ~ qanerniar-; the ~ is — cunawa
explode: qager-, qag’erte-; ~ repeatedly qagra-; ~
violently qagpag-
explorer: paqtaarta
explosive: qagercetaaq
expose: ~ or reveal facts about (it/him) qaite-; open
or cut so as to ~ the inside ullirte-; ~ the N of
(it) (pb) -urte-; ~ to the heat of the sun maci-; ~
to heat macir(ar)-; stone that breaks when ~d
to heat tumaranqellria; type of dark stone used
for whetstones, not broken when ~d to heat
teggalqupiaq; ~d to one’s female emanations
ell’allagvike-; sandbar ~d at low tide en’aq,
ken’aq; be ~d for all to see (guratively) ini-
dwarfed or stunted from exposure to cold
express: ~ (unwarranted) exasperation toward
(him) tanemkur-; ~ one’s respect toward (him)
expression: show physical strain by facial ~
tenguqe-; be facially ~less nulgaite-; become
facially ~less nulgair-
extend: nenge-, nengugte-, usgu-; extend (it)
; extend as far as one’s waist
qukakiirar-; extend to ngelkarte-; extend to (it)
ngel’eke-; extend to the N of (pb) -qliarte-; ~ to
the top of (it) qamqiarte-
extended: be ~ nenginga-; soften a skin by ~
soaking peqlicir-; the ~ one over there a¥gna,
augna; distance between the ends of one’s
arms ~ in opposite directions yagneq; the ~
thing that is referred to already tamana
extent: pitaciq; be short in ~ or duration nanite-;
well endowed with N, have N to a large ~ (pb)
-tu-; ~ of possessors V-ing (pb) -taciq
exterior: ~ (of possessor) ellate-; ~ groove of an
oval bowl ull’eruaq
extinguish: qame-; ~ with water nekete-; be ~ed
extinguisher: re ~ eksuun, nipcissuun
extra: ~ covering qaliraq
extract: amu-; ~ something amute-
extraction: lose a tooth either naturally or through
~ ilngir-
extractor: marrow ~ paterturrsuun
extraordinary: accomplish something ~ iniqsakar-;
~ person yungruyak; legendary little person or
~ person ircenrraq*
extreme: ice crystal from ~ cold weather
quilekupiaq; person who acts very slowly, with
~ caution mianikur(aq*)
Extreme Unction:
kinguqlirmek mingugyaraq
extremely: be ~ cold nengelvak
existence — extremely
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
eye: ii, iingaq, iingalaq, uitassuun; cornea enciq;
iris tungunqurpagtaq; pupil takvik, takviun; ~
socket iicilleq, iisngaq; inner canthus (corner of
~ around tear duct) qipalluraq; cataract quarta
quverta; sty cenkutak, cinkutak, iissuaq; lose
an ~ iingirte-; false ~, glass ~ iinguaq; foreign
object in one’s ~ evrun, verun; get a foreign
object in one’s ~ everte-, verte-; glance or peek
out of the corner of one’s ~ qigeckar-; dog with
a ring of dark fur around its ~ eskaayaq; piece
of thread with the end twisted to a point for
threading through a needle’s ~ egliraq; eye-like
holes (volcanic rock with ~) iingarnak
eyebrow: qavluq
eyeglasses: ackiik, igaugek, igguak, iiguak, iinguak;
powerful (of ~) tukni-
eyelash: qelemyaq, qemeryaq
eye mucus: meryak
, qavacilleq, quniggluk, qunik;
have dried ~ qunigqe-
eyes: see Wrangell (19), Orlov (25); area between ~
akuliraq; as far as the ~ can see iik ngeliignun;
close one’s ~ partially, as when squinting
against light, or as a sign of intense enjoyment
or satisfaction qaamyuar(ar)-; close one’s ~
cikme-, cikmir-, qelme-; close one’s ~ tightly
cikempag-; cover one’s ~ while the other
players hide in a game of hide-and-seek
melu-; get pus on ~ imaryange-; gnat found
on beaches, gets in ~ tengleryaq; have big ~
iitu-; have droopy ~ qelurni-; have irritated ~
qakerci-; open one’s ~ uite-; signal with one’s
~(s) iigmiur-; something or someone that one
can or should turn one’s head and ~ away
from uluqaq; suddenly open one’s ~ uigarte-;
traditional wooden visor to protect the ~ from
the sun’s glare elqiaq*; turn one’s head and
~ away ulur-; as far as the eyes can see iik
eyeshade: elqiaq*, igaugek; modern ~ elqipcuaq;
wooden ~ elqipcuaq
eyesight: have bad ~ meciite-
, takviate-; have good
~ mecigtu-, mecikegte-, takvigtu-
eyetooth: qugcuun, tuluryaq
fabric: canvas tent ~ pelatekarkaun; folded strip
enclosing raw edge of ~ menglailitaq; yardage
(of ~) saaneq
face: cau-
, cauman, kegginaq; legendary
being with half a woman’s ~ inglupgayuk,
qupurruyuli; side of ~ ayakutar(aq*), inarnaq;
have a dirty ~ ure-
; wash one’s ~ ermig-,
iili-, tanir-
; blackhead on ~ irciq; make a ~
cangurte-, cirurtar-; make a gesture of affection
consisting of a slight pressure of the nose
against anothers ~, accompanied by a quick
upward motion cingar-; rest one’s ~ on one’s
hand with the elbow resting on a surface such
as a table ayakut’e-; parka ruff edging near
the ~ kumegneq; be blue in the ~ from not
breathing because of hard crying ii-, nuu-;
gasp for breath as when wind blows in one’s
~ ep’ura-, meq’urtua-, purtua-, puurtua-; shade
of new growth of hair on a man’s ~ qiugaaq; ~
down palur-; lying ~ down palungqa-, palurte-;
fall down ~-rst pucikar-; holiday celebrated
in autumn in which participants with painted
~s or wearing masks would go door to door
asking for food Qaariitaaq
face-to-face: be ~ tungaite-
facial: remove the ~ area of a seal before reaching
into it cugir-; show physical strain by ~
expression tenguqe-; young man who has
recently begun to show dark shade of ~ hair
facially expressionless: be ~ nulgaite-; become ~
fact: piciq
factory: taqucivik
facts: expose or reveal ~ about (it/him) qaite-
factual account: qanemci
fade: erme-, erve-, ui-; ~ away and be gone umi-;
~ from sight, becoming smaller and smaller
ellaq’er-; ~ out pella-
faded: become weathered (~, dried, and cracked)
fail to reach: nurte-
faint: nalluqar-, pellaqar-; be very ~ly visible (of
dawn) errsuatyivlag-
eye — faint
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
faith: ukverneq, ukveq, ukverun
Falco peregrinus: qiirayuli
falcon: peregrine ~ qiirayuli
fall: (v) igte-, (n) uksuaq*; aged sh (Dolly
Varden, trout, or silver salmon) made in
~ and then frozen for winter use quluk,
qussuk; celebrating the “Aaniq” holiday in
~ aanir-; frost on trees, as in the ~ qakurnaq;
indigenous Yup’ik holiday celebrated in late
summer, ~, or winter, involving an exchange
of requested gifts between men and women
of a village Petugtaq
; indigenous Yup’ik
holiday celebrated in summer or ~ Ingula(q);
new ice in ~ nutaqerrun; skin or pelt of caribou
taken in ~ itruq; slow song sung in the ~ or
summer ingulaun; spend the ~ uksii-; striped
jellysh that is eaten in the ~ qengaryak;
~ camp uksuilleq; go to ~ camp uksiiyar-; ~
chum salmon naraaniq; ~-time Dolly Varden
char iqallugpik; ~ down ilve-; slip and ~, with
one’s feet going out forward qaaluciaqar-; trip
and ~ down angqute-, lagte-; ~ down head-
rst or face-rst pucikar-; ~ down on one’s
buttocks aqumkallag-; ~ forward paallag-; ~
forward hard paarvag-; ~ forward on chest
qategmiaqar-; suddenly ~ from a height
ig’arte-; ~ hard pucikpag-; ~ hard on its/his side
iqup’ag-; ~ off katag-; ~ on the side avallakar-;
~ over from an upright position iqu-; ~ over
on top of something, entrapping it palqerte-;
~ or lower from a height iivkar-, ivkar-; ~ into
water kit’e-; ~ in water with a splash civqar-; ~
into water without making a splashing sound
(of a rock or the like) cepqer-; snow hanging
over a cliff and ready to ~ navcaq; toy or game
in which a stick is tossed up and the player
tries to have it ~ into or through a small hole
in a handheld component ulpecuqnaq; ~ or
otherwise rapidly descend with (it) igute-; take
hold of one’s skirt, raise it, and let ~ elluk’ar-;
suddenly ~ to one’s knee(s) ciisqumillag-; ~ out
katag-; ~ in love with kenegyagute-; ~ silent
nepair-, nurte-, nurute-; ~ asleep qavaqar-; “~
asleep” (of one’s arms or legs) kakilacak; be
~ing asleep kanar(ar)-
fallen: have ~ iginga-; get a ~ uterus after
pregnancy enguga’rte-, nenguga’rte-
Fallopian tube: mikelngurkam kayangum tumyaraa
falls: Golden Gate ~ on the Kiseralik River
false: be ~ piciunrite-
false chamomile: atsaruaq, itegmik
false eye: iinguaq
false tooth: keggutnguaq
falsehood: piciunrilnguq*
falsely: accuse ~ picilir-
falsity: piciunrilnguq*
familiar spirit: tuunraq; person with a ~ tuunralek;
shaman’s mask or representation of his ~
family: ilakelriit; marry into a certain village or ~
ukurrite-; woman who has married into a ~
ukurritaq; youngest child in ~ carliaq; N and ~
(pb) -(e)nkut; ~ member ila; experience a death
(as of a ~ member) tuqui-; member of the cat ~
famine: kaignaq, piitnaq; for there to be a ~ piitnaq;
suffer ~ kaig-; suffer from ~ kainiqe-; survive ~
; time of ~ cangerlak; go somewhere else
to escape ~ and survive anangniar-
fan: aqlayun, kiiryugyailkun; dance ~
taruyamaarun; ventilation ~ elcessuun
fancy: ~ hat nacarpiaq; light-colored, soft belly
skin of caribou or reindeer used in ~ parka
designs pukiq; ~ skin boot made with a piece
of dark fur over the shin part ciuqalek; ~,
contrasting colored skin patchwork trim at
hem of garment ingqit
far: be ~ apart akultu-; from ~ away temeqvanek;
as ~ as the eyes can see iik ngeliignun; area ~
downriver uaqvaaq*; not go ~ enough nurute-;
~ in the direction denoted by N (pb) -qsig-,
-qva, -qvaaq*; be ~ out away from shore
kessig-, ketsig-; be ~ to the rear kinguqsig-; ~
away and/or long ago but identity known, at
least partially, to speaker and audience ima(ni);
~ in the area or space or time denoted by N (pb)
fare: ekniarun
farmer: nauceciiyurta
fart: [e]leq, leq, naleq, neleq; ~ long and loudly
nelepag-; ~ silently cupungnig-
farther: go ~ in itrar-; go ~ toward one’s destination
tekivsiar-; go, or take, ~ away elaqvaqanir-; the
area ~ away elaqvaaq*, yaaqvaq; come and go ~
in kiavar-; get ~ into the area denoted by N (pb)
faith — farther
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
-qsigi-; go or take ~ N-ward (pb) -vaqanir-
farthest: the one ~ from the wall kelliq*, ketliq*;
one that is the ~ in the area denoted by N (pb)
fascinated: be ~ irr’i-
fast: be ~ cuka-, pavig-; be very ~ cukpiar-; beach
accidentally and ~ ugi’irte-; begin to beat ~ (of
heart) nutlag-; cause to be ~ cukacar-, cukate-;
leave very ~ ayakpag-; run ~ uqila-; ~ runner
uqilali; V suddenly, hurriedly, ~ (pb) -qerte-; be
a ~ berry picker unangig-; be a ~ eater keggag-
travel at a steady ~ pace cukanrar-; be ~ asleep
fasten: naqyute-, nungirte-
, petuk; ~ a belt around
the waist qepte-; ~ a button or other garment
fastener nungute-, nunute-; pull or ~ securely
in place nuqsugte-; ~ one’s rain parka to rim
of kayak hatch kayumigte-
; ~ the detachable
head on a harpoon kukegte-
fastened: nungir-; be ~ nungingqa-; notched end of
bow where bowstring is ~ qeluyaraq
fastener: bag ~ kakinqun, kakiyun; toggle-type
bag ~ iqugmiutaq; clasp ~ nagtuqaq; fasten a
button or other garment ~ nunute-, nungute-;
~ for clothing nunguyun; ivory ~ for sewing
bag qerrvik; loop on garment for use with a ~
negurluq; see Nelson (87), Barnum (21)
fat: be ~ uquri-; back ~ tunuq; have oil or ~ stuck to
it cupe-
; stomach ~ of ground squirrel qallin;
beluga skin with ~ attached mangtak; ~ of fatty
bird uqsuqaq; ~ scraper uquirun
father: aata, ata
; ~’s sister acak
; son of a woman’s
mothers brother or ~’s sister (~) uicungaq*
fathom: cagneq, yagneq; ~-long sealskin line to tie
kayaks together ac’irutaq
fatigue: have sore limbs from ~, arthritis, etc.
fatigued: be ~ cagner-, mernur-, nukgiarte-,
fatty: fat of ~ bird uqsuqaq; feel sick from eating
too much ~ food uqilngu-
faucet: maqcissuun, maqsuun
fault: apquciq
favor: arcake-, nakmike-; be such that one prefers it
or ~s it nakmignarqe-
favors: willingly do unrequested ~ in the hope
of being rewarded) qessaircir-; ask for the
bestowing of special ~, usually through
grandchildren cingartur-
favorable: blow in a ~ direction anuqekegte-
favorably: regard ~ cakegtake-
fawn: light-colored fur from caribou ~ pukirraq;
scraper for ~ skins nengulercissuun
fear: alike-; ~ (him) tutviqe-; show ~ uluryayug-
not ~ fear getting hit uluryaite-; cause one to
~ (getting hit) uluryanarqe-; ~ especially
getting hit by (it) uluryake-; feel weak from ~,
exertion, or sickness unaqserte-
fearless: be ~ alikaite-, alingite-
feasible: be ~ arenqig-; consider (it) ~ alke-; think
that something is ~ alagyug-; feel something
is ~ alegyug-; be such as to cause one to feel
it is ~ alagnarqe-, alegnarqe-; not be such as to
make one feel it is ~ alegnaite-; ~ to V now (pb)
feast: kalukaq
, nerevkarin, see Turner (1); celebrate
the rst accomplishment of a child with a ~
pinrarcete-; ve-year ~ caaraat; gift acquired
at a ~ pitaq; gift given out at a “kassiyuq” ~
piluarqun; have or give a ~ nerevkari-; invite
to a ~ ag’ir-; member of the group from the
village to which the messengers are sent
during a challenge ~ curukaq; small gift,
usually food, brought to get into a dance or ~
Itruka’ar; ~ for the Dead Elriq; ~ involving a
dramatization of an eagle carrying off a person
cellanguaq; ~ using dance sticks enirarar(aq*)
feather: melquq, tuluvkuyuggaq; down ~ erinraq*;
wing ~ culuk; wingtip ~ tekeryuk; new ~
growth on a molting goose emquq; longest or
most prominent ~ of bird’s wing niss’uq; murre
skin and ~ parka alpacurrlugaq; cormorant
~ used as stabilizer on arrow agayiinraq*;
etching (~s) on arrow nakrun; pluck ~s erici-,
eritar-, erritar-; tail ~s teqsuqaq
kuiget aaniit, Kanruyauciq, Kepnerciq,
Unguurvik, see Adams (68); celebration held
in late ~ or early March with masked dancing
to request abundance in the coming season
feces: anaq; dog ~ qimugcinraq*; hold back one’s
urine or ~ quumig-; odor of ~ anarniq; smell
like ~ anarninarqe-; runny ~ ciikaq; defecate
a lot of ~ anap’ag-; small hard, round piece of
~ akakupak; have long, stringy ~ uskurari-; ~
stain anarrluk; used in reference to ~ or other
farthest — feces
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
smelly, messy things when speaking to small
children paq!
feed: kuirar-, nerqe-; ~ a dog homemade dog
food alungqe-; ~ the re when smoking sh
feel: elpeke-; ~ around caavtaar-, elpegnaur-; ~
around inside something hollow kautur-;
~ intentionally or touch intentionally with
one’s hand savte-; be such that one can sense
it, ~ it, or discern it elpegnarqe-; ~ or touch
intentionally with one’s hand caavte-, cavte-; ~
a jolt qatngite-; ~ compassion naklegyug-;
~ compassion toward nakleke-; ~ and act
defensive on anothers behalf eyur-
; ~ bad
because of lack of fresh air epsalngu-; ~ bad
because someone did not give one a portion
of their catch ivua-; ~ condent with respect
to (it) alke-; ~ embarrassed around (him)
tunrike-; ~ embarrassed by the actions of
someone tunrir-; ~ jealousy on account of a
member of the opposite sex nengar-; ~ lazy
qessa-; ~ oneself superior to others pinagte-;
~ or act like an orphan elliritke-; ~ out of sorts
ellaculngu-; ~ pity takumcuyug-; ~ regret
concerning lost opportunities or over what
one has done qessanayug-; ~ revulsion toward
(it) cumacike-; tend to ~ shy or intimidated
by one’s nature takartar-; ~ shy, respectful,
or intimidated takaryug-; ~ something is
feasible alegyug-; ~ sorry for naklegyagute-; ~
superior to tangemcuke-; ~ the body warmth of
a person without seeing the person nuyarnir-;
~ unwelcome nalluyuryug-; ~ unwelcomed by
(him) nalluyuqe-; ~ uplifted qakvar-; ~ V (pb)
-yug-; ~ V toward (him/it) (pb) -ke-
; ~ washed
out unaqserte-
feeling: given a creepy ~ by (it) qungvake-; have
an uncomfortable ~ arenqiayug-; to have
a grinding ~ in joints qiaryigte-, tetenge-
have a prickly ~ in one’s tongue when eating
fermented foods kakialanar-
feelings: hurt ~ neka; have hurt ~ nekaniqe-,
nekaniur-, nekayug-; have no ~ of proper
respect for others takaite-; experience strong,
joyful ~ and show them qiilerte-
feet: have cold ~ it’gair(ar)-; push or brace with
one’s ~ tuker-; slip and fall, with one’s ~
going out forward qaaluciaqar-; with shoes
on the wrong ~ caqvir-; have one’s ~ pointed
outward caqvingqa-; dance, moving one’s ~ or
legs in various ways mumaa-; kick with both
~ tukar-; play or compete with a slanted pole
over which one ips, trying to land on the ~
fellow: ~ human being yuullgun; ~ traveler
egilrallgun; fellow V-er (pb) -llgun; share the
seal one has caught by giving the ribs to ~
hunters tulimite-
felt: piece of sewing bag, ~, etc. through which
needles are poked for storage kakisvik
female: ~ human arnaq; hold a ~ out to urinate
es’angcar-; ~ breast aamaq, amngaq, esvaik,
evsaik; private parts of young ~ es’ak;
expose to one’s ~ emanations ell’allagvike-;
~’s grandparent’s cross-cousin’s grandson
uicungaq*; ~’s parent’s cross-cousin’s daughter,
female friend of a female ilungaq*; ~’s sisters
child (nephew or niece) nurr’aq; ~ cross-cousin
of a female ilungapak, ilungaq*; ~ cross-cousin
of a male nuliacungaq*; ~ common eider
nayangaryaq; ~ Lapland longspur mecaqtaq;
~ sedge plant qinkiq; ~ animal nonhuman
arnacaluq; a certain legendary being with a
human ~ face and is a spirit belonging to a
shaman that helps people in distress at sea
by bringing them a box of provisions on its
back qupurruyuli; ~ marionette or gurine
hung in the men’s communal house during the
Inviting-In Feast neviararuaq
femur: qugtuqaq
fence: casguq, cayguq
, sapun; snow ~
agqercetaar(aq*); ~ extending from the bottom
of the river and leading sh to a place where
one can catch them with a dipnet or sh trap
fermented: have a prickly feeling in one’s tongue
when eating ~ kakialanar-; ~ herring or capelin
that have been buried for two weeks ciss’uq
fermenting: storage pit or chamber for ~ sh with
wall built up from rocks and lined with mud
fern: edible ddlehead of spreading wood ~
cetuguar(aq*), ceturkaaq, ceturqaar(aq*),
ceturuaq, ciilavik, nengqaaq, qecuguaq; edible
root of spreading wood ~ kun’aq*
feed — fern
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
ferocious: ~ bear uglaniiq; be ~ with its teeth
fertile: be ~ naungignarqe-
festival: Bladder ~ Ilgariq; beginning of the
Bladder ~ Elciq; song used a certain part of the
Bladder ~ qetgun; see Turner (1), Nelson (22, 114,
festivity: dance ~ during the Messenger Feast
fetal alcohol syndrome:
anglicurlagcetellra qumiullrani
fetch: aqva-; ~ water mertar-; ~ something aqvate-;
~ N (pb) -tar-
; ~ some N from an easily
accessible place (pb) -ssaag-
fetus: qingaq
fever: have a ~ uqni-; have a high ~ puqelvag-; ~
puqlam cuqcautii, puqlam
feverish: be ~ kiirtevkar-; have a ~, throbbing pain
few: how ~! acaca; a ~ N (pb) -rraq*; be ~ in number
ikgete-, pukug-; ~ N in poor condition (pb)
ber: rope made of nettle ~ qatlinaq; two-ply
cordage burlap ~ or sinew piirraq; spin and ply
~ piirri-
brous: ~ leftover piece of blubber when seal oil
has been rendered civanr(aq*); ~ stem of plant
bula: kingulirneq
ctitious: ~ thing tangrruarun
ddlehead: edible ~ of spreading wood fern
cetuguar(aq*), ceturkaaq, ceturqaar(aq*),
ceturuaq, ciilavik, nengqaaq, qecuguaq
dget: ~, squirm, and babble (of children) qitevte-
eld: carr’ilnguq, carr’ilqaq; open water in a ~ of
ice imarrlainaq*
fteen: akimiaq*
fth: ~ one tallimaat; reach the ~ of a series
tallimiri-; one ~ of them avenrita tallimaingit
ght: cagte-
nakuke-, uirre-, yagte-; ~ back akiur-; ~
in battle anguyak; ~ physically callug-
guratively: go in circles (~) uivagci-
gure: human or human-like ~ yuguaq; ~ of
human hanging inside a hoop used for special
dances atqataq; ~ on a mask canguaq; string
used in telling string stories or making cat’s-
cradle ~s aarraq
gurine: canguaq, cugaq, cugaruaq, inuguaq,
sugaq, suguaq, yunguaq, yuguaq; articulated
~ for play sugaruaq; human ~ yugaq; gurine
of human used as amulet uya; shaman’s mask,
song, or ~ tukaraun; female ~ hung in the
men’s communal house during the Inviting-In
Feast neviararuaq, pekcetaaq
le: aleq, napiilekaaq
Filipino: Pilip’iinaq, Yugngalnguq*
ll: ellmar-, miur-; ~ up pakte-; exactly enough
to ~ imarkaneq; ~ a cup for imirite-; ~ in the
webbing of a snowshoe nuluq; ~ or become
full muir-; ~ partially or entirely imir-; ~ out
(forms) imir-, imirite-; dip into something
so as to ~ with liquid or with sh from the
water qalute-; get swamped or ~ed with water
qaluryarqe-; device for ~ing a bladder with
uids miinguartarkarcivik
llet: unsalted strip or ~ of sh esh without skin,
cut from along the backbone and hung to dry
kiarneq; bony part left after ~ are cut from a
sh enerrluyagaq
n: ~ of sh culuk; adipose ~ pet’ngall’aq,
, teqsuqaq, ucumqatak; dorsal ~
culuk, culugaq; dorsal ~ of arctic grayling
nakrullugpak; pectoral ~ anguarussaq,
pakiurun, paangrun, paangrussak, ucuilleq;
whale ~ naparutaq; head of sh including
pectoral ~s pakegvissaaq*
nal: ~ one nangneq
nally: kiituani, pegnem; nally swallow with
difculty tuqniar-; nally V (pb) -inar-, -yaqlir-;
nally V after desiring to do so but being
prevented by circumstances (pb) -urainar-;
nally! nutaan
nd: alaqe- , nalaqe-, nalke-, nataqe-; ~ a beached
carcass mallu-, mallute-; ~ eggs kayangute-,
peksute-; ~ and gather eggs by removing
the grass that covers them ciruirci-; ~ correct
elluake-; ~ fault with something cangalliur-;
~ out alake-
, nallunrir-; discover or ~ out
the principle behind something kanginge-;
~ pleasant to do picirnike-; ~ repulsive
cumacike-; ~ something nalaqute-, nalkute-,
nataqute-; ~ something becoming easier
qacigli-; ~ something funny temciyug-; try to
~ something to eat nerangnaqe-; ~ the mark
nall’arte-; tend to ~ things dangerous aartar-;
tend to ~ things funny temcitar-; ~ tracks
ferocious — nd
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
tumci-, tumte-; ~ (it) a nuisance papsike-; ~ (it)
dangerous aaqe-; ~ (it) disgusting quinake-; ~
(it) funny temcike-; ~ (it) to be as easy to act on
as desired qacike-; ~ (it) to be V (pb) -ke-
ne: ~ stitching kelurquq; ~-mesh net for
dog salmon caqutaugaq; ~-toothed comb
ingqircuun; ~-toothed comb for removing lice
nely: split ~ qupurre-; wide ~ woven grass mat
nger: cuaraq, cugaraq, yuaraq, yugaraq, see Orlov
(26); ~ or phalange ipik; index ~ keniun,
tekeq, tengayuk
; little ~ iqelquq, iqiquq;
middle ~ akulipeq, akulipraq, alqiliq, aquq,
katneq, qaquq, qatneq
, qeteqliq, qussuq; ring
~ aaliqiliaq, aliqiliqiaq, atrilnguq*, ekiliq,
iqiliq, kuluq; lick ~s patemcug-; put one’s ~s
in one’s mouth and lick particles of food off
them alqimar-; measurement being the width
of the last section of one’s index ~ tekneq;
measurement from the thumb to the second
joint of the index ~ curled up with section
from tip to rst joint along inner edge of
thumb pupsuneq; measurement from the
tip of one’s thumb to the tip of one’s index
~ when ngers are stretched out from each
other iqelqin; measurement from the tip of the
thumb to tip of index ~ when each is stretched
out away from the other teklin; measurement
of the width at the ends of the index ~ and the
middle ~ held next to each other malruneq;
measurement of the width at the ends of the
index ~, the middle ~, and the ring ~ held next
to each other pingayuneq; scoop entrails out
with one’s ~ when cleaning small sh citeg-;
scrape food from a vessel or utensil with one’s
~, licking the food off the ~ epaar-; ~ mask
taruyamaarun; give the ~ qaqunite-; hook one’s
curled index ~ under someone’s nose and push
upward katengvag-; insult with a ~ gesture
katngite-; show one’s scorn by putting one’s ~,
preferably made smelly, under anothers nose
narcig-, narite-; ~-pulling contest akuliprun;
engage in a ~-pulling contest akuliprun,
qaqurtuute-; circle with one’s ~s and run
one’s hands down while squeezing slightly to
remove liquid, slime, clinging particles, etc.
cipegte-; legendary monster with three toes on
each foot and six ~s on each hand, identied as
“Bigfoot” arularaq; measurement of the width
of the palm (attened and with the ~ and
thumb held together) tumagneq
ngernail: cetuk, cituk; white mark on ~ teglek
ngertip: arnauruaq, yuaram kegginaa; legendary
big hand from the ocean with a mouth on
each ~ and a big mouth on the palm itqiirpak;
measurement from ~ to armpit or chest
qerruuneq, quruneq; measurement from
one’s elbow to end of his outstretched ~s
ikuyegneq; measurement from the center of
the chest (or the armpit?) to the end of the ~s
of the outstretched arm and hand angvaneq
measurement from the folded elbow of
one outstretched arm to the ~s of the other
outstretched arm taluyaneq; measurement from
one’s ~s to his armpit with the arm (and hand)
outstretched tallineq
nish: qaqite-, taqe-; ~ the job qaqicii-; be about
to ~ what one is doing taqcagte-; ~ed item
taqumalria; have ~ed V-ing (pb) -mari-
re: keneq
, see Orlov (10); be on ~ eka
; build a
~ kenerrliur-; die down (of a ~) qame-; get
~ kumange-; large ~ eka
; leap from ~ (of a
spark) nuteg-; light a ~ kennge-; make a ~
(under) kenir-
; site of a ~ aralleq; spark from a
~ paulaq; ~ drill kenitek; drill-like implement
for making ~s ken’gutaq; indentation on edge
of ~ drill next to socket for drill tip anarcuun;
start a ~ with a bow-drill cuukiicunguaq; stick
poked into the ground at an angle and used to
hold a pot over a ~ takaneq; tripod for holding
a pot over a ~ qikiq
; start ~ by friction with a
bow-drill ussungiq; be smoky from a distant
~ iryagte-
; ~ engine eksuun; ~ extinguisher
eksuun, nipcissuun; build a ~ for a steambath
maqili-; make an open ~ inside to remove
frost kevkar-
; planks put over replace in a
traditional men’s community house when the
~ is not lit nacin; log parallel to the back of a
kashim that supports the planks that cover
the ~ pit tugeryaraq; feed the ~ when smoking
sh puyurqe-; roast, usually over an open ~
maniaq; ~ (as of public servant) aqumci-
rearm: nutek, nutgutaq; shoot a ~ nuteg-; heavy
large-caliber shoulder ~ uquutellek; repeatedly
discharge a ~ nut’ga-
re-drill: kumarcissuun, nucugcuun, nucuutaq,
ussukataq; board with socket(s) for tip of ~
ne — re-drill
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
kumartessuun; point on a ~ kukgun; strap with
handles at ends that is wound around the shaft
of a ~ and pulled back and forth to turn the
shaft nucugcuutak
reghter: ek’liurta
re-making: ~ apparatus kenngessuun
repit: any one of the stones around a ~ qerrluq
replace: kenilleq, see Petroff (3); oor area at side of
~ in a sod house acilqaq; planks put over ~ in a
men’s community house when the re is not lit
nacin; ~ in a smokehouse puyuqin
re poker: keniurun re starter: ayagyaaqun,
, ekuanqun
re-starting: ~ device such as bow-drill
reweed: ciilqaaq, curalrussaq
rewood: quuk; gather ~ equgtar-, muragte-,
qugtar-; chopped ~ eqiaq; bring in ~ or other
things by going in and out repeatedly iterquri-;
try to acquire ~ by requesting it from others or
trading for it cayugtuute-
rm: stand ~ pektayiite-
rmness: lack ~ of esh aqiturte-
rst: ciumek; ~ one ciuqliq*; ~ time tauciin; ~ cold
month Tanqiluryaq Ciuqliq; V ~ (pb) -rraar-;
celebrate the ~ rst accomplishment of a
child pinrarcete-; ~ catch of the season that
one manages to take no matter how small
anguyararaun; refrain from having seal oil
until summer at the time when one’s son ~
catches a seal umciginga-; dance one’s ~ dance
during the Inviting-In Feast uigtur-; ~ dancer
who comes into the men’s communal house
during the Messenger Feast kapqerraarta;
have one’s ~ experience that leaves a lasting
memory ellange-; ~ group of king salmon
running under the smelt aciirutet; ~ horizontal
beam in semi-subterranean house elliqerraq*;
any of the ~ human inhabitants of the world
yung’elraarun; ~ mask that a young man uses
when he rst dances uigturcuun; give one’s
belonging to (a younger female when a girl
has her ~ menses) ¥gayite-; young gull at ~
season ight civissaar(aq*); ~ V (pb) -qarraar-
rst time: tauciin; bring a gift into the kashim by
one dancing for the ~ nangrucir-; gift of food
or clothing bought into the kashim and hung
up there in connection with a youth dancing
for the ~ nangrun; girl who has recently
menstruated for the ~ aglenraraq*, aglenrraq*;
hear something for the ~ and nd it strange
qavirtaqe-; thing or person seen for the ~ or not
recognized tangnerraq, tangnerrayak; V for the
~, or for the ~ in a long time (pb) -paalug-; for
the ~ in a long time ak’anek
rst wife: man’s second wife after he has lost his ~
rst year: bearded seal in its ~ maklaaq; beaver in
its ~ aqsatuyak
rstborn: qulic’aq; ~ child yung’eqarraarun
sh: (v) iqallii-, neqsur-, pissur-; ~ with a driftnet
atercete-; ~ by drift-netting or purse-seining
kuvyaq-; ~ with a hook and line iqsak-; ~ with
hook, line, and lure manaq
sh: (n) anerrluaq, neqa
; catch ~ cange-, neqte-; bag
made of reeds and used for carrying ~ kalngak;
be abundant at a given place and time (mainly
of ~ and insects) mikur-; be spawned out (of
~) qurrenkaulug-; bin used for temporary
storage of ~ before they are prepared for
drying qikutaq; bite (of a ~ biting a hook)
engug-; black bug that infests ~ that are being
dried qunguiq; breach (of ~) qakte-
; bundled
~ inartaq; chum for catching ~ naryarcetaaq;
club for hitting ~ qenngitaq; crosspiece pole
for hanging ~ arviqrun; devil ~ kayurpak,
kayurrlugaq, nertuli, qanerpak; drive ~ into
net by slapping the water with a paddle or
stick ungumrar-; feed the re when smoking
~ puyurqe-; fence extending from the bottom
of the river and leading ~ to a place where one
can catch them with a dipnet or trap kalgun;
fungus that sometimes forms on dried ~ aqak,
aqataq; implement to catch ~ swimming near
the surface cetugnaq; large grass basket for
holding ~ ciikvak; legendary monster ~ amlliq
loosely woven but fairly rigid upright grass
basket (as for holding caught ~) kuusqun,
naparcilluk; old-fashioned rope used for
hanging ~ qukassaq; pew (tool for handling ~)
negcik; poke ~ uqumaarrluk; remove ~ from
a gillnet naptaar-; roughly woven grass cover
used to protect drying ~ from rain umran; set
of twenty loche ~ tuvqertat; shelter for drying
~ talicivik; single ~ egg iiqupak; small type of
sucker ~ nepcaq; spawn (of ~) talmag-; spear
with three points for spearing ~ or birds
nuuyaaq; split strip of spruce used to make
reghter — sh
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
a ~ trap or other device cigyak; stickleback
~ ilaqcuugaq; streak or wake made on the
surface of water by a ~ or animal swimming at
or just below the surface qavlunaq; type of ~
pallakuq; type of small ~ naltarnaq; wake of a
~ minek; wolf ~ qaculluk, qugautnaq; work on
~ neq’liur-; yearn for fresh ~ terrigyug-; dried ~
caught in river neqatuq; ~ club kaugtuutaq
; for
there to be a south or east wind with stormy
weather, a harbinger of ~ coming in taqikcar-;
~ counting tower nacessvik, nassvik; small
~ found in lakes (small ~) ilaraaraq; leftover
~ from winter split from the back and dried
yay’ussaq; baby ~ (fry) tuk’naayaaq; ~ going
upriver to spawn kuigtaq; ~ harpoon nugciq;
stick splashed in water to drive ~ into a dipnet
ungumraun; part of a sh rack on which the
~ is directly hung initaq*; area under cache
where ~ sh is dried aciqaq; spear with three
points for taking ~ sh nuusaaq; twined
grass mat used in a kayak when pulling in ~
cayukaun; hookless lure used to attract ~ when
dipnetting or spearing uqtaq; catch ~ with a
net kuvyate-; dried vertebrae of ~ with esh
left on nerrluk
sh camp: kiilleq, neqlilleq, neqlivik; summer ~
kiagvik; stay in the village rather than going
to ~ in summer kii-
; temporary above-ground
structure at summer ~ qasgiarneq; get things
from ~ or from another relatively distant
place aqvai-; move by boat to ~ or seal camp
angyiur-; prominent ~ on Nelson Is. Umkumiut
Fish and Game: Alaska Department of ~
kayanguyagiurtet, neq’liurtet; ~ ofcer
aquleyagiurta, yaquleyagaq; ~ warden
kayanguyagiurta, melquleliurta
FISH PARTS: adipose n of ~ petengtaq,
pet’ngall’aq, teqsuqaq; backbone of ~ enkataq,
enrualuk; lateral line of ~ qupun; neural spine
of ~ culugiaq; neural arch of the spinal disk
in a ~ backbone qetgaq; white spot, possibly
a mold, inside the gill covers of an aged ~
head pupungluur(aq*); head of ~ including
pectoral ns pakegvissaaq*; section of ~ behind
the head keggan; ~ head anglluun, iingaraq;
cartilage in a ~ head qennguq, tatangquq; cut
and dried ~ head nasqurrluk, qamiqurrluk;
~ heart unguvan; outside part of a ~ belly
aqsamuq; bony part left after llets are cut
from a ~ enerrluyagaq; caudal exure of ~
nuuksuk; ~ cheek, cut from a sh ulluvalquq;
dark layer of esh under skin of ~ alkuaq;
dorsal n of ~ culugaq; old ~’s head ipuutaq;
dried ~ vertebra nenerrluk; esophagus of ~
igyamcuk; front n of ~ anguarussaq; front
lateral n of ~ ucuilleq; gill cover of a ~
paciggluk, ulluvalqin; head of pike ~ curlu;
milt of ~ eriq; parietal bone in head of ~
; pectoral n of ~ paangrussak,
pakiurun, paangrun; pseudo-branch of a ~
kaugtuapak, kaugtuutaq
, kaugun
; pyloric
caecum of ~ kaik; scale of ~ capciq, kapciq,
qelta; section of a ~ just in front of the tail
kep’neq; area at back of ~ skull tatek; ~ slime
cuvgeq, yuvgeq; bones in styloid processes of
~ tumarneq; back part of ~ stomach tekpacuk;
swim bladder of ~ qatneq
, see Nelson (116);
tail or caudal n of ~ nuugyuk, papsalquq;
tapeworm often found in ~ qumaq; white bone
inside the cranium of ~ teki
FISH PREPARED AS FOOD: “Eskimo ice cream”
made with aged ~ roe qamaumaq; “Eskimo
ice cream” made with ~ liver tenguggluk; ~
aged or stored in a pit cin’aq, teq’aq; aged ~
eggs cin’aq, cinegyaq; aged ~ head teplicir(aq*),
uqsunaq*, uqsuq; ~ slightly aged and stored in
seal oil arumaarrluk, uqumaarrluk; casserole
of ~ with potatoes, onions, etc. cal’kuuyaq,
salkuuyaq; board on which one prepares ~
inguqin; boiled ~ egaaq, ungllekaq; green
vegetable that is boiled with ~ ciutnguaq;
canned ~ paankaraq; meatball made of the soft
meat and bones of spawned-out ~ aagciuk; oil
taken from the surface of ~ broth uquaq; age
~ heads for eating by burying them tep’li-;
spawning ~ hung to dry tamuanaq; ~ hung up
to dry iniaq, kanartaq; ~ in a basket, dried and
packed down tut’at; prepare ~ for storage and
later use neqli-; cut in preparation for drying
esseg-, seg-, ulligte-; frozen raw ~ nutaqaq;
frozen ~ to be eaten in that state cetegtaq,
kumlaneq; hard frozen ~ qercuqaq; cook ~
after it is thawed uussag-; cooked black~ fry
allemaaq; cooked piece of ~ ukliaq; cut ~ [e]
ceg-; cut ~ into chunks tevigte-; cut ~ for drying
ceg-, ulligtaq; ~ cut in half to hang and dry
qup’ayagaq; ~ cut in preparation for drying
seg’aq; ~ steak cut transversely ungelkaaq;
dip into something so as to ll with liquid
sh camp — sh prepared as food
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
or with ~ from the water qalute-; edible layer
right beneath skin of ~ kelipacuk; half-dried,
boiled ~ qamangatak, uamcaaq; lack rmness
of esh, of ~ no longer fresh aqiturte-; layer
of decomposed meat beneath the skin of a
dried ~ kiimacak; meat or ~ to be eaten raw
and frozen quaq; meat, usually ~ pie piluk;
mixture of berries, sugar, seal oil, shortening,
~, etc. amekaq; not be frozen well (of ~ that
has particles of ice in it) civyegte-; offal from
cleaning ~ ciqeq; partially dried ~ boiled
for eating egamaarrluk; smoke ~ aruvarqi-,
puyurte-; put ~ in a smokehouse iterci-;
smoked ~ soaked in seal oil uqumelnguq*;
wood for smoking ~ puyurkaq; be soaking
salted ~ as to leach out salt akungqa-; soaked
and salted ~ mingciq; dried ~ neqaluk; dried
~ tail pamesqatak, papsalqitaq; dried ~ that
has been burned by the sun ekiarneq; dried
~ stripped of its skin allneq; small dried ~
nevkuq; string of small ~ arrayed for drying
tupigaq; split and dried small ~ ulligtaruaq;
strip of dried ~ palak’aaq; put dried ~ in seal
oil in a sealskin poke teviri-; slice of dried ~
protruding upright from the skin makneq,
makesqiq; string of interlaced ~ piirraq;
skin, especially of a dried ~, that one chews
arucetaaq; spoiled or rotten food, especially
~ arinaq; scoop entrails out with one’s nger
when cleaning small ~ citeg-; storage pit or
chamber for fermenting ~ with wall built up
from rocks and lined with mud kaciitaq; string
dried tomcod or other dried ~ by running the
body of one through the gill opening of the
next tavigte-; cook frozen ~ after it is thawed
uussag-; oil taken from the surface of ~ broth
uquaq; ~ that has been frozen after being
allowed to age slightly, eaten uncooked and
frozen tepcuar(aq*), tep’ngaayak
sh eggs: (sing.) meluk, (pl.) imlauk, qaryaq; aged ~
cuak; aged dried ~ piginaq; mixture of berries
and other ingredients such as sugar, ~, our,
and seal oil, cooked to the consistency of thin
pudding atsiuraq; mixture of crushed aged
~ with crushed berries, seal oil, and sugar
passiaq; pestle used to crush berries, ~ etc.
passin; ~ prepared by allowing them to age
and become a sticky mass meluk
sh fence: capun
sh esh: make spaced cuts on ~ tevegtu-; ~ make
the horizontal cuts in ~ while preparing it
for drying ingqii-; unsalted strip or llet of ~
without skin, cut from along the backbone and
hung to dry kiarneq
sh or meat: rare-cooked ~ uungllekaraq; salted ~
eaten after it is cut up and leached to remove
excess salt sulunaq
sh rack: ker’aq, qer’aq; main horizontal elevated
log of ~ agagliiyaq; part of a ~ on which the
sh is directly hung initaq*
sh scraps: neqalleq
sh skin: chew on a dried ~ amiracetaar(ar)-;
scraper for removing edible inner layer from ~
kelipacuutaq, keliutaq; skin to chew on such as
dried ~ tamukassaaq, ungicetaaq; ~ on a parka
langraq, ellangraq; ~ to be used in clothing
amirak; ~ prepared for sewing iqertaq; ~ bag
¥galguun; ~ clothing amiragglugaq; waterproof
~ mitten arilluk, arin; ~ parka that could serve
as a tent qasperrluk; ~ thread yualunguaq
sh spear: multipronged ~ kapun; ~ point neqsuun;
~ used to catch spawning salmon nalayarrsuun
sh trap: taluyaq, see Barnum (38); exible wood
strip used for making binding slashing
a conical wood-slat ~ nemerciq; bind the
spiraling strip of wood onto the longitudinal
strips of a traditional ~ tungite-; ~ lashing
nemiarun, nemiaq; willow or other tree root
used in lashing ~ amaaq*; fence extending
from the bottom of the river and leading sh
to a place where one can catch them with a ~
kalgun; funnel-like inside component of a ~
iluliraq; check a ~ taku-
; one of a legendary
little people having conical hats resembling
traditional ~s cingssiik
Fish Village: Neqlercurvik
sh wheel: akalria
sheries: counting tower as used by ~ management
authorities nassvik
sherman: neqsurta; net-~ kuvyasta; ~’s helper, one
who rows or drives the motor while the net is
being set out for driftnet shing iqugta
shhook: iqsak; ~ that is baited and set below the
ice, held in place with a stick across the hole,
and left unattended to be checked periodically
sh eggs — shhook
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
shing: stick for tomcod ~ nuluraun
; ~ line cagta,
ipiutaq, see Turner (51); ~ lure with hook manaq;
~ hook, line, and pole manaqutaq; ~ spear
aggsuun, ag’ssuun; shing or water hole cut
through the ice anglluaq, anluaq; make a ~ hole
through the ice anlui-; dipper for removing
fragments of ice from a ~ hole in the ice
qenuirun; test ~ neqengqertassiaryaraq; make
a livelihood by the traditional means of ~ and
hunting, picking berries, food preserving, etc.
yuungnaqe-; sharpened stake used in pairs to
hold large dipnets open under the water when
~ for tomcod kanuuquq; emergency closures
of ~ season
piqatarraarpeknateng umegluku;
sherman’s helper, one who rows or drives the
motor while the net is being set out for driftnet
~ iqugta
shnet: kuvyaq; bouy at the end of a ~ away
from the shore kelliqutaq; check a sh trap
or ~ taku-
; oat on a ~ iquulqutaq, mengquq,
pugtaqutaq; make a ~ by a knot tying–like
process qilag-; willow-bark ~ allegpak; ~ twine
ssure: qupneq
st: tengluk; measurement from one’s elbow to the
end of his ~ ikuyegarneq; measurement from
the extremity of one’s ~ to his armpit with
the arm outstretched tallinin; measurement
from tip of extended thumb to opposite-side ~
naparneq; punch hard with one’s ~ tengelpag-;
~ or knuckle of hand cug’ar(aq*)
t: ngelke-; pack (things) so loosely that they don’t
all ~ tekalragte-; ~ each other pitateke-; ~ into
loosely kallake-, qacalke-; be too big to ~ into
something caltur-; ~ just right pitalqegte-;
not be able or ~ to V in the future (pb)
-arkaunrir-; something that ~s or is suitable
engelqaq, kengelqaq, ngelqaq; oblique area
at end of kayak gunwale that ~ atly against
corresponding part of other gunwale capngiaq
tting: be loose ~ qatangllugte-
tting(s): aklu
ve: talliman; ~ cents mamtulria, uqsurpayagaq;
any one of the ~ days after a death during
which time a soul descends to the afterworld
and the bereaved abstain from certain
activities kanaraq; ~ groups or pairs tallimain;
~ in cards tallimarraq; seal harpoon head
with ~ side barbs keggikuq; ~-gallon can (for
gasoline): kallaggluk, kangiralek
ve-year feast: caaraat
venger: marsh ~ mecungyuilnguq*
x: assircar-, icarqe-, kitugte-, tumarte-, see Muset
(2); ~ oneself up ellurte-; large piece of bent
wood rmly ~ed to the ground over which
a skin is placed for scraping and stretching
ag: ilalin, pelak, tengalrautaq, vvelak; any
device used in the wind, such as a windsock,
windmill, ~, or windproof lantern anuqessuun
ake of dandruff: petgeq, uuturrluk
ames: burst into ~ kenngallag-
ank: caniqaq
ap: ~ wings yaqiur-; fur hat with ear ~s
palagg’aayaq, qacap’aguaq; woman’s fur parka
cut high on the sides so that there are front and
back ~s kinguqalek
apping: swim with the tail ~ papanglug-; make a
~ sound in the wind lepli-
are: ulmirte-; ~ out cillarte-
ash: ciqenqar-; ~ light at ciqinqar-; ~ of lightning,
int and steel, etc. kenerpallak
ashlight: kenurqutaq, kenurtarrsuun, naniq
at: large ~ rock caligaq; small ~ stone cilurnaq;
thin ~ stone resembling ice can’ggelngunaq; ~
mound on tundra nunapik; be perched on an
elevated ~ mound uginga-; hit with the ~ of the
hand patkar-, pateg-; ~ part of seal’s stomach
elavcurcautet, elavurcaun; ~ seashore grass
atland: ~ dweller between the mouth of the
Yukon River and Nelson Is. mararmiu
atten: mamcarte-
, mame-, passi-; ~ a standing
object livte-; visibly ~ down elivvlia-
attened: mamcar-; be ~ mamcangqa-, massi-,
passi-; be ~ down elive-; measurement of the
width of the palm attened and with the
ngers and thumb held together tumagneq
atus: [e]leq, leq, naleq, neleq; break wind loudly,
expelling much ~ lep’ag-
awless: be ~ natlugnerite-; be straight, young, and
~ sanqegg-
ea: qevlerli, see Turner (39), Nelson (97); louse or
found on rodents keggerpak
eabane: qugyuguaq
shing — eabane
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
ecked-esh polypore: ararkaq, kumakaq
edgling: ingtaq*
ee: qimag-
eet-footed: be ~ uqila-
esh: kemek; cut one’s ~ kilir-; piece of ~ under
the tongue qelun
; sliver in the ~ qerruarun;
get a sliver in one’s ~ qerruarte-; go (at least
partially) in the ~ kemgarar(ar)-; lack ~
kemgite-; become raw and irritated from
constant moisture of ~ uusurte-, uuyurte-; burn
on the ~ uuneq; arrow with point that detaches
in the ~ meq’ercetaaq; make spaced cuts on
sh ~ tevegtu-; make the horizontal cuts in
sh ~ while preparing it for drying ingqii-,
ulligte-; dark layer of ~ under skin of sh
alkuaq; have dirt debris clinging to one’s ~ or
clothing apat’ag-; raw ~ or meat qassaq; remove
~ kemgir-; seal ~ with blubber qigaq; vertebrae
of sh with ~ left on, dried nerrluk; unsalted
strip or llet of sh ~ without skin, cut from
along the backbone and hung to dry kiarneq
etching: ~ of an arrow nakercaun, nakrun
ex: ~ a skin or the like to make it pliant by
working it with both hands in a circular
motion ulug-
; ~ back when stretched tightly
qelluqniaqar-; ~ one’s joints arivniate-; ~
the knees qungcurte-; have the knees ~ed
exible: thin ~ sheet of ice on ocean yuulraaq; ~
wood strip used for making a conical sh trap
exure: caudal ~ of sh nuuksuk
icker: puugtuyuli; for a ~ of light to be visible
ight: be in ~ tengaur-; young gull at rst season
~ civissaar(aq*); cormorant-feather ~ on arrow
shaft agayiinraq*
imsy: be ~ camlaate-
inch: uluryatar(ar)-
ing: ~ oneself down or out ciryaarute-
int: see Adams (31); ash of ~ and steel kenerpallak
ipper: seal ~ aigga
, talliquq, tukullek, unan;
aged seal ~ qellukaq; tool for skinning seal ~
it’gissuun; part of a seal’s front ipper bones
aklanquq; foreleg or ~ pit uneq; parboiled ~
strips preserved in seal oil uullaq; bearded seal
that can arch over so as to touch head with ~
ipuuyuli; metacarpal in walrus ~ pasvik; part of
whale’s ~ close to tail et’raq
ips: play or compete with a slanted pole over
which one ~ qip’artaar-
irt: kucerte-, mamarte-, pamerte-
oat; lugluqussaaq, pugta-, puglerte-, pugtaun;
bladder ~ avataq, avatarpak; hand-hold at
lower end of seal harpoon attached to seal-
poke ~ cigvigquq; handmade net ~ akcaniq;
harpoon ~ qerruinaq; nozzle of something
inated, such as a bladder ~ qerrurcuun; plug
or mouthpiece of seal harpoon ~ keviaq; plug
to close hole on a sealskin ~ unguquutaq;
mouthpiece of seal ~ qerturvik; seal or walrus
stomach or walrus bladder inated to serve as
a net ~ qeciqutaq; seal-hunting harpoon with
line and ~ attached aklegaq; sealskin ~ avataq,
avatarpak; wooden ~ nuuyaarpaaq; Japanese
spherical glass shnet ~ mengquq; oat at the
end of a shnet iquulqutaq, pugtaqutaq
oating: be perched on an elevated at object,
such as a ~ block of ice uginga-; belt of ~ ice
formed by currents, sandbars, etc. kigumaaq,
qilungayak; ice-free area within a larger area
of ~ ice nanviuqerrneq; rounded sheet of ~ ice
that can tip akangluaryuk; ~ ice, broken up and
pushed together in spring kaimlineq, kaulineq
ock: katungqalriit; ~ of domesticated animals
katnguan; ~ or member of the ~ katngaq*
oe: ice ~ ciku, cupa
; ~ that breaks away from
shore ice after ocean swell tualleq; ice bridge
between ~s tuuta
; pile up (usually of ice, as
when ~s slide up on top of one another) evu-;
seal on an ice ~ ugtaq; mother bearded seal
swimming near an ice ~ on which her pup is
lying uginagumaq
ood: ule-, ula
, ulerpak, ulute-; become ~ed with
gasoline or oil uqiqite-
ooding: place that has gotten water as through
melting or ~ miineq; ~ of winter tunnel
entrance kepneq
oor: cailkaq, nateq; scrub the ~ cuugi-; wash ~
suugi-; ~ area at side of replace in a sod house
acilqaq; ~ by replace in men’s communal
house manulqaq; lining on the ~ of a beaver
den isriq; crosspiece in ~ of sled canipengayaq;
~ plank nacin
ooring: nateq
ounce: front ~ of a cover parka keniq; put in the
front ~ of a cover parka kenirmiar-
ecked-esh polypore — ounce
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
ounder: aalalaq, sagiq; arrowtooth ~ cagiq,
naternaq; starry ~ cagiq, naternaq, uraluq,
our: mukaaq, see Turner (17); mush made by
adding water to ~ that has been stir-fried
without oil until brown qacapleq; empty ~ sack
ow: carvaq, carve-; ~ out maqe-; ~ out into
something anuma-; lake from which a river ~s
qagan; ~ing liquid ku-
ower: naucetaaq; bumblebee ~ ulevleruyak;
calyx of a ~ naugaar(aq*); mastodon ~ melngut
neqait; petal of ~ caqelngataruaq; bloom (of ~s)
u: ~ epidemic of 1918 quserpak
ue: nuvagpak
uffy: be soft and ~ nerevyinqegge-; ~ dog
uid: ~ or juice as from cooking egneq; device for
lling a bladder with ~s miinguartarkarcivik
ush toilet: ayagcetuli qurrun
ustered: act ~ in the presence of a member of the
opposite sex to whom one is attracted picari-
ute: cupu’uryarat
utter: angala-, pekaksuar(ar)-; ~ in the wind
leviar-, leviileviar-; ~ near the ground to distract
intruders from its young ceva-
y: tenge-; blacksh ~ meryak
; dung ~ anaiq,
anaririyaq; horse~ ilairtayuli; house ~
anaririyaq, ciivak, ciuvak; small ~ qevlerli; ~
around tengaur-; ~ away with (him/it) tengute-;
~ over the surface kat’ag-; ~ egg meqiq; ~
eggs ciiviit anait; ~ larvae ciiviit anait; ~ from
its eggs peksallag-; ~ by supernatural means
elumar-, luumar-; ~ into a rage cuaqerte-; ~ rod
ywheel: ~ of motor qamiquq
foam: qapneq, qapuggluk, qapuk; ~ in cooking pot
pugyanerrluk; ~ (as at the mouth) qapniurteqe-;
remove ~ from the surface of a liquid punerte-
focus: ~ of attention ukakarar-
fog: nungu, taituk, umta; close in on (of ~)
cikvagute-, cikvangqaur-, maatekiir(ar)-; for
~ or mist to close in and clear up repeatedly
quurruyag-; go in and out of the ~ tepumirtur-;
ice ~ patuggluk
foggy: be ~ nungu, taicir-, umta; be very ~ tairvag-
foil: caviya(g)aq*
fold: (n) tapneq, (v) tapte-; ~ up imeg-; ~ (it) up
taptaar-; ~ one’s legs qungte-; ~ over merigte-;
arm ~ kay’uq; ~ between legs and abdomen
imelqutak; blade of ~ing knife ikusgaq
folded: have one’s legs ~ and sit hunched up
qunginga-; ~ over merig-; be ~ over meringqa-;
~ skirt of a parka or kuspuk ciqtagneq; ~ strip
enclosing raw edge of fabric menglailitaq; old-
style cofn in which a person was interred
with his knees ~ sitaaq
folk hero: legendary ~ from the Kuskokwim and
Nelson Is. areas Apanuugpak
folklore: legendary giant in Kuskokwim-area ~
follow: kinguniur-, kingunrirtur-; ~ with the
permission of the one followed maligte-; ~
without permission maligate-, maligcuar-;
~ instructions maligtaqu-; ~ commands
niisnga-; be slow to ~ instructions pamaite-; ~
one’s whims umyugiur-, umyui-; ~ suddenly
maligarte-; ~ tracks tum’arte-; ~ tracks, but not
people or animals atuq; ~ traditional practices
associated with birth, death, rst menstruation,
illness, etc. agelru-; one who ~s traditional
abstinence practices eyanqellria; one who
doesn’t ~ traditional abstinence practices
eyailnguq*; go ~ing N (pb) -kuir-
follower: maligtaqusta; cam ~ nepcurlim
Fomes pinicola: ararkaq, kenerqaq
fond: be ~ of a particular baby or other cute
creatures kumegtar-, kumegyug-
fondle: agtumyuar-
fondly: act ~ toward (him, it) kumke-
fontanelle: can’ggelquq, cikuilquq, cikuyuilquq,
mamkilquq, qenuilquq, tanqiuksuar
food: neqa
; real ~ neqepik, neqpik; boiled sh
or other ~ egaaq; cooked ~ keniraq, ugka
delicious ~ neqnirqellria; hard candy or
other hard-baked ~ uutaq; leftover ~ aminaq,
aminkuk; dog ~ alunga
, qimugcin; ~ found
in mouse caches qertat; search for food
stored in mouse (vole) caches pakissaag-;
area dug up by mice for ~ storage anqulleq;
(potential) ~ that is V (pb) -maarrluk; art
of preparing ~ neqkiuryaraq; barter for ~
qayuqcarniar-; be short of ~ and feel dread
kapegcug-, kapegcuke-; be tired of eating
the same ~ cirlite-; eat N (~) (pb) -tur-
; at
ounder — food
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
raw ~ aripa-; enjoy ~ neqnili-; feel overly
full with ~ aqituqerte-; feel sick from eating
too much fatty ~ uqilngu-; feel sleepy from
so much ~ imasri-; gathering of ~ makiraq;
get ~ poisoning ilulkar-; gobble up ~ alqar-;
have things clinging to it such as bugs on
~ neve-
; offering of ~ or water aviukaq;
provide adequate ~ neqilegte-; pucker one’s
lips in reaction to sour ~ quunite-; put one’s
ngers in one’s mouth and lick particles of ~
off them alqimar-; scrape ~ from a vessel or
utensil with one’s nger, licking the ~ off the
nger epaar-; quarrel and complain over ~
neqlugcira-; search for ~ or anything needed
cegar-; serve ~ neqliur-; serve ~ in a kashim
qepagte-; share ~ with naruyake-; small sweet
green plant collected for ~ from mouse caches
aatuuyaarpak; smoked ~ puyuqaq; spoiled or
rotten ~, especially sh arinaq; store properly
by making sure that ~ is pressed down in a
keg and sealed airtight nin’genqegcar-; take ~
over to a friend, relative, or neighbor payugte-;
chew on frozen ~, or on the ice where ~ has
frozen on the surface of the snow mangirrar-;
tired of eating the same ~ all the time
qapilngu-; variety of ~ avungnak; vary one’s ~
engkite-; have plenty of ~ and other goods uqi-;
get a lot of ~ at a party uyiqe-; any little bit of
~ available neqaraq; elevated ~ cache elagyaq;
partially underground ~ ciqlugaq; have ~ stuck
in the throat tumite-, tumilngu-, tuvculir-;
provide with ~ for a journey taquite-; save ~ for
a person who is late for a meal keggmiaqute-;
save ~ for later yaaveskaniur-; save some ~ for
someone aminkite-; cut up ~ in preparation
for cooking ukli-; put dried sh or other ~
in seal oil in a sealskin poke teviri-; seal oil
(or other liquid) in which ~ is dipped before
being eaten meciaq; Yup’ik ~ item yugtaq;
~ known or thought to cause loose stools
anarcetaaq; concerned about one’s supply of ~
or other necessities cumerte-, cumerteqe-; have
~ particles or stains around one’s mouth tepli-;
get ~ poisoning ilulkar-, ilussarte-, qaliqar-;
~ prepared by V-ing (pb) -maarrluk; make a
livelihood by the traditional means of hunting
and shing, picking berries, ~ food preserving
yuungnaqe-; ~ ready to eat neqkaq, nerqainaq;
~ server or manager neqliurta; ~ set aside for
someone minaq; ~ that has N (pb) -maarrluk;
chew ~ to prepare it for eating takuli-, tamuali-;
~-stealing bird neqaiq; approach in order to get
~, such as bait in a trap uyerqe-; have a prickly
feeling in one’s tongue when eating fermented
~ kakialanar-
FOOD (CEREMONIAL): small gift, usually ~,
brought to get into a dance or feast Itruka’ar;
gift of ~ bought into the kashim and hung
up there in connection with a youth dancing
for the rst time nangrun; namesake of the
dead who is given ~, water, and a change of
clothes during a holiday in honor of the dead
neqliskengaq; person who distributes clothing
or ~ in honor of his or her child’s rst catching
game or picking berries kalukaq
; food offering
used in an old-time ceremony naluun; present
ceremonial ~ to (him) payukucunguar-; holiday
involving men called “mothers” going door
to door and collecting ~ Aaniq; bring ~ for
distribution during the Bladder Feast ciamci-;
ridicule by singing after giving ~ and while
the ~ is being eaten during the Messenger
Feast nernerrlugcetaar-; holiday celebrated in
autumn in which participants with painted
faces or wearing masks would go door to door
asking for ~ Qaariitaaq; follow traditional
practices consisting of abstaining from certain
~ and activities agelru-, eyag-, yaag-
fool: ~ a person iiqenqiiqesnite-; see Zagoskin (16)
fool around: akusrarte-, picingssag-, uamqe- ; ~
around with (it, him, her) akusraruteke-
foolhardy: be ~ alingiltaar-; act in a ~ way aarite-
foolish: be ~ umyugaite-, usviite-; do ~ things
kin’anga-; behave ~ly cellaite-, ellaite-
foot: itgaq; area at foot of person, animal, bed,
etc. teru; ~ (anatomical) itegaq, it’gaq; ~ of
human or animal tukullek; fore~ of quadruped
ciuksuk; left ~ iqsuq; sole of ~ alu, aluq,
atungaq; ~ in length itegneq
, it’ganeq; get
something sharp in one’s ~ cukite-; piece of
boot or shoe over the toes and the top of the
~ itek; ~ wrapping used in place of socks
nemenglluk; traveling by ~ nangrrar-; wooden
crosspiece for the ~ on a snowshoe tutneq;
needle made from the front part of a crane’s ~
kakuun; strip of dried swan-~ skin it’galqinraq;
play a game in which two individuals pull
against each other using a string looped over
one ~ cingillertute-; legendary monster with
food (ceremonial) — foot
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
three toes on each ~ and six ngers on each
hand, identied as “Bigfoot” arularaq
footlocker: yaassiigek
footpath: piyuayaraq
footprint: tuma
; evidence of human presence,
such as ~s or excrement yul’inraq*; be full of ~s
or tracks tumlia-
footwear: put on ~ pilug-, piluguk-; remove one’s
~ kamilarte-, ugte-
; put ~ on the wrong foot
caqvingqa-, caqvirte-
for: ~ a long time qangvarpak; ~ the rst time in
a long time ak’anek; ~ some time qangvaq;
now and ~ a short time hence wanirpak; ~
how long? qangvarpak; ~ a while wanirpak;
V ~ a while (pb) -mar-; ~N (time) to pass (pb)
; ~ fog or mist to close in and clear up
repeatedly quurruyag-; ~ it (object) to be more
V than it (subject) (pb) -nqe-; ~ ocean ice to
break off from the main ice qecug-
; ~ shame!
kacakikika, katak; ~ some unknown reason
qayuwa; ~ the purpose of V-ing (pb) -na-
; ~
there to be gusts qugnira-; ~ there to be open
water with icebergs beyond qupngur-; ~ there
to be the crunching sound as made by boots
on cold snow qerqiugte-; (~ there) to be N (pb)
forbid: ~ (him) from doing something qessake-
force: resist or pull back against a ~ aksar-; tear
with ~ alpag-
; be afraid of a ~ of nature
nangyaqe-, nangyarnarqe-, nangyaryug-
forcefully: act ~ or vigorously qepirte-
fore: deck beam just ~ of the cockpit deck beam of
a kayak tukervik ayagaq; ~ and aft lengthwise
deck stiffeners of kayak qularaq; strut ~ and
aft next to large strut running across top of
kayak tukervik; ~ or aft deck stringer of a
kayak qulaq*
forearm: large bone of the ~ amelraq, nukaruaq
forecast: ciunerkiungnaqe-
forenger: keniun
forefoot: ~ of quadruped ciuksuk
foreground: ciuneq
forehead: cung’uq, qauq
, qauraq, tatek, tautek; hair
line on the ~ neginquq; press one’s knuckles
against one’s ~ nengsuug-; hair ornaments
worn attached to the bangs at each side of
the ~ cukluuk; metal and bead ~ ornament
camataq; ~ decoration or other appliance
foreign object: ~ in one’s eye evrun, verun; to get a
~ in one’s eye erevte-
, verte-; ~ stuck between
the teeth kumkaq, kumkailiq; remove a ~ from
between one’s teeth kumkaili-
foreleg: makiran, talliquq; ~ or ipper pit uneq
foremost: ~ one manuqliq*
forepart: civu, ciu; carved parts on top stiffener of
kayak ~ that connects the struts nutengqupagta
foresees: tell about what one ~ while beating an
Eskimo drum qalur(ar)-
foreshaft of seal harpoon: butt end of ~ kegcuq;
shoulder(s) of ~ kegglassi; wooden piece in
socket of ~ evga
forested: open area in front of ~ area agtuineq
foretold: legendary shaman who ~ the coming of
white people Ississaayuq
forever: ak’arpak, akwarpak
foreword: ikirun
forfeit: tegui-
forge: pinguarcete-
forgery: pinguarceciyaraq
forget: avaur-, kic’i-, kis’arci-, nalluqar-,
nalluyagute-, ulapsagte-, unime-; ~-me-not
caqelngataat neqait
forgetful: be ~ avaurtar-
forgive: a¥g’arite-; ~ an act pellugcete-
forgotten: do something, engage in some act, the
exact word for which is ~ or not known to the
speaker, or does not exist, but an act that the
listener will recognize imkuciq, imkur-, imuu-
fork: kakiaq, kapsuun, kassig-, nerrsuun, uil’kaq; ~
of a tree kakiciq, qakiciraq
form: eluciq, luuciq; skin-stretching frame or ~
nillaq; ~ a hard snow crust during a cold spring
night preceded by a warm day qerretrar-,
qetrar-; ~ for bending sled runners, boat parts,
etc. per’ucin; ~ inserted into skins of squirrels,
mink, otter, muskrat, etc. to stretch them
; ~ into two lines as a passageway for
(him) to walk through amigpite-; ll out ~s
imir-; ll out ~s for imirite-; mold for ~ing a
shape eyurcissuun
formal: reciprocate in ~ gift giving mumigarute-
formation: blend in with land ~ merinite-; rock
~ patterned by action of water on the shore
ingigun, inigun; heart-shaped sea ice ~
footlocker — formation
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
formative: egg in ~ stage, inside bird ciqamciq
former: be visiting at one’s ~ home utengqa-; ~
house nell’eq; ~ N (pb) -lleq
; ~ settlement
nunalleq; ~ settlement on the Kwethluk River
formerly: village ~ known as Sheldon’s Point
Nunam Iqua; slate stone ~ used to make
semilunar knives ulukaq; ~, regularly have
V-ed (pb) -lallru-
formidable: be ~ caperrnarqe
fornicate: caruyak; ~ with (him, her) akusraruteke-
fornication: akusrarutekineq, caruyak
forsake: qevte-
fortitude: cacet-, mangak; lack ~ casaite-, caceskite-,
caskite-, cayaite-, taceskite-
fortunate: be ~ atawaqar-, piluaqar-; be very ~
forty: see Appendix 6 on numerals; see Adams (66)
forward: ciutmun; be overly ~ aryuraite-, takaite-;
bend ~ kanarte-
, put’e-; bend over ~ sticking
the buttocks up ikigte-, ikingqa-
; be bent ~
ikig-, kanangqa-, kanar-
; fall ~ paallag-; fall
~ hard paarvag-; fall ~ on chest qategmiaqar-;
go ~ ciumuar-, ciutmurte-; hurriedly go ~
paalaryaaqe-; slow down ~ progress kenerte-;
go ~ through a thicket, clouds, darkness, etc.
pula-; look ~ to something neq’aniur-; ~ going
straight (and, so it goes)
ciunermikun ayagtuq
fossil mammoth ivory: keligvak, quugiinraq
foster: ~ child anglicaraq, aqumkengaq, aulukaaq,
avaliq, kitugtaq; ~ parent anglicarta
found: gnat ~ on beaches tengleryaq; inedible
red worm ~ found on beaches uinguyuk;
short piece of dried wood ~ on the ground
ciamurrluk; ~ thing nalaq, nalaqutaq, nalkutaq;
place where something is ~ when it is least
expected to be ~ there kelngunrilnguq*;
beached carcass or other thing ~ while one is
beachcombing mallu
foundation: tusngavik, tuyngavik; rest on a ~
tusnga-, tuynga-
fountain pen: ingegcuun
fountainhead: qagan
four: cetaman, citaman; ~ groups or pairs or
bundles cetamain; ~ hundred yuinaam yuum
ipia; ~ in cards cetamarraq, kangiraraq; run on
~ legs pangaleg-, pangalpag-, pangarvag-; the
width of the ~ ngers (thumb excluded) of
one’s hand patneq; old-style cofn, formerly
elevated on ~ short posts sitaaq
fourteen: akimiarunritar(aq*)
fourth: ~ one of them cetamiit; ~ of July holiday
Qukitiiq; ~ time cetamii; ~ deck beam from
bow of kayak nengengali; ~ top strut piece in
bow of kayak pakigvik
fowl: tengmiaq, tengmilquq, yaqulek
fox: kangilngaq, sapakaq, uuquciik; arctic ~ qaterli,
qaterliar(aq*), qunguiq, uliiq; cross ~ eqyeraq,
ernertur(aq*), ilaaciq, kelaassiq, tungulriaya(g)
aq*, see Petroff (9); red ~ kaviaq*; white ~ qaterli,
qaterliar(aq*), qunguiq; black or silver ~, see
Adams (32)
fox sparrow: elagayuli
fragment: ~ of wood from chopping ciqualleq;
dipper for removing ~s of ice from a water
hole or shing hole in the ice imairin, qenuirun
fragrant: ~ spices tepkegcilria
frail: become ~ tautunrir-
frame: enerrlainaq; man’s labret with beads on a
~ elciqaruaq; ~ of tent, kayak, etc. eneq; ~ for
boat, house, etc. enerkaq; ~ building laavkaaq,
lavkaaq; skylight ~ qiitek, qiteq; window ~
qiitek, qiteq; skin-stretching ~ or form nillaq;
stretch the skin over the ~ of a kayak agqe-
one of six holes in rim to lash to ~ of kayak
frame of mind: umsuaq, umyuaq, umyugaq; be in
a good ~ ellakegci-, umyuaqegci-; be in a bad ~
framework: ~ holding down something like a
skylight window nanerta
Fratercula cirrhata: qilangaq, tunngaq
Fratercula corniculata: qengacuar(aq*), qilangaq
fray: caste-, taste-
freckle: kukupak, tuqunqucuar(aq*)
free: be ~ akiite-; break ~ of something pegleqrute-;
have ~ time uitqaci-
freeload: cingpaci-; ~er cingpacista
freeze: ciku, kumlacir-, qume-; freeze to death
qerru-; freeze and dry (of clothing) cupkar-;
~ over patqar-; make aged sh in fall and ~
them in rock-lined ditches for winter use quli-;
warm spot in river that does not ~ qecikluk
freeze-dried: ~ esophagus for eating iglaq; ~ skin
formative — freeze-dried
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
freeze-dry: qerrecqercete-; ~ a skin outside in
winter until it gets white qercur-
freeze-up: cikuqaq; for it to be ~ cikuqaq
freezer: kumlivik; get ~ burn cupkar-
freezing: ~ rain cikurlak, patuggluk; raw whitesh
aged before ~ and served frozen qassaya(g)aq*
freight sled: ikamralugpiaq, qamisvak
frequently: pulengtaq
fresh: feel sleepy from so much ~ air, food, etc.
imasri-; lack rmness (of sh no longer
~) aqiturte-; go outside for ~ air an’gir-,
cellamqaci-; feel bad because of lack of ~ air
epsalngu-; boiled ~ sh ungllekaq; yearn for
~ sh terrigyug-; ~ snow nutaqerrun, nutaraq,
nutaryuk; ~ tomcod with entrails removed
citegtaq*; share blubber and meat from a ~ly
caught seal uqicetaar-
fresh water: meq; packed snow on sea ice, used
for getting ~ kavtak; sourdock that grows in ~
springs niucinaq
freshener: breath ~ anrenqegcaun
fret: ~ actively and noisily qiperrlugte-
fricative sound: eltetuli
friction: start re by ~ with a bow-drill ussungiq
frictionless: be ~ nepirag-, piirag-, piirig-
Friday: Tallimirin
fried bread: alaciq, alatiq, maniaq, uqulek, uqurpak
fried food: assaliaq
friend: aiparnaarraq, ilanaaraq, kenruk,
yugnikek’ngaq, see Zagoskin (15), see Barnum (5);
best ~ ken’gun
; close ~ qat’nguq; very close
friend naruyaq
; like him as a ~ aiparnike-;
female’s parent’s cross-cousin’s daughter,
female ~ of a female ilungaq*; take food over
to a ~ payugte-; be ~s with naruyake-; be
disrespectful toward ~s iryiraite-
friendly: be ~ ilaliunqegg-, yugnirqe-, see Turner
(45); tease in a ~ way ilangciar(ar)-
frighten: try to ~ alingcetaar-, alingcirar-
frightening: be ~ alingnarqe-, uulganarqe-; be ~ (of
a height or any force of nature) nangyarnarqe-
fringe: agaussaaq, kelevyat; parka decorated
with a ~ of squirrel belly uulungiiq; single
hanging strip of ~ pinevyak; piece of ~d fur
sewn on hem or hood of garment uulungak,
frog: pelaqpelaq, peleqpelr(aq*), see Orlov (5)
from: ablative-modals case (see Endings section); ~ the
beginning nutem; ~ that time on tuakenirnek;
~ this time on wak’nirnek; ~ now on
wak’nirnek; ~ long ago temeqvanek; ~ a
distance umiqvanek; ~ across there agken;
wind blow ~ behind while one is traveling
; ~ downriver or by the exit
ugken; ~ far away temeqvanek; ~ out of sight
umiqvanek; ~ out there qagken; shake one’s
head ~ side to side ungaulug-; body ~ the waist
down uan; ~ there ta¥gken; ~ up there pagken;
~ where? naken; arrive ~ the sea tulag-; visit ~
one village or city to another nunate-
frond: palm ~ used at Easter in the Russian
Orthodox Church papanuk
front: get in ~ of ciunrir-; ~ component of
gunsight anacruq; snowshoe with upturned
~end acaluruaq; snowshoe with pointed
~ pupsugcetaaq; ~ area of kayak ceturyaq,
cituryaq; tray on ~ of kayak for coiled harpoon
rope acaluq; shelf at ~ edge of rear storage
platform kiacirutaq; ~ n of sh anguarussaq,
ucuilleq; section of a sh just in ~ of the
tail kep’neq; part of a seal’s ~ ipper bones
aklanquq; put on clothing back to ~ tunupirte-;
~ ounce of a cover parka keniq; carry or
hold in the ~ ounce of one’s cover parka
kenirmiaqe-; run at an extended gallop, both
~ striking, then both back legs pangaleg-;
brush bow at the ~ of a sled puukaryailkutaq*;
upturned part at ~ of sled runner tetgaq; ~
piece (bow) of a sled maryarun; needle made
from the ~ part of a crane’s foot kakuun; ~
of thigh ciuqinraq, civuqinraq; in the ~ room
cakma(ni); the one in the ~ room cakemna;
area in ~ civu; area in ~ of (it) ciu; area directly
in ~ of (it) ciuqaq; area right in ~ (riverward)
kek’araq; ~ area of hill, mountain, etc. caa,
sayangaq; open area in ~ of brushy or forested
area agtuineq; ~ of porch of house manulqaq; ~
side of something manu
front and back: type of traditional parka worn by
Nelson Is. and tundra-area Yup’iks that has
large ~ plates of white calfskin or of mink skin
, ellutmuaq, qaliq; woman’s fur parka
cut high on the sides so that there are ~ aps
front-piece: design or ~ of parka cacarqaq
frost: kaneq; for condensation to become ~
freeze-dry — frost
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
malngugte-; have ~ inside an object or house
ilur-; make an open re inside to remove ~
; ~ on trees qakurnaq
frostbitten: get ~ kumlaqua-, qercur-; have a ~
spot where one has touched a cold object
pupingqua-; remove skin uuyutair-
frosted: be ~ kaneq; to become ~ ilu-
froth: qapneq, qapuggluk, qapuk
frown: miuyigte-, qavyurte-; be ~ing qavyungqa-
frozen: ~ “Eskimo ice cream” qangquaq; ~ raw
sh nutaqaq; hard ~ sh qercuqaq; cook ~
sh uussag-; aged sh made in fall and ~
for winter use quluk, qussuk, tepcuar(aq*),
tep’ngaayak; not be ~ well civyegte-; ~ sh
or meat to be eaten in that state cetegtaq,
kumlaciq, kumlaneq, qassaya(g)aq*, quaq; dried
tomcod or whitesh that has been ~ winter
yay’ussaq; chew on ~, or on the ice where food
has ~ mangirrar-; newly ~ ice elliqaun; ~ soil
kumlaneq; be ~ stiff cetengqite-; ~-over place
fruit: ac’aq, acsaq, atsaq; any other large ~ or nut
atsarpak; any small ~ atsayagaq*; dried ~
ciutnguaq; ~ canned in sweet syrup neqavruq;
bear ~ naugi-
fruitlessly: V in vain, ~ (pb) -yaaqe-
frustrate: qelerte-; be ~ makugte-, mak’urte-,
, taya-
fry: (v) asgir-, assali-, see Muset (3)
fry: (n) sh ~ (baby sh) tuk’naayaaq; alevin
(sac ~) iirrlainayagaq; blacksh ~ alungyar(aq*);
cooked blacksh ~ allemaaq; trout ~
tugkapagaq; whitesh ~ iituliar(aq*)
fry bread: asgiq, assaliaq, uqup’alek
frying pan: asgircuun, assalissuun, eskuulutaq,
maniarcuun, sal’kuuyarvik, skuulutaq
fuel: run out of ~ uquirte-; ~ oil uqungnak,
uqurkaq, uquq; ~ tank uqirvik, uqurvik
full: be ~ ellmar-, miur-, pakte-; become ~
muiqaar(ar)-; be over~ pakqaar(ar)-; ~ moon
iralvak; become ~ (of the moon) muir-; the
moon is ~ iraluq muirtuq; the moon is half
~ iraluq avegtuq; be ~ almost to bursting
tetengte-; have a ~ bladder nakaci-; be ~ in
one’s N (pb) -i-
; be ~ of ash arir-; be ~ of cargo
uciar-; be ~ of food aqiturte-; be ~ of footprints
or tracks tumlia-; be ~ of smoke puyuqe-;
be ~ of something imap’ag-; be ~ of vigor
segg’anqegg-; have a ~ stomach aqsi-; be ~ up
imaqaar(ar)-; feel overly ~ aqituqerte-
fully: be ~ grown taqmigte-, taqte-; be ~ inated
fumes: aruvak
fumigate: puyir-; ~ and ritually cleanse (one’s
body) with the smoke of wild celery tarvaq
fun: have ~ aavurte-, anglani-, nunaki-; make ~ of
function: ~ better kitugi-
fungus: birch bracket ~ (punk) ararkaq, kumakaq,
pupiguaq, see Adams (33); ash of birch ~ (punk)
araq, legci-, peluq; ~ (mold) uquggluk; fungus
that sometimes forms on dried sh aqak,
funnel: uqirissuun; walrus bladder ~ kecqurtaq;
~-like inside component of a sh trap iluliraq
funny: be ~ englarnarqe-, temcinarqe-; nd (it) ~
temcike-; nd something ~ temcitar-, temciyug-;
~ bone qengaraq; ~ old N (pb) -vialuk
fur: ~ hat paallaguaq; ~ hat with ear aps
malagg’aayaq, palagg’aayaq, qacap’aguaq;
strip of otter ~ trim on a parka kaunguaq,
keggacilleq, tungunqucuk; wolverine ~
decoration aqevyak, kasurun, kayurun; caribou
fawn ~ pukirraq; wolf ~ on parka megcugtaq;
~ seal aataak; mink ~ sewn on garment
pinevyacagaq*; animal belly ~ aqsaneq; with
dark ~ ullacuk; dog with a ring of dark ~
around its eye eskaayaq; fancy boot made with
dark ~ over the shin ciuqalek; boot with ~
inside ilutmurtaq; ~ liner for boot murun; skin
boot with ~ out ayagcuun; pants with attached
~ socks allirtet; woman’s ~ parka kinguqalek;
parka with ~ side inward ulqucinak; ~ parka
made with fancy decorations atkupiaq; strip of
~ between the parka ruff and hood menglairun;
fringed ~ sewn on garment uulungak; pluck
~ eritar-, erritar-; skin soaked to remove ~
meqciraq; soak to remove ~ meqcir-; ~ that
changes its direction when wet nemercauk
furbearers: trap ~ melqulegcur-
furbearing: ~ animal melqulek
furnace: kiircaun
furry caterpillar: uguguaq
further: go ~ yaaveskanir-
furthermore: cali, tuamta-llu
fussing: qinu-
frostbitten — fussing
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
future: ciunerkaq, tekitarkaq; (~) (pb) -ku; the ~
picirkaq, pillerkaq; ponder the ~ qikar-; in
the near ~ icivaaraqu, ukaniku, ukaqvaggun,
uumiarqu; V in the ~ (pb) -ciqe-, -ki-, -niar-;
not V in the ~ (pb) -ngairute-, -ngaite-; ~ act of
V-ing (pb) -llerkaq; ~ time of V-ing (pb) -natkaq;
~ condition of possessor with respect to V (pb)
-cirkaq; ~ content imarkaq; ~ house nek’aq; ~ N
(pb) -kaq; ~ possession pikaq; stack (logs) for ~
use nuarte-, nuirte-
fuzz stick: ayagyaaqun
feelings: inner ~ ilu
g: mispronounce ~ pilegte-, pikagte-
Gadus macrocephalus: atgiaq, amutaq
gaff: legcik, negcik; hook of a ~ pakuk; short-
handled ~ tallirpacuar(aq*); small ~
negcikcuar(aq*); ~ as a signal uurcaq
gag: ¥gaq’allaga-
gage: net ~ negaqeggun
gain weight: uqunge-
gall: cungak; ~ stone siimaq
gallbladder: anrutaq, cungaq, neqnialnguq
Gallinago gallinago: cen’aq, cugtuvik, kukukuaq
gallon: ve-~ can kallaggluk
gallop: pangaleg-
gallstone: tegalquq, teggalquq
gamble: akirri-, see Barnum (19)
gambling: ~ winnings tagtaq
game (animal): take ~ pite-, pit’e-
; catch ~ cange-;
try to catch ~ angussaag-; catch N (~) (pb) -te-
be good at catching ~ naki-; be unlucky at
catching ~ nakriate-; wait for ~ nayuryar-; tag a
~ animal cavigcir-; chase ~ maligke-, malirqar-,
malirqe-; ~ trail aprulluk; drive ~ into an area
where they can easily be killed ungu-; blind
from which to wait for ~ nayurvik; celebrate
child’s rst ~ pinrarcete-, kalukaq
; keep from
being seen by ~ tanite-; big-~ tag
amian cavigtaa; sing and dance to induce ~
to be plentiful agayuli-; spent ammunition
shell tied to string and used as weapon for
small ~ qapiamcetaaq; Alaska Department
of Fish and ~ kayanguyagiurtet; ~ warden
kayanguyagiurta, melquleliurta
game (activity): hand ~ kaataryaraq; traditional
~ caukia; card ~ played by four people
atmaliq, atvaliq; card ~ similar to trumps
kuuselaq; loser in a card ~ unegtaq; ~ of tag
akimitagaq, alakiitaaq, yakiitaaq; play a ~ of
tag yakiicimaagute-; play ~ of tag in which the
tagee has something in his hand wanted by
the tagger mayarcetaar-; ~ of hide-and-seek
meluqetaaq; cover one’s eyes in ~ of hide-
and-seek melu-; ~ of tug-of-war tengugtaarun;
~ similar to prisoners base man’aman’aaq;
winnings in a gambling ~ tagtaq; play a
~ similar to volleyball akiqaar(ar)-; play a
hockey-like ~ kal’utaq-; play a ball ~ involving
hitting the ball with the at of the hand
patkar-; marble for playing ~ maapelaaq;
young child just starting to play in the
“Lapp ~” kangpaniskaq; something that gets
one in, such as the ante in a card ~ ekun; ~
somewhat like mumblety-peg kapuckaq,
kapuckaryaraq; pointed stick used in a ~
somewhat like mumblety-peg kalackiiq; ~
in which a stick is tossed up and the player
tries to have it fall into or through a small
hole in a handheld component ulpecuqnaq;
play ~ in which two individuals pull against
each other using a string looped over one
foot cingillertute-; ~ with log hung from ropes
aavussaq; jump over a swinging log hung
horizontally with rope ek’ur-
gang rape: commit ~ agkenge-
gangline: sagtet, uskuraq
gap: akulqucuk, akultuqucuk; create a ~ aivkar-
gape open: aatarte-, aitar-
gaping open: aatar-, aitar-; be ~ aatangqa-,
garbage dump: qanitaq
garden: naucetaarvik, naucirivik; vegetable ~
garment: aturaq, cangssagaq, un’u; device for
brushing off snow or dirt from a ~ evcuutaq;
drawstring at the waist of a ~ yuuman;
trimming on hem of ~ cenliarun; fancy,
contrasting colored skin patchwork trim at
hem of ~ ingqit; fringed fur sewn on hem or
future — garment
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hood of ~ pinevyacagaq*, uulungak; single
hanging strip of a fringe on a ~ pinevyak;
loop on ~ for use with a fastener negurluq;
fasten a button or other ~ fastener nungute-,
nunute-; lower part of ~ aku; pullover ~ as’un;
roll up the skirt or hem of one’s ~ and tie it
at the waist qepte-; ~ covering the legs and
torso qalluviik; thin hooded pullover ~ worn
as a parka cover, as a jacket or dress qaspeq;
want a ~ qucuvike-; wear a long ~ akulugci-;
stiffen one’s ~ to prevent movement aksaqar-;
“leprous” disease of ~s uquggluk
garter: parteraq
gas (fuel): kaassalinaq, kaassaq, uqurkaq; square
ve-gallon ~ can kallaggluk, kangiralek;
become ooded with ~ or oil uqiqite-; mantle
in ~ lamp ingcu
gas (abdominal): gas expelled rectally [e]leq, leq,
naleq, neleq; expel much ~ nelepag-; ~ in one’s
stomach or otherwise conned qertuneq
Gas Rocks: Nagaayuq
gasket: elcailkun
gasp: anertevkar-; choke and ~ as when wind
blows in one’s face ep’ura-, purtua-, puurtua-;
~ spasmodically after crying manglleg-
gastrocnemius: ~ muscle in the calf nakacugnaq
gather: kallur-, katurte-, mikur-, aur-, avur-; ~
together quyurte-; nd and ~ eggs by removing
the grass that covers them ciruirci-; ~ (it)
although scarce pukiqur-; ~ cloth, as in sewing
murugte-; ~ rewood equgtar-, qugtar-; ~ grass
canegte-, canegtar-, evegtar-, vegtar-; ~ greens,
tubers, berries, eggs, etc. makiraq; ~ hardened
pitch angiyaq; ~ or prepare food or other items
for the future cumerte-; ~ N (not food) from
nature (pb) -tar-
; ~ scraps of wood auqiir-,
gathered: katur-; ~ together quyur-; be ~ together
katungqa-, quyungqa-
gathering: one who is ~ food makiraq; ~ of food
makiraq; ~ place katurrvik
Gavia sp.: qerqauq
Gavia adamsii: tuullek
Gavia arctica: tunutellek, yaqulegpak
Gavia immer: tuullek, tunupirtaq, urr’urruayuli,
Gavia stellata: qaqaq, qucuniq
geese: drive ~ into an area for easy killing ungu-;
sprout of a plant eaten by ~ neqnirliaq
gelatinous: be ~ aqelrurte-
general: ~ anesthetic qavarcetaaq; be remote in a ~
sense umiqsig-; ~ly rough water qaitu-
generation: yuulgutkelriit; legend passed down
from ~ to ~ naucaqun, univkaraq
generator: electric ~ kallugvik, kenurrivik
generous: be ~ ciknataite-, irelgite-, irlaite-,
tuvqatar-, qunuite-; be overly ~ ellrilkaar-; act
~ly tuvqake-, tuvqayug-
Genesis: Biblical book of ~ Ayagniqarraaq
genitalia: taqik, ucuk
gentile: agayumanrilnguq*
gentle: be ~ mianike-; ~ person mianikur(aq*); not
be a ~ person mianiite-
gently: act ~ and carefully mulngake-; stroke ~ on
the head cangig-; stroke ~ once ellai-; stroke ~
more than once ellaigar-
genuine: ~ N (pb) -pik
geographical: particular side of some specied ~
place or direction tunglirneq
geometric: trim at hem of parka, often made of
pieces sewn together in a ~ design akurun
gesture: elucirar(ar)-, luucirar(ar)-; beckon by a
hand ~ nulur-
; insult with a nger ~ katngite-;
make a ~ of affection cingar-
get: ~ ahead of ciulleg-; one who doesn’t ~ along
with others ilallugun; ~ an explanation
kingunge-; ~ an idea umyuange-; suddenly ~ an
idea umyuanga’rte-; ~ an imprint of something
pressing into it qapaute-, qapngute-; ~ another
N (pb) -linqigte-; ~ as a wife nuliqliute-; ~ as
far as apur-; ~ away anag-; ~ back kingunite-; ~
bad assiirute-; ~ blisters qerrari-; ~ discouraged
qacuir-; ~ down from something ater-; ~ a
dried skin soaking wet qakime-; not ~ enough
palarte-; ~ food poisoning qaliqar-; approach
in order to ~ food uyerqe-; ~ a foreign object
in one’s eye erevte-
; ~ frostbitten qercur-;
~ goose pimples suddenly, as when feeling
a chill down one’s spine qerraleryug-; one
coming to ~ help uurcaq; hit or ~ hit in or on
one’s N (pb) -ar(ar)te-
; ~ a hole (in it) uki-;
~ a hole in one’s boot sole puturtua-; ~ hurt
akngirte-, aknirte-, angqirte-; ~ ice to melt for
drinking water cikutagci-; ~ ill from overeating
qaliqar-; ~ impetigo pupik; ~ in eke-
; in front
of ciunrir-; ~ (it) out of joint aviqite-; ~ lost
garter — get
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
tayimngurte-; ~ lost pellaa-; ~ lost cagi-; ~ a lot
of food at a party uyiqe-; ~ married ukurrite-;
~ near qanli-; ~ a new N (pb) -laar(ar)-; ~ numb
elpegir-; ~ oil uqunge-; ~ on top of something
; ~ or give a small scratch talkarte-; ~ or
give insufciently palarte-; pit that one can’t ~
out of petmik; ~ out of the way avite-; race or
contend to ~ outside before others itriraute-;
~ pierced uki-; ~ pneumonia patsaqar-; ~
pregnant quminge-; start to ~ ready up’nge-;
~ ready to go upete-, upte-; ~ ripples as water
calms from a disturbance qualqamyi-; ~ sick
or get sick and die from eating foods said to
be incompatible qaliqar-; ~ a sliver in one’s
esh qerruarte-; ~ a splinter pirciqar-; ~ sodden
ungi-; go back specically to ~ someone who
has been left behind tungair-; be unable to
~ something out of one’s mind avaurilke-;
~ something sharp in one’s foot, to step on
something sharp cukite-; ~ stuck cetengqite-;
~ stuck in or have difculty with something
that is too small caltuqite-; ~ swamped or
lled with water qaluryarqe-; that’s what you
~ ta¥gak’estauna; ~ things from sh camp or
from another relatively distant place aqvai-;
~ up makete-, makte-; ~ up on nuge-; abruptly
~ up on top of something ug’arte-; ~ used to
liite-; ~ V-ed (usually to one’s detriment) (pb)
, -ciur-; ~ warm maqari-; ~ water in it
mel’ir-; ~ waterlogged ungi-; beach gnat that
~s in eyes tengleryaq; something that ~s one
in ekun; cause one to fear ~ting hit uluryake-,
uluryanarqe-; not fear ~ting hit uluryaite-
gg: mispronounce Yup’ik words by substituting
the front velar g for the back velar r pikagte-,
ghost: aavaq, alangru, aliurtuq, carayak, iinraq,
nepengyaq; see a ~ aliurtur-; brush off evils
(as after seeing a ~) ellug-; ~ said to have a big
blanket for taking children away uligiayuli;
~ that blocks doorways amiingirayuli; ~ that
walks in the air above the ground and has no
liver yuilriq; ~ town nunalleq; for there to be
a ~ly noise nepengyaq; ~ly humming noise
coming from a corner of the house avneq
giant: ~ bird tengempak, yaakucugglugaq; ~ in
Kuskokwim-area folklore ¥gayaran
gift: cikiun, pikiun; bring a ~ by one dancing for
the rst time nangrucir-; ~ brought by a youth
dancing for the rst time nangrun; small ~
brought to get into a dance or feast Itruka’ar;
~ acquired at a feast pitaq; comply with a
request at a ~ exchange ceremony naigtenrite-;
~ given out at a “kassiyuq” feast piluarqun;
reciprocate in formal ~ giving mumigarute-;
distribute ~s to those who complain of being
slighted aruq’ler-; distribute ~s or shares of
a catch aruqe-, uqiqur-, uqite-
; give out ~s to
(him) tukite-; holiday involving an exchange
of requested ~s Petugtaq
~(s) and Messenger
Feast agyuk, cauyarcir-, kapqerraarta,
kasmilria, Kevgiruaq, marlagtur-, pitar-,
taitnauraar-, umguci-, ut’rarute-, yuarukar(aq*),
yuranerrlugcaraq, yurapigcaraq,
giggle: teggigte-
gill(s): pacik; string dried sh by running one
through the ~ opening of the next tavigte-; ~
cover of a sh paciggluk, ulluvalqin; moldy
spot inside the ~ covers of an aged sh head
pupungluur(aq*); pseudo-branch, next to the ~
kaugtuapak, kaugtuutaq
, kaugun
gillnet: remove sh from a ~ naptaar-
gird: naqugte-
girl: arnaraq, nasaaluk, nay’ak; unmarried ~
nas’ak; young ~ nasaurluq*, nasekcugglugaq,
naskuggaq, nayaurluq*; girl involved in
Messenger Feast aqvak’ngaq; girl who recently
menstruated for the rst time aglenraraq*,
aglenrraq*; round bowl made for ~s uivvluaq
give: cikir-, cikiuteke-, tune-; ~ repeatedly cikirtur-;
~ aid kusgua-, kusguke-; ~ up pegte-, pitqua-,
tuatequa-; ~ (it) away tuntur-; ~ a “seal party”
uqiqur-; ~ a couple that is to be married a
complete set of new clothing ac’eci-, nulirrucir-;
~ a gift to cikir-; ~ a hunting partner the
pelvic area of the catch kuyagcite-; ~ a tongue-
lashing uluvirte-; ~ an answer to a question
kangirqe-; ~ as a name aciute-; dance and ~
away one’s catch ak’irte-
; ~ away an item the
owner no longer wants cipurvike-; ~ birth
malri, qetunriur-; ~ detailed information
cacigmigute-; not ~ enough palarte-; ~ evidence
or indication of N or V (pb) -lkia-; ~gifts in
large number tukurtaar-; ~ it over (to speaker)
; ~ N to object to use or possess (pb)
; feel bad because someone did not ~ one
a portion of their catch ivua-; ~ one an illness
cikir-; ~ one something to have or consume
gg — give
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cikir-; ~ one’s belonging to a younger female
¥gayite-; ~ a haircut kepliar-; ~ insufciently
palarte-; ~ out and have no more elrikaute-; ~
out gifts to (him) tukite-; ~ someone a task one
no longer wants to do cipurvike-; ~ something
to take along on a journey qamite-; ~ the
nger katngite-, qaqunite-; ~, take, or bring
something along with tapir-; ~ possessions to
someone more in need iknite-; ~ gifts during
the Messenger Feast messengers cauyarcir-,
marlagtur-; ~ offerings during the Lesser
Memorial Feast or Greater Memorial Feast
ac’eci-, neqlite-, uivutar-
given: something ~ along with something else
tapeq; be ~ a creepy feeling qungvake-; plan to
act at a ~ time (pb) -te-
giving: reciprocate in formal gift ~ mumigarute-;
~ the ribs to fellow hunters tulimite-; celebrate
child’s rst accomplishment by ~ away the
catch pinrarcete-
gizzard: aqsaquq
glad: be ~ anirtaar-, aryuqe-, iryiqe-, quya-
glance: ~ of the corner of one’s eye qigeckar-;
exchange knowing ~s tangertaagute-
gland: qenercinrraq*; beaver scent ~ aluqan; mink
scent ~ ic’ukcak, ikcukcak; parotid ~ iiraq
glare: ciqenqar-; wooden visor to block ~ elqiaq*
glass: cikunguaq, estikluuq, kelassaq, qenunguaq,
stikluuq, uquucunguaq; clear ~ ecuilnguq*;
earring with ~ and copper head on it
qevleqsaq; ~ bottle uquucunguaq; ~ eye
iinguaq; ~ pitcher estakaanaq, stakaanaq; ~
shnet oat mengquq; be clear ~ ecuite-; be
murky ~ cur-, ecur-
glasses: eye~ ackiik, igaugek, iiguak, iinguak
glaucous: ~ gull kukisvak, kukusvak, narusvak;
~-winged gull naruyaq
gleeful: make ~ sounds qiilera-
glide: ~ in air cilur-; ~ over the surface ikamtag-; ~
down cellur-, cillur-, ellur-, ellu’urte-; ~ down
fast cellu’urte-; ~ down repeatedly ellu’urtaar-
glimmer: for a ~ to be visible tanqivyugte-
glisten: start to ~ qevleri-
glitter: qevelqaquur-, qevelqetaar-, qevleqtaar-,
qevlercete-, qevlerte-, qevli-; very ~y qevlerpak
gloat: qutegte-
globe: ~ of the world nunarpaguaq
gloomy: have ~ thoughts nacarrlugteqe-
glorious: be ~ ucurnarqe-
glory: ucurnarquciq
glove: aasgaaq, agyaaq, aigsaaq, aisgaaq, aiygaaq,
aliiman, aliuman, yuaralek; ceremonial ~
aaggaqtaaq, aiggaqtaaq; light ~ aggsak, aiggsak
glovers needle: anguarutnguaq, quagulek
glower: qavyurte-
glowing: be ~ neve-
; ~ coal aumaq
glue: nepcetaaq, nepyun
gnat: agqercetaar(aq*), melugyar(aq*),
ungilagliar(aq*); biting ~ ilairtaayuli,
ungilayagaq*; ~ found on beaches tengleryaq
gnaw: cariar-; ~ ravenously mangirrar-
go: get ready to ~ upete-, upte-; ~ (let’s ~!) ampi, see
Adams (34); ~ a curved path qavirte-; ~ above
(it) qulruarte-; ~ across nirar-, qerar-; ~ ahead
and do it watua; ~ along maligte-; ~ along
N (pb) -kuir-; ~ along without permission
maligate-, maligcuar-; ~ along the shore citu-;
~ along with malike-; ~ along with someone
maligute-; ~ and return on the same day
ut’rarte-; ~ around an obstacle in one’s path
negur-; ~ around something thoroughly uivur-;
~ around the bend qipte-; ~ around the edge
if (it) menglair-; ~ away ayag-
, tarr’u, unite-;
~ back uterte-; ~ back home after an evening
activity ilgar-; ~ back specically to get
someone who has been left behind tungair-;
not want to ~ back to an undesirable living
situation mege-; ~ back to where one has
just been kingu-, kingutmurte-; ~ backward
kingupiar-; ~ berserk qiste-, usviilkayag-; ~
beyond yaatiir-; ~ by boat angyaq; ~ by way of
(it) tumke-; ~ by way of N (pb) -gguir-, -kuar-;
~ down ater-, atrar-, unavag-; ~ down (of
water) kente-; ~ downstream citu-; ~ farther
back inland lurnir-; ~ farther in itrar-; ~ farther
toward one’s destination tekivsiar-; ~ faster
cukari-; ~ following N (pb) -kuir-; ~ for a stroll
ayangssi-; ~ forward ciumuar-, ciutmurte-,
paalaryaaqe-; ~ forward through a thicket,
clouds, darkness, etc. pula-; ~ from one place to
another without crossing something extended
(river, road, etc.) age-; ~ from one point to
another aqelqur-; ~ from one side to the other
side mumigtaar-; ~ further yaaveskanir-; ~
get aqvalgir-; ~ get something aqvate-; ~ get
potential participants in a festival aqvai-; ~
here and there ayaga-; ~ higher and higher
given — go
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
quyigi-; want to ~ home uteryug-; ~ house to
house as part of “Qaaritaaq” or “Petugtaq”
itertaar-; ~ in iter-; ~ in a curve qipte-; ~ in
and out (of the fog) tepumirtur-; ~ in circles
(guratively) uivagci-; ~ in order to V (pb)
-yartur-; ~ seek food stored in mouse caches
pakissaag-; ~ in the area described by V (pb)
; ~ in the esh kemgarar(ar)-; ~ in
toward the back itrar-; ~ in or out through a
tunnel entrance kalvag-; ~ into an area iluvar-;
~ into the ocean swimming pakig-; ~ kayaking
qayartur-; ~ missing paqrite-; ~ N-ward (pb)
; ~ outside without a coat uvruar(ar)-;
~ or be taken to the realm below by
supernatural powers aciirute-; ~ or put N-ward
(pb) -var-; ~ or send on an errand makira-
; ~
or take farther N-ward (pb) -vaqanir-; ~ out
ane-, nipe-; ~ out leisurely or casually without
intending to accomplish much ayangssi-;
~ out of sight talurte-; ~ out pushing a sled
without using dogs peyukacir-; ~ out to meet,
greet, or welcome pairrsaag-; ~ out too early
anyarar(ar)-; ~ outside for fresh air an’gir-,
curar-; quickly ~ up on the shore tag’arte-; ~
seal hunting during the spring qamigar-; ~
somewhere else in order to survive anangniar-;
~ straight path nak’ri-; ~ through all qaqite-; ~
through completely qaqicii-; ~ through N (pb)
-gguir-; ~ through the area behind amatair-; ~
through the area on the sheltered side of (it)
uqrir-; ~ through the area under something
aciir-; ~ to a movie or a show suuliyar-; ~ to bed
inarte-; ~ to fall camp uksiiyar-; ~ to get aqva-;
~ to get N (pb) -tar-
; ~ to get others to help one
uurcaq; ~ to meet paircartur-; ~ to N (place)
(pb) -te-
; ~ to N (pb) -virte-; ~ to or toward the
water, or out into the water ketmurte-; ~ to
participate in N or V (pb) -liyar-; ~ to school
skuulaq; ~ to spring camp up’nerkiyar-; ~ to the
main village from fall camp kacete-, katete-;
~ to the mountains to hunt in spring or fall
mayur-; ~ to the rear kinguvar-; ~ to V (pb)
-yartur-; ~ toward one side ingluar-; ~ toward
the water or edge ketvar-; ~ under or in merug-;
~ up mayur-, qulmurte-; ~ up a cliff or pole
using a rope qela-
; ~ up any gradual incline
tage-; ~ up from a body of water tage-; ~ up to
a height to scan the surrounding area qikerte-;
~ V-ing (pb) -yar-; ~ with only the clothes on
one’s back nangrinar-; ~ with the intention of
returning the same day utertengkiu(ar)-; ~ with
the river current citu-; ~, or take, farther away
elaqvaqanir-; and so it ~es
ciunermikun ayagtuq
goal: keep going toward one’s ~ egmir-
goat: qusngirngalnguq*
gobble up: alqar-, elaqlar-, laqlar-, qalemqar-
God: Agayun
, cillam cua, cillam yua, ellam
ilgartii, ellam yua, Kilgarta, Uaspataq,
Ungalek; in ~’s manner tamaaten
godfather: kelussnaq
godmother: aanirta; become a ~ aanir-
Godus macrocephalus: manignaalleryak
goggles: snow ~ igguak, uitemssuaq; traditional ~
igaugek, niguak, niiguak
going: ~ around something kassutmun; ~ back
kingutmun; keep ~ back for more uyiqe-; ~ in
and out repeatedly iterquri-; keep ~ out anura-;
~ out from the village during nice weather
yuupiksagte-; ~ out to check the weather
uyuruar-; something that keeps ~ napan; suffer
chill from ~ outside pacsaqar-, patsaqar-;
be ~ to V (pb) -kugte-; maybe be ~ to V (pb)
-kutag-; probably be ~ to V (pb) -ciqli-; ~ to V
-ciqiar-; ~ to V at any moment (pb) -yukaar(ar)-;
~ to V soon (pb) -niarar-; ~ toward the back
gold: suulutaaq
golden eagle: keptalek, tengmiarrluk, yaqulpak
Golden Gate Falls: ~ on the Kiseralik River
golden-crowned sparrow: uipinipaaq
goldeneye: anarniilnguq*, qamiqurpak
goldsmith: suuluciiyurta
Golovin: Cingik, Unaliq, Uqvigartalek
gone: fade away and be ~ umi-; be gone for a long
time ngelaite-, nulte-
good: be ~ aariga’ar-, assir-, pinir-; be really ~ at
something pillgu-; eagerly expect something
~ nersuniur-, neryuniur-; feel ~ ilucqer-,
ilukegci-; not be ~ iqlutuu-; smell ~ narnirqe-;
turn out to be ~ assiller-; very ~ assipiaq; have
a ~ aroma tepkegte-; be ~ at catching game
; ~ at V-ing (pb) -llgu-; one who is ~ at
V-ing (pb) -yuli; have ~ balance nepeckegg-;
be a ~ climber nepeckegg-; be a ~ companion
ilanirqe-; have ~ eyesight mecigtu-, mecikegte-,
takvigtu-; snow ~ for making Eskimo ice
goal — good
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cream pukak; one that is ~ for N (pb) -keggliq;
be ~ for nothing cakarniirute-; be a ~ hunter
qarriimar-; have exceptionally ~ fortune in
hunting anagkenge-; be in a ~ frame of mind
umyuaqegci-; ~ friend turruluq; have a ~ mind
usvingqerr-; ~ N (pb) -kegtaar(aq*), -kegte-;
become ~ N (pb) -keggi-; have ~ N (pb) -kegci-,
-keggliq; ~ N (pb) -luataq; ~ old but perhaps
decrepit N (pb) -ngirta’rrlugaq*; ~ old N (pb)
-rrlugaq*; consider (him) a ~ person yugnike-;
lose one’s ~ sense ellairute-; have a ~ smell
tepkegte-; send a son-in-law or daughter-in-
law home because he or she is not a being a
~ spouse for one’s child qinu-
; ~ thing then!
anirtima; ~ to see you again cama-i; be a ~ trail
tumnirqe-; be ~ weather for traveling ug’ar-;
~ with respect to V-ing (pb) -nqegg-; ~ wood
ciqsaneq; the ~ word Qaneryaraqegtaar(aq*)
goodbye: tua-i-ngunrituq
goodness: atawa
Goodnews Bay: Mamterat, quliraq*
goods: have plenty of food and other ~ uqi-
goose: lagiq, neqleq, see Adams (35); Canada ~
lagilugpiaq, leqleq, tuutangayak; cackling
Canada ~ laqlaqlaaraq; Hutchin’s Canada ~
tuutaalquciq; emperor ~ nacaullek; white-
fronted ~ leqleq, neqlepik, neqleq; new feather
growth on a molting ~ emquq; year-old ~
kangniq; ~ bump maa, qerruyaq; ~ pimple
qerruyaq; get ~ pimples qerraleryug-
goshawk: northern ~ eskaviaq, qaku’urtaq
gosling: qimaguyuq
gossip: egvurci-, qaneplugte-, qanerkaq, qannguaq
~ about (him) upute-
; ~ about people yuliur-
got: you ~ what was coming to you! palaq
gotten: sulk, having not one’s way nengar-
gouge: ~ out ikug-
govern: atanirtur-
government: angusaurta, anguyagta, atanirturta,
kavmaq, kavam’aq
grab: teguler-; ~ portions of “Eskimo ice cream”
during the “Aaniq” holiday tumagcur-; ~ hold
of akuqar-
grace: (religious term) naklekun
gracious: be ~ yugnirqe-
gradual: go up any ~ incline tage-; ~ climb
graduation: taqutiiq
grain: bear ~ naugi-; ~ of rice paraluruaq,
qup’luruaq, quvluruaq; ear of ~ mukaarkaq; ~
in wood pagaq
grand jury: kangingnaurtet tukninrit
grandchild: elturaq, tutgar(aq*), tutga’rrluk;
great-~ iluliarun, iluperaq; great-great-~
ilulkucugaq, iluperanqigtaq, maqamyuarun,
maqanqaun, maqapaillitaq, teruvailitaq; great-
great-great-~ neruvailitaq; ~ and grandmother
anuurluqellriik, maurluqelliik; ask for favors
through ~ren cingartur-
granddaughter: male’s grandparent’s cross-cousin’s
~ nuliacungaq*
grandfather: apa, apa’urluq, aparrlugaq*
grandmother: anuqataq (?), anuurluq*, emaassa,
ema’urluq*, maacuaq, maacungaq, marrlugaq*,
maurluq*, nengsuq; ~ and grandchild
anuurluqellriik, maurluqelliik
grandparent: ~s apa’urluq; great-~ amauq*,
amaurrlugaq; great-great-~ amaunqigtaq,
amauqigtaq, uruvak; ~ and orphan living
together elliraaraurluunkuk; male’s ~’s cross-
cousin’s granddaughter nuliacungaq*; female’s
~’s cross-cousin’s grandson uicungaq*
Grant Lake: Arvinelgat Nanvaat
grants: ~ of money or the like kaigatet unakek’ngat
granular: become mashed to a ~ consistency ari-,
arite-; snow that is soft but ~ pukak; scatter a ~
substance kalme-, kanve-; ~ity of sand kavya
grasp: ~ with the hands qecugmig-; let (it) out
of one’s ~ peginga-; ~ between one’s legs
amellmikar-, quumig-
grass: canek, evek, qakvayak, vek, see Turner
(11); cotton~ ukayiruaq; dead mare’s-tail ~
pugtassaq; dried ~ perriutekaq; dry ~ gathered
for use caranglluk; at seashore ~ inaqaciq;
male ~ plant tugglugpak; root of a certain
beach ~ ciulavik; scurvy ~ itegaraq, it’garralek;
short ~ evger(aq*), evisrayaaq; tall coarse
~ englullinr(aq*), patugpak; tender new ~
vesraya(g)aq*; ~ that grows in sandy areas
and has prickly leaves ussuuq; tussock of ~
amllequmtaq, maneq, nasquruaq, pengulkuk,
qamiqunguaq; ~-lined storage pit etqacuk,
quluk; gather ~ canegtar-, canegte-, evegtar-,
vegtar-; in ~ up to one’s N (pb) -kiirar-;
partition of woven ~ qerqulluk; close in on,
of ~ cikvagute-, cikvangqaur-; cover with
~ ciru; prepare a ~ mat for Bladder Feast
goodbye — grass
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
canglanguarrar-; woven ~ liner for skin boot
alliqsak; provide skin boot with an insole
of dried ~ piinir-; dried ~ used for insoles
piinerkaq; small container woven from ~
naqtaar(aq*); ~ as a working surface alliqaq;
turning up the sides of a coiled ~ basket as it is
made ciqtagte-; basket made of coarse seashore
~ mingqaaq; warp strand when twining ~
teguneq; weft strand in twining ~ keluk; wild
green ~ cungagpaguaq; woven beach ~ rope
; ~ bag issran, pass’aq, ukilqaar(aq*);
be up to the waist in ~ qukakiirar-; ~ comb
taluutaq; ~ cover umran; ~ mat alqin, cayukaun,
eviun, ikaraliin, tupigaq, tupilluk; bullet with
lines resembling ~ roots cangegngalnguq*; ~
roots used as dish scrubbers negavyaq
; woven
~ sock tupipiarumalria; grass that covers eggs
ciruirci-; grass used for weaving mats kelugkaq;
dried ~ for making baskets taperrnaq; ~ wall
mat aceturun; ~ as bed padding curuluk
grass basket: kellarvik; large ~ for holding sh
ciikvak, kuusqun, naparcilluk; begin a coiled ~
teryeri-; make a tightly coiled, rigid ~ mingqii-;
closely woven ~ pattern mallegtaq; open-weave
~ ukiqlaaq*; turn up the sides of a ~ pakugte-;
turn ~ coils inward to make a narrowed spout
grasses: ~ replacing dried up lake qass’uqitak
grasshopper: qecengqayuli
grassy area: can’gurneq
grassy knoll: can’gurneq, evineq
grateful: be ~ elingrayug-, quya-; be grateful to
elingrake-; cause one to feel ~ elingranarqe-;
feel ~ by nature elingratar-
grating: ingelqaar(aq*)
gratitude: have ~ amatngurte-
grave: elautaq
, qunguq; ~s ellimalrut; dug-out ~
elaneq; possession of deceased person placed
on his ~ egtaq, eliveq, elliveq
grave marker: alailun, eliveq, elliveq
grave-board: inguqaq
gravel: piece of ~ tuvapak
graver: ingciun
graveyard: qungisvik
gray: qesuuq; light ~ dog quvauk; ~ dog or wolf
curangali; plant burned to make ash after plant
turns ~ arakaq
; ~ clay urasqaq, urr’aq; ~ hair
qiiq*; bearded seal that is ~ on the top tulignaq;
~ thing ariryak, tungungalnguq*, tunguryak
gray beluga: yearling, ~ qiukcaq
gray jay: keggapatayuk, nunaniryuk, qupanuar(aq*)
gray owl: great ~ atkuliggiiq
gray whale: cetuqupak
gray-cheeked thrush: viuq, yuulerviuk
grayling: nakrullugpak, nakrutvalek; arctic ~
culugpauk; dorsal n of arctic ~ nakrullugpak;
~ hook see Nelson (131)
graze: agenkar-; ~, of a bullet, arrow, etc. lekuk’ar-
Great Feast for the Dead: Elriq
great gray owl: atkuliggiiq, takvialnguar(aq*)
great horned owl: iggiayuli
great: ~ N (pb) -rpaa(aq*); be in ~ need kapia-; in ~
numbers qivigpak
great-grandchild: iluliarun, iluperaq
great-grandnephew: iluperaq
great-grandniece: iluperaq
great-grandparent: amauq*, amaurrlugaq
great-great-grandchild: ilulkucugaq, iluperanqigtaq,
maqamyuarun, maqanqaun, teruvailitaq
great-great-grandchild: maqapaillitaq
great-great-grandparent: amaunqigtaq, amauqigtaq,
great-great-great-grandchild: neruvailitaq
greater intensity: V more with ~ (pb) -kanir-,
Greater Memorial Feast: give clothing during ~
ac’eci-, neqlite-, uivutar-; person for whom
clothing ceremony is performed at ~ akngirqun
greater scaup: allgirneq, kep’alek
grebe: qaleqcuuk, tusairnaq, see Turner (42); red-
necked ~ aarayuli, aatetetaaq, aayuli, atatek
greed: aglumaneq; be ~ cingkissaag-; ~ily take
more cingkissaag-
green: cungagliq, cungagyak; be ~ cungagcete-; all
~ cungagpak, cungarpak
; turn ~ cungagi-; wild
~ grass cungagpaguaq; ~ caterpillar cuyaiq;
~ or waterlogged wood mecuq; ~ vegetable
boiled with sh ciutnguaq
green-winged teal: cikiutnaar(aq*),
kemeksungiaraq, tengesqaar(aq*)
greenish: be ~ cungagglugcete-
greens: gather ~ makira-; beach ~ itegaraq,
it’garralek, qelquayak, teptuyak, tukulleggaq*;
aged mixture of ~ and berries acaarrluk,
atsaarrluk; ~ for cooking cuassaaq, suassaaq
grass basket — greens
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
greet: go out to ~ pairrsaag-
greetings: cama-i, nayangaq
grief: qilnganeryaraq
grieve: avegteqe-, iluteqe-
grieving for: be ~ qivruke-
grimace: ikirni-, ircug-
grind: kekingerte-, kiingerte-, miili-
grinding: ~ feeling in joints qiaryigte-, qa¥gyaqar-,
; ~ stone tacilaq
grip: paddle handle ~ kangkupaguaq,
qaquaqnginaq; lose one’s ~ pegleqrute-; ~ or
stop kepirtaq
gripe: elara-; ~ angrily lurirte-
gripped: ~ between arm and body unermik
grizzly bear: kavingali, kavirlill’er, keggalvalek,
naparngali, taqailnguq*, taqukaq
groan: kenaa-, see Nelson (40), Barnum (11)
groggy: be ~ yuss’ug-, yuussug-
groom: kenagte-, kenugte-; ~ oneself ellurte-;
bride~ uikaun
groove: tevak; bottom ~ line in an oval bowl
allungilleq; ~ in exterior of oval bowl ull’eruaq;
bowl with ~d upper part qaglaya(g)aq; ~ on a
seal harpoon imelqutaguaq; ~ between nostrils
and upper lip kakeggliliyaraq; ~ in large rib
of kayak kiuneq; ~ on kayak cockpit coaming
kumgaq; log with ~ soaked with sap cayagalek
grope: caavtaar-, kautur-
grosbeak: pine ~ puyiir(aq*)
ground: cailkaq, nuna; be up off the ~ qerrata-;
cache built on the ~ aqumtaq; drag on the ~
kallmingayaute-; drift along the ~ natquigte-,
natquvigte-; dug hole in the ~ elaneq; utter
near the ~ ceva; go under the ~ merug-; bent
wood xed to the ~ tuluruaq; legendary
creature that sinks into the ~ muruayuli;
overturn in vehicle on the ~ akacag-; pole
stuck into the ~ during the Bladder Feast
kangaciqaq; put a post in the ~ paug-; roll
around on the ~ akaguar-; dried wood found
on the ~ ciamurrluk; snow on the ~ aniu, aniuk,
apun, qanikcaq*; soft melting snow on the ~
aqigtaq; be soft and melting (of snow on the ~)
aniullugte-; solid ~ quta
; stretch out on the ~
civtu-; passage under the ~ tagenquq; crossed
poles used to support a kayak and keep it off
the ~ tatkik
ground beetle: miryangcaq
ground dogwood: cengqulleqcitaaq, cingqullektaaq,
ground spud: ussugcin
ground squirrel: arctic ~ cikik, qanganaq*; stomach
fat of ~ qallin; spring snare for catching
~s puukaqercetaaq; parka made of ~ pelts
ground-level: house with ~ entrance itqerce÷aq
groundsel: nasqupaguaq, qugyuguaq
group: biggest one of a ~ angenquq, angenquyuk;
the pair or ~ whereof one member has the
other as his N ~ (pb) -kellriik; seal distributed
to a ~ of hunters pitaryaraq; speak to a ~ of
people yaatiir-; one of a ~ of seven ribs in a
boat napallaak
groups: ~ of two malruingu-; two ~ or pairs
malruin; divide or be divided into two ~
malruingurte-; three ~ or pairs pingasuin,
pingayuin; four ~ cetamain; ve ~ or pairs
tallimain; act or be acted upon N at a time, in ~
of N (pb) -taar-
grouse: ruffed ~ egelruciayuli, elciayuli,
grouse: spruce ~ egtuk
grow: angli-, grow nau-
, nula-; ~ on it (of plant,
cancer, etc.) nauvike-; grass starts to ~ in
former lake qass’uqitak; ~ing well nauluaqar-;
poisonous plant that ~s around ponds tarnik;
sourdock that ~s in springs niucinaq; prickly
leafed grass that ~s in sandy areas ussuuq;
wild potato that ~s near cliffs atkallaq
growl: ~, by dog kiryani-; ~, by stomach tumilngu-;
~ and snarl uirrani-; make a ~ or crunching
sound qiuryi-
grown: be fully ~ taqmigte-, taqte-, see Drebert (4)
growth: abnormal ~ in codsh iqngulluk;
cancerous ~ nauneq; new feather ~ on a
molting goose emquq; clip off ~ qiur-; new
edible willow ~ tayarulunguaq; hardened
black ~ on birch kukgun
grub: qup’lu, quvlu, quvluq
grudge: paggluk
grumble: aripluar(ar)-, qaneksuar-, qaneksugte-,
qanevlugte-, ugyumi-, ungucugte-
grunion: cikaaq; harvest ~ cikii-
Grus canadensis: aiviqaq, erinatuli, qucilkuryuk,
qucillgaq*, qucillngaq*, qut’raaq, tacellgaq,
greet — Grus canadensis
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
guarantee: ukvernarcar-
guard: (v) kellute-, nayur-, tarike-, (n) tarikesta;
spear ~ akagarcailkun; archery wrist-~
malingurun, tayarneri’iryailkutaq; one of
several campre rock ~s iiralitaq
guardian: ataliumasta
guardsman: national ~ angusaurta, anguyagta
guest: allaneq; arrive as a ~ ciunir-; be a ~ tukir-;
be a guest of (his) tukuqe-; be disrespectful
toward ~ iryiraite-; receive as a ~ ciuniur-; ~ in
a challenge festival inglu
guide: apertuatesta
guillemot: qayagpagayuli; pigeon ~ cigur(aq*)
guilty: be ~ pinarqe-
guitar: kitalaq, tengtengaaq; play at ~ qacguur-;
stringed musical instrument, such as ~;
qelutviaq; ~-like instrument negavgun
gull: aaluugiq, katayak, naruyaq
, qecervak, see
Nelson (11), Adams (36); glaucous ~ kukisvak,
kukusvak, narusvak; glaucous-winged ~
; mew ~ arliaq, egiaq, naruyaq
Sabine’s ~ nacallngaar(aq*); Bonaparte’s ~, see
Nelson (11); young ~ at rst ight civissaar(aq*)
gully: go across a ~ using a bridge nirar-
Gulo gulo: terikaniaq, qavcik
gulp: ~ down liquid aalemtaalar-
gum: (anatomical) ingkiq; chewing ~ angeq, kuc’uq;
homemade chewing ~ angiinaq; spruce ~
kuryuk; tree pitch used for chewing ~ angiyaq
gun: nutek, nutgutaq; ~ barrel cupluq; clean a ~
puyuqair-; cock a ~ ipug-; gun case caniurtaq;
~-cleaning rod: puyuqairin, sumpuluq; ~ wads
see Turner (19), Drebert (7)
gunny sack: missuulleq
gunpowder: puyurkaq; ~ container puyurkarvik
gunsight: cuqcaun, cuqeq
, cuqyun, qinrun; front
component of ~ anacruq
gunwale: kayak ~ apamaq, capngiaq
gurgle: leryir-; ~of the chest qallalerte-
gurgling: make a ~ sound ler’arte-, leryir-; swallow
with a ~ sound lurlur-; sound of ~ gurgling
water lurr’arpak
gush: ~ out of a container agtar-
gust: for there to be a ~ kalvaguar-, kenegnira-,
qugnira-, tagura-, taksagnira-
gut: qilu; bear ~ taqukinraq*; holder for end of
~ qalluarun; parka made of seal skin and ~
ellangraq; seal ~ irnerrluk, qalirkaq; inner layer
of seal ~ taiq; ~s cakunglluut, imanaq; edible
sea creature with visible ~s ussungluq
gut rain parka: imarnin, kapit’aq; legendary person
who wears a ~ qununiq
gutskin raincoat: cord that holds the ~ tightly in
place ket’gaq
guy line: nuqsugun
gymnasium: aquivik
habit: cayaraq, piciryaraq, piuryaraq
habitation: signs of human ~ yuc’illia-, yugninarqe-
habitually: customarily or ~ V (pb) -naur-; ~ V (pb)
-aqe-; ~ not V -yuite-; ~ V a lot (pb) -nertu-;
~ V a little (pb) -nerkite-; ~ act carelessly or
recklessly mulngaite-; ~ conserve and take
care of things qelketar-; be ~ intimidated or
respectful tallurtar-
hackles: ~ of dog or wolf qakun
hacksaw: cavignarcuun, caviliurcuun,
qelutnguuyaq, teggliliurrsuun
hail: kavcir-
hailstone: kavcak, kavlak
, kavtak, see Barnum (27)
hair: nuyaq, qiuqlak; beard or mustache ~
ungak; body ~ melquq, see Petroff (14);
shade of new growth of ~ qiugaaq; young
man who has begun to show dark facial ~
qiuguciaranga’artellria; gray ~ qiiq*; comb one’s
~ ilair-
, ilarqutair-, nuyiur-; small comb kept in
~ katagciurun; cut ~ short uqumigte-
; dishevel
~ nekavte-; have disheveled or tangled ~
nekavli-; have messy ~ nuyalli-; pubic ~ tengak;
~ that has been curled paste-; ~ growth in ear
atrarun; ~ line on forehead neginquq; shed or
lose ~ meqe-; stand on end (of ~) tekallragte-;
wash ~ qulite-; ~ at nape nauciq
; braided ~
with beads qillerpautaq; ~ ornament cukluuk,
taquutaq; boot made of sealskin with ~
inward iqertaq; soaking to loosen ~ from
sealskin akungqa-; soak to remove ~ meqcir-;
skin soaked to remove ~ meqciraq; sealskin
with ~ removed amirkaq; throat ~ of caribou
guarantee — hair
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
; pelt of caribou just after winter ~ is
shed caginraq*; long ~ on the back of the neck
of dog or wolf qakun; be bunched together
(of ~) tegulkaute-; undercoat ~ erinraq*; stand
on end (of ~ ) kakilragte-; clay mixed with
caribou ~ urasqaq
hairbrush: kumaggsin
haircut: give or get a ~ asmegte-, kepliar-
hairdo: man’s ~ with long locks ketekneq
hairless: ~ caterpillar melqurripsaq; strip of ~
hairless skin on boot menglerin
hairnet: beaded ~ kaapaq, kaupaq, tackaq
hairpiece: nuyaruaq
hairpin: pupeckaq
hairy: ~ milk-vetch kallagcetaaq; “~” crab
half: qupa
; sh cut in ~ qup’ayagaq; pull back
each ~ qukvir-; legendary creature that is only
~ a person ingluilnguq*; legendary being
with ~ a woman’s face inglupgayuk; half cook
uussiiqar-; half moon iralum qukallrani, iraluq
half-dollar: aveg-, pingayuak qupluku, qupa
half-dried: boiled ~ salmon teggmaarrluk; ~,
boiled sh qamangatak, uamcaaq; ~, smoked,
packed-together Dolly Varden pingciq
half-sibling: qat’nguq
Haliaeetus leucocephalus: metervik, tengmiarrluk,
halibut: naternarpak; ~ hook iqsak
hall: community ~ katurrvik; dining ~ nervik
Halloween: maskalataq, Qaariitaaq, Qaariitaarvik
hallucinate: tangrruaq
hallucination: tangrruacugyaraq, tangrruaq
halo: ~ around sun or moon kalukaq
, see Adams
halted: be ~ by (it) qariteke-
halter: reindeer ~ lauciq
halve: aveg-
Hamilton: Nunapissugaq
hammer: kaugtuutaq
, kaugun
, multuuk,
mulut’uuk, qugaacitaaq
hand: (also see hands) aaggaq, aigga
, aiggaq, unan,
see Wrangell (8), Barnum (42); right ~ tallirpik;
left ~ iqsuq; palm of ~ arvak, callirneq, tumak;
st or knuckle of ~ cug’ar(aq*); animal caught
by ~ tegukengaq; hold by the ~ tass’uqe-;
cup something in ~ tumig-; something held
in the ~(s) tegumiaq; hold or carry in one’s
~(s) tegumiaqe-; feel intentionally with one’s
~ caavte-, cavte-, savte-; have something on
~ avalingqerr-; slap with palm of ~ pateg-,
qacap’ag-, qacarte-; threaten to hit him with
weapon in ~ uluryacir(ar)-; squeezing with the
~ qemrar-; beckon by a ~ gesture nulur-
; wave
one’s ~ angalaci-, arulaci-; raise one’s ~ cagte-
yagte-; legendary monster with six ngers
on each ~ arularaq; on the other ~ aipaagni,
qang’a-llu; subject matter at ~ ketviute-; ~ over
something aqelqur-; ~ game kaataryaraq; play a
game of tag in which the tagee has something
in his ~ mayarcetaar-; hitting a ball with at
of the ~ patkar-; rest one’s face on one’s ~
ayakut’e-; splash out, as with the ~ qaalute-;
work a net by ~ nekvayar-; work on by ~ una-
thing on ~ avaliq; ~ down one’s possessions
iknite-; legendary big ~ from the ocean
itqiirpak; ~ grip on paddle qaquaqnginaq;
measurement, center of the chest the ngertips
of the outstretched ~ angvaneq
; measurement,
width of the four ngers of one’s ~ patneq;
measurement, from ngertips of outstretched
~ to armpit tallineq
hand-hold: ~ on seal harpoon cigvigquq
hand-me-down: ikneq
hand-rolled: cigarette, especially ~ imgayagaq*
hand-to-hand: engage in ~ combat yagte-
hand-twisted: ~ thread ivalukiuraq, yualukiuraq
handheld: a certain ~ toy ulpecuqnaq; ~ implement
for stretching skins angiarun
handkerchief: kakeggluirun
handle: teguyaraq, una-
; able to ~ (it) alegyagute-;
axe ~ aggiyaq; chisel with a wood or horn ~
keggiaq; knife with wood ~ caniissaq; ~ of
semi-lunar knife egkuaq; drum ~ pakluk;
handle of maul uluryarutaq; paddle ~
kangkupaguaq, qaquaqnginaq; pot with a small
~ epurralek; straight ~ epu; handle of dipnet
ipukaun; ~ to pull kayak seam tight cagnirqun;
strap with ~s for re-drill nucugcuutak
handlebar: sled ~ alulaq, kasmurraun; sled with
high ~ on which the driver rests his arms
qamuutarrsuun; sled without a ~ qamuqataq
handmade: ~ net oat akcaniq; ~ thread nuvv’ilir-,
handrail: ~ at entranceway pall’itaq
hairbrush — handrail
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hands: catch with the ~ akuqar-; clutch in the ~
teguqar-; grasp with the ~ qecugmig-; circle
with one’s ngers and run one’s ~ down while
squeezing slightly cipegte-; clap the ~ patguur-;
dig with the ~ aikcaar(ar)-; have cold ~
perleqciir(ar)-, perrleqciir(ar)-, unatair(ar)-; have
pain in the ~ taprite-; shake ~ aaggacungar-,
aiggacungar-, unaciur-; support oneself with
one’s ~ ayaper-; pulling layers back with the ~
pakig-; wash the ~ aaggi-, tane-, unaci-; with ~
ex skin in a circular motion ulug-
; have one’s
~ on something cavinga-
hang: aga-, agangqa-, agarte-, kanarte-
; ~ out to dry
ini-; sh cut in half to ~ and dry qup’ayagaq; ~
down one’s head manussuug-; ~ (of a mirage)
ini-; spring snare designed to ~ pet’ngercetaaq
hanger: clothes ~ agautaq*
hanging: agar-; be ~ agangqa-; ~ thing agautaq*;
cover ~ over something nalik; crosspiece
pole for ~ sh arviqrun; tomcod ready for ~
citegtaq*; rope used for ~ sh qukassaq; string
of beads ~ under jaw agluirun; snow ~ over a
cliff navcaq; tassel ~ from the armpit of parka
pitgarcuun; ~ decoration on a parka or boot
alngaq, culuksuk; ~ fringe agaussaaq, pinevyak;
~ thread cuyavleq
hangnail: cetuum ciutii
hangnail(s): have ~ iqlegte-
happen: pellug-, piciurte-; give up and let whatever
will ~, ~ pillerkaq-, pitqua-, tuallituar-;
feel apprehensive that something might ~
uuqassugar-; ~ again erute-; happen presently
or suddenly piqer-
, taviir(ar)te-; ~ to act
pitsaqenrite-; be responsible for something that
~ pinarqe-
happened: be what ~ akuna-; account of something
that ~ qalamciq, qalangssak; it ~ tavallut’ava;
see what ~ ta¥gak’estauna; tell (him) about
something that ~ qalamcite-
happening: be responsible for (its) ~ pinarqut’ke-
happiness: angniq, nunaniq
happy: be ~ angniq-, ellui-, nunanili-, nunaniryug-,
qusvayug-, quyvagyug-; become ~ ilucqer-,
ilukegci-; make one ~ qusvanarqe-,
quyvagnarqe-; be ~ over (it) qusvake-,
quyvake-; change from ~ to sad tuss’aqerte-
harass: ~ sexually qiqia-
harbinger: ~ of sh coming in taqikcar-
harbor porpoise: mangayaaq*
harbor seal: issuriq
hard: be ~ tegge-; bite ~ keggerpag-, kegpag-;
bump ~ puukpag-; burn ~ kurpag-; cough ~
quspag-, quypag-; elbow ~ ikusvag-; fall ~
iqup’ag-, paarvag-, pucikpag-; hit ~ with the
palm of the hand qacap’ag-; kick ~ kitengpag-,
tukpag-; pinch ~ pupcep’ag-, pupespag-; punch
~ tengelpag-; scratch ~ cetugmig-; shove ~
cingeqpag-; spit ~ qecip’ag-; strike ~ with an
object ka¥g’ag-, kav’ag-; throw ~ at milpag-;
try ~ to reach a destination tekingnaqe-; try
~ to V (pb) -ngnatug-; V ~ (pb) -rpag-; work ~
cakviur-; be ~-working qessaite-; relax after a
~ day’s work canqaurte-; for tracks on snow
to become ~ and elevated nalugarui-; V ~ at
intervals (pb) -rpaga-; ~ berry qelengquq; ~
candy or other ~-baked food uutaq; ~ colorful
blue stone miqsaq; ~ crying nuu-; ~ frozen
sh qercuqaq; be ~ in some places teggia-; be
too ~ tegke-; become ~ of hearing cucangiali-;
be ~ to listen to niitniite-
; ~ palate qilagaq
; ~
feces akakupak; ~ stone qetruk, umi; ~ thing
teggenquq; ~, unripe berry teggenquq; have
a ~ time cakug-; have a ~ time because of
weakness or disability cirliqe-, irliqe-; be ~ to
believe asguranarqe-; legendary ~ to kill polar
bear quq’uyaq; be ~ to obtain nurnar-; be ~ to
see mecignaite-; wood ~ to whittle paggluk
~-shelled sea animal ukiutnaq
harden: tegg’i-, tunglar-; ~ (of prints in snow) qiqli-;
~ed black growth on birch kukgun; hardship:
suffer ~ makugte-
hardwood: tegg’eraq, tupugaq; ~ for bows and sled
runners etgeraq, teggsak, tegqaq
hare: Alaska ~ ¥gasek, qayuqeggliq; arctic ~
¥gasek, negilirkaq, qayuqeggliq; snowshoe
~ ciriiq, maqaruaq, nullutuuyak, uskaanaq;
tundra ~ ¥gasek, negilirkaq, qayuqeggliq;
varying ~ nullutuuyak, uskaanaq
harebell: mountain ~ caqelngataat neqait
harlequin duck: cetuskar(aq*), ungunqukar(aq*)
harlot: akissuq
harm: substance with the power to ~ cirla; kill or
otherwise ~ one in his/its sleep qavi-
harmonica: cupu’uryarat, evaat, evvaat
harmonious: niuk
harness: uskuraq; dog ~ anu; backstrap of dog ~
amaquayaaq; snout ~ tagun; ~ snap kangiun;
hands — harness
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
gangline and ~es sagtet, uskuraq; reindeer ~
harp: qelutviaq
harpoon: cavek; butt end of foreshaft of seal ~
kegcuq; coiled sealskin line for ~ imgun;
fasten the detachable head on a ~ kukegte-;
sh ~ nugciq; ~ for seal tuqsiiq; hand-hold at
lower end of seal ~ cigvigquq; groove from
the ~ head to the spur imelqutaguaq; ~ line
kinguliraq; ivory buckle or connecting link
on ~ line algarcaraq; where one holds a seal
~ nagun; point of a multipointed ~ cingilek;
seal-hunting ~ aklegaq; sinew binding on a ~
atanrautaq; toggling ~ asaaquq; weapon to kill
a mammal hit by a ~ aangruyak; wooden piece
in socket of seal ~ evga; ~ used with an atlatl
nanerpak; ~ used without an atlatl tegun
harpoon oat: qerruinaq, keviaq
harpoon head: nuss’uq, qalugyaq; line loop
through seal ~ tukarta; splicing of line loop
through seal ~ qilagturaq; wooden holder for ~
nengciutaq; barbed ~ kukgaq; ~ head keggikuq,
harpoon line: play out (of a ~) nek’ve-; ~ toggle
with two holes engevyaraq
harpoon point: rst barb on ~ cirliqsuun; toggling
~ cavek
harpoon rest: akagarcailkun
harpoon rope: acaluq
harpoon shaft: itercaraq, kukgaq; sealskin loop to
hold ~ at stern of kayak qasmigutaq
harpoon tip: nengciun
harpooner: skilled ~ narussuli
harrier: northern ~ qaku’urtaq
harshly: speak ~ qatekcugte-
harvest: capelin cikii-; ~ report pissullrem
imirarkaa; ~ ticket pissurcuun ticket-aaq; tubers
collected by mice and ~ed by people avelngaat
has: one that ~ N to a large degree (pb) -tuqaq
haste: skip over (it) in ~ patakaute-
hat: all’ugaq, nacaq, uqerrsuun, uqurrsuk, see
Orlov (13), Nelson (4); bent part of hunting ~
pertaq; bentwood hunting ~ ugtarcurcuun;
design on bentwood hunting ~ pugugyuk;
broad-brimmed ~ cillapak, esslaapaq, selapaq;
cowboy ~ cillapak; dance ~ nacarrluk; fancy
~ nacarpiaq; fur ~ paallaguaq; fur ~ with ear
aps malagg’aayaq, palagg’aayaq, qacap’aguaq;
pompon on ~ kak’acuk; put on a ~ nacaq; semi-
conical bentwood ~ caguyaq, ciayaq; white
trim on dance ~ qercurtaq; ~ worn in sweatbath
maqissuun; legendary little people having
conical ~ cingssiik
hatch: ~ of an egg tuker-, see Drebert (6); ribs under
~ in kayak ingneq; sealskin rope fastened
around ~ ararun , agarun
hatchet: piqertuutacuar
hatchway: umek
hate: assiilke-, eq’uke-; come to ~ eq’uyagute-; ~
people eq’utar-; ~ someone eq’uyug-
haughty: act ~ anagtaar-, pinagte-, piuviyucug-,
ucngate-; be ~ yet feel slighted gurte-
haul out: ugte-
haunch: uan
have: ~ (him) as the person toward whom one is
V-ing (pb) -vike-; ~ (it) as its V-er (pb) -nqe-; ~
(it) as the place or site of V-ing (pb) -vike-; ~
(it) at hand avaliqe-; ~ leisure time qacigte-;
~ a cold quyer-; ~ a constant visible ow of
water ulevlaq; ~ a death occur ilangarte-; ~ a
good mind usvingqerr-; ~ a hard time cakviur-;
~ a large N (pb) -rpau-, -rpi-; ~ a preference
cucuki-; ~ a sour taste in one’s mouth quunite-;
~ a sudden eerie feeling especially when
seeing someone with a large esh wound
kinguaqerte-; ~ a surprise visitor alangru-; ~
already V-ed (pb) -llrurte-; ~ as a toy uamqutke-;
~ as one’s N (pb) -ke-
; ~ as one’s things pike-;
~ as the thing one has V-ed (pb) -lqe-; ~ at or on
one’s back tunumike-; ~ bad N (pb) -rrlug-; ~
become how many? qavciurte-; ~ been thrown
away eginga-; ~ been V-ing for a long time
(pb) -ma-; ~ bread with tea or coffee avu-; ~
breakfast tupautaq; ~ calluses assirange-; ~
come to totally lack N (pb) -knaggairute-; ~
common sense ellatu-; ~ everything needed
qaqima-; ~ faith ukveq; ~ free time uitqaci-;
~ good N (pb) -kegte-; ~ holes in boot sole
puturte-; ~ learned how to V (pb) -yaurte-;
~ N (pb) -ngqerr-; ~ N of poor quality (pb)
-lliqe-; ~ N to a decreasing degree (pb) -kelli-,
-killi-; ~ N to a great degree (pb) -pag-
; ~ N
to a small degree (pb) -kite-
; ~ never V-ed
(pb) -ksaitelar-; ~ no regrets anirtaar-; ~ not so
good (pb) -ngllug-; ~ obtained or claimed as
one’s N (pb) -kliute-; ~ one’s legs cramped by
harp — have
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cold pay’uqar-; ~ only a small amount of N
(pb) -kite-
; ~ pain in bones tugiryarte-; ~ pus
; ~ sexual intercourse auluke-; not ~
something piite-; ~ something left over ilakui-;
~ something on hand avalingqerr-; ~ the
quality of V or N (pb) -cete-
, -cite-
; ~ the taste
in one’s mouth tepci-; ~ things easy yuungui-;
~ trouble V-ing (pb) -culngu-; ~ V-ed (pb) -llru-
having: ~ been V-ed (pb) -nga-
hawk: cungaqvak, mengqucivak, qilri, qiqiyiayuli,
see Wrangell (15), Zagoskin (10), Adams (14);
marsh ~ qaku’urtaq; sharp-shinned ~ eskaviaq
hawk owl: eskaviaq, mengqucivak, qaku’urtaq
hazardous: be ~ iranarqe-; ~ thing alingnaq
haze: apsuq
he: ellii
head: ataneq, iingaraq, nasquq, qamiquq, uqsuq,
see Wrangell (6); bald ~ qapacak; back of the
~ talirneq, tunucuk; crown of ~ kakangcaq,
kakgaq; eye socket in the ~ iisngaq; soft
spot on baby’s ~ cikuyuilquq, tanqiuksuar;
have one’s ~ tilted up ciug-, ciugte-,ciungqa-,
civug-, civugte-, civungqa-; hang down one’s
~ kanangllugte-, manussuug-; put head down
when seated kucungniigar-; bang one’s ~
repeatedly puucukcuarute-; look sideways
by turning ~ takuyar-; look sideways without
turning ~ qigcig-
; poke one’s ~ out yurar-
shake ~ in disapproval ungaulugte-; something
that one should turn one’s ~ and eyes away
from uluqaq, ulur-; shake one’s ~ ungaulug-;
dip one’s ~ into water nakaar-; stroke gently
on the ~ cangig-; earring with glass and
copper ~ on it qevleqsaq; sh ~ anglluun; ~
of pike curlu; old sh’s ~ ipuutaq; cartilage
in a sh ~ qennguq, tatangquq; aged sh ~
teplicir(aq*), uqsunaq*; white spot in aged
sh ~ pupungluur(aq*); whitesh with a
pointed ~ cingikeggliq; parietal bone in sh ~
; ~ of sh including pectoral ns
pakegvissaaq*; cut and dried sh ~ nasqurrluk,
qamiqurrluk; area of seal behind ~ uyalquq;
bearded seal that can touch ~ with ippers
ipuuyuli; second-year seal with ~ like adult’s
maklacuk; harpoon ~ nuss’uq, qalugyaq;
seal harpoon ~ keggikuq, keggrarak; fasten
detachable ~ on a harpoon kukegte-; groove
from harpoon ~ imelqutaguaq; splicing of
line loop through seal harpoon ~ qilagturaq;
wooden holder for harpoon ~ nengciutaq;
ivory spear ~ qigiquq; ~ of governing body
atanirturta; head-rst: fall down ~ pucikar-
headache: qamiqiqsaraq, qamiqulnguyaraq; have
a ~ nasqulngu-, qamiqiqe-, qamiqulngu-;
migraine ~ qamiqiqerpagyaraq,
qamiqulngurpagyaraq; ~ remedy
headband: ciutailitaq, see Nelson (55); beaded ~
headdress: ngelkeggun, see Nelson (77); dance ~
heading: ~ toward commotion nepetmun
headrest: log as a ~ akin, akitaq
headscarf: put on a ~ pelatuuk-; woman’s ~
headwaters: ~ lake qagan; ~ of river kangiq
heal: anirtur-, mame-, yungcar-, yuungcar-
healer: yungcarista, yuungcarista
healing: ~ wound tallegneq
health: be of uncertain ~ maluknarqe-; mental ~
counseling umyualiurtet qalaruciyaraat
healthy: (be ~) calrite-, natlugnerite-, tarranqegg-,
heap: ~ up over the top pakmaar(ar)-, pakmater-,
hear: niite-; be hard to ~ miskite-; not ~ ciutaite-;
reach age when begins to ~ and comprehend
ciutengar(ar)-; ~ repeatedly niirqe-; ~ mention
(of) niiga’rte-; ~ and obey niisnga-; ~ something
odd qavirtaqe-; ~ well niicu-
heard: niiskengaq
hearing: be weary of ~ (it) niitellngu-; become hard
of ~ cucangiali-
hearing aid: niicugnissuun, niitessuun
hearing: cease ~ niicuirute-
heart: ircaquq, unguvan; ~ begins to beat fast
nutlag-; sh ~ unguvan; have a pounding
~ unguvatarar-; collapse or die of a ~
attack alqunaqar-, narullgute-; ~ in cards
ciilvik, qerrullik; ~ Lake Ircaqurrnaq; dried
~ sac ~ ircaqinraq*; hearts to “skip a beat”
ircaqruallag-; ~-shaped sea ice formation
heartbeat: nutngaq
heartbroken: be ~ qivru-
heartburn: quulqaq; have ~ keliurci-, quulerte-
having — heartburn
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hearten: icungte-
hearth: alliq
heartily: V ~ (pb) -yugcali-
hearts: ~ in playing cards engek
heat: (n) kiiq*, maqaq, matneq, puqla, see
Khromchenko (12), Turner (47), (v) matneqe- feel
excessive ~ matniur-; ~ that causes sh to
decompose kiimacak; ~ (of liquids) uqnir-;
produce a lot of ~ matnir-; stone that breaks
when exposed to ~ tumaranqellria; stone that
doesn’t break when exposed to ~ teggalqupiaq;
~ kettleful of water saanili-; take sweatbath
with dry ~ mastar-; ~ seal blubber in a pan
civatugte-; expose to sun’s ~ maci-; apply ~
uutar-; ~ up maqangcar-
heater: kiircaun, maqangcaun
heathen: agayumanrilnguq*
melngut neqait, palurutarngalnguq*
heating: stove for ~ cooking kaminaaq, kaminiaq;
brous leftover obtained by heating seal
blubber civanr(aq*); ~ pad puqlassuun
heaven: qilak
heavenly personage: qilagmiutaq*
heavily: breathe ~ ilaciqtar-; snow ~ qanugpag-; be
~ laden uciar-
heavy: be ~ uqamaite-, see Dall (5); become ~
uqamair-; have become ~ uqamairi-; whew
(it’s ~) keggu; ~ cloth tulvaaq; ~ large-caliber
shoulder rearm uquutellek; carry a ~ load
pequmpag-; ~ material for parka covers for
men civignilnguq*; for there to be ~ rain
ivegpag-; ~ sewing thread cillupkaar(aq*)
Hedysarum alpinum: atkallaq, marallaq*, qerqaq
Hedysarum americanum: elagaq
heed: niicu-, niisnga-, qanerciryar-
heel: kitngik
; kick with the ~ kitengpag-, kitngig-;
measurement from tip of toes to end of ~
, it’ganeq; ~ of sled runner kitngilquq;
walk wobbly as when wearing high ~s
height: quyigtaciq; ~ of something qertuneq;
be afraid of ~ nangyaqe-, nangyarnarqe-,
nangyaryug-; be low in ~ atgite-; be up to
here (indicating a ~) maatekaar-; fall from a
~ iivkar-, ig’arte-; scale a ~ qaklite-, qasqite-,
qikerte-; survey one’s surroundings from a ~
held: be ~ back by naguteke-; something ~ in the
hand or arms tegumiaq; part of re-drill held
in mouth neg’utaq; thing ~ in the mouth iqmik,
qanermiaq; something one is held back by
nagun; thing ~ in one’s N (pb) -mik; threaten
with weapon ~ in the hand uluryacir(ar)-
helicopter: aqumkallak
, ciilraq*, pikaggualek
Hell: Kenerpak, quluuraq
hellre: keneq nipsuilnguq
help: anirtua-, aqaa, cama-i, kusgua-, waqaa
help: (n) ikayuq, (v) ukisqir-, kusgu-, kuygu-; one
coming to get ~ uurcaq; ~ dogs pull a sled by
pushing it kasmurrar-, kaymurrar(ar)-; ~ each
other ikayuute-; ~ from time to time ikayua-;
~ in a major way ikaspag-; ~ out ikayuute-
tataite-; make no attempt to ~ tararte-
helper: ikayuq, ikayurta, piskar(aq*); shaman’s
spirit ~ avneq; ~ at the end of something iqugta
helpful: be ~ catngu-
helping spirit: shaman’s ~ tuunraq; perform
shamanistic incantation with ~s qaniqe-
helpless: be ~ kalivqinar-, (pb) -qtaq*, -qtar-; feel ~
hem: merigneq, merigte-, see Adams (38); fringed fur
on ~ uulungak; roll up the ~ qepte-; rufe at ~
ciqauyaq; trim at ~ akurun, ingqit; ~ on parka
tungunqucuk; trimming on ~ cenliarun
hematoma: qiuneq
hemlock: poison water ~ anguturluq,
iligviit neqait,
hemmed: merig-; be ~ meringqa-
hence: wanirpak
henceforth: wak’nirnek
her: ellii, see also endings section
Heracleum lanatum: canraq*, ce÷artaq, tarnaq
herd: ~ or member of the ~ katngaq*; member of
an immense ~ katengvak; ~ of domesticated
animals katnguan; ~ reindeer tunciur-; ~ sheep
or reindeer qusngiliur-
herder: qunguturiurta; reindeer ~ qusngiliurta,
here: see Appendix 3 on demonstratives and maani,
wani; kita , ku(ni), maa-i, maa(ni), wani; be ~
maante-; stay ~ maantaur(ar)-; be on one’s way
~ kilngar-; to ~ kuut; it’s right ~ kua; be up to ~
maatekaar-; ~ (it is)! wani-wa; be ~, present and
available alaite-
hearten — here
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
here and there: go ~ ayaga-; pick up things ~
alcagar-; spill around ~ kuvuur-; V around ~
(pb) -vyirte-
“here it is”: the one who shouts “kita” (~) kit’arta
hermit crab: qiuggiq
hermit thrush: ciitaarayuli
hernia: qagerneq, qag’erneq, enguga’rte-,
hero: legendary ~ of a traditional story
Akaguagaankaaq; legendary ~ Ircaqurrluk;
legendary ~, ancestor of the people of
Kwethluk Iluvaktuq; legendary folk ~ of the
Kuskokwim and Nelson Is. areas Apanuugpak;
legendary folk ~, a long-distance and long-
duration kayaker Kukugyarpak, Tep’arrluaq;
(see legendary heroes)
herring: iqalluarpak, neqalluarpak; partially dried
and somewhat aged ~ niinamayak, nin’amayak;
fermented ~ ciss’uq
herring egg: melucuaq, qaarsaq; ~s elquaq*,
qiaryaq; ~ on kelp qaryaq
herring roe: elquaq*, neve-
herself: ellmi
hesitant: be ~ ancurtuke-, ancurtur-, a¥gtaqe-,
hesitate: caperrsug-, cima-
hesitation: naspertur-, (pb) -pigainar-
hey, you! usuuq!, uyuuq!
hiccup: negituqaq
hickory: tupugaq
hide (conceal): iir-; quickly ~ iiler-; ~ from view
capu; ~ something iiqumtug-; ~ portions
during the “Aaniq” holiday tumagcur-; cover
one’s eyes while the other players ~ melu-
hide (skin): qecik; ~ thong or rope taprartaq; cut a
~ into a thong pinve-; moose ~ tanned on both
sides qatviaq; thong or rope used for binding
things made animal ~ tapraq*; hide cut in a
spiral pattern aqsarqelleq
hide-and-seek: game of ~ meluqetaaq; play ~
iirutaagute-; ghost that takes children playing
~ uligiayuli
high: be ~ acetu-, astu-, ertu-, qertu-, qurtu-; ~
priest allgiliyaq; ~ skin boot ac’iqaq, yuunin;
~ mountain cirmik; area ~ up qulvaq; eroded
~ sand dunes uss’ariyak; ~ coast that cannot
be climbed uss’ariyak; legendary village
set on ~ ground Qairuarmiut; ~ handlebars
qamuutarrsuun; look from a ~ vantage point
nacete-; hold in ~ regard pirpake-; have a
~ fever puqelvag-; walk wearing ~ heels
kukunguqsarte-; be ~ in elevation kertu-; be
~ in status, spirits quyig-; move with bow ~
above the water qalugte-; carry ~ on the back
equg-; for there to be ~ water emiqar-, miiqar-;
wave spray blowing to ~ winds emqerte-
high tide: ula
; be ~ ule-; water mark from ~ unineq
high-bush cranberry: kitngigpak, mercuullugpak,
high-pitched: speak with a ~ voice cuyarte-
high-powered rie: alavvilaq, cavilek
higher: go ~ and ~ quyigi-; for the sun to start
rising ~ nutnger-
highest: ~ place qertunqurraq*
hill: penguq, qemiq*, see Nelson (88), Barnum
(12); small ~ allngignaq, ekurnak; bottom of
~ engyurneq; front area of ~ caa, sayangaq;
be a downdraft off a ~ kucurni-; go over a
~ engyurte-; break in the ~s agtuirtelleq;
dale between ~s akulneq; mirage effect of
temperature inversion above ~s inivkaq;
appear as if line of ~s is doubled ing’ar-
hillock: ekuq, englulluk
him: ellii, see also endings section
himself: ellmi
hinder: qelapegte-; be ~ed nagucir-
hindrance: aviraun, nagun, uamqun, uamulqutaq
hinge: arivneq, qalilugtaq, see Muset (4), Lonneux (4)
hip: cipsaq, kuuce÷ak, kuya, materta, mecangqaq,
nenrilquq; rose ~ tuutaruaq; bend over at the
~s ikigarte-; ~s moved as during intercourse
hip boot: ivrarcuun; sealskin ~ for women
Hippoglossus stenolepis: naternarpak
Hippuris vulgaris: pugtassaq, qugyutnguaq,
qugyuut neqait, tayaruq
, utngungssaq*
Hirundo rustica: ngel’ulluir(aq*)
his: see Endings section; see Dall (6)
hissing: make ~ sound by sliding on very cold
snow kakingerte-
historic: ~ group of Bristol Bay and/or Alaska
Peninsula people Aglurmiut; ~ly ukanirpak
Histrionicus histrionicus: cetuskar(aq*),
Histriophoca fasciata: qasrulek
here and there — Histriophoca
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hit: qassarte-, piqer-
, piqertur-; be ~ nall’aringa-;
~ (it) unintentionally (pb) -ciller(ar)te-, -nqar-;
threaten to ~ him with a weapon uluryacir(ar)-;
fear getting ~ uluryake-; ~ with palm pateg-,
qacap’ag-, qacarte-; ~ with a sharp blow
ka¥k’ar-; ~ with a stick anau-, anaur-, eqi-; ~ in
or on the N (pb) -ar(ar)te-
, -car(ar)te-; ~ in the
center of something quki-; ~ something and
bounce katngalqite-; ~ the cut-bank tugeq; ~
with a missile or projectile uyaqe-
hitting: club for ~ sh qenngitaq
hives: pengigarneq; break out in ~ pengiga’rte-
hockey: ~-like game kal’utaryaraq; ~ puck or ~
stick kal’utarcuun, kal’utaq, see Nelson (93)
hoist: nalug-
; grass rope used to ~ kayak qikiq
hold: ~ on to (it) qelaake-’ ~ down engig-, enig-,
nanercir-, niig-; ~ by the hand tass’uqe-; ~
or carry tegumiaqe-; basket used to ~ sh
naparcilluk; ~ a child so that he/she can
urinate kene-, es’angcar-; ~ back urine or
feces quumig-; take ~ of one’s skirt elluk’ar-;
~ in the parka ounce kenirmiaqe-; ~ inside
clothing qumig-; ~ in high regard pirpake-; ~
with one’s teeth keggmiaq; tie-rope to ~ kayak
skin in place nuqsugun; clamp used to ~ bent
piece of wood pascirissuun; ~ the other side of
something for him/her akigir-; place where one
~s a seal harpoon nagun
holder: spear ~ igcailkun; ~ for harpoon head
nengciutaq; ~ for end of gut qalluarun
holding: tripod for ~ a pot qikiq
; framework ~
down something nanerta; ~ something in trust
for him tegumiaqucilluku
hole: putuneq; air ~ ellvik; deep ~ in a riverbed
qanglluk; man-made ~ elakaq; a ~ made
intentionally ukineq; a dug ~ elaneq; ~ in the
ground teq’aciileq; seal’s breathing ~ anlu,
ukiyaaq; ~ cut through the ice anglluaq, anluaq;
~ in river ice cikuilquq, qenuilquq, ukivkaneq;
~ in the ice in Bladder Feast ikuygur-; naturally
occurring ~ in the ice kianeq; ~ for the bootlace
; scoop used to clear ice fragments
from water in a ~ anquun, qenuirun; aged
blacksh prepared in a ~ quluk; stoke-~ of
stove murirvik; draft ~ in a wood-burning
stove cup’urilleq; drain ~ of boat ellngaryaraq;
plug to close ~ on a sealskin oat unguquutaq;
harpoon tip with ~ attachment nengciun; ~ in
a toy ulpecuqnaq; ~ for rope over top of kayak
napilleq; ~ for drawstring pass’aq; tote ~ in
kayak iipaq, qengaryuguaq; two- or three-~
kayak paitaalek; ~ puncher putulirissun;
~-making device ukicissuun, ukirqissuun; ~
at inside end of tunnel pugyaraq; ~ in keel of
boat agayuqulnguaraq; have a ~ ukima-; get a
~ in one’s sole puturtua-; pierce a ~ through
ukii-; drill a ~ iguq-; get a ~ (in it) uki-; make a
~ in it ukite-, callarte-; make a ~ in the ice anlii-,
anlui-; close in (of a ~) cikte-, cikete-
holes: drill for making ~ pataq; ice chisel for
making ~ tugeq, tuuq; harpoon toggle with two
~ engevyaraq; rock with eye-like ~ iingarnak;
tool for pushing cords through ~ ikuukar(aq*);
toy with two ~ llerr’ar(aq*); ~ in rim of kayak
tupicilleq; ~ on the edge of a kayak skin
tapricilleq; make ~ in (it) ukirqe-; use the same
stitch ~ as before enatguar(ar)-
holidays, traditional: Aaniq, Agayuyaraq,
Elciq, Elriq, Ilgariq, Itruka’ar, Kalukaq,
Kassiyuq, Kelek, Kevgiq, Kevgiruaq, Merr’aq,
Nakaciuryaraq, Petugtaq, Qaariitaaq, Qaarpak,
holiday: dance before the host villagers during a ~
tekiqatar(ar)-; celebrating the “Aaniq” ~ aanir-,
, tumagcur-; celebrating the Inviting-
In Feast ~ tukar(ar)-, itrugta; celebrating the
Great Feast for the Dead ~ or Lesser Feast for
the Dead neqlite-; Fourth of July ~ Qukitiiq;
the one who shouts “here it is” during a ~
kit’arta; ~ celebrated in which participants ask
for food Qaariitaaq; ~ celebrated in summer or
fall Ingula(q), Qaarpak; go house to house as
part of certain ~s itertaar-; ~ celebrated shortly
before the Bladder Feast Tengmiariuq; model
of requested item used during Petugtaq ~
; ~ celebrated involving an exchange
of requested gifts Petugtaq
; ~ celebrated
in the coastal area only Qengarpak; receive
the specic gifts requested in songs pitar-; ~
celebrated shortly after the Messenger Feast
Kevgiruaq; namesake of the dead honored
during a ~ neqliskengaq
holler: avite-
hollow: nayugneq; ~ out nayug-; ~ bone ituraq;
feel inside something ~ kau-, kautur-; make a ~
sound evikegte-; cough ~ly qelutviar-
holy: (see Holy) be ~ kencignarqe-; ~ one tanqigcaq,
tanqilria; ~ thing tanqik; ~ water merr’aq
hit — holy
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Holy: ~ Communion: Atanrem Nerevkaritii,
Kristussaam kemgan auggaan-llu akurtullra,
Tanqilria Ilakuuciq; ~ Eucharist Tanqilria
Quyayaraq; ~ Ghost Anerneq Tanqilria; ~ Spirit
Anerneq Tanqilria, Eprilnguq Qela; ~ Trinity
Tanqilria Pingayuuciq
Holy Cross: Ingrirralleq
home: kinguneq
; be back (~) utengqa-; go back ~
ilgar-; bring ~ ut’rute-; want to go ~ uteryug-;
have it as one’s ~ nek’e-; be visiting at one’s
former ~ utengqa-; ~-baked bread kelipaq
homebrew: ek’aq, quuleq, quuleciraq
homemade: ~ thing piliaq, yugtaq; ~ chewing gum
angiinaq; ~ curved tanning board alliq; ~ dog
food alunga
, alungqe-
homesick: be ~ cupegte-, nuniir-, uteryug-;
suddenly feel ~ cup’gallag-, cup’garte-,
hometown: person from one’s ~ nunalgun
homeward: utelmun
Honckenya peploides: it’garralek, qelquayak,
teptuyak, tukulleggaq*
honey: neqnirqellria, paatakaaq,
paatakaarngalnguq*, vegtaat paatakaaliarat
honey bucket: qurrun
honeycomb ice: mingqutnguaq
honor: nanrar-, ucurnarqutke-; be worthy of
~ kencignarqe-; person who distributes
clothing or food in ~ of his or her child’s
achievements kalukaq
; recipient in ~ of the
dead neqliskengaq
hood: parka ~ nacaq, uqurrsuk; tip of parka ~
tengqucuk; pull on one’s ~ nacaq; separate ~
yuraryaraq; edge of ~ negiliq; pompon on tip
of parka ~ kak’acuk; ~ of a young woman’s
parka kakauyaq; fur sewn on ~ of garment
menglairun, uulungak; ~ ruff yurturuaq
hoodless: ~ parka qaliluk, yuraryaraq
hoof: cetumquq
hook: uqtaq; bite (of a sh biting a ~) engug-; sh~
iqsak, manaq, manaqutaq; ~less lure uqtaq;
~ used in an underground cache kalvun; ~
used to take killed seals out of water tegun,
yuussuun; ~ of a gaff pakuk; ~ with a gaff
negcik-; ~ used in kayak tallirraq; ~ at stern of
kayak makvik; ~ dug into snow to hold a dog
team ayakatarcuun; intestine’s J-~ qilunaq;
meat ~ qelumirrsuun; ~ one’s nger in an
insult katengvag-, katngite-; loop on garment
for fastener such as ~ negurluq; crochet ~
ikuckarcuun; ~ of earring agaq, as’un; grayling
~ see Nelson (131)
hoop: (barrel ~) qes’un; joint of a ~ hoop-like
object kassugneq, uivneq
Hooper Bay: Naparyaraq
hop: caqelnga-, caqillnga-, qecgaur-
hope: neryuniurun; anticipate with ~ neq’aniur-; in
the ~ of being rewarded qessaircir-; it is to be
~ ikik; ~ing others will act for one ilacir-; (enc)
hopping device: cakiyun
ellam menglii, nunam ngelii; waves
appear large on ~ cugayunar-; clouds on the
~ qerruutaq; white cloud that rises from the ~
horizontal: ~ elevated log of sh rack agagliiyaq;
~ log in men’s community house elliqerraq*,
; make ~ cuts in sh esh ingqii-; ~ly
striped cloth ik’aruaq
horn: ciruneq, cupu’uryarat; chisel for ~ egturun,
keggiaq; powder ~ puyurkarvik
horned pufn: qengacuar(aq*), qilangaq
horried: be ~ iirrayug-; be ~ by (it) iirrake-
horrifying: be ~ iirranarqe-
horse: kuuniq, luussatiq, luussitaq, tunturpak,
horsey: ilairtayuli
horsetail plant: keneq
, qetek, uqnaq
hose: cupluq, maqcissuun
hospital: naulluuvik, qenavik, yungcarvik,
yuungcarvik; visit in the ~ paqte-; ~-related
thing naulluuvigtaq*
Host: akurtuq, kelipaq
host: allaniurta, kelipayagaq, tukuq; dance before
the ~ villagers tekiqatar(ar)-
hot: be ~ kiircete-, kircite-, macari-, maqiqe-,
, see Dall (1); be very ~ kiirpag-,
kiirrelvag-; be burning ~ uqnarqe-, uuqnarqe-;
get red ~ kenrurte-; ~ to the touch ici; be
warm or ~ puqlanir-; ~ compress qatugaq; ~
pack qatugaq; ~ water puqla; ~-water bottle
puqlassuun; ~ beverage yuurqaq; drink a ~
beverage emrukar-, yuurte-
, yuurqaq; be ~ and
sweaty kiiryug-; feel ~ and sweaty kiirniur-; for
it to get ~ter kiiri-
Holy — hot
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hotel: allanivik, ciunirvik, tukirvik; ~ clerk
hotplate: kenircuun
hour: cass’aq, sass’aq; ~s uumirpak
house: [e]na
, na; area behind ~ kelu
house: beaver ~ [e]nglu, enlu, enluaq, nel’u, ngel’u;
men’s community ~ kiiya, qasgi, qaygiq;
make a ~ nel’i-; clean ~ eqte-
, kenagte-;
former ~ nell’eq; future ~ nek’aq; small ~
enluqvagaq; invite to one’s ~ keleg-; go from ~
to ~ ce÷irtaar-, itertaar-, kipussaag-; ~ slipper
kameksak; play ~ inanguar-; occupant of
the ~ nemiu; move from one ~ to another
agqur-; remove from ~ anqur-; stay in the ~
nem’etaur(ar)-; wind outside ~ qalriqsaar(ar)-;
have frost in ~ ilur-; ritually take over a men’s
community ~ qasgiiqenge-; ooding in ~
tunnel kepneq; legendary creature that will
suck the blood from one’s big toe if one has
no water in his ~ meriiq; going from ~ to ~
during Asking Festival quke-; dancer in men’s
communal ~ kapqerraarta, kasmilria; pole
in ground in the men’s communal ~ during
Bladder Feast kagaciqaq
HOUSE PARTS (see Appendix 9): ~ with ground-
level entrance itqerce÷aq; frame for ~
enerkaq; corner of ~ ac’urun, egkuq; corner
post of traditional ~ tagurun, talliqiun;
front of porch of ~ manulqaq; passage from
porch into ~ amiguyuk; roof “rib” of ~
qerratarun; smokehole/skylight of ~ egaleq;
tunnel entrance to ~ iluyaraq, kalvagyaraq,
lavleryaraq, pugyaraq, qissiryaraq, tuqluk;
door amik, see Nelson (75); entranceway amik;
part of ~ near door uaqliq*; inside area of ~
; steambath ~ maqivik; partition between
two family areas in ~ talu; semi-subterranean
sod ~ enpiaq, nepiaq; side wall of sod ~
kangciq; oor near replace in a sod ~ acilqaq;
mud used as caulk on a sod ~ kataneq; mat
paneling in sod ~ kangciraq; horizontal log in
men’s community ~ tuussaq
; rst horizontal
beam in semi-subterranean ~ elliqerraq*; log
above door of semi-subterranean ~ or men’s
community ~ qaliqerrun; log hung on rope in
men’s community ~ for competitions aavussaq;
side wall of a semi-subterranean ~ nakerqatak,
nakirqatak; upper tie beam of men’s
community ~ or small semi-subterranean ~
mamcartaq; supporting post of bench in men’s
community ~ palan; corner post of ~ see Nelson
(51); stringer log for supporting roof, see Nelson
(23); window egaleq, see Dall (10), Adams (60);
window frame qiitek
house y: anaririyaq, ciivak, ciuvak
household: children of the ~ aanakellriit; provide
for one’s ~ pingnatug-
housework: do ~ cavvliur-
hover: agyaur-, aqelqur-, kevkar-
how: qaillun; ~? qaite-, qayuwa; ~ cold it is! alap’aa;
~ disgusting! iilektii; ~ few! acaca; ~ fortunate!
anirta; ~little! acaca; ~ long ago? qangvaq;
~ long from now? qaku; ~ many? qavcin,
qayutun; ~ much? qavcin, qayutun; ~ on earth!
tanem; ~ scary! iirgii; ~ to V (pb) -yaraq; is that
~ it is/was? ima-qaa, ima-tanem; not know ~
one is with respect to V-ing (pb) -ciite-; how
about (enc) =mi
however: amta-llu, ta¥gaam, ta¥gken
howl: maruara-, nepua-; ~ and whistle
qalriqsaar(ar)-; emit loud ~s maruarpaga-
huckleberry: curavak, surav’ak
huddled: be ~ qungelra-
huff: V in a ~ (pb) -leryag-
hug: eqte-
, qet’e-; ~ vigorously qep’ag-
huge: ~ drum causpakayallr(aq*); huge N (pb)
hum: emyagte-, uyuruar-, see Nelson (29)
human being: cuk, suk, taru, yuk; fellow ~
human: become a ~ yug’urte-; ~ offspring irniaq;
~ body hair melquq; ~ back or backbone
qeteq; ~ skull iingakuyuk; ~ leg iru; ~ tailbone
teq’uciq, teryurauluk; ~ excrement meqcaq,
mequq; ~ nail deformed by injury cetumquq;
thing of a ~ yiinraq*, yinraq*; seek owner
of ~ form yungcarte-; sea creature with ~
features kun’uniq; legendary being with a
~ female face that helps people in distress
at sea qupurruyuli; seal that appears in ~
form qununiq; ~ gurine atqataq, yugaq; ~ or
~-like gure yuguaq; signs of ~ habitation
yuc’illia-; rst ~ inhabitants yung’elraarun;
be inhabitated by ~s yungqerr-; evidence of
~ presence yugninarqe-, yul’inraq*, yull’itaq,
yulkia-, yulkiite-, yulkitange-; collapse of a ~
hotel — human
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
humerus: aklanquq, issaquq, kangilquq, kayugaq,
nakiryuk, nuqaruaq
humidor: curmak
hummock: qertunqucuk
humorous: ~ mask used in “Kelek” festivity
hump: ~ on sh amaqatak; ~ on person’s back
qulucuk, qulugneq
humpback salmon: amaqaayak, amaqsuq, cuqpeq,
terteq, see Orlov (2)
humpy: amaqaayak, amaqsuq
hunchbacked: be ~ qulugte-
hunched: sit ~ up qunginga-
hundred: kenrun; one ~ kavluun, negavaq,
talliman; four ~ yuinaam yuum ipia
hung: sh ~ up to dry iniaq, kanartaq, kiarneq,
tamuanaq; part of a sh rack on which the sh
is ~ initaq*; muskrat or squirrel that has been
~ by the neck qemitaq*; log ~ horizontally for
competition aavussaq; curtain ~ in doorway
ikirtuqaq; gurine ~ on a string pekcetaaq
hung over: be ~ yuss’ug-, yuussug-
hunger: suffer ~ kainiqe-
hungry: be ~ kaag-, kaig-, tumilngu-
hunt: angussaag-, pissaar-, pissur-; distribute
shares after a ~ pitar-; journey into the ocean
to ~ for walrus kaugpangcar-; ~ for eggs
kayangussur-; ~ for oldsquaw (long-tailed)
ducks aassektacungir-; ~ for seal anssiir-,
qayartur-; ~ N (pb) -cur-, -ssaar-, -ssur-; ~ with
N or at N (pb) -qu-
hunter: angussaagta, pissurta; be a good ~
qarriimar-; successful ~ nukalpiartaq, tuvraq;
less successful ~ nukasegauciq; seal distributed
to a group of ~ pitaryaraq; share the seal
among ~ tulimite-; hunter receiving the rib
portion of a seal irnerrlugtalria
hunting: be open ~ season ikingqa-
; go seal ~
qamigar-; have exceptionally good fortune in ~
anagkenge-; seal-~ harpoon aklegaq; spear for
~ seal nagiiquyaq; sealskin bag used while ~
aklivik, ar’inaq, arr’inaq; dart for ~ nuiq*; sling
for ~ agqetaaq; small ~ knife amelcikar(aq*);
use a tool or weapon for ~ caskuyaqur-;
white parka used for ~ qaternin; bird-~
arrow akulmiqurataak; ~ boot kamegciqaq;
~ hat pertaq, pugugyuk, ugtarcurcuun; ~
implement kutvak, pissurcuun, pissuutaq;
subsistence ~ device angussaagun; accomplish
something extraordinary in ~ iniqsakar-; be
idle after being busy ~ caciirte-; ceremonially
smudge before launching a kayak for sea ~
keniruar-; give a ~ partner the pelvic area of
the catch kuyagcite-; make a livelihood by the
traditional means of ~ yuungnaqe-
hunting season: emergency closures of ~
piqatarraarpeknateng umegluku
hurriedly: return ~ utqerte-; V ~ (pb) -qerte-; ~ go
forward paalaryaaqe-
hurry: cumigte-, qetugte-; act in a ~ patag-; be in a ~
egnaarte-, qemitaagte-; begin to ~ qemitaange-;
~ excitedly taave-, tave-; tell to ~ ampiir-,
kiikiar-; V in a ~ (pb) -llugtur-; ~! kiiki; ~ up!
amci, ampi
hurt: angqirte-, akngirte-, aknirte-, aqngirte-; feel
emotionally ~ angenruyug-; get ~ aqngirte-; ~
in part of one’s body nat’liqe-, natelngu-; ~ or
be hurt in the ears qukir-; ~ feelings neka; ~
hurt feelings cangayug-, nekaniqe-, nekaniur-,
nekayug-; ~ (his) feelings ilalke-; be ~ing
husband: ui; acquire a ~ uinge-; imaginary ~
uinguaq; ~ and wife nulirqellriik; brother-in-
law (sisters ~ only) nengauk; man’s wife’s
sisters ~ arcik, arenqiartekaq; woman’s ~’s
brother uilgun
hush! arca!
hut: quonset ~ palurutaq
Hutchin’s Canada goose: tuutaalquciq
hyaline cartilage: uivukaq
hymn: agayussuun
hymnal: agayussuun,
agayussuutet yuarutet
hypertension: auga quyigluni
hypocrite: malrugnek umyualek
hypodermic needle: kap’issuun, kapsuun, kapun
hyssop: culugtaq*
humerus — hyssop
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
I wii, see Appendix 1 and endings section; ~ can’t
believe it! iq!; ~ don’t know naallu, naamelliin,
naumiki, qayumikika; ~ doubt it tavaq; ~
suppose ikika; ~ told you so! acakikika!; ~ wish
(enc) tuq; ~ too wish it were so! kiika-wa!; ~
wonder ima-qaa, wall’upik, (enc) =kiq
ice: ciku; new ~ cikunerraq*, elliqaun, nutaqerrun;
thin ~ ac’irutaq
, cikuaq, cikulqaraq,
cikulraar(aq*), qenulraar(aq*), yuulraaq;
oating ~ akangluaryuk, kaimlineq, kaulineq,
kigumaaq, qilungayak; beached ~ et’galqilaq;
~ bridge tuuta
; broken or slush ~ ciamneq,
nepucuqiq, qenu; (be) clear ~ ecuite-; ~ that one
can climb on without breaking uscaryuyagaq;
~ that comes loose from the bottom
pugteqrun, tumarneq; ~ coming from the north
cikulugpiaq, cikurpak; ~ crystals civyegte,
kanevcir-, makuaq, quilekupiaq; erect, pointed
piece of ~ culugcineq; ~ oe angengqaq*, ciku,
, manigaq, tualleq; glare ~ cikulraar(aq*);
jagged ~ cikuquq, manialkuq; melting ~
icineq; (be) murky ~ cur-, ecur-; pancake
~ akangluaryuk; piled-up ~ asvailnguq*,
marayilugneq, nacaraq, tungussiqatak,
ugunret; protruding shore ~ kenuqaurneq;
rotten ~ arumalria, mingqutnguaq; scattered
~ tamarqellriit; shore-fast ~ qayemgu, tuaq,
tuvaq, tuvair(ar)-; ~ that breaks away from
shore angengqaq*, tualleq; ~ stuck on the mud
nepillineq; thawed and refrozen ~ cikullaq;
water-soaked ~ mecqiitaq; ~ from wet weather
cikurlak; break up of ~ in spring cupa
, iqertar-,
tuvair(ar)-; bubble in ~ neguyaq, qerruyaq; cave
in sea ~ kangiqiugneq; crevice in shore-fast ~
aayuqaq, qiugguiq; ~-free area nanviuqerrneq;
for ~ to form on lakes and rivers cikuqaq;
natural hole in the ~ cikuilquq, kianeq,
qenuilquq, ukivkaneq; for ocean ~ to break off
; open water in a eld of ~ imarrlainaq*,
ketgulleq, nanviuqerrneq, qiu, qiugaaq; ~ piece
with large overhang kinguvkutak; packed
snow on sea ~ kavtak; pile up (of ~) evu-; place
where ~ forms on sandbar qas’urneq; place
where the ~ has been picked tugneq; thin at
stone resembling ~ can’ggelngunaq; time when
~ forms on lakes and rivers cikuqaq; wave
capable of breaking shore-fast ~ qairvaaq; well
up beneath ~ uleve-, ulve-
ice (and human interaction): ~ with Bladder Feast
ikuygur-, kagaciqaq, kangaciqaq; hole cut
through the ~ anglluaq, anluaq; make a hole
in the ~ anlii-, anlui-; make noise walking on
~ kakiungqite-; glide over the ~ ikamtag-; ~
skate kankiiq; oversole to prevent slipping on
~ nat’raq; play on ~ cikulrii-; stick to set a net
under ~ kasmurun; stretch out on the ~ civtu-;
get ~ to melt cikutagci-; line to set a net under
the ~ amun; strainer to clear ~ fragments from
water anquun, imairin, kuvyakuinr(aq*), nuluq,
qenuirun; ~ chisel cikuliurun, passikcaq, tugeq,
tugrun, tuuq; jab as with ~ tugaur-, tugeq-;
sled to carry the kayak on ~ qamigaun; put
something on ~ tulurte-; put on the surface of
the ~ tulungqa-; walk over thin ~ cialiur-; parka
used for hunting on ~ qaternin; trapped by ~
mallgute-, pamru-
ice (and animals): seal on an ~ oe uginagumaq,
ugtaq; seal’s breathing hole in ~ anlu, ukiyaaq;
spear to hunt seals on ~ asaaquq, asauquq,
ayaaquq; walrus on ~ nunavak; chew on ~
where food has frozen mangirrar-; creature
with human features seen on pack ~ kun’uniq
iceberg: ciku; for there to be open water with ~s
beyond qupngur-
ice cream: “Eskimo ~”: akutaq, passiaq, qangquaq,
qerpertaq; otter fur imitating ~ kaunguaq
iced in: be ~ cirmiute-
ice fog: patuggluk
ice pick: cikuliurun
ice spud: cikuliurun, ussugcin
icicle: kucukaq
icon: ikuunaq; kiss an ~ melugar-
idea: umsuaq, umyuaq, umyugaq; get an ~
umyuange-; suddenly get an ~ umyuanga’rte-
identied: voice that ~ a dead person yuun
identify: try to ~ a taste elpegniur-
identity: the aforementioned one, the ~ of which
is known imna; ~ known, at least partially
ima(ni), imkuciq
idle: ~ person anarkiurta; be ~ after being busy
idler: qessanquq, see Nelson (21)
idol: agayut’liaq, agayutnguaq
I — idol
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
if: conditional mood (see Endings section)
Igiugig: Igyaraq
ignite: kumarte-; ~ readily kenqegg-, kukeg-
ignorance: in ~ nallutmun
ignore: ilangci-, tangrrinar-, ulur-
Igushik: Iyussiiq
Iliamna: Tevyaraq; Lake ~ Nanvarpak; ~ Lake
Indian Kenaayuq, Kenayuk
ill: be ~ cakucuk, keggirciur-, kirciur-, metqe-,
nangte-, naulluu-, qena-; be mentally ~
umyuiqe-, usviite-; become terminally ~
tautunrir-; become ~ after someone has
died kangingyug-; be ~ at ease cupegte-; be
~-humored piqulli-
illicit: have ~ sex with (him, her) akusraruteke-,
qacuniar-; have ~ sex with an unwilling or
reluctant woman acuniar-
illness: apquciq, cakucuk, nangtequn, nangyun,
naulluun, qenan; be immune to ~ calrite-;
breathe rapidly and shallowly, as during
~ anertevkar-; follow a traditional practice
associated with ~ eyag-, eyagyaraq, yaag-; have
a hard time because of emotional or physical
~ irliqe-; shaman’s incantation to protect one
from ~ qaniqun; strain emtionally, physically
in ~ caknaa-; be lethargic due to ~ uralate-
illusion: tangrruaq
illustrator: pilinguarta
image: tarenraq
imaginary: ~ husband uinguaq
imagine: ~ one has a husband uinguaq
imitation N (pb) -nguaq, -uaq
Immaculate Conception:
tanqilriim mary-am
caarrluunani piurtellra, tanqilriim mary-m
carrluunani piurtellra
immature: ~ king salmon taryaqvayagaq*
immediately: egmian, egmianun, tamaa; ~ accept,
acquiesce, believe, etc. maligarte-; one ~
outside elaqliq*; ~ split qup’arte-
immemorial: from time ~ envanek
immense: member of an ~ herd katengvak
immersing: cook by ~ briey in boiling water
immobile: be ~ pektayiite-; become ~ asvair-; make
(it) ~ asvaiqe-
immortal: ~ soul yuuciq
immovable: be ~ asvaite-
immune: be ~ to illness calrite-
impact: qatngerpak; noise of ~ qasiaq; have a
strong ~ tunertu-; not have a strong ~ tunerkite-
impatient: be ~ avenqiag-, nerinite-; be ~ for (him)
to come nerinike-
impede: capir-; ~ motion kenercete-
impetigo: pupik
implement: caskuk, cassuun, saskuk; berry-picking
~ iqvarcuun; hunting ~ used by boys kutvak;
hunting ~ pissurcuun, pissuutaq; lamprey-
capturing ~ nemeryarcuun; stretch a skin by
working it with an ~ angiar-; handheld ~ for
stretching skins angiarun; skin-scraping ~
iqucissuun; strike (it) in the N with an ~ (pb)
-kcugi-; ~ for piercing patients kap’issuun; ~ to
catch sh cetugnaq
implications: speak without thinking about the ~
of one’s words qanqataite-
importance: opportunity of ~ urenkun
important: consider ~ arcake-; most ~ form of N
(pb) -pik
imposing: feel embarrassed because one is ~
impossible: be poor enough weather to make
outdoor activity ~ ellarayag-; weather that is
poor, but not to the extent that outdoor activity
is ~ ellanglluk; ~ to be V-ed (pb) -yunaite-; be ~
to speak to qanerciigate-
impregnate: qingir-
imprint: get an ~ qapaute-, qapngute-
improper: be ~ ikiu-; become ~ ikiurte-; ~ behavior
ik’iq; ~ly behave ketgulliira-; toward or in ugly
~ ways ik’itmun; peel ~ cetegglug-
improve: assiri-, utumarte-
impudent: see Nelson (102)
impure: ~ substance with the power to harm cirla
impurity: cleanse of spiritual ~ essuircar-
in: be ~ up to one’s N (pb) -kiirar-; be ~ up to
the knees ciisqukiirar-; be ~ up to the waist
qukakiirar-; be ~ up to the neck uyaqukiirar-;
steal ~ a big way tegel’pag-; be ~ a hurry
qemitaagte-; be ~ a line yaaqliqe-; V ~ a small
way (pb) -mcaugar-; ~ a state of readiness to V
(pb) -yukaar(ar)-; ~ a state of V (pb) -ngqa-; ~ a
state of having V-ed (pb) -ma-; once ~ a while
cat ilaitni; go ~ and out of the fog tepumirtur-;
come ~ and out of view ilalkuinr(ar)-, irlurnite-;
~ any manner piciatun; be ~ awe ucuryug-; ~
awe of (him) ucuqe-; ~ case (one) Vs (pb)
if — in
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
-yuar-; just ~ case it’s possible elliita¥gaten;
be ~ charge ataniur-; ofcer ~ charge but
also under the command of someone else
atanerruaq; be ~ contact with naikar-; be ~
disarray sagte-; get ~ front of ciunrir-; ~ great
numbers qivigpak; ~ ignorance nallutmun;
strain ~ illness caknaa-; be ~ labor nep’ngute-,
teggiurci-; keep ~ mind neq’ake-; be ~ need
of N (pb) -icag-; be ~ need of something and
seek it kepqe-; ~ no case angurrluk; ~ order to
V (pb) -na-
; ~ other words wagg’uq; ~ person
tungaite-; ~ place of nemenglluk, (pb) -cite-
; ~
question yik’ute-; put ~ shape tumarte-; be ~
shape tumangqa-; ~ the area down below or
toward the river cama(ni); ~ the area through
which we came uka(ni); ~ the direction
described by V (pb) -tmun; ~ the distance
tayimatmun; ~ the front room cakma(ni); ~
the north qagaa(ni), qii(ni); be ~ the process
of V-ing (pb) -yartur-; be ~ the way aviraute-,
uiyamte-; ~ this uumi; ~ those days ava(ni);
holding ~ trust tegumiaqucilluku; ~ Your
(God’s) manner tamaaten
in-law: tukuq
inability: beholden because of an ~ to reciprocate
inaccessible: be ~ kalivte-
inaudible: be almost umiqsig-
inauthentic: ~ N uaq, (pb) -nguaq; device for ~
V-ing (pb) -uaq
inboard: engine tuqtuq
incantation: shaman’s ~ qaniqun
incapable: become ~ of doing something
incapacitated: be ~ aqume-, cirliqe-, irliqe-, kive-
incarcerate: iterte-; be ~d itengqa-
incense: laatanaq, tepkegcilria; burn ~ aruviar(ar)-,
puyir-; ~ burner katilaq
inch: cetya(g)aq*
inchworm: cuyaiq
incidence: ~ of V (pb) -ciq
incident: ~ of V-ing (pb) -piineq
incised: ~ design kumgaq; ~ line imelqutaguaq
incisor: civuaq
incline: go up any gradual ~ tage-; ~d plane
include: ~ (him) ilake-; ~ with another tapqute-
incoherent: be ~ qerralerte-
incoming: ~ tide tungyuq
incomplete: utter an ~ sentence iqupki-
inconnu: cii, ciiq*
inconvenient: be ~ arenqiate-
incorrect: be ~ piciunrite-
increase: urneq; ~ in number or amount amlleri-; ~
in volume qerra-
incredulous: be ~ ukveraite-
incubate: eva-
indeed: ilumun, qayumi
; (enc) =ggem
indentation: ~ on edge of re-drill anarcuun; ~ on
kayak nutangquq
index nger: keniun, tekeq, tengayuk
; hook one’s
curled ~ under someone’s nose and push
upward katengvag-, katngite-; measurement
from the tip of the thumb to tip of ~ teklin;
measurement being the width of the last
section of one’s ~ tekneq; measurement of
the width at the ends of the ~ and the middle
nger malruneq
Indian: Ingqiliq; American ~ Nuyarpak; Upper
Kuskokwim Athabascan ~ Yurialnguq*;
upriver Yukon ~ Ingqilirrluar; ~ not from near
the Yup’ik area kulussuq
indicate: apertur-; in the area ~d by N (pb) -viar-;
ghost whose presence is ~d nepengyaq
indication: give evidence or ~ of N or V (pb) -lkia-;
sounds or other ~s of human presence yulkia-
yulkitange-, yulkite-, yull’itaq
indict: pinarqut’lir-
indifferent: be ~ toward qessanake-
indigenous holiday: ~ involving men called
“mothers” collecting food Aaniq; ~ religious
rite performed during the Inviting-In festival
arulayaraq; ~ often called the Bladder Feast
Nakaciuryaraq; ~ called Great Feast for
the Dead Elriq; ~ celebrated in summer or
fall Ingula(q); ~ called Inviting-In Feast
Itruka’ar, Kelek; ~ celebrated shortly after
the Messenger Feast Kevgiruaq; ~ called the
Lesser Memorial Feast or the Lesser Feast
for the Dead Merr’aq*
; ~ celebrated in late
summer, fall, or winter, involving an exchange
of requested gifts Petugtaq
; ~ celebrated in
autumn in which participants with painted
faces or wearing masks go door to door asking
for food Qaariitaaq; ~ celebrated in the coastal
area Qaarpak; ~ celebrated shortly before the
Bladder Feast Tengmiariuq
in-law — indigenous holiday
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
indignant: be ~ qingaryug-
indispensable: be ~ nancunaite-, piilviite-; consider
~ nanelviite-
indisposed: ~ with respect to N or to V-ing (pb)
-lngu-; ~ with respect to one’s N (pb) -culngu-
individual: lone ~ ellnginar(aq*)
indomitable: be ~ caprite-
induce: ~ to do something qarute-; try to ~ to speak
qanercetaar-; ~ clinging affection unganarqe-; ~
one to V (pb) -yunarqe-
indulge: ~ oneself umyugiur-
industrious: be ~ qessaite-
inebriated: be ~ taangiqe-
inedible: ~ red worm uinguyuk
inept: be ~ kukiyegte-; ~ at V-ing (pb) -ngiate-
inevitable: dread something that is ~
inexpensive: be ~ akikite-, nalqigtesciigate-
infant: anenerraq*, anqenkiyagaq, yuurrnerrar(aq*);
newborn ~ anqiitayagaq
infatuated: be ~ tangrriiqe-
infected: become ~ siissiq; drainage from ~ ear
maquluk; ~ sore pupik
infection: drain from ~ muiqerri-
infertile: ~ soil qikuyaq
infested: become ~ with insects ciissiq, siissiq
inrm: be ~ ayaniite-, kukiyegte-; physical ~ity
inamed: ~ appendix qilucuk
inatable: ~ container qerruqutaq
inate: qerrur-; be fully ~d qerrunqegg-; nozzle of
something ~d qerrurcuun; ~d stomach bladder
serving as a oat or water container qeciqutaq;
~d ptarmigan craw qerruqacunguaq; any ~d
thing qerruraq
inicts: pain that one ~ mianiite-
inform: apertuute-
information: give detailed ~ to another
cacigmigute-; for there to be no need or room
to add more ~ ilaviite-; ~ gained from object
infuriate: eqte-
; be ~d anirnake-, eqe-
, eq’urte-,
uumike-, uumiyug-
infuriating: be ~ eqnarqe-, qe
÷arqe-, uuminarqe-;
become ~ eqnarivakar-
ingredient: add an ~ kuucir-; add as an ~ tevir-
solid ~ tevuq
inguinal fold: imelqutak
inhabitant: ~ of N (pb) -miu
inhabited: be ~ yungqerr-
inhalant: ~ to stop nosebleeds eskaaniq
inhale: ~ something niurrsig-, yuryiur-, yuurrmiur-,
inheritance: paitaq; leave an ~ paicir-
inhibited: feel ~ a¥gtaryug-; feel ~ by a¥gtaqe-
inhibiting: be ~ a¥gtarnarqe-; be unable to on
account of an ~ factor (pb) -kaunrir-
injure: ~ or be injured in one’s N (pb) -ir(ar)te-; be
~d in the eye iingirte-
injury: suffer from an ~ [e]ngllugtur-, enllugtur-,
ink: ingek
inlaid: ~ design agciq, agciraraun; ~ piece of ivory
inland: qava(ni); set one’s direction ~ lurnir-; the
one ~ qamna, qa¥gna; ~er pa¥gkumiu
inlay: ~ a design agcilir-, agcirte-
inlet: kangiqutaq; Baird ~ Nanvaruk
inmate: itengqalria, itertaq*
inn: allanivik
inner: alder ~ bark dye cungagaq; treat with a dye
with alder ~ cungagarte-; ~ canthus qipalluraq;
~ feelings ilu; ~ glove aiggsak; ~ layer of
seal gut taiq; membrane on ~ side of a pelt
caterrluk; ~ surface ilulirneq; ~ thigh ilulirneq;
~ thing iluqliq*
innermost: ~ part temeqliq*; ~ recesses qamenquq
innocent: be ~ pinarqenrite-
inoculate: kape-
inoculation: kapun
inopportune: be ~ arenqiate-
inquest: coroners ~
qaillun tuqumalriim tuqullran
kangingengnaqellria, qaillun tuqumalriim
tuqullran kangingengnaqutii
inquire: apete-, apte-; ~ about the reason behind
something kangingyug-; ~ deeply kangiitur-
inquisitive: be ~ paqnatar-
insane: be ~ maluk’ali-, qissinga-, usviite-,
usvillugte-; become ~ usviir-
insane: become violently ~ usviilkayag-
insanity: criminal ~
usvillugcaraq alerquutnek
navgillerkani tekilluku
insatiable: have an ~ appetite camiite-
insect: ciissiq, ciutaiq, siissiq; a scorpion-like ~
indignant — insect
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
kelegciq, keliissiq; limb of ~ ipik; odiferous ~
teptuli; water-strider ~ agqertayuli; ~ similar to
a mayy kapsuli; be abundant (of ~s) mikur-;
become infested with ~s siissiq-; make smoke
to kill ~ aruvaar(ar)-, aruviar(ar)-; ~ repellant
insensitive: become ~ elpegir-; be physically or
emotionally ~ elpegite-
insert: pulate-
inside: kia(ni), qama(ni), qava(ni); bring or put ~
ilvar-; mixture rubbed on ~ of kayak cover
elqunaq; men’s boot with fur ~ ilutmurtaq;
funnel-like ~ component of a sh trap iluliraq;
have frost ~ ilur-; expose the ~ ullirte-; put
~ iterte-; the one ~ kiugna, qamna, qa¥gna;
make a re ~ to remove frost kevkar-
; be ~
a container or vehicle ekuma-; residue ~ a
container kivyaneq; ~ area kiata
; be turned
~ out ullinga-; turn ~ out ulte-; feel around
~ something kautur-; white bone ~ a sh
cranium teki; go ~ the men’s community house
insignia: nallunailkutaq, qaraliq; ~ on a pole or post
insist: aguagte-, taqiir-
insistent: be ~ aguagte-, taqsuarir-, umyui-
insole: alliraq, aluilitaq, piineq, tuc’e
÷aq, tumingiq;
dried grass used for ~ piinerkaq; provide with
an ~ of dried grass piinir-
inspiration: cacetuqun
inspire: caceturqaur-; ~ condence kemyunarqe-
installment: ~ payment akiliquraun
instantly: kill ~ taqinar-
instead: ta¥gaam; V ~ of (pb) -cite-
instep: ~ bone(s) pinevneq
instigator: cingesta
instill: ~ awareness ellangcar-
instruct: alerqur-, nallunair-
instruction: alerquun; follow ~s maligtaqu-; be
slow to follow ~s pamaite-
instrument: musical ~ aturcetaaq, atusaaq; organ
(musical ~) negtaat; spruce-root guitar-like ~
negavgun; stringed musical ~ qelutviaq; ~ for
V-ing (pb) -n
insufcient: be ~ enur-, nurute-, palarte-; ~ V (pb)
insulating mat: tungimaq
insulation: maqarqun; add ~ maqarqe-; covering
for ~ inside wall alku; grass mat used as ~
eviun; provide with a layer of ~ ekiir-
insult: arive-, arivte-; ~ with a nger gesture
insurance: arenqiallugcugyailkutaq*,
kalivqinaryailkun; ~ premium akiliquraun
intact: qecug-
intelligence: usvi, uyvi; lack ~ puqiate-
intelligent: be ~ puqig-; one who is very ~ puqigli
intending: without anyone ~ it to be so taunginaq;
become aware of a shaman ~ to kill people
avulluksagute-; pass each other out of each
others sight when ~ to meet amarriigute-
intense: be less dark or ~ mitriate-; close one’s eyes
as a sign of ~ enjoyment qaamyuar(ar)-; thing
of ~ interest urenkun
intensely: burn ~ ekurpag-; V ~ (pb) -pag-
; ~
dislike eq’uke-
intensity: V more with greater ~ (pb) -kanir-; ~ of
color qaskiq
intent: be ~ urenke-
intention: dive with the apparent ~ of bumping
something puugtua-, puugtur-; go with the ~ of
returning the same day utertengkiu(ar)-
intentionally: pitsaqutmek; act ~ picsaqe-, pitsaqe-;
feel or touch ~ caavte-, cavte-; a hole made
~ ukineq; make (him) cry ~ qiarqe-; ~ do
things that one should not do pissaqe-; ~ omit
something while speaking qular-; ~ cause one
to V (pb) -rqe-
; make one’s presence known, ~
or not yulkite-
intercept: nall’aringa-, narug-
intercourse: have sexual ~ inarute-, kuyag-, kuyug-,
taqik, uyug-; ~ with a man anguciur-; move
hips as during ~ kuyakcar-
interest: be of ~ aviurnarqe-; thing of intense ~
interesting: be ~ paqnanarqe-, paquminarqe-; look
~ tangssunarqe-
interior: ilu
interlace: piirri-
intermittently: V ~ (pb) -qaqe-
intermuscular: ~ “Y” bone of pike nuusaaq,
internal: ~ organs cakunglluut, imanaq; ~ize
interpret: nallunair-
interpretation: nalqigun
insensitive — interpretation
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
interred: cofn in which a person was ~ with his
knees drawn up to chin citaaq, sitaaq
interrogation: apqauriyaraq
interrogator: apqaurta
intertwined: smaller diameter ~ thread
qip’ayagaq*; thick ~ thread qip’aq
intervals: repeatedly V at ~ (pb) -qetaar-, -qtaar-;
V hard at ~ (pb) -rpaga-; defecate repeatedly
at short ~ anaraq; drink repeatedly at short
~ mer’a-; have a burning sensation (at ~)
uuqitar-; slap at ~ qacguur-; sob involuntarily
at ~ manglleg-
intestine: qilu; large ~ anaun; small ~ qilunguuyaq;
~al tract ilu; root mesentery of the small and
large ~ akunkaq; edible lining of seal ~ qiaq;
seal ~ spreader qalluarun; mixture of seal-~
tissue and seal oil akutauqmak; remove the
contents of a seal ~ agqe-
; rinse a cleaned seal
~ qalluar-; ptarmigan ~ lepaq; the hooklike
section that connects the stomach to the ~
aataruaq, qilunaq
intimidated: feel ~ takaryug-, takaqe-, takartar-,
talluryug-, talluqe-; cause one to be ~
intimidating: be ~ takarnarqe-; not be ~ takarnaite-
into: terminalis case (see Endings section); ~ the area
out of sight tayimatmun
introduction: ikirun
intruder: draw an ~’s attention to itself uligui-
inundate: ulute-
Inupiaq: ~ Eskimo Malimiu, qagkumiu,
Qaviayarmiu; speak ~ qagte-
; engage in ~-style
Eskimo dancing talir-
invalid: cirlak
aklut amllertaciitnek yuvririyaraq
inversion: mirage effect of temperature ~ above
hills inivkaq
investigate: nallunrir-
investigation: yuvririyaraq
investigator: nallunringnaqellria, paqtaarta
invincible: be ~ akiurviite-
invisible: tangerrnaite-
invitation: ~ to the Messenger Feast kevgiaq; sing
the ~ during the Messenger Feast enirarar-
invite: ~ along unayaqe-; ~ to a feast ag’ir-; ~to one’s
house keleg-; give an ~d opinion ketviute-; talk
without being ~d to speak lurirte-
Inviting-In Feast: Itruka’ar, Kelek; rite performed
during the ~ arulayaraq; dance one’s rst dance
during the ~ uigtur-; female marionette or
gurine displayed during the ~ neviararuaq,
pekcetaaq; sing songs and dance dances of
supplication during the ~ agayuli-
involuntarily: ~ sob manglleg-
inward: ilutmun; boot made of sealskin with hair
~ iqertaq; parka made with the fur side ~
ulqucinak; pull ~ murugte-; turn grass coils ~
irascible: be ~ kapugar-, qennga-
Iridoprocne bicolor: equgmelnguq*
iris: ~ of eye tungunqurpagtaq
iron: cavik, manigcar-
iron: (appliance) manigcarissuun; ~ing board
irritable: be of an ~ nature uumitar-
irritate: eqte-
irritated: be ~ uumiyug-; be ~ (of eyes) qakerci-;
become ~ from constant moisture of esh
uusurte-, uuyurte-; have ~ eyes qakerci-; have
an ~ throat cilte-, qakite-; become ~ or sulk
irritating: be ~ eqnarqe-, uuminarqe-; V in an ~ way
is: ~ that all? tua-i-qaa?; ~ that so? qaa
; ~ that
so! alak’aa; ~ that how it is/was? ima-qaa; ~
supposed to V or be V-ed (pb) -arkau-
island: qikertaq; small ~ evineq; Alaska Peninsula
and Aleutian ~s Talliquq; Aleutian ~s Ugaassat;
Diomede ~(s) Imaqliq
isolated: be ~ at end of a village ill’arte-
issue: ~ liquid maqe-
isthmus: tapraq*
it, its: see Endings section; ~ happened tavallut’ava;
~ is to be hoped ikik; ~ serves you right! palaq;
~ turned out that actually — cunawa; ~’s right
here kua
Italian: Yugngalnguq*
itch: ungilak, ungiliqe-, see Nelson (119); anal ~
; be ~y pamyerte-
item: substituted ~ cimiq; ~ situated in a small
space kukutnaaq; give away an ~ cipurvike-
ivory: tuluq*; fossil mammoth ~ keligvak,
quugiinraq; carve ~ caacungui-; chip ~ egturte-;
~-engraving knife cet’raarcuun, ingciun; chisel
for ~ egturun; combination knife and scraper
for ~ caniissaq; inlaid piece of ~ qilkirtaq;
interred — ivory
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ wristguard petengyaraq; bow with ~ backing
cugalek; ~ buckle algarcaraq; ~ fastener
qerrvik; ~ labret aqervik; ~ device to prevent
weapon from falling overboard akagyailkun;
arrow with barbed ~ point cingigturaq,
urugnaq; ~ spear head qigiquq
Ixoreus naevius: ciitaarayuli
J-hook: intestine’s ~ aataruaq, qilunaq
jab: cingqar-; ~ repeatedly tugaur-
jabber: lurive-, qitevte-
jack: ~ in cards negcik, sap’akilek, tan’gurraq*; ~
king salmon taryaqvayagaq*
jacket: paltuuk, sumpaq, ullirtaaq; waterproof
~ jacket kamliikaq; thin hooded pullover
garment worn as a parka cover, as a ~ or dress
jade: aumaq, itegneq
, tuniqtaq; chisel of ~ keggiaq
jaeger: cungaqvak, cungarrlugaq*, yungaq;
pomarine ~ uquir(aq*)
jagged: ~ ice cikuquq, manialkuq
jail: itercivik, kantalaq; ~ him kantalaq; put
someone in ~ iterci-; be ~ed itengqa-; ~er
jam: siligaq
janitor: kagista
January: Kanruyauciq,
tanqiluryaq kinguqliq; see
Adams (67); masked ceremony taking place in
mid-~ maskalataq
Japanese: Ipuuncaq, Tayarumiu, Yugngalnguq*; ~
person Caapaniq; ~ glass shnet oat mengquq
jaw: agluquq; pass or be connected under the ~
agluir-, agluirun; sculpin with stripes around
~ tuqumkassua; tusk socket in walrus ~
avamiqaq; shiver so much that one’s ~ shakes
jay: gray ~ keggapatayuk, nunaniryuk,
jealous: be ~ cikna-, ciknatar-; be ~ of ciknake-; not
be a ~ person ciknataite-; be ~ (between men
and women) qungyar-; be ~ly possessive cikna-
jell: eyur-
, igur-
, yur-
; be ~ed yuringa-; ~ed broth
Jell-O: yuurleqtaaq
jelly: siligaq
jellysh: egaarniq, itulek, masaaq, nuagngalnguq*,
nuayaaq, quuqetaaq, yuurleqtaaq; striped ~
jerk: of body or body part cayug-
Jesus: Ciissussaq, Yiissus
jet: cupurtuq
jig: ~ for sh iqsak
jigsaw: ~ puzzle tumarcat
job: (employment) caliaq; nish the ~ qaqicii-; a ~
done caliaq
Johnson River: lower ~ An’arciiq; upper ~ Kuicaraq
join: avuyute-, ilagar-, ilaliute-; ~ in ilagaute-,
ilaute-; ~ with ilaksagute-; ~ with others
joint: (anatomical) napneq; become stiff (of a ~
of the body) engiuringe-; suffer ~ problems
usguniqe-; have a grinding feeling in the ~s
qiaryigte-, tetenge-
; ex one’s ~s arivniate-;
link ~ usguneq; movable ~ arivneq; ~ at end of
spear aklicaraq; ~ at the edge of kayak tracking
stabilizer nall’aruaq; ~ of a hoop-like object
kassugneq, uivneq
joke: a ~ temcinarqellria; ~ing qanengssak
jolt: matngagte-, qatngite-
journey: give something to take along on a ~
qamite-; provide with food for a ~ taquite-;
start on a ~ qani-; stay overnight during a ~
qavartar-; ~ into the ocean to hunt walrus
kaugpangcar-; one that ~ed into the ocean
(shamans) imartelleq
joy: angniq, ilukegcineq, nunaniq
joyful: be ~ nunaniryug-; experience ~ feelings
judge: (n) cuqcista, (v) cuqete-, cuqte-, qanercetaar-
judgment: apqaurciryaraq
judiciary: apqaurviit
juggling: inglukiitaq
juice: mecuq; ~ as from cooking egneq
July: Alpaarusvik, Ingun
, piyagaat tengutiit,
aqulget ingutiit; see Adams (73); Fourth of ~
jump: meceg-, qeceg-, qeckar-; ~ repeatedly
qecgaur-; ~ over a log ek’ur-; ~ up qec’nge-
Ixoreus naevius — jump
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
jump rope: (n) qavaliqtaq, (v) atertaar-, qecgaur-
jumping mouse: meadow ~ uiluruyak
juncture: cut at a rib-like ~ tulimarte-
June: Cupvik, Kaugun,
tengmiaret irnitiit, see
Adams (72)
juror: kangingnaurta
jury: kangingnaurta; grand ~ kangingnaurtet
just: ~ a little N (pb) -rraq*; ~ as could be expected
; ~ barely V (pb) -rrar-; ~ because tua-
i-wa; ~ before V-ing (pb) -yugnaitar-; ~ ne!
assipiaq; ~ in case it’s possible elliita¥gaten; ~
now watua; ~ now/then for the good nutaan;
~ person ellualria; be ~ right asqili-; t ~ right
pitalqegte-; ~ V (for a short duration) (pb)
justice: court of ~ qanercetaarvik
justiable: have ~ anxiety tusnganqaar-
justication: avalin, avalissaq; speak by way of ~
jutting: rock that is ~ out ipgeryak
k: mispronounce by substituting ~ for q pikagte-,
Kalkag: Kessigliq
Kalskag: Qalqaq
Kanaknak: Kanaqnaq
kangaroo: qeckartaayuli
kashim: aqumgavik, kiiya, qasgi, qaygiq;
resident of the ~ qasgimiu; serve food in a
~ qepagte-; take a sweatbath in a ~ mastar-;
big ~ qasegpallr(aq*); tunnel entrance to ~
kalvagyaraq; hole at inside end of tunnel
entrance to ~ pugyaraq; corner timber in
a ~ talliqiun; lantern hanging from the ~
qilaamruyaaq; rst horizontal beam in ~
elliqerraq*; log parallel to the back of a
~ tugeryaraq; timber at the entrance to ~
ayapervik; tool used to cut sod to cover the ~
agiyautaq; in the back and upper part of a ~
pava(ni); gift of food or clothing bought into
the ~ ciamci-, nangrucir-, nangrun
Kashunak: Qissunaq
Kasigluk: Kassigluq; person who lives on the
tundra, as in ~ akulmiu
kayak: qayaq; two- or three-hole ~ paitaalek; ~
type anaullelek; beach the ~ cin’gar-; carry in
one’s ~ qasmike-; bucket made from old ~ skin
qaltayak; go seal hunting with ~ qamigar-;
paddle a ~ anguar-; waterproof jacket used
with ~ kamliikaq; ceremonially smudge ~
keniruar-; wooden prop used in making ~
palurun; crossed poles used to support a ~
tatkik; bone snow knife used with ~ cikutaarin;
small sled used to transport the ~ qamigaun;
put in one’s ~ qasmig-; magical ~ type that
can repair itself tumarayuli; runner of small ~
sled aglukaq; stanchion on ~ sled kemagnaq
fathom-long sealskin line to tie ~ together
KAYAK PARTS (see Appendix 9): bottom board
of ~ ceturailitaq; bow of ~ amuvik, ceturyaq,
cituryaq, civuqucuk, iipaq, nutangquq,
qengaryuguaq, ukinqucuk; cord or rope
for ~ agarun, ararun, ket’gaq, napilleq,
nuqsugun, qasmigutaq, qikiq
, tegquciraq;
deck beam of ~ asaun
, ayagacuaq, ayagaq,
ayaneq, nengengali, qularaq, tukervik ayagaq,
tuntunaq; frame of ~ tupicilleq; gunwale ~
apamaq, capngiaq; hatch of ~ kayumigte-
kumgaq, kuvirneq, tupiutaq; keel of ~
agayuqulnguaraq, cen’gaq, eqluk, kaviaruaq,
kuya, pirlak, tangiq, see Nelson (78); mat for
~ cayukaun, ceturailitaq, ikaraliin; mouth of
~ paa-
; paddle of ~ kukimssaq, paangrun,
quagciruaq; rib of ~ cauyaraq, engineq, kiuneq,
nalmak, neneq, qamenqucagaq; seat plank
in ~ aqumgautaq; skin and stitches of ~
, agqun, amir-, amiutekaq, cigvinguaq,
elqunaq, ikavsianeq, ikavsiarutkaq, pall’illrit,
palliun, qamiqumtagaq, tangpeq, tapricilleq,
tugcilqar-, unguqupak, uqurcir-; spear holder
on ~ akagyailkun, igcailkun; spray cover for ~
imarnin; stanchion of ~ ayapervik; stern of ~
canguya(a)lkun, kagaluq, makvik, nenguralria,
pamyuq, pupsugyugualek, qamenquq; stringer
of ~ avalitaq, caaganeq, qulaq*, saaganeq;
strut of ~ nutengqupagta, pakigvik, tukervik;
tracking stabilizer of ~ canguya(a)lkun,
imaqliq, nall’aruaq; tray on front of ~ acaluq;
jump rope — kayak parts
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
willow or other root used in lashing ~ frames
amaaq*; windbreak (as used with ~) asguilitaq
kayaker: legendary folk hero, a long-distance and
long-duration ~ Kukugyarpak
kayaking: go ~ qayartur-
keep: qelke-; ~ (it) from shrinking eqsairte-; ~
acting or being as one is piur(ar)-; ~ an animal
as a pet qunguturi-; ~ going back for more
uyiqe-; ~ going out anura-; ~ going toward
one’s goal egmir-; ~ in mind with consideration
[e]nqake-, neq’ake-; small comb kept in hair
to ~ it in place katagciurun; ~ looking at with
yearning tangaa-; ~ on chipping usserqe-; ~ on
stretching nengulra-; ~ on trying to V despite
difculties (pb) -qcaar(ar)-; ~ on V-ing (pb)
-ur(ar)-; ~ oneself from being seen tanite-; ~
oneself from V-ing (pb) -nrilkurte-; knitted
cuff to ~ out the cold tayarnerun; sealskin bag
used to ~ keep things dry aklivik; ~ trying to
get (him) to eat niriakuraqtar-; be unable to ~
up nuqlite-
; ~ wanting to lie down inaryug-; ~
watch kellute-; something that ~s one up, alive,
or going napan
keg: puckaq, pucuunaq; food pressed down in a ~
kelp: elqurrluk, qelquaq; ribbon ~ cenarayak;
herring egg on ~ qaryaq
Kenai-area Athabascan: Kanayuq*, Kenaayuq,
kerosene: kenurrarcuun, kuluilaq, uqurkaq;
chimney for ~ lamp estakaanaq, stakaanaq
kettle: caanik, cainik, saanik, see Zagoskin (13); cast-
iron ~ ilqupak; tea ~ saayirissuun; heat a ~ful
of water saanili-
key: angvarun, kelucairissuun, kelucaq, kelussaq
khaki: civignilnguq*
kick: aqe-, itegmig-; ~ forward with heel kitngig-;
~ repeatedly kitngiar-; ~ hard itempag-,
kitengpag-, tukpag-; ~ in a big way itempag-; ~
in a small way itemkar-; ~ lightly itemkar-;
~ with both feet tukar-
kidney: tartuq; ~ stone tegalquq, teggalquq
Kikmiktalikamiut: Qikmirtalegmiut
kill: nalate-, tuqute-, see Wrangell (10); ~ or
otherwise harm one in his/its sleep qavi-; ~
instantly taqinar-; try to ~ tuqungnaqe-; become
aware of a shaman intending to ~ people
avulluksagute-; hard-to-~ polar bear quq’uyaq;
spear used to ~ seals asaaquq, ayaaquq
killed: carcass of animal ~ by wolves maligneq;
drive game into an area where it can be ~
easily ungu-; hook for dragging ~ seals tegun,
killer: tuqutarayuli
killer whale: arrluk
kin: ilakutaq, yarra
kind: different ~ allakuciq; this ~ of thing only
makurrlainaq; all ~s tamat; what ~ cakuciq; ~ of
toy qall’allagcetaaq; ~s of food avungnak; kin
of some ~ yarra
kindling: cuuqun, legqun; ~ wood ayagaaraun,
, ekuanqun; ceremonially smudge with
~ keniruar-; piece of split ~ qupucaar(aq*)
king: uss’utali
king eider: qengallek
king: ~ in cards kallak, kululiaq; ~ in checkers
King Island: Ukiivak
king salmon: kiagtaq, taryaqvak; immature ~
taryaqvayagaq*; rst group of ~ aciirutet; ~ net
, taryaqvagcuun
King Salmon River: Qugtarvik
kingdom: angayuqauvik
kink: qelengllak
kinship: ~ term tuqluun; see Appendix 8
Kipnuk: Canineq, Qipneq
Kiseralik River: Kiillaraliin
kiss: cingar-, pucuur-; as kissing an icon, cross,
or child melugar-; ritually shake hands and ~
kitchen: kenirvik, see Lonneux (5)
kite: ~ string uskuraq
kittiwake: black-legged ~ arliaq, naruyacuaq,
tengaurta; kittiwakes’ month Tengaurtet
Kittlitz’s murrelet: taatuir(aq), taituir(aq*),
knapsack: atmag-, kalngak
knead: negtaar-
knee: ciisquq, cisquq; back of the ~ qungcuq;
suddenly fall to one’s ~(s) ciisqumillag-;
~-high or higher skin boot kamguk; sealskin
leggings coming down past the ~ ciisquilitaq,
ciisqurrilitaq; skin boots with fur above the ~
mamlek; be in up to the ~s ciisqukiirar-; be on
one’s ~s ciisqumingqa-; ex the ~s qungcurte-;
have the ~s exed qungcungqa-; stand with
kayaker — knee
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
one’s ~s bent slightly uyungssuar-; cofn in
which a person was buried with his ~s folded
citaaq, sitaaq
kneecap: ciisqurraq, ciisqurrnaq, see Turner (35)
kneel: (act) ciisqumigte-; kneel (state)
ciisqumingqa-; ~ing ciisqumig-
knife: use a ~ uluara-; cutting ~ caviggaq, luussiq,
nuussiq; big ~ nuussirpak; blade of folding
~ ikusgaq; bone snow ~ cikutaarin; butter ~
masslirissuun, mingugissuun; combination ~
and scraper caniissaq; curved wood-carving
~ cavik, mellgar(aq*); cutting edge of a ~
kegginaq; ivory-engraving ~ ingciun; pocket~
luquckiar(aq*), taptaaryaraq; seal-skinning
~ nayugcuun, qapiarcuun; small hunting ~
amelcikar(aq*); large semilunar ~ ulurpak;
woman’s semilunar ~ kegginalek, uluaq;
woman’s seal-skinning ~ kaussuun; handle of
semi-lunar ~ egkuaq; ~ sheath kegginailitaq,
knife: story ~ ateknguin, atiknguin, igaruarun,
qucgutaq, quliranguarrsuun, saaruin,
univkarrsuun, yaaruin; antler story ~
cirunqaaraq, *wooden story ~ equaq; illustrate
stories with a ~ atekngui-
knit: qilag-; ~ted cuff on a sleeve to keep out the
cold tayarnerun; ~ted thing qilagaq
; ~ting
needle qilagcuun
knives: slate used to make semilunar ~ ulukaq
knock: kuyungtur-, quyungtur-, tukriar-; legendary
underground dweller that ~s on the earth’s
surface tukriayuli
knoll: ekurnak, kurnak; grassy ~ can’gurneq,
evineq; go over a ~ engyurte-; ~ seen in the
distance irlurneq
knot: usguneq; make a shnet by a ~ tying
process qilag-; net that been made by a ~
tying process qilagaq
; ~ in wood akanquq,
akquq, avayacilleq, avayaq, uivquq; ~ in throat
qillerneq; become loose (of ~) angi-
know: (in the sense of recognize) elitaqe-; I don’t
~ naallu, naamelliin, naumiki, qayumikika, see
Dall (7); not ~ nallu-
; you ~ iciwa; not ~ each
other nallute-
; you ~ what I mean perhaps ima;
not ~ what one is doing nallute-
; not ~ which
one naliquciite-; think one ~s about the subject
matter at hand ketviute-
knowing: not ~ na-; state of not ~ nallu-
; exchange
~ glances tangertaagute-
knowledge: elisngaciq, nallunrilutet
knowledgeable: be ~ elima-, elisnga-
known: act or identity the exact word for which
is not ~ but that is immeditately recognizable
ima(ni), imna, imuu-, tamaa(ni); village
formerly ~ as Sheldon’s Point Nunam Iqua
knuckle: arivneq, cug’ar(aq*), usguneq; press one’s
~s against one’s forehead nengsuug-
Kodiak Is.: Qikertarpak
Kokhanok: Qarr’unaq
Kolavinarak River: Qulvinraq
Koliganek: Qalirneq
Kongiganek: Kangirnaq; coast area between
Nelson Is. and the mouth of the Kuskokwim,
including ~ Canineq
Kotlik: pisalria, Qerrullik,
Kusilvak Mountain: Ingrill’er, Manialnguq*
Kuskokwim River: Kusquqvak; portage route
between the ~ and Yukon rivers Arviryaraq;
coast area between Nelson Is. and the mouth
of the ~ Canineq
Kuskokwim: ~ people A¥gkumiut; ~ Yup’ik
Eskimo qagkumiu; legendary giant in ~
¥gayaran; Upper ~ Athabascan Indian
Yurialnguq*; folk hero from the ~ and Nelson
Is. areas Apanuugpak
kuspuk: ciqtagneq, qaspeq
Kvichak River: Kuicaak
Kwethluk: Kuiggluk
ancestor of the people of ~ Iluvaktuq
Kwethluk River: former settlement on the ~
Kwigillingok: Kuigilnguq*; coast area between
Nelson Is. and the mouth of the Kuskokwim,
including ~ Canineq
Kwiguk: Kuiguk
kneecap — Kwiguk
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
labor: be in ~ ilukaar-, nep’ngute-, teggiurci-; ~
hard caknaa-
Labrador tea: naunrakayak; ceremonially smudge
with kindling and ~ keniruar-
labret: cungapak, cungarpak
, mengkuk, tuutaq;
round ~ uivvsak; side ~ caqiqsak; man’s ~
elciqaruaq, kukupak, ungunqun; woman’s ~
aqervik, caqiqsak; ~ hole see Nelson (107)
lace: ~ a thong through loops on a kayak skin
tugcilqar-; become loose (of ~s) angi-; holes
on a kayak skin used to draw the deck seams
together with a thong ~ prior to the nal
sewing tapricilleq
lack: nuqlite-
; lack a pattern for acting piyaraite-;
lack brightness tanqiate-; lack common sense
umyuarite-, usviite-; lack courage caceskite-,
taceskite-; lack current (of water) qama-; lack
rmness of esh (of sh) aqiturte-; lack esh
kemgite-; lack fortitude caceskite-, taceskite-;
lack intelligence puqiate-; lack mental ability
umyuarite-, umyugaite-; have come to totally
~ lack N (pb) -knaggairute-, -knaggaite-;
be depressed about one’s ~ of necessities
cumerteqe-; feel bad because of ~ of fresh air
epsalngu-; lack reserve caprite-; lack scruples
iryiraite-; lack scruples in one’s relations to
others aryuraite-; lack self-restraint takaite-;
lack sensitivity to pain that one inicts
mianiite-; lack something enuqite-, nuuqite-;
lack strength taceskite-; lack understanding
tariite-; be ~ing something avaliite-; lack N (pb)
-icag-; lack N or V (pb) -ite-
; suffer from the ~
of N or V (pb) -illiqe-; come to ~ the quality of
being V or of N-ness (pb) -a:rute-, -ate; suffer
the ~ of the quality of being V (pb) -alliqe-
lad: tan’gaurluq*, tan’gurraq*
ladder: mayuryaraq; rung of a ~ tuc’araq, tuss’araq,
tutemqaq, tutmaqaq; ~ by which one gets up
on something nugyaraq
laden: be heavily ~ uciar-
ladle: angassaq, ilulek, ipug-, ipuun, qalutaq,
qasvar-, qasvaun, qayvaun; large ~ qassuutaq;
small ~ qassuuciaq; long-handled ~
arulamirun; use a ~ arulamirte-
lagoon: nanvarnaq, taciq
Lagopus lagopus: aqesgiq, aqeygiq
Lagopus leucurus: taqikataq
Lagopus mutus: elciayuli
Lagopus sp.: kangqiiq, qangqiiq
laid: food ~ out for diners to select uyiqvik
lair: igigta, igta
lake: nanvaq; bay on a ~ aqsaqiurneq; big ~
nanevpak; marsh where a ~ has dried up
qass’uqitak; oxbow ~ kuiguaq; slough with
~ at end taqikartuliq; ~ from which a river
ows qagan; chisel for making holes in ~ ice
tuuq; small sh found in ~s ilaraaraq; channel
connecting ~s akuluraq
Lake Chauekuktuli: Cavikartuli
Lake Iliamna: Nanvarpak; ~ Athabascan Kanayuq*
Lake Kulik: Tallimaat Nanvat
Lake Nerka: Qulliq
lake trout cikignaq
lamb: qusngiyagaq*
lame: be ~ tussite-
lamp: kenurraq, kuman, laampaq, naniq; chimney
for kerosene ~ estakaanaq, stakaanaq; mantle
in gas ~ ingcu; post for oil ~ ussuciaq; seal-oil
~ kenukcuk; turn down a ~ suyute-; ~ mantle
leg’un; ~ support nanilraq; ~ wick nanikiitaq;
moss used to make ~ wicks uusqunguaq; trim
the wick of an oil ~ kaullrir-
Lampetra japonica: kilirnaq, nemernaq, nemeryaq,
lamprey: kilirnaq, nemernaq, nemeryaq, nepcurliq;
~-capturing implement nemeryarcuun
lance: panaq, pitegcaraq, pitegciraq, see Turner (46);
~ point qalugyaq
land: (n) luna, nuna; owned ~ nunaun; ~ animal
nunamiutaq; ~ mammal ungungssiq; ~ between
two topographical features akula
, akunleq;
~ boundary nunam cetra; blend in with ~
formation merinite-; overturn in a ~ vehicle
land: (v) ~ a boat culurte-; ~ a boat on a beach
uicqar-, uiyaqar-, see Nelson (101); arrive at ~
from the sea tulag-; land from the air mit’e-;
land on tut’e-; play a game, trying to ~ on the
feet qip’artaar-; ~ and disembark cin’gar-;
~ multiple times turqe-; ~ (of a ptarmigan)
land otter: aaquyaq, ce
÷iq’aq, cenkaq, cinkaq,
cuignilnguq*, keggiarnaq, pirtuqciraq, senkaq
labor — land otter
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
land-use: ~ planner nunaliurta
landing strip: mic’araq, misvik, miyvik
landmark: ~ made of stones cugalluutaq
language: qaneryaraq; in the Yup’ik Eskimo ~
Yugtun, Yup’igcetun; in the English ~ kass’atun;
speak the ~ of N (pb) -miuyaar-, -saar-; speak in
a ~ that is not understood yuriate-
languid: be ~ qaategte-
lanky: be ~ cetgate-
lantern: panaluq; ~s hanging from the kashim
ceiling during a dance qilaamruyaaq
lap: hold in one’s ~ icaqe-, quumig-; ~ with the
tongue alunga
Lapland longspur: mararmiutaq*; female ~
mecaqtaq; male ~ nacaqupak
Lapp: Laapaaq; young child just starting to play
the ~ game kangpaniskaq
larch: quarnaq
lard: caalaq, mantiikaq, saalaq
large: any ~ fruit or nut atsarpak
large: be ~ ange-; that is very ~ temiquyugglugaq;
large N (pb) -rpak, -rpau-, -ruk, -vak; have a
~ N (pb) -rpi-; very ~ N (pb) -rpallr(aq*); have
N to a ~ extent (pb) -tu-, -tuqaq; appear ~
cugayunar-; develop water in the egg before
the embryo becomes ~ emrii-; handle of ~
dipnet ipukaun; ~ Russian trade bead pipigaq;
~ beaver ucingvak; ~ beluga ceturpak; ~
blueberry curavak, surav’ak; ~ bone of the
forearm amelraq; ~ crack or crevice in shore-
fast sea ice aayuqaq; ~ dart used to practice
spear-throwing angruyak; ~ re eka
; ~ at
rock caligaq; ~ oat at the end of a shnet
iquulqutaq; ~ food container alvik; ~ freight
sled qamisvak; ~ grass basket for holding sh
ciikvak; ~ hook dug into snow ayakatarcuun;
~ intestine akunkaq, anaun; ~ ladle qassuutaq;
~ oblong wooden bowl tumnaq; ~ open sore
; ~ piece of bent wood rmly xed to
the ground tuluruaq; ~ rectangular earring
qevleqsaq; one of ve ~ ribs in a kayak ingneq;
~ ringed seal nayissuaq; ~ rock qiuq*, simpak;
~ sea anemone aruyek; ~ semilunar knife
ulurpak; ~ serving dish miiskaaq; ~ skin boat
angyarrluk; ~ spear pitegcaraq, pitegciraq;
~ underground cache ciqelpak; ~ village
nunarpak; ~ wooden platter or container
kalupak; ~ wooden storage bowl kalukaq
shoot, making a ~ wound nutpag-; ~-caliber
shoulder rearm uquutellek; ~ male bearded
seal giving its mating call qalriq; ~ ice oe
that breaks away from shore ice after an ocean
swell angengqaq*, manigaq; ice-free area
within a ~r area of oating ice nanviuqerrneq
lariat: negavyaq
Larix laricina: quarnaq
Larus canus: arliaq, egiaq, naruyaq
, tarliaq
Larus hyperboreus: kukisvak, kukusvak, narusvak
larva: qup’lu, quvlu, quvluq; wood-chewing bug or
~ keggiayuli; ~ of geometer moth cuyaiq; y ~e
ciiviit anait
laryngitis: have ~ eriniqe-
larynx: eriniassuun, qalarcissuun, qengaruaq
lash: naqir-, tupiq; hole in rim to lash to frame of
kayak tupicilleq
lashing: naqiun, nemeq, nungilraun, tupiq;
willow or other tree root used in ~ sh traps
amaaq*; thin strip of wood for ~ material
avqaar(aq*); willow-bark ~ akmagartaq; cross-~
of a traditional bow cagnirqun; sh-trap ~
nemiarun, nemiaq; ~ of kayak hatch to its
supports tupiutaq
lasso: negavyaq
last: ~ night unuk; ~ one nangneq; ~ summer
kiak; thing of ~ summer kiagcetaq*, kiallaq*;
~ autumn uksuaq*; ~ winter uksuq; thing of
~ winter uksullaq*; ~ year allami, allragni; be
the ~ nangenru-; ~ to ngelkarte-; ~ dancer who
enters in the Messenger Feast kasmilria; be ~
in a race aqute-
lasting: have one’s rst experience that leaves a ~
memory ellange-
latching: set or cock a device, ~ it into position
late: be ~ kinguraute-; be too ~ for kingur(ar)
te-; ~ (deceased) N (pb) -i:run; stay up very ~
pegg’ar-; occur ~ at night tengurpag-; sleep
~ qavap’ag-; save food for a person who is ~
keggmiaqute-; be late for an activity that has
started patakaute-
later: a little ~ atataarqu; for it to be a while ~
atatakuar(ar)-; to be looked for ~ tumagcur-;
occur a while ~ umiqer-; save food for ~
yaaveskaniur-; for it to be ~ in the day
ernermiurte-; ~ on atata, kinguqvaarni, waniku,
wanikuarqu, see Adams (12); ~ today ernequ
lateral: front ~ n of sh ucuilleq; ~ line of sh
qupun; ~ root on spruce stump tallirnaq
land-use — lateral
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
lattice: ~ shelf ingelqaar(aq*)
laugh: el’ar-, nel’ar-, nenglar-, ngel’aq; to ~
[e]nglar-; ~ at temcike-; ~ at (him) ngel’aqe-;
~ at derisively temciarauteke-; burst out ~ing
launching: smudge a kayak before ~ keniruar-
laundromat: ervigivik
laundry: ervigivik
law: alerquun, inerquun, pisqun
lawmaker: alerquista
lawnmower: qiurcuun
lawsuit: picetaarun
laxative: anarcetaaq
lay: ~ back qeterte-; ~ eggs kayangi-, meqiq; ~
preacher tuyuq
; ~ stress more arcaqanru-
layer: top ~ qaliq; soft but granular snow, found
under the top ~ pukak; ~ between things
ekiaq; ~ right beneath skin of sh kelipacuk,
kelipacuutaq, keliutaq; come off as a ~ kii-
provide ~ (of insulation) ekiir-; peeled-off ~
of sod kiitaq; layer (inside something) ekiaq;
~ of decomposed meat kiimacak; inner ~ of
seal gut taiq; black outer ~ of sealskin lavtak;
~ of walrus skin kauk; pulling the top ~ back
Laysan albatross: yaarcaq
lazily: lie around ~ taklay’ar-
laziness: qessaneq
lazy: always be ~ qessalgu-; feel ~ qaategte-; not
be ~ qessaite-; ~ person anarkiurta, qessamkaq,
leach: soak in order to ~ out salt akungqa-, miicir-;
something that has been ~ed miitaq, sulunaq
lead: (metal) imarkaq; ~ pellet kal’ciissaaq,
kalkiicaaq, kal’tiissaaq; ~ birdshot luupiq
lead: (n) maryarta, (v) ciuliqagte-;~ away from
danger aviute-; ~ an ordinary life yuunginaq
lead line: ~ of shnet atlirneq, qemiq*
leader: atanvak, ciuliqagta, ciulista, maryarta; song
~ apallirturta; call out as song ~ apallir-
leaf: cuya, pellukutaq; ~ tobacco taavaaqiq; vein in
tobacco ~ iruluq; ~ of coltsfoot pellukutaq
leak: air ~ ellvik; ~ air elte-, nelte-; ~ liquids
ellngar-, imange-; seal a ~ uqurcir-
lean: ayalurte-; ~ against something tulurte-; ~
back qeterte-; ~ on one’s hand ayaper-; ~ to the
side irirte-
leaning: ayalur-; be ~ ayalungqa-, iringqa-; ~
against something qetengqa-, qeter-, tulungqa-,
leap: ~ from re nuteg-
learn: elite-, liite-; endeavor to ~ elitnaur-; ~ from
one’s mistake anucimirqe-; ~ one’s lesson
anucinge-; ~ quickly eliga’rte-
learned: be ~ elima-, elisnga-
leash: strain at the ~ angaqe-
least cisco: iituli, iituliq
leather: dyed ~ decoration kepcetaaq; dyed ~ piece
cungagartaq; piece of ~ iqataq; ~ piece with
a hole for a bootlace putu-
; ~ prepared like
suede qatviaq; ~ rope for spear usaaq*; ~ seam
reinforcement asuirun; ~ sewing tool ikgun; ~
worker qatviista
leave: ayag-
; ~ (it) behind avaur-, unite-; ~ behind
abruptly uniarte-; ~ behind in a race qakvar-;
~ behind or not remember unime-; not want
to ~ qemag-
; ~ alone ilangci-; ~ ample time
cayugnaite-; ~ an inheritance paicir-; ~ me
alone tarr’u; ~ no room, space, place, realm
for V-ing (pb) -viite-; ~ none mente-; ~ on
short notice uplerquute-; ~ or start suddenly
ayaga’rte-; ~ out unime-; ~ undisturbed uitate-;
~ very fast ayakpag-; ~ food for someone else
leavening: mayurcetaaq, mayurngik; ~ agent
leaves: grass that has prickly ~ ussuuq; caterpillar
found on ~ cuyaiq; tea ~ caayuq; ~ and berries
on a long stem atsarrluk; ~ in picked berries
caranglluk; caterpillar-like creature that ~
scorched trail tiissiq
leaving: cry because of someone’s ~ nacig-
Ledum sp.: naunrakayak
lee: snowdrift in ~ of an object iqalluguaq; ~ side
uluquq, uqeq
left: ~ side iqsulirneq, iqsuq, kellirneq; ~ hand
carumik, iqsuq; ~ arm carumik; ~ foot iqsuq;
one ~ behind unegtaq; stay or be ~ behind
un’garte-; go back to get someone ~ behind
tungair-; bony part ~ after llets are cut from
a sh enerrluyagaq, nerrluk; feel ~ out or
slighted imssa-
left over: aminari-, cipte-, eliqneq, ilakui-
leftover: ilakuaq; ~ N (pb) -kuaq; ~ food aminaq,
aminkuk; ~ sh from winter split and dried
yay’ussaq; brous ~ piece after rendering
lattice — leftover
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
leg: ipik, iru, kanagaq; break one’s ~ iruirte-; upper
~ kemegtuqaq; urinate, raising one ~ astarte-,
igagtar-; one ~ of a seal caqelngauq
legend: quliraq
; tell a ~ quliri-; ~ passed down
legendary animals, monsters, and half-humans:
amikuk, sea monster said to resemble an
octopus; amlliq monster sh; arularaq monster
identied as “Bigfoot”; cirunelvialuk sea
creature; cissirpak great worm; ingluilnguq
creature that is only half a person; inglupgayuk
being with half a woman’s face; irci, irciq
creature, half animal and half man; itqiirpak
big hand from the ocean; kun’uniq sea creature
with human features seen on pack ice; meriiq
creature that will suck the blood from one’s
big toe; miluquyuli rock-throwing creature;
muruayuli creature that sinks into the ground
as it walks; paalraayak creature that moves
underground; qamurralek being with a
dragging appendage; qununiq person who
lives in the sea; qupurruyuli (being with human
female face who helps people at sea); quq’uyaq
polar bear; quugaarpak mammoth-like
creature that lives underground; tengempak
giant bird; tengmiarpak “thunderbird”;
tiissiq caterpillar-like creature that leaves a
scorched trail; tumarayuli magical kayak;
tunturyuaryuk caribou-like creature;
giant in Kuskokwim-area folklore; ulurrugnaq
sea monster said to devour whales; uligiayuli
ghost said to have a big blanket, which it wraps
around children who are out too late at night
playing hide-and-seek, it then takes them
away; yuilriq witch or ghost that walks in the
air above the ground and has no liver; a large
monster that lives in the mountains and eats
legendary humanoids: alirpak little person;
cingssiik little people having conical hats;
ciuliaqatuk ancestor identied with the raven;
egacuayak elf, dwarf; kelessiniayaaq little
people, said to be spirits of the dead; ircenrraq
“little person” or extraordinary person;
tukriayuli underground dweller that knocks on
the earth’s surface
legendary heroes and villains: Aanakalliiq baby
with a big mouth; Akaguagaankaaq hero of
a traditional story; An’gaqtar creator, said to
be the daughter of Raven; Apanuugpak folk
hero from the Kuskokwim and Nelson Is. areas;
Ernerculria the bearer of daylight, Raven;
Iluvaktuq hero of the people of Kwethluk;
Ircaqurrluk hero; Ississaayuq shaman
who foretold the coming of white people;
Kukugyarpak folk hero, a long-distance and
long-duration kayaker; Tep’arrluaq alternate
name of ~ hero Kukugyarpak
legendary village: ~ set in the air Inglernarmiut; ~
set on high ground Ininermiut, Qairuarmiut
leggings: sealskin ~ ciisquilitaq, ciisqurrilitaq
legislator: alerquista
legislature: alerquuciurtet
legs: have long ~ kanagtu-; have short ~ kanagkite-;
cross one’s ~ amaqigute-; fold one’s ~ qungte-;
area between ~ amlek; fold between ~ and
abdomen imelqutak; sit with one’s ~ stretched
out cetungqa-, ceturte-; stretching one’s
~ cetur-; dance, moving one’s feet or ~ in
various ways mumaa-; grasp between one’s ~
amellmikar-; have one’s ~ folded qunginga-;
have one’s ~ get so cramped by cold that one
cannot move pay’uqar-; suffer severe muscle
cramps in the ~ qeluarci-; give it ~ keggaucir-;
run on four ~ pangaleg-, pangalga-, pangalpag-,
pangarvag-; spread the ~ apart avlengqa-,
avler-, avlerte-; straddling with one’s ~
amelmig-; traditional garment covering the ~
and torso qalluviik
leisurely: go out ~ ayangssi-; ~ V (pb) -ur(ar)-
lemming: avelqurpak, pugultu, qilagmiutaq*
Lemmus trimucronatus: avelqurpak, pugultu,
lend: ~ (it) out navriuteke-; ~ to (him) navrite-; ~ing
library navrarvik
length: taktaciq; measure the ~ of taktassiar-; ~ of
one yard yaaltaq
lengthwise: cut or mark ~ on (it) takelmur-;
marking, cutting, moving ~ takelmun; fore and
aft ~ deck stiffeners of kayak qularaq; ~ line or
groove on harpoon imelqutaguaq
lens: eciq
leprosy: mamyuilnuq pupik
leprous: ~ disease of garments and structures
Lepus americanus: ciriiq, nullutuuyak, uskaanaq
Lepus othus: negilirkaq, qayuqeggliq, ¥gasek
leg — Lepus othus
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
less: be ~ dark or intense mitriate-; ~ successful
hunter nukasegauciq
lesser golden plover: ciilmak, tuusiik, tuyik
Lesser Feast for the Dead: Merr’aq*
Lesser Memorial Feast: ac’eci-, Merr’aq*
, neqlite-,
lesson: elicaun, elitnaurun; teach a ~ ellangcar-;
lesson for the younger generation to learn
from the experience of the elders naucaqun
lest: ~ (one) V (pb) -yuar-
let: -cite-
; ~ be uitate-; ~ go pegte-; ~ (it) V (pb)
; ~ a long time elapse ak’ani-, ak’anun;
~ air out elte-; “~ bygones be bygones”
pellugcete-; feel ~ down narrlu-
; ~ down
one’s pants kive-; ~ me see ata
, ata’a, ataki;
~ one see, or be seen tangevkar-; ~ one drink
; ~ out a yelp uar-; ~ out air nelte-; ~
one V (pb) -cete-
, -vkar-; ~’s go! amci, ampi; ~’s
see tarr’i; (expressing wish) optative mood (see
Endings section)
lethargic: be ~ qaategte-, qelapegte-, uralate-
lethargy: full with food to the point of ~
letter: alngarat, igaq; seal on a ~ takarnarqun; ~
opener callarcissuun
lettuce: wild ~ ingukiq; cliff ~ inguqiq; sea ~
level: nakissuun; carpenters ~ maktanqegcissuun;
~ such as grade in school quyigtaciq
Levelock: Elivelek, Liivlek
lever: aanaspuuk, anaspuuk, ikugcuun, ikuutaq; lift
by ~ action ikug-
; small ~ ikgun; ~-action rie
liar: iqelciq, iqlungarli
library: lending ~ navrarvik
lice: look for ~ kumakir-; comb for ~ kumakircuun,
nerescin; pick ~ and squash with teeth pukite-
license: kalikartaq
lichen: ciruneruat, qelquaq, ungagaq; reindeer
moss (a ~) taqukanguaq, tuntut neqait; cooked
mixture including lichen elqunaq
lick: alme-, alumcug-, pair-, patemcug-, see Barnum
(14); ~ ngers alqimar-, epaar-, patemcug-; ~
completely clean painqegcaar(ar)-
lid: patu-; become loose (of ~s) angi-
lie: piciunrilnguq*, iqlu-; ~ maliciously iqluqu-;
tend to tell ~s iqlungar-
lie: ~ down elgarte-, inarte-, taklarte-; wanting to
~ down inaryug-; ~ face-down palurte-; ~ on
the back neverte-; ~ in wait for ingcur-, nayur-;
~ around lazily taklay’ar-; ~ on one’s side and
watch someone work ac’irci-; what ~s ahead
life: unguva, yuuciq; come back to ~ unguir-;
for a stage of ~ to be over qasqite-; way
of ~ piciryaraq, yuuyaraq; one who lives
a traditional ~ yuulria; lead an ordinary,
unexceptional ~ yuunginaq; lose one’s spirit
for ~ avenrir-; age quickly after staying
youngish throughout one’s ~ qimunqe-; pay
with the necessities of ~ pupsir-; save one’s ~
anirtur-; useful for ~ yuutnguarkaq; ~ event
eyagnaq; ~ everlasting unguva nangyuilnguq; ~
force puqla; ~’s path egilra
life jacket: pugtaun
lifetime: yuuciq
lift: kevek, nalug-
; ~ by lever action ikug-
; lift
up akir-
, qerratarte-; ~ up the clothing one is
wearing qakegte-; be ~ed up qerratarte-; ~ed
load kevek
light: kuman; any kind of ~ naniq; be in the ~
kenurte-; ash ~ at ciqinqar-; for a icker or
glimmer of ~ to be visible tanqivyugte-; have
~ streaming out of it qamurrir-; lamp or ~
kenurraq; ~ bulb nakacuguaq; shine ~ on
; night ~ unuggsuun; old-style snow
goggles, which admit only a little ~ niguak,
niiguak; regard (him) in a positive ~ yugnike-;
small ~ kenurrayagaq; turn down ~ cuyute-; ~
plant kenurrivik; ~-plant operator kenurriurta
light: ~ a re kennge-, kumarte-; ~ a match
kenngallag-; cigarette ~er kumarcissuun
light: be ~ in weight uqiggete-; become ~ in
weight uqiggeli-; ~ glove aggsak; ~ inner
glove aiggsak; ~ snow or rain kanevvluk; be
~-headed kemni-
light: ~ gray or brown dog quvauk; ~ piece of
fur yurturuaq; ~-colored decoration on parka
tungunqucuk; ~-colored fur from caribou
pukiq; ~-colored fur from caribou fawn
pukirraq; ~-colored stone used for whetstones
lightly: pinch ~ pupeckar-
lightning: kenerpallak; ~ and thunder kalluk; make
a crackling noise (as of ~) tiivartar-
lights: northern ~ qiuryaq
lightweight: ~ cotton cloth ciitsaaq
less — lightweight
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Ligusticam hultenii: ciukaraq
Ligusticum scoticum: mecuqerrli, tukaayuq
like (similar): equalis case (see Endings section);
tuar, tuarpiaq; ~ a person Yugtun; ~ a Yup’ik
Yugtun; what something is ~ eluciq, luuciq; ~
now wacicetun; ~ nowadays watuacetun; ~ one
ataucitun; ~ that tuaten; ~ this kuten, waten;
be or do ~ this elliur-; act ~ this watna-; be this
way, ~ this matuu-; exactly ~ this watkacagaq;
one ~ this uku-; ~ this one uutun; insistent ~ a
child umyui-; think ~ or alike umyuallgutke-;
one that is ~ N (pb) -quq
like: (v) assike-, keneke-, pingake-, piniqe-; ~ at
the time of (it) nalliinitun; ~ (him) as a friend
aiparnike-; ~ very much to V (pb) -yunqegg-
likeness: tarenraq
lily: yellow pond ~ paparnaq
Limanda aspera: quaryarnaq
limb: ~ of the body ipik; lower ~ kanagaq; ~ of
quadruped or insect ipik; ~ of tree avayaq; be
long-~ed ipigtu-; have sore ~s ipigglugte-
limit: bag ~ pitarkam ernermi ataucimi
amllertacirkaa; consume without ~ akunriur-;
to be (gone) without a ~ ngelaite-
Limnodromus sp.: cevyirar(aq*), kukukuaq,
qayaruartalek, sugg’erpak, tulikaq
limp: tussite-; go ~ unair-; be ~ from exhaustion
limpet: ~ shell qengapcuar(aq*)
line: ceteq, citeq, see Adams (41); be situated in a
~ yaaqliqe-; go in a straight ~ naki-
; binding
~ nulukaq; bottom groove ~ in an oval bowl
allungilleq; clothes~ inivik; sealskin ~ to tie
kayaks together ac’irutaq
; shing ~ cagta,
ipiutaq, iqsak, manaqutaq; arrow with ~
attached kinguliralek; harpoon ~ kinguliraq;
harpoon head attached to the shaft by a ~
kukgaq; harpoon ~ part engevyaraq; coiled
sealskin ~ for harpoon imgun; seal-hunting
harpoon with ~ attached aklegaq; loop of ~
through seal harpoon head tukarta; splicing of
~ loop through seal harpoon head qilagturaq;
incised ~ from the harpoon head to the spur
imelqutaguaq; loop at end of ~ urciq; play out
(of a harpoon ~) nek’ve-; rounded ~ taprualuk;
skin ~ to fasten skirt around hatch of kayak
agarun; spear ~ unraq; ~ attached to a spear
usaaq*; tow-~ angaqun; walrus-skin ~ qavya;
thin ~ made from thin skins tapruar(aq*)
; ~
of grain in wood pagaq; ~ of hills is doubled
ing’ar-; ~ of snares for birds negaraq*; ~ of
stitching on top of kayak ikavsianeq; ~ reel
imruyutaq*; ~ that ties boat to shore or dog to
stake petuk; ~ used to set net under ice amun;
bullet with ~s on the top cangegngalnguq*;
form into two ~s amigpite-
linen: hand-twisted ~ thread yualukiuraq; tough ~
twine for skin-sewing elngurliq
liner: ilupeqsaq; woven ~ for skin boot alliqsak; fur
~ for skin boot murun; put on boot without ~
linguist: qaneryariurta
lining: ekiaq, ilulirneq; edible ~ of seal intestine
qiaq; ~ of garment ilupeq; reindeer-skin ~ for
boots mamru; stomach ~ tissue of caribou or
moose qecaruaq; grass used for ~ storage pit
englullinr(aq*); ~ on the oor of a beaver den
link: ~ joint usguneq
lint: caarrluk, carrluk; clinging debris (such as ~)
lion: yugtutuli; sea ~ uginaq, uinaq
lip: cugg’eq, qerrluq, qissiq, sugg’eq; scoop with
rake-like bottom ~ iqvarcuun; groove between
nostrils and upper ~ kakeggliliyaraq; ~ directly
under philtrum kucurvik; ~ piece for container
pasvaagun; ~ plug tapruartaq; pucker one’s ~s
liquid: bloody ~ essnguq; choke on ~ qecuqite-;
churn (of ~) qalla-, qallate-
; squeeze to remove
~ cipegte-, qemrar-; dip into a ~ qalute-; drop of
~ kuta; be encrusted (of ~) ciiqauma-; owing
~ ku-; gulp down ~ aalemtaalar-; issue forth
~ maqe-; provide ~ emite-, miite-
; put in a ~
akurte-; remove oil, foam, etc. from the surface
of a ~ punerte-; residue inside a container that
held ~ kivyaneq; seal oil or other ~ in which
food is dipped meciaq; skim a ~ pugyar-;
sediment in a ~ kisneq; tea leaves or the ~
caayuq; throw ~ onto (it) ceqvallertar-; wring ~
out ciur-, civur-; release ~ from within ege-; ~
part of a stew imarkuaq; ~ part of something
mecuq; be clear (of ~s) ecuite-; be murky
(of ~s) cur-, ecur-; be thick (of ~) nelnguq; heat
(of ~) uqnir-; leak (in ~) imange-; leak ~s from a
container ellngar-
liquor: taangaq; drink ~ to get drunk emra-; drink
liquor repeatedly at short intervals mer’a-;
Ligusticam hultenii — liquor
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ store taangarvik
listen: niicugni-, tarr’i; ~ and obey niisnga-; ~ and
heed niicu-, qanerciryar-; be hard or painful to
~ niitniite-
; ~! kaaka; talk in a voice audible
only to one’s ~er tarirte-
listless: be ~ agarcete-, niniite-, qaategte-; feel very
~ uqamair-
lit: be ~ kuma-
litter: smallest pup in a ~ uuqessngitak
little: be ~ mike-, mikte-; be a ~ better ikumlarte-;
how ~! acaca; V a ~ (pb) -rrar-, -vguar(ar)-; V a ~
at a time (pb) -mciur(ar)-; ~ baby N (pb) -yaya(g)
aq*; ~ bird cetaaq; ~ bit carraq*, carrarmek,
ellma, ellmaar(aq*), ellmacuar(aq*); eat ~ bit
neramci-; ~ bit of N (pb) ilarraq, -kaineq, -rraq*;
just a ~ bit of ~ (pb) -rraq*; any ~ bit of food
available neqaraq; ~ bit of N (pb) -qucuk; ~
carved parts on kayak nutengqupagta; ~ nger
iqelquq, iqiquq; goggles that admit only a ~
light niguak; just a ~ N (pb) -rraq*; ~ N (pb)
-cuar(aq*), -cungaq, -kar(aq*)
, -kcuar(aq*),
-ya(g)aq*; make ~ noises nepaksugte-; a ~
on the side toward speaker ukakarar-; ~ one
mikelnguq*; for dear ~ one to be V-ing (pb)
-ya(g)ar-; ~ one with a big N (pb) -payagaq*;
put a ~ patch on callemkar-; ~ person cusr(aq*);
~ piece of N (pb) -ar(aq*); ~ room at side of
entrance qerrayaq; ~ thing that is V (pb) -qucuk;
pick and eat ~ things pukite-; ~ toe iqelquq; be
a ~ V (pb) -ur(ar)-
Little Bear: Kaviaret
Little Dipper: Nayipar(aq*)
little people: legendary ~ alirpak, ircenrraq*;
village set on high ground in the world of the
~ Ininermiut, Qairuarmiut; ~ said to be spirits
of the dead and to appear to those who don’t
accept Christianity kelessiniayaaq; one type of
~ egacuayak; one of a ~ having hats resembling
sh traps cingssiik; village set in the air in the
world of the ~ Inglernarmiut; portal above our
world for the ~ ellangqerrucaraq; portal below
our world for the ~ aciirucaraq
live: anerteqe-, uita-, yuu-
, see Turner (5), Adams
(40); ~ along major rivers or on the coast
akulmiu; ~ by (it) yuuteke-; one who ~s
an ordinary traditional life yuulria ~ by
subsistence yuungnaqe-; ~ in the traditional
way yuunginaq; ~ in wife’s village nengaugite-;
~ off other people cingpaci-
livelihood: have as one’s ~ yuuteke-; make a
traditional ~ yuungnaqe-
lively: be ~ pavig-
liver: caimik, tenguk; “Eskimo ice cream” made
with sh ~ tenguggluk; witch or ghost that has
no ~ yuilriq
living: make a ~ pingnatug-; skull outside a
~ body nasqukuyuk; man ~ in his wife’s
village nengaugitaq; not want to go back to
one’s former ~ situation mege-; ~ spirit of a
person puqla; ~ thing unguvalria; orphan and
grandparent ~ together elliraaraurluunkuk
load: uci; back ~ pequmik; breastplate used
when carrying a back ~ tassiitaq; ~ carried on
the back amaq; put a small ~ in one’s pack
atemkar-, atempag-; carry a heavy ~ on one’s
back pequmpag-; lifted ~ kevek; tarpaulin used
to cover the ~ on a sled or boat cingyaaq; tie a ~
on a sled nuilrar-, nuvilrar-; binding for tying ~
on sled nuilraun
loaf: bread ~ mukaaq
loaned: ~-out thing navriun
Lobaria scrobiculata: qelquaq
lobster: beach bug similar to ~ nastarnaq
local: ~ boundary commission nunacuarni
avatmeggnek arenqiirturtet; ~ person makumiu
located: be ~ high quleqsig-, qussig-, quyig-
loche: aninirpak, kanayurnaq, manignaq,
tengugpalek; set of twenty ~ tuvqertat
lock: kelucaq, kelussaq; man’s hairdo with long ~s
locust: petgartayuli
lodged: be ~ in a crack qerringa-
loft: lavisqaq, navi’iskaaq, navisqaq
log: muragaq, murak; brace a ~ against a door avir-;
drift ~ ciquq, ciruq, uqvinraq; main horizontal
elevated ~ of sh rack agagliiyaq; ~ at doorway
to old-time house qissiryaraq; ~ above door
qaliqerrun; ~ cabin canirtaq; thin ~ from a
spruce sapling unrapigaq; ~ hung horizontally
for games aavussaq, ek’ur-, tuussaq
, see
Nelson (23); ~ parallel to the back of a kashim
tugeryaraq; ~ used as a headrest or a divider
akin, akitaq; ~ with a groove soaked with sap
cayagalek; ~ used as a maul uluryarutaq; stack
~s nuarte-, nuirte-
loincloth: qepyun
lollipop: epurralek
listen — lollipop
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Lomavik: Luumarvik
lone: ~ individual ellnginar(aq*)
loneliness: be restless because of ~ agamyak; cause
~ alainarqe-, alianarqe-
lonely: be ~ alianiur-, alaiyug-, aliayug-; nd it ~
alainake-, alianake-
lonesome: be ~ nanilliur-
long (distance): be ~ martu-, take-, uyatu-; ~er or
~est thing takqupak; have ~ legs kanagtu-;
expel gas, often ~ nelepag-; wear a ~ garment
akulugci-; ~ hair on the neck of dog or wolf
qakun; ~ jawbone assingaq; ~ narrow lake
kuiguaq; have ~ range ag’inertu-; ~ roots of a
tree cagpaaluk; cut hide into ~ thong pinve-;
~est feather of bird’s wing niss’uq; one of
two ~ strips of calfskin on a parka ellutmuaq;
legendary ~-distance kayaker Kukugyarpak;
~-haired dog mequp’ayagaq*; ~-handled ladle
arulamirun; be ~-limbed ipigtu-; break ~,
slender objects asemte-; have ~, stringy feces
long (temporal): ~ ago: imumi; from ~ ago envanek,
temeqvanek; person of ~ ago ciuliaqatuk; since
very ~ ago ak’arpak; be ~ past akauraurte-;
have pain in hands after ~ hours of work
taprite-; far away or ~ long ago ima(ni); for the
days to get ~er ernengaar(ar)-
long for: ivar-, yuar-
long time: ak’a, ak’anun; be glad to see someone
after a ~ iryiqe-; be gone for a ~ nulte-; fade
away for a ~ umi-; for the rst time in a ~
ak’anek; have been V-ing for a ~ (pb) -ma-;
take a ~ qangni-; V for the rst time in a ~ (pb)
-paalug-; for a ~ to have passed envau-; ~ ago
ak’a avani, ak’a imumi, akauraurte-
longn: ~ smelt kalenquq
longitudinal: ~ strips of a sh trap tungite-
longnose sucker: cungartak
longshoreman: uciirta
longspur: Lapland ~ mararmiutaq*, see Adams (13);
female Lapland ~ mecaqtaq; male Lapland ~
Lontra canadensis: aaquyaq, ce
÷iq’aq, cenkaq,
cinkaq, cuignilnguq*, pirtuqciraq, senkaq
look: ~ after nayur-, tarike-; ~ around kiara-,
kiarte-, kiyarte-, nacete-, ussar-; ~ at tangke-,
tangssug-, tangvag-; be pleasant to ~ at
tangnirqe-, tangssunarqe-; be unpleasant to ~
at tangniite-; ~! atam, tang; ~ at him/it! tangrriu;
~ at one’s reection tarenriur-; ~ at while
passing by yaatiir-; ~ back kingyar-, takuyar-;
~ down on tangemcuke-; ~ for ivar-, yuar-; ~
for eggs cangu-; ~ for lice kumakir-; ~ forward
to something neq’aniur-; ~ good kenegnar-; ~
interesting tangssunarqe-; ~ into corners, bays,
etc. qinangnir-; ~ nice tangnircar-; ~ out of the
corner of one’s eye qigcig-
; ~ outside qinerte-;
~ over a barrier uyangte-; ~ over one’s shoulder
takuyar-; not be able to ~ right at someone
qitngayug-; ~ at, using peripheral vision
; ~ sideways qigcig-
, takuyar-; poke
one’s head out as to take a ~ yurar-
; ~ through
the door or window uyangte-; ~ up to pirpake-;
be well worth ~ing at tangssunarqe-; ~ing at
with yearning tangaa-
lookout: nacessvik; ~ place nascaraq, nassvik;
manning a ~ for nacessnga-
loon: qerqauq; arctic ~ tunutellek, yaqulegpak;
common ~ tuullek, tunupirtaq, urr’urruayuli,
yaqulegpak; red-throated ~ qaqaq, qucuniq;
yellow-billed ~ tuullek
loop: ~ at end of line urciq; sealskin ~ to hold
harpoon qasmigutaq; splicing of line ~
qilagturaq; ~ through harpoon head tukarta;
~ on garment for fastener negurluq; ~ for
bootlace putulri; ~ at opening of grass bag
pass’aq; ~s on a kayak skin tugcilqar-
loose: be ~ qacu-
; be too ~-tting kallake-;
become ~ angi-; dog running ~ alongside team
kilgaakuirta; be ~ tting qatangllugte-; ice that
comes ~ from the bottom pugteqrun; for ~ pack
ice to trap one mallgute-; ~ soil as insulation
eviun, kaimaq
loosely: t in ~ qacalke-; pack ~ tekalragte-; be ~
attached arula, qacagte-; ~ woven grass basket
kuusqun; ~ woven grass carrying-bag issran; ~
woven grass mat eviun
loosen: angite-; tool used to ~ things angicissuun;
soak to ~ hair from sealskin akungqa-
lopsided: be ~ cangungqa-; become ~ cangurte-
loquacious: be ~ qanrenqegg-, qanyu-
lord: ataneq
lose: cagmar-; ~ awareness, consciousness, one’s
good sense ellairute-; ~ balance ayaluqerte-; ~
color qesuir-, ui-; ~ consciousness nalluqar-,
pella-; ~ coordination unair-; ~ eye iingirte-; ~
grip on something pegleqrute-; ~ hair meqe-;
Lomavik — lose
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ his N (pb) -i:run; ~ mind usviir-; ~ part
; ~ sanity umyuacuar-; ~ something by
it’s being taken away tegui-; ~ something
small cagi-; ~ spirit for life avenrir-; ~ temper
cuaqerte-; ~ tooth ilngir-; ~ train of thought
umyugailkacag-; ~ way pellaa-; ~ weight
loser: unegtaq
loss: regret a ~ uurcara-
lost: be ~ cagmar-, tayimngu-; get ~ pellaa-; ~ time
; ~ weight kemgiute-
lot: nall’arcetaarun; catch a ~ cangliqe-; catch a ~
of N (pb) -liqe-
; eat a ~ nerep’ag-; pick a ~ of
berries iqviqe-; get a ~ of food at a party uyiqe-;
produce a ~ of heat matnir-
Lota lota: aninirpak, kanayurnaq, manignaq,
lots: amlleq; for there to be ~ of mosquitoes
egturyir-; ~ of Ns (pb) -r’aya’aq; have ~ of N
(pb) -lir-, -ucir-; for there to be ~ of time before
V-ing (pb) -yalqaate-
lottery: nall’arcetaarun
loud: be ~ migtu-, neptu-, qastu-; emit ~ howls
maruarpaga-; sing without saying words out ~
megamliur-; ~ noise ceryuq, cingqur-, mamqe-,
mengqurpak, migpak, miite-
, qukilngu-, qukir-;
cry out in a ~ whimper cungiallag-
loudly: nepsarpak; burp ~ elcervag-, elcirpag-,
ellecpag-; call ~ qayagpag-, qayagpaga-; sob
~ mangelpag-; speak ~ erinia-; ~ break wind
lep’ag-, nelepag-
loudmouth: be a ~ qanqataite-
louse: kumak, neresta, ungilak; rodent ~ keggerpak,
maqkaurkar(aq*); ~ nit ingqiq
lousewort: ulevleruyak
lousy: ~ old N (pb) -ruk
lovable: be ~ kenegnarqe-
lovage: ciukaraq
love: kenka, kenkun, piniqe-; be in ~ kenegyug-;
come to ~ kenegyagute-; ~ in any sense
keneke-; ~ to V (pb) -yunqegg-; one who ~s to V
(pb) -yunqeggli
loved one: ken’gun
lovely: be ~ kenegnar-
lover: uinguaq
low: be ~ qerkite-, qurkite-; sun sits ~ akerta
aqumuq; ~ altitude ceva; be ~ in elevation
kerkite-; be ~ atgite-; for the tide to be ~
eninga-, enuma-; be ~ in volume qaskite-;
~ mufed barks teriir-
low tide: very ~ envvag-; sandbar exposed at ~
en’aq, ken’aq; wait for ~ enetnercir-
low-bush cranberry: kavirliq, kitngik
, passiarkaq,
low-bush willow: inaqaciq
lower (adj): ~ abdomen akuraq; ~ back qukaq;
Mongolian spot on ~ back qiuneq; ~ bow
piece of kayak amuvik; hand-hold at ~ end
of seal harpoon cigvigquq;~ limb kanagaq;
~ part kanagaq; ~ part of a body iivkaneq; ~
of a snout or beak cugg’eq, sugg’eq; ~ part
of garment aku; have food caught in the ~
throat tumilngu-; share a catch (particularly
the animal’s ~ part) kuyagtar-; ~ sternpiece of
kayak kagaluq
lower (v): acivaqanir-; ~ (it) kalevte-, kalvag-;
~ from a height ivkar-, iivkar-; ~ on a rope
lowest: ~ point qerkilqurraq*
loyalty: swear ~ ukvernarcar-
lubricating oil: uqurun
lucky: be ~ piluaqar-; be very ~ kanngurte-
lumbar vertebrae: qukaq
lump: qelengquq; ~ of caked matter tuvlak; ~ of
earth qarmaq; ~ in esh marayeq, qalengquq,
teggenquq, tuvculqurraq; ~ in throat
lumpy: be ~ (of walrus skin) pengitag-; become ~
lunch: apiataq, ernequtaq, ernermkutaq
lung: caqanak, elravik, kemegneq, pugtaun, see
Nelson (59); cooked seal ~ cuakayak
lungpower: cayaq
lungwort: textured ~ qelquaq
Lupus canis: kaganaq
lure: shing ~ with hook manaq; hookless ~ uqtaq
lust: arniurneq; ~ after eklike-, ekliyug-
Lutra canadensis: keggiarnaq
Lycoperdon sp.: agyam anaa, puyunguaq
lying: mother seal swimming near oe on which
her pup is ~ uginagumaq; ~ back qetengqa-,
qeter-; ~ down: elgar-, inar-; be ~ down
elgangqa-, inangqa-, takla-; moon is “~ down
on its back”
iraluq nevengqauq; be ~ face-
down palungqa-; ~ on one’s back nevengqa-,
loser — lying
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
never-, taklaur(ar)-; kick with both feet from ~
position tukar-
lymph node: swollen ~ qenercinrraq*
lynx: niutuayaq, tertuli
Lynx canadensis: niutuayaq, tertuli
lyrics: apalluk, apallulek
macaroni: mak’alunaq, qilunguuyaq, qup’luruaq
machine: massiinaq; sewing ~ mingqessuun;
washing ~ iqairissuun
made: have ~ (it) piliaqe-; round bowl ~ for girls
uivvluaq; hole ~ intentionally ukineq; a ~ N
(pb) -liaq
made up: coo words ~ for a child ineqe-, inqe-,
magazine: cuvri, ikirtaat, kalikat, maktaat; page of
~ ikirnaq
maggot: paraluq, qup’lu, quvlu, quvluq;
decomposed meat beneath the skin of a dried
sh, caused by ~s kiimacak; be ~y paraluq;
suddenly become ~y paralqar-
magical: ~ kayak type that can repair itself
magistrate: apqaurta, kamiss’enaaq
magnet: nepcurliq
magpie: qalqaruq; black-billed ~ qalqerayak
mail: kalikaq; ~ plane kalikiurta
mail-order: ~ catalog tuyurcuun; ~ item tuyuq
mailman: kalikiurta
maimed: ~ person mangamculria
main: ~ channel through wide spot in river
egmiumaneq; soup served as ~ course
suupaq; ~ horizontal elevated log of sh rack
agagliiyaq; ~ part tema
; ~ vein of the earth
nunam taqra
mainland: Etolin Strait between Nunivak Is. and
the ~ Akuluraq; ~er pa¥gkumiu
major: ~ N (pb) -rrlak; person not living along ~
rivers or on the coast akulmiu; break in a ~ way
ikaspag-, nav’pag-
majority: member of the ~ amllenrulria
make: ~ aged sh quli-; ~ an unexpected discovery
alangru-; ~ beautiful(ly) kenagte-, kenugte-; ~
bed inarrliur-; ~ bluish qiurqe, qiute-; ~ bread
kelipi-; ~ burnt offering ekua-; ~ clanging
and banging noises avirli-; ~ coffee kuuvvii-;
~ considered decision naspertur-; ~ crumbs
kaame-, kaime-; ~ crunching or growling noise
qiuryi-; ~ dancing motions to music qac’ag-; ~
face cirurtar-; ~ re kenir-
, kevkar-
; ~ shnet
kuvyi-, qilag-; ~ gleeful sounds qiilera-; ~ good
assircar-; ~ grass basket mingqii-; ~ (him) cry
intentionally qiarqe-; ~ hole in it putu-
, ukite-;
~ hole through the ice anlii-, anlui-; ~ house
nel’i-; ~ into a batter murte-, urte-; “~ it”
anag-; ~ (it) V (pb) -cir-
; ~ listener ashamed
yuaruksualler(aq*); ~ livelihood yuungnaqe-; ~
living pingnatug-; ~ masks agayuli-; ~ mistake
ulapsagte-; ~ motions in a dance arulaci-; ~
movement that attracts notice peke-; ~ mufed
animal noises emyugte-; ~ murmuring sounds
qaalruar-; ~ N (pb) -li-
; ~ N noise (pb) -te-
~ no attempt to help workers tararte-; ~ noise
mianigte-, nepsallag-, nepsarte-, nepugte-,
qasqaara-; ~ noise or give other evidence of
N (pb) -lkite-; ~ offering aviukaq, nalug-
; ~
one happy quyvagnarqe-, qusvanarqe-; ~ one
ticklish qumcirnarqe-; ~ one want to V, or to
V it (pb) -yugnarqe-
; ~ others feel that one is
V (pb) -taar-
; ~ parka out of various types of
bird skin tamace÷i-; ~ plans egnia-, pillerkir-,
unuaqute-; ~ prayers agayuli-; ~ presence
known yulkite-; ~ ready piqainaurte-; ~ ringing
noise qasiarte-; ~ room for nunakegte-; ~ rope
from sealskin pinevkar-; ~ rumbling noise
tem’irte-; ~ scrimshaw ingciq; ~ skin pliable
iqute-; ~ slick piiragcar-; ~ snow shelter
aniguyar-; ~ soft growling noise engaulugte-;
~ something cali-, cavesra-, pili-; ~ sound
nepelkirte-; ~ sound of apping wings
levvlugte-; ~ sound of N (pb) -rpallar-; ~ sounds
other than those of human speech qalria-; ~
stitches in (it) kelir-; ~ sudden move pek’arte-;
~ supplication kaiga-; ~ sweeping motion at
(it) kalguur-; ~ swishing sound sugg’agte-;
~ tea saanili-; ~ temporary patch uqurcir-; ~
thinner ekiarte-; ~ tools and weapons umi; ~
“uu” sound uur-; ~ war anguyak
makeshift: ~ skin-covered boat angyaqatak
lymph node — makeshift
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
making: ~ a face cangungqa-; ~ a large wound
nutpag-; ~ exaggerated dancing motions
kass’ig-; ~ holes (drill) pataq; ~ holes (ice
chisel) tugeq; ~ lamp wicks uusqunguaq; ~
things of wood munarciaq
male: ~ human angun; ~ teenager ayagyuaq,
yun’errar(aq*); younger sister of a ~ nayagaq;
~ cross-cousin of a female uicungaq*; ~ cross-
cousin of a ~ ilur(aq*); ~’s grandparent’s
cross-cousin’s granddaughter nuliacungaq*;
~’s parent’s cross-cousin’s son, ~ friend of a
~ ilur(aq*); ~ animal nonhuman angucaluq
~ common eider tunupista; ~ grass plant
tugglugpak; ~ Lapland longspur nacaqupak; ~
seal in rut tegak
malevolent: have ~ thoughts umyuarrliqe-
malicious: ~ mischief asrirciryaraq; have ~
thoughts umyuarrliqe-; ~ly lie iqluqu-
malignancy: mamyuilnquq*
malignant: ~ growth nauneq
mallard: curcurpak, iyukarpak, nelqitaaq, perayak,
surrsurpak, uqsuqerpak, uqulkatagpak,
uutkaaq, yuukarpak, see Marsh (12)
Mallotus villosus: cikaaq
mammal: land ~ ungungssiq; sea ~ imarpillaq,
unkumiutaq; bladder of a small ~ cikutaq;
stomach sac of ~ qerruqutaq; thigh of ~ mimeq;
signal one has killed a sea ~ uurcaq; weapon to
kill a sea ~ aangruyak
mammoth: equgaarpak, keligvak, quugaaq,
quugaarpak; fossilized ~ ivory quugiinraq
Mammuthus primegenius: equgaarpak, keligvak
man: angun; become a ~ angutngurte-; old ~
angukara’urluq*, angukaraq, angulluaq,
angullugaq, angulluguaq, angutengiar(aq*),
angutnaraq, see Khromchenko (1), Wrangell (5),
Adams (44); young ~ nekevyuk, nuka’urluq*,
yun’errar(aq*); ~ in his prime nukalpiaq; ~ who
lived in kashim qasgimiu; ~ who has married
into a family nengaugitaq; child of woman
by ~ to whom she is not married (child of a
woman by a ~) acuniaqengaq; ~ residing in his
wife’s village nengaugitaq; mask a ~ makes as
he wishes uigturcuun; half ~ and half animal
irci, irciq
man-eater yugtutuli
man’s: ~ bag for woodworking tools
equgcuutnguarraq; ~ brothers child
qangiar(aq*); ~ Eskimo dance arulaq; ~ hairdo
with long locks over each ear ketekneq; ~
hoodless caribou-skin parka qaliluk; ~ labret
elciqaruaq, ungunqun; ~ large median stone
lip plug tapruartaq; ~ large wooden bowl
nerun; ~ nephew or niece through his brother
qangiar(aq*); ~ niece or nephew through his
sister usruq, uyruq; ~ second wife neqliurta;
~ sisters child usruq, uyruq; ~ traveling
boot an’giun; ~ wife’s sisters husband arcik,
manage: be unable to ~ artur-, arturyagute-
management: tower used by sheries ~ authorities
manager: theater ~ tangrrualiurta
mandible: agluquq
maneuverable: be ~ cayugciryar-
manhandle: aangulugtuute-
manifesting: spiritual uncleanliness ~ itself
manmade: ~ channel cev’aq, kuiliaq; museum of ~
artifacts yugtarvik; ~ hole elakaq
manner: piciryaraq, piuryaraq; in any ~ piciatun;
act in an unacceptable ~ pissaqe-
mannered: mild-~ person ellmikutuar(aq*)
manning: be ~ a lookout nacessnga-
Manokotak: Manuquutaq
manslaughter: commit ~ yugte-
mantle: lamp ~ leg’un; ~ in gas lamp ingcu
manually: probe ~ qakussaag-
manufactured: ~ article kass’artaq, taqumalria; ~
boot cap’akiq*, sap’akiq
many: amlleq; how ~? qavcin, qayutun; so ~!
ik’ikika; pick berries although there aren’t ~
purriur-; ~ a — amlleq; ~ Ns (pb) -yag-, -rugaq*;
~ people yugugaq*; have ~ people yugyag-; ~
times amllerqunek
map: nunanguaq, see Adams (17)
marble: ~ for playing games maapelaaq
March: Kepnerciq,
taqukat tanqiat,
Tengmiirviguaq, see Adams (69); celebration
held in late February or early ~ Agayuyaraq
mare’s-tail: qugyutnguaq, qugyuut neqait, tayaruq
dead ~ pugtassaq; tuber of ~ utngungssaq*; ~
tuber taken from mouse caches uqnaq
marigold: marsh ~ allngiguaq, uivluk; marsh ~
bulb anguteryuk
marinate: egnir-
making — marinate
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
marionette: ~hung in the communal men’s house
neviararuaq, pekcetaaq
mark: alngaq, ceteq, cet’raar(aq*), cet’rautaq, citeq,
igaq, nallunailkutaq, qaraliq; ~ lengthwise
takelmur-; ~ widthwise kepelmur-; engraved ~
tevagneq; water ~ from a drip or tide unineq;
white ~ on ngernail teglek
marker: grave ~ alailun, eliveq, elliveq; trail ~
alailun, nallunailkutaq, pellaayailkun; ~ set in
the ground napautaq
market: ~ things tuniar-
marketplace: tuniarvik
marking: ~ lengthwise takelmun; ~ widthwise
kepelmun; ~s around jaw tuqumkassua
marmot: cikigpak, qanganarrluk, uiq*, see Wrangell
(13); ~ trap see Nelson (28)
Marmota caligata: cikigpak, qanganarrluk, uiq*
maroon: ~ thing aumarngalnguq
marriage: nulirqucaraq; be rejected for ~ because
of shamanistic machinations nulirturciimacir-;
second wife in a polygamous ~ nukaraq; uncle
by ~ to paternal aunt’s husband nengauk; in-
law acquired by ~ of child, sibling, or self
married: be ~ yuunginaq; ~ couple aipaqellriik;
woman ~ into a family ukurritaq; child of
a woman by a man to whom she is not ~
marrow: pateq; dried heart sac used for storing
~ ircaqinraq*; eat ~ pateq; ~ extractor
paterturrsuun, see Nelson (70)
marry: kassuute-, nulirtur-, uinge-; ask to
~ nulirrniar-; ~ into a village or family
nengaugite-, ukurrite-
marsh venger: mecungyuilnguq*
marsh hawk: qaku’urtaq
marsh marigold: allngiguaq, irunguaq
, uivluk; ~
bulb anguteryuk
Marshall: Masserculleq; Pilcher Mountain near ~
marshy: ~, muddy lowland maraq; ~ area where a
lake has dried up and grasses have started to
grow qass’uqitak
marten: palurngalria, qavcicuar(aq*)
Martes americana: palurngalria, qavcicuar(aq*)
marvel: irr’i-, ukveraite-
Mary: Virgin ~ Naayaak, nay’ak
mash: ~ to remove liquid qemrar-; ~ to a granular
consistency ari-, arite-; be ~ed massi-, passi-
mask: avangcaq, kegginaquq; drawings made on
a ~ qamuraq; gure on a ~ canguaq; nger ~
taruyamaarun, see Nelson (64); traditional ~
agayu; shaman’s ~ nepcetaq, tukaraun; wooden
ring put around a ~ ellanguaq; shaman’s ~
yug’aq; ~ that a man makes as he wishes
uigturcuun; ~ used in “Kelek” festivity
; ~ed ceremony in mid-
January maskalataq; ~ed dancing in February
or March Agayuyaraq; autumn festival with ~s
Qaariitaaq; explain ~s during “Kelek” holiday
mass: come in a ~ to shore eqiite-; aged sh eggs in
a sticky ~ meluk
massage: cangigar-
mast: napaqutaq, napartaq, naparutaq, naparyaq
master: kevgiuqengaq; be ~ over (it) ataniuma-
mastodon ower: melngut neqait
masturbate: qerrike-
mat: inguqaq, tutmaryaraq; sleeping ~ curuq;
grass ~ alqin, tupigaq, tupilluk; grass wall ~
aceturun; prepare a grass ~ for seal bladders
canglanguarrar-; grass ~ used in kayak
cayukaun, ceturailitaq, ikaraliin; insulating ~
tungimaq; ~ paneling in sod house kangciraq;
grass ~ for walls or roof eviun
match (for re): espickaq, keneq
, ke÷itaq, spickaq,
see Nelson (10); light a ~ kenngallag-
matching: atunem
mate: aapaq, aipaq, atarte-, kenruk, nulirte-
material: corduroy ~ aqsallin; heavy ~ for parka
covers civignilnguq*; raw ~ (pb) -kaq; ~ for
skin boots from bearded seal lavtak, naterkaq,
nat’rarkaq; binding ~ tapengyak; ~ left after
meat is eaten from bone enerkuaq; sh-trap
lashing ~ nemiaq; red ~ kaviragtaq; caulking
~ mellarkaq; ~ to wipe anus uqrun
; ~ to cover
shelf or cabinet capkuq
maternal: ~ aunt anaana; ~ uncle angak; spouse’s ~
cousin’s spouse nuliangqan
mathematics: naaqut’liuryaraq
Matricaria matricarioides: atsaruaq, itegmik
matter: what’s the ~? waqaa
mattress: aci, alliraq, curuq, pelinaq, pustiiliq; skin
used as a ~ alliqupak; ~ ticking tiik
maul: ~ made from log uluryarutaq; ~ suddenly
marionette — maul
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
maxim: qanruyun; follow ~s maligtaqu-
May: Cupun,
kayangut anutiit, kayangut anutiit,
aniit anutiit, Qusiirvik, tengmiaret tanqiat,
see Adams (71)
maybe: aipaagni; maybe V (pb) -lli-, -ngate-; maybe
be going to V (pb) -kutag-
mayy: kapsuli
mayor: angayuqaruaq
McKay’s bunting: kanguruaq
me: wii, see Appendix I and endings section; be ~
meadow: can’gurneq, carr’ilqaq;
meadow jumping mouse uiluruyak
meal: neqkaq, neruciq; noon ~ ernequtaq,
ernermikutaq; prepare a ~ neqkiur-; save food
for a person who is late for a ~ keggmiaqute-;
~ on arrival tekiutaq; ~ with food laid out for
diners to select uyiqvik; have a strong urge to
defecate after a ~ cingqeri-
mean: act ~ culengciqe-; you know what I ~
perhaps ima
meander: cuqia-
meaning: kangiq, taikaniun, see Barnum (3); have a ~
kangingqerr-; have no ~ amataite-; explain the
~ kangilir-
meanwhile: contemporative II mood (see Endings
measles: anqerrit; have ~ anqerri-
measure: cuqete-, cuqte-, uig-; tape ~
taktassiarcuun; ~ of truth piciutaciq; ~ the
length of taktassiar-; powder ~ puyurkirissuun;
take precautionary ~s qanirtur-
measurement: cuqa
, cuqcaun, cuqyun; any small
unit of ~ cetya(g)aq*; ~ from the outside edge
of one shoulder to the outside edge of the
other tusneq; ~ of the width of the last section
of one’s index nger tekneq; ~ from ngertip
to armpit or chest qerruuneq, quruneq; ~ from
one’s elbow to end of ngertips ikuyegneq; ~
from one’s elbow to end of st ikuyegarneq;
~ from one’s ngertips to his armpit tallineq;
~ from one’s st to his armpit tallinin; ~ from
the tip of the thumb to the second joint of
the index nger curled up with section from
tip to rst joint along inner edge of thumb
pupsuneq; ~ from the tip of the thumb to
the tip of one’s index nger when ngers are
stretched out from each other iqelqin; ~ from
the tip of the thumb to tip of index nger
when each is stretched out away from the
other teklin; ~ from tip of extended thumb to
opposite-side st naparneq; ~ from tip of toes
to end of heel itegneq
, it’ganeq; ~ of the width
at the ends of the index nger and the middle
nger held next to each other malruneq; ~ of
the width at the ends of the index nger, the
middle nger, and the ring nger held next to
each other pingayuneq; ~ of the width of the
palm tumagneq; ~ from the center of the chest
to the end of the ngertips angvaneq
; ~ from
the folded elbow of one outstretched arm to
the ngertips of the other outstretched arm
taluyaneq; ~ of the width of the four ngers of
one’s hand patneq
measuring device: cuqcaun, cuqyun
meat: kemek; baked ~ casserole cal’kuuyaq,
salkuuyaq; board on which one prepares ~
inguqin; bone left after ~ is eaten from it
enerkuaq; cooked ~ aulquq; dried ~ kinengyak,
kinertaq; elevated storage for ~ ek’raq; eat
bits of ~ clinging to a bone pukug-; ~ to be
eaten raw and frozen quaq; frozen ~ to be
eaten in that state cetegtaq, kumlaciq; ~ that
has particles of ice in it civyegte-; layer of
decomposed ~ in sh kiimacak; partially
rotten ~ miuyineq; raw ~ qassaq; remove ~
from tanir-
; slightly aged ~ arinaciraq; smoke
~ puyuqe-; ~ pie piluk; ~ clinging to a bone
kivkar-, nerkuaq; ~ hook qelumirrsuun; rare-
cooked ~ uungllekaraq; salted ~ sulunaq
meatball: sh ~ aagciuk
medallion: agayun
medial: ~ aspect of distal end of tibia or bula
median: ~ stone lip plug tapruartaq
medical: seek ~ aid emute-; ~ term or other
hospital-related thing naulluuvigtaq*;
implement for piercing patients during
traditional ~ treatment kap’issuun; ly treat:
yungcar-, yuungcar-; one who has been ~ly
treated by a doctor yungcaraq, yuungcaraq
medical doctor: cungcarista, suungcarista,
yungcarista, yuungcarista
medicinal: ~ plant type cayugcetaaq
medicine: cungcaun, iinru, yungcaun, yuungcaun;
cough ~ qusrircaun; powerful ~ tukni-
medicine man: angalkuq
maxim — medicine man
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
medium: ~-sized beaver ucinglluar(aq*)
meek: be ~ cuyu-
, ellmikutuu-
meet: nall’arte-, narug-, pairte-, parte-
; go to ~
paircartur-; go out to ~ pairrsaag-; pleased to ~
you cama-i
meeting place: quyurrvik
Mekoryuk: Mikuryaq; mouth of the ~ River
Melanitta fusca: akacakayak, cetuskaq
Melanitta nigra: kukumyar(aq*), tunguleq,
Melanitta perspicillata: akacakayak, cingayak
Melospiza melodia: sulissuliar(aq*),
melt: ure-
, urug-; get ice to ~ cikutagci-; ~ed:
uruuma-; spot where the snow has ~ed
cingallineq, urunqiq
melting: place that has gotten water through ~
miineq; be ~ (of snow) aniullugte-; soft ~ snow
aqigtaq, nutaqerrun; start ~ aqigte-; ~ ice edge
meltwater: have a ~ overow essmiar-
member: council ~ qaillukuarta; ~ of the cat family
kuskarpagngalnguq*; ~ of the ock katngaq*;
~ of the messengers sent during a challenge
feast curukaq; ~ of the herd katngaq*; ~ of an
immense herd katengvak; ~ of the majority
amllenrulria; ~ of the opposite sex picari-; ~ of
the Russian Orthodox Church Kass’alugpiaq,
membrane: amiruaq; taut ~ eciq; ~ on the inner
side of a pelt caterrluk
memorable: it is ~ aviurnarqe-
memorial: object placed on grave as a ~ alailun; ~
dish neq’ari-
Memorial Day: Neq’arivik
memory: have rst experience that leaves a lasting
~ cellange-, ellange-; ceremony of clothing
persons in ~ Ac’eciyaraq
men: associate with ~ anguciur-; be jealous
(between ~ and women) qungyar-; ~ called
“mothers” during holiday aanak, Aaniq; ~’s
boot with fur inside ilutmurtaq; ~’s community
house aqumgavik, kiiya, qasgi, qaygiq; ~’s
dancing stick or wand iqiilitaq; ~’s high
wading boot qamquinaq
mend: kitugte-; ~ a shnet qilag-
menses: be restricted due to rst ~ caagnite-
; give
one’s belonging to girl with rst ~ ¥gayite-
menstrual: ~ pad tungeq, uruq; be separated when
having rst ~ period avisnga-
menstruate: agleq, caarrliqe-; girl who recently ~d
for the rst time aglenraraq*, aglenrraq*
menstruation: agleq; follow traditional practices
associated with ~ agelru-, eyag-
mental: lack ~ ability umyuarite-, umyugaite-;
~ activity umsuaq, umyuaq, umyugaq; ~ health
umyualiurtet qalaruciyaraat; ~
powers avnir-
mentally: be ~ ill umyuiqe-, usviite-; become ~ ill
usviir-; be ~ uncomfortable arenqiallugte-; be
~ ready alke-; be ~ upset qerralerte-; train ~
mention: apaa-, kanar-
; hear ~ (of) niiga’rte-; ~ by
name apaa-, aterpagte-
merchandise: aklu, see Nelson (25)
merchant: kupcaaq, laavkiurta
merciful: be ~ naklegtar-, takumcuke-
mercury: al’tuutaq
mercy: takumcukun
merely: ~ N (pb) -inaq*, -qainaq; ~ V (pb) -nginar-,
merganser: common ~ payirpak; red-breasted ~
nuyavvlucangaq, payiq
Mergus merganser: payirpak
Mergus serrator: nuyavvlucangaq, payiq
merit: ~ compassion takumcunarqe-
mermaid: qununiq
mesentery: root ~ of the small and large intestine
mesh: wire ~ taluyarkaun; single ~ of a net negaq;
~ of an ice dipper kuvyakuinr(aq*)
mess: ~ around caarkaitur-, caqlak, elucitukuayag-,
qaillukuar-; ~ up ulevte-, ulligte-; one who ~es
around tekallngaq
messenger: cingileguaq, kevgaq; ~ in Messenger
Feast agayaq, aqvak’ngaq, cauyarcir-, cingesta,
curukaq, paiqaq
Messenger Feast: kevgaq, Kevgiq, Kevgiruaq;
person who starts the ~ nasquq; messengers
during the ~ aqvak’ngaq; bring messengers
back to request gifts during ~ ut’rarute-;
person or village that sends out messengers
during the ~ cingesta; invitation to the ~
kevgiaq; sing the invitation during the ~
medium — Messenger Feast
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
enirarar-; a gift-requesting dance during
the ~ yuranerrlugcaraq, yurapigcaraq;
song sung during the ~ requesting specic
gifts yuarukar(aq*); ridicule during the
~ nernerrlugcetaar-; song during the ~
designed to make the listener ashamed
yuaruksualler(aq*); give or receive gifts
during the ~ marlagtur-; give small gifts to
the messengers during the ~ cauyarcir-; gift
exchange partner during the ~ agyuk; ask for
specic gifts during the ~ taitnauraar-; receive
the specic gifts requested during the ~ pitar-;
bring a small gift for the communal men’s
house during the ~ umguci-; child of the one
sponsoring the ~ kinguneq
; dance festivity
during the ~ Kassiyuq; dance the rst dance
when a visiting group arrives for the ~ ciuqi-;
rst dancer bringing in gifts during the ~
kapqerraarta; one of a set of people who go
back and forth before the ~ begins paiqaq; last
dancer during the ~ kasmilria
messy: be ~ qucavvlag-, ulevte-; become ~ uqlar-;
~ person ikanga-, kenciate-, qucak, qucavvluk;
be unpleasantly ~ pellernarqe-; have ~ hair
nuyalli-; ~ things paq!
metacarpal: ~ in walrus ipper pasvik
metal: cavignaq, cavik, cavikucuk, teggliq; be
worked (of ~) cama-; ~ forehead ornament
camataq; scrap ~ cavignalquq; metal dish
tuli’ilkaaq; arrow with ~ tip teggliaraq; ~ tool
(le) aleq
metalworking tool: cavignarcuun, caviliurcuun
metaphor: taringcetaarun
metarsus: pinevneq
meteor: agyam anaa
method: cayaraq; ~ of V-ing (pb) -yaraq
mew gull: arliaq, egiaq, naruyaq
, tarliaq
mice: area dug up by ~ anqulleq; tubers collected
by ~ and taken by people
avelngaat neqait,
Microgadus proximus: ceturrnaq, iqalluaq
microphone: qalarcissuun
Microtus sp.: avcellngaq*, avelngaq*, ugnaraq*,
midden: ciqitat, qanitaq
middle: akuliq, qeteq, qukaq; act on the ~ of (it)
qukartur-; tassel in ~ of a parka avan; ~ area
qukarneq; ~ of the month
iraluq avegtuq; ~ one
akuleqliq*, qukaqliq*
middle nger: akulipeq, akulipraq, alqiliq, aquq,
katneq, qaquq, qatneq
, qeteqliq, qussuq; ~ in
measurement malruneq
middle-aged: ~ woman arnangiar(aq*)
midget: yuk’acessngiar(aq*)
midnight: see Petroff (17)
midsection: akula
, akunleq; ~ of a sh qukarneq
midwife: irnivkarta, nayurta
might: feel apprehensive that something ~ happen
mighty: be ~ artuqaite-
migraine headache: qamiqiqerpagyaraq,
Mikchalk Lake: Cetamiit Nanvat
mild-mannered: ~ person ellmikutuar(aq*)
mildew: cukutaq, yukutaq; have ~ yukutarte-
mile: ~’s distance agneq
milk: amngaq, malak’uuq, milek, milekuuq,
muluk’uuq; mothers ~ emuk; ~ tooth
kegguteqarraaq; appear oily and ~y uquarqe-;
be ~y qayuri-
Milky Way:
tulukaruum tanglurallri
millipede: munarnarli
millstone: miilissuun
milt: eriq
mind: umsuaq, umyuaq, umyugaq; be of one ~
umyuallgutke-; change one’s ~ taq’i-; frame of
~ umyuaq; be in a good frame of ~ ellakegci-,
umyuaqegci-; be in a bad frame of ~ eqmallug-;
have something come to ~ neq’ar-; have a good
~ usvingqerr-; have a troubled ~ umyuiqe-;
lose one’s ~ usviir-; V after changing one’s ~
(pb) -tngurte-; not V after changing one’s ~ (pb)
÷ar-; sense of the ~ elpeke-; ~ one’s own
business ellmikutuu-
mindful: be ~ niisnga-
miner: mainaq
minerals: prospect for ~ akissaar-, akissur-
mingle: tangaliute-
minister: agayulirta, qulirarta
mink: imarmiutaq*, palurngalria, see Orlov (9); trap
for ~ teggvak; form inserted into skins of ~
; ~ fur sewn on garment pinevyacagaq*,
uulungak; ~ scent gland ic’ukcak, ikcukcak;
parka with ~ atkupiaq, qaliq
minor: V in a ~ way (pb) -qaci-
minute: cetya(g)aq*; in the past ~s uumirpak
messy — minute
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
mirage: hang in the air (of a ~) ini-; ~ effect of
temperature inversion inivkaq
mire: angayaq; get ~d qap’ite-
mirror: tarenriurun
misbehave: anagute-, ellalkarte-, ellangpar-
miscarriage: irnicuaq; be restricted because of ~
miscarry: irnicuaq
mischievous: be ~ inerciigate-; ~ child asriq; act ~ly
misdeeds: berate with a song recounting a person’s
~ kingullugte-
, kingullugun; distraught
because of relative’s ~ mak’urte-
misfortune: picurlak; something to prevent ~
picurlagyailkutaq; ~ in V-ing (pb) -curlak
mishap: have a ~ picurlak
misplace: cagmar-, enllugte-, tamar-
mispronounce: qutqur-; ~ velars pikagte-, pilegte-
miss: ivar-, kingur(ar)te-, yuar-; ~ somehow
natruarte-; ~ by overshooting or undershooting
natruarte-; ~ by shooting to the side
inglutruarte-; ~ by shooting too high qulruarte-;
~ the mark uniurte-; ~ someone or something
imlalinru-; ~ by passing each other out of
sight amarriigute-; ~ by passing in opposite
directions kipullgute-; ~ by passing through
the N area (pb) -trute-
missile: hit with a ~ uyaqe-
missing: go ~ paqrite-; ~ someone after his death
missionary: ayagcetaaq
mist: taatuggluk, taituk; for ~ to close in and clear
up repeatedly quurruyag-; ghost or spirit
indicated by ~ nepengyaq; ~ of cold air coming
into a warm house ancarneq, anllugneq
mistake: alarneq, alarun ; learn from one’s ~
anucimirqe-; make a ~ alarte-, ulapsagte-; ~ for
something else alarqiigute-; be ~n alangqa-
mistreat: akusraruteke-, ilalke-, ilasqite-
mistress: kevgiuqengaq
misty: be ~ miscir-
mitten: aliiman, aliuman, aritvak, kauman; any ~
arilluk, arin; sh-skin ~ arilluk, arin; ~ palms
mix: akute-, angulate-, ilaliute-; ~ by shaking or
stirring angalate-; ~ in avukegcagte-, avuyute-
mixed: be ~ up tala-; clay ~ with caribou hair
urasqaq; piled ice ~ with mud marayilugneq
mixing bowl: akucissuun, akutessuun
mixture: akutaq; aged ~ of greens and berries
acaarrluk; cooked ~ of fungus or lichens
elqunaq; ~ of ash and wood sap angerqun;
~ of berries and other ingredients amekaq,
akutauqmak, atsiuraq, passiaq, uqiinaq,
uquinaq, uqumleq
moan: aara-, kenaa-, qenaa-, yuuniar-, see Barnum
mock: ciriteke-, ikiarqe-, qacungake-
model: petugtaq
, pilinguaq
modern: ~ eyeshade elqipcuaq
moist: be ~ arilla-, yukutarte-; ~en merqe-
moisture: arilla, cukutaq, sukutaq, yukutaq; become
soft from ~ angivkar-
molar: iqlirpak, tamuayaraq
mold: aqak, aqataq; ~ (for forming a shape)
eyurcissuun; bullet ~ imin, puulissuun, qerrin;
~ (fungus) uquggluk; ~ inside gill covers
moldy: be ~ aqatarte-, uquggluk; become ~ mineg-,
mole: ~ on the skin augyaq, tuqunquq
mollusk: seashore ~ cinarayak
molt: ingte-; new feathers on a ~ing goose emquq
Monday: Pekyun
money: get ~ akinge-; one’s supply of ~ akiun; one
without ~ akiilnguq*; be without ~ pulug-; deal
with ~ akikiur-, akiliur-; donate ~ ellii-; grants
of ~ kaigatet unakek’ngat
Mongolian spot: qiuneq
monkey: kumakiarayuli, mangkiq, miluquyuli
monkshood: cetegneq, nacapcuaq
Monodon monoceros: cirunelvialuk
monster: carayak; a certain ~ quurpallr(aq*); ~ sh
; ~ identied as “Bigfoot” arularaq;
~ said to devour whales ulurrugnaq; ~ that
eats people yuilriq; make noises (as of a ~)
month: iraluq, tanqik; cold ~ tanqiluryaq;
determine appropriate name for ~ iraluiraute-;
beginning of the ~ iralunguq; end of the ~
iraluq nang’uq; middle of the ~ iraluq avegtuq;
month (calendar): see Appendix 7; ~ of January
tanqiluryaq kinguqliq; ~ of
February Kanruyauciq, Kepnerciq, Kuiget
Aaniit, Unguurvik; ~ of March Kepnerciq,
taqukat tanqiat, Tengmiirviguaq; ~ of
mirage — month
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
April tengaurtet tanqiat, Tengemqapiar,
Tengmiirvik; ~ of May Cupun,
nutiit, maniit anutiit, Qusiirvik, tengmiaret
anqiat; ~ of June Cupvik, Kaugun, Tengmiaret
Irnitiit; ~ of July Alpaarusvik, Ingun
piyagaat tengutiit, yaqulget ingutiit; ~ of
August Amirairun, Qilangaarusvik, Tengun;
~ of September Amiraayaaq, Amirairvik; ~
of October
nanvat cikutiit, Qaariitaarvik,
Qerrlurcarturvik; ~ of November Cauyarvik; ~
of December
tanqiluryaq ciuqliq
mood: be in a bad ~ nacarrlugteqe-; change ~
abruptly qailqerte-
moon: iraluq, tanqik, unuggsuun, see Turner (33);
full ~ iralvak; halo around ~ kalukaq
; set (of
~) teve-; shine (of ~) iralir-; Sirius, “the ~ dog”
iralum qimugtii; eclipse of ~ iraluq nalauq; to
rise (of the ~) pit’e-
; ~ is “lying down on its
iraluq nevengqauq; for ~ to be out iralir-;
new ~
iraluq pituq; ~ is full iraluq muirtuq;
~ is half full
iraluq avegtuq; ~ is waning
iraluq nangyarturtuq; ~ is waxing iraluq
moose: nulirta, tunturpak, tuntuvak; cow ~
arnaqatak; stomach lining of ~ qecaruaq; ~
nose ungalruk; tanned ~ hide qatviaq; ~ skin
used as a mattress alliqupak; ~ sinew as thread
mope: qirruarte-
moral support: source of ~ cacetuqun
Moravian Protestant: Holy Communion (~)
atanrem nerevkaritii
more: cali; be ~ amllenru-; become ~ V (pb)
-kaniir(ar)-; be no ~ nange-; keep going back
for ~ uyiqe-; one ~ V (pb) -lleq
; stroke gently
~ than once ellaigar-; V ~ and ~ (pb) -iinar-,
-kanir(ar)-, -liri-; give possessions to one ~
in need iknite-; no ~ N (pb) -tairute-; be ~ V
(pb) -llru-
; ~ V (pb) -nru-; take ~ than what is
needed cingkissaag-
more than once: bite ~ keggmar-; chop ~ piqertuar-;
step ~ tutmar-; strike ~ with an object
kaugtuar-; V ~ (pb) -mar-
moreover: tuamta-llu
morning: early ~ unuakuar; in the ~ unuaku; one
~ erucit iliitni; this past ~ unuaq; hum when
going out in the ~ uyuruar-
Morning Star: Ageskurpak, ulugtalria,
mortar: miilissuun; wooden ~ akuyun
mortise: ussukcaq
mosquito: egturyaq, kegturyaq, makuryaq,
melugyaraq, see Adams (42); ~ net egturyarcuun,
makuryiurcuun, negacungaq; ~-net tent
tupiq’uyaq; ~ repellent egturyarcuun,
makuryiurcuun; for there to be lots of ~es
moss: caulking material of ~ soaked in seal
oil piicetaaq; ~ sewn inside seams of
kayak cigvinguaq; reindeer ~ ciruneruat,
taqukanguaq, tuntut neqait; sphagnum ~
uruq, see Petroff (16); ~ soaked in aged seal oil
(“Eskimo ice cream”) puya; bandage with ~
soaked in seal oil cupkecir-; ~ used as a lamp
wick nanikiitaq, uusqunguaq
most: the ~ V of the possessors (pb) -lleq
; ~
important form of N (pb) -pik
; ~ probably V or
be V (pb) -milli-
mostly: one that is ~ N (pb) -rpalluk, -rrlainaq*
Motacilla ava: ikigcaqaq, pec’aqaq
moth: caqelngataq*, lumarrallertuyuli, qamiqurpak
mother: aakaq, aana, caqun; child of unwed ~
atailnguq*, cailkakuaq, cailkakun yuurtelleq;
baby who ate his ~ Aanakalliiq; ~ bearded seal
swimming near an ice oe on which her pup is
lying uginagumaq; ~ bearded seal swimming
with a cub on her back qamuqataq; ~’s brother
mothers milk: emuk
motion: be in ~ arula, egilra, eglerte-, gilerte-;
impede ~ kenercete-; be sensitive to ~ terikegg-;
not be sensitive to ~ terikeggiate-; work skin in
a circular ~ ulug-
; be in ~ (of air) aqlate-; walk
swiftly over thin ice as it makes a waving ~
cialiur-; dancing ~ kass’ig-, yagira-, yagiraciq
motion sickness: suffer ~ angayiite-
motor: massiinaq; apparatus that makes the spark
in a ~ kenngallagassuun; armature plate in a ~
kenrem curua; breaker point in a ~ kegketaaq;
cam follower in a ~
nepcurlim tegumiaqestii;
one who drives the ~ while the net iqugta; oiler
wick in a ~ uqurcailkun; valve in a ~
mayuqetaara; outboard ~ elliqeryaraq,
kaassalinaq, kiikanguaq, levaaq
motor oil: avukaq, uqulkuk
motorboat: kaassalinaq
mood — motorboat
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
mound: englulluk, pengunquq, penguq,
qertunqucuk; at ~ nunapik; natural ~
mountain: cirmik, ingri, ingriq, see Zagoskin (3);
front of ~ caa, sayangaq; scale a ~ qasqite-; spur
of ~ talliqutaq; top of ~ kangeq; monster that
lives in the ~ yuilriq; ~ of snow depicted on
parka yurturuaq
mountain harebell:
caqelngataat neqait
Mountain Village: Asaacaryaq, Asaucaryaq
mourn: qivru-; ~ over qiateke-, qivruke-; be in ~ing
mourner: tuquilria
mourning song: qian
mouse: avcellngaq*, avelngaq*, uugnar(aq*); ~ food
qertat, utngungssaq*; ~ nuts utngungssaq*;
meadow jumping ~ uiluruyak; see Nelson (65)
mouse caches: seek food stored in ~ pakissaag-;
horsetail or mare’s-tail tuber taken from
~ uqnaq; sweet green plant taken from ~
mouth (anatomical): qaneq; be open ~ed aitangqa-;
big ~ qanerpak; corner of ~ iqeq; foam at the
~ qapniurteqe-; gaping ~ aatar-; have food or
stains around one’s ~ tepli-; baby with a big
~ who ate his mother Aanakalliiq; open one’s
~ and emit sound aar-*
; open the ~ aatarte-;
part of drill held in ~ with teeth neg’utaq;
phlegm from ~ cagmak; pop (it) into one’s ~
iqemler-; put a little bit in one’s ~ iqemkar-; put
one’s ngers in one’s ~ alqimar-; roof of the ~
; something held in the ~ iqmik; suck
air through the saliva in one’s ~ nualiur-; thing
held in the ~ qanermiaq; have ~ open and teeth
clamped shut iryagte-
mouth (river): paa-
, paaluyar(aq*), pai-
; area a
little ways from ~ igyaraq; widening or bay at
the ~ of river tuqsuk; ~ of the Mekoryuk River
paaluyar(aq*); go upriver from the ~ kaute-;
dweller between ~ of the Yukon River and
Nelson Is. mararmiu; big hand from ocean
with ~ on each ngertip and a big ~ on the
palm itqiirpak
mouthpiece: ~ for drill keggsaraq, ken’gutaq,
neg’utaq, nerutaq; ~ of seal oat keviaq,
qerturvik; ~ of water bottle pass’aq
movable joint: arivneq
move: egilra, eglerte-, gilerte-, pekete-, pekte-,
petar-, upag-; be unable to ~ pekaunrir-; begin
to ~ eglenge-; so cramped by cold that one
cannot ~ pay’uqar-; ~ (it) around taluute-;
make a sudden ~ pek’arte-; marionette caused
to ~ pekcetaaq; feeling that one cannot ~
tupagyaaqe-, uqamair-; ~ a short distance
calligte-; ~ as one wakes up serr’ir-; ~ around
elraur-, tekagte-; ~ back keluvar-
; ~ back and
forth angala-, arula, pekangruyag-; ~ back from
the center of attention tage-; ~ by boat to sh or
seal camp angyiur-; ~ closer malkanir-; ~ from
one house to another agqur-, anqur-; ~ from
one place to another nugtarte-; ~ hips as during
sexual intercourse kuyakcar-; ~ in with others
eyir-; ~ on to another topic nugtarte-; ~ slightly
pekaksuar(ar)-, pekavyurte-; ~ something out
of the way calligte-; ~ the bowels anaq; ~ up
and down aassektaq; make something ~ up
and down aqlartar-; move with bow high ipug-,
qalugte-; be ~ by (it) pekyutke-
movement: stiffen to prevent ~ aksaqar-; make a ~
that attracts notice peke-
movie: suuq, tangercetaaq, tangrruaq; go to a ~
suuliyar-; preview of ~ tengrucetaarun
movie theater: suurvik, tangercetaarvik,
moving: ~ one’s feet or legs mumaa-; stop ~
arulair-; look back while ~ kingyar-; quicken
or begin ~ pek’nge-; ~ one’s body to the words
and rhythm agniur-; ~ ice oe that breaks away
from shore angengqaq*, manigaq, tualleq; ~
lengthwise takelmun; ~ widthwise kepelmun
much: amlleq; be ~ amlleq; how ~? qavcin, qayutun;
so ~! ik’ikika; too ~! angli-lli; very ~ cakneq;
expel ~ gas nelepag-; ~ N (pb) -yag-
mucus: cagmak, [e]ngva
, meryak
, ngev’a
; dried
eye ~ qavacilleq, quniggluk, qunik; have dried
~ in one’s eyes qunigqe-; nasal ~ engevvluk,
kakeggluk, kakek, ngevvluk
mud: marayaq, nevuq, qen’aq; be up to the waist
in ~ qukakiirar-; in ~ up to one’s N (pb) -kiirar-;
dark colored (from ~) piled ice tungussiqatak;
ice stuck on the ~ nepillineq; piled ice mixed
with ~ marayilugneq; sink into ~ muru-,
murua-; sunk into ~ qap’ite-; pit with wall
lined with ~ kaciitaq; use a story knife to draw
pictures on ~ yaarui-; very wet ~ maraspak;
stinky ~ maralruyak; slushy ~ used as caulk
muddy: be ~ marastu-, marayir-; ~ lowland maraq
mound — muddy
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
mudat: en’aq, ken’aq
mufn: akakcukuaq, angqacukuaq, angqessnguaq,
mufed: ~ animal noises emyugte-; ~ barks teriir-
mukluk: kameksak, kamguk, mangtak
multiple: divide into ~ portions avqur-; make ~
holes in (it) ukirqe-; land ~ times turqe-
multiplication: amllerikaniryaraq,
multipronged: ~ sh spear kapun
multitude of Ns: (pb) -r’aya’aq, -rugaq*
mumble: qaneksuar-, qaneksugte-
mumblety-peg: game somewhat like ~ kalackiiq,
kapuckaq, kapuckaryaraq
state-amek piyunarquciliumalriit nunat
murder: commit ~ yugte-; attempt to ~ carayar-; ~er
murky: be ~ cur-, ecur-, qayuri-; ~ water currluk
murmuring: make ~ sounds qaalruar-
murre: alpa; ~ skin and feather parka
murrelet: Kittlitz’s ~ taatuir(aq), taituir(aq*)
Musca domestica: anaririyaq, ciivak, ciuvak
Musca stercoraria: anaiq, anaririyaq
muscle: biceps ~ cekpik, cikpik, kayanguruaq;
gastrocnemius ~ nakacugnaq; pull a ~
ekiar-; suffer severe ~ cramps qeluarci-; have
cramped ~s qela-
; have sore ~s cagner-; relax
one’s ~s qeturi-; strain one’s ~s enguga’rte-,
nenguga’rte-; swat oneself to tone ~s taarri-
museum: ~ of man-made artifacts yugtarvik
mush: massaaq, qacapleq
mushroom: palurutaq,
tuunram ciutii; poisonous ~
mushy: ripen to a ~ state aru-
music: yuarun; move to the beat of ~ qac’ag-
musical instrument: aturcetaaq, atusaaq; organ (~)
negtaat; stringed ~ qelutviaq
musk ox: maskaq, umingmaq
musket: uquutellek
muskrat: iligvak, kanaqlak, kevgaluk, kuigtaq,
kuiguartaq, tevyuli; baby ~ curacetuya(g)aq*;
form inserted into ~ skins aquun
; parka made
of ~ pelts atkupiaq, kanaqlak; ~ hung by the
neck to dry qemitaq*; ~’s feeding hole in the
ice anlu
mussel: qapilaaq
must not: (pb) -arkaqenrilka
mustache: ~ hair ungak
Mustela sp.: agluruyak, aklanqurrun, amitatuk,
enairayuliyagaq*, narulkiaq, teriaq
mute: be ~ qanyuite-; ~ person qanyuilnguq*
mutually: atunem
muzzle: ~ for dog cunguilitaq, keggsailkutaq;
~-loading rie imarpalek
my: see Endings section; ~ N, . . . (pb) -maa; ~ surprise
qayuwa; ~, how cute! ineqsikika; ~, how V! (pb)
Myodes rutilus: puveltuk
Myosotis alpestris: caqelngataat neqait
Myotis lucifugus: unuir(aq*)
Myoxocephalus sp.: nertuli
mythical thunderbird: tengmiarpak
N: for there to be ~ (pb) -tange-, -tar-
; ~ and
companion (pb) -(e)nkut; ~ and family (pb) -(e)
nkut; ~ area of possessor (pb) -qaq; ~ caught by
possessor -taq
; ~ made by possessor (pb) -liaq;
~ part of something (pb) -taq
; ~ specically
(pb) -taq
; ~ that has departed from its natural
state (pb) -rrluk; ~ times -rqu; ~ with respect to
possessor (pb) -te-
; ~-ward (pb) -tmun
nag: qak’urte-
nagoonberry: puyuraar(aq*), puyurniq, puyuruaq
nail: ucukcaq, ussukcaq; nger~ cituk; ~ (it) up
ussukcaute-; peghammer a ~ ussukcaq; scratch
hard with ~ cetugmig-
nail clippers: cetuircuutek
naked: isser-, see Barnum (1); be ~ issengqa-,
itumnga-, matangqa-, matarrayagar-; be
stark ~ matak’acagar-; go partially or totally
~ kemgarar(ar)-, matqapiar-; be ~ on top
Naknek: Nakniq
name: acir-, ateq; address by ~ aterpagte-; old ~
of Bethel Uuyarmiut; calling by a relational ~
tuqluun; give as a ~ aciute-; sign one’s ~ sainar-;
~ for the month iraluiraute-; ~ is forgotten
mudat — name
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
or not known imkuciq; ~ sharer atellgun,
qup’ayugaq; person after whom one is ~d ateq;
call by offensive ~s arive-, arivte-; alternate ~
of the hero Kukugyarpak Tep’arrluaq
namesake: atqesta, qellucungaq, qelluraq; ~ of the
dead neqliskengaq; give offerings to the ~ of
the dead neqlite-; give clothing to the ~(s) of
the dead ac’eci-, uivutar-
nap: take a ~ qavamli-
Napakiak: Naparyarraq
Napamute: Napamiut
Napaskiak: Napaskiaq
nape: hair at ~ nauciq
nares: paciguaq
narrow: be ~ amelkite-, elurkite-, iqkite-, kapgite-,
lurkite-, nequkite-, uyakite-; ~ V-shaped
calfskin piece on parka qupun, tusrun; any
long ~ lake kuiguaq; goggles with ~ slits
niguak, niiguak; hide cut into ~ strip of
babiche aqsarqelleq; turn basket coils inward
for ~ed spout nungirte-
narrows: quuqaq
narwhal: cirunelvialuk
nasal congestion: have ~ umci-, umgi-
nasal mucus: engevvluk, kakeggluk, kakek,
nasal passage: curlu
nasal septum: decoration for ~ kakeggluguayaat
Nash Harbor: Ellikarermiut
nation: atanruvik, nunarpak
national guardsman: angusaurta, anguyagta
Native-made: ~ item yugtaq; ~ maul uluryarutaq
natural: one separated from here by a ~ barrier
akemkumiu; go against a ~ force asguq; ~
mound anglutugaq; N that has departed from
its ~ state (pb) -rrluk
naturally: lose a tooth ~ ilngir-; ~ occurring hole in
the ice kianeq
nature: eluciq, luuciq; be afraid of a force of ~
nangyaqe-, nangyaryug-; be of an irritable ~
uumitar-; critical by ~ nangrutar-; tend by ~ not
to V (pb) -taite-
naughty: be ~ as’ercir-, asrircir-; ~ child asriq
nauseated: be ~ miryalngu-
navel: qallaciq
near: be ~ canimete-, malleg-, mallegte-, qante-,
uyakite-; come ~ canimelli-; get ~ qanli-; stay
~ paayaar-; the thing ~ the person being
spoken to tauna; area ~ surface ceva; ~ the
door uaqliq*; Indian not from ~ the Yup’ik area
nearby: want (him) to be ~ nanelkaunrite-
near future: in the ~ icivaaraqu, ukaniku,
ukaqvaggun, uumiarqu
neat: be ~ pinqegg-
necessary: ~ aid to V-ing (pb) -tnguarkaq
necessity: nuuqutkaq; pay with the ~ies of life
pupsir-; be depressed about a lack of ~ies
cumerte-, cumerteqe-
neck (anatomical): uyaquq; back of head just above
the ~ tunucuk; base of the ~
keggasgek akuliik,
tarenriryaraq; be in up to the ~ uyaqukiirar-;
dip in back of ~ qunutungarcuun, talirneq;
hair at nape of ~ nauciq
; parotid gland in the
~ iiraq; scruff of the ~ pequq
; swollen lymph
node in the ~ qenercinrraq*
neck (often non-anatomical or non-human): uya;
~ opening of a parka nugyaraq, pugyaraq; ~ of
seal uyalquq
neckbone: uyaqinraq
necked: thin-~ clam uviluq
necklace: uyamik, uyaq¥rrun, uyaraq
need: be in ~ (pb) -icag-, kapia-; someone more in
~ iknite-; no ~ ilaviite-; ~ something pinarqe-; ~
something and seek it kepqe-; take more than
what is ~ed cingkissaag-; have all that one ~s
qara-; in case one ~s it ekqun
needle: cikuq
, mingqun; glovers ~ anguarutnguaq;
hypodermic ~ kapsuun, kapun; inoculate with
a hypodermic ~ kape-; steel ~ kass’artaq; push
a ~ in kaki-; three-cornered ~ anguarutnguaq,
ciilaq, ulunalek; three-cornered skin-sewing
~ ipgut’lek, quagulek, umilek; ~ made from
crane’s foot kakuun; ~’s eye egliraq; piece in
which ~ are stored kakisvik
needlecase: cikivik, kakivik, mingqucivik,
needlesh: ilaqcuugaq, quarruuk
needy: be ~ ngangamciqe-
negative: ~ feelings (pb) -kayag; verbal expression
of ~ opinion ap’nerrlugun
neglect: cakemte-, qevte-
; be ~ed qevinga-; be ~ful
arenqigillranun qalarutekluku
Negro: akertem aciarmiu, taaqsipak, taqcipak,
namesake — Negro
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
neighbor: take food to a ~ payugte-; next-door ~
Nelson Is.: Qaluyaaq; coast area between ~ and the
mouth of the Kuskokwim Canineq; atland
dweller between the mouth of the Yukon
and ~ mararmiu; creator of ~ ciuliaqatuk;
folk hero from the Kuskokwim and ~ areas
Apanuugpak; strips of calfskin on parka worn
on ~ agun
, aquun
; prominent sh camp on
~ Umkumiut; traditional parka worn by ~
Yup’iks qaliq
neonate: anenerraq*
Neovison vison: imarmiutaq*, palurngalria
nephew: female’s sisters child (~) nurr’aq; man’s ~
through his sister usruq, uyruq; ~ of a woman
through her brother an’garaq
nerve: akngiq, elpeksuun; optic ~
iim elpeksuutii, iim
yualui, takviim tumyaraa
nest: unglu; smallest egg in a ~ uuqessngitak
nestling: aitaupayagaq*
net: make a ~ kuvyi-; ~ gage negaqeggun,
qilakeggun; single mesh of a ~ negaq; ~ that
been made by a knot tying-like process
; ~ shuttle qipaun; catch sh with a
~ kuvyate-; be caught in water, in a ~ napte-;
be deep (of a ~) narrlutu-; be shallow (of a ~)
narrlukite-; burst through ~ qagrute-; check a ~
kuvyassur-; handmade ~ oat akcaniq; stomach
or bladder used as a ~ oat qeciqutaq; king
salmon ~ taryaqvagcuun; line made from skins
of ringed or spotted seal and used for making
king salmon ~ tapruar(aq*)
; ne-mesh ~ for
dog salmon caqutaugaq; line used to set and
reset a ~ under the ice amun; stick used to set a
~ under the ice kasmurun; one who maneuvers
the motor while the ~ is being set out iqugta;
set a ~ kuvyir-; work a ~ by hand nekvayar-;
~ into which sh are driven qelcaq; seal ~
taqukassuun; mosquito ~ makuryiurcuun,
negacungaq; remove a ~ yuu-
; ptarmigan ~
pugsuaq; ~ thrown over birds yag’arussuk, see
Nelson (98); ~ used to capture birds on sea cliffs
egqaqun; play a game similar to volleyball but
without a ~ akiqaar(ar)-
net sherman: kuvyasta
net-hanging needle: qipaun
net-making device: qilagcuun
net sinker: kicaqutaq, kis’un; slit at each end of a ~
netting shuttle: imgutaq
, imruyutaq*, qilagcuun; ~
for snowshoes nulurcuun
nettle: qatlinaq
neural: ~ arch of sh qetgaq; ~ spine of sh
never: agurrluk; ~ be helpless kalivqinaite-; ~ ever!
watpik; ~ hear niicuite-; ~ V (pb) -yuite-
nevertheless: amta-llu, tavatellengraan
new: be ~ nutarau-; provide a bride with ~
clothing nulirrucir-; ~ edible willow growth
tayarulunguaq; ~ feather growth emquq; ~
grass vesraya(g)aq*; ~ ice cikunerraq*, elliqaun;
~ ice in fall nutaqerrun; ~ N (pb) -kegtaar(aq*),
-nerraq*; ~ thing nutaraq, nutaqaq
New Hamilton: Nanvaruk
New Knockhock: Nunaqerraq
new moon: for there to be a ~ pit’e-
; there’s a ~
iraluq pituq
New Stuyahok: Cetuyaraq
New Testament:
agayutem akqutii nutaraq
newborn: ~ child anenerraq*, anqenkiyagaq,
anqiitayagaq, yuurrnerrar(aq*); projection near
~’s ear ut’rutaq; ~ or unborn seal ul’utvak; ~
skin carriqaq
Newhalen: Nuuriileng
Newtok: Niugtaq
next: kingumek; year after ~ yaaliaku; make
plans for the ~ day unuaqute-; ~ summer
kiaku; ~ time uumiku; ~ to the gills kaugun
kaugtuapak, kaugtuutaq
; ~ year allamiku,
allragniku; ~-door neighbor elaqliq*; ~-to-end
deck beam of kayak tuntunaq
nice: be ~ aariga’ar-, assir-, pinir-; ~ N (pb)
-kegtaar(aq*); be a ~ place nunakegte-; be ~
weather ellakegci-; ~ weather yuupiksagte-;
treat ~ly piyurrluar(ar)-
nickel: mamtulria, uqsurpayagaq; ~ (coin) maskaq
niece: nurr’aq; man’s ~ through his sister usruq,
uyruq; ~ of a woman through her brother
night: unuk; all ~ unugpak; ghost or spirit
indicated by noise at ~ nepengyaq; ghost
said to take children who are out too late at ~
uligiayuli; occur late at ~ tengurpag-; spend the
~ unugi-; stay up all ~ pegg’ar-; for a storm to
approach before ~ falls cingqutui-
night light: unuggsuun
nightmare: have a ~ pel’i-
neighbor — nightmare
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Nightmute: Negtemiut
nightwear: numarraq
nilas: elliqaun, yuulraaq
nine: qulngunritara(aq*), qulngurutailnguut,
qulnguyan; ~ in cards qukalek, qukarrak
nineteen: yuinaunritaraan
Ninglick Channel: Ningliq
nipple: emulek, mula, muulek; ~ of baby bottle
nit: ingqiq
no: qaang, qang’a; ~! agu, angu; be ~ different
from others cangallrunrite-; have ~ feelings
of proper respect takaite-; be ~ less than or
more than others cangallrunrite-; ~ longer
V (pb) -nrir-, -yuirute-; ~ longer able to V
(pb) -lguirute-, -sciigali-; ~ longer going to
V (pb) -ngair(ar)te-; ~ longer want to V (pb)
-yuumiir(ar)te-; for there to be ~ more nange-,
(pb) -tairute-; for there to be ~ N (pb) -taite-
for there to be ~ need or room to add more
ilaviite-; for ~ particular purpose ellmikun;
have ~ place like it nanelviite-; for there to be ~
indications of human presence yulkiite-; have
~ time for (it) urenkenrite-; ~ wonder since —
cunawa; ~ wonder! anirtima; ~-good, darned N
(pb) -lkuk
no-see-ums: melugyar(aq*)
nod: ~ agreement nayangaq
noise: nepa
, see Zagoskin (18), Petroff (11), Adams
(43); ghost indicated by ~ at night nepengyaq; ~
of impact qasiaq; have one’s ears hurt by loud
~ qukilngu-; hurt or annoyed by loud ~ qukir-;
loud ~ of breakers on the beach ceryuq; loud
~ mengqurpak; make ~ with things mianigte-;
make ~ nepsarte-, nepugte-, qasqaara-; make
a ~ that is evidence of N (pb) -lkite-; make
crunching ~ while chewing qangqur-; with a
big clattering or rattling ~ kavcagpak; make a
clattering ~ lerli-; make a crackling ~ tiivartar-;
make a loud ~ mamqe-, miite-
; make a ringing
~ qasiarte-; make a rumbling ~ tem’irte-;
make a scraping ~ cegerte-; make a shufing
~ pivagte-; make the N ~ (pb) -te-
; make ~
as one wakes up serr’ir-; rumbling ~ tem’iq;
make a crackling or crunching ~ in joints
qiaryigte-; make presence known by making ~
yulkite-; make ~ when walking on snow or ice
kakiungqite-; make clanging and banging ~s
avirli-; make little ~s nepaksugte-; make loud
popping ~s cingqur-; make mufed animal ~s
emyugte-; not make any rustling ~s niugite-;
sudden or loud ~ migpak; suddenly make ~
noisily: nepsarpak, qiperrlugte-
noisy: be ~ avirlurte-, arivlurte-, nepetu-, neplir-,
Nome: Citnacuaq
non: dance ~-Native-style agnguar-; neck (often
~anatomical or nonhuman) uya; ~-husky
dog qimuggnguaq, qimugteguaq; ~-Natives
aipai(t); ~vital V-ing (pb) -ngssak
none: leave ~ mente-
nonhuman: female animal ~ arnacaluq; male
animal ~ angucaluq
noodle: macaroni ~ qilunguuyaq, qup’luruaq
noon: ernerem (erenrem) qukallra; for it to be ~
erenqurte-; ~ meal ernequtaq, ernermikutaq
noose: catch of ~ negaq
norm: think that something is not the ~ allaki-
normal: ~ to V (pb) -tuka
north: negeq, nerqik, uassiaq; in the ~ qagaa(ni),
qii(ni); ice coming from the ~ cikulugpiaq,
cikurpak; Yup’ik from the ~ shore of Norton
Sound Unaliq
North Star: Agyalluk, Agyarrlak
north wind: negeq, uassiaq
northeast: calaraq, keluvaq, kiugkenak; site in the ~
part of Nunivak Is. Qaviayarmiut
northern black currant: cularlussaq
northern goshawk: eskaviaq, qaku’urtaq
northern harrier: qaku’urtaq
northern lights: kiuryaq, qiuryaq
northern pike: ciulek, cukvak, cuukvak,
eluqruuyak, keggsuli, luqruuyak, qalru
northern pintail: iyukaq, napaqaq, tit’assiq,
uqsuqaq, uqulegaq, uqulkatak, uutkaaq,
uyaqucuayaalek, yuukaq
northern red currant: alar’ussaq
northern red-backed vole: puveltuk
northern right whale: cikaarturta
northern shrike: kanguruaq
northern waterthrush:
maram cetaara,
northerner: qagkumiu, qiimiu
northward: negetmun
Nightmute — northward
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Norton Sound: person from ~ who uses s in many
words instead of y pisalria; Yup’ik from the
~ area, especially from the villages of Elim,
Golovin, St. Michael, and Unalakleet Unaliq
Norwegian: Yaarayuli
nose: qengaq; blow or wipe the ~ kakeggluir-;
bridge of ~ akuliraq, qenngiq; have a runny ~
enevvli-, engevvli-, kakeggli-, kak’li-, nevvli-,
ngevvli-; have a stuffed ~ umgi-; person with
a snotty running ~ kakelvak; hook one’s index
nger under someone’s ~ and push upward
katengvag-, narcig-, narite-; press the ~ against
anothers face, accompanied by a quick
upward motion cingar-; pierced ~ iingaculluk;
sculpin with pointed ~ qengaruvagaq; side of ~
pacigaq; ~ of moose, seal, walrus, etc. ungalruk
nose bead: cigvik, ingcu
nosebleed: have a ~ kakegte-; burned bark used as
an inhalant to stop ~ eskaaniq
nostril: curlu, paciguaq; groove between the ~s and
upper lip kakeggliliyaraq
nosy: be ~ tevviriyukar-
not: absolutely ~ angurrluk; ~ be able or t to
V (pb) -arkaunrir-; ~ be able to do without
nanelviite-; ~ be able to look right at
someone due to respect qitngayug-; ~ be
able to V (pb) -ciigate-; ~ be able to V any
longer (pb) -ciigali-; ~ be able to V easily
(pb) -ngiate-; ~ be dexterous qucavliqe-; ~ be
energetic qulungllugte-; ~ be good iqlutuu-;
~ be intimidating takarnaite-; ~ be ready
yet cayugnaite-; ~ be such as to make one
want to V, or to V it (pb) -yugnaite-
; ~ be
taut qacu-
; ~ be the cause pinarqenrite-;
~ be worrisome pengegnaite-; ~ believe
something or someone asgurayug-; be blue
in the face from ~ breathing nuu-; ~ care to
V (pb) -yuumiite-; ~ cause one to feel shy
takarnaite-; ~ come out to welcome a visitor
anyaqturte-; ~ cringe uluryaite-; change mind
and ~ do something taq’i-; ~ ever agurrluk; ~
fear getting hit uluryaite-; ~ feel like doing
anything cuyuumiite-; ~ fully procient hunter
nukasegauciq; ~ get or give enough palarte-;
sulk after having ~ gotten one’s way nengar-; ~
have N any more (pb) -i:rute-; ~ have something
piite-; ~ have V-ed (yet) (pb) -ksaite-; ~ have
V-ed (pb) -llrunrite-; ~ hear ciutaite-; ~ inspire
condence kemyunaite-; ~ know nallu-
uunguciirute-, uunguciite-; ~ know about
that with which one is dealing nalluyugci-;
~ know at this particular time nalluqar-; ~
know each other nallute-
; ~ know how one
is with respect to V-ing (pb) -ciite-; ~ know
what one is doing nallute-
; ~ know whether
one is V-ing (pb) -ciite-; ~ know which one
naliquciite-; ~ knowing na-, nallu-
, nallutmun;
~ need pinarqenrite-; ~ omit or pass over any
qaqite-; be ~ oneself qayuwete-; be ~ quite
right qayuwete-; ~ quite V (pb) -nritar(ar)-;
~ recognize at rst tangnerraq; ~ remember
unime-; ~ seen or be heard of again ngelaite-; ~
take (it) seriously qessanake-; ~ take anything
along when one goes nangrinar-; ~ take care
of one’s possessions cumiite-; ~ tend to induce
one to V (pb) -yunaite-; ~ V (pb) -nrice
-nrite-, -peke-; ~ V any more (pb) -nanrir-;
~ V be going to V for a while (pb) -yalqaate-;
~ V enough (pb) -myag-, -vlaag-; ~ V in the
future (pb) -ngairute-, -ngaite-; ~ very good
N (pb) -nglluk; ~ want (him or it) around
one avirake-; ~ want (it, him) anymore
qessayagute-; ~ want something around
avirayug-; ~ want to leave qemag-
; cause (him)
to ~ want to touch it pellernir-; ~ want to V (pb)
notary public:
takarnarqucirista kalikanek
notch: ~ for bowstring in arrow or bow teru; ~ed
end of bow qeluyaraq
nothing: absolutely ~ caitqapik; be ~ caunrite-;
have ~ cagg’ite-; regard as ~ caunrilke-; ~ but N
(pb) -rrlainaq*; merely N and ~ more (pb) -inaq*;
~ special ell’araq; ~ that can be done about it
nothingness: reduce to ~ caunrir-
notice: (n) nallunairun, (v) alake-
, alaqe-; ~! atam;
make a movement that attracts ~ peke-; prepare
to leave on short ~ uplerquute-
noticeable: be very ~ miluute-; V in a small and not
very ~ way (pb) -ksuar(ar)-
notication: nallunairun
notify: elpengcar-, nallunritevkar-
November: Cauyarvik,
imam umgutii, see
Adams (77)
novice shaman: alairyuaralria
now: ku(ni), maa-i, maa-irpak, maa(ni), wani,
waniwa, watmi; be able to V ~ (pb) -yaurte-;
like ~ wacicetun; up till ~ ukanirpak; ~ and for
Norton Sound — now
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
a short time wanirpak; V ~ and then (pb)
, -qaqur(ar)-; ~ be unable to V (pb)
-arkaunrir-; from ~ on wak’nirnek; just ~ for
the good nutaan
nowadays: like ~ watuacetun
nowhere: trapped by ice with ~ to go pamru-
nozzle: ~ of something inated qerrurcuun
nudge: enuqar-, enuur-, kenuur-
nuisance: be a ~ papsinarqe-; nd (it) a ~ papsike-
numb: be ~ elpegite-; become ~ unair-; become ~
with pins and needles feeling nala-
number: naaqin, naaqun; be complete in ~
qaqirmirte-; become complete in ~ naa-; be
few in ~ ikgete-; increase in ~ amlleri-; spend a
certain ~ of days ernerte-; ~ sufcient to make
a parka naaneq; in great ~s qivigpak
numerals: see Appendix 6
Numbers: Biblical book of ~ Naaqumallrat
Numenius phaeopus: ciivikaaq, kikikiaq, pipipiaq
numerous: be or become ~ amllerr-
nun: manassenkaaq
Nunapitchingak: Nunapic’ngaq
Nunapitchuk: Nunapicuaq; person who lives on
the tundra, such as in ~ akulmiu
Nunivak Is.: Nunivaaq; speak the ~ dialect kuarte-;
Cape Manning on ~ Englulrarmiut; Roberts
Mountain on ~ Ing’errlak; site in the northeast
part of ~ Qaviayarmiut; Etolin Strait, between ~
and the mainland Akuluraq; ~er Kuatariiq
Nuphar polysepalum: paparnaq
nurse: iinriurta
Nushagak River: Iilgayaq; people of the upper ~
nut: atsaq; any large fruit or ~ atsarpak
Nuyakuk Lake: Nuy’aqaq
Nyctea scandiaca: anipa
oakum: kalap’aataq, umcigun; caulking material
such as ~ mellarkaq
oar: asaun
, cavun, savun, utqerrun, yavun; ~ used
for poling a boat asaurun
oarlock: cavevik, cavuciutaq
oatmeal: massaaq
oats: rolled ~ qeltengalnguut
obedient: be ~ inerqurciryar-, niicu-, qanerciryar-
obey: maligtaqu-; listen and ~ niisnga-
object: have a frostbitten spot where one has
touched a cold ~ pupingqua-; provide ~ with
water or other liquid merqe-, miite-
; feel that
~ can V prociently (pb) -turnike-; foreign ~ in
one’s eye evrun, verun; get a foreign ~ in one’s
eye everte-, verte-; ~ that brings happiness
nunaniq; ~ used as a toy naanguaq; ~ that
causes a problem picurlaun; pair ~ inglukegte-
objectionable: be ~ canganarqe-
obligation: put under an ~ nengulugte-
oblique: ~ area at end of kayak gunwale capngiaq
oblong: ~ wooden bowl tumnaq
obnoxiously: act ~ pissaqe-
obscure: ~ vision eci-
observant: be ~ murilketar-
observation: ~ tower nascaraq, nassvik; through ~,
determine the name for the month iraluiraute-
observe: murilke-; ~ secretly qinquur-; ~ vigilently
kellute-; ~ warily kelte-; one who watches or ~s
observed: V without being directly ~ by the
speaker (pb) -llini-; coming in and out of view
to distant ~s ilalkuinr(ar)-
obstacle: asguraq, aviraun, nagun; bump into an
~ sideways akitmite-; put or have an ~ in the
way nagucir-; go around an ~ negur-; ~ to be
stepped over amlliq
; be aware of ~s while
traveling maumake-
obtain: piksagute-; be hard to ~ enurnar-, nurnar-;
~ (it) unake-; potential to ~ something
ukangiiq; ~ awareness ellange-; ~ N (pb) -te-
~ something pikarte-, unange-; song used to
~ what is desired yuarulluk; ~ what one can
ukangiiq; what one has ~ed unangkengaq; have
~ed (pb) -kliute-
nowadays — obtain
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
obvious: be ~ nallunaite-
occasion: piciq; occur on other ~s pinrilmi-; one of
many such ~s pivakaq
occipital bump: tunucuk
occupant: ~ of the house nemiu
occupation: one who Vs as an~ (pb) -ta
occupied: be ~ with N (pb) -liur-
occupy: yiir-, yir’-; ~ a vacant building eyir-; ~ time
frivolously uame-
occur: wait for something to ~ utaqalgir-; ~ a while
later umiqer-; ~ late at night tengurpag-; ~
long afterward qakuni-; for it to ~ on a certain
day ernermiu-; ~ on other occasions pinrilmi-;
something that really ~red piciq; ~ring one
after the other allamtaunek
occurrence: ~ of V (pb) -ciq; one of many such ~s
ocean: imaq*, imarpik, taryuq; be windy from
the ~ qacar-; black, blue, and white bird seen
on the ~ teng’guar(aq); journey into the ~
kaugpangcar-; land between two topographical
features such as the river and the ~ akula
big hand from the ~ itqiirpak; on the right
facing the ~ ua(ni); one that journeyed into the
~ imartelleq; scattered ice in ~ tamarqellriit;
shore-fast ice on the ~ tuaq; thin exible sheet
of ice on ~ yuulraaq; for ~ ice to break off from
the main ice qecug-
; ~ swell yuulraaq; ice oe
that breaks away from shore ice after ~ swell
manigaq, tualleq, angengqaq*; pointed piece of
ice, broken by ~ swells culugcineq; go into the
~ swimming pakig-; be murky or milky (of ~
water) qayuri-
ochre: kavirun, uiteraq; color by rubbing with ~
cip’ngiar-, kenevkar-; dye with ~ uiterte-; tool
for crushing ~ kenevkaun
nanvat cikutiit, Nulirun, Qaariitaarvik,
Qerrlurcarturvik, see Adams (76)
octopus: amikuq, ipililria
odiferous: be ~ tepsarqe-
Odobenus rosmarus: asveq, kaugpak, qecigpak
odor: tepa
; have a strong offensive ~ kayuri-; ~ of
feces anarniq; powerful ~s tukni-
odoriferous: be ~ teptu-; ~ plant or insect teptuli
odorous: ~ thing qutak
of: ablative-modalis case and relative case (see Endings
of course: watlirqantar
off: take ~ clothes ¥gayar-
off-guard: be caught ~ keltailngar-
offal: ~ from cleaning sh ciqeq
offend: ~ others with one’s actions nangrunarqe-;
be ~ed cangayug-; song that makes
one ashamed of having ~ed the singer
offensive: be ~ canganarqe-; call by ~ names arive-,
arivte-; have a strong ~ odor kayuri-
offer: manamaar-
offering: cikiutnguyaraq, elliin; ~ of food or water
aviukaq; ~ used in an old-time ceremony
naluun; ~s during a holiday neqlite-
offertory plate: ellii-
ofcer: Fish and Game ~ melquleliurta,
yaquleyagaq, yaquleyagiurta; ~ in charge
of others but also under the command of
someone else atanerruaq
offspring: irniaq
often: pulengtaq; cause one to V (~ repeatedly)
(pb) -rqe-
oh: ~! aren; ~ dear! iirgii; ~ dear me! arenqiapaa;
~ my! ala-i, aling, taaki; ~ no! aren; ~ yeah
telt; ~ yes, that is how it is/was ima-tanem; ~,
how it causes one to be V! (pb) -na
; ~, how V!
(pb) -paa; ~, what if it had happened! kiituani
tanem; (enc) =lli
Ohogamiut: Iquarmiut, Urr’agmiut
oil: uquq, see Marsh (8); apply ~ to uqurte-
container for ~ uqivik; die of an overdose of ~
uquariqe-; excavated water-lled storage hole
for seal ~ qengneq; fuel ~ uqungnak, uqurkaq;
get ~ uqunge-; have much ~ uqi-; lubricating ~
uqurun; motor ~ uqulkuk; mush made without
~ qacapleq; olive ~ uqunguaq; pour ~ over in
preparation for eating kuunqerte-; put ~ in
uqir-; skim ~ from a liquid punerte-; smear
with ~ apiterte-; blubber from which ~ has
been rendered tangeq, tangevkayak, tangviaq;
“Eskimo ice cream” made from moss soaked
in seal ~ puya; have ~ or fat stuck to it cupe-
become ooded with ~ uqiqite-; ~ slick uquaq;
~ taken from the surface of sh broth uquaq
oil company: uqurkaliurta
oil drum: taingkaq
oil lamp: post for ~ nanilraq, ussuciaq; trim wick of
an ~ kaullrir-; ~ made of clay qikuq
oiler wick: ~ in a motor uqurcailkun
obvious — oiler wick
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
oil worker: uquliurta, uqurkaliurta
oily: appear ~ uquarqe-; become ~ by accident
ointment: minguk, minguun; apply ~ cupcir-
okay: kitaki; be ~ canrite-; be very much ~
old: be ~ ak’allau-, temyig-; become ~ ak’allaurte-;
dear ~ N (pb) -rrlugaq*; good ~ N (pb)
-ngirta’rrlugaq*; ~ and hard-to-kill polar bear
quq’uyaq; ~ and large trade bead pipigaq;
shabby, ~ N (pb) -ller(aq*), -rrlugaq*; very ~
dwelling site quliraq*
; become very ~ and
disabled inglite-; ~ antler cirunqatak; ~ bear
qamungelria; ~ broken piece of N (pb) -lquq;
back in the ~ days avani ciuqvani; ~ dog
salmon after spawning kangitneq; ~-fashioned
rope used for hanging sh qukassaq; ~ sh’s
head ipuutaq; ~ kayak skin tangpeq; ~ man
angukara’urluq*, angukaraq, angulluaq,
angullugaq, angulluguaq, angutengiar(aq*),
angutnaraq; become an ~ man angutngurte-;
good ~ N (pb) -rrlugaq*; ~ N (person) (pb)
-ngyaar(aq*); ~ N (pb) -ssaaraq; ~ name of
Bethel Uuyarmiut; ~ pair of overalls ulrussiik;
~ person ak’allar(aq*); ~ post naparyalleq;
~ reindeer nurraninr(aq*); ~ salmon near
spawning masseq; ~ salmon from lake
mac’utaq; ~ salmon, hung up to dry kanartaq;
~ thing ak’allaq; ~ tree qamiqurnaq; ~ village
site nunalleq; ~ village site on the Holitna
River Kassigluq; ~ walrus skin pengitag-;
~ woman arnalquar(aq*), arnangiar(aq*),
arnarkara’urluq*, arnassagaq*, ucinguq
older: ~ unmarried woman uilingiataq; ~ brother
amaqliq*, ang’aq, anngaq, qulicungaq; ~ sibling
ciuqliq*; ~ sister al’a, alleqaq, alqaq, al’qaq
oldest: ~ brother anngaqliq*; ~ N (kin) (pb)
-rpaa(aq*); ~ one qulic’aq
Old Hamilton: Nunapigglugaq
old-style: ~ cofn citaaq, sitaaq; ~ house iluyaraq; ~
snow goggles niguak, niiguak
old-time: ~ house enpiaq; tunnel entrance ~ house
qissiryaraq; end of tunnel entrance to ~ house
pugyaraq; food offering in ~ ceremony naluun;
handrail at entrance to ~ dwelling pall’itaq;
~ practice nutemllaq*; famework holding ~
skylight nanerta; ~ holiday celebrated before
the Bladder Feast Pugnguaryaraq; receive gifts
requested during ~ holidays pitar-
old-timer: ciulirneq
oldsquaw duck (long-tailed duck): aarraaliq,
allgiar(aq*); hunt for ~s aassektacungir-
olive oil: uqunguaq
omit: intentionally ~ something qular-; not ~ any
qaqite-; talk about (it) ~ting certain things
on: localis case (see Endings section); be ~ kuma-; ~
account of ugaani, uguani; break ~ purpose
navgur-; roll around ~ the ground akaguar-;
~ the left facing the ocean kia(ni); ~ the right
facing the ocean ua(ni); ~ the N (pb) -car(ar)
te-; ~ the other hand aipaagni, qang’a-llu; ~ the
side canir-
; be ~ the verge of crying qiaculngu-;
~ this side ukatmun; ~ the other hand (enc) =mi
on time: be ~ angute-; not be ~ kinguraute-
on top: climb ~ of something ugte-
; fall over ~ of
something palqerte-
once: ataucirqumek, uumi; at ~ ataucikun, tamaa;
chew ~ tamu-; pry at more than ~ ikguar-; ~ in
a while
cat ilaitni
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha: amaqaayak, amaqsuq,
cuqpeq, luqaanak, terteq
Oncorhynchus keta: aluyak, iqalluk, kangitneq,
mac’utaq, nalayaq, neqepik, neqpik,
Oncorhynchus kisutch: caayuryaq, ciayuryaq,
qakiiyaq*, qavlunaq, uqurliq*
Oncorhynchus mykiss: talaariq
Oncorhynchus nerka: kavirauneq, sayak
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha: kiagtaq, taryaqvak
Ondatra zibethicus: curacetuya(g)aq*, iligvak,
kanaqlak, kevgaluk, kuigtaq, kuiguartaq,
one: atauciq; be that ~ taungu-; that ~ tamana; ~
across akemna; ~ across there agna, ikeggna,
ikna; take out ~ after the other anerqe-; V ~ one
after another (pb) -qaqe-
, -qu-
, -rqe-
; occurring
~ after the other allamtaunek; ~ approaching
ukeggna, ukna; act on ~ at a time atauciqtaarar-,
ataucitaar-, atauciuqaqe-; ~ at N (pb) -peq; ~ at
the rear kinguqliq*; the ~ back there pingna;
~ cent akinguaq; ~ coming to get help uurcaq;
pour from ~ container to another naave-;
~ day
erneret iliit, erucit iliitni; ~ directly
across akiqliq*; ~ dollar tallimaq, tamalkuq;
the ~ down below kan’a, un’a, unegna; the ~
downriver or by the exit ugna; ~ fth of them
oil worker — one
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
avenrita tallimaingit; ~ from a place separated
from here by some natural barrier akemkumiu;
~ going away a¥gna, augna; ~ group atauciin; ~
having the same name atellgun, qup’ayugaq; ~
having V (pb) -li
; move with possession’s from
~ house to another agqur-; ~ hundred kavluun,
yuinaat talliman; be turned 180
degrees tuignga-, tuigte-; ~ in another building
amna; the ~ inland or inside kiugna, qamna,
qa¥gna; the ~ left behind unegtaq; ~ like N
(pb) -naq
; ~ like this maku-, uku-; ~ located far
in the area or space or time denoted by N (pb)
-qliq*; be of ~ mind umyuallgutke-; ~ more V
than possessor(s) (pb) -lleq
, -neq
; ~ morning
erucit iliitni; the ~ near the speaker una; ~
of ila; ~ of a group of seven ribs in a boat
napallaak; other ~ of a pair inglu; ~ of a pair of
tassels on the sides of a parka avan, avata
; of
a set of people who go back and forth before
the Messenger Feast paiqaq; ~ of ve large
ribs in kayak ingneq; ~ of last three last ribs
below the side rail of kayak qamenqucagaq; ~
of last three ribs at bow of boat kaviqicungaq;
~ of six holes in rim to lash to frame of kayak
tupicilleq; ~ of the three ribs in front of hatch
of kayak tukervik; ~ of twelve or thirteen
ribs in center part of kayak neneq; ~ of many
such occasions pivakaq; ~ of the legendary
“little people” yugg’acngiar(aq*); ~ of the N
direction (pb) -lirneq; ~ of the pair of timbers
at the entrance to the men’s communal house
ayapervik; ~ of the same age group anelgun;
~ of the same kind as N (pb) -kuciq; ~ of the
strips of calfskin on a “qaliq” parka agun
; ~
of the posts used to hold kayak frame while
stretching the skin onto it agqun; ~ of three
strands of beads on a “qaliq” parka manumik;
~ of two calfskin pieces on the shoulders of a
parka nerun; ~ of two long strips of calfskin on
a “qaliq” parka ellutmuaq; ~ of two openings
on a parka into which an arrow-point design
was sewn pakineq; ~ of two pieces of calfskin
sewn to make a V pattern on a parka or
boot uminguaq; ~ of two strips of calfskin
connecting the front and back of a parka
; ~ of two tassels on the chest and back
of certain parkas miryaruaq; ~ of two white
decorative squares on back of parka milqeruaq;
~ on the other side of an area amaqliq*; ~
on top qalirneq, qalliq*; ~ on whom one can
depend tuvraq; the ~ or ~s that the possessor is
V-ing (pb) -ke-
; the ~ out to sea unegna; the ~
outside keggna, qagna, qakemna; ~ over there
amna, ingna; ~ pair atauciik; go from ~ point
to another aqelqur-; ~ right behind tunuqliq*;
thing that ~ sends tuyuq
; ~ side of two-
piece end or next-to-end deck beam of kayak
tuntunaq; ~ side only inglupiaq; ~ similar to N
(pb) -li
; ~ singing the song intended to make
the listener ashamed yuaruksualler(aq*); ~ that
causes V-ing (pb) -naq
; ~ that eats nertuli; ~
that has recently V-ed (pb) -nerraq*; ~ that is
being V-ed (pb) -kengaq; ~ that is fully capable
of V-ing (pb) -tuli; ~ that is good for N or has
a good N (pb) -keggliq; ~ that is the farthest in
the area denoted by N (pb) -qlikacaar(aq*); ~
that is V-ing -nguq*; ~ that is V; ~ that is like
N (pb) -quq; ~ that is very V or has much N
(pb) -ngtak; ~ that journeyed into the ocean
imartelleq; ~ that seems to be V-ing (pb)
-ngalnguq*; ~ that V-ed or was V-ed (pb) -lleq
~ thousand ciissitsaaq, tiissitsaaq; ~ time
iliitni; ~ time it happened caqerluni; the ~
to the north qakemna; the ~ toward or at the
river un’a; the ~ toward the sea unegna; the ~
up there pikna; the ~ upriver kiugna, qamna,
qa¥gna; ~ week’s time Maqineq; ~ who acts
contrary to the way he should kenluqsak; ~
who chronically Vs (pb) -ngarli; ~ who does or
did something pista; ~ who does things very
slowly piqassngiar(aq*); ~ who doesn’t follow
traditional abstinence practices eyailnguq*; ~
who follows traditional abstinence practices
eyanqellria; ~ who doesn’t get along with
the others ilallugun; ~ who emerged into
the world at the same time anelgun; ~ who
gets cold easily qerruskaq; ~ who has been
medically treated yungcaraq; ~ who has been
sick cirlak; ~ who has the same N as possessor
(pb) -lgun; ~ who has the same name as
oneself qellucungaq, qelluraq; ~ who is easily
provoked or angered qenngali; ~ who is going
to catch something pitarkaq; ~ who is V (pb)
; ~ who is very intelligent puqigli; ~ who
lives an ordinary traditional life yuulria; ~
who loves to V (pb) -yunqeggli; ~ who messes
around tekallngaq; ~ who minds his own
business ellmikutuar(aq*); ~ who raises a child
mangnaqesta; ~ who raises one anglicarta;
~ who reacts or retaliates immediately
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
without thinking it over wakencuillak; the
~ who shouts “kita” to start the singing and
drumming during a holiday kit’arta; ~ who
shows nallunairista; ~ who Vs (pb) -li
; ~
who Vs as an occupation (pb) -ta; ~ who Vs
thoroughly (pb) -nqegcaar(aq*); ~ who Vs
(pb) -kar(aq*)
; ~ whom ~ feels comfortable
with yugnikek’ngaq; ~ whose place is N (pb)
-miutaq*; ~ with a small N (pb) -cengaq*; ~ with
an end iqulek; ~ with bad N (pb) -lluk; ~ with
N or Ns, one having N (pb) -lek; ~ with whom
~ enjoys doing things aiparnaarraq; ~-year-old
goose kangniq; have ~’s ears hurt by loud noise
qukilngu-; have ~’s legs folded qunginga-; ~’s
own nakmiin; for ~’s own reasons ellmikun;
have it as ~’s place or home nek’e-; ~’s spouse’s
sister alqaruaq; ~’s supply of money akiun
onion: anainessaaq, anianessaaq, luuk; ~ dome
on Russian Orthodox church aavalkucuk,
aavangtalkucuk; casserole of meat or sh with
potatoes, ~, etc. cal’kuuyaq, salkuuyaq
only: kesir-, keyir*-, kii-
, kiir-, kiirrar-, ta¥gaam;
habitually V ~ a little (pb) -nerkite-; ~ helper
piskar(aq*); ~ N (pb) -qainaq; ~ one who Vs (pb)
; ~ then kesiani; ~ V (pb) -rrlainar-
oops! aren
ooze: ege-, maqe-; soil that ~ qikuyaq
opaque: ~ thing cuupiaq
open: angpar-, angparte-, angvar-, angvarte-,
cillarte-, ikir-, ikirte-, qelperte-; be ~
angpangqa-, angvangqa-, ikingqa-
; be stuck
~ qiqli-; emerge into an ~ area cevv’ar-; be ~
season ikingqa-
; spread ~ callar-; have one’s
mouth ~ with teeth clamped shut iryagte-
; ~
area agtuineq, carr’ilqaq; ~ one’s eyes uigarte-,
uite-; ~ one’s mouth aitar-; ~ one’s mouth and
emit sound aar-*
; ~ and expose the inside
ullirte-; ~ something callarci-; act under the ~
sky angvarqur-; ~ hole in river ice cikuilquq,
qenuilquq, ukivkaneq; ~ lead in (sea) ice
qecuneq; having an ~ mouth aitar-; ~ mouthed
aatar-; be ~ mouthed aatangqa-, aitangqa-; ~ the
door a little qerratarte-; ~ the mouth aatarte-;
~-weave grass bag ukilqaar(aq*); ~-weave grass
basket ukiqlaaq*; above-ground entrance ~ed
open canoe or boat: agun
, aguun; rib support in ~
boat nalmak
open sore: callakayak; have an ~ sore callangqa-;
get an ~ sore callarci-; large ~ sore cuqeq
open space: ikirnaq
open water: for there to be ~ with icebergs beyond
qupngur-; reection of ~ qiugaaq; ~ in a eld of
ice imarrlainaq*; ~ in sea ice ketgulleq
opener: can ~ ikircissuun; letter, can, box ~
opening: ~ at base of skull katngalqitaaq; stuck
because an ~ is too small tastuqite-; ~ of a grass
bag pass’aq; ~ of a kayak pall’illrit; ~ of a parka
nugyaraq, pakineq, pugyaraq; ~ of den, bottle,
cockpit of kayak, etc. pai-
operate: ~ using only one side inglupiaq
operator: light-plant ~ kenurriurta; radio ~
operculum: ulluvalqin
opinion: give an invited ~ ketviute-; have the same
~ umyuallgutke-; verbal expression of negative
~ ap’nerrlugun
opponent: inglu, inglussuk
opportune: be ~ arenqig-
opportunity: ~ of importance urenkun; have an ~
to act tumengqerr-
opposite: akiqliq*; ~ way kenlutmun; for wave
tips to spray out in a direction ~ to that of the
wave emqerte-; miss each other, passing in
~ directions kipullgute-; individuals facing
in ~ pull against each other cingillertute-; do
the ~ of what one is supposed mumiksag-; ~
direction in the bed teru; act ustered before a
member of the ~ sex picari-; knife with handle
~ the arc-shaped blade uluaq; ~ village in
Messenger Feast agyuk; ~-side st naparneq
opt: ~ for cucuke-
optic nerve:
iim elpeksuutii, iim yualui, takviim
optimistic: be ~ nersuniur-, neryuniur-
or: anguqa, qang’a-llu, wall’u; ~ else qang’a-llu
orange: atsarpak; ~ (color) qalleryak; ~ sea slug
uraruq; edible sea animal, part ~ arnauq;
sculpin with ~ spots qengaruvagaq
orbital cavity: iicilleq
orca: arrluk
Orcinus orca: arrluk
order: ellimer-, ellimerun, pisqun; ~ by mail tuyuq
~ to do alarqur-, alerqur-
ordinary: ~ person Yup’ik, yuunginaq; ~ stitch
mingqepiarumalria; ~ thing or matter ell’araq;
onion — ordinary
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
one who lives ~ traditional life yuulria,
organ: musical instrument negtaat; stomach ~
specically aqsaquq; internal ~s cakunglluut
pingnaqellriit quyurtellriit
origin: point of ~ kinguneq
; toward one’s point of
~ utelmun, utetmun
original: get back into one’s ~ condition
angimurte-; ~ N (pb) -lugpiaq; resume ~ state
penge-; ~ly nutem
tulukaruum ayarua
Orion’s belt: Cagquralriit, Sagquralriit
ornament: tangnircaun; dangling ~ aqevlunguayak,
aqevlequtaq, aqevyak; forehead ~ camataq;
personal ~ kenugun; woman’s hair ~ taquutaq;
hair ~s cukluuk
orphan: ellir(aq*), elliraar(aq*), elliraaraurluq*; feel
or act like an ~ elliritke-; ~ and grandparent
living together elliraaraurluunkuk
orphanage: ellirivik
Orthodox (Russian ~): Kass’alugpiaq
orthography: igaryaraq
Oscarville: Kuiggayagaq*
Osmerus mordax: cemerliq, cimigliq, elquarniq,
qimaruaq, qusuuq, quyuuq, uqtaqngaq
osprey: angllurayuli
ostentatious: be ~ tukurtaar-
other: go from one side to the ~ side mumigtaar-;
go toward one side (and not the ~) ingluar-;
measurement from the tip of the thumb to
tip of index nger when each is stretched out
away from the ~ teklin; on the ~ hand qang’a-
llu; ~ of two aapaq aipaq; ~ one of a pair inglu;
~ Russian Orthodox item kass’alugpiartaq; ~
side aki; hold the ~ side akigir-; across on the
~ side akma(ni); one on the ~ side amaqliq*;
include with the ~s tapqute-
otherwise: be unoccupied ~ urenke-
otitus: titiq
otter: land or river ~ aaquyaq, ce
÷iq’aq, cenkaq,
cinkaq, cuignilnguq*, keggiarnaq, pirtuqciraq,
senkaq, see Zagoskin (9), Orlov (8); sea ~ arrnaq,
aatagaq; conical trap for ~ teggvak; form
inserted into ~ skins aquun
; ~ den above
water igtequk; ~ fur in V pattern on parka
or boot uminguaq; strip of ~ fur on parka
kaunguaq, keggacilleq, tungunqucuk
ouch! akaa, ak’atak, akekataki, ici
our: see Endings section; ~ N(s) (pb) -mta
out: climb ~ from below nuge-; ing oneself ~
ciryaarute-; go ~ nipe-; go ~ (of tide) kente-;
keep going ~ anura-; play ~ (of a harpoon
line) nek’ve-; poke one’s head ~ yurar-
; put
(it) ~ where it can be used or seen paivte-;
skin boot with fur ~ ayagcuun; be far ~ from
shore ketsig-; take ~ from a container yuu-
; be
restless when others are going ~ yuupiksagte-;
go ~ into the water ketmurte-; sing without
saying words ~ loud megamliur-; run ~ of fuel
uquirte-; be “~ of hand” anagute-; let it ~ of
one’s grasp peginga-; go ~ of sight talurte-; go
~ of sight behind something ipte-; be ~ of sorts
qayuwete-; be ~ of view behind something
ipinga-; ~ there qakma(ni); children ~ too late
at night uligiayuli; be ~ where it can be used or
seen paivnga-
out(side): put ~ ante-; take ~ anute-
outboard motor: elliqeryaraq, kaassalinaq,
kiikanguaq, levaaq, massiinaq
outdoor activity: be suitable weather for ~
ellamanarqe-; weather that is poor, but not to
the extent that ~ is impossible ellanglluk; be
poor enough weather to make ~ impossible
outdoors: cella, cilla, ella
outer: ~layer qalliq*; line made from the ~ of a
walrus skin qavya; ~ rim of cockpit coaming in
a kayak qaglak; ~ thighs elalirneq
outermost: ~ slat on a sled bed turun
outgoing: ~ tide ancarneq
outhouse: anarvik, nuussnik, yuqerrvik
outing: provisions for an ~ taquaq
outlet: pai-
outside: elalirneq, keggani, qagaa(ni), qakma(ni),
qii(ni); be ~ anuma-, ellamiu-; area ~ of elata
ellate-; check ~ curar-, curtur-, yurar-
; cold
draft entering from ~ iterneq; go ~ for fresh air
an’gir-, cellamqaci-, curar-, curtur-; howl and
whistle (of wind ~ of house) qalriqsaar(ar)-;
race to get ~ before other an’iraute-, itriraute-;
the one ~ elaqliq*, keggna, qagna, qakemna;
to or toward ~ elatmun; measurement from
the ~ edge of one shoulder to the ~ edge
of the other tusneq; one from a place ~ of
Alaska akemkumiu; tallow from ~ of stomach
kenyaun; ~ part of a sh belly aqsamuq; suffer
chill from going ~ when sweaty pacsaqar-,
organ — outside
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
patsaqar-; be ~ without a coat taigtur-
outsider: distant ~ akemkumiu
outspoken: be ~ qanqataite-
outstretched: measurement from ngertips to
armpit with arm~ tallineq; measurement from
extremity of one’s st to armpit with arm ~
tallinin; measurement from folded elbow
of one ~ arm to ngertips of other ~ arm
taluyaneq; measurement from center of chest to
ngertips of ~ hand angvaneq
; measurement
from elbow to end of ~ ngertips ikuyegneq;
run on water with ~ wings nevaar-,
outward: have one’s feet pointed ~ caqvingqa-; fall
with one’s feet going out ~ qaaluciaqar-
outwit: ~ or be outwitted usviilqi-
oval: al’uruyak, manigngalnguq, peksurngalnguq,
ucugyamqitak; ~ thing kayangurngalnguq; ~
wooden bowl ag’ayaq, aluuyaq; bottom groove
in an ~ allungilleq; exterior groove of an ~
mikelngurkam kayangivia
oven: kelipissuun, uucivik
over: be ~ iquklite-; be turned ~ mumigte-,
mumingqa-; turn ~ on the back nevqerte-; bend
~ something putegte-; bent ~ forward ikingqa-
something that has been turned ~ mumigtaq;
stick used to hold a pot ~ a re takaneq; go by
way of N, ~ N (pb) -kuar-; go ~ a portage teve-;
drape ~ something tevte-; skin an animal by
pulling the skin back ~ qapiar-; heap up ~ the
top pakmater-
over there: ama(ni), ava(ni), yaa(ni)
overalls: qalluviik; old pair of ~ ulrussiik
overboot: qaliruaq
overcast: be ~ qilailleg-, patuggluk
overcome: cirlake-
overcrowded: be ~ qugrute-
overdo: anagtaar-; ~ out of pride piniteke-
overdose: drug ~ iinruvallalria; die of ~ of oil
overll: pakqaar(ar)-
overow: [e]cngur-, ceng’uq, cipte-, essmiar-,
essngur-, seng’ur-, urneq, uryur-; have a
meltwater ~ essmiar-; ~ on ice in spring
overfull: be ~ pak’me-, pakqaar(ar)-
overhang: ice piece with large ~ kinguvkutak; thin
~ing ice edge in spring icineq
overheated: be ~ kiirtevkar-
overjoyed: be ~ ukveraite-
overland: go ~ but not on trail cailkakuar-
overlap: patgute-, qasmegute-; ~ successively
overlook: patakaute-, tangrrinar-, uniurte-
overly: be ~ forward takaite-; be ~ generous
overnight: stay ~ qavartar-
overpower: cirlake-
overseer: murilkista, qaunqesta, qaunqista
overshoot: ~ target qulruarte-; miss by ~ing
oversock: waterproof ~ qalipeqsaq
oversole: nat’raq
overstretching: break suddenly as by ~ kevkarte-
overtake: angu-
overturn: ~ in a vehicle akacag-
overwhelmed: feel ~ amruke-, amruyug-
overwhelming: be ~ amrunarqe-
overwork: be tired from ~ taqayuqerte-
Ovibos moschatus: umingmaq
Ovis dalli: epnaiq, pe
owl: aarpatuli, naataq
, see Nelson (34); boreal ~
qaku’urtaruaq, takvialnguar(aq*); great gray ~
atkuliggiiq, takvialnguar(aq*); great horned ~
iggiayuli, see Zagoskin (11), Turner (31); hawk ~
eskaviaq, mengqucivak, qaku’urtaq; short-eared
~ keneqpataq, kenriiq, ungpaar(aq*); snowy ~
own: pike-; one’s ~ nakmiin; ~ed land nunaun; ~ed
N (pb) -un
owner: pikesta; give away an item the ~ no longer
wants cipurvike-; seek ~ yungcarte-; ~ of boat
ownership: brand or ear cut as sign of ~ maak;
determine ~ pikmayi-
ox: kuluvagngalnguq*
oxbow lake: kuiguaq
Oxycoccas microcarpus: quunarliaraq, uingiar(aq*),
oysterleaf: civnerturpak
outsider — oysterleaf
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pace: cukataciq; travel at a steady fast ~ cukanrar-
Pacic cod: manignaalleryak
Pacic pollock: kalagaq
Pacic tomcod: ceturrnaq, iqalluaq
pack: back~ amarcuun; hot ~ qatugaq; ~ (it) on top
of something pasgerute-; put a small load in
one’s ~ atemkar-, atempag-; ~ (things) loosely
tekalragte-; ~ down tut’at; ~ snow kavtak; ~
Dolly Varden pingciq
pack ice: big seal that stays on ~ tuvartaq; sea
creature with human features seen on ~
kun’uniq; for ~ to trap one mallgute-
pad: inguqaq; menstrual ~ tungeq; scouring ~
nangugcissuun; put a ~ under something tungi-
padding: bed ~ curuluk
paddle: agciun; hand grip on single-bladed ~
qaquaq, qaquaqnginaq; ~ with blade that gets
thinner quagciruaq; sharp bone point on ~
kukimssaq; single-bladed ~ anguarun; take
strokes with a ~ pakiur-; ~ a boat anguar-;
central ridge on a ~ blade qengartaq; tip
of ~ blade emulek, mula; ~ handle grip
kangkupaguaq; ~ with a blade at each end
paangrun; use double-bladed ~ paanger-,
paunger-; drive sh with a ~ ungumrar-
padlock: kelucaq, kelussaq
page: ikirnaq, kalikaq
paid: get ~ akinge-
pail: capacuk, qaltaq, qaltauq, tuqmik; slop ~
ciqicivik; tall thin ~ qugtuqaruaq; water ~
Paimute: Paimiut
pain: kirta, see Zagoskin (17); suffer ~ akngia-,
keggirciur-; be in ~ akngirnarqe-, kircir-,
nangamcuk; emotional ~ neka; cause emotional
~ nekanarqe-; whimper as from ~ cungiallag-;
get sudden sharp ~ cugite, cuite-; have ~ (in
bones) tugiryarte-; have throbbing ~ temia-,
tenguqlirte-; have stabbing ~ kap’liqe-; have
burning ~ puqelvag-; have labor ~ teggiurci-;
have recurring ~ nangyucinqigtaar-; have
sharp ~ akngikutak, kakivkar-; suffer ~
from an injury, arthritis, etc. enllugtur-, [e]
ngllugtur-, ngell’ugtur-; suffer from arthritis
or have other bone ~ enliqe-, pateryirci-; have
~ in the hands taprite-; lack sensitivity to ~
that one inicts mianiite-; ~ to sting, burn
qacelli-; be emotionally ~ed avegteqe-; nd
(it) emotionally ~ful nekake-; be ~ful to listen
to niitniite-
; ~ly shrink due to starvation
qungagyug-; complain, especially of one’s ~s
yuuniar-; have labor ~s or stomach ~s ilukaar-;
suffer aches and ~s qelluqite-
paint: kela’askaq, minguk, minguun, see March (13)
paintbrush: mingugissuun; ~ with squirrel twill
paintbrush plant: cavigpaguaq
pair: one ~ atauciik; two ~s malruin; three ~s
pingasuin, pingayuin; four ~s cetamain; ve ~s
tallimain; ~ of timbers at the entrance to the
men’s communal house ayapervik; other one
of a ~ inglu; two ~ of crossed poles used to
support a kayak tatkik; pair objects inglukegte-;
~ of earrings agluirun; ~ of overalls ulrussiik; ~
of pants ulruk; ~ of calfskin pieces on a parka
cauyak; ~ of tassels on a parka avan, avata
; ~
whereof one member has the other as his N
(pb) -kellriik; ~ with aipir-; act on two-by-two,
in ~s malruuqaqe-; stake used in ~s to hold
large dipnets open kanuuquq
palate: hard ~ qilagaq
pale: be ~ qaki-; ~, dry, bleached qakirpak
Pallas buttercup: aaggulunguaq
palm: ~ of hand arvak, callirneq, tumak; hit hard
with the ~ qacap’ag-; big hand from the ocean
with big mouth on ~ itqiirpak; measurement of
the width of the ~ tumagneq; ~ frond papanuk;
mitten ~s alliit
pan: bread ~, baking ~ kelipissuun, uucissuun;
heat seal blubber in ~ to get seal oil civatugte-;
brous leftover piece of blubber after
rendering in ~ civanr(aq*)
pan: frying ~ asgircuun, assalissuun, eskuulutaq,
maniarcuun, sal’kuuyarvik, skuulutaq
pancake: asgiq, assaliaq, atkiksaaq, maniaq,
mumigtaq; sourdough ~ qulugcaraq; ~ ice
akangluaryuk; make ~s assali-
pancreas: miilitnguaq, tunuruaq, uglarun
Pandion haliaetus: angllurayuli
paneling: mat ~ kangciraq
panic: kapia-, tave-, tavqar-, ume-; be in a ~
umsuarrulaar-; suddenly ~ tavcillag-
pace — panic
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pant: anerteksaar-
panties: pelumessaak; woman’s ~ nalkiik
pantomime: be or do like this (accompanied by
~) elliur-; one man ~s and others sing slowly
pants: qerrulliik, ulruk; big ~ qerrulviik; crotch of ~
amlek; let down one’s ~ kive-; put on ~ ulruk;
summer ~ atasuak; tuck shirt in ~ qasmii-; ~
with attached socks made of fur allirtet
paper: kalikaq; cigarette ~ kalikayagaq*; ~ used as
a working surface alliqaq; toilet ~ uqrun
; ~s
(documents) kalikat
parable: taringcetaarun
parakeet auklet: ciruraq
parallel: see Appendix 8; ~ cousin’s son’s wife
ukurraq; ~ cousin’s daughers husband
nengauk; line of snares ~ to water surface
negaraq*; log ~ to the back of a kashim
parallelogram: ciligtellria
paralyzed: be ~ nalama-
paranoid: be ~ alingenguartur-
paraphernalia: shaman’s ~ qelqun
parboil: egavyag-; ~ blacksh kanakiir-; ~ blubber
or ipper strips uullaq
pardon: a¥g’arite-
parent: angayuqaq*; child walking behind ~
kutyagaq; deceased ~ unista; female’s ~’s cross-
cousin’s daughter, female friend of a female
ilungaq*; male’s ~’s cross-cousin’s son, male
friend of a male ilur(aq*); ~’s cross-sex siblings
and their children urelriit; foster ~ anglicarta;
~-in-law cakiq; person related to one through
one’s ~ amllerutaq; send a son-in-law or
daughter-in-law to his/her ~ qinu-
paresthesia: kakilacak; have ~ nala-
parietal bone: cirunqatak; ~ of sh aqumkallak
parka: atekuk, atkuk, kamliikaq; type of traditional
Yup’ik ~ ilairutaq, kay’urrutalek; ~ made
of bleached seal skin and gut or sh skin
ellangraq; ~ made of pelts atkupiaq; bird-skin
~ tamace
÷aq; carry in the ounce of cover
~ kenirmiaqe-; cloth ~ cover negacungaq,
qaliipautaq; fasten one’s rain ~ to rim of kayak
hatch kayumigte-
; sh-skin ~ that could
serve as tent qerrlurcaq; gut rain ~ kapit’aq,
imarnin, see Orlov (14); legendary person
who lives in the sea and wears a gut rain ~
qununiq; lift up the ~ one is wearing qakegte-;
make ~ out of bird skins tamace
÷i-; man’s
hoodless caribou-skin ~ qaliluk; murre skin
and feather ~ alpacurrlugaq; put in ounce of
cover ~ kenirmiar-; rain ~ or other uninsulated
~ qaspeq; sealskin ~ qutnguk; thin hooded
pullover garment worn as a ~ cover, as a jacket
or dress qaspeq; white ~ used for hunting
qaternin, qatrin; be without a ~ in the cold
PARKA PARTS AND DESIGN (see Appendix 9): ~
cut high on the sides kinguqalek; ~ decorated
with a fringe of squirrel belly uulungiiq; ~
hood nacaq, uqurrsuk; ~ into which an arrow
point design was sewn pakineq; ~ made with
the fur side inward ulqucinak; ~ made with
two caribou skins qutnguk; ~ ruff asguruaq,
legiliq, negiliq, pugyaraq, ulganaq; ~ ruff
edging near the face kumegneq; belly skin of
caribou or reindeer used in fancy ~s pukiq;
black beads between stitches on a ~ ciivaguat;
bundle of pelts containing enough to make
a ~ naaneq; calfskin piece on the shoulder
of ~ nerun; calfskin pieces on ~ cauyak;
calfskin with three tassels in the middle of
~ qemirrlugun; dark skin behind beads on ~
kelurqutaq; decoration on ~ qaraliq; decoration
on hood of ~ kakauyaq; decorative tail on ~
pamyurtaq, pequmiutaq; design from caribou
fawn skin sewn onto ~ qulitaq; design made
from sh skin on ~ langraq; design or front-
piece of ~ cacarqaq; folded skirt of ~ ciqtagneq;
front ounce of a cover ~ keniq; geometric trim
at hem of ~ akurun; hanging decoration on
a ~ alngaq, culuksuk; heavy material used to
make ~ covers civignilnguq*; neck opening of
~ nugyaraq, pugyaraq; ornament of wolverine
fur or beads on ~ aqevyak; piece of calfskin
sewn to make a V pattern on ~ uminguaq;
piece of wolf fur on certain ~s megcugtaq;
pompon on ~ hood kak’acuk; rufe at hem
of cloth ~ cover ciqauyaq; separate hood
used with hoodless ~ yuraryaraq; sew skins
together for a ~ tamategte-; shoulder band on
a ~ tusailitaq; strip of calfskin coming down
from the throat on ~ manurun; strip of calfskin
connecting the front and back of Nelson Is.
~ aquun
; strip of calfskin on front and back
of ~ ellutmuaq; strip of fur between ruff and
pant — parka parts and design
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
hood of ~ menglairun; strip of otter fur above
~ sleeve kaunguaq; strip of otter fur across
chest and back of ~ keggacilleq; strip of otter
fur below light decoration of ~ tungunqucuk;
tassel on certain ~s avan, avata
, miryaruaq,
pitgarcuun; tassel on one of the calfskin
pieces on a ~ mumeq; tip of ~ hood tengqucuk;
trim around ~ cuff alirun; trim on ~ naqyun,
pukiq; upper back part of ~ pequaq; V-shaped
calfskin on shoulder of ~ qupun, tusrun; white
decorative square on back of ~ milqeruaq;
wolverine fur on upper ~ sleeve kasurun,
parotid gland: iiraq
parsley: wild ~ tukaayuq
parsnip: cow ~ tarnaq
, tarvaq
part: some ~ nate-; ~ of ila; N ~ of something (pb)
; be something that one does not wish to
~ with qununarqe-; separate into two ~s avte-;
boot with dark fur over the shin ~ ciuqalek;
kayak ~ in front of tracking stabilizer imaqliq;
kayak end ~ pupsugyugualek; ~ and pull back
each half qukvir-; tail ~ of a sh nuugyuk; ~ of
a sh rack on which the sh is directly hung
initaq*; ~ of a river that runs under a bluff
or cut-bank aciirun; ~ of a seal’s front ipper
bones aklanquq; liquid ~ of a stew imarkuaq;
crooked ~ of a tree pekeryaq; ~ of drill held
in mouth neg’utaq; ~ of house near the door
uaqliq*; hurt in ~ of one’s body nat’liqe-,
natelngu-; caved-in ~ of riverbank usneq; bent
~ of wooden object pertaq; form for bending
~s per’ucin; process to distribute ~s of a seal
pitaryaraq; private ~s of girl es’ak; carved ~ on
top stiffener of kayak nutengqupagta
partially: ~ awaken, feeling that one cannot move
tupagyaaqe-, uqamair-; ~ cook sourdock
ikugte-; ~ dried herring niinamayak,
nin’amayak; ~ dried sh boiled for eating
egamaarrluk; ~ lose one’s sanity umyuacuar-;
go ~ naked kemgarar(ar)-; ~ rotten meat
miuyineq; ~ underground cache ciqlugaq,
elagyaq, lagyaq
participate: ilagaute-; ~ in an activity tangaliute-; ~
in a religious ceremony agayu; go to ~ in N or
V (pb) -liyar-
particle: dust ~ suspended in air makuaq; have
food ~s around mouth tepli-
particular: ~ person in the group yaatiir-; ~ side of
a specied place or direction tunglirneq; ~ time
partition: capa
, casguq, cayguq
; ~ between in a
shared house talu; ~ of woven grass qerqulluk
partner: aapaq, aipaq, aiparnaarraq, angayuk, ilik,
paatnaq; ask for a sex ~ caavarrnguar-; back-to-
back sitting ~ alrapaq; gift exchange ~ agyuk;
give hunting ~ the pelvic area of the catch
kuyagcite-; become a ~ aipir-
party: kalukaq
; have a ~ kalukaq
; get a lot of food
at a ~ uyiqe-
Parus sp.: cikepiipiiq
pass: come to ~ piciurte-; for a week’s time to ~
agayunerte-; ~ (it) down egmirte-, kinguvar-; ~
(it) here taite-
; ~ physically or in time kitur-; ~
all around something kassug-; ~ away yuunrir-;
~ by across a bay or river ak’irte-
; ~ downwind
or down-current of (it) uqrir-; ~ each other
out of sight amarriigute-; ~ gas leq; ~ in time
pellug-; ~ under the jaw agluir-; ~ over qulair-;
not omit or ~ over qaqite-; ~ through the N area
of (it) (pb) -ir-
; legend ~ed down univkaraq
passage: ~ from porch into house amiguyuk;
~ under ground tagenquq; ~ under snow
tagelviiyaq; form two lines as a ~way amigpite-
Passerculus sandwichensis: tekciuk
Passerella iliaca: elagayuli
passing: miss each other, ~ in opposite directions
kipullgute-; miss by ~ through (pb) -trute-
Passover: Kituun, Paaskaaq
past: ak’a; physically go ~ kitur-; thing of N (often
with reference to the ~) (pb) -llaq*; thing of
the ~ ak’allaq, univkaraq; in a ~ period of time
uumirpak; ~ time of V-ing (pb) -rraaneq
Pastolik: Pastuliarraq
pastor: qaneryariurta, tuyuq
patch: callmak, ilaaq, mameq, mamr(aq*), nutarte-;
put a little ~ on callemkar-; ~ on boot allngig-,
allngik; thawed ~ urunqiq; ~ of tundra nunapik;
~ on clothing callmak; secret berry ~ igigtaun
patchwork quilt: tumaqcaaq
patella: ciisqurraq, ciisqurrnaq
paternal: ~ uncle ataata; ~ aunt acak
; ~ aunt’s
husband nengauk
path: tumyaraq; go a curved ~ qavirte-; go around
obstacle in ~ negur-; go straight ~ nak’ri-; life’s
~ egilra; ~ by which one gets up on something
nugyaraq; ~ down to water kanaryaraq; ~
parotid gland — path
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
that one will take tumkaq; ~ through trees or
bushes pulayaraq
pathnder: kakitaq
patient: yungcaraq, yuungcaraq; wait ~ly anuraqe-;
wait ~ly for object to V (pb) -ciar(ar)-; tool for
piercing ~s kap’issuun
pattern: cuqcaun, cuqeq
, cuqyun, elirqun, see
Barnum (31); closely woven grass basket
~ mallegtaq; decorative ~ on sewn item
tevtararaq*; hide cut in a spiral ~ aqsarqelleq,
pinevkar-; lack a set ~ for acting piyaraite-; cut
out a ~ elirqe-; rocks ~ed by action of water
pay: akilir-, akilite-; ~ attention (to) cumike-,
ilangci-, kegginiqe-; ~ back akinaur-; ~
back a loan cimiq; ~ for (air)fare kuucir-;
~ great attention and respect cakaar-; ~
heed to niisnga-; ~ respects to ciktaar-; ~
special attention to (it) arcaqake-; ~ with the
necessities of life pupsir-
payment: akilite-
pea: store-bought ~ cin’amerlak
peace: qinuitneq, uitanqegcin; be at ~ sanqegg-;
~ful quiet niuk
peach: dried ~ ciutequmlak
peaked: be sharply ~ cugirte-
peanut butter: qikulnguyaq
pear: dried ~ ciutequmlak
pearl: uqumyagngalnguq*, uyaqsuk, see Muset (5)
peavy: aanaspuuk, anaspuuk
pebble: large ~ siimarar(aq*)
peck: ~ at pugug-
pectoral n: anguarussaq, paangrun, paangrussak,
pakiurun; head of sh including ~s
pectoral sandpiper: quguquguaq, teguteguaq,
temtemtaaq, tukutukuar(aq*), uquir(aq*)
peddle: ~ from house to house kipussaag-
Pedicularis sp.: ulevleruyak
peek: qinquussaag-, tegyiar(ar)-, tangquussaag-; ~
out of corner of eye qigeckar-; take a ~ qinqar-;
~ in or out uyangte-
peel: qelta; ~ improperly cetegglug-; ~ off kii-
; ~ed-
off layer of sod kiitaq; ~ing tool qeltairissuun
peer: anelgun, yuulgun
peeved: be ~ cumilngu-, eqe-
, eqnayug-, uumiyug-
peg: ucukcaq; ~ at end of atlatl aklicaraq
peghammer: ~ a nail or peg ussukcaq
pelagic cormorant: uyalek
pellet: lead ~ kal’ciissaaq, kalkiicaaq, kal’tiissaaq
pelt: amiq; animal trapped for its ~ melqulek; inner
side of ~ cata
; membrane on inner side of ~
caterrluk; ~ of caribou taken in fall itruq; ~ of
caribou taken just after winter hair has been
shed caginraq*; bundle of ~s naaneq, naataq
pelvic: give hunting partner ~ area of the catch
kuyagcite-; ~ bone kuuce
÷ak, kucuquq
pelvis: kucuquq
pen: alngarcuun, igarcuun; fountain ~ ingegcuun
pencil: alngarcuun, igarcuun, kalantaassaq
pencil sharpener: ipegcarissuun
pendant: uyamik; cross worn as a ~ uyamik;
medallion worn as a ~ agayun
penetrate: peturte-; smear with oil without letting
it ~ apiterte-; ~ into something and get stuck
kapuckaq, napackar-
peninsula: Alaska ~ Ugaassat; Alaska ~ and
Aleutian Islands Nuvupigaq, Talliquq; Chukchi
~ Qull’iq*; boundary between Yup’ik and
Inupiaq on the Seward ~ Uqvigartalek
penis: qurrsaraq, qurrsuun, ucuk; for ~ to become
erect paste-; have an erection of the ~ tek’ar-
penny: akinguaq, kavirliyagaq, qelemneq
people: eyir-, yiir-, yir’-; hate ~ eq’utar-; have many
~ yugyag-; kill ~ nalate-; speak to group of ~
yaatiir-; collapse on ~ in building ull’ute-; ~ of
the Scammon Bay area Askinarmiut; ~ of the
upper Nushagak River Kiatiirmiut
pepper: piilitsaaq
perceived: be ~ as occurring because of or with
something else nalleknguar-
perceptible: be ~ nallunaite-
perched: uginga-
peregrine falcon: qiirayuli
perfect: be ~ elluaq; ~ one ellualria
perfection: elluaq
perform: ask to ~ a task ellimer-; ~ acupuncture
uguci-; ~ certain component of Bladder
Feast qeceg-; ~ shamanistic acts angalki-,
angalkumirte-, qaniqe-; ~ surgery pilagtur-;
~ing an abortion pilagturluku qingaa
performance: song used in the “Qecek” ~ qetgun
perfume: tepkegcaun
perhaps: ikik, ikika; perhaps V (pb) -lli-
peril: assist someone in ~ kanaute-
pathnder — peril
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
period: during the present ~ maa-irpak; V-ing over
a ~ of time (pb) -aur(ar)-; in the past ~ of time
uumirpak; ~ in a sentence kapqallruar(aq*); ~
of good weather quunuk
periodical: cuvri
Perisoreus canadensis: keggapatayuk, nunaniryuk,
permafrost: kumlaneq
permanent: clamp used make bend ~ pascirissuun
permission: ask ~ apelcir-; follow with ~ maligte-;
go along without ~ maligate-, maligcuar-
permit: (pb) -cite-
, -cete-
perpendicular: bed partner sleeping in ~ direction
teru; ~ly qeratmun
Perseus and Auriga: (contellations) Tuntuq
persevere: taqaite-
perseverent: be ~ caprite-
persistent: be ~ caprite-, ciumuar-, ciumuu-,
cumigte-, taqaite-; be ~ due to desperation
kapia-; cough ~ly ag’ur(ar)-
person: cuk, suk, taru, yuk, see Khromchenko (13);
ordinary ~ Yup’ik, yuunginaq; real ~ yuk’apiaq;
extraordinary ~ yungruyak; bald ~ qerriraayaq;
black ~ Akertem aciarmiu; creature that is
half a ~ ingluilnguq*; little ~ cusr(aq*); old ~
ak’allar(aq*); provide ~ with water or other
liquid emite-; righteous ~ ellualria; train to
become a better ~ cilkia-; ~ after whom one
is named ateq; ~ who uses s in many words
where other Yup’ik speakers use y pisalria; ~
from one’s hometown nunalgun; ~ from this
place right here ukurmiu; ~ going ahead of dog
team maryarta; ~ in chronic pain nangamcuk;
point out ~ in question yik’ute-; ~ of long ago
ciuliaqatuk; ~ of the Universe
cillam yua,
llam yua; ~ one serves kevgiuqengaq; ~ who
sends out messengers during Messenger
Feast cingesta; ~ related to one amllerutaq;
~ responsible cingesta; have (him) as the ~
toward whom one is V-ing (pb) -vike-; ~ who
acts extreme caution mianikur(aq*); ~ who calls
out the words of a dance song eriniurta; ~ who
distributes clothing or food in honor of his
or her child’s rst catching game or picking
berries kalukaq
; ~ who calls out a man’s name
during the Bladder Feast aciurta; ~ who is half
Native aveg-; ~ who is unsettled or restless
agamyak; ~ who lives on the tundra akulmiu;
~ who starts the Messenger Feast nasquq; ~
who talks a lot qanerpak; ~ with a familiar
spirit tuunralek; ~ with a snotty running nose
personal: search one’s ~ belongings aglug-; ~
ornament kenugun
perspiration: ceq, [e]ceq, esseq, seq
perspire: ceq, cer-, [e]ceq, esseq, seq
persuade: eguaqur-, qarute-
pertaining: thing ~ to women arnartaq*
pester: qinurqe-, picetaar-
pestle: passin
pet: kuukuq, tagutuar(aq*); keep an animal as a ~
petal: caqelngataruaq
Petasites frigida: kalngaguaq
Petasites sp.: pellukutaq
petroleum: uqurkaq
petticoat: yuupkaaq
pew: ikugcuun, ikuutaq, kapsuun, legcik, negcik
Phalacrocorax auritus: uyalegpak
Phalacrocorax pelagicus: uyalek
Phalacrocorax sp.: agasuuq, agayuuq
phalarope: red ~ augtaar(aq*); red-necked ~
imaqcaar(aq*), cep’irrlugaq, ceqcaaq; northern ~
see Adams (49)
Phalaropus fulicaria: augtaar(aq*), augtuar(aq*)
Phalaropus lobatus: ceqcaaq, cep’irrlugaq,
imaqcaar(aq *)
pharmacist: iinriurta
Phelinus igniarius: ararkaq, kumakaq
philosophy: kangingutet
philtrum: kakeggliliyaraq, kucurvik
phlegm: cagmak, imaller(aq*), imaqucuk, imaryuk,
phobia: nangyaryugyaraq; suffer from ~
Phoca largha: issuriq, issurvak, qayegyaq, qayigsaq,
suuri, ul’utvak, useqnak, uyeqnak
Phoca vitulina: issuriq
Phocoena phocoena: mangayaaq*
Phocoenoides dalli: mangayaaq*
phonograph: aturcetaaq, atusaaq
photograph: tarenraq, yuugaq, yuumavik; take a ~
photographer: tarenrairista
phrase: qanruciq
Phylloscopus borealis: cungakcuarnaq
period — Phylloscopus borealis
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
physical: have a hard time because of ~ weakness
or illness cirliqsuun, irliqe-, qelluqiun, uralate-;
engage in ~ activity akusrarte-; show ~ strain
by facial expression tenguqe-
physically: abuse ~ nangte-; be strong ~ nuki-,
pinir-; be ~ weak nukgiate-, piniate-, piniarute-;
spiritual uncleanliness manifesting itself
~ essuararaq; be ~ attracted to (her) eklike-,
ekliyug-; be ~ attractive eklinarqe-; ght ~
callug-; be ~ uncomfortable arenqiallugte-;
strain ~ caknaa-; train ~ to become a better
person cilkia-
physician: cungcarista, suungcarista, yungcarista,
Pica pica: qalqaruq, qalqerayak
Picea sp.: kevraartuq, nekevraartuq, uniqtaraq
pick (tool): ciklaq; ~ for digging roots
acilquirissuun, eqiin; ice ~ cikuliurun
pick: ~ berries igigtaun, iqvaq, iqviqe-, nunatar-,
pukug-, purriur-, unatar-; ~ and eat little things
pukite-; ~ and eat scraps of meat on bone
kivkar-; ~ lice kumakir-, pukite-; ~ on: ilalke-,
ilasqite-, nakuke-, tangcuke-; ~ one’s teeth
kumkaili-; ~ up tegu-; ~ up something tegute-
~ up things for later use algacak, alcagar-;
place where the ice has been ~ed tugneq;
~ed berry iqvaq; be fast berry ~er unangig-;
berry-~ing scoop iqvarcuun; eat berries while
~ing them amqar-; make livelihood ~ing
berries yuungnaqe-; eat berries as one ~s them
nerliyar-, neryar-
pickaxe: ciklaq
picture: pat’litaq, tarenraq; use story knife to draw
~ yaarui-
pie: piluk
piece: paddle hand grip that is one ~ with the
handle qaquaqnginaq; curved ~ across keel of
kayak eqluk; ~ in checkers piaskaq; front ~ of
a sled maryarun; ~ of evidence nallunairun;
cooked ~ of sh ukliaq; ~ of esh under the
tongue qelun
; ~ of ice beached in shallow
water et’galqilaq; ~ of leather separating beads
iqataq; little ~ of N (pb) -ar(aq*); old broken ~
of N (pb) -lquq; ~ of sod pequq
, qarmaq; ~ of
kindling qupucaar(aq*); spent ammunition
shell tied to a ~ of string qapiamcetaaq; ~ of
thread egliraq; ~ of wood ciqsaneq, unarciaq;
dyed leather ~ cungagartaq; break into ~s
itume-; crumble to ~s ciqume-; chopping
block for splitting ~s of wood tukeryaraq; ~ of
cloth for needle storage kakisvik; ~ of thread
nuvv’iliraq; upper ~ of boot or shoe itek; ~ of
calfskin on parka qemirrlugun; ~ of fringed
fur on garment megcugtaq, pinevyacagaq*,
pierce: putu-
; ~ a hole through ukii-; get ~ uki-;
earring to put in ~ ear agaq; ~ nose iingaculluk;
tool for ~ patients kap’issuun
pig: cetiinkaq, cetuinkaq, citiinkaq, piikinaq,
setiinkaaq, sitiinkaq
pigeon guillemot: cigur(aq*)
pigeon-toed: be ~ ekurnga-, kurnga-, kuugte-
pike: northern ~ ciulek, cukvak, cuukvak,
eluqruuyak, keggsuli, luqruuyak, qalru,
segg’aruaq, ulligtaruaq; head of ~ curlu;
intermuscular “Y” bone of ~ nuusaaq
Pikmiktalik Petmigtalek
Pilcher Mountain: Ing’errlak
pile up: evu-, ugu-
piled ice: evuneq, ugunret; dark-colored
~ tungussiqatak; ~ mixed with mud
marayilugneq; ~ mixed with sand asvailnguq*;
~ on sandbars nacaraq
pill: iinru; sleeping ~ qavarcetaaq
pillage: mayar-, wayar-, ¥gayar-
pillow: akin, akitaq, putuskaq; provide with ~
pilot: tengssuuciurta
pilot bread: cugg’aliq, qaq’ulektaaq, sugg’aliq
Pilot Point: Agissaq
Pilot Station: Tuutalgaq
pimple: ciissiq, siissiq; acne ~ qaaryak; goose ~
pin: kakin, kakiutaq, nuqciksuar(aq*), nuqyun;
clothes~ iniissuun; pin (jewelry) manumik;
safety ~ kula’avkaaq, pula’avkaaq
pin down: engig-, enig-, niig-
pincer: pupsuk
pinch: nunur-
, pupsuk; ~ hard pupcep’ag-,
pupespag-; ~ lightly pupeckar-
pincher: pupsuk
pincushion: kakisvik
pine: equgpigaq
pine grosbeak: puyiir(aq*)
pineapple weed: atsaruaq, itegmik
Pinicola enucleator: puyiir(aq*)
physical — Pinicola enucleator
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pink: kavircessngalnguq*, kavirrluk, kavirya(g)aq*,
kavivvguk; be ~ kavirrlugcete-; edible ~ sea
animal arnauq
pink plumes: cuqlamcaq
pink salmon: amaqaayak, amaqsuq, cuqpeq,
luqaanak, terteq
pins and needles: kakilacak, nala-
pintail: northern ~ iyukaq, napaqaq, tit’assiq,
uqsuqaq, uqulegaq, uqulkatak, uutkaaq,
uyaqucuayaalek, yuukaq
pipe: cupluq, paipaq, puyuruaq, puyurtuq,
puyurtuutaq, qiluruaq, see Nelson (5); smoke a ~
puyurtur-; tobacco ~ kuingiq
pipeline: cuplurpak
pipit: water ~ pec’aqaq, pespessaayaaq
pirogi: piluk
pistol: inglupiartaun, negqeryaraq
massiinam tugercuutii
pit: elaneq, teq’aciileq, teq’aq, terlak; “dog ~”
for remains qimugcivilkuk; sh aged in ~
cin’aq, teq’aq; foreleg or ipper ~ uneq; grass-
lined storage ~ etqacuk; grass for lining ~
englullinr(aq*); ~ for cleaning sh elagyaq,
lagyaq; ~ for fermenting sh kaciitaq; ~ for
storing seal oil uquucilleq; for ~ being dug
to cave in irniqu-; ~ that one can’t get out of
petmik; ~ trap igcetaaq, petmik; deep ~s ilutu-
pitch: kuryuk, taaq; coat with ~ taarte-; tree ~
angeq, angeryak; tree ~ used for chewing
angiyaq; ~ a tent pelatekiur-
pitch black: be ~ qelali-, qelarvag-
pitcher: glass ~ estakaanaq, stakaanaq
pitiful: be ~ naklegnarqe-, takumcunarqe-
Pitka’s Point: Negeqliim Painga
pity: nakleke-, takumcukiyaraq, takumcukun; feel ~
naklegyug-, takumcuke-, takumcuyug-
place: elli-
, elvik, [e]na
, nuna, pivik; be a nice ~
nunakegte-; be out of ~ enllugte-; ~ (body) in
cofn qemagte-; chipped ~ usneq, uss’arneq;
defecate or urinate in an appropriate ~
yuqerte-; go from one ~ to another without
crossing something extended age-; move from
one ~ to another nugtarte-; pull or fasten in ~
nuqsugte-; put away in the wrong ~ nulate-;
shallow ~ etgalnguq*, etgalquq; take someone’s
~ nunair-; take the ~ of enair-; there (at that
~) tamaa(ni); arrange ~ for (him) nunakir-;
~ for N (pb) -vik; ~ having N (pb) -talek; ~
lacking water current or wind qamaneq;
have no ~ like it nanelviite-; change one’s ~
of residence upag-; dwelling ~ of the spirits
taamlek; ~ one’s bet ellii-; particular side of ~
or direction tunglirneq; have as the ~ of V-ing
(pb) -vike-; reach a ~ nallair-; ~ of V-ing (pb)
-vik; ~ pressure on the carotid artery evate-;
~ that has gotten water miineq; ~ to borrow
things navrarvik; go from ~ to ~ ce
÷i-; ~ to sit
aqumgavik; ~ to thread something nuvevik; ~
to V (pb) -vik; ~ where a re is built kenilleq; ~
where ice forms on sandbar qas’urneq; ~ where
one holds seal harpoon nagun; ~ where one
lies crouched elavngavik; ~ where something
is found unexpectedly kelngunrilnguq*; ~
where the ice has been picked tugneq; hard in
some ~s teggia-; cook by ~ing in boiling water
placenta: aapaquyuk, al’erpak, neq’aq
plaintiff: picetaarucilria
plan: ciunerkiungnaqe-, (pb) -te-
; ~ to V (pb)
-kugte-, -kuna-, -kutar(ar)-; not do something as
~ned taq’i-; what is ~ned to happen pillerkaq
plane (aircraft): overturn accidentally in ~ akacag-
plane (tool): carpenters ~ estulussaq,
manigcissuun, stelussaq, stulussaq; inclined ~
aqelqurrun; ~ (wood) caki-
planet Earth: nunarpak
plank: tuskaq, see Adams (45); oor ~ nacin; seat ~ in
kayak aqumgautaq; ~s put over replace nacin,
planner: land-use ~ nunaliurta
plans: pillerkaq; make ~ pillerkir-; make ~ for a trip
egnia-; make ~ for the next day unuaqute-
plant: (n) naucetaaq, naungrruyak, naunraq*, (v)
naucecii-, naucir-; a certain ~ qivyunguaq; a
certain sand dune ~ ariraq; dead ~ tuqunquq;
brous stem of ~ teguniyagaq; grow (of ~) on it
nauvike-; male grass ~ tugglugpak; medicinal
~ type cayugcetaaq; odiferous ~ teptuli;
paintbrush ~ cavigpaguaq; provide ~ with
water merqe-; small sweet ~ part aatuuyaarpak;
tuber of mare’s-tail ~ utngungssaq*; type of
edible ~ negaasek; ~ root acilquq, acipluk;
poisonous ~ that grows around ponds tarnik; ~
like reindeer moss cigvinguaq; ~ type luluraq,
tukulleguaq, ugyuun; ~ used in “Eskimo ice
pink — plant
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cream” napataq, neqnirliaq; ~ burned to make
ash after it has died arakaq
; kill ~s nalate-;
main vein from which all ~ emerge nunam
taqra; remove roots from ~s makiur-
plant (power): light ~ kenurrivik; roof of ~
plaster: see Adams (46)
plastic: ~ sheeting ciileqtaaq, metuyailkun
plate: qantaq; donate money, as in the offertory ~
ellii-; armature ~ in a motor
kenrem curua; ~ of
skin on parkas ellutmuaq, qaliq
platform: shelf at front edge of rear storage
~ kiacirutaq; sleeping ~ ingleq; ~ cache
qaivarrvik; elevated storage ~ ek’raq
Platichthys stellatus: cagiq, naternaq, sagiq, uraluq,
Platinum: Arviiq
platter: kalupak
play: uamqe-; ~ (of puppies) una-
; ~ with sled
ellu’urtaar-, ikamraruaq; child’s sled for ~ing
ikamracuar(aq*), ikamraruaq; ~ a game in
which two individuals pull against each other
cingillertute-; ~ blind-man’s-bluff caavtaar-;
~ tag agtuqtaar-, angumayutar-, mayarcetaar-,
ulakitaar-, yakiicimaagute-; ~ a game similar
to volleyball but without a net akiqaar(ar)-; ~
guitar qacguur-; ~ a hockey-like game kal’utaq;
~ a game involving hitting ball with palm
patkar-; ~ actively aqui-, see Barnum (40); ~
area aquivik; ~ around ulapeqe-; ~ around
with caanguaqe-; ~ at working calinguar-;
~ ball angqaq, piataq; ~ checkers piaskaq; ~
darts aavcaaq, napataq; ~ house inanguar-; ~
“Lapp game” kangpaniskaq; ~ a game similar
to mumblety-peg kalackiiq; ~ with a slanted
pole over which one ips qip’artaar-; ~ out
harpoon line nek’ve-; ~ outside an’gir-; ~ pool
or billiards cingqaqu-; ~ sedentarily with toys
laanguar-, naanguar-; ~ sliding on ice cikulrii-;
~ using objects as toys laanguar-, naanguar-;
~ with dolls inuguaq, sugaq; ~ing instead
of trying to accomplish things ellalkarte-,
ellangpar-; cover eyes while ~ers hide melu-;
marble for ~ing games maapelaaq
playground: aquivik
playing card: kaaltaaq; ace in ~s tuss’aq, tuussaq
two of a kind in ~s quta
; three in ~s
ussarquralria; four in ~s kangiraraq; spades in
~s um’i
plaything: use as a ~ akusraruteke-
plead: engilugte-; ~ with engilugte-
pleasant: be ~ anglanarqe-, nunanirqe-; sound ~
niitnirqe-; be in ~ frame of mind ellakegci-;
pleasant N (pb) -nike-, -nirqe-; nd ~ to do
picirnike-; be ~ to do or experience picirnirqe-;
be ~ to eat neqnirqe-; be ~ to look at
tangenqigcinarqe-, tangnirqe-, tangssunarqe-; be
~ to V (pb) -nike-, -nirqe-
please: kitaki; ~ V (pb) -qar-; feel ~d ilucqer-,
ilukegci-; ~d to meet you cama-i
pleat: qelengneq, qelengte-, tapneq
Plectrophenax hyperboreus: kanguruaq
Plectrophenax nivalis: am’arulkarar(aq*),
cilumcuksugaq, kanguruaq, uksurtaq
pledge: ukvernarcar-
Pleiades: (constellation) Kaviaret
plentiful: sing to induce game to be ~ agayuli-;
provide ~ly cirirqe-
plenty: have ~ uqi-
pleura: cayaq
pliable: make skin ~ iqute-
pliant: make skin ~ ulug-
pliers: keggsuutek
plot: qaillukuar-; ~ against (him) picurlagcetaar-
plover: American golden ~ or black-bellied ~
tevatevaaq; lesser golden ~ or black-bellied ~
tuyik; semipalmated ~ tapruar(aq*)
, uyarr’uyaq
pluck: ~ feathers, fur, etc. eritar-, erritar-; ~ a bird
erici-, meqtar-, neritar-, rriitar-
plug: elcailkun, kevinqun, keviq, kuir-, mellaq,
umcigun; man’s stone lip ~ tapruartaq; spark~
spaak; ~ of seal harpoon oat keviaq; ~ for
sealskin oat unguquutaq, see Nelson (8, 56); ~
tobacco patiktaq
plugged: be ~ umci-
plumes: edible tubers of pink ~ cuqlamcaq
plunder: mayar-, ¥gayar-, wayar-
plunge: ~ in cuukcaute-; ~ through pulqerte-
Pluvialis dominica: tevatevaaq, tuusiik, tuyik
Pluvialis squatarola: ciilmak, tevatevaaq, tuusiik,
ply: spin and ~ bers piirri-; ~ thread qipe-
pneumonia: get ~ kumlaqer-, pacsaqar-
pocket: kalemaanaq, kalmaanaq, qemaggvik
pocketknife: luquckiar(aq*), taptaaryaraq
pod: round ~ akengqupagaq
plant (power) — pod
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Podiceps grisegena: aarayuli, aayuli, aatetetaaq,
Podiceps sp.: qaleqcuuk, tusairnaq
point: (n) cingik, kenir-
, nuuk, nuvuk, (v) enir-,
niir-; ~ of multipointed harpoon cingilek;
arrow with ~ that detaches atauciqerrnaq,
meq’ercetaaq; arrow with barbed ivory ~
cingigturaq, urugnaq; arrow with three-
pronged ~ pingayupegcetaaq; barbed ~
designed to detach in animal kukgaq; bone ~
put on kayak paddle kukimssaq; rst barb on
harpoon ~ cirliqsuun; sh spear ~ neqsuun;
have a sharp ~ cingikegte-; joint on spear
used to attach ~ aklicaraq; separate ~ put on
arrow behind main ~ caniryak; sharpen to ~
cingikar-, kakimqigte-; spear ~ kapun; spear
with three ~s nuusaaq, nuuyaaq; stick with
sharp ~ kapuckaq; strike with ~ of stick tugeq;
thread with end twisted to ~ egliraq; toggling
harpoon ~ cavek; ~ of origin kinguneq
utelmun, utetmun; ~ on a re-drill kukgun; ~
out apertur-; ~ out person in question yik’ute-;
~ out to apertuute-; ~ toes outward caqvirte-;
~ where river cuts bank at bend tugneq; ~
where tail joins body of sh nuuksuk; breaker
~ kegketaaq; connecting ~ of hoop-like object
uivneq; lowest ~ qerkilqurraq*; reach a certain
~ ellir-; sight in from elevated ~ qinerte-;
survey from high vantage ~ nacete-; swim from
one ~ to another kuime-; be ~ing toward here
pointed: be sharply ~ cingickegg-; two-~ bird-
hunting arrow akulmiqurataak; snowshoe,
especially one with ~ front pupsugcetaaq;
whitesh with a ~ head cingikeggliq; sculpin
with ~ nose qengaruvagaq; ~ piece of ice
pointer: circular calendar with ~ cill’aq
poised: be ~ kakite-; be ~ in readiness cassinga-
poison: nercetaaq, tuqucetaaq, tuqunaq (see Adams
poison water hemlock: anguturluq,
iligviit neqait,
tuqunaq, uquutvaguaq
poisoning: get blood ~ mecur-; get food ~ ilulkar-,
ilussarte-, qaliqar-
poisonous: be ~ tuqunarqe-; ~ mushroom
pupignaq; ~ plant that grows around ponds
poke: kasme-, kayime-, kayme-; poke in kape-;
~ one’s head out yurar-
; ~ repeatedly kapur-;
stick ~d into ground takaneq; needles ~d for
storage kakisvik; ~ing device kapsuun; ~ing
out of the water napanguyaq
poke (bag): sealskin ~ caqun, qerruraq; wooden
stopper for seal ~ agayutaq; hand-hold on
harpoon attached to seal-~ oat cigvigquq;
stiff lip piece for seal ~ pasvaagun; put food
in oil in sealskin ~ teviri-; small ~ of seal
oil caqussayucuar(aq*); ~ sh arumaarrluk,
uqumaarrluk; closed ~ keviraun; water-lled
hole to store ~ of seal oil qengneq
poker: kap’issuun, kaputaq; re ~ keniurun
polar bear: arlunaq, nanuaq, quq’uyaq; fur
decoration said to represent a ~ yurturuaq
Polaris: Agyalluk, Agyarrlak
pole: cuka
, napartaq, naparutaq, naparyaq; ~ for
hanging sh arviqrun; dig or probe with ~
ikuktar-; shing ~ manaqutaq; go or pull up a
~ qela-
; insignia on ~ napautaq; compete with
a slanted ~ qip’artaar-; ~ used for poling a boat
asaurun; ~ a boat asaur-, ayaktar-; ~ stuck into
the ground during Bladder Feast kagaciqaq,
kangaciqaq; ~s used to keep kayak off ground
policeman: itercista, kantalarista, qillerqista, tegusta
polish (it): qerrircar-
pollock: walleye ~ or Pacic ~ kalagaq
pollute: uqlar-
polygamous: second wife in a ~ marriage nukaraq
Polygonum alaskanum: angucaluq
, angukaaq,
arnaurluq*, nakaaq, nauciq
, quunarliq
Polygonum bistorta: cuqlamcaq
polynya: cikuilquq, nanviuqerrneq
Polysticta stelleri: anarnissakaq, caqiar(aq*)
pomarine jaeger: uquir(aq*)
pompon: kangkuussitaq; ~ on parka hood or hat
pond: nanvaq; yellow ~ lily paparnaq; poisonous
plant near ~s tarnik
ponder: qikar-
pool: play ~ or billiards cingqaqu-; spring with ~
qallaneq eddy
poor: be ~ arenqiallugte-, arrsiqe-, ngangamciqe-,
see Khromchenko (10); be ~ companion ilaniite-;
few N in ~ condition (pb) -llruar(aq*); poor
dear N (pb) -r(ur)luq*; poor dear one Vs
(pb) -pacug-, -q(ur)lur-; have poor eyesight
Podiceps grisegena — poor
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
takviate-; ~ N (pb) -kuyuk; ~ old N (pb) -ruk; ~
person arrsak; ~ person with tattered clothing
ilgulgaq; ~ quality N (pb) -ngnagaq; have N of
~ quality (pb) -lliqe-; ~ thing! akleng, nakleng;
weather that is ~, but not to the extent that
outdoor activity is impossible ellanglluk; be
~ enough weather to make outdoor activity
impossible ellarayag-; ~ visibility tangerrnaite-,
tangerrnarqe-; be ~ visibility kiarnaite-
pop: qager-, qag’erte-; ~ into view yurar-
; ~ (it) into
mouth iqemler-; soda ~ meqsuircaun, merkaun
pope: allgiliyaq
poplar: balsam ~ avngulek, avngulgaq,
popping: make loud ~ noises cingqur-
populous: be ~ yugyag-
Populus balsamifera: avngulek, avngulgaq, ciquq,
ciruq, equgniilnguq*, qugniilnguq*
porch: enclosed entry ~ elaturraq; ~ of communal
house tumagcur-; passage from ~ into house
amiguyuk; front of ~ manulqaq
porcupine: cukilek, ilaanquciq, issaluq, nuuniq;
caribou in stories with ~ tunturyuaryuk
pore: maa, mai
Poria obliqua: kenerqaq, pupiguaq
Porphyra laciniata: irnerrluguaq
porpose: harbor ~ or Dall’s ~ mangayaaq*
portage: (n) arviqercaraq, tevyaraq, (v) et’ve-, teve-;
~ route between Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers
Portage Creek: Uksurnarli
portal: ~ of atmosphere for the “little people”
ellangqerrucaraq; ~ of the underground for the
“little people” aciirucaraq
portion: small ~ of it ilarraq; ~ of a catch nengiq;
distribute ~ of catch nengilite-, nengirtur-;
divide into multiple ~s avqur-; hunting
receiving rib ~ of seal irnerrlugtalria; feel bad
for not being given ~ of catch ivua-
position: be in bent-forward ~ pusnga-; fall over
from upright ~ iqu-
positive: regard (him) in a ~ light yugnike-
possess: ~ no shamanistic powers yuunginaq
possessed object: (pb) -un; see Endings section
possession: earthly ~ calqutagaq; future ~ pikaq;
give something as a ~ pikite-; take back one’s ~
ellmig-; take ~ of (it) piksagute-; ~ of deceased
person placed on grave egtaq, eliveq, elliveq;
have ~s tukuq; be reluctant to part with one’s
~s qunu-; hand down one’s ~s or give them to
someone more in need iknite-; move with one’s
~s from one house to another agqur-
possessive: be ~ irleg-; feel ~ of qunuke-; be ~ of
irleke-; be jealously ~ cikna-
possessor: what the ~ must, should, or would not
(pb) -arkaqenrilka
possibilities: have two ~ malruigte-
possible: be ~ pinarqe-; just in case it’s ~
elliita¥gaten; ~ to V (pb) -yunarqe-
post: cuka
, napartaq, naparyaq, paug-; insignia
on ~ napautaq; hook put around ~ to hold
dog team ayakatarcuun; old ~ naparyalleq; ~
used to hold kayak frame agqun; put up a ~
for (it) kangircir-; tie to ~ petuk; ~ for oil lamp
nanilraq, ussuciaq; supporting ~ of bench
palan; ~ of cache kanagaq; rearmost ~ of sled
pingutaquk; corner ~ of traditional house
tagurun; cofn elevated on ~s sitaaq
post ofce: kalikivik
post-spawning salmon: nalayaq
postmaster kalikiurta
postrate: ~ oneself paa-
pot: asuq, kuupik; cast-iron ~ cukunaq, kucunaq,
qurrun, sukunaq; clay ~ see Nelson (69); cooking
~ with rounded sides aqsamirtaq; cooking ~
egan, utgucik; foam in cooking ~ pugyanerrluk;
scoop out of the ~ ipug-; small ~ egaksuar(aq*),
epurralek; stick used to hold ~ over re
takaneq; tripod for holding ~ over re qikiq
pot holder: tegullitaq
potato: kaltuugaq, kantuuvvilaq, patitussaaq, ulqiq,
utqiq; “Eskimo ~” marallaq*, qerqaq; wild ~
atkallaq, elagaq; casserole of meat or sh with
~, onions, etc. cal’kuuyaq, salkuuyaq
potent: be ~ tukni-
potential: have ~ cakarnir-; have no ~ cakarniite-; ~
to obtain something ukangiiq; ~ food that is V
(pb) -maarrluk; ~y aid to V-ing (pb) -tnguarkaq
Potentilla fruticosa: teggerpak
Potentilla palustris: mecungyuilnguq*
potter: qikuliurta
pottery: clay mixed with hair to make ~ urasqaq
potty: qurrun
pouch: kellarvik, qesran, qisran; ammunition ~
¥galguun; spider that appears to have a ~
kellarvilek; tobacco ~ curmak; tobacco ~ made
pop — pouch
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
from seabird skin camru
pound: nutengvag-, uqamaq, uspeq; have a ~ing
heart unguvatarar-
pour: ~ something into (it) naivike-; ~ oil or water
over before eating kuunqerte-; ~ out ciqirqe-,
ciqite-, qaalute-; ~ out of a container kuve-; ~
from one container to another naave-, naive-
pout: cuagte-, irseg-, mamcarte-
, nengamllugte-,
qisserte-; ~ unhappily kanangllugte-; be ~ing
cuangqa-, qissengqa-
powder: pautaq; baking ~ ulcetaaq; scouring
~ nangugcissuun; talcum ~ qallaciurrsuun,
uuyurcailkun; ~ horn puyurkarvik; ~ measurer
powdery: ~ snow that enters through cracks
itrugta; get ~ snow coming in through cracks
itrug-; ~ clay urr’aq
power: kayu, piniq; deal with people through
shamanistic ~ yuliur-; y with the aid of
shamanistic ~ elumar-; have ~ pilgu-; use spirit
~ tuunri-; substance with ~ to harm cirla; go or
be taken to the realm below by supernatural
~s aciirute-; have ~s of divination qelatu-
powerful: be ~ artuqaite-, tukni-; ~ shaman
practice: old-time ~ nutemllaq*; take a shot in
target ~ napataq; traditional ~ eyagyaraq; ~
rite-of-passage abstinence caagnite-; ~ shooting
with a bow and arrow pitegte-
praise: nanrar-, ucuqe-
praiseworthy: be ~ ucurnarqe-
pray: agayu, piicak, piicar-, piiciur-
prayer: maliss’aaq, piicaun
preach: qallate-
preacher: qaneryariurta
precautionary measures: take ~ qanirtur-
precept: alerquun; follow ~s maligtaqu-
precious: be ~ qununarqe-
precipitation: for clouds to develop with ~
precise: be ~ pinqegg-
predecessor: ciuqliq*
predict: pillerkir-; ~able time cuqa
; ~ional
prefer: cucuke-, ikirun, nakmike-; ~ something
cucuklir-; be such that one ~s it nakmignarqe-
pregnancy: get a fallen uterus after ~ nenguga’rte-;
sense a ~ gone bad qingarniur-; pregnant:
be ~ aqsali-; be visibly ~ aqsi-; get ~ qingir-,
quminge-; ~ woman qumilek; ~ bearded seal
prematurely: be born ~ anyarar(ar)-
premium: insurance ~ akiliquraun
preoccupied: be ~ cumigte-, qacngate-; be totally
~ with sex qumaqite-, qumiqite-; be ~ with
women arniqe-
preparation: cut up food in ~ for cooking ukli-;
cut sh in ~ for drying seg-, seg’aq; pour oil or
water over in ~ for eating kuunqerte-
prepare: ~ a meal neqkiur-; ~ a grass mat
for bladders used in the Bladder Feast
canglanguarrar-; ~ sh for storage neqli-; ~
handmade thread nuvv’ilir-; chew food to ~ it
for eating tamuali-; ~ something to be N (pb)
-kiur-; ~ things for a visitor arrliur-; ~ to leave
on short notice uplerquute-; bin used for sh
before they are ~d for drying qikutaq; ~d item
taqumalria; board on which one ~s meat or sh
inguqin; art of ~ing food neqkiuryaraq; cut sh
while ~ing it for drying ingqii-
presence: taku-; become aware of a human ~
yulkitange-; become aware of one’s ~ alake-
come into someone’s ~ alange-
; indications of
human ~ yull’itaq; for there to be indications of
human ~ yulkia-; for there to be no indications
of human ~ yulkiite-; make one’s ~ known
yulkite-; ghost or spirit whose ~ is indicated
nepengyaq; felt ~ of something immaterial
present: pikiun; be ~ paivnga-, watngu-; become ~
watngurte-; become ~ and available paivte-; be
~ at the right time nall’arusnga-; ~ ceremonial
food to (him) payukucunguar-; at the ~ maa-i;
during the ~ period maa-irpak; old name of
~-day Bethel Uuyarmiut; speech to be ~ed
qanerkaq; for something to happen ~ly piqer-
preserved: parboiled ~ meat in in seal oil uullaq
preserving: make livelihood by ~ food yuungnaqe-
press: naner-; ~ down engig-, enig-, niig-; ~ down
on kenegte-, negte-, negtaar-; ~ one’s knuckles
against one’s forehead nengsuug-; ~ed down in
a keg nin’genqegcar-
pressing: get an imprint of something ~ into it
qapaute-, qapngute-
pound — pressing
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pressure: blood ~ augem nutngallran cuqii; gas
~ qertuneq; place ~ on carotid artery avate-,
evate-; swell up, exerting ~ puvute-; ~ ridge
evuneq, ugunret
pretend: ~ to have husbands uinguaq; ~ed
husband uinguaq; ~ing to be disabled uligui-
pretty: be ~ kenegnar-, pinimyug-, piniqnarqe-,
tangnirqe-, see Turner (9)
prevail: anag-, anagkenge-; ~ over cirlake-
prevent: something to ~ accidents or misfortune
picurlagyailkutaq; dog muzzle to ~ biting
cunguilitaq; stiffen to ~ movement aksaqar-;
~ oneself or another from V-ing (pb) -staili-;
something to ~ rolling akagyailkun; oversole
used to ~ slipping on ice nat’raq; reinforcement
to ~ tearing allegyailkutaq; device to ~ V-ing
(pb) -yailkutaq; line and skirt ~ water from
entering agarun; device to ~ weapon from
falling overboard akagyailkun; nally V after
being ~ed (pb) -urainar-; regret a loss that
might have been ~ed uurcara-; wanting to go
but ~ed qemitaagte-
preview: tengrucetaarun
previously: as ~ ciunganitun, civuanitun; eat
something to remove taste of what one has ~
eaten qecirniir-
prey: pitarkaq
price: akitutaciq
prickly: have ~ feeling in tongue kakialanar-; grass
with ~ leaves ussuuq
pride: overdo out of ~ piniteke-
priest: agayulirta, kass’aq; wife of Russian
Orthodox ~ maatuskaq; ~ly vestment
primarily: one that is ~ N (pb) -rpalluk
prime: man in his ~ nukalpiaq; young man in his ~
primer: ~ box kenivik, kenervik; ~ cap kaapcelaaq,
principle: kangiq; be curious about ~ behind
something kangiiyug-; discover ~ behind
something kanginge-
prints: harden (of ~ in snow) qiqli-
prison: itercivik
prisoner: itengqalria, itertaq*; game similar to ~’s
base man’aman’aaq
private parts: ~ of girl es’ak
privy: yuqerrvik
probably V: (pb) -kutag-, -yugnarqe-
; ~ also V (pb)
-milli-; ~ be going to V (pb) -ciqli-
probe: ~ with pole or stick ikuktar-; ~ manually
problem: arenqiallugun; object, trait, or person that
causes ~ picurlaun
proceed: egmir-
process: the ~ of addition ilayaraq; ~ of V-ing (pb)
; ~ whereby parts of a seal are distributed
pitaryaraq; seal gut removed before further
~ing taiq; device used in wringing sealskins
during ~ing kepirtaq
prodder: one sent as a ~ cingileguaq
produce: ~ life nauci-; ~ lot of heat matnir-
product: ~ of bear or seal taqukinraq*; ~ of N (pb)
procient: not fully ~ hunter nukasegauciq;
procient V-er (pb) -yuli; able to V ~ly (pb)
-turnir-; feel that object can V ~ly (pb) -turnike-
prognosticer: ciunerkiungnaqe-
progress: slow down ~ kenerte-
prohibition: inerquun
projectile: hit with ~ uyaqe-; strike (it) in the N
with ~ (pb) -kcugi-, -nqar-
projecting: have something ~ out tek’ar-
projection: nuuk, nuvuk
projects: where wristbone ~ cugamkuyuk
projection: rock poking out from surface
napanguyaq; ~ near newborn’s ear ut’rutaq
projectionist: tangrrualiurta
prominent: be ~ miter-; most ~ feather niss’uq; ~
sh camp on Nelson Is. Umkumiut
promise: akqe-, akqun; ~d thing akeqniaq
pronounce: aper-
pronunciation: aperyaraq
prop: (n) ayagta, isriq, tus’un, (v) enki-; ~ up
akivigte-, isri-, iyri-; wooden ~ palurun
propeller: anguarun; have water weeds cling to ~
proper: give advice about ~ conduct alerqua-;
~ Englishman Kass’apik; ~ time to V (pb)
-yunari-; able to do things the ~ way elluatuu-;
develop ~ly nauluaqar-; store ~ly in keg
nin’genqegcar-; thing done ~ly elluatuq; be ~ly
aligned nalqig-
property: nunaun
proposal: piyuun
proscription: inerquun
pressure — proscription
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
Prosopium cylindraceum: cingikeggliq, uraruq
prospect: ~ for minerals akissaar-, akissur-
prospector: akissulria, mainaq
prostate: qurak; swell (of ~) qugar-
prostitute: akissuq
protect: qaunqe-; grass cover used to ~ drying sh
from rain umran; incantation to ~ one from
illness qaniqun; visor to ~ the eyes elqiaq*;
device for ~ing N (pb) -ilitaq
protection: cayailkun
protective: be ~ of young kusgu-, kuygu-
protector: ear ~ ciutailitaq; elbow ~ ikusgiilitaq;
kayak bow or keel ~ cen’gaq
Protestant: Holy Communion (Moravian ~)
atanrem nerevkaritii; ~ minister qulirarta
protrude: tekarte-, qagte-
protruding: shore ice ~ kenuqaurneq; ~ thing
makneq; ~ tooth qugcuun; dried sh ~ from the
skin makesqiq, makneq
proud: be ~ picugte-, piuviyucug-, pivake-; be ~ in
silly way terikarte-
proverb: qanruyun
provide: ~ with water emite-, merqe-, merr’ite-,
; ~ (it) with legs keggaucir-; ~ insole of
dried grass piinir-; ~ bride with new clothing
nulirrucir-; ~ pad under something tungi-; ~
adequate food neqilegte-; ~ compassionate
assistance kusgu-, kuygu-; ~ for kupte-; ~ for
one’s household pingnatug-; ~ plentifully
cirirqe-; ~ solid ingredients in soup uklir-; ~
with (new) start kangilir-; ~ with insulation
ekiir-; ~ with food for journey taquite-; ~
with or be well ~d with N (pb) -lir-; ~ with
wherewithal to V (pb) -ite-
; want to V, ~d it is
all right (pb) -yugyaaqe-
provider: aluturta, angussaagta, pingnatugta; good
~ nukalpiaq, nukalpiartaq
provisions: ~ for a trip or outing taquaq; legendary
being who helps people at sea by bringing
them a box of ~ qupurruyuli
provocation: picetaarun
provoke: nauci-, picetaar-, picetaarute-, qinurqe-;
~ deliberately qinucetaar-; one who is easily
~d qenngali; such that one ~s criticism
nangrunarqe-; be curiosity ~ing paqnanarqe-
prune: anaqupak, anarngalnguq*, iqmiguaq,
isuumaq, qumilek
pry: ~ at ikguar-, ikwegte-; ~ out ikug-
; lift by ~ing
; tool for ~ing ikgun, verquun
pseudo-branch: kaugtuapak, kaugtuutaq
, kaugun
psychiatrist: umyualiurta
psychologically: abuse ~ nangte-
psychologist: umyualiurta
ptarmigan: kangqiiq ,qangqiiq, see Adams (48);
rock ~ elciayuli, see Nelson (126); whitetailed ~
taqikataq; willow ~ aqesgiq, aqeygiq; craw or
crop of ~ kallakutaq, puvsaq, qerruqacunguaq,
qerruqutaq; ~ intestine lepaq; land, of a ~
aqumkallag-; ~ net pugsuaq
puberty: follow traditional practice associated
with ~ eyagyaraq, yaag-
pubic hair: tengak
puck: hockey ~ kal’utarcuun
pucker: quunite-
pudding: atsiuraq; be like ~ qetute-
puddle: maq’acuaq, mecaggluk, mecak, mecanglluk,
meqcarrluk; step in a ~ mecqite-
puffball: agyam anaa, puyunguaq
pufn: horned ~ qengacuar(aq*), qilangaq; tufted ~
qilangaq, tunngaq
puffy: be ~ tenguqlirte-
pull: cayug-
, nucug-, nuqte-, tukeqnirte-; ~ (boat)
onto shore ugirte-; ~ up a cliff qela-
; ~ (it) up
onto elevated area kaggirte-; push sled without
using dogs to ~ it kasmurrar-; ~ a muscle
ekiar-; ~ against each other cingillertute-; ~
away from something aivkar-; ~ back a part of
something qukvir-; ~ against a force aksar-; ~
back bowstring pakiute-; ~ back to a smaller
area qungag-; ~ behind kalurrar-; ~ inward or
downward murugte-; ~ kayak cover seam tight
palliun; ~ securely into place nuqsugte-; ~ out
amu-, nucug-; ~ out with roots intact qecug-
~ repeatedly nuqtar-, qecuur-; ~ something
out amute-, nucuute-; ~ taut qelluqite-; hook
to ~ things from end of kayak tallirraq; ~ up
qelu-; ~ vigorously qimug-; ~ed back and forth
nucugcuutak; ~ed down murug-; ~ed thing
pulley: nuqcissuun
pulling: engage in a nger-~ contest akuliprun,
qaqurtuute-; be ~ sled qamurrar-; ~ device
qamuutaq; mat used when ~ in sh or game
cayukaun; be ~ on nuqinga-; resist a force ~ on
one aksar-; ~ the skin back qapiar-; uncover by
~ top layers back pakig-
Prosopium cylindraceum — pulling
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pullover: uvrun; ~ clothing as’un, as’arcaraq; neck
of ~ parka pugyaraq; thin hooded ~ garment
worn as a parka cover, as a jacket or dress
Pulmonaria maritima: civnerturpak
pulmonary: ~ vein or artery cuplunqutak
pulse: nutngaq
pumice: keggalrun, qapugyaq
pump: maqcissuun; tire ~ qerrurissuun
punch: tengelpag-, tengluk
puncher: hole ~ putulirissun
Pungitius pungitius: cukilek, cukituliya(g)aq*,
ilaqcuugaq, quarruuk
punish: pursue in order to ~ pu
punk: ararkaq, kenerqaq, kumakaq; ash of birch
fungus ~ araq, peluq
pup: smallest ~ in a litter uuqessngitak; seal ~ that
has shed its newborn skin carriqaq; mother
bearded seal swimming near oe on which
her ~ sits uginagumaq; rope made from skin
of spotted seal ~ tapruaq; big seal that stays on
pack ice and has ~ tuvartaq
pupil: ~ of the eye takvik, takviun
puppy: qimugkar(aq*), qimugkauyar(aq*),
qimukcualler(aq*), qimukcuar(aq*); play of ~ies
purchase: kipute-; ~d thing kipukengaq
pure: be ~ menuite-
Purgatory: Kencuar(aq*), Utaqalgirvik
purify: kencigcar-
purple: pelicqiq, qerpertarngalnguq*, qesurliq; ~ sea
slug uraruq; ~ thing qesurliq
purpose: act or be having something as one’s ~
picir-, piter-; for no particular ~ ellmikun; V ~ly
(pb) -ur-; run aground ~ly ugiyaqar-
purse-seining: kuvyaq
pursue: maligke-, malirqar-; ~ game malirqe-; ~ in
order to punish pu
pus: essnguq, imaller(aq*), imaq*, imaqucuk,
, imaryuk; get ~ on eyes imaryange-
Pusa hispida: nayiq*, nayissuaq, qayigsaq
push: cinge-, cinguur-, enu-, kayme-, kasme-;
abruptly ~ cingqar-; ~ (through) kayime-; ~ a
needle in kaki-; ~ a sled without using dogs
to pull it kasmurrar-, kaymurrar(ar)-; ~ down
on kenegte-, negte-; ~ or brace with one’s feet
tuker-; hook used to ~ things to end of kayak
tallirraq; device to ~ things down kalvun;
help ~ up akir-
; ~ upward with nger under
someone’s nose katengvag-; ~ with the foot
itegmig-; ice ~ed on shore manialkuq; ice ~ed
together kaimlineq, kaulineq; bone tool for ~
cords ikuukar(aq*); go out ~ing a sled without
using dogs peyukacir-; stretch skin by ~ing
away from center angiar-
pussy willow: uqviggluk; ~ catkin kangquq,
qikmiruaq, qimukcuar(aq*), tamukaaq
put: elli-
; ~ “in shape” (of a person) tumarte-; ~
(clothes) on backward cupigte-; ~ (it) out where
it can be used or seen paivte-, pavte-; ~ (them)
or take all out anerqe-; ~ all one’s strength into
doing something uqenqar-
; ~ away qungate-;
~ away carelessly nulate-; ~ away for later use
tungvagte-; ~ away for safekeeping qemagte-,
qemangqa-; ~ away in storage container kellar-;
~ blood in aulir-; ~ down something slung
over back amaqaute-; ~ ngers in mouth and
lick food off them alqimar-; ~ food in seal
oil in sealskin poke teviri-; ~ footwear on
wrong foot caqvirte-, cupigte-; ~ forth renewed
energy ilunge-; ~ head down when seated
kucungniigar-; ~ heavy load in one’s pack
atempag-; ~ in eke-
; ~ in front ounce of parka
kenirmiar-; ~ in one’s kayak qasmig-; ~ in one’s
N (pb) -mig-; ~ inside iterte-; ~ into conning
space qerte-; ~ into liquid akurte-; ~ into midst
of something pulate-; ~ little bit in one’s mouth
iqemkar-; ~ little patch on callemkar-; ~ N-ward
(pb) -var-; ~ needle into and back out the same
side kaki-; ~ oil in uqir-; ~ on belt nungirte-
tavci; ~ on boots kameksak, kamguk, muru-; ~
on clothing at’e-, tunupirte-; ~ on coat paltuuk;
~ on dress taqmak; ~ on footwear pilug-,
piluguk; ~ on or wear a mask kegginaquq; ~ on
or wear a muskrat parka kanaqlak; ~ on pair of
crossed-pole supports tatkik; ~ on pants ulruk;
~ on parka atkuk; ~ on show for tangssiite-; ~
on something tulungqa-; ~ on stove to cook
mani-; ~ on top ugte-
; ~ on warm clothes
maqarqe-; ~ one’s things away qemak; ~ one
off pellernarqe-; ~ or bring inside for storage,
ceremonial display, etc. ilvar-; ~ out in view
mani-; ~ out(side) ante-; ~ post in the ground
paug-; ~ siding on qanir-
; ~ skin on kayak
or skin boat amir-; ~ small load in one’s pack
atemkar-; ~ soil over (it) nevir-; ~ someone in
jail iterci-; ~ something in the mouth without
intending to eat it iqmik; ~ things in iterci-;
pullover — put
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ to sleep qavangcar-; ~ under an obligation
nengulugte-; ~ under arm unermik; ~ up a post
for (it) kangircir-; ~ up the sail qela-
; ~ up with
(it, him) ilalcir-; ~ water into emir-, mel’ir-; ~
weight on (it) engig-, niig-; ~ wood in it (the
stove) eqir-
putter: ~ around cavvlugte-
puzzle: jigsaw ~ tumarcat
pyloric caecum: kaik
pylorus: aataruaq
pyramid: pingayunek caniqalek
q: mispronounce by substituting k for ~ pikagte-,
quadruped: ungungssiq; forefoot of ~ ciuksuk;
limb of ~ ipik
quality: have the ~ of V or N (pb) -cete-
, -cite-
lack quality of being V (pb) -alliqe-, -ate; come
to lack quality of being V or of N-ness (pb)
quantity: amllertaciq; be a certain amllerta-
quarrel: ~ over food neqlugcira-
quarry: pitaq
quarter: cetvilitaq, kangiraq, qupcungaq*, tuupicaaq
quartz: uqumyak
queasy: feel ~ ekiarayug-, kinguaqerte-, kumguar-,
nuniate-, qungvagyua-
queen: Kuissiiq, uss’utali; ~ in cards: arnaq,
arnayagaq*, nasaurluq*
quench: meqsartur-, nekete-
question: apyun; ask a ~ apete-, apqaur-; answer a
~ kangirqe-; ~er apqaurta
questionnaire: apqaurun
quick: be ~ to respond tataite-
quicken: (of an unborn baby) pek’nge-
quickly: cukamek, patagmek; age ~ qimunqe-; be
able to do things ~ piqunqegg-; be crushed ~
pass’iqerte-; bite ~ kegler-; cook ~ uuga’rte-; V
~ (pb) -llugtur-; ~ go up on the shore tag’arte-;
~ hide iiler-; ~ learn eliga’rte-; ~ pick (it) up
teguler-; ~ pull (it) up onto the shore tag’arte-
quicksand: aangaaq, qavliryaq
quiet: be ~ emaite-, migkite-, nepaite-, qaskite-,
qinuite-; peaceful harmonious ~ niuk; ~ down
emair-, qinuir-; ~ rustling sound niuk; say
“quiet” arcaar-; become ~ qaskelli-
quietly: speak ~ qaneksuar-, qaneksugte-
quill: cukiq; swan ~ qugyinraq*
quilt: ulik; patchwork ~ tumaqcaaq
Quinhagak: Kuinerraq*
quit: taqe-, uugkete-; say “~ it” arcaar-
quite: ~ a distance elaqvaaq*; become ~ a few in
number qavciurte-
quiver: (n) caniurtaq, ¥galguun, (v) pekavyurte-,
quonset hut: palurutaq
r: mispronounce by substituting g for ~ pikagte-,
rabbit: maqaruaq, uskaanaq, see Adams (50); dart for
hunting ~s nuiq*; drive ~s into area ungu-
rabid: be ~ maluk’ali-, qissinga-; become ~ qiste-
race: pilraute-, see Nelson (92); compete in a ~
aqvaute-, pilraute-; loser in a ~ unegtaq; ~ to get
outside before others an’iraute-, itriraute-
rack: sh ~ ker’aq, qer’aq; rope used to hoist kayak
onto ~ qikiq
; ~ for storing meat ek’raq
radio: aturcetaaq, atusaaq, niicugnissuun; ~
operator qanercuuciurta; ~ transmitter
radius: (in forearm) ituraq
raft: angyarrluk
rafters: (in ceiling) qanak
rage: y into ~ cuaqerte-
ragwort: nasqupaguaq
rail: ribs below ~ in kayak ingneq; side ~ of sled
rain: (n) cellalluk, ellalluk, ivsuk, see Wrangell (3), (v)
cellallir-, ellallir-, ivsir-, see Orlov (1); be soaked
from ~ luvyuqnerar(ar)-; for there to be heavy
~ ivegpag-; freezing ~ cikurlak, patuggluk;
light snow or ~ kanevvluk; grass cover to
protect drying sh from ~ umran; shelter from
~ talite-; temporary covering used to keep ~
putter — rain
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
off body cirukutaq; for ~ clouds to develop
kukvaguar-; ~ hard ellarvag-, ivegpag-
rain parka: qaspeq; fasten ~ to kayak hatch
; gut ~ imarnin, kapit’aq; legendary
person who lives in sea and wears gut ~
rainbow: agluryaq
rainbow smelt: cemerliq, cimigliq, elquarniq,
qimaruaq, qusuuq, quyuuq, uqtaqngaq
rainbow trout: tagaurak, talaariq
raincoat: ellalliurcuun, ivsiurrsuun, kanaqliq; cord
that holds gutskin ~ around kayak coaming
raise: nalug-
; ~ a child anglicar-, tukangcar-; one
who ~s child mangnaqesta; ~ up qerratarte-; ~
shirt and let fall elluk’ar-; ~ hand cagte-
, yagte-
raisin: atsayagaq*, curacungaq*, curaq
, issumaq,
raising: urinate ~ one leg igagtar-
rake-like: berry scoop with ~ lip iqvarcuun
ram: ~ against something narukaute-; dive through
air intending to ~ something puugtua-,
ramrod: puyuqairin, qerrirun, sumpuluq
rancid: be ~ puya, qakir-
rancor: paggluk
random: anywhere at ~ kilgaq
range: have long ~ ag’inertu-
Rangifer tarandus: cirunel’kayak, kulavak, tuntu
Ranunculus pallasii: aaggulunguaq
Ranunculus sp.: kapuukar(aq*)
rape: acuniar-; commit gang ~ agkenge-
rapidly: patagmek; ~ descend igute-
rare: be ~ enurnar-, nurnar-, see Nelson (50); cook ~
umlluaqar-, uungllekar-, uuvlaag-, uvluaqar-;
~-cooked meat or sh uungllekaraq
rash: alluvagaq; develop a ~ anqerri-; have a diaper
~ uusurte-, uuyurte-; have a ~ callarte- uusurte-,
uuyurte-; ~es anqerrit
rasp: napiilekaaq
raspberry: puyuraarpak
rate: resource exploitation ~
cuqii tegutellerkam
ration: aninqe-, naacuqe-
rattle: kallagcetaaq, kallagte-, kalukaryak, kavcagte-
rattling: ~ noise kavcagpak
raven: akmaliarallr(aq*), pagkullr(aq*), qalqaruq,
qanitairaq, qer’qaaller(aq*), tengmialler(aq*),
tulukaruk; ~s’ food
tulukaruut neqait; distant
ancestor, creator of Nelson Is., identied with
~ ciuliaqatuk;
Raven: ~ the bearer of daylight Ernerculria;
daughter of legendary creator ~ An’gaqtar
Raven’s Arrow: (constellation)
Raven’s Walking Staff: (constellation) tulukaruum
ravenously: ~ gnaw mangirrar-
ravine: cegnayuk
raw: be ~ aripa-; meat or sh to be eaten ~ and
frozen quaq; become raw and irritated from
constant moisture uusurte-, uuyurte-; ~ edge
of fabric menglailitaq; frozen ~ sh nutaqaq;
~ esh or meat qassaq; eat ~ food aripa-; ~
material for N (pb) -kaq; ~ whitesh qassaya(g)
rawhide: ~ rope pinevkaraq
ray: ciqineq
razor: ungaircuun
razor clam: aliruaq
reach: apur-, tekite-; be unable to ~ enur-,
kalivci-, nuuqar-; fail to ~ nurte-; try hard to
~ one’s destination tekingnaqe-; ~ a certain
age yuullrurte-; ~ a certain amount, time,
condition, etc. pitari-; ~ a certain point ellir-; ~
a certain time or place nallair-; ~ all parts of the
esh ulligte-; ~ as far as (it) ngel’eke-; ~ into a
container or hollow place kau-; ~ the fth of a
series tallimiri-; ~ the N of (pb) -qliarte-; ~ the
stage when a person begins to comprehend
ciutengar(ar)-; ~ the state of V (pb) -yagute-
react: not ~ appropriately ii-; ~ to a strange
animal teriir-; ~ vocally to a sudden chill
imuqite-, imurtua-; one who ~s immediately
reaction: pucker lips in ~ quunite-
read: naaqe-
reader: tuyuq
; ~ (as in church) naaqista
readily: ~ conduct sound qasiakegg-; ~ ignite
kenqegg-; ~ respond niiga’rte-; ~ V (pb) -ngig-
readiness: be poised in ~ cassinga-
ready: be ~ upinga-; ~ to eat (food) neqkaq; food
~ to be eaten nerqainaq; start to get ~ up’nge-;
thing that is ~ piqainaq; ~ for hanging
citegtaq*; become ~ for use piurte-; thread ~ for
use nuvv’iliraq; get ~ to go upete-, upte-; be ~
to penetrate in sexual intercourse aqevlerte-; be
rain parka — ready
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ to spear or shoot kakite-, uqlir-, urnir-; ready
to V (pb) -qainaurte-, -yukaar(ar)-, -yuuma-
real: ~ person yuk’apiaq; ~ food neqepik, neqpik; ~
N (pb) -pik
; ~ house enpiaq
really: ilumun, wall’upik; ~? qaa
; be ~ good pillgu-;
~ V (pb) -pig-
rear: kingu; ~ a child tukangcar-; be at the ~
aqute-; be far to the ~ kinguqsig-; going to
the ~ kinguvar-; ~ many children qetunriur-;
rearmost post of sled pingutaquk
rearranged: resume original state after being ~
reason: avalin, avalissaq; act or be a certain way for
a ~ cassuun, picir-, piter-; for some unknown
~ qayuwa; ask for ~ behind something
kangingyug-; explain ~ behind something
reassure: caceturqaur-
rebuke: anucimirqecetaar-, arive-, arivte-
recall: [e]nqake-, neq’ake-, neq’ar-; try to ~
[e]nqangcar-; be unable to ~ kis’arci-; ~ with
regret neq’aniur-
recede: ente-
receding: be beached by the ~ tide kenaqaute-,
receive: akurtur-; ~ gifts during Messenger Feast
marlagtur-, pitar-; ~ as guest ciuniur-; feel
slighted for not having ~d anything imssa-; be
~d by the inviting village during Messenger
Feast kassuute-; something eaten after ~ing
communion qeciryailkun; hunter ~ing rib
portion of seal irnerrlugtalria
recently: icivaq, ukaqvaggun, uumi; ~ killed
seals yuussuun; ~ menstruated aglenraraq*,
receptionist: allaniurta
recesses: innermost ~ qamenquq
recipe: neqkiuryaraq
reciprocal: give or get ~ gifts during the Messenger
Feast marlagtur-; V ~ly (pb) -taagute-, -te-
reciprocate: aki-, akiur-; feel beholden because of
inability to ~ tunrir-; ~ in formal gift giving
reckless: be ~ taqaite-; act ~ly aarite-; habitually act
~ly mulngaite-
recognize: elitaqe-, elite-, liite-; act the listener will
~ imkur-; thing not ~d tangnerraq
recompense: V without ~ (pb) -yalqar-
record player: aturcetaaq, atusaaq
recorder: tape ~ erinairissuun
recount: ariva-
recover: caceturi-, utumari-; ~ from being tired
recovery hook: tegun
rectally: gas expelled ~ [e]leq
taksurenqellria yaassiiguaq
rectangular: ~ earring qevleqsaq
rectum: teq
recur: erute-; have ~ring pain akngikutak,
red: kavisqaq, see Khromchenko (7), Nelson (36);
all ~ kavirpak; get ~ hot kenrurte-; ~ thing
kavirliq; very ~ kavirpak; be ~ kavir-, kavircete-;
become ~ kavinge-, kaviri-; strands of ~ beads
on parka kakauyaq; rub in ochre to color
wood ~ kenevkar-; partially ~ sea animal
arnauq; willow with ~ bark kavingkuksaq,
kavirliyagaq; type of ~ berry alagnaq; ~ dye
kavirun; ~ material kaviragtaq; ~ rock kavirun,
uiteraq; ~ wood alciq; ~ worm uinguyuk; ~den
kavirte-; ~dish: kavircessngalnguq*, kavirrluk,
kavirya(g)aq*; be ~dish kavirrlugcete-; ~dish
wood alciq, ussungirkaq
red-backed vole: puveltuk
red-breasted merganser: nuyavvlucangaq, payiq
red currant: agalrussaq, agautaq*, alar’ussaq,
red fox: kaviaq*
red knot: augtaar(aq*), augtuar(aq*)
red-necked grebe: aarayuli, aatetetaaq, aayuli,
red-necked phalarope: cep’irrlugaq, ceqcaaq,
imaqcaar(aq *)
red phalarope: augtaar(aq*), augtuar(aq*)
red salmon: cayak, kavirauneq, sayak
red squirrel: qiguiq*
red-throated loon: qaqaq, qucuniq
redpoll: puyiir(aq*), puyitaaraq, uqviicar(aq*)
redeem: anirtur-, anirturta
reduce: ~ to nothingness caunrir-
reed: type of coarse ~ kilirnaq; bag made of ~s
reel: line ~ imruyutaq*
reference: ~ of one’s character or work experience
nallunritesta; ~ to the past (pb) -llaq*; ~s
real — reference
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
reect: akinqar-, akiugte-; be ~ed tarenrir-
reection: tarenraq; look at one’s ~ tarenriur-; make
a ~ on calm water akicugte-
temem pekcellagcessuutai
refrain: ~ from acting ilacir-; ~ from going from
house to house during the Asking Festival
quke-; ~ from having seal oil until son rst
catches a seal umciginga-; ~ from saying the
name of someone recently deceased qul’ar-; ~
from talking about something qul’ar-
refreeze: edge created when broken ice ~s
refreshed: feel ~ eri-
refrigerator: kumlivik
refuge: uqisvik, uqiyvik
refuse: friend whose requests one mustn’t ~
qat’nguq; ~ (him) qacute-; ~ to allow (him)
to do something qessake-; ~ to do something
qessa-; sulk and ~ to act nengar-
regard: ~ (him) in a positive light yugnike-; ~
highly picaqe-, pingake-, pirpake-; ~ favorably
cakegtake-; ~ as more important arcaqanru-,
arcaqar-; ~ (it) as disgusting cumacike-; ~ as
nothing caunrilke-; without proper ~ ellaliur-
regret: ciinllugguar-, umyuarniur-, umyuarniurun,
umyugarniur-, see Drebert (2); recall with ~
neq’aniur-; ~ a loss uurcara-; ~ one’s actions
umyuarrlugcarar-; ~ something urniur-; ~ what
has happened kingunrinaar-
regular: ~ one to V (pb) -tuka
; ~ person yuk’apiaq;
drink ~ly to excess taangatu-; V ~ly (pb) -lar-;
~ly have V-ed (pb) -lallru-
regulation: picirkangun
rehabilitation: utumaringnaqsaraq
reindeer: qusngiq, quyngiq, tuntu; barren old ~
nurraninr(aq*); brand or ear cut on ~ maak;
cow ~ arnaqatak; herd ~ qusngiliur-, tunciur-;
yearling ~ nuraq; ~ calf qusngiyagaq*; ~
corral casguq, kangiqaq; ~ halter or harness
lauciq; ~ herder qusngiliurta, tuntulek; ~-skin
lining mamru; ~ skin in parka pukiq; ~ tallow
reindeer moss: ciruneruat, taqukanguaq, tuntut
neqait, ungagaq; plant like ~ moss cigvinguaq
reinforce: pascir-
reinforcement: asvairun; leather seam ~ asuirun; ~
to prevent tearing allegyailkutaq
reiterate: apaa-
reject: canake-, cangake-, nengake-, qingaqe-; ~
(it) allakauke-, cangayug-, qingar-
; be ~ed for
marriage due to shamanistic machinations
rejoice: nunaniryug-
relate: ariva-
, univkaq; person ~d to one
amllerutaq; be ~d to (him) ilake-
relational term: tuqluun
relationships: amllerutaq
relative: ila, ilakutaq, tungayak, tungelquq, see
Appendix 8 on kinship; be distraught over
misdeeds by ~ mak’urte-; kiss a ~ melugar-;
take food over to a ~ payugte-; direspectful
toward ~s iryiraite-; resent ~s allakauki-
relax: canqaurte-, pet’nge-; ~ muscles qeturi-; feel
~ed eri-
release: anguur-, pegte-; suddenly ~ pegler-; ~
liquid ege-
relentless: be ~ cumigte-
relevant: be ~ nall’arusnga-; say something ~
reliable: be ~ kemyunarqe-
relieve: kipullegte-; ~ oneself yuqerte-
religion: ukveq, ukverun; participate in ~ ceremony
agayu; attend ~ event agayuliyar-; ~ object
agayussuun; ~ rite performed during Inviting-
In ceremony arulayaraq
relinquish: pegte-
relish: anticipate with ~ umyuaqegci-
reluctant: be ~ civuura-; be ~ to part with
possessions qunu-, qunuke-, qunuyug-; have
sex with ~ woman acuniar-
rely on: kemyuke-
remain: uita-, unegte-
remainder: ilakuaq
remains: pit for dog ~ qimugcivilkuk; ~ of a human
yiinraq*, yinraq*
remedy: headache ~ nasqulnguircaun
remember : ellake-, [e]nqake-, iciwa, neq’ake-; not ~
unime-; ~ something [e]nqar-
reminded of: be ~ neq’ar-
reminder: ~ to learn from elders naucaqun
reminiscent: thing ~ of N (pb) -nguaq, -uaq
remnant: eliqneq; ~ of a second person ut’rutaq
remorse: umyuarniurun; feel ~ umyuarrlugcarar-;
feel ~ful umyuarniur-
remote: be ~ umiqsig-
reect — remote
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
remove: agugar-, allakaq, a¥g’ar-; ~ liquid cipegte-,
qemrar-; ~ the taste of what one has just eaten
qecirniir-; ~ a foreign object from between
one’s teeth kumkaili-; ~ a net or snare yuu-
~ blubber from skin qapiar-; ~ contents from
imair-; ~ debris kanevlarte-; ~ excess salt
sulunaq; ~ sh from a gillnet naptaar-; ~ esh
kemgir-; ~ from water qakvar-; ~ frost kevkar-
~ frostbitten skin uuyutair-; ~ fur from meqte-;
soak to ~ hair or fur meqcir-; skin soaked to ~
hair or fur meqciraq; ~ items one after another
anqur-; ~ meat from tanir-
; ~ N from (pb) -ir-
~ oil, foam, etc. from a liquid punerte-; ~
coat matarte-; ~ footwear kamilarte-, ugte-
~ whiskers ungair-; ~ something slung over
one’s back amaqaute-; ~ part ilair-
; ~ roots
from plants makiur-; ~ seal blubber from
skin qapagqur-; ~ some of (it/them) ilangarte-;
~ bones from (it) enrir-; ~ contents of a seal
intestine agqe-
; ~ facial area of a seal cugir-;
~ scent kumkucugniir-; ~ skin of amiir-; eat
bits of meat from bone after most has been ~d
pukug-; seal gut layer ~d before processing
taiq; have ~d esh from (it) kemgiute-
remover: tangle ~ tegurciurun
removing: device for ~ scales qeltairissuun;
scraper for ~ layer from sh skin kelipacuutaq,
keliutaq; device for ~ snow or dirt from
garment evcuutaq; dipper for ~ ice fragments
imairin; comb for ~ lice nerescin; nd eggs by ~
grass ciruirci-
rename: ~ in order to cure kangilir-, kangirci-
render: ege-; ~ seal blubber egciri-; seal blubber
from which oil has been ~ed tangeq,
tangevkayak, tangviaq
repair: assircar-, icarqe-, kitugte-, nutarte-, see Adams
(51); take item for ~ muute-; kayak that can ~
itself tumarayuli
repeat: aipiri-, apaa-, pulengte-; not want to ~ one’s
actions anucimirqe-
repeated: V using ~ actions (pb) -qur-; ~ nonwords
agneq; have ~ runny bowel movements
ciikara-; cry out in ~ whimper cungiallag-
repeatedly: pulengtaq; bark ~ qilua-; beg, wail,
or whine ~ for qalriateke-; bounce away ~
qevcaa-; bring in things by going in and
out ~ iterquri-; call ~ qayaga-, qayagpaga-;
dive through the air ~ puugtua-; doze off ~
qavara-; explode ~ qagra-; for fog to close in
and clear up ~ quurruyag-; give ~ cikirtur-;
cause one to V ~ (pb) -rqe-
; jump or hop ~
qecgaur-; poke or stab ~ kapur-; press down on
~ negtaar-; push ~ cinguur-; shout ~ qatguur-;
slap ~ patguur-; slide ~ in play ellu’urtaar-;
splash water ~ qaalura-, qaalurar-; splatter
out ~ qevcaa-; split ~ qupur-; thud or thump
~ migpallara-; tie ~ qillerqe-; drink ~ at short
intervals mer’a-; defecate ~ at short intervals
anaraq; ~ break wind ler’a-; ~ circle uivaartur-;
~ dip a dipper, or dipnet qaluur-; ~ discharge
rearm nut’ga-; ~ hear niirqe-; ~ kick kitngiar-;
~ look around kiara-; bang head ~ on a surface
puucukcuarute-; ~ pour out or dump things
ciqirqe-; ~ pull nuqtar-; ~ put into containers
ekur-; ~ revolve uivaar-; jab ~ tugaur-; ~
swallow igmar-; ~ try to get to act picetaar-;
~ V (pb) -a-, -aqe-, -tur-
; ~ V at intervals (pb)
-qetaar-, -qtaar-; ~ yelp uara-; ~ shove kalguur-
repel: anyurnarqe-; be ~led by (it) anyuqe-, pelqe-
repellent: be ~ cumacinarqe-; not be ~ cumacinaite-;
mosquito ~ egturyarcuun, makuryiurcuun
repent: anucimirqe-
replace: cimiq
reply: kiu-
reponse: aki
report: harvest ~
pissullrem imirarkaa
represent: ~ “Eskimo ice cream” kaunguaq
representation: canguaq, pilinguaq; ~ of shaman’s
familiar spirit yug’aq; ~ of an eagle carrying
off a person cellanguaq
reprimand: ellangcar-
reprove: anucimirqecetaar-
repulsed: be ~ quinagyug-
repulsive: be ~ cumacinarqe-, kamanarqe-,
pellernarqe-, quinagnarqe-; nd something ~
cumacitar-, cumaciyug-; not be ~ cumacinaite-
request: ellimerun; comply with ~ for a specic gift
naigtenrite-; ~ something kaiga-, kaigavike-;
~ specic gifts during Messenger Feast
marlagtur-, ut’rarute-, yuranerrlugcaraq; ~ to
perform a task ellimer-; receive the specic
gifts ~ed in songs pitar-; ~ gifts between men
and women of a village Petugtaq
; model of ~
item during Petugtaq petugtaq
; close friend
whose ~s qat’nguq
require: ~ little effort qacignarqe-
rescue: anirtur-; come to the ~ of anirtua-;
~r anirturta
remove — rescue
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
researcher: nallunringnaqellria
resemble: ayuqa
, equalis case (see Endings section);
sea animal that ~s a stick ukiutnaq; thing that
~s in some respect (pb) -aq
; thin at stone ~ing
ice can’ggelngunaq
resent: ~ (it) anirnake-; ~ relatives’ staying with
one allakauki-
reserved: have a ~ attitude ancurturtar-
residence: change one’s ~ upag-; man or boy whose
place of ~ was the kashim qasgimiu
resident: ~ of N (pb) -miu; ~ of the downriver area
unegkumiu; ~ of the kashim qasgimiu; ~ of the
upriver area qa¥gkumiu, qawkumiu; speak like
the ~s of N (pb) -miuyaar-
residing: man ~ in wife’s village nengaugitaq
residue: kivyaneq
resign: ~ oneself tuatequa-
resist: tukeqnirte-; ~ a force aksar-; try to ~
something pakerqe-
resolve: arenqiirtur-
resource: ~ exploitation rate
cuqii tegutellerkam
respect: qigcike-; be appropriate in some ~
pitalqegte-; cause one to feel ~ qigcignarqe-;
correspond in some ~ pitateke-; feel ~
qigcigyug-; ~ (him) tutviqe-; not be able to
look right at someone due to ~ qitngayug-; not
know how one is with ~ to V-ing (pb) -ciite-;
pay great ~ cakaar-; thing that resembles N in
some ~ (pb) -aq
; watch over with ~ kencike-;
have no ~ for others takaite-; express ~ toward
(him) ucuqe-
respectful: be ~ of (him) takaqe-, takaryug-,
talluryug-, talluqe-; cause one to feel ~
takarnarqe-, tallurnarqe-; be respectful of (food)
respirator: ~ held in the teeth keggmiaq, qanermiaq
respond: pama-; be quick to ~ tataite-; one is slow
to ~ tatervak; ~ affectionately to an adult’s
cooing ungaqtar-; readily ~ to instruction
niiga’rte-; cease ~ing appropriately niicuirute-;
see without ~ing tangrrinar-
responsible: point out the person ~ yik’ute-; be ~
for (its) happening pinarqe-, pinarqut’ke-
responsive: be ~ tupeg-
rest: harpoon ~ akagarcailkun; ~ lying on one’s
back taklaur(ar)-; ~ on a base tusnga-, tuynga-;
~ one’s face on one’s hand ayakut’e-; ~ up
mernuircir-; sled with handlebars where driver
can ~ his arms qamuutarrsuun
restaurant: nervik, neryaraq
rested: be ~ mernuir-, taqsuqair-
resting: be ~ taqsuqaircar-; ~ against something
ayaper-, iggag-
restless: be ~ munaircete-, nuniir-, nuniite-; be
~ when others are going out yuupiksagte-;
person who is ~ agamyak
restoring: ~ spring on a trap pascuilnguq*
restraint: consume without ~ akunriur-
restricted: be ~ from engaging in certain activities
result: ~ in something iqungqerr-; thing that ~s
from V-ing (pb) -neq
resume: ~ original state penge-
resurrection: makcaraq, maktellerkaq, makyun
retaliate: akinaur-, akiur-; one who ~s immediately
retch: ¥gaq’allaga-, waq’allaga-
retreat: qungag-; ~ from sight qame-
retrieve: aqvalgir-, ellmig-
return: qipte-, uterte-; be anxious about one’s
return nerinike-; ~ something ut’rute-; ~ a
favor aki-; ~ empty-handed utrinar-; ~ from
a stay in the wilderness kacete-, katete-; ~
hurriedly utqerte-; go and ~ on the same day
utertengkiu(ar)-, ut’rarte-
reveal: egmirte-; ~ facts qaite-; ~ one’s thought to
(him) takuqe-
revenge: take ~ akinaur-; take supernatural ~ avnir-
revenue sharing:
nunat yugtutacimegtun
unangkengait akit state-amek
revere: ucuqe-
reverse: cupigte-, ulte-; device that alternately Vs
and does the ~ (pb) -qetaaq; ~ one’s course
utqiar-; be ~d (of footwear) caqvingqa-
review: ~ a new word qavirtaqe-
revive: elpengcar-
revolve: uive-; ~ repeatedly uivaar-
revolver: uivaaryaraq
reward: akilite-, nunulir-, nunuliun, paitaq; act in
the hope of being ~ed qessaircir-
rhubarb: wild ~ angucaluq
, arnaurluq*, nakaaq,
, quunarliq
rhythm: direct dance motions by moving one’s
body to the words and ~ agniur-
rib: inarun, pengraliq, tulimaq; roof “~” qerratarun;
researcher — rib
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
kayak ~ avalitaq, cauyaraq, engineq, ingneq,
kaviqicungaq, kiuneq, nalmak, napallaak,
neneq, qamenqucagaq; hunter receiving
~ portion of a seal irnerrlugtalria; give ~s
to fellow hunters tulimite-; cut at a ~-like
juncture tulimarte-
ribbon: lintaq
ribbon kelp: cenarayak
ribbon seal: qasrulek
ribcage: qerranret
Ribes hudsonianum: atsaanglluk, cularlussaq,
, qucakiq
Ribes triste: agalrussaq, agautaq*, alar’ussaq,
rice: kelup’aaq; grain of ~ paraluruaq, qup’luruaq,
rich man: nukalpiaq
riches: tukuun
ricochet: uteskiaqer-, utqite-
ridge: quaguk, qemik, see Nelson (91); central ~ on a
paddle blade qengartaq; pressure ~ ugunret; ~
on top of kayak see Nelson (111)
ridgepole: agluq
ridicule: qacungake-; ~ by singing during
Messenger Feast nernerrlugcetaar-; ~ through
song qacurqe-
ridicule song: kingullugun, nernerrlugcetaarun;
berate with a ~ kingullugte-
riding: be ~ ekuma-
rie: cupun, kalap’iinaq, nutek, nutgutaq; bolt-
action ~ akqulek; break-action ~ ikirtaq; high-
powered ~ alavvilaq, cavilek; lever-action
~ ikuuryaraq; muzzle-loading ~ imarpalek;
repeating ~ see Nelson (52); wooden stock of a ~
qapsalquq; ~ butt equgtaq; brace a ~ qaurtar-; ~
support irunguaq
right (correct): elluaq; ~! acu’u; be ~ asqig-; be
just ~ asqili-, pitalqegte-; be not quite ~
qayuwete-; be the ~ one piu-; be the ~ way
elluatuu-; serves him ~ anirtaqulluk; serves
you ~ anirtaqulluk, kacakikika; ~ away tamaa;
the ~ person or way elluatuq; arrive at the ~
time nall’arte-, nall’arusnga-; ~ now watua;
(close) on the ~ facing the ocean ua(ni); one ~
behind tunuqliq*; thing ~ beside caniqliq*; area
~ downriver uakarar-; ~ hand tallirpik; ~ here
ku(ni), kuut; ~-hand side alirneq, tallirpilirneq;
hit ~ in or on the N (pb) -car(ar)te-
righten: try to ~ alingcitaar-
righteous: ~ person ellualria
rights: piyunarquciq
rigid: be ~ from cold cetengqite-; rigid upright
grass basket kuusqun, naparcilluk
rigor mortis: have ~ set in igurrluar-
rim: ce
÷a, cina; holes in ~ tupicilleq; ~ of bowl
perneq; hatch ~ of kayak kuvirneq
rime: salt ~ taryurrluk
rind: qecik
ring: kallagte-, kuluk’uunaq, kulun, qayaarte-;
dog with a ~ of dark fur eskaayaq; stone in ~
qilkirtaq; wooden ~ on mask ellanguaq; ~ of
bells avirlurte-
ring nger: aaliqiliaq, aliqiliqiaq, atrilnguq*, ekiliq,
ikilipeq, iqiliq, kuluq
ringed seal: nayiq*, nayissuaq, qayigsaq; line made
from ~ skin tapruar(aq*)
ringing: make a ~ noise qasiarte-
ringworm: neguyak
rinse: ~ a seal intestine qalluar-; ~ clothes murqe-
rip: alpag-
, caqerte-, itegte-
Riparia riparia: aguumar(aq*), ekvigtaar(aq*),
ripe: become ~ piqainaurte-; thing that is ~
piqainaq; ripen aru-; see Drebert (6)
ripper: seam ~ keluirissuun
ripples: get ~ makurarte-, qualqamyi-
ripsaw: qup’issuun
rise: (v) makete-, makte-, qulmurte-, ule-; rise
(of moon or sun) pit’e-
; ~ from sleeping
maknginar-; ~ up qerra-; white cloud that ~s
from horizon uquryak
; for sun to start ~ing
higher nutnger-
Rissa tridactyla: arliaq, naruyacuaq, qarliar(aq),
rite-of-passage: practice ~ abstinence caagnite-
ritual song: yuarulluk
ritually: ~ unclean thing ik’iq; ~ take over a men’s
community house qasgiiqenge-; be ~ unclean
ikiu-, ikiurte-; ~ cleanse tarvaq; ~ cleanse
oneself caqunguar-; ~ shake hands and kiss in
Russian Orthodox Church a¥g’arite-
rival: inglu, inglussuk
river: kuik; ~ channel separated from other
channels by sandbars kuiguyuk; ~ thing
kuigtaq; area away or back from the ~ kelu,
kelutmun, pamyurtaq, pia(ni); area down
ribbon — river
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
toward the ~ keta
; area of ~ back a little ways
from mouth igyaraq; area upriver of Brown’s
Slough in Bethel Aaguq; bank of ~ ekvik; bay
at the mouth of a ~ tuqsuk; bend in a ~ qipne,
; chisel for making holes in ~ ice tugeq,
tuuq; down~ un’ga(ni); dried sh caught in
~ neqatuq; fence in ~ to lead sh to dipnet or
trap kalgun; for ice to break up, unplugging
the ~ mouth tuvair(ar)-; go from one place to
another without crossing a ~ age-; go upriver
from the mouth of the ~ kaute-; go with the
~ current citu-; hole in ~ ice during winter
qenuilquq, ukivkaneq; in the area toward the
~ cama(ni), camna; lake from which a ~ ows
qagan; land between ~ and ocean akula
mouth of ~ paa-
, paaluyar(aq*); one back up
away from the ~ pa¥gna; open hole in ~ ice
cikuilquq; part of ~ that runs under a bluff
aciirun; pass by across a ~ ak’irte-
; stand by
the ~ and work a net nekvayar-; straight stretch
in a ~ nakerneq, nakirneq; the one toward
~ kelliq*, ketliq*, un’a; toward the ~ kan’a;
undercut a ~ bank qerrarte-; up there away
from the shore of ~ pava(ni); warm spot in ~
that does not freeze qecikluk; where the ~ has
carved a new channel cev’aq; widened spot
in ~ egmiumaneq; conuence of ~s kassigluq;
curve of ~s nevirte-; person who lives on the
tundra in contrast to those who live along ~s or
coast akulmiu
riverbank: uss’aryuk; caved-in part of ~ usneq,
ussneq, uss’arneq
riverbed: deep hole in a ~ qanglluk
riverward: kek’araq
road: tumyaraq; bend of ~ yuurte-
; go from one
place to another without crossing something ~
roam: ~ around tarrarte-
roar: ~ in ght uirre-
roast: asgir-; ~ any food kelipi-; ~, usually over an
open re maniaq; ~ed thing maniaq; cook by
~ing rather than boiling uute-
rob: mayar-, ¥gayar-, wayar-
robber: ¥gayarituli; camp ~ qupanuar(aq*)
robe: ulikutaq
Roberts Mountain: Ing’errlak
robin: aaqcurliq, curcurliq, elagayuli, ivatqiluiq,
pitegcurliq, qupalaaq, quunirciyuli, yugiyugiq
robust: be ~ yuutu-
rock: ciimaq*, kaugutagaq, siimaq, tegalquq,
teggalquq, yaamaq; ~ formation patterned by
action of water ingigun, inigun; ~ from side to
side eveqaa-, iria-, kukiiyar-, kuksugte-, uvaa-;
~ poking out of the water napanguyaq; ~
that is jutting out ipgeryak; ~ thrown with a
sling elluqun; anemone found on ~ qacautaq;
blue diamond-shaped ~ kegglemyaq; brown
~ qapaun; campre ~ guard iiralitaq; cooking
mixture including fungus or lichens from ~
elqunaq; dark ~ kuigarnaq; large ~ caligaq,
simpak, teggarvak; legendary ~-throwing
creature miluquyuli; ritually cleanse oneself by
rubbing soft ~ caqunguar-; ~ standing alone
in the water nagaayuq; small ~ siimarar(aq*);
soft red ~ uiteraq; storage pit built up from ~
kaciitaq; suddenly ~ uvqercug-; volcanic ~ used
as a sharpening stone puyiqun; volcanic ~ with
eye-like holes iingarnak
rock ptarmigan: elciayuli
rock sandpiper: ce
rod: y ~ or spinning ~ piqrutaq; gun-cleaning ~
puyuqairin, sumpuluq
rodent: ~ louse keggerpak, maqkaurkar(aq*)
roe: imlauk, meluk; aged ~ cuak; dish of
sourdock and salmon ~ uqniraq; “Eskimo ice
cream” made with ~ amnginaq, qamaamaq,
qamaumaq, qerpertaq; herring ~ attached to
seaweed elquaq*
roll: ~ on the ground akaguar-; ~ up imeg-; ~ up
one’s sleeves kangivari-; ~ up one’s garment
and tie it at the waist qepte-; ~ of cloth
imguaraq; ~-up container imguyutaq; ~ed oats
qeltengalnguut; ~ed-up whiskers ungagciiq
roller: akalria
rolling: be at a ~ boil qallarvag-; something to
prevent ~ akagyailkun; ~ device akagcuun,
Roman Catholic: particularly the Virgin Mary in ~
usage nay’ak
roof: qaliqaq, qalirneq; ~ “rib” of house qerratarun;
grass mat used as insulation for ~ eviun; ~
of the mouth qilagaq
; bark, formerly used
for ~ing smokehouses imlauk; ~ing material
room: pivik; corner or back wall of ~ egkuq; little
~ at side of entrance qerrayaq; make ~ for
nunakegte-; ~ for rent tukirvik; for there to be
no ~ ilaviite-
riverbank — room
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
roomy: be ~ entu-
root: plant ~ acilquq, acipluk, nemernaq, see
Turner (34); ~ of rosewort caqlak; spruce ~
kevraarcinraq*; willow ~ taluyiurun, uqviinraq;
~ used in making baskets, lashing sh
traps or kayak frames, etc. amaaq*; ~ digger
; ~ of a certain beach grass ciulavik; ~
of spreading wood fern kun’aq*; ~ on spruce
stump tallirnaq; ~ pick acilquirissuun, eqiin;
~ stretched above water with snares partak;
~ tool qiin; ~ used as scrubber negavgun,
; ~ used for strings on guitar-like
instrument negavgun; ~ mesentery of the small
and large intestine akunkaq; basket made
from willow ~s aguumaq; pull out with ~s
intact qecug-
; remove ~s from plants makiur-;
rope used for binding things made of tree ~s
rope: ilavkuk, milu’uvkaaq, pilu’uvkaaq, qecik,
qip’arpak, tukarta, umnaq, uskuq, see Orlov (17);
pull up a cliff using a ~ qela-
; hide thong or ~
taprartaq; jump ~ atertaar-, qavaliqtaq; leather
~ made of seal or walrus skin usaaq*; old-
fashioned ~ used for hanging sh qukassaq;
rawhide ~ pinevkaraq; sealskin ~ fastened
around kayak hatch ararun; tent stake (and
~) kuuliaq; tow a boat with a ~ ukamar-; tray
on kayak for harpoon ~ acaluq; grass ~ used
to hoist kayak qikiq
; ~ for climbing qavarciq;
~ from sealskin pinevkar-; ~ made from
skin of spotted seal pups tapruaq; ~ made of
nettle ber qatlinaq; ~ on a sailboat eskuutaq,
skuutaq; ~ for tying qillrutaq; hole for ~ on
kayak napilleq; ~ used for binding roots and
hide tapraq*; ~ to which something is tethered
Rosa acicularis: atsameq, tuutaruaq
Rosary: say the ~ piicak, piiciur-
rose: tundra ~ teggerpak; wild ~ atsameq; ~ hip
megtat neqait, vegtaat neqait, vegtat
neqait; root of ~ caqlak
rosin: ~ and soot angerqun
rosy: have ~ cheeks cugnir-
rot: aru-; dry ~ted spruce eskaniaq
rotate: uive-
rotten: ~ ice arumalria, mingqutnguaq; ~ meat
miuyineq, qutak; ~ food, especially sh arinaq;
~ wood arumaneq
rouge: kavirun
rough: be ~ keggag-
, maniate-; very ~ keggagpak;
be ~ (of water) qailir-, qailiur-, qaitu-; ~ all over
keggagpak; ~ ice manialkuq; ~ edge of shore-
fast ice nepucuqiq; be ~-surfaced kenercete-;
~ly woven grass cover umran
round: be ~ akagenqegg-, uivenqegg-; ~ bowl
uivvluaq; ~ labret uivvsak; ~ patch on boot
allngik; ~ pod akengqupagaq; ~ sewn bottom of
bag qeteq; rim of ~ wooden container perneq;
hard, ~ feces akakupak
round whitesh: cavirrutnaq, cingikeggliq, uraruq
rounded: have a ~ shape aqsamirte-; ~ line
made from the skin of a young bearded
seal taprualuk; ~ sheet of ice that can tip
akangluaryuk; cooking pot with ~ sides
route: tumyaraq; ~ down to water kanaryaraq;
portage ~ between Yukon and Kuskokwim
rivers Arviryaraq
row: (v) cave-, iqugta, save-, utqerr-, yave-; row
(line): dark skin behind ~ of beads kelurqutaq;
dancers in ~ one behind another aagiiyaar-; be
on skid ~ akag-
rr: mispronounce gg for ~ pikagte-, pilegte-
rub: nangugte-; ~ (it) against something asngerte-;
~ in ochre cip’ngiar-, kenevkar-; sandpaper for
~bing keggalrun
rubber: ~ sheeting metuyailkun
rubber band: nengulraq
rubber boot: alapaq, alap’aq
Rubus arcticus: puyuraar(aq*), puyurniq, puyuruaq
Rubus chamaemorus: aqavsik, aqevyik, atsakutak,
atsalugpiaq, atsaq, atsarpiaq, epulek, naunraq*
Rubus idaeus: puyuraarpak
ruby: aumarngalnguq
rudder: aqutaq
ruddy turnstone: qiqiullek, uyarr’uyaq
ruff: parka ~ asguruaq, kumegneq, legiliq, negiliq,
ulganaq; edge of hood where ~ is attached
negiliq; dark piece of fur at top of hood ~
yurturuaq; strip of fur between ruff and hood
ruffed grouse: egelruciayuli, elciayuli, temtemtaaq
rufe: ~ at hem ciqauyaq
rug: tuc’araq
ruin(s): imneq
roomy — ruin(s)
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
rule: alerquun, atanirtur-, pisqun; break a ~
ruler: atanirturilria, cuqcaun, cuqeq
, cuqyun,
rumbling noise: tem’iq; make a ~ tem’irte-
Rumex arcticus: aatunaq, civassaaq, iruluq,
naunrayagaq*, qellugtaq, quagci, qunarliq,
rummage: aglug-, kaaleg-
rumor: qannguaq
run: aqvaqur-, aqvaute-, ere-; ~ (of colors) erme-,
erve-, ure-
; ~ against apur-; ~ aground
etgalqite-, nunallite-, nunite-, ugiyaqar-; ~
around aqvaqua-; ~ away ayakar-, qimag-; ~
down (soil from a slope) ure-
; ~ fast uqila-; ~
hard aqeve-, aq’ve-; ~ in a race aqvaute-; ~ in a
straight line aqeve-, aq’ve-; ~ into a conning
area cuukcaute-; ~ on water with outstretched
wings nevaar-, putukuyuar-; ~ on four legs
pangaleg-, pangalga-, pangalpag-, pangarvag-;
~ onto, ~ into nall’arte-; ~ out of fuel uquirte-;
~ out of time tass’igyugciur-; ~ toward
someone upag-
rung: ~ of ladder akeq, tuc’araq, tuss’araq,
tutmaqaq, tutemqaq
runner: fast ~ uqilali; sled ~ acirneq, aglukaq,
assingaq, assirneq; heel of sled ~ kitngilquq
running: breathe heavily after ~ ilaciqtar-; dog ~
loose alongside team kilgaakuirta; person with
~ nose kakelvak; string sh by ~ body of one
through gill opening of next tavigte-
runny: have a ~ bowel movement ciikaq; ~ ear titiq;
~ feces ciikaq
runny nose: have a ~ enevvli-, engevvli-, kakeggli-,
kak’li-, nevvli-, ngevvli-
runt: quuqessngitak, uuqessngitak
rush: ~ in, of cold air anllugte-; ~ out, of warm
air anllugte-; for there to be a ~ing sound
rush (plant): see Adams (52)
Russian: Kass’alugpiaq, Kass’apik; ~ trade bead
Russian Christmas: Selavi, S’laavi
Russian Mission: Iquk
; dwelling site around ~
Russian Orthodox Church: member of the ~
Kass’apik; dome on ~ church aavalkucuk,
aavangtalkucuk; palm frond in the ~ papanuk;
ritually shake hands and kiss on cheeks in
~ a¥g’arite-; take communion in ~ augtur-; ~
prayer book kass’alugpiartaq; ~ priest kass’aq;
wife of ~ priest maatuskaq; ~ Easter bread
rust: qalleq
rustle: niugte-, nuigte-, uluvlite-
rustling: for there to be a rustling sound levvlugte-;
quiet ~ sound niuk; not make any ~ noises
rusty blackbird: cuqcurliq
rut: male seal in ~ tegak; gum made from blubber
of seals in ~ angiinaq
s: person who uses ~ where other Yup’ik speakers
use y pisalria
Saami: Laapaaq
Sabine’s gull: nacallngaar(aq*)
sac: dried heart ~ ircaqinraq*; stomach ~ anrucilluk
sack: missuuk; burlap ~ missuulleq, see Marsh (14);
our ~ mukaarutleq
sacred: be ~ kencignarqe-
sacrice: cikiutnguyaraq
sad: be ~ amuteqe-, angniite-, quc’urte-; become
~ suy’uqerte-; abruptly change from happy
to ~ tuss’aqerte-; feel ~ because of someone’s
leaving nacig-; be ~ on account of qivruke-
saddened: be ~ caamiirte-, icamiirte-
sadness: hang head with ~ kanangllugte-,
manussuug-; sob from ~ mangyuarir-
safe: be ~ aarnaite-; not ~ for travel arumalria
safekeeping: put away for ~ qemagte-; be put away
for ~ qemangqa-
safety pin: kula’avkaaq, pula’avkaaq
saffron cod: iqalluaq
sag: qacu-
said: one said; it is said (enc) =gguq
sail: tengalraq, qerarun, qerrarun; put up the ~
sailboat: errarun, kalpaassaq, palkaassaq; rope on a
~ eskuutaq, skuutaq
rule — sailboat
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
sailing vessel: tengalrarcuun
sailor: imarpiliurta, naparciurta
sake: act for the ~ of (him) pitke-; V for the ~ of (pb)
; V in place of, not for ~ of (pb) -cite-
saliva: luvak, nuak, nuvak; suck air through ~
Salix sp.: napapiaq, uqviaq*, uqvigpik, uqvik
Salmo gairdneri: irunaq, tagaurak
salmon: neqaraq; chinook or king ~ kiagtaq,
taryaqvak, taryaqvayagaq*; chum or dog ~
aluyak, iqalluk, mac’utaq, naraaniq, nalayaq,
neqepik, neqpik; coho or silver ~ caayuryaq,
ciayuryaq, qakiiyaq*, qavlunaq, uqurliq*;
humpback or pink ~ amaqaayak, amaqsuq,
cuqpeq, luqaanak, terteq, see Orlov (2); red or
sockeye ~ cayak, kavirauneq, sayak; rst group
of king ~ running under the smelt aciirutet;
king ~ taryaqvagcuun; sealskin line made
into king ~ nets tapruar(aq*)
; ne-mesh net
for dog ~ caqutaugaq; spear used to catch
spawning ~ nalayarrsuun; boiled half-dried ~
teggmaarrluk; partially dried smoked silver ~
elliaq; smoked dried ~ neqerrluk; make aged ~
quli-; old ~ hung up to dry kanartaq; salted ~
strip culunallraq, taryiraq; old ~ near spawning
masseq; spawning ~ talayaq; post-spawning ~
nalayaq; old dog ~ after spawning kangitneq; ~
egg cilluvak; dried ~ egg(s) kineryaq; “Eskimo
ice cream” made with ~ eggs mak’aq; dish of
sourdock and ~ roe uqniraq
salmonberry: aqavsik, aqevyik, atsakutak,
atsalugpiaq, atsarpiaq, epulek, naunraq*; store
~ies in keg nin’genqegcar-
salt: taryir-, taryuq; ~ rime or crust taryurrluk; soak
in order to leach out ~ akungqa-, miicir-; sh
or meat eaten after being soaked to remove ~
sulunaq; rinse seal intestine in ~ water qalluar-
salted: ~ sh mingciq; ~ and dried salmon strip
culunallraq; soaking to remove salt from ~
food or to loosen hair akungqa-; ~ sh or meat
eaten after it is leached culunaq, sulunaq; ~
salmon strip taryiraq
saltery: culunivik, salayaq, sulunivik
salts: Epsom ~ taryurngalnguq*
saltshaker: taryirissuun
salty: be ~ taryir-
salute: elqipcuaq
salvage: alcagar-; ~d thing algacak, algiq
salvation: anirturiyaraq, anirtuun
Salvelinus alpinus: paassataq, yugyak
Salvelinus malma: anerrluaq, iqallugpik,
Salvelinus namaycush: cikignaq
same: vialis case (see Endings section), ~ kind as N
(pb) -kuciq; ~ N (pb) -lgun; ~ name qelluraq,
qup’ayugaq; ~ sex as N (pb) -caluq*; ~-sex
sibling’s spouse ai
; at ~ time ataucikun; be
~ size (as) angtatke-; born in ~ year yuulgun;
go and return the ~ day utertengkiu(ar)-,
ut’rarte-; tired of eating the ~ food all the time
qapilngu-; use ~ stitch holes enatguar(ar)-; V to
the ~ extent (pb) -tateke-
sample: naspaa-, pitassiar-, uig-, uigtua-
sand: keggalerte-, maqallaq, qa¥gyaq; piled ice
mixed with ~ asvailnguq*, tungussiqatak;
drifting ~ natquik; storm with blowing ~
pircir-; granularity of ~ kavya
sand dab: cagiq
sand dune: ~ eroded on the side ingluirneq,
uss’ariyak; sand dune plant ariraq; deep crevice
between ~s il’unaq; dried grass roots from ~
sandal: aluilitaq
sandbar: deep-water side of ~ isquq; place
where ice forms on edge of ~ qas’urneq;
sandbar exposed at low tide en’aq, ken’aq;
belt of oating ice formed by ~s kigumaaq,
qilungayak; river channel separated ~s
kuiguyuk; piled ice on ~s nacaraq
sandhill crane: aiviqaq, erinatuli, qucilkuryuk,
qucillgaq*, qucillngaq*, qut’raaq, tacellgaq,
sandpaper: smooth with ~ keggalerte-; ~ or similar
device keggalrun
sandpiper: levlevleraq, see Adams (58); buff-
breasted ~ uqumcuaq; pectoral ~ quguquguaq,
teguteguaq, temtemtaaq, tukutukuar(aq*),
uquir(aq*); rock ~ ce
÷aqiiq; solitary ~
iisuraar(aq*), iiyuar(aq*), kiakiaq, tuntussiik;
spotted ~ elagayuli; western ~ ce÷air(aq*),
iisuraar(aq*), iiyuar(aq*)
sandspit: qa¥gyarrlainaq; ~ and bay formed by it
sandy: ~ beach ce
÷aq; grass that grows in ~ areas
sanitation worker: aniurta
sailing vessel — sanitation worker
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
sanity: usvi; partially lose one’s ~ umyuacuar-
sap: angernak, mecuq; log with a groove soaked in
~ cayagalek; ~ one’s strength piniarute-
sapling: uniqtaraq; balsam poplar ~ avngulgaq; log
from spruce ~ unrapigaq
sass: kiumra-
Satan: tuunrangayak
satiated: be ~ camir-; not be ~ camiite-
satisfaction: close eyes in ~ qaamyuar(ar)-
satisfactory: be ~ arenqig-, asqig-; nd ~ arenqike-
satised: be ~ cupumanarqe-, cupumayug-,
pessurnair-, sanqegg-; not be ~ cangimirte-
Saturday: Maqineq
saucepan: ipuutaq, tunqaq
saucer: acliq*, atliq*, pelutsiaq; drink tea using a ~
sauna: take a ~ bath maqi-
savannah sparrow: tekciuk
save: qelke-; ~ food for someone aminkite-,
keggmiaqute-; ~ food for later yaaveskaniur-;
~ one’s life or soul anirtur-; something that ~s
one anirtuun
savior: anirturta
saw: (n) kegglaq, pilaq, uluarun, (v) uluar-;
bow ~ agluryarraq, qelutnguuyaq; buck~
qelutnguuyaq; coping ~ qelutnguuyaq; cross-
cut ~ kep’issuun; hack~ qelutnguuyaq; ~ tooth
say: aper-, pi; ~ “ah” aar-*
; ~ “cama-i” to and shake
hands with cama-i-ir-; ~ “thank goodness”
anirtaar-; ~ it again! ai
; ~ or “go”. . . (word
or sound) (pb) -r-; ~ that oneself or another
is V-ing (pb) -ni-; ~ the Rosary piicak, piicar-,
piiciur-; ~ unfavorable things about (him)
; suddenly ~ something qanerter-; that
is to ~ wagg’uq
saying: qaneryaraq, qanruyun; sing without ~
words out loud megamliur-
scab: amirrluk, qecik; ~ or freeze over patqar-
scabies: kumeggluut, kumget
scale: sh ~ capciq, kapciq, qelta; device for
removing ~ qeltairissuun; ~ a height qaklite-,
qasqite-; ~ for weighing uqamailtassiirun
scalp: sore on ~ qaucuk
Scammon Bay: Marayaaq; people of the ~ area
scamper: ~ up to the top masqe’rte-
scan: kiarte-, kiyarte-; ~ the surrounding area
scar: iiraq, qelengllak; be distorted as from a ~
scarce: be ~ enurnar-, nurnar-; gather (it) although
~ pukiqur-
scare: ~ away ayalegte-; ~ away animals nuyuurqe-;
device to ~ children aarallr(aq*)
scared: be ~ alinge-, irayug-; get ~ suddenly
alingallag-; ~ and angry eqeve-, eq’ve-
scarf: pelatuuk, uyaqurrilitaq
scary: how ~! iirgii
scat: bear ~ taqukinraq*
scatter: calligte-, cagte-
, cekavte-, cikavte-, eskavte-,
katalurte-, peksagte-, sagte-; ~ a granular or
particulate substance kalme-, kanve-; ~ things
ulligte-; ~ed ice in ocean tamarqellriit
scatterbrained: act ~ tuuskayag-
scaup: greater ~ allgirneq, kep’alek
scavenger: qaniciurta
scene: come on the ~ alair-
scent: tepa
; mink ~ gland ic’ukcak. ikcukcak;
beaver ~ gland aluqan; remove the ~ by
scraping kumkucugniir-
schist: see Nelson (32)
school: elicarvik, elissarvik, elitnaurvik, eskuulaq,
eskuularvik, naaqivik, skuulaq, skuularvik;
attend ~ elitnaur-; ~ material elitnaurun
schoolhouse: elitnaurvik
science: kangingnaurutet
scissors: mangautek, nunuutek, nuussicuak,
pupsuk; cut with ~ nuussicuar-
sclera: qaterqurpagtaq, qatqurpagtaq
scoff at: ciriteke-; ~ (him) qumlike-
scold: aryua-, nunur-
, qak’urte-, sapat’ag-,
savat’ag-, uluvirte-, yitaar-; ~ (of a squirrel)
scoop: ipugcuun; berry-picking ~ iqvarcuun; ~
entrails out of sh citeg-; ~ out of the pot ipug-;
~ used to remove ice fragments anquun
scorch: ~ one’s throat iglairte-
scorched: get ~ [e]leg-, leg-; caterpillar-like creature
that leaves a ~ trail tiissiq
score: quyigtaciq
scorn: eq’uke-; show one’s ~ by putting one’s
nger under anothers nose narcig-, narite-; be
~ful of people eq’utar-; become ~ful of (him)
sanity — scorn
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
scorpion: a ~-like insect kelegciq, keliissiq
scoter: akacakayak; black ~ kukumyar(aq*),
tunguleq, tungunqeggliq; surf ~ cingayak;
white-winged ~ akacakayak, cetuskaq
scoundrel: yurrluulria, see Khromchenko (2)
scour: tallegte-; ~ing pad nangugcissuun,
tallegcissuun; ~ing powder nangugcissuun
scow: palagg’uutaq
scowl: miuyigte-
scrap: eliqneq; ~ metal cavignalquq; sh ~s
neqalleq; gather wood ~s auqiir-, avuqiir-; pick
and eat ~s of meat clinging to a bone kivkar-
scrape: carir-, kelig-; ~ a skin pellugte-; ~ and
bleach a sealskin qercirar-; ~ and eat the
cambium layer of tree bark kelig-; ~ food with
one’s nger epaar-
scraper: keligaun; fat ~ uquirun; skin ~
cakivcissuun, cakuugun, calugcissuun, calugun,
cuplulek, ellumrun, qalliq*, pellumrun,
tellunrun, urugun, urumerun; ~ for fawn skins
nengulercissuun; combination knife and ~
caniissaq; ~ for sh skin kelipacuutaq, keliutaq
scraping: remove the scent by ~ kumkucugniir-;
skin-stretching and ~ tool assipaq, tuluruaq;
skin-~ implement iqucissuun; tan a skin by ~ it
cakivte-, cakuug-, calugte-; make a skin pliable
by ~ iqute-; make a ~ sound cegerte-; drag ~ on
the ground kallmingayaute-; for there to be a ~
sound made by something sliding on very cold
snow kakingerte-; ~s keligneq
scratch: kumeg-
, paame-, paume-, tallegte-; get
or give a small ~ talkarte-; ~ by clawing
qecugmig-; ~ hard with nails or claws
cetugmig-; ~ed spot tallegneq; have ~es on
one’s body ciyaktar-
scream: aara-, aarcillag-, aarpag-, avite-, qalaria-
scree: ~ slope kaimaq
screen: talin
screw: miintaq, qipsaq, qivvsaq, uintaq; become
loose (of ~s) angi-
screwdriver: angicissuun, iqukeggun, qipsuun
scribe: igatuli; ~s kalikanek elisngalriit
scrimshaw: ingciq
scrub: suugi-, tane-, tanir-
, tanukar-; scrub
(oors, walls) cuugi-, essug-, essugi-; ~ brush
suugissuun, tan’gun; ~ with steel wool legleg-
scrubber: tanugun; roots used as scrubber
negavgun, negavyaq
scruff: ~ of the neck pequq
scrutinize: qingirte-
sculpin: kayu
, kayuluk, kayuqupak, kayurpak,
kayurrlugaq, kayutaq, nertuli, qanerpak, Nelson
(18, 39); small type of ~ ivsirtuliq; ~ with barbel
kelevyagciaq; ~ with pointed nose and orange
spots qengaruvagaq; ~ with stripes around jaw
scurvy grass: itegaraq, it’garralek
sea: imarpik, taryuq; area toward ~ keta
; arrive
from ~ tulag-; be calm at ~ quunir-; blow out to
~ aternir-; legendary being that helps people at
~ qupurruyuli; legendary person who lives in
the ~ qununiq; one out to ~ unegna; one toward
the ~ unegna; thing washed ashore from the ~
sea anemone: anarsaraq, [e]teq, lagturyaqleq, teq;
edible ~ found on rocks qacautaq; large ~
aruyek; tiny usually black ~ tiiyaq
sea chickweed: itegaraq, it’garralek, tukulleggaq*
sea cliffs: net used to capture birds on ~ egqaqun
sea creature: legendary ~ cirunelvialuk; ~ with
human features seen on pack ice kun’uniq;
small edible ~ of pink, orange, white, and red
arnauq; hard-shelled ~ that resembles a stick
ukiutnaq; tubular and transparent ~ ussungluq
sea cucumber: urvagnaq
sea egg: uurritaq
sea hunting: smudge kayak before ~ keniruar-
sea ice: area of open water in ~ ketgulleq; cave in
~ kangiqiugneq; heart-shaped ~ formation
ircaquruaq; chisel for making holes in ~ tuuq;
large crack or crevice in shore-fast ~ aayuqaq;
packed snow on ~ kavtak; split off (of ~)
sea lettuce: cenarayak
sea lion: apakcuk, uginaq, uinaq
sea mammal: imarpillaq, unkumiutaq; chase a seal
or other ~ cive-; one coming to get help after
catching a ~ uurcaq; weapon to kill a ~ hit by a
harpoon aangruyak
sea monster: ~ said to devour whales ulurrugnaq
sea otter: aatagaq, arrnaq
sea slug: uraruq, ussungluq
sea urchin: kemagnaq
, uutuk
seabird: tobacco pouch made from ~ skin camru
seagull: naruyaq
scorpion — seagull
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
seal (closure): elcailkun; ~ on a letter takarnarqun;
~ a leak with seal oil or blubber uqurcir-; ~ out
wind and cold by tightening a drawstring, belt,
etc. parte-
; keg ~ed airtight nin’genqegcar-;
~led container keviraun
seal (species): taqukaq; bearded ~ angayukliq,
apsiaraq, imlaulek, makelvak, maklak,
maklaaq, maklassuk, papangluaq, putukuar-,
temiquyugglugaq, tulignaq, tungungqu,
ullacuk, ungagciiq, yaalirtaq; fur ~ aataak;
harbor ~ issuriq; ribbon ~ qasrulek; ringed ~
nayiq*, nayissuaq, qayigsaq; spotted ~ issuriq,
issurvak, eyalirtaq, qayegyaq, qayigsaq, suuri,
ul’utvak, useqnak, uyeqnak
seal (characteristics or habitat): ~ ipper: aigga
it’gissuun, talliquq, tukullek, unan; ~ in rut
tegak; ~ in springtime tamaqernikiyagaq; ~
on an ice oe or shore ugtaq; ~ that appears
in human form qununiq; ~ that has shed its
newborn skin carriqaq; ~ that stays on pack
ice and has pups tuvartaq; ~ with long rolled-
up whiskers ungagciiq; ~’s cry qalriq; ~’s
breathing hole in ice anlu, ukiyaaq; ~’s front
ipper bones aklanquq; ~s’ month Taqukat
Tanqiat; area of ~ behind head uyalquq;
bearded ~ seen on ice oe as though it were
sitting crouched over like a human kun’uniq;
bearded ~ that can arch over ipuuyuli; at part
of ~’s stomach elavcurcautet, elavurcaun; haul
out (of ~) ugte-
; one leg area of a ~ caqelngauq;
size of a second-year ~ maklacuk; young ~
qutnguyagaq; young bearded ~ almigaq*,
seal (parts and products): strip of ~ blubber
uquviarrluk; distribute ~ blubber uqiqur-;
remove ~ blubber from skin qapagqur-;
render ~ blubber civatugte-, egciri-; ~ blubber
from which oil has been rendered tangeq ,
tangevkayak, tangviaq; esh with ~ blubber
qigaq; skin a ~ nayug-; ~ cracklings tangeq,
tangevkayak, tangviaq; ~ gut irnerrluk, taiq;
~ intestine agqe-
, qalluar-, qalluarun, qiaq; ~
net taqukassuun; ~ nose ungalruk; ~ product
taqukinraq*; ~ stomach used as a oat or water
container qeciqutaq; ~-gut skylight window
tanqiun; ~-oil lamp kenukcuk; aged ~ ipper
qellukaq; chewing gum made from ~ blubber
angiinaq; cooked ~ cuakayak; distribute ~
meat and blubber uqiqur-, uqite-
; line made
from the skin of a young bearded ~ taprualuk;
material for boots made from skin of bearded
~ lavtak, naterkaq, nat’rarkaq; mixture of
~-intestine tissue and ~ oil akutauqmak; parka
made of strips of bleached ~ skin ellangraq;
refrain from having ~ oil until summer
umciginga-; rope made from skin of spotted
~ pups tapruaq; rope made of ~ skin usaaq*;
scrape and bleach a ~ skin qercirar-; skin a ~
by pulling the skin back over the body qapiar-;
stopper for ~ poke agayutaq, pasvaagun;
thin line made from ringed or spotted ~s
; ~ aorta see Adams (64)
seal (hunting): ~ harpoon with line and oat
attached aklegaq; ~ net kuvyaq; ~-calling stick
aiggan, aiggaruaq, cetugmiarun, cetugyugun,
qalirkaq; ~-skinning knife nayugcuun,
qapiarcuun; ~spear or harpoon used with
an atlatl nanerpak; catch a ~ uqurte-
; chase
a ~ cive-; go ~ hunting during the spring
qamigar-; hand-hold at lower end of ~
harpoon cigvigquq; hook for dragging killed ~
yuussuun; hunt ~ downriver anssiir-; hunt for
~ qayartur-; hunter receiving the rib portion
of a ~ irnerrlugtalria; line or groove from the
harpoon head to the spur on a ~ imelqutaguaq;
move by boat to sh camp or ~ camp angyiur-;
prepare a grass mat for ~ bladders in Bladder
Feast canglanguarrar-; remove the face of a
~ cugir-; seal oat qerturvik; seal harpoon:
evga, kegcuq, kegglassi,nagun, tuqsiiq; ~ oat
keviaq; ~ head keggikuq, keggrarak, qilagturaq,
tukarta; share blubber and meat from a freshly
caught ~ pitaryaraq, tulimite-, uqicetaar-,
uqiqur-; spear for ~s sleeping on the ice
asaaquq, asauquq, ayaaquq; spear for hunting ~
nagiiquyaq; surfaced ~ puga
; tapeworm often
found in ~ qumaq; woman’s ~-skinning knife
seal oil: uquq; ~ in which food is dipped meciaq;
~, berries, or other ingredients mixed
akutauqmak, amekaq, atsiuraq, passiaq,
uqiinaq, uquinaq, uqumleq; add especially ~
kuucir-; aged sh stored in ~ uqumaarrluk;
apply ointment of urine and ~ cupcir-; bandage
of moss soaked in ~ cupkecir-; blubber or
ipper strips preserved in ~ uullaq; caulking
material of moss soaked in ~ piicetaaq; cooked
mixture including ~ that is rubbed on kayak
seal (closure) — seal oil
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cover elqunaq; “Eskimo ice cream” made with
~ amnginaq, puya; brous piece left over
when ~ has been rendered civanr(aq*); heat
diced seal blubber to get ~ civatugte-; hole to
store pokes of ~ qengneq; pit or container for
storing ~ uquucilleq; refrain from having ~
until one’s son rst catches a seal umciginga-;
serve or be served ~ meciite-
; small poke
of ~ caqussayucuar(aq*); smoked sh stored
in ~ arumaarrluk, uqumelnguq*; taste of ~
sealskin: ~ bag aklivik; ~ oat avataq, avatarpak;
~ hunting bag ar’inaq, arr’inaq; ~ leggings
ciisquilitaq, ciisqurrilitaq; ~ line for harpoon
imgun, qasmigutaq; ~ parka qutnguk; ~ poke
caqun, qerruraq; ~ ready for use with hair
removed amirkaq; ~ rope fastened around
hatch ararun; be aged (of ~) utuqa-; be soaking
to loosen hair from ~ akungqa-; bleached ~
naluaq; ~ boot catquk, iqertaq; device used in
wringing wet ~ kepirtaq; make rope from ~
pinevkar-; plug to close ~ oat unguquutaq;
put food in seal oil in a ~ poke teviri-; strip
of ~ to pull kayak cover seam tight palliun;
waterproof ~ hip boot at’ayagglugaq
seam: ~ ripper keluirissuun; block put under ~
when sewing qamiqumtagaq; come undone
at a ~ engume-, egume-, mekegte-; cord
to make a ~ in a kayak tegquciraq; device
used to keep stitches evenly tight as when
sewing a waterproof ~ unguqupak; leather ~
reinforcement asuirun; plant sewn inside ~s
of kayak cover cigvinguaq; sew a waterproof
~ iqre-; strip of sealskin to pull kayak cover ~
tight palliun; welt ~ on boot egliq; see Adams
search: ~ and seizure yuariluku teguiluku-llu; ~ for
food or anything needed cegar-; ~ suspected
persons yuarii-; ~ through a container kaaleg-;
~ through one’s belongings aglug-; ~ warrant
yuarcuun kalikartaq; go in ~ of food stored in
mouse caches pakissaag-
seashore: at ~ grass inaqaciq; basket made of
coarse ~ grass mingqaaq, taperrnaq; ~ mollusk
seasick: be ~ angayiite-
season: bad ~ canerlak; be open (hunting) ~
; celebration to request abundance in
the coming ~ Agayuyaraq; emergency closures
(of shing or hunting ~) piqatarraarpeknateng
umegluku; rst catch of the ~ anguyararaun;
spring ~ kiapauq; summer ~ kiak; young gull at
rst ~ ight civissaar(aq*)
seat: aqumgavik, aqumlleq, aqumllitaq, aqumvik;
~ plank in kayak aqumgautaq
seated: dance performed while ~ aqumun; put
head down when ~ kucungniigar-
seaweed: elquaq*, irnerrluguaq; edible yellow ~
tukurnaq; herring roe attached to ~ elquaq*;
have things clinging to it (such as herring roe
on ~) neve-
second: the ~ aipaa; ~ cold month Tanqiluryaq
Kinguqliq; ~ one tungliq*; remnant of ~ person
ut’rutaq; ~ wife after man has lost his rst wife
neqliurta; ~ wife in a polygamous marriage
nukaraq; bearded seal in its ~ year maklacuk,
maklassuk; beaver in its ~ year nukaq
secondary chief: sakaassiik
secret: aassaqun; have a ~ aasgaaq; ~ berry patch
igigtaun; secret N (pb) -ngssaar(aq*); ~ thing
cangssaar(aq*); ~ly observe qinquur-
secretary: igarta
secretive: be ~ aasgaaq; ~ly V ~ (pb) -ngssaar(ar)-
section: measurement of the width of the last ~
of one’s index nger tekneq; ~ of a sh just in
front of the tail kep’neq; ~ of lip directly under
philtrum kucurvik
secure: naqyute-; ~ with cord ket’gaq; tie ~ly
qillerqe-; fasten ~ly nuqsugte-
sedentarily: play ~ naanguar-
sedge: female ~ plant qinkiq
sediment: kisneq
Sedum rosea: caqlak
Sedum roseum:
megtat neqait, vegtaat neqait, vegtat
see: tangerr-, tangke-; ~! tangrriu; ~ a ghost
alangru-; ~ clearly mecike-; ~ for the rst
time tangnerraq; ~ normally takvik; ~ poorly
takviate-; ~ what happened ta¥gak’estauna;
~ without doing anything else tangrrinar-;
~ without responding to what one sees
tangrrinar-; as far as the eyes can ~ iik
ngeliignun; be able to ~ mecig-; be easy to ~
mecignarqe-; be excited to ~ (him) tupeke-;
be glad to ~ someone or something aryuqe-,
iryiqe-, tupeg-; be hard to ~ mecignaite-,
miskite-; become better able to ~ mecigi-;
sealskin — see
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
become easier to ~ mecignari-; for the weather
to make it easier to ~ avayig-; let me ~ ata
ata’a, ataki; let one ~, or be seen tangevkar-;
try to ~ pangquussiig-, paquussiig-; feel body
warmth without ~ing the person nuyarnir-
see-saw: assungutaaq, aassektaq, iipuuyaaq,
seed: iiqupak
seek: ~ (its) person (owner or human form)
yungcarte-; ~ medical aid emute-; ~ money
akissaar-, akissur-; ~ N (pb) -cur-, -ssur-; ~
the essence of someone yungcarte-; need
something and ~ it kepqe-
seem: ~ like N (pb) -ngate-; ~ to be becoming V (pb)
-ngari-; ~ to be V-ing (pb) -ngate-; something
that ~s to be a person Yugngalnguq*
seen: be ~ unexpectedly alangruu-
seen: be ~ tangrruu-; be out where it can be ~
paivnga-; let one see, or be ~ tangevkar-;
put (it) out where it can be ~ paivte-, pavte-;
keep self from being ~ tanite-; knoll ~ in the
distance irlurneq
seep: kullugte-
seine: qelcaq
Seiurus novaeboracensis:
maram cetaara,
seizure: have a ~ cayumlirte-, qiste-; search and ~
yuariluku teguiluku-llu
select: table with food laid out for diners to ~
self: ellmi; see Endings section
self: in-law acquired by marriage of ~ tukuq
self-condence: cacet-
self-condent: be ~ alegtar-, cacetu-
self-restraint: lack ~ takaite-
sell: naverte-, tune-, tuneniar-; ~ (it) tuniaqe-; ~
things tuniar-; ~er: tuniarta; engage in ~ing
semen: qingiun, see Drebert (10); ejaculate ~
maq’erri-, maq’i-
semi-subterranean: ~ sod house nepiaq; tunnel
entrance to ~ house or kashim kalvagyaraq,
tuqluk; use tunnel entrance of ~ house kalvag-
semiconical: ~ bentwood hat caguyaq, ciayaq
semilunar: ~ knife uluaq; handle of ~ egkuaq;
woman’s ~ knife kegginalek; large ~ knife
ulurpak; slate used to make ~ knives ulukaq
semipalmated plover: tapruar(aq*)
, uyarr’uyaq
send: tuyuq
; ~ a son-in-law or daughter-in-law
back parents qinu-
; ~ a visitor away without
having him or her eat menkuke-; ~ away or
send forth ayagcete-; ~ for tuyuq
; ~ on an
errand makira-
; ~ bladders under the ice
during the Bladder Feast nalug-
; thing that
one ~ tuyuq
Senecio congestus: melngut neqait, qugyuguaq
Senecio pseudo-arnica: nasqupaguaq
sensation: acquire ~ elpenge-; have a burning ~
sense: elpeke-; lack common ~ umyuarite-, usviite-;
lose one’s good ~ cellairute-, ellairute-; ~ a
pregnancy gone bad qingarniur-; be such that
one can ~ it elpegnarqe-; ~ of the human body
or mind elpeksuun; come to one’s ~s elpenge-
sensible: ellatu-; be ~ ellecpag-, usvingqerr-
sensitive: be ~ ellake-; have ~ teeth keggsagar-;
be ~ to sound or motion terikegg-; not be ~
to sound or motion terikeggiate-; lack ~ity
sensor: elpeksuun
sentence: period in a ~ kapqallruar(aq*); utter an
incomplete ~ iqupki-
sepal: naugaar(aq*); ~s
caqelngataruarita nayumiqassuutait
separate: ~ from others allakaq, ill’arte-; ~ hood
yuraryaraq; ~ point placed on arrow caniryak;
~ into two parts avte-; go ~ ways avquiqar-;
leather put between beads to ~ them iqataq;
anticipate arrival of one ~d nerilegte-; one from
a place ~ by a natural barrier akemkumiu; ~d
during mentruation or childbirth avisnga-
September: Amiraayaaq, Amirairvik,
kakeggliyarvik, see Adams (75)
septum: decoration for nasal ~ kakeggluguayaat
series: (pb) -in; reach the fth in a ~ tallimiri-
serpent: ciissirpak
serum: ituk
servant: kevgiurta, pista
serve: kevgiur-; ~ as an indication pillerkir-; ~ food
neqliur-; ~ food in a kashim qepagte-; ~ seal oil
; the person one ~s kevgiuqengaq; ~s
you right! anirtaqulluk, kacakikika, palaq
serving dish: akirkarar(aq*), miiskaaq, tumnaq
set: elkarte-, eva-, ngelkarte-; ~ a trap civte-,
kapkaanir-; be ~ kakite-; completed ~ naaneq;
one who drives the boat while the net is being
see-saw — set
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ iqugta; ~ (it) upright naparte-; ~ (sun, moon)
teve-, tevir-
; ~ a drift-net nengte-
, nengte-
~ a net kuvyir-; ~ aoat pugterte-; line used
to ~ a net amun; food ~ for someone minaq;
~ down elli-
, iturte-; ~ in a position paste-; ~
net petugaq; ~ of twenty loche sh tuvqertat; ~
one’s direction inland lurnir-; ~ askew qavirte-;
~ a trap petengte-; ~ time for something cuqa
be ~ to act uqlir-, urnir-; ~ out bedding (for)
inarrliur-; ~ snares negir-; ~ the table qanciur-;
~ up a tent civte-; ~ upright makete-, makte-; ~
weight on (it) naner-
settle: elgarte-, nuni-; ~ down elkarte-, ngelkarte-,
nunalgar-; ~ on elkarte-, ngelkarte-; be ~d
elgangqa-, elgar-; something that has ~d to the
bottom kisneq
settlement: former ~ on the Kwethluk River
seven: mallruungin, malrunlegen, see Petroff (1);
~ in cards iquggalek, iqulek; ~ ribs in a boat
sever: kepe-
several: qavcin
severe: suffer ~ muscle cramps qeluarci-; be
a ~ blizzard pirrec’vag-; be ~ly depressed
sew: mingqe-; ~ a waterproof seam iqre-; ~ in this
pattern tevtararaq*; ~ it closed nungute-; ~ on a
sole nat’raq; on beads emkiirtur-; stitch used to
~ on boot soles ellipiaq, inuguarcetuaq; ~ skins
together for a parka tamategte-
Seward Peninsula: boundary between Yup’ik and
Inupiaq territory on the ~ Uqvigartalek
sewing: baste in ~ kelullir-, petugtur-,
petuutaarute-, tupirtaarute-; bevel the edge of
a skin for ~ mangag-; block put under seam
when ~ cover of a kayak qamiqumtagaq; sh
skin prepared for ~ iqertaq; gather cloth, as in
~ murugte-; holes used to draw kayak seams
together for ~ tapricilleq; sinew before it is
split to use for ~ uliun; thread for ~ kayak
skin amiutekaq; three-cornered skin-~ needle
ipgut’lek, quagulek; use the same stitch
holes as before for ~ enatguar(ar)-; device
used to keep stitches evenly tight as when
~ unguqupak; ~ sinew kelugkaq, yualukaq;
~ thread cillupkaar(aq*), ivalukaq, kelugkaq;
leather ~ tool ikgun
sewing bag: ivory fastener for ~ qerrvik; piece of ~
used to store needles kakisvik
sewing box: kakivik, kellarvik, qemaggvik,
sewing machine massiinaq, mingqessuun; ~
bobbin atlirneq
sewn: be ~ with tight stitches cupuite-; calfskin ~
in design at hem of parka akurun; calfskin ~ to
make a V pattern on parka or boot uminguaq;
decorative pattern on ~ item tevtararaq*;
design from caribou fawn skin ~ onto a parka
qulitaq; dyed leather piece used to decorate
~ items cungagartaq; fringed fur ~ on hem
or hood uulungak; fringed mink fur ~ at the
border of a garment pinevyacagaq*; opening
on parka into which an arrow point design
was ~ pakineq
sex: child of either ~ tan’gurraq*; animal of the
same ~ as N (pb) -caluq*; act ustered in the
presence of a member of the opposite ~ picari-;
be attracted to a member of the opposite ~
, alange-
; commit adultery or otherwise
have illicit ~ akusraruteke-; engage in illicit ~
qacuniar-; have illicit ~ with a reluctant woman
acuniar-; totally preoccupied with ~ qumaqite-,
qumiqite-; ask for a ~ partner caavarrnguar-;
have ~ual dealings with a woman arniur-;
harass ~ually qiqia-
sexual intercourse: have ~ atarte-, inarute-, kuyag-,
kuyug-, taqik, uyug-; have ~ with a man
anguciur-; move hips as during ~ kuyakcar-
shabby: ~ N (pb) -vialuk; ~ old N (pb) -ller(aq*),
shade: talin, talineq, talite-; dark ~ of facial hair
qiugaaq, qiuguciaranga’artellria
shadow: talineq; cast a ~ tarenrir-
shaft: ~ of a re-drill nucugcuutak; ~ of a seal
harpoon nagun; ~ of an arrow caniryak; ~ of
bow-drill cuukiicunguaq, ussungiq; arrow
~ straightener nakercaun; attachment to a
harpoon ~ itercaraq; bow-drill ~ ussungirkaq;
loop to hold harpoon ~ qasmigutaq; part of
drill at top of ~ neg’utaq
Shageluk: Caarilluk
shaggy: ~ dog melqussuk, mequp’ayagaq*,
shake: angala-, angalate-, arulate-, qiive-,
umruksuar-, uulegte-; ~ one’s head ungaulug-;
~ it in disapproval ungaulugte-; ~ as from
fright kakave-; ~ clothing kanevlarte-; ~ oneself
settle — shake
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
all over ungulerqur-; ~ off snow or dirt ellug-,
evcug-; ~ violently aangulugtuute-; shiver so
much that one’s jaw ~s agluqumtaar(ar)-; start
to ~ uulenge-; mix by ~ing angalate-
shake hands: aiggacungar-, aaggacungar-, unaciur-;
ritually ~ in Russian Orthodox Church
a¥g’arite-; ~ with aiggacungar-; ~ with and say
“cama-i” to cama-i-ir-
Shaktoolik: Cagtulek
shallow: be ~ etgate-, ilukite-, imailkite-; ~ place
etgalnguq*, etgalquq; be shallow (of net)
narrlukite-; run aground in ~ water etgalqite-;
ice beached in ~ water et’galqilaq
shaman: angalkuq, kallalek, tuunralek; ~ who
journeyed into the ocean imartelleq; ~’s “other
half” avneq; ~’s drum apqara’arcuun; ~’s
paraphernalia qelqun; ~’s helping spirit avneq,
tuunraq; ~’s incantation to protect one from
illness qaniqun; ~’s mask nepcetaq, tukaraun,
yug’aq; a voice that could be summoned by
a ~ yuun; attempt to murder (of a ~) carayar-;
become aware of ~ intending to kill people
avulluksagute-, Ississaayuq; being belonging
to a ~ that helps people at sea qupurruyuli;
novice ~ alairyuaralria; one who has been
treated by a ~ yuungcaraq; ordinary person,
not ~ Yup’ik; powerful ~ angarvak
shamanistic: be rejected for marriage because of
~ machinations nulirturciimacir-; deal with
people through ~ power yuliur-; y with aid
of ~ power elumar-; perform ~ acts angalki-,
angalkumirte-; perform ~ incantation qaniqe-;
perform ~ practices avnir-; use ~ powers tukni-
shame: for ~! katak; be ~ful tun’ernarqe-; be ~less
shape: eluciq, luuciq; be bent out of ~ cuqlungqa-,
cuqlur-, cuqlurte-; have a rounded ~ aqsamirte-;
mold for forming a ~ eyurcissuun; oval ~
ucugyamqitak; triangular ~ tamlurnaq; heart-
~d sea ice formation ircaquruaq
shard: ~ of rotten ice mingqutnguaq
share: nengiq; ~ a catch aruqe-, kuyagtar-; ~ food
with naruyake-; ~ with avgute-; ~r of N (pb)
-lgun; distribute ~s after a hunt pitar-, tulimite-,
uqicetaar-; have enough to ~ avegvingqerr-; not
want to ~ kiimurrsug-; partition in ~d house
talu; revenue ~ing
nunat yugtutacimegtun
unangkengait akit state-amek
shark: iqallugnaq, yugtutuli
sharp: be ~ cingig-, ipeg-, ipegcete-; have a ~
point cingikegte-; hit with a ~ blow ka¥k’ar-;
~ bone point on kayak paddle kukimssaq; ~
edge quaguk; get something ~ in one’s foot
cukite-; stick with ~ point in a game kalackiiq,
kapuckaq; have a ~ pain cugite, cuite-,
kakivkar-, kap’liqe-; be ~ly peaked cugirte-; be
~ly pointed cingickegg-
sharpen: celli-, cilli-, cingig-, elli-
, ipegcar-; ~
a blade on a stone ellikaraq; ~ to a point
cingikar-, kakimqigte-; ~ed stake used with
dipnets kanuuquq; pencil ~er ipegcarissuun;
~ing stone arviiq, puyiqun, tacilaq
sharp-shinned hawk: eskaviaq, tengmiacuar(aq*)
shave: ungair-
shaving: wood ~ canalleq; using ~s, rub in ochre
shawl: nalikutaq, ulikutaq
she: ellii
shear: kepliar-, qiur-, qiurcuun
shearwater: teng’guar(aq)
sheath: knife ~ kegginailitaq, kiglin
shed: seal pup that has ~ its skin carriqaq; ~ hair
sheesh: cii, ciiq*
sheep: palanaq, qusngiq; Dall ~ epnaiq, pe÷aiq;
herd ~ qusngiliur-
sheet: eskuutaq; sled ~ kangciraq; ~ of oating ice
akangluaryuk, yuulraaq; ~ rope of sailboat
sheeting: saaneq; plastic ~ ciileqtaaq, metuyailkun
Sheldon’s Point: village formerly known as ~
Nunam Iqua
shelf: ellivik, eskaapaq, ingelvissaaq, ingleraq
skaapaq, qulqin; cloth to cover a ~ capkuq;
lattice ~ ingelqaar(aq*); ~ on storage platform
shell: caqu, mat’luunaq, pat’luunaq; limpet ~
qengapcuar(aq*); snail ~ ciutemquq; spent
ammunition ~ used as weapon qapiamcetaaq
shelter: nalik, nalikcaar(aq*), uq-, uqisvik, uqiyvik,
uqraq, uqriilitaq, uqrun
; log cabin ~ canirtaq; ~
made from tarpaulin naliguyaq; make a snow
~ aniguyar-; take ~ uqite-
; ~ for smoking sh
talicivik; ~ from wind, sun, rain, snow talite-
sheltered: be ~ irlurnite-, uqisnga-; for there to be
a gust where one is ~ kalvaguar-; ~ side uqeq;
go through area on ~ side uqrir-; toward ~ side
shake hands — sheltered
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
uqetmun, uqutmun; ~ spot uqisvik, uqiyvik
shepherd: qunguturiurta, qusngiliurta
shield: cayailkun
shin: qengaraq; boot made with fur over the
~ ciuqalek; ~bone qanegyaaq, qenagyaaq,
kanagyaaq, qengaraq
shine: ciqenqar-, ciqinqar-, qevlercete-, qevlerte-,
qevli-; ~ (it) qerrircar-; ~ (of moon) iralir-; ~
light (on) akir-
, kenurraq; ~ upon akiqar-; be
~ing (on) nanurte-
shiny: be ~ qerrircete-; become ~ qevleri-; very ~
ship: kalampiaq, sun’aq; ~ smokestack napartaq
shirt: atkucuar(aq*), keggan, kemegmik, llumarraq,
lumarraq, matarun, numarraq; lift up one’s ~
qakegte-; tuck ~ in pants qasmii-
shiver: uulegte-; ~ so much that one’s jaw shakes
shock: ~ absorber matngagcailkun, qatngicailkutaq;
be ~ed navakar-; be able to withstand ~s
shoe: cap’akiq*, pinan, sap’akiq; sole of ~ alu, aluq,
atungaq; store-bought ~ masmakiq, pasmakiq;
piece of ~ over toes and top of foot itek; with
~s on the wrong feet caqvir-
shoe-pac: supa’aksaq
shoelace: cingiq*; tie one’s ~ cingir-
shoot: be ready to ~ uqlir-, urnir-; ~ a rearm
nuteg-; ~ at a target yuq’uq; ~ short nuuqar-,
ukatrute-; ~ with an arrow pitek, pitgar-,
pitgaqu-; ~, making a large wound nutpag-;
soft willow ~ enrilnguaq
shooting: be accurate when ~ naker-; bow for ~
urluveq; practice ~ with a bow and arrow
pitegte-; be unable to reach something after ~
it kalivci-; miss by ~ to the side inglutruarte-;
miss by ~ too high qulruarte-; miss how (by
overshooting, undershooting, etc.) when ~
shop: go to a larger town to ~ kass’arte-
shore: ce
÷a, cina; be far out from ~ kessig-; be
perched on the ~ uginga-; blow along the
~ cenirnir-; blow from ~ out to sea aternir-;
bouy at the end of a shnet away from ~
kelliqutaq; come in a mass to ~ eqiite-; device
for bringing things up from the ~ taguyun;
driftwood on the ~ callirneq; for ice to break
up along ~ iqertar-; go along the ~ ce
÷i-, cetu-,
citu-; jagged ice pushed on ~ manialkuq; line
that ties boat to ~ petuk; pull (a boat) onto ~
ugirte-; quickly go up on the ~ tag’arte-; rock
formation patterned by action of water on
the ~ ingigun, inigun; seal on a ~ ugtaq; swim
from one ~ to another nalug-
; tow a boat while
walking along the ~ ukamar-; walk along the ~
÷irtaar-, ce÷irte-, cinirte-; walk on ~ as when
beachcombing as a boat accompanies one
qutirtur-; have it as its ~ cenke-
shore ice: crack in ~ qiugguiq; oe that breaks
away from ~ angengqaq*, manigaq, tualleq;
piled ice on sandbars surrounded by ~ nacaraq;
protruding and very steep ~ kenuqaurneq; ~
piling up after ocean swells nacaraq
shore-fast ice: ~ on the ocean qayemgu, tuaq, tuvaq;
large crack or crevice in ~ aayuqaq; big wave
capable of breaking ~ qairvaaq; rough edge of
~ nepucuqiq; for ~ to break up tuvair(ar)-
short: be ~ markite-, uyakite-; cut hair ~ uqumigte-
fall ~ nurte-, nurute-; shoot ~ nuuqar-; ~
account qanengssak; take a ~ cut kepe-; move
a ~ distance calligte-; V for a ~ duration (pb)
-maar-; ~ grass evger(aq*), evisrayaaq; be ~
in extent or duration nanite-; be ~ in stature
cugkite-, sugkite-; have ~ legs kanagkite-; ~
notice uplerquute-; ~ of a target ukatrute-; ~
of breath anernerite-; ~ of something enuqite-,
nuuqite-; ~ of something and feel dread
kapegcug-; ~ piece of dried wood ciamurrluk;
~ posts under cofn sitaaq; ~ skin boot aciqsaq,
nanilnguaraq; ~ narrow V-shaped calfskin
on parka qupun, usrun; ~ strip of calfskin
on parka manurun; ~ time hence wanirpak;
become ~(er) nanili-
short-eared owl: keneqpataq, kenriiq, ungpaar(aq*)
short-handled gaff: tallirpacuar(aq*)
shortage: have a ~ nuqlite-
shortcut: take a ~ asemqar-; ~ channel tunuirun
shortening: caalaq, mantiikaq, saalaq; mixture of ~,
berries, seal oil, etc. amekaq
shot: kal’ciissaaq, kalkiicaaq, kal’tiissaaq; collapse
as from being ~ narullgute-; take a ~ in target
practice napataq
shotgun: kelupavik, qerruyaarcuun, tengmiarcuun,
yaqulegcuun; double-barrel ~ itukellria;
wooden stock of ~ qapsalquq
should: ~ V (it) (pb) -arkaqe-; ~ V or be V-ed (pb)
-arkau-; ~ not (pb) -arkaqenrilka
shepherd — should
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
shoulder: tusek, tuyek; carry on one’s ~ equg-;
wolf fur on ~ of parkas megcugtaq; V-shaped
calfskin piece on ~ of parka qupun, tusrun;
thing carried on one’s ~ equk, quuk; shoulder
band on parka tusailitaq; shoulder blade
keggasek, kegglarkaq, tarenriryaraq; shoulder
rearm uquutellek; measurement of ~ to
~ tusneq; ~(s) of seal harpoon kegglassi;
bearded seal with very dark ~s apsiaraq; carry
(a person) on one’s ~s kakgar-; carry with
straps around ~s tuskuar-; shrug one’s ~s
quvqetaaqar-; thrown over the ~s ulikutaq
shout: aara-, aarcillag-, aarpag-, erinia-, qanpag-,
qarte-, qategpagate-, qatpag-, qayagpag-; ~
repeatedly qatguur-
shove: enu-; ~ off or over cagevqar-; ~ a little with
the foot itemkar-; ~ hard cingeqpag-
shovel: aiggaun, pekutaq, qanikciurun; ~ or other
digging tool elagcuun; ~ snow qanikciur-
shoveler: curcurpak, sugg’erpak, surrsurpak
show: apertur-, mani-, nasvag-, suuq, tangercete-;
go to a ~ suuliyar-; put on a ~ for tangssiite-; ~
affection by clinging unga-; ~ fear uluryayug-;
~ how nallunair-; ~ off elucitukuayag-; ~ one’s
excitement qiilerte-; ~ one’s scorn narcig-,
narite-; ~ physical strain tenguqe-; ~ sadness
kucungniigar-; ~ something to nasvagite-,
nasvite-, nayvite-; ~ to maniite-; one who ~s
shower: take a sauna bath to take a ~ maqi-
shred: hanging ~ cuyavleq
shrew: angyayagaq*, casraraq*, cayraaraq; young ~
shriek: aarcillag-, cegerte-
shrimp: ~-like animal or insect cungaralukvak
shrink: eqe-
, qellur-, quve-; painfully ~
qungagyug-; dye applied to reduce ~age
cungagaq; keep (it) from ~ing eqsairte-
shrivel: painfully ~ qungagyug-
shrubby cinquefoil: teggerpak
shrug: ~ shoulders quvqetaaqar-
shudder: qunglullag-
shufing: make a ~ noise pivagte-
shut: patu-; brace a log against door to keep it ~
avir-; have mouth open and teeth ~ iryagte-
shuttle: herring ~ imruyutaq*; netting ~ imgutaq
shy: be ~ kalevyug-, qitngayug-; cause one to be
~ takarnarqe-, tallurnarqe-; feel ~ takaqe-,
takaryug-, talluqe-, talluryug-; ~ by nature
takartar-; be a ~ person takartar-
Siberia: Chukchi Peninsula of ~ Qull’iq*; East
Cape, ~ Nuuraq
sibilant: make a ~ sound essaar-
sibling: arnauneq; be about to have a younger
~ kinginge-; in-law acquired by marriage
of ~ tukuq; ~ (older sister) alleqaq, alqaq;
spouse’s ~ of same sex as self ai
; younger
~ acik’aq
, kinguqliq*, uyur(aq*); youngest
~ kinguqlikacaar(aq*), mik’nuraq, uyuqliq*;
parent’s cross-sex ~ urelriit
sick: feel ~ ellaculngu-, nangte-, nangteqe-,
naullumirte-, naulluu-, qena-; feel ~ after eating
after starving cakenqar-; feel ~ from eating
fatty food uqilngu-; be ~ in body natlugte-; be
puffy and ~-looking tenguqlirte-
sickle: vegtarcuun
sickness: apquciq, cirla, kirciurun, nangyun, qenan;
feel weak from ~ unaqserte-
side: caqaneq, qacarneq; ~ area taquq
; ~ labret
caqiqsak; ~ of body caniqaq; ~ of face
ayakutar(aq*), inarnaq; ~ of neck iiraq; ~ of
nose pacigaq; ~ side manu; a little on ~ toward
speaker ukakarar-; across on the other ~
akma(ni); be ~ by ~ ituke-; be leaning to the
~ iringqa-; be on the ~ caningqa-; bone on ~
of head cirunqatak; deep-water ~ of sandbar
isquq; dune eroded on the ~ ingluirneq; fall on
the ~ avallakar-, iqup’ag-; oor at ~ of replace
acilqaq; go from one ~ to the other mumigtaar-;
go through the area on the sheltered ~ uqrir-;
go toward one ~ (and not the other) ingluar-;
inner ~ of a pelt cata
; lee ~ uluquq, uqeq; left
~ iqsuq; legendary creature, one ~ of which is
an animal and the other a man irci, irciq; lie on
one’s ~ and watch someone work ac’irci-; little
room at ~ of entrance qerrayaq; membrane on
inner ~ of pelt caterrluk; miss (it) by shooting
to the ~ inglutruarte-; on on other ~ amaqliq*;
one ~ of beam of kayak tuntunaq; one ~ only
inglupiaq; one’s waist at the ~ side enrilnguq
nenrilquq; ornaments in hair at ~ of forehead
cukluuk; particular ~ of a geographical place or
direction tunglirneq; piece on each ~ in front of
tracking stabilizer of kayak imaqliq; put on the
~ canirte-; right-hand ~ alirneq, tallirpilirneq;
seal harpoon head with ve ~s keggikuq; the ~
shoulder — side
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
canitmun; thing of the left ~ iqsulirneq; toward
the sheltered ~ uqetmun, uqutmun; pot that
has rounded ~s aqsamirtaq; moose hide tanned
on both ~s qatviaq; one of a pair of tassels on
~s of a parka avan; start turning up ~s of a
coiled grass basket ciqtagte-, pakeg-, pakugte-;
parka cut high on ~s kinguqalek
side rail: ~ of kayak ingneq, qamenqucagaq; ~ of
sled quliq
side to side: rock from ~ (of a boat) eveqaa-, iria-,
kukiiyar-, kuksugte, uvaa-; shake one’s head
from ~ ungaulug-
side wall: ~ of semi-subterranean house
nakerqatak, nakirqatak; ~ of sod house kangciq
side-stringer: kayak ~ caaganeq, saaganeq
sideburn: atrarun
sideswipe: ~ something akitmite-
sideways: canitmun; bump into an obstacle
~ akitmite-; look ~ by turning one’s head
takuyar-; look ~ without turning one’s head
siding: put ~ on qanir-
sieve: kataagun
sift: kataagte-
sifter: kataagun
sigh: aneryaar-, culuguyug-
sight: be in ~ alaingqa-; be out of ~ behind
something ipte-; disappear from ~ nallime-;
fade from ~ ellaq’er-; go out of ~ talurte-; into
the area out of ~ tayimatmun; pass out of each
others ~ amarriigute-; ~ with (it) qinrute-; ~
with binoculars or from an elevated point
sign: ~ one’s name sainar-
signal: holding gaff as ~ uurcaq; ~ with eye(s)
signpost: nallunailkutaq
signs: have ~ of human habitation yuc’illia-
silent: be ~ emaite-, nepaite-, qanyuite-; fall ~
nepair-; ~ person qanyuilnguq*; ~ly fart
silk: suukuyaq
silly: be ~ elucitukuayag-; be proud in a ~ way
terikarte-; one who is careless in a ~ way
silt: urr’aq
silver: qerrirliq; ~ metal qerrircetellria; ~y calm
caviguuyar-; ~y speckle quilekupiaq
silver salmon: caayuryaq, ciayuryaq, qakiiyaq*,
qavlunaq, uqurliq*; ~ aged then frozen quli-,
quluk, qussuk
similar: beach bug ~ to a tiny lobster nastarnaq;
bone (or ~ material) left after meat is eaten
from it enerkuaq; ~ to tuar, tuarpiaq; thing
~ to N (pb) -nguaq, -uaq, -yak; insect ~ to
mayy kapsuli; game ~ to prisoners base
simmer: qallaksugte-
simultaneously: ataucikun, ataucitun
sin: assiilngir-, assiilnguq*, kengluq; commit a ~
kengliqe-; confession of ~s in church apqaurun
since: ~ long ago ak’anek, ak’arpak; ~ N (pb)
; ~ some time in the N (pb) -niq
; ~ when
nak’nirmek; ~ yesterday akwaugarpak
sinew: eglu, ivaluq, yualuq; ~ before it is split
uliun; ~ binding on a toggling harpoon
atanrautaq; ~-backed bow cukangegautaq;
awl for working with ~ egluliurcuun; cross-
lashing holding ~ backing onto a bow
cagnirqun; hand-twisted ~ yualukiuraq; sewing
~ kelugkaq; split ~ qunavte-, talu; two-ply ~
sinew splitter: qunavun, qupurrissuun, talun,
sing: atuq; ~ a wordless tune uyuruar-; ~ during
the Bladder Feast cauyautequ-; ~ out of tune
emiate-; ~ slowly cauyuikar-; ~ softly without
saying words out loud megamliur-; ~ songs
of supplication during the Inviting-In Feast
agayuli-; ~ the invitation during the Messenger
Feast enirarar-; ~ to ask for specic gifts during
the Messenger Feast taitnauraar-; ~ with soft
drumming before dancing menge-; ridicule by
~ing in the Messenger Feast nernerrlugcetaar-;
one who shouts “here it is” to start the ~ing
during a holiday kit’arta
singed: be ~ leg’uma-; get ~ [e]leg-, leg-, kukeg-,
single: bead iiqupak; ~ sh egg iiqupak; ~ hanging
strip of fringe pinevyak; ~ macaroni noodle
qilunguuyaq; ~ mesh of a net negaq; ~ rock in
the water nagaayuq; ~ set atauciin
single-bladed paddle: anguarun; crosspiece or ball-
like grip on ~ qaquaq; ~ grip that is one piece
with the handle qaquaqnginaq
sink: kit’e-; ~ into snow, mud, etc. muru-, murua-;
have something ~ on one kic’i-; ~ or dive
side rail — sink
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
down murugte-; ~ partway due to overloading
of boat kive-; ~ something kic’i-; for tracks
to become elevated as surrounding snow ~s
nalugarui-; creature that ~s into the ground as
it walks muruayuli
sinker: net ~ kicaqutaq, kis’un; slit at each end of a
net ~ nayugnaq
sinkhole: muruyaq
sinus: curlu
sip: ~ a hot beverage yuurte-
; drink by ~ping
Sirius: iralum qimugtii
sister: arnauneq; older ~ al’a, alleqaq, alqaq, al’qaq;
one’s spouse’s ~ alqaruaq; younger ~ of a male
nayagaq; man’s ~’s child usruq, uyruq; female’s
~’s child nurr’aq; ~’s husband arenqiartekaq,
sister-in-law: alqaruaq; ~ (brothers wife only)
ukurraq; ~ (only as sibling of one’s spouse)
sit: ~ close to the edge qutqir-; ~ cross-legged
amaqigci-; ~ down aqume-; ~ hunched up
qunginga-; ~ in a boat ingun
; ~ on eggs eva-; ~
up mak’arte-, makte-; ~ with legs stretched out
ceturte-; sun ~s low akerta aqumuq
site: old village ~ nunalleq; ~ in the northeast part
of Nunivak Is. Qaviayarmiut; ~ of a re aralleq;
~ of borrowing navrarvik; ~ of V-ing (pb) -vike-
sitting: be ~ aqumga-; ~ mat nacin; ~ partner
alrapaq; ~ with legs stretched out cetungqa-
situated: be ~ uita-; item ~ in a small space
kukutnaaq; ~ in a line yaaqliqe-
situation: able to control ~ kalivqinaite-; ~ that
one cannot control kalivqinar-; unable to
cope with a ~ nanikua-; not want to go back
to one’s former ~ mege-; ~ whose identity is
immediately known tamaa(ni); device to scare
children away from dangerous ~s aarallr(aq*)
six: arvinlegen; ~ in cards kuiggaar(aq*); ~ holes
for lashing frame of kayak tupicilleq; ~th one
arvinelgat, arvineq
size: angtaciq; decrease in ~ quve-; be a certain ~
; ~ of a second-year seal maklacuk; be
appropriate in ~ pitalqegte-
sizzling: make a ~ sound serrsallag-
skate: cikulraar(aq*); ice ~ kankiiq
skeleton: enerrlainaq; skull of a ~ iingaraq
skerry: nagaayuq
ski: eskiiq
skid row: be on ~ akag-
skies: blizzard under clear ~ aciikuar-
skiff: palayaq
skilled: ~ harpooner or spear thrower narussuli
skillet: assalissuun, eskuulutaq, skuulutaq
skillful: be ~ munar-, qetumla-; be ~ with munaqe-
skim: punerte-; ~ over the surface kat’ag-, nevaar-,
skin (animal): amiq, amiir-; ~ a seal or other
animal nayug-; ~ of an old walrus pengitag-;
~ of caribou taken in fall itruq; ~ of the
bearded seal naterkaq, nat’rarkaq; ~ of young
caribou pukirneq; ~ soaked to remove hair
or fur meqciraq; ~ to be chewed to soften
it aaqassaaq; ~ to chew on tamukassaaq;
accidental tear in ~ allganeq; beluga ~
mangtak; cap of ~ with decorative bands
uivquq, uivqurraq*; chew on a ~ to soften it
angula-; chew on a dried sh ~ amiracetaar(ar)-;
decomposed layer beneath ~ of a dried sh
kiimacak; dried sh ~ for chewing ungicetaaq;
dried sh protruding from ~ makesqiq,
makneq; dried sh stripped of its ~ allneq;
esh under ~ of sh alkuaq, kelipacuk; ex
a ~ to make it pliable ulug-
; freeze-dried ~
qercurtaq; freeze-dry a ~ qercur-; get a dried
~ soaking wet qakime-; pull the ~ back over
the body qapiar-; remove seal blubber from
~ qapagqur-; scrape a ~ pellugte-; scrape and
bleach seal ~ qercirar-; seal pup that has shed
its newborn ~ carriqaq; soften a ~ by extended
soaking peqlicir-; stretch a ~ to dry ngillar-; tan
a ~ by scraping it cakivte-, cakuug-, calugte-;
thick edible layer of walrus ~ kaugpak, kauk;
unsalted strip of sh esh without ~ kiarneq;
worn-out ~ aminraq*
skin (boat, clothing, chewing, rope, tools): ~ as
binding material tapengyak; ~ bag full of
dried smoked silver salmon elliaq; ~ container
acalurnaq; ~ for chewing taaqassaaq; ~ head-
ring with earaps nerun; ~ line to fasten skirt
around hatch of kayak agarun; ~ of a dried
sh that one chews arucetaaq, tamukassaaq; ~
scraping board atliq*; ~ stretching and scraping
tool assipaq; ~-stretching frame or form nillaq;
~ wristguard petengyaraq; ~-covered boat
angyapiaq; ~-scraping implement iqucissuun;
bedding ~ alliqupak, alliraq, curuq; bevel ~ for
sinker — skin (boat, clothing . . . )
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
sewing mangag-; bucket made from old kayak
~ qaltayak; colored ~ patchwork trim at hem
ingqit; cut ~ in a spiral pattern pinevkar-; dark
~ used on a parka kelurqutaq; design from
caribou fawn ~ sewn onto a parka qulitaq;
device used to keep stitches evenly tight on
a kayak ~ unguqupak; sh ~ prepared for
sewing iqertaq; sh-~ clothing amiragglugaq;
sh-~ parka that could serve as a tent
qerrlurcaq; form inserted into ~s to stretch
them aquun
; hold kayak ~ in place nuqsugun;
hoodless caribou-~ parka qaliluk; lace a thong
through loops on a kayak ~ and tighten it
tugcilqar-; leather rope made of seal or walrus
~ usaaq*; line made from walrus ~ qavya; make
a ~ pliable by scraping it iqute-; makeshift
~-covered boat angyaqatak; murre ~ parka
alpacurrlugaq; old kayak ~ tangpeq; parka
made of bleached seal ~ or sh ~ ellangraq;
parka with plates of mink ~ qaliq; parka made
with two caribou ~s qutnguk; put ~ on a kayak
amir-; rope made from ~ of spotted seal pups
tapruaq; rounded line made from ~ of young
bearded seal taprualuk; scraper for fawn ~s
nengulercissuun; scraper for removing edible
inner layer from sh ~ kelipacuutaq, keliutaq;
sew ~s together for a parka tamategte-; stakes
to hold kayak frame while stretching ~ onto
it agqun; stretch a ~ by working it with an
implement angiar-; stretch a ~ over frame
of kayak agqe-
; thread for sewing kayak ~
amiutekaq; three-cornered ~-sewing needle
ipgut’lek; tobacco pouch made from seabird ~
camru; tool for stretching ~s angiarun; wading
boot made of caribou ~ melqurrilnguq*; wash
~s ervig-; waterproof ~ boot ivruciq; wood over
which a ~ is placed for scraping and stretching
skin (human): ~ sore cakucuk, nauktak, qaaryak;
~ tag ut’rutaq; have debris clinging to one’s
~ apat’ag-; have wrinkled ~ from soaking in
water quacerte-, qaucirte-; mole on ~ augyaq,
tuqunquq; pore on ~ mai; remove frostbitten ~
skin boat: put cover on ~ amir-
skin boot: piluguk; ankle-high ~ atallgaq,
kameksak, qaliruaq; crimp in the sole of a ~
teguaq; drawstring at top of ~ parrvik, parteq,
parteraq, parterin, tarperaq; fancy ~ made with
dark fur over the shin ciuqalek; fur liner for ~
murun; have holes in sole of ~ puturte-; knee-
high or higher ~ kamguk; leather piece on a ~
with a hole for the bootlace putu-
; ~ with V
pattern uminguaq; provide (~) with an insole
of dried grass piinir-; round patch on the sole
of a ~ allngik; short ~ nanilnguaraq; sole of ~
nat’raq; strip of skin between sole and upper
part of a ~ menglerin; thigh-high waterproof
~ at’arrlugaq*; top of ~ kangeq; waterproof ~
made of sh skin amirak, ivruciq; woven liner
for ~ alliqsak; ~ made of dyed sealskin catquk;
bootlace loop for ~ putulri; bearded seal
skin for ~ soles lavtak, naterkaq, nat’rarkaq;
~ with beaver trimming qulip’ak; ~ thigh-
high with fur out ayagcuun; woman’s high ~
ac’upegglugaq, yuunin; thigh-high ~s mamlek
skin scraper: cakivcissuun, cakuugun, calugcissuun,
calugun, cuplulek, ellumrun, keliutaq,
pellumrun, qalliq*, tellunrun, urugun,
skin-sewing: linen thread for ~ elngurliq; three-
cornered ~ needle quagulek, umilek
skinned: muskrat or squirrel hung to dry after
being ~ qemitaq*
skinning: seal-~ knife qapiarcuun; woman’s seal-
~ knife kaussuun; tool for ~ seal ippers
skinny: be ~ kemgite-; ~ person enerrlainaq,
paluneq; ~ young seal in springtime
skip: for heart to ~ a beat ircaqruallag-; ~ on water
cilur-, kat’ag-; ~ over (it) patakaute-
skirt: ciqauyaq, uan; woman’s ~ akupek; lift up
one’s ~ qakegte-; roll up ~ and tie it at the waist
qepte-; raise ~ and let fall elluk’ar-; ~ around
hatch of kayak agarun; folded ~ ciqtagneq
skirting: akurun
skull: ilquigneq, qamiqukuyuk, qamiqulleq; ~ of a
skeleton iingaraq; area at back of sh ~ tatek;
chop walrus tusks from ~ avamiqiur-; eye
socket in ~ iisngaq; human ~ iingakuyuk; ~ not
in a living body nasqukuyuk; opening at base
of ~ katngalqitaaq
sky: cella, cilla, ella, qilak; act under the open ~
angvarqur-; clouds on the horizon but with
blue ~ above qerruutaq; descend from the ~
cilur-; water ~ qiu; for ~ to be clear avair-
skin (human) — sky
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
skylight: ~ of traditional house egaleq; ~ frame
qiitek, qiteq; framework to hold down ~
nanerta; seal-gut ~ tanqiun
slab: ~ of bark allegyaq, kelaaciq; ~ of cottonwood
bark imlauk
slack: suddenly go ~ qac’uqerte-
slant: angayegte-, everte-, irirte-, luqirte-, uverte-; be
~ed uvengqa-
slanting: evengqa-, ever-, iringqa-, irir-, luqingqa-,
luqir-, uver-
slap: pateg-, patguur-, qacarte-, qacpag-, qassarte-,
yagipra-; ~ (it) onto something patgute-; ~ at
intervals qacguur-; drive sh by ~ping the
water ungumrar-
slashing: (wood strip) nemerciq
slat: ~ of bed ingleraq
, turun
slate: ulukaq
slave: pista
sled: ikamraq, qamauk, qamurrucuaq; use a
~ ikamrir-; be pulling a ~ qamurrar-; big
freight ~ ikamralugpiaq, qamisvak; small ~
ikamracuar(aq*), qamigaun; boat ~ aciqaq;
child’s ~ ikamraruaq; child’s store-bought ~
qamigaun; go seal hunting with a small ~ and
kayak qamigar-; push a ~ without using dogs
to pull it kasmurrar-, kaymurrar(ar)-; tie a load
on a ~ nuilrar-, nuvilrar-; walk supporting
oneself by a little ~ enikur(ar)-; ~ with high
handlebars qamuutarrsuun; ~ without a
handlebar qamuqataq; be riding in a ~ ekuma-;
~ model ikamraruaq; ~ or other pulled thing
SLED PARTS (see Appendix 9): arch supporting
bed of ~ napu; binding for tying load on ~
nuilraun; brush bow of ~ puukaryailkutaq*;
crosspiece in oor of ~ canipengayaq,
caniquyaq; handlebar of a ~ kasmurraun; hook
hold a dog team and ~ ayakatarcuun; rearmost
post of ~ pingutaquk; bow of a ~ maryarun;
side rail of ~ quliq; slat on bed of ~ ingleraq
stanchion on kayak ~ kemagnaq
; ~ stanchion
kapilaq; tarpaulin to cover load on ~ cingyaaq;
upright of ~ napaqutaq, napayuq, pengutakuk;
runner of small kayak ~ aglukaq; outermost
slat on a ~ bed turun; ~ brake elgaq, esgaq,
kenatagun, kenercissuun, leg’aq, qamurcuun,
saagaq; ~ handlebar alulaq; ~ runner acirneq,
assingaq, assirneq, pirlak; heel of ~ runner
kitngilquq; upturned part at front of ~ runner
tetgaq; ~ runner bent by steaming paste-; form
for bending ~ runners per’ucin; hardwood for
~ runners teggsak, tegqaq; ~ sheet kangciraq
sledgehammer: kauggsipak, payiggsiq
sleep: iss’a-, kanar(ar)-, qavaq; ~ very soundly
qavaryug-; be in a deep ~ qavaryug-; ~ deeply
or late qavap’ag-; die in one’s ~ kanari-; put
to ~ qavangcar-; kill or otherwise harm one
in his/its ~ qavi-; ~ next to (another) tutek; ~
with inarute-; ~ with (her) tutek; ~ with clothes
on cikcenar-; do something unusual during ~
“sleep” in the eye: meryak
, qavacilleq, quniggluk
sleep paralysis: have ~ tupagyaaqe-, uqamair-
sleeping: rise from ~ and go without breakfast
maknginar-; be ~ in the water (of bearded
seals) putukuar-; spear used to kill seals ~
sleeping on ice asaaquq, asauquq, ayaaquq; log
at edge of ~ area akin, akitaq; ~ platform ingleq
sleeping bag: inarrvik, maakuluk, maukuluk,
muukuluk, qavarcuun, qavarvik; child’s ~
sleeping mat: curuq
sleeping pill: qavarcetaaq
sleepwalk: temli-
sleepy: be ~ qavara-, qavarni-, qelurni-; feel ~ from
so much fresh air, food, etc. imasri-; become
alert after being ~ qavarniir-
sleet: cikutagquq, mecaliqaq
Sleetmute: Cellitemiut
sleeve: aliq, amraq; knitted cuff on a ~ tayarnerun;
otter fur above cuff of parka ~ kaunguaq;
wolverine-fur decoration on parka ~ kasurun,
kayurun; child’s sleeping bag with ~s
qungcuutaq; roll up one’s ~s kangivari-
slender: ~ clam pilagtuarun
slice: ~ of bread inqiaq; ~ of dried sh protruding
from skin makneq, makesqiq
slick: be ~ nepirag-, piirag-, piirig-; oil ~ from boat
or dead animal uquaq
slide: ~ down cellur-, cetu-, cillur-, ellur-, ellu’urte-;
~ down to the oor or ground kiveg-; ~
downhill repeatedly ellu’urtaar-; ~ up on top of
one another evu-
sliding: play ~ on ice cikulrii-; sound made when ~
on very cold snow kakingerte-
slighted: feel ~ aruq’ler-, gurte-, imssa-
slightly: move ~ pekaksuar(ar)-, pekavyurte-;
skylight — slightly
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ aged sh uqumaarrluk; ~ aged meat
arinaciraq; ~ touch agenkar-
slime: nuaqceq; squeeze to remove ~ cipegte-; sh
~ cuvgeq, yuvgeq
slimy: be ~ luvayir-, nuaqceq
sling: elluqun; ~ for hunting agqetaaq; ~ used to
throw stones aturrlugaq*; rock thrown with a ~
slip: yuupkaaq, quasqiarte-, qurasqite-, qurrasqite-,
¥gasqite-; ~ and fall qaaluciaqar-; ~ down
kiveg-; pants ~ down kive-; device to keep one
from ~ping qurrasqicailkun; oversole used to
prevent ~ping nat’raq
slipper: enmiussuun, murun, qaacullraq, qaliruaqm
slippery: be ~ qurayarnarqe-, qurrasqinarqe-,
slit: pilag-; ~ at end of net sinker nayugnaq; goggle
~ niguak, niiguak
sliver: ~ in the esh qerruarun; get a ~ qerruarte-
slobber: nuiqe-
slop bucket: caallivik, ciqilluk
slop pail: capacuk, ciqicivik
slope: akitnaq
, naqa
, uverneq; base of a ~
ceturtelleq; board ~ing between rafters qanak
sloppy: be ~ kenciate-; be a ~ person ikanga-; V
~ily (pb) -vialug-, -vlugte-
sloshing: ~ sound luquluk
sloth: qessaneq
slough: kuigaar(aq*); upriver of Brown’s ~ in
Bethel Aaguq; ~ with lake at end taqikartuliq
slow: be ~ cukaite-, kutakiqe-, pamriate-, see
Nelson (30); ~ down progress kenerte-; ~ song
sung in the fall or summer ingulaun; be ~ to
anger qenngaite-; be ~ to follow instructions
pamaite-; ~ to respond tatervak; be ~ed down
by (it) qariteke-
slowly: V ~ (pb) -maar(ar)-; ~ start to V (pb)
-qataar(ar)-; one who does things very ~
mianikur(aq*), piqassngiar(aq*); V ~ and with
difculty because of disability (pb) -qtarar(ar)-
slug: sea ~ ussungluq
sluggard: qessanquq
sluggish: be ~ paviate-
slung: remove something ~ over one’s back
slurp down: elaqlar-, laqlar-
slush: ~ ice qenu; ~ under thin ice ac’irutaq
; ~y
mud kataneq
smacking: make a ~ sound mecarte-
small: be ~ cakte-, mikte-; ~ amount of N (pb)
-kaineq, -kuiner(aq*); ~ bird pinipaar(aq*),
tengmiaqsar(aq*), yaqulkussagaq*; ~ bit of N
(pb) -kuyuk; ~ broken piece of ice ciamneq; ~
bullhead kapatak; ~ bush cupuraq*; ~ clam
that is black on the ends amsak, amyak; ~
cloud amirluar(aq*); ~ container woven from
grass naqtaar(aq*); ~ dark piece of parka fur
representing a bear yurturuaq; ~ diameter
intertwined thread qip’ayagaq*; ~ dog
qimukcualler(aq*); ~ doll cugaq, cugaruaq,
inuguaq; ~ driftwood avussak; ~ edible sea
creature arnauq; ~ sh braided for drying
piirralluk; ~ sh found in lakes ilaraaraq; ~
at stone cilurnaq; ~ y qevlerli; ~ gift brought
to a dance or feast Itruka’ar; ~ grassy knoll
or island evineq; ~ harpoon or dart for seal
tuqsiiq; ~ house enluqvagaq; ~ hunting knife
amelcikar(aq*); intestine qilunguuyaq; ~ knife
luquckiar(aq*); ~ ladle qassuuciaq; ~ N (pb)
-cengaq*,-cuar(aq*), -kar(aq*)
, -kcuar(aq*),
-ksuar(aq*), -kutaq, -taq
, -yak; ~ nonvital
V-ing (pb) -ngssak; ~ piece of beached ice
et’galqilaq; ~ portion of (it) ilarraq, neq’ari-;
~ pot egaksuar(aq*), epurralek; ~ river
kuignayuk; ~ round hill ekurnak; ~ sea bird
cukilek; ~ sled ikamracuar(aq*), qamigaun;
~ snail aalemyaaq, ipugpak; ~ sweet green
plant from mouse caches aatuuyaarpak; ~ talk
qanengssak; ~ thin straight log unrapigaq; ~
thrush-like bird ciyuq; ~ trees and bushes
cuyaqsak; ~ weasel enairayuliyagaq*; ~ white
bead qaterli, qaterliar(aq*); ~-bird arrow
; ~-caliber bullet cingigalek; ~(er)
animal ungungssiar(aq*); ~er or ~est one or
ones mikleq; ~est egg in a nest, ~est pup in a
litter, etc. quuqessngitak, uuqessngitak; any
~ fruit atsayagaq*; be ~ in amount ikgete-;
be ~ in size mike-; be ~er mikellru-; become
~er and ~er ellaq’er-; bladder of a ~ mammal
cikutaq; nd it to be too ~ mikelke-; get stuck
in something that is too ~ caltuqite-, tastuqite-;
have N to a ~ degree (pb) -kite-
; kick in a ~ way
itemkar-; lose something ~ cagi-; retreat to a
~er area qungag-; roll-up container for ~ items
imguyutaq; root mesentery of the ~ intestine
akunkaq; shaman’s ~ drum apqara’arcuun;
slime — small
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
spent ammunition shell and string used as
a weapon for ~ birds qapiamcetaaq; V in a ~
way (pb) -ckar-, -mcaugar-, -mcugte-, -mssag-,
-mssugte-, -myugte-; V in a small way (pb)
-ksaar(ar)-; V to a ~ degree (pb) -mcugte-
smallpox: pupigpak; vaccinate against ~ talkarte-
smart: be ~ puqig-
smash: ciite-; ~ down on (it) pasgerte-; ~ one after
another ciirqe-; get ~ed cii-
smear: ~ with oil apiterte-
smell: nare-, tepa
; have a good ~ tepkegte-; have
the bad ~ of N (pb) -llugnite-; ~ good narnirqe-;
~ like feces anarninarqe-; ~ of N (pb) -niq
~ like N (pb) -cugninarqe-, -cugnite-; ~ of
human use or habitation yugninarqe-; ~ of
smoke puyurninarqe-; ~ or taste like N (pb)
-ninarqe-, -nite-; ~ or taste strongly of N (pb)
-rpagninarqe-, -rpagnite-; ~ sour quulerninarqe-;
put ~ nger under someone’s nose narcig-,
narite-; ~ things (feces etc.) paq!
smelt: longn ~ kalenquq; rainbow ~ cemerliq,
cimigliq, elquarniq, qimaruaq, uqtaqngaq;
stringer for drying ~ nuv’in
smile: quuskegcir-, quuyuar(ar)-, quuyurni-;
always ~ (at) quuyupitaara-; smiling a big ~
quuyurpag-; ~ continuously quuyurrar(ar)-;
~ing quuyur-; all ~ quuyurpak
smoke: apsuq, aruvak, puyuq; ~ sh aruvir-,
aruvarqi-, puyurte-; ~ meat puyuqe-; be
full of ~ (of clothes) puyuqe-; have thick
white ~ itugenqegte-; make ~ to kill
insects aruvaar(ar)-, aruviar(ar)-; smell of ~
smoke (tobacco): kuingiq, melug-
, puyurtur-
smoked: be ~ puyurqe-, puyuqe-; ~ dried
sh neqerrluk; ~ sh soaked in seal oil
arumaarrluk, uqumelnguq*; ~ food puyuqaq; ~
packed-together Dolly Varden pingciq; ~ silver
salmon in bag or barrel elliaq
smokehole: egaleq
smokehouse: elagyaq, lagyaq, puyurcivik, talicivik;
replace in a ~ puyuqin; put sh in a ~ iterci-;
bark used for roong a ~ imlauk
smokestack: ~ of a ship napartaq
smoking sh: feed the re when ~ puyurqe-;
shelter for ~ talicivik; wood for ~ puyurkaq
smoking star: agyaq aruvilria
smoky: be ~ apsir-, aruvir-, puyir-; be ~ from a
distant re iryagte-
smooth: taigtur-
; be ~ manig-; tall plant with many
~ leaves atsarrluk; ~ out manigcar-; ~ with
sandpaper keggalerte-; ~ing tool keggalrun,
smorgasbord: uyiqvik
smother: epe-
smudge: ~ with kindling and Labrador tea
snack: bedtime ~ inaqutaq
snagged: be ~ naginga-; get ~ agaqar-, nagte-
snail: nepcurliq; ~ shell ciutemquq; large ~
nakunaq; small ~ aalemyaaq, ipugpak; ~, next
to smallest kind imartuliar(aq*)
snake: ciissirpak, smiiyaq
snap: harness ~ kangiun; ~ or clasp ukiutnaq; ~ in
two asmarte-; ~ off kevkarte-; ~ out of a tensed
position pet’nge-
snare: negaq; catch of ~ negaq; remove a ~ yuu-
trigger for squirrel ~ utngugartaq; wooden
~ attachment ipuun, meluurun
; spring ~
pet’ngercetaaq; spring ~ for ground squirrels
puukaqercetaaq; spring ~ for squirrels or birds
makecaraq, makikcaq; check ~ negarcur-; set ~s
negir-; line of ~s for birds negaraq*, partak
snarl: ikirni-; ~ and growl uirrani-; ~ suddenly
snatch: tegelkar-
sneak: ~ a taste alemqar-; ~ up on auquyugte-,
sneer: aripaciteke-
sneeze: aqessngaar-, aqessngiir-, aqeste-; ~ loudly
snicker: engelkugte-
snipe: cen’aq; common ~ cugtuvik, kukukuaq
snore: qutug-, qutuga-
snort: melug-
snot: kakeggluk, kakek; very ~ty nose kakelvak;
person with a ~ty nose kakelvak
snout: cugg’eq, sugg’eq; ~ harness tagun
snow: aniu-, cellarrlir-, qanir-
, qanugglir-,
qanunge-; soft melting ~ aqigtaq, aniullugte-,
nutaqerrun; caked ~ on the water qanisqineq;
clinging ~ nevluk; cover with ~ ciru; descend
toward coast to ~ anuilite-; device for brushing
~ off a garment evcuutaq; drifting ~ natquik;
for there to be a blizzard with blowing ~
pircir-; for there to be the crunching sound
smallpox — snow
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
made by boots on cold ~ kakiungqite-,
qerqiugte-; sound made by something sliding
on very cold ~ kakingerte-; for tracks on ~ to
become hard and elevated nalugarui-; fresh ~
nutaryuk; glide over the surface of ~ ikamtag-;
harden (of prints in ~) qiqli-; hook dug into
~ to hold a dog team ayakatarcuun; light ~
kanevvluk; shake or brush off ~ ellug-; shelter
from ~ talite-; shovel ~ qanikciur-; sink into
~ muru-, murua-; soft, deep ~ muruaneq; to
chew on ice where food has frozen on the ~
mangirrar-; tunnel under the ~ tagelviiyaq;
use a story knife to draw pictures on ~
yaarui-; walk across the ~ using snowshoes
tanglurar(ar)-; wet ~ mecaliqaq; white parka
for hunting in ~ qaternin; ~ beater katautaq,
kavcircuun; tool used to cut ~ blocks agiyautaq;
~ coming in through cracks itrug-, itrugta;
form ~ crust qerretrar-, qetrar-; ~ hanging
over a cliff navcaq; elevated spot where ~ has
melted urunqiq; ~ heavily cellallir-, qanugpag-;
~ clings to clothing neve-
; packed ~ on sea
ice kavtak; ~ on the ground aniu, aniuk,
apun, qanikcaq*; make a ~ shelter aniguyar-;
temporary ~ shelter aniguyaq; ~ carved into a
block utvak; soft and granular ~ pukak; be or
get ~-covered qanikcir-; brush off ~ evcug-
snow bunting: am’arulkarar(aq*), cilumcuksugaq,
kanguruaq, uksurtaq
snow fence: agqercetaar(aq*)
snow goggles: igguak, uitemssuaq; traditional ~
igaugek niguak, niiguak
snow goose: kanguq
snow knife: cikutaarin
snow shovel: pekutaq, qanikciurun
snowbank: agneq, qengaruk
snowbeater: evcuutaq
snowblind: be ~ iigte-, iingir-
snowdrift: iqalluguaq
snowake: qanuk
snow-go suit: qalluviik
snowmachine: ikamraq, snuukuuq
snowshirt: qaspeq
snowshoe: tangluq; wooden crosspiece on a ~
tutneq; ~ with upturned front end acaluruaq; ~
with pointed front pupsugcetaaq; webbing on
~ nuluq; netting shuttle for ~s nulurcuun; walk
using ~ tanglurar(ar)-
snowshoe hare: ciriiq, maqaruaq, nullutuuyak,
snowstorm: pirtuk
snowy owl: anipa
snuff: meluskaq, peluskaq; snort ~ melug-
; device
for taking ~ melugcuun, meluurun
snuffbox: iqmiutaq*
snuffer: nipcissuun
snufe: niurrsig-, yuurrmiur-, yuuryiur-
so: ~ big! ik’ikika; ~ far away! ak’akika; ~ many!
ak’akika, ik’ikika; do not V ~ much! (pb)
-piiqna-; is that ~! alak’aa; pack things ~ loosely
that they don’t all t tekalragte-; shiver ~ much
agluqumtaar(ar)-; so much! ak’akika, ik’ikika; so
sad! nakleng; so that subject may V (pb) -niar-;
so that’s why! anirtima; V ~ long (pb) -pakar-,
-rpakar-; V ~ much (pb) -pakar-, -rpakar-; V ~
well (pb) -pag-
soak: meci-, mecir-, peturte-; be softened by ~ing
keni-; ~ and soften ungirqe-; ~ to leach out salt
miicir-; ~ to remove hair or fur meqcir-; ~ up
soaked: be ~ mecunge-; be ~ from the rain
luvyuqnerar(ar)-; bandage of moss ~ in seal
oil cupkecir-; ~ and salted sh mingciq; ~ or
leached out miitaq; caulking material of moss
~ in seal oil piicetaaq; get ~ meci-, mecungte-;
log with groove ~ with sap cayagalek; smoked
sh ~ in seal oil uqumelnguq*
soaking: be ~ to leach out salt or loose hair
akungqa-; soften skin by ~ peqlicir-; have
wrinkled skin from ~ peqlirte-, quacerte-; get
dried skin ~ wet qakime-
soap: miilaq
sob: mangyuarir-; ~ involuntarily at intervals
manglleg-; ~ loudly mangelpag-
sociable: be ~ ilaliur-
social: ~ Security card or number calissuun; ~
worker ikayurta, umyualiurta; ~ly approved
sock: cuukiiq, ilupeqsaq, qaliruaq, suukiiq; woven-
grass ~ tupipiarumalria; foot wrapping used in
place of ~s nemenglluk; pants with attached ~s
socket: terlak; eye ~ iicilleq, iisngaq; ~ board
for re-drill kumartessuun; ~ for re-drill
tip anarcuun; walrus tusk ~ avamiqaq; ~ of
foreshaft of seal harpoon evga
snow bunting — socket
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
sockeye salmon: cayak, kavirauneq, sayak
sod: pakigtaq*; piece of ~ pequq
, qarmaq; peeled-
off layer or block of ~ kiitaq
sod house: oor near replace in a ~ acilqaq; mat
paneling in ~ kangciraq; semi-subterranean ~
enpiaq, nepiaq; side wall of ~ kangciq; caulk on
a ~ kataneq
soda: baking ~ quulrircaun
soda pop: merkaun, meqsuircaun
soft: be ~ munaite-, qetute-, unaite-; become ~
unairute-; ~ in some places teggia-; ~ belly
skin used in parkas pukiq; feel ~ (of cloth)
nerepsunarqe-; be ~ and uffy nerevyinqegge-;
be ~ and melting snow aniullugte-; be ~ and
warm neruver-; ~ but granular snow pukak; ~
drumming menge-; become ~ from moisture
angivkar-; ~ melting snow aqigtaq, nutaqerrun;
~ red rock kavirun, uiteraq; ~ spot on a baby’s
head can’ggelquq, cikuyuilquq, tanqiuksuar; ~
stool ciikaq; ~ willow shoot enrilnguaq; ~ wire
pelulukaaq; ~, deep snow muruaneq; ripen to
~, mushy state aru-; sing ~ly megamliur-
soften: chew on a skin to ~ it angula-, taaqassaaq,
tamukassaaq; skin to be chewed to ~ soften it
aaqassaaq; ~ a skin by soaking keni-, peqlicir-,
ungirqe-; ~ food for someone takuli-; tool for
~ing skin nengulercissuun
soggy: be ~ qulungllugte-; become ~ ungi-
soil: nevuq, nuna; dried ~ perru; infertile ~
qikuyaq; mat used to keep loose ~ out eviun;
put ~ over (it) nevir-
solar plexus: tenguk; blow to ~ tenguga’rte-
solder: payari-; ~ wire pelulukaaq
soldier: angusaurta, anguyagta
sole: ~ of foot alu, aluq, atungaq; ~ of boot or shoe
alu, aluq, atungaq; sole of skin boot nat’raq;
get a hole in one’s boot ~ puturte-, puturtua-;
patch on ~ of a skin boot allngik; patch the ~ of
a skin boot allngig-; stitch used to sew on boot
~ ellipiaq, inuguarcetuaq; strip of skin between
~ and upper part of skin boot menglerin;
bearded seal ~ material for skin boots lavtak,
naterkaq, nat’rarkaq; crimp in ~ of a skin boot
teguaq; device for crimping boot ~ teguarcuun
sole: yellow-n ~ quaryarnaq
solely: ~ N (pb) -rrlainaq*; act ~ by V-ing (pb)
solid: be ~ asvaite-; ~ ground quta
; ~ ingredient
tevuq; provide ~ ingredients in soup uklir-
solidify: asvair-; ~ (it) asvaiqe-
solitary sandpiper: iisuraar(aq*), iiyuar(aq*),
kiakiaq, tuntussiik
solstice: for ~ to occur aqume-, nutnger-
Somateria scheri: aangiikvak, ackiilek, qa¥geq
Somateria mollissima: angiikvak, metraq*,
nanvista, nayangaryaq, tunupista
Somateria spectabilis: qengallek
some: ~ of ila; ~ part nate-; caribou of ~ sort
tunturyuaryuk; ~time
cam iliini; for ~ time now
uumirpak; for ~ time to pass akauraurte-
someone: kina; ~ close mekiyiq; give to ~ more
in need iknite-; have ~ to support one
qagatengqerr-; ~ who acts like a relative
tungelquq; take ~’s place nunair-
somersault: ulpete-, ulpiarte-
something: be ~ cau-
; ~ eaten after eating frozen
sh or receiving communion qeciryailkun;
~ evil caruyak; ~ for determining V (pb)
-tassiigun; ~ for determining V-ness (pb)
-taciigun; ~ given, taken, or brought along
tapeq; expect ~ good neryuniur-; ~ held in
the hand or arms tegumiaq; ~ held in the
mouth iqmik; ~ held that one intends to throw
angqin, angqun; ~ not to be taken seriously
caanguaq; ~ on which one depends cacetuqun;
~ close mekiyiq; ~ that one should turn away
from uluqaq; ~ used as a temporary bridge
niraqutaq; ~ taken teguaq; ~ taken along in
case one needs it ekqun
; ~ that causes one
to lose his N (pb) -i:run; ~ that causes trouble
picurlak; ~ that ts or is suitable engelqaq; ~
that gets one in ekun; be responsible for ~ that
happens pinarqe-; ~ that has been turned over
mumigtaq; ~ that has settled to the bottom
kisneq; ~ that is all wrapped up, tied up,
bound qilqucngiar(aq*); ~ that keeps one from
doing what he wants to do uamulqutaq; ~ that
looks like N (pb) -kcak; ~ that occupies one’s
time uamulqutaq; ~ that one gets caught on
or held back by nagun; ~ that really occurred
piciq; ~ that saves one anirtuun; ~ used as a
robe ulikutaq; ~ to act with pikaq; ~ to prevent
rolling akagyailkun; ~ to talk about qanerkaq;
~ to throw milqun; ~ used for removing things
a¥g’arissuun; ~ used to cause one to V (pb)
-citaaq, -cetaaq; be ~ that one does not wish
sockeye salmon — something
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
to part with qununarqe-; ~ whose identity is
known to the listener imkuciq; have ~ wrong
with one qaite-; ~ used as a working surface
sometime: cam iliini; ~s iliini
somewhat: V ~ (pb) -rrlug-
somewhere: kilgaq; ~ other than the normal cailkaq
son: avankuq, avaqutaq, qetunraq*; adopted ~
avaqutarkartaq; male’s parent’s cross-cousin’s
~ ilur(aq*); ~ of a woman’s mothers brother or
fathers sister uicungaq*
son-in-law: nengauk; send a ~ back to his parents
song: ivarun, mengniarcuun, mengyaraq,
yuarun; chorus of ~ pamyuq; chorus of
repeated nonwords in a ~ agneq; drum ~
cauyara’arcuun; ~ with lyrics apallulek;
lyrics of dance ~ apalluk; ridicule ~
kingullugun, nernerrlugcetaarun; ridicule
through ~ kingullugte-
, qacurqe-; ritual ~
yuarulluk; shaman’s ~ tukaraun; ~ celebrating
accomplishment anqaraun; ~ during the
Messenger Feast designed to make the
listener ashamed yuaruksualler(aq*); ~ sung
during the Greater Memorial Feast qian; ~
sung during the Messenger Feast requesting
specic gifts yuarukar(aq*); slow ~ sung in
the fall or summer ingulaun; ~ used in the
Bladder Festival qetgun; ~ used to obtain
what is desired yuarulluk; sing a ~ with soft
drumming before dancing menge-; tell a story
through ~ and drumming anqarar-
song leader: apallirturta, eriniurta; call out as ~ for
a dance apallir-
song sparrow: sulissuliar(aq*), ucukacellngiir(aq*)
soon: icivaaraqu, ukaniku, ukaqvaggun, uumiarqu;
going to V ~ (pb) -niarar-; ~ V (pb) -yalqar-
soot: puyuqneq; ~ and rosin angerqun
soothe: emair-
sore: ciyaneq, naucuk, naurrluk; bloody liquid
from a ~ essnguq; canker ~ callaneq; open ~
callakayak, cuqeq
; have an open ~ callangqa-;
skin ~ cakucuk, nauktak, qaaryak; sore on scalp
qaucuk, qauq
; infected ~ pupik; have ~ limbs
ipigglugte-; have ~ muscles cagner-
Sorex sp.: angyayagaq*, casraraq*
sorrowful: feel ~ ilulliqe-
sorry: feel ~ for naklegyagute-
soul: anerneq, tarnaq
, tarneq; immortal ~ yuuciq;
save one’s ~ anirtur-; ~ descends to the
afterworld kanaraq
sound: nepa
; make a ~ nepelkirte-; be less intense
in ~ mitriate-; decrease volume of ~ qaskelli-;
make a splashing ~ merpallag-
, merpallar-;
fall into water without making a splashing
~ cepqer-; rustling ~ niuk; for there to be a
rustling ~ levvlugte-; for there to be a crashing
~ cingqutui-; ~ made by something sliding
on very cold snow kakingerte-; for there to
be crunching ~ as made by boots on cold
snow qerqiugte-; fricative ~ eltetuli; make a
characteristic ~ qalriur-; make a churning,
bubbling, or gurgling ~ ler’arte-, lurr’arpak;
make a crackling ~ mengqi-; make a hollow
~ evikegte-; make a sibilant ~ essaar-; make
a sizzling ~ serrsallag-; make a smacking,
splashing, or splatting ~ mecarte-; make a
spooky ~ kekingerte-; make a whirring ~
[e]llerrar(aq*); open mouth and emit ~ aar-*
readily conduct ~ qasiakegg-; scold (of a
squirrel making its ~) cit’gallag-; sloshing ~
luquluk; swallow with a gurgling ~ lurlur-;
walk over thin ice as it makes a crackling ~
cialiur-; be ~ asleep acivagte-; make a swishing
~ sugg’agte-; make a apping ~ lepli-; make
the ~ of N (pb) -rpallar-; be very sensitive
to ~ terikegg-; not be very sensitive to ~
terikeggiate-; ~ pleasant niitnirqe-; ~ unpleasant
; get ~s nep’nge-; make ~s other
than those of speech qalria-; make gleeful ~s
qiilera-; make murmuring ~s qaalruar-; make
whistling ~s kukumyalqitar(ar)-; summon a
dog by making vocal ~s qalmar-; become aware
of a human presence through ~s yulkitange-;
~s indicating human presence yull’itaq; for
there to be ~s of a human presence yulkia-
soup: cuupaq, imarrluk, suupaq; provide solid
ingredients in ~ uklir-; wild ~ greens suassaaq
sour: be ~ ciirnarqe-, quulerte-; be very ~
qunackegg-; smell ~ quulerninarqe-; taste
~ quunarqe-; pucker in reaction to ~ food
source: kangiq; ~ of assistance ukisqaq; ~ of
encouragement cacetuqun; ~ of moral support
sourdock: aatunaq, civassaaq, iruluq, naunrayagaq*,
niucinaq, qellugtaq, quagci, qunarliq, quunaq;
sometime — sourdock
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
“Eskimo ice cream” made with ~ tugrinaq;
partially cook ~ ikugte-; make sure that ~ is
pressed down in a keg and sealed airtight
nin’genqegcar-; dish of ~ and salmon roe
sourdough: quuleciraq, quuleq, quussniaq, urtaq; ~
bread kelipacuggluk; ~ pancake qulugcaraq
sourness: quunaq
south: ungalaq; ~ wind ungalaq; for there to be ~
wind with stormy weather taqikcar-
South Naknek: Qinuyang
southeast: ikaknaq
southwest: uaqnaq, ungalaqlirneq
allamek atanrunateng ellmeggnek
sow: naucecii-
sower: nauceciiyurta
space: pivik; arrive at destination directly (in time
or ~) tekiarte-; item in a small ~ kukutnaaq; one
located far in the ~ denoted by N (pb) -qliq*;
open ~ ikirnaq; ~ and time nalle-; ~ next to
caniq; make ~ cuts tevegtu-
spade: ~ in cards umi, um’i
spank: piqertuar-
spare: have enough to ~ avegvingqerr-
spark: kenurraq; ~ from a re paulaq; leap from re
(of a ~) nuteg-; ~ in a motor kenngallagassuun;
~ plug espaak; ~s kenerpallak; stone that gives
off ~s kukikcaq
sparkle: qerriqetaar-, qevelqetaar-, qevleqtaar-,
qevlercete-, qevlerte-, qevli-
spark plug: espaak
sparrow: ceqpilunaq, cilungaq; American tree ~
tuir(aq*); fox ~ elagayuli; savannah ~ tekciuk;
song ~ sulissuliar(aq*), ucukacellngiir(aq*);
white-crowned ~, golden-crowned ~
spastic: be ~ unair-
spawn: qurre-, talmag-; be ~ed out qurrenkaulug-;
meatballs of ~ed-out sh aagciuk
spawning: ~ salmon talayaq; old salmon near ~
masseq; old dog salmon after ~ kangitneq;
post-~ salmon nalayaq; spear used to catch ~
salmon nalayarrsuun; ~ blacksh aniniq; ~ sh
hung to dry tamuanaq
speak: nepelkirte-, qalarte-, qallate-
, qanaa-; ability
to ~ qalarrneq; try to induce to ~ qanercetaar-;
~ angrily to (him) qanvallagate-; ~ by way
of explanation qanerniar-; ~ the language or
dialect of the residents of N (pb) -miuyaar-; ~
the language of N (pb) -saar-; ~ the Nunivak
dialect kuarte-; ~ Inupiaq qagte-
; ~ English
qitevnga-, qitevte-; ~ in a language that
cannot be understood yuriate-; ~ harshly
qatekcugte-; ~ in a deep voice qerrsi-; ~ in
vain qaneryaaqe-; ~ loudly and clearly erinia-;
~ in a commanding voice qarte-; ~ quietly
qaneksuar-, qaneksugte-; ~ to (him) qallaute-
qanrute-, upute-
; ~ to a group yaatiir-; ~ with
a high-pitched voice cuyarte-; ~ without
thinking qanqataite-
speaker: come to the area of the ~ tai-; identity
known to ~ ima(ni); at a time that ~ and
listener know about imumi; ~ of the NSU
dialect Unaliq; ~s using y instead of s pisalria
speaking: qa-; intentionally omit something while
~ qular-; be ~ any language other than Yup’ik
spear: narulkaq, panaq, qapengte-; shing ~
aggsuun, ag’ssuun; joint at end of ~ aklicaraq;
large ~ pitegciraq; line attached to a ~ usaaq*;
~ for hunting seal nagiiquyaq; ~ guard
akagarcailkun; ivory ~ head qigiquq; ~ holder
on kayak igcailkun; ~ line unraq; be ready to
~ uqlir-, urnir-; ~ point kapun; sh-~ point
neqsuun; ~ used with an atlatl nanerpak; ~
thrower (atlatl) egun, malirqun, nuqaq; skilled
~ thrower narussuli; ~ used to catch spawning
salmon nalayarrsuun; ~ used to kill seals
sleeping on the ice asaaquq, asauquq, ayaaquq;
~ with line attached unraq; ~ with three points
nuusaaq, nuuyaaq; bird ~ used with ~-thrower
asaaqin; dart used to practice ~-throwing
spearhead: cingilek, nangquq
spearing: lure to attract sh when ~ uqtaq; miss
when ~ natruarte-; spear with three points for
~ sh or birds nuusaaq, nuuyaaq
special: nothing ~ ell’araq; ~ thing cangssaar(aq*)
specic: comply with a request for a ~ gift
naigtenrite-; Messenger Feast song requesting
~ gifts taitnauraar-, yuarukar(aq*); N ~ally (pb)
speck: paquneq
spectacled eider: aangiikvak, ackiilek, qa¥geq
speech: ~ to be presented qanerkaq; make sounds
other than those of human ~ qalria-
sourdough — speech
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
speed: cukataciq; ~ up cukari-
spell: put a ~ on (him) iiqenqiiqesnite-
spend: (period of time) qaqite-; ~ a certain number
of days ernerte-; ~ all elrikaute-; ~ the N (time)
(pb) -te-
; ~ the N (pb) -i-
; ~ the night unugi-; ~
the spring up’nerki-; ~ the summer kiagi-; ~ the
fall uksii-; ~ the winter uksi-
spent: ~ ammunition shell used as weapon
Spermophilus parryii: cikik, qanganaq*
spew: tek’ar-
sphagnum moss: uruq
Sphagnum sp.: uruq
sphere: akagenqellria
spherical: be ~ akagenqegg-, uivenqegg-; ~ glass
shnet oat mengquq
spider: negair(aq*), neguryaq; ~ that appears to
have a pouch kellarvilek; ~web negaq
spikes: be covered with ~ kapuyanarqe-
spill: kuve-; ~ around here and there kuvuur-; ~
over uryur-; ~over urneq
spin: uivtaaq; ~ and ply bers piirri-
spinal disk: arivneq,
uivam arivnera; neural arch of
the ~ qetgaq
spine: culuk, culuksuk, kuyapegaq, qemirrluk; chill
down one’s ~ qerraleryug-; neural ~ of sh
spinner toy: llerr’ar(aq*)
spinning rod: piqrutaq
spinster: uilingiataq
spiral: hide cut in a ~ pattern aqsarqelleq; cut hide
in a ~ pattern pinevkar-; ~ing strip of wood
tungite-; ~ly striped bearded seal nemercauk
Spirinchus thaleichthys: kalenquq
spirit: anerneq, elillraq, qela, tari, tarnaq
, tarneq;
~ belonging to a shaman qupurruyuli; where
~ resides after death qamenquq; ~ of the dead
aangaayuk, kelessiniayaaq; conjure the ~ of
the dead avnir-; evil ~ iinraq, tuunrangayak;
~ whose presence is indicated by noise at
night and a cold mist nepengyaq; lose one’s
~ for life avenrir-; person with a familiar ~
tuunralek; shaman’s helping ~ avneq, tuunraq;
representation of shaman’s familiar ~ yug’aq;
the Holy ~
anerneq tanqilria; use ~ power
tuunri-; be high in ~s quyig-; dwelling place of
the ~s taamlek; ~s were invoked qaniqe-
spiritual: cleanse of ~ impurity essuircar-;
~ uncleanliness essuararaq; brush off ~
uncleanliness evcug-; train ~ly cilkia-
spit: tepluar-, tevvaar-; ~ blood anerqi-; ~ can
qecirvik; ~ hard qecip’ag-; ~ of land tapraq*
spittle: qeciq
spittoon: qecirvik
Spizella arborea: tuir(aq*)
splash: ciqpag-, ciqvallerte-; fall in water with a
~ civqar-; ~ water ciqer-, qaalura-, qaalurar-; ~
in small amounts repeatedly ciqertar-; ~ out
qaalute-; stick ~ed in water ungumraun
splashing sound: make a ~ mecarte-, merpallag-
merpallar-; fall into water without making a ~
splatter: ~ out qevcaa-, qevcerte-
splatting: make a ~ sound mecarte-
splay-footed: caqvir-
spleen: elavngigcaun, maksaq, mamcaq
splice: be ~d usgute-; ~ing of line loop qilagturaq
splint: tegg’utaq
splinter: get a ~ pirciqar-
split: nuleg-; immediately ~ qup’arte-; ~ (it) up
qupur-; line from ~ hide qavya; ~ a hide
mangag-; ~ and dried small sh segg’aruaq,
ulligtaruaq; ~ nely qupurre-; ~ from the back
and dried yay’ussaq; ~ kindling qupucaar(aq*);
~ off aivkar-; ~ repeatedly qupur-; ~ bark or
sinew qunavte-, talu; ~ strip of spruce cigyak;
sinew before it is ~ uliun; wedge to ~ wood
ekiarqin; skin an animal by pulling the skin
back rather than ~ting it qapiar-; block for
~ting pieces of wood tukeryaraq; ~ting tool
splitter: bark ~ qunavun; sinew ~ qunavun,
qupurrissuun, talun, taluutaq
spoil: see Adams (55)
spoiled: be ~ arinaq; ~ food, especially sh arinaq
spoken of: be ~ qanrutkuma-
spokesman: qanerta
sponge: (sea animal) kamegnaq
sponsor: bring gift provided by ~ nangrucir-
spooky: make a ~ sound kekingerte-
spool: ~ for thread yualukarvik; ~ of thread
spoon: alussiq, luskaaq, luuskaaq, qaaluciaq,
qaaluraq*, qalussnguarraq*, qassuuciarraq*,
qasuuciaq, uiluq, yuurqaarcuun
speed — spoon
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
spot: kukupak, men’u; bald ~ meqneq, patkalleq;
scratched ~ tallegneq, uqisvik, uqiyvik; soft ~
on baby’s head cikuyuilquq; thawed or melted
~ in the snow on tundra cingallineq; warm ~
in river qecikluk; white ~ qatenquq; worn ~
nangugneq; elevated ~ where snow has melted
urunqiq; have a frostbitten ~ pupingqua-;
white ~ inside gill covers pupungluur(aq*);
sculpin with orange ~s qengaruvagaq; squirrel
with bright ~s usraqpakiiqertellria
spotted sandpiper: elagayuli
spotted seal: issuriq, suuri, qayegyaq, qayigsaq;
big ~ issurvak; dark ~ eyalirtaq; newborn
~ ul’utvak; line made from ~ tapruar(aq*)
tapruaq; two-year-old ~ useqnak, uyeqnak
spouse: aapaq, aipaq; one’s ~’s maternal cousin’s
~ nuliangqan; one’s ~’s sister alqaruaq; send a
son-in-law or daughter-in-law home because
he or she is not a good ~ qinu-
; sibling of one’s
~ cakiraq; ~’s brother anngaruaq; ~’s cousin ai
~’s maternal cousin’s ~ nuliangqan; ~’s sibling
of same sex as self ai
spout: make a narrowed ~ nungirte-
sprain: aviqiarcete-, aviqite-, see Nelson (130)
spray: ~ cover for kayak imarnin; for wave tips to ~
out emqerte-
spread: minguk; have the legs ~ apart avlengqa-,
avler-, avlerte-; ~ open callangqa-, callar-,
callarte-; ~ open as a wound or a crack does
calla-; ~ out cagte-
, nengugte-, saginga-, sagte-;
seal intestine ~er qalluarun
spreading wood fern: edible ddlehead of ~
ceturkaaq, ceturqaar(aq*), ceturuaq
spring (move, metal, trap): ~ or thing under
tension qelun
; ~ off metenglliaqer-, pet’nge-;
~ snare pet’ngercetaaq, puukaqercetaaq; ~
up petgar-; ~ snare for squirrels or birds
makecaraq, makikcaq; restoring ~ on a trap
pascuilnguq*; tension on ~ of trap petengtaq;
~-loaded device petengtaq;
spring (season): kiapauq, upenerkaq, up’nerkaq;
~ camp up’nerkarrvik, up’nerkilleq; all ~
up’nerkarpak; for it to be ~ thaw emiqar-,
miiqar-; form crusty snow on ~ night qerretrar-,
qetrar-; go seal hunting during the ~ qamigar-;
go to ~ camp up’nerkiyar-; hunt for long-tailed
(oldsquaw) ducks in the ~ aassektacungir-; ice
broken up and pushed together in ~ kaimlineq,
kaulineq; ice that rises to the surface in ~
pugteqrun; melting ice edge in ~ icineq; pelt of
caribou taken in ~ caginraq*; seal that stays on
pack ice and has pups in ~ tuvartaq; spend the
~ up’nerki-; thawed or melted spot on tundra
in ~ cingallineq
spring (water): ceng’uq, miineq, qurrluk, ulevlaq,
ulvelria; ~ of cold water nengllinaq; ~ with pool
spring (unspecied): see Adams (57)
springs: sourdock that grows in freshwater ~
springtime: skinny young seal in ~
tamaqernikiyagaq; ~ Dolly Varden anerrluaq
sprinkle: kanevlarte-; ~ out kalme-, kanve-; ~ water
on merte-; ~ing of things kanevneq
sprout: ~ of a certain plant neqnirliaq
spruce: equgpigaq, kevraartuq, napa,
nekevraartuq, uniqtaraq; ~ cone ungilak; ~
root kevraarcinraq*; ~ root used in bird snare
negaraq*, partak; ~ root used for strings
musical instrument negavgun; strip of ~ used
to make a sh trap cigyak; ~ gum kuryuk; ~
sapling unrapigaq; ~ stump tallirnaq; dry rotted
~ wood eskaniaq
spruce grouse: egtuk
spur: ~ of mountain talliqutaq; ~ on a seal harpoon
imelqutaguaq; bone ~ qa¥gyaqar-
spurt: agtar-
sputum: qusenglluk, qusngulluk
spy: tegyiar(ar)-; ~ on nasperyug-, tangquussaag-
squander: cagmar-, elrikaute-, kuayiamciarutke-
square: kangirenqellria, yaassiigenqellria; be ~
kangirenqegg-, yaassiigenqegg-; carpenters ~
kangirissuun; ~ ve-gallon gas can kangiralek;
~ on back of parka milqeruaq
squash: ~ suddenly pasqerte-; ~ lice with one’s
teeth pukite-; be ~ed massi-, passi-
squat: ~ down uyunge-; be ~ting uyungqa-
squeak: pupingerte-; make ~ing noise when
walking on snow or ice kakiungqite-
squeamish: feel ~ cumaciyug-, kamayug-; be a ~
person cumacitar-; be ~ about (it) cumacike-,
kamake-, kamatar-, pelqe-; feel ~ around wet or
messy things pellertar-, pelleryug-
squeeze: eqte-
, nunur-
, qemqaciyar-, qet’e-; ~
vigorously qep’ag-; mash by ~ing qemrar-;
~ing slightly to remove material cipegte-
squinting: qaamyuar(ar)-
spot — squinting
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
squirm: (of children) qitevte-
squirrel: arctic ground ~ cikik, qanganaq*; red (tree)
~ qiguiq*, see Marsh (4); scold (of a ~) cit’gallag-;
stomach fat of ground ~ qallin; ~ den anvik; ~
with bright spots usraqpakiiqertellria; ~ that
has been hung to dry after being skinned
qemitaq*; trigger for ~ snare utngugartaq;
snare for ~ makecaraq, makikcaq; snare for
catching ground ~ puukaqercetaaq; stretcher
inserted into skin of ~ aquun
; parka with
fringe of ~ belly uulungiiq; ~ belly sewn on
hem uulungak; ~ skin used in cap uivquq,
uivqurraq*; paintbrush with ~ twill qamuraun
squirt: aggetpag-
St. Lawrence Is.: Asveryak, Ciuraq, Qikertarpak
St. Mary’s: Negeqliq
St. Michael: Taciq; Yup’ik Eskimo from ~ Unaliq
stab: kape-, kapur-
stabbing: ~ device kapsuun; have a ~ pain
kakivkar-, kap’liqe-
stabilize: (it) asvaiqe-; stabilizer: asvailun, asvair-,
asvairun, pascir-; ~ on arrow shaft agayiinraq*;
joint at the edge of tracking ~ of a kayak
nall’aruaq; piece in front of tracking ~ of kayak
stable: be ~ asvaite-, cacetu-, castu-, tacestu-
stack: qalliqe-; ~ logs nuarte-, nuirte-
stage: angucaluq
, tuss’araq; reach the ~ of
comprehension ciutengar(ar)-; for a ~ of life to
be over qasqite-
stagger: angayite-, ayalua-, ayaluryug-
stain: feces ~ anarrluk; ~ in washing ervike-; ~
remover a¥g’arissuun; be ~ed kepyute-; have
~s around mouth tepli-
stair: akeq, tutemqaq; ~s mayuryaraq
stake: cuka
; line that ties dog to ~ petuk; ~ for
tying a dog kangirta; tent ~ kuuliaq; ~ used
to hold kayak frame agqun; ~ used to hold
dipnets open kanuuquq; handle of large dipnet
~d out ipukaun
stalk: ikgar-, ingnatar-
stalk: (plant) epulquq
stall: qari-
stamina: have ~ ayani-, pillgu-; lack ~ ayaniite-
stanchion: sled ~ kapilaq, kemagnaq
, napayuq
stand: ~ by itself kiimir-; ~ by the river and work
a net by hand nekvayar-; ~ rm pektayiite-; ~
on end tekarte-; ~ on end (of hair) kakilragte-,
tekallragte-; ~ on tiptoe kiipirte-, kiite-, nenge-,
nengqur-, nengqussiig-, nengusraar-; ~ out
arcaqar-, miluute-, miter-; ~ over amelmig-;
~ up nangerte-, nek’ve-, see Adams (56); ~ up
abruptly nang’erte-; ~ up and dance pualla-; ~
upright napa; ~ with one’s knees bent slightly
standards: act against ~ of behavior ellaliur-,
standing: nanger-; be ~ nangengqa-, nangernga-,
nekva-; dry dead ~ wood qakineq; rock ~ alone
in the water nagaayuq; atten a ~ object livte-;
~ on tiptoe kiipingqa-, kiipir-; ~ still to ponder
qikar-; ~ upright nangrrar-
stanza: agneq, apalluk
star: agsaq, agyaq, see Wrangell (1); smoking ~ agyaq
aruvilria; twinkling ~ ulugtalria; ~’s feces
agyam anaa; Morning ~
unuakum agyartaa;
North ~ Agyalluk; ~ Sirius
iralum qimugtii; ~ of
Orion’s belt Cagquralriit, Sagquralriit
starch: ~ used as a thickener kenercetaaq
stare: irr’i-, tangvaur(ar)-
starsh: aaggsak, agyaruaq
stark naked: be ~ matak’acagar-
starry ounder: cagiq, naternaq, sagiq, uraluq,
start: ayagneq, ayagnir-; ~ an engine, activity, etc.
ayagcete-; ~ suddenly ayaga’rte-; ~ a re by
friction cuukiicunguaq, kayivquq, ussungiq; ~
and continue to V (pb) -yaurciiqe-; ~ coming
in from the entryway or storm porch puge-; ~
coughing qus’alugarte-; ~ on a journey qani-;
for the sun to ~ rising higher nutnger-; ~
suddenly eg’arte-
; ~ the Bladder Festival Elciq;
~ the upturn of the sides of a basket ciqtagte-,
pakeg-; ~ to burn kennge-; ~ to cry imurpag-;
~ to get ready up’nge-; ~ to glisten qevleri-;
~ to shake uulenge-; ~ to tremble uulenge-;
slowly ~ to V (pb) -qataar(ar)-; ~ up aqlarnir-,
quk’arte-; one who shouts to ~ the singing and
drumming kit’arta; be late for an activity that
has already ~ed patakaute-; have ~ed (of re,
electricity, etc.) kumange-
starter: re ~ ayagyaaqun; ~ of an engine
ayagcecissuun; ~ cord nuqtaarcuun
startled: be ~ qugcuaqer-, tatamallag-, tatame-;
heart “skips a beat” as from being ~
squirm — startled
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
starvation: painfully shrink or shrivel due to ~
qungagyug-; suffer severe muscle cramps due
to ~ qeluarci-
starve: ~ to death palu-; be ~ing kainiqe-; feel sick
after eating just a little after ~ing cakenqar-
state: ~ of not knowing nallu-
; reach the ~ of V
(pb) -yagute-
state trooper: tegusta
stature: be short in ~ cugkite-
status: be high in ~ quyig-
stay: uita-; ~ at N (pb) -miu-; ~ away a long time
mulu-; stay behind paa-
, unegte-, un’garte-;
~ behind with pai-
; ~ close to mallguur-; ~
for a day erni-; ~ here maantaur(ar)-; ~ in the
house nem’etaur(ar)-; ~ in the village rather
than go to sh camp kii-
; return from ~ in the
wilderness kacete-, katete-; ~ near paayaar-;
~ near (him) in whatever he does paiyaar-;
~ overnight during a journey qavartar-; ~
somewhere for a year allrakurte-; ~ up all night
pegg’ar-; ~ up very late pegg’ar-; ~ with nayur-,
; for the sun to start ~ing up longer
nutnger-; become accustomed to ~ing with
(someone) megute-
steadfast: be ~ pektayiite-
steady: ~ one’s aim qaurtar-; travel at ~ fast pace
steak: sh ~ cut transversely ungelkaaq
steal: tegleg-; ~ in a big way tegel’pag-; ~
something tegliur-; ~ suddenly tegelkar-; food-
~ bird neqaiq
steam: puyuq; emit ~ puyiar(ar)-; apply ~ uutar-; be
~ing puyiar-; position set by ~ing paste-
steambath: maqi; take a ~ maqi-; have just taken
a ~ maqinerraq; build a re for a ~ maqili-;
respirator used in ~ qanermiaq; switch used in
~ piqrutaq; ~ house maqivik, qasgi, qaygiq; ~
switch taarrin; swat self in ~ taarri-
steamboat: palagg’uutaq, see Nelson (63)
Stebbins: Tapraq
steel: cavik; manufactured item such ~ kass’artaq;
~ animal trap kapkaanaq; ~ wool tallegcissuun;
scrub with ~ wool legleg-
steelhead trout: irunaq
steep: be ~ uvenqegg-, uverteckegg-; be very ~
kuvugenkegte-; protruding and very ~ shore
ice kenuqaurneq; ~ bank kitnaq
steer: alulaq; ~ a boat aqute-
steering wheel: alulaq
Stellers eider: anarnissakaq, caqiar(aq*)
stem: epulquq; edible part of ~ of cottongrass
iitaq*; certain tall plant with long ~ atsarrluk;
brous ~ of plant teguniyagaq
Stenodus leucichthys: cii, ciiq*
step: tuc’araq, tuss’araq; sink into snow or mud
at every ~ murua-; take a big ~ amelvag-; ~ in
a puddle mecqite-; ~ into water iver-; ~ more
than once tutmar-; ~ on tut’e-; ~ on something
sharp cukite-; ~ of a ladder tutmaqaq; ~ over
; soil that oozes when~ped on qikuyaq
stepchild: anglicaraq, aqumkengaq, aulukaaq,
stepfather: ataata
stepmother: anaana
stepparent: anglicarta
Stercorarius pomarinus: uquir(aq*)
Stercorarius sp.: cungaqvak, cungarrlugaq*, yungaq
stern: kingu; ~ of a boat aqu; curved piece across
keel at ~ of kayak eqluk; joint on tracking
stabilizer ~ piece of kayak nall’aruaq;
stitching extending from ~ to cockpit of kayak
ikavsianeq; one of last three last ribs below
the side rail at ~ of kayak qamenqucagaq;
thread used for the top ~ stitches of kayak
ikavsiarutkaq; hook at ~ of kayak makvik;
loop at ~ of kayak qasmigutaq; ~ piece tted
to keel canguya(a)lkun; lower ~ piece of kayak
kagaluq; upper ~ piece of kayak pamyuq
Sterna aleutica: civtulgaq, nacallngaar(aq*),
tegalqingayar(aq*), teqiyaar(aq*)
Sterna paradisaea: nacallngaar(aq*),
tegalqingayar(aq*), teqiyaar(aq*)
sternum: angvaneq
, cakiaq, petukaq, pekutaruaq,
stew: keniraq; liquid part of a ~ imarkuaq; stew-
like soup cuupaq, suupaq
stick: muragaq, murak, see Nelson (84, 93, 129);
digging ~ eqiin; dig or probe with a ~ ikuktar-;
~ for digging roots acilquirissuun; fuzz ~
ayagyaaqun; hit with a ~ anau-, anaur-, eqi-;
men’s dancing ~ iqiilitaq; the feast using
dance ~s enirarar(aq*); seal-calling ~ aiggan,
aiggaruaq, cetugmiarun, cetugyugun; strike
with the point of a ~ tugeq; ~ for tomcod
shing nuluraun
; ~ splashed in water to
drive sh into dipnet ungumraun; drive sh
starvation — stick
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
by slapping water with ~ ungumrar-; ~ used
to set a net under the ice kasmurun; ~ onto
something nepute-; ~ used to hold pot over re
takaneq; sea creature resembling a ~ ukiutnaq;
hockey ~ kal’utaq, kal’utarcuun; game in
which ~ is tossed up ulpecuqnaq; ~ used in
game somewhat like mumblety-peg kalackiiq,
sticky: be ~ nepcanarqe-; aged sh eggs as a ~ mass
meluk; ~ tape nepcetaaq, nepyun
sticking: bend over with buttocks ~ up ikigte-,
stickleback: cukilek, cukituliya(g)aq*, ilaqcuugaq,
stiff: be frozen ~ cetengqite-; become ~ engiuringe-;
have ~ hands perleqciir(ar)-, perrleqciir(ar)-;
~ lip piece for container pasvaagun;
~en aksaqar-; ~ener of kayak forepart
still: cali; be ~ qama-; stand ~ and ponder qikar-; ~
alive unguvarrar-
stimulate: ~ sweating taarri-
sting: (n) niitniite-
, (v) qacelli-, qatli-; ~ (of a bee)
puukar-; ~ badly qacervag-
stingy: be ~ entuyug-, ireltar-, irleg-, qunutungar-,
qunuyug-; ~ person irelpik
stink: kayuri-, narniite-, tepsarqe-; ~y mud
stinkweed: kanaquagaq
stir: akute-, angulate-, arulamirte-, arulate-,
ingulate-, qalutarte-, pekaksuar(ar)-, peke-;
~-fried mush qacapleq; device for ~ring uivun;
mix by ~ring angalate-
stitch: keluk; ordinary ~ mingqepiarumalria; take a
~ kaki-; ~ back and forth akitmuuqar-; use the
same ~ holes enatguar(ar)-; ~ used to sew on
boot soles ellipiaq, inuguarcetuaq; make ~es
in (it) kelir-; decorative ~es on parka ciivaguat;
waterproof ~es on kayak amir-; stern ~es of
kayak ikavsiarutkaq; device used to keep
~es evenly tight unguqupak; ~es around the
opening of a kayak pall’illrit
stitching: cross-~ ikavsiaq; decorative ~ kelurquq;
line of ~ on top of kayak ikavsianeq; backing
for decorative ~ it’galqinraq; vertical ~ on
kayak mayu’urneq
stock: wooden ~ of a rearm qapsalquq
stoke: eqir-, murir-; ~-hole of stove murirvik
stomach: aqsaquq, kilmaq; back part of sh
~ tekpacuk; container made of beluga ~
imanarvik; dried walrus ~ ecirkaq; at part of
seal’s ~ elavcurcautet, elavurcaun; gas in one’s
~ qertuneq; growl of the ~ tumilngu-; have a
full ~ aqsi-; have ~ pains ilukaar-; intestine’s
J-hook after ~ aataruaq, qilunaq; inated
walrus ~ qeciqutaq; ~ growling qiuryi-; laugh
until ~ hurts aqsairute-; ~ lining of caribou or
moose qecaruaq; ~ fat of ground squirrel qallin;
~ of a human or other mammal anrutaq; tallow
from ~ kenyaun; ~ sac anrucilluk, qerruqutaq
stomachache: have a ~ aqsiqe-
stone: ciimaq*, siimaq, tegalquq, teggalquq; blue-
black dye from a ~ avisgaq; scraper with with
curved ~ blade caniissaq; ~ used for tools
and weapons qetruk; jade or other colorful
~ aumaq; hard colorful blue ~ miqsaq; large
~ teggarvak; sharpening ~, whet~ arveq,
puyiqun, teggalqupiaq, uqu’urniq; pumice
~ qapugyaq; small at ~ cilurnaq; thin at ~
can’ggelngunaq; ~ arrowhead point umi; arrow
with ~ arrowhead umilek; slate ~ used to make
semilunar knives ulukaq; ~ in ring amaq,
qilkirtaq; ~ lip plug tapruartaq; ~ that breaks
when exposed to heat tumaranqellria; ~ that
gives off sparks kukikcaq; landmark made of ~
cugalluutaq; sling used to throw ~ aturrlugaq*;
~ around repit qerrluq
stools: food that causes loose ~ anarcetaaq
stoop: see Drebert (1); be ~ed qulugte-
stop: kepirtaq; ~ breathing anernerir-; ~ consonant
arulaituli; ~ moving arulair-; ~ nosebleeds
eskaaniq; stop V-ing (pb) -nrir-; stop V-ing
forever (pb) -nanrir-; stop V-ing! (pb) -piiqna-
stopper: elcailkun, mellaq, kevinqun, keviq; ~ for
container pasvaagun; wooden ~ agayutaq; ~
material kevirkaq
storage: ~ bin for sh before drying qikutaq; put
inside for ~ ilvar-; elevated ~ place qaivarrvik;
partially cook sourdock for ~ ikugte-; ~ for
needles kakisvik; ~ container qungasvik;
prepare sh for ~ neqli-; ~ bag made of skin
kellarvik; put in a ~ container kellar-; ~ hole
qengneq; grass-lined ~ pit englullinr(aq*),
etqacuk; ~ pit for fermenting sh kaciitaq;
~ place ellivik; elevated ~ platform ek’raq,
sticky — storage
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
store: kap’aniskaq, kipusvik, laavkaaq, lavkaaq;
liquor ~ taangarvik; ~ clerk kipusviliurta; ~
manager kipusviliurta; ~-bought kass’artaq,
taqumalria; ~-bought shoe masmakiq,
pasmakiq; ~-bought sled qamigaun; ~ in keg
nin’genqegcar-; sh ~d in a pit teq’aq; sh ~d in
seal oil uqumaarrluk
storehouse: mamteraq
storekeeper: kap’aniskaq, kipusviliurta, kiputesta,
kupcaaq, laavkiurta
stories: internalize ~ iguma-; string used in
telling string ~ aarraq, airraq, ayarr’aq; tell ~
with story knife atekngui-; caribou in ~ with
porcupine tunturyuaryuk
storing: heart sac for ~ caribou marrow ircaqinraq*;
pit or container for ~ seal oil uquucilleq
storm: calluk; for a ~ to suddenly approach
cingqutui-; ~ with blowing snow or sand pircir-
stormy: be ~ taivkar-; ~ weather carqullugaq,
story: qalamciq, qalangssak, qanemci, qanengssak;
hero of a certain traditional ~ Akaguagaankaaq;
tell a ~ through songs and drumming anqarar-;
tell it (the ~) qanemcike-; use a ~ knife yaarui-
story knife: ateknguin, atiknguin, igaruarun,
qucgutaq, quliranguarrsuun, saaruin,
univkarrsuun, yaaruin; antler ~ cirunqaaraq*;
illustrate with a ~ atekngui-, yaarui-; wooden ~
storyteller: qulirarta
stout: be ~ akitmirnarqe-
stove: ke
÷ervik, kumaqayuk, pelit’aaq; camp ~ or
cook ~ kaassalinaq, kenircuun; ~ for heating
and cooking kaminaaq, kaminiaq; get burned
on the ~ paliryi-; draft hole in ~ cup’urilleq;
stoke-hole of ~ murirvik; turn down ~ cuyute-,
stovepipe: apsirvik, puyirvik; ~ damper
stow: qungate-
straddling: amelmig-
straight: be ~ naker-, nalqig-; be in a line (not
necessarily ~) yaaqliqe-; go ~ path nak’ri-;
~ handle epu shaft; go in ~ line naki-
; ~
log from a spruce sapling unrapigaq; ~
stretch in a river nakerneq, nakirneq; ~ edge
nakissuun; ~-grained piece of wood munarciaq,
pilugpigaq, unarciaq; be ~, young, and
awless sanqegg-; “It goes forward going ~”
Ciunermikun ayagtuq nak’riluni
straighten: ~ it nalqigte-; ~ things out eqte-
; ~ out
a person’s behavior kitugte-; ~ up (person,
house) kenagte-, kenugte-; arrow shaft ~er
strain: ataagte-; show ~ by facial expression
tenguqe-; ~ at the leash angaqe-; ~ one’s
muscles enguga’rte-, nenguga’rte-; ~ physically,
emotionally, in illness, etc. caknaa-
strainer: kataagun; webbing on ice ~ nuluq
strait: ~ of water kangiqaq, kangirrluk, see Nelson
(73); be in desperate ~s kapia-
strand: warp ~ teguneq; ~ of beads kakauyaq
stranded: be ~ kalivte-
strange: be ~ allau-; nd it ~ qavirtaqe-; react to a
~ animal teriir-; ~ drifter atertaar(aq*); ~ thing
allakaq; ~ thing or person allayuk; ~ thing seen
for the rst time tangnerrayak
stranger: allaneq, aqelqaq, see Nelson (3); come upon
as a ~ yit’e-; have a ~ come upon one yit’e-; ~
seen for the rst time tangnerrayak
strangle: avate-, evate-, qemite-
strap: back~ of dog harness amaquayaaq; ~ for
turning shaft of re-drill nucugcuutak; carry
with ~s around shoulders tuskuar-
straw: cupun
streak: ~ of color keptaq; ~ made by a sh or
animal qavlunaq
stream: alirnaq, carvaq, carve-, kuigaar(aq*); valley
with or without a ~ kuignayuk; ~ forth puyiar-;
~ with a strong current carvaq; have light ~ing
out of it qamurrir-; stinky mud found in ~
strength: cacet-, kayu, piniq, piniun; barely have
~ artuqlite-; bow with ivory backing for ~
cugalek; lack ~ caskite-; sap one’s ~ piniarute-;
to be a certain ~ pita-
; put one’s ~ into
something uqenqar-
Streptopus amplexifolius: atsarrluk
stress: ~ something arcaqar-
stretch: nenge-; form to ~ skins aquun
; ~ (it)
; ~ (it) hard nenguga’rte-; straight ~ in a
river nakerneq, nakirneq; ~ a skin by working
it with an implement angiar-; ~ a skin to dry
ngillar-, nillaq; ~ one’s arms cagte-
, yagte-;
~ out nengugte-; ~ out on the ground or ice
civtu-; ~ the skin over the frame of a kayak
store — stretch
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
stretched: be ~ nenginga-; sit with legs ~
out cetungqa-; ex back when ~ tightly
qelluqniaqar-; measurement from tip of thumb
to tip of index nger when each is ~ away from
the other iqelqin, teklin; have mouth ~ wide
with teeth clamped shut iryagte-
stretcher: akigaun
stretching: keep on ~ nengulra-; wood over which
a skin is placed for ~ tuluruaq; skin ~ and
scraping assipaq; ~ one’s legs cetur-; tool for
~ skin nengulercissuun; stakes to hold kayak
while ~ the skin onto it agqun
strew: katalurte-; ~ about calligte-
strike: piqer-
, piqertur-; ~ (it) in the N with an
object (pb) -kcugi-; ~ with an object kaug-,
kaugtur-; ~ hard with an object ka¥g’ag-,
kav’ag-; ~ more than once with an object
kaugtuar-; ~ repeatedly as with an ice chisel
tugaur-; ~ with the point of a stick, ice chisel,
etc. tugeq; thrust out arms as when ~ing
someone yagira-
string: nuve-, pelacinak; kite ~ uskuraq; ~ for tying
qillrutaq; spent ammunition shell tied to a
piece of ~ qapiamcetaaq; trigger ~ for squirrel
snare utngugartaq; ~ dried tomcod or other
sh by running the body of one through the
gill opening of the next tavigte-; marionette
on ~ pekcetaaq; game with ~ looped over
one foot cingillertute-; ~ of beads under jaw
agluir-, agluirun; ~ of interlaced sh piirralluk,
piirraq; ~ of small sh arrayed for drying
tupigaq; ~ of toy uskuraq; ~ used in telling ~
stories aarraq, ayarr’aq; toy with ~ through
the holes llerr’ar(aq*); ~ to which something is
tethered nuqsugun; ~ used in telling stories or
making cat’s-cradle gures airraq; ~ed musical
instrument qelutviaq; spruce root used for ~s
on guitar-like instrument negavgun
stringer: ~ above ribs of kayak avalitaq; ~ for
drying smelt nuv’in
stringy: have ~ feces uskurari-
strip: matarte-; landing ~ mic’araq, miyvik
; ~ of
dried sh palak’aaq; salted and dried salmon
~ culunallraq, taryiraq; unsalted ~ of sh esh
without skin, hung to dry kiarneq; good-
quality ~ of wood ciqsaneq; keel ~ pirlak; split
~ of spruce cigyak; ~ of willow bark alek, allek;
thin ~ of wood avqaar(aq*); exible wood ~ for
making trap nemerciq; ~ bare mayar-, ¥gayar-,
wayar-; folded ~ enclosing edge of fabric
menglailitaq; ~ of calfskin on parka manurun;
~ of dried swan-foot skin it’galqinraq; ~ of fur
between ruff and hood of parka menglairun;
~ of hairless skin on skin boot menglerin; ~ of
otter fur above cuff of parka sleeve kaunguaq;
~ of otter fur across chest and back of parka
keggacilleq; wide ~ of otter fur on parka
tungunqucuk; ~ of sinew used for making
thread cigyak; ~ on a garment pinevyak; ~ of
seal blubber uquviarrluk; ~ of rendered seal
blubber tangeq, tangevkayak, tangviaq; ~ of
sealskin to pull kayak cover seam tight palliun
stripe: keptaq; ~ on cloth kumgaq
striped: spirally ~ bearded seal nemercauk; ~
broadcloth ellutmuayaaq, tiiguayaaq; ~ cloth
tiik; ~ jellysh qengaryak; sculpin with ~
markings tuqumkassua; ~ thin cloth ik’aruaq
strips: cut into ~ kelve-; ~ of a sh trap tungite-;
parka hood decoration of ~ of calfskin
kakauyaq; parka of ~ of seal and sh skin
ellangraq; ~ of calfskin on tundra parka agun
, ellutmuaq; blubber or ipper ~ in seal
oil uullaq
strive: kayumigte-
; ~ to look nice tangnircar-
Strix nebulosa: atkuliggiiq, takvialnguar(aq*)
stroke: suffer a ~ nal’aqerte-; ~ gently once ellai-;
~ gently more than once ellaigar-; ~ gently on
the head cangig-; take ~ in swimming or with
paddle pakiur-; device used for ~ing ellaissuun
stroll: pekara-; take leisurely ~ ayangssi-; go
outside for a ~ cellamqaci-
strong: be ~ akitmirnarqe-, cacetu-, castu-, kayu,
pilgu-, tukni-
strong: be physically ~ nuki-, pinir-; ~ person
kayuli; ~, capable person ukisqaq; be ~ and
healthy yuutu-; be ~ and unwavering tacestu-;
be ~ (in any sense) tukni-; be ~ (of coffee, tea)
cur-, ecur-; get ~ (of wind) kayunge-; stream
with a ~ current carvaq; have a ~ current
carvanir-; have a very ~ current carevpag-;
have a ~ impact tunertu-; not have a ~ impact
tunerkite-; ~ wind blowing in face meq’urtua-;
smell or taste ~ of N (pb) -rpagnite-; smell ~ly
of N (pb) -rpagninarqe-
structure: center beam of ~ agluq; temporary ~
qasgiarneq; “leprous” disease of ~s uquggluk
struggle: ~ to function cakner-
strum: suddenly ~ on something qeluqlite-
stretched — strum
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
strut: ~ in kayak nutengqupagta, pakigvik, tukervik
Stuart Is.: Qikertarpak
stub: ~ toe putukite-
stubborn: be ~ pamaite-
stuck: be ~ napte-; get ~ in something that is too
small caltuqite-, tastuqite-; get ~ penetrating
something napackar-; get ~ in soft mud
angayite-; ice that surfaces after being ~ to
bottom tumarneq; poles ~ in the ground
to support kayak tatkik; ice ~ all winter on
the mud nepillineq; object ~ between teeth
kumkailiq, kumkaq; get food ~ in throat
tumite-, tuvculir-; get bone ~ in throat
enrite-; pole ~ into ground for Bladder Feast
kagaciqaq, kangaciqaq; be ~ open qiqli-; have
oil or fat ~ to it cupe-
stuck-up: be ~ piuviyucug-
student: elicaraq, elitnauraq, eskuularaq, naaqilria,
study: elicar-, elicungcar-, elissar-; ~ (attend school)
stuff: kuir-, qerte-
stuffed: be ~ umci-; be ~ into something qerringa-
stuffy: have a ~ nose umgi-; be ~ epsalngunarqe-
stumble: qutailqite-
stump: naparyalleq; tree ~ acilquq, mimernaq,
nasqunaq, qamiqurnaq, tallirnaq
stunned: be ~ ii-
stunted: become ~ kuc’uqerte-
stupid: be ~ puqiate-, quannga-, umyuarite-,
umyugaite-; ~ person qutuk; do ~ things
sturdy: be ~ matngaite-; not be ~ camlaate-
stutter: imtuqar-, qanerciigate-, qaneryaaqe-
sty: cenkutak, cinkutak, iissuaq
style: dance in the traditional Eskimo ~ yuraq
styloid processes: teggenquq, umarneq
subject: ~ matter taught elicaun, elitnaurun; ~ of
a traditional story quliraq
; be ~ to seizures
submarine: angllurayuli
submerge: angllur-; be ~d murungqa-
pinricunailnguq qanercetaarviim taisqutii
subside: puvair-; ~ (of bad weather) quk’arte-
subsistence: pingnatugyaraq; live by ~ yuungnaqe-;
take part in ~ activities pingnatug-; what one
has obtained (as by ~) unangkengaq; ~ hunting
device angussaagun
substance: impure ~ cirla
substitute: cimiq; ~ aa for ai in Yup’ik words
paarte-; ~d item cimiq, pincaq; mispronounce
by ~ing g, gg, and k for r, rr, and q pilegte-
subtract: ~ from ilangarte-
subtraction: a¥g’ariyaraq
successful: ~ person elluatuq; ~ hunter nukalpiaq,
tuvraq; less ~ hunter nukasegauciq
such: be ~ as to cause one to feel it is feasible
alagnarqe-; be ~ as to cause one to feel shy or
respectful takarnarqe-; be ~ that one doesn’t
want him or it around aviranarqe-; be ~ that
one prefers it or favors it nakmignarqe-
suck: melug-
, mug-; ~ air through saliva nualiur-;
~ on breast or bottle aamaq, emuk; creature
that will ~ the blood from one’s big toe meriiq;
eat marrow or brains by ~ing pateq; ~ing in
sucker: longnose ~ cungartak; small type of ~ sh
suckle: aamaq, amngaq, emuk
sudden: happen all of a ~ taviir(ar)te-; react
vocally to a ~ chill imuqite-, imurtua-; have
~ enthusiasm ilunge-; for there to be ~ gusts
kenegnira-; make a ~ move pek’arte-; ~ noise
migpak; have sharp ~ pain cugite, cuite-,
kakivkar-, kap’liqe-; recurring sharp ~ pain
suddenly: alqunaq; crush or squash ~ pasqerte-;
darken ~ talkar-; die ~ piaqur-; for something
to happen ~ piqer-
; for weather to ~ turn bad
ellaqerrute-; get scared ~ alingallag-; leave or
start ~ ayaga’rte-, eg’arte-
; turn ~ caq’iqerte-;
V ~ (pb) -knig-, -qerte-; V ~ and surprisingly
(pb) -llag-; V ~ and willfully (pb) -ler-, -ter-; ~
appear alairte-; for weather to ~ become calm
cirimci-; ~ become very angry eq’urte-; ~ break
apart kevkarte-; for pit to ~ cave in irniqu-;
~ cease wanting to V (pb) -yuumiir(ar)te-; ~
come to the surface pugler-; ~ die alqunaqar-,
qilqar-; ~ embrace qes’arte-; ~ fall from a height
ig’arte-; ~ fall on one’s knee(s) ciisqumillag-;
~ feel homesick cup’gallag-, cup’garte-; ~
follow maligarte-; ~ get an idea umyuanga’rte-;
~ get angry cuaqerte-, qenqerte-; ~ go slack
qac’uqerte-; ~ make noise nepsallag-; ~ open
one’s eyes uigarte-; ~ or abruptly leave behind
uniarte-; ~ stand up nang’erte-; ~ or accidently
strut — suddenly
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
put weight on (it) niikar-; ~ panic tavcillag-;
~ release pegler-; ~ rock uvqercug-; ~ say
something qanerter-; ~ steal tegelkar-; ~ strum
on something qeluqlite-; ~ twist qip’arte-; ~
wander tarriarte-
suffer: metqe-; ~ a chill pacsaqar-, patsaqar-; ~ a
stroke nal’aqerte-; ~ aches and pains qelluqite-;
~ anguish cungarteqe-; ~ asthma or breathing
difculty anerniqe-; ~ delirium qinuciara-;
~ famine kaig-, kainiqe-; ~ from a phobia
nangyartar-; ~ from an excess aminariqe-; ~
from arthritis or other bone pain [e]ngllugtur-,
enliqe-, enllugtur-, ngell’ugtur-, usguniqe-; ~
from N (pb) -tevkar-; ~ from the lack of N or
V (pb) -illiqe-; ~ great thirst qulig-; ~ hardship
or discomfort makugte-; ~ hunger kainiqe-; ~
pain akngia-, keggirciur-, kirciur-, nangteqe-;
~ recurring sudden sharp pain akngikutak; ~
severe muscle cramps qeluarci-; ~ the lack of
the quality of being V (pb) -alliqe-; ~ the V-ing
of something (pb) -i-
sufcient: ~ pelts to make a parka naaneq
suffocate: epe-
sugar: caarralaq, qamcetaaq, saarralaq; add ~
saarralir-; mixture of ~, berries, and seal oil
akutauqmak, uqiinaq, uquinaq, uqumleq;
mixture of ~, berries, seal oil, shortening, sh,
etc. amekaq; mixture of ~, crushed aged sh
eggs with crushed berries and seal oil passiaq;
cooked mixture of ~, sh eggs, our, seal oil
atsiuraq; be ~y saarralarninarqe-
suitable: be ~ cakarnir-; something that is ~
engelqaq, kengelqaq; be ~ weather ellamanarqe-
suitcase: akluviik, yaassiigek
sulfur: quluuraq
sulk: luqsaqerte-, nengar-,qennguar-; ~ with head
down kucungniigar-
summer: kiak; all last ~ kiakvaq; become ~ kiag-,
kiak; next ~ kiaku; spend the ~ kiagi-; whole
~ kiagpak; ~ pants atasuak; ~ thing kiagtaq;
thing of last ~ kiagcetaq*, kiallaq*; stay in the
village in ~ kii-
; holiday celebrated in ~ or fall
Ingula(q); holiday celebrated in late ~, fall, or
winter Petugtaq
; slow song sung in the fall or
~ ingulaun; squirrel with bright spots (in ~)
usraqpakiiqertellria; refrain from having seal
oil until ~ umciginga-; ~ sh camp kiagvik;
structure at ~ sh camp qasgiarneq
summit: kangeq
summon: tuqluq; ~ a dog qalmar-; ~ed by a shaman
sun: akerta, cinguruuq, macaq, puqlaneq, see
Khromchenk (14), Wrangell (18), Orlov (22); sun:
be burned by the ~ palircima-; dried sh
burned by the ~ ekiarneq; expose to the heat
of the ~ maci-; halo around ~ kalukaq
; rise (of
~) pit’e-
; set (of ~) teve-; shelter from ~ talite-;
there is an eclipse of the ~
akerta nalauq;
warm self in the ~ akercir-; ~ column
ayarua; ~ sits low akerta aqumuq; for ~ to be
shining macaq; for ~ to start rising higher
and staying up longer nutnger-; wooden visor
against ~’s glare elqiaq*
Sunday: Agayuneq
sung: song ~ during Messenger Feast to ask for
specic gifts yuarukar(aq*)
sunk: be ~ into mud qap’ite-
sunlight: bright ~ akervak
sunny: be ~ akercir-; be very ~ akervag-
sunstroke: see Drebert (11)
suntanned: be ~ paliryi-; get ~ palirte-
superb: ~! aspiar!, asqapiar!
superior: feel ~ to pinagte-, tangemcuke-; act ~
toward (him) yuunguite-
supernatural: y by ~ means luumar-; go to realm
below by ~ powers aciirute-; ~ presence
aliurtuq; experience a ~ presence aliurtur-; take
~ revenge avnir-
supernumerary: ~ tooth qugcuun
supervisor: murilkista
supper: atakutaq; eat ~ atakutar-
supplement: (n) avukaq, (v) au-, avu-, qivir-
supplies: get supplies from distant place aqvai-;
take ~ on ahead payigte-, qanii-
supply: winter ~ cumrun; ~ of N (pb) -un; supply
object with N (pb) -kite-
; concerned about ~ of
necessities cumerte-
support: ayagta, nayumiaqe-, paug-; aft keel ~
of kayak kaviaruaq; rib ~ in boat nalmak;
back ~ qetqailitaq; have someone to ~ one
qagatengqerr-; lamp ~ nanilraq; rie or arrow
~ irunguaq
; source of moral ~ cacetuqun; ~
oneself with one’s hands resting on something
ayaper-; ~ it by putting it on something
tulurte-; be ~ed by something tulur-; be ~ed by
being put on something tulungqa-; arch ~ bed
of sled napu; walk ~ing oneself enikur(ar)-;
suffer — support
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
~ing oneself on one’s elbow iggag-; ~ing post
of bench in men’s community house palan;
lashing of kayak hatch to its ~s tupiutaq; log
that ~s planks that cover the re pit tugeryaraq
suppose: I ~ ikika; what is ~d to happen pillerkaq;
do other than what one is ~d to do kenlu; do
opposite of what one is ~d to do mumiksag-
surf: tag’aq
surf scoter: akacakayak, cingayak
surface: puge-, qaa-
, qai-; bang head repeatedly
on a ~ puucukcuarute-; blacksh coming to
the ~ puga
; break through a ~ pinvute-; bring
to the ~ pugte-; come to the ~ qaivar-; ice
that comes loose from the bottom and rises
to the ~ pugteqrun; implement to catch sh
swimming near the ~ cetugnaq; underground
dweller who knocks on the earth’s ~ tukriayuli;
upright projection from a ~ napanguyaq;
roll around on any ~ akaguar-; skip, skim,
or y over the ~ kat’ag-; something used as a
working ~ alliqaq; stretch a skin spread out
on a ~ angiar-; suddenly come to the ~ pugler-;
skim the ~ of liquid pugyar-, punerte-; sh oil
taken from ~ of broth uquaq; brush off evils
from the ~ of one’s body ellug-; glide over the
~ of snow, ice, or water ikamtag-; be put on
~ of the ice tulungqa-; support something by
putting it on ~ of the ice tulurte-; chew snow
where food was frozen to ~ mangirrar-; line of
snares above ~ negaraq*; streak or wake made
on the ~ by a sh or animal qavlunaq; rest
face on hand with elbow on a ~ ayakut’e-; ice
pieces that have ~d after being stuck to bottom
tumarneq; ~d seal puga
surgery: undergo or perform ~ pilagtur-
Surnia ulula: eskaviaq, mengqucivak, qaku’urtaq
surpass: anagte-; be peeved over being ~ed
surprise: alapen’erte-; my ~ qayuwa; V to the ~ of
others (pb) -maar(ar)-; ~ visitor alangru; be ~d
alangaar-; be ~d at irr’ike-
surprising: actually V, as ~ as it may seem (pb)
-pigainar-; V suddenly and ~ (pb) -llag-
surround: for pack ice to ~ and trap one mallgute-
surrounding: go to a height to scan the ~ area
qikerte-; for tracks to become hard and
elevated as ~ snow sinks nalugarui-; survey
one’s ~s nacete-, naste-
survey: ~ one’s surroundings from a height nacete-,
naste-; ~ taker apqaurta
surveyor: nunaliurta
survive: anag-; go somewhere else to escape
famine and ~ anangniar-; try to ~ anangnaqe-; ~
famine kanar-
suspect: kamake-, paci-, pacike-; ~ (it) paqnake-;
search ~ed persons yuarii-
suspended: be ~ aga-; dust ~ in air makuaq; snares
~ above water negaraq*; crystal ~ in water
suspenders: macaaskaq*, mataaskaq*, pataaskaq*
suspicion: cause ~ kamanarqe-; act so not to cause
~ kamanaircar-
suspicious: feel ~ kamayug-; tend to be ~ kamatar-;
be ~ of (him) kamake-
sustenance: seek ~ nerangnaqe-
swale: terlak
swallow: (v) ige-; repeatedly ~ igmar-; ~ with
a gurgling sound lurlur-; ~ with difculty
swallow (bird): igkaralek, sangupaluq,
tulukarnarar(aq*), see Marsh (5); bank
~ aguumar(aq*); barn ~ ekvigtaar(aq*),
ngel’ulluir(aq*); tree ~ equgmelnguq*,
qugmelnguq*, qungmelnguayaaq
swamp: angayaq, imarrluk, lurrluk, puglerneq; get
~ed qaluryarqe-; be ~ed with work tuave-; ~y
place kiciggluk
swan: caqulegpak; tundra ~ qugyuk; ~ quill
qugyinraq*; ~-foot skin it’galqinraq
swarm: mikur-
swat: ~ oneself in a steambath taarri-
sway: angasaar-
swear: acivaqanir-; ~ at nunur-
; ~ (a promise)
akqe-; ~ truthfulness or loyalty ukvernarcar-
sweat: ceq, cer-, [e]ceq, esseq, seq; be covered
with ~ kiirtevkar-; swat self in sweatbath to
stimulate ~ing taarri-
sweatbath: maqi; hat worn in ~ and gear used in ~
maqissuun; take a ~ maqi-; take ~ with dry heat
sweater: essmataq, essvataq, laamiq, qallissaaq,
sweaty: be ~ kiiryug-; feel hot and ~ kiirniur-;
suffer a chill from going outside when ~
pacsaqar-, patsaqar-
Swede: Yaarayuli
sweep: canir-
, kagi-
suppose — sweep
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
sweet: be ~ ituk, saarralarninarqe-; ~ thing
saarralarninarqellria; ~ sea anemone qacautaq;
certain ~ plant used in “Eskimo ice cream”
neqnirliaq; ~ fruit neqavruq; be sensitive (of
teeth to ~s) keggsagar-; ~ green plant collected
from mouse caches aatuuyaarpak; be ~ or
otherwise pleasant to eat neqnirqe-; fruit
canned in ~ syrup neqavruq; ~(s) neqnirqellria
sweetheart: angayuurraq
swell: puve-; ocean ~ yuulraaq; ice that breaks after
ocean ~ culugcineq, manigaq, tualleq; ~ (of
prostate) qugar-; ~ up puvute-
swiftly: ~ walk over thin ice cialiur-
swim: kuimar-; ~ bladder qatneq
; ~ from one shore
to another nalug-
; ~ on one’s back qetermiar-;
~ with the tail apping papanglug-; ~ in a
direct line from one point to another kuime-;
bearded seal that ~s on its back papangluaq
swimming: go into the ocean ~ pakig-; implement
to catch sh ~ near the surface cetugnaq;
bearded seal ~ with a cub on her back
qamuqataq; bearded seal ~ near an ice oe on
which her pup is lying uginagumaq; streak
or wake made by a sh or animal ~ at or just
below the surface qavlunaq; take strokes in ~
swing: aaluuyaaq; ~ (at play) aalukuyaq; ~
(recreation equipment) aalukuyaq
swishing: make a ~ sound sugg’agte-
switch: steambath ~ piqrutaq, taarrin
swollen: ~ lymph node in the neck qenercinrraq*
swoop: ~ down ellu’urte-
sword: nuussirpak
symbol: alngaq, igaq
symmetry: lack ~ cangungqa-; lacking ~ cangur-
syndrome: fetal alcohol ~
anglicurlagcetellra qumiullrani
syrup: paatakaaq; fruit canned in sweet ~ neqavruq
Tabanus atratus: ilairtayuli
table: estuuluq, neresvik, nervik, stuuluq; ~ leg iru;
be perched on a ~ uginga-; rest face on hand
with elbow resting on ~ ayakut’e-; set the ~
Tachycineta bicolor: kauturyar(aq*), qugmelnguq*,
tag: a game animal cavigcir-; big game ~
ungungssim amian cavigtaa; game of ~
akimitagaq, alakiitaaq, yakiitaaq; play ~
agtuqtaar-, angumayutar-, mayarcetaar-,
ulakitaar-, yakiicimaagute-; act of ~ging in
game yakiitaaq; skin ~ ut’rutaq
tail: ~ of animal or kayak pamyuq; ~ part of a sh
nuugyuk; caudal exure, where sh ~ joins
the body nuuksuk, papsalquq; sh just in front
of the ~ kep’neq; swim with the ~ apping
papanglug-; dried sh ~ pamesqatak; whale ~
ter’aq; part of whale’s ippers close to ~ et’raq;
~ feather of bird alulaq, teqsuqaq; ~ n of an
airplane teqsuqaq; decorative ~ on a parka
pamyurtaq, pequmiutaq
tailbone: pamesquq, pamyuqaq, pamyurrauluk;
human ~ teryurauluk
tailor: ~ so as to enlarge qerrua-
Takchak: person from ~ area who uses s in many
words where other Yup’ik speakers use y
take: tegu-; ~ in itrute-; ~ something along with
tapir-; ~ (it, him) along egelrute-, malike-; the
path one will ~ tumkaq; ~ a big step amelvag-;
~ a breath aneryaar-; ~ a long time ak’ani-,
ak’anun, akauraurte-, qangni-; ~ a long time in
V-ing (pb) -naciar-; ~ a nap qavamli-; ~ a peek
qinqar-; ~ a photograph or X-ray tarenrair-;
~ a taste of something with one’s ngers
alqimar-; ~ a V (pb) -maar-; ~ advantage of
ellamaaqutke-, ulapeqe-; ~ aim uqlir-, urnir-;
~ along ang’aqe, qamite-; ~ along N (pb) -lgir-;
~ an item for repair emute-, muute-; ~ away
agugar-, a¥g’ar-; ~ away all N from (it) (pb)
-knaggair-; ~ away from ilangarte-; ~ back one’s
possession ellmig-; ~ care qelketar-; ~ care
of aangur-, alutuke-, cumike-, qelke-, tupke-;
~ care of (it) avaliqe-; ~ care of someone or
sweet — take
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
something alutur-; ~ communion augtur-; ~
farther N-ward (pb) -vaqanir-; ~ food to minaq,
payugte-; ~ freely uyiqe-; ~ game pite-, pit’e-
; ~
hold of one’s skirt, raise it, and let fall elluk’ar-;
~ in hand tegu-; ~ it kita; hook to ~ killed seals
out of water tegun; ~ more than what is needed
cingkissaag-; ~ off (clothing) ¥gayar-, yuu-
; ~
off in ight tenge-; ~ or bring along something
malig-; ~ or put (them) all out anerqe-, anerqi-;
~ out from a vessel or container yuu-
; ~
out(side) anute-; ~ over qasgiiqenge-; ~ part
in subsistence activities pingnatug-; ~ pity
(on) kusgu-, kuygu-; ~ possession of (it)
piksagute-; ~ precautionary measures qanirtur-;
~ revenge aki-, akinaur-; ~ shelter uqite-
; ~
snuff meluskaq, peluskaq; ~ someone’s place
nunair-; ~ something tegute-
; ~ something
from allurte-; ~ strokes in swimming or with a
paddle pakiur-; ~ supplies on ahead payigte-,
qanii-; ~ the blame for something pukiqerte-;
~ the place of enair-; ghost that ~s children
taken: something ~ teguaq; something ~ along
with something else tapeq; thing ~ along
malik; lose something by it’s being ~ away
tegui-; food ~ from mouse caches uqnaq; be ~
to court qanercetaaruma-; be ~ by supernatural
powers aciirute-
talcum powder: qallaciurrsuun, uuyurcailkun
tale: univkaq, qalamciq, qalangssak
talent: be of uncertain ~ maluknarqe-; be ~ed
talk: qalarte-, qallate-
, qanaa-; small ~ qanengssak;
~ about kanar-
; ~ about (it), omitting
certain things pugurtar-; something to ~
about qanerkaq; ~ about what someone did
apervikua-; ~ back kiumra-, naigte-; ~ in a
voice audible to one’s listener but not to a
third party tarirte-; ~ quietly qanepsug-; ~ to
ulupirute-; ~ to (him) qanrute-; ~ without being
invited to speak lurirte-; person who ~s a lot
qanerpak; be ~ed about qanrutkuma-; refrain
from ~ing about something qul’ar-; catch a
person ~ing about one terrigte-
talkative: be ~ qanrenqegg-; be very ~ cuqulaate-; ~
person kegg’leralnguq*
tall: be ~ acetu-, cugtu-, kanarte-
, kuki-, sugtu-; be
~ (of inanimate object) astu-; ~ coarse grass
englullinr(aq*), patugpak; in ~ grass up to one’s
N (pb) -kiirar-; ~ plant with alternate leaves
atsarrluk; ~ thin pail qugtuqaruaq; ~est one
tall cottongrass: iitaq*, pekneq
tallow: kaugaq, tunuq, tunuquyugaq, see Wrangell
(14); ~ from outside of stomach kenyaun
talon: cetumquq, pekugkalleq
tamarack: quarnaq
tame: be ~ nuyurrite-
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus: qiguiq*
tan: ~ a skin by scraping it cakivte-, cakuug-,
calugte-, iqute-; ~ with urine see Petroff (12)
tangle: ~ remover tegurciurun
tangled: be ~ ilag-, ilar-; be tightly ~ tegute-
; have
~ hair nekavli-
tank: taingkaq; fuel ~ uqirvik, uqurvik; water
transporting ~ mertarcuun
tanned: moose hide ~ on both sides qatviaq; ~ skin
of the bearded seal naterkaq, nat’rarkaq
tanner: qatviista
tannin: tumagaq
tanning: tool blade used with ~ board cakivun;
homemade curved ~ tool alliq; ~ tool blade
cakivun, cakivquun; ~ tool for softening and
stretching skin nengulercissuun
tantrum: have a ~ umyuanqutag-
tape: sticky ~ nepcetaaq, nepyun
tape recorder: erinairissuun, taktassiarcuun
taper: ~ off qame-; ~ed end nuvv’ilir-, nuvv’iliraq;
~ed part of kayak qamenquq
tapeworm: qumaq
tar: taaq; coat with ~ taarte-
target: iimiuquq, napataq, yuq’uq; overshoot the ~
qulruarte-; shoot short of a ~ ukatrute-
tarpaulin: kangciraq, patukutaq, qanakutaq,
qatviaq; shelter made from a ~ naliguyaq; ~
used on a sled or boat cingyaaq
tarry: mulu-, nulte-, qangni-
tarsus: tumarneq
tart: qunackegg-
task: assign a ~ to ciqima-; ask to perform
a ~ ellimer-; ~ done caliaq; ~ to be done
cakngarkaq, caliarkaq
tassel: alngaq, kiistaq, kistaq; ~ on parka: avan,
, megcugtaq, miryaruaq, mumeq,
pitgarcuun, qemirrlugun
taken — tassel
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
taste: alme-, elpegnaur-, elpegniur-, naspaa-,
naspete-, pitassiar-, taku-
, tepci-, uig-, uigtua-;
eat something to remove the ~ of what one
ate previously qecirniir-; sneak a ~ alemqar-;
try to identify a ~ elpegniur-; ~ like N (pb)
-cugninarqe-, -cugnite-, -ninarqe-, -nite-,
-rpagnite-; ~ of seal oil civacugnilarqe-; ~ sour
tattered: person with ~ clothing ilgulgaq
tattle: elillgia-
tattoo: eyaq, yar-; chin ~ tamlurun, tap’luqutyaq
taut: be ~ cagni-; ~ membrane eciq
tavern: aqumgaurvik
tax: akiliquraun; ~ collector
tea: caayuq, saayuq, yuurqaq, see Nelson (46); drink
~ carca-, sarrsa-; be strong (of ~) cur-, ecur-; be
weak (of ~) ecuite-; bread to be eaten with ~
aukaq, avukaq, tevuq; Labrador ~ naunrakayak;
have only ~ merr’arar(ar)-; cup for ~ yuurqaun;
drink ~ using a saucer pelutsiaq; sip hot drink
such as ~ yuurqaq
teach: apertuute-, elicar-, elicungcar-, elissar-,
elitnaur-; ~ (it) elitnaurutke-; ~ a lesson
teacher: elicarista, elissarista, elitnaurista,
eskuularista, naaqista, skuularista
teaching: qanruyun
teakettle: saayirissuun
teal: ~ duck qiugtalek, see Adams (27); green-
winged ~ cikiutnaar(aq*), kemeksungiaraq,
team: dog running loose alongside a ~ kilgaakuirta
teapot: cainiguaq, saanigguaq, saayirissuun
tear: (v) alleg-, caqirte-
, itegte-; accidental ~
allganeq; ~ a little alkar-; ~ up on purpose
allgur-; ~ with force alpag-
; reinforcement to
prevent ~ing allegyailkutaq
tear: ~ duct aluviliyaraq, qipalluraq; be ~ful
qiacua-; be ~y-eyed aluviliur-; teardrop: aluvik
tease: papsitaar-, picetaar-, tarike-; ~ a cousin
ilangciar(ar)-; ~ in a friendly way ilangciar(ar)-;
provoke by ~ing qinucetaar-
teenager: ayagyuaq, ayanerraq*; male ~
teeter-totter: aassektaq, assungutaaq, iipuuyaaq,
teeth: be ferocious with its ~ keggsu-; brush
the ~ kegguciur-; comb with widely spaced
~ tegurciurun; object stuck between the ~
kumkailiq, kumkaq; remove an object from
between one’s ~ kumkaili-; have sensitive ~
keggsagar-; part of drill held with ~ neg’utaq;
squash lice with one’s ~ pukite-; work on the ~
kegguciur-; ~ clamped shut iryagte-
telephone: qanercuun
telescope: qinrun
television: tiiviiq
tell: univkaq; ~ him qanrute-; ~ (him) about
something that happened qalamcite-; ~ (him)
something upute-
; ~ a baby to drink em’a;
~ a lie iqlu; ~ a legend quliri-; ~ a story with
story knife yaarui-; ~ a story through songs
and drumming anqarar-; ~ stories, illustrating
them with a story knife atekngui-; ~ a string
story aarraq, airraq, ayarr’aq; string used in
~ing stories aarraq; ~ about (it) qanrutke-; ~
about what one foresees while beating a drum
qalur(ar)-; ~ how something is qaite-; ~ it (the
story) qanemcike-; tend to ~ lies iqlungar-; ~
on someone behind his back elillgia-; ~ not to
do things inerqua-, inerqur-; ~ someone what
someone else has said behind his back kelgur-;
~ to do something alarqur-, alerqur-, ellimer-;
~ to hurry ampiir-, kiikiar-; ~ what gifts they
want after the Messenger Feast Kevgiruaq; ~
what to do apertuute-; ~ no one about igigtaun
teller: bank~ akiliurta
temper: lose one’s ~ cuaqerte-; be even ~ed
temperature: atmospheric ~
kiirem cuqii; body
puqlam cuqii; mirage effect of ~ inversion
temple: (anatomical) ayakutar(aq*)
temporary: bin used for ~ storage of sh qikutaq;
~ above-ground structure at sh camp
qasgiarneq; ~ body covering cirukutaq; make a
~ patch uqurcir-; ~ snow shelter aniguyaq
tempt: pissuar-; ~ (to sin) assiilngircetaar-
temptation: picetaarun
ten: qula
; cost ~ dollars qullsur-; ~ in cards qula
tend: auluke-; ~ to V (pb) -yug-; ~ to V a lot (pb)
; ~ not to V (pb) -taite-
; ~ not to cause one
to V (pb) -naite-; ~ to be V (pb) -myugte-; ~ to
believe things ukvertar-; ~ to bite keggsu-; ~
to cause one to V (pb) -narqe-; ~ to nd things
taste — tend
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
funny temcitar-; ~ to list (of a boat) inaryug-; ~
to stagger ayaluryug-; ~ to worry pengegtar-; ~,
watch, or babysit munaqe-
tender: ~ new grass vesraya(g)aq*; cook to ~ize
tendon: ivaluq, yualuq; Achilles ~ kitngilqitaaq; ~
under tongue qelutaraq
tense: become ~ teggia-; relax from being ~
pet’nge-; ~ up tegg’i-; ~ up the muscles tunglar-
tension: spring under ~ qelun
; cock a device under
~ petengtaq; strum on something under ~
tent: nalik, palatkaaq, pelatekaq, qanakvaggaq; sh-
skin parka that could serve as a ~ qerrlurcaq;
creature that will suck one’s blood if one has
no water in his ~ meriiq; pitch a ~ pelatekiur-;
mosquito-net ~ tupiq’uyaq; canvas ~ fabric
pelatekarkaun; ~ stake kuuliaq; ~ pole, see
Nelson (104)
tenth: (one or part) qulngurun
term: ariva-
, qanruciq; it is ~ wagg’uq
terminally ill: become ~ tautunrir-
terminate: ~ someone’s public service aqumci-
terminology: aperyaraq; ~ for days of the week
tern: Aleutian ~ or arctic ~ civtulgaq,
nacallngaar(aq*), tegalqingayar(aq*),
terrain: all-~ vehicle akagyaralek
terrible: be shocked when something ~ happens
test: ~ shing neqengqertassiaryaraq; ~ how V
(it) is (pb) -taciar-, -tassiir-; ~ ways of doing
something caqtaar-
testicle: iguuk, ingcu
testify: apervikua-
tether: petuk, uskuraq; rope to which something is
~ed nuqsugun; thing that is ~ed petugaq
texture: be too hard in ~ tegke-
textured lungwort: qelquaq
Thaleichthys pacicus: cemerliq, cimigliq, qimaruaq
than: localis case (see Endings section)
thank: ~ (him) quyavike-
thank goodness: say “~” anirtaar-; thank goodness!
thank you: quyana, see Orlov (15); thank you!
thankful: be ~ quya-; cause one to be ~ quyanarqe-;
be ~ to (him) quyavike-
Thanksgiving: Quyayaraq
that: see Appendix 3 on demonstratives; be ~ tamatuu-;
~ is to say wagg’uq; ~ one tamana, tauna; be be
~ one taungu-; from ~ time on tuakenirnek; be
~ V (pb) -ta-
; ~ which has been V-ed (pb) -aq
; ~
which is even with nalle-; ~ which is to be V-ed
(pb) -arkaq-; ~ which will V (pb) -arkaq-
that’s: ~ all ak’ami’i, tava-i, tua-i; ~ enough tava-i,
tua-i; ~ ne by me watua; ~ great! iicill’er; ~
what you get ta¥gak’estauna; ~ what you say
thaw: urug-, urugcir-; for it to be spring thaw
emiqar-, miiqar-; have ~ed uruuma-; ~ed and
refrozen ice cikullaq; ~ed spot on tundra in
spring cingallineq; ~ed patch urunqiq
the: ~ end ak’ami’i; ~ good word
Qaneryaraqegtaar(aq*); ~ innermost thing
ilulirneq; ~ Morning Star Agyarpak; ~ most V
of possessors (pb) -neq
; ~ one there tamana;
~ one to the north qagna; ~ one up back there
pamyurtaq; ~ one up there above pagna,
pakemna; ~ one who is V-ing (pb) -lria; ~ one(s)
most V (pb) -lqurraq*, -nqurraq*; ~ Savior
anirturta; ~ way to use an ice chisel tugneq; ~
world nunarpak
theater: movie ~ suurvik, tangercetaarvik,
tangrruarvik; ~ manager tangrrualiurta
“theft mark”: teglek
them: see Appendix 1 on personal pronouns, and
endings section; ellait
themselves: ellmek; ~ (plural) ellmeng
then: ava(ni); thing from ~ taumiqlak; well ~, and ~
tava-i; ~ again tuamta-llu
Theragra chalcogramma: kalagaq
there: see Appendix 3 on demonstratives; tava(ni),
tua(ni); ~ (at that place immediately known to
listener) tamaa(ni); over ~ ama(ni), yaa(ni); the
one over ~ ingna; thing from ~ taumiqlak; ~ it
is kita
thereafter: kiituani
nenglem cuqyutii; atmospheric ~
kiirem cuqcautii; fever ~ puqlam cuqcautii
thermos: puqlassuun
these: see Appendix 3 on demonstratives; ukut; be ~
waniwau-; these (extended) makut
they: see Appendix 1 on personal pronouns, and endings
section; ellait
tender — they
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
thick: be ~ can’u-, mamtu-; be ~ and tough
qecigtu-; be ~ and viscous elnguq, nelnguq;
be ~ in diameter celleg- , cilleg-, elleg-; ~ layer
of walrus skin kaugpak, kauk; ~ intertwined
thread qip’aq; ~ shore-fast ice qayemgu; have
~ white smoke itugenqegte-; ~ blue ice coming
from the north cikulugpiaq, cikurpak; ~ener in
cooking kenercetaaq
thicket: go forward through a ~ pula-
thief: tegelciq, tegelkassaagalria, teglessaagta,
¥gayarituli; be a ~ teglengar-
thigh: kemegtuqaq, mecangqaq; back of ~
kingulirneq; front of ~ ciuqinraq, civuqinraq; ~
of bird or mammal mimeq; ~-high skin boot
at’arrlugaq*, ayagcuun, mamlek
thighbone: qugtuqaq
thimble: akngirnailitaq, curaq
, keniun, tekrun,
thin: be ~ amite-, caneggete-, can’ggete-, can’egte-,
cetgate-, mamkite-, qecigkite-, negacungaq;
horizontally striped ~ ik’aruaq; ~ cross-
sections of kayak ribs neneq; ~ at stone
resembling ice can’ggelngunaq; ~ exible
sheet of ocean ice yuulraaq; ~ line made from
seal skins tapruar(aq*)
; ~ pail qugtuqaruaq; ~
log from a spruce sapling unrapigaq; ~ strip
of otter fur on parka sleeve kaunguaq; ~ strip
of wood avqaar(aq*); ~-necked clam uviluq; ~
overhanging ice edge icineq; ~ned to serve as
a handle uluryarutaq; paddle with blade that
gets ~ner toward tip quagciruaq; make ~ner
thin ice: cikuaq, cikulqaraq, cikulraar(aq*), eciq,
qenulraar(aq*); slush under ~ ac’irutaq
thing: pi; old ~ ak’allaq; promised ~ akqun; ~
carried on one’s shoulder equk, quuk; ~ from
there or then taumiqlak; ~ held by biting
keggmiaq; ~ held in the mouth qanermiaq; ~
held in one’s N (pb) -mik; ~ like N (pb) -aq
-nguaq, -pcuaq, -uaq, -yak, -yuk; ~ made by
possessor piliaq; ~ made of sh skin iqertaq; ~
near the person being spoken to tauna; ~ of a
human yiinraq*, yinraq*; ~ of intense interest
urenkun; ~ of last summer kiagcetaq*, kiallaq*;
~ of last winter uksullaq*; ~ of winter uksurtaq;
~ of N (pb) -llaq*, -taq
; ~ of the left side
iqsulirneq; ~ of the past ak’allaq, univkaraq;
~ of when (in the past) qangvallaq; ~ one has
in his eye ervun; ~ one puts away qemak; ~ or
person seen for the rst time or not recognized
tangnerraq; ~ pertaining to N (pb) -taq
; ~ right
beside caniqliq*; ~ taken along malik; ~ that
acts as if it were V (pb) -yak; ~ that appears
unexpectedly alangru; ~ that has drifted or
washed ashore tagcilleq, tep’aq; ~ that is
ready piqainaq; ~ that is tethered petugaq; ~
that one has with him avaliq; ~ that one pulls
qamuutaq; ~ that one sends tuyuq
; ~ that
results from V-ing (pb) -neq
; ~ to be used as N
would be used (pb) -kutaq; ~ underneath acliq*,
atliq*; ~ with big ears ciulvak; ~ worked on
caliaq; have as one’s ~s pike-; have ~s clinging
to one nepitag-; intentionally do ~s that one
should not do pissaqe-
thingamajig: imkuciq
think: umsuarteqe-, umyuarteqe-, umyugartur-,
umyugiur-; ~ about umyuaqe-, umyugaqe-;
~ about V-ing (pb) -kunayaaqe-; ~ back and
regret what has happened kingunrinaar-; be
unable to ~ clearly umyugailkacag-; ~ like
or alike umyuallgutke-; ~ one knows about
the subject at hand ketviute-; ~ that oneself
or another is V-ing (pb) -yuke-; ~ that oneself
or another might V (pb) -nayuke-; ~ one has a
wife when he does not nulirruar-; one who acts
without ~ing it over wakencuillak; habitually
act without ~ing of the possible consequences
third: ~ one pingayuat; ~ party tarirte-; ~ year
ucinglluk, ulilek
thirst: quench one’s ~ meqsartur-; suffer great ~
thirsty: be ~ meqsug-
thirteen: ~ ribs in center part of kayak neneq
this: see Appendix 3 on demonstratives; act like ~
watna-; in ~, from ~, to ~ uumi; like ~ waten;
~ coming autumn uksuaqu; ~ coming winter
uksuqu; ~ is not the end tua-i-ngunrituq; ~
kind of thing only makurrlainaq; ~ one man’a,
una; like ~ one uutun; person from ~ place
ukurmiu; ~ side ukate-; ~ summer kiagpak; ~
time qayuwa, uumi; now, at ~ time watmi; ~
way gguun, ukatmun; ~ way a little gguurraq;
be ~ way, like ~ matuu-
thong: hide ~ taprartaq, see Orlov (18), Adams (41);
cut hide into a long ~ pinve-; ~ made of tree
roots or animal hide tapraq*; loops on kayak
for ~ lacing tapricilleq; lace ~ through loops on
kayak skin tugcilqar-
thick — thong
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
thorn: cukilanaq, cukiq; be covered with ~s
thoroughly: V ~ (pb) -nqegcaar(ar)-; one who Vs ~
(pb) -nqegcaar(aq*); peck at ~ pugug-
those: see Appendix 3 on demonstratives; ~ who try to
do things together
pingnaqellriit quyurtellriit
though: concessive mood (see Endings section)
thought: umsuaq, umyuaq, umyugaq; lose one’s
train of ~ umyugailkacag-; reveal one’s ~ to
(him) takuqe-; bad ~s caruyak; have gloomy ~s
nacarrlugteqe-; have malicious or malevolent
~s umyuarrliqe-
thousand: one ~ ciissitsaaq, tiissitsaaq
thrash: piqertuar-; ~ the water qelcaq
thread: (n) eglu, ivaluq, yualuq, see Nelson
(38), (v) luve-, nuve-; sewing ~ ivalukaq,
kelugkaq; sh-skin ~ yualunguaq; hand-
twisted ~ ivalukiuraq, yualukiuraq; hanging
~ as on clothing cuyavleq; heavy sewing ~
cillupkaar(aq*); ~ with the end twisted to a
point egliraq; place to ~ something nuvevik;
ply ~ qipe-; spool of ~ ivalukayagaq*; spool
for (or from) ~ yualukarvik; thick intertwined
~ qip’aq; thin intertwined ~ qip’ayagaq*; ~
for kayak skin amiutekaq; ~ for skin sewing
elngurliq; ~ of sinew yualukaq; ~ on a pipe or
bolt qipsaq; ~ used for the top stern stitches
of kayak ikavsiarutkaq; handmade ~ with a
tapered end nuvv’iliraq; hole through which
a drawstring is ~ed pass’aq; twist handmade
thread for easy ~ing nuvv’ilir-
threading device: nuv’issuun, nuvun
threat: akeqnerrlugte-
threaten: akeqnerrlugte-, alingcirar(ar)-; ~ to
hit him with weapon uluryacir(ar)-; ~ with
undesirable things aniqlaa-; thrust out arms as
when ~ing someone yagira-
three: pingayun; ~ days ago yaaliagni; ~ or more
days hence yaaliaku; ~ years ago yaaliagni;
~ in cards cagqralria, ussarquralria; ~ groups
or pairs pingasuin, pingayuin; calfskin with
~ tassels qemirrlugun; spear with ~ points
asaaqin, nuusaaq, nuuyaaq; arrow with ~
prongs pingayupegcetaaq; ~-sided dish
Three Step Mountain: Ingri’¥rluq*
three-cornered needle: anguarutnguaq, ciilaq,
ipgut’lek, quagulek, ulunalek, umilek
throat: igyaraq, tuqluq, turquq; knot in ~ qillerneq,
tuvcunguarvik; clear one’s ~ erinkegcar-; get
bone stuck in ~ enrite-; get food stuck in ~
tumilngu-, tuvculir-; have an irritated ~ cilte-,
qakite-; scorch one’s ~ iglairte-; upper part of
~ qakerliq; abnormal growth in ~ of codsh
iqngulluk; ~ hair of caribou tengayuk
; ~ on
parka manurun
throb: nutngaq; have ~bing pain temia-,
throes: be in ~ of death tuquyia-
through: vialis case (see Endings section); go ~ the area
caniir-, uqrir-; ~ here gguun, uuggun; make a
hole ~ putu-
; miss by passing ~ the N area (pb)
-trute-; pierce a hole ~ ukii-; plunge ~ pulqerte-;
search ~ belongings aglug-; stuck because an
opening is too small to go ~ tastuqite-; go over
or ~ a portage teve-; fall ~ a small hole in a toy
ulpecuqnaq; dive ~ the air puugtur-; walk ~
the brush or woods pulaar-
; look ~ the door or
window uyangte-; string sh ~ the gill opening
tavigte-; path ~ the trees or bushes pulayaraq; ~
where? naw’un
throw: eg’arte-
, egte-; ~ (at) milqar-; ~ hard (at)
milpag-; something held that one intends to
~ angqin, angqun; something to ~ milqun; ~ a
seal spear with an atlatl nanerpak; ~ into the
air nalug-
; ~ light (on) kenurte-; ~ liquid onto
(it) ceqvallertar-; ~ oneself around milqagte-;
sling used to ~ stones aturrlugaq*; ~ things
miluqu-; ~ water ciqer-; ~ a lot of water ciqpag-;
arrow or spear thrown with the aid of a ~er
malirqun; skilled harpooner or spear ~er
narussuli; spear-~ing device egun, nuqaq;
spear for hunting seal, used with a ~ing device
nagiiquyaq; net ~n over birds yag’arussuk;
something ~n over the shoulders as a robe
ulikutaq; rock ~n with a sling elluqun; arrow or
spear ~n with a spear thrower malirqun
thrush: callakayak; gray-cheeked ~ viuq,
yuulerviuk; varied or hermit ~ ciitaarayuli;
~-like bird ciyuq, siyuq
thrust: ~ a weapon narulpag-; ~ oneself or dig into
something ciklaq; ~ out one’s arm(s) yagira-
thud: migpak, migpallarte-; ~ repeatedly
migpallara-; be ~ding migtu-
thumb: asaun
, kul’u, kumlu; measurement from
the ~ iqelqin, naparneq, patneq, pupsuneq,
teklin, tumagneq
thump: migpak, migpallarte-; ~ repeatedly
thorn — thump
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
migpallara-; be ~ing migtu-
thunder: ~ and lightning kalluk
thunderbird: mythical ~ tengmiarpak
Thursday: Cetamirin, Citamirin
Thymallus arcticus: culugpauk, nakrullugpak,
tibia: kanagyaaq, qengaraq
ticket: ekniarun, ekun; hunting ~
pissurcuun ticket-
ticking: mattress ~ tiik
tickle: aaleqciir-, aavlaar-, aavleqciir(ar)-, leqecirar-,
qaleqmacir(ar)-, qel’qecir(ar)-, qungvagciir-,
qungvagyug-; be ~d by it qungvake-; be easily
~d qungvagtar-
ticklish: be ~ qumcirtar-, qungvagnarqe-; feel ~
qumciryug-; make one ~ qumcirnarqe-
tidal ats: stinky mud found on ~ maralruyak
tide: high ~ ula
; incoming ~ tungyuq; water
mark from high ~ unineq; for ~ to come in
itercanir-; jagged ice pushed on shore by the ~
manialkuq; ~ that brings things ashore tag’aq;
be beached by the receding ~ kenaqaute-,
kenqaute-; go out (of ~) ente-; for ~ to be low
eninga-, enuma-; a very low ~ envvag-; sandbar
exposed at low ~ en’aq, ken’aq; wait for low ~
tidy up: eqte-
tie: qillerte-; ~ garment at the waist qepte-; ~ a load
on a sled nuilrar-, nuvilrar-; ~ closed naqyute-;
~ one’s shoelace cingiq*, cingir-; ~ repeatedly
or securely qillerqe-; ~ to a post petuk-; ~-rope
on kayak frame nuqsugun; line to ~ kayaks
together ac’irutaq
; spent ammunition shell
~d to a piece of string qapiamcetaaq; ~d
bundle qillerqaaq; be ~d to something nuuter-;
something that is all ~d up qilqucngiar(aq*);
undo something ~d up petengte-
tight: be ~ cagni-; strip of sealskin to pull kayak
cover seam ~ palliun; device used to keep
stitches evenly ~ unguqupak; be sewn with ~
stitches cupuite-; be closed ~ly eqessnga-; ex
back when stretched ~ly qelluqniaqar-; ~ly
coiled grass basket mingqaaq; be ~ly tangled
tighten: cagnite-
, qelu-; lace a thong on a kayak
skin and ~ it tugcilqar-; ~ to seal out wind and
cold parte-
Tikchik Lake (and River): Teksik
tiller: alulaq, nauceciiyurta
tilt: ciligte-, everte-, illugte-, irirte-, uverte-; ~ one’s
head up ciugte-, civugte-
tilted: evengqa-, illungqa-, irir-, uver-; have one’s
head ~ up ciug-, ciungqa-, civug-; ~ thing, such
as a parallelogram ciligtellria
tilting: ayalungqa-, ayalurte-, cilig-, cilingqa-, ever-,
illug-, uvengqa-
timber: corner ~ in kashim talliqiun; ~s at entrance
of kashim ayapervik
time: pivik; a certain unspecied ~ afterward
qaku; a long ~ ago ak’a avani, ak’a imumi, ak’a
tamaani; arrive at destination directly (in ~)
tekiarte-; arrive at the right ~ nall’arte-; be glad
to see someone after a long ~ iryiqe-; be gone
for a long ~ nulte-; be on ~ angute-; be present
at the right ~ nall’arusnga-; be rejected for
marriage for a ~ nulirturciimacir-; cause one
to waste ~ qelanernarqe-; clear up (weather)
after a ~ pakmallir-; continue V-ing over a
period of ~ (pb) -aur(ar)-; during the period of
~ when possessor is V-ing (pb) -yalleq; during
the present period of ~ maa-irpak; during
two periods of ~ malrurqugni; fade away for
a long ~ umi-; rst ~ tauciin; for a long ~ to
have passed envau-; for a long ~ ak’anun,
qangvarpak; for a week’s ~ to pass agayunerte-;
have ~ urenke-; for some ~ now uumirpak; for
some ~ to pass akauraurte-; for the rst ~ in
a long ~ ak’anek; fourth ~ cetamii; from that
~ on tuakenirnek; from this ~ on wak’nirnek;
future ~ of V-ing (pb) -natkaq; have (leisure)
~ qacigte-; have a hard ~ cakug-, irliqe-; have
been V-ing for a long ~ (pb) -ma-; have free ~
uitqaci-; help from ~ to ~ ikayua-; leave ample
~ cayugnaite-; like at the ~ of (it) nalliinitun;
long ~ ago ak’a imumi; next ~ uumiku; not be
on ~ kinguraute-; not know at this particular
~ nalluqar-; now and for a short ~ hence
wanirpak; now, at this ~ watmi; old-~ practice
nutemllaq*; one ~ it happened caqerluni; one
~ cat iliitni; one located far in ~ (pb) -qliq*;
pass by in ~ kitur-, pellug-; past ~ of V-ing (pb)
-rraaneq; plan to act at a given ~ (pb) -te-
; reach
a certain ~ pitari-; run out of ~ tass’igyugciur-;
some ~
cam iliini; spend ~ qaqite-; stay away
a long ~ mulu-; take a long ~ ak’ani-; this ~
qayuwa; tired of eating the same food all the ~
qapilngu-; V a little at a ~ (pb) -mciur(ar)-; V for
thunder — time
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
the rst ~ (pb) -paalug-; waste ~ uame-,
ulapeqe-; what ~ is it? wataimarta?; when
some ~ had elapsed qakuan; corresponding in
~ nalle-; for there to be lots of ~ before V-ing
(pb) -yalqaate-; ~ immemorial envanek; for
the ~ of daylight to lengthen ernengaar(ar)-; ~
of famine canerlak, cangerlak; ~ of V-ing (pb)
-n, -vik; ~ of impact or occurrence tus’un; set
period of ~ cuqa
; reach a certain ~ nallair-;
~ past kinguneq
; ~ preceding (it) ciu, civu; ~
right after taking a sweatbath maqinerraq; at
that ~ that both speaker and listener know
about imumi; for a certain ~ to come nallair-;
~ to devote to what one is doing urenkun; for
some ~ to pass akauraurte-; be ~ to V (pb)
-nari-; proper ~ to V (pb) -yunari-; ~ when ice
forms on lakes and rivers cikuqaq; ~ when
one’s son rst catches a seal umciginga-; ~
when something is to happen pillerkaq
times: at what ~? qakuaqan; land multiple ~ turqe-;
many ~ amllerqunek; N ~ (pb) -rqu; two ~
timid: be ~ nuyurtar-; be very ~ alingtar-
tin: qerriryak
tinder: ekqun
, ekuanqun
tingle: kakilacak
tinker: qaillukuar-; ~ around cangssiur-
tiny: ~ biting gnat ungilayagaq*; have ~ ice crystals
kanevcir-; ~ N (pb) -cuar(aq*); ~ black sea
anemone tiiyaq
tip: angayegte-, cingik, nuukm, nuvuk; arrow
with metal ~ teggliaraq; engraving tool with
beaver incisor ~ iqukeggun; indentation
next to socket for re-drill ~ anarcuun;
paddle with blade that gets thinner toward
~ quagciruaq; measurement from ~ of toes
, it’ganeq; measurement from ~ of
thumb iqelqin, naparneq, pupsuneq, teklin;
Bladder Feast pole with wild celery tied to
~ kagaciqaq, kangaciqaq; oating ice that
can ~ akangluaryuk; arrow with blunt ~
; ~ of paddle blade emulek, mula; ~
of parka hood kak’acuk, tengqucuk; fur on ~
of parka shoulder megcugtaq; ~ on its side
of a spawning sh inaryug-; ~ over ikigarte-;
~ over (of sled) kitngu-; harpoon ~ with hole
for attachment nengciun; ~ped-over thing
ikigarneq; for wave ~s to spray out emqerte-
tiptoe: aaqatar(ar)-, angenqussuar(ar)-,
putukumyuar(ar)-; stand on ~ kiite-, nenge-,
nengqur-, nengqussiig-, nengusraar-; stand on
~s kiipirte-; standing on ~ kiipingqa-, kiipir-
tire pump: qerrurissuun
tire tube: nozzle of something inated, such as a ~
tired: be ~ mernur-, nukgiarte-, taqsuqe-; recover
from being ~ mernuir-; be ~ from overwork
taqayuqerte-; be ~ of eating the same food
cirlite-, qapilngu-; ~ of V-ing (pb) -lngu-
tissue: kakeggluirun; stomach lining ~ of caribou
or moose qecaruaq
to: terminalis case (see Endings section); V ~ a certain
degree (pb) -ta-
; ~ alternate between V-ing and
the reverse or opposite action (pb) -qetaar-; ~
blow one’s nose [e]ngva
; ~ cease having any
disruption of a smooth surface mame-; ~ chip
petgerrii-; ~ do some V-ing (pb) -i-
; ~ nd
; ~ have no N or V (pb) -ite-
; ~ lose
; ~ make a crackling or crunching
noise or to have a grinding feeling in joints
qiaryigte-; V ~ no avail (pb) -yaaqe-; ~ no longer
be V (pb) -i:rute-; ~ perhaps V (pb) -ngate-; ~
V in a way that is abnormal (pb) -qetaar-; ~
where? natmun
toadstool: pupignaq
tobacco: cuya, ingqaaq, see Turner (20); addiction
to ~
temem piitesciigalillra kuingimek; ash
made from birch-tree fungus and mixed with
chewing ~ araq, legci-; box for chewing ~
iqmiutaq*; chewing ~ ellitnguaq, tamuayagaq;
chopped, shredded ~ cuyavleq; leaf ~ cuya,
taavaaqiq; plug ~ patiktaq; put a little bit
of ~ in mouth iqemkar-; smoke ~ melug-
use (especially chew) ~ cuyatur-; mortar for
preparing ~ akuyun; vein in center of ~ leaf
iruluq; ~ pipe kuingiq; ~ pouch camru, curmak;
~ twist cuyalquq
today: unuamek; later ~ ernequ
toddler: hold a female ~ out to urinate es’angcar-
toe: cuaraq, cugaraq, yuaraq, yugaraq; big
~ angenquq, angunquq, angenquyuk,
angunquyuk, putukuq; kick hard with the ~
kitengpag-; creature that will suck blood from
one’s big ~ meriiq; little ~ iqelquq; stub one’s ~
putukite-; tip~ aaqatar(ar)-, angenqussuar(ar)-;
~ piece of boot itek; “Bigfoot” monster with
three ~s on each foot arularaq; measurement
from tip of ~s itegneq
, it’ganeq; for ~s to be
times — toe
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
visible putulkia-
toed: be pigeon-~ ekurnga-
toenail: cetuk, cituk
together: bring (it) ~ with something else itute-;
act ~ pillgucir-, (pb) -tuuma(r)-; be close ~
qelqerrute-; be gathered ~ katungqa-; bunched
~ tegulkaute-; line to tie kayaks ~ ac’irutaq
oating ice pushed ~ kaimlineq; gather ~
quyurte-; gathered ~ quyur-; measurement of
width of palm with ngers and thumb held
~ tumagneq; orphan and grandparent living
~ elliraaraurluunkuk; sew skins ~ tamategte-;
those who try to do things ~ pingnaqellriit
toggle: ~ with two holes engevyaraq; ~-type bag
fastener iqugmiutaq; see Nelson (124), Turner (8,
toggling harpoon: asaaquq; sinew binding on a ~
atanrautaq; ~ point cavek
Togiak: Tuyuryaq
toilet: nuussnik, nyuqerrvik; ush ~ ayagcetuli
qurrun; ~ paper uqrun
; ~ room anarvik
Toksook Bay: Nunakauyaq, Tuksuk
tolerate: ~ (him) ilalcir-
tomcod: ceturrnaq, iqalluaq; handle of ~ dipnet
ipukaun; stake to hold open ~ dipnet
kanuuquq; ~ braided in strings piirralluk; stick
for ~ shing nuluraun
; dried and frozen ~
yay’ussaq; fresh ~ citegtaq*
tomorrow: unuaqu; day after ~ amatiiku
tongue: alungun, qanerrsuun, ulu, see Wrangell
(9); have prickly feeling in ~ when eating
fermented foods kakialanar-; piece of esh
under ~ qelun
; summon dog by clicking ~
qalmar-; tendon under ~ qelutaraq; wet with ~
tongue-lashing: give a ~ uluvirte-
tonight: unuku
tonsil: iiraq, qenercinrraq*, see Marsh (10)
too: ~ bad! arenqiapaa; be ~ big to t into caltur-,
tastur-; have bow ~ far down in water
kanarcete-; be ~ hard in texture tegke-; be ~ late
kingur(ar)te-; be ~ loose-tting kallake-; drink
~ much merpallag-
; ~ much! angli-lli; be ~ V
(pb) -ssaag-
; ~ V (pb) -ssiyaag-
Tooksok Bay: Tuqsuk
tool: calissuun, caskuk, saskuk; bending ~
percissuun; bone ~ for pushing cords through
holes ikuukar(aq*); digging ~ ussugcin; drill-
like ~ for making res ken’gutaq; engraving
~ with beaver incisor tip iqukeggun; le, a
metal ~ aleq; hunting ~ pissurcuun, pissuutaq;
ivory-engraving knife or other such ~
ingciun; lamprey-capturing ~ nemeryarcuun;
metalworking ~ cavignarcuun, caviliurcuun; ~
for handling sh negcik; digging ~ elagcuun;
skin-scraping ~ iqucissuun; small leather or
prying ~ ikgun; splitting ~ qup’issuun; stretch a
skin by working it with a ~ angiar-; use a ~ for
hunting, chopping wood, or cutting something
caskuyaqur-; woodworking ~ unarciiyurcuun;
~ bag with ~s ellilervik; tanning ~ blade
cakivquun, cakivun; ~ for crushing ochre
kenevkaun; ~ for making circle-and-dot
designs kassugaliilissuun; ~ for piercing
patients kap’issuun; ~ for prying or unraveling
everquun, verquun; ~ for skinning seal ippers
it’gissuun; ~ for softening and stretching skin
angiarun, nengulercissuun; ~ for V-ing (pb)
-tuutaq; hunting ~ used by boys kutvak; ~
used to cut sod or snow blocks agiyautaq; ~
used to loosen things angicissuun; stone used
for ~ and weapons qetruk, umi; man’s bag for
woodworking ~ equgcuutnguarraq; work on
without using ~s una-
toolbox: eksarvik, ullukarak
toot: uur-
tooth: keggun; baby ~ kegguteqarraaq; canine ~
equgcuun, qugcuun, tuluryaq; eye~ qugcuun;
false ~ keggutnguaq; incisor ~ civuaq; lose a ~
ilngir-; molar ~ iqlirpak; protruding ~ qugcuun;
saw ~ keggsaq; supernumerary ~ qugcuun;
wisdom ~ qamuqayak; beavers ~ Adams (5)
toothache: have a ~ kegguciqe-
toothbrush: kegguciurcuun
toothed: ne-~ comb ingqircuun; ne-~ comb for
removing lice nerescin
toothpick: kumkailin
top: be naked on ~ matak’acagar-; contents heaped
up over ~ pak’me-; bead decorations over
~ of boot itgutek; bullet with lines on the ~
cangegngalnguq*; extend to the ~ qamqiarte-;
heap up over the ~ pakmaar(ar)-, pakmater-; ~
of kayak napilleq, tukervik; ~ of bow of kayak
nutangquq; stitching on ~ of kayak ikavsianeq,
ikavsiarutkaq; ~ strut piece in bow of kayak
pakigvik; scamper to the ~ masqe’rte-; toy ~
toed — top
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
uivcetaaq, uivtaaq; ~ layer qaliq; ~ layer of back
muscle and ligaments uliun; pulling the ~ back
pakig-; spot on ~ of a place from which snow
has melted urunqiq; ~ of head kakangcaq,
kakgaq; dark fur at ~ of hood ruff yurturuaq;
~ of mountain, tree, house, boot, etc. kangeq;
~ of drill shaft neg’utaq; drawstring at ~
of clothing item parteq, parteraq; get on ~
of something ug’arte-, ugte-
; fall on ~ of
something palqerte-; pack on ~ of something
pasgerute-; piece of boot over ~ of the foot itek;
rim around ~ of wooden bowl perneq; ~ one
qulliq*; ~ part kangeq
topic: move to another ~ nugtarte-
topographic: separated from here by some ~
feature akemkumiu; land between ~ features
topstitching: do ~ on (it) qall’i-
torment: ilalke-, ilasqite-, nakuke-, nangte-,
torn: get ~ caqte-
torpid: be ~ qaategte-
torso: lower part of ~ akuraq; upper part of ~
keggan; traditional garment covering the legs
and ~ qalluviik
toss: eg’arte-
; ~ about milqagte-; ~ out bodily
ciryaarute-; ~ up in a blanket-toss inigar-
totally: ~ lack N (pb) -knaggaite-; have come to ~
lack N (pb) -knaggairute-; be ~ preoccupied
with sex qumaqite-, qumiqite-; be ~
preoccupied with women arniqe-
tote hole: kayak bow with a ~ iipaq, qengaryuguaq,
ukinqucuk; vertical stitching on kayak beneath
~ mayu’urneq
touch: agtur-, una-
; be soft and warm to the ~
neruver-; seal that can ~ head with ippers
ipuuyuli; ~ intentionally caavte-, cavte-, savte-;
be such as to cause (him) to not want to ~
it pellernir-; ~ slightly agenkar-; ~ upon (it)
lekuk’ar-; have frostbitten spot where one ~ed
a cold object pupingqua-
tough: be ~ tegge-; be thick and ~ qecigtu-; be ~
but pliable elnguq, nelnguq; ~ linen twine
tow: nangcaq; ~ a boat while walking along the
shore ukamar-
tow line: angaqun, qamuutaq
toward: act generously ~ (him) tuvqake-; go
farther ~ destination tekivsiar-; act superior ~
(him) yuunguite-; be unsympathetic ~ (him)
yuunguite-; express respect ~ (him) ucuqe-; feel
V ~ toward (him/it) (pb) -ke-
; run ~ someone
upag-; go ~ an exit (door or downriver) alr(ar)-;
V more ~ completion (pb) -vsiar-; ~ here
ukatmun; be pointing ~ here kukugte-; in area
~ here uka(ni); go ~ one side ingluar-; ~ one’s
point of origin utelmun; bring in ~ oneself
tagte-; the one ~ river un’a; ~ or in improper
ways ik’itmun; a little on the side ~ speaker
ukakarar-; ~ the area upland kelutmun; ~ the
end of something iqutmun; ~ the entire area
over there avatmun; ~ the exit cakma(ni),
un’ga(ni); area ~ the exit ualirneq; down there
~ water or the exit una(ni); are ~ the exit uata
~ the other side akitmun; one down there ~
the river kan’a; one down ~ the river kelliq*,
ketliq*; area down ~ the river or sea keta
; ~
the sheltered side uqetmun, uqutmun; ~ the
water ketmun; down there ~ the water kana(ni);
go ~ the water ketmurte-, ketvar-; come down
~ water kanar-
; down there ~ water or ~ exit
towed: ~ thing nangcaq
towel: epriun, perriun; dish ~ perriss’uuk
tower: sh counting ~ nacessvik; observation ~
nascaraq, nassvik
town: go to a larger ~ to shop kass’arte-
Townsend’s warbler: ussukaascengiir(aq*)
toy: kalukaryak, naanguaq, uamqun; beanbag-like
~ qaitaq; kind of ~ qall’allagcetaaq; spinner
~ llerr’ar(aq*); string of ~ uskuraq; ~ top
uivcetaaq, uivtaaq; ~ for boys qipiamcetaaq;
~ in which a tossed-up stick is caught in a
hole ulpecuqnaq; ~ sled ikamraruaq; ~ with
uamqutke-; play sedentarily with ~s laanguar-,
trace: ~ of feces anarrluk; ~ of dogs qimugcinraq*
trachea: anertevkarcuun, tuqluq, turquq
track: tuma
; dog ~ qimugcinraq*; be full of ~s
tumlia-; nd ~s tumci-, tumte-; for ~s on snow
to become hard and elevated nalugarui-
tracking: kayak part in front of ~ stabilizer imaqliq
trade: akicar-, iruver-, naverte-, tune-, tuneniar-;
ask if one has something to ~ for food
qayuqcarniar-; ~ (it) tuniaqe-; ~ from house
to house kipussaag-; ~ bead pipigaq; ~ item
navrun; ~ things tuniar-
topic — trade
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
trader: laavkiurta, kiputesta, kupcaaq
trading: engage in ~ naverrniar-; try to acquire
rewood by ~ for it cayugtuute-; private coin
formerly issued by ~ posts leraaniq
tradition: piciryaraq
traditional: ~ “housewife” bag kakivik; ceiling
board of ~- style dwelling qanak; planks
put over replace in a ~ men’s community
house nacin; possession of person placed
on his grave according to a ~ custom egtaq,
eliveq, elliveq; one who follows ~ abstinence
practices eyanqellria; one who doesn’t follow ~
abstinence practices eyailnguq*; life event that
causes others to follow ~ abstinence practices
eyagnaq; play a ~ ball game that involves
hitting the ball with the at of the hand
patkar-; voice identifying a dead person that
could be summoned by a shaman, according to
~ belief yuun; ~ly conceived dwelling place of
the dead Pamaliruq; ~ boundary point between
Yup’ik and Inupiaq territory Uqvigartalek;
lashing holding sinew backing on ~ bow
cagnirqun; ~ celebration (“Messenger Feast”)
Kevgiq; dance in ~ Eskimo style yuraq; ~
Eskimo woman’s knife shaped like a broad
wedge uluaq; bind spiraling strip onto
longitudinal strips of ~ sh trap tungite-;
one of a legendary little people having
conical hats resembling ~ sh traps cingssiik;
certain ~ game caukia; ~ game somewhat
like mumblety-peg kalackiiq, kapuckaq,
kapuckaryaraq; ~ game similar to prisoners
base man’aman’aaq; ~ garment covering the
legs and torso qalluviik; corner post of ~ house
tagurun; one who lives a ~ life yuulria; live in
the ~ way yuunginaq; cut sh for drying, in
the ~ manner ulligte-; make a livelihood by ~
means yuungnaqe-; tool for piercing patients
during ~ medical treatment kap’issuun; ~ pit
trap igcetaaq; ~ practice associated with birth,
death, illness, puberty, etc. agelru-, eyag-,
eyagyaraq, yaag-;
tunnel entrance to ~ semi-subterranean house
tuqluk; ~ snow goggles igaugek; ~ story
; legendary hero of a certain ~ story
Akaguagaankaaq; ~ wooden visor elqiaq*
traditional: (parka) (see Appendix 9) type of ~ parka
kay’urrutalek; type of ~ parka often called the
Yukon-style parka ilairutaq; type of ~ parka
worn by Nelson Is. and tundra-area Yup’iks
qaliq; black beads between decorative stitches
on a ~ parka ciivaguat; calfskin pieces on ~
“qulitaq” parka cauyak; calfskin sewn to make
a V pattern on ~ parka or boots uminguaq;
calfskin strips on ~ “qaliq” parka) ellutmuaq;
decoration on hood of a young woman’s ~
Yup’ik parka kakauyaq; decorative wolverine
“tail” on ~ parka pequmiutaq; openings on ~
parka into which an arrow point design was
sewn pakineq; strip of calfskin coming down
from the throat on a ~ parka manurun; strip
of calfskin connecting front and back of a ~
parka worn on Nelson Island or in the tundra
area agun
, aquun
; strip of otter fur across the
chest and back of a ~ parka keggacilleq; strip
of otter fur below the light-colored decoration
at the hem or cuff of a ~ parka tungunqucuk;
tassel hanging from the armpit or just below
the armpit of ~ parka pitgarcuun; tassel on
the calfskin in the middle of a ~ parka avata
tassel on the chest and back of certain ~ parkas
miryaruaq; tassel representing a drumstick on
a ~ “qulitaq” parka mumeq; V-shaped calfskin
on the shoulder of a ~ parka tusrun; V-shaped
calfskin piece on the shoulder of a ~ parka
qupun; wolf fur on the shoulder or armpit
tassels of certain ~ parkas megcugtaq
trafc: ~ with familiar spirits tuunri-
trail: aprun, tuma
, tum’arte-, tumyaraq; be a good
~ tumnirqe-; curve or bend of ~ yuurte-
; curve
of ~s nevirte-; game ~ aprulluk; go overland,
not following a ~ cailkakuar-; have a bad ~
tumlliqe-; caterpillar-like creature that leaves a
scorched ~ tiissiq
trail marker: alailun, nallunailkutaq, pellaayailkun
trail breaker: kakitaq
train: lose one’s ~ of thought umyugailkacag-; ~ to
become a better person cilkia-
trait: ~ that causes a problem picurlaun
Trans-Alaska Pipeline: cuplurpak
transfer: brush evils off (and, sometimes, ~ them to
a dog) ellug-; ~ from one container to another
by pouring naave-, naive-
transgress: narurte-
transgression: caarrluk, carrluk, picurlaun
transition: undergo a ~ nugtarte-
translate: mumigte-; ~d mumig-, mumingqa-
trader — translate
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
translation: mumigtaq; domesticated animal (in
Bible ~) ungungssiar(aq*)
translator: qanerta
transliterate: mumigte-
translucent: ~ stone that gives off sparks kukikcaq
transmitter: radio ~ qanercuun
transparent: edible sea creature, tubular and ~
transport: small sled, used to ~ the kayak over ice
transubstantiation: cimiqapigcaraq
transversely: akitmun
trap: ~ furbearers melqulegcur-; approach in order
to get food, such as bait in a ~ uyerqe-; be stuck
open (of a ~) qiqli-; bind the spiraling strip of
wood onto the longitudinal strips of a sh ~
tungite-; burst through net or ~ qagrute-; check
a ~ taku-
; conical wooden ~ for otter or mink
teggvak; deadfall ~ naneryaq, palqercetaaq;
sh ~ taluyaq; sh-~ lashing nemiarun; exible
wood strip used for making binding for a
conical sh ~ nemerciq; for loose pack ice to
surround and ~ one mallgute-; marmot ~ see
Nelson (118); pit ~ petmik; restoring spring on a
~ pascuilnguq*; set a ~ civte-; set a ~ kapkaanir-;
set or cock a ~ petengtaq; steel animal ~
kapkaanaq; strip of spruce used to make a sh
~ cigyak; traditional pit ~ igcetaaq
trapezoid: ~ shape resembling a chin tamlurnaq
trapped: be ~ by ice with nowhere to go (of
walrus) pamru-; animal ~ for its pelt melqulek
trapper: melqulegcurta
trash: barrel ciqicivik; ~ can caallivik; ~ collector
travel: egilraur-, eglerte-, elraur-, gilerte-; ice rotten
from underneath, not safe for ~ arumalria;
water-soaked ice, hard to ~ on mecqiitaq; ~
around ayaga-, pekara-; ~ at a steady fast pace
cukanrar-; ~ behind another tangaliuqur-; ~
on land coming in and out of view to distant
observers ilalkuinr(ar)-
traveler: fellow ~ egilrallgun
traveling: be aware of obstacles while ~ maumake-;
be good weather for ~ ug’ar-; have the wind
blow from behind while one is ~ uqenqar-
; man’s ~ boot an’giun; ~ by foot
tray: assigtaq, passimquq, see Nelson (1, 2); ~ on
front of kayak acaluq
treasure: picaqe-; ~d thing qelkataq
treasurer: akiliurta
treat: neqnirqellria; ~ medically yungcar-,
yuungcar-; ~ nicely piyurrluar(ar)-; ~ as
nothing caunrilke-; ~ well assircaar(ar)-; ~ with
a dye from alder inner bark cungagarte-
treated: one who has been ~ by a doctor or shaman
yungcaraq, yuungcaraq
tree: napa, uqviaq*, uqvik, see Zagoskin (4); ~ bark
qayruq; bark of a certain type of ~ burned
and used as an inhalant to stop nosebleeds
eskaaniq; ~ burl (especially spruce) alevlaq;
burl from birch ~ aavangtak; core of ~
iluryuk; crooked part of a ~ pekeryaq; fork
of a ~ kakiciq, qakiciraq; limb of ~ avayaq;
soft young ~ enrilnguaq; spruce ~ kevraartuq,
nekevraartuq; stump or old ~ acilquq,
qamiqurnaq; top of ~ kangeq; trunk of ~
epulquq; long roots of a ~ trunk cagpaaluk;
large hook put around a ~ to hold a dog team
ayakatarcuun; ~ bent into position by the wind
paste-; bracket fungus that grows on birch
~s pupiguaq; frost on ~s qakurnaq; path, as
through the ~s pulayaraq
tree pitch: angernak; hard ~ angeq; soft ~ angeryak;
~ used for chewing angiyaq
tree sparrow: American ~ tuir(aq*)
tree swallow: equgmelnguq*, kauturyar(aq*),
qugmelnguq*, qungmelnguayaaq
treeless: ~ country caarrilquq
tremble: qiive-, umruksuar-, uulgatar(ar)-; cause
one to ~ uulganarqe-; start to ~ uulenge-; ~
making noise kakave-
triangle: cugg’elurnaq, pingayulek
triangular: ~ bone next to gills kaugtuapak,
, kaugun
; ~ bowl made for boys
tribe: ilakellgutkelriit; ~ member of or from N
(pb) -miu
tribute: akiliquraun
trigger: ~ string for squirrel snare utngugartaq
trim: ~ around parka cuff alirun; ~ at hem of
garment akurun, ingqit; ~ on a parka pukiq; ~
on parka or cloth cover parka naqyun; dark ~
below light decoration at hem or cuff of parka
tungunqucuk; skin of young caribou, used
for making ~ pukirneq; white ~ on dance hat
translation — trim
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
qercurtaq; ~ the wick of a lamp kaullrir-
trimming: skin boot with beaver ~ qulip’ak; ~ on
hem of garment cenliarun
Tringa solitaria: iisuraar(aq*), iiyuar(aq*), kiakiaq,
Tringa sp.: ce
÷air(aq*), nayangkayuli, pipipiaq,
Trinity: Holy ~
tanqilria pingayuuciq; the ~
trip: qutailqite-; make plans for a ~ egnia-; ~ and
fall angqute-, lagte-; provisions for a ~ taquaq
tripe: qecaruaq
tripod: ~ for holding a pot over a re qikiq
trooper: state ~ tegusta
trouble: something that causes ~ picurlak; have ~
with one’s V-ing (pb) -nerrlugte-; complain of
one’s ~s yuuniar-
troubled: be ~ arenqiallugte-, nuniite-,
umyuassuugar-; have a ~ mind umyuiqe-
trough: dog-feeding ~ alungun
trousers: qerrulliik
trout: anyuk, taqingssak; lake ~ cikignaq; rainbow
~ tagaurak, talaariq; steelhead ~ irunaq; ~ fry
tugkapagaq; make aged ~ in fall and freeze
them in rock-lined ditches quli-; split and
dried small sh, such as ~ ulligtaruaq
truck: ikamraq
true: be ~ akuna-, piciu-
truly: ilumun
trumpet: cupu’uryarat
trumps: card game similar to ~ kuuselaq
trunk: akluviik, yaassiigek; ~ of tree epulquq; ~ or
other storage container qungasvik
trust: holding something in ~ for him
trustworthy: be ~ kemyunarqe-, ukvernarqe-; not
be ~ kemyunaite-
truth: elluaq, piciuneq; be the ~ ilumuu-; measure
of ~ piciutaciq; swear ~fulness ukvernarcar-
try: naspaa-, naspete-, pingnaqe-, pitassiar-, taku-
uig-, uigtua-; ~ hard to reach one’s destination
tekingnaqe-; ~ hard to V (pb) -ngnatug-; ~ in
court qanercetaar-; ~ not to V (pb) -nrilkurte-;
~ one’s best to V (pb) -qcaar(ar)-; ~ to attract
a man by irting qalmar-; ~ to catch up with
kingunrirtur-; ~ to cause one to V (pb) -narcar-,
-ngcar-; ~ to nd something to eat nerangnaqe-;
~ to induce to speak qanercetaar-; ~ to
induce to V (pb) -car-, -ngcar-; ~ to ingratiate
yourself qessaircir-; ~ to kill tuqungnaqe-; ~
to resist or withstand something pakerqe-; ~
to resolve things (as at a meeting) caqtaar-;
~ to see pangquussiig-; ~ to V (with a high
probability of success) (pb) -caar(ar)-; ~ to V
(pb) -ngnaqe-, -ssaag-
; ~ unsuccessfully to V
(pb) -ngnaqsaaqe-
trying: keep ~ to get (him) to eat niriakuraqtar-;
keep on ~ to V despite difculties (pb)
Tryngites subrucollis: uqumcuaq
tub: take a ~ bath ervuqar-
tube: qiluruaq; nozzle of tire ~ qerrurcuun;
drawstring ~ tarperaq, parteraq; ~ for taking
snuff melugcuun, meluurun
tuber: ~ of horsetail plant “water berry” qetek; ~
of mare’s-tail plant utngungssaq*; ~s collected
by mice and harvested for food by people
avelngaat neqait; ~s collected by the mice
qertat; edible ~ of pink plumes cuqlamcaq;
edible ~ of the tall cottongrass anlleq; horsetail
or mare’s-tail ~ taken from mouse caches
tubular: ~ edible sea creature ussungluq
tuck: qelengte-; ~ shirt in pants qasmii-
Tuesday: Aapirin, Aipirin
tufted pufn: qilangaq, tunngaq
tug: ~ at nuqtar-; ~-of-war tengugtaarun
Tuluksak: Tuulkessaaq
tumor: marayeq, qalengquq, teggenquq,
tundra: akula
, akunleq, cailkaq, nunapik; clump of
~ grass maneq, nasquruaq, pengulkuk; sweet
plant part collected for food from mouse
caches in the ~ aatuuyaarpak; stinky mud
found in ~ sloughs maralruyak; thawed or
melted spot in the snow on ~ cingallineq; wet ~
mecalqaq; very wet part of ~ lurrluk; a person
who lives on the ~ akulmiu; type of traditional
parka with large front and back plates of white
calfskin or of mink skin worn in ~ areas qaliq;
strip of calfskin connecting the front and back
of a traditional “qaliq” parka worn on Nelson
Island or in the ~ area agun
, aquun
tundra cotton: melquruaq
tundra grass: tussock of ~ qamiqunguaq
tundra hare: negilirkaq, qayuqeggliq, ¥gasek
trimming — tundra hare
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
tundra rose: teggerpak
tundra swan: qugyuk
tune: hum or sing a wordless ~ uyuruar-; sing out
of ~ emiate-
tunnel: ~ entrance to house lavleryaraq; ~ entrance
to men’s communal house agviaq; ~ entrance
to old-time house iluyaraq, qissiryaraq, see
Nelson (75), Petroff (18); ~ entrance to semi-
subterranean house or kashim agyaraq
kalvagyaraq, tuqluk; ~ passage under the
ground tagenquq; ~ passage under the snow
tagelviiyaq; go in or out of a ~ entrance of
a semi-subterranean house kalvag-; hole at
inside of ~ entrance pugyaraq; use of above-
ground entrance because ~ entrance is ooded
Tuntutuliak: Tuntutuliaq
Tununak: Tununeq
turbulence: nepetmun
Turdus migratorius: aaqcurliq, curcurliq, elagayuli,
ivatqiluiq, pitegcurliq, qupalaaq, quunirciyuli,
turkey: kuulicaaq
turn: caqirte-
, uyive-; ~ (him) down qacute-; ~
around cupigte-; ~ around 180 degrees tuigte-;
~ around and come back uteskiaqer-, utqite-;
~ back cangu-; ~ back and forth cuqia-; for
weather to ~ bad on one ellaqerrute-; ~ blue
qiungaar(ar)-; ~ down a stove or lamp suyute-,
cuyute-; ~ grass basket coils inward nungirte-
~ green cungagi-; ~ inside out ulte-; ~ of the
bilge of kayak neneq; ~ off umek; ~ on an
electric appliance kumarte-; ~ one’s back (on)
tunute-; ~ one’s entire body cau-
; something
that one should ~ one’s eyes away from
uluqaq; ~ one’s head and eyes away ulur-; ~
over mumigte-, ulligte-; ~ over on the back
nevqerte-; ~ sharply qip’arte-; ~ suddenly
caq’iqerte-; strap used to ~ a re-drill
nucugcuutak; ~ up the sides pakugte-; ~ white
turned: ~ around tuig-; ~ over mumig-; be ~
caqingqa-; be ~ around 180 degrees tuignga-;
be ~ inside out ullinga-; be ~ over mumingqa-;
something that has been ~ over mumigtaq
turning: caqir-; look sideways without ~ one’s
head qigcig-
; look sideways by ~ one’s head
takuyar-; start ~ up the sides of a coiled grass
basket ciqtagte-
turnstone: black ~ ciilmak, qiuracetaaq; ruddy ~
qiqiullek, uyarr’uyaq
turquoise: ~ bead legtaq
turtle: palurutaq
tusk: walrus ~ kugkar(aq*), tugkar(aq*); ~ socket
in walrus jaw avamiqaq; chop walrus ~ from
skull avamiqiur-
tussock: ekuq, maneq, manialkuq, nasquruaq,
nungagaq; big ~ kurnak; ~ of grass on tundra
amllequmtaq, pengulkuk, qamiqunguaq
twelve: one of ~ ribs in center part of kayak neneq
twenty: cuinaq, suinaq, yuinaq*; unit of ~ ipiaq; set
of ~ loche sh tuvqertat; ~-dollar bill negavaq
twenty-ve: ~ cents qupcungaq*, tuupicaaq; ~-cent
piece cetvilitaq
twice: malrurqugnek
twilight: atakuar(aq*), atakuyartuq; for it to be ~
twin: malri
Twin Hills: Ingricuar
twine: pelacinak; ~ linen ~ elngurliq; ~d grass mat
cayukaun; ~d grass wall mat aceturun
twining: warp strand when ~ grass teguneq; weft
strand when ~ grass keluk
twinkle: ulug-
; ~ing star or beacon ulugtalria
twist: qipe-; suddenly ~ qip’arte-; tobacco ~
cuyalquq; ~ around nemaa-; be ~ed qipuma-;
hand-~ed thread ivalukiuraq; thread ~ed to a
point egliraq; screwdriver or device for ~ing
qipsuun; prepare thread by ~ing it to a point
twitch: cayug-
, qunglullag-; be ~ing cayugglugte-,
cayumlerte-, cayumlirte-
twitter: ~ of birds qalriur-
two: malruk; ~ groups or pairs malruin; ~ in cards
ipuussutar(aq*); ~ men dressed as women
aanak; ~ of a kind in cards quta
; ~ pairs of
crossed poles used to support a kayak tatkik; ~
pieces of calfskin sewn to make a V pattern on
a parka or boots uminguaq; ~ times malrurqu-;
~-hole kayak paitaalek; ~-ply cordage burlap
ber or sinew piirraq; ~-pointed bird-
hunting arrow akulmiqurataak; ~-year-old
spotted seal useqnak, uyeqnak; act on ~-by-~
malruuqaqe-; be divided in ~ avvinga-; be in
~ groups malruingu-, malruingurte-; break in
~ asme-; break in ~ (of long, slender objects)
asemte-; divide in ~ aveg-; during ~ periods
tundra rose — two
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
of time malrurqugni; either of ~ lanterns
qilaamruyaaq; fermented herring or capelin
buried for ~ weeks ciss’uq; form into ~ lines
as a passageway amigpite-; harpoon line
part, toggle with ~ holes engevyaraq; have ~
possibilities malruigte-; one of ~ openings on
parka with an arrow point design pakineq;
one of ~ tassels miryaruaq; one of ~ white
decorative squares on back of parka milqeruaq;
one side of ~-piece end deck beam of kayak
tuntunaq; other of ~ aipaq; parka made with ~
caribou skins qutnguk; separate usually into ~
parts avte-; snap in ~ asmarte-
tying: rope or string for ~ qillrutaq; stake for ~
a dog kangirta; binding for ~ load on sled
type: ~ of moss used for making lamp wicks
kumarun; ~ of moth qamiqurpak
; ~ of parka
amagugualek; ~ of small bird cuicuicuaq; ~
of small sh naltarnaq; ~ of stone found near
Aniak maqarliq; ~ of traditional parka qaliq,
Ugashik: Ugaassiq
ugh! ikaa-i, ik’apassi, ik’atak
ugly: be ~ ikiu-,quinagnarqe-; become ~ ikiurte-;
toward or in ~ ways ik’itmun; very ~ N (pb)
-ksagaq; ~ old N (pb) -cuk; ~ thing ik’iq
ukulele: tengtengaaq
ulcer: callakayak, callaneq
ulna: amelraq, nukaruaq; end of ~ at wrist where
the bone projects cugamkuyuk
umbilical cord: uskuq; cut the ~ qallaciir-
un-V: (pb) -ir-
unable: ~ to breathe because of a blow in the solar
plexus tenguga’rte-; ~ to breathe because of a
wind in one’s face meq’urtua-; ~ to concentrate
umyugailkacag-; ~ to cope with a situation
nanikua-; ~ to get something out of one’s mind
avaurilke-; ~ to keep up nuqlite-
; ~ to manage
artur-; ~ to manage (it) anymore arturyagute-;
~ to move pekaunrir-; ~ to reach nuuqar-; ~ to
reach something after shooting it kalivci-; ~
to recall kis’arci-; ~ to speak qanerciigate-; ~
to take adversity ayaniite-; ~ to think clearly
umyugailkacag-; ~ to V (pb) -lguite-, -sciigate-; ~
to V now (pb) -arkaunrir-; ~ to V any longer (pb)
-ciigali-, -ciigate-; ~ to V on account of some
inhibiting factor (pb) -kaunrir-
unacceptable: deliberately act in an ~ manner
Unalakleet: Ungalaqliit; Yup’ik Eskimo from the
Norton Sound area, including ~ Unaliq
unapproachable: be ~ nuyurtar-
unawareness: nallu-
unbaked: ~ loaf keliparkaq
unbearable: be ~ anagute-
unbelieving: ukveraite-
unborn: begin moving (of ~ baby) pek’nge-;
newborn or ~ seal ul’utvak
uncertain: be ~ as to what to do cakaitur-; be of ~
condition maluknarqe-
unchaste: be ~ caruyak
uncle: maternal ~ angak; paternal ~ ataata; ~ by
marriage to one’s fathers sister nengauk
unclean: be (ritually) ~ ikiu-; become (ritually) ~
uncleanliness: shake or brush off spiritual ~
evcug-; ~ uncleanliness manifesting itself
physically essuararaq
uncomfortable: be ~ arenqianarqe-, arenqiayug-,
asqialliqe-, asqiate-; feel ~ about using someone
else’s belongings avaryug-; feel ~ because of
a¥gtaqe-; feel squeamish or ~ pelqe-, pellertar-,
pelleryug-; have an ~ feeling arenqiayug-; be
~ because of wet cold imuryug-; consider it ~
uncomfortably: be ~ crowded qerrellrute-, qerrler-;
be ~ wet and cold imurnarqe-
unconsious: be ~ elpengeksaite-; be in a coma or
otherwise ~ ellangeksaite-; revive from ~ness
uncooked: aged sh that is eaten ~ and frozen
tepcuar(aq*), tep’ngaayak
uncoordinated: be ~ pamriate-, qetupserte-
uncover: ~ something by pulling layers back
undecided: be ~ nalirrugte-
tying — undecided
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
under: at-; area ~ cache where sh is dried aciqaq;
carry ~ one’s arm equg-; dive ~ water angllur-;
go through the area ~ something aciir-; line
used to reset net ~ the ice amun; part of a river
that runs ~ a bluff or cut-bank aciirun; pass
~ the jaw agluir-; provide a pad ~ something
tungi-; put ~ an obligation nengulugte-; rib ~
cockpit area of kayak engineq; ribs ~ the hatch
of kayak ingneq; slush ~ thin ice ac’irutaq
something carried ~ the arm unermik; stick
used to set a net ~ the ice kasmurun; tunnel
passage ~ the ground tagenquq; tunnel passage
~ the snow tagelviiyaq
undercoat: ~ hair erinraq*
undercut: ~ a river bank qerrarte-
undergo: ~ a transition nugtarte-; ~ surgery
underground: ~ dweller that knocks on the earth’s
surface tukriayuli; ~ tuber of horsetail plant
“water berry” qetek; device for lowering and
raising thing from ~ cache kalvun; fermented
herring or capelin that have been buried ~
ciss’uq; large ~ cache ciqelpak; legendary
animal said to live ~ equgaarpak, quugaaq,
quugaarpak; partially ~ cache ciqlugaq,
elagyaq, lagyaq; portal to the ~ for the “little
people” aciirucaraq
underhair: qenavyuq, qinavyuq, qivyuq
underlayer: ~ of backbone muscle or ligament eglu
underneath: ice rotten from ~ arumalria; thing ~
underpants: qerrulliik, qerrullillraak
undershirt: ilupeq, kemegmik, temeqliq*
undershooting: miss by ~ natruarte-
understand: kanginge-, kangirci-, kingunge-,
taringe-; act or person that the listener will ~ as
being referred to imuu-; not ~ tariite-, see Turner
understanding: taringun; lack ~ tariite-
understood: speak in a language that cannot be ~
undertake: ~ the act of V-ing (pb) -caar(ar)-
underwear: ilupeq
undesirable: ~ contents imaller(aq*), imaqucuk,
imaryuk; not want to go back to an ~ living
situation mege-; scarecrow-like device
designed to scare children away from ~
behavior aarallr(aq*)
undisturbed: leave ~ uitate-
undo: angite-; ~ something tied up petengte-
undone: come ~ at a seam egume-, engume-
undress: isserte-, itumte-, matar-, matarte-; be ~ed
uneasy: feel ~ because one is being watched
unexceptional: lead an ~ life yuunginaq
unexpected: ~ discovery alangru; ~ indications of
human presence yulkia-; V ~ly (pb) -tngurte-;
be haughty because of what one has ~ly
acquired ucngate-
unfasten: angite-
unfavorable: blow in an ~ direction anuqellugte-;
say ~ things about (him) upute-
unt: become ~ unair-
unfortunately: aren
unfriendly: be ~ yugniite-, yuvyiite-
unfrozen: be ~ uruuma-
unguarded: ~ animal bladders ikuygur-
unhappy: be ~ angniite-, nengamllugte-; be ~ and
wish to be elsewhere cupegte-, cup’gute-
unharness: matarte-
uninhabited: ~ place yuilquq
uninsulated: ~ parka qaspeq
unintentionally: act ~ pitsaqenrite-; ~ hit (it) in the
N (pb) -ciller(ar)te-, -nqar-
uninvited: come ~ to eat payaqcaar(ar)-
unison: in ~ ataucitun
universe: cella, cilla, ella; the Person of the
ellam yua
unkempt: be ~ qucavvlag-; ~ person qucavvluk
unknowing: be ~ about what one is dealing with
nalluyugci-; become ~ about whether or how
one is V-ing (pb) -ciirute-
unknown: for some ~ reason qayuwa
unleavened: ~ bread quuleciraunrilnguq*
unload: uciir-
unlucky: be ~ at catching game nakriate-
unmarried: ~ girl nas’ak; ~ woman (including
widow) uilgaq; older but still desirable ~
woman uilingiataq
unnaturally: resume original state after being ~
rearranged penge-
unnoticeable: V in a small and ~ way (pb)
-ksaar(ar)-; V secretively and ~ (pb)
under — unnoticeable
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
unoccupied: be ~ qacigte-, uitqaci-; be ~ otherwise
unpaid: ~ helper kevgaq
unpleasant: be ~ anglanaite-; sound ~ niitniite-
; ~
N (pb) -niate-, -niite-; consider object to be ~ to
V or be an ~ N (pb) -nialke-, -niilke-; be bitter
or otherwise ~ to eat neqniate-; be ~ to look
at tangniite-; ~ to V (pb) -niate-, -niite-; be ~ly
messy and wet pellernarqe-
unpleasing: ~ N (pb) -cuk
unplugging: for ice to break up, ~ the river mouth
unpossessive: be ~ qunuite-
unravel: egume-, engume-, pinve-; ~ knitting
; tool for ~ing verquun
unrealized: ~ N (pb) -kaq; ~ act of V-ing (pb)
unreliable: be ~ kemyunaite-
unrequested: willingly do ~ favors qessaircir-
unresponsive: be ~ niicuite-, tupgiate-
unripe: hard, ~ berry teggenquq
unruly: snout harness for ~ dog tagun
unsalted: ~ strip or llet of sh esh without skin
unsatisfactory: be ~ arenqiate-
unsatisfying: be ~ cupumanaite-
unsensibly: behave ~ cellaite-, ellaite-
unsettled: person who is ~ agamyak; be ~ because
of loneliness agamyak
unskillful: be ~ kukiyegte-
unsmiling: be ~ nulgaite-, yuvyiite-; become ~
unspecied: a certain ~ time afterward qaku
unsuccessfully: try ~ to V (pb) -ngnaqsaaqe-
unsuitable: be ~ for use cakarniite-; become ~ for
use cakarniirute-
unsympathetic: be ~ toward (him) yuunguite-
untamed: be ~ nuyurtar-, qinuyunqegg-
untangle: ilair-
, ilarqutair-
untie: angite-
until: clamp used to hold wood until a bend
becomes permanent pascirissuun
untiring: be ~ taqaite-; ~ person taqailnguq*
unusual: ~ thing or person allayuk, cangssaar(aq*);
engage in ~ activity during sleep pegla-
unwarranted: express ~ exasperation toward (him)
unwary: act ~ nuyurriltaar-, nuyurrite-
unwavering: be ~ castu-, cacetu-, tacestu-
unwed: child of ~ mother atailnguq*, cailkakuaq,
cailkakun yuurtelleq
unwelcome: feel ~ nalluyuryug-; cause others
to feel ~ nalluyurnarqe-; feel ~d by (him)
unwilling: be ~ to act qessa-; have sex with an
~ woman acuniar-; show one’s ~ness to do
something ircug-
unworthy: feel ~ of what one has received
up: be ~ makta-; bend over sticking the buttocks ~
ikigte-, ikingqa-
; get ~ on nuge-; go ~ mayur-;
have one’s head tilted ~ ciungqa-, civungqa-;
something that keeps one ~ napan; spring
~ petgar-; tilt one’s head ~ ciugte-, civugte-;
toy or game in which a stick is tossed ~ and
the player tries to catch it ulpecuqnaq; with
one’s head tilted ~ civug-; hit something and
bounce ~ katngalqite-; be ~ off the ground, not
collapsed qerrata-; path or ladder by which
one gets ~ on something nugyaraq; quickly go
~ on the shore tag’arte-; heap ~ over the top
pakmater-; up there pama(ni), pia(ni), pii(ni);
from ~ there pagken; the one ~ there pikna;
up there above pagaa(ni), pakma(ni), pika(ni);
the one ~ there above pagna, pakemna; ~
there away from the shore pava(ni); ~ till now
ukanirpak; be ~ to here (indicating a height)
maatekaar-; be in ~ to the knees ciisqukiirar-;
be in ~ to the neck uyaqukiirar-; scamper ~ to
the top masqe’rte-; stay ~ very late pegg’ar-;
well ~ ulve-
upcurrent: ~ side asgulirneq
upend: ikigarte-, illugte-; ~ so as to check or clean
underneath ulpegte-; ~ed thing ikigarneq
upland: toward the area ~ kelutmun
upon: maaten
upper: ~ arm bone aklanquq, issaquq, kangilquq,
kayugaq, nakiryuk, nuqaruaq; ~ back pequq
~ back part of parka pequaq; ~ bow-piece of
kayak ukinqucuk; ~ Johnson River Kuicaraq; ~
Kuskokwim Athabascan Indian Yurialnguq*; ~
leg kemegtuqaq; ~ one qulliq*; ~ part of a snout
or beak cugg’eq, sugg’eq; ~ part of abdomen
maksaq; ~ part of bowl or bucket qaglak; ~ part
of the body cayaq; ~ part of throat qakerliq; ~
part of torso keggan; ~ stern-piece of kayak
unoccupied — upper
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
pamyuq; ~ tie beam of house mamcartaq;
~most one qalirneq; be isolated at ~ end of a
village ill’arte-; hairless skin between sole and
~ part of a skin boot menglerin; in the back
and ~ part of a kashim pava(ni); single-bladed
paddle grip at ~ end qaquaqnginaq
upright: be ~ makinga-, makta-, napangqa-; ~
projection from a surface makesqiq, makneq,
napanguyaq; abruptly get ~ mak’arte-; ~ (of
sled) napayuq, pengutakuk; set (it) ~ makte-,
naparte-; standing ~ nangrrar-; ~ grass basket
used to hold caught sh naparcilluk; fall over
from an ~ position iqu-; hole in leading ~
section at end of keel agayuqulnguaraq
upriver: kia(ni), qama(ni), qava(ni); go ~ asguq,
itrar-; the one ~ kiugna, qa¥gna; ~ area asguq,
ilu; in the ~ direction asgutmun; go ~ from the
mouth of the river kaute-; area ~ of Brown’s
Slough in Bethel Aaguq; ~ person qawkumiu,
qa¥gkumiu; ~ Yukon Indian Ingqilirrluar
uprooted: ~ stump in water or on beach nasqunaq
upset: be ~ and angry ilulngu-; be ~ and fussing
upturn: start the ~ of the sides of a basket pakeg-;
snowshoe with ~ front end acaluruaq; ~ part at
front of sled runner tetgaq
upward: quletmun; hook one’s nger under
someone’s nose and push ~ katengvag-
upwind: ~ side asgulirneq
urchin: sea ~ kemagnaq
, uutuk
tequm tumyaraa
urethra: qurrsaraq, tequm tumyaraa
urge: eguaqur-; have a strong ~ to defecate after a
meal cingqeri-
Uria sp.: alpa
urinate: urre-; to ~ qurre-; ~ accidentally anguur-;
~ in an arc tekep’ag-; ~ on civigte-; hold a boy
toddler out to ~ kene-; hold a girl toddler out to
~ es’angcar-; ~ in an appropriate place cuqerte-,
yuqerte-; ~ raising one leg (of animals) astarte-,
urine: etquq, teq’uq; apply ointment (especially
aged ~ and then seal oil) to a wound cupcir-;
hold back one’s ~ quumig-; waterproof a skin
by soaking it in ~ peqlicir-; ~ bucket qurrulluk
Ursa Major: Tunturyuk
Ursa Minor: Kaviaret
Ursus americanus: tan’gerliq, unguvalria
Ursus arctos: kavingali, kavirlill’er, keggalvalek,
naparngali, taqailnguq*, taqukaq
Ursus maritimus: arlunaq, nanuaq
Ursus sp.: paugnaq*, pitarkaq, ungungssiq
Urtica lyalli: qatlinaq
us: see Appendix 1 on personal pronouns, and endings
section; (dual) wangkuk; ~ (plural) wangkuta
use: atuq; ~ (especially, chew) tobacco cuyatur-; ~
a blanket ulik; ~ a re-drill nucug-; ~ a knife
uluara-; ~ a pickaxe ciklaq; ~ discarded things
alcagar-; ~ discarded things algacak; ~ N (pb)
; ~ spirit power tuunri-; ~ up elrikaute-;
become ready for ~ piurte-; handmade thread
with a tapered end, ready for ~ nuvv’iliraq;
stack logs for future ~ nuarte-, nuirte-
used: be out where it can be ~ paivnga-; put (it)
out where it can be ~ paivte-, pavte-; get ~
to elite-, nange-; threaten to hit him with
something held in the hand and ~ as a weapon
uluryacir(ar)-; exclamation ~ in reference to
feces or other smelly, messy things paq!
useful: beachcomb for anything that might
be ~ mallungssaar-; thing that is ~ for life
yuutnguarkaq; straight-grained wood ~ for
making things munarciaq, unarciaq; ~ thing
atuun, atuq
usual: off the ~ path kilgaq
usually: ~ V (pb) -aqe-; as one ~ does qangkun;
speak English ~ or well qitevnga-
usurp: ~ someone’s territory nunair-
utensil: eating ~ nerrsuun; scrape food from a
vessel or ~ with one’s nger epaar-
uterus: enliaq, neliaq, ngeliaq; get a fallen ~
enguga’rte-, nenguga’rte-
utter: ~ an incomplete sentence iqupki-; ~
profanity acivaqanir-; ~ the cry of the common
loon, said to portend rain imurtua-
uvula: alungutaya(g)aq*, ulucuar, ulungayaraq
upright — uvula
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
V (any verb): ~ (it) along with oneself or others
(pb) -te-
; ~ (it) in the future -arkaqe-; ~ (object)
(pb) -ke-
; ~ (of “darned” one, one toward
whom the speaker has negative feelings) (pb)
-kayag-; ~ (of poor, dear one) (pb) -q(ur)lur-;
~ (of weak, helpless one) (pb) -qtar-; ~ a little
(pb) -mcuar(ar)-, -rrar-; ~ a little at a time (pb)
-mciur(ar)-; ~ a little bit (pb) -vguar(ar)-; ~
abruptly (pb) -leryag-; ~ after changing one’s
mind (pb) -tngurte-; ~ again (pb) -nqigte-;
~ all of them (pb) -rqe-
; ~ also (pb) -mi-; ~
around here and there (pb) -vyirte-; ~ back and
forth (pb) -qtaar-, -taagute-; ~ before doing
something else (pb) -rraar-; ~ benecially
(pb) -luaqar-; ~ briey (pb) -qar-; ~ casually or
aimlessly (pb) -mli-; ~ clumsily or sloppily
(pb) -vialug-; ~ completely, thoroughly (pb)
-nqegcaar(ar)-; ~ concerning (it) (pb) -teke-; ~
customarily (pb) -lar-, -tu-; ~ each other (pb)
-taagute-; ~ early (pb) -yarar-; ~ enjoyably (pb)
-luaqar-; ~ even more (pb) -vsiar-; ~ excessively
(pb) -pallag-; ~ rst (pb) -rraar-; ~ for a while
(pb) -mar-; ~ for so long (pb) -rpakar-; ~ for
some duration (pb) -tur-
; ~ for the rst
time, or for the rst time in a long time (pb)
-paalug-; ~ for the sake of (pb) -te-
; ~ gradually
(pb) -qataar(ar)-; hard (pb) -rpag-; ~ hard at
intervals (pb) -rpaga-; ~ heartily (pb) -yugcali-;
~ immediately before an associated event
(pb) -qar-; ~ in a big way, intensely -pag-
; ~
in a cute little way (pb) -ya(g)ar-; ~ in a huff
-leryag-; ~ in a hurry (pb) -laag-; ~ in a minor
way (pb) -qaci-; ~ in a small and unnoticeable
way (pb) -ksaar(ar)-, -ksuar(ar)-; ~ in a small
way (pb) -ckar-, -ksugte-, -mcaugar-, -mcugte-,
-mssag-, -mssugte-, -myugte-; ~ in an irritating
way (pb) -ngnagar-; ~ in place of, instead of, or
for (him) (pb) -cite-
; ~ in the future (pb) -arkau-,
-ki-, -niar-; ~ in vain, to no avail, without the
intended or expected outcome, fruitlessly (pb)
-yaaqe-; ~ insufciently (pb) -vlaag-; ~ intensely
(pb) -pallag-; ~ intermittently (pb) -qaqe-
; ~ late
(pb) -naciar-; ~ leisurely (pb) -ur(ar)-; ~ more
and more (pb) -iinar-; ~ more and more, with
greater intensity (pb) -kanir(ar)-; ~ more than
once (pb) -mar-; ~ more thoroughly (pb) -vsiar-;
~ more toward completion (pb) -vsiar-; ~ more
with greater intensity (pb) -kanir-; ~ most (pb)
-pallug-; ~ mostly (pb) -pallug-; ~ now and
then (pb) -qaqe-
, -qaqur(ar)-; ~ on account of
(it) (pb) -teke-; ~ one after another (pb) -qaqe-
, -rqe-
; ~ or ~ to a certain degree (pb) -ta-
; ~ purposely by several actions (pb) -ur-; ~
quickly (pb) -laag-; ~ quickly, in a hurry (pb)
-llugtur-; ~ reciprocally (pb) -taagute-, -te-
; ~
regularly (pb) -lar-; ~ repeatedly (pb) -tur-
; ~
secretively, unnoticeably (pb) -ngssaar(ar)-;
~ simultaneously with or right after an
associated event (pb) -qerte-; ~ sloppily (pb)
-vlugte-; ~ slowly (pb) -maar(ar)-; ~ slowly
and with difculty because of disability (pb)
(pb) -qtarar(ar)-; ~ so long (pb) -pakar-; ~ so
much (pb) -pakar-, -rpakar-; ~ so well (pb)
; ~ something (pb) -i-
, -kenge-; ~ soon
(pb) -yalqar-; ~ suddenly and surprisingly
(pb) -llag-; ~ suddenly and willfully (pb) -ler-,
-ter-; ~ suddenly, hurriedly, fast (pb) -qerte-;
~ though no one else does (pb) -ur(ar)-; ~
time after time (pb) -rqe-
; ~ to a small degree
(pb) -mcugte-; ~ to no particular end (pb)
-ngssag-, -ngssi-; ~ to the same extent -tateke-;
~ to the surprise of others (pb) -maar(ar)-; ~
unexpectedly (pb) -tngurte-; ~ using repeated
actions to accomplish the act (pb) -qur-; ~ well
(pb) -luaqar-; ~ with another (pb) -te-
; ~ without
being directly observed by the speaker (pb)
-llini-; ~ without recompense (pb) -yalqar-;
~-er (pb) -ta; ~-ing partner (pb) -llgun; able to ~
prociently (pb) -turnir-; be ~-ed by repeated
actions (pb) -qur-; have been ~-ed (pb) -mari-
V (design): ~-shaped calfskin piece on the
shoulder of a traditional parka qupun, tusrun;
~ pattern just below the strip of otter fur across
the chest and back of a traditional parka or on
skin boot uminguaq
vacant: occupy a ~ building or site eyir-
vaccinate: ~ against smallpox talkarte-
Vaccinium sp.: curavak, surav’ak
Vaccinium uliginosum: curaq
, qiu, suraq
Vaccinium vitis-idaea: kavirliq, kitngik
, passiarkaq,
vagina: ucuk
vain: be ~ pinagte-; in ~ elliinginaq; speak in ~
qaneryaaqe-; V in ~ (pb) -yaaqe-, see Turner (6)
V (any verb) — vain
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
valerian: teptukuyuq
Valeriana capitata: teptukuyuq
valid: be ~ piciu-; ~ity piciutaciq
valley: akulneq, cegnayuk, ilutak, kuigyaneq,
kuuraq, qerrayurneq, quuruq, see Nelson (125);
~ with or without a stream kuignayuk; ~ wall
valuable: be ~ akitu-; prospect for ~ minerals
value: aki, akitutaciq; be ~less akiite-
massiinam mayuqetaara; ~ in a motor
massiinam mayuqetaara
vanish: tevir-
vanity: pinagneq, qutegneq
vantage: look around from a high ~ point nacete-
vapor: water ~ puyuq; ~ rising from a relatively
warm, damp object in the cold aurneq
varied thrush: ciitaarayuli
variety: ~ of food avungnak
various: at ~ times qakuaqan; in ~ directions
tamatmun; of ~ kinds piciatun; buy ~ things
kipuqe-; ~ types of food laid out for diners
vary: ~ one’s food engkite-
varying hare: ciriiq, maqaruaq, nullutuuyak,
vas deferens:
angutem iguugegken cupluyagaak
vegetable: naungrruyak, naunraq*; ~ garden
naunrarvik; ~ that grows on beaches or bluffs
and is boiled with sh ciutnguaq
vegetation: naumasta; edible ~ naumrruyuk; ~ in
general caranglluk
vehicle: all-terrain ~ akagyaralek; be inside a ~
ekuma-; overturn accidentally in a land ~
veil: capa
, capkutaq, patukutaq
vein: taqaq, taqeq; pulmonary ~ cuplunqutak; ~ in
the center of a tobacco leaf iruluq; ~ of a leaf
epulquq; main ~ of the earth from which all
plants emerge nunam taqra
venereal disease:
ucuum naulluutii, see Nelson (120,
vent: elcessuun, ellvik
ventilation: ~ fan elcessuun
ventilator: ellvik
Venus: Ageskurpak, Agyarpak, Unuakum Agyartaa
veracity: piciutaciq
verbal: ~ expression of negative opinion
ap’nerrlugun; defend ~ly yur-
; ~ly attack
verdict: picirkangun
verify: piciutassiar-
vertebra: uivaq; dried sh ~ nenerrluk; dried ~e of
sh with esh left on nerrluk
vertical: ~ design made from sh skin on a parka
langraq; ~ stitching on kayak beneath tote-hole
very: ~ bad weather ellarrluk; ~ black tungurpak;
be ~ cold qerruyanarqe-; be ~ fast cukpiar-;
~ glittery qevlerpak; ~ good! assipiaq; be ~
important arcaqar-; ~ large N (pb) -rpallr(aq*);
~ old dwelling site around Russian Mission
and Goodnews Bay quliraq*
; ~ shiny
qevlerpak; ~ small item wrapped in something
pequnqauksuar(aq*); be ~ sour qunackegg-; be
~ steep kuvugenkegte-; be ~ tart qunackegg-;
~ ugly N (pb) -ksagaq; ~ V (pb) -ckegg-,
-keckacagar-, -pig-, -qapiar(ar)-, -qapigte-,
-rpag-, -kaca(g)ar-, -rvaar-, -rvag-; ~ wet mud
maraspak; ~ white qaterpak; ~ whitish clay
vessel: akirtaq, assigtaq; bottom of ~ acirneq;
sailing ~ tengalrarcuun; scrape food from a ~
with one’s nger epaar-; take out from a ~
vest: saaliq, silin, see Nelson (74)
via: vialis case (see Endings section), (pb) -gguir-,
-kuar-, -kuir-
Viburnum edule: kitngigpak, mercuullugpak, teptuli
victim: ilalkumalria
victory: song to celebrate ~ in battle anqaraun
view: be out of ~ behind something ipinga-; come
in and out of ~ in the distance irlurnite-; come
into ~ or have something come into view ~
from behind something igvar-; come into ~
alair-; pop into ~ yurar-
; suddenly bring it out
into ~ alairte-; try to get a better ~ meciknaur-
vigor: be full of ~ segg’anqegg-
vigorous: be ~ pavig-; act ~ly qepirte-; dance
Eskimo-style ~ly and enthusiastically aggigte-;
hug or squeeze ~ly qep’ag-; pull ~ly qimug-
village: luna; be somewhat isolated at the upper or
lower end of a ~ ill’arte-; bring (them) back to
one’s own ~ and have them dance and request
gifts, during the Messenger Feast ut’rarute-; go
valerian — village
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
along from place to place within the ~ ce÷i-; go
to the main, winter ~ from fall camp katete-;
holiday celebrated shortly after the Messenger
Feast, and during which men and women of
the same ~ exchanged gifts Kevgiruaq; large ~
nunarpak; ~ set in the air in the world of the
“little people” Inglernarmiut; ~ set on high
ground in the world of the “little people”
Ininermiut, Qairuarmiut; live in one’s wife’s
~, having come from another ~ nengaugite-;
man from another ~ residing in his wife’s ~
nengaugitaq; member of the group from the
~ to which the messengers are sent during a
challenge feast and that competes against the
host ~ curukaq; one of a set of people who go
back and forth before the Messenger Feast
begins after the rst two Messengers have
arrived at the invited ~ paiqaq; stay in the
~ rather than going to sh camp kii-
; visit
from one ~ to another nunate-; visit within a
~ cinirte-; woman from another ~ residing in
her husband’s ~ ukurritaq; ~ chief tuyuq
; ~
formerly known as Sheldon’s Point Nunam
Iqua; dance the rst dance when a visiting ~
arrives for the Messenger Feast ciuqi-; marry
into a certain ~ ukurrite-; old ~ site nunalleq;
Yup’ik Eskimo from the Norton Sound area,
especially from the ~ of Elim, Golovin,
Unalakleet, and St. Michael Unaliq
vindicate: iryake-
vinegar: cungarninarqellria, uksussaq
violation: weapons ~ saskulluarqessaraq
violent: be ~ pillaga-; act ~ly caleryag-, culengciqe-;
become ~ly insane usviilkayag-; explode ~ly
qagpag-; shake ~ly aangulugtuute-
violet: qerpertarngalnguq*
violin: kegglaq
virgin: anguciuqsailnguq*,
angutem agtuqsailkii,
nas’ak; V~ (Mary) Naayaak, nay’ak
viscera: cakunglluut
viscous: be ~ kenercete-, nelnguq
vise: qec’issuun
visibility: be poor ~ kiarnaite-, tangerrnaite-,
visible: be ~ alaingqa-, alaite-, tangerrnarqe-,
tangrruu-; be clearly ~ mecig-, mecigi-,
mecignarqe-; be faintly ~ (of dawn)
errsuatyivlag-; blend in with land formation
and not be ~ merinite-; for a icker or glimmer
of light to be ~ tanqivyugte-; for the toes to be
~ putulkia-; not be ~ tangerrnaite-; be barely ~
due to weather macugite-; edible sea creature
with ~ ussungluq
visibly: ~ atten down elivvlia-; be ~ pregnant
vision: tangrruaq; have double ~ malrupegte-; (he/
she) having double ~
malrugnek tangrruarluni;
have ~ obscured eci-
visit: elalirte-, laalirte-, qulagirte-; to ~ (within a
village or city) ce
÷irte-; ~ around, going from
house to house ce
÷irtaar-, itertaar-; ~ from
one village or city to another nunate-; ~ in the
hospital, etc. paqte-
visiting: be ~ ce
÷ingqa-, ciningqa-, elalingqa-,
laalingqa-; be ~ at one’s former home utengqa-;
dance the rst dance when a ~ village group
arrives for the Messenger Feast ciuqi-
visitor: ~ from outside the village allaneq, aqelqaq;
come as a ~ to (him) allanite-; not come out
from the house to welcome a ~ anyaqturte-;
prepare things for a ~ arrliur-; send a ~ away
without having him or her eat menkuke-
visor: cangurruaq, elqiaq*; cap with ~ ciqilitalek,
elqialek, kantiluq
visually: be ~ attracted tangrriiqe-
vivianite: blue ~ qesuuraq
vocal: summon a dog by making ~ sounds qalmar-;
~izing qa-; react ~ly to a sudden chill imuqite-,
voice: erina; have a deep ~ qaci-; speak in a deep ~
qerrsi-; speak with a high-pitched ~ cuyarte-;
talk in a ~ audible to one’s listener but not to a
third party tarirte-; ~ box eriniassuun; shaman’s
spirit helper (identied with a ~ of the dead)
avneq, yuun
volcanic: ~ ash peluq; ~ rock used as a sharpening
stone puyiqun; ~ rock with eye-like holes
volcano: utakinaq
vole: avcellngaq*, avelngaq*, ugnaraq*, uugnar(aq*);
northern red-backed ~ puveltuk; search for ~
caches pakissaag-
volleyball: play a game similar to ~ akiqaar(ar)-
volume: decrease in ~ (of sound) qaskelli-; increase
in ~ qerra-
vindicate — volume
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
vomit: kimrar-, miryaq; ~ blood augqe-; ~
copiously mirecpag-
vortex: ~ of hair on head nangneq
vote: cucuki-
votive: ~ candle kenurrayagaq
vowel: erinituli
Vulpes lagopus: qaterli, qaterliar(aq*)
Vulpes vulpes: kaviaq*
Vulpes vulpes var.: ernertur(aq*), eqyeraq, ilaaciq,
kelaassiq, tungulriaya(g)aq*
vulva: arnam ucuugken cenkek
waddle: iria-
wade: irvar-, iver-
wading boot: acik’aq
, ivruciq, naluggsuun; men’s
high ~ qamquinaq; ~ made of caribou skin
melqurrilnguq*; hip boot or other ~ ivrarcuun
wager: elliin
wagon: ayagassuun, qamurcuun
wagtail: yellow ~ ikigcaqaq, pec’aqaq
wail: uara-; ~ whine repeatedly for qalriateke-
waist: naquggvik, qukaq; be up to the ~ in (water,
mud, tall grass, etc.) qukakiirar-; roll up the
skirt or hem and tie it at the ~ qepte-; side
of ~ enrilnguq
; ~ at the side above the hip
nenrilquq; body from ~ down uan; drawstring
at ~ of a garment yuuman; ~ sash worn by
dancers qepyun
wait: ~ for atanqe-, utaqa-, utaqlir-; ~ for (it) to V
(pb) -cir-
, -nercir-; lie in ~ for ingcur-, nayur-;
~ for low tide enetnercir-; ~ for something to
occur utaqalgir-; ~ a while! atataku; ~ in watch
for game nayuryar-; blind from which to ~
for game nayurvik; ~ on kevgiur-; ~ patiently
anuraqe-; ~ patiently for object to V (pb)
waive: ~ a requirement pellugcete-
wake: ~ of a sh or a boat minek, qavlunaq
wake: ~ up tupag-, uite-; move and make noise as
one ~s up serr’ir-
walk: cangu-, pekete-, pekte-, peyug-, piug-
piyua-; go out casually to ~ without intending
to accomplish much ayangssi-; net into which
sh are driven by people who ~ in and thrash
the water qelcaq; ~ along the shore cinirte-,
÷irte-; ~ across the snow using snowshoes
tanglurar(ar)-; ~ around kangar-, kanguar-,
tarrarte-, see Muset (7); ~ back and forth along
the shore ce
÷irtaar-; ~ in one’s sleep pel’i-; ~
on tutmar-; ~ on shore as a boat accompanies
one out in the water qutirtur-; ~ on thin ice
cikulraar(aq*); ~ over thin ice swiftly cialiur-;
~ supporting oneself by a little sled or
walker enikur(ar)-; form into two lines as a
passageway for (him) to ~ through amigpite-; ~
through the brush or woods pulaar-
; ~ wobbly
as when wearing high heels kukunguqsarte-;
legendary creature that sinks into the ground
as it ~s muruayuli; witch or ghost that ~s in the
air and has no liver yuilriq
walker: walk supporting oneself by a ~ enikur(ar)-
walking: nangrrar-; begin ~ (of a child) pek’nge-;
waddle when ~ iria-; tow a boat while ~ along
the shore ukamar-; child ~ behind parent
kutyagaq; make a crunching sound while ~ on
snow kakiungqite-, qiuryi-
walking stick: asaupiaq
walkway: tutmaryaraq
wall: akitnaq
, caniqaq, capun, caqaneq, taquq
back ~ of house or room egkuq; covering
for (or insulation in) inside ~ of dwelling
alku; side ~ of a semi-subterranean house
nakirqatak; the one farthest from the ~ kelliq*,
ketliq*; valley ~ naqa
; storage pit ~ built up
from rocks and lined with mud kaciitaq; ~ mat
of twined grass aceturun; side ~ of a semi-
subterranean house nakerqatak; side ~ of sod
house kangciq; wash ~s suugi-
wallet: akiviutaq
walleye or Pacic pollock: kalagaq
walrus: asveq, kaugpak, qecigpak; ~ bladder
funnel kecqurtaq; ~ bladder used as net oat
or water container keciqutaq, qalirkaar(aq*),
qeciqutaq; ~ haul out ugte-
; ~ on ice nunavak;
~ tusk kugkar(aq*), tugkar(aq*); ~ tusk
socket avamiqaq; area of ~ nose ungalruk;
chop ~ tusks from skull avamiqiur-; dried
~ stomach used for making drum skins
ecirkaq; intestine’s J-hook after stomach of
vomit — walrus
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
a ~ qilunaq; journey into the ocean from a
men’s community house to hunt for ~ walrus
kaugpangcar-; leather rope (for spear) made of
~ hide usaaq*; line made from the outer part of
a split thick ~ skin qavya; lumpy (of the skin
of an old ~) pengitag-; metacarpal in ~ walrus
ipper pasvik; thick edible layer of ~ skin
kaugpak, kauk; trapped by ice with nowhere to
go (of ~) pamru-
wand: men’s dancing ~ iqiilitaq
wander: ~ around pekayag-, tarrarte-; suddenly ~
tarriarte-; ~er agalkaq; settle down after ~ing
waning: the moon is ~ iraluq nangyarturtuq
want: piug-
, piyug-; beat object to something they
(subject and object) both ~ kipulkar-; ~ (him)
to be nearby nanelkaunrite-; not ~ (it, him)
anymore qessayagute-; ~ one thing rather than
another cucu-, cucuke-; not ~ (him or it)
around one avirake-, aviranarqe-; ~ a garment
qucuvike-; ~ one to V (pb) -sqe-, -squma-;
~ something cayug-
, cucuklir-, qiri-; ~
things only for oneself kiimurrsug-; ~ to do
something but feel constrained anuraqe-;
~ to nd out (it) kangiiyug-; ~ to get more
cangimirte-; ~ to go home uteryug-; ~ to go
somewhere else agamyak; not ~ to leave
; cause him to not ~ to touch it
pellernir-; ~ to V (pb) -yug-; not ~ to V (pb)
-yunrite-; no longer ~ to V (pb) -yuumiir(ar)te-;
~ to V, provided it is all right (pb) -yugyaaqe-;
~ what? cayug-
; play game of tag in which
the tagee holds something ~ed by the tagger
mayarcetaar-; ~ing to have (it) agyaur-; keep
~ing to lie down inaryug-; give away an item
the owner no longer ~s cipurvike-; have all that
one ~s qara-; something that keeps one from
doing what he ~s to do uamulqutaq
wantonly: act ~ (and perhaps cruelly) ulapeqe-
war: anguyak; accomplish something extraordinary
(as in ~) iniqsakar-; weapon of ~ anguyagcuun
warbler: arctic ~ cungakcuarnaq; blackpoll
~ kuikaman’ayaaq; Townsend’s ~
ussukaascengiir(aq*); Wilson’s ~ ciivcivciuk,
cungakcuarnaq; yellow ~ ciivcivciuk,
cungakcuarnaq; blue-throated ~ see Adams (53)
ward: anglicaraq, aulukaaq
warden: sh and game ~ kayanguyagiurta,
warehouse: mamteraq
warm: macir(ar)-, matneqe-; be ~ maqaq,
maqarcete-; be ~ (of a person) uruma-; get ~
maqari-; ~ oneself maciur-; ~ oneself in the sun
akercir-; ~ spot in river that does not freeze
qecikluk; ~ up maqangcar-, maqari-, urugcir-;
~ weather that causes ooding of winter
tunnel entrance kepneq; be ~ or hot, but not
excessively so puqlanir-; be soft and ~ neruver-;
for it to get ~er kiiri-; for weather to ~ up after
a cold spell canikliute-; form a snow crust
during a cold spring night preceded by a ~
day qerretrar-, qetrar-; have cooled down after
being ~ nenglli-; mist of cold air coming into a
~ house, or ~ air going out ancarneq, anllugneq;
put on ~ clothes maqarqe-; vapor rising from a
relatively ~, damp object in the cold aurneq
warmth: maqaq, matneq, puqla; feel the body ~ of a
person without seeing the person nuyarnir-
warn: aarcirtur-, inerqua-, inerqur-
warning: aarcirtuun, aarun, inerquun
warp: ~ strand when twining grass teguneq; be ~ed
warrant: arrest ~
kalikartaq yugmek tegukengssuun;
search ~
yuarcuun kalikartaq
warrior: anguyagta, anguyak
wart: utnguk
wary: aar-
; be ~ aaryug-; be ~ of it aaqe-; be such
as to make one ~ aarnarqe-; not be such as to
make one ~ aarnaite-; be timid and ~ nuyurtar-;
be ~ by nature aartar-
wash: erur-, iqair-; ~basin ermigcuun; ~ (clothes,
skins, etc.) ervig-; ~ oor, walls, etc. suugi-; ~
hair qulite-; ~ one’s face ermig-, iili-, tanir-
; ~
one’s hands aaggi-, tane-, unaci-; ~ the dishes
rruur-, qanciur-
washed: holder for end of gut when it is ~
qalluarun; thing ~ ashore from the sea tagcilleq
washbasin: ermigcuun, unacissuun
washboard: ulugcuun
washcloth: perriuksuar(aq*), tan’gun
washeteria: ervigivik
washing: stain in ~ ervike-; ~ vessel for women’s
clothes alvik
washing machine: ervigissuun, iqairissuun,
washtub: ervigissuun, iqairissuun, saayikaaq
wasp: melugsaq, qukacengaq*
wand — wasp
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
waste: (n) meqcaq, (v) caanguaqe-; ~ something
caanguaq; ~ time uame-, ulapeqe-; cause one to
~ time qelanernarqe-
watch: (n) cass’aq, sass’aq, (v) anglani-, auluke-,
avaliqe-, murilke-, tangke-, tangssug-, tangvag-,
tarikesta, see Adams (59); ~ a movie tangercetaaq;
~ covertly nasperyug-; ~ critically qingirte-; ~
out! aullu, naullu-wa-i; ~ out for tarike-; ~ out
for it/him! aullutarr’u; ~ over closely kellute-;
~ over with respect kencike-; ~ television
tiiviiq; ~ with enjoyment tangrruarar-; wait in
~ for game nayuryar-; duck-hunting blind or
similar place from which to wait in ~ for game
nayurvik; lie on one’s side and ~ someome
work ac’irci-; tend, ~, or babysit munaqe-; feel
uneasy because one is being ~ed caqicugte-;
one who ~es murilkista
watchtower: nayurvik
water: [e]meq, imaq* see Zagoskin (1), Dall (8);
~ barrel miyvik
; ~ bucket mertarcuun; ~
container made from walrus bladder keciqutaq,
qalirkaar(aq*), qeciqutaq; ~ mark from a drip
or from high tide unineq; ~ pail mertarcuun;
~ plants merte-; ~-soaked ice mecqiitaq; ~
transporting tank mertarcuun; ~ vapor puyuq;
absorb ~ metu-; be calm (of ~) qama-; be
caught (in ~, as in a net) napte-; be murky or
milky (of ocean ~) qayuri-; be rough (of ~)
qailir-; be silvery calm (of ~) caviguuyar-; be
sleeping in the ~ (of bearded seals) putukuar-;
be up to the waist in ~ qukakiirar-; be wrinkled
from soaking in ~ peqlirte-; bring along ~
melgir-; bubble in ~ leryiyagaq*; bubbles
coming up in the ~ qapleryak; bubbling,
churning ~ leriiq; caked snow on the ~
qanisqineq; channel connecting lakes or other
bodies of ~ akuluraq; clear ~ ecuilnguq*;
clear up (of ~) perrir-; consume (especially
~) without restraint or limit akunriur-; cook
by briey immersing in boiling ~ egavyag-,
uuga’rte-; cooked mixture of fungus or lichens,
seal oil, and ~ elqunaq; deal with rough ~
qailiur-; deep (of ~) ilutu-; develop ~ in the egg
before the embryo becomes large emrii-; dip
into something so as to ll with liquid or with
sh from the ~ qalute-; dip one’s head into ~
nakaar-; dipper for ~ ipuutaq, qalun, qaluurun;
dipper for drinking ~ mer’un; dipper for
removing ice fragments from ~ imairin,
qenuirun; drive sh into net by slapping the
~ with a paddle or stick ungumrar-; edge of
deep ~ iginiq; excavated ~-lled storage hole
qengneq; extinguish with ~ nekete-; fall into
~ kit’e-; fall into ~ with a splash civqar-; fall
into ~ without making a splashing sound
cepqer-; fetch ~ mertar-; sh meatball cooked
by dropping in boiling ~ aagciuk; shing or ~
hole cut through the ice anglluaq, anluaq; for
there to be high ~ emiqar-; for there to be open
~ with icebergs beyond qupngur-; for ~ or tide
to be low enuma-; fresh ~ meq; generally be
rough (~) qaitu-; get ~ in it mel’ir-; get ice to
melt for drinking ~ cikutagci-; get ripples as
~ calms from a disturbance qualqamyi-; get
swamped or lled with ~ qaluryarqe-; glide
over the surface of ~ ikamtag-; go down (of
~) ente-; go under or in (e.g., the ~) merug-;
handle of large dipnet staked out in the ~
ipukaun; have the bow too far down in the ~
kanarcete-; have wrinkled skin from soaking
in ~ quacerte-; heat a kettleful of ~ saanili-;
holy ~ merr’aq
; hot-~ bottle puqlassuun; ice
crystal suspended in ~ makuaq; ice piece that
comes loose from the bottom and rises to the
surface of the ~ pugteqrun; in ~ up to one’s N
(pb) -kiirar-; infertile soil that oozes ~ when
stepped on qikuyaq; legendary creature that
will suck the blood from one’s big toe if one
has no ~ in his house or tent meriiq; let ~ in
metu-; make a reection on calm silvery ~
akicugte-; line of bird snares suspended above
the ~ negaraq*, partak; make a ~ hole through
the ice anlui-; mouthpiece of ~ bottle pass’aq;
move with bow high above the ~ qalugte-;
murky ~ currluk
; mush made by adding ~
to our that has been stir-fried without oil
until brown qacapleq; namesake of the dead
who is given food, ~, and a change of clothes
neqliskengaq; net into which sh are driven by
people who walk in and thrash the ~ qelcaq;
offering of food or ~ aviukaq; open ~ in a eld
of ice ketgulleq, imarrlainaq*; otter den above
~ igtequk; packed snow on sea ice, used for
getting fresh ~ kavtak; path or route down to
~ kanaryaraq; pile up (usually of ice, as when
oes on the ~ slide up on top of one another)
evu-; place lacking ~ current qamaneq; place
that has gotten ~ through melting or ooding
miineq; pour ~ over in preparation for eating
waste — water
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
kuunqerte-; provide (animal, plant, object)
with ~ emite-, merqe-, miite-
; provide with
a little ~ merr’ite-; put ~ into emir-, mel’ir-;
react vocally to a sudden chill, usually from
contact with cold ~ imuqite-, imurtua-; recovery
hook, used to take killed seals out of ~ tegun;
rinse a cleaned seal intestine in salt ~ qalluar-;
rock formation patterned by action of ~ on
the shore ingigun, inigun; rock poking out of
the ~ napanguyaq; run aground in shallow ~
etgalqite-; run on ~ with outstretched wings
nevaar-, putukuyuar-; sealskin rope fastened
around hatch to keep ~ out of a kayak ararun;
seep of ~ from a cliff, bluff, etc. kullugte-;
stake used in pairs to hold large dipnets open
under the ~ kanuuquq; single rock standing
in the ~ nagaayuq; small piece of ice beached
in shallow ~ et’galqilaq; small sled used to
transport a kayak when one reaches stretches
of ice on the ~ qamigaun; sound of gurgling ~
lurr’arpak; splash ~ ciqer-, ciqertar-; splash ~
repeatedly or continuously qaalura-, qaalurar-;
spring of ~ miineq, ulevlaq, ulvelria; spring
of cold ~ nengllinaq; sprinkle ~ on merte-;
step into ~ iver-; stiff lip piece for ~ container
pasvaagun; strait of ~ kangirrluk; streak or
wake made on the surface of ~ by a sh or
animal qavlunaq; throw ~ ciqer-; throw a
lot of ~ ciqpag-; uprooted stump in ~ or on
beach nasqunaq; walk on shore as a boat
accompanies one out in the ~ qutirtur-; well
up (of ~ from beneath the earth or ice) uleve-,
water (directional): come down to or toward ~
; come out at ~ below kanauma-; down
there (below or toward the ~) kana(ni); down
there toward ~ or toward the exit una(ni); go
to or toward the ~, or out into the ~ ketmurte-;
toward the ~ ketmun
water beetle: cungaralukvak, melnguq
water berry: qetek
water weed(s): nuyaruaq; have ~ cling to a
propeller neve-
water hemlock: poison ~ anguturluq, iligviit neqait,
water pipit: pec’aqaq, pespessaayaaq
water sky: reection of open water in the middle
of an ice eld seen as a dark blue area in the
sky qiu, qiugaaq
water-strider: agqertayuli
waterfall: kulluk, qurrluk; for there to be a ~
waterfowl: hunt for eggs of ~ kayangussur-;
nd eggs of ~ kayangute-; spruce root from
which snares hang to catch ~ partak; ~ decoy
waterlogged: be ~ qaucirte-; ~ wood mecuq
watermelon berry: atsarrluk
waterproof: ~ a skin by soaking it in urine
peqlicir-; ~ boot ulap’aq; ~ boot made of sh
skin amirak; ~ sh-skin mitten arilluk, arin; ~
jacket used with kayak kamliikaq; ~ oversock
qalipeqsaq; ~ sealskin hip boot for women
at’ayagglugaq; ~ skin boot ivruciq; be sewn
with tight stitches (so as to be ~) cupuite-;
device used to keep stitches tight as when
sewing a ~ seam unguqupak; put the skin on
a kayak or skin boat with ~ stitches amir-;
sew a ~ seam iqre-; thigh-high ~ skin boot
at’arrlugaq*; thigh-high skin boots with fur
above the knee and ~ material below the knee
waterthrush: northern ~
maram cetaara,
watery: be ~ mercete-
, merrlir-
wave (water): qaaq, qaiq, yuulraaq; big ~ capable of
breaking shore-fast ice qairvaaq; big ~ qairvak;
for ~ tips to spray out in a direction opposite
to that of the ~ due to high winds emqerte-;
have lots of ~ qailir-; rough edge of shore-fast
ice formed when ice broken by wind and ~
refreezes nepucuqiq; appear large (of ~ on
horizon) cugayunar-
wave (human): ~ one’s hand angalaci-, arulaci-
wax: cuicekaarkaq
waxing: the moon is ~
iraluq muiryarturtuq
way: ~ of dancing yuraryaraq; ~ of doing
something cayaraq; ~ of life piciryaraq,
yuuyaraq; ~ of V-ing (pb) -yaraq; ~ to write
igaryaraq; act or be a certain ~ having
something as one’s reason or purpose piter-;
act that ~ tuatna-; any old which ~ piciatun;
be in the ~ aviraute-, uiyamte-; be on one’s
~ here kilngar-; be this ~, like this matuu-;
become irritated or sulk because one hasn’t
gotten his ~ luqsaqerte-, nengar-; contrary to
the ~ it should be or the way one should act
kenlutmun; dance, moving one’s feet or legs
water (directional) — way
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
in various ~ mumaa-; go by ~ of (it) tumke-;
go by ~ of N (pb) -gguir-; go their separate
~s avquiqar-; lose one’s ~ pellaa-; one who is
careless in a silly ~ tekallngaq; test ~s of doing
something caqtaar-; the wrong ~ iqlutmun; this
~ a little gguurraq; way (guratively) tumyaraq
we: see Appendix 1 on personal pronouns, and Endings
section; ~ (dual) wangkuk; ~ (plural) wangkuta
weak: ~, helpless, worthless N (pb) -qtaq*; be ~
caceskite-, kayuite-, qetupserte-, tukniate-;
be ~ (of coffee, tea) ecuite-; be ~ from cold
kuuguuyar-; be physically ~ nukgiate-, piniate-;
become or make physically ~ piniarute-; feel ~
from fear, exertion, or sickness unaqserte-; for
wind to be ~ kayukite-; V (of ~, helpless one)
(pb) -qtar-
weakling: cirlak, qetupseq
weakness: have a hard time because of emotional
or physical ~ cirliqe-
wealth: tukuun; be ostentatious with ~ tukurtaar-
wealthy: be ~ tukuq, tukuu-; become ~ tukuurte-; ~
person tukuq, tukurliq, umialek
weaned: be ~ emunrir-
weapon: caskuk, saskuk; ~ of war anguyagcuun;
~ to kill a sea mammal hit by a harpoon
aangruyak; ~s violation saskulluarqessaraq;
animal caught without ~s by hand tegukengaq;
club (~) kaugtuarcuun, kaugtuutaq
; hard
stone used for tools and ~s qetruk, umi;
ivory or bone device on kayak to prevent ~
from falling overboard akagyailkun; spent
ammunition shell tied to a string and used
as ~ qapiamcetaaq; threaten to hit him with
something held as a ~ uluryacir(ar)-; thrust a ~
narulpag-; use a ~ for hunting, chopping wood,
or cutting something caskuyaqur-
wear: atuq; ankle-high skin boot for dress ~
qaliruaq; ~ N (clothing) (pb) -tur-
; ~ out
caunrir-, keggeve-
weary: be ~ of hearing (it) niitellngu-
weasel: agluruyak, aklanqurrun, amitatuk,
narulkiaq, teriaq, see Adams (29); small ~
weather: cella, cilla, ella; ~ so bad that outdoor
activity is virtually impossible ellarrluk;
~ that is poor, but not to the extent that
outdoor activity is impossible ellanglluk;
~ thermometer
(c)ellam cuqyutii; be barely
visible due to ~ macugite-; be calm (of ~)
qinuite-, quunenge, quunir-; be nice ~
ellakegci-; be poor enough ~ to make outdoor
activity impossible ellarayag-; be restless,
especially when others are going out during
nice ~ yuupiksagte-; be suitable ~ for outdoor
activity ellamanarqe-; be uncomfortably wet
and cold (of ~) imurnarqe-; boot for cold wet
~ irvaun; calm ~ quuneq; calm down (of the
~) qinuir-; chilly ~ pacnaq; clear up after the
~ has been wet pakmallir-; close in (of ~)
cikete-, cikte-; cold ~ nengla
; extremely cold
~ nengelvak; for ~ condition to make easier
to see than before avayig-; for ~ to be calm
kayukite-; for ~ to change caqtaar-; for ~ to
clear up avirpag-; for ~ to suddenly turn bad
ellaqerrute-; for ~ to warm up after a cold
spell canikliute-; for the ~ to suddenly become
calm after it “captures” a person cirimci-; for
there to be good ~ for traveling ug’ar-; hot ~
; hum, especially when going out in
the morning to check the ~ uyuruar-; ice crystal
from extreme cold ~ quilekupiaq; overcast ~
condition patuggluk; period of clear calm ~
lasting until one reaches destination quunuk;
stormy ~ carqullugaq; subside (of bad ~) and
then start up again quk’arte-; warm ~ causes
above-ground entrance to semi-subterranean
house to be opened because of ooding of
winter tunnel entrance kepneq
weathered: become ~ cilla-
weatherbound: be ~ capur-
weatherman: ellaliurta
weatherstripping: umcigun
weave: naqte-, tupig-; ~ (it) kelir-
weaving: coarse grass used for ~ mats kelugkaq
webbing: ~ on snowshoes or ice strainer nuluq
wed: kassuute-
wedge: aavagun, aitarun, aivagun, equgcuun,
qugcuun, qupun, qup’issuun, tus’un; knife
shaped like a ~ set in a handle uluaq; ~ used to
split wood ekiarqin
Wednesday: Pingayirin
weed: ~ in Bible translation naunerrluk; pineapple
~ itegmik; water ~s nuyaruaq; have things
clinging to it (such as water ~s on propeller)
week: Agayuneq, nitiliq; ~’s time Agayuneq; a
few ~s ago icivaq; a few ~s from now icivaqu;
circular calendar with a pointer that is moved
we — week
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
to the days of the ~ cill’aq; fermented herring
or capelin that have been buried for two ~s
ciss’uq; for a ~’s time to pass agayunerte-;
terminology for days of the ~ ernercuun
agayunrem akulii
weep: aluviliur-
weft: ~ strand in twining grass keluk
weigh: uqamailtassiir-, uspeq; ~ down naner-; scale
for ~ing uqamailtassiirun
weight: uqamailkutaq, uqamaq, uspeq, see Nelson
(99); ~ of something uqamailtaciq; ~ that
holds something in place nanerta; hold down
something with a ~ nanercir-; be light in ~
uqiggete-; become light in ~ uqiggeli-; lose ~
kemgir-; put ~ on it engig-, enig-, niig-; set ~ on
(it) naner-; suddenly or accidently put ~ on it
weir: capun, kalgun
welcome: allaniur-, ciuniur-; you’re ~ ii-i; go out
to ~ pairrsaag-; not come out of house to ~ a
visitor anyaqturte-; women’s ~ dance putu
; ~
meal tekiutaq
weld: payari-
welder: payarista
well: be ~ assir-, (pb) -yu-, see Nelson (42); be
growing ~ nauluaqar-; get ~ assiri-; speak
English usually or ~ qitevnga-; V ~ (pb)
-luaqar-; V so ~ (pb) -pag-
; be ~ coordinated
pamrig-; one that is ~ endowed with N (pb)
-tuli; ~ endowed with N (pb) -tu-; be ~ off ellui-;
be crassly ~ off tukurtaar-; provide or be ~
provided with N (pb) -lir-; ~, that’s how it is,
and it can’t be helped arenqiapaa; be ~ worth
looking at tangssunarqe-
well then: ata
, ata’a, ataki, kitaki, tava-i, tua-i
well up: (of water from beneath the earth or ice)
uleve-, ulve-
welt: asuirun; ~ seam on boot egliq
west: kanaknak, keggakneq, uassiaq; ~ wind
uassiaq; for there to be a ~erly wind avaknir-
western sandpiper: ce
÷air(aq*), ce÷aiyaaq,
iisuraar(aq*), iiyuar(aq*)
wet: be unpleasantly messy and ~ pellernarqe-;
get a dried skin soaking ~ qakime-; spirally
striped bearded seal with fur that changes its
direction when ~ nemercauk; stand on end (of
hair when dry after being ~) kakilragte-; very
~ mud maraspak; be uncomfortably ~ and
cold (of clothing or weather) imurnarqe-; be
uncomfortable because of ~ cold imuryug-;
clear up after the weather has been ~ for a
time pakmallir-; be ~ or soaked mecunge-; get
~ or soaked mecungte-; very ~ part of tundra
lurrluk; wooden device used in wringing ~
sealskins during processing kepirtaq; ~ snow
mecaliqaq; ~ tundra mecalqaq; boot for cold ~
weather irvaun; ~ with one’s tongue nuagte-;
feel squeamish or uncomfortable around
~ messy things pellertar-, pelleryug-; have
wrinkled skin from too much ~ness qaucirte-
whack: piqer-
; ~ once piqertur-
whale: long jawbone, possible ~ bone assingaq; ~
n naparutaq; ~ tail ter’aq; adipose or dorsal
n of ~ petengtaq; black ~ arveq; bowhead ~
arveq; breach (of ~) qakte-
; gray ~ cetuqupak;
killer ~ arrluk; legendary sea monster said
to devour ~s ulurrugnaq; northern right ~
cikaarturta; part of ~’s ippers close to tail
et’raq; sewing thread made ~ sinew yualukaq;
white ~ assigarnaq, cetuaq, cituaq; young white
~ citukvagaq*
whalebone: cuqaq*
wharf: culurrvik, salayaq, uciirvik
what: ~ a surprise! tela’a; ~ are you doing here?
aqaa, waqaa; ~ can I do for you? aqaa, waqaa;
~ did you say? ai
; ~ do you want? naung;
~ else? tua-i-qaa?; oh, ~ if it had happened!
kiituani tanem; ~ kind? cakuciq; ~ lies ahead
ciuneq; ~ one has obtained (as by subsistence
activities) unangkengaq; ~ part? nate-; ~
people call –– apqiitnek; ~ something is like
eluciq; ~ time is it? wataimarta?; ~ will (or is
supposed, planned, or expected to) happen
pillerkaq; ~ will be picirkaq; ~? ca; be ~? cau-
what’s the matter? aqaa, waqaa; “~’s up?” aqaa;
“~chamacallit” imkuciq; stay near (him) ~ever
he does paiyaar-
wheat: mukaarkaq
wheat grass: qayikvayak
wheel: akagcuun, akalria, uivacetaaq; steering ~
wheeze: qallalerte-
when: maaten; ~ (in the past) qangvaq; ~ it came
to pass maaten; be restless ~ others are going
out from the village during nice weather
yuupiksagte-; ~ some time had elapsed qakuan;
~? cami; ~? (in the future) qaku, contingent mood
weekday — when
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
(see Endings section); ~ in past contemporative I
mood (see Endings section)
whenever: contingent mood (see Endings section)
where: be ~ nante-; from ~? naken; to ~? natmun; ~
is it, he, she? naugga, nauwa; ~? na(ni)
whet: celli-, cilli-, elli-
; ~ a blade ellikaraq
whether: not know ~ one is V-ing (pb) -ciite-;
become unknowing about ~ or how one is
V-ing (pb) -ciirute-
whetstone: cellin, ellikaraq, ellin, ipegcarissuun,
nangugun, selin, tacilaq, see Turner (15); type
of dark-colored ~ arviiq; type of dark stone
used for ~s, not broken when exposed to heat
teggalqupiaq; type of light-colored stone used
for ~s uqu’urniq
whew: ~ (it’s heavy) keggu
which: ~ one(s) nalir- (naliq); not know ~ one
while: contemporative II mood (see Endings section); for
a ~ wanirpak; once in a ~ cat ilaitni; for it to be
a ~ later atatakuar(ar)-; occur a ~ later umiqer-;
for a ~ wanirpak
whimbrel: ciivikaaq, kikikiaq, pipipiaq
whimper: cungite-, engaulugte-; ~ (of animals)
engimluar(ar)-; cry out in a loud repeated ~ as
from pain cungiallag-
whim: follow one’s ~s umyugiur-, umyui-
whine: cungite-, qacelli-, ungilegte-; ~ repeatedly
for qalriateke-
whip: kulutaq, piqer-
, piqrutaq; dog ~ qenutaq;
~ped “Eskimo ice cream” made with moss
soaked in aged seal oil puya; “Eskimo ice
cream” made with roe, (salmon)berries, and
seal oil ~ped together amnginaq
whirligig: [e]llerrar(aq*), ellaraq, levlegcetaaq,
levlevaaq, llerr’ar(aq*)
whirlpool: qivalngucuaq
whirlwind: ucluryaq, ull’uyaq
whirring: make a ~ sound [e]llerrar(aq*),
whisk: steambath switch or ~ taarrin; ~ broom
whisker: ungak; remove one’s ~s ungair-; seal with
long rolled-up ~s ungagciiq; be ~y ungaggli-
whisper: agsumir-, agyimcaar(ar)-, agyumciar(ar)-,
agyumir-, igyuar(ar)-, qaneksuar-, qaneksugte-,
qanepsug-, qanqumciar(ar)-, tarirte-
whistle: culugyi-, culu’ugte-, kukumyarar(ar)-, uur-;
~ (of wind outside of house) qalriqsaar(ar)-
whistling: make ~ sounds kukumyalqitar(ar)-
white: qatellria, see Khromchenko (6), Zagoskin (7);
all ~ qaterpak, qercurpak; be ~ qater-; become
~ qat’ri-; very ~ qaterpak; black, blue, and ~
bird seen on the ocean teng’guar(aq); small
edible sea animal that is pink, orange, ~, and
red arnauq; type of traditional parka worn by
Nelson Is. and tundra-area Yup’iks that has
large front and back plates of ~ calfskin or of
mink skin qaliq; white decorative square on
back of parka milqeruaq; decoration on hood
of a young woman’s traditional parka that
consists of strands of red, black, and ~ beads
kakauyaq; long strip of calfskin running from
the large front and back plates of ~ calfskin
to the border of the traditional “qaliq” parka
ellutmuaq; small ~ bead qaterli, qaterliar(aq*);
~ bone inside the cranium of sh teki; ~
camouaged parka qatrin; ~ clay, powdery
when dry urr’aq; ~ clay mixed with caribou
hair and used to make pottery urasqaq; ~
cloud that rises from the horizon uquryak
; ~
spot qatenquq; ~ spot inside the gill covers of
an aged sh head pupungluur(aq*); ~ thing
qatellria, qaterli; ~ trim on dance hat qercurtaq;
~ parka used for hunting in snow and ice
qaternin; have thick ~ smoke itugenqegte-
white alder: caarilluk, caarin
white fox: qaterli, qaterliar(aq*), qunguiq, uliiq
white goose: kanguq
white mark: ~ on ngernail teglek
White Mountain: Nacessvik
white of the eye: qaterqurpagtaq, qatqurpagtaq
white (people): ~ person agelleq, kass’aq, see
Petroff (15); ~ man kassaakaq; ~ people aipai(t);
shaman who foretold the coming of ~ people
Ississaayuq; act like a ~ person kass’amirte-
white whale: assigarnaq, cetuaq, cituaq
white-crowned sparrow: uipinipaaq
white-fronted goose: leqleq, neqlepik, neqleq
“white-socks”: melugyar(aq*)
white-winged scoter: akacakayak, cetuskaq
whitecoat: ul’utvak
whited out: be overcast or ~ qilailleg-
whitesh: imarpinraq*, naptaq, qanerkicaq, tupuk;
broad ~ akakiik, qaurtuq; round ~ cavirrutnaq,
whenever — whitesh
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
uraruq; young ~ esevsiar(aq*); ~ fry iituliar(aq*);
~ with pointed head cingikeggliq; dried ~ that
has been frozen all winter yay’ussaq; split and
dried small sh, such as ~ ulligtaruaq; “Eskimo
ice cream” made with the fresh roe of ~ and
mashed cranberries qerpertaq
Whitesh Lake: Qavartaaq, Qavarteq
whitetailed ptarmigan: taqikataq
whitish: very ~ clay qaurtuli
whittle: cana-, caviksuar-; wood that is very hard to
~ paggluk
who: kia, kina, kitu-; ~ plural kinkut
whole: tamalkur-, tamar-
, tamqapiar-; assemble
items into a ~ pulqigte-; the ~ summer kiagpak;
the ~ thing tamalkuq
wholeheartedly: do something ~ tamarmirte-
whooping cough: ag’uryaraq
whore: akissuq
whose: kia
why: tanem, see Orlov (24); ask oneself ~
ciinllugguar-; ~ have you come! naung; ~? ciin
wick: kumarun, leg’un; lamp ~ nanikiitaq; trim the
~ of an oil lamp kaullrir-; type of moss used
for making lamp ~s uusqunguaq; oiler ~ (in a
motor) uqurcailkun
wicked: ~ person yurrluk, yurrluulria
wide: be ~ ameltu-, elurtu-, iqtu-, kangtu-, lurtu-,
nequtu-, uyatu-; have one’s mouth open
and stretched ~ with teeth clamped shut
; ~ nely woven grass mat tupilluk;
~ strip of otter fur below the light-colored
decoration at the hem or cuff of a traditional
parka tungunqucuk; comb with ~ly spaced
teeth tegurciurun; main channel with current
through ~ spot in river egmiumaneq
widening: ~ or bay at the mouth of a river tuqsuk
wide awake: become ~ essgar-, segg’ar-
widgeon: qatkeggliq
widow: aipaineq; unmarried woman (including ~)
widower: aipaineq, nuliariutelleq
width: iqtutaciq; ~ at the ends of the index nger
and the middle nger held next to each other
malruneq; ~ at the ends of the index nger,
the middle nger, and the ring nger held
next to each other pingayuneq; ~ from the
outside edge of one shoulder to the outside
edge of the other tusneq; ~ of the four ngers
(thumb excluded) of one’s hand patneq; ~ of
the last section of one’s index nger tekneq; ~
of the palm (attened and with the ngers and
thumb held together) tumagneq
widthwise: marking, cutting, moving, etc. ~ across
something kepelmun, kepelmur-
wife: nuliaq, nulirr-; ~ and husband nulirqellriik; ~
of one’s paternal or maternal uncle acuraq; ~ of
Russian Orthodox priest maatuskaq; deranged,
thinking one has a ~ when he does not
nulirruar-; get as a ~ nuliqliute-; live in one’s
~’s village, having come from another village
nengaugite-; man from another village residing
in his ~’s village nengaugitaq; man’s second ~,
after he has lost his rst wife neqliurta; man’s
~’s sisters huband arenqiartekaq; second ~ in a
polygamous marriage nukaraq; temporary ~ see
Nelson (89)
wig: nuyaruaq
wild: be ~ nuyurtar-, qinuyunqegg-
wild celery: canraq*, ce
÷artaq, ikiituk, mecuqerrli,
nuluraq, tarnaq
, tarvaq, uraluq, uugiyun
wild: ~ green grass cungagpaguaq; ~ greens that
can be cooked cuassaaq, suassaaq
“wild lettuce”: ingukiq
wild parsley: tukaayuq
wild potato: aci; ~ plant ulqiq, utqiq; ~ that grows
near cliffs atkallaq; ~, wild carrot elagaq
wild rhubarb: angucaluq
, angukaaq, arnaurluq*,
nakaaq, nauciq
, quunarliq
wild rose: atsameq
wilderness: yuilquq; arrive or return from a stay in
the ~ kacete-, katete-
wildlife ofcer: kayanguyagiurta, melquleliurta
will: will V (pb) -ciqe-; will V (it) -arkaqe-; ~
eventually V or be V-ed (pb) -arkau-; ~
something to ciqima-; according to God’s ~
willfully: V suddenly and ~ (pb) -ler-, -ter-
willing: be ~ piyugteqe-; ~ly do unrequested
favors qessaircir-
willow: cuyanguaq, kavungqussaq, napapiaq,
uqviaq*, uqvigpik, uqvik, see Nelson (41); ~ root
taluyiurun, uqviinraq; low-bush ~ inaqaciq;
pussy ~ uqviggluk; pussy ~ catkin kangquq,
qikmiruaq, qimukcuar(aq*); edible pussy ~
catkin tamukaaq; ~ bark peluq; strip of ~
bark alek, allek; dwarf ~ with big catkins
Whitesh Lake — willow
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
angriinaq; new edible ~ growth tayarulunguaq;
soft ~ shoot enrilnguaq; ~ with red bark
kavingkuksaq, kavirliyagaq; basket made
from ~ roots aguumaq; ~ root used in making
baskets, lashing sh traps or kayak frames, etc.
willow-bark: ~ shnet allegpak; ~ lashing
willow ptarmigan: aqesgiq, aqeygiq
willpower: lack stamina or ~ ayaniite-
Wilson’s warbler: ciivcivciuk, cungakcuarnaq
Wilsonia pusilla: ciivcivciuk, cungakcuarnaq
win: anagkenge-; ~ in a game qakvar-
winch: nuqcissuun
wind: anuqa
; any device used in the ~ anuqessuun;
away from the ~ uqetmun, uqutmun; be calm
(of water or ~) qama-; become set in a position,
such as a tree bent by the ~ paste-; break ~
leq, naleq, neleq; break ~ loudly lep’ag-; break
~ repeatedly ler’a-; utter in the ~ leviar-,
leviileviar-; for the ~ to die down amuvkar-;
for there to be a westerly ~ avaknir-; for there
to be a gust of ~ kenegnira-, qugnira-, tagura-,
taksagnira-; howl and whistle (of ~ outside of
house) qalriqsaar(ar)-; make a apping sound
in the ~ lepli-; place lacking water current or ~
qamaneq; shelter from ~ talite-; seal out ~ by
tightening a drawstring, belt, etc., on clothing
; rough edge of shore-fast ice formed
when ice broken by ~ and waves refreezes
nepucuqiq; have the ~ blow from behind while
one is traveling uqenqar-
, uqumigte-
; gasp as
the ~ blows in one’s face ep’ura-, meq’urtua-,
purtua-, puurtua-; for there to be a gust of ~
from above where one is sheltered kalvaguar-;
have the ~ knocked out of one tenguga’rte-;
for ~ to be weak kayukite-; for ~ to pick up
kayunge-; for there to be a south or east ~ with
stormy weather, a harbinger of sh coming
in taqikcar-; for wave tips to spray out in a
direction opposite to that of the wave due to
high ~s emqerte-
windbreak: canirtaq, uqraq, uqriilitaq, uqrun
; ~ as
used with kayak asguilitaq
windless: be ~ (of a place) qama-
windmill: any device used in the wind, such as a ~
window: egaleq, legaleq, see Dall (10), Adams
(60); framework holding down something
like a skylight ~ nanerta; look through the ~
uyangte-; seal-gut skylight ~ tanqiun; ~frame
qiitek, qiteq
windowpane: eciq
windpipe: anertevkarcuun, apaguaq, tuqluq,
turquq; choke on something caught in one’s ~
windproof: be sewn with tight stitches so as to be
~ cupuite-
windsock: any device used in the wind, such as
a ~) anuqessuun
windward: ~ side asguq
windy: be ~ anuqlir-; be very ~ anuq’vag-,
anurvag-; be ~ from the ocean qacar-
wineberry: puyuraar(aq*), puyurniq, puyuruaq
wing: caquq, yaquq; ~ feather culuk; longest or
most prominent feather of bird’s ~ niss’uq; ap
~s yaqiur-; run on water with outstretched ~s
nevaar-, putukuyuar-
wingtip: ~ feather tekeryuk
wink: quutaar-
winner: anagkengelria
winnings: anagkengaq; ~ in a gambling game
winter: uksuq; all ~ uksurpak; last ~ uksuq; spend
the ~ uksi-; thing of ~ uksurtaq; thing of last
~ uksullaq*; this coming ~ uksuqu; for the
sun to start rising higher and staying up
longer after the ~ solstice nutnger-; ~ supply
cumrun; naturally occurring open hole in the
ice in ~ kianeq; open hole in river ice during
~ qenuilquq, ukivkaneq; ice stuck all ~ on the
mud nepillineq; go to the main, ~ village from
fall camp katete-; dried tomcod or whitesh
that has been frozen all ~ yay’ussaq; make
aged sh in fall and freeze them in rock-lined
ditches for ~ use quli-, quluk, qussuk; freeze-
dry a skin outside in ~ until it gets white
qercur-; holiday celebrated in late summer,
fall, or ~, involving an exchange of requested
gifts between men and women of a village
; warm weather causes above-
ground entrance to semi-subterranean house
to be opened because of ooding of ~ tunnel
entrance kepneq; pelt of caribou taken just
after the long ~ hair has been shed caginraq*
wipe: eprir-, perrir-; ~ one’s anal area etruir-, uqer-;
toilet paper or other material to ~ wipe anus
; ~ clean avair-; ~ dishes allegtur-; blow
willow-bark — wipe
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
or ~ the nose kakeggluir-
wire: caviya(g)aq*, qip’ayagaq*; chicken ~ or wire
mesh taluyarkaun; soft ~, such as aluminum ~
or solder pelulukaaq
wisdom: puqigneq, uyvi; ~ tooth qamuqayak
wise: be ~ umyuartu-, usvitu-; ~ words qanruyun;
the ~ Men (Biblical) umyuartulriit; become ~r
through experience anucinge-
wish: optative mood (see Endings section); piyuun,
see Adams (61); be unhappy or ill at ease in a
situation and ~ to be elsewhere cupegte-; I
too ~ it were so kiika-wa; something that one
does not ~ to part with qununarqe-; ~ that one
should V (pb) -squma-; make one ~ to coo to it
ineqsunarqe-; do as one ~es seleg-; mask that
a man makes in accordance with his own ~es
uigturcuun; (enc) =kin, =llam, =tuq
witch: ~ or ghost that walks in the air and has no
liver yuilriq
with: ablative-modals case, vialis case (see Endings
section); ~ dark fur ullacuk
withdraw: ~ or retreat to a smaller area qungag-
wither: nala-
without: ~ anyone intending it to be so taunginaq;
~ fail! watpik; ~ purpose elliinginaq; be ~
money pulug-, pu
rug-; be outside ~ a coat
kiingraar(ar)-, taigtur-
, uvruar(ar)-; feel the
body warmth of a person ~ seeing the person
nuyarnir-; play a game similar to volleyball but
~ a net akiqaar(ar)-; push a sled ~ using dogs
to pull it kasmurrar-, kaymurrar(ar)-; rise from
sleeping and go ~ breakfast maknginar-; send a
visitor away ~ having him or her eat menkuke-;
to be (gone) ~ a limit ngelaite-; V in vain, ~ the
intended or expected outcome (pb) -yaaqe-
withstand: be able to ~ shocks matngaite-; try to ~
something pakerqe-
witness: alibi ~ tangvagtelleq; ~ in court
nallunairista; have ~ed (it) during one’s
lifetime angu-
witted: dull-~ person nallumquq
wobble: angala-; ~ back and forth aassektaq
wobbly: walk ~ as when wearing high heels
wolf: civatriq, kaganaq, kegg’luneq, kegluneq,
see Khromchenko (4); be curled up (of a ~)
ungelruma-; gray ~ curangali; hackles of ~
qakun; piece of ~ fur on the shoulder or armpit
tassels of certain parkas megcugtaq
wolf sh: qaculluk, qugautnaq
wolverine: qavcik, terikaniaq; decorative ~ “tail”
on a traditional parka pequmiutaq; ~-fur
decoration on the upper part of parka sleeve
kasurun, kayurun
wolves: carcass of animal killed by ~ maligneq
woman: arnaq; ~ from another village residing in
her husband’s village ukurritaq; ~ who has
married into a family ukurritaq; ~’s basket
kularvik; ~’s beaded hairnet tackaq; ~’s
brothers child an’garaq; ~’s emanation aqla,
qalugneq; ~’s fur parka cut high on the sides so
that there are front and back aps kinguqalek;
~’s hair ornament taquutaq; ~’s headscarf
pelatuuk; ~’s high skin boot ac’upegglugaq; ~’s
husband’s brother uilgun; ~’s lover angucaluq
~’s panties nalkiik; ~’s seal-skinning knife
kaussuun; ~’s semilunar knife kegginalek;
~’s skirt akupek; ~’s slow dance performed
during this holiday Ingula(q); big ~ arenvak;
child of a ~ by a man to whom she is not
married acuniaqengaq; legendary being with
half a ~’s face inglupgayuk; middle-aged or
old ~ arnangiar(aq*); old ~ arnalquar(aq*),
arnassagaq*, arnarkara’urluq*, ucinguq; older
(but still desirable) unmarried ~ uilingiataq;
son of ~’s mothers brother or fathers sister
uicungaq*; unmarried ~ (including widow)
uilgaq; young ~ arnaraq, neviarcaq
womanize: arniur-
womb: enliaq, neliaq, ngeliaq
women: be rejected for marriage for a time
by ~ due to shamanistic machinations
nulirturciimacir-; be totally preoccupied with ~
and enervated thereby arniqe-; grab portions of
“Eskimo ice cream” carried by ~ and hide them
during the “Aaniq” holiday tumagcur-; high
skin boot worn by ~ yuunin; thing belonging
or pertaining to ~ arnartaq*; be jealous
(between ~ and men) qungyar-; ~’s welcome
dance putu
wonder: qaneksugte-; I ~ wall’upik; (enc) =kiq
wood: equk, muragaq, murak, see Dall (9); ~ for
smoking sh puyurkaq; ~ shaving canalleq;
~-chewing bug or larva keggiayuli; bent ~
rim around top of wooden bowl or other
round wooden container perneq; bowl with
grooved upper part made of a separate piece
of bent ~ qaglaya(g)aq; carve ~ caacungui-,
wire — wood
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
cana-; chisel made of jade with a ~ or horn
handle, used in working ~ keggiaq; chop ~
eqiur-; chopping block for splitting pieces of ~
tukeryaraq; clamp used to hold bent piece of ~
in position until the bend becomes permanent
pascirissuun; combination knife and scraper
for ivory with curved stone blade and ~ handle
caniissaq; construction ~ equgpigaq; device
for engraving ~ cet’raarcuun; draft-hole in
a ~-burning stove cup’urilleq; stoke-hole of
a ~-burning stove murirvik; drift~ equgkaq;
dry dead standing ~ qakineq; dry rotted dead
spruce ~ eskaniaq; exible ~ strip used for
making binding slashing for a conical ~-slat
sh trap nemerciq; fragment or chip of ~
from chopping ciqualleq; gather scraps of ~
auqiir-, avuqiir-; good-quality piece or strip
of ~ ciqsaneq; green or waterlogged ~ mecuq;
hard~ etgeraq; kindling ~ ayagaaraun, ekqun
ekuanqun; knife with curved blade, used for
carving ~ mellgar(aq*); knot in ~ akanquq,
akquq, avayacilleq, uivquq; line of grain in
~ pagaq; old-style snow goggles made of ~
with narrow slits niguak, niiguak; plane ~
caki-, estulussaq; put ~ in it (the stove) eqir-;
red ~ alciq; reddish ~ used for bow-drill shaft
ussungirkaq; rotten ~ arumaneq; rub in (using
shavings) the ochre with which ~ is colored
red kenevkar-; short piece of dried ~ found
on the ground ciamurrluk; straight-grained
piece of ~ useful for making things munarciaq,
pilugpigaq, unarciaq; thin strip of ~ for lashing
material avqaar(aq*); use a tool or weapon for
chopping ~ caskuyaqur-; walk through the ~
; wedge used to split ~ ekiarqin; ~ that
is very hard to whittle paggluk
wood fern: edible ddlehead of spreading ~
ceturkaaq, ceturqaar(aq*), ceturuaq, ciilavik,
nengqaaq, qecuguaq; edible root of spreading
~ kun’aq*
wooden: ~ attachment for snare meluurun
; ~
bowl alvik, qaluviaq; ~ crosspiece for the
foot on a snowshoe tutneq; ~ device used in
wringing wet sealskins during processing
kepirtaq; ~ device used to keep stitches
evenly tight as when sewing a waterproof
seam on a kayak skin unguqupak; ~ eyeshade
elqipcuaq, igaugek; ~ oat nuuyaarpaaq; ~
holder for harpoon head nengciutaq; ~ mortar
for preparing tobacco akuyun; ~ piece in
socket of foreshaft of seal harpoon evga; ~
prop used in kayak making palurun; ~ ring
put around a mask to represent the world of
the object enclosed by it ellanguaq; ~ snare
attachment ipuun; ~ stock of a rie or shotgun
qapsalquq; ~ stopper for seal poke agayutaq;
~ story knife equaq; ~ top spun with string
levlevaaq; ~ trap for otter or mink teggvak; ~
visor elqiaq*; bent part of ~ container pertaq;
bent wood rim around ~ bowl or other round
~ container perneq; design on bent ~ hunting
hat pugugyuk; large ~ platter or container
kalupak; large oblong ~ bowl that can be used
as a serving dish tumnaq; man’s large ~ bowl
nerun; oval ~ bowl ag’ayaq, al’uruyak, aluuyaq;
soft red rock used for red decoration on ~
bowls kavirun
woodpecker: puugtuyuli
woodworking: ~ tool unarciiyurcuun; man’s bag
for ~ tools equgcuutnguarraq
wool: kiistaq, kistaq; steel ~ tallegcissuun
word: qaneryaraq, qanruciq; do something, engage
in some act, the exact ~ for which is forgotten
or not known to the speaker, or does not exist,
but an act that the listener will recognize
imkur-, imuu-; say or “go” . . . ~ (pb) -r-; in
other ~s wagg’uq; internalize ~s iguma-;
mispronounce Yup’ik ~s by substituting the
front velars g, gg, and k for the back velars
r, rr, and q respectively pikagte-; sing softly
without saying ~ out loud megamliur-; speak
without thinking about the consequences or
implications of one’s ~s qanqataite-; substitute
aa for ai in Yup’ik ~s paarte-; speak to a group
of people, directing one’s ~s at a particular
person yaatiir-; coo to a child, using ~s made
up for that child ineqe-, inqe-; the made-up ~s
used to coo to a child inqutaq
wordless: hum or sing a ~ tune uyuruar-
work: cali-, caveg-
, cavesra-, pekte-, see Nelson
(47); be swamped with ~ tuave-; concentrate
on one’s ~ munarcete-; have pain in the hands
after long hours of ~ taprite-; lie on one’s side
and watch someone ~ ac’irci-; relax after a hard
day’s ~ canqaurte-; stand by the river and ~
a net by hand nekvayar-; reference of one’s
character or ~ experience nallunritesta; ~ hard
cakete-, cakviur-, makugte-; ~ harder or put
wood fern — work
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
effort into what one is doing to make up for
lost time cagnite-
; ~ on by hand, without using
tools una-
; ~ on sh neq’liur-; ~ on the teeth
kegguciur-; ~ on things such as arts and crafts
that are not for direct serious use calinguar-;
~ or play with N (pb) -liur-; ~ with another
tangaliuqur-; be ~ed (of metal) cama-
worker: calista, pista; oil ~ uqurkaliurta; oileld ~
uquliurta; sanitation ~ aniurta
working: be busy ~ cagarcite-, yagarcete-; be
clumsy while ~ teyqiqe-; breathe heavily after
~ ilaciqtar-; device for ~ calissuun; make no
attempt to help those who are busy ~ tararte-;
ex a skin to make it more pliant by ~ it with
both hands in a circular motion ulug-
; ~
surface alliqaq; old-style chisel used in ~ wood
workshop: calivik
world: cella, cilla, ella; any of the rst human
inhabitants of the ~ yung’elraarun; globe
of the ~ nunarpaguaq; wooden ring put
around a mask to represent the ~ of the
object enclosed by it ellanguaq; portal of the
atmosphere above our ~ for the “little people”
ellangqerrucaraq; village set in the air in the ~
of the “little people” Inglernarmiut; village set
on high ground in the ~ of the “little people”
worm: kinguk, see Marsh (9); legendary “great ~”
ciissirpak; inedible red ~ found on beaches
uinguyuk, see Turner (16); tape~ qumak
wormwood: caggluk, caiggluk, naunerrluk,
neqnialnguq, qanganaruaq
worn: cross ~ as a pendant uyamik; high skin boot
~ by women yuunin
worn: ~ spot nangugneq; ~-out skin aminraq*
worried: be ~ civuura-, nuingaalug-; be ~ about
cangalke-; be ~ about something cangalliur-
worrisome: be ~ pengegnarqe-; not be ~
worry: pengegyug-, umyuarniur-, umyuarniurun,
umyuarrlugcarar-, umyugarniur-, uuqassugar-;
be a cause of ~ pengegnarqe-; cease being a
cause of ~ pengegnair-; tend to ~ pengegtar-;
~ about nerilegte-, peng’garte-; ~ about (him)
pengegtur-, pengke-; ponder, standing still and
~ about the future qikar-
worse: be ~ assiillru-; become ~ assiirute-
worsen: arcari-, assiirute-
worship: agayu; place of ~ agayuvik; ~ by bowing
worst: ~ one(s) assiilleq
worth: be well ~ looking at tangssunarqe-
worthless: weak, helpless, ~ N (pb) -qtaq*; ~ N (pb)
-cilleq, -vialuk
worthwhile: be ~ catngu-
worthy of honor: be ~ kencignarqe-, ucurnarqe-
would: that which the possessor ~ not do (pb)
; ~ V (pb) -yar-
wound: (n) callalleq, ciyaneq, ekiq, kilineq, (v)
kilir-; apply ointment to a ~ cupcir-; be spread
open as a ~ does calla-; bloody liquid from a
~ essnguq; dressing for a ~ mamcaun; healing
~ tallegneq; shoot, making a large ~ nutpag-; ~
dressing kilinercuun
wound: strap with handles ~ around the shaft of a
re-drill nucugcuutak
woven: ~ beach grass rope used to hoist kayak
onto rack qikiq
; ~ grass mat (for insulation
or the like) qerqulluk; ~ liner for skin boot
alliqsak; ~ thing qecugaq, tupigaq; ~-grass sock
tupipiarumalria; closely ~ grass basket pattern
or other closely bound thing mallegtaq; nely
~ wide grass mat tupilluk; loosely ~ but fairly
rigid upright grass basket kuusqun; loosely
~ grass carrying bag issran; loosely ~ grass
mat used as insulation for roof and/or to keep
loose soil from falling through eviun; roughly
~ grass cover used to protect drying sh from
rain umran; small container ~ from grass
wow: ~ what a close call! kuaksikika; ~! arcassi
wrap: caqu; very small item ~ped in something
pequnqauksuar(aq*); something that is all ~ped
up qilqucngiar(aq*); ghost said to have a big
blanket, which it ~s around children uligiayuli
wrapping: caqu, nemeq; foot ~ used in place of
socks nemenglluk
wrath: qenerrneq
wrench: angicissuun, kegkaniryaraq
wring: ~ liquid out ciur-, civur-; device used in
~ing wet sealskins kepirtaq
wringer: qemrarissuun; clothes ~ ciurrsuun
wrinkle: imeggluk, imegneq, qelengllak, qelengte-;
~ on body imutaq
wrinkled: be ~ qacu-
, ulugglug-, ungullugte-, see
Nelson (103); get ~ imeggluk; be ~ (of clothing)
worker — wrinkled
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
uyungllugte-; be ~ from soaking in water
peqlirte-; have ~ skin from too much wetness
quacerte-, qaucirte-
wrist: tayarneq; end of ulna at ~ where the bone
projects cugamkuyuk
wristband: tayarnerilitaq
wristbone: qamangaq, tumarneq
wristguard: tayarneri’iryailkutaq; ~ used in archery
malingurun; skin or ivory ~ petengyaraq
write: igaq, qamurar-
writer: alngarta, igarta
writing: qamuraq; ~ implement alngarcuun; ~
system igaryaraq
wrong: ~ decision alarneq, alarun; ~ direction
iqlutmun; ~ one iqlu, kengluq, kenlu; ~ way
iqlutmun; be the ~ thing iqlutuu-; have
something ~ with one qaite-; put shoes on
the ~ feet caqvir-; put footwear on the ~
foot caqvirte-; put footwear on the ~ way
caqvingqa-; put away in the ~ place nulate-
X-ray: take an ~ tarenrair-
y: person from certain areas around the Yukon
(Kotlik and Norton Sound and the Takchak
area) in particular who uses s in many words
where other Yup’ik speakers use ~ pisalria
“Y”: intermuscular ~ bone of pike nuusaaq
yard: length yaaltaq, yaltaq
yardage: ~ of fabric saaneq
yardstick: taktassiarcuun
yarn: kiistaq, kistaq, qilagkaq
yarrow: anuqetuliar(aq*), qanganaruaq
yawn: aitaqci-, aitaur-; ~ a big ~ aitaupag-
yeah? acu’u
year: allrakuq, al’rrakuq, uksuq; bearded seal in its
rst ~ maklaaq; bearded seal in its second ~
maklassuk; beaver in its ~ year ulilek; beaver
in its second ~ nukaq; beaver in its third ~
ucinglluk; ve-~ feast caaraat; last ~ allragni,
allami; next ~ allragniku, allamiku; one born
in the same ~ yuulgun; stay somewhere or
engage in some activity for a ~ allrakurte-; ~
after next yaaliaku; ~ before last yaaliagni; ~ly
allrakuaqan; three ~s ago yaaliagni; three or
more ~s hence yaaliaku
yearling: ~ caribou or reindeer nuraq; ~, gray
beluga qiukcaq
yearn: ~ for fresh sh terrigyug-; ~ for someone
imlalinru-; ~ to have ayarake-, ayarike-; ~ to
V (pb) -yuumir-; keep looking at with ~ing
yeast: iistaq, mayurcetaaq, mayurngik, ulcetaaq,
yell: aara-, aarcillag-, aarpag-, avite-, qalaria-,
qarte-, qategpagate-, qayagpag-; ~ at (him)
qanvallagate-; ~ out an announcement
yellow: civigniq*, esirliq, see Adams (63); an edible
green vegetable with ~ that grows on beaches
or bluffs and is boiled with sh ciutnguaq;
~ pond lily paparnaq; edible ~ seaweed
yellow wagtail: ikigcaqaq, pec’aqaq
yellow warbler: ciivcivciuk, cungakcuarnaq
yellow-billed loon: tuullek
yellow-n sole: quaryarnaq
yellowish: be ~ esirrlugte-; ~ skin of the bearded
seal lavtak
yellowlegs: ce
÷air(aq*), nayangkayuli, pipipiaq,
sugg’erpak, tuntussiik
yelp: let out a ~ (of dogs mostly) uar-; ~ repeatedly
yes: aa-ang, aang, ii-i; oh ~, that is how it is/was
ima-tanem; say “~” anger-
yesterday: akwaugaq, akwaugarpak; day before ~
amatiigni, yaaliagni
yoke: atmagcuun, atmautaq
yolk: egg ~ es’aq, esiq, kavinqupagtaq
yonder: yaa(ni)
wrist — yonder
Items ending with hyphen are verbs. Items beginning with hyphen are postbases. Items beginning with equals sign are enclitics.
Pronunciation guide appears in General Introduction.
English-to-Yup’ik indEx
you: see Appendix 1 and endings section; ~ (singular)
elpet; ~ (dual) elpetek; ~ (plural) elpeci; ~
caught it this time! kacakikika; ~ got what was
coming to ~! palaq; ~ here! usuuq, uyuuq; ~
know iciwa; ~ know what I mean perhaps ima;
~’re going to get it! kacakikika
you’re welcome: aa-ang, aang, ii-i
young: be ~ mike-, mikte-; ~ bearded seal almigaq*,
amirkaq; ~ beluga citukvagaq*; ~ bird
issengquq; ~ blacksh alungyar(aq*); ~ boy
ayaakutaq, tanekcitagaq*, taneknaarallr(aq*),
taneksagglugaq*, tanektallr(aq*); ~ child
ayankuq; ~ child just starting to play in the
“Lapp game” kangpaniskaq; ~ girl nasaurluq*,
nasekcugglugaq, naskuggaq, nayaurluq*;
~ gull at rst season ight civissaar(aq*); ~
man nekevyuk, nuka’urluq*, yun’errar(aq*);
~ man in his prime nukalpiartaq; ~ man
who has recently begun to show dark shade
of facial hair qiuguciaranga’artellria; ~
seal qutnguyagaq; ~ shrew casrauksugaq;
~ successful hunter and good provider
nukalpiartaq; ~ white whale citukvagaq*; ~
whitesh esevsiar(aq*), iituliar(aq*); ~ woman
arnaraq, neviarcaq; be protective of one’s ~
kusgu-, kuygu-; be straight, ~, and awless
sanqegg-; month when the ~ birds take ight
piyagaat tengutiit; private parts of ~ female
es’ak; rounded line made from the skin of a ~
bearded seal taprualuk; skinny ~ in springtime
tamaqernikiyagaq; soft willow shoot or ~ tree
younger: ~ brother kuukuq; give one’s belonging
to (a ~ girl when a girl has her rst menses)
¥gayite-; lesson or reminder for the ~
generation naucaqun; ~ sibling acik’aq
kinguqliq*, nukaq, uyur(aq*); be about to
have a ~ sibling kinginge-; ~ sister of a male
youngest: ~ child mik’nuraq; ~ child in family
carliaq; ~ sibling kinguqlikacaar(aq*),
mik’nuraq, uyuqliq*
youngish: age quickly after staying ~ throughout
one’s life qimunqe-
your: see Endings section
youth: ayagyuaq; gift of food or clothing in
connection with a ~ dancing for the rst time
nangrun; bring a gift into the kashim by one
dancing for the rst time (though the gift is
provided by the ~’s sponsor) nangrucir-; act
~fully nevikci-
yuck! ikaa-i, ik’apassi, ik’atak, ikii
Yukon: ~ River Kuigpak; atland dweller between
the mouth of the ~ and Nelson Is. mararmiu;
~ Yup’ik Eskimo qagkumiu; ~ or Kuskokwim
Yup’ik Eskimo qagkumiu; upriver ~ Indian
Ingqilirrluar; person from certain areas around
the ~ River who uses s in many words where
other Yup’ik speakers use y pisalria; portage
route between the ~ and Kuskokwim rivers
Arviryaraq; type of traditional Yup’ik parka
often called the ~-style parka ilairutaq
Yup’ik Eskimo: Yup’ik; be a ~ yuu-
; ~ from the
Norton Sound area, especially from the
villages of Elim and Golovin on the north
shore, and Unalakleet and St. Michael on the
south shore Unaliq; in the ~ language Yugtun,
Yup’ik: traditional boundary point between ~ and
Inupiaq territory near Golovin on the Seward
Peninsula Uqvigartalek; Indian not from near
the ~ area kulussuq; ~ food item yugtaq; ~ fur
parka made of ground squirrel, muskrat, or
mink pelts with traditional fancy decorations
atkupiaq; ~ holiday celebrated in the coastal
area only Qengarpak; substitute aa for ai in ~
words paarte-
Zapus hudsonius: uiluruyak
zipper: cegaaq, esip’aq; ~ed parka paltuuk
Zonotrichia atricapilla: uipinipaaq
Zonotrichia leucophrys: uipinipaaq
you — Zonotrichia leucophrys